THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. FEBRUARY fi. 1M7. V l r A 1 1 CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET t. tir:c, Itr?:t EeTir i lipid UHN CPTIOKS DECU1.E QjtTtR CENT 1 p.rt Dran' far All C Mrs. Crmi.i ii Medlterraaeea IliHli 'aid Re Alter 1 ritl.f ttmL OMAHA. February li. 107. Despite I-" reueipt and the early ; pouridir.g if the Pit bear, vlmt advanced ry Sc. dosing at tbe high point. He t rr of good demand from Rjkui were , largely re-ponsibt. cummMoii tuoures on j ti.i. cd unl t'M ready lu take ah the i wheat oflered. Tht demand Jot cash wheat Is Mid lu he good generally In Lurot i cm naeatir ttiquiry wa A-tter : C-orn declined Vc from Saturday clos j There wa considerable selling, hot f ' new t seaboard of npun demand hld i Ihe market fairly fwiadv. oat frtt the effect i4 heavy reaiigmg ; and r--acied He from Saturday Export de- j intnl waa good for oat and rye primary btat reeetpta were l.lil); b.s'.ei and ahtpment 42 bushel. t gainst receipt last year of oitf buhei i b t .1 hipneTit of Ilk Corn re (ipt were Kl.'if bushel and shipment I , bushels, against receipts lRt year of 7..T .Out bushel and ahipment of 34 'KM' buh- I . Clearance were St ( buhe i wheat. I .A.ias barrel flour. CTv.uuu busbe. corn and 10 ww bushel oat. Livrpiol cM Sd blgber on wheat and Vd lover on corn. Worlo wr,-,t hlpment, ll.C2f burh el: corn nh'piwnu were 4-Iit. I'm bjshela. Visible wheal .jpply decreased THO bush el: com Increased : i bushels, ajid oala Urocmnti aav: "Kuoeian atocka "t i wreat by lateet rtatetnent were U.""- 00i . buabela. but the extraurdinaj-y ronditidiia ' prevail where wheat la tn( broupt.t from : the a-iuthern aeatxiard ta be a r.i kwck to ' the atarrlr lctertor." J Wheat tK.u!it by honaea who bave I New Tc.rk advie- that there i faoi de- rt.and there for durum for M"dU-rrxneen. ; and that Lmndon tr buiitif for F.ubsul. alar j ft. at tb Vnlied Kincdom ta bumic wbt i mere and tn Koaton, taking; Manitoba in bond. Artici . Open. Hlb. Low. CUe. Te'r. veat Vay... July... Corn Mar... July... Bept... Oa-a May... July... I Ta:. nv.1' nvB, r 74A CSA' rv! 4Tn 4il 41' B ( V. : 42 A' a a; I I A aaked. B bid. Oasaaa Fa aw Ir1fre WHEAT No, 5 hard, 6&JiWc; No. I ard. mjiHc; No. 4 hard. ftK⁢ No. I rprt'ifT. Wii'vc COKN-No I. "r,c: No. 4 ST-ftric: to craoe. 234 Mc: tki. 1 yellow. &&3kc; No i white, 4CM7CV OAT8-N(i. I mix-d. ITV; No. I white, SPl'nc; No. 4 white. yuaSA.c. KVkr-No. x. &r: No. 1. iT-c Car lat te-etstm. Wheat. Corn. Data. Chicaaro Kanau Ctty Minneapolla . Omaha . I'ujutn ft. Luto 4U 1C in a 3i 42 3 rMICACO GRAIS ARD rtioviio Featare mt tbe TrmaHaat a Oaw Prtrea aa 9aar4 af Tra4. I CHICAGO. Feb. 26. Uberal export aalea t rEirLhenod tbe wheat market today. tLa May option cloainc at a net train of VHr, j w- w H -WWW. wvi im - " " 1..1 A &-...-k(,.. vmk Mtllp , n 1 71, lower. I Tbe market waa Inclined to be weak dur. tnf .the first hour of tradinar becauae of the tMianah character of U.e weekly atatiattc. World a sLlpmenta for laat week wera U.fcltAU bu., aaralnat fc.RMj.uiaj hu. tor tbe aaine week laat rtiar. and that amount of breadstuff on ocean paaaaare tnerwaaed aJl2.(4W bo. Tbeae factor were supple mented by a free movement In the north west and by milder weather, which, it if expeutad will arreatly facilitate the move ment. The demand became more Wfaent a txadaaa; pfxaarrweeitia. anuuh of th. to belnaT anaapined by a report from New Tork that fifty boat load a had been taken there for e;rt Tbe market lost some of It a strencUi an realixina salee. but the cloae waa em. May wbeat opened a ahade lwer to a shade biar her at The to 7Wc Kld eff to 7T,c and Uien advanced to 7j Tac, Final quvtauona were at 7Vc Clearances ; of wheat and flour were txjual ta 471 I bu. ll-tmary receipt a wwra LUbwe biL. j compared with 0T. bn. for tke aama day last year. Minneapolis. Duluth and Clucar reported receipts of ! cars, acainst J1 car last week and 724 cars one year aro. Liberal receipta had a weakrninc effect on the corn market, sentiment beJritT bear ish for the preater part of the day. The thars advance in wbeat waa reflected in a email derree rn cjrn. hut the firmneaa waa only temporary. lnars and caah honaea were the principal eellers. The market rkieed eaay May opened a al.ade to lower at 4c to 4vr4Tac, said at 4Ta,c I and then di lined ta 47c. The clone was at 47VuSc Local receipts were aC car, arth Uirea of oof. tract arrade. . (lata for May deliver aoid today at 4Tc which la a new hijrn record for the crop. Tbe advance waa -caused by heavy buyii.a; ty lwal bulla, and a lively demand from rash bouses. Cash oats were alao in rood equest for export. May opened a shade K.scr te HOc hirber at 4c to 42,c. sold ?ff te Gc and then advanced to 4;'Sc The close waa at i.t Local receipts sere 2M cara. Provislona wera oulet and easy: pit trader sold moderately because of the heavy reoetita of live boata and the de mand was not ureertt. At tbe close May park was off be at tlafia. Lard waa dia rw at ta t'W RJha were lnlTW lowr T It li. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wbeat, K car . oorn. cara. oats. 141 car, hofa, k w bead. Tbe leadltul futures ranged aa follows: Artidaa-I Open. I High. I Low. 1 Close. Bat j. 'Wheat May July BpL aCorn May July Sept S.u tit May July Sept. lor May July Lar- May Juiy evpu F." May Juij"' I 7t1TVr-a, THSji 7l", S TK& s 7M.SS 7S 479 47 1 7e rv! CTtrSi1 7i ToVlb' I 7W 4V.4-HSV 4Sj 4fip's C 47 47 TW . 47S,! 1 I Cft !lTS,.a 7, I 1 4?V v e.?Sl t 4Tt 439-tTH Hi M a 14 BU K te 11 BV I It 1 i t TP. II It 7i f T?S I T.-V 1 NO ki t Tl-S I I IP I Ul avsj lB I I7S, ti.t 7i t a 4U 1 11 2a I Vt. I tHh ruotatioriB were a follow-. La il'R Steady; winter jAtenta. C 3nt tf : taiT'er :rau:h. ES W6'S ; spring pat ents niaatrtsv; srraighta. tTLluvt it; baAer. t: 1'Ti: 7 WH FIAT No. t apHntr. KJtjtkAc; No, a. 71.-3 aSc: No 2 red 741,ti7i',c CORN No. S. 4;-Sc. No. t yellow. 4-C- OA la Ni. i. "!.; No. I wLi jta. 4c: No. I tit4.V- KllNd. i aiV. bAKLEV Fair is cboioa malUns. G ElNec rt-EI'S-No 1 fax r 17V: No. 1 nor-h-westerr.. C S Timothy. trinaa. M-Sa. Clo ver, contract grade. 1.1 Su l'K . .MUM. Si, on 4'i: Sides (Vo l :? 37S Mesa iK.rk, ir bbl, CASb. Lard, per )t lt . i a o bliort ciaar aiaee tt Bed). 6 .H4l ak The leee.pia and ahfpmenta of flour and ratlin w-re; F.K-einta. Shiuinents Flour, bbla 1 7mi 3 Wheat, oil lb WW Hi) Com. bu 42 jo.i Oat, bu lfcn .! Rye. bu 7 a ISoj j A ia. Em barley, lu 4in l..auv cB the IT-oduoe nrr. today the t.u; tee mur ket a a stoady. crrameriea. 