Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1907, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 2f, 1007. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OilAUA Tool ? fropertj Cwcer Gives His Views oa Annexation. KLASURE Cr ECONOMY AM UTILITY Folic Raid Baloeai, Flad Oplnm and Arrest Orpnt as Writ aa the Parties (oiltKln, tha Place. -f Vnr alwnvs been In fnvnr cf annexa tion, " sM a yung pmpertr nwnw ycster itf noon, "but as I im working for nn t,, the corporations I don't wish to ro queted on the subject by the use of my name. As a rule, corporations .don't care to have employes who are eager to (ret be fore the publlo ye. I ran sny with posi tive assurance that none of the packer, who nre the heaviest property owners In Bouth Omaha, are opposed to annexation Of the two cities. Th t'nlon stork yard offklnls are alao Indifferent on the subject. If property were no sure to depreciate, as tt la claimed, why should not the packer be fighting the proposition? I take my rue from them, and aa I own several pieces tf property In the northern section of the city. In desirable locations, I am not afraid. "Why is It that all business firms unite their Interests as much as they can under na bead? If It Is a Rood plan that all large Interest seek to combine, why Is It ot good business to unite on a proposition tt government? If It is economy In the Bnt case why is It not also In the munici pality? Why should there be a lot of tnrobersome officials with different and In harmonious systems divided up among two r three separate and antagonistic govern ments, when the number of them could W reduced and the systems brought Into taxmony by a union of Interests? That ooks like sense to me. "As to the matter of voting on the ques tion, I would like to ask how many men rver voted for our constitution. Who of Die people now living ever bad any voice 11 the fundamental laws of the land? Peo ple nowadays have had no chance la vote n these questions and yet they are bound y them. Why not let the railroads vote Hi the l-eent faro proposition? They are the parties most vitally affected. It Is n-American not to be represented and to rote. By all means let the railroads vote n the laws which govern them. But It Is laid the railroad laws were for the correc tion of ex luting evils. It might be said With tha same breath that annexation sould also correct evils of a wasteful and annecessary government. The liquor deal In of the city are controlled by laws srhlch are Irksome to them and which the municipality would repeal If It had the Sower, yet who is there to advocate that the liquor men. because their town stood ky them In desiring that the law be re pealed should not be bound by the laws f the state or any additional laws which the legislature might pass. Legislatures are created for the purpose of making wise laws and correcting evils which are found V exist. Very few people believe In a referendum vote, as one which applies so locally as this Is the more out of the ques tion. The amendments creating the Board ft Fire and Police commissioners did not please Bouth Omaha, and yet no one asked for a, chance to vote whether they would accept It or not Legislatures are In ex istence to cope with every question In the est possible manner." Raids oa Oplaaa Balooaa. Yesterday was tn day of all days since the Sunday closing; orders came Into effect, owa year since, tor the Dumber of ar rests mad for breaches of the order. Not Only did tha police arrest all tha barkeep ers who were found doing business, but they placed under arrest all of the In mates ot the saloons at the time of the raid. Before 1p.m. the city jail was filled to the suffocating point, there being over fifty men enrolled on the books. The names sf the saloon men raided were: Del Green, Twentieth and N streets; Barney Cogan, bartender on Q street; Frank Hannlgan's saloon on Q street, run by Mike Hannl ;u; Hans Ldndberg and Fred Hefflinger's barkeeper at Thirtieth and Q. Fred Hef fllnger Is a city councilman. Charges were Bled against the saloon keepers. The ob ject of arresting the patrons of the places was that they might be held as witnesses. The jail was the scene of great activity during all the early part of the evening. Friends of the men who were caught nap ping visited the Jail In droves to scheme some means of releasing the prisoners. Many of them were bailed out or allowed to go on their own recognisance. The names of all were Inserted on the jail record and they will be held to appear at the trial. ' Most of the men were inclined to take their arrest good naturedly and mad light of the affair. The charge of unlawful assemblage was placed against aft ot the men arrested for being In saloons.. Before t o'clock most pf them had been balled out. There were a few, however, who had imbibed too freely and these were kept on the charge f being drunk Bey Heady with Brlek. W. H. Hilt, an