Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Speoial Rates for tooYention, it Is Iuti
mated, Mar Ba Eefaeed.
Tnrktra' Assoelntloa aeeretarr la
Tel IIU Appllratloa la Hal t
, Wall Two-Oat Fare la'
I 1 Ceaaieeratloa.
FREMONT, Neb., Feb. . (8peolal.
Prof. John Maistn, en-rrtary of tha Nrn-th-eastern
Nebraska Teacher' association,
which meeta here next month, haa received
notice that hia request for special rmtea to
tha convention will not be acted on until
after tha legislature enda tta consideration
of tha rata queation.
Tha Intimation la given that If the -cent
rata toss Into effect there will be no re
duced rates.
Rleltarol Tltaa Pleats Gollty to Cnarae
of Aaeaalt aad Battery.
TABUS ROCK. Neb, Feb. 2. tSpectaLT
Richard Tltua. who pleaded guilty to a
charge ' of wife " beating, waa sentenced
yesterday '. tT Juatlca Marble to ITrteon
dart Jmptiaonment and to par the coata
of prosecution. Tltua cama here from
Missouri a few months ago with hia fam
llT. Tha alleged attack on hia wife waa
Bade on Sunday. Both the eheiifT am.
eounty ' attorney cama over from Pawnee
City to attend tha trial. The complaint
charged him with asaault and battery, to
whlea he pleaded guilty. Sheriff. Martl-i
took him to Pawnee City to eerve lr
sentence. Should there be further troublo
after hia release, an effort may be made
to commit him to tha asylum under the
Dipsomaniac act..
Caasat la Cara Shredder aad Badly
Crashed by Mnrhlaery.
:,FAIA8 CITT. Neb., Feb. 28 Bpeclal.-
the farm owned by Jamea Sinclair, be
tasen Falls City and Free ton, Paul Schmidt,
JQ years old, met with a frightful accident
.Monday ercnlng. He and hia father were
'operating a corn shredder when tha boy'a
bands were caught In the machine and
both arms were ao, badly crushed that the
tight hand had to be amputated above the
wrist and the left hand above the elbow.
Ha haa been brought to hla home In Falls
City. It la thought he will lire.
.. Chareh Dedication at Oxford.
OXFORD, Neb.. Feb. IS. (Special.)
Tha dedication of BL John's Evangelical
Lutheran church on Sunday attracted a
large number of out-of-town ministers
and laity. The servlcee opened with
formal dedicatory exercises by Kev. Louis
A. Orotheer. the 'pastor,' followed by a
sermon by Rer. J. Blehusen of Crete. A
third service In German waa held In the
evening, the speaker .being Rev. C Pr
doehl of Hampton. Rev. A. Boldan of
Cheater spoke In English at i:8. Muid
waa rendered at each service by the young
, people's choir. The weather waa superb.
The collections footed up 1200 and
proved ample to cover all Indebtedness.
;"T1b- cost ' at the edifice complete .waa
' 14.100. The main building Is 10x60. feet,
with a' tower aeventy-flve feet In height.
' Among the Interior features are a declin
ing floor,' commodious gallery, ' imitation
' wainacoaUng- and a. modern furnace and
; lighting plant. The congTegatfort humbars
.116.' The -old edifice, erected In the early
.Ws, used, f or .parochial purposes,
:J) Tables aioek B.asNlUt 'politico, f" j
TABLE ROCK, Neb.. Feb. 28. (Speclai.j
With the city election only five week
'away, license and anti-license .forces at
beginning to make preparations. The
-present board la anti-license, three, licence
'two. The terms of C. H. Lane, license,
'and O. W. Oriffing. anti-license, expire this
spring and the members holding over ore
(SaaUi Shirts fX perfe
loBto4 test.
' mhaj fire t! psrizA Cfcirt
tsi vtbtj soM&ioti.
Atk far CHfti Shirts.
Lothyt Ik tlmett lL
, mi seas or aanew sou.
Employees Sent to
Liquor Cure Institute
Wrn. Coleman, In The Chicago S'lndsr Trlbnn. sayg;
NTtL a few rears ace when a ana
area sea atuch aao toe steadily
his emptersr let hia It. er
fired him aitogvther. Now there
y buslaeas lastltuueas
wh take H apoa MMrasslvae
inetrlate aad values eaaloyaa le
tor alcoholism aad taoa aavina
araatoraea thorn trsra drlasiag Btoa to
asoer aka tain thorn sac to work.
Om boo who holds a hih pooltloa ta
a largo hvotaoos aorporatloa that haa "re
clalawd eight of tta employees ta tats
taohtoa. says that he and'hls asaoetalas
took hack apoa the aid Uaae system aa
barberewe- aad aarolr. aot oely w .tha
drleketa. hat to their emptorera They
It rare oow that they got so aaaNi better
woe oevtha sua they aee sent ta tbe
laotltaitoas that they cam well afford the
Mnetal eharane aad the lose of Uass that
a entailed.
