Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Dallas and Grtrory lay Title to Beioc
"The Only Gateway."
Oawta at Onealaar ( Tripp Canal r
Aeree Epecte4 to Doable
Those at Boneateel
KORTOLK. Neb., Feb. (Special.)
Thlrty-ftve miles beyond Bonesteel.1 to
jrhlch town went thousand upon thou
sands of peopl" during- the first Rosebud
reservation rush, there la now lining up
Another battle between loratlona auch as
' Foneeteel and Fairfax waged In the former
day. Dallas and Gregory, two of the new
towna on the Roaebud. are each claiming
already to be the "only gateway" to the
Tripp county landa, which will be thrown
open to settlement In 1808, and which will
bring forth 700,000 acrea of public domain
for gift.
Dallas la located a half mile from the
dge of the Tripp county portion ot tne
reservation. Gregory la five miles thla aide.
Xtollaa occuplea the same relative position
that Boneateel owned and apparently hna
the "best chance to be the real gateway,
Although Gregory has the advantage to
date of being the Northwestern railway's
terminus. Pallas clalma the rallrond will
be extended. Gregory claims that an
agreement with the road, made In Chicago,
lias settled the matter In favor of Gregory,
alnce that town paid for much of the right-of-way.
Already an Influx of people la noticed,
the bill having been paased In the senate.
It will be probably a rush twice the size
Ct the Boneateel ruah, because of twice aa
much land. The land la aaid by real eatate
men to be even better than the Gregory
county land.
S&vaaaellsta Conduct Remarkable
Series of Revival Meetlaaa.
CHESTER, Neb., Feb. 25. (Speclal.)
Tha nearby village of Hubbell Is passing
through a visitation of religious enthusi
asm such as this city experienced last
peeember. Interest centers In a remark
able revival meeting that came to a close
last night a, the Methodist church. The
meeting was In charge of Evangelists
Jfinalow and Hill, and the stirring scenes
that accompanied their efforts here last
fall have been re-enacted at Hubbell. All
classes have been reached by the meetings,
many of the society leaders, business men !
and "representative people of the town and
aurroundlng country being numbered
among the convert
A large percentage of conversions were
among the men. an unusual thing In work
Of this kind. The meetings drew people
Cure Piles
Before Too Late
Jjpjmmld Pile Cure Will Quickly Do It
In the Privacy of Your Own Home.
Trial Package
To Prove It
Piles sufferers in the past have looked
Upon an operation as the only remedy,
but they have not considered even, an op
eration as a sure cure. Operating has
not rooted out the disease, and BufTorer
baa looked forward with shrinking to the
ure day when the same horrible ordeal
must be passed through again.
The Pyramid Pile Cure cures. Why?
Because It gets down beneath the sur
face. It helps nature, relieves the spell
ing, stops the congestion, heals the ulcers
and fissures. Therj is none of the forms
Ct plies which these little pyramids are
Hot made to rectify.
The Pyramid Pile Cure Is not a hospital
euro, but is to be used at home. There Is
no loss of time or detention from busi
ness. It has been used for years and has
the sanction of the profession as a rem
edy for piles of all forms and no matter
In what stage of development. There Is no
case of plies so severe that the Pyramid
Pile Cure will not bring relief, and there
la no man or woman too poor to get this
It is for sale at all reliable druggists at
too per box. or If you prefer a free trial
trackage before purchasing, it will be aent
to you by return mail upon your request.
The bonaflde testimonials of patients
cured will show you what these little
pyramids really do.
"I suffered untold misery for four
months, when my wife begged me to send
for a 60c box. When It was half gone I
knew I was better, and It didn't take any
begging to get me to send for a aecond
box. I think I am about well now, but If
1 feel any symptoms of a return I will
order at once. Tell all about this tine
" remedy for piles." Yours, J. J. McElwee,
Jloney Grove, Texas. R. R. B.
"P. 8. I only used two boxes and don't
think I need any more. Piles of seven
months' standing
Pyramid Pile Cure Just like the sample.
In 10c box, at all druggists. Pyramid Drug
Co., tl Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich.
keep a large force of tailors
Vjr busy during the .winter months
Jjy offering you: -.
A fuU Blue or Black Thibet or Cheviot
a imiMJi or cnevioi
Eult with extra
Trousers ot same
or striped mate
'209-11 So. 15th St.
50 PER
Phono Douglas 3874
for miles In all directions. Many attended
from thla place, going down by rail of
driving the eight miles.
A special sermon on dancing drew an
especially large crowd. It was a union
meeting, the Methodist and Presbyterian
churchna participating. There la talk of
organising a Young Men's Christian asso
ciation aa one result of the meeting. The
evangelists begin a meeting at Pawnee
City the latter part of the week.
Coaaty Beet Growers Will
Try to Get New Plaat.
SUTHERLAND. Neb., Feb. 26.-(Speclal.)
The Lincoln County Beet Orowers" asso
ciation, which was recently formed In this
neighborhood, held a public meeting at the
Conway opera house Saturday afternoon.
