Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Tiir Omaha Daily Bee
Enters at Omaha, postofflc aa second
class matter.
Pally Be (without Sunday) on year M J2
Daily Be and Hunday, one year.,... J "
Sunday Bf, on year....
Paturday Bp,- one year
rxtlly Be (Including Sunday), per week I Ho
Dally Bee (without Sunday), per week. JOo
Kventng He (without Sunday), per week. c
Evening Bee (with Bunday), per week 10c
Address complaint of Irregularities In
delivery to City Circulation Department.
' OFFICE. I -.
Omaha The Bee Building. '
South OmnhniClty Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street
Chlrago 140 Unity Building.
New York 1 SOS Home Life Ins. Bldg.
Washington 501 Fourteenth Street.
Communication relating to new and
dltorlal matter . should b addressed:
Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The Be Publishing Company.
Only J-eent stamps received In payment pf
mall accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omnha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, as:
Charles C. Rosewater. general manager
of Th Be Publishing company, being duly
Sworn says that the actual number of full
and complete copies of The Dally. Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during th
month of January. 1907, waa aa follows:
I ..30,900 .. IT 91, 70
.ss.eeo t
t 81,880
1 81.700
JO. ..,.to,aoo
tt aa,oM
ti ai,40
14 81,780
15 31,700
17 80,500
) 31,830
It S1,S9
Id 31,390
II 81.830
t ,
..33.8 60
10 ... .83,040
II 31,870
II... 30,058
II 30,400
14 81,730
II 81,930
It 88.180
Total 888,480
Lets unsold and returned copies.. 8,134
Nat total 973,348
Dally average 31,398
. .General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to befor ma this list day of January,
Notary Publlo.
nbserlbers lea via; th city t
perarlly shoal hav. TTso Be
mailed to thasa. Address will b
eha8 as fta reaesta.
"Ready Money" is the title of a new
serial. It Is usually a short story.
la that "Dead Rat" restaurant re
ferred to In the Thaw trial In the Chi
nese district?
Bre'r Fox Ben White of the North
western Is chuckling In his sleeve at
bis narrow1 escape.
Democratic leaders are disposed to
accept James J. Hill's prediction of
hard times in, 1908. ...
How lucky that Omaha baa no sub
treasury to tempt collectors of $1,000,
15,000 and 110,000 bills.
"Penrose will fight for Ohio dams,"
says a Washington dispatch. Senator
Foraker gets them without a fight
A Kansas judge has decided that a
donkey i cannot be restrained from
braying. That judge knows Kansans.
Winter seems to be about over, ex
cept the report of the man who lies to
you abont how cheaply he heated his
Most of the railroads threatening to
give a "2 -cent service" for a "2-cent
fare" will not have to make many
Careful search of the photograph
studios of Utah falls to show any group
or composite picture of Senator
Smoot's wife.
For. the present, at least, the president-shows
a disposition to leave the
revision of the tariff In the bands of
Miss Ida Tarbell.
Wall street is wondering If a stock
panic ,. would embarrass President
Roosevelt. Probably tot, unless be
owns, a Jot of stock.
"It Is easy to get a million dollars,"
says John W. Gates. Yes. It's, like
tha- sleight-of-hand trick; anyone can
do tt who knows how.
The quality of the calendar and blot
ter supplies bears proof that the big
life Insurance companies are retrench
ing In some directions.
Mr. Rockefeller resents- being celled
a billionaire. The average man would
not resent such a charge it the party
making It could prove It
"The evil Influence of a Mormon in
the senate' la bad," says Senator Du
bois. The evil Influence of any man
Is bad anywhere, for tht matter. .
Members of the Nebraska legists'
ture will Introduce no more bills after
March 1. . However, there are other
bills that will be Introduced about
that time.
The man who had to shovel snow
off bit walk up In a Montana town
thought there was seventeen feet of It
and so reported to an eastern press
Congressman Tawney's prediction of
a .1100,000.000 government deficit
' next year may not come true, but It
might hejp some, as the democrats are
still looking tor an Issue.
It has come to a pretty pass when
the rlngslers In South Omaha hang a
man In eflJgy as a threat of punishment
ahead for those courageously fighting
tha grafters and advocating consolida
tion with Otnaha.
