Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1907, Page 11, Image 12

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' c:
CITY" STEAM LAUNDRY-Oilrts pressed,
not Ironed. 211 B. Ut St. TeL Doug
- T .- . (UIJ bl
BRWINli machines rented, any mk, Tie
pr week or 12.00 per month. . Becond-
,-.hnd machines for sle, 6.e and up
Neb. Cycle Co, 16th and Harney.
, . (!!-
MAigrBcMlumri. Lleben. TeL 4US. Open
w. I .. - 1 1 II l A.I
(IS) Sbl
LADY ag-ent in every community
to 11 Florida Fao Cream; good pay:
large bottle prepaid 26c. J. 8;nlth, -W7
Ohio BW Omaha. (16) M66I 28
SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut
prices; eend for frs catalogue. Myers
billon Drug Co., Omaha. l)-62
COSTUMES Bll & 20th, Back. Tel. RedTlfll
(i mui
Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink
ing, only 6o-pr yard, Scud (or price Uat
aiid sample.
tfcugla Iiluvk. T. DouglosJW.
private)' confinement home Mra
' Dr. King. 2018 N. 21t 81 Tat. Doug. S..
i- " 118IW0
ttLANK BOOKS aid ruled form read to
order. Reese Printing Co., Omaha.
" '--V -v . 18 M776 F2
OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. - Ramgs
. Bldg...-4; (I--
Now la the time o trim tree, trelises and
grape vines; also landscape gardening. Tel.
Jlied Mtt,. J. HO. 8. 2th ve.
tR VOaEL'8 Piivato borne (or ladle be
for and during oonflnement; beet and
cheapest n tea city, uif o. Win bi.
-THE SAbVATION ARMY solicits castofl
clothing; la fact, anything you do not
".need; we. collect.- repair and sell, at U4 N.
11th- St., for ooet of collecting, to the
. worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 41a and
wagon wm can. ut wi
. A OTCP.TTn treatment and bath. Mme.
AtAKSLAfltl Swedish movement. 410 N,
"TtV1 10th. room 2, second floor.
EYE defects corrected by -lasses, fitted
',, in! your . home If desired; reasonable
prices., smiin, uraouaie uplician, , aw
vnia, iiione weDster r.
(18) MSJQ 25X
BEWINd machines supplies for all makes
of machines; machines repaired; machines
lor rem., nayaen tiros., sewing Macnine
"pi- -uougia b entrance. Tel. Dnug.
EFFA ELLIS., muslo by mall. Adults'
.evening class Monday. 1611 Farnam.
8CHULTZE BLATTERT. 111 8. 16th St.
(jompiete line or leading periodicals; Ger.
ma ana lorei," publications a specialty.
tls- Mil
''.ANT. ONE Itnowlna; the whereabouts of
-".'Mem and- Olaf OMen will confer a favor
upon them by showing them this ad. or
py writing to miss uarrie. Ulsen, kock
. 08) M7S M12x
. POR anything In tbs sewing machine, line
go to ir. i toornsq at.o.i ion tup, avs,
(M)-M7S Mil
DK. N. BOMMER. homeopath, 'Bee Blrtg.
' THB healing household remedy, Satin skin
cream stiouia always De nsnay, zso. ti
. BeatitlfuT" resldenca" lot. Btor
IBS ft., terraced and sodded.
asphalt ?m ametit H specials
JtfUd, Th Joca-Uon Is jtha swell
'est In th city. 'Na fancy prlo
ts ased. This won't be on tha
market long at tfc low price
JtaoL , "J
.. FOR SALES My suburban home: 10 aoron
, west line of, city IJrnJts; good Improve
menu; truit. uwnor, tis i-see riog.
, . . . (1) S67 2X
Jj $250 TO $550
4 ' '' One'pf those finest of all sub-'
! . . urban building sites, over 40
- choice lots from wblcb to
i select; only X blocks south of
Benson, business canter and
Military Ave. car line. Wa
can .make terms to suit. Call
. ' or phone Douglas 867 and wa
will raeetyqu ocv th ground.
Russell & McKitrick Co.,
. -. -J Sul Agenta,
" " SiM Ramge Eulldlng.
i . '. ' Fifteenth and Harney Streets.
4 . (vkjo a
FOR BALE Two modsrn bouses and largi
barn, one block nvrth of Hansoom Dark
raved street, east front, lot 76x150. EAst-
ern ownrr win sen ai a oargaio.
4-roora partly modem cottage, lot SOxlOO
ret, Ein Jna itricn Ave. ii.un.
' 4-rooiri cottage, 'mod?ru exevpt furnace, ce-
jiianted. m:Ur, , permananl . walks, Zlst,
1 ' nvr O Jit Bt.-4l.ttOO..
-mom "collage, partly moaen , soutn front,
Wd and barker pric only VMk
l,J31NevllaiUpck..r, ... Tel. Douglaa S60a
" m tor flv-acr ' lot, teth
" and Kansaa Ave.; small house .
, ... ...
. ? and barn, cistern, siuall fruit
'.'-'tre and grape; lie .fin. , , ,
. -.Li,'
i ...
i ! . -' 'PHONt! DOT'OLAS 44."
. '. r- U0 BOARD U' THADE. . '
.. - (19) 110S8X
" . For sale, over on hundred
i ' C00) lot , In "Brlgg Plaee."
o'-jm", sarnam fit, axtonds through
the sntddla of this addition.
. ..Thaee lots wUl be sold dirt.
cheap, aa I wl"h to close them
- out at once " They are to be
2V' v 'l bunch. 1 They must
i-. be sold aJtofethw.'
!. . Apply .
City Praperty Imw Sale Ceatlaaed
Spring is Here
$2,500 .
