TTIE OMAHA DAILY REE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2C, 1907. 11 PATENTS r. $. LARSON it CO., patent lawyer. patent bvuk free Lee Hid.. Omaha. N-b. , . U7) 0 Ek O. BARNELL, patent ettorney and ma chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. U7)-M71I 11U SHARPF. MACHINE SHOPS Petents procured. Inventions developed, drsw,ng. pattern, callings, machine work. W-t-Vi2 H. 10th BL 17j to7 MACHINE: designing and general draughting- at res-soriabl ratea. W. P. Dot ner. '.324 So. 20th St. (17-M764 Mil, PA TENTH, trade marks, guaranteed or no t-e. National Investment Co.. Doubles Blk UT M74 MU PERSONAL CITT STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed. not ironed. 211 8. Utt BU Tel. Doug. 2-4. .' lis; 45s SEWING machines rented, any make, 7ic . par week or &.' per month. Second band machine for sale. 15. no and up Km Cycle Co., loth and Harney. r , C13 ftTt MASQCK costumes. Lleben. Tel. 4111. Open - evenings. (Hi del IaADY sent wanted In every community to aell Florida Face Cream; good pay: . large bottle rrepaid tlic. J. Smith. lsuJ Ohio St.. Omaha. ( M5vi 2Jx SYRINGES, rubber goods, by ma!;; cut prices; send for free catalogue. Myers- COSTUMES Kit 8. loth. Sack. Tel. It"d77J (IS) Ms PLEATING bu"LH"Sfc Dyeing: alia cii.nii(. spong.ns and snrlnk. Ir.g, only 6c p.-r yard, bead for price list and sanipln. GOLDMAN BLEATING CO.. 40 Douglas HI oca- 'at-. Duuttias Ukr-Uj PRIVATE CONFIN KMKNT HuME-Mrs. Lr. King, N. 21st bL Tel. Uvuif. VS. tl 0 .'BLANK BOOKS and ruled forma mad to order. Keese Printing Co., Omaha. (is) M77 F2S OMAHA 8tamrnere ra Institute. lUmgi Bldg. 0 JOHN CANE 13 IN TOWN! Now la ti e lime to trim trees, treliaes and grape vines, also landscape gardening. TtL Keil t-Wi. Res. 1101 8. .111 Avo. , (13) W7 M12 DR. VOGEL'S private home for lad:e b foro Hbil au. uii; confinement; best snj cheapest t:i tae city. 3. o. m.n tt. (Is) M TUB SALVATION A11.MT solicits enftoft clothlnK. In ct anvthincE you no not need, ho c. dlcct, rrrutlr and ee'.l. at 114 N. llth fct.. (or r.f collecting, to trn? worthy jKor. Call "Phone Doug. 41 Jo and wagon will call. - (lk) ill KfAnXTFTTP treatment and bath. XIroe. Bl Tj A Smltni m N. LSth. M tlo-.r o ) 'f ARR A.fJP. Swedish movement. 410 N. JliVOO.lU Li i:th room t ,cond door. (IS)-MJ(?J M4 ETE defects corrected by gl&mw. ' fitted In your hofiie If dealred; reasonable pricet. Smith. Gradual'- Optician, Sf Ohki. 'Phone Webster 437: (IS) M600 r-x 8EWINO machines supplies for all makes of machines: machines repaired: machines for rent. Hayden Bros , Sewing Mirhlne . I'ept. Doufcla Bt. entrance. Tel. Pone. , aeOD. (IS (-713 M10 . EFFA ELLIS, muslq by malL Adults' evening class Mondays. 1611 Farnam. Douglas TCL !) 1S M4 8CIICLTZE BLATTERT. 1U 8.16th Pt Complete Una ot leading; periodicals: Ger- man and forelan Duplications a snclaltv. list :r?ilMI I . '. . . i ANT ONE knowing the whereabouts of Nels and Olaf Olsen will confer a favor upon them by showing them this ad. or by writing; to MLis Carrie Olsen. Rock -.Island. 111.. IW 4th St. 08) M7i M12x ' FOR anything In the sewing; 'machine Una . go to IJ. E. Flodman Co.. 1S14 Cap. Ave. (18) M73 MU 1 XB-' J'.' SOMMERi' Homeopath: T!e5 Bmg. - . . ; -; asy-m HEALTHY, wholesome, satin skin bestowed toy Satin akin cream and Satin powder. OMAIIA 8team laste Co manufactures pure nour paaia zuit uiminf. leiepnoos jouglas 4aL i) . REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR SALE ' 3GTII ST., NEAR FARNAL Beautiful residence lot. Vx , IS5 ft., terraced and sodded, 'j .' .Isphalt pavement,, all speclalg , "paid. The location la the swell-' ett In the city. No fancy price Is asked. This won't b on the j" '"1 market lor.s; at the lcw-ics . asked. , ' Ajilv .CLINTON H.BRIGGS 1J20 FARNAM ST. (Ur-MSS ;kountze place bargain and a real one, too. Tbe owner must sell 1 rooms, all . modern, well built. It's a gon- htiitfc you. will be Interested when you see It. Price t4..di O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. - IOC; New York Life ' Bldg. Phone Douglas ZVZ U9 MtU-2 FOR SALE My suburban home; 10 acrtrM west line of city limits: good Improve ' ments; fruit. Owner. 43S Bee Bldg. (1 7 itx $1,075: $200 CASH 'iBalic (IS nu rthly 1M1 Charles St . 6 reom houso. room - enoagh for another Kouae on lot. f4 8. i7lh St . l-rrom, lot Wx'T--V8i larss rooms wlttj closets, aocxl tarn, all with slate roof and in Al condition: S ..lots. and ten hniuo in Central . ib'ta. aU nwxUkrn M.iwO -past eaeh. -Two- Koiid c. Usees un one lt, a. sr 20th . and eward 41,a0. 'Peterson Bros. (23 Bw Bldg. 'Phone IX ug'.as' 1S7. ... .-. " (l)-7 24 j : 1 l FOR SA L N Ire. new 10-room Dundee j4- residence; owntr having . city; price . W ou. ) will carry o for 6 yrs. at per - vent.- Alto fine residence lot for halt i - prtcw. Address & 7 SI. Bee t . i . (1-M!31-M : . ..2408 EMMET ST. ... ' ' S rooms modern, on paved i- - street, select neighborhood. ' - ' tes u at once. j PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st FT. N. 1. L. BldV. .1 Tel. Dou. 173L (- a WFaST FARNAM LOT On of th choicest lots In the district. 