The efforts of the railroads of Ne
braska to cheat the state, counties
and ' school ' districts out' of " one
third of the taxes justly Impose!
upon their property has signally mis
carried. The railroads will - have to
pay up the three years' tax levies they
have recklessly enjoined and also for
all future time.
: The decision of the United States
supreme court requiring these cor
porate tax shirkers to come to time
on their state, county and school dis
trict taxes does not, however, go the
whole length of their tax evasion. The
railroads of Nebraska bave for years
and are stilt shirking the payment of
taxes for city and village purposes
and unloading their shares of the
municipal taxes onto the -shoulders of
the other property owners within the
respective municipalities.. The rail
roads will not be paying their full
share of the taxes nor will equity be
done to the Jpdividual taxpayers of
the state until they are compelled to
pay city taxes on their valuable ter
minals on the same basis as private
The great victory of Nebraska In
the courts should now be followed up
by the legislature by the enactment
of the terminal tax law that will put
an end to this remaining flagrant ex
ample of railroad tax shirking. The
principle laid down by the supreme
court Is that the railroads should pay
taxes In the same manner and at the
same time and on the same basis of
valuation as other people. The rail
roads do not now pay city taxes on
the same basis of valuation as do
other people. IJt Is for the legislature
to see that this principle of justice and
the "square deal" Is applied to city
and village taxes, as well as to state,
county and school district taxes. -
The Texas state senate has given
Senator Joseph W. Bailey a vindication
and endorsement, without waiting for
the report of the committee appointed
to Investigate the charges against him.
The action was taken, on motion of
Bailey's adherents,' on the unique
ground that a report of .the committee
was not necessary, lnasfnuch ' as the
proceedings of the Inquiry had been
printed In the newspapers and the
members of the senate accordingly
needed no further light on the subject.
Additional color is lent to the sus
picion of sharp practice and snap judg
ment in the case by the refusal of the
senate to accept the recommendation
of the Investigating committee that a
subcommittee be sent to St. Louis to
secure the testimony of H. Clay Pierce
of the Waters-Pierce Oil company and
Include it In Its report. Pierce Is the
man with whom Bailey Is alleged to
have dealt, and every effort has been
made to Induce bim to go to Texas and
testify In the case. He has been In
dicted for conspiracy and the governor
of Missouri has granted a requisition
for his return to Texas, but Mr. Pierce
suddenly left St. Lonis, and is now, to
all Intents and purposes, a fugitive.
His testimony would appear to be es
sential to the completeness of the In
vestigation of the charges again Sena
tor Bailey.
Prior to the balloting for a United
States senator by the Texas legislature
Senator Bailey promised to resign, if
elected, If the committee of Investiga
tion found him guilty of the charges.
The action of the senate relieves the
senator of the obligation to redeem
that promise, and be may return to
Washington bearing a vindication
label. . In view of the. facts produced
before the investigating committee,
however, and the senator's method of
meeting the charges against him, his
vindication will - not carry with It a
restoration of bis former prestige In
the senate, where for several years he
has been recognized as one of the
really strong men in the democratic
ranks. While he may escape being un
seated he can never regain his former
high standing with his colleagues or
with the public. i
While elections are yet to be held In
several districts In Russia, returns to
date furnish convincing evidence that
thc new Duma, which will meet next
week, will be overwhelmingly against
the government. The. first Duma waa
dismissed summarily and almost with
out notice because the czar and his ad
visers found It too radical, too full of
determination to act along Independ
ent lines, without consideration of the
wishes of the Imperial councilors. The
constitutional democrats, who prac
tically dominated the first Duma, were
outlawed as a party and many of their
leaders banished or disfranchised be
fore a new election was ordered. Yet
the returns to date Indicate that the
new Duma will be even more radical
than Its predecessor. The early dis
solution of the new Duma la assured
before It convenes, as the csar and bis
advisers cannot hope to find any
ground of compromise with the new
body, composed of the most radical ele
ments la all Russia.
Out of the conflicting Interests one
point of Issue baa been clearly defined
between the government and the op
position. The Duma, while made up
of seven different groups. Is a unit that
the Russian ministry should be re
sponsible to the Parliament and should
resign, as In England, whet Its policies
are not sustained. The cxar and his
advisers hold the parliamentary system
In France and'England Inapplicable to
Russia, and for a ministry responsible
to the ci j- and not to the Parliament.