architect Uvlng at the Qreer hotel, received a painful If not langerous wound yesterday afternoon from s brick which was hurled at his head. The brick was tn the hands of a boy, but after the blow was struck HUt was unable to give any clear account of the caube of the trouble. It appears that some words sad passed between the two and at the Jod the boy threw the brick. It struck Kilt over the eye and cut a gash an Inch r two long, felling him to the ground. The boy then ran away before anyone had wjaltlvely identified him. Dr. Davis was Wiled and pronounced the wound not serl- The only form of food made from wheat that is all nutri ment is the soda cracker, and yet the only soda cracker of which this is really true is Uneeda Biscuit The only Tha only The only The only It i 1 CTjtJ In a dust tight. fLJ) moisten proof pachas. I'k I T I NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY I I r- : : - xxr-Clt itt ens ttM er sty head. A w- It Ionk a good behind as In front. As esceileet quality loeide as out. Standard ot bat value that's McStfbbin g3 ANY GOOD DEALER ous. The injured roan was taken to the hotel, where his hurts were dressed. The officers are looking for the boy who burled the brick. Office Building for Cndahys. The Cudahy Packing company proposes to build a new and commodious office build ing, the dimensions of which are SSxlK feet, and when completed will be three stories high. The location Is just south of the old office building. Tha first step was taken only a few days ago, when the engineering department was ordered to draft plans for the building. These will require several weeks to complete. The building will be modern In all respects. The old building will be used for storage purposes in a'l prob ability. The Increasing force In the office has outgrown the present accommodations. Lecture by Dr. May. The lecture by Dr. Eugene May yesterday afternoon at the Methodist church was list ened to by a fair crowd of men and boys of the Toung Men's Christian association. Dr. May comes here from Washington, D. C, and Is a man of extensive travel. Ills theme yesterday wns a sketch of Rome with a contrast of modern times to the way they appeared to the Apostle Paul. He told cf his entrance by the Applan Way and of the monuments of the royal line of the Ceasars along the highway. He told of his visits to the Vatican, with Its 11.0C0 rooms, each with its work of art. He men tioned the house which the apostle occupied while plying his trade as tent maker. He drew a picture contrasting the death of Nero with that of Paul, and drew from he lives of the two men his lemon and message to the young men before him. Dr. R- I Wheeler made a plea for membership. I niv nest n m Jnllas nnnaae. The body of Julius Hanuse lies at the undertaking parlors of Heafey & Heafey, where a coroner's Inquest will be held this morning at a. m. He was the young man who shot himself last week at the home of his mother at Forty-eighth and L streets. Despondency over the loss of seme money by gambling was the only assignable cause. -He was a man of 38 years. "Mmalr City Gossip. Max Weeks of Chicago Is visiting with friends in the city. Mrs. K. fl Haskins will tender a tea to the younuomrn March S. Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all parts of the city. Telephoen No. ( Henry Richards of Cedorvllle, 111., was the guest of F. A. Cressey last week. C. E. Birch, formerly of South Omaha, but now of Minneapolis, has returned for a visit. The funeral of Mary Ross, the Infant daughter of John Hoes, occurred yester day morning. Mrs. A. Blank has returned to her home li Des Moines, after a visit of several weeks In this city. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Roes, 117 North Seventeenth street, was burled yesterday afternoon at St. Mary s ceme tery. The South Omaha Central Labor union will meet this evening at Raab's hall. Arrangements will be completed for a ball to be given April 1 at the Ancient Order of United Workmen temple. Now Is the time to make your wants known through The Bee Want Ad page. DROPS HIS MONEY IiTrESORT J. Freeaey Pays Toll with All His Cask for Short Social Chat. J. Freeney of Stockholm, became tired of rural existence and started out Satur day to satisfy bis longing for more excit ing scenes. He arrived In Omaha at 4 o'clock p. m. Sunday, and at precisely 6 o'clock he reported to the police that somewhere between Stockholm and Ninth street and Capitol avenue he had bocome separated from all of his ready cash, $65, which he carried In his hip pocket. Upon being closely questioned, he con fided to Captain Dunn that upon reaching Omaha he perhaps was a little color blind, but at any rate had become good friends with Verna Clark and had spent a por tion of the afternoon at her residence on Capitol avenue. As Vema's gsests have been unfortunate heretofore In the matter of losing their money, the police are looking for her In the hope that she may have some theory on the matter. Verna Clark's affairs occupied a consider able portion of the time of Judge Craw, ford Monday morning, as a complaint was filed against ber by HYeeney and a warrant Issued for her arrest. A ball bond of 150, which had been given last Saturday by At torney James Kelkenny when she was ar rested on the charge of being a suspicious character, was ordered forfeited by Judge Crawford when she failed to appear Mon day morning for trial and hopes are enter tained by the police that she has mad her last appearance In Omaha. 