Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Deere af Abplt D Granted Et -band
in Wath'sarton Stands.
rjOjj The World's Best Rubber Shoes are j
- - .
oris Is Deelaloa of Jodge Fes leu,
WHO Is Kow Asked to
Deal with Cklldrea
- ' Problem.
Tofzoop homo bailing paro
isozMlifofwI you muat uoo
Groan .
General Solioittr of Eurlinetoa 6m Ho
Eacap from Taxea Sow.
attributes Hoaeet Parpoae ta Lltlaa
Horn, While FIIalas Backhand
Clow at Xevrsaapers for
Wa(li( Warfare.
"I am frank to amy that the probabilities
' are wa will pay the unpaid portion of the
taxes for the years 1904. 1KB and IS, which
have been withheld by reason of thla lltl
; aatlon." aald Charlca P. Manderson, gen
ral solicitor of the Chicago, Burlington
Qulncy railroad. Tuesday In response to
Inquiry as to what the Burlington road
would do In regard to the decision cf the.
I United States supreme oourt, which de
crees that the Burlington and Union Pa
clflo together shall pay Into the treasuries
f the various counties of Nebraska the
taxes they owe, . namely, $9K1,58R.44, Win
Interest at U per cent. ' '' -
"We ha-e not yet seen the decision, and
until ws.have an opportunity to closely';
! examine It, It Is Impossible to decide as to
' what further steps will be taken by the
railroad company. The amount Involved Is
very large and the 10 per cent interest
. which the amount carries means a larga
. aura daly, and if the railroad company
should be finally required to pay this sum
ilt Is important for its welfare that it
should sara this Urge Interest, which
Tha Best
Is to cut an
the and ihipc required and apply to
part (7rvtal. There's nolhinf that
will give tucb complete relief.
fot Spf turns or to tike the Siiaw
A 5vmn out of over worked
muickj and nuke them strong and
supple, nothing equals the genuine
Alltvik i TUsitr.
MEMBER AtUt'i ars tbs
orif:iiMt and rename oo'ch.. tttaatars
Ihr !Undaw4 t.xirrmMl MrmrJr. Made
u4 aUulaiHt lac n i I aa LmI -fla.
sad ' -nrl.. amaWe ta Pvra
Fod mm4 Oram A.A- Jul Hi. 1M.
I Sana! (to. lag.
Brandreth's Pills
Bach sill eoatahn oof gram of solid
(tact ot aaiuponlU. tki, whm other
Tou'Tv beard about "germs",
haven't you! Well, they play
as prominent a part la modern
dentistry aa they do in modern
, aurgerjr.
You'll find all my operation
(Iran aa well aa cleanly.
. Thono Doug. 1ST.
J tie
II valuable v.getaBie prciacta, make at a J
If btoua sanest at caaiacta. I
sUMiVisBsv'"1"1" KstsMishjod'irai. B
Baking Poivdcr
amounts .to several hundred dollars dally.
Wa have taken steps to speedily obtain tha
full text of the decision.
Ma Cawsaeat Dwedslaa.
"I do not. care at this time to make any
comment concerning the decision. I have
been taught to believe that when the su
preme court of the United Eta tea made a
decision a lawyer was bound to believe
that It was a correct conclusion as to the
law, and while so feeling and abstaining
from adverse comment,' I cannot resist tha
temptation to say that If other property,
real and personal. In tbe state of Ne
braska was held to the same ratio of
valuation as is placed upon railroad prop
erty, the rate of taxation In this state
could be greatly reduced. I do not mean
by that to say that the one-fifth valuation,
which Is the ratio recognised by the lsw,
obtains as to other property and does not
obtain aa to railroad property, but I do
mean to say that In forming the basis ol
ths conclusion railroad property Is taken
at Its full valuation per mils, and some
times far mors than at its full valuation
per mile, and one-fifth of that full, or
overvaluation, forms the basts of the as
sessment, but It Is notorious that as to
real estate, merchandise, stocks Irf trade,
live stock and personal property of what'
paver description owned by private Indi
viduals, the values fixed are frequently ab
surd and aometimes bat a small fraction
of tha actual value, and one-fifth of that
absurd low valuation la taken as the as
sessment. Bays Railroads Pay Ksrrss.