On this f sue there Is little bop of a
compromise. The Duuia members ton
tend that the government has syste
matically sought to crush out the spirit
of freedom' from the Russian people
and to delude them with promises of
relief without granting thera the only
possible means of securing Such relief,
namely, a ministry responsible to the
The situation is indeed a critical one
for the Russian government The disso
lution of the Duma, said to be practic
ally a foregone conclusion, may be fol
lowed by drastic retaliatory measures
by the revolutionists. They have prom
ised a general tie-up of the railroads
and manufacturing plants of the
country, and insist that they are In
position to cause a mutiny In the army
should the czar attempt to put down
the strikes by force. Even discounting
the threats, the issue appears so clearly
drawn and the situation so acute In
Russia that the czar must soon make
his choice between concessions insur
ing a foothold for popular government
or Invite Internal war.
Now that the cumpaisn ' for the
Young Women's Christian Associa
tion building fund has been carried
through to successful completion, The
Bee feels sure It voices the general
sentiment of the business community
of Omaha when it says, "Give us a
rest." 1
This does not mean - that we
should have a rest forever or that pub
lic enterprise depending upon solicited
contributions should cease forever,
but it means that a brief respite from
visits of touching committees would
be warmly welcomed and gratefully
appreciated. ".
Notwithstanding the constant com
plaint of Omaha business men that
tbey are Solicited' almost to death,
they respond liberally for every wor
thy cause. In fact, Omaha's liberality
and generosity in public enter risos is
proverbial and has been noted and
commented on In favorable comparison
with, that of other cities. But there
Is such a possibility as overdoing a
good thing. A rest for a little while
will give our business men a chance
to gather up their strength and be
ready later to come to the front In a
manner more handsome than ever.
British Ambassador James Bryce
has, been formally presented to Presi
dent Roosevelt with simple ceremony,
n which the Inevitable exchange of
felicitations figure conspicuously. Mr.
Bryce has assured the president that
he personally is very proud of bis
knowledge of the American people,
gaired through . visits to this country
in his capacity as a student of our In
stitutions, and that he has learned "to
admire the untiring energy and Intel
lectual ardor of the inhabitants and to
appreciate their devotion to the cause
of moral and social progress and their
passionate desire to make the lives of
the people worthy of the material
blessings which Providence has be
stowed upon them with so bountiful a
Admiration of the American people
Is apparently a part of the inherent
possessions of every member of the
diplomatic corps who calls at the
White House to present his creden
tials, but it must be said that none of
Mr. Bryce's predecessors, from Great
Britain or elsewhere, has been more
happy In the form of expressing It.
The American people know Mr. Bryce
andllke him and will doubtless be
pleased to learn In this direct way that
the feeling of admiration is recipro
cal. Having given utterance to bis ex
pression of personal pleasure at being
appointed to represent his country In
America, Mr. Bryce adds, In true diplo
matic form, that "in expressing my
sincere respect for you personally, I
am expressing the sentiments of my
sovereign and of his subjects gener
ally." '
President Roosevelt, never without
equipment to meet a caller bearing
either broadswords or olive branches,
promptly responds to Ambassador
Bryce, bidding him to convey "to your
honored sovereign my cordial wishes
for his personal welfare and the pros
perity of his country and people." The
president also calls attention to the
cordial relations existing between
Great Britain and the United States
and predicts that they will always be
found working together "In the fur
therance of the great principles of rep
resentative government, and that com
munity of material Interests, whereby
the most complete stability. Individual
development and national prosperity
may be achieved."
Now that the Incident of formal
greeting Is over a careful study of the
addresses shows thst both the presl
denCand the ambassador are strict In
their observance of one cardinal rule
of diplomacy, the use of words to con
ceal thought- The most jealoust mem
ber of the foreign diplomatic corps at
Washington will be unable to find a
word or sentence that can be construed
Into favoritism for Mr. Bryce or the
power he represents. . There Is no bint
of an alliance or any unwritten under
standing of partnership between the
Anglo-8axon governments, such as wai
charged when Ambassador Ri'ld, In
wishing Mr. Bryce Godspeed when he
left I.ondon. told blra that the people
of the United States and England
"loved" each other, and every foreign
power at once became suspicious. In
ternational flirtation is permitted In
diplomacy, but "love" is barredv For
tunately for all concerned, the presi
dent and Mr. Bryce leave other diplo
mats no alternative but the' conclusion
that the affection between Uncle Sam
and John Bull Is purely pWonlc.
