Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Effect cf Stormy Vbn Ti'mlirt
CoaniittM n Repudiated.
Details af Hoot Aatt-ftonaerrH Nfa.
kt laa rata Be rat
Arc riaallr CraUi
fince th repudiation hy tb Commercial
club cf lt scutlre committer's action In
passing resolutions Against the -eent fare
urn. riunircji ot the members are learning-
Home tninsi they didn't knrw before re
garding the- dele cation sTit to Chicago In
J to a convenUon to discuss Interstate
law and tbe regulations of railroads.
The details of tha matter have Un
known to all members of the executive
committee and to many directors, but
hitherto they have not become the common
knowledge of the general membership of
the club. The unpieaaantneee regarding
J-cent fare haa been the means of spreading
the knowledge, by aaake&Jng tn tbe club a
lively imprest in tha doings of iU execu
tive committee.
It will be remembered that every man
a ho went to Chicago from the CommerclaJ
club in October of 1906, instead of attend
ing the convention which was to endorse
President Roosevelt's views of railway
rate regulation, a bis constituency -
ITtea him to do, helped organise
rump convention, which had tbe opposite
end in view. These men. as shown bjr the
minutes of the Federal Kate Regulation
association. In other words, the rump con
ventlon. were: Euclid Martin, F. Colpet
er. W. M Glass. Q. Lt Hammer and C IL
Haw Tfcelr Their Was Made.
How these delegates wr foisted on the
club is Just now belnr made universally
E. P. Bacon or Milwaukee, who waa re
sponsible for the calling of the Interstate
Commerce Law convention to uphold the
president's policy, invited the Commercial
ciuo to send delegates. Tbe executive
committee had always been la the habit of
refusing Mr. Bacon's Invitations and It did
not make thla time the exception. It de
cided not to send delegates.
But soon came another invitation, which.
however, waa not written, but spoken. The
railroads, fearing that the Chicago meet
ing would result in danger to them, as
signed their literary bureau to the task of
organising hostile delegations, the purpose
being evidently to break up the meeting or
in some way turn the tide of public sent!
tnent against the president's policy.
Nelson McLaod of St. Louis, who was
made chairman of the rump convention, is
president of the National Lumber Dealers
association. He succeeded In interesting
some Omaha members of this organization,
of which Prank Colpetaer i a member, in
the opposition idea. Tiiese men took up
the matter with the transportation com
mittee of the Commercial dub.
About this time it la said a minion of
the railroads came to Omaha with his
pockets bulging with money, literally
speaking. Ha offered to pay the expenses
of aa big a delegation aa the Commercial
club would send, provided It was hostile to
the purposes of the Bacon convention.
Passes Tinea la Vesrae.
It is not on record that the delegates
allowed him to pay their expenses, but at
that time passes had not gone out of exist
ence. - The transportation committee of the club
appointed a delegation of five, consisting
principally of Its own members.
.After the delegation had gone to Chicago
tha appointments were presented to the ex
ecutive committee for ratification. They
were ratified.
It la not now believed the executive com
mittee will resign on account of the re
pudiation Saturday of Its action, though It
Is said one or two members may do so.
Chairman Will U Tetter said be did not
anticipate tbe resignation of his Committee.
"The result of the controversy Saturday
will be that the club membership will be
called on oftener for Its expression of
opinion." said Mr. Tetter. " hope the af
fair will prove to be lor the best interests
of the club, by arousing some of the mem
bers from their apathy on Important sub
jects. It has always been very difficult to
get an attendance of members at any meet
ing, and the executive committee fro
qu.T.tly has to take action If anything Is
done at all."
Eedy Faaad filer Sidewalk that
boat a Ossakaa eateaee j
to Jail.
The body of the man found late Satur
day afternoon under a sidewalk opposite
tbe Windsor stables on Davenrort, b-tseen
Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, has been
identified as that of ' Dick Taylor, who
forn-.erly resided at Ztl V Mreet. South
Omaha. Taylor was sentenced to thirty
days in the county Jail January Zl on the
charge of being a vagrant and waa re
leased from the Jail last Friday. Being
without money or friends, he had evldei.tly
crawled under the sidewalk Friday night
to sleep and had froaen to dcilh. The body
was found by beys, who were playing
"hide-and-seek." and was at first thought
to be that of Albert Ziegelniier ef Landing,
la., as a note book, giving Zlegelmier s
name and address, was found in one of ths
man's pockets.
