The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVT-NO. 218. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. MORNING, FEBKUABY 27, 1907 TAYELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. REMOVAL OF FISH Eurmu Vtkt Clun Anisit Fonnn Illinois' Ocstnl Pretidfrt SAYJ hi tUUSED COMPANY'S FUNDS Tlii it Qu u Reueci far F.U Erfcrrced ErtirenraU EXTLAKATlCM OF ROCKEFELLER DIAL faif ta Et Tactical Mm to let: Can tnl of tit BaaI BBBXBXatoBBB U PACIFIC AFFAIRS TAKEN IIP t itttatlt to kw that Crttt Prosperity Mae to Do t rafalr IiIn Charged Its Pa trow NEW TORK. Feb. M-Aa assert Voa by E. H. Hirrtanu that Stuyvesant Flab was deposed from tl presidency tf the Illinois Central Iwum of mlaoendut as to tb fun da ef tb CMnjanr a I. leading fea ture of the Inters vat Com? aero commls sioa bearing. Mr. Karrimsn tu th only witness of th day and the events brought out by tt testimony mak the bearing a xoemorebls en Other feature of Mr. Harrimaa tMtimorijr follow: A continued refusal ta uuwtr questions relating t Individual stock irensectiori Explanations of tbs transfer of Mu,M aharea cf Southern PaetSe stock to William O. ' stockefeuer during Ut attempt of James B XbM to secure control of th road aftS delayed announcement of tb dividends la Union a4 S-2bern Pacific Attempts by V-j, rovereznent ta show that tb Chios Psdflti charges unfair rate atiflea ' competition ta tba vast territory travrrsed by its fines and that ita divi dends f It per cent and Ha expenditure of s,tOie; oc betterments cam from an unfair toll oa Ita petrona. ' Aa academic discussion of railway regu lation by Bleb autberltiee oa either aide, that raa from a plea for legalised com binations of railroads under government supervision to a suggestion that the gov ernment control railway atock issue A charge arid aa admission that th mJs oondiict of the railroads ereaXt-4 the pop alar anger that moves determinedly for thetr regulation. A dare that no other country la the world Im so hostile to large transportatioa Interest A assertion that the purchase of Sosth era Padfte by tba Union Pacific had givea Use southwest tea yaara adraatagw la de relopmant. tbat the failura of tba rifloa Padnc to aecara the Kortbera Paclfie left tbc Bortbaraat tea years behind where It waula.bava keea If ooatrul bad beea ab- AO this osded aa reaaaxkahlc wbec tba rovenuneat and tba aaaa stood Mfmaled. . Tba day'a rea raaw a aivM and Intimate realisation f Uva probSrma'o asfoU srealth and rail tray rerulailoa. tt snada ootabia oomtrtbntloa to tbe finaaKaai Watory Gtrht and Aark rf tba Una. - Mr. Harrtaoaa'a examination waa ooa uc4od by rranA B. tOllocr of Bt. Paul. Mlua. apedai ooanael for tba rovernment. Attaek oa Mr. Flab. Tba atatetnetit of the witness as to Btuy rraaat rieh cams la tin middle of tba moraine session. Mr. Kellorr. la reference to the Illinois Central, spoke twice of the "squabble" between the witness and Mr. risk. : X5ne minute." exclaimed Mr. Harrimaa. 1 will tel) yoa bow the presidency of the Illinois Central waa changed if yoa want to kaow Mr. XeHorr remarked tbat it was ea Urely Immaterial, but Mr. Harrtanaa was aroused and west ahead. t wish to prove to yoa that tt bad notb Inr ta do wlOi the rnloa Pacific, that cbanrs la tba management or cbaar of tbe prenident." oaM Mr. Harrimaa la ex plalnica; tbe reaaoa for ralatlnr tbe story. That tbe ba&re ' la tbe president of tbe Illinois Central occurred after tbe aoqulai tloa of the Illinois Central stock by tbe t"noo Pacific waa merely a ciolBcidenca. Tbera baa beea bo chaos la tbe manage snrat ac the IUlools Central. If tba mioa PaeUVt bad not dltpoaed tt a certain amount of ita batdinaa of securities aad bad money to fesvost 1a Rke aecurtnea. It never would fcasw aoqulred the Illinois Central.' Ia IX. be said, be waa approached by so'Sial teflaeetlal directors of tbe Illinois Ceattral wba asked bfan aa ta tbe advisa bility of repieamitlnr PresldeBt Fish's acts to tbe board wKh a view ta bavins; tbe board request bis restraatioa. Mr. Harrtzcaa said be took steps to smooth over tbe difficulty. It appeared, he said, that President Ptsfa had ased his oAcisJ poslUsa ta further his owa Interests, out be (Mr. Harrtsaaa) prevented any ac tion at that ttroa. Bubasaueatly Mr. Ftefc repeated acta of tbe si sis cbaracter and tba board of direc tor of Ita owa voBUoa relieved hlza of Pa a As wrtth Twos Caasur. . Mr. KaBooV Oea start et I to resume his ozamlnaUoa whea Mr. Kaapp ef tba osm nAssina leaned over and addressed Mr. xiarrimaa In a low toea. His ostifB was appareatry rriated to tba Pish ted dent, aad Vr. Harrtsaaa spua ma chair around facing tbe bench aad said : - "Tea, la irt., wbes Mr. Fish deposited over gafldtnt of Illinois CVMral fuads with ta Trust Corr-nary of tb Rcpablie. We. tbe sUrectors I Bieaa Immediately directed tbe secretary t withdraw this money and It waa aVusa." Mr. Harrimaa then said tbat later ta tb aasss rear Mr. Pish AspeoiVsd with tb Trust Comnaay of America tare asaoants of Ulinoi Central fueda, taws aatag this aoaey "to pad tb trust ooaipssy'a stata- aneat.