Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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CHICAGO, Feb. 28. The playing schedule I In to play 1M games. The season will open i Ington and Uoston In Philadelphia. The
of the American league, which was given April U, when Chicago will be In St. Douls, last games will be played on October S.
for publication today, shows that each club I Cleveland In Detroit, New York In Wash- I The schedule Is as follows:
' Si ll.X('W
Coroner Inquiring Iito Cat of Baty of
A. f. Eklmoti acd Wi'eof Flortnoe.
Chll Apparently Hraltny k Bora
la na la Moralna; Bad rather
to Spirit the Body
Station Aicnt A. F. Holmott of ths
Omnha road at Klnrencp was arrested Mon
day morning and Is belnn held at that
place pending an Investigation Into the
death of an Infant boy burn Sunday after
noon. Dr. Rooney of Florence was called
Id the Holmots residence Sunday afternoon
to attend Mrs. ltolmots. who gave M'lth to
n child Sunday nlKht. The child was well
developed, and when the doctor left at 10
p. m. wa apparently thriving In every re
aped. Dr. Rooney calltd on his patient Monday
morning and not seeing the Infant asked
where It was. Mrs. Holmntz replied that
her huHbiind had "disposed of It." After
attending the patient the doctor went down
town and hunted up the husband and asked
him what he had done with the baby. He
replied that the baby had died during the
night, but he did not seem disposed to tell
where, the body was. Dr. Rooney called
Marshall Wlllard Green and together they
went to the depot and began a search,
which was .finally rewarded by finding the
dead body of the child m a suit case. It
was not dressed, but simply wrapped up In
a towel. Holmott was Immediately placed
under arrest.
When pressed for an explanation Hol
mott said that he and his wife hud only
been married a little over a week, and that
they wished to conceal the birth of the
child from his wife's folks, who live In
Minneapolis, That he didn't think It worth
while to call a doctor when the child be
came sick In the night, and did not think
It worth while to notify the doctor of its
death. He snld It had been his intention to
send the body In a suit case to his brother
In Randolph, Neb., and have It buried there.
Coroner Bralley was called and took
ST. LOl-19
Apt 11.12. U, 141 April IS, II, 17 I Ap'l . M. . I7,juna I, 10. 1U II lJun 4. I. I. T I Juna U, 14. 16
Juna M. J7. t. Ml Mar I, t, I, 4 July 1. I. (41, (4 Jlr l,; 1 Julr S4. . . 171 Aug. l. I. I. I
Sl. II, 11, 11
T. LOt' IS
Ap I II, I. . II
Mar II. 10). (Ml.
Sapt. 4. I. T
April tt, tl. tv
Jun 1, I
Juna 10, Julr 1
"apt. 1.(1), ).
i Mar I. I. T,
I Juna 23, 14, IS
I Sept. 14. la
lot. I.
jyi 7t :u u. u. ii au. 1
Sapt. tl, 17, II f (Sapt. Tl, W
Ap'l II, 14. . 17! Mar 1, t. I, 4
Sapt. 14, St. M Oct. 1. X. 1
Juna 11, 14, 16. 17, Juna 1. II, , 21
Aua. 7. I. I. lu
17. I. M
July I. I. (4l. (4)
Aug. xi. a, ii
April 11, II, II
Juna II. 17. 2. f
Bpt. 10, 11, I J, M
Juoa II
Sapt. (2), m. t
Sept. 14, 17, II
April II. II, t
Mar , (10), (10).
