Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1907, Page 10, Image 10
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2(1, 1907. 10 Want - ads ArMIrmrnt for the waat-ad enlamna will ho taken aatll 13 m. for the errata edition and aatll a. at. for the morula aad lHif edltleue. Taah meet accompany ardera foe want-ad. aad ao "111 ha accented for leea tbaa lO eenta for the Itrat laaertloa. , Ratea apply to either Tha Dally or gunatay Bee. Alwaya eonnt el words to a llae. Combinations of laltlala or aambera rnnnl aa oae word. r!n RATE FOR W JIT-AD. KKRI LAR CI,ASIFICAT10S One ln aertloa. per llae, lO eeala. Two or aore consecutive laaertlona. per llae, reata. Koch laaertloa made oa odd day., lO reata per llae. flJSO per line per month. PECIAI. CI.AMIFICATIO" If yoar advertisement la Inaerted aader any one of the rlaaslff rations arl-rea helow, It will he charged at the following rateat One laaertloa, 4 eeata per llnei three to els eonaeeatlTe Inaer lloaa, eenta per llae each laaertloal --.- nee line eaeh laaertlon SO rents per llae per month. D4RTKR AD EXCHANGE. ri she", niAJirE". IIF.I.P WAITED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Agrente, Solicitors and Salearaen. OFFERED FOR A1-E C'owa, Rlrda, Doge aad Peta. Iloraea and Vehicles. Ponltry aad Effi. Fnrnltare. Planoa, Organs aad Maalral ! atramenta, Typewrltera aad win Ml ehlnea. Mlaerllaneoaa. OFFERED FOR REKTl Farnlahed Rooma. I'nfurnlehed Rooma. Housekeeping" Rooma. Boarding and Rooma. WASTED TO BITY. W ASTED TO REST. rrxATioss wanted. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Death aad Funeral Notlcea, Carda af Thank. a and Lodge Notlcea, 7 eeata per line for one edition, morning or cvcalDf 3 centa a lino for eaeh addi tional edition. Sunday. lO eeata a line. No ad taken for lean thau 50 eenta. BRANCH OFFICES. Want-ada for The Bee may he left ae la "roar corner drugglet" they are all branch offlcea of The Beo aad yonr ad will be Inaerted Jnat promptly aad oa the aame ratea aa at the mala otnce la The Bea Building, Meventeentb. aad Farnam atreeta. Albsch, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranek, 8. A., 1402 8. 16th St. pectus Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St. Benson I'hHrniucy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy. 83d and Cuming. Cauichlln. C. R-. 6th and Pierce SU. Clifton lllll Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ay. Conte, j. u., 3Jl Ave. ana f arnam. Crissey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Kmil, 1264-4 S. 13th 6t. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. iChler, F. H.. 28U2 