This story was exploded Sunday morning,
when Zieiarlmler called at the office of
Cwoatr Hratley and explained that his
notebook had probably been found by Tay
lor. ZleseJmler la an employe )f Bunder
land Bros, company and resides at the
JXorthweatern hotel
An l:.uest over the body of the maa will
be baft by Coroner Bralley at 7:30 Monday
evernK and. In the meantime, aa lnvesti
garVn Is being made to ascertain If Taylor
tiad any relatives or friends at 8 uth
, v Omaha.
Clab Mill Kejaal Hiahtlaar.
MfinUrt of the Equal Rights club d
nre tn correct the inipreefcion that
V.?ner."n0'i,wh.a; ''."VuanA-eSadin
arose thrcugh the fact the club has rented
I l.
at y
oraes.i mrougn vmca tire ex
rT4g(nnr"rVr P3-11 mother must piss usually is
ff '1 r 1 1 t 50 yuerincT dger and fear
1 i tviil U sliilJ kat ste loot s forward to the critical
hour with apprehension and dread.
Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties,
allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, cxid
so prepye$ the system tor the
ordeal that she passes through
the event safely and with but
little suffering, as numbers
have testified and said, "it is
worth its weight in geld. f ixo per
bottle cf druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
Ul DtXriLLD REU1AI02 CO.. AUmU, Cm.
dek rfV'Tl In the Vi.vMV-Mr..M tn lln fit
ihre nrre h rU of ).H ls.r iintTiB s tv
1 rntrsl l..itr nnlntl ! d.-d.-d to in ve
tn thnt l.lrw-k. Tie Krn- TMieMa r!u! i)
IIM. hoeter. Inf-Tld tn give tip Its hr.rt-qimrt-is.
hut ii merely shsr the room
wl'.n the labor orranirati' ns.
Have Tilt erltfc Rev. sir. Heat 0er
Pa VI lea Ilea af Wxaai'i
The oveetlnn of the Jurisdiction of the
Douglas wunty court la the Harnett divorce
wilt will be decided by Judge Red k at
l:5 Tuesday morning. Thla announcement
triAde by the court at the noon reorss Mod
C.iy amused rmewed Interest In the cape
The point to be decided is vital to the
case. If Judge Red irk decides be has no
Jurisdiction Mrs. Bassett's suit here will
step and the "Washington decree obtained
by her husband will stand unchallenged.
If the court decides It has Jurisdiction the
taking of evidence for the defense will
begin at once. This testimony. If taken.
is expected to be of a sensational naturu.
The arguments Monday morning were of
a technical nature and were mainly a dis
cussion cf authorities cited by the laeyers.
Only one brush between the attorneys en
livened the proceedings. In hta argument
Mr. Van Dusen alleged that Mr. Baseett
had charged the mother of hts children
with being a bad women and had given
her picture out for publication in eastern
"1 brand that statement as absolutely
untrue," declared Attorney Onlllday. Jump
ing to his feet. 'The pictures were ob
tained, as we can show, from Washington
photographers and I refused to give any to
the newspapers."
Here Rev. E. Lawrence Hunt shook his
finger at Mr. Colllday and said sotto vooe,
"There were pictures in the pspers that
were locked up In a safety deposit vault."
The court remarked that this question
was not material to the one tinder con
sideration and the Incident passed.
Pile la Coeaty .Co art
(thews 11 1 tie Ileal Estate
a a Hat Total.
An inventory ot the property belonging
to the Herman Kouniae eptate was filed
Monday morning in county court, but as It I
did not contain valuations, it gave little I
Indication of what the final appraisement i
of the estate would be. It shows, however, j
that a very small amount of real esiate is '
Included. The inventory designated only
seven pieces of real property. Three cf
these are In Douglas county, one of which
Is -a section In Forest Lawn cemetery and
the other two In Highland Place and Mil
lard Caldwell's addition. Three parcels
are in Cook county, Illinois, one consisting
of two lots and the other of four and one
half, and the third of fractional parts of
lots. The last consists of an undivided in
terest In certain coal lands In the county
of Carbon, Montana.