As well as furthering the Interests of the
grower to a material extent. It Is the In
tention of the association to do all possi
ble to secure the erection of a beet- sugar
factory In this county. The association
will ask from factory people 15 per ton
for all beets grown and an additional sum
of 25 cents a ton for all beeta ailoed and
delivered at the factory after November
15; that the factory shall accept all beeta
ordered each week regardless of the supply
of cars. The other terma of the associa
tion's contracts are about the same as or
dinarily used by the factory and the
At the Saturday meeting numerous farm
ear signed contracts to grow certain acre
ages for a period of three years, It being
the Intention of the association to secure
enough contracts of this nature among its
members to Insure an 'ample supply of
beets to run a factory for a time, provid
ing one can be secured. By taking this
method the association feels that It will
be In a position to talk business to those
desiring a location for a factory nnd at the
same time secure material assurance that
a factory will be established providing the
growers do their part.
It Is the. expectation that all the promi
nent beet growers of this section will be
come Identified with the new association
within a short time and that sufficient
three-year contracts can be secured to In
duce factory people to consider the build
ing of a factory In this, the best beet
raising section of the state. The offi
cers of the association are: J. R. Whlj",
president; William Halst, vice president
and secretary; O. M. Cary, terasurer.
Clark and Saunders Inipeet Industrial
School and Stnte formal.'
KEARNEY. Neb., Feb. 25. (Special Tele
gram.) The State Industrial school and
the State Normal school were visited to
day by a committee from the senate com-
mlttf ' wf "'!? meRn"' "posed of
Senator Clark of Adams county and Bena
tor Saunders of Douglas county. After In
specting the Industrial school early this
morning the committee was taken In charge
by Messrs. Gregg, Keens, Adair. Crocker
and Chase, representing the business mm
of the city, and was shown over the State
Normal school. As the committee came
here while school Is In session, which no
previous committee has done, It is thought
the senators will be strongly Impressed
with the needs of the school.
Coart at Hartiaatoa.
HARTINGTON. Neb., Feb. 25. (Spe
cial.) The spring term of the Cedar
county district court will convene March
4 with Judge Guy T. Graves of Pender
presiding. The court docket.wlll not be
sp large as formerly, by reason of being
pretty well cleaned up at the last ses
sion in November. There are, however,
an unusually large number of criminal
cases, this being caused by several saloon
cases from Randolph. The petit Jurors
drawn for the term are Philip Moat,
George Schaefer, H. S. DeBow; Maynea
Bottolfren, H. Mabe. Grant Caraon, E.
W. Green. H. S. Yoger. Peter Klenl-
xhtniHt r v. VTenantv. a' A. Grav. W.
.. . v iriiLnt i t Carroll I
H. Boerner. J. K. Elliott, 1. J. carrou,
Saren C. Sarenaen, Joseph Sumg, Jens
Swensen, J. J. Nohr, William Oowery, I.
O. Bingham, Silas Hoyes, Christ Lawson.
Frlti Thoene, L. D. Greenwood.
Mtdnla-ht Wetldlna la Polk.
OSCEOLA, Neb., Feb. 26. Often wed
dings take place at "high twelve" or 12
o'clock at noon, but this Is the first time
one took place at low twelve o'clock at
night In Osceola, and County Judge
rHenry "' Campbsll never saw the like
before, but was equal to the emergency,
and after being, called out of bed to his
office In the court house, performed the ,
ceremony uniting . Cornelius Dorenmus
and Miss Ellen L. Blender, and had as
' , i
witnesses Sheriff Ehlers and Night- !
watch I. V. Reed. The young lady was
from York and the bridegroom was from
Hlah Water In Nebraska.
HARTINGTON, Feb. 25. (Special.)
Reports from the northeast part of 1ho
county indicate that the Missouri river
overflow Is causing farmers much con
cern. Bnoke's bottom, one of the
sections of the county. Is flooded and
nearly every farmer has moved to higher
ground, taking with him his family, all
of the live stock and everything that Is
liable to float away. It Is said the flood
Is nearly up to the disastrous flood of
Dismissal of Captain Koehler.
BLUE HILL. Neb.. Feb. 25. (Special.)
Friends of Captain L. M. Koehler, who was
tried in the Philippines on the charge of
making disrespectful remarks about Major
General Wood, have been advised that Sec
retary Taft will approve the findings of the
court-martial, which declared him guilty.
Captain Koehler formerly lived In Blue
Hill. He Is a brother of George Koehler.
He was sentenced by the court-martial
to dismissal from the service.
Sews of Nebraska.
CORTLAND Albert Elrlch, 20 years of
age, was found dead In bed. Heart trouble
Is assigned as the cause.
NORFOLK purveyors for the Yankton
& Southwestern have reached Norfolk from
Yankton, enroute to the Uulf of Mexico.
GREELEY The spring' term convened
Monday, Judge James R. Hanna presiding.
The Jury will come in Tuesday. The docket
Is small.