S-pt 4, I. I. T
Mar I. 4. 7. I I April IS, 14. 17
Juna I. 14, U April 18,
H.ot. 14. It IJuna 1. 2. 10
Oct. ft, I I Sapt. 1, ft, I
May" 14. IS., in, lt May . 10, It, II May It, 14. 1ft I May 1. 0. II. 221
July 11. II. II, 14 July I. 7. . 4 (July IS. 14. 17. lljjuly II, tn, tt. l
All. 14. 17. II Aua. 11. 11. 14 All. I. II. I. 1 Aua, K, ai, la
Juna 4. ft. 4. T
July 14. . M. 17
Sapt. 14, . M
Juna It. II. 10. 11 Juna 14, IS, (17),
An. 7, ft. I. 10 I (17)
Sept. 17, II. 10 Auf I I, ft, I
Oct. 1. ft. I
Juna II. 14. 1ft. 17 Juna II, 41. 10, II Juna I. in. 11. II IJuna 4. ft, 4. 7
Aui. I. ft, ft, I IA.ii. 7. ft. I. 10 Julr 11. 0. Hi July 14, 16. 14. V
i. I, I Sapt. 17, II, K) Aus 1 Sapt. 14. 2ft, II
("ept. 10, 11. tt I
Juna I. 10. 11. 1J
July 21. 10, II;
Au( 1
Sapt. 10. II. II
May I. 10. 11, II
July I. 7, I. i
Aug. 20, tl, 21
May 14. IS, II. 17 May 18, to, II. 11! May II, 14. IS
li, li, I4,juir i. "
Aus U, 14, fc Aug. 11, 11. 14 Aug.
I Ap'l 11. ftO; M 1,11
May 21. 14. 26. 2 May U. II, 10, 111 May 14. IS, 14, 17 May I. 10. 11. 11! Ap'l 11. It IS. 151 May I. 4, 4, t
Jl. IS 14. 17 lSIJuIr 1. 10. 11. Mijulr 10. 11. II. Ill July ft. I, I. 4 I Mar 14, . 10. I Sapt. 4, ft. 4. t
Aug. 24, 24, I Aug. II. 10, 11 I Aug. IS. II, 17 I Aug. II, II, 14
May 11. II, 10, II May II, 14, it, Ll! May I, 10. 11, II
Julr 1?. 71. July 1R. 1". lj. JJUiy a. a. a
Aug. II, II, 14
II Saturday!.
II Sundara.
Decoration day,
May 10.
Labor oay, Sapt
Conflicting dataa.
May ft; Juna 1,
II, 14. 10: Sept.
I, I. 14, IS.
Aug. 11. 17, 11 I Aug. II, 10, 11, 12
Mar 14. It. II. IT! May I. 4. I. 1
July 10. 11, 12, 11 Aug. 28. 10, 11
Aug. IS, 24, 14 IBapt. II, 17. IS, II
Juna II, II. I'1. HUuna IS. 14. 1.1. 17 Juna 4, ft. 4. 7 IJuna I, 10, II, 12
Aug. 7, I. I, 10 I Aug. I, I. ft, I I Inly 24, 26, 24. 17 July 19. 10, II;
Sapt. 17, 1ft, SO Oct. 1, I, ft Sept. 14. IS, II Aug I
1 I I Sapt. 10, 11, IS
Ap'l II. 20. 12. MlAp'l 14. r. 24. 17. April II. 17. 1ft
juna zz, 14. juna z?, u. i; ju'y i. a. tap. iv
Sapt. (1). (2). I I July 1 Sept. 4, I, I. I
l Sept. 11. II. J4 I
I April 14, 17. 18 lAprtl 14. IS. 24. 17
July I I. (41. (4) lJunc 27, 18. 11;
I Aua. 21. 10, II July 1
I Sapt. II I Sapt. I. 10, 11
April 11, 10;
May 1, I
May II : Juna 1, S
Juna 21, 24, 26, 21
Ap'l II. 10, 11, 21
Aug. 17. 18
Sapt. (2l, (2), I
Oct. 4, S
IS, II. 17, II May 11; Juna 1, I
I Oct. 4, ft, ft
I (10)
I Sept. ft,
10, 11
Sapt. 14. 17, 1ft
Ap'TiiTn. ii. is
May 18, tl, (30)
Sept. 12, IS, 14
IS Saturdays.
18 Sundara.
Contllrtlng datra.
April 28; May
2. Sept. ft, la.
Oct. ft, 4.
14 Saturdays.
July 4th.
1 14 Saturdays.
I Decoration day.
May 10.
July 4th.
Labor day, Sept.
It Saturdays.
Decoration day,
May to.
11 Saturdays.
Decoration day.
May in.
Labor day, Sept.
IS Saturday!.
July 4'h.
Labor day, Sept.
Conflicting date,
Aug 27. 1.
Sept. 1, 1. I.