7Hxlio. Price, tvke. O'KEEFE RE-L ESTATE CO. lut New York Ufa '1'huu IXiug. JDj2. ... .. J-MalM REAL ESTATE City Property for Rale Continued. HARNEY STREET This properly Is 112x132 ft., near the comer of 20th St. It lays to grade and Is In every way desirable. Finely located for a row of fata. It won't be long befor this will be business property. No fancy prlc asked. Apply CLINTON H BKIGGS 133 FARNAM ST. C M30S THE KERR AnSTRACT CO.S AB STRACTS OP TITLES are the safest. You are protected by a tiO.OO bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a liiw suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 114 Hurocy. Tel. Douglas 64T7 (lFi BUY WEST EXD PROPERTY Fo rale, over one hundred (100) lots in "Brla-gs Place." St. fiUnif through the middle of this addition. Thes! lets win be sold dirt cheap, as I winh to clos them . eat at one They are to b eld In a bunch. They mu?t be sold altogether. Apply : CLINTON H.BR1GGS 1S20 FARNAM ST. (19)-M2r LANDSCAPE architect. E. C. rotr. phone Doug. 767. 511 r'axton I'lK. , (13I-M761 9) BUT from owner and sve commlsalon; i-room, new. modern ettoge, no B lTtlu (13) iiiXI All FOR 8ALE Two modern houses ar.d large barn, one block nTtn of Hansom park; paved street, east front, tot TSxiso. ejisi ern owner will sell at n barsaln. THOMAS E REN NAN, ... Room I N. T. 1. Etidg. QJ)-64S 11 PER CENT INVESTMENT." i-roc.m cottage, modern ex cept furnace, best of repair inside aid outside, close In, always tuny to rent. Hrlngs per ynr rental and we ak but JiuOO for It. Grore investment of 12 jr cent and will easily net 1 per cent. There Is very little g-oo-i In vestment close In property on the nmrket and Its al ways In demand, so If you want somethlnr iror.d It would pay - to investigate this at once. H. R. FTRINGER.- Care"'Paxton-lIit'.hell Cumpsrjr. ackson St. I'lione I'ouglas 7? Ill Jac 7TS1, (19 MH75 FOR 8ALE. 4-room cottae lk I I. oka north of Dodtre St.. 1 blocks from :4:h St. ear line, partly mrtlrn, good birn. If tak'-n at once. II. . a-room crttaxe. m'-ilern except furnace, new plumbing, "lot "ixl. lawn, ffuit and shade trees. frd barn, an elegant home. purt casn anu naiance less man rent, uniy z.w. S-ro ni house in Ohio. 1 block from Sher man ave. car line. !et u take ycucutto see this before It gres. only J1.IW ft-rt-om cottage on Kowtr '., all modern tximt bth." i blocks from Ames ave. car line, high and sightly, healthiest place In the city, 2 ! ts each Vxl.s". plenty of iruil, apples, pennies, ptums, cirerru's . etc.. over 3j utiarts put up last fall. plenty of room for chickens; an elegant home. This will go aulck at r.'.SOO. 10-nom house,-all modern, 4015 Izard 8t., lot 5oxl6. half block from car line, fine res idence district In the city, rxautlful home: see us for terms. Will trade for good rental prcperty. only xiiwo . TURK ELL, 16 Patterson Bik. ' " ' ' Phone Douglas 113. . , . (13)-M 17 ' REAL ESTATE FARM ASD RAtH LAM FOR SALE Colorado). COLORADO LAND8. WHERE good crops are raised by dry farming, ltki acres Washington county, I mile of Cope, 24 miles of raliroad town, level upland, good soil, price -j cash net and a snap. Write or see L. W. Tuileys Son. Couacll Bluffs, la. l Main St.. up stairs. CU MtMt 2 K a a mm a. HOMESEEKERSt Be careful. Locate right Investigate our famous artesian railvy. Sure crops, matchless climate. Let us write yuu. Miller at James, Meade, Kan. 0-M2j4 Ms SOUTHERN Kansas farm lands. Kingman and Southern Reno counties offer greatest inducements. M.rt natural advantage for agriculture, fruit, live stock and poul try raising of any location In the etsta. Mild climate, fertile, soil. Innumerable streams and springs of pure water, rail roads, schools, church and progressive clt liens. Land purchased at present prices will soon double in value. For descriptive lists and complete information write or call on Brown & Temple, Kingman. Kan sas. (.'0)-M Mix wearaava. Central Nebiaska H. & L. Th best 490 acre farm In cen tral Nebraska, la only three-fourths mile from, court house, and has fJO acre of as fine valley land as Me In Nebraska. Good set of frame buildings complete, large grove 2 years old, orchard, etc., ltu aora In nustur. Price fit per acre. C. 1.2U0 acre farm, fenced enly miles from Sargent, haa Jja acre of fin land la cultivation, balance In two pastures, good set of buildings. wtndmlU, well. tc, a. ULfgaln at 11 an acre. Hartley &, Lundy Box 24. - , , Sargent. Neb. (2v-MA M.X A BARGAIN In well Improved ss acres adjoining Broken kiow; ino tine houses, one 1 aud one a roorus; earn, granary, corn cjitas and shros. weil, mul, elevated water lands' one ui mill buux and one In barn; or.! wood and one steel wster tank for stock one steel hog dipping vai; twelve lot and erliie eignty tenced hog titint, water pipd to Octn huuies, barn ana I of tne .uui: fine tot of trues; Is acre alfaiia; geared mill, feed grinder, manure apreautr. good as new. Improvements cost 6S,v4M. land valued at $o,juw, tuiat. ei.vuO. Will take tiu.iks), half cash, if suid prior lu March i. i9t)7. X mile to tuaa kvnool. w tills Cadweil, broken . BW. Neo. li Mtaa M FOR farm, .rancbea. rallnquisbments. etc., call on or writ to U. b. lienry, '! aylor. Neb. , , uu My4 2s MONEY In Nebraska land. Writ ua for list of Some good forms In Clay county. ceurua. iitw. a. cuer st jonasoii. Harvard. Neb. tJii) M4&1 Mix FARM lands for sale In Nebraska and South 1 n kola, improved and unlienrovcd. large and small tract. Also sum good trading- propositions. Address J. P. Kil ter. Plattsmouto, Neb. (2u 42.1 Ml tit Da hot a. - - SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS few acrea prairie farm land, coe mile frota Geitj b jig fuller u silly. South Dakota. No linprot foments; price 6 par acre, p able ta per acta rasa, balance eiahl yearly paynMtnis. per cent Interest. Also have quarter and Laif sections at til Jx-r acis ap. Write for free snap to A- G. WUlUma, cis tier. Oett) eoitrtt. Putter county. Houls REAL ESTATE FARM At!) R ASCH LAD FOR -ALU Ik Daketa-4'oatlast. ONE MILLION ACRES ROP-EPfD LAND SOON to be opened In Tripp county. S .nth Dalota. new ar.d authentic map Just out; price. 