Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1907, Page 4, Image 4
TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, MMmitAKY '-'7, 1D07. TO THE REPUBLICANS OF NEBRASKA: - ' ; The platform adopted by the Republican State Convention, held at Lincoln, August 22, makes the following distinct promises of state legislation in the interest of the people: 1. ' Laws to compel the railroads to pay their taxes at the same time and in the same manner as a private individual. 2. A direct primary law for the nomination of all state, county and district officers, including congressmen and United States Senators: 3. A law prohibiting free passes in all forms, except to bona fide railway employes and their immediate families and care-takers of live stock. 4. Laws fully empowering the new State Railway Commission to prohibit rebates, discriminations and special rates to corporations, persons or localities, and to see to it that any. and all abuses are corrected and equitable freight and passenger rates obtained for the people. 5. In event of failure of the constitutional amendment or its being declared invalid, laws giving the people of this state the samo advantages congress has already given the nation under the railroad rate bill in matters of interstate commerce. 6. A law along the same lines as adopted by congress touching the liability of employers to their employes, permitting recovery for Injuries notwithstanding the negligence of a fellow servant. 7. Legislative appropriations to meet current expenses of state government only under the most rigid economy. 8. A law providing that railroad property in cities and villages shall be assessed and taxed the same as other property for city and village, purposes. 9. A law insuring inspection and uniform tests of dairy products. As the republican nominees for our respective legislative districts, we hereby pledge ourselves, if elected, to support and vote for meas ures that will carry out each of these promises. First Senatorial District Second Senatorial District. Fourth Senatorial District Sixteenth Senatorial District. Eighteenth Senatorial District. Nineteenth Senatorial District First Representative District Second Representative District Second Representative District Twenty-first Senatorial District Sixth Senatorial District Sixth Senatorial District' Tenth Representative District Tenth Representative District . Tenth Representative District Tenth Representative District Thirty-first Representative District Forty-eventh Representative District. Thirty-second Representative District Twenty-second Senatorial District A Third Representative plstrlct Fourth Representative District Tenth Representative District Sixth Senatorial Dlstrlot Eighth Senatorial District . Twenty-third Senatorial District t Twenty-fourth Senatorial District. i Twenty-fifth Senatorial District Ninth Senatorial District Tenth Senatorial Dlstrlc Twenty-sixth Senatorial District twenty-ninth Senatorial District Fifth Representative District . Seventh Representative District Seventh Representative District. Eighth Representative Dlstrlot. Tenth Representative District Thirty-third Representative District Thirty-fourth Representative District Thirty-fifth Representative District Thirty-sixth Representative District Forty-Seventh Representative District Forty-ninth Representative Dlstrlot Fiftieth Representative District. t 1 I lit Fifty-fourth Representative District. Twelfth Representative District " Thirty-seventh Representative District Thirty-eighth Representative District Eleventh Senatorial District Thirteenth Senatorial District Ninth Representative District Thirtieth Senatorial District. Tenth Representative District Fourteenth Senatorial Dlstrlst sjf s ' 5ot- ft First Representative District Fifteenth Senatorial Dlstrlot Flrst Representative District Tenth Representative District Tenth Representative District Thirteenth Representative District Fourteenth Representative District . i Twenty-first Representative District Twenty-second Representative District Twenty-ninth Representative District Twenty-ninth Representative District Thirty-ninth Representative District FottlPth Representative District. Forty-second Representative District Forty-second Representative District Forty-third Representative District Thlrty-flrst Representative District Forty-fourth Representative District MFifty-flfth Representative District. Fifty-sixth Representative Dlstrlot. Fifty-eighth Representative District Fifty-eighth RepresenUUve District Sixty-fourth Representative District Sixty-fifth Representative Dlstrlot Cry Sixty-sixth Representative District Flfty-seevnth Representstlve Dlstrlot HUNCER SHY ON PRACTICE Essun Advance by B. W. Trecxenridce for Ear Aftoc.ation's Cppoi.t.oo. PROTESTORS NOT TO GOTO WASHINGTON Mill Slop with Srndiutf Written Ob jection to Monster and Nmuri ot Other Men They Prefer. T"ie Omahi attorneys who are working gainst the uppulntrnciil of T. C. Muntier of Lincoln to the n-w fidnal Judgeship in Nt-biuKkii do not mkc; to go to W'ashinf ton for a I carli g before the NcbntHku Uol egatlun. The