2j'j E.'V: dairies. Ji.i; Egga. easy; at mara. caees louuded. Sintllr . firsts 2&c. prim trsiA. lac. Cbnuati. atoady at lAluSc. filwaakee r.rsla Market. MILWACKEE Feb . WHEAT-HIm; No 1 northern. kiCV; No. I IiorUirm. kjCr: May. 7t.-e bid. K k leiwiily. Nol l tjsc bARLEY Higtaer; No. a, eKjrMV; aam pie i.iwtJk'. t't .RNetteady; No. I cash. H'V4j4Sic. May. ATs-uAlVe- Mwersiaal farala Market. IJVERPOOL. Feb. S WHEAT Spot trui. No. i red wester witter. 4a Id future fni.; Marca. As Sil. May. ba a. Ju'v. b isd H'i S-lti LaoAoa cPaclftc. coast L auwt. AS1A4 C-'1 tH4t ateaJy; America nnxel 3 fui-re UKt, Mrt!i. 4 ISd. Ma). 4 I1 tW lORK I.EIERtL HtRKET QMUtltat mt tbe Day Tarlwva Caaaaltle. NEW TORK. FVb. & FTOTR Receipt a. r. bK ; eijifla. 14 tJ bbla. : market aadr but alow. Mintiwtt paienta. hli ". wtn'r traihia. j:44(ot iS; W'.nre ta t aktr. ti i'itii Ti, ir ter eitraa. t-.ft'fri.atf; wtr:er i.a enia tSia.I.; wirier 1"W f io. 7'o 1 Kyt ftrvr. cuiet; aalea. i bbl : fair to rK.d. K 4i.'. cbolra to j f anry. US4S t jrkwbaal fkur. Bi-aly, a;-'t aDd to arrtva. I IX'RNMEAL-Steady ; fne wh!t and yel . low t; , carae, kOn dried. I k. t-rn n 1 W HliAT-Reclrta . bn ; export, tK ', 41 t'U fT-ot market frm; Nn. 2 red. KU j ne-ator tnd -r f. o b.. afloat: o. 1 ;nrrtbem tiiluth, t. o. b . afl;t; No. 1 hard w:nt-r. tTc f o. b . afloat With the ekceptiin t'f an earlr ba.f c-er.t break under ; b:e recipTa and rrd wt-atner new the I tnarket waa g-eneraliy firm all day. Oen- eral burins oTekp-d at noon on export j rumora. hie clearance, unfavorable Ru . aian weather report and larc ahlpmert j to the orient I'art of tr.l i i the ini'ki rloaed Vc r.:rher, !. and a follow: July. -Nc: Sertember. MV. t RN Rni u. la Stit bn : exnorta. 1C . bu. 8p"t market firm: No. i, aec ee- vator and 4c f. o. b. afloat; No. I white. 5c; No. 1 jeliow, K-c f o. b.. afloat, t'ption market wa di.ii and eaaler in bi r"t;pta. cioemK Sc net lower, aa foilcwa: May. fc4V-; Juiy. t4c. OATS-R!pta, TIIX bu : export. 11. V bu : market f.m; mtied. S to K lb, 4Te: natural white. to lb., iftgr⁣ clipped wh:t. X to !' lb, EKyic I'ti:i-rirtn: j.rli. bran, t3 ; tnid diirr E&W: citv. ts K. HAT Frm ; ahlj'plnc. 75(oc; rood to th'.l'-e j; .nta l.lto. HC'PS wul1: ltte cm-.mon to choice. I crop. l63c: ll6 rn.p. Kfllc: I'bcjSc ctihPt. i4 cop. 13Tgi.Sc; lm cn.p. lilie. H1IES Ft-ad.v, GalveKton, to 3 pounda ?ic; California. HtoS pounda. c. Tcih dry. 24 to pound. 3!-. l.F-ATHEHPteAdy; a-ld. rr3c. I Ri iVlr'C'NS Ftf . trm: familv. tz r If. S"; mea. dl(a: beef ham. t-4.'a Jv pvik-.-t fu.ti7li : riTy xtra Tnd'a mm. I r;-.3 - Cut meat, rteedy: ptrk. led beiue. flti TBaU-ii'; p.i kieB bama, t'Ji.E ills. Lard. ft; weKiern prime. t ": refined, eteady: continent, fitiU: S uth Amerlra. Ill.iv: coiifKiuDd. Sa S.'V3 P"rk. firm: family. 12. 5; abort clear, lii 0 tjIKS.; tpeaa, II il Sft, TAUXiW JTirm; city (O per pkf ). 6c; coumtv i; kr. fre-i. SV&'c Kl'E steady ; d.m-iic, fair to trtra. r-"' : Japan, nomtnal. roVLTRT rreeed. ealer: chicken. 3f ISr; trtkeva. Vpi-.Cc; fowla, (X5iyvc. FITTER Firm; arreet price, extra creamery. &V334c. OfScial price: Cream ery, common to extra. 2'a3c; held, com mon to extra, i-'biC.W-; plate dairy, com- mon to fancy. 2wraHlc. renovated. Oommon 10 eiira, i"ii'4c; western lactoiy. common te flr. 173-lc: wetem imitation cream ery, extra. ififaCTc; firt. iSia'.tc CHEES-E Firm; receipt, pkr.; atate. full cream, amall and larce, Septem ber. fancy. 3c; .-tober. be-. l.t.SjrHc; jrd to prime. lii&isi,c: winter made, average tKt. lT',c; Inferior. Uw6"-c; akirr.a. full to lipht, (f5lic. ETK5S Eaay; Ftate. T'ennrylranla a.nd pearby fancy eclected white. Sic; cboioe. 4iic; brown aDd mixed xtra. SMiSOc; firat to extra nrat western fir-ta. I've Official price, 2Sc; second. ITfi C tala Ceaeral Market. 15V1S. Feb. S.-WH EA T Hlrter FT. track. No 2 rej. rpri. T.iiT'-Hr No. 2 hare. 7;.j-:e: May. 77,-; Julv. 7tir77Vc, CXRN Firm: track. No 2 caah. 44VS4Bc; No. 2 white. 4Yfefc4:c; May. 4ikiiWrc; July. 4T'iri4r-Sc. OATfl Hitrber: track. No. J-cash, 4SS : No. 2 white. 44c; May. Cirr; July. (. FIVTR Steady : red winter patent, r ftinD extra fancy and straight. li-L-oa .; t lar, Ud;.. e-EEl-Timothy, ateadv. 17S4.15. . kj m i.ALr-bteady. t. i BRAN Steady; Backed, east track, C (in. HAT P'eedr ; timothy. l"61IO0 pral- . 1 ' fin &-i2 5" IRON fNTTN TIES TLM. BAfWINO-HV. I l'HMP twine lite ! FROVISIONS Pork. lower: lobblnr :F.i.w. Lard, lower: j.rlme steamed, n 41 ' fry salt meat, steady; r.xed. ext-a ahona, S7.i; clear rib. 175: short ciear. IV. P.acon. ateadv: lxed. extra eh"rt.'; cleHr rib no.!V; short clear. ST. I Ptll'LTRT rul!: chirkcna fct : rrlr1- HV: turkeya. 11c: ducka. 11V: ceeee. 7c. KITTFR Steady; creamery, XT&S4V'; dclT-; ajii7c, WGf-Lower. rrvtc. : Receipt and shlproebr of Tour and rrJn tli 101JPWI Rec-!pta Shtpmenta .... 34 140 4t 4Mi li liifian ....112.o a.i Flour. bt!. Wheat bu.. Com. bu... Data, bu.... K.aaaas City Praia mm Prartslaaa. Kansas crrr. rw .-wkeat mt. T'Kc: Julv. TV. September TTSiC. Cash No. 2 hard. -OsfcTtc. No S, STfiTic; No. I red. 7Vi"?k-; No. t, (ri73c. CORN Mar. 43.: July. 47Vc; September. 4l"'c. CHh No. mixed 4oc; No. 1. !; No. 2 uhl-e. 45c; No. J. Ct4.tR. fATS No 2 white. 4(4lssc; No. 2 n txe-1. 4'i43c HAT Steady: choice timothy, 14.SM6n.(K; cho'oe lira lrie, 171 fMill.Mt. RTE Steady, 6oij71. 1H1 TEll-Creemery. 12c: packing;. 2(ic 1GS TV lower; first a. Ific. wheat, bu ! Com. bu. .. Reoelpta. Shipment 4 (l 2?.lon Sb.OCO uete. no. .. tn.VXItl EOGS IXic. Board of Trad quotatioh for Kansas City deltsery. The range of prices, as re ported by Lc.aa it Eran. 112 Board of Trade building, waa: rew. 4 d A -erlR-l TclXd. e4d. Articles. I Open. I High.! Lew. Close Wheat I'll May 71V July 71V I Corn f 1 I May ........! tl'- I July i42Voy: 1 1... I B bid. Jlaeaslla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS Feb. S WHEAT V a v. Tr9ue: July. H; cah. No. 1 hard trs'ec: No. 1 northern, lA4rKlt.; No. I northern. 7si TSwc. FLOI R Firm: first patent. 14 204 H; second patent. MuharAlt: fret cleara. IX i (pS E : second clears. K ti 0. BRAN In bulk. tlTiolT.Tii. reerla Market. PEORIA. Tib ST.. CORN Firm; No. I yeikw and No. t, 4ic: No. A 4uc; no arraaa. 4I!'-C fATS Higher: No t whit. 42c: No I wh'.ie Cr: No. 4 white. r?V$4(ic nit-nnr.; o E K'naw-.. i u - c i- v ,-w. , -. p. v . , . ....... -'i uuw -i - 1 . iiriioora good. raalatli Crala Market. DrLTTH. Feb 25 Wl?EAT-On tract No 1 northern tSc: No I northern. 