Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1907, Page 6, Image 6
niK OMAHA DhY HEE: TUESDAY, iTBIUTATCY 2C, lf07. Ti ie Omaha Daily Bee. FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSEW ATEJl. VICTOR ROSEW ATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha post office aa econd. claaa matter. TERMS OF SCRSCRIPTION. fially Ree (without Sunday) one year 14 OJ 1 mtl jr Llee anil Sunday, one year J-00 Sunday Bee, one year Saturday Bee. one year IiELlVERED BT CARRIER. Pally Be (Including Sunday), per week Ue Imlly Bee (without Sunday), per wee Ko Evening life (without Sunday), per week. c Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week lOo Address complaint of Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Hull Building. Council Rluffs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 1640 I nlty Building. N'W York ltnll Home Ufe Ina. Bldg. Woahlngtnn 801 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to new and editorial matter should he addreaed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal ordor, payable to The Roe Publishing Company. Onlr2-cent stampa received In laymrntpf mall account. Peraonal cherka, except oil Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING) COM PANT. STATEMENT OF CI RCIT.ATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County. a: Charles C Roaewater, general manager nf The Bee Publishing company, being dulr sworn says that theactunl number of full ind complete copies of The Pnilv, Morning. Evening and Snndiy Bee printed during tha month of January. 1907, waa aa ffiilnws: 17 31,970 Jg 31,990 19 31,700 JO 30,300 t 31,900 tt 33.050 21 .31,640 24 31,780 tt 31.700 2. , 3L.P30 27 30,600 21. ...... ...31,830 2fi 1,660 10 , .31,390 tl 31.C20 Total 982,480 Leaa uaaold and returned copies..' 3,134 Net total..... 973,3 Daily average 31,398 CHARLES C. ROSE WATER, General Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me thla Ifst day of January, 107. (Seal) ROBERT HUNTER... Notary Public. WHEN OIT OK TOWS. . (Subscriber leaving; the city tem porarily should bara The Be mailed to them. Address will be ohaaged aa oftea aa requested. Another reason Secretary Tatt should run for president Is that be needs the ezercUe. It won't hurt the Omaha Commer cial club to be stirred up from center to rim once In a while. Aflalra in Russia are resuming nor mal conditions. At least, Odessa is again In a state of selge. Now let the fusion members of the legislature help redeem a few repub lican platform promises. ! Senator Emoot declares that he has never had but one wife. How Sena tor Piatt must envy him. " Three generals have been killed In a battle between Hondurans and Nl caraguans. The private la each army ei-taped injury. It has been demonstrated that pure whisky makes a good fuel for automo biles. Perhaps, but It makes mighty poor fuel for the chauffeur. The Boston anti-imperialists may as well give it uu as a hopeless task. Agulnaldo has opened an account in one of the American banks at Manila. That threatened street car strike appears to have vanished Into thin air It is to bo hoped that Omaha may have no more serious strikes confront ing it this year, . The legislative bill hopper at Lin coln is likely to be Closed with the" end of this week. ' It Is not the bills in troduced, however, but the bills that become law, that count. Senator Depew's first speech In the present congress Is in favor of more forebt reserves. Probably he does not want to be embarrassed, a little later, by the scarcity of tall timber. "Is the world In danger of becom ing overpopulatedT", asks the New York Commercial. Not unless some scheme shall be devised for lessening Um number of railway wrecks. The British army estimates for the coming year have been reduced by $10,000,000, indicating that England still has some arrangement for having its possible fighting done by proxy, as usaal. A member of Parliament visiting in New Vork says he has difficulty in understanding English a spoken by Americans. He has made tne too common error of mistaking New York ers for Americans. Senator Bailey Is probably out of the running for the presidential nomi nation, but he has shown qualifica tions which should land him at the head of the finance committee of the campaign without a struggle. Now if the good people of Omaha will only treat the Hon. Pat Crowe to a dose of the same kind of medicine as administered to the clerical co respondent forced to go on the stage facing nothing but empty seats, the reputation of the community will be still further heightened. Whether the free use of the execu tive mansion is a perquisite of the gov ernor's office or not, the constitution of Nebraska ought to be changed, so as to enable the people to pay their chief executive a decent living salary commensurate with the dignity and prestige of the position. ' I .-. 