. There are warkmg ta Chicago saaay ssoa
who do mot hooch a droo of llouer had who
; ros that, amaag amay Mhor roasows. aes
as taralusMo w thotr emtosrere as oa
atoyos ran ha. who baow all aooot (he te
stae worhlag or these "oares" They era
flllod wltk gratrtude so tholr
Who susa It smssthle ar thorn
aa," aad thoy are glvtag maoh hottat
asevlris thaa thoy m gaoa asloia
It Is the high grade asaa that asaelry la
kveV Tha ao of the word saved ta
thto sissnilss isooWes soma aaaunoa-
Vj'i u 1 j i i .,. ji s j.u i is as i reagag-. i j i in
rf simirwim a oaoatloa how as booal m aw a had aad east, hot foot after m 7
XaVa aad gw from mm tV I sarmors mora'
p. IX Armour, lata bead of tha Armoar Pack.ln( Co., aara of tha Keolay
. "I hvd ewht about two hundrwd of my eunployoaa, from butchora to fora
men, aad all have beea permaDentlr cured. ( From a poraoDai letter to Dr.
Keeiey) I do not think there la any one thing or aay on &aa who ever did
the food to hnmanltr that you are doing with ytiar care."
L ' If Uitereeted. write for booklet, "Kacta About the KeeJey Care," to The
JToelry" laotltuta.' eorner lith aad Caea St., Omaha. Neb. Correapondeuca ta
reCLfldf&UaJ. The K-twley InaUtate UeaU Dnthk.oaoa. Opium, MorphUe and
fooeoae jjaaeadsa guoceraf ally.
Xa a constitutional disease originating la
Impnre blood and requiring eo tntlonal
treatment acting throurh and p . Ing tha
blood for Its radical and permanent car.
Tbe greatest oonstl tntlonal remedy la
Hood's Sarsaparilla
" In usual liquid form or In chocolated
tablet known as Sarsatab. 100 doses $1.
Naaal and other local forma of catarrh
are relieved by CataiTlets, which ana In
flammation and deodorize discharge. 50c
J. D. Long-well and Dr. R. C. Bowie, antl
llcense, and C. H. CarmlchaeL license, ao
that In order for the Ucenae men to win,
they must ba successful In electing "both
their nominees. A call haa been Issued
for a convention to nominate two anfl
II cense eandidatea, which la to meet at Che
city hall on Friday, March I.
Nebraska Brssrh of the Rational Coat
saltteo Formed.
(From a Staff Correapondent.)
LrNCOLN, Feb. . Special.)-TJie Ne
braska branch of the National Child Labor
Committee waa organised here today with
the following officers: President, Dr.
George Elliott Howard, Vnlon; firat vice
president, Mrs. H. H. Wheeler. Lincoln;
second vice president, Mrs. Draper Smith.
Omaha; secretary-treasurer, S. P. Motria.
Omaha; executive committee. Rev. J. B.
Rueslng, president Bute Conference of
Charities and COrrectiona. West Point; Mrs.
H. W. Pennock, Omaha; Mrs. H. L Keefe,
Walthill. president Nebraska Federation of
A'nmen'a clubs; Mrs. B. F. Hayward, Kear
ney: Mrs. H. F. Rose. Lincoln.
The meeting waa called at the instance of
Samuel McCune Lindsay of Now York,
president -of the national committee.
Retailers laslst Prices at Wholesale
Have Increased.
LINCOLN. Feb. 20. tSpeclal Telegram.)
The hearing In the lumber case waa con
tinued throughout the day, the state put
ting on a doaen or more witnesses, each
of whom ' swore the state association had
never attempted to fix prices or attempted
to restrain trade. W. H. Harrison waa
asked about the Increase In the price of
lumber and produced figures to show .the
prices had been Increased to the retail
Tempera tare Drops Forty Dearrees
- aad Snow Falls at Alltaaee.
ALLIANCE. Neb., Feb. 26. (Special
Telegram.) After nearly a month of the
most pleasant weather the thermometer
this morning stands, at 25 degrees above
zero, with a northwest wind and snowing.
This Is a drop of 40 degTees since last
evening, and the weather is growing solder.
Dodae Coanty'a Share of Tax Money.
FREMONT. Neb.. Feb. Jt-(Speclal.)
The result of the supreme court's decision
In the railroad case is satisfactory to people
here and to the county board' especially.
The amount of Vnlon Pacific taxes for 1304
and 190C tied up by the Injunction proceed
ings amounts to almost $9,0. Tha company
has not paid 1906 taxes yet. They amount
to Sl7.anfc.69 with Interest since December 1.
Dodge, county haa been .in fine financial
condition ;n ;eccnt years end the bVck taxes
will help .to keep It there. ' -
. Nevrs of Nebraska. ' ,
BLVa"HTLI-Wliltam Schtiti has sold his
beaailful property to Louisa Kort and will
ftrnvn new home In the spring.
SCHUYLER A basket ball game will be
played here Friday between the" North Bend
and the Schuyler High schools.'
SCHUYLER-Fulmer brothers, who have
been In the. livery' business here for ten
yeara, have apld out to Fred Melhlich.