7K"c: May. Julv. KV: Septembt-r, 7se. (ATs To arrivt. Hvc RTE 47e. BARLET 450t2c Fb Its del shits r res see Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 25 EGGS Mar ket steady, fair; western fresh. SSic, at mark C11CT7SE Firm; fair demand: New Tork full creaa.a. fancy. 14Hil4,c; choice. 14wC TV I eal eed Market. TOLErO. Feh. 5. e"E KI Clover, caah. I i.; Fetiruary. March. I-ut; April. 17. St TiBiothy. f au. Aiaike. 17.- (afloi Market LIVERPOOL. Feb. X COTTON Spot hi fair demand: pnees unchanged: Anaeriran middling fair. A Sid; g,.d midl.irjg. Saad. miod.if.g. inlsd: kw middling ild; good ordinary lli'.d: or d. nary. IM Tbe aaies of the day were A.uuv bales tf which were for siieculation and export and In cluded 7.110 American. Ree;j ta, bales. tiK iudtng H 4' Amrrlc n ST. IS. Mo. Feb 3 OOTTON- SleaAv: mlflhris Vw AU.1. a I.!m- ! roia ATM bales, ahipmrnta. lvti bales, stock tt.Hh4 hale I NEW ORLEANS. Feb. S COTTON Bp-K market steasy: sate. ( ta.le Low ordinary. Ac nominal: ordinary. 7c nominal: good ordinary. Aa-lfcr: low middltnn AA-lAc midtli:.g. l7-!c: g'-od middling 11 Hoc nuddui g fair. I2a-14c: fur. 12 lS-luc; rs ceita, (.In. balea: flock. l".'4.Kt baioa (lis BB4l Rasta. NEW TORK. Feb. 3 OIL Cortonaeed oil firm: iirune crude, f a. niilia, 4ic; prim yellow. PetrtUeum. steady: ran fined, f 7f; Philadelphia and Baltimore, bulk 4 4a Turj-nune. firm. 74it'.c. I;i'SI v Finn, strained, common to AKiod. 4 .' C1LCITT. Feh 3-OTL-Credit balance 17 al Run. U.1.4S1 tbi ; average. riVJ-4f bt.i : aiairtueiii. 2"VJh bb.a ; aeerage. 12 14 hie. SAVANNAH. Feb. 3 OIL-TTirweaUn. firm T!e tMd. I:OSlN-E,rn): q .te: A. B. . D. H Af. P. A4 Hi. G Miti. G. 14 ii: H liV: L A4fi K. at At. M. li a. N. fc-lt. W G, Aa 4k. W W NEW YORK STOCKS AXDB0.NDS fpirit of Enrtic rrposdnry Ewaept Orer Epcm'itiTt OptTatort. HARRlMKS AND Will LEAD OtCLt keltlas la Twatataat aa Ieaa4 la faaalt eera audi Swrtkwewterw bllraatt All Rave NEW TORK. Eeb. X Ttie artloTi ff the mock tnarket today save full arrant for the aaeumption that a apmt of eitreme deapemdent y had rwept over the rj:'.nr nt Of the operator. The -inr ru conflar.t. and the demand waa o aniail a to be a nei-llr ble cuatttty exceia a the nnoa Hm In the price level uncovered eome buvins Thi demand wa nt axreKive m t character and lTr.;'-d tin effective obetacle to the continuous drip if prc-a. Tte testimony of K. H. Harrlman before the Inieraiate Comnerce ctm-.nnaaion wa I the ubiert of unlveraal di-uin'n. and tb- thl cauae Wail rtreet ee in thi proa t a aupply of freah fuej fv.r tbe anp-er aariunat raiiroad and other corporatlona. j hKb 1 active tn ahaptne le-lfUaUv meaa i urea and in directinr ououc thcy all over the oountry. Trie fear haa arained around j c that the eiabillty of th country e prre-j-enty cr the avertina: of commar industrial aid f.narciai depreion i to te Infl uence. Prhap decided, by the course of public sentiment on these line Last weeks event In tbe stock market sen-ed to harxen the ai.Xiety over the lor.ker in daatnal outlook. Tti concern of o.acour aeTnent in publiehed utterance amonarpt several prominent men In the railrrad and financial world last week wa dis-ered ai parently wer the Interval and tecam ef fective !u promo'lng large dealing in to days stock market. New Tom ajr&m refr:ned from bidfllng for weekly arrival of South African arilj In London and the bark of Ens'.and secured all supplies at a price lower than last seJX. Money rates here, ti'-vertbeles. are Inclined to work higher. Larr maturiti- are fail ing due of loan made laat fall during the eriod of high rate and It 1 reported that Interior leridT instead of renewing are dlfposed to call In thfir fund for use at borne. The unwtnirmes of Nrw To-k bank to resort to London for supplies to repleniah I uted to the purpoe to push the aJe of I railroad notes and curlrie in foreign niarket. which it is desired to keep tran- , Oil I f I .r Ik.t . i n.n. . T'W... k. r i ln rn-"eed of suf-h foreia-n sale of se- rarities will be u1 for rilrorf nrl nth t tmprcrremer.t an American prer tiea. ith the demand for material and the employment of labor which thl implies. A surrey of the day net loss shows a severe impairment of vaiuee and pnree in some important stock at the lowest of the year. The western and northwestern railroad stock generally came within the apecia.1 effects of the feeling growing out of the Harriman testimony. These special stock show losses extending to three point or over up to Ei in the Hill stock. Else where losses were generally from one to three point and last price quite usually the lowest. Bond were easy Tetal sale, par va'ue. n.Kt. t'nited State s coupon advanted IH: the new fours registered V and the old 4a. S pr cent on cU. The following wa the range of price on tbe New Tork Stock exchange: iiiFtl. Lrw. One Adama Essram Amaiaaniat Copper asMr. Car and Foandry do pfd imr. Cottoa Oil da sfd Atnrr Evmai Asm-. His. a TtasThar pld 2,. in i?w 11 M 130 U 4i 11. 4it 41 aw tv 1:4. AltiPT. If Amer. 1 Insait Oil IfS 1 r 71H . 71' . o a!4 Amer. UooasBOtlva 4. s(4 Amer. Smelting A ftef.. . s' Amer. Saamr EaftnlDe ... Si 14 11W4 :!t, iif. 1M4 ac ." Jf! 11 l;i U is: 144 IS I"., 111 14: lis " V w J" t lit iJi 14 I H ue 4T (MH n ikhi ' 7n it TM . ine 1 .m 1 tl 1 and (O.aag :u 114 4r 7 std na.. : . 1""S Atcaiaon i pfd Atlanuc Cnaat Lin. .... BaJtimoea A ObiD do p(d Brnuklr Fpid Tra&att. Canadlaa raclAe teutral of New Jerwy . . Cbaaapaakr A Ohio Cbloaga OrMl Wwtera.. Ctucara A Nntbvflffn C. M A ft. rami. Caioago Tna. A Trana 6t pfd .. C . C. -C. ft beam. rlsae Fani and lroa. Colorado m goutasra do iat pld Ao X! p!4 Coaas.idalod Oas Oaro rVodama a. pi Peiavara A Htidaoa Iwl.. lrk. A n. an 1 iiS "s ics , At ti-S ' i:.S . is- I 14S . tat t ; 4.4M 47 44w H irvi Ew r, li r AMI A' Iietiver A ftle Qraad. Afs Ao pld . IWi TS 7S 7- Tninillon BacuntMa 1 4ia TfS ,4, Eri. 11 lie E-S "S Ao lat ptd (' tS do Ad pfd 41 S t'S Onnl Electric ADO loA 1A7 U" hocAmt Valley 1 llllnuia Oatitral ! Ill IAS 1M Istrr. Paper WS if 1S do pfd ?w later rump J' ES l"S -' Aa pfd i 7S tS 7S lev ( enttmi ft1 Ao pfd 4s av C. Soutbara 27 do p14 11 A.S nS ts Uouiarille Kaabrllla .... 4 4 1.: ls lS Mrzicaa Central na :?s 1 S t Kinu A Bt louia ! ': : S U At.. Bt P. A Bauit gta. If.. 4UA lltt l-b 111 60 ptd 341 Btiaaourl Par Sr II At RS At At . A. A Taaaa A S 41S S AVI, da ptd ' Kational Uatd I ll T0S 7 t"S K ft ft of M run. pit A4i New Tork Central Ill IMS "'S liS K. T . Unt A Weatara ... Ji 4?S ii-m 4is KDrfolk A Waaisra L10 Ct AI do pfd KDITh 4U0 41 nee . 