2310 8. ttrth St., a model little,
borne of I rooms, east front,
paved street, nice neighbor
hood, bath, toilet, hot and cold
water, electric light, furnace,
cellar under entire house;
property In good repalf; ten
ant going oat March 1? quick '
possession- to buyer on this
property. Let .us show It ta
you tomorrow.
1221 Poppleton Ave., rooms,
all modern,, paved street, ad
Joining Field, club district
Nonresident Owner 'anjcloua to
Mil. ' ' ' '
82J N. 26th, 8-room hou
renting . for UT per month.
Good home or Investment.
A nice bunch of cottages,
' Close In, on paved street, per- '
manerU . walk, bath, toilet, hot
and cold water, gaa, renting
. for KM per. month.. House are
now being painted all up In
fine shape and will be one of
the finest close-In Investments
on the market. Don't fail to
see thts property. It's going .
to be sold In the next two .
Phone Douglas 101G. (19) 1WJ 27
taTlTSTiTtT XT Big S I L." 13 XT TJL'UInr'VMH
With lot 60x160, near S4th and Burt, for
11360; will take good 5 or 6-room cottage
as part payment.
(19 10 21
LANDSCAPE architect. E. C. Foster,
pnone uoug. m, ou raxton bik.
I (U)-M71 M
' This property Is 112x122 ft.,
sear tha corner of 20th St.
It lAy to grad and U U .
every way desirable. Finely
located for a row of flat It
won't be long before this will
be business property. No .
fancy price asked.
Awiy " '
ft.-,. , . . '
'1320 FARNAM ST.
BUY from owner and say' commission;
0-room, new, modern cottage,' uw u. 17 tn.
U4) M642 Ml .
' . ' FOR SALE!.
,4-room cottage, 19 blocks north of podge
s diook rrom xin bl car una, partly
modern, gooa Darn. II taken at once,
tl.300.- -
S-roopi cottage, modern except furnace, new
ptumoing, lot mxmu, nne lawn, rruit ana
i shade trees, good barn, an elegant home.
part caan. ana oaiance less man rent, only
S-rom house 'on Ohio. 1 block from Sher
man ave. car line, lit us take you out to
see this before It goes, only 1100.
l-room cottage on Fowler ave., all modern
except bath, 2 blocks from Ames ave.
ear Una, high and nightly, healthiest place
, In the city, 2 kits, each 45x130, plenty of
iruit, apples, peacnea, plums, cherries.
plenty of room for chickens; an elegant
home. This will go nuick at t' ti0.
10-room house, all modem, 4016. 1 sard St., tot
wxiDo, nan DiocK rrom car line, nnest res
Idenoe district In the city, beautiful home
see us for terms. Will trade, for good
rcnwi prtjpwny, only S.WJU,
TURK ELL, 16 Patterson Blk.
Phone Douglas 1129.
(1-M98 27
HOME) 14,500.
- A fine new home built two years ago,
haa t rooms, four on each floor, birch
finish on first floor, four bedroom and
bath on second floor, house I strictly all
modern, fine furnace, east front, terrace
lot. half block from Farnam car line, high
ground, good neighborhood, also have
several other l-room houses at 26th and
Dodge for 14. each.
1704 Farnam 8t. Bee Building.
q)-itt a
A 22.000-aore stock and grain ranch, mid
way between 8an Francisco and Loa An.
gelea on the Cuast K. U. where the sua
never burns and the winter never blast.
Mostly rolling land with several thousand
acrea on the Kstralla river suitable for
Irrigation; pasture land Is beautifully tim
bered Willi large live oaita. The average
yield of grain Is thirty bushels of wheal
to the acre; besides the river there ar
many flowing springe; water piped to all
14 sets of good farm building. Tha land
la all fenced and cross fenced: 2,uuo head
of oattle. 4U horses and to bead of hog,
Buildings and fence alone cunt $iO,uo0. Tn
Income la now I2i,w a year and van be
easily doubled by good management.
This la a good colonising propaalilon snd
can be made to pay big returns.
To close an estate we offer this property
at I ) per acre, including the stock. Good
terms can be arranged. . Commission to
.Ave have other good properties, city and
country, to exchange.
Fur Information, addres
IOt-614 Collins Bid. Ill W. 2d BL
Lo Angeles, Cat
. . . (30-lU 27
HOME8EEKER8! Be careful. Locate right
investigate our famous artesian valley.
Sura crops, matchless climate. Let us
writ you. Miller 4k James, Meade, Kan.
U-MA4 Ut
SOUTHERN Kansaa farm lands,. KJngmaa
and Southern Heno counties uffsr greatest
induct nients. Mure natural advantage
for agriculture, fruit, live stock and poul.
, try ralsiKg of any location In the aiate.
Mild . cliuiite, ftrtil soil. Innumerable
, ifeams and springs of pure water, rail
roads, school, church and progree-iv
, dtisens. Land purchased at present pries
will oon doutlo in value. For descriptlv
,' lists and complete Information writ or
, call en Brown ft Temple, Kingman. Kaiv
aa. 20-M.HI UU
MONEY m Nebraska land. Writ us for
list of some good forms In Clay county.
Nebraska. Dept. L Elier ft Johnson,
Harvard, Neb. (3i-M4!a Mix
FARM land for sal In Nebraska and
8ouih Itfkota. Improved and unimproved.
' lare and small tract. Also some good
tradinir .roo!t ions Addres J. P. F
, ter.. lattamoutb. Neb. (Sua 4M Ml
s ra s k a 1 1 a a 4L
? Chevenne
ShowR, Recording to State
Bureau statistics for 1906, a
largef yield per acre of
grain than Douglas Co. did.
Ye have a number of epe
t cial bargains yet of Chey
' enne county farming land,
in Y4t V2 and whole sections
at $7 to $10 an acre, sur
rounded by good farms,
' black soil, where every foot
can be cultivated.