30,900 t 32,680 8 31,970 4 31,980 6 31,860 30,600 1 31,950 ; ;...32.2oo ' 33.260 32.040 t... 31,870 1 33,050 11 30,400 14 31,730 It 31,930 14 33,180 THE HA ILROA r. MVST PA I l'f The decision of the United ; States supreme court in the Nebraska rail way tax raaps insy be summed up In a sentence, "The railroads must pay up." The victory of the state Is a proper subject of self-congratulation by every taxpaylng citizen of Nebraska, who is thus reaasured that these great rail road corporations have been repulsed by the courts In their perslBtent ef forts to beat down their taxes and unload onto the shoulders of Indi vidual property owners part of the taxes assessed against the railroads. From start to finish the railroads involved in these tax cases could have pursued no more (llsastroxis course than they adopted. They wilfully de fled public opinion and invited resent ment and retaliation from an otit is Red people. At every stage of the proceedings The Bee remonstrated with the rail road managers against their suicidal policy and advised them to drou their lawsuits and pay their taxes like other people. The ill-advised railroads, however, preferred to travel to the end of the roaik which could terminate only in their signal defeat, thus piling up over their heads not only pecuniary penalties, but penalties of popular odium as well. From the very merits of the case the railroad attorneys appear to have been at disadvantage all the time as contrasted with the state's legal rep resentatives. Senator Norrls Brown and his successor. Attorney General AV. T. Thompson, who fought these cases to a successful finish, are en titled to well-earned credit. The only consolation left to the: startling array of professional talent on the railroad side consists in the dissent of two of the eight Judges who participated in the decision. Whether the Nebraska railroads will profit by their expensive leBson ro mains to be seen. KA TlOti ALBAKKUHO WTli' The report of the comptroller of the currency on the condition of the na tional banks as disclosed by state ments made pursuant to his call of January 26 falls to bear out. In any degree, the claim of some of the Wall street financiers. Their assertion is that the country is In Imperative need Of legislation to strengthen the banking system, affording relief as required by the Institutions operating under the federal law so they may have resort to more flexible methods in meeting emergency demands Tor funds. The comptroller's figures show that the resources of the national banks have increased more than 40 per cent in the last five years, and the loans and discounts for the same period have Increased to the tune of $1,334, 640,535, or a little more than 42 per cent. The capital, surplus and un divided profits have Increased In ex cess of another ballon dollars and the individual deposits have increased by $1,133,610,949, or about 38 per cent. The 1 most striking comparison offered by the statistics, however, is in the amount of bonds and securities, other than government debentures, fow held by the banks. The net In crease in this direction in the five-year period Is in excess of $200,000,000, which has a direct bearing on the etrength of the banks. vFive ' years ago the average bank had no recourse when faced by an urgent demand for money, but to callJn loans with the result of frequently working hardships and losses upon its customers. At present the vast amount of securities held furnish a means of raising large sums of money without disturbing the call loans of the bank. This, coupled with the fact that the banks hold 25 per cent more specie than they did five years ago, furnishing a striking illus tration of the strength of the national banks of the country today. war over peace vlaks. Nations that have agreed to partici pate in the peace conference at The Hague during the coming summer are filing statements of topics which they will urge for discussion by the dele gates. The program already outlined covers a wide range and furnishes evidence of -a conflict Vetweed nations as to subjects to be considered. Germany, for example, has made it rather plain that the kaiser is not yet ready to discuss the question of dis armament or even to consider propo sitions looking to a universal reduction of expenditure for military and naval purposes. England, on the other hand, is making an effort to have these topics Included in the list of subjects for discussion and considera tion. Sir Edward Grey, the British secretary for foreign affairs, having expressed his intention of using every influence to have them included in the program. Russia has tiled its list, which does not include either disarm ament or decrease of expenditures for war purposes, but asks for an expres sion from the conference on numer ous subjects of International law, re lating to contraband of war, the rights of neutrals, use of wireless telegraphy and a number of questions promi nently forced upon its attention by its recent war with Japan. The program for the conference has been outlined sufficiently to show that there will be toyics for much debate and discussion, enough to occupy the delegates for a lung