6 cents, poet paid red Reich, n mn. Bonestsel. 8. l. (?)-M:5 M'.l Texas. LAND SEEKERS I FARMERS MAKE JO PER CENT IN THE BRAZOS VALLEY. OCR LAND HAS MANY ADVANTAGES OVER ANY OTHER SECTION OF TEXAS. It has ti Inches or rainfall. It has more productive soil. It has no brush to grub out. It don't have to be Irrigated. It Las pure wster at sixty feet. It costs les to Improve. It grows best cotton in Texas. It is a natural clover country. It Is best sugar cane land. It Is a good alfalfa country. It Is a splendid hog country. It has a ten months' growing season. It has lowest shipping rates. It sells at tl2U to fl per acre. illustrated ltftt free. HILAND P. LOCK WOOD, Ban Antonio. Tex. CXO M611 MS Corn and Wheat Lands In fertile northwest Texas We own and control several thousand seres of the best Innd In the Panhandie. Join one of our big excursions. LEREW LAND CO.. 8. Uih St., First Nat l Hank Rldg. (M)-M41 Ml Washlaaton. RANCH for sale: l.flso acres deeded, two sections lessd school larnl. all fenced: located central Neb. Write for full descrip tion. J. V. Anderson, Grand Island. Neb. , (30r 44 ilZx Wyomlaa;. , WYOMING IRRIGATED LAND Valley land 115 to U6 per acre. Also irrigation project for Investment. Address Hox S3, Thermopolis. Wyo. (- M55 Mlx SI I seel la a eoa . WESTERN LAND Ten thousand acres smooth land at $5.00 per sere, a chsnce to retail ut a profit. Call for plat. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. l-'Ol N. Y. L. Bidg. 'Phone D. 2152-. (20) M6M-2 Stock and Grain Farm LOT acrea, all level land, good black soil, improvements consist of S-rm. house, stable, corral, good well and mill, etc.; all fenced and cross fenced. Write us about :U O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., I0J1 N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. U2. ()-M6l5-M WESTERN LAND 15.60 an acre for a fine sec tion, only I miles from the railroad, gently rolling, not rough. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., I0P1 N. T. L Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2152. (JO) MS46-2 HOMESTEAD THE COEVR D'ALENE RESERVATION will be opened soon. It contains 6).0'4 ucres choice wheat, fruit and timber land. Do you want ISO acres? COEL'R D'ALENE RESERVATION IN FORMATION AGENCY. Rooms 17-ls Exchange Bank Hidg., Spo kane, Wash; (20)-g Ml REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Fa I ad Raseh Lasd. 20 ACRES, with house and barn. Ill a lttn Bt. tn T34 FINB ranch to rent on crop plan in famed Big Horn Bas.n. Write W. M. Harvard. No Wood. W yo. (21 424 Mix 130 ACRES farm land. I miles west of Hanscom Park, on C'nter St. paved road Apply C. E. Wilklns, Dewey Hotel. CD-17 FOR RENT Chicken ranch. Improved, five acre. Addresa B i.H. Bee. (jp-MTM-t-frt REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (S-& GARVIN BROS.. 16u4 Farnam. I and 6H per cent loans on real estate; no deUy. (22)-o LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22)-wS7 tl.000.0CO TO LOAN on buslnoas and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest raws, no delay. Thomas Brenoan, R. 1. N. Y. LIT. (22)-6S WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith CiX, UJ0 Farnam BL (22-7l LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas. us First National Bank Bldg. C22-,70 WANTED City loans. R. C Peters Co. (2i-72 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1620 Doug. (22) 471 REAL. ESTATE WANTED City Property. V W X VT Ik. h.. t Knr--ln f a-m I H ... V " ,...r ,J r new, strictly modern; 'will not exceed ussr i.refee in ,v tt i5.i .11 e..h S.S0; prefer to pay 13.260. all cash. Ad. dress K-ik7, care Be. (-) 41 2' WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, seccQd-bund furniture, cook and beating sluvea, carpets, linole ums, oftice furniture, old clothe and hum, piano, fsatlieia. bed pU.ewa, quilta. and a.1 kinds of toois; or will buy the fur niture cf your house complete. Will buy antique or nutbegany furi.hure. Tbe blgii et prices puid. Call the right man. TeL r...., sn cV.i u.-jit uu ' DON'T give your second-hand furniturt i away; i pay tne rugneat price; big prices paid for o.e furniture, 4. Ulh. let. Douglas 771. - : - i - , -. - .. aid for q.dke furntiure., Joe Levlne. Z (2&)-M251 Ml TOP price for Id-hand books, novels, alt kinds. Siacey, IK 6. litb, Tel Harn-y 13ti - (25) M247 Mix CASH psld for old books. Crane-Foyt Co., til 8. 14th, 'Pnone Duus;las-U2L (25 40 I WANT te buy horn In vicinity of Hanscom park, about 7 rocma modern. Telephone liaruey ImU. 13u7 8 th. (3s)-M4X7 17 TYPEWRITERS We pay the highest cash price for tyiwnri. Call at once or , Tel. Doug. iV1- k-vndis, Paxton block. 