BLUE HILL J. Martin, a prominent clt
lsen, ia 111 at his home. A physician from
Omaha waa called in- consultation Satur
day. BEATRICE Word was received of the
death of John Lash, a former resident of
Beatrice, at hla home In northwestern
Iowa. (
PLATT3MOUTH Mra. William Atwood
has Just received word .Jhat her brother'a
wife. Mra N. I. Swift, died In Chicago
BLUE HILL Jacob Schunk and William
Grants left for Beatrice Monday to pur
chase a well boring outfit, and will engage
In that business.
FALLS CITY Mrs. B. F. Slagle, aged U
years, waa buried Monday. Her death was
due to an operation. She leaves a husband
and three children.
SCHUYLER Tha weather for two weeks
baa been fine. A northwest wind started
Tuesday morning, making a cold change.
The thermometer dropped 20 degree-.
PAPIIJJON The funeral of Mra. Camp
bell, who died at Bellevue. waa held from
the undertaking rooms of E. Qrolhe. Sev
eral friends from Bellevue attended.
AINSWORTH-Whlle out riding a wild
solt, Lawrence Llnde ran Into a barbed
wire fence and cut his left leg below tha
knee to the bone for about six Inches.
TABLE ROCK The school board has se
cured Senator Burkett to aive the address
st the commencement exercises In May.
The exercises will be In the opera house.
PLATTBMOUTH The Presbyterian Mis
sionary society has elected theme officers:
President. Mrs. A. W. Atwood, vice presi
dent; Mrs. Curtis Moore, secretary; Mra.
Frank Bhopp, treasurer; Mrs. D. C. vMor-
the avtaa af the emaloyo. Thto
ly ever la tha ease, R almost always Is
pat ap to him aa a otraight hamaosa
presoottlo. la eae sais tkat of a M.OOS
a roar kiass ssaaagor. who had hooa
drtsklag too mack tor his ewa aad his
firm's good the tklag waa osae ay
hood of tbe bouse aa fellows:
the I k
Ho called ta I
Re eaaght htm whoa ho ores fooling wetl
aad aot whoa be was sjattmg ever a spree
aad would aautraliy ho rsmsrsorol with
that sort af rorasras that hi so mock like
shoo sotua la that N wears off as
rate sty
"ttm- he said la him." "yea aaoe ba-t
roar vaeattea lets yer. hut we're gatag a
give aoo anotbor Wo are golag te aay
all your umia at aad oa oaat
yoa to go there aad saead a sooata
-Jm took a eight ta this it aror Tha
aast day he wooc
BMt la moot oases the ssaa that drlaka
ta aseeas asaa aa aa amch msssy la sa
lisas that ha has tittle raft far the ewe
or hotel hltla or railroad rare asd ho la
a a rooapttve stood whoa the firm aaya
say l
the hllle rer Mat. asd stmibsw It
ta help htm whoa
that he haa hooa ti
arose of
af adhtatsaoal rather thaa a
aar who waa ana ah etsaaly so he aavtath
Uaa. At first gtaaoa H woasi too aa at VW
there wars soate msroj (area aasrtsd la daj
hard- ami
roataa itae a oeuaate mos
msrhloory that he had got. aat. ttlasV ,
b.oi..s sta- rrc
gen, aecretary literature; Miss Lucy Arn
old. OAKLAND Prof. John B. DMotte clooed
the Oakland lecture course Monday nlsht
with his lecture. "The Harp of the Fenseo.
It was one of the beet lectures ever given
NEBRASKA CITY Fred Ouber, wl lie
working with a corn sheller. hsd his lund
caught and so badly lacerated that he lost
two flngora and It la doubtful If he Will
eave his hand.
FREMONT Work upon 'the Burlington
passenger depot, which has been suspended
since January, will be renewed In a few
days. Th building will probably be opened
for use early next month.
PLATTBMOUTH County Judge H. D.
Travis snd A. C. Carey have returned
from Trego county. Kansas, where the
Judge purchased a section of fine land, 2U
acres of which la In wheat.
BEATRICE A little child in the family
of John Rife, living near Holmesvllle. died
Sunday night of diphtheria. The authori
ties are taking every precaution to keep
the disease from spreading.
SCHUYLER While out hunting for a few
hours the Hashberger brothers killed fifty
three ducks. Much hunting has been done
In these parts In the last two weeks, ducks
being the most game killed.
PLATTBMOUTH In district court Mon
day Judge Paul Jersen imposed a fine of
tilt) and costs against Hugh Townseley of
Union, who pleaded guilty to the charge
Of having sold liquor Illegally.
PAPILLION-Phll Lleber. living three
miles south of town, lust his thoroughbred
chickens Saturday night, about fifty being
stolen. Mr. Lleber otters a reward of M
for the apprehension of the thief.
AURORA The flrat session of the Ham
ilton county Farmers' Institute wss held
Tuesday afternoon. Hon. D. P. Ashburn
of Gibbon and W. A. Poynler of Lincoln
spoke. Good Interest waa shown.