13 "cTTT5 soda cracker scientifically baked. Boda cracker effectually protected, soda cracker ever fresh, crisp and clean, soda cracker good at all times. MAKING MONEY IS MAM WAYS Cth?r lleani of Gsttinc Bich Ihsn Work he Nebraska lara. N0YIL WAYS CF MAKING A LIVING A Pssrars Trest. a Bell f roar Ranch. Boarding Canaries and Banishing Ceekreaebes Onod Money la Cake Making. In the whole hlstcry of the world there has never been a country where it is easy to make money as In the Unitid 8tat-, and this' is the most prosperous time the people of our nation hove ever known. That there are many ways of making a living besides being a life Insurance president, a prizefighter or a hodrarrler, is shown by the following collection of unusual occupa tions. Of the whole list of unique callings that have come to notice none Is more peculiar than the business of "Dr. Cockrtach" of Louisville. For a stipulated annual consid eration the "Doctor" contracts to keep one's premises rid of cockroaches. He does not whistle them away like the Pied Piper of Hamelin. but at regular Intervals he comes around with queer looking tools and mysterious powders, by means of which he persuades the cockroaches to go. "Bird Doctor and Bpeclallsf is the sign on the shingle which hangs in front of an establishment on Broadway in New York. The proprietor Is a young woman who takes mamma's pet canary to board while the family Is away at the seashore or ab sent from home at other times. She also has a hospital for sick birds and teaches backward songsters their mission In the world. While It might seem that this young woman is making small use of her time, she really knows all about birds and their troubles and is able to make a competence from her work. A Pepeera Trast. An Englishmen possessed of a small an nuity and in bad health went to El Paso, ! Tex. The expenses cf living were so great ' in the southwestern city that he soon found ; his income inadequate. He Invested all the : ready money he had In eight gilt and gaudy popcorn stands, with little engines to I run the poppers. The Idea worked and be I fore long he branched out to San Antonio. I He soon worked up a baby trust which brought him an income of tS.000 a year. A woman In Boston makes a business of I taking Inventories of houses which are rented furnished. She comes to the house and makes complete lists In triplicate of every article with a description of its con dition. When the house is given v? she comes again and checks over the house hold goods and gods and appraises the loss or damage. She has been so successful In this kind of work that her services are much In demand. . . An Italian In New Tork takes over the rubbish from the garbage collections of the great eastern metropolis at a stated annual price and makes from $20,000 to $30,000 a year from the business. He em ploys hundreds of sorters and pickers, who go over the rubbish to get out the old bottles, rags, rubber, leather and other Junk. It Is said that he realizes from $2,000 to $3,000 a year on old rubber shoes alone. A Memphis newspaper woman boldly ad vertised In the newspapers that for a con sideration she would prepare papers to be read at women's clubs, write speeches for banquets or trace pedigrees 'back of for gotten grandmothers to the Colonial Dames. Her advertising was persistent until com missions began to come In, and many a woman leader of club life in this or that particular town has shone in the reflected glory of this southern girl's hard working genius. Boosa la Blemished She. Several years ago a shoe buyer for one of the Chicago department store con ceived the Idta of buying up slightly dam aged or blemished shoes from the manu facturers and retailing the same at a aao riflce price. He opened up with one clerk In a single room near the roof of a sky scraping office building. To get a good pair of $6 shoes with nothing more than a little scratch on them for fci was such a bargain that customers came Jast. The business Increased so rapidly that the original store has been enlarged to fifteen rooms, and forty clerks are employed Instead of one. The capital earned from the original store has been reinvested, until now the con cern owns eight large stores In other placea A New Jersey girl, broken down by teach ing and office work, was ordered by her doctor