II Saturdays.
Juna 17th.
July 4th.
Conflicting data,
Sapt. 4.
Water Tuned Into Pool Show Latter
la Heady for the
The new Young Men's Christian associ
ation Will be opened March 4. This an
nouncement will be read with considerable
gratification by over 1,000 young men In
Omaha, who are anxious to begin gymnas
ium work In the new building. Water was
turned Into the new swimming pool as a
test Friday to see If the pool would hold.
The test was successful. While the
gymnasium will be opened Monday, the
Charge of the An autopsy was held directors do not want to put the swimming
at the coroner's rooms last nlKht by Drs. ! Pol into service before water is to be hftQ
pooney of Florence and Lavender of j from the artesian well
Dmaha. The autopsy showed a normal con- i
dl.lon of all the Interna, organs except I lTu nhJwX "unS
the lungs, which, were congested and In- ta xing contest before the Osthoff Athletic
dlcated death might have resulted from club Friday night. Kd Courtney of Omaha
. t ,i in i or Teddy Williams cf Topeka, Kan. Both
suffocation. The coroner's lno.uest will be , "r 1 e"uJh at ,42 rounds and are
held at 9 o'clock this morning, tn speaking recocnized boxers and the exhibition
of the case Dr
woman was told
delivered of a child she became very angry
and cried. After the child was born the
parents asked the doctor to take It away
as they did not want It. Holmots is about
25 years old and his wife about 19.
the Packers this year. He Is a southpaw
and will take his turn in the pitchers' box.
Wllllama Joined the team the latter part
of last year, pitching and playing first
Dashes Headlong; Thronsth
lessen Mtore Window
Breaks Hla Kaat.
Rooney said that when the promises to be above the ordimiry-Courtney
i .h. .k. .... .r,r..,r tn h. has a good stiff punch In either hand, but
I that she was about to be wllUun(, j, salli to be the cleverer in foot
work. Preceding the main event will be a
hot nix round preliminary between Joe
Gathright and Frank Mickey, both local
Guy Buckles of Omaha and Walter Mc
Carthy of Council Bluffs, who went ten
rounds to a draw seven weeks ago, are
matched for a fifteen round boxing ex
hibition before the Osthoff Athletic club
Friday night, March 1, and there Is con
siderable rivalry between the two cities as
to which man will prove the cleverer.
Both men are training as they never
trained before, each recognising In the
other a man of no ordinary ability. Buckles
and McCarthy will christen the club's new
arena, which is now being constructed in
the old Osthoff hall on North Sixteenth
At last "Kid" Jensen, knowrt as "The
Flehtlng Dane" and Tommy Campbell, con-
i sidered the cleverest lightweight boxer In
hams, Omaha, have been matched for a boxing
ii . . . , (,....,,,, , exniOlllun, I1U lilt) cvciil win itinn Liitu;t3
pickles, cheese, and strings of welnerwtirst. ; ,n th ar;na of tn() 0tnoft Athletic club.
The Inmates of the store, when they had 613-19 North Sixteenth street, Friday night,
recovered from th excitement, found , March 15. Jensen's broken arm has en
mi.h .mi. i ., winrlnw nleklnsr vlass ; tlrely healed and he la now In training
Smith sitting In the window picking glass for ne event Campbell, who Is always In
out of his anatomy with one hand and 1 condition, Is confident that he will be able
munching a sausage held In the other. He i to best "THa Fighting Dane" and then be
.... . ,,. Kllt ,,, . eligible for another meeting with Teddy
would not budge, but continued to eat as , ,,e)per, of Kansas City and. eventually
only a starving man can. meet Abe Attell for the championship.
Ruin and disaster faced Schwen on all ' - .
Among oincr events miieauiea vj tne
club for the near future la a rontest
between Clarence Kngllsh of Chicago and
Driven desperate by cold and hunger,
William Smith plunged headlong through
tho big plate window In front of Henry
Schwen's grocery and delicatessen store at
9 Bklllman avenue, Ixmg Island City, and
landed In the midst of sausages.
sides. The portion of the stock which
Smith was not actually engaged in eating
was being frosen and nipped by the frosty i Wy Sherrard of Minneapolis, which Is to
Ittnv lim n uu miu a. ill icii-ruunfi
"go" between Jim McCormlck, John I
Sullivan's famous sparring partner and
"Tennessee" Johnson, who attempted to
get a match with Jeffries. Both men will
enter the ring at lfx pounds. This event
will probably take place early in April.
gale. A call for outside help was made
and Policeman Robert Baumann of the
Beventy-ftfth precinct answered.