A few years ago The Bee was hauled
Into court for discussing. In respectful
language the filing of a petition to re
open a case which the -supremo court
has previously adjudicated and was
fined $500 for constructive contempt
for "impeding Justice," notwithstand
ing the fact that in almost the same
breath the court ruled the petition
out for the very reasons which The
Bee had suggested. The only color of
authority for this arbitrary judicial
action was the allegation that The
Bee was discussing a pending case.
We have Just had the spectacle here
in Omaha, however, of the clerical co
respondent in an imported divorce case
hiring a hall to harangue the public
with a special view to arousing popu
lar prejudice that would Influence the
court.' The effort was an undisguised
attempt by one of the Implicated par
ties to try his case In court and out
of court at the same time. If a news
paper had committed this offense it
would have been cited forthwith to
answer for contempt but the clergy
seems to be privileged.
The electric lighting company la
going to revise its rate schedule "vol
untarily." A little scratching below
the surface will doubtless disclose the
fact that the "voluntary" reductions
would not have been considered at
this time except for the rate-reducing
ordinance proposed by Councilman
When the public schools have to be
closed to coerce public school teachers
of South Omaha to go to the front for
the officeholders and their political
satellites who are fighting annexation,
the suspicions of the legislature must
be aroused as to the motives prompt
ing resort to .such desperate measures.
We are waiting patiently for Editor
Hitchcock's World-Herald to put in a
word in favor of the pending bill to
stop the county Jail feeding graft. This
Is a nonpartisan measure which will
affect perquisite-grabbing republican
sheriffs and democratic sheriffs alike.
It turns out that the railroad law
yers persuaded two of the eight judges
of the United States supreme court to
side with them in the tax cases just
adjudicated. , That is two more than
the railroad lawyers expected when
they finished 'their arguments.
Governor Hoch of Kansas Is berat
ing the Kansas legUlature for not ac
complishing anything of moment for
the state. The Nebraska legislature
can avoid being called to task by Gov
ernor Sheldon by getting down to busi
ness of its pwn accord.
No .objection will be entered to the
member of the executive committee
ot the Commercial club reconl".erlng
their hasty ultimatum to resign, pro
viding they do not again commit the
offense of misrepresenting the rank
and file of the club.
The senate at Washington hasVjust
passed 99 private pension bills at the
rate of fifteen a minute. . The peace
conference at The. Hague might use
that as an argument against any more
' Mr. Cleveland thinks there may be
merit in the suggestion of a marriage
qualification for suffrage. Mr. Cleve
land was a bachelor until after he was
elected president of the United States.
It appears to be definitely settled
that the Hon. Leslie M. Shaw will not
locate In Omaha on emerging from
the treasury portfolio. This Is
Omaha's loss and New York's gain.
A Common Weakness.
Cleveland Leader.
England, famous for the careful manner
In which it operate Its railroads, has just
had a bad passenger train collision." Even
titer, It appears th blockhead system is
now and then In operation.
A Possible OIIt Branch.
.Washington Herald.
Ur, Biyan has attacked John D. Rocke
feller's gift to tho educational board. Tho
only way Mr. Rockefeller can ever make
up with Mr.. Bryan la by purchasing the
railroads aad presenting them to th gov
ernment Maklnc the Money Fly.
. ' Washington PoMt.
The nenat appropriated tlfO.ftW.OOO In
flfty-two minutes the other day, and It
mlirht have made a better record but fcr
the fact, thut evral senators wasted ttm
In urging economy In the expenditure of
public moneys.
Growth ot National Wealth.
Indianapolis News.
More billions of dollars are ndded to th
country's weHlth within the limits of a
single presidential term today than were
In th country as the result of the aeru
mulatlons of tha period covered by all the
presidents eking to the year of Lincoln's
first election. Rvery succeeding unrtn In
19U7 sees 110.000,000 added to this country's
wealth. The value of the tangible, mar
ketable property In th I'nlted States on
this anniversary of Lincoln's birth Is
greater than that of the I'nlted Kingdom
and France combined, which, respectively,
on this roll, stand second and third among
the world's nations.