SCHUYLER Frank- Verba of the firm of
Knukle A Verba, who have been In the
butcher business here two years, haa
bought out hia partner's Interest. Mr.
Knukle will move to a farm north of town.
BEATRICE Clyde Wright, who left Be
atrice several yeara ago and located at Iws
Moines, la., recently won the middleweight
championship of Iowa as a wrestler. He is
teaching wrestling at that place at pres
ent. SCHUYLER Miss Turek. who died at
Fremont from the effects of an operation
for appendicitis, was interred in the
Schuyler cemetery. Her home is here, but
sh- was working In Fremont when taken
FALIS CITY J. J. Morris Is dangerously
sick. Mr. Morris has lived for ten yeara
In Falls City and before that waa a prom
inent busineaa man of Humboldt. Owing
to hla advanced age It ia feared ha will
not recover.
BEATRICE Judge Raper yesterday ad
journed district court to Thursday morning,
at which time he will take up the Injunc
tion suit of S. A. Kinney against the Oil-
llgan Hrlrige company and tbe Board of
SHELTON The annual smoker and ban
quet of the Knights of Pythias lodge was
attended by about eighty members and In
vited guests. The evening waa passed In
whist and other games and a nice lunch
ana social mat.
AIN8 WORTH Mra. R. F. Paxton,, the
wife of the Congregational minister, died
from a long-standing case of consump
tion. The funeral will be at 10 a. m.
Wednesday and Interment In the Alns-
wortn cemetery.
UPLAND The proverbial oldest lnhabl
tant cannot remember a finer winter than
this one. with the trees pouring out sap,
the wheat turning green and thousands of
ducks flying about, we are surely advised
mat spring is upon us.
AURORA The election to vote bonds in
aid of the Omaha & Nebraska Central rail
way waa held In Aurora. Hamilton. Union
and Srovllle preclncta Monday. The bonds
carried In all but Scoville. The amount of
me Donda carried la 117.600.
BEATRICE H. F. Cook vesterdav se
cured a temporary injunction in the county
i-uun u prevent me city ot Beatrice from
constructing a sewer on his property in
northeast Beatrice. The city Is given until
April 1 to file an answer to the suit.
Bedell, who have long been residents of
this city, will leave In a few dayr for
Wheeling. W. Va., to make their home
with their son. Carl, who Is manager of
tha water and light plant In that olty.
COLUMBUS Jack Sheppard, who Is em
ployed at the Union Pacltlc roundhouse,
hung his vest on a peg with a line gold
watch In one of the pockets. The watch is
gone. Chief of Police Schaak thinks he
can bring the man who took it to Justice.
PLATTBMOUTH Among the late ar
rivals to reside In the Nebraska Masonic
home in thia city are: E. L. Cochran of
Omaha, W. M. Warren of Falrbury, John
Edgar of NellKh. Mra Alela Huasell of
Tilden and Mra Frances Rosa ot Hll
dreth. NEBRASKA CITY John P. ' Bridges,
who is charged with aaaaulting hla (laugh
ter and Incest, waa araigned yesterd.iy
In the county court, pleaded guilty, waived
examination and waa bound over to the
district court, he giving a surety bond
In the sum of 1 1,000.
OSCEOLA Citizens are happy over the
fact that five boys were born In the case
part of the city last week. The fourth boy
came to the home of ex-County Clerk and
Mrs. J. W. Flllman. They are asking the
western part of the city to try and see it
they can do aa well this week.
UPLAND Walter T. Graves, editor of
the Eagle, Is Improving slowly. It will
be weeks before he can aasume his duties.
It seems Impossible for him to securo tne
services of a good manager during his
convalescence, and as a result the Eagle
Is not up to Its usual high standard.
BEATRICE Mrs. John F. Burbank, liv
ing near Fllley, died at Fall's sanitarium,
where she was operated upon ten weeka
ago. She waa born In Stark county,
Illinois, and had lived In Nebraska for
twenty-five years. She leaves her husband
and a daughter, Mra. Jamea Perky of Fll
ley. PRIMROSE The new opera house waa
opened Monday night. The hall waa filled
with a large and enthsuiastlc audience.
The IJncoln male quartet waa the attrac
tion. The new building la a cement atone
structure, 28x80 feet, and the atage Bet
tings and interior decorations are strictly
ORCHARD R. L. Drayton haa accepted
the position of local manager for the Atlaa
Elevator company made vacant by the
resignation t A. S. Joyce, who last week
rurrhased the hardware business of T. A.
rayton. Mr. Drayton will take charge of
the company's bualnesa hero on Monday,
March t.
OXFORD J. B. Rhynolda, residing five
mlk-s west, recently refused $75 per acre
for his quarter section of alfalfa land. A
ahort time previously E. W. Gilts sold a
ten-acre tract half a mile eaat of the city
for $XM per acre. This place haa an or
chard, but the building Improvements are
UPLAND Aa a result of "The Needs !
of Upland," aa published In Tha Bee a
week ago. many inquiries have been re
ceived from business men In diflHrnnt
j parte of the atate. A gentleman from
Kreroont la here looking over the (round
with a view to atartlng a cement brtcs
works here.