- Mr. Harrimaa said ba peraoaaUy loaMd Pish ta help bim oat as tbat b could take p various obligation.. arrbr'aadmg tbe board actioa.' continued Mr. Harrimaa, "ia vat Mr. Pish aguta bawaa to oepaaft aaoney of the Iliuwi Ceo trtfl with certaia trust pomps aha ia order ta pad otatomeata. "la aAditioa to that,- Mr. Harrtmaa eoo- tiaaod, -aa ' tnaaed t blatsetf a km amsutt of saooey without tb kaowledse. Sheeta, cUet ef tbc Salt LaAe pfcUoa 6a I bobava. of tbe dirvctara, and waa baaed aartaoesA. aad Georg SUletga. cbief ut da oa tboa soatvers that tb aXrectora, wb ' teeth tm. sser arrested tbday charged with bad boeome con veraaat with the tana, ap- oasopliclty ca a eooacaracy to Usee tourists proacbed m after Key retara from Eatropa wtth the rs)Ml that I Jvaa with these to take tbs ma tier before tba board of elec tors with the lateatioa of bavaag Mr. Pish exposed, la BBierferod as tbe tetervsls of Mr. Fats, hmasd Kim tl.Xsm to tab t has ottiigaraaos to the liHaato Cswtral and get it rasnaia wtth Msb rue rwo year M paid it back gradaaily ustii the sa- Tkantanad oa rank Paga, SUMMARY OF THE BEE Weaaeaday, Febraary ST. 1907 FEBRUArv- ,07 aa X 3 10 17 24 arts N aa Vv' I 2 7 8 9 5 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 2 4 II 25 26 27 28 PC RECAST FOR NEBRASKA now ; WedSay and Tburaday. rmng tempera- ! ture 'Jhur1T. j POP. EC A ST POR IOWA Snow and colder Wedne-iday. Tburedey lair. Temperatare at Omaiia yesterday: Hour. Dea Hour. ler. a. an... je 1 p. m 40 It ra n Ip. ra - 17 a. m n I p. m M I a. ra. XI 4 p. m ........ 23 t a. m s S p. rn S5 J a. rn p. rn :.. M U a. m. 41 " p. ra X2 12 m 41 p. ra p. m Sb ucimrrri. Tbe senate at Ldnooln recommends far j passage the oint. committee i-t-ent fare J tlli. with a slirbt amendment., and carry- ing tbe emergency clause. This luter was warmly opposed by tbe railroad coa- tlnrent, but was carried. Vaca 1 1 Ae of consent bill, defeated Monday. is riven reconsideration by South Iaoa aeata. and passed. . Paf 1 Seaate amends house nsh and rame bill ta prrmlt any netbod of taXin f.b 5a i overflow pools. Also to allow fifteen daya ! totia'l V- y, mA .i,:-,. ! closed emaaon on all rame from Ar"il It to September It. Za(s Bill Introduced In bouse at Llnoln appropriating I1.J it for a monument over tba grave cf General John M. Thayer. Pare a Nebraska house limits debate la com mittee of the whole to one speech per per member on any one bill. Paga S Railroads refuse ta make a rate for Nebraska Teachers association meetfng tanti! they knew tbe result of rate Hgis lation. Page S Paul Schmidt, aged It. loses both hands ia a corn shredder near Pails City. Page S XKtMXITZa C H Harrimaa testifies that Stuyves ant Fish was removed from presidency of Illinois Central because of misuse of com. psny's funds. Page 1 Cross-examination of Mrs. Evelyn Thaw ends ar.d attempt Is made ta introduce copy of statement said to have been eigwd by ber. Page Chicago federal subtreasury tbartajre may be due ta error la bookkeeping. Page 1 Sioaz Falls coal dealer sue St. Paul 4 railroad fof K.CDO damages, alleging road- beea string very much by criticism aimed would sot build spur ta his yards because at him ia oonaectloa with canal work, be would met enter local coal dealers' soma of which cams out daring bearings combination. Pag 1 1 before committees of corsgTes. waii &TOM. 1 -" BlaT Jots for sttsesa Senate paaaes tbeAJdrtch . biT author-j It Is vadrat3id Mr.. Pt evens Ja leaving Ixinr tba deposit.' easterns receipts i T to accept ajoartlta ta accaectkm with a natienal banks aad providing for saoia ; great clrertng enterprise sa this eoun bUls of smaller denomtuailona Page ( try at ax, ajruel salary more than double Chief Engineer Stevens of Panama that b aaw receives from tba govern canal resigns and work win be vlaood In ; merit. ' His friends contend that tba or charge of three army eagineera. All bids ganisatlon of th. forces oa the isthmus for doing tbe work by contract are re jected. Pars X Nebraska delegation said to be evenly divided on cues-Lion of reccmmendlng T. C Munger for federal Judge, but oppor ents have not centered on anyone. . Paga X Secretary Shaw, la Interview reaaruiag bla political future, states that be sull considers Denlson, la, bis home and in dicates be Is In a receptive mood regard tng aomlnation for presidency. Paga 1 rOBXZOM. Cnarges upon which General Stoessel Is ta be tried for alleged treason Is made public Pap 1 General Magoon may be compelled to permit cock fighting ta Cuba. Paga 1 School at Montreal barn and about twenty children are killed by saifocattoa. Paga 1 SjOCAX Mayor appoints Charles F. Crow ley gas Inspector and nomination is confirmed by tbe couacil. Pag 4 Anton J. Hollmota, young man at Florence charged with murder la, the first degree for death of bis infant who was un welcomed by himself and wife. Par s General Maaderson says Burlington Rail road company will probably pay taxes under declsioa of United States supreme court, but desires ta see decree befote being certata. Paga T Omaha Bar aasoriaiioa takes steps ta oppose appointment of T. C- Munger of lAao&ia as Called States district yudga Psga S Mr. aad Mrs. Anton J. Hollmota cf Floret) o charged with killing 1 of act bora day beor dentb. Paga 1 Tba banging of W. W. Fisher ta effigy la South Omaha proves boomerang to opponents ef merger cf