Among the stocks and bonds listed were
87V tn the First National bank of Omaha,
670 In the Colorado National bank of Den
ver, HH In tbe Union Block Tards Na
tional bank, 6 in the National bar of El
Campo. El In the United States Real Estate
and Trust company and about tOOO shares
In various land and cattle companies. Un
der the head of notes and dues is included
an Item. "Due from A. F. Kountse and
others. tM5,WT." This is the largest Item
on which a valuation la placed.
The small amount of real estate listed Is
said to be due to the fact Mr. Kountse dis
posed of practically all of his holdings be
fore his death.
Ministerial Tale Reared His De
part a re aad Pralaee Wark
He Haa Put.
The committee of the Ministerial union,
appointed Monday, February 18, to drart
resolutions on the departure of Rev. H. C.
Herring. D. D Monday morning, made its
report, submitting these resolutions, which
were adopted:
1. That tn iis departure from our city
this association loses one of its most active
members, one who has been faithful and
prompt in ins attendance, helpful In his
counsels, fertile in suKgestlveness and ever
ready to discharge with devotedness every
duty laid upon him.
2. That In his removal not only this as
sociation, but also the varied organisations
for the uplifting of humanity, lose a valued
iiflner. His activities hsve not been lim
ited to his church or city, but the" manlfuld
assoristions which make for civic right
eousness and human welfare within our
city and stste have found in him ready
sympathy and devoted service.
I. That while we regret his departure, we
congTMulRte the Home Missionary society
upon securing the sen-Ices of so capable
a secretary, and our brother upon the large
opportunl'y which has come to him to serve
country in tne geat work or home
nvssiofia. end pray Ood's abundant blessing
4 Thst these resolutions be spread upon
our m'nnt's snd a copy sent to our brother
with our warmest gratings snd earnest
Cosassleslaaera Advertise far Bids for
Perasaaeat ftlecl ar Caa
crete etrartare.
The county commissioners have decided mock,, Bot knowing of any Weakness", mul- ! h" atrh for be put h" '" "
to make a start in the plan of building one tlpl,. tbett orders to buy. Brokers, there- i ,he with tne r"'ult that today: "
or two permanent steel or concrete fore, are unable to tell if the maiket will tne c? a' he " worth la &00'OU0- " ta
bridges every year. Monday morning they I break or not. as these outside order, often known thM the iun1on ot tne reBt Ml
dlrected tbe county clerk to advertise for lt upward again, making It buoyant ah ,n Tonopah had only 50 among
t,as tor a t.rwge over the Little Fappio on
the U street road to be either of combined j ,e4 a, youngest cn the floor. Their ex
steel and wood or of reinforced concrete. : perlences of years avail them nothing In
The troubles of the Zimmerman famtrv combating this unique situation
were taken before the board by Judge Joseph L. King, gray-haired. bread
Kennedy of the Juvenile court. Mr. Zim- shouldered, towering In height far above
merman is blind and a dependent and his the average aired man, is the caller of the
wife Is mildly insane and Incapable of glMl Francisco Mining exchange, who pre
caring for the brood of children which . aides daily over this miniature human mael
already numbers alx. Judge Kennedy 1 .trora. The scene is no novelty to h m.
asked that the couple be separated. He Son of the famous James King of William,
suggested the commissioners send the hos- u,e brave editor of the Bulletin in tht stir
band to the county hospital and that the 1 nnf aayi f wbo lied the courage of his
wife be sent to the Insane asylum. After j convictions and wbo paid for them ith his
this Is done, he said, good homes could be tif. Mr. vinc from boyhood has been fa-
the'ound for the children. Zimmerman la
charwd llh
I ',th-
I to love children, and no
Tirv-is ran ris rnmnlstl v
happy wittont them, yet the
Fccm in fan Francisco Vimnc Ixctanc
EeCall C03itrtk Tgjs.
nlvada discovers boost iiafket
Greatest Gas Me far Meaey Oatslde
f Wall tree Ferfaaee Made
Over lsbt Oeeaaleaally
"I'aisr. Ialwr, laisy!" yelled the tall,
narrow man. Jumping up and down as
though the floor of the room burned the
soles of his fert. and raising up bis arm
as though to bestow a blessing or invoke
s curse, he brought it down again with
all the vigor that his wiry frame poFsessed,
and mirsed by a fraction of an Inch the
nose of a short, thick-set maa. wbn waa
bellowing defiantly "Florence, Florence,"
at the top of a pair of lusty lungs.