Mil Post of Pass.
Ntw York Tribune.
In his suggest ion that the names ot par
ties responsible for railway accidents be
made as public as possible Vic president
Kruttschnltt of the Southern Pacific hits
upon a schema whlchwould accomplish
much mors than It Is Intended to. Within
a few years half our population would be
famous, while th other half would have
becom hypochondriacs aa a result of being
reminded in every newspaper and every
railway station of life a brevity. One could
scarcely travel five miles by rail without
encountering a granite shaft inscribed
after this fashion: "At this spot, on June
11. 1914. Hank Smith forgot to flag the
southbound freight, thereby derating the
train and killing one bra kr man and seven
tramps. IS commemoration of this over
sight a reminiscent public has arectad tids
Places Hallowed by the Poet life
d Works.
One hundred year ago today Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow was born In Port
land, Me. Th Occasion Is to be honored
with commemorative exercise throughout
New England, especially at the poet s fam
ous home, the Cralgie houae in Cambridge,
Mass. This old home, familiar to alt lovers
of Longfellow, Is trior Intimately . Identi
fied with bis life than any other. It Is as
sociated with the happiest year ot his
tlfe and sanctified by the tragic death of
Mrs. Longfellow. Within Its shadows, fit
tingly, the principal exercises will be held
and addresses delivered by William Dean
Howells, President Charles W. EHot of
Harvard. Colonel Thomas Wentworth Hlg
glnson and Prof. Charles Eliot Norton.
Longfellow was a shrln maker, relates
the New Tork Tribune. He wrote "I, stood
pn the Brldg at Midnight," and people
studiously "doing" Ronton go to look at
a certain bridge crossing th Charles. He
penned "The Ride of Paul Revere," and
visitors to tlv- culture burdened city of th
east look for the
tower where the lanterns were hung
. . . aloft In the belfry arch
Of the North Church tower, as a signal
and a trolley line running out to Lexing
ton and beyond And the poem an excellent
asset. Taking a leaf out ot Chaucer's book,
he composed the "Tales of a Wayside Inn,"
and the old Inn at Sudbury, a community
revolving around the Hub In close prox
imity, has taken on a' new lease of lite.
"Acadia" may be a beautiful spot, but a
certain steamship dompany considers that
pur gold may be" refined by advertising it
a "Th Land of Evangeline" and giving
away copies of the poem. At' Newport,
. . . for my lady's bower
Built I a lofty tower,
the tower, as well as society, -has an In
terest to the visitor, because Longfellow
wrote "The Skeleton In Armor." The
sightseer has not properly done Pittsfleld,
Mass., who ha not glanced across th
sloping lawn at the "old fashioned country
seat," "somewhat back from the village
street," and imagined the "old clock on
the stairs" eating up eternity with Its de
pressing '
i Never-forever!
Every house in this country in which
Longfellow hue taken shelter for any per
iod ot time is the object of homage. Th
once stately house standing In tlis eastern
part of Portland, Me., on. a little promon
tory overlooking Casco Bay, within a
tone's throw of th birthplace of Thomas
B. Reed, Is not now visited by th sojourner
in "the Gem of Casco Bay" because of its
Interesting architecture, for It haa the same
sordid atmosphere that any other remod
elled three-story wooden tenement house
has, but because It was the birthplace of
Longfellow, the man who has ben called
the Poet of America. Th brick house In
Congress street, Portland, Is not being pre
served by the Maine Historical society be
cause it was the first house In th city
built of brick, although that is, true, but
because there Longfellow spent his boyhood
days and at the age of thirteen penned his
first verses, entitled "The Battle of Lovell's
Pond." The visitor to Brunswick, Me., th
seat of Bowdoln college, goes to see a cer
tain two-and-a-half story (ram housa, not
only because Mr. Harriet Beecher Stew
wrote "Unci Tom' Cabin" beneath its
roof, when her husband was a professor
In the college, but beoause there Longfel
low roomed when he was a student at
1 Th chief Longfellow shrine is th
Cratgle houae at Cambridge, tn which he
spent th year between ltS7 and 182,
the year of hi death. Thl house was a
mecca long before Longfellow died. Peo
ple used to pass the house merely for the
sake of seeing the benignant gray-boarded
face of the poet as he sat In hla chair at
an upper window. Almost with bated
breath one would point toward the south
east corner and say to a companion:
"Th guide book saya that that room Is
the one where' he writes his poems. They
say that he will let almost any one see
him. Let's ask him for his autograph."