BEATRICE Captain Shannon of Ne
braska City last evening Inspected Com
pany C in heavy marching orders, and also
Inspected the clothing and all accoutermenta
of the company, which, he aaya, la one of
the best bo haa yet Inspected. He visited
Wymore today and Inspected Battery A.
slatiuned at that place.
UPLAND Many farmers from this
vicinity have visited the western country
of late looking for bonansaa in land. The
consensus of opinion of those who have
returned seems to bo that Franklin county
la good enough and that some one is go
ing to get sturk mighty badly In a fall
In value of thta unlrrlgated bind soon.
PERU Beginning next Monday Peru will
have two passenger trains daily In each
direction. Tbe run of the Lincoln and Ne
braska City trains, known as the Tom
Ryan train haa been extended to Falls
City, thus giving to Peru and other inter
mediate points excellent connecllona wltk
Lincoln and also with Atchison, St. Joseph
and Kaasaa City.
OAKLANDR. H. Wagnsr. the Burling
ton station agent here, had a very narrow
aocape from death Monday afternoon. While
working around the gaoollne engine in the
oompany'a pump house here hla coat waa
caught In the ehafung and torn to plecea.
Mr. Wagner managed tu shut oft the en
gine, but not before hia shoulder waa badly
bruised and hla arm sprained.
TEKAMAH Sheriff Phlppa arrest od W.
E. DawBua at Craig last night on the
charge of stealing. When arrested Dawaon
had In hla poaaeasioa an overcoat belong
ing to yranx taaJmon, a conductor of way
freight No. 14. Saimon aaya the coat waa
talutn from the way car either at Tekamak
or Oakland Oh laat Wednesday. Dawson
claims hla bono la ia Wisconsin.
RH ELTON J. H. Heathanngton, who
was stricken with paralysis at hia home
In Wood River Sunday and died the earns
evening, was a pioneer merchant and res
ident of Shelton and until a few yeara ago
a merchant here. He waa a member ot
Phoenix lodge. Ancient Order of United
Workmen, and held a policy of SZ.000 In the
ortVr. The funeral took place at Wood
LEXINGTON A farm house belonging to
A. M. Davidson, situated one mils a-eat,
waa destroyed by fire aith Its contents
I The houae aaa occupied bv a family of
Greeks named Caption ta. The are was
I caused by a defective flue No one but a
1 wooiaa aaa on tha prsuiiaaa, Lxin-toa
fire department went to the scene, but was
raerless. no water being at hand. Loss,
l.Bno, partly covered by Insurance.
COLUMBUS A couple of runaway boys
from Omaha named Frank Townley and
Curtla BlHnkley, both about 16 yeara old.
were run In by Sherl?T t'arrig. They were
found at the Karr-Nk-holns brickyard try
ing to remove the brass from an engine. A
brother of the Tpwnley boy caire up from
Omaha and the matter was settled before
Justice O Brlen. The hoys were told to a
In peace and sin no more, after the ususl
fees and coata were paid.
BEATRICE II. C. Bllsn of Council Bluffs.
a traveling man who covers this territory.
is ac a loss to know what became or notes
and a draft amounting to H.oo which he
drtipped in a mail box in the Iaddock hotel
November 21 last, after carefully placing
them In an envelope addresaed to the house
for which he travela. Up to the present time
he has never secured any trace of the letter
and the government authorities are mak
ing a thorough Investigation tf the case.
PLAINVIEW-J. W. Oslnea. an old and
respected cltixen of thia city, died at noon
today of appendlritla. He was ill only a
few days. lr. Somers of Omaha waa
called last week, but found that nothing
could be done to save him. aa he could
not eurvlve the operation on account of a
weak heart. Mr. Galnea was 66-yesrs of
age, and previous to the last Illness en
Joyed good health. He was a stock buyer
hero and enjoyed the esteem and friend
ship or all who knew him.
COLUMBUS There were twentv-one
transfers of real estate at Columbus last
week and the total amount of money that
It transferred was Wi.112 50. Fifteen farm
mortgagee were filed amounting to $35.00n;
twelve farm mortgages were released
amounting to lt.30: four cltv mortgages
were filed amounting to $3,360; two city
mortgages were released amounting to
11.060; showing an Increased Indebtedness
for tha week amounting to f21.970.
UPLANLi At the last meeting of the
village board the resignation of Mr. L.
Le Blanc aa chairman of the board was
read, and a resolution waa adopted ex
pressing the regret of the members of
the board over hla departure from Up
land and wishing him success In Holyoke,
where he haa gone Into business. Mr.
Le Blanc was one of Upland's best cltl
aena. In addition to being chairman of
the village board he aas the first presi
dent of the Commercial club. .
BEATRICE The stockholders of the Ger
man Independent Telephone company held
a meeting In Hanover township, about ISO
stockholders being present. R. H. Pnrde
was elected president and Albert Miller
secretary. O. H. Tracy of the Nebraska
Telephone company and John F. May of the
New Home company were present for the
purpose of making a contract for connect
ing with their respective companies, but the
stockholders were not disposed to make the
change. The 'phones of the German are
now connected with the New Home.