The little man showed no resentment
Cm the contrary, he grinned gnod-naturedly
nd side-stepped with an agility that could
have come only from long practice. A
paterfamilias with shiny bald spot and
much embonpoint executed a dance that
was a cross between the Highland filng
and the fire dance of the Indians while he
cried "Cracker Jack, Cracker Jack," with
all the persistency of a child of t who
won't be happy till he gets it. An alert
young business mu howled "I lack Ants''
tnd then other voices Joined In, and ail
intelligibility was lost In a deafening up
roar, while men gesticulated, pushed,
houted, strugg'ed and Jostled each other.
The San Francisco Mining Stock ex
;hange was in session.
Crowding c'ose to the rail that
hemmed In this excitement a multitude of
people watched the antics of these seeming
madmen A motley congregation. There
were the frequenters of the exchange
the staid fcus!s? man who Just dropped
in and thnupht he'd take a little flier;
clerks from the offices in the( vicinity who
wanted to experience the 'sensation of
"easy money;" the capitalist whose profits
would only go to swell a surplus bank ac
count, and tbe unfortunate speculator wnos?
losses meant the want of necessities to his
family. Kven the "mudhen," reminiscent
of the good old bonanxa days, when he
exchange was on California street, was in
evidence to see if she couldn't get a "tip"
on a "good thing," and apparently l.ttle
realising the danger of being a "good
thing" herself. They all. in that spirit
of democracy that sprinting after the al
mighty dollar engenders, leaned over the
rail or stood near it, and viewed w'ltn
varied feelings the performances of the
mining stock brokers.
ew Era of Activity. "
For history la repeating itself in the San
Francisco mining exchange. A new era
of mining activities has begun that
threaten to equal the dramatic Comstock
days, when men whose names mean the
history of San Francisco weie seen upon
the floor of the exchange. Tbe halycon
days of the mining stock speculator have
returned and the broker rejoiceth thereat.
And sa far he has had good caue, for his
commissions are much larger than those
made tn the oldComstock days. A wtll-kno-Fn
broker for weeks hus been clearing
a day In his San Francisco office and
the seme comfortable amount in his out
side office. In brief. It's nothing Just now
lor a good broker with good credit at his
back to make j00 a day commissions.
And. of course, these commissions mean
that some of the brokers' clients are get
ting rich.
And a seat In the exchange? Well, if
you had offered CW a ytjar i8o it probably
would hsve been accepted; last- March
C.000 might have been considered ; today
IKOi and up 1 offered, and no aellera.
The gold-bearing ledges of southern Ne
vada are responsible for all this. They
have shattered the book-learned theories
of the mining expert and Illustrated the
truth of the prospector's time-worn ap
horism that "gold Is where you find It."
The ledges of the sagebrush stste are
, honeycombed with the proppector's pick.
The desert has lost its errors for the
miner, tbe result of whose find is far
reaching. The golden streams flow down
the hills and swell the channels of com
merce, where men, like craft, are either
borne In safety to a harbor or are wrecked;
but all ride on 1t at their peril, for no
pilot can be absolutely sure of his bear
ings. Jew Aspect of Stack Dealt as.
And dealing in mining stocks is today
more of a gamble than ever. Thirty-nve
ye&is ago it bore Svme semblance to a busi
ness, for the speculations in Waaoe sucks
were local, being confined to this co&st only.