He was generous In the responses for
audiences and autographs, and It Is said
that he sometimes saw as many as four
teen strangers In a single morning, and
wrot hi autograph on an average
seventy times a day.
The Cralgie house was the only- one In
which Longfellow lived which had as a
part of It furnishings a historical and
romantic atmosphere to give it an added
charm in the eyes of a ioet. Some of th
tragedies of life which make littl noise
In th world, but are aa painf ur- a "those
which are blaaoned forth In large type,
were enacted In the live of person liv
ing In tha house at different ttmos.
Within It walls, also, aa I generally
known, before the evacuation of Boaton
by the British, Washington organised the
rebellion into a revolution. The hous
was built In 1T59 by Colonel John Vassal,
a young tory, who swore by King George.
General Washington took a fancy to
the Sous after a shot had penetrated Ills
first Cambridge headquarters, and moved
to It. Here he remained until the British
sailed away from Boston, Mr. Washing
ton, being with him there during the
latter part of hi occupancy
Andrew Cralgie, a shrewd Scotchman,
from whom the house derives It name,
became it owner In 1798. Longfellow
rented room there In 1827, and on Ms
marriage ta Francis Elisabeth Appleton
In 1843 received the home as a gift from
the bride's parents. Shortly after th
marriage Mr. and Mr. Longfellow .vlsltod
the Appleton summer home at Plttifleld,
and' saw the. old timepiece which sug
gested th poem of "Th Old Clock n
the Stairs."
Cralgie house was to b the scan of
another' domestic tragedy, for ther In
July, 18(1, Mr. Longfellow, while amus
ing her children with some burning seal
ing wax set fir to her light summer
gown, and was so badly burned before
help came that she died.
Th house. It 1 reported, 1 to be pre
served by Boston a a relic of Long
fellow betause of what he did for the city
by the Writing of "Th Rid of Paul
Hew Hare th Mlhtr Fallaal
Baltimore American,
Railroad officials are dolefully predicting
hard times If th legislatures of the various
states do not stop railroad legislation. They
Ignor th fact that to th people and con
cerna crushed out by rebates and ott er fa
voritism th hard time have already ojma.
- - riiiiniiiiR
Syst satis lug
Tbb eae, tolls sk-Cutlrr sisVe -19
lacscs Isno-hlgh irsae, peclal2.50
. 8 Us far Cmlt Offles OatBts
Orchard & Willielm Carpel-Co.
m , m,wi
-' Unquestionably preparation for
beal thy maternity is accomplished by
LydiaB. Ptakham'a Vegetable Com
pound more suooessfully than by any
other medicine, because it gives tone
and strength to the entire feminine
organism and renders it perfectly
normal,' ' '
A woman In rood physical condition
transmits to her children the bless
ings of a good constitution. Read'
what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound did for Mrs. Sullivan, 589
E. 7th 6tret, Flatbush, N, Y.
"What a blaming Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetabl Compound to to motherhood. I
send you a picture of my three months' old
baby and myself, and th photo show the
splendid condition of our health. That I am
so well and th baby so healthy and happy
Is entirely due to your excellent remedy
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabl Cotnponnd.
I took It for five months before baby cam
and it brought me an easy confinement and
kept m strong, whereas I waa weak and in
perfectly miserable health all the tlm when
my first three children were born.' '
Mrs. Geo. Walters of Woodlavm,
111., also writes:
'I feel tt my duty to tell of the good Lydia
E Plnkbam's Vegetable Compound has
don m aad to recommend It to all expec
Move to Direct Tide of Imralvratloa
front Cities to Country.
Portland Oregon Ian.