BLUE HILL Hopka. Walter Scott.
Frank Baker and Carrol Waltera left for
the Platte river Sunday for a few 'days'
SOUTH BEND A reward of $100 Is of
fered for the recovery of the body of
John Snider who was drowned Saturday In
the Platte river.
NORTH PLATTE Water in the North
Plntte river at this point hss been as high
during the past week as It has been for
many years past.
WKST POINT County Judge Dewald has
united in Vnarrlage Guatave Neibuhr to
Miss Mattle Townsend, both well known
young people of Dodge.
WEST POINT The marriage of Frank
Emilv and Miss Ida Bre txke was the
means of uniting two of the most promi
nent and best famines of turning county.
SUTHERLAND The work of building
the new Lutheran church la to be begun at
once. Another church building will be
erected on the Bird wood creek this spring.
WEST POINT The Royal Neighbors in
stalled officers as follows: Oracle, Mrs.
Anna Gennlngs; vice oracle, Miss Alma
Holts: chancellor, Mrs. Bertha Krauve
recorder. Mrs. Bertha Dill: receiver. Mrs.
Minnie Herman; marshal, Mrs. Meta Han-
cms. wuilowv sooTBiaa rnnxrr
ku baaa u4 r otr SIXTT I KAfts kr MIL
kwt nmmty lor U1AKKHOXA. So 14 bp SnisslM
Ik kran krt ut Uw vorlS, a kiurk us aak lor
son; Inner- sentinel, Mrs. Nellie Wilde)
manager, three years. Mrs. Emma Edlnger.
AUBURN J. F. Harsell. an old respected
resident and retired farmer living In the
south part of the city, died Monday from
Bright s disease. He was about 60 years
of age.
COL.UMBU8 The thermometer which
murks the rise In the Young Men's Chris
tian association building fund now stands
near, and the $30,000 mark may be
reached this week.
BLUB HILL Mr. and Mrs. McMahon
were called to Kansas Friday by a tele
gram announcing the serious Illness of their
daughter. Mrs. White, who resided here a
number of years ago.
SIDNEY Mrs. William Zlnkand of the
Union Pacific hotel departed for the Pa
cific const yesterday, having been called
there by the serious illness of a brother.
She expects to be away about thirty days.
NORTH PLATTE At the Tramp resi
dence on Wednesday evening occurred the
wedding of Fred 8. Mkhelson and Miss
Mary 8uska, the ceremony being performed
by Rev. J. F. Belbert of the Lutheran
SIDNEY Mrs. Lincoln G. Simon, whose
life was despaired of last week, Is now on
a fair way to recovery. She had a very
severe attack of pneumonia, and Dr. Bar
ber of I heyenne was called down there for
SIDNEY The number of boys In the high
school is the greatest In the history of the
Sidney school. The boys from the country
districts are taking advantage of the free
tuition and their desire to graduate from
the high school.
GREKLEY Chrlatfor Hahn died at hla
residence Sunday morning of pneumonia.
Fun ral services were held Monday from
the Methodist Episcopul church. He was
78 years old and came to Greeley county
about U years ago.
HU E HILL Barcus & Burge purchased
of Nick Thelsen of Koselund a span of sor
rels, five and six years old, paying a prlre
of 6C0, the highest price ever paid In tills
county for a tfam of horses. They will
take them to Kansas City.
SIDNEY Hedges Bros, have received
word that tneir big s eam plow has been
shipped and will be here In a few days.
'1 ney already have large contracts tor
breaking botn old and new ground for the
numerous newcomers to Cheyenne county.
SIDNEY Farming has already com
menced and from everywhere comes the re
port that farmers are planning to iilant an
unUBuaily lurae acieaae. The condition of
the ground m never in belter shape, and
the moisture penetrates down nearly four
HERMAN The Carey Cameron sale was
a great success, lv head ot caUle and oo
head of hogs being sold. The cuttl aver
aged 1142 per head, and the hogs y4.23 per
head. Everything that was put up Wat
sold In a few minutes. A large crowd at
tended. SIDNEY Both the Royal Neighbors and
the Degree of Honor have been invited by
the Modern Woodmen of America and the
Ancient Order of I'nlted Workmen to take
part in a rousing Joint evening session at
which a good program and edibles will
take a prominent part.
NORTH PLATTE Peter Wind, con
tractor for the Masonic and Odd Fellows'
builuings, was In town on Wednesday. He
reports that all the mill work for the two
buildings Is now complete, and as soon as.
the weather grows favorable work on the
buildings will be begun.
SUTHERLAND Frank Coker and a
young son were thrown from a buggy dur
ing u runaway Saturday, the former re
ceiving an Injury to his Inp aa well as other
bruises. The team ran against a hitch
rack and the occupants of the rig were
tossed about twenty feet.
WISNER Mrs. D.iwer, aged 38 years,
died at her home Friday morning of con
cussion of the brain, the result of a fall
from a carriage behind a runawuy team
on the previous night. The funeral was
held Sunday. She leaves a husband and
five children.