When a stock sold high and then broke, tne
entire market would sympathize with it
! It is very different tcday. This is because
VLLjia cuiiic lrum nui Ul Dan Xiau-
Cisco, ail the way to New York, Including
Pittsburg. Boston, Chicago. St. Louis, bait
Lake, and from ail the country between
these cities. This state of affairs of ten pre
vents stock going up like a rocket, as it
would have done In early days, and then
coming down like a sfTck. in, the present
market it may soar after a pyrotechnic! I
fashion, but is apt to caracole on Its down- I
ward flight. Tbe reason for this is that or
ders come from all over the United States, i
and those giving the orders to buy tie
; and trong. Old brokers are as much at
milinr wit the lishia and tki4nn of
dramatic Ban Franclaco. Bon of a father
whoae martyred death was the cause of tha
second vigilante movement in what was
then principally a mining town. It was but
natural that he should become Inoculated
with the stock fever. But then, what typi
cal San Francisciiris quitt Immune from it.
Can any other excitement furnish quite the
same thrill? Tha popular chairman of the
board expressed the feeling of many ethers
when he said: "I'd rather buy and sej
stocks than eat my dinner."
And according to the stories that come
dew-n to as from Goldfleld, miners and
speculators there are not wasting ir.u"b
time even upon dinner. Tbe scemon of tbe
Ban Francisco board are considered, long,
extending as tbey dq from 10 In the morn
ing until t la the afternoon, but the peoj Is
ot Ouiafirld have night sessions aa well.
Tbey stop for nothing in that town that
naa sprung up In a night, in the crater of
aa extinct volcano. Their sick they ship
hurriedly to Caxaoa and aa hastily bury
tlose whose worldly needs are aver. They
have time for nothing but
Cr-.ld gild. gold, gold!
Hard and yellow, bright and c.ild.
These Southern Nevada stocks are the
favorites now because no asesaments can
be levied upon them ,and because gold Is
eonUiuj out of ths miti. The buyer can
simply hold Ms stcrk and take the chance
If It breaks of Its glng beck tn the fliu-es
at which be bouEbt It.
Mr. King, when asked how the present
boom compare with the excitement of the
Comstock days. said.
The Old ICteltlnaT Days.
"The Sen rranctsco Ftork board never
amounted to much, that i. the opera
tion in Comstock shares never assumed
greit magnitude until the Crown Point
and Belcher deals first began. In 1S to
175. The excitement was tremendous. Peo
ple went mad. Stocks went up, up, up
Until they reached K.M00 a shsre. It was
at this time that William Sharon, repre
senting the Bank of California, with Wil
liam C. Ralston and T. O. Wills at part
ners, began to lay the foundation of tvielr
Immense fortunes. They organised a firm
called the Union Mill and Mining company,
and It wasn't long before they owned the
great bulk of mills that crushed the ore
that came from these mines, gradually
gaining control of the mines themselves.
Sharon, who was the great speculative
financial genius of this pslnership. and
his friends, controlled Belcher, while Al
vlnia Hayward and his set " gained pos
session cf Crvw.n Point. The entire cap
italization of these stocks was originally
only tlO.TXiO.
"Then came the firm of Flood A O'Brien.
James C. Flood. William O Brlen. John
Mackay and James Fair were the partners,
snd their first fortune waa made in Hale
and NorrrosB. Then they were so for
tunate as to get hold of what Is now
called Consolidated Virginia, the grandest
then, snd nnw, of all the mine or the
Comstock. These two mines and a mine
divided out of It, namrt California, reached
tfeK a share. Tou think these days are
exciting on the board T' asked Mr. King.
Why, you can get your feet on the floor
at the present time, and there's room to
Jump up and down If you feel Inclined,
and you. generally do, on the floor of the
exchange." he smiled. "But In those days-
why, I remember that In going to the
board one day and receiving an order
to buy E.000 shares of California stock the
entrance to the old board room and the
room Itself was so crowded that In the
time it took me to get from the entrance
on the street to the board room proper
the stock rose from $47 to S5&. The board
room then was two or three times as
crowded as the board room of today, and
the number of brokers was so great that
In executing orders It has been known for
a stock to sell f)'X) higher on one end
of the exchange than at the other.
Valasse tf Raslness.