With both handa fufl of sausages Smith
was lifted bodily out of the window and
later placed aboard a passing trolley car
and taken to the Fourth street station
house and locked up for the remainder of
the night.
To the policeman Smith said that he was
originally from Arkansas, but later from
Pittsburg. He was peddling shoestrings
and said he got lost on the outskirts of
Long Island City and was half dad from
cold and hunger. When he saw the warm
lights In Schwen's window and the rows
of sausages hanging Idly on hooks Inside
Amerlrans Adopt Schedule and Na
tionals Annoanre I m ulres.
NEW YOKK, Feb. 25.-Meetlngs of the
National and American Base Ball leagues
were held here today and will continue
tomorrow. The American league adopted
Its playing schedule for the season. The
National league will consider the schedule
tomorrow. The American officials after
adopting the playing dates transacted some
minor business and adjourned for the day.
The National's board of directors spent
some time considering the proposition of
having uniform tickets of admission at
all ball grounds. It was finally decided
to leave the matter to a committee con
sisting of Ebbetts of Brooklyn. Brush of
New York and Dreyfuss of Pittsburg, with
power to have printed a ticket with rain
check attached.
The new Boston Base Ball company was
admitted to membership tu take the place
of the old association, which has been a
member of the National league since 1S76.
President Pulllam announced the appoint
ment of the following umpires: Robert D.
Kmslie, Henry D. Kmslle, J. D. Johnstone,
W. J. Klem, W. B. Carpenter, Charles
Klgler Is the only new man on the staff
He takes the place of J. H. Conway, who
will go to the Kastern league.
The St. Ix)uls management announced
that It had signed Robert Glade, a pitcher.
The Joint committee on rules met tonight
and decided to recommend a few minor
changes In the playing rules to the leagues
at tomorrow's meeting. The foul strike
rulo was not Interfered with.
best after all when It comes to doing rail
road work expeditiously and well."
New York National Knronte West.
CHICAGO, Feb. 2B.-The New York Na
tional league team, In Charge of Secretary
Fred Knowles. left here tonight at 8 o'clock
for Los Angeles, Cal., where the players
will be put tn condition for the playing
season. There were thirty-four rlayers in
the party. Center Fielder Mike Dunlin did
not Join the team here tonight and declared
that he would not sign a contract unless
given an increase in salary. Catcher
Bowerman and J. B. Mullen, a utility man,
aro also holding out for more money and
did not take the trip.
Molr Knocks Out Smith.
LONDON, Feb. 28. "Gunner" Jim Molr
heavyweight champion of England, knocked
out "Tiger" Smith tonight in the first
round. The fight was for the champion
ship and 13.760.
Horse Threatens Motor The passengers
on the motor had a narrow escape the other
night near Eddyvllle. A man riding along
near the railroad track saw a horse fast
in a high bridge serosa Wood river and
the motor near at hand, going a twenty
five mile gait. He Jumped oft" his hors?
and ran to the truck, took off his coat and
succeeded In stopping the motor within a
few feet of the bridge. The motor carries
about sixty gallons of gasoline and an
explosion would likely have occurred If It
had Jumped the track off a thirty foot
bridge. Dr. Wade can hardly get his ha ii
to lay down when he thinks If what the
result would have been If they had not
received the warning In time to stop.
Oconto correspondence Custer County
Call to Duty at Lexington If you want
to get married call on County Judge Tur
ton. He Is the only man In the county who
can fix you up with all the strictly up-to-date
and necessary legal preliminaries, and
he only can do It in accordance with all
the prescribed legal rules and regulations.
Everybody, both male and female, ought
to get married sooner or later, and some
times it Is better to do It sooner, and some
times later would answer better and be
more satisfactory. B.ut It has got to be
done If you get married. And If you don't,
go way baok, and stay back there amons;
the shadows. Tho world has no use for
people who are simply "wall flowers." It
needs and recognlxes those who are the
hustlers and workers In the. drama of life.