session, even after the subjects are divided and ap portioned to different sections for simultaneous consideration. It is also clear that peace, like Mr. Han cock's definition of the tariff, is a locnl Issue, each nation being, moat enthusi astic over plans formed from Its own viewpoint, however conflicting with the wishes and desires of other na tions. England Is satisfied with the present naval status and, while per haps not ready for disarmament, is willing to abandon future enlargement 6f Its sea fighting equipment. Ger many is not prepared to agree to such a program, in face of the kaiser's al ready adopted plans for increased naval expenditures, nor would the United States become enthusiastic over anything that would stop the construction of the two Dreadnaughts Just authorised by congress. Under the rules governing the peace conference a single objection is suf ficient to postpone discussion of any topic proposed, and it is a safe predic tion that the German emperor will be ready with his protest when England offers disarmament and the limitation of naval expenditures for discussion at The Hhgue. lfoisr by iheir on n tetahd. In the matter of the 2-cent passen ger fare the railroads of Nebraska are hoist by their own petard. To all practical intents and purposes they have estopped themselves from mak ing any effective opposition to reduc tion of passenger rates to the 2-cent maximum. - The Bee, as Is well known, started out wiih the idea that a fiat 2-cent rate applied alike to branches and small roads as well as to main lines without elasticity of any kind would be endangered in the courts If at tacked on the ground of being non compensatory. The railroads have, however, themselves ordered the Bale of Interchangeable 2,000-mile books at 2 cents a mile, good or every mile of road in the state of Nebraska. In other words, they have voluntarily said that 2 cents is enoush for branches and small roads as well as big roads, providing a 2,000-inIle book is bought in advance. Having offered to carry one set of I passengers at 2 cents, the railroads cannot go into court and prove that to compel them to carry at 2 'cents an other set of passengers occupying the same cars and perhaps the same seats would be confiscatory. It is theoret ically possible for every paesenger in every car on every mile of road In the state to equip himself with mileage books and ride for 2 cents now as Boon as the new books are on sale, in which event the 2-cent maximum would have been put in force by the action of the railroads themselves. Under such circumstances, whatever differences of opinion may have ex isted as to the exact method of legis lating for reduced, passenger fares, seem to have been entirely eliminated and the problem brought down to a slmple-truestion of fixing by law and opening up to every one without dis crimination the v 2-cent maximum which the railroads have established for mileage book travelers. CLUSIXO WEEK OF vOfiGRESS. Tne Fifty-ninth congress, which, will expire by constitutional limitation at noon next Monday, has accomplished, or has in way of accomplishment, about all that those familiar' with the work at short sessions expected of it. Seven of the clsht big appropriation bills carrying money for the mainte nance of the different departments of the government have parsed the house, although, five of thoin are Btlll pending in the senate. This occasions no alarm'or fear of an extra session, as the sejaate has frequently demon strated Its ability to arouse itself from the state of being "the most deliber ate legislative body on earth" and dispose of business . with a speed amounting almost to recklessness. So far as the senate is concerned, tile money-carrying measures will be passed, enrolled, engrossed and ready for the president's signature in ample time for the singing and hand-shaking half hour that always marks the clos ing of a session of the congress. ' Aside from the appropriation bills, little may be looked for In the way of additional legislation. The ship subsidy advocates are pressing for con sideration of the subsidy bill in the house, It having already passed the senate, although the prospects of its passage are small. The measure haa been either killed or mangled in the house at each session of the last three congresses, and the opposition to it Is still strong enough to prevent its adoption in a form acceptable to its supporters in the senate. The Aldrlch currency bill will be urged in the senate, and. if passed, he will make a strong effort to secure favorable consideration by the house. This seems hardly probable, however, In view of the limited time remaining, and indications all are that but little will be done In the way of new meas ures, except the passage of private bills for which unanimous consent are obtained In both houses. Congressman Tawney, chairman of the house committee on appropria tions, has Issued the regular annual scare about an enormous deficit at the end of the ensuing fiscal year If appropriation