"In other words, the rallttwds of
this date, being unable, or unwilling, as
you please, to hide away their property
ownership as private Individuals do, pay,
and have always paid, far beyond their
fair proportion of the taxation of this
state. If to cltlsens generally the same rule
of valuation could obtain as obtains to
railroad companies the tax fixed would be
on a very different hasls both as to cor
porations and Individuals. In other words,
aa ran hide nothing and can conceal noth
ing and that what we have Is open and ax
hlblted to the world, the reports required
to be made by us under the federal and
state law making full showing of prop
erty ownership.
"If this rule of full and honest showing
could be applied to private corporations,
and Individuals the tax- assessment of this
state would be enormously Increased and
ths burden of government support would
not fall, as It does now, upon those who
are so unfortunate as to own railroad
Howt Pwrpwse s( gaits.
"Vothwlthstandtng the' clamor of the
prsav these suits were instituted to en
deavor to obtsln a fair adjustment and
consideration of tbe tax assessment In the
stats of Nebraska, and the effort to bring
a boat such fair assessment and honest re
turns will be continued. No one connected
with this railroad corporation, from its
president down to Its least official, has any
deetra to evads or avoid the payment of
taxes honestly due. but we feel that these
corporations that have been and are con
stantly dying so much to advance the ma
terial Interests of this state should not he
hounded at every turn and held to a rule
that does not obtain as to other tsxpayera.
i "Our Information la that tha. decision In
I this case Is not that of a unanimous court.
but that Justices MeKenna and Peckham
disserted. I will await with very great
Interest the "full text of the decision and to
see tha ground upon which the majority
of the eottrt determines tha controversy
and the reasons sssigned by the dissenting
Justices for their difference la opinion with
the majority of tbe court. Frequently wis
dom is found who a minority, and the his
tory of the past has shown that when
truth is evidenced by the minority that fre
quently tha majority comes to recognise
the iscL"
Goaaaarat of P. U. Wood oa DtfUIrt
VSrtory for Sekraska.
Fred D. Weed, one of the Real Estate
exchange tax committee which fought so
vigorously before the legislature two
years ago for terminal taxation, is well
pleased with the decision of the supreme
court of the United Btstea in tbe tax case
of NtLreska against tha Union Pacific and
the Burlington.
"It appears that Justice la not throttled
la tha supreme court by the railroads. ha
said. "Tha decision shows that the court
recognise the value of ths railroads to
be not alona what their (athyalcal appear
ance would Indicate, but rather to Include
t value indicated by stocks and bonds,
which Is usjally several times the physics
"It is high Urns for tha public, as well as
the courts, to recognise this difference la
value ohic-k is snad ty the special
privtlegta granted by law, both state and
federal, and by the freight and passenger
rates paid by the people.
"it a as said loag ago by a chief Justice
of the United States that what property
was worth fsr inoooto aao) ami, it wa
worth for laxatioa."
Eiebt Children in Threa Familis Stricken
' With Loathsome. Diissia.
Eyry Pre-aattoa
l aed to Preveat
Farther Spread of ' Disease
aald te Have Come frosa
Conacll BlanTs.
The village of Florence Is now In the
throes of a genuine smallpox scare, eight
children having been stricken with tha
discs In a severe form. Schools have
been closed and all public or private meet
ings of every character have been sus
pended. . The whole community Is being
vaccinated and a general feeling of un
easiness prevails. Two . of the cases broke
out Sunday and six Monday. Dr. A. r.
Pmto. deputy state medical supervisor. Is
In charge of the situstion, with Dr. A. B.
Adams .of Florence In attendance of tha
eight cases already manifested.
The families of Charles Morrow, Henry
Clausen and ttollla filch .are involved, the
numbur of children of each family being
two, two and four, respectively. The
youngT Morrow child Is only 5 weeks of
s-ge. From that tho axes. run to 11 rears,
which Is the oldest of the eight. One of
the stricken children Is 14 years and an
other t years. The Clausens and Riches
live In the-same block, while the Morrows
reside in another portion of the town.
Dr. Adams said sn investigation disclosed
the fact that the Morrows had been visit
ing Council Bluffs relatives, who bad had
smallpox and the authorities believe tbe
germs were communicated In that manner,
as the Morrow children were the first in
Florence to break out
This outbreak of smallpox has created
more stir among the 1.J00 people of
Florence than anything happening in that
loan for yeara
Poor Show for
The Dyspeptic
Poinoi.eU Stomach, Cloggrd Brain, Wa
vering Ambition, Failure In leas
He Seizes His Opportunity.