Lexington Pioneer.
Denver Han and Girl, Refused License
In Omaha, Seek Other
j braskans might be solved.
The ground hog might be said to be
falling ,down In his work. Instead of six
weeks of the worst kind of weather Omaha
W Inlrtuino- an Tnnlun . . S ,
the lat few weeks and now this week i A Journal to be devoted to the Interests
starts In the same manner. All the sports of alfalfa growers and alfalfa mills la to
of all lines are getting restless and fretting be started at Elm Creek. The new prairie
outdoS? ."orumay b.a,ta'kPern'upWhr!xpearl . 'tender ha. apparently outgrown It.
Watson of the Omaha Field club will I modesty with the establishing of Its vir-
Claud E. Meddock and Margaret Doak of
Denver are looking for a state In which
Arst cousins are allowed to marry.
Through misinformation they received be
fore leaving Denver they came to Omaha
NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY and ,e-terday aPPeI for a Mcense to wed.
i Probate Clerk Fitch, who made out the
license, noticed the mother of each was
named Bennett. Inquiry developed the
mothers were sisters and he refused to
Issue the license. From the people In the
office they tried to learn of a state In
which cousins are allowed to wed. but
for a sugar factory that they may decide not successful. They left the court
to Invest their surplus cash In a plant; house declaring they would find a state
and the problem of Nebraska sugar by Ne- where there is no ban against their mar
aud Curious Features of Life
In a Rapidly Growing-
Sutherland beet growers are so anxious
riage If it was to be found.
rive in Omaha March 1 and begin
on his work.
it once
Farmer Burns Is anticipating a hard
match, when he meets Oscar Wasem and
he slmnly couldn't resist the temptation of Is taking no chances, but Is nutting In his
Bring In after them. Schwen's loss to lu'.k" a.t..trlnln'...,4t his home In Big
stack and the broken window will foot up
to about $100. Believing that Smith la
Struek by Spout from Water Tank
Whll Filling; Locomotive
mentally unbalanced, Magistrate Connor
ton held him until his mental condition can
be Inquired Into.
I Rock, la. Wasem will weigh ten pounds
more than Burns and Is a very active man,
so the Farmer will hsve his hands full.
Two young sons of Farmer Burns will
wrestle for one of the preliminaries.
,a 1' ' 1. J 11." I 1 H
Wheie Clay County Excels-FJlis Galla- While supplying a locomotive with water
tine and family returned from Clay about S a. m. Monday In the freight yard
county without bnylng land. They found of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A
Dodge county superior In every respect Omaha railrood, Clyde Carter, an engine
but rabbit hunting. Glencoe correspondence hostler who resided . at the Northwestern
Fremont Nebraska. , i,otel waa badly bruised about the body
when the spout attached to the water
Fair Warning to Rex Rex Toole will
In the history of base ball there havejplease stand up and take notice that he la
been three "Big Fours," and' old Deacon
White figured tn two of them. The first
of these great combinations of lnflclders
was formed of Spalding, White, Barnes
and McVey. That was in Boston the first
year of the National league, i The second
combine was In 1886 with Brouthers.
Richardson, Rowe and White, from Buffalo
to Detroit; the third, Detroit sent to
Boston Brouthers, Richardson, Ganzel and
Bennett, but this last "Big Four" did not
constitute an infield, as the old fans know.
to bring that best girl and her sister out
on the table next trip or he will be well
sent home alone If some of the boys don't
care to go with him. Jayhawk correspond
ence Bridgeport Blade.
standplpe fell and struck htm on his back
and shoulders. He was attended by Police
Surgeon Harris and a railroad physician,
being able to go to his home with the as
sistance of friends after receiving medical
Come to Firting f Wgyi with Employers
Ctt Aereerosnt.
Journeymen Do Sot Favor Them Gen
erally, but Decline to Pledge
Themselves la Writ
tea Statement.
Differences existing between master and
Journeymen plumbers In Omaha for nearly
two months resulted Monday morning in a
lockout of the latter, nearly all the plumb
ers and most of the bosses being Involved
In the situation.