to get some occupation which would keep her out of doors. She followed the physician's advice by acquiring a boggy farm In New Jersey, where she began the culture of bullfrogs. Persons who heard of the new venture smiled, until they learned that she was making a lot of money selling frogs' legs at big prices to New Tork hotels and restaurants. In order to get the fresh air she does her own killing. Attired in rubber boots she tramps about the marshes and shoots the frogs with a small rifle. An enterprising New Torker makes a business of matching buttor.s. But this man I no relation to the famous Bim the Button Man, who makes campaign buttons and badges. Bim makes a specialty of forecasting the action of political conven tions. Time snd sgaln this enterprising man has successfully defied all the political prophet a In 1900 he staked his reputa tion on the belief that Roosevelt would be nominated vice president and made a big cleanup from the sale of button at the doors of tha, convention hall. The I'nited States consumes millions of olives every year, but they are nearly all unripe. About eight years ago a Cali fornia woman while traveling abroad learned the secret of pickling a ripe olive In a peculiar fashion. The year after she came home she marketed twenty gallons of ripe olives. Three years later she could not begin to fill the orders which cam to her, and now she is annually marketing over 100.000 gallons of ripe, olive oil and pickled olives. Reading for Other People. A novel way of making a living Is to do other people's reading for them. In the qld days when a learned man desired to write a scientific book It was a labor of years. Not so nowaday in th United States. Suppose a physician who has at tained great prominence as a specialist in th treatment of a particular disease desires to perpetuate his fame by writing a book on that subject. What does he do? Merely makes contract with a profes sional reader' to provide the history of cases of the particular dlaease recorded In th medical journals of all lands. The busy man thea goes hastily over this collection, selecting the instances fit for his own use, and thus completes the work of ten years In one year. Not long ago one of our great physicians paid a professional reader $5,000 for compiling certain information fur him. The business of looking up family records to qualify a man or woman for admission to the Sous or Daughters of the American Revolution -ur other historical societies Is as well recognised tn Washington as that of tha attorney who looks up th war record of the claimant for a Bensioa. And there are other information bureaus willing and qualified to write a good speech for a budding statesman or make a splen did argument on any side cf any question. Or if be budding statesman desires to write bis own speech, and Is not familiar with the bypaths cf history, th bureau will look up th history of any bit of legislation, seek out the precedtats, Cite decision of th courts and otherwise assist and Instruct. Then, If some one out in the deestrick" desires to oppose the re-election of th same statesman, the versatile bureau peo ple will be willing to provide his enemies with an exdet account of everything the gentleman has done, and everything he has failed to do while serving his country as a member of congress. A woman In Emporia. Kan. that remark able small town which no more requires Kansas after It than New Tork needs the name of the state affixed has made a lot of money by breeding cats. A St. Louis man, 80 years old and married, yet who is almost a midget, gets a big salary from a shoe company for going about with Its traveling men tn a Buster Brown costume, hair bobbed and all, and accompanied by a big dog who looks like Tlge. For eighteen years a Kansas City woman made her living and laid by a competence by designing the costumes worn In the annual Priests of Palace parade. Another woman In Columbia, S. C, la known as "official painter of heraldry to the Daugh ters of the American Revolution." She makes a snug living by designing and painting coats of arms and heraldic designs for those who are vain of their ancestry. A young woman In Louisville, Ky., began baking cakes for women who were giving parties and was so successful that she now owns the largest restaurant In Louisville and conducts a catering business with cus tomers in five states. Every city now has doxens of shopping brokers who advertise to buy things and match samples for peo ple living In the country. New Tork Sun. THIS COUNTRY'S COAL LANDS May Be Exhaaeted la Tvro Haadred Tears Area la th West. M. R. Campbell of the United States geological survey, during an address be fore the . National Geographic society at Hubbard Memorial hall in Washington, D. C, predicted that all the coal in the United States will have been consumed and ex hausted In 2U0 years, If not sooner. He said he did not care to