474 Ml WANTED to buy. second-hand typewrit ers, all make; typewriters sold. t N. l:h St.. flat a. (25 6ss M21 TWO or three work horses. driver. Telephone Douglas hl. (26 M M2 WANTED TO RENT FCRNI8HED HOI BE WANTED. Wanted, to rent by a young married eour-le. strictly modern house. Would like te take possession about Msy 1 for r moi.tns or longer. Can give unquestionable reference. Adores A Bee. " tK MS Xx YOl'NO couple want to rent t or t room modem place; gaud reference Address P 77. Bee. Si WANTED TO RENT (Continued.) WANTED P.oom and boird by vounr man In prtra'e family In g"! netshNrhod ; ftve all particulars. ACdrcss o "1 care iee. MIS 3.x WANTED Furnished house or flat larre enough for four adult". Will fvirnl'li ref-rnre. Address P. O. Bojr lVT, Omaha. (Ml-MTM 2Kx MODERN, furnished or partly furnished light housekeeping rooms; must lie reas onable; state price and accommodations Address W 74. pe. Oil MV frx WANTED SITUATIONS DAY" women furnished free of charge. Telephone Dougiae 1111. (.-7)-M POSITION wanted by phermscy student out or scnool nours. Auaress, ninsen, 2231 Fa mam. (7)- ix WANTED Position In Jewelry store, tj learn the business; hst of references furnished. Address lock box 4JC, Superior, Neb. (r7-MUl x DAY WOMEN furnished free of chsre. Telephone Douglas 111X (27) MSut UNIVERSITY man, with years" exterl ence as manager of grain, coal and live stock business, wants good paying posi tion, has small capital; will Invest If re quired. Address H 7. Hw. (171-Mtyn MUX BOOKKEEPER with IS years experience. Best of references. Address J Ree. (27) MS37 i.X WANTED By young man. with experience, Losltlon in countrv hank: can do any ank work. Address E 799, care Bee. (27 V8-27X WANTED Sweeping or light work by the day. Tel. Maple K!S. (27)-MOT Xx GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR LEASING THE TRI bal Lands of the Standing Rock Reserva tion. North Dakota, for Graslng Purposes. D rartment of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs. v ashliigton. D. C. February 5. Sealed prop .sals for leasing the sur plus tribal pastures on the Standing Rock reservation. North Dakota, for grazing purpos a, will be received at this office until 2 o'cIock. p. in., on Thursday, March iS. W,. and will be Immediately thereafter oiened In the ) resence of sjcIi bidders ss may attend, 'lie lands will be leased f r a juried of Ave years from June 1. UV7. and no bid for a different period will be considered. '1 he pioisais must be ad dressed to "The Commissioner of Indian Aflalrs, Washington, D C," and must ba plainly endorsvu on the outside of the en velope, ' h rotiosals for Leasing Standing Rock Lands. The lands offered for lease have been divided Into four pastures. Pas- i lure o. i-UIlillin rj,VAr : tti- , fas'.uie ' V" . m nnnlaix, n'Ji iiui . . r ... - nailiir. X." 1 ccntalns S'.j.i'O acres; pasture No 4 con- talus 116.41 acres, imps snowing tne l oca- ; Un oi toe pastures anu poxicrs siving ui- rections for the 3Ubrnlssion of bids, and all nth.t In forma l Ion. mav he I obtained on application to the L'nlted States Indian Agent. Fort Yates, Nortit I Dakota, proposals rot conforming tj the requiremer ts mentioned in the poster may be rejected, if such action shall bt deemed advisable. C. F. UHKAtEE, Ac Ing Commissioner. Fadlk'.ll PROFOSAL8 FOR BCILDINGS. DE partment of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C February 6, 19y7. S-aled proposals, plainly marked on tbe outside of the sealed envelope, "Proposals for Buildings, Genua, Nebraska," and addressed to the Commis sioner of Indian Affairs, Wasnlngton, D. C, will te received at th Indian office until 2 o'clock p. m. of March 13. U07, for furnishing and delivering tne necessary ma terials and labor required to construct and complete a workshop, superintendent's resi dence and oftice building, in strict ac cordance with the plans, specification and instructions to bidders, which may be ex amined at . this office, the offices of the "Improvement Buletln," Minneapolis, Minn.; "American Contractor,'' Chicago. III.; "Bee." Omaha. Neb.; the Builders' and Traders' exchanges at Omaha, Neb.; Su Paul. Minn.; Minneapolis, Minn.; the Northwestern Manufacturers' association, St. Paul, Minn.; the U. S. Indian ware houses at Chicago. 111.; Omaha, Neb.; St. Louis, Mo.; New York, N. Y., and at the school. For further Information apply to Wm. H. Winslow. Superintendt, Genoa, Neb. C. F. LARRABEE. Acting Commis sioner. Feb-LM4-ie-14-21-2J-26-28 PROPOSALS FOR SHOEING ANIMALS Office Chief Q. M., Omahn. Neb.. Febru ary 26. 19o7. Sealed proposals for shoeing animals at Q. M. Depot. Omaha, snd Fort Omaha, Nebraska, during fUcal year begin ning July 1. 19. will be received here until W a. in.. March 28. lKi, and then opened. Information furnished on replication. En velopes containing proposals should be In dorsed, "Proposals for Shoeing Animals" and addressed to MAJOR THOMA8 CRUSE. Chief Q. M.. Omeha. Neb. F-Js-.s--pt-Mra LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the CI .... 1 n III-,, f r. .4 Anmnanw K.ll Ka 1.