Briefly the situation Is this: The master
plumbers allege they have asked the
Journeymen to give a signed statement they
would not during the year 1907 engage In
any sympathetic strikes, but have been
refused more than a verbal agreement,
which the masters refuse to consider. The
Journeymen contend they are not In favor
of sympathetic strikes In the usual ac
ceptation of the term, but will not commit
themselves to a signed agreement.
The seat of the trouble, the masters con
tend, is In the Building Trades' council,
with which organization all building crafts
except bricklayers are affiliated.
Side of the lalon.
The following statement, setting forth the
position of the plumbers, was authorised
Monday morning by President Dan Clifton
and Secretary Kugel of the local plumbers'
and fitters' union:
"In view of the false utatements appear
ing In some of our dully paper concerning
the Plumbers' and Fitters' union, we desire
to place ourselves right before the public.
We have been and re perfectly satisfied
with our wages and working conditions
and are not making any demands upon our
employeis. It is a fact that a committee
of our employers demanded that we with
draw from the Building Trades' council
and that we give them a signed statement
not to participate in sympathetic strikes,
as they wanted to take It before the Busi
ness Men's association and our union re
fused to do so. The statement that there
is an agreement between the trades
affiliated with the Building Trades' council,
that on May I, next, we will support each
other In a sympathetic strike Is false, and
this committee of employers was so noti
fied. They use this argument to mislead
the public, but such action on the part of
our employers will cause all wage earners
to stand shoulder to shoulder and cause
more sympathy than anything else they
can do."
Statement for the Employers.
William. Bellamy of the firm of Bellamy
& Hornung Is on the press committee for
the master plumbers Mr. Bellamy gave
this statement:
"The trouble has been brewing alnce
seven weeks ago, when an incontrovertible
action of the Building Trades' council
policy was manifested oh a Job, where
several carpenters and painters were not
union men. The business agent for the
plumbers pulled the plumbers off that Job
and the matter was allowed to rest four
weeks before we took hold of It In earnest.
A committee of the plumbers told us the
action of that business agent was not au
thnrlzed, but we believe it was, and have
other evidence of a policy existing In the
trades council and which we believe Is
unjust. We had numerous meetings with
the plumbers' committee, but failed to
reach any agreement. The whole thing Is
now up to the plumbers. We made our
proposition In fair terms before we decided
on the lockout, The busy season Is near
at hand and we think tt best to have some
kind of a settlement before the rush Is
Meet to Form Plans.
The local Plumbers' and Fitters' union
will meet Tuesday evening In Labor Temple
to decide on some action.
Although, as exclusively announced In
The Bee Saturday, the lockout was not
unexpected, the plumbers snld they did not
expect It quite so soon. The men were
Just told Monday morning there was
nothing for them to do. The situation was
generally understood, so there was no oc
casion for explanations.
Secretary Kugel of the plumbers, speak
ing as a member of the plumbers' union
and the Building Trades' council, said he
1ld not favor sympathetic strikes, nor did
the plumbers' union, nor the trades' coun
cil; but neither he nor tils union would
he bound to any signed agreement to be
compelled to stay on a Job, for Instance,
where strike-breaking men were brought In
to take the place of other craftsmen out on
a strike. Mr. Kugel maintained that the
plumbers and fitters have pursued the pol
icy that the mere presence of a non-union
workman on a Job did not Justify the
plumbers or fitters leaving on that account.
Man Shorn of Glory, Mourns The male
portion ni hub pminui wrre lurmerij i
noted for their good looks, and would com
pare favorably with any precinct In Ne
braska, but since the "no moustache"
craze ret In, many a man has lost his
laurels In that respect Mayland corre-
Bee Want Ads for Business Boosters.
The Cudahys won three nmn fmm th-
Mets Bros. Uam at the Association alleys I lnra,j, fWeoli. n-ord
lust night. Besides giving away a big ! Pondence Osceola Record
iianuieap me Drewers were short one of
their strongest men and had to bowl a
substitute. No one was up to a big game,
as "Dad" Huntington took the high total
with WO. Tonight the match will probably
bring out a crowd, as the 8torz and Krug
teams will fight for first place. Soore:
Just Right!