"At present the crowds attending board
and giving orders in changes of prices
are not so great as'tbey were thirty years
ago. but the volume of shares today traded
In and the long continued sessions of from
thee to three and a half hours long are
very promising, and with en Increasing
number of stocks r iming upon the b rd
every day it Is easy to see that the ex
citement and business may fully equal
snyth:ng thtt has been done in the past.
When I lived In Virginia City. In I'M,
it was considered suicidal for any of us
to seek outside mines in the state of Ne
vada, because of the deserts, the want of
water for diink'ng purposes, and many
other things. Today, however, it wo'jld
seem thnt the entire portion of southern
Nevadn. with Its sagebrush and Its deserts,
is rich In mineral lodes, snd with the new
districts continually presented to our stock
board it looks as though there were no
end to future discoveries. The principal
mine in Goldfleld, Tonopah, Bullfrog and
Manhattan, Improving as they do fn min
ing et lower levels, makes one wonder If
these can be a limit to these develop
ments. The largest number of stocks on the list
in the great Comstock deals thirty years
ago was 2:6. Today there are 450, and of
these 400 are in southern Nevada, outside
of the Camstock lode. The number is in
creasing every day. Two hours was all
the time riven then to the sessions of
the board; that is all the time that was
supposed to be given, but I remember how.
on many occasions, we tran.ct1 business
until gaslight. Of all the eighty members
of the board at that time, there are but
two remaining who were members before
me. The others are either dead or too
old to attend to business. Of all the
orijrinal forty members of the first San
Francisco Stock .board. John Perry, Jr.,
is tbe last survivor. He is 96 years old.
Fortaaes Made Over Xlarat.
"A p:cttiresqne character In those early
da;-s was a man by the name of Snndy
Bowers. A poor miner who couldn't write
his name, he happened to buy a few feet
In Gold Hill that developed into an enor
mous mine, out of which he took a for
tune. He built a house-Vorth ISOmd ner
Wnshoe Ltike, In Washoe county. Nevada,
and .fitted it up like a palace. I remem
ber going there one day and his showing
me the house and its furnishlnxa He
took me through room after room, our
feet sinking deep in the heavy cRrpets. and
hla miner's rourh boots left traces of mud
and dirt at every step. It was he who
ortglnuted the saying. 'Money to throw at
the birds. And poor Sandy threw it until
It wns all gone, dying as poor us he'd been
before he bought Gold Hill, and his widow
was left to eke out a living in San Fran
cisco by telling fortunes.
"Ent the miners and speculators of to
day are on the road to me-king fabulous
fortunes. Most of the millionaires of Gold
field are under JO years of age. One of
the partners in the groat Mohawk mine
went to Goldfleld as a cowboy. Pawning
them, and this wasn't all in money, either.
One of them ais the happy owner of a
sack of beans. Thev are all wealthy men
today. There arc many similar stories to
these of p or mtn who have lately made
fortunes out of the mines cf southern
And these Instances may be said to be
only the beginning a repetition of the old
Comstock glories. New strikes are re
ported all the time, and a stream of men
Immediately head for them, although the
extent ot ths vulue of the ledges Diay
not be reported, and little known beyond
the fact that their principal value is In
guld. San Francisco Call.
Now is the time to make your wants
known through Tbe Bee Want Ad page.
tfi .'.ias sa
i u if ir
Coding Teachers
CxrUm that Cut b tig
traa.tait of Jsatas roa
Lkbif b blue aa every )ar
of ILc feno!ac
E-xtract of lieef
the moder aid to better &a4 cbexpa cook
tef. fart Food, se concntaAXei.
ttxt & sau'J i;tA.tY rill ino-el a tali
nek fUrgt to SocpiJunceiz.)lAt Ittshes.
fuch aa OutorK of Cr-icttsn Lecacy
jYait-r it rrsdictei
Oae la Claee Teach gays Tata I
Aateaat af Estate Will He
Hearer Tea Ths a Five
Millies Dollar.