There- no good reason for " any man's
remaining a dyspeptic a burden to himself
and family, when he' should be a producer.
There's only one reason why ha has been
4 dyspeptic and that is because he has
overworked his stomach so that It cannot
secrete the juices and work the muscles
necessary to digest the food.
raUtar Starta- Slam la tao race.
What ths dyspeptic roust do I k hs!n
the stomach out- It 1 full of a polaon
ous pile of fsrmenUng. nauseating food.
Instead of being assintUiaied and Tar
ried by tbe blood to nuke nerve and mus
cle and rebuild tbe waste tissues. It lie
there Inactive.
First, taks an unirriiating cathartic and
get rid of this food.'
Seopnd. get a SO-cent package of Stuart'
Dyspepsia Tablets from any druggist and
take one at each meal and at bed time.
The tablet will do the digesting while the
stomach will be vastly relieved If nol
cured. Why? Because Btuarf a DyepepsU
Tablets contain the very elements which
your stomach possessed when it was
healthy pepsin, diastase, goldsn seal and
others. It wa because your'stomach kept
losing Its supply of these digestive fer
ments that you became dyspeptic
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do the work
simply, surely- and without Injury. They
are "not a medicine, ' but the working out
of a scientific principle upon ths food you
Hundreds of sufferers In tar worse con
dition thaa you -bare been positively
cured of dyspepsia by these wonderful
liuls tablets.- Forty thousand " physicians dutmct ouurt in the sum ot for b.-sak-in
th X'nited Stauss and Canada r, l" a""1 "entering. H. la charged wlih
mvnd them.
If you are uncertain and wish further
proa, send us your name and address for
a fre trial package, which we will gladly
snail yu at -osoa. F, A Stuart Co, ;
Stuart Bldr ..Marsha Fl. Mich.
For sals l aft druriirr -..-
The divorce secured by Charles C. Eas-
aett In Washington the oy the tnai oi
his wife's case here began Is valid and
the district oourt of Douglas county has
no Jurisdiction In the Basse tt dlvorcs case.
This Is the decision handed down Tuesday
morning by Judge Redlck.
Judge Redlck pointed out In the coarse ot
U-pagre written opinion that the matri
monial domicile of the Bassetts naa ai
aya remained in Washington and that the
Jurisdiction of tbe courts where the mstri-
monUtl domicile is eatabllahed. is not at
fected by the anawer to the question.
Who Is at fault when one of, the parties
departs from that domicile T' It would be
clearly unjust, say the opinion, to de
prive on of the parties of power to get a
divorce at home because the other party
had left the state. Xhe two cases on
whose precedent the opinion was based are
those of A th art on and Haddock decided In
the United estates supreme court.' The
question of domicile was of Importance In
tha Haddock case, but la the- present one
the court held It was not of Importance
because, a In the Atherton case, the de
cree offered wa rendered by a court In
lh place where the plaintiff's domicile
and that of matrimony had always ex
Why Artloa Was Delayed.
Tha court aavs:
Perhaps I should say in explanation of
the refusal of the court at an earlier stage
of the trial to determine the question now
decided that I have been much affected by
ha unfni-tunata nllsht of the plaintiff in
this case, regardless of considerations as
to who Is resoonstble therefor; snd It
seemed my duty to leave open to her every
nu u'hl.-h nromised succor and reller.
And I must not be understood by this
nrMr .toj.i.isin u holdinc that the Juris
diction of the Washington court extends
in ih .1 .terminal Ion of any Questions In.
volving the custody of the children, or the
right which they have to call upon their
fnthtti tnf Minimrt Atifi maintenance.
The objections to tne proceeding" 01 mj
Washington court will be overruled, and I
hold In thla ease that by the decree there
the marriage relation between the plaintiff
and defendant was dissolved, and that this
raee. at least lnsofsr as It involve that
question, must be dismissed.
' wo IsrsrlM to Either,
The attorneys were on nana a usual
and Rev. K. Lawrence Hunt. The an
nouncement of the decision by ths court
occasioned, seemingly, no surprise on either
side. Attorney Baxter and Van Dwsen,
for Mrs. Baasett, immediately asked leave
to make a showing to prove that the court
her has Jurisdiction to determine the cus
tody of the children, two of whom are
with the mother and the other two with
hr relative In other cities. The court
.will hsar this matter Wednesday morning.