The half-pint size of
(jood old
"BottUd tn Bond"
Griffiths I3i
Taylor lsi
A. C. Reed l.A
Greenleaf ' 178
H. D. Reed 174
Handicap "0
Totals 904
Brunke ,
J. C. Read 170
Demuatt 156
Mrgeuth 175
liuiitlngion 211
2i Va 2,756
ToUls Ml ,17 74,)
Valuable Training Clark Brown has a
dog under his training that Is worth a
small fortune. He says It Is Frank Wlllott's
dog. He has been training him to bring
his gloves home no matter where he leives
them, or whether he Is with him or not.
The dog has become quite expert In this
stunt. One day last week he surprised
Clark by bringing him a pocket bock con
taining $S. It turned out to be one that
Farl Henman had lost some time ago and
had given up all hope of ever seeing again.
We submit that any dog that can go out
And hr1n in xft In ens dav beats some men i
'0,"iWe know as money getters.1-Albion Argus. 1
4ii I Wild West Revival Some lads came In i
j from Olltner on Tuesday afternoon sem- J
Ingly" with the Intention of Imitating the ;
2,544 i old ways of western life when cowboys :
Railway Notes and Personals.
W. A. Prestrn. traveling passenger agent
of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad at Chi
cago, was In Omaha Monday.
Andy Trayner, baggage master of the
I'nlon Pacific, was bark at work M'-ndiy
after being out for some time on urum uf
William Keene has been appointed acting
station master at I'nlon smtlon in place of
Fxlwln Haney, who is confined at his home
by sickness.
Wynot. Cedar county will be opened
Wednesday and Haskell, Dixon county
Thursday and auction sales of lots will be
conducted on a large scale. These two new
towns are on the Newcastle extension of
the Chicago, St. Paul, tSHnnuupolis and
Omaha road.
General Manager HoMrege of the Burling
ton has goneVto Chicago to attend the meet
ing ( f the general managers with the rep
resentative of the conductors and brake
men. Reports from Chicago lonked bad for
peace, but later reports showed they were
getting together again.
Two-Dollar Raise and Two Weeks'
Vacation for Associated Press
The Associated Press has granted Its
operators an Increase In pay of S3 a week,
effective next week. They will also be
granted an annual vacation of two weeks
on full pay. This vacation was given In
1!K4 and 11106, but not last year. Tho In
crease Is about 12 per cent for the time
actually worked. The announcement of the
advance follows closely on the Increase of
10 per cent In pay for the WeBtern Union
and the Postal operators.
Fire from Match.
Fire In the flats and stores at 2210-12-14
Farnam street caused several hundred dol
lars damage Monday morning. A clerk
working for J. H. Beard, who conducts a
store at that point, stepped on a match
which set fire to some rubbish. The fire
spread to the flats above and did consider
able damage before It was put out.
The Patterson Dally New. got two out - "re " V" V pr" . T .JT.l
of three games from the Colts on the took nf ,ho rnan's fire-water until It (
Metropolitan alleys last night. Dudley was engendered the real Indian trait In their ;
SH?tmi, tt of a-tvlng the wild whoop.,
lariing out witn a ant score in the flrat - . - - .
game, hard luck followed htm in the se"- rufhln ft horses and firing of runs; yes, ,
ond and third. The greatest surprise of In the civilized city of Phllllpa Some people
the season was Captain Patterson uf the i rr., ,. I.w arM nn1r must be re
news, starting out with 1S cominir haj-lc i "" '" . " "
with 254 and winding up ' thS laai ga.t ! About ,n" be,t '"y for men
coming within one pin of tying
lor nign single game and taking the
honors away from Captain Jay of the
fh i?,ff ,0I.h,,fn ,nr me. Tonight
vT-. J CS,id"1" O Brlen'fc Monte
Cr talus. Hie score:
i just right for jour pocket.
Try a half-pint and you will
think it's the finest whiskey
you ever tasted. '
Its purity it never questioned,
its flavor has been the delight
of those who know good
"Since 1857"
A. Coclfchclmfr & Dros.
sjttlfcrs (SisMflJ') rtnasarsk. r
Totals ..