bills now pending are not materially pruned. Mr. Tawney estimates that pending bills carry ap propriations in excess of $900,000, 000, while the estimated revenues of the nation for the coming fiscal year re but $800,000,000. The treasury now has a surplus of about $36,000, 000. Mr. Tawney's estimate of the amount carried In the appropriations Is liberally high, while experts of the Treasury department state that his es timate of the receipts for the next year are ridiculously low, Judging from the growing business -in Imports and the rapidly increasing revenue receipts. It Is a rcrognlted part of the duty of the appropriations com mittee chairman, however, to Issue this annual note of warning. The country long since ceased to be fright ened by It. It turns out that the clerical co respondent In the notorious divorce suit now on the bonrda of our district court was unable to lure 100 people Into dropping a sliver quarter Into the slot to hear him recite his tale of w,oe publicly on a Sabbath afternoon. This ie a sad commentary on the drawirig powers of a big type advertisement on the front pace of our Junior Yellow a commentary which our business mPn and merchants should not overlook. Dr. Albert U. Lawbon of Colgate university told the alumni of that In stitution that Baptist colleges would not get a dollar of the Rockefeller gilt of $32,000,000, but said he could not now give reasons for the statement. The reason 1b found in the constitu tion of the General Education board, to which the money was donated, which provides that Its fund shall not be used in extending aid to sectarian institutions. . , Efforts are being made to prevent the question of universal disarmament or the redaction of appropriations for army and navy maintenance from be ing discussed at the next peace confer ence at The Hague, it is feared that trouble will follow if the peace con ference tackles any subjects more weighty than the weather, the sun spots or the price of egg3. The realization of the Greater Omaha of 200,000 people by 1910 de pends on several things, none of which can be safely omitted. Not only must the corporate limits be made to In clude all the people here who consti tute really one community, but we must also get more people besides by attracting new comers from abroad. The lid at South Omaha seems to be more unsteady than at Omaha if the comparative numuur of arrests for violating the Sunday section of the Slocumb law is any criterion. With the termination of Its ofllcial tenure in sight, the South Omaha police board must have reached the "don't care" stage. Senator Depew has offered a resolu tion of Inquiry regarding the scarcity and inelasticity of our currency. Hav ing resigned from the board of direc tors of some, seventy corporations, ts but natural that the senator should notice a tightening in the money mar ket. If Sheriff McDonald is willing, as b3 professes to be. to have the Jail feeding done by contract, why is ho so busy trying to head off legislation" at Lincoln designed to put an end to this graft by requiring competitive bids for furnishing prisoners' meals? Frederick T. Gates explains that Mr. , Rockcfeller'3 fortune cannot ex ceed $300,000,000, and that his In come is not more than $20,000,000. At that, he need not worry so long as "e '"i'uu-s ' live economically. Places on tho South Omaha School board must be worth bavins if the board is Justified in eloping the public schools and forcing the whole corps of Bc hool teachers to go to Lincoln to help out against consolidation. IIowIh of Kilse Prophets. Portland Oregonlan. The railroads howled calamity when con gress was considering- the rate bill. The bill passed and the roads had the moat prosperous year In their history. Hack to llnsli-esa. Chicago Inter Ocean. Here and there the Impression Is gaining ground that If some of our great railroad men would give more time to their rail roads and less to tho interviewers It woulj j be all the better for their iatrons. Outclassed. YiBMiniBion eram. It Is perhaps well for the feelinga of old I man Croesua that he arranged to lie burn t In another day and time than this. another day and time than this. His : little bunch of money would not have com manded a directorship In a third-rate life Insurance company these days.' larls Sam aa n I'nddlnir. ' Cincinnati Enquirer. Congress has not only tneraaaed It sal ary 50 per cent, but It la putting up luxuri ous office buildings for Itself at public ex pense. If the clerks, now. exceedingly well paid, get the Increase they are clamoring for, they will probubly want mahogany desks and stuffed swing chairs. The pre vailing Idea in Washington is that the gov ernment 1 a "clnch" or a "pudding." World 1'iie rrlnit Costs Money. Chicago Chronicle. A naval appropriation of IKO.IOO.OTO looks 'to remain in the world-power bus'.ners, and it look a If we were. There la no middle course In such matter. A nation must either prepare Itself to maintain Its rights against any other power or it must pro claim itself