AT $3.75 TO $4 AN ACRE.
Also one improved farm
where improvements are
worth $2,500, all fenced,
where oats yielded 40, bar
ley 30, bushels per acre last
year. This farm is located
on high level land, only 3
miles north of Potter, Neb.
Owner must leave; will
take $10 per acre before
March 10. Now is the time
to buy this land, which will
soon double in value. See
us for further particulars.
Join our Tuesday excur
sions.' We never failed yet
to sell to parties who per
sonally investigated this
Otto Siemssen
& Co.
Office 921, 922 N. Y. L. Bldg.
Tel. Douglas 553
Central Nebraska
l, ft L. Tha bast 4M acre farm In cen
tral Nebraska, Is Only three-fourths mils
from court hausa, and haa 220 acres of as
fine valley land as ties In Nebraska. Good
sat of tram buildings complete, large grov
21 year old. orchard, etc.. 1(0 acre la
pasture. Price 231 per acre. . .
C. I200 acre farm, fenced only 4Vi mile
from Sargent, haa 200 acres of fine land In
cultivation, balance eased In two past r as,
good set of building, windmill, wall, etc..
a bargain at til an acre.
Hartley & Lundy
Box n.
Sargent, Nab.
0-M2t2 MJx
In well Improved M acres adjoining Broken
Bow; two fine houses, one 7 and on I
room; barn, granary, corn crib and
sheds, well, mill, elevated water tanks.
one In mill house and one In barn; one
wood ana one steel water tank lor stock,
one steel hog dipping: vat; twelve lots and
entire eighty fenced hog turht: water
piped to both houses, barn and I of the
lots; nne ioi oi trees, is acre auaua
geared mill, reed grinder, manure
spreader, good as nw.. improvements
cost 19,000; land valued at (4,000; total,
116,000. WUl take 110,000; halt cash, If
sold prior to March t, 1907. mil to
town scnooL Willi cadweu. Broken
now, neb. (K) MtoeU
FOR farms, rsnchea, relinquishment, etc,
call on or writ to O. B. Henry, Taylor,
reo. taJ mo4 w
W have 2.M0 aerea of the finest soil in
mis county, only seven miles from Allianoa,
th county seat, and a city of 1,001) people,
which we are selling at llOper acre, half
down. 2,4u0 acres disposed of laat week.
We run excursion every 1st and 1A Tiim.
days of the month. Write or call or tele-
Stewart-Leavenworth Co.
Tel. Douglas 6360. 619 N. Y. Life Bldg
Omaha, Nb.
(20) M121 27
oath Dakota.
lu acrea prairie farm land, ene mil from
ueitysouig, loner county, Bouth Dakota.
no improvements; price J5 per acre, pay
able fc per acre cash, balance eight yearly
payments, per cent Interest Also have
Quarter and half section at 111 per act
up. Write for free map to A. G. William,
owner. Gettysburg, Potter county, South
uaaoia. (4 M7 Marl
rOON to b opened tn Tripp county. South
akota; new and authentic, map just out;
price, (0 cents, postpaid. Fred Reich.
maun, nonesiaei, a. u. (3)1 Uli&t Mil
. Texas.
"Ijn VlltaOl obCTlON OF
1 tArtO.
It has 46 inches of rainfall. -
It ha more productive soil.
It has no brush to grub out.-
It don't have to be Irrigated.
i nas pure water at sixty feet,
t costs less to Improve.
t grow best cotton In Txas.
t Is a natural clover country,
t 1 beat auger can land,
t la a good alfalfa country.
t Is a anlendid hoe country.
It ha a ten month' growing season. '
it wwm snipping rates.
It sella at IU.00 to til per acre.
Illustrated list free.
Ban Antonio, Tx.
(20-MQ1 Mi
Corn and "Wheat Lands
la fertll northwest Texaa. W own and
. control several thousand acre of th beat
land In th Panhandle. Join on of our
big seurslona
M-4 S. Ilia St.. First Nat l Bank Bid
() M641
DALHART. TEXAS, ths hub of a million
acre of th choicest land In the pan
handle. Come with us on March 6th.
Join our special ear either at Omaha,
Neb.; Clarion. la. ) Waterloo, la.; Cedar
Itaplda, la.; Plymouth, Ind., or Bloom
Ington. 111. sWe Irnal agwnta. W. P.
Boash Land Co,, Waterloo, la,
. MMUUtrt
RANCH for sale; ! seres deded. two
ininio. mini cno", land, mil i.m'il ;
located central Neb. Write for full rtescrlp
tion. 1. V. Anderson, Grand Island. Neb.
, . (X-424 Mix
land lis to J6 per acre. Also irrigation
ract for Investment. Address Box M.
Thermopoll. Wyo. (20) M63S M6x
will be opened soon. It contnln Wu.flOO
acres choice wheat, fruit and timber land.
Do you want 160 acres ?
Rooms 17-11 Exchange Bank Rldg.. Spo
kane, Wash. On)-r Ml
WE WANT at onoe 100 live real estate men
to help us dispose of lOO.imo acres of the
choicest agricultural lands near Dalhart,
Tex., only three to ten miles from town.
Special Inducement to live real estate
men. Write or wire u at once. W. P.
Boash Land Co., Waterloo, la.
(30) 117 Marl
Fern aad Ranch Lands.
sO ACRES, with house nod barn. Ill &
join bi. tsu iis
FINB ranch to rent on crop plan In famed
tug Horn Basin, writ w. M. Harvard,
Ho Vood. Wyo. (214-4 Mix
120 ACRES farm land, 2 mile west of
Hanacom Park, on Onter St. pnved road.
Apply C. K. Wllklna, Dewty Hotel.