COLUMBUS The Jury In the case Of
Miss Emma Lawrence against the Monroe
Telephone company, after being out more
than twenty-four hours, brought in a ver
dict for IS. 000 for the plaintiff Miss
Lawrence had aucd for 120.000. Thr cuse
was long drawn out and fought Inch by
inch. It had been adjourned several times
on account of Juror Ball, who was a rela
tive of the McCone family, drowned In the
flood, and waa taken up again last week.
The costs In the case will be large.
TABLE ROCK Union nc ura.
Icea were held at the opera house Sundav
evening. The house wss packed. A vote
was taken on tha prohibitory amendment
now pending in the atate legislature, which
was endorsed by the large congregation
present. The meeting was in charge of
the Table Rock ministers. Rev. O. A.
Adams, state evaneellat of th- chri.ti.i.
church, delivered the principal address. The
cnoira or me various cnurches were out In
full force. Music was also rendered by a
male quartet and a solo was given by Mrs.
Lomax of Highland, Kan.
ST. PAUL The- venerable Mra. Barbara
Christensen died at her home in Danue
brog last Friday at the advanced' age rf
82 years and 11 months, and thm hori... w.i
Interred yesterday under the auspices of
the Danish Lutheran church and the at
tendance of a vast number of people. She
was placed at rest by the side of her late
husband. Soren Christensen, who died two
years ago at the age of 84. Six years ajro
the golden wedding of this popular old
couple was celebrated by the entire Danish
colony. They were among the early Dan
ish pioneers of thla county.
UPLAND About a month ago Oscar
Benson, who Uvea seven miles southeast
of town, came home from Lincoln after
having been exposed to smallpox. He
evidently contracted the disease in a mild
form, but aa he waa not really aick, he
did not see a physician, and went freely
amongst the people of the vicinity. As a
result the County Board of Health, today
discovered two well-marked cases of
smallpox; one his brother, Charles Benson,
living south of Upland, and the other his
sister. Mrs Gua Anderson, living north of
I pland. Tbe community Is thoroughly
worked up over tha affair and although
a rigid quarantine la now In force at
both these houses, so many people have
been exposed that It Is impossible to guess
a-here It will break out next. This Is the
first smallpox In Franklin county In a
good many yeara.
Compaalea Bay There Waa Ho Aero,
meat to Fix Price of
FT. LOUIS. Feb. 26-Argumenta by the
defense began this morning In the summing
up before Special Commissioner E. A. An
thony of the state's ouster suit against
the Standard. Republic and Waters-Pieree
Oil companies. It Is expected that counsel
for the defendant companies will occupy
the entire day and that Attorney General
Hadley will conclude his presentation of
the state's contentions tomorrow.
Attorney Frank Hagerman of Kanaas
City, representing the Interests of tha
Standard of Indiana and the Republic OH
companies, made the opening addreaa for
the defenae. He was followed by Judge
Henry 8. Priest of St. Louis, representing
the Waters-Pierce Oil company. The de
fenae contends that the evidence In the
cam falls to show that there was any
agreement to fix the prices of oil and that
the mere division of trade territory Is not
In violation of any statutory act, but is
a well recognised' principle of all estab
lished busineaa. Attorney Hagerman read
all of the sections of the anti-trust stat
ute and declared that the Information of
the attorney general waa fatally defective
In that It failed to specify tha overt acta
alleged to be In violation of the law.
CtuuLre af rood fast sad of meeoi to the
Starch indigestion Is a common trouble
with many persons who eat food contain
ing starch white bread, potatoes, plea,
cakea, etc.
Thla results frequently In aocumula
tlona of undigested material In the Intes
tines that cauae ewelllnga and formations
of gas attended by discomfort and even
great Buffering.
Unless the matter Is corrected oy
changing the manner of eating and tha
composition of the food, a person may be
forced to have an operation performed
which might have been avoided.
"Ten yeara ago." wrltea an Ioea
woman, "my atomach began to bother me.
After suffering a few montha I went to
our family physician and he told tne It
was Indigestion and I kept getting worse
until about alx months later the doctor
told ma 1 had a growth In my atomach
and an operation would be neceaaary. I
waa unwilling as to that, however, and
ao was left almost a wreck, too miserable
at times, to live.
"Shortly after that I happened to see
a testimonial about Grape-Nuts food in
our paper and decided to try It and I
have kept at K. It may aeem wonderful,
but today 1 can oat almost anything with
a relish and no bad after effects." Name
given by Poatum Co.. Bertie Creek, Mich.
Grape-Nuts, aa a regular food, builds
up the body by reason of Its easy diges
tion and absorption, and because It con
tains all there la In fine whole wheat and
barley, so thoroughly prepared as to meet
tha demands of Nature for a tissue-repairing
and energy-making food.