a noncombatunt. In the pres ent case the $100.0ou.0(4 appropriation may reasonably be held to mean that thla nation will not hereafter take orders from either an Asiatic or a European power. t nbaa Temper Kenls a I'addle. ' Chicago Chronicle. Tha threat of certain Cuban. patriot to wage war against the United Stat' la not j a mere Joka, because It signifies the temper of a oonlderable element In the Cubon i population. Theae arsons hate tha Fn'ted j Statea a badly aa they hated Spain and ( they hate any Cuban government s badly , aa they hata the t'ulted States. The ami American movement is a phase of a senti ment which Is against all government. This sentiment will hav to b dealt with soma day. ARMT KO'MP n Wlinc,TO, Nattera of Interest Uleaaed from tho trmr and ar Realater. Rrlgadlcr T. J. Wlnt. I'. 8. A., who hna be' n In command of the army of Cuban piciflratlon. baa asked to be re lieved from that duty on account of III heilth. Ilia request hia been approved, to gether with authority for an extended leave of aba' nee, covering; probably a period of three montha. Ocneral Wlnt will be aucecded In command at Havana b Brigadier General Thomas If. Harry, aa aiKlant to tne chief of staff of the army. General Harry will have Wnalilnstoii for Havana aa aoon aa poaallilc. There will be distributed ahortly to the principal army poets, and wherever elan there may be target ranges, aome 1'J tuw anemometers. Thla Ik a new Instrument and has ndvantagea over the old system of Indicating the velocity of the wind on the target range. The old type waa criti cised as being bulky and as coming spurt too easily. The new type la Just being de livered under contract to the army signal office for distribution. The largest riding hall In the army will be bleated at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., tha contract for the construction of which haa Just been awarded by the quartermaster general to Fred Tarry,' In the sum of $TS. 350. This riding hall will' be constructed according to the type plans adopted by General Humphrey, and which contempluld a building In nl respects of modern con venience and creditable appearance. Tho hall .at Leavenworth will be 330 feet long by Kw feet wide. The chief of urtlllery of the army Is In receipt of numerous applications from lieu tenants of cavalry and Infantry, Including some fir.t lieutenants of thore arms, for tlv privilege of taking the competitive ex amination, with a view to the appointment to the forty-three vacancies In the grade of first llmilenunt In the artillery branch. Fifteen of those vacancies will be In tha fluid artillery and twenty-eight In tre coast artillery. The examination for the former will take place nt Fort Riley and that fur the latter at Fort Monroe. It is gratifying to the authorities to observe tho derlre of the Infantry and cavalry lieuten ants to avail theniFclves of this oppor tunity of transfer to the artillery arm. The abandonment of aome of the smaller army posts has rendered It necessary to transfer to the larger posts certain staff noncommissioned officers, lth the result that at some of these larger po-t there are several noncommissioned staff of Heirs of the same staff branch. This makes It difficult to cimjly with the demand for quarters, especially where the noncom missioned officers happen to be married. At most places the quarters provided will accommodate only one staff noncommis sioned officer and his family. Others of the same branch who are married will have to put up with one room, that belng the allowance, and the family will have to Ami a residence outside the military post. This condition, of course, will ad just Itself In time by the decrease In tho number of staff noncommissioned officers, accomplished by not filling vacancies when they exlbt. An army officer recently received at tho pay table the money which was due an enlisted man of his command, and so In formed the soldier to whom the monoy waa dtfe and who had authorised the offi cer to receive it for him. The soldier was Informed that a part of the money would be paid to the post exchange to liquidate the indebtedness there of the enlisted man, and the remainder would be turned over n 1 I ... IJ 4 1. 1 nn, 1 i V. , itlthe Boldler ,ncurred a furtner debt nt tne post exchange and deserted without calling for the mqney which . had been drawn Jn his name. The question submitted to the War department by the officer who re tained the money was whether it would be possible to pay tho second debt incurred at the post exchange by the soldier Just before his desertion, and, further, what disposition ehould be made of the re mainder of the money. It waa held by the War department that the officer who had the soldier's pay In hit) possession should turn ft over to the paymaster, by whom It would be carried on his accounts 03 un drawn forfeited pay. The debt at the post exchange could not be settled out of tills sum of money. t'OMIXG II 4 It HIM A 3 QIIZ. Mergers and Other Thlnita to Be Looked