According o tha bureau of Information
and. statistics of the New York State De
partment of Agriculture, fully 60,000 la
borers will be required on the farm of
that state this spring. There 1 no reason
to suppose that this supply, or any great
portion of it, will come from th voluntary
application of men who are out of work,
sine a large majority of the prefer city
Ufa, with Its precarious "Jobs," to the
steady pay and rural environment of the
farmhand. The state department of agri
culture, therefore, through Its office in
New York City, la maturing a somewhat
novel - plan which In a small way proved
successful In supplying th demand for
farm laborers last year. It has advertised
extensively, both in New York and In
Europe, for agricultural laborers and as a
consequence Is In dally receipt of applica
tions from men, both married and single,
who are anxious ta work on the farm of
the state upon being assured of a steady
season's work, including such privileges
for making a home for themselves as are
necessary adjuncts of rural labor. Many
applications have been received from Hol
land, the good Dutch burghers being an
xious to come over and bring their families
If a' foothold In agricultural life can be
Th Immigration that merely drifts
hither and halts at New York or any othrr
larga port of entry is practically worthies
as far as farm Industry la concerned.
Country life, with Its quiet routine, and
farm labor, with Its small, but steady re
muneration, are not what these people.
In th main, are looking for; nor would
they be anything but stumbling-blocks to
th farmers If they undertook to supply
the demand. Of the class of immigrants
seeking such work and Competent to do It,
however, many are at one angaged by the
bureau of farm employment and sent to
localities from which applications ar on
Laat year thl bureau placed 4,171 farm
laborers and hopes this year by diligence
in advertising to place ten times as many,
thus giving th farmers of the state a
chance "to sleep nights'' a luxury that
they hav not enjoyed for several seasons
past during the stress of seed Um and
If anyone offers you a thousand-dollar
bill in change, call th police. It 1 on of
the bill stolen from th Chicago ubtraas
ury. The Ust ot the men Injured In the New
York Central tunnel wreck three year
ago was paid $60,000 for the damage he
sustained. Train wrecks are costly luxuries
In th Empire state.
According to Sidney Iee, editor of the
National Dictionary cf Biography, the
American people are becoming more ac
curst readers and writers of Kngllsh than
the English themselves.
John's. Fay of Marlboro, Mass., the old
est postmaster in the United States in point
cf service, has received new to the effect
that he had been confirmed In the senate
for another four years' term. Mr. Fay hui
served as postmaster for forty-two years.
Th young duke of Zaragcsa, beside be
ing a grandee of Spuin, I an expert loci mo
tive entrkjeer. . H proved hi qualification
by passing a strict examination and twice
a week run the express train from Madrid
to th French frontier over th North
Spanish railroad.
"How would Richard Olney of Massachu
setts do?" asked a Washington 'democrat
of prominence on .a recent cold night In
New York. "Do for what?" sild the party
addrerseJ. "For the democratic nomination
for president next year." "If 4 degrees
) below ro now," was tb only response.
The Missouri legislature has adopted a
Joint resolution establishing an official pro
nunciation ot the state' name. It seems
that too many pec pi hav been pronoun
cing it something like "Mi&ery." and this,
was regarded as so objertlunuble tliut the
resolution particularly enjc Ins that the ac
cent b thrown on the seeond syllabi and
tliat th "s" be carefully sounded as such.
laallrnable HUM of Roy.
Baltimore American.
That this la th children' century was
Judlcally affirmed by th supreme court
of Mlsslvslppl, which afflrrnxd In a suit
-for damage brought by th parents of
a boy Injured by an electric light attuchrd
to a tree that the small boy. In the pursuit
Of happiness, guaranteed by the consti
tution has aa ioaJlaoabhi right to climb
a trt.
tant mother to Insure a healthy child at4
asy birth. I had lost three children ana
was discouraged when a friend advised m
to try Lydia E. PlnkhamVgtbl Com
pound. I did so and It not only kept me
well and strong but I bar as healthy a
child as you will flud anywhere. I hope
other discouraged women may read
this lettr and take Lydia B. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and be benefited by
It aa 1 havben."
Women should remember that for
more than thirty years Lydia E. nag
ham's Vegetable Compound has been
without a rival In sustaining woman's
health and curing all those painful
ailments peculiar to her sex. Its rec
ord shows that it has cured almost
every form of female complaint, orga
nic troubles, inflammation and ulcer
ation, falling ' and displacements
and consequent spinal weakness,
and is peculiarly adapted to the
periods of child-birth and change of
life. It cures backache and ail those
bearing down sensations. I
If there is anything about your
case you do not understand write to
Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for
advice. It is absolutely free. Thou
sands of women have dona so and
bave received help.