Many a case of appendicitis has Ita be
ginning in starch tndlgn-etlon, and many a
case of Indigestion has been cured by the
regular dally nee of rape-Nuts. There's
a RttLon.m Read the little bouk, Tb
Hoed, U WeUvUle In pkga.
Alton J. Hollmoti Charred with Death of
Tint Born.
Mother, Girl of Rlaeteea, ta radar
Coart Sarvellloace Dourtag Period
of Her Recovery at
Murder In the first degree, tor tha alleged
crime of killing his first-born.
That Is the burden under which Antcne
J. Ilollmota. a groom of one month, reeta
His bride, recovering from her Illness, la
under court surveillance.
County Attorney English filed the formal
charge yesterday afternoon, following the
verdict of the coroner's Jury at the inquest
In the morning, that the Infant was auf
focated. The young father la detained at
the county Jail and will have a preliminary
hearing this morning In county court.
The young man stoutly protests Innocence
of crime, nlnslstlng death wea -purely ccl
dental. The clrcumstancea of thla case are moot
remarkable, as headers of The Bee know,
liollmotz, 23 yeara of age, la agent of the
Qmaha railroad station at Florence. Hla
wife, 1J years of age, became a mother Sun
day night. The couple had been married
one month, so the father said at the cor
oner's Inquest when pressed for an expla
nation of hie nnxlety to dispose of the
baby. The little one was In normal condi
tion and ffave blight promise, according to
the testimony of Dr. Charlee E. Rocney,
the attending phyalcian. who waa alarmed
to discover upon his return visit to the
house Monday morning the babe had gone.
The young father's dilemma la complicated
by the fact, aa the doctor testified at the In
quest, that he and his wife did not welcome
the child and he asked the doctor for aid
In disposing of It. "He expressed the wish
the baby was dead," said the doctor.
Verdict of the Jary.
The verdict of tha Jury waa the child
met death by suffocation, and It waa rec
ommended tha parents be held for further
Investigation. The examination of wit
nesses at ,the Inquest waa conducted by
County Attorney English.
After tha testimony of Dra. Charles E.
Rooney and Arthur B. Adams and Marshal
J. W. Green had been Introduced at the
lnqueat Hollmoti voluntarily took tha wit
ness stand and MUd he desired to make a
statement to the Jury. He said the child
waa laid on Its mother's arm and that it
had died about midnight Sunday .without
any indication of Ita being smothered. He
also aald he put the child In the suit case
and carried It away after hla wife had ex
pressed annoyance at lta presence, and he
was Innocent of any Intent or act In viola
tion of the law.
After tho verdict of the Jury had been
read to Coroner Bralley Hollmota waa
taken to the county Jail by Marshal
Green, aa It waa deemed Inadvisable to re
turn with him to Florence. The mother ta
doing well and will be kept under surveil
lance until her recovery.
Parents Did Xot Wait It.
Dr. Rooney testified at the Inquest of
the birth of the Infant and that It was
normal in every respect and would prob
ably have lived. He aald tha mother aald
before It was born that ahe didn't want It
and th father had aald he wished It waa
dead. After Ita birth Dr. Rooney testified
the father had requeated him to get rid
of the child In aome way and when the
doctor Indignantly refused, Hollmota asked
him how he ((Hollmoti) could do away
with It.
The finding at the autopsy ware testified
to by Dr. Rooney, who aald the condition
of the lungs and heart clearly Indicated
that death was caused from suffocation.
After examining the hearty and lungs on
the witness stand. Dr. Adama also satd
suffocation waa the cauae of death.
DIAMONDS Frenser. una and Dodge,
Uaalat aad Carloaa Featarea of Life
la a Rapidly Growlsg
Cities of the second class In Nebraska
are getting ready for the spring campaign.
with Indications that the license question
will not be aa generally discussed aa
Shakespeare at
that waa to play
night refused to
Wlnslde The company
"Romeo and Juliet" last
aive a performance be-
cause the crowd
money waa given
would not warrant and
back to those who bought
tickets. Oh, well,
Juliet" most any
. we can see "Romeo and
old time. Wlnslde Trib-
Parke's Predicament Conductor Parkea
telegraphed his father the other day that
ha weighed 1(0 pounds and measured forty
Inches around the waist and couldn't get
I Into his clothes. Now, Just how Mark will
run hla train without hla clothes on will
have to be explained, unless he borrows
the engine's "petticoat." Red Cloud Com
Tha Oakdala Sentinel starts out In a
manner calculated to discourage the usual
i run of fish stories with the following:
J "Howard Edwards captured an eight-
pound picaerei recently in a way inai is
decidedly out of the ordinary. He was
helping George Morris put up lot north
of town, and on the day of the capture
ate a cold dinner at tbe Ice field. His
team craved refreshments and was led out
on the Ice that they might drink from tha
plae where Ice had been removed. Ha
noticed a disturbance In the water and
was surprised to see one of the horses
Jerk his nose from tha drink. After con
siderable persuasion he suceeded In get
ting the animal to finish Ita drinking. No
sooner had the horse touched tha water
a second time until It again threw Ita noaa
Into tha air. and, lo. clinging to It was
a big pickerel! Mr. Edwards secured tha
finny monster after a brief atruggla. and
It Is presumed took It home, where he
feasted on lta flesh for aeveral da ye."