. 61
867 874 2,536
Totals .
.... 4
.ao 3U 837 2.(07
Wllllama o Maaaae Parkers.
SIOI X CITY. la.. Feb. ZS.-iSpeclsl Tele-Tu.)-Dvld
o. Williams IU inaaaae
young men especially to learn to keep In
line is to cut out the firs-water altogether, ,
and by so doing step up seven rounds of ,
the ten, on the ladder of self-respeet. I
Phillips correspondence Grand Island In
dependent. No longer let Ban Francisco pasa Its 1
nights In terror and Its dsys In anxiety- :
The bubble of the "yellow peril" haa been
punctured, as the following from the Cen-
tral City Republican proves: "The party
tf Jape working on the I'nlon Pacific's Im
provements here has been discharged from
the company's service. Tlie energy and
willing spirit shown by the little brown
men when they fire went to work was
noticed snd commented upon, but long ago
they learned the art of 'm Idlerlng and
practiced It so Industriously that employ
ing them ceased to be profitable. Their
work was not wefl done, and the test made
of them shows that the white men are th'J j
Rheumatism is caused by a sour, acid condition of the blood, brought
On by chronic constipation, weak kidneys, poor digestion and a general
sluggish condition of the system. Because of these irregularities the
refuse and waste matters of the body are not promptly expelled, but
are left to sour and ferment, producing irritating acids which are taken
tip by the blood and distributed to all parts of the system. This acrid mat
ter weakens and diseases the blood so that instead of supplying the body
with nourishing, healthful properties it deposits the poison with which it is
loaded into the muscles, nerves, bones and joints, and Rheumatism gets
complete control of the system. Some suffer almost constantly with the
disease, while others have intervals of freedom, during which they
live in constant dread of the next attack, when an exposure to
or dampness or some other irregularity will cause the symp
toms to return. If the cause is not removed
Rheumatism will progress and reach a point
where it becomes incurable, and the strong
est constitution will break down. S. S. S.
has been curing Rheumatism for more than
forty years. It attacks the disease at its head
by going down into the blood and removing
every particle of the acrid matter and build
ing up the weak, sour blood to a state of purity and richness. S. S. S. is
the King of blood purifiers, just what is needed for the cure of Rheumatism,
liook on Rheumatism and any medical advice sent free.
1DoC4 7tff
PIPE smoking is the healthiest, most economical wsy to
enjoy the fragrant weed, if you get the right kind ;
that which gives a cool smoke to the end, and does not
bite the tongue or easily "blow out" in a high wind.
unsmoked, has a fasctnatinff'odor, that makes you Jump for a pipe tn.l
alight. Smoked I. It fulfills all promises of dchu The home circle
enjoys its aroma.
Pocket six, tin box, 10c
When you are first aware of any
disease, you should procure tho
proper medical advice and
treatment without delay, and
save yourself time, money and
We treat men only and cure prompt
ly, safely and thoroughly NEHVOIS
Ilk J j I
DISEASES and all Special Diseases and their complications.
Call and Be Examined Free or Write.
OFFICE HOURS 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. SUNDAYS 10 to 1 ONLY.
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Permanently Established in Omaha, Nebraska.
' a!
Do you raise
You will find a number of Poultry advertise
ment which will interest you under the head of
"Live Stock For Sale" on the
. Want ad Page
If you have any kind of Live Stock for Bale
you can sell it cheaply and quickly with
A three line want ad
one time
three times
seven times
Call at The Bee Office
17th and Farnam, "The Want-ad Corner."
Wilkin swry body's reach rtaches ewybody.
FOR $6.00
By the Old Reliable Or. Searles & Searles -
Catabliahsd In Omaha for II yaara. Tn many thou,
sands of cases curd by us maasa us the snost sxparW
ocad Spaclallsts in to WaaL, In all diaajLxa ao4 41.
raars of man W know Just what wui car JO-m
and cur quickly.
e..a asainloatlon and consultation. Wrttk fas
' TV 1 f' ? uiMJU ctimna lev bvuh m aai maiifc
iMXa'J.ttoall tl lllUl Will IT'S a wssaisi wis., Wh It