1 x tl 84 :s a?S ii" 4 MS i;iS BV OI- Bk i 17 S 41 n t:s ! u-S x 4 14 U iS l-S 1-! Pacific kail pMinarlratiia Pwopia'a Oa. Pitu . C. C U lf'S us trs 12S 2s 71 A Bt- Losks Cr Ao pM Pailmaa ralao in li CI.:! u n ae . id i. Car. 1S 114 fteading A lat pfd ... a. ka pld 4 ftosulilit auaal a. pfA Use lwaad Ca n -s s ws 4:s E tN ! 117V a 7W 14 ; ss An 1S MS as ptd ft. 1. A Baa Praa. Ad pfd. Alt Umia BoBtiiwtrni -S 41 i ? ' ti.S -'S : Ji'S si's ; bi-s 144 , aa I 4 am A. pid ftotbr raelfir do pfd . -- tHitbera Italia ar Ao plA T an Coal and lrsa tt 1 ia ia.1 . l.lMi IH tud . isxaa m ' w... tti 1. A w.. ne am pfd I'Bloa Pacific J! do ptd Ji US r. A Eiproat .. r a. Hit ... t ft kubbar .. Ao p'd U. A iitaal do ptd rinrtii 1 -Carolina 1 I aJO Kt E'S I ti US " 1W IT liW-w l'S C e S 4:s 4!s taw ims les 1"-S MS i-'W lit I 4 ll l' 1 14 It Auk LS n-k nA .... r Be 15(i 1S(. IA" 1MI l (t tl'v w 11 it U tie US US 21 t.W 44 44 4.14 A 1-4 l!:s 14S 1S la A"w 17 A"! . . .. i: I ? 44 04 44 1 4 M IS 14"S Ml I Af us srs es 1 4M 7 t i OfnncaL do p i Wauaab o. ptd Eifoa ..... BMtiofbiiue Emkotm; ... Voauira I am WlMlllil A L E ........ w suxmua Camuwl do pfd Nsrtbora Pacific I Lai.Mr 0. ptd Hi-iilMield (ml Kuribsra ptd lsuirboTuucB Motropohtaa do pfd Taul a ta tba as I El mm fteaiaa Capper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket. rep rtad by Logaa A liryaa. IU Board cf Trad building, ('mala: Aataa S Aaiiaaek M AllotM Nerooa CeBaulidaMA 1 Atlaatis - 1V korvb Butu l.J ijtQa;aasi IS Old iHiauiooa (' bio Muwstaia (moi 1:4 biaaoa CotioendsuiA. tS Pt asrvic butis Coai.lKia S Paea fcwios. pit .. 4 CaiuBM A Anaoaa . tal Wuioe ill Clam A !... Soanaaa i-S rianial 41 Tamarack u reppar kaaa - AS T.tioi 1 Caspar ... a Iisiir W ml 1 Tnnit? t:s SitLO 14 I and Fruit lft PruULloj . B t and ftla'-aa. eaaa .. ATS lirooni rospar A staiwd sa-ea ltd ... 4.4 Giut. ..14 I tab roasulidal . It- M.iMtis 4 I la Oopasr AS Ui. ral -S Vinari Jasouua liS W'louua ts L. A A Pituaoai - -S ulnnai . 14 Al.msrbaasua H (Wlt - A4 hiLiaaa -S a,aig u Trewawry liairweat WASHINGTON. Feb. 3 Today et,ta I naent of the treasury balance In the gen ieral fund- exclusive of ttie t. o-j.ia t ,i reserie ahow: Avail Ore cask kaianoe, . tn- 4sti.l : gtiid con tnd bullioa. CUlt.ACi.A4i; I guid e-uliLiata. Mb.b. ' Btate4aieaf Raak f Cntaaai EE RUN Feb. 3. The weekly Artateanent of the tn penal baak of Germany aoow tfie . e wo rt.nga Cash ID hai.d. itxreasrd I tt.iAtt.sav maxA-A; trtiasiry AWtwa, irmjti ).at mark O'her eenrfV . lr.rraa j a.Mi.ra mark No; ta circulation, Oi crwaaed l.tUb.ia marka. ew Tstrk VJoaey Market. KETW TORK. Feb TL MONET On oaf: teady. -rj pr cent, ruina rate. 4 ptr cert: cloairr bid, - per cnt; offered at 4 per O'tit Ttme loan, firm, aixry day. rJmty daya and montha. 6"'pfc per "klVE MERCANTILE PAFER-aVW nee cer t PTtRLJNO EXCHANGE Firmer, w-th actual buirtnea m banker bi.l at KM for demand and at l 4f. f .r atx-r-dar Ml: poaled ra'ea. M ai'ttV .r merriaj b.i;. M.f94.ain. FiLVER lrar. K ; Mexican ooUar WSc H-N1.S Government, firm; raJroad. ay. Ooctna; quotatlrna on Mi wera follow . erf V rr . 1 Jaraa M ae-M . w .. a 4s .a ..iV' M atraa w ..! 4a ..ins 1 K. aat. .. li" . l Maabat c. tii4 4a l'"S 1S Cent-ai 4a . aa lai lar U .. -4iM. t l at ..1j m.. k t. ... a ..lrca, i a 14a ..:, N ft. a( at t 4. K .. at NT. C. ea. : ..lri J C. f.a. ia IS .. n ,N Paci&t 4a 'i Tl Cott1 nt Ga a ...IXftorto; a W a 1 mr an Ii I L ft .. 14 lac tt f"" e. I M o M htr a BaadiBg rn 4 .. " rvt a CHo 4s...l It. U A L M e. at i:N numt a. a .. Tf w- - r tg. a Q 1. W 00a. 4a. 7-4. C. B. 1. tH Mil oc. a T. 4a. !"" .' M."aaicaT a L. 4 ! si. Smnhera Pariflc 4. . at. 1 li- v " it 4 rrta " Southera fur ' ' t 5 Tea. a r lata 11TS ' ii 1 , ft. L w. as. :s Clo Int 1. 0,0. aid. 4 .. Cnio A go. 44 Cub t li. A ft O 4a I IN. Ss Em prar Ilea 4a .liHB,aa Parlftc 4a. . r l a- stem s Wilvah lira 1 eb B i Hwtmi Mt. 4a.. On ra Hn-4.. V.ll.r 41. .104 w a U E Japan 4 . .. Wla Central bid. Asked. r. Hestea tlarka sad Bead a. BOSTON. Teh. 2T. Call loan. Vf per cent: time loati. t.ic:W tier cent OSciaJ prices on at ocas and bonde were: Atchioa aCi- 4a i 'Pihabaw sl4 .; . 4 . " . . K .144 . . I" . !! . . I . M T4 13 .1 f .U . s . 7(. 4T . 1J . 4t . i . 11 .1M .nr . li 1 .is . it OS i a h . ... M rnt&nifti . ...I.. Coprer Rang " Iwly ....:: Fracklla Y Gatit? ....14 lake ftrrmle IV BUMa Mmiui . . kH'-kiamn ..... H .1K1S Hi.baak 14S-V sloEt C A C ! Mrs. 1 entrml 4a. . ; AftlBtrti 1 Oe p-4 finplna a Altwnv ' bom oa A V n. . ' final oa Elevated. . 1 rni btiur jiro 1 x. Ceatrsl . . . 1 N T.. H. ' r&ioa Pmiinr .... I Ant. F'nea Tube... 1 Am Puamr ao r!4 I Am Trl. A Tal. .. Am. W'nolea ' ai pra THm 1-m A i . Edieia Eler. ill... ! Maw Encuir .... I pit W Oaa i t Dlto4 Ftitt . . . . . I'nneA Rboa slack. 4o pf4 r. B BiU Co yift I A fvfrit ur. ..... ' Alloaei . Amaiaamala4 (nd IioTDliiloa .131 'niia ,1 raTM .115 wiiiar-r . l:'4 Fbannoa ........ . v Tamarsck . 1: Trir.ltr .bi I ane4 Colar . t t'. B. atiaibc . r. a. (ii . 45 Tlab Jf ' Victoria . 44 Wtnrnia . Z WolTenn. . 4S No-tk Butt. )W Butte Cualltloa . A Nevi) . "al A Arlamia -llliS Aria. CiTBanriial .. Atlantic 14 Grerna (.maoliaauM b.i. eeOffered. LalaB CI eal sg trka LONDON. Feb. 25. Ooaing quotation on rttKKS were: : Ccmaoia money J An aroosat ; Anamtida Atcfaiaoa ....... ! Ao p:fl : B a o . r.nadiaa Paclnr Chea A Ohio . Cbirago Ci. W CM a Bt r ; Iiefieor 1I1. A R. C j do pro. ; Ena ... .. AT Bt . K. A T .. ft't S T Cstaral ! .. lf- a Wenera.. a . li do pfd ..ins Out a eater 41 ..IMS rn.!rB4 tf ..!!' F.aBd iom S .. &.S KoaClii 4:s ... i fto Ka Iwoy IT ..Ui-S do p)d k .. S'-V Fa. rariBc ai, .. -i I rim l'. .Ac JTH . Ai do pfd , .. M V. Btael 44 do lat pfd ..71 do p'd .. 4i . 1" o pld ""a 17 ATS aiS do :d pr ' Hunou? Central . 1- A .V.i.frill, lH Bpariob 44 . S1L ER Bar. steady. SI la-lfid per oa. I MONET 4, S per cent. Tbe rate of discount in -he cpen market I for short Mils 1 4 1H-W? per cent : for J three month' bill. 4 H-lt(64T per cent. ew York Mlalal t4ek.a. NEW TORK. Feb. S. Closing quoutiona 1 on mining atoct were Adam Cos. . I.ftle rhief . . I TS0 .. . li .. m . 