NORTH PLATTE There are a number
of Union Pacific railroad engineers in the
city who are figuring on the expense of
constructing a'lttke near the river east of
this city, which It is Intended shall supply
the Ice for the ico houses at this point. A
suitable place has been found, covering
about forty acres, and Is so situated that
it can be easily tilled or drained. It Is the
Intention now to have It ready for next
WEST POINT The weather Is extremely
fine. To all outward appearances spring
Is here. The EJkhom rlvtr, which has
given serious cause for alarm during the
Inst week. Is receding and no danger of
floods Is apprehended. The last serious
flood In West Point was In Ml, when
numerous families removed to the higher
ground, taking refuge In the city hall for
the night. Since that time the river has
kept within bounds.
H ERM A N Some of the boys went hunt
ing Saturday and killed about thirty rab
bits and that night arranged to have a
feast of fried and roasted rabbits. One of
the hunters, however, was overlooked and
dld not "et his name In the pot until there
. iomiv nieoe of rabbit left.
This made him angry and he kicked over
the table and made a rough house in gen
eral. Rabbit pie suppers will not be fash
ionable again for a time.
KEARNEY Mrs. Mary Sleeper, wife of
Jostah Sleeper, who has been matron of .the
Woman's Christian Temperance union hos
pital for eleven years, died at the hospital
after a lingering illnesB. Funeral services
will be held Monday afternoon under the
auspices of the Woman's Christian Tem
perance association. The sermon will be
by Rev. Mr. Fraser. The body will be
taken to Benkelman for Interment. Her
husband, three sons and a daughter sur
vive her. y
HUMBOLDT W. G. Jones, one ofthe
pioneer citixens of the county died Monday
at his home. Death resulted from an at
tack of the grip, which developed typhoid I
symptoms low. meciw, ana ius nines.
extended over but a short period. Deceased
wa8 a native of New York state, having
been born March ft), 18i8. at Sfuben,
Oneida county. Mr. and Mrs. Jones cele
brated their golden wdding anniversary
on January 19. Funeral services will be
held Wednesday.
OSCEOLA Mrs. Mary B. Elliott died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. E.
Geesaman. The funeral was held at the
First Presbyterian church last Friday.
Doctor Comer officiating. Mrs. Elliott was
born In Newvllle, January 12, 1810. and had
lived with her daughter here since 1891.
I She was married to Robert Elliott In 148.
There were eight children born of this
union seven of whom are still living. She
been gradually falling for a few years.
NORTH PLATTE On Wednesday Chan
ter A. K.. P. E. O.. met at the home of
Mrs. George E. Prosser and elected the
following officers for (he ensuing year:
President, Mrs. I. L. Miltonberger: vice
president, Mrs. H. M. Grimes; recording
secretary, Mrs. Edgar Schiller; correspond
ing secretary. Airs, x . A. i unman; treas
urer, Mrs. Georgo E. Prosser; chaplain,
Mrs. 11. S. White; journalist. Mrs. J. B.
Jeter; pianist, Mrs. E. A. Cary; delegates
to state grand chapter, Mrs. I. L. Milton
berger and Mrs. V . T. Wilcox; alternates.
Mrs. urlmes ana Mrs. Schiller.
DAKOTA CITY-Word has been received
of the sudden death at Waterbury, Neb.,
of Harrison Sayre, a former resident of
this place. Mr. Sayre had just returned to
his home from the postutnee when upon
entering the house he started for his bed
room and dropped over deud. He had been
a resident of Dakota and Dixon counties
since lhVl. On August 25, llKCi. Mr. and Mrs.
Sayre celebrated their golden wedding anni
versary at Waterbury. Mr. Sayre was born
in Pennsylvania on August 3. IS-Si. He hud
served as postmaster at Genoa City, Wis,
and at Hawkeye and Waterbury, Neb. He
served as a private In company C, Eigh
teenth Wisconsin regiment.
SIDNEY County Treasurer Greenlee has
filed hla semi-annual statement. He
handled during the ear, &, receiving
as fees and commissions for his services
12,672.!;. lie had on hand at the close of
the year S37,T5u.70, and paid out lo3, 7u8.8u.
He paid to the atate 110.3S8.71, und re
deemed general fund county warrants to
the amount of 116.VS.o-l. The county ex
penses for the year, Including amount paid
on oid claims, were IZVSDI.A. There are no
outstanding warrants and only S7.auO of out
standing bonds, and some unpaid claims
of ten years ago; S331.6S was paid by the
local banks as Interest on county deposits,
Thls:ertainly shows Cheyenne county in a
very satisfactory condition financially, and
at the end of the present year will be on a
caah basis without a cent ot outstanding
Mlsaoart Coaasalssloaer Hears At
toraeys for State anal Coaaaaaies
Before Making; Beport.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. O. The closing argu
ments In the ouster suit of the state
against the Standard, Republic and
Waters-Pierce OH companies were com
menced today before Special Commissioner
Anthony. Attorney General Hadley opened
for the state. The defense will be repre
sented by Alfred G. Eddy of Chicago.