FOR RENT Splendid opportunity for right
man. i nave naif section or all rum black
level land In Deuel county. Neb., that i
am anxious to rent this coming season,
130 acres broken and place already to go
on and live. Renter must have horaea
and Implement to work place: I will put
out milk cow and thorourrd hoe;
and . will divide profit end the crop.
Splendid crops have been rai-d there for
pt seven years. Must be taken Just a
oon after March 1st R s possible. Beet
of reference required. Do not apply un
lesa you mean business. T. H. Fonda, Jr.,
Exchange building, South Omnha.
(2D-119 27
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. S and 6V4
per cent loans on real estate; no delay.
2) btin
LOWEST RATES Bernls, Paxton Block.
,1,000.000 TO LOAN on business and resi
dence property lq Omaha; lowaet rates;
no aeiay. inoma tur.naan. i i, in. x.
(22) 664
WANTED City loans and warrant. W.
Farnam Smith ft Co.. 1130 Farnam St
(22 671
LOANS on Improved city property. W. H.
Thomas, u06 First National Bank Bldg.
WANTED City loans. R. C. Peter ft Co.
PRIVATES MONEY F. D. Wead, 1620 Doug.
WHEN you have Idle money call or write
and tell us how much you have that you
would like to loan on first-class eal
estate mortgages, and we will procurd
borrower. . Hasting ft Heyden, 1704 Far.
nam St. 2Z mho h
.City Property.
I WANT th best bargain I can find In
or near Kountse Place; house must b
new, strictly modern; will not exceed
IS, fiuo; preier- to pay 3,u, an oaan. Ad.
dress K-7S7, 'ear Be. 21
WANTED To buy. second-hand furniture.
cook and heating stoves, carpet, linole
ums, ofllce furniture, old clothes and
shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts,
and all kinds of tools; or will buy th fur
niture of your house complete. Will buy
antique or mahogany furniture. Th high
est price paid. Call th right man. Tel.
Doug, svix, tr-io aus
DON'T give your second-hand furniture
away; I pay the highest price; big price
nun, via ytivvv
Jo Levlne, 204
paid for oisjc turniiure.
K. Ifilh. Tl. Douglas 771.
(2S)-M261 Mi
TOP prices for Id-hand book, nov!, all
Kinas. ejtacey, si . win. rei narnry iya.
(26-M27 Mix
CASH paid for old book. Crane-Foys Co.,
Ul S. 14th. 'Fbona Dougls-2L
I WANT to buy a homo In vicinity of
nnnBium luik, kuvui i rooms, niuuem,
Teiepnon Harney 1D30. law B. ffith.
(SS)-M4n 27
TYPEWRITERS We car tha highest cash
price for typewriter. Call at once or
Tel. Doug. M77, Kendia, Paxton block.
(26) 474 Mil
WANTED to buy, eecond-hand tynewrlt
era. all makes. 1X8 N. 16th Sti, fiat I
itih-m M21
TWO or three work horses, also on
driver. Telephone Douglas 5059.
(26)-MM8 M2
WANTED-RAom and board by young man
In private family in good neighborhood:
five all particular. Address U H'U car
uee. iaa) oiwui aix
DAY women furnished free of charge.
Telephone Douglas 1112. (Z7 MSOO
POSITION wanted by pharmacy student
cut of school hours. Address, Hansen.
Kan rernam-. (7) wo ix
WANTED Poaltlon tn lewalry store, to
learn the business; best of reference
furnlsiied. Address lock pox 431, Nuperlor,
Men, , .... (27) Mwl atx
UNIVERSITY man, witti I year' experi
ence a manager of grain, coal and live
stock buslneas, wants good paying posl-
tion, haa small capital; will Invest If re-
quirea. jvaarvs a lap, oee.
(27) M630 MUX
WANTED Bv vounr man. with exnerlerWe
poaltlon tn country bank; can do any
uaua wura. Auaresa a i, rare tier.
(27) IS8-Z7
SITUATION wanted by young roan, a
stenographer; best references. ' Address
M-oos, cars Bee. (27) mi sit 1
WANTED Position as clerk and book-
keeper in hardware and Implement bual
nesa In country town, capable of man
aging same; experienced. Address. P. O,
Box 107, Vail, la. (27) 111 Marlx
All person having claim (other than
loss claim upon policies of Insurance)
against German National Insurance Com
pany of ChUmco, Illinois, are hereby noti
fied that by an order entered by (he cir
cuit court of Cook county, Illinois, on
January 11, A. D. 1D07, all claims against
aid Insurano company (other' than loss
claim upon policies of Insurance) must be
filed with the undersigned in Chicago,
Illinois, under oath In th forma preacrluod
by said court within fix t) month from
aid January 11, 1U07, and that all suth
claim not so filed will be disallowed and
forever barred from participating in the
distribution of the asset of said German
National insurance Company,
Receiver of German National Insurance
Company of Chicago, Illinois.
Solicitor for Receiver.
Th annual meeting of stockholder la
Th Bee Publishing company Is hereby
called to meet In th office of The Be
building, In th city of Omaha, Neb., on
the 4ib dty of Msreh, at 4 o'clock
p. m. By 0"Oer of th president. H. A.
HhVr,l.U sVsoretary. rh Kill W-
(other than tire loss claim In San Fran
cisco. California) against the German la
urange Company of Freeport r hereby
B.ui lied that by an order entered br the
circuit court of Carroll county, Illinois,
on January li, A. D. 1H07, It la provided
tnat an claim against said Th German
Insurance Company of Freeport (other than
aid fun Francisco tire loss claims) must
be filed with the undersigned at Ita cilice
t No. 100 Washington street, Chicago, Illi
nois, under oath, In the form prescribed
by Raid court, on or before the 16' h day of
May, A. D. 1WI7, and that all such claim
not so filed will be disallowed and forever
barred from participating in th distribu
tion of th asset of said Th German
Insurance Company of Jrreeport.