71 Alio. Hrwo. TlmTip4rl(k Coa. .. CtunaLock Tunnel . Con. Cai. aud V. bora B;leor rroc Bileer .... Liaadvlll. Cob ..J.lh ... ... ' A . . tl ...17(1 . ..4 ... A Oatana Ophlr .. . f'tuool . . Bavmaa leierra Nevada Ibmall Hopaa . louuiAal Faretgra Flsaaclal. i LONTiON. Feb. 3. Money wa rn active demand for settlement requirement, which more than offset the redemption of lf..i In treasury bllla. lMoount were unsettled ' on the revived Egyptian demand for gold 1 Trading on the stock exchange was quiet I but glit edged securities received more at- tention. the low level of price attracting investor, while th Bank of England e , cured the gold arrtva 1 without eomrett tioa from America, created a tetter feel j lng. Foreigner were lrrricular. Japaneef I were weak. Japanese Imperial sixes of l.KH 'closed at VH'V Rio Tin to and DeRer . were the features of the mining section and advanced on Paris bur:r.g American were dull pending the rce:pt of the Wall stre-t tipenir.g price. There were aome realiBation In tbe forenoon, doe to the injur New Tork bank statement, causing fractional loss. Later New Tork sent ' selling order and price fell away and oioB-d weak. Canadian Pacific closed at . V BERLIN. Feb. 3 Price on tbe bourse j were irreg"jlar. Iron ar.a re were weak on ; tbe unfavorable report from tbe Rhen!h ' Westphailan district. J PARIS Feb. 2 Price on th bourse : were firm. Ruman imfierla fours closed Baak (lea rises. . OMAHA Feh. 3 Bank ctearings for to day were t2.5f..fki 49 and for the ourrejrid Ing date last year,u.7A Metal Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 3 -METALSThere haa been quite a sharp advance In the L ndon t'.n market 1n(e the closing price I of last Thursday. Spot tin 1 quoted at j AllM 1'w. and futures at AlKi la. Lm-ally j the market waa eas- in tone, but root wa I quoted at !42.ula42S. Cojilier waa higher In tbe London market, with rpot uuo'.ej at AtlOT Ka. and future at Kv 17a d. The market waa unchanged. Lake t quoted at l3'oS.; eiectiol-tic at EU7u3. and casting at tlx i4'pi4 Tt Lead w as un changed at I lla in London and at V i CSt locally Spelter waa 5 hla-ner at 3K in Iirmdon. and uncharged at V '(ie, w locally. Iron waa higher in the English market W'lth standard foundry quoted at b4 tl. and Cleveland warrants at bfi Id. Locally the tnarket wa unchar.g-4 No 1 foundry northern u quoted at US Z&V, ; No. '2 foundry northern at II 4 Twfi IS 7i : No. 1 founrtry so-them at tyt. c-ta . , r4 n'o. t foundry southern at IS rnhj mt ST. LOriS Feb. . META1 Lead, steady at': Bpelter, Bieady at b,.Hii. Eraparatrd Apples sad Dried Frwlta. NEW TORK, Feb. 3 EVAPORATED APPLES Market Is quiet and practically rtmiiial In the absence of traria.i:in. fancy are cumed at ,?; choice at ISS'ac; prime t 7St7SjC. CALIPORvNlA DRIED FRUITS-Prvne are moving out m rmall lot which, how ever, aggregate a considerable total Call fomia fruit, litis to . are quoted at Ac to lie: Oregon prune 7'a to a, at fsc to Inc. Aprioota are ta light auppiy and rule firm, with choice quoted at He. efra choice. 1A4 Blkc: fanr-y. lAfi Zbc. peache ara !n light demand and offering are a lit tle heavier. 1 tie result being a somewhat easier tone to the market. Choice are quoted at lltillst: extra choice. 12S4J llSr: extra fanev. 1 II i i Raisli -e steady, with loose muscatel quoted at jkr; seeoVd raisin TSwlest, and London layer at 11216 146. CeATee Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 3 COFFEE Market opened steady at an advance of toll poitt In response to steady cables, smaller Jundlahy retiits and cotifinued sepport of the near montli. fo!lew7ruj Saturday nouoea. by Euroiieaa abort and bullish traoe lntereata. There was considerable reaming at the advance, but the market took the offerings rwadi'r and during the middle aession prices war about lf"& i5 PiintB net higher on the active month The close waa steady at a net advance of aois poir.ta Bales were reported of n4i tiaa mcludrrig Mirk f. Bvjt s-: Mar. lpil4X; Jul. I OS: r: Sept yrr tier. t.i !; fx tolier. ( luio4.uc: Noven.lier, S pen tilfcc: IwKwB.her. A liut3ic SiKrt coffee, steady; No. 7 Rio. TSsr: No. 4 rtos. g, B.lid cbffee. quiet; Cordota. Vgii'c SI J Market. FT. LOCI lici, F. WOr.L-:adr mduuB gradea c-molng and c.. rang s.ti c: Lh fine. aJtc: hesi-y tm. ifc.pic: tub WaalM-Ai. ftVJbc Elala ELGIN. IU.. and aix-aat-sed Batter MarAiart. Feb. -F.rTTER-fii-ra tcar at Miat lr SU.J C a C k. aa r-t '. flr ceupa r . ni4 4a. a. eauava . r. R. a . 4. rentKHi Am Tab 4a 4 Alrfctam awa. 4. a(u 4 . Atlaauc C. L. ft a O 4 .. a. f ... rk ft T r OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ctw Euff Lcr, Olier lisui cf Cttli GtneTai? Etudj. HDSS TWO AND k HMJ TO flYt 10WIR Liberal Bteeelrt af Caer atl Laa, aalth r.44l Ktada Fally Vteway aaal Caaaa ta Medlaaa Gradea flaw. POl-TH Rece'p ere- OMAHA. Feb. S. IV. CAttle. H-r S. Monadr in?, 1L'S- '.Hi' 14W4 Same day last week Ti S-me dny I e-li ago.. I.?.; Same dy I aefk ago.. 4 13 Sfcme dy 4 w-ek ago.. l.Ea Ewtine oay last yar 4.1iit ii.- b hi 4 1 C"s 7. v7 'ire 1 0110a ir.g tab. abuse tbe reotupta ct t a tt.a. hug ar.d aheep at South Omaha for the year te date, en t ared witb last year: lr 1!A Inc. Iec. Cattle ITa.atf 14i. XilUt Higm 4-(i 4-l.TT TL.2r Sheep :-G..X7i 3fc.7 I4.C71 CATTLE UL OTAT IONB. - Good to choice crt.!-d te ra IS 2bg 1-air to good ct.mfed steer Common to fair teer Good to chclt fed c?wa Fair to tr:d ots end heifer 4 "'(. 1 ! 4 "-r4 ! 1 ti4.: I I 4pb V4 Common to fair cow and b":fer.. tHi.- O.od to ch 'ice nxkft A feede-e . 4 2"y4 l air to good toiken and feeder. Common to fair atockera Ruli. e'age, etc eal caJvea The fuiios-lt.g table show, ttie 1 -'H T!n4 f 4 aft vtrat price of koga at South Omaha for th la everai daa. with coir parison : Date. vr.. ;ikic iiw .iikai.jM ;im :ia Feb. Feb. Feb. Fen. Feb Feb. Feb. Feb F-t: Fob. Feh. Feb. Feb. Feb. U.. I BP; I 4 T7j I Bu 71 li...i a 7U. 1 a u, t Ti 02) at 11). I ski ta I 4) I B I I A I7 t TV t 3 1 ri 1 u 1 m i m lit iS l M. 1 '15 14... C t a ft) 4 M I a Bb. li .( ( S 3...! 4 Hv,, 37..., I :...,n M...J C 7SV i 4, 4 So a. 4 Ri 4 I Wi K I EL t : 4 72 4 7 I 4 4 6 4 74 4 f,!i 4 ft 4 74 IK k Si 1 1: 7 02 f ' t n w ( w ( 93 jo. .i- 21.. 21.. 23.. 14.. 2a. . fH -s i i 2 04 C M Tin, Sunday. Raaace af Prleea. Cattle ..K -i'b 5U . . 1 tiMti.il6 .. i h-u S-J . . 2.j vb T5 .. J.ofat 5 Hog luTWVSo i iii-a . 1" i KJj B5 41-p7 ifi i-llO of nock Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Loui Siom C"v The official number of cars brought in today by each road was: cattle H ji. biieep.ti r a C . M. A St P I Wabash I Vnion Pacific ytem W C. A N. W east C C. A N. W.. west 27 C. St. P., M. A O.... 11 C B. A Q. east 2 C, B. A J . lul a C. R 1. A P.. east.. 2 Illinois Central 1 2 S 1 ie x Total recetpts 1!0 K2 U The dif-poBition of tbe day receipt was follow, each buyer purchuslng the cum ber of head indicated: Cattie. Hog, bhecp Omaha Packing Co 2 l.ii 17'1 Swift and Corr.pi.ny I.b4 l.'"7" U Cudhhy Packihg Co M'l 1.7! IW Armour A lei 73' 2.2? Vansant A Co 41 Carry A let;t(n 7 Lobtnan A Co 72 Hill A Son 11 F. P. Law ia Huston A Co 23 Hamilton A Rothschild. IS L. F. Hum ... 