Discussion of the John A. Crelghton will
and the posttllttv or probsbllty of a con
test over it continues rie, notwithstanding
the fact that several wee-ks must yet elupt
before even the executors may be ap
pointed. There will be either a fight or a com
promise." declares a man. who Is well on
the Inside. 'There Is too much money there
and too darxllng an Invltatlcn tn the
lawyers tn work In some big fees to let the
sill have smooth sailing. The Bee's inter
view with cne of the Interested relstives
a week or so ago was correct as far as it
went, but there are some new develop
ments. '
"It should not be overlooked that Court
Crelghton rememtered one set rf nieces
and nephews snd completely disinherited
another set Just as close to him. so far aa
the family relationship gos. The !nte-est
of the disinherited relstives Is to break
the will altorether. The relatives, who
hare been remembered and made bene- !
fldaries might gain by having the will i
nullified, but they wnulj gain still mnre
if they could force upon It a construction j
that would give them all tbe residuum.
aaerstltloa af Cambers.
"If there is anything In superstitious
numbers, strangely enough it is the thir
teenth clause, which promises the opening
for trouble. The thirteenth clause wills
all the property remaining after the specific
bequests to the legatees end beneficiaries
herein befnre mentioned' In the same pro
portion as the bequest made to 'him or her'
bearsfto the whole of the estate. The con
tention Is likely to be rr.nde that "hlra or
her' car. relate only tn Individuals snd not
to corporations or societies tn whom be
quests -were msde in trust for charitable
rr educational objects. On this theory
Crelghton collere and St. Joseph's hosnltal.
fnr erampip. would get the $"P0frtyi end the
f2no.(ryi speclflcu'lv bequeathed to them and
no more and all the remainder would be
divided tin among individual heirs. 1
Inasmuch as public beoitests constitute
more than three-fourths end the personnl
bequests less than one-fourth of the tntnl
ment!nned in the will, this would mean a
difference to he'rs under the will between
gettlnc one-fourth of the residue or get
ting all of it a difference of millions of
Meanlae nf tbe Terms.
"At the same time, of course. It can and
will be contended that the language used,
namely, legatees and beneficiaries.' was
intended to Include all of those who are
to receive bequests under the will and that
the count intended to give them the same
proportionate share of the residuary estate
as he gave them of the specific beqjeKts."
As to the actual value of the Crelghton
estate when it comes to be divided, there
is still much dispute. Another well-known
man who usually has access to reliable In
formation declares:
"The slse of the Crelghton estate Is going
to startle the public who have been taking
as correct the estimates that have been
published. When the apprs lsement comes
In 1 will not be much surprised if it dnes
not figure up closer to fin.(0.00O than it
does to Ji.(t00.0fl0, which" has been the maxi
mum limit most of the guessers have put
Now Is the time to make your wants
known through The Eee Want Ad page.
A 61ft n of .left lit. 7 i a co rorever
DR. T. FI!k Gourttud Oriental
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XlaVe .WOt) list tPft
nf t? vn. an
tt tu harm- mi
Usttf t tt U-tnircli
to TrrT J maa
Aoarpi iw count -r
Utl 9t aUMiU
rune. Dr. L. A.
Ba'-r uud t i
JsmIt of ttc fcaiit
t- B V 1-VtTrt )
A Tou tad Let
irUl uw ttu'iv
HtHnn.' Crew t 1-Mt harmful of ail tin
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ffflD.T.KOPl!liPrr Vt Br'. J Jrdlei Trf
The Eastern
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Orc&ha, 5:45 p. m. and
Council Bluffs, 6:10
p. m. Arrives Union
Station, Chicago, 8:35
a. m.
The Chicago
Leaves Omaha., 7:53
a. m,; Council Bluffs,
8:20 (v. m. Arrives
Chicago, 9:30 p. zn.
G ar al Waa tarn Arant
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The Men's Catalogue contains a large number of
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Couldn't you improve the situation by having an office in.
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No. 210 la a desirable office for a doctor aa it ia 27x13 and par
titioned, affording a reception and private office. Renta for $25.00.
We furnish janitor service and lights free.
Eoom 418 E. W. Baker, Supt.
St. Paul
Ie sMirsn E s.'te
The overland
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9:00 p. m. Arrives
Union Station, Chica
go, 9:25 a, m.
AU three trains carry
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ing cars, chair cars and
Through train service to
Union Passenger Sta
tion, Chicago, from all
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1524 Farnam 6t.,