reyuem by telegram a f'W days ago fvr a hvurlr.g vhnply nuant that the lawytts Wiir.teJ tlnio to get their writ ten prutnsis 4o Waithtnton l f o the up pulntn.ent wsj nuttie. do txilaliu-d husi dVnt T. J. Mah'-n?y uf the NtLra.'ka Slate Bar gra.xiatlon Tnesdjy. It Is ut;dii6toiHi the Nebraska iM-gHlin has been flooded with litters the lip-lntine::t of another niuo tnan Mr. Hunger. Among thoso nuntUiued In Ins stead are Krunk 11 1111 a'-i. h l.'il.i u ...i Rtwci Hound of Lincoln. Jj.Iko tieigwlck of York, Mr. Kiuaker of Jieil.i.e ai d Con Nuiris of MoConk. A few days ago. after a yonference with a number uf Omaha lawyers, John L. Web ster addrescad a letter to Attoiu.y Oeneial bonapuile roummeiidlng Frank M. Hall.' Allen field. Koerou Fuuud and Judga S-dg-WUk in the urder naiited. alvh W. BrK'knridg does not believe that any one man has the first choice of the majority of the members of ths Umuha bar, but perhaps Itosooe Pound and F. M. Hall have more friends than any. He be lieves Judge Sodgwlck Is second choice of the majority and first choice of many. '1 hope it will be thoroughly undei stood that there Is no personal hostility to Mr. Munger among the Omaha lawyers," a:d Mr. Breckinridge. -Speaking for inys. If. I should prefer another man In the pluce because Mr. Munger has never been ad mitted to the circuit court of appeals and bus hud only five or six cases In the federal I court His experience has not been of tl.e cne.racter that would fit him for the place. "The appointment of a federal Judge should riot be given to one senator as his particular property, since It affects so ei tenalvely the Interest of the state and the bar." tYENLY DIVIDED UN MUNCER tContlnued from First Page.) to see the necessity for n. It would have leen culled up this morning, but in the Mist li stance there was uo uunruni n .l by the time a quorum was prtsvnt the committee had taken .up other matters j i Ich iccuplcd all the time until the house j convened. Mr. Kennedy has reocivrd a let I ler f:om Mr. Muehlbronner of Pittsburg, piesidint tf the National League of Com. nJlon merchants, offering assistance. The papers throughout (he country are giving considerable space to the charges against the express companies and the agitation must reoessarlly. have a dclded effect on remedial legislation. . ' . . Senator UauiUa g bill extending the tims for completion of the bridge across the Missouri river at Yankton, 8. D., by the Yar.kt. n, Norfolk A Southern railroad passed the senate today. Minor Matters at Capital. The Missouri river gets $150,000 for work between Kansas City and Bloux City in stead of lli'9.00C. The confeienee report on the Rosebud bill been agreed upon. Representative Mondell's bill providing that the state of Wyoming may relinquish to the United Btutea certain lands and take other lands in lieu thereof passed the houe today, ... George Mailman has been appointed post muster sf Bruning, Thayer county, Ne btuaka, vice F. Cft. Wells, resigned.' Rural carriers appointed for South Da kota, routes: Alpena, route 1, Edgar 8. Wash, carrier; Roy S. Wales, substitute Manchester, route 1, Frank K. , Yourdon, carrier; Frank Blood, substitute. 1 Typhoid KpldesnJe . o Ship. WASHINGTON. Feb.-ti. -The secretary of the navy today received a dispatch from Hear Admiral Evans, commanding the At lantic tl-et, stating that the battleship Con necticut would sail immediately from Guantanamo for the north with a typhoid fever1 epidemic aboard, there now being thirty-five cases under treatment. It has not been decided to what port the vessel will go, but Captain Swift, commander of the vessel, will be advised by wireless message. lasUaaa lias Low Fare Law, INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. KT Governor Hanly- today- signed the 3-cent fare act. It has no emerceney clausn. and gues l effect with the publication of ths uw laws about May' or Juue. . . CITY COUNCIL PRUCEEDINGS harlos T. Crew ley Appointed Gas In spector by ths Mayor. COUNCIL CONFIRMS THE NOMINATION Councilman Braeker Iatrodaees Ordl anee Provldlasr License for Drivers of Aatomoblles and Regulatina" Speed. . Mayor Dahlman's appointment of Charles F. Crowley as gas commissioner was last evening unanimously confirmed by the city council. It was expected from the first that Mr. Crowley would be selected for the newly created office. The office carries with it a salary of Jl.boO a year. Gas Com missioner Crowley, who has been city bac teriologist for several years, will enter on his new work in about thirty days, by which time It la believed, the apparatus necessary for the work will have b-en re ceived and placed in a room in the city hall. . The commissioner's duties will be to test ths heat units and Illuminating power of gas as wen as test the pressure and meters; also the quality of gas.