This notice shall not be considered a
waiver of any. failure by any . fire lo
claimant to comply with th provision of
hi policy concerning notice and proofs of
loss, and no claim will be allowed where
the claimant ha failed to fll notice and
proof of Ion within the time limited and
in the manner provided by his policy of In.
PANY, Receiver of Tha German Insurance Com
pany Of Freeport F12-20-27
Notice 1 hereby given that th regular ,
I ( . . . Anl.lAM 4 U I
annual .iiiwliiib oi ' r, piuv.imuvi wi
BOUin natie iana company wua vm u-m
at th onto of ald .company at Lincoln,
Neb., at U o'olock a. m. on th Ith day ot
Maroh, A. D., 1107. By order of th Board
or in rectors . u. n. aunni-i rmmuii
A, B. MINOR, Secretary.
Lincoln, Neb., February 4, 1907.
bal Lands of ths Standing Bock Reserva
tion, North Iakota, for Graslng Purpose.
Department of th interior, Olfir of Indian
Affairs, Washington, D. C, February a,
luD7-8eald proposal for leasing th sur
plus tribal pastures on th Standing Rock
reservation. North Dakota, for graslng
purposes, will be received at thi office
until 2 o'clock, p. in., on Thursday, Maroh
la, 1907,. and will b Immediately thereafter
opened In the presence of such bidder a
may attend. Th land will be leased for
a periotf of five year from June 1, 1907,
and 110 bid for a different period will b
considered. The proposal must be ad
dressed t "The Commissioner of Indian
Affairs, Washington, D. C," and must ba
plainly .endorsed on the outside of the en
velope, 'Tropoeals for Leasing Standing
Rock Lands. Tn land offered for lease
have been divided Into four pasture. Pas
ture No. 1 contain M.0U9 acres; pnstur
No. I contains 660,080 acres; pasture No. I
contains 316,200 acre; pasture No. 4 con
tains 111.480 acres. Maps showing' th loca
tion of the pastures and posters giving di.
rectlons for the submission of bids, snd all
other necessary Information, may b
obtained on application to the United
States Indian Agent, ' Fort Yatea, North
Dakota. Proposal not 'Conforming to th
requirement mentioned In th pesters may
be rejected. If such action shall be deemed
advisable. C F. LARRABEE. Acting
Commissioner. FMtftM
Ofllce Chief Q. M., Omaha. Neb., Febru
ary 26, 19ti7. Sealed proposal for shoeing
animal at Q. M. Depot, Omaha, and Fort
Omaha, Nebraska, during- fiscal year begin
ning July 1, 1107, will be received here until
10 a. m., March 26, 1907, and then opened.
Information furnished on application. En
velopes containing proposal should be In
dorsed, "Proposals for 8hoelng Animal"
and addressed to MAJOR THOMAS
CRUSE, Chief Q. M., Omaha, Neb. ,
celved at office of Treasurer Battle
Mountain Sanitarium. N. H. D. V. fi., Hot
Springs, south Dakota, until 12 otiock m.,
March Bth, 1907, and then opened, for furn
ishing and delivery of Screensi Cement and
Plows, in accordance with Instruction and
specifications, copies of which, with blank
proposals, and other Information, may b
had upon application to W. A. TUCKER,
I'nlon Pacific
lve. '
Overland Limited a 9:66 am
The China and Jipan
Fast Mail a 4:16 pm
a 8:18 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 9:30 pm
a 6:10 pm
al0:46 pm
a 6:00 pm
a 7:44 am
S4:60 pm
12:46 pm
a 6:06 pm
a 10:00 pm
all 16 pm
a 2:46 pm
a 9:26 am
a 9:50 am
a 1:46 pm
a 7:30 am
a 1:00 pm
a 8:80 am
a 7:05 am
a 1:11 am
all:61 am
al0:36 am
aJ0:36 am
a 6:06 pm
a 6:06 pm
b 6:06 pm
b!2:40 pm
t'oio. a cam. t-x...
...a 4:16 pm
.'.a 4:26 pm
California ft Ore. Ex.
Ix Angeles Limited.
.al2:(W pm
Fast Mail
Colorado Special ....
North Platte Local.,
Beatrice Local
...a 1:66 am
...a 7:46 am
...a 8:10 am
...b 8:00 pm
Chlcasro ft
Cedar Rapid Pas...,
Twin City Express. ...
Chicago Daylight ....
Chicago Local
Sioux City Local.,.,..
Carroll Local
6loux City Local
Chicago Express
..a 7:06 am
..a 7:60 am
..a 1:00 am
..all 30 am
..a 4:60 pm
..a 4 82 pm
..a 1:60 pm
rast Mail
Fast Mail a 8:26 pm
Twin City Limited, a 8:25 pm
Overland Limited 8:38 pm
Chloago Limited all :00 pm
Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:40 am
Llncoln-Chadron b 7:4ft am
Deadwood-Llncoln a 8:00 pm
Casper-Shonahonl a 2:00 pm
Hastings-Superior b 8:00 pm
Fremont-Albion b 6.-02 pm
St. Louis Express a 6:20 pm a 1:10 am
8L Loula Local (irom .
Council Bluffs) a 1:15 am alO.30 pm
B tan berry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bll:20 am
Chleaao Great Western.
St. Paul ft Minneapolis.. 8:10 pm 7:10 am
St. Paul ft Minneapolis. 7:46 am 11:60 pm
Chicago Umlted
6:40 pm, 9:00 am
7:40 am 11:60 pm
8:30 pm 8:30 pm
Chicago Expreaa ...
Chicago Express ...