Into. Chicago- Record-Herald. ( When the Harrlman Investigation Is re fimiHil before the Interstate Commetce Onmtrlsf-lon In New York next Monday, tho gi vernment attorneys are said to be pre pared to show an astounding seiks of financial transactions in connection with the I'nlon Pacific group of railways. C. A. Severance, who, with Attorney Kcl lo.Kjr, is In active charge of the Inve.'tlgntlcn, was in Chicago. He said Edward II. Hir riman and Jacob Schift would be among thn first witnesses called by the .commission, and that the rumor that Mr. Harrlman would not be a witness was unfounded. It is expected to show nil of the stock and bond transactions which Mr. Harrlman has engineered since he firtt became identi fied with the I'Di m Paclftc. and It In possi ble the refinnnrlnc of the Alton roid. dur ing which its capital stock waa trebled, will he gone Into. The acquisition by tho Union Puclfic of !0,00f),0?0 of Alton stock will be pnradej, and some of the deals whereby Mr. Harrlman Is said to have pur chased stocks or bonds from one of his companies and sold them to another will hn ,,,..,.lreA ln,0 n ,8 cven i,inted that the bnsls of M-. Harrlmun's' private fortune may be ols- ,,i,mert to the commission. At lo-nst some of the vi'.nesres will be asked regarding trans action In which certain Harrlman railroad bonds were purchased by Individuals and then sold at a higher figure to other com panies. ' "I cannot tell you Just what our plan will be." ald Attorney Severance, "until I i get tc New York and corajlt with Mr. Kel lcfrg, who is there working up the case. In general we intend to go deeply Into tho financing of the Harrlman properties, to aea if ih.v win nil stand the llh of dav. Homa i Interesting testimony la expected. I pre sume the Investigation will last almost through the week and will conclude at New York." Attorneys Severance and Kellogg are alsi said to have been preparing for the coming Investigation Into the Hill merger, which will follow that of the Hairlmfln merger. ' Mr. Severance refused to state what facts had been marshaled or what line the In vestigation would pursue. Pollnnlnv the l.earter. Philadelphia Record. The discouraging newa reache the rail way comivuileB that tjie prealdent haa started out to reform them and will keep up his campaign till death. When his p-e.l.lontlal career shall end there will le the senate in ahlch he can continue hi warfare. The railroad might a well come down and be good. Their officers assure the pnMic that they have come ifown and are g(Kyl ,n(1 tiley are beseeching the rregdpt to put away bla gun. but they are reputed to have fulled In their efforta. an1 ne ij to be waiting merely for a i n m, H,,n nf c.igreaa so that he can hae time to accomplish something. And then, too, all the leirlalaturts are taking their fi'ng at the railroads. We are as sured of an Interesting presidential cam paign next year. rafAL Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. An absolutely pure, cream of tartar powder. . ajorat. asKnva mwtirn en., wrwrowg. Till It M I M TtKATIOft. Fremont Tribune: The railroad argument against terminal taiall in, that It will take nway Ins rnrelpla from I lie country dis tricts and lowna and give It to tho Inrgcr rlllea where Idem la terminal property, looks good on tta face, but If It were really truejtliH ritllMMila wouldn't care. What lines 'l matter to Ihem where they pay their tea, provided the tniea remain the same aa heretofore? Terminal taxation mentis they will pay a greuter tax, because they will then pay for the advantages they rnjoy In the cities where their valuable terminals are. This Is the null of the thing. Bchuyler Free tmce- There, Is no reason why the railroad rompnnlea should not pay cltv taes on their property located within corporate limits, Just the same as any other property owner docs. All property owners pay their state and county taxes, Just the same as an owner living outBld the city does, and then pay the additional city taxes as well. Tho railroad companies should do the same, and have the msessment Just the same as to valuation iih if they did not pay the city tax. The bill before the legis lature now to permit of cities like Omaha taxing terminals should pan, and It should also permit of nil cltlfs and villages Retting the benefit of that t:ix on all niilroad prop erty located within any corporate limits. And tho Idea that because they pay city taes shou'd hrtver their state and county taxes Is buiKomb. Toe It lower any man's state and county taxes any because he piy city taxes? Well, we guess not. and neither should It lower thnt of railroads. A man In the county assessed at J4,C0 valua- tlon Is assessed on that for stale and county taxes at the regular levy and the man In the city with an nsseaned valuation of tl.COO pays the same os does his country brother, and In addition pays his cltjr tax, but liecause he pays the latter his state and county tax Is not lowered nnd neither should It be. H!alr Courier: What taxpayer would not like to move his