Nan How's this for a picture hat?
Fan; It's good enough for th comlo sup
pleinent. Chicago Tribune.
Dubley He's a good Christian, anyway.
Wiseman Huh! Not much, he Isn't!
Dubley Why, you've said so yourself,
Wiseman Nothing of the sort; I said h
was a church member. Washington Herald,
"Did you ever try the' stock market?"
asked the eastern man.
"No," answered Bronco Bob, "but It's
my guess that a deal In stocks la pretty
much like a deal In faro. Yqai want to
fight shy unless you know th dealer."
Washington Star.
"I don't know much about your con
gressman's official record, but I hear he's
a flnLMird parliamentarian."
"He re now, you bet I He was married
to Miss Strongmlnd a few days af."-
Washington Herald.
"Conductor," an id the, gasping passenger,
vainly trying to raise a window, ''there ar
at least a billion microbe in this car."
"You ought to be able to stand that if the
company eun," growled the street car con
ductor. "We don't (ret a blamed' cent for
carrying 'em." Chicago Tribune.
Mrs. Watkyns Which do you prefer, MY,
Wylkyns, blondes or bmnetteaT
Mr. Wylkyns It depends on which I am
wlth-Bomervllle Journal.
"I wouldn't think it safe to put dena
tured alcohol Into an automobile."
"Why not!"
"I'd be afraid the different parts would
get tight" Cleveland Plain Dealer.
lawyer Well, what was dons In the In
terim ?
Witness I don't know, sir. I didn't g
Into the Interim. I stayed In the ant
room. Puck. . - 1
Clinton Scollsrd in New York Times.
BU11 I ' recall that day of wild March
Ere the first crocus lit its vernal fires, ' '
When, while the sky and earth drew closo
Th poet's death camo o'er the mourning
Far on the misted hillside sobbed th es
dars; .
Nearer the pallid poplars swayed and
slshad : , ,
While overhand, like patriarchal leaders.
Met nought the elms made moan that M
had died. , ;
And throurh it all the rain, with sad n
slstence, n
Beat on and on, as If In threnody;
Whll (did I dream It?) from the outer
Drifted the ceaseless sorrow of the sea.
He had gone out th minstrel spell waa
Along the shadowy path of no return.
With his sweet swan-song for a final token.
And we were left to vainly mourn and
yearn. .
Since dassled on his eyes the sword of
In pa radical confines vast of slrth.
The year have swept, the segment of a
And lo, an hundred since his hour of
Of his bequeathnl and hla brain was flft4
In measure multiform and ruultifola
Time from the dross of sand ,and shard
mis smea , -
A treasure of Imperishable gold
Men may debate, their doubting tongue
decry him
Aa lurking that which mark th taltfh
Yet howsue'er new modes and schools deny
him. ' .
He still remains Indubitably great.
What though he mlxsed the mightiest scop
of vision,
Nor walked apart the Olympian heights
He ever trod the Inviolate vales Flvslan,
Toe lofty singer, aunougn, not in seer.
And yet why o'er hi fame hold dlaputa
lion :
Rather reiotre he left so rich a store. .
And lay, In reverent commemoration, .'
Above ins au; one loving garland moral
Human "Steam" .
Keeping It Up
Th orot Of th Tireless Zuergy Bom
Psopl Possess.
There Is another kind of steam than
that In which the boy James Watt, witch
ing his mother's leakettl. first saw the
gioat ponalbllitte now becom realities.
'1 his other kind' of steam Is human
"steam." Home people call it "push,"
"hustle" or 'get-up." and soma rail it
"Ufa." It' the power to do things a
seemingly tireless power which Some pee-
pi pOftfttfSS.
Mslta-Vita, th only malted whole,
win at food, fills men and women and
children with the power u do things. It
keeps up their "steam," because all tha
rich nutrition it contains Is easily tilgeat
tod and taken up by th blood to nourish
body and brain.
Mitlta-Vlta la th most nourishing food .
In the world becuuse the starch of th
flea m-rooked wheat la converted, by malt
extract. Into maltose which 1 o nutri
tious and ao easily digested that physi- '
clans everywhere recommend It. Malta
Vila, every flak crisp and delicious. 1
rich ln,ina)tu. All grocers, 18 cents.