-1 1 I PVU'll . win IIU VUIUJJU.IJ F. 1 1 , UTJ IICIU st the office of ssld company at Lincoln, Neb., at 11 o'clock a. m. on the tth day of March. A. D., 1JV7. By order of the B iard of Directors. C. H. MORRILL. President; A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln, Neb., February 4, 1907. rs-dm-m. NOTICE TO 8TOCKHOLDER8. The annual meeting of stockholders in The Bee Publishing conip.iny is hereby called to meet in the ottice of The Lee building. In the city of 0:naha, Neb., on the tth diy of March. IWi. at 4 o'clock p. m. By o Mer .f the president. H. A. HASKELL, Secretary. Feb.lC d 13 m-e RAILWAY TIME CARD VXIOX STATIC TESTH AD XARCY Isloa Parlor Leave. Arr've. Overland Limited a :at am a 8:18 pra The China and Japan Fast Mail a 4:15 pm a 5:10 p:n Colo, at Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm a 9 Jo pm California & Ore. Ex.. .a 4 J6 pm a 6:10 pm Iajh Ang-les Limited... al'J. si pm al0:45 pm Fast Mail a 1:66 am a S : pm Colorado 8pclal a 7 46 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a t 10 am a 4 So pm Beatrice Local b 3:u0 pm bl3.4S pm (klrtRD Jt Strlhsrtlrrs- Cedar Rapids Pass a 7:' am liiium ; Tw'n C"y Express a 7 5.) am alo t.) p, Chicago Daylight a I am all lipm t hicago Local Sioux City Ixjcal Carroll Local Sioux City Local Chicago khtpreas Fast Mail Fast Mail Twin City Limited.. Overland Limited ... Chieagj Limited .... Norfolk-Bonesteel .. Ijnooln-Chadron .... iH-adwood-Lincoln .. Casper-finorishonl ... Hastings-Superior ..' all ' am a 1:16 pin ....a 4 pm a am ....a 4 12 pm a 5n am a 3:46 pm aSjlipm a 7 i am a I 0 pin a 125 pm a i) am ....a ij pm a 7 '6 am a s pm a 6.31 am ....all :) pm all M am a 7:40 am aI0:36 am ... b 7:40 am alO.St am I ' pm liu pm a t t pm a 6 oi pm . .. b I vi pm b 6'i pm b 6.-4.C pm bl2:4u pm Fremont-Albion j Wabash. pi. uiiuu ui ' i. -..... ift .v Mm s . JV am I . i.lU .i .,,, v" Council Bluffsi a :1S am aJO JO Dm Stanberry Ixx-al (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bll :20 am I klraso Creel Western. St. Paul A Minneapolis.. 8:30 pm 7:10 am St. Paul MinneaKl:s. 7:46 am 11 in pm Chicaao lamit d 5:4u pm 6:iO am Chicago Express l:witi 11 io pm Chicago Eapreaa 1.30 pm 3 3u pm Misaonrl laeie. K. C. A St. L. Expresa.a Vi am a C-JO am K. C. 4 Bt. L. Express, ail la pm t S i pn Nebraska Local a t.:v pm all am Lies Moines lcal a 4 16 pm IIMaola Central. Chicago Expre-i a 8) sm a S 46 pm M:nn. Sl til. Paul Es. hkmam . i; V. .. Chicago Limited a 6 pm a 7:30 am Minn, st Bt. raui UU...4 ID pm a 7 ) am hleaae. Heck Island A Facile. EAST. Chicago Limited a S 15 am a 7 1 sm Iowa l'ni a 7 oo am a 4 pm Chicago Mail a pm Iowa Ijcal blJ.-e pm b 9.56 pm Chicago fKastern Ex ) a 1 36 pm Clscagu i Iowa Lrntd i .a ( 36 pto al2.36 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Limit. I S sm a 3 6 am Colo, at Cul. Express, a l .Vi pm a 4 So pm (kl. aj Texas Express, .a 4:tu pm aiJ.A pm Lirtci.ln Fairbury and belUvue a I SO pm a 30 am hleaae, 4k St. Panl. Chi. snd Crdo. Special. .a 7:51 am a 7:30 am California and ore. Ex.a 6 l pni a t !.) pro i-verlsnd Umlted I i t pin a . am e M lines at Cedar Rapids Local b t.4i am bU vO pm LETTERS FROM BEE READERS Dr. Mil'er fern riati on Eiceot Frmaraiof Eailroid Trssidect. EDITOR FRY WRITES OF "sAOOtMSir Mokrara , Mas Explains Why II Failed to Reach Omaha te llefead Resolatlnas Before Press Assoelatloa. Contribtitlons on timely topics are Invited from readers of The Bee. Communications should be written lesibly on one side of the paper only anil accompanied by the name and address of the writer The name wtil not If used if the writer asks that it te withheld. l"nusd communications will n-t tie returned. Corresinindenta sre adv.sed to limit their letters to ) words or tr.ev will be sjbject to being cut down to that limit at the discretion of the editor. Publications of views of correspondents must not be taken to commit The Bee to their endorsement. The Voice of tlekney. OMAHA. Feb. 25 -To the Editor cf The Bee: Following the late warning of Mr. Hill and Mr. Bhonts of the certain results tf the agitation and assaults of legislatures upon the railway Interests of the country, that of A. 15. Stickney. the founder of Omaha's great grain market, rings out with no uncertain sound in an Interview In the New York World trl graphed from St. raul. The president of the Chicago Oreat Western says: Hard times ahead If the leirlslatures of the vanojs staK-e do not st"p "tinkering'' ,with tilings which are not fit subjects for legislation. Mark the words, "not fit subjects of logls lntl n." They simply mean thnt the higher laws of business. unv xed by written stat utes. Is the true and only law which can wlarly regulate railroad rates, as It has done for the good cf all In this prosperous and opulent western country for mere than thirty years. The result has Jjeen the low est railroad ratea In the world. No In formed man doubts or derles It. Aaln Mr. St'.ckney further says: The present rallroul agitation Is bound to lead to disaster to the country at laige If It be not checked. A repetition r.f the troubles of ISM and the subsequent, hard times. Mr. Stlckrey believes, will lie the ultimute end of lejils latlon. either passed or atxut to be passed this winter In many state. Mr. Ptlckeny furtkor Boys: It is hijrh time for the good rf the cnuntry n . a m-tinln thnt I hr ahotilit Ke tel-iln to lrie railroad "batting" which is becoming a favorite sport with legislators and state t oncers ' . ' .. . ,n .. , ,k. And now listen to this from the itme wise man nardN times have always been prcluced J by legislative tinkering vci'h things which 'm'ntod on them respectfully, except, per are rot fit subjects for legis atlon. It was i . , . . . . . ,, so ten or thirteen years ago, when for i hP- wh'n 1 r'f"r to tne fact ,h 1 h11 years prevlrus to the last panic congress nail neen experimenting witn rree stiver, and It will be so again. Twenty years ago. I said before a com Vnlttee of the senate In Omaha, of which the late S?nator Piatt cf Connecticut was the chairman, that statutory regulation of rail road rates