Mlsseart Paelften
K. C. ft St. L. Expresa.a 9:00 am a 6:90 am
K. C. ft St L, Express.. all :16 pm a 6:26 pm
Nebraska Local ...a 2:00 pm all :40 am
Dea Moines Local... a 4:16 pm
Illlaols Central.
Chicago .Express a 8:00 am a 1:46 pm
Minn, ft St. Paul Ex. .b 8:00 am a 1:15 pm
Chicago Limited a 1:00 pm a 7:30 am
Minn, ft St. Paul Ltd.. .a 8:30 pm a 7:80 am
Chicago, Reek Island ft Paelfle.
' ' EAST.
Chicago Limited a 8:16 am a 7:10 am
Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:80 pin
Chicago Mall a 8:46 pm
Iowa Local bl2:06 pm b 9:66 pm
Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 6:06 pm a 1.36 pin
Chicago (Iowa Lrntd.L.a 6:36 pm a!2:26 pm
Rocky Mountain Limit. 7 20 am a 1:06 am
Colo, ft Cal. Express, a 1 -60 pm a 4:60 pm
f'kl. & Texas Express.. 4:40 pm alJ:04 pm
Lincoln Fatrbury and
Bellevu a 8:60 pm a 1:20 am
Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Panl,
Chi. and Colo. Special. .a 7:66 am a 7:30 am
California and Ore. Kx.a l'46 pm a 1:10 pm
Overland Limited a4);36pir a 9:30 am
Dea Molnea ft Cedar
Kaplds .Local b 1:46 am bll.-OO pm
' Laav.
Denver ft California.... 4:10 pm
Black Hill a 4:10 pm
Northwest Special ....a 4:10 pm
Northwest Express . ...all:10 pm
Nshraaka. Express a 910 am
Nebraska Looal a 8:00 am
Incoln I -oca!
Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:00 pm
IJncoln Local
Ft. Crook & Platlsm'th.b 2 60 pm
Plattamouth a 7:60 pm
Denver Limited
Bellevue ft Pac. June. .a 8.30 am
Chicago Special a 7:26 am
Chicago Express a 2:46 pin
Chicago Flyer ....1 a 106 pm
Iowa Local a 1:11 am
St. Louis Express a 4:46 pm
Kansas tlty-St. Joe.....sl0:46 pm
Kansas City-HC Joe. ...a 1:15 am
Kansas City-St. Joe.. ...a 4:4! pm
a 1.30 pm
a 1:30 pm
a t:io pm
a 710 am
a 7:45 pm
a 7:45 pm
a M am
ai2:0i pm
a 7:30 pm
blO:26 am
a 110 am
a T 10 am
a 1 :60 pm
a 7:25 am
a I 66 pm
a 7:26 pm
al0:61 pin
all:) am
a 6:46 am
110 pm
Chleano, at. Pant, Minneapolis ft
Twin City Passenger... b 6 a am to I am
Sioux City Passenger... a 2:00 pm all 10 am
Emerson I .coal b 6:46 pm b 9 10 am
Emerson Local 04?: 46 am c 1.60 pm
Mleourl 1'ael-e.
Loral via Weeping
Water llAltn a 6.60 pm
Falls City Local a I 60 pm all:-0 pm
a Daily, b Dally eaoept Sunday, d Dally
except Saturday, e Sunday only, e Daily
xcept Monday.
When You Write to
Remember that It take only an extra
stroke or two of th pen to mention the
fact that you saw the ad. ta U Ben,
Cffioiil o Vinifsst in tit lull
JLnorjiUoD Cimpaien.
aware Nickel Probably Fatally Hart
la EleTaterPaar-Yeaf-Old Girl
Ha thai! Fraetared by
The futility of ubmlttlng tha question
of th annexation of the two cities, to a
vote of th people with th expectation ot
a fair expression of public sentiment and
a free discussion of the question 1 Illus
trated plainly by . several events which
have transpired sine lb movement began.
In the first place tha mayor called en.
assembly, not for a free discussion, but
a mass meeting avowedly against the ques
tion, so that all who favored annexation
would stay away. A committee was ap
pointed out of this number In accord with
It view. Laat night the mayor, after
asserting that h held In his pocket a pe
tition signed by lOO business men asking
that, a holiday be declared. Issued tha fol
lowing proclamation, which I self-explanatory
and Illustrate 'the kind of a fight
which would be made by tha offloeholdlag
class In Bouth Omaha In case th question
were submitted:
Whereas, A petition ha been signed by
the business men of South Omaha request
ing that business he suspended In this city
on Wednesday, February 27, between the
hour of 6 JO a. m. and 7 p. m., and
Whereas, The business men and property
owners of South Omaha oontemplate visit
ing our state legislature on that day for
ths purpose of protesting against proposed
annexation to Omaha, now
Therefore, I, Thonm Hoctor, mayor of
th city ot South Omaha, do hereby pro
claim said day a holiday and call upon
our clttxens to lend their assistance to the
business men of th city in their effort to
preserve our Identity.
' Coercion of Teachers.
Another move was Instituted by th com
mittee of th anti-annexation forces and
that was at th same time the South
Omaha teachers were paid ths committee
presented a petition and asked 1 each
teacher to sign It, expressing a desire to go
to 'Lincoln and make a formal protest
egalnpt annexation. It is said that loo of
the teachers, affixed their' na.mes to the pe
tition. Th board hat not yet taken definite
action and th president" mad the declara
tion tltt If th petition were duly presented
to the board It would be given th tarn
consideration as any other petition might
receive; but he did not wish to take any
responsibility for the action, declaring It
wa all the work ot the antl-annexatlon
committee. It la likely that many of th
teachers will be glad to be awarded th
hllday quit a much as on any other oc
casion. Their pay, which is continued, will
at least equal th far on th road.