Frank Hagerman of Kansas City and H. 8
Priest ot St. Louis.
At the conclusion of the arguments the
evidence in the case will be submitted by
Commissioner Anthony ' to the supreme
court, together with a recommendation
from him as te proper judg'ant.
AcTiooltaral, Fsmion and PottafBes
Ifeatmrei Diipossd Of.
Attempt te Tax Packers wlfh the Coat
of Rxeeatlna- the Uw Goes
Oat oa a Point of
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25,-The senate to
day passed the agricultural appropriation
bill carrying nearly I10,ono,ono; the postof
flce appropriation bill carrying KlO.OOO.OnO;
the pension appropriation bill carrying 1146.
Om.ono, and the bill authorising the eatab
lishment of an agricultural bank In the
Philippine Islands.
The principal flght today over the agri
cultural bill took place on the Beverldgo
amendment requiring the packers to pay
the cost of administering the meat Inspec
tion law. This amendment was defeated
on a point of order. Mr. Beverldge secured
the adoption of an amendment which re
quires the date of canning and Inspection
to appear on the label of the can contain
ing meat products.
The postofllce bill was passed In an hour
and fifteen minutes. Amendments adding
tl.S8R.75! for the extension of the pneumatic
mall service and requiring postal cars to
be lightrd with electricity were adopted.
Mr. Lodge secured the passage of the
Philippine agricultural bank bill. An
amendment offered by Senator Culberson,
declaring- the Intention of the United
States to abandon the Islands aa soon as
a stable Independent government ahould be
ertnbllshed, was defeated.
The senate also passed a bill granting a
rervlce pension to army nurses. Those who
are disqualified to earn a livelihood and
have reached the age of 62 yenrs are to
receive 112 a month, at 70 years 115 and
at 73 years $20.
Aarlraltnral BUI Taken I p.
When the agricultural bill was taken
up the Fulton amendment providing
that no forest reserves shall hereafter be
created or enlarged without an act of con
gress In the states of Oregon, Washington,
Idaho, Montana. Colorado and Wyoming
was adopted without debate. The amend
ment adding $1,000,000 for the Improvements
In forest reserves was also adopted with
out debate.
Senator Beverldge offered an amendment
providing that hereafter the date of Inspec
tion and canning must be placed on the
label of meat product. This was agreed
to without discussion. Mr. Bceertdge then
offered his amendment placing the cost of
meat Inspection on the packers and took
the floor to address the senate on Its ne
cessity. Mr. Warren gave notice that at
the proper time he shouM mnke a point
of order against this amendment. Mr.
Beverldge made the point that the only op
position to his amendment came from the
packers and that they, being the bene
ficiaries of the act, should be compelled
to pay the cost.
Interjecting an endorsement of the
amendment Senator Galllnger remarked
that he hoped that If Mr. Beverldge was
defeated today on a point of order he
would bring the question before the sen
ate In a special bill early In the next con
gress. "And we will fight this matter to
the finish and see whether the American
people are to be taxed -with an expense
which belongs to the packers."
The Beverldge amendment placing the
cost of meat Inspection on the packors was
ruled out on a point of order. The vice
president remarked that there was not a
senator present who would not have to
concede that It was aa "general legisla
tion" obnoxious to the rules of the senate.
The vice president Invited an appeal from
his decision, but none was made.
An amendment was agreed to at the sug
gestion of Mr. Heyburn which will permit
settlers on public lands In Irrigation areas
to pay up and receive title to their lands
after residence of five years without wait
ing the present prescribed time, which Is
ten years. The bill was then passed.
Philippine Bank Bill Paased.
By a vote of 43 to 14 the senate today
passed the Lodge agricultural Philippine
bank bill. The senate first laid on the table
an amendment by Mr. Culberson, disclaim
ing any Intention on the part of the United
States to remain permanently In the Phil
ippines, but asserting that whenever a
stable. Independent government shall be
established, the United States will with
draw. The amendment la Identical In lan
guage with a resolution presented In Feb
ruary, 1809, by Mr. Bacon. At that time
there was a tie vote. on the proposition,
and It was defeated by the vice president
casting his vote In the negative.
Mr. McCreary pressed the Philippine tariff
bill as an amendment to the bank bill, but
on motion of Mr. Lodge It was laid on the
table by a vote of 47 to 11.
The Philippine bank bill was amended at
the suggestion of Mr. Culberson by a re
quirement that tike banlfmay not hold
lands which it has acquired on mortgage
foreclosure longer than ten years.
Postal BUI la Passed.
The senate today passed the postofllce
appropriation bill carrying approximately
$210,000,000. '
The bill was amended to provide for the
establishment of pneumatic tube service In
Brooklyn, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Kansas
City, Pittsburg and San Francisco, for
which $1.S88,"69 was appropriated.