city property out Into one of the townships In the country that has the lowest tax rate Just Ion? enough to have It assessed, and then move it back again where It has Increased value and the advantages of tnnll, city water for fire protection, police or survetllnnce, etc? That Is Just what the railroads have been doing with their tracks and depots for years, and now they are kicking like bay steers when they are asked to pay city taxes for what property they have In the city. Just as other people must "do. That la what Is meant by "terminal taxation" you have been hearing so much about. Is there any thing unfair about it? Railroad papers try to make people believe It moans taking taxes away from the townships through which tho roads run, simply because the roads arc asked to pay more taxes in the cities. Even Representative gchoettgor seems to have been thrown off the track by this argument, to our great surprise. There can be little doubt but that he sees 'ere this that the railroads would not op pose the measure If it'almply meant chang ing the method of paying the same amount of taxes. They fight It because It means paying In more taxes, paying Just as much taxes on the dollar In the cities aa other property owners pay. This Is not hard to understand and It Is more than likely that the fellows who can't ace It don't want to, being tarred With the railroad stick. PERSONAL .VOTES, That Mr. Rockefeller has a scant $300,000, OtO and an Income of barely ja,CX),00) Is shocking news Indeed. The country re garded him aa rich. Even New York City papera speak almost respectfully of Depew Just now. He Is en gaged In the effort to get an appropriation for a postoffice there. Secretary Wilson of the Department of Agriculture Is the Nestor of the cabinet and is the only member who was one of the original group at the beginning of Mr. McKinley'g administration. The house In Leydin In which Rem brandt, tho preut artist, was born 309 years ago, was dehtroyed by fire last week. Tha house has been used for a long time as a pluce of pilgrimage for lovers of art. New York has discovered a woman resi dent who Is 101 years old and has been a vtobacco smoker for uixty-cight years. Pictures of her In. the act of hitting tho pipe may be had from thn Tobacco trust Frederick C. Stevens, the newly appointed superintendent of public works In New York state, Is president of a hank in Washington, owns a street car line ,thero, and runs a big stock farm near Attica, N. Y. He has many millions. A candidate for a county office who lives at Wech, I. T., announces himself In tho following unusually frank manner: "Owing to the earnest solicitation of those to whom I owe money I have consented to be come a candidate for the office of county treasurer, subject to the usual disclosure of character." ' Chris Von Der Ahe of Bt Louis, in years i gone by known to the base bull world as I "Der boss president," has developed politl ' cal ambition and is a candidate for th I city qouncil. Mr. Von Der Ahe owned the I St. Louis Browns In the '8C'a. when they won the American association champion ship four successive season., Judge Graham of the San Francisco supe nor court gets as much fun aa possible out of life, even extracting an occasional luutfh from trial over which he presides. Not (long ago he Indulged in his favorite pro pensity ana came on seeona oesi. An ap plicant for naturalisation waa before him, the French chef of a big hotel. Satisfied with the answers to the formal questions, Judge Graham auddenly and unamillngly put a final poeer: "You ay you are a chef? ' What la the difference between a teal. duck and a pheasant?" Just aa quickly and fully as seriously came the answer: "Forty centa, your honor." V All ! 1 V tZLU new" Hair Vi tne n m jots) not sjvnin or rassm Jf tl. ctf'or eft) ha; : a T)nM CLEANLINESS IS W0R.TH ALL IT COSTS. ISNT IT? IS THE CLEANEST Or THEM ALL AND VERY HOT VICTOR WHITE COAL CO.. 1E05 Famam-Tel Osoj. 127 BAKING POWDER RRMRDY TIIF. HXF.a. Dimple Remedy for the Hostility Ratla road Mnnaa-era In meat. New York Tribune. Almost dally the newspaper quote some railroad president as deploring the public hostility to railways. On Turs,ia;r presi dent Truesdnle of the IVIaw.ire, r.acka wnnna A Western and Freslilont stlckney of the Oreat Western railroad pointed, out the peril ahead for railroads In what Mr. fitlekney called "railroad rtaltlnn. Mr. Btlrkney said It was bound to brlno; on dlsarter to the country at lan?e, nn, rr, Trucsdale predicted that It would "work great wrong and Injustice to the rsilnrnd Interests of the country, and In so doing Injure Its general business Interests." Mr. Truesdnle confessed that "no doubt thera Is some Justification for this feeling" of hostility. Aa If to give force to this acknowledgment, the same dny"s papers print the news of the Indictment of an other railroad for rebating. There la unquestionably some truth In what these various railroad managers say regarding the existence of a hostile senti ment toward railroads. It