would not regulate; that cm petition would beat combination: that ecm- merclal law, and not written law. would contrrl. Nearly twenty years later I re-j peated that statement before another com- ml t tee of the senate In Washington and proved the truth r f It by citing the undls- puted fact that rates had gone down from S and 4 cents per ton per mile to less than 1 cent per ton per mile all ever this coun try, either without any written law, or In spite of It, and no man alive can contro vert the absolute correctness of that prop osition. President Roosevelt, through Mr. Shonts, has already thrown out a signal of distress. If I were as close to him as some of my good neighbor are. I might venture to ad vise him to come In out of the wet. Steel and iron lead the world of Industry. When orders for raliroad construction are checked, employment rf labor will be checked In every line xf Industrial punrult. Then will come dull times, followed by hard times, and then will come panic and ruin the same old story ra the name old way. OBOROE L. MILLER. Fry and Madden. NIOBRARA. Neb., Feb. 24-To the Editor of The Bee: Now I received Just what was unr 1 1 1 i . . n u , vi 1 1 . . v n irii n me maw . . . . v. . . . . t a 1 .1 . . . . . .ft.. O . . . i 1'ress association meeting a raint tap or pisapproval for making personal reference to Third Assistant Postmaster General Madden in my paper on "Maddenlsm Run Mad." Had I not trusted to a Mind baggage berth for my passage to Omaha, I might have saved the day. Our train south passes through here about t In the morning and having used my press mileage at the close of the year I had no other recourse than forage on the enemy, expecting when reaching Norfolk to get proper recognition. I reached there when It was Just dawning snd Editor Huse of the News ret'jrned my Elk grip by tell ing me that I was a buffalo. I risked the smoker, however, and when the conductor came around I was protected by old man Ketchum's whisker until I got to Nickerson, when the conductor wouldn't listen. I knew th Methodist minister there, an old apprentice of mine, by the wa), named Brlce Paxton. who gave me a delicious breakfast. With a luncheon of yellow-legged chicken. I pro ceeded to count the ties to Fremont over tbe Burlington new line, expecting to meet Ross Hammond. But bis brolher Frank told me that he had gone to Lincoln to measure the distance between Fremont and the legislature, ar.d Incidentally to coach 'em on the t-cent rate. I told Frank that if he had waited I could have helped him estimate It by my own count from Nickerson In, I wa quite sure that I couldn't make Ashland In time to meet Doc Blxby on hi way from Lincoln to th association, so I became disheartened and turned back in box car, where I cronied with the breakle for handout. I have Just got In. Th Be made a pleaaant reference to my paper on "Maddenlsm Run Mad." but some of the other report left the imprea- RAILWAY TIME CARD - BIRLMOTOJI STATION lot b A HtlOl Bnrltagten. Imv. Arrive. Denver California 4 10 pm a 3.30 pm Black Hills .a 4.10 pm a IU pm Northwest Special Northwest Express Nebraska Express Nebraska Local ... Lincoin Local lano.'n Fast Mall . ...a 4 lu pni a i pm ...all:70 pm a 7:10 am ...a t 10 am a 7 46 pm ...a l.'O am a 7:45 pm a t:i6 am ...b t.OO pm all 1 pm Iunculn Local a 30 pm Plattsmouth !a 7 JO pm a !U am I'enver Limited a 7 ) avi pellevue Pac. June. a 1 3 am a 1:50 pm Chlcaftfo Specral a 1.5 am a 7 am Chicago Express allium all diii I fhu Kxpre Chicago Flyer a t-6 sm a 7 .5 pm low Locl a 1S am alO 51 pm St. Louis Exnrtas a 4 la pm all am kauii C lty-St Joe alv 45 pni a 46 am Kansas Ci'y-Ht. Jo....a IS sm a 110 pm Kauaas City-8l. Joe a 4 45 pra W EBSTER STATIO-15tki A WEBSTER Tklaiao. St. Panl. Minneapolis at Omaha. T 1 h CII Ii r K ft. a.ta fi .ioi City l-aasener...a 2 - pm all SO ism Eanenk-n v b 6 46 pm b S 10 am Ec.ierson Laical '. otf.46 am e 6 50 pm Mlaoftirl Psetle. Loevl via Weeping Water attain a 6 pra Falls City Loral a 3 S pm all .v pm a Dailv. b Dul'.y exert Sutnlay. d Daily except Saturday. Sajiday only. Dal y except Mobday slnn that I hsd made a lot ft kicks because It was easiest. I have been flared on the tiring line a good many times In try thirty odd years In Nebraska Journal ism and sometimes the reserves didn t come to my relief I feel that this is Oie esse at the Nebraska Press ssscclatlon meet ing last Wednesdsy. ' Ross Hammond has become smooth. I enjoy the acquaintance of a smooth ope rator. Ills set of resolutions accepted by the association In the face of Its own reso lution committee was sn undignified slap In the face of the committee Had my tie Connections held out to the end of the line I should have been there In time to dispute his right. The caution Congr-ssman-elect Hitchcock gave to the association was also one. of those old-time moves that has made Ne braska "go back and sit down." The fear of President Roosevelt s "big stick" Is canny. My reading of the presi dent Is that he has no use for kid glovs In a boxing match. He likes a frank -en an if the man has the honest lew of It and the honest view may be the wrong one. But he wants to know, Mr. Hitchcock believed It would be a mistake If the newspsper publishers of this state should Join with other states In making personal warfare upon anyone con nected with the postal department. I have always enjoyed th- report of that tea