Mr. LaFollette secured the adoption of
an amendment requiring that all postal
cars be equipped with electric lights by
January, 1908. He also secured the adoption
of a provision requiring the average dally
weight of malls to be divided by the whole
number of the days of the week Instead ot
by six days. In arriving at the amount to
be paid for railway mall transportation.
The claim was made that ;the adoption
of this amendment will accomplish an an
nual saving of $6,000,000.
Domlaleaa Treaty Ratified.
By a vote of 4$ to 1 the senate tonight
ratified the Santo Domingo treaty. This
was one more vote In the affirmative than
was required.
The ratification of the treaty follows a
a debate In executive session, during which
Mr. Bacon of Oeorgla condemned the
treaty as worse than that negotiated In
190S, which Is now supplanted. - The 1805
treaty authorised, the United States to
examine Into the debts and pay what was
Justly due. The pending treaty, said Mr.
Bacon, provides for the scaling down of
the Dominican debts to about 50 per cent
of their face value, with the exception of
the claim of the San Domingo Improve
ment company, controlled by American
Pre digested Food I
is a wonderful help
at a "quick meal"
"There's a Reason"
Read the wonderful book, "The !
Bpad to weuviue," in pugs.
capitalists, which Is to receive about VO
per cent of the face value. These capital
ists, said Mr. Bacon, have uaed tnls gov
ernment as a catspaw. He expressed the
belief that a large part of the iebta were
fraudulent and that In providing for the
payment, without opportunity to adjust
the claims, the United States Is aiding
graft and participating in an unjust bur
den on the republic.
Mr. Bacon suggested the senate commit
tee on foreign relations had amended the
former treaty by Inaerttng a new article
which declared that the United States
should not be responsible for any act cf
omission or commission in adjusting the
Dominican debt, and that the treaty should
not be regarded as a precedent. The pres
ent treaty. Mr. Bacon said, carefully elim
inates this provision, which he thought
was done with the Idea that the United
States might take over the Island. Mr.
Dttcon said the situation today was not
unlike that of thirty-five years ago when
President Grant made an effort to have
Santo Domingo annexed and was defeated
in this attempt by Charles Sumner.
Senator Clarke of Arkansas and Senator
Patterson favored the treaty and were the
only democrats votlngfor It.
At tufilght's session the senate passed
$00 private pension bills, clearing the cal
endar of such measures.
Aareemeat to Take Flaal Vote oa
Sahstltote Friday Afternoon.
WASHINGTON. Feb. . Ship subsidy se
cured a marked Impetus today In the house,
which Just before adjournment adopted a
rula that will probably Insure the passage
by the house of the Llttauer substitute for
the senate bill and reault before the final
adjournment In positive legislation.
The rule was reported by Mr. Dalxell In
the shape of a resolution providing that
the compromise bill shall be considered
with debate limited to five hours and that
the final vote shall be taken not later than
next Friday afternoon at $ o'clock. Tho
rule was adopted by a vote of 168 to 122,
twenty-four republicans voting with the
democrats In opposition to the rule.
The rule was agTeed upon unexpectedly
by the rules committee at a meeting held
after the visit of Secretary Root to the
capltol and It was very generally under
stood that the administration was respon
sible for the committee's action.
The conference report on the Indian ap
propriation bill was adopted, as was the
conference report on the bill providing for
the allotment and distribution of Indian
tribal funds.
Mr. Williams, minority leader, opposed
the rule. Democracy, he said, was against
this measure. It was In the Interest of the
rich and against the poor; of those who
had against those who had not.
Mr. Williams thought It worse than the
tariff, because the latter professes a virtue,
while this was a naked special privilege,
saying. "It Is class legislation, naked, un
blushing, running wild."
Mr. Hlnshaw of Nebraska thought the
bill would tend to decrease the shipping
Industries of the country, and he was
opnosed to both rule and bill.
Mr. Grosvenor closed the debate on the
rule. He said the bill. If passed, will not
take a single dollar out of the treasury of
the United States, but rather add to the
profits, because It would enlarge the foreign
mall service. He continued:
"Some men have been going about here
telling the people that this bill will not
produce the building of a single ship. Let
me tell you that these contracts cannot
be awarded until there is proof that there
are at least twenty-seven ships built abso
lutely from the keel up and that they are
approved by the Navy depftment aa capa
ble of traveling sixteen knots an hour In
continuous service, built In American ship
yards and manned by American sailors.
Tbts will drive out of the contract every
ship of the Harrlman line. There Is not
one ship of the Harrlman line or one ship
of the Jim Hill line that can go ten knots
an hour under any pressure that can be
put upon it. Bo we simply propose to
extend our mall service to South America
and the orient."