- , The mayor recommended that an as sistant gas commissioner be appointed to assist the commissioner la such work as testing meters snd removing tbera as .pro vided by ordinance, the contention being the commissioner will not be able to at tend to all of the work ef his .office. In Hue-with the mayor's .suggestion; Council man Fuak bo user offered a concurrent res olution declaring the necessity of an as sistant gas commissioner, but that reso lutlon was referred to the committee of the whole for deliberate consideration. Mr. Funkhouser's resolution : stated that the salary of the assistant be I1.2U0, SoO to be takxn from the gas commissioner's fund and $100 from the plumbing inspector's fund, the assistant to act as assistant plumbing Inspector in addition to his duties aa assistant gas commissioner. ItesulatlBNr Aatomoblle Drivers. Councilman Brucker Introduced an ordi nance affecting automobiles, and owners and drivers of such vehicles. This ordinance was referred In the usual manner for con sideration. Mr. Brucker's measure provides that every driver of an automobile on the streets of Omaha must have a license, and before being granted such license by the license Inspector shall file a statement, signed by two responsible citizens, testi fying that the applicant for license Is "sober, industrious and honest." No one under ZX years of age is allowed to operate antauto under this ordinance, and machines used for general hire must be operated un der a license costing Jo a year. Drivers must pass an examination or give evidence of technical knowledge of automobiles, and H lioo officers are given power to take in charge cars operated by persons in a state of intoxication or otherwise incapacitated. For third of such offense the mayor is au thorised to revoke the license. A speed limit of . seven miles per hour within the dty limits is stipulated. Owners and drivers must furnish the city a bond of ll.ono each before a license is granted.. Other regula tions of a minor character a re embodied in the ordinance. .Councilman Bedford introduced, at the Instance of the Juvenile and police authori ties, an ordinance regulating the conduct of pool and billiard halls, to the extent of prohibiting persons under the age ef IS to either frequent such places or play on the tables. The police say they are at present without power to enforce the pro posed regulations. On next Tuesday even ing an ordlr.r.ce to license pool and bil liard tables will be offered in the council. Move to Hent Market House. Mayor Pahlman recommended that In view of the council's Inability to use the market house on Capitol avenue for the purpose for which It was built, tho building be rented to one of eeveral parties willing to pay the city a yearly rental of ll.auO for the building, such a plan, the mayor be lieves, being better than allowing the build ing to fall to pieces on Its foundation. Re ferred to committee on public buildings and property. An ordinance to vote bonds to the ex tent of 150.000 for Intersection purposes wss introduced and referred. Parks Brothers, through E. W. Parks, were granted the privilege of building a boat on Douglas street nesr the river, this crsft to be used for hauling garden truck to Omaha this summer. Th ordinance referriug to signs snd ob structions on and over sidewalks was re committed to the committee of the whole for further consideration, there being some uncertainty as to what regulation should be placed on showcas s extending from the lot line, the opinion being that permanent showcases should be allowed, if not placed beyond three) feet of the lot line. This will be considered next Monday afternoon. A resolution to buy seventeen city di rectories for the various city offices and pay for same out ot the general fund 'was lost, this matter to be left to the In dividual departments. The city engineer was Instructed by res olution to survey Thirtieth slit., Walnut to Bancroft and report what ptyp erty would have to be appropriated to open that street for a width of forty feet V, Aro lamps will be placed at Thirty-sixth and Lafayette and Twentieth and Cali fornia, An ordinance to place a tract of land owned by W. J. Connell on Twenty-fourth street between Leavenworth and St Mary's avenue outside the fire limits was lost on third reading. The appointment of Charles Bradford as engineer In the city hall was confirmed. The council will meet Friday morning to pass an appropriation ordinance. OMAHA BOY IS PROMOTED A. K. Randall Goes I'p Notch Marino service of Vocle Sans. In A. E. Randall, son of W. Randall of the auditing department of the Burlington, ha been promoted In the marine service of the government He was stationed at Olongapo, P. I., and now goes as second lieutenant on the warship Cincinnati, In charge of the marines on that ship. Maay (tnallfr for Scholarships. NEW YORK, Feb. M An Ottawa (Ont.) special to the Times savs that Inr. ft. O. Parkin, administrator of the Rhodes scnl arship here, announced last night the list of American candidates who have passed the examination of the l iilverslty of Ox ford held throughout the I'nlted elates. Out of 2li candidates 13s passed, a. laraar proportion than ever before. Of the forty. eiKht states all produoed candidates ex cept inrea. Of the Us. forty-rive will be chosen to go to Oxford In October next. The. scholarships are worth tl.M pee s