go on record as an alarmist, but Inasmuch as he has' made a i thorough and minute Investigation and In j spectlon of the various coal lands through out the country, ana nas eareruuy pre pared statistics, he is satisfied the ques tion Is a serious one and worthy of Im perative steps toward remedying the con ditions. He suggested congressional action, with a view of conserving coal mines on ! public lands and preventing corporations "cornering them." Mr. Campbell bases his prediction of a coal shortage or famine, as follows: "There are approximately 400,000 square miles of actual coal In the entire United States at the present time. This constitutes ap proximately 2.300,000,000,000 tons of coaL To give some Idea of the condensed size of this amount of coal, if It were all put to gether in one place it would make a cube bound to Increase. Factories and manufac turing Industries are the second largest con sumers of coal. Necessity will cause them seven and a half miles high and wide. Last year the consumption of coal In the United to Increase and use more coal. The next States was 1.800,000,000 tons, and despite this yearly consumption. If it did not in crease each year In the future, there would be enough coal to last more than 1.000 years. "I have reason to believe," the lecturer continued, "that the consumption will steadily Increase each year. Coal was first used In this country In 181$, and In the next ten years 33,000,000 tons were consumed. The next ten years those figures were more than doubled, and every decade since they have been doubled, until they have reached the mammoth proportions - stated. The railroads at the present day are the largest consumers of coal of any Industry. Last year 106,000,000 tons were used in running locomotives. It Is a known fact that the railroads will become more, ex tensive, necessarily putting more locomo tives in operation, and this consumption Is largest consumption is for domestic use as fuel. An Increase in this form will de pend upon the population, and It Is un nessary to state that the population will increase aa the years go by. Therefore, taking into consideration the amount of coal there Is In the United States and an approximate estimate of the yearly con sumption and the rate It has Increased since 1816, I will not give coal more than 200 years to exist. It Is possible that It will be exhausted In ISO years. At any rate urgent steps should be taken to adopt some plan by which the life of coal will be prolonged. The largest coal area, he said. Is In Mon tana, there being 47,000 square miles of the mineral in that state. The next largest area is In Texas, then Illinois, and then North Dakota. Despite the amount of area In the west, he stated that region Is not a large coal producing region. He ex plained the situation by saying that. con siderable of the region has not been worked .and some of tbe veins have not been dis covered, t According to Mr. Campbell, the beds In the west are much thicker than In tha east. In the latter region a bed thicker than ten or thirteen feet is seldom found, but In the west some of the beds are as thick as 100 feet. However, be expects the coal regions of the west, especially in Mon tana, North Dakota and Colorado, to de velop In richness. Although there Is evi dence of considerable coal In Alaska, what products he has examined were of a poor grade, and he does not expect much from the region In the future as a coal producer. Washington Star. John . Miller. John 8. Miller of Chicago Is not. as is erroneously stated, the chief counsel of the Standard Oil company, says the Washing ton Herald. The lawyer who holds that responsible position Is a Mr. Elliot, who used to represent a Pennsylvania dis trict In congress, and whose offices are tn the Standard Oil building In New York. But Mr. Miller is now the chief trial lawyer In the Standard's employ. It was he who so conducted the defense of the Beef trust prosecutions managed by former Attorney General Moody as to gain for thet client the now fc.nious "Immunity bath." Ap parently Mr. Miller has performed for the Standard Oil company a service quite as Important and of a similar character aa that which he performed for the Beef trust. In that he has raised the point that certain parliamentary motion adopted In the sen ate affecting the railroad rate bill, which declares the Standard OH pipe lines to be common carriers, have opened the way for an "immunity bath" for tbe giant oil com pany. High circles in Washington are palpi tant with rumors concerning the interest ing point as to who gave Mr. Miller the first hint as to the possible means nf escape of the Standard In tbe way indicated. The public would be shocked should some of the name connected with these rumors be published. The fact seems to be that Vr. Miller made the discovery himself, without the aid of any member of either branch of congress or anybody els