If Judge Redlck decides he has Jurisdiction
to dispose of the children, the taking ot
testimony will proceed to how the quali
fication of each party to have the cnn
dren. If the court decide he ha no Juris
diction In this matter be wilt recognlt a
writ of habeas corpus which Mr. Bassett
can then apply for.
"What will be your future movementa
and what course will you pursue to clear
yourself and Mr. Bassett T" a reporter
aaked Rev. Mr. Hunt. '
"Regarding my future plans." he replied,
"I cannot state now, because thla new ur-
prise has far the day stunned m from my
power to think and plan cieany. tiegara
Ingr the second question. It ssems clear to
me this morning that the law leavea me or
anvone else utterly powerless legally to
wipe out this legal stain."
Host Short of Fwada.
A to carrying tbe Washington decision
favoring Mr. Bassett to the United States
aunrem court Mr. Hunt said he had spent
hundred of dollar already In the attempt
to clear himself and Mr. Bassett and wa
financially unable at present to carry it
up. As to whether or not he would even
tuallr appeal he was unable to say.
"Would you accept a church today If It
was .offered?" he was asked.
"That Is a very delicate question,", be
said. '"but if any church should glv m a
call I should certainly accept It.
The decision of Judge Redlck waa a blow
to Mrs. Bassett. She bad depended upon
,h. local court for a victory. Bh wa re
Dorted to be not at all well.
Attorney Btout and Colllday. for Mr.
Bassett. were naturally elated over their
.ininrv. but said they knew the outcome
could not bo otherwise.
Mr. Bassett Is still in the city and may
yet be called to the witness stand If the
court decides to boar the matter ot the
hiidrens' custody. Ben wircnua, wno
Bassett' chief ally, returned te rew
York several days ago.
Chroatoloary of Case.
This ehronoKrtry is abstracted from re
cords in ths trial:
November 11. 1891. Charles C. Bassett
married Miss Fsnnl Rk-e.
in,, hv mot Haiv. Dr. Hunt-
May 11, UM. Baasett left tor annual field
'Sitober M, WOt, she disappeared.
March 11. cniid, lawrenoe, born in
Baltimore. . . , .
June hi, 1, Baasett learned of birth of
CtJuly 4, Bassett found bis wits In Atlantic
CJuiy 7. 16, Mrs. Baasett and Hunt left
AJulyl .ClSw! Mrs. Bsssett with two child
.rrivwl In Omlha.
February It. Iu6. petition Bled In district
court. . , .
March 7, nasseii srrvaxi wiw aum-
mons In Waslitnjrtun.
March a. bassett tiled divorce petition in
N.neiiiber. WC. Bassetts case heard.
February K. !. U 4. n, decree given
Buaett in Washington.
Febiuary U. i p. to., trial begun in
February Ji. ma, umana ooun un.iun
Washington decree is final and valid.
Bepart at Hlu Talt Shews Kesvrly
Tklrtees) Thaaaaad Ber
rewers af Basks.
Tbe annual report "f alias Tobbltt, libra
rian of tha Omaha public library, shows
that tha total number of borrowers from
ths library for the year ending- Lecerober
SI was H'tii. Special cards were Issued
for the use of teachers to ths number of
j. Tlis total' number of registrations
were 4.3S1 The tolsl number of books
circulated was S4.Kt0, an Increase over IMi
of li.UL The number of books consulted
from the racks waa 1,112 and ths attend
ance In the reference department was
2-itO. The attendance In tbe reading room
was and the attendance In tha mu
seum was Z7.100. The total ntimber of new
books received was I..
Fraak aaalth Baa4 Over.
TSV&nk Smith waa bound ovsr Tuesday
! b Juda. Crawford to tha
I breaking Into Is., uoete wastes tailor a no p.
llu clouih beventeenta street, Thuntday and
ateaiir.g three suit jatterna The gjods
aere subsequently recovered by Detectives
Mlich.ii and riuilivaa. Smith Is also the
same party aao eunieeaed in pn'ior eoarl
htunday to stealing a suit of rlutnes (rum
tii. Buslun store, snd was lined snd
ousts therefor, tracer Klaan an.a lu.
arrM ur lb sijavtua sluta. UuiMb.
II , n
ThrS 7-orv.