party In the Boston harbor. Its spirit has always appealed to every American; who hadn't an ax to grind. I am also sincere believer In the old sdage that "where there Is so much smoke there must be Some fire." And I only have to refe to the speech of Sir Charles Marcll, deputy speaker of the lower house of the Cana dian parliament, before the American Newspaper Publishers' association banquet on the fist, when he offered on the part of the Canadian publishers, "a message of sympathy and god fellowship." Postal rates and censorship pr the subjects of enrh speaker of the evening. Shades of Boston harbor! D-) you suppose the president will Jump up and swear a little? Not a bit of It. He will dive down d'eper to the cause. And Ncbratka should hsve gone on recorl in the same manly open way. I'll wager my soiled clothing from th" recent attempted trip to Omaha by the tramp route that most of thos who op- posed reference to Mr. Madden In the res- olutlons have something In view for them selves and expect to make Mr. Madd n feel loosened up. But Mr. Madden has himself kissed the Blarney stone, gentlemen. Now a little In my own def-nse. Asld from The Bee's report, all others Imply that I made a vicious attack upon Mr. Madden In my paper. I merely quoted his own rulings and my contentions, all couched In respectful language, and com always feel that I was robbed of my de posits to help out that deficit, and that Mr. Madden's hostility to the press I be lieved had become a dls ase. The other ref erences were byplays thst had no signif icance except to break the monotony. I used no billingsgate or diatribes. I admire some of Mr. Madden s past work and said so. But I cannot acknowledge ,h1 he hM sympathy for the great work of ,n Press of this nation nor for the Progress of the people. I contend that he ha Dot tne r1ht to uk lw in his own hands because he has a temporary power to do so. That Is why, he ought to be removed. That Is why I think the Ne braska Press association should have been on record without the consent or advice of a big editor who has no natural common sympathy for the Inconsequential country press. Of course Ross Hammond still lives In the country and he is left with full Powers. ED A. FRY. Editor Wonderland Magaxine. Starr Defends Himself. OMAHA. Feb. 3.-Ed!tor of The Bee: In your Issue of this morning appear an article seriously reflecting on my business Integrity as a special advertising solicitor. Kindly give me an opportunity of an swering the same. The article In question 1 attributed to Information furnished by a George Brown (7) of Council Bluffs and I entirely false In every particular. In spite of the covert Insinuation that I change my name to suit locality or condl- tlonS the fact .remains thnt I am now and always have been Fred Starr and have never posed under any other name. I have been visiting Omaha and other cities of the middle west annually for the last ten year In the business of special advertls- Ir.g. and have alway. fulfilled my oblige- "uw "ere si me j nursion hotel In the flesh, ready and willing to refute any and all calumnies of a like nature. Yours truly, FRED STARR. Special Advertising Solicitor. JOKE ON CHARLES KOSTER Police Board Ha Vmm erltk Sew Yorker, Who Hasn't Key to City. Charles F Koster of New York City, secretary of the Phenlx Insurance com pany, was the victim of a practical Joke Monday afternoon. I'nwlttlngly Mr. Koster called on Chief of Police Donahue and showed a letter written by Mayor Dahl man, who met Mr. Koster on the Bryan trip last fall. Mr. Koster w as supposed to have had with him a key to th city, but failing to show the same Chief Donahue brought the New Yorker to the police board meeting, then to meet. Commissioner a ... . I . ... ....4 . v. . v . ft.- . ... i.. . i .. i In the custody of the chk-r of police and . . , . . placed on an out-going train, but Mayor t- j M . . .. . ' rahlman declared the motion out of . . . . vi uri . - s w ww mm vx i s-tr .1 v ari s, i . , . . .t . mayor objection and the insurance man ' handed over to Chief Donanue for Investi gation. Chief Donahue took Mr. Koster to a i train with Lee Sprstlen and H. O. Ben- dlct- - ent ,or ,h Pix company. At the train Mayor Dahlman met tbe party and presented Mr. Koster with a small key. Messrs. Koster, Spratlen and Bene dict proceeded to Lincoln at 4 o'clock with a clean tlckei-of-leave. HOW SOLDIERS MAY GET IN Relea Governing; Admission to Battle Menntaln Sanitarians, Which Will Osta Soon. The board of trustee of th national home for .disabled voiunterra has Just Is sued a general order governing the ad mission of veteran soldier to the Battle M0""'" sanitarium, wnich will be ready I for the reception of soldiers by May L Us 7. Those eligible for admission are disabled , . l soldier now In th national homes, and ' fur such, application must be made through th rHps,tly. surgeon of the home of ... 7 , . wnicu inr are mmiin twiner rngiuies sr ex-soldiers who are entitled to admls- slon to national soldiers" homes. These should make application to Col. R. D. Jen nings, governor ar.d surgeon of tbe Battle Mountain sanitarium. Hot Springs. 