The mayor and committee are expecting
to visit the packing house today to In
fluence the men to go with the excursion,
An effort may be mad to have the big cor.
poratlons close down also; but It 1 not
likely that they will concede the request.
In fact the mayor admitted that his effort
In that direction had mat with a decided
chill. Tha matter will be renewed today,
Every effort la being mad to secure a del
egation of at least 600 'and It Is rumored
that free ticket will be on hand at th
close If that number is not reached.
' 1
City Coaaell Proceedings.
The Item of greatest Importance before
the city council last night was th final
passage of th engineer's ordinance touch
ing on street and sewer connections. This
place all sewer connection, gas pipe and
water pipe connections which ar ouUlda
of tha building in which th connection
are desired under th . supervision of th
city engineer. It Is asserted this will give
th department th necessary Information
at all times necessary for ths effective
working Of that department of the city.
The- building Inspector also Introduced
an ordinance which wag given first reading
which deflnad tho duties of th building
Inspector with reference to plumbing opera
tion. This ordinance will clearly define
a matter which ba not heretofore bean
touched upon.
The city attorney and engineer reported
favorably on ft petition to pave G trt
from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-fifth street
This will accommodate the new hospital.
. The city attorney wa Instructed to draft
an ordinance frantmg to the Burlington
road the right to construct a viaduct over
It track on West Q atreet. .
Tha general allowance for salary wer
passed and several Utems of routine passed
upon. Thomas J. Parker asked for k lease
of rpund at Thirtieth and L streets at the
rate of til per year. Property owners
petitioned for an ' are light at Twenty
aoond .and p street, . The city attorney
recommenced that tha claim tor damage
by' Mr. John Lucid ba settled. A warrant
was ordered for U26 to meet the city's ob
ligations In New York due March 1. Con
tract for all' th aupplle for the ensuing
yr wer approved. The finance commit
tee was instructed to sscure th signature
of th railway 'official to contract for
th right-of-way for th Highland park
sewer under the track.
Th list of Judges and clerk of election
for the primaries were -read and confirmed.
Th section of ths Ryan estate which was
taxable for the paving of Thirtieth street
was defined by resolution. The claims of
Thomas Whalen and Francis Mullar for
damage la th grading ot Twnty-oond
street allowed by tha appraiser wa eon
ceded by the eounoll. Th city attorney
was asked to draft an ordinance repealing
the ons whloh gave th Standard Oil com
pany th right to erect tank at Twanty
fifth and U streets. Protest ' wer filed
against th rectton et the tank. Th
econd partial estimate for the . otty hall
was allowed, amounting to 25.440. Dr. W.
J. McCrann ordlnanc permitting him to
lay pipe In th street for the conduc
tion of mineral water wa recommended
for passage. Th couhcTl then adjourned
tor a week.
Maa Crashed la FJIevator. '
A probably fatal accident occurred at
1:34 Monday afterqoon at Armour pack
ing plant, whan George Nichols, who run
an elevator in th ork department, wa
severely crushed between the elevator and
one of the. floors. Hs was working ths
levator, but lost control of it, and taking
night attempted to jump out. H wa
caught by th moving elevator and hi
All ss teatadaa
ALL itul Ti-b
111 Office. Abroad
Coos Traveler- Okscka Fayabl
"tMPRMaV Lin of the Atiantlo
xv-jro to zujrs zjt rovm days
Th Empress of Britain and Empress of
Ireland make th voyage from yuebec to
Liverpool in six flays, two being spent on
un ausjMKiv at, wrncs
Book now for lutimti sailing.
a ts. BBsTIAXXir, Oea, ftffV, 13a a. rjUrk
aueet, vauaaf a, au.
bead Was pinched hetwren It snd the rl,ne.
causing brobtil.i, frscture of tlSe skull and
a sever coecusMon of the bruin. He wag
attended b, i. c M Sohlndct and re
moved to the hospital, where little hone
are held out for 1,, reenveta,' He had
been nun once b. f,,re ,n , racking honss
and was given the y, nl running , tha
elevator that the Work mlxiit be easier on
him. He hail been working the elevator
for a year prevlou to the accident. He I
aid to b rather low l,f thought, and
whip in- iiih urievi oi tne machinery
caused him to lose control h took a sudden
fright and Jumped to his ilenth. Nichols
Is not his proper name, tut he Is from
Russia and? ws given the nam on acraunt
of th Impossibility of pronouncing hi
foreign title.
"knll Fraetared by Know ball.
Th -yer-old daughter -if Officer Her.
man Tangeman was seriously Injured last
evening by a snow ball In which wn
pressed A piece of rock- The hall was said
to hav been thrown by Arthur' Powell, a
neighbor. Several boy ranging from It to
15 year of Kg were throwing snow balls
and the little girl wa struck by one on
the side of th head which fractured th
skull and drove several fin splinter Into
the brain. She wa taken to the Soutn
Omaha hoapltal In an unconeclou condi
tion and her recovery I doubtful.
Mnrteasoa Too Demonstrative.
L, A. Mortenson wa arretted yesterday
evening for yielding to an Inordinate do.
ire to embrace thing and perform other
unusual stunts. II, was found on th
treet between "M and N on Twenty-fourth,
Hi condition wa due, It I believed, to
too much drink. First he untied a horse
and turned tlt loose on the atreet. Thca
In a fit of anger against two small done
he kicked them across th atreet Then
he met two high achool girls, whom he
emphatically embraced, for which lie wag
arrested. He Is well dressed and . would
naturally make pretensions to being a gen
tleman. .
Magle City Gossip.,
Jetter'a Oold Top Beer delivered to U
part of the city. Telephoen No. 6
Perrv Plttmore was sentenced to twenty
day in the county Jail for vagrancy.
Mra M. E. Broderson. Forty-first and Q. .
1 making improvements to her property.