connected in sny way with tbe government. Some of the big lawyers of the senate are strongly in clined to believe that Mr. Miller's conten tion will be upheld by the courts, and thus the Standard will escape all of the serious Indictments brought against It months ago by a federal grand Jury at Chicago. These senators .also say that if this shall prove to be the case Mr. Miller's fee as special counsel probably will be one of the biggest ever paid to an American lawyer. Now Is the time to make your wrants known through The Uvt Want Ad page. PaBims bo . JOHN OVEN Dii.fy's If you wish to keep strong and vigorous and have on your cheeks the glow of perfect health, take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, according to direc tions, and take no other medicine. It Is dangerous to fill your system with drugs, they poison the body and depress the heart, while Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey tones and strengthens the heart action and purifies the entire sys tem. It is recognized as a medicine everywhere. This is a guarantee. Duffy'a Pure Malt Whiskey has stood severe teets for fifty years and has always been found absolutely pure and to contain great medicinal properties. CAUTION When you ak your druggist, (crocer or dealer for Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, be sure you get the genuine. It's the only absolutely pure medi cinal wliifkey and is sold only in sealed bottles; never in bulk. Look for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist," on the label, and make sure the seal over the cork is unbroken. Price $1.00. Illustrated medical booklet and doctor's ad vice free. Duffy's Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, K. Y. YOUTHS ARE WELL CLOTHED Throe Yoasa- Men Arrested with Several Bolts of I'nder. wear oa Backs. Detectives Mitchell and Bullivan mnde what are believed to be three Important arrests Monday morning In the persons of Frank Mason and Ray Ives of Denver snd Orton Anderson of Columbus, O.. whe were plentifully clothed with several suits of new underwear when arrested. After twins riven a thorough "sweating" the young men confessed they had broken Into s freight car Sunday night and had stolen a case of underwear, most of which was on their backs. Ives was possessed of three complete suits of underwear and his part ners were as generously supplied. They are held on the charge of burglary until It can be ascertained from what railroad company the goods were stolen and If the prisoners are wanted In other cities. JUROR ASKSF0R EVIDENCE Wants to Hear Testimony for Defense Where Street Railway Gets Verdict. Judge Day, Monday morning, threw out of court the H5,Ono damage suit of Robert A. Etewart against the street railway com pany for personal Injuries. Stewart got off a car at Tenth and Harney streets and was struck by another car going in the op posite direction. Judge Day held h had been guilty of contributory negligence and directed a verdict for the street car com pany. When the court announced his de cision, one of the Jurors rose in his plnce and asked to be allowed to hear the testi mony for the defense. The request was not granted by the court. 7a Personal knowledge this competitive age 'possessor in the front ranks of The Well Informed of the World. A vast fund of personal knowledge Is really essential to the achievement of the highest excellence in any field of human effort. A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowl edge of Products are all of the utmost value arid in questions of life and health when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component Parts and has won the valuable patronage of rruUions of the Well Informed of the world, who know of their own and best of family laxatives, for This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Pigs and has attained to world wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure laxative principles, obtained and the w ell Informed of the world to be the best we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and i Elixir of Derma as but doubtless it will name Co. r - f N,'at; dm LDUISVILLE, KY. Body amid Limlbs . ; J Pure mm CONFESSES DEED OF BURGLARY Frank Smith Arraigned After He Admits Breaking and Enter- lac Tailor Shop. After being fined 5 and cents In police court Monday morning, when he pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing a suit of clothes Saturday afternoon from the Boston store. Prank Smith, a recent addi tion to the colored population, was ar raigned on a complaint charging him with breaking and entering the tailor shop of K. Goclewskl, 110 South Seventeenth street, last Thursday night. He was bound over for trial In the district court under bond of $5(10. Smith confessed to Chief of Detec tives Savage that he had committed the burglary at the tailor shop and three suit patterns, which had been stolen, were re covered. Bites