4L ' lv 5Sa. krad AiiooA every'
r N.mark sole
i- ,
Em ria Figure of W. V. Filter Hurta
Oante cf Anti-Annexation,
City Atteraey rieaarty f All Officials
Qa.ted triads Ttethlag; HVreac
. . la This Vay of
Hanging In efflgy W. W. Fisher, a
reputable business man and cltlsen of
South. Omaha, whose only crime wss ad
vocating 'annexation of Omaha and Souta
Omaha, seems to have com a long -ways
from subserving the purpose of those who
ought by this means to advance tha cause
of anti-annexation. Sentiment is amply
aroused to make this point unmlstakahly
Late Monday night a reporter In South
Omaha was called on the telephone by a
woman.' who advised him that aa effigy
wa hanging at Twenty-fourth and H
streets. Investigation proved tbe tip to be
true. The efflgy was taken down by re
sponsible men,' who found It was not mere
child's play, but evidently the work of
matured mind.
The figure, was labeled "W. W. Fisher."
Mr. Fisher ha had the courage of con
victions of late to declare his sentiments
in favor of a Union ot ths two cities. When
the form was taken down the coat It bad
on showed this on the clothing tab:.
K. Uurl&r. 1214 North Twenty-third street,
-lu-04. Presher.
The garment was- made by Dresher,
August iO, 19D4. '
Nothfrtg can be learned from the Burkes.
E. Bucke has two sons. Earl J. and James
A., who work In railroad camps at times,
bin are n6w awslting for ths opening of
spring work.' As none who saw the effigy
hung has been found it has not been pos
sible to ascertain who wa implicated In
the job. ..
Will Help the Caasa.
Mr. Fisher said he could not oSar any
suggestion aa to who his traducers were.
Back to the farm!
That' where you
get good coffee.
None pf that "freh roastod loose
by the pound" store stuff from
notodj knows where, full of dut,
atmosphere and soiled hands, but
the feal old, genuine egg and sugar
coated . ArbuckW ARJOSA
Coffee, which the folks keep in
the original package and grind in
the kitchen.
That's Coffee I
ii inan af aw Nasi I Pw
fmU Lev. Caaiai
Old Fashioned
Rubber Quality
With New Fashioned Stylo
HoW often you hear it said
"They don't niake'rubbers like
they used to." q GLOVE
RUBBERS were first made
sixty years ago, in the good, old
fashioned, substantial way.
They are made the same way
now. They are a shining, note
worthy exception to the rule of
imitation, disappointing, inferior
rubber goods, q Made to fit
the latest style shoes, q More
pure India rubber in them than
in any other make, q More
satisfaction to the wearer be
cause more quality, more wear,
more style, q They cost you
no more than the ordinary kind.
All the good dealers
everywhere sell them
"Such things can only serve to help Our
cause," he remarks!
Most sober-minded people of South Omaha,
whether for or against annexation, are
disgusted and Indignant at this dark lan
tern trick and are not slow to condemn It.
City Attorney Fleharty, however, only
see In the depredation a hug oka. Hia
ony comment was:
"Fisher brought It on himself."
Mr. Fleharty, with othsr office holder,
la an ardent advocate of anti-annexation.
O. W. Masson. chairman of ths Board of
Fire and Police Commissioners, said:
"I don't approve of that kind of- work,
and never did. Mr. Fisher ha a right to
his opinion. It will hurt the cause of the
antl-annexationlsts. There Is no nesd of
any uch bitter feeling. Mr. Fisher baa not
slsndered anybody that I know of."
Some Mere Oplaloaa.
E. L. Howe, postrasster. said:
"It la a touch of the wild west and an
irresponsible action."
P. A. Barrett called it, "A dirty piece of
Tr. W. C. Bents, a republican candidate
for the schodl board, said:
"It was the work of the rum-aculllon.'
Morgan Heafey, one of tha strongest
fighters against annexation, deelaredt
"I don't approve of that at all. I earns
to thla country for liberty and I don't be
lieve In running a man dawn nor hurting
hia business because he don't believe I
do. He has a perfect right to think what
he pleases. I admire a man for that."
D. Erlon of the Omaha Water company.
but a resident of South- Omaha, declared
it an outrage on decency, entirely unneces
sarr and an Insult to a man who had
heretofore been welcomed In South Omaha,
and whose friends will not be diminished
by such vulgarities.
Saleoas Will Be Close that
Which Happeaa ta B.
the Sabbath.