dtles. Pag T Jadgs Redick decides ba baa a km eirtloa la Baaaett divoro caa aad Wash ington decree stands. Par T Eight children with smallpox crea'.as excitement at Floreao aad public schools axe closed. Pag T BUSSE NAMED FOR MAYOR as as roaalsaoas Cstoleo Vlsif Oty sauieaa at CHICAGO. Fob, . As a result of tb repubUoaa primaries held bere today, Frad A. Bans, postmas'er ef Chicago, will be tb una-iimous cboios of tb party tor mayor ax tbe spriag electloa. Tbe tea- j 1aetg ooaventioa will be beid as auoa aa Mr. B isst. who waa injured in a railroad wrcm """J" rexarws w tnjcago. ! . . . . . i SALT LArVC, UM-IUALS TAKEN Chief of Police aad Cklef of Deteew ttvoa Aoroaed o Pleorias; Poorlsta. SALT lAKa tin, rea. aa Georg and travelers passing through EaJt Lake City. sties Beeesvee White. ROME. Feb. M. King Victor today received ia private J Aieerirea ambassador. Henry While, aba presented kw latter ef recall prevloue bla departur far Pari stare be Mooeees filbert a. MoCoraOck aa "inr to ARMY TO DIG THE CANAL TLrat Military EnriiMTt t Tait Diract Clirra of Eic Pitch. $TEYtK$ SEKOS tH H!S PF.S16HATI0N All Bids fe-r Dvlac Srark by Ctilrwt Are Kelevted aa4 Cawaataalaa mill B "WASHTNOTON. Ftb. SR. Py aa order ad dremed to Chairman Khoeu of the Xstb- RnrM1v, . . RmwTT"' far " Uy ta h! P1' "r,3fT exlrtins; laaa. traaaferred to the enrlneer- bir branch of tbe army tbe respoositaUty for the further construction of tbe Panama caniL He also formally recorded the Bbandmiment. for tbe present at least, of the prcject of bavtnr tbe canal work done by contract on the percentare rrstera. Another feature was tbe aasoutroement cf tbe reairnatioti of Jot. a P. Stevene as en-rineer-in-charre of tbe canal construction. Mr. Shoots Is in New Tork. where be will tomorrow preside at a meeting cf tbe dl- rectors of the Panama Railroad company, of a tuch he Is presiaert, and win. It is ex- pected, formally resign that office. Tbe president Intends that there shall be aa entire reorganisation of the commission. wlTa tare army omeers cr the engineer T Its leading member, who are to bare cnarre of "e ensineertn features of the The chairman and errlneer- of the oommisslor. will be MHor Pf jZ ht "" Jf"' MaJor a Wlnia oeru IC1 raits IB irw wurr nam These officers are all comparatively young, ambitious and ecargetlc CoBasalBS.oa o be Kewrstaalseal. Senator Joseph C Blackbura of Kentucky, who retires from The United State senate on March 4. Is to be made a member of tbe reorganisation commission. Tbe nomination, of the present commissioners now pending before the senate Include Messrs. Sbonta, Stevens. Hainea. Herrcd, Gorgas and Jack son Smith. Tbelr afRrmatkm Is desired In ! ordt-r to -remove all doubt as to the legal ity of certain acts they have performed In connection with tbe 'making of contract The retirement of Messrs. Shorts and Stev ens win leave but two vacancies, so that there will be two more retirements neces sary to make way for the three army offi cers aad Senator Elackbarn. Tbe presi dent is determined bat tbe work on the canal shall proceed continuously, and the temporary, "dialooatlaa"' caused by the res lgnaxioa of higher officials wm not be al lowed lo Interfere with progi ew Tb president Is wnawaro of the specific reasons which have beea Influential la pro moting Mr. Stevens' restrnatlon. It sur prised fcim very much, for aa late aa tbe middle of reoember Mr. Stevens made do ', mention of his wish to retire. It baa beea knows, however, that Mr. Stevens baa Is axoellent. Mr. Stevens la said to be lieve that be can bow terminate bis con aectioa with this great enterprise without ta any way Jeopardiainr Its success. For several weeks. It has beea rumored ber that Mr. Stevens waa dissatisfied with tbe plan of letting the canal work out by contract, but as explained by a member of the cabinet today Mr. Stevens really proposed to the president the adoption of this method of constructing the canal. Tbe probability is that the administra tion may determine to glv out tbe work to be done at tbe Isthmus under contract under the general direction ef the axaiy engineer After Major Goethals and his array associates have been at the Isthmus sufficient time to become fully acquainted with the work t be done, they will sub mit a report on tbe situation to tbe presi dent. If they feel tbe work caa be dose bet ter by contract tbaa under the present system the questioa again wfl be consid ered by the president and tbe services ef tbe same high class on tractors whose bids ar now reicted or others of similar standing then may be invoked. CHILDREN PERISH IN FIRE Moatreol School Ha Me Barms as el lateo-a Klaworrartaors sung Pris elpal Die ta Plaasea. MONTREAL, Feb. 36. Principal Maxwell and sixteen children perished la a fire this afternoon ta the Hocbelaga school of tbe Protestant School rimmission. Tbe fire waa first noticed by workmen employed nearby. Tbe teachers wer notified and the work ef getting tb ehildrea out of tbe building began. Tbe kindergarten department waa located oa tbe second floor aad it was bare that tb loss of Uf occurred. Tb chil dren started out. but found tba lower ball fun of amoks and refused to descend. They retreated to tbe rooms whence tbey