Is more fully developed In the western states than It Is here In the east, for In the western statea ngitation against certain of the evils of railroad management, now generally ad milted even by railroad men, has been car ried on longer than In the east. A num ber of primaries In states In the middle west last fall were carried on the antl- rallroad Issue, and again the same Issue arose and proved a winning one in the flections of those state, rtut It does not seem to US that the feeling Is by any means so great as some railroad presidents would have us believe nor Is It so crys tallised as to be full of danger either to the railroads or to the Industrial prosper ity of the country. Most of the so-called anti-railroad legislation In various states proceeds not from a spirit of hostility to ward the railroads but from an honest ef fort. If not always a wise one, to do Justice, between the conflicting Interest of tha railroads and the public. It Is the same effort at Justice that Inspired the interstate commerce legislation, of a year ago. The real danger Is In the growth of hos tility toward railroads. It Is easily con ceivable that the sentiment existing now might be Inflamed to a perilous degree by demagoguFB on the one hand and by Ill considered action of the railroads on the other. We have examples In Chicago and Cleveland within the last two years of the destructive effects on public service cor porations of a thoroughly aroused hostilo public opinion. If the railroads recognize, aa their presidents say they do, any Justi fication for public antipathy they should make all haste to end the Justifying causa. Merely to deplore In annual reports, In speeches and In public. Interview the an tagonistic sentiment and to point out Its dangers can do no good,. It is attempting to aweep back the aea. To say, as Mr. Truesdale doea, that much of it Is unjust, exaggerated, unreasonable, will , not cure the trouble; for though that statement is perfectly true It la perfectly commonplace. Whenever Just hostility exists, prejudice and unreason inevitably multiply It. Tha railroads should do their utmost to remove this justification for the hostility whose existence Mr. Truesdale confesses. fellHTHriX HUM ARKS. Daughter (tentatively) Father, William is coming today to see you about me, and please don't forget that it will cost hi feelinKs a good deal to approach you ou the subject. Father (grimly) Oh, let him come along with the cost to his. feeling. I'll foot tha Bill. Baltimore American. "Rink Is very exact abrut matters of etiquette and form, I am told." "Rigidly so. Whenever he went on a I spree while he was in mourning for hi rich uncle, he insisted that he saw nothing but blncK snaKes. tiultlmore American. Knox Why don't you cut that out Tone your talk down a bit. Kundor What' wrong? It's to call a snude a apade, ln't It? all right Knox Well, Instead of calling it you might whisper it occasionally, Philadel phia Press. j "How Wllllkina "must love his wife." "Why do you think he does?" "Siie weighs at least Pj pounds and he merely calls her plump." Washington Herald. "Doctor," said the patient, after the great specialist had sounded and acrutlnlxed and catechised him, "what makes me ao' ner vous "You've lost your nerve," responded tha specialist, demonstrating, however, by tha size of his fee that he retained hi own. Philadelphia Ledger. "Our present social Ufa is so monoton ous." ' "How so?" "A man goes to court before he's mar ried, and goes to court after, just tha same." Baltimore American. "You cannot fully explain sun spot or earthquakes, can you?" "ForlunHtely, no," answered the profes sor. "If thou - things were fully and satis factorily 'xplalmd, there would be no fur ther demiiini for magazine articles about the n."-r Washington Star. HER TltllMIMI OVKIt TIME. (Chicago Record-Herald.) She Isn't as young as she used to be. But her luughter was never lighter; Her hair Is blanching, as you may see. But the pieaKurea of youth delight her; She hna kept the heirt of a girl sho wear A look that frightens away the carea Which like to come plniruing ua unaware, She is helping the world grow brighter. What doea it matter about her years Since the grates of youth attend her? She adda to our glee and lessens our teur What a service thnt Is to render! She smiles Hnd trouble at onee depart. She gives new courage to doubting heart) Ah. hers la the highest of all the art That udd to the world gay splendor. How cheated are they who think or' say That years are the only measure! She never has foolirhly put away The youth she whs born to treasure, Her hair is blanching, but her eyea The giory of hope serenely lies; She sees no skies but the bluest skies, ' Her world 1 a world of pleasure, Aytr s hair Vigor was good, toe bes.V that vsi made. But Aver's Hair Vleor. a Improved formula, is better. It U one crcat specific ior tailing Daw. a nrenrtinn Inevrvviv. Atk vonr 111 1)1 druggist to show it to you, tho new kind. nnt ItA 1 of UM J. O. AMT OO., LewcIT. K