A "well-defined rumor" that Chief of Po
lice Ponahue would close sll saloons In
Omaha on Et. Patrick's day gained circula
tion in the city hall Tuesday morning. At
10 a. m. Mayor L'ahlman heard a loud noise
out In his hallway, the noise sounding Ilka
heavy firing in the offing, or the city coun
cil laying an ordinance on the table.
"What might be the tumult In yon hall
way?" the mayor asked ths secretary.
"There is a movement oa foot to petition
your honor to prevent tbe chief of police
closing saloons on St. Patrick's day," tbs
secretary answered.
The mayor turned to the March ateet
of his calendar and saw that St. Patrick's
day this year falls on tbe first day of
th week, commonly called Sunday. Tha
mayor grlnnd.
"Me noble lords, I fain would Intercede
m thy behalf to have the chief of the
gendarmes permit all Innkeepers to make
nvrry on St. Patrick's day." th mayor
said to the waiting knights la tha- hall
way. "But." he continued. "St. Patrick'
day fall on Sunday and. as ta chief must
enforce th laws regarding ths closing of
Inns and public places. I am helpless to
help you. worthy sires."
"Brsvo. Jim!" shouted th proletariat.
"The saloons will be kept closed on St.
Patrick's day." said Chief Donahue.
Klae Plttabara; Tralaa Pally.
Over the Pennsylvania Lines from Chicago.
Seven ovsr the Fort Wayne ."Standard"
route, first-claas far tU tt. Two over the
Pan-Handle "Differential" routs, first-claas
fare Oft. Address W. H. Rowland. T. P.
At, V. S. Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb.
eral loeaase taaaeil.
The Kebraska-Kanaas advisory eounsll
of the hoyal league met at the Paxtun
hotel Tuesday to elect officers and select
delegates to sttend the supreme council
which will meet st Chicago aa April I.
Measrm Piper and Phlllpot of Chit ago.
i.rrii.r. of the aaoreir.. council, attended
ths Omaha utectuut. Tb election tsuli4
In the choice of F. R. Straight of Omaha
a archam; John Brown, or rairnury,
scribe: R. C. Jordan, delegat to supreme
council, snd J. A, Johnson, alternate del.
Bay He la Sat Opposed . tw CowtrMt
flask af Feedlast Ceaaty
Prisoners. '
County Commissioner Tralnor, who. when
asked with the other members, of the com-,
mission Monday, tor a -atateme-nt on tha
matter of feeding county Jail prisoners
said he would prefer m5re time for con
sideration before stating Ms views, Tuesday
volunteered this statement:-'
"I 'am not at all opposed to tha proposed
method of settling this vexing question. If
the. law can be so framed that. It will be
legal Aa . I understand It, the - sheriff la
Invested with certain responsibilities con
cerning the care of prisoners which can
not be Interfered with; but I do not want
to be understood a being in the slightest
degree opposed to a fair and a quick set
tlement that will be satisfactory to tha
taxpayers, to whom thla board la re
sponsible primarily."
Th "proposed method" to which Mr..
Tralnor refers Is that of lsttlpg .tbs Job at
feeding the prisonsrs by contract to tha
highest bidder aa provided In the Tncker
bill pending before tbe legislature, Com
missioners I're, Solomon and KennarA
have coin out flatfooted for the proposi
tion. ,
Bee Want Ads for Business Booster.
laiea PaelSe Still
Die Galas la
The official report of the earnings of tha '
I'nlon Pacific for th month cf December
shows snother substantial gain over tha
tame month of 1M. The gross receipts for
last December were P3.41V.1J1 Jo. a tain Of
$M3.SC,Z1 over December of th year be or
and the expenses and taxes were SS.ST7,.
11S.M, an Increase of S62&.SSS.M. making a nat
Increase of receipts over expenses and taxes
of ta7J7aiT
The report for the sixth month ending
December tt. show th receipt over ex
penses and taxes to be U.M.1M.12 and net
Increase over the same six months In 1MB
Of 1,QS.3M.. ' ' ,'
A dsmanatrator will call at a rj hows
la Omaha and rlva eacn famUy tree)
trial packaga Itha clbrtata1
AX for
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Saves half th time, half the soap
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th daintiest fabrics. Leaves your
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Unnecessary, Clothes wear twlctt
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' not truo wo could Dot afford to
t v you a free trial package.
Tai uunaaT sun ca, u n-i tv. Csisaan