bad The fire by this time was making Its way upwards and tba ssaok waa growing so dens that evea the experienced firemen could not otasd H. Captain Carson tried to get Miss Maxwell ta go oowa tbe ladder, but ebs refused aad rushed back Into the back part of the buiiding la search of th chiidron. Later ab was found lying oa tb floor, with a child be aid ber. Tb deaths wars caused by asphyxiation. Thar were ae fir escapes ta tbe building. JOSEPH LE1TER IS ON TRIAL CoeJ Magasls faarged with rrlaalBaU aegjllgcsioo ta CssseHias srlth tfiistlag Bta St tee. ST. LOUIS. Ma, Feb. M A special from Dug usia. IIL, says: Proeerutioa of the case srv'n-' Joseph Lllw. wealthy coal opera tor, oa the charge ef criminal aegligBc ia tbe operant of his colliery at Ziegier. was bearua today la tb circuit oeart of Frank-lie eouBty. Tbe legal proceedings Inserts ted today date back to ApriL Una. whan a gas cxpioaioa occurred la the eoUlery. killing outright nearly sixty miner Relative of tbe de ceased miners brought sou shortly after tbe ponder, t. but for various reasons tnal mt tb ease bad beea delayed uatS the prootat terai of conn Tbe suits ar said to aggar-gata pKlt.MG. Apg- tba principal witnesses a hs will testify ar Mr. Letter. Stale Mine Inspec tors Taylor at Peoria and Little ef Herrtn. and E. C Joba of Carbur.da la. wao sa-sutuu-d search f e the bodw s sues aXier fc aaplosioea SENATE RAISES CONSENT AGE rak Dakota Bill Is Urn Beewosld oratloa aad Pae Aatl-Treat-lasT DeisaseM aa Freak. PIERRE. B. D- Feb. K.-(Special Tele gram.) In the senate today Grarea secured reconsideration of tbe bill raising tbe age cf consent to eighteen yeara, which was de feated yesterday, and the bill passed. Tbe same action was secured oa the senate bill changing Incorporation laws, which passed. - The senate started with a long calender and rushed through a number oC both sen ate and bouse bills, none of them rf gen eral Interest. A bin was Introduced ta la crease the supreme court to fire members, but does not go Into fffeot until the elec tion of 1JK. Tbe Price IH-cent passenger rate bin came In alth majrrlty and mi nority reporta. and as tbe bouse has taken action H wQl probably never get farther. Bratrud attempted to overturn aa ad verse report on bis bill tb create a state board of deposits, to select the banks which shall receive deposits of state funds, but failed in the effort and the bin to dead. Smith of Miner attempted to turn down the committee on bis uniform arnhof k bill, but fell dowa In the effort. Bratrud tried again to reverse tbe committee on bis bill providing for selection cf lextbooks at dif ferent dates in different counties, but after it was denounced as an American Rook company bill be -met with another defeat. Wooley next tackled an adverse commit tee I cin I on his bill to divide taxati be tween mortgages and mortgaged pavpeity. but ran against the same stone wall which has stopped others, and bad to retire Anti-treating took probably ita last round with tbe other "ant I" oompeiy at this ses sion by going down to defeat for lack of one vote to the senate today. Iudlf y wanted to amend It to exempt democrats at alVtimes aad everbody on St Patrick's day. This was lost on a tie vote. Vessey spoke for tbe bill in the interest cf temperance, and rmdley denounced It aa a freak. Wbile strong efforts hare been made to carry it. the one vote which baa been lacking for ever a week failed to ooroe to the rescue and It went down. The only bin of Importance passed by the bouse waa the senate bill, creating a state board of osteopaths, whir passed. The governor sent In tbe name of Charles Hopkins cf Aberdeen as Inspector of ho tels, under tbe previsions of tbe bill cre ating that offioe. BTOSE FOB IEW ITATE CAPTTOl, Plaaa WIU Pmlt Graalte wltk Soft llsse for Cat-rlagra. PIERRE, a D, Pen. St Special Tele gram.) Ia considering plans for tbe new state capita) today the commissi on so far worn to oe or granite won sorter stone for tbe carrmga Bids will be advertised for to be opened la this city June 4 for the completed building. A number of different classes of stone are opea for bids, the list being Ejiux Palls granite. Ortonvtne granite. Black Hills sandstone. Kettle river sandstone. Marquette raindrop aaxtd stone and Bedford limestone. Stone in tbe state is ta be riven a ( per oeat prefsrencs right over that freta outside the state. Pelenftew Delayed sty MTTCHEU S. D, Feb. 3a BjdaI Tel exam.) Th Hooded eoadltioB cf tba coun try ta tbe southern part of tbe stats baa caused a delay la tbe arrival of tbe dele gates to tbe annual convention of tbe South, Dakota Swine Breeders' association which convened this evening with only a small atteadaace. A xt umber of delegates arrived on tb evening trains. Tbe stock for the combination sale has beea delayed cm account of the floods a.od about half of tbe animals are ber. The rest ar expected tomorrow. Tbe program for this "i evening was set over until tomorrow after noon. WRIGHT ADMITS HIS GUILT Mas Held la Deaver for Mareer aad W eases ta Colorado springe Wasted. DEXTER, Feb. at Benjamin C Wright, solicitor for tbe International Correspond enoe school ef Scranion, Pa, is beid a prisoner ta the city jail her on a cbarg of murder, having confessed to Chief of Police Michael Delaney last night la tb presence of aitnesses that be poisoned bis wife, Cora, and hi daughter, Genevieve, wb wer found dead yesterday la their borne ta this city. Infatuation for Stella Good, for shorn tbe police clalra U bare learned Wright bad neglected his family, is supposed to bava beea the motive for tba crim According to tbc statement of hospital physicians Wright himself bad takea no poison and was shamming y ea ter lay when be seemed ta b uncansciou Tbe con tenia of bis stomach were exam ined and no poiaoa waa found. Wright did not disclots last Bight tb nature of th poiaoa given bis wif and child, but It Is knowa they died in agony. Stella Good left th Oty yesterday for Colorado Spring, aad the authorities of that city have beea asked ta arrest ber. She baa beea arrested cnaxy times oo charges of theft. CHICAGO. Feb. . Wrlgbt and bis wif are natives of Benton Harbor, Mich. For some time tbey resided ta this city. Wright was for a time a traveling salesman for a Jewelry bouse. COLORADO SPRINGS. Cola, Feb. Stella Good, warned by tbe Denver au thorities ta ecanectloa with tbe Wright Bjurder, was arrested here today at a boarding bouse, where she was stopping with ber mother. She denied tbat sbe bad any knowledge of Wright s intention to murder bis family. Both Stella Good and ber cnotber wer taken to Denver la th i custody of a deputy sheriff. Tbe mother j will be held aa a witnes j ST. PAUL STOPS EXTENSIONS Issprovesaeats to Assoeat of Over aia MOlleas A be a dewed for the Preeeat. CHICAGO. Feb. JS Owing to railway leg- islatioa and the difScuity of raising money, aa wan aa tba increased cost of labor and saaterial lbs Milwaukee railroad baa tern- ' porarUy abandoned improvements and ex - ' tension for which the management ex- pected to spend between and H-tOa.- j at. I It to tro declared Preaidtat Earting ) tonight. l hat tbe St. Paul to not going to So any work ibis year that Is not neoas- ' sary. We ar doing what every other pre- ! dent railroad oorcpasy is d'ing ia view of i tbe tendency of the umea W would stop ! tb building of the Pecifle coast extensioa j were tt not far tbe fact that the work ! baa proceeded ta a point where tt oouit stot very well be stopped. I am not aa alarmist, but wbea the prudent mariaer sees a squall aoming be will trim fcl stisli And it seems to m there r pienty ef SseiJis en every d far the railroeds Just EYESL DIVlDtD ON HUNGER Two Beta ten sjl T CcSCTssxmta Caid to FiTar Hit Appoiitsezt SHAW TALKS OF HrS POUTrCU. FUTUFt tm roasiders Deatsom. Isw, Bis Resse aad Indicates He Is la a Receptive set Regard lag OBacaal PrefcrsseaC TYorn a Staff CcTespondent.) WASHINGTON. Feb. aB. tSpecial Tele gram.) The Nebraska delegation win meet tomorrow In Senator Millard's committee room for the purpose of recommending a candidate for additional federal Judge In Nebraska The situation. In a nutshell. Is that Senators Burkett and Millard and Tu presextatJvcs Klr.kald and Pollard wU3 vote for Monger. The rest of the delega tion, while not favorable to Munger, are at sea tonight and have not agreed upon any one candidnte, and unless a combina tion to effected Munger may be able to secure ona. and possibly two, of tbe mem bers en tbe second ballot ta addition to those mentioned. "Burkett has been ex tremely active during tbe day In favor of bis candidate and the chance appear to be in Monger's favor. Pollard oa atp Pa fealty. Representative Pollard not only mad an Instructive speech today on the ship sub sidy bin. but he did mora. He interested tbe bouse and at the close of his addres which extended ever forty-five minute be waa congratulated most heartily by tbe supporters of the bin. haw Talks ef His Prospects. Leslie M Shaw, secretary of tbe treasury, goes to New Tork to become president of the Carnegie Trust company. He baa been touched with tbe "bug" of power, and needs much more than be did when he was a plain country banker in Denison, I He baa tasted the sweets of Influence. He has been ta close contact with tbe great captains of finance, and not being slow In reoognlring their potential force be has for the time being decided to cast his lot aith tbe "money lenders of Wall street" wben be leaves the treasury department on March 4. Wben aiked what effect bis ac ceptance of the presidency of the Carnegie Trust company would have upon his politi cal future Secretary Shaw said: "A man by taking thought may make himself a Justice of the peace, but no mu In my time by taking thought baa made bimself president of the United fctates, and those who have given the subject the most serious consideration have usually died In disappointment.. Admittedly, some of the successful ones have sought the place, but none was nominated because be sought lt Neither Lincoln, Grant. LCayea, Garfield. Blaine. McKinley. Roosevelt nor Bryan was nominated because of tb state be represented, and some of them secured th prise notwithstanding their location. Cleveland. Harrison, Parker and possibly one or two defeated candidates have been aided by location." though Mr. Cleveland was oa or nominated In the face cf aa opposing delegation from bis own sta e. A3 "tret- twe Tf the nea wboee nsmsa I have mentioned were nominated because ef what tbey wer and for what tbey stood, and tb two exceptions were com promise "Oeneral Grant expressed tb correct at titude of an Ideal American dtlaen wbea he said be bad never sought a place cf honor or preferment and bad never ' de clined on The honors that have com to me bare been unsought. Wben the alternative of seeking a nomination for governor of my state or running away from the sentiment waa presetted I simply took tbe affirmative of tbe issue. Whatever Shaw presidential sentiment now exists has sprung up spontaneously and unless tt continues to grow In .he same way my name will never be men tioned la tbe national oonventloa. In the meantime I will not decline appropriate tasks or refuse to do my share of the world's work. Dew 1MB Still His Hesse. "I tiave ever held In contempt tbe man who gets a divorce from bis wife as soon as fortuitous circumstances work his ele vation and I bava never admired one who divorces himself from his little borne town as soon as bis boriaoa expands. Denison. la, has been my bom for sixty years. While governor cf tbe state and domiciled In Des Moines and while holding my present position and domiciled la Wash ington I have always registered from Deni son, la, and I have wrlrtea tbs word Iowa ta fun with bold and affectionste band. "For a time my place of business will ba New Tork City. My domicile probably win be la some coayenient suburb. preferaNr Connecticut, trot my borne wilU be Denison. I There arm I vote, there will I spend the remnant of say days If I live past re tirement, and these will I be buried. '1 bare ever been a creatur of circum stance Tb path I bav f allowed from the farm an this Bids of the Green mountains to the secretaryship of the treasury, bas opened before ms only step at a lime, and I bav bad little to da with lis meander ing I have simply performed the ta that circumstances have assigned. My clients have oom unasked and other lines af business which I bav pursued bav sug gested themselves unhidden. Tbe place I bava accepted was not Bought, though it la very desirable and to me preferable to a well established business which might mean a larger harvest, but tt would be from another man's plaining. "I recognise tbat retirement to private life la usually aoqutesoed ia without pro test, and should no on now object tt will neither annoy asr lead to political estrange ment. During all the years of my manhood I have taken a more or leas activ part in political campaigns, though I Lave never sought to oftfTilnaie a caucus or control a eonwentioa. My Interest la the political welfare of our common country will not wkea though opportunity to participate la campaigns cf education ta as groat as extent aa formerly may be wanting. 1 have been told tbat the tune to past wbea a flnancus! Institution caa be made lo assume even respf-ctabls proportions in use city of New Tork without alhanoea with existing active business interest Tba Car negie Trust company will bar no clients but Its customer no Interests to serve but those of its client and continued health, plue The aiirii iry time will alone demon strate whether ultimately I win t eoca pefled to writ the word 'defeat. and tt will be for my part to determine whether I am egeza invited froaa tb congenial fieuds of personal endeavor to tb perplexities) ac pubbc service." Eapreae Cesapaeiiee to Be laveenvated The Interstate Cfemaaerce eommissioa has made favorable report oa Mr. Kennedy's resolution, to Invest ste express compe nie The majority td to uKeratate and fortiga commerce aommkiea ef the nous are understood to favor tbe reeoluikai and a aed oa Fourth I'agaJ TREASON 'AT PORT ARTHUR wck Cha Is Preferrew Asralsst St 1 aad Others by salreetL. FT. PETERSBURG. Feb. JS A copy of tbe secret report on th defense of Port Aithur. which to tbe basis of tb Indict ment on which Lieutenant General Stoes sel. Ueotenant General Feck, who com manded the Fourth East Siberian divi sion at Port Arthur, and Major General Relss. chief of staff of General Stoeseel. are standing trialforthel rliret before tb supreme court-martial, bas been obtained by the Associated Press. It Is of tbe greatest interest as explain ing the decision to try these three effioer and nolle prosequi th eother defenders of Port Arthur. Tbe report, which was written bv Lieu tenant General Smirnoff, the official com mandant of the fortree. is sensational ta the extreme and categorically accuses Stoessei of cowardice and Incapacity and finally of the deliberate, treasonable has tening of tbe surrender to save his own life and In defiance of tbe decision of tw success! v councils of war. The report Is biased In tbe extreme, restbes tb most bitter personal enmity and sbow that the high officers of th Port Arthur garrtsoa In the darkest dsvs of the siege were almost at each others threats. Tbe In dictment to summed up in conclusion by General Smirnoff as follows: A series of unpsrdonable blunders out side the fortress, due to the ignorance and lark of military capacity and tnsrtisl prowess of Generals Ptoeesel and Fork, brourht sbout tbe Investment cf the fortress several months earlier than neces sary, and after the investment a desire for undeserved glory moved Stoeseel to interfere in tbe defense, with unfortunate result Finally, at the last period of th siege. Stoeseel usurped my authority, with the sssistance of Generals Fork snd P.els and committed tresson in surrendering sud denly and premsturelv 1 regard our )e feat at Mukden a a direct result cf this treason. A fiiepatch received bere today announced that serlrm disorder have broken cut tn tbe Bvkl district of th province of Tomsk. SJberf Troop with field field guns have been sect to tb scene from Barnaul. COCK FIGHTINGMAY CONTINUE Csvrrssr Msgss May Be Compelled to Follow Philippine Plan mt Tart, WASHINGTON. Feb. K-It is expected that Governor Magoon will refer to Sec retary Taft tbe question that has been raised by th Cuban people of tbe pro priety of rescinding the order made by General Leonard Wood wbea be was mili tary governor of Cuba prohibiting cock fighting in the island. Secretary Taft had such sa experience as Governor Mageon is sow undergoing wben the former was governor cf tbe Philippine and. although be was able to prevent cock fighting in Manila, so deeply seated was tbe love of this sport that be waa obliged to refrain from Interfering with this ancien Institution outside of the capital- Hence every holiday saw a rtfl grimage of tbe citisens into tbe suburban towns to enjoy . the apart. It Is said that Governor Maroon may docsda to foJsow Secretary TaXt's exam pis la this metier. SHORTAGE WAY BE AN ERROR Federal OBtciala at Chleesje Incline to Dob at Theft of Gsvrra. aa est Pasta CHICAGO. Feb. X. Tbe government of ficials who ar working on tbe disappear ance of fJIMt from tbe subtreasury in this city today declared tbat tbey were unable to trace tbe theft to any one per son and they bsve formed the strong opinion that the disappearance is not the result cf a theft, but of a clerical error. Captain Porter of the secret service, who has charge of tbe case, said today that b believed tbe matter would be straightened out by night. He would not say that b bad abandoned the theory of a theft, but ether officials connected with tbe rub treasury declared tbat tbe idea of as error waa receiving far more consideration tbaa that of a possible robbery. WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH Fire Orla-laattns; la Xevelty Store In Lea Asselea Estsge" Lives of Ma ay Person LOS ANGELES. Cal, Feb. M Fire tbat originated In tbe basement of tbe Fair novelty store In the five story brick German building at 06 South Spring street, shortly after 1 o'clock today, gained great headway before M waa extinguished, causing the death of one woman, seriously endangered tbe Uvea of several other persons and caused property loss of many thousands of dollars. Mr Emma Stewart of SCS Pas adena avenue, an employe of tbe Germaa company, with offices on the fourth floor, died aa hour after being carried out. The building was valued at HW.Cl TWO-CENT FARE IN MINNESOTA Seaate Pssai s Mesa a re and tt WtU Sow Be Sent to Coa fereaee. ST. PATT Minn, Feb. J Tb senate today passed a I-cent far and aa anti pass bill, rrfifr1'- g a fiat I cent tare for pas senger fare throughout the stata The beus last week passed a t-eent tar bill and committees of the two bouses will bow confer on tbe matter. . DEATH RECORD Mr P. ML Klac Mr P. M King, aged ST. died about 7 a Tuesday at ber home. 2aCt North Twaa-ty-eeventb avenue, after aa extended aick neas from tuberculosi She to survived by ber husband, who was formerly la tbc employ of Thomas Kllpatrick A Co, and four young children. Tbe body ail b taken Wednesday morning to North Bend, th old famely bome of Mr King, and IS has not been decided tf funeral services win be held ta Oman , W. W. c, SEWARD. Neb, Teh. Mf Special Tele gram.) W. W Cox. a pioneers of Seward ocuuty. died at th bom of bis son at 6oott's Bluff. Neb., at U o'clock Monday cgut from effects of the grip. Tbs body will be brought to Seward today aad th funeral will probably take place oa Thurs day. Mr. Cox cam to thai county la last and was tbc author of Cox History of Seward. He ass 74 years ef age. H was am uncle of Judg T. L. Xorvai. CeJeeet John B, En1M. CHICAGO. Feb- aa.-Culonel John E Ewuug. president of th Financier, a New Tork died at Mercy hosprtel here of paeuraoai Mr. Ewmg was wil knee a rr.. i g tnflitesna seen threugbut the oouBtry. TWO-CENT FARE BILL Fttstt rirallr Ccroliiet to Fan Joitl Commit let Ytttire. OPPOSITION OH tMER&LHCY CUUSE BBBMSJBMBBBB Clarkt asi r-arst Eattla Valiantly, bit Lose EsTiroadt' Gam. APPROPRIATION BILLS ARE CCDLKG KOW falaiy Bill it rVtestd asd Cc-mt ExpetM w7fj Ba Eooa. , '71 TERMINAL TAXATION FLASK EXPLAINED Pre lee Mod to the People by tho RepaeltcaB Party and It Mast Be Bedeesae-d by Legls latare. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. It. Fpecial.) After an unsuccessful fight by Clarke of Adams and Burns of Lancaster to strike out tb emergency clause. H B HI. the joittg committee I -cent far bill, was recom mended for passage la committee cf tba wbols of the senate ibis afternoon. One amendment was made to It, but tbe chaag ! la merely an alteration of the wording ' of a phrase which some of tbe frlenoa S cf the bill feared might endanger Its con ' stltutionaUty. Tbe principal fight was to strike out tbe emergency clause ad ta . delay action until after tbe bouse hal taken up the Sackett bill passed by tb bouse last week. 4 Tbe fight against tb emergency clause was futile and an amendment by Clark to strfke out tbe clause was defeated by a large majority. Clark offered tb amendment after he had protested against taking up the bill at tbe present time. He said be thought the senate should wait a reasonable time to see what actioa tbe house would take on the senate btlL He then offered bis motion to strike out the emergency clause and Burns seconded. the motion. Clarke Pleads fee Delay. -To pea tb bin with tbe emergency clause - would be unfair." said Senator Clarke, In defense ef bis motion. "It does not matter much to the stata ef Nebraska whether this clause is on or not, and It does matter a great deal to tb railroad If it roes through with the emergency clause, the railroads will not have dm to consider the matter and tbey wUl prob ably go Into court to enjoin It. If wa 0 not put It In force right away they may hare time to consider it and may decide not to fight lt- This remark caused Aldrich to Inquire tf he bad any Inside Information from tb railroad a remark which Clark resented and denied- Wilts of Cedar declared Clarke was getting cold feet, aa ha nad voted for the. same bill fear day are and now wasted to butcher tt-' He favored tbe emergency claass and Immediate ac tios, declaring It would make ibe rail roads go Into court at once. "While tbey ar enjoining this bffl." be said, "w-a caa be doing something els"" Sackett. who was th author of the sea ate bill, cam out strong; y ta favor of passing th bouse bill at ono He said tbe senate should pas tb bin regardless of wba to to get tbe credit, as tt waa tbe legislation that was tbe Important thing. Gould saw visions of railroads refusing to sell tickets to passengers at all If tba bin passed with the emergency clause. Ha said they would not have time to adjust themselves to tb new rate. MIbIbbbbs Bate at Becked Oat. After the motion bad beea buried tba senate took up a question raised by Ashttsa of HaU. King and other The bin aa it came from tbe bouse contained this proviso. ".Provided that no ticket shall b sold tor less tbaa t cent" It was asserted by several of tbe friends of tbe bin that this might render tt un constitutional, as it seemed to fix a trine mum as well as a maximum rata, whereas) 1 tbe title designated only a maximum rata. After considerable discussion aa amend ment by Aldrich striking out the en tire phrase and Inserting th word. "Provided no railroad shall be required to sell any 4 ticket for less tbaa I cents" waa adopted. The bin a-as then recommended for passaga without further opposition. Tbc bUl win probably oom up for final j passage wv u.v ! win then go back to tb house for eoa- currenoe ta tbe senate amendment. j Appropriation Bill Is Cassia. j Tbe finance committee Introduced tb sas 'tries bill this morning, carrying an appre ;priation of Cl.l!. and it baa about ready tor introduction th general appropriation t bill providing money far tbe current ex ipenses of tbs state for tbe biennlur This ; bill carries an apj-roprtatioo of CTM.tls, compared to an appropriation of EMH I but tb decrease to due to tbe removal Itrom tbe general bill tbs appropriation for tbe State university, which to provided for ta separate measure As a general prop, oaition nearly every on got a boost, tba, most notable being ta the office of the 'state superintendent, which received aa in crease from 11A.M to Ci.Oyd. Two years sg Mr. McBrien got aa enormous appro priation In order to put into operation the new certification law. which work Is now 1 practically fltisned, but be has managed 1 1 demonstrste to th committee b needs 'SV.WV Dort to rua on for tb next tw J year Tb expt rimental station at North 1 Piatt wfll receive t2L.t and the farmers' Institute C.Mi. Two years ago lb latter received llaMai. Tbe orthopedic boepital ia boosted from Cb.frKi to tUt.W. Tbe secre tary of state receives double the appropria tion be reoeived twe years ago In order ta Install a fire-proof vault la his offica Tb appropriation lor the office of th gov ernor to cut dtwn from Iviae to CIS. This decrease la doe to lbs removal from tba bill of the appropriation for the ir.ain tenano f tb executiv mansion, which ' was Included ta tb bill two years ag Considerable of the Increase to due to a previslua for railroad far for tbs stata tfnerr While apparently tb appropria tion for tb attorney general to Increased' from XT." to C?.A tbia to not true, be cause the Junkia act tws years ago gar tb legal department li. to carry out its provision wticb makes this appropria tion this year only U.x In excess of tbat two year ago. Tba general appropriaQoa will show i. was appropriated last year far the historical society, but as a matter of fart there was a aeparst bill carrying aa appropriation of CM, uhirh ta reality soac the approprtatl&a for this so ciety rli and tn Increase asked for this year only VM instead cf as tt would appear tKanparing tba two appropriation 1 uUl A number of fintooH iaasoua Ja t