6 Wolf 72 J. H. Bulla 2" Sam Wertheimer 27" Mike Haggerty 21 Sol lH-era.n 22 .... .... J. B. Root A Co 24i J. B. Root A Co 2K T. B. lnghram 5 Sullivan Bro 82 V. A. Bntton Le rimer Bros Is Other buyer .... 1.47S T'ltal 4.7a i.7e CATTLE The receipt of cattle were not very large thi morning, but Mil the de mand did not appear any too brisk, so that there were fully enough to meet tbe re quirement of all the butera. lie f a leer were loa and it wa late be fore th market opened. When once under way price did not look very much dif ferent from those which prevailed the lat ter part of list we-At. In lact, seller a a rule were calling it a steady market- II there wa any change at all 11 waa on the side of weakness. There were a good many cow and beli era. the proportion of kind of cattle lieir.g qulie largr. The ouclity waa none too good. cf-nKistirig; lnrge'y (if the common to medium kind. i tie market wa tin throughout the whoie iw-koi b and prices It was midday be been done toward were weak and lowr. fore very much had clearing the reca'pt. No great wa to lie noted In the stocker and feeder the market be: rig about w h-re It wa the latter jn.rt of lai k. In other word, price today were about li51Ic kiwr than they were on last Monday. Represent Uve sale- FEEF STEERS Ka A P- So. A. , .lUIM. .1144 . lino .14.4 ..1C47 . . 7U ..17 .1011 . iiM ..10 ..IKH . WW . 1IIT7 .. auk . 1H17 . . 160 ..Ji3 .. PU . Ki, . Ii4 . .111 ..l,l .. n ..IMC .. 4 .. 7! .. 7: .. AM ..i: . .i.-..'ii. 14.1 4 ft. 4 U 4 3S 4 Ak 4 AO 4 AC A. 4 AA 4 65 4 40 4 A4 A AA li ! ... II ... A.... COWS. 4 ... !? . . . 44 1 ... 1.... 4.... I I Tt I 70 I Tt A 71 I W I W I AV I H 4 I 4 4 4 a 4 1 t ' I i t I A B I 10 A H .. I .. '.J . .:ifi . inn ..iu" . . ill . .ir .. Mil ..:a4 ..1!A ..111"! . 1101 ' . 1 . 4 . v; . u.. 1 tn I B I AT I AA I e HEIFEIA I ! 7k n A At. A A BULLS. A 46 1 1 I 1 1 1 ae 4 a . A, A 147 M3i I Tt I Ad I i 4 AA 4 At 4 AO 4 I A CALVES. I a. 4 At. A Tt. W. 4 S .. 171 .. 1! .. lull .. .17 .. b Ibu UK' STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 11 ii' I if ri : u IS 1M I AO 17 KM. 4 Ii f 714 I i I Al (I A , O 4 At Ai 4 i HOGS Buyer started out rudding de cidedly low-r thi morning Sellers wire very bei-ksmrd about cutting kius their hog and hnuily forced bjvera to raise their tios. When they cou.d get ft 77 seller rut loose and the greM big bu.k erf a'l the hogs sold at li TTStl Mi. In other weird th hog thi niort .rig gold 2-yfeuc lower than Saturoay. when it will be re membered oter hiif of all the hog brought I IC-. While the trade wa slow on toe ojit-nir.g It waa active when once under way and everything waa cleaned up in fa:r seaaon The week ttart out with the market only about :y l iwer than It wa at the beginning of lkt weeA. but Ufwc lower than it w aa two week agro. Representative aaies Ka at. Sa. Pt Mo a. Ik Pr e n A 71 At mi at a 71 . 4 74 4r Ji ... t AO 44 M M 171 t: ri ... 4 M a IM ... A Tf. 7A ,1 ... ACS f- ! ... Tt 71 1.11 I t C, S. i . 4 77 71 li . . 4 An aa 7 w 4 r-, a av iu 74 Ii.t 4 4 TT 4 Mi- IB I7 Atl A T- 41 It IS 41 iA . 4K 4 77 71 2.4 ... 4 All S-4 ... AT", ; r ... 4 all 4 rj ... 4 t- 74 l.i ... t an 74 .Ii ... A T?s At. :r. ... t 41 t ... A Ts AA til ... t. A AA T-., A14 ... 4 tk 4 e ta ir, 7 u ... it, 74 IS ... TT, T7 n ... ( at at It ... r .a au ... A a A Sl7 444 4 71 IM ... .." at S- . . 4 74 IM ... 4 A T r.i 4 4 T- 4 t .. f t 7 tA ... ir, t4 i:a .. lit 71 : 40 ir, 7 I 44 A ao 4 It a I e, 7 Art 14 4 aa Tt 14 la 4 7- -1 . ao Tl S4 i A T-,, K -U ... t c 77 r ... I . - 44 i at. ! ... 4 T"S a. . A ; :m . . at-, t: ii i. ta 41 14 . . A T7, M Em AV A At. 17 Z ... A Tl M4 ... 4 4 17 .fc ... A fi, t M ... 4 Hi te ma ... ir, a rjt ... 4 a 41 ii ... AT, bt ; 4 4 4. Tl ra ... A 7-, 74 tas ta A A at. r-4 a ir M4 . 4 7t .... . . a mm 1 a At Aa B I at 1: r-. ... e r m mm 4 4 rs ... t - t Jmf . to -n ... .... 4 r. t.a .. :-, tl rr ... 1 a :-a s . , ia . .. is ... 4 e - . . m i. 4 a A7 ... .a. ...a txiLl-J'-Tlit i rotapi at m--j) ft.'t vexa liberal this itiorr.irut but th total wa re duced by tMvteen crs whK s aere h pred cut SurdT. not be'rur held for fify ma-ket vi h ie tbete some right go -d tuT on sale the average aa too g"d While the market aa "t verr a'tlve. It wa apirent that eirlit y gwd hep and larrb -re aid anything of that description c m'nanied s'e.ily .-ic. Choice Mrumn Is- b s id a hign a 11. hirg the best price paid 10 some little 1 Uma I Ttie common and Tedium gra ia of both j (beep and lmt 're slow and hard ti ; move Aj noted laat week the oriv thiig for shipper tj di under the circu-'istancea 1 I to L id Lark their : uff ur.ta It la t hcrxnig h:y faitened and reedy f'-r the -ir-k"t So long p. there i er.ugh dwiftMr k.lkf com:t.g ij me.t te deTiaodn of pa k er t-!err gade are certaia to t re g.ected and tin be defended upn to sell 10 big disadvantage Wuottt - or giiier- Good to choice Intnl. a rTeijT.: fair te tl lambs. H.'l. 4jT go d to boite lmh eight. Kinu"G4". fair to g.KHl yeariinca. iao h meight. Hi TMiViif1: g "d to choice yearling-, he vyweig ( t. jT;jt' f'.r tn giK-d yearling. heavy I" Spi If. g.nd to choke old wethe. t: 3.i " T . fair to good on! weth r. H:. ire: I ""d to choice ewe, lb (A-ii.Sli.: lair to g'd. H-okxi C ' Rri.reser.tatlte sale: Na. 4 aestem ewe at Ft . 1 I 10 . M I IS . ? . 111 t . 117 t . w : . K7 4 iJ . 4 W . K 4 1 .( I M .11: I w . 112 f ' . m .to: l 7a . u t 7a .74 7 li . "5 T a" .7 "50 2 1 44 r :i Co'Tad.i ewe Western ws western wea western esc seatem lar.!' 44 VA western ewa. ru.l w;em ewes 17'. cslern e 3.t i atrn fwes II seetem ewet j western ee ! is;, weetern stiher. :.etem Te.rHr.g ! !4 western Init 'jto s ea: em lamii TKS Colorado M-xIcan lamb i. Mtutaji iamt CHICAGO U1E artKK MIRK ET Cattle teady ta Weak Haars law-. CHICAGO. Feb 3 CATTLE Receipt. oi heal: market. bet teady. other weak to Hr l'er; common to tiest ster 4 ia&7gi. heifer 111 fiovi . cos. Hi) 4 7i. bull IS icufn. . calvea. I. iia7.V.. stocker ard feener, 12 5of:fi !!. HOGS R!jt. Hi.Ai head: mnrket hnVT lor: choice heavy Biiiip.r.g. tTt&SjT CS7 f.g butcher. !.( -n d -1 Si",, choiie lirht I". bha41.K: packing. I i V . p4-a. Ktu k'. t u.k of stuea. t W SHEEP AND LAMES-Receipt A 2T A 0 I head; market steady; alieep. At s.'tfii 11; Miniiia. aa.miiij i.bu. Kew lark Uve trk Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 3. -BEEVES-Re-ce-pt. 4.2T5 head: choice heavy steer, steady; other iow; bull steady: cow, duil to lac lower: steers, li 5iV''s : bul.. lH. t"o4 .; cow. i li to li : extra fat cow. 14.20. Liverpcxil and London rabies quoted live cattle easier at 13S-C to ITS1 Jer pound. Creased weight, refrirerator beef lower, at c to AHc per pound. CALVES Receipt. 