Mualo Hath Charms The Nebraska City
Tribune tell of two Irishmen who dropped
Into the educational meeting and a young
man took hla seat at tha piano and
launched Into the performance of a heavy
claaslc. not readily understood or appre
ciated by the mind musically untutored.
Tha performer had but fairly developed
the thema of the flrat. movement when
one, leaning over, aald: "Jim. phwat av
the songs av ould Olreland du th' young
man be givln' us?" Jim replied: Tla
many a day since I'm hearln' tha cbunes
av the ould sod. but I do t'lnk 'tis 'Woarln'
av tha Green.' though a little mixed on
one tnd av the plaany mayhap." "Q' wan,
gwaa wld you," aald the other In a voice
hoarse wtth emotion, "yer aboorley a
Dootchman. Tls either 'Klllarney or the
Harp that Wanst Through Terry's Halm,"
but not bavin' a program In m hand I'm
ttmporartly unable to decide bechune thlra.
but I'm t'lnk in' that as soon as the young
man gits his lift hand untangled from
that churnln' av the boombeldy-boom Ind
av tha plany I kin name It fur you." Both
sat In rapt attention until tha selection
was concluded and. turning face to face,
a tear gathered In the eyea of both and
with a tremor of emotion In their speech.
rs ffH - ie one veioo; "OLafy be !
twas 'Garry Owen.'
at little cost
SI. 000. 00 l8 offeTd !
wijwwwi ww nyona for any sub
stance injurious to the health found
in Calumet Baking Powder.
PurltT la a prime essential
Cain met la made only of pure,
Ingredienta combined by akilled
and complied with the pure food lawa ot
all states. It Is the only h!gh-gTade
Baking Powder on tbe market aold at
a moderate price.
Calamet Baking Powder may be
freely used with the certainty that food
made with U contains no harmful
-no Alum, no Rochelie Salts,
no injurious
Special Sale
$30.00 Ostermoor Matlres $18.50
Superfine French Edge Mattress; extra thickness, extra
weight, exceptional softness, weighing GO pounds, finest '
grade of covering, in the daintiest colors and patterns; all ;
full size, 4-ft. 6-in. wide by 6-ft 4-in. long. This is indeed
the greatest mattress value we have ever offered. A clear '
saving of $11.50 on a mattress that is cheap at $30.00.
For February, only, $18.50.
Orchard & Wllhclm Carpet Go.
414-16-18 South Sixteenth Street
r--. g?. G U LLF"
Have yon an ideal location
La thia community of
Do your patrons have to climb a flight
or two of stairs in order to reach yout
Are your office fixtures, papers, books,
and other assets protected in any
way from fire except by insurance?
Couldn't you improve the situation by having an office in
There are three rooms here that are offered
for rent, all moderate priced offices.
No. 601 Is 18x16 in site, baa a vault and Is located near the L
elevator; rental price $17.50 per month.
No. 6X1 faces on the court and is 14x18, with a vault.
No. $10 Is a desirable office for a doctor aa it Is 27x11 and par
titioned, affording a reception and private office. Rents for $25.00.
"We furnish janitor service and lights free.
Room 418
la fixxl.
Crops Per Year!
Thais the program in the Texaa Gulf
Coast Country. It's easy there, because the
land workt and produce every
month in the twelve I
Think of it i $500 par ocro ia eobtmtfo $800 par
ocro in cniooa $3.30 a bushel lor new potatoes
cuoumbara bring $3.00 a bushel in May at the Eastern
markets- These and many actual, everyday resulta ia
fruit culture also, can ba proved le you, I can five yoa
names and addresses of tho people who are doing
these things while you are reading this advertisement
and the snow and eold weather are lumping you idle.
of the Teasa Gulf Coast ia tho healthiest ia the
country. The irrigated land which yoa eon boy now at
$25 par acre ia the richest in praiuctrveneea.
The railroad facilities will place your products in the
markets ahead of every other sect ion of the country. .
You get fancy prices you save in freight rates you
moAre tnonmy and eny'oy good health.
Let me send you a 75-page illustrated booh full of
actual facts about that wonderful country. Read it.
Lot me send you nomeo of people who own soma of
this land and are doing these things. Write to them.
Buy a round-trip investigator s ticket to any point oa
the St. Louis. Brownsville & Mexico Ry. go down
and look the country over. Rate but $25.00 from
Chicago, $20.00 from St. Louis, for tha round trip, oa
first and third Tuesdays monthly. Sixteen carloads of
people wont down on our excursion of January ISth!
Daaol sU a s aaoai raaaaa.H.t VaoUa'l
rao aUwloOTSwa aUallUoomliTf Taaa OTM
waimoAr. Asanas
JOHN SEBASTIAN, rasaaagsr Traffic Maaager,
CHICAGO I i JT irui.a
for yonr bnsiness
200,000 people?
E. W. Baker, Supt.