The resolution, as reported from the
committee on rules, was adopted, yeas 168,
nays 122. Twenty-four republicans voted
with the democrats In opposition to the
rule, as follows:
Burton, Ohio; Campbell, Kansas; Chap
man, Illinois; Darragh, Michigan; Davis,
Minnesota; ' Fordney, Michigan; French,
Idaho; Graff, Illlnola; Hedge, Iowa; Hln
shaw, Nebraska; Holllday, Indiana; Hub
bard, Iowa; Klnkald, Nebraska; McCarthy,
Nebraska; Maden, Illinois; Marshall, North
Dakota: Murdock, Kanaas; Nelson, Wis
consin; Prince, Illinois; Stafford, Wiscon
sin; Steenerson, Minnesota; Townsend,
Michigan; Weems. Ohio; Wilson, Illinois.
DIAMONDS Frenxer, 1st.-, and Dodge
Fair Today la Nebraska Decidedly
Colder la the Afteraooa or
by Night.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 25. Forecast of the
weather for Tueaday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska Fair Tuesday, decidedly
colder In the afternoon or by night witn
high north winds; Wednesday fair and cold.
For South Dakota Snow and colder Tues
day with a cold wave; brisk north winds;
Wednesday fair and colder.
For Iowa Fair Tuesday, warmer In east
portion; rain or snow and much colder
Tuesday night or Wednesday.
For Missouri Fair Tuesday, warmer In
east portion; Wednesday rain and much
For Colorado Fair Tuesday, much colder
In extreme north portion; Wednesday snow
or rain and decidedly colder.
For Montana Snow and colder Tuesday;
Wednesday fair.
For Wyoming Snow and decidedly colder
with a cold wave Tuesday; Wednesday
For Kansas Fair Tuesday and Wednes
day, colder In the north portion Tuesday
night; much colder Wednesday.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Feb. 26. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: law. law. lJt. i4.
Maximum temperature.... 49 43 6 26
Minimum temperature 80 2S !$ 14
Mean temperature 40 84 44 a
Precipitation 00 T .00 T
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March L
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 28
Excess for the day 12
Total excess since March 1, 1908 244
Normal precipitation OS inch
Tw.fl.-l.-n-v for the day OS Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 ....Tl. 48 Inches
Deficiency since March L 1!0.... 4.11 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1908.... 1.04 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 19uS. .y. 4. IS Inches
Reports from Statloas at T P.
Station and State Temp. Max. Baln-
of Weather.
Bismarck, part cloudy.
Cheyenne, cloudy
Chicago, clear
Iavenport. clear
Ienver, part cloudy....
Havre, snowing
Helena, snowing
m. Temp. fall.
2 iS .00
46 60 .00
M U .00
tt ii .00
M SI .00
4 14 .12
10 40 .14
42 M .0
44 (1 .00
60 62 .00
44 41) .00
60 0 .00
42 44 .00
3 M .00
64 6s .00
64 64 .00
1 2k .00
Kansas City,
North Platte,
Omaha, clear
Knpld City, clear
8i. IjouI. clear
Bt. Paul, clear
Halt Lake City, cloudy..
Valentine, clear
Wllliston. Cloudy
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
U A. VYKUSII, Local Forecaster.
1 ottTl
i sssasjBSB' aaBs-. - 'aaaasjaaA
a for five-cent card of Hooka Mnkers l;ns ful
IP and Eyes. Dlack and white , ... IP
only. , count, only, the paper. . IU
I for Chinese Ironing Wax 60-inoh Tape Measures I
lU wood handle. for only Il
lfor Dorcas Darning Cot- 3c Wire Hair Pins, only, 1
Muton 2 for 5c quality. a paper 1 v
I M for a 3c box of Mourning 40 count, nedle Plnt Ol
Cpina Dress Makers Tins,, per jjQ
21 n r.r. d.zf I IV 8 K,etsL Pin!; Assorted 1 lair Pins, 0 1 n
all sites black and ,. , ,. , . ' JF P
2 white. cabinet, 5c kind, only. fa 2 W
Ladles' and Misses' pad front and side elastic Hose Supporters,
all colors a regular 15c value, Tuesday only, pair
Ladles' imported Skirt Supporters,
regular 25c kind only, Q
each UC
1,000 pieces Importers'
on sale. See Howard street
25c China for Q
98c China for 39 cnina ior 9l.Ua
Bscent Stormi Didn't Hurt Stock Ihers
Ears J. E. tnokimbam.
Large Acreage of Sugar Beets 'Will Be
Plaated Along River Barllaaton's
Extension from Worland Well
Inder War
"There has been no loss of stock of any
kind In the Big Horn country, due to the
recent storms," said J. E. Buckingham, as
sistant general passenger agent of the Bur
lington, upon his return Monday from a
two weeks' tour of inspection over the
northwest, including the Black Hills coun
try, the Big Horn country and the new dis
trict around Worland. "Heavy losaes In
Alberta and other parts of Canada are re
ported." "The Black Hills and the northwest coun
try manifest prosperous conditions on every
hand," said Mr. Buckingham. "In the
Black Hills the government project, known
as the Belle Fourche project. Is develop
ing rapidly.