1.712 bead: market opend 2i.60c higher: fell off later; barn yard and fed calve opened strong; closed 1 steady; no wetern: veal. i ( 1 o 11 U .0; extreme quotations at cloae tifiOO: barn yard and fed calve. I4.f04ji7f; dreed calve steady; city dressed veala. 8614S per pound; country dressed. Aftlic. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4 471 bed: sheep steady: lambs, firm: sheep. Ir..rd4 . no good hep here: culra.; la-rh IT.f.Ti-'aA : cjll. !: (S7.ii0. HCGS Receipt a. T.Tol head: n.arket feel ing steady, but no sales rejKirted. fct. Lal Utf tek Market. FT LOC1S. Mo., Feb. 3 CATTLE Re ceipt. i.Si head. Including 2ii Texane. Market; Ntivw. lower. Texana -ready Native shipfiir.g and export steer. .i9 4 75; dressed beef and butcher steer M 7in 6ir.: steer under l. pound, tl 7siA4 KT; sticker and fdera. EVftjATf: cows and hf ilera. t2-lio5rfi 2f ; car.ner. l AiSli; bull. t2.t'u4.30: oalve I3 2Tiio'i. Texas and In dian steer. t-Miitf. cow and heifer. Hi &fi 5. H "35 Receipts. head: market steady Pig and lights. I4'i7 00; pecker. 16 Ti-jiT.t). butcher and test heavy. IT.OOfc 7.10 SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipt, t.500 head: market steady. Native muttons. El OA'S . s, lambs. Iti7 4T.; cull and bucks. Ei.tnet. stock era. timllO. Kaasas City Live taek Market KANSAS CTTT. Mo.. Feh. 3 Receipt. 11.000 head. Including m0 snutb erna. Market steady to strong Choice export and dressed beef steer. 15 4"&.fi; fair to arood. t4.2S'ali.S; western fed at-era. HMaiM': stocker and feeder. IS 5Wp4 .: native c w. I2.3'a4.3. native hetfers, IS S tiu'f.-. bull. E'. ."a-i.l': calve i..o7.3. HCK3S Receipt. Hi.7( head: market fj TX.c lower. Top. Itl.K: bulk of stle. . It'v 1 fc ! !-: heaw. If. Kd: h- arv in.JTX.'hr. v.- nu l . m. r, s-ujirt f 1-: pie and I ri.ti. X'n4ms I SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1.0 I head: market steady to lur lower. Lambs, i II 3F.'rr7.': ewe and yearlinar. lATwa-i 7&. western fed yearlinga H,.ifroi.0: western fed hcep. 4.i Ei.aoi-i Iti. stocker and feeder. M. Jeaeph Llae Aleck Market. PT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Feb 3 CATTLE Recerpt. l.. market slow, steiidv; na tives. I4.34i u(i : cow b and he.fera. ti.2.4.a(: stockers Bid feeder. El. 7i&4 7i. HOGS Receipts. f.K head: market Wh Vk- lower. Top. IC ifc; bulk of aal a. Kit.' trf, Bfi SHEESP AND LAMBS Receipt. 10 S bead: market vteady to weak. Lamb IT im Av 40; yearlirr p. WgC&; wethera. IL Ouii I iv; ewes. H-TMitlS. am City Me Btaek Market. SIOCX CITT. Feb. 3 tSiiecial Tele gram! CATTLE Receipts, 1 S bead: market steady; beeves. Ei.o4i4i.3. cow, bul and mixed. li.Omai 7i; stocker nd feeder. I2.uu(u4tti; calve arid reaxUngE :i(Ko)i.S. HOGS Receipt. 1.50 bead: market 6c lower; stinrig at tu7u4rtl t. bulk of sales If. TUnC Kfl. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, luv bead; ruarket steady. gtaek la lgbt. Receipt of live etock t th six princi pal western market yesterday: Cattle. Hogv Sheep South Omaha i (7 i.7A U.ol S iux City l.hiti EimO )( Kansas City ll.) Hi.7-4) lf,.( St. J-.seph L ieia ( Ill Rtii St. Louis i.'mm I Mi 2 h"i Chicago 2A.OHV Hmm 3.KA1 Total .... OMAHA .ETUin; Ml. 417 ..fcA WHOLESALE MARKET. Caa dittaa af Trade aad Qaetatlaaa aa btaale aad Kaaey Pre see. EGGS Per do., 3oc LIVE PuLLinr Hen. r&!r: rooster. Ac; turlLr). L'eilic; aaika, PtiltC; j.l rOO'.er. lli'K', (MM, AJIPC fcl'TTER pataing stock, luc; choice to fancy dairy, lyitt , cioa:tier, ZlneJtc UAT Choice upland, tu ai.' luedium. t-(-; No. 1 bottom, tr.av, off grade. k.tsitiu. Rye atraw. ITSf; No. 1 IRAN Per ton. tii FRLITS. CRANBERRIJ per bta , te.O'Ai. APPLLs I aru y. per bbl., ti lii, Jona than, .v. TiiflA bt , New Tork apple. Evsf; Kwa axid Nebraska, eaui.g ajij cookaig, 7.'i;"S l" wmeaapa. 12 per bo. PEAKS Wintcri Nr. in. per box. C ua. COt-OA-NCTc Per sack of lou. Uu tropical rani. j FITS CaUfjriiA. bi-ik. .wc; S-crown , Turaisr., l4t. etruim lurkush, jic; A-ciown I Tursii-h, Joe. LEMuN-Llnionjera. Aim aud Sav aje. si-ia , other hraiiUk. iic lesa. LATLS Kaoaway. l-t , aaer be. ha) low ia. Iiew HuflKO waltut Oalea. A-jti. bov fi lu. BANANAS Per med! un-suted tuncli. Ell i.21 . Jjrr.lM., Olai G RAPE FBI 14 to 14 and K. Hi 71 (,4 1.. ORANGES Florida. 2a And lofi ijri. 12 Mi; Caiiforiaa r a vela, ex 11 fury. all a.e. t-i wu. fancy Ei .76 chour. li. i,tii; in CiLD VKGETAbLilS. CARROTa. fcELie AN1 PARSNIPB per bu.. Til. SWEET POT A TO EAV-Ulinoia. par larg bbl.. Ill 3. N A V y EEANS Per bo., f-.k; No. t. C.AU LIMA BEANS-Per lb.. IV. CAbBAGii Hoiltud sed. burnt grown. Ic per It. POTATOES Per bu . HaL sjc. F. ITT A BAG As About IsV lbs. to sack. C.e. Tl RN1P6 Per bu., awe. ONlONii Hutiii grown, per bu.. slic; Sran.ii. per crate, t-(-': Colorado, per bii " NEW VTvG ETA BLEB BEETS TL KNIPb ANI CAKP-OTS-Isrr do.. AiiCH't UOM Ale, 1.6- Florid. SO-lb crata. U ta. LEAF LETTl C E Hot bouse, per dosea bead 41.. Ci CT-M BFI. S Case of dt, C S RALIfen i-6 Per do. bunciia. ic. FjKaLEl Hoi house, par tut. uucchea Ac HEAD LETTl CE cVoutirw. jr do. tlmH 1 CTT BEEF FfclCEA. 1 l-ils: Vu. v. Uc, Va E Av. N. a. an. a l.i.i.a. Sa L lot. . S. X Hm. . N a. A Juc N-i 1. -:: No 2. fcr ; No. 1 4. No. 1. 7v . Nv 1 7c. Na a. c No. 1 J-S- No No, A. 4c. 1 f.-M.rd I'll te . M I Si. tLHM;o! CHT.E'E Nes fun rrea'e I'liy. a ts 1: a 1. rn at fu!l cr"m brt-k l -;ir; (; e i th-tee Kmiv. b -n k F-wias, lac. I'n-tafger. Inc. out g A'r.eri.aa, 17c FISH 1 - k rei. d-e.1. a,; pike, dreseed. lie. si. te tih d'iml w.ntr laug.'.t. 3 , troi.t. I.e. ha! but. i.e. alnon. 1m. cattith. Ii'k , bririg dr.1. frogen. fx pe'ih. S'aleii and d'isaed. ftc; 1 je ' h. Wi,iried. deseo.. b.siiiee Tc. cra; I'fea. rourni . croi piea lare. fani y, l'c. b.ack tiaaa . 'r.ri:a. ret and hoe, 1 IV. . eel. li"i I ue fih. i?c . red 'ip;er. ' llic . r--e t.d. j-t f;r.. I", bg. a-; ; I io.-et'r. gTeen. i r lb . Tc . loli: r bol.ej. per i'a.. Si ; mec ke-el. SpM iti, jnr lb., lac; 1 ii.a'brl. native EV trr iti I HiiM Y-Irr It frarw. J 1. 1 t'l Ktli FiSH-Kar,..y sf 'te fh. per I quarter I bl.. 1 . It tA . Norw ay mack erel. No 1. IS.", No 2. A- ferrous. tA ; bb a . ? Ill each. Norway. 4k. Ill BU : HU'ES AVL TALXa-W .;reen salted. No. 1. l.c: No 2. IT. bull tid.-a Br; g-e-n I hide. No. 1. ht ; No 2. It . fire, H.j 175.. hep J-eit Wri 11 11 Tajinw. Na. 1. 