8. D.. or to Captain H. E. Palmer, local manager ( nd m'rub"r of ,he "tlonl board. Omaha. I Neb. N- ' Tt-a aanir.ei.tni i. j....i..i old soldiers who are not able to take rare of themselves, who have received honorable discharges from the volunteer service In the Civil war, Spanish' American or Philip pine wars. COMBINATIONS ARE NOT EVIL Dr. Ltnnn Abbott fT Fcm Troili Art Aestc: for Good. PRESIDENT TRUISBAIE. FEARS TROUBLE Mead of Delaware Urkswssss A Western Railroad Intimates that the Present Prosperous Con ditions Cannot Continue. NEW YORK. Feb J3.-In an address de livered Sunday before the people's forum In New P.ochelle. tre Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott said a good word for the cortrations and at the same time prale1 President Rooae velt for his policy. The president, he ad mitted, was exercising more control over leglslstlon than any other executive who has ever occupied the White house, but he said the president was not seeking to obta'ln legislative ends by the eaerclse of patronage. "It Is because the big American penpl are with him." sail he. "that the presi dent has been able to get some good leg islation." The speaker decrWd the feeling against trusts, as he ssld that trusts and com binations were sgencles for rikh! wlien they were honestly conducted. "It Is the abuses that have crept Into these corpora tk ns snd not their existence which have made some of them obnoxloua In the public r'e." he said. Treeadale on Conditions. President William Truesdale of the Dela ware. Larkawana A Western Railroad company. In a published interview today, la quoted as aiylng: "A campaign of astitatlnn asalnst rail ways having Its origin in high executive authority is being waged throughout the country. As it passes down the line each subordinate and each suite and local au thority strives to surpnss his superior In xeal and increase its violence. "At the same time there Is manifest everywhere a spirit cf unrest and distrust regarding general financial conditions and the continuation of our great prosperity. '1 am not a financial expert and I do not pretend to analyse these monetary con ditions. I have belief in the genuine pros perity of the country, but I also believe that w are living In a time of as great inflation as during the gretnback days fol lowing the close of the civil war. I may be extreme In my comparison, but th prices of both labor end commodities can not go on forever increasing without a day of readjustment. "No doubt there Is some Justification for the public hostility against railroads. On the other hand there is little doubt that the conditions complained of are not bid or so universal as claimed. SIGN ORDINANCE TONIGHT Passe In Cieneral Committee and Belief I that C oanell Will Adopt It. An ordinance to regulate the placing; of signs and showcases passed the general committee of the city council yesterday af ternoon and It Is believed will be passed at this evening's meeting of the council. This ordinance prohibits placing sign lower than twelve feet over walks and makes If an offense to place goods or mer chandise on sidewalks for other than Im mediate purposes. Showcase must not be more than three feet from lot lines. Mr. Zlmman's second ordinance to re quire street railway compan'p t H twenty-five tickets for 11 was laid on th table. Mayor Dahlman. Councilmen Johnson and Brurkcr were appointed as a committee to arrange for a proper observance of th ' fiftieth anniversary of the meeting of the first council of Omaha, which date will fall on March 6. Councilman Brucker's ordinance to regu late theatrical attractions and advertise ments of the same was held over for a week. It is Mr. Brucker' desire to elim inate such attractions as depict murder. bodily assaults, rrison life or persona ' dressed In prison garb and poster dls- i playing such scene. j a tract of land owned by W. J. Connell ; between Leavenworth street and St. Mary : avenue along Twenty-fourth street was j recommended to be placed out of the fir ; 4,mlt, and a resolution to thl effect will j h. .cled on thl, evening. p,.v a, r-nnanv th- w.v, to construct a boat at the foot of Douglas street. It was explained that this craft j would be used this season for hauling; garden truck to omana rrom town along; the river. The boat will be sixty feet long; and will be placed In commission In ninety days. NO SLCT MACHINES FOR HIM Oat Deal Involving Them, Caarle Maeller Uses te Hresrsr Ilia f-V-O. Charles Mueller's refusal to go Into a ' business In which slot machine were aa ! Important part I made the basis of I suit aralnst the W. F. Stoecker Cigar com ; pany for tA which he has appealed from i county court to district court. In an I am-nded petition filed yesterday he said ; he had agreed to buy a share In the bus iness for K-0. After he had paid th i . , ' . , . . , chines were used In the store snd a he , , . .,, . ; considered them gambling devices he re- ; . . . ... .. . . .. I fus d to go on with the dexl. He began. i . - , , . . suit to get back his JitO. Losing out In the county court, he appealed to district ! court. ELSASSER IS IN HOSPITAL' teanellmaa from Tenth Coaflnrd t Room from EaTeets of Slight One ration. Councilman FJsasser 1 confined to room In the Omaha General hospital, wher yesterday he was subjected to a slight operation. It Is believed the councilman from tbe Tenth will be around within a, week. WHEAT FLAKE CELEHY is a perfect food, as it contains the most essential elements to sup ply energy for the performance of the variou- body functions. Its daily use tends to strengthen nd regulate the bowels. 10 cents a package Fr ! by all Grocer it m wmm