"The Huntley reclamation ditch of the
government Is practically completed to
cover a large proportion of the land. It
will be thrown open for settlement some
time this summer, and the first of
the government propositions which will
open for settlement, probably under the
lottery plan, with water, and In condition
for the farmer to Immediately go ahead and
begin ratal ng crops.
'The government has an army of labor
ers at work on the big dam in the Shoahone
canon west of Cody. The land under the
lower dam they expecvto be able to fur
nish with water in the spring of 1908. It
will probably take two years to complete
the big dam In the 'canon. Money is being
pent without any limit to hurry these un
dertakings to a completion. It is expected
that the reservoir created by the dam In
the canon will furnish sufficient waer to
cover some 300,000 acres when completed.
Plant Seaar Beeta.
"Along the Big Horn river, under the
Hanover canal in the Lovell district, large
acreages of augar beets will be planted this
spring, the necessary contracts having been
signed up with the Billings sugar factory,
which has a capacity for 1,200 tons, per day.
of augar beets. They pay the farmers $4.50
per ton for beets delivered at the railroad.
The average acreage of sugar beets is from
fifteen to twenty tons. The average cost of
growing same is between $36 and $40. The
sugar beet crop Is the most profitable agri
cultural crop raised in the United States,
and the Big Horn Basin affords peculiarly
favorable conditions for this pursuit.
Construction of the new extension of the
Guaranteed Under the Pore Food
For SoreThroat
You needn't be afraid to
rub Omega Oil on a child's
throat or chest for Sore Throat
or Cold in Chest. It's the best
thing you ever saw for chil
dren. It does them just as
much good as big folks, and
it won't burn or blister the
most tender skin. It softens.
soothes and comforts any pain
mem mi
ii iu. iou must try wmcga wu useu to
find out how gooa it is. You cannot
judge it by other liniments. Rub in a
little of jt wherever ,
there is an ache or
pain, and the hurting
will stop then and
there. You may
doubt this before you
try it, but you won't
doubt it after you try it.
You don't
have to buy
bottle after
bottle to get
relief. Us
ually one or
i wo rub
bings stop
the pain.
Three sizes I
10C, 2 sc., soc
Free Sample OmcfS Oil
Soap la Eer tattle.
i Fancy Buttons, odd lots pf 25c to
I 75c metal buttons only, )
I per dozen OC
Samples of Fancy China now
i 65c China for 10t
1.75 China for 95
I I'on 1 miss tins 1 nance.
Burlington's railway from Worland o the
Gebo mines Is well under way, and the
business men of Worland are as busy us
they can be. The town Is full of striuiKers,
miners en route to the copper mines near
Thermopolls and the Gebo country mines,
ranchers and sheep men. For a town a year
old It has certainly made a wonderful
growth, having a population of between 400
nnd 600, with all llnea of trade well repre
sented and doing a good business.
'There Is a big general movement of land
seekers to the Big Horn Basin constantly."
District Court at Casper.
CASPER, Wyo., Feb. 6.-Spoclal.)-In
district court Frank K. Wobh, former
sheriff of this county, was acquitted of the
charge of wilful neglect of duty. During
the month of December last year and a .
few days before hla term of office ns sheriff
expired a prisoner In his charge escaped
from the Jail. The prisoner was H. F. Wil
liams, who was being held for felonious as
sault. It was alleged that Webb purposely
allowed Williams to escape und tho
bounty attorney sought to prove that
Webb was In the company of the fugitive
on one occasion afterward and therefore
could have brought him back' to Jail If ho
had so desired. F. D. Hammond of Casper
and Allen G. FlBher. of Chadron, Neb., were
counsel for Webb and the state was rep
resented by County Attorney Shipp. The
defense demanded a change of Judge and
Judge Matson of Cheyenne was called to
the bench In place of Judge Carpenter. Tha
Jury was out with the case only a few
minutes when a verdict of acquittal was
agreed upon. The case of the State against
Ed Taysen, charged with stabbing James
Martin with a knife, Is In progress. Martin
has recovered from his wounds, which were
received last December, and Is now In
Shoehonl. The court issued a bench war
rant yesterday for his appearance and he'
will be here today.
Kansas Loses a Case.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2S.-The stubbornly
contested case of the state of Kansas
against the United States, which was
brought as an original action in the su
premo court of the United States, was de- '
elded by that court today by dismissing
the state's petition to be adjudged tha
owner as trustee for the Missouri, Kansas
& Texas Railway company of vast and
valuable tracts of coal and farming lands
In Indian Territory. The court's opinion
was handed down by Chief Justice Fuller.
Woman Pleads Not tiallly.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 26. Mrs. Annie M.
Bradley, Indicted for murder In the first
degree for the alleged killing of former
Senator Arthur M. Brown of Utah, was
arraigned before Judge Stafford In the
criminal court here today. Mrs. Bradley
Is evidently suffering from her confinement
In Jail, as she was very nervous. The In
dictment was read and to It she pleadl
not guilty. No time was set for the trlul
of the case and she was remanded.
and Drugs Law-Serial Mo. OS.
and Cold in Chest
you apply