om Old Uln, M. Bercovloecl, a small merchant at 1107 Douglas street, proved the easy victim about 7:46 Sunday evening in an old con fidence game and is loeer to the extent of six pairs of trousers of the value of lii. The merchant reported to the police that four young men entered his store Sunday evening and, while he was showing one of them a pair of shoes, the others stole the trousers. He gave a description of the quartet to the police and their arrest muy be accompllHhed, particularly If they should be so careless of their personal appearance as to array themselves In tl trousers. Two Women Flit ht. "She treatened to cut out my heart and then jumped at me with the razor and slashed my hard," said Mme. Rose, 312 North Thirteenth street. In police court Monday morning, when Birdie Wright. U'U Cans stret-t. was arraigned on the charge of aBsault and hattery. The fight occurred late Sunday afternoon at the home of Mme. Rose, whose injuries were attended to by the police surgeons. After hearing the evidence Judge Crawford found the Wright woman guilty as charged and sen tenced her to confinement In the county Jail for the ensuing thirty days. OF Personal Knowledge it the winning factor in the culminating and when of ample character k places its personal knowledge and from actual use that which no extravagant or unreasonable claims from Senna, are well known to physicians more fully descriptive of the remedy, always be called for by the shorter of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects, always note, when purchasing the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup printed on the front of every package, whether you call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name Syrup ot pigs and Elixir of Senna. - SAN FRANCISCO. CAU LON DONNING LAN D. Mr. John Oven, of Chicago, 111., who was a fireman and is now an engineer, is very grateful to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey for his restoration to health. He was laid up with severe pains in body and limbs and had almost given up hope of recovery. He was cured by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, after all other medi cines had failed, and recommends it to all those who suffer as he did. "I have been a fireman and had pains In my back and limb so bad I had to give up work, aa it Is bad business for a man who has excruciating pains. I tried several so called remedies, but with no improvement, as It is a very stubborn sickness to cur. At last I used Duffy's Malt Whiskey, which a kind neighbor gave me, and It worked miracles on me. After taking four bottles I was able to resume work. "I tm very grateful to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, as I have been promoted from fireman to engineer since my recovery. Had I not been cured this could not have taken place. I would not be without Duffy's as a medicine, no matter what it cost. You may publish this testimonial all you wish. "JOHN OVEN. 255 Ogden St., Chicago, 111., May 31. 180C. Whiskey PERMIT FOR NEW BRICK KILN mlth Company Will Make Addltlam to Plant Coatlna: Ten Thoas and Dollars. The Smith Brick company. Twenty-second and Woolworth, Monday morning was granted a permit by Building Inspector Wlthnell to erect a brick stalk and kiln at the address mentioned at a cost of UO.Ou). This addition will Increase the facilities of the Smith brick yard, the output of this company have been in active demand for several seasons. LOCAL BREVITIES. W. T. Garrard of Pittsburg returned Sunday after a visit with his brother-in-law, I. D. Spalding. Nellie Orlswold is an applicant for a divorce from John A., who she says de serted her and their child. A new Jury panel reported to Judge Troup Monday morning and were given the usual Instruction by the i-ouit. George C. Kbersole has begun suit In dlBtnct court for divorce from Heater K. ElxTeole. He charges desertion. Emll Roska. Thirteenth and Pierce streets, was found guilty In police court Monday morning of having HXKaulted Ludvlk Kajefe at Thliteenth and Williums streets Sunday night and was fined 115 and costs by Judge Crawford. Charles Ellis, a colored man charged with breaking Into a saloon at Thirteenth snd Chicago and stealing S13 and a gold wauh. was pluced on trial before Judge Troup Monday morning. The burglary is alleged to have taken place February 9. A heavy trunk, which he wns trying to lirt. fell and slightly bruised the thigh of Charles Dill at the Lange hotel Sunday evening, lfe was attended by Police Sur geon Heine, who found that the Injuries, though painful, will not prove serious. The suit brought In district court by John Kudlaii. administrator ot the estate cf John Hodor. jr.. who was run down by a T'nlon Pacific switch engine and killed December 19, was settled In court Monday and reach party agreed tq a verdict of Cod, c??r contests of fortunate it is the first i are made - -j- rr. NEW YORK.N.Y'