W. H. Hilt, who wa hit Sunday after
noon by a brick, will, not be able to ba
out for evera.l day.. ,
W. M. Farmer yesterday took out a Per
mit for the Improvement of hi property,
at Twenty-sixth and II streets.
Mis Florence Camubell has returned
from a recent visit to Lincoln. She wa
accompanied by Mis Margaret Randall of
Bellevue college.
J. W. Teeter was, fined 16 and cost for
becoming Intoxicated and causing hi IS-
rear-old on to become Intoxicated also,
'ete Thomas was fined for vakrsncy. : '
11. L. Kidder of Oacoina, 8. D., Is. the
guest of W. F. Burdlck. He is Interested
in South Dakota land. He said that the
Missouri floods in hi section were very
vere this season. - .
The coroner s iurv In the Jutiu "HanUH
case brought In a verdict of temporary in
sanity and self-doetruotion by shooting. He
was burled In Laurel Hill cemetery at I
p. m. Rev. George Van- Winkle preached
th ermon.
The attendance of th cottage pmyr
meetings last night was very large. They
are being held attain at the same piece to
tonight in the Interests of the local Young'
Men's Christian association.
Ths following, births were reported yes
terday: ttobftrt Shanahan. Fortieth and M,
a boy: Joe Toman, K South Klnhtenth. a
girl; Frank Brukua, JMS T, a boy; Frank
Staneck, 2813 T. a boy; John JStohl, vol
North Twenty-first, a girl , .
. All of tha offending saloonmeu of Sun
day came Into police court and pleaded
guilty to disorderly oonduct and wer fined
110 nd cost. They were Del Green, Bar.
ney Cogan, Mike Hannlgan, Hana.IJnd
berg, Thoma Meehan, barkeeper for Ficd
Hemlnge. and Charles Dirks. ( .
First Thought to Be Albert Ileale
mier. Then Dick. Taylor, bat
Both Are Alive. "
. Tfte Identity, of the. man found dead lata
Saturday afternoon under a sidewalk op
posit th Windsor tnble dn Davenport,
between Fourteenth and Fifteenth treeU
Is still unsolved. The body wa found by
boy who were playing ' "hide and seek,"
and wa at first thought to be that of Al
bert 2aglemler of Lanlng, la., as a not
book giving Zleglemler's nam and addres
wa found In one of the man' pocket.
That tory was exploded Sunday morning
when Zleglemler called at the office of Cor
oner Bralley and explained that he wa
still alive and that his note book hsd prob
ably been found by the marf now dead
Then the dead man was Identified as Dick
Taylor, who was sentenced to thirty , day
In the county Jail on January 21 on th
chatge of being a vagrant, and wa re
leased from Jail last Friday. The coroner's
Inquest wa held last night at 7:30. god
It was found that "the said Dick Tavlfcr
met hi death from cold and expniUre."
After the Inquest Ed Bexton, the drug
gist at Twelfth and Dodge street, called kt
the coroner's office and Informed that of
ficial .that he had . within the hour Just
passed conversed with the Dick Taylor n
question and that Dick told film he .was
going to work driving a aoavenger wagon
on Tuesday, and therefore the dead maa
could not be he.-It la now believed the
man wa a stranger In the city as a check
waa found In his pockets calling for ft
package at th Union depot .check room.
Th package proved to be a lunch.
Two-Dollar 'Rats Ml'two Week'
Vaaatloa for Associated Pre
- Employes.
Th Associated r-reas ha granted Ita
operators air increase- hr pay of 12 a week,
effective ' next week. 'They will also d
granted an annual vacation ot two weak
on full pay. This; vacation was given' la
1904 and 1906, but not last year. Tha In
crease la about II per cent for th time
actually .worked. Thw announcement of'th
advance follow closely op th Increase of
10 per cent In pay for th Western Union
and th Postal operator.
Th society meetings wer not held until
Monday, sine there wa no school on Fri
day. In many of the societies' the programs
were In memory it Washington.
Th Prisdlla Alden society wa opened
with an essay on Washington by Beatrice
Bainhart. Anecdote about Washington
wer told by Edna Ballard. An original
story about Washington was told by Ruth
Best. Frances Damon entertained the so
ciety with a reiiilatlon. An original poem
about Washington' was recited by Helen
Wright and an original story about him
was told by Grace Cronln.
Th German society, through th pupil of
Mis Rockefeller' German clae gave the
following program: "Im Weld." Mary Oero
erad; "Geld, Warren Hamilton; "PI
Bunde," Walter Krelle; piano solo, Minnie
Dermody; "Der Orel,' Kiel Hutler:
"Ewlgkelt," Fred Meyer; "Von Grussen.
Ann Johnson; "Thalenapur," Emily Jelen;
piano solo, Helen Taylor.
Th Lininger Travel club waa entertained
with a paper by Ethel Lewis, an origins
ry by Pearl Jaiin.y, a recitation by
Anna Carruthera, a paer by Rose Gold
stein, a. reading by Blancne Deaver, an
original poem by Goldle Btarkey, and thl
week' edition of th Chronicle wa read.
Th member of th Hawthorn society
war taken back to the eighteenth century.
Th quaint language of thut time was usttd
and those taking part on the program even
went so far a to change their name. A
recitation, "Th Minuet," was given br
Hope Roberts: "An Italian' Account of
Washington." Prudence Holoinon; "Wash
ington Birthday," Faith West' Th
Custom and fashion in Washington' time
were told of by Comfort Hood. A recita
tion wa given by' Charity Uoyce. Wash
ington rules of behavior were given by
Phoebe. Walker. Penelope O'Netl recltoj
"Sambo Washington's Vindication." .lit p.
sleeh Marowlts entertained th ocletv
lla a description of Mt. A vlelinj
duet was given by Faith West and has
llC J'rlrUiis.