4S . No. 2 SV. Wool. lHi c . ClI ER-New Tork. 1-alf barrel, till; bar 1 re.. E' 04 1 tX-FFEE-RoasteJ. No . Jc p.r lb j No. llic i-er ih ; No &. IKc j-er iu.; No. 16c per 'li.; No 21 ISc per lb. j SV GAR Granulated cane in sack. 152a; i gr--u .ated lt. in satks. If. 31 I PTkCP In t'b:s . rr p-t gal ; In cases "l 1 -:b ruin, tl "c: ce-. 1 -la. can. I. aa; , cae. 14 2 lb can, tl tm. I NVTS French walnut. 1SV : Caj frrrla i walrutd. No 2. sof; h-ll, 17.. . No. 1. soft ; sf.eil. i:-Tf. P-sxil. 1:ho16c; jvocann. 11Ij".c: : f.lkr".a. llft-lAi ; iieanut raw. 7vc; , ruaated. sr. California almond". hard : ahe.l. Ibc ; 7 a rug ma. 17c; rocuajiuta, j jr ! Ib CANNED GOfiliS Com. standard, west I !-n. wio. ic; Vaine. f 1 ia. Tofiat ie, J-lb. j can, li In S-ib can. " f; . I'in aipiec. grated. -lh . 11 KJfrZ a'lred, II l lfc.2 Gallon ajj',e. fancy. Cflo. Chh. ; I ori.Ia apricot. U Fear ll7a;Ui 1'esrhes laniy. Ii7.i'p240: H C. peaches. I: ': jo. I f- L. Allien a salmon, red. IL3; faoce F.. tl : fancy aotkfye. F.. U.K. cuarter or.. 17 TV three-oira'te' li ! Fit p ttoe, t5ri SR. ut. Fi 'i Prmt.k'na. 1 Bard;ne. j n .uFiarfi. t ax teiTu 2-!b . !-. Lima bean. J-'b 7i, 4ll I. Sptn'h tl.S5 Cheap t-a. 2-1 Sot. 4 xtra. fancy, tl.3i.ttl.7i. kaaar 4 Melasaee. NEW TORK. Feb 3. PVO AR-Rw. steady: f)r refining. .-; oentrif iral. !4 test. ?Vr. molno augar. fvr. Refined. teadv: cru,e1, Jaic, Jiowdered, 4r; grenc'ated. 4 7'if. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. T ST'GAR Steadv: oertri'ircal w-Wte 4 -lf4Sc; low. JV'11 j-iiic: seconds. TV'" MOLASSEl Quiet : j rup. 14c. Rear Trial get. FAN FTLANCIP'XV Feb. 3 Judge PiitM fixiay set Mn-i I a the y for the e"rr Piemenient of the trial of Abraham Ruef on the charge of extortion. Ttie case agalnrt Mayor Schmita wa continued tint 1 nxt Thursdsv. after Judre Dunne had di-ecte.1 the d .strict ainmey to asfertain where Schmlti 1 and when he 1 likely to return from the east He staled that if the myor had not returned by next Thurs day some proceeding should tie taken ta compel hie return. Iasrfellawr Ceateaaary Observe!. NEW TORK. Feb 3 The eent"nnary of Longfellow 1 lieir.g obsrrred at the Na tional Aria club by an exhibition of tha first edition of the noet work, por trait. maruRcript cf hi poem and other t:nng asoc!ated with l.i life. One of tt most interesting exhibits 1 the first dra't of the original of Hiawatha " whlrh the club reoe'ved a l(n from th poet a daughter. Mis Alice Longfellow. Mardrr Case la Vlralala. CrLFEPPER. Va.. Feb 3 Effort if be. lng rrade to secure a Jury from the fifir talesmen who have been summoned hr from Shenandoah county to serve at the trial of Philip and Jame Strot her charged with tbe murder of William F. Brwate-. or. the night of Iecember IS last ehortlr fter the latter had been married to Mi Viol Strotber. the sister of the two de fendant. If yon have anything; to trade advertise It in th For Exchang column of Tha Bee Want Ad page. REAL, ESTATE TRAAfFEm. NebraskA National bank to Charts A. Brockway, lot t, blcK-k I, Willui' ' Park place I EllEabeih Boix to Frank L. Ketone, lot E block E Dupont Place L4o Edward D. Patton and wife to Flora E. Bogga and J. D. Hamilton. m lot i. Griffin A Iaac dd CWi Robert O Fink, county treasurer, to J. R. Mitchell, lot K. block 2 Cotner A Archer add.. South Omaha. Benson land company to Irving W. Lohgaere. w i.,t a lot lw and 15 and w s lot 1C tilock 2k Benson I Minnie tl'.uht ami hubutid to C. G. (.atl berg. lit 1. block 1 Bedford Place - Harry J. Twintirig and wife to George Lucaa. lot 1. block L L. P. Ham mond' add - Helen R. Clarke to Ctilole Ktiret and wife, lots 7 and A. subdir. of bunk b, Iupont Plnc-e 1 Eugene J. Sullivan and wife to Chiole Kuril, lota A and lu. subdiv. of block 4, DvPont Place 1 John Power, sheriff, to Frank J. Morianv. lot 4, block Hi, 2d add. to Mt Douglas IS Bridget Maloney and hutiand to Anton Greiner. lot 21. block 2, W. L. Selby 1st add.. Soutn Omaha IS Susie J. Brigg and hJsharid 10 Jame L. Agnew. loi K. block I. Logan Place. South On.aha 1.70 Charle Ttstirhlidtk to Frar.k Plla. lot 12 and 14. IiVk k 1, Potter A Cobb 2d add.. South Omaha 1.KTS Jame D. Buuer and wile to A. B. Alpirn. k.t 7. block 2i. OmHha 1,200 South Omaha Land company to Ihiniel Human, lot k. black EiS. buutb r-uiha So laatw-lie Reilly et al to Fred D. Wead. lot 4 and a. block A Fred Lslitme a add 119 William E. Clarke, truetee. to Friti F. Hansen. laa I and lb, block k. Rlverview park add 2-3 Mary K. Fretidsen and husband to Joseph C Guttor. lot 4. block 1, Bun.ham Plate Su Barah J. Merrill et al to J M Howell, lot 11 to BalUniore park 1 Patrick J. Doran et al to Wenel Wavri'ka. jian lot S and T, block 14. Improvement asMX-iaMon add ... LETS Lilia M Howell and husband to Ornn E. Kiopp. lot 4. Teriace 7.13t 17Jrattlboro Ss.vlng bank to Pasttuale I iigiguo and w .le. nit foet lot 27, Redlck id add IS Allen E. Kiloy and wife to A W. Ed n.iston. lot t. buck 6. Cartilage 1(A A. R. Carter and wife to A W. Ed miston. lot A Mock C Carthage Alexander R. McCandies et al to Eva D. HmiiL.g, lot k. block t, Isabel URf Harry A. Tukey to Wenael Wvricka, jiart lot t and 7. block 14. Improve luent aaaociatim add I Frar.k H. parson to Scott Irving, lot 1. Mock 2. L. P. Hammond a add. S3 T. J. O Nei ajid wife to H. (1. Llene nmnn. lot 1 to E Koch a subdiv. of section 1-14-12 H G Liene-tiann and wife to Frank Netstral and wife, lot 1 end A Ktxli a subc.v. of section l-14-li.... 1 T-tal a:n-'unt of tranafera. CTLkll' Biisinsa Bama-lia. happily, taay k rs soa Mass oiaro-erwd au auand wruit-ut "cry-fiticair" by imioji 11 nmfk. oaa of Exrt Acot untuig and SysusBb- Yaar lini.ns -! 'siliii.. pm ban. right sew 1 m kBtrtt.r Bo s kt- w era baacUs it. p.. hiMin- ts saaall Of It haa secwantatig racuras) ta our atUHitioa lo turn laraw Iv wa As ba-Klia Aaoiang of Imnusi Is XianaMeta. fctaie and Manaraual rwcs-s. are wiuwB our experiauce ana ability mm have aa artatika-aal rHatauoa tur auck Oa asiiaaiaa m strong and a-sntileAa -w a In a As assnalna a.uri uiuival aal htMaf aa bait. eriMs-ts aits wotud fowl at butne ia paw -iniss.a lAsa't waa until m must dr.An-b i-apai-a aisai aqrasaewi Omr Ssikt Iwdudea Expert A ecus n ting aa Piaazioal j'ti-aLit-atiuaa. EetamaustW lanuiif taw-io. Aud uug. 1 1 1 1 mmm 1 n Ifig- It is 4it a "rliaap" p. 4 a a Iml uu. gub4 ws saa as yaw at act As as aaaassu-ad 4B fata. W bseite tra-earr. No ilnim far -rra rattan. Wnia ua. IKDIANA AUDIT COUP AST (tP'?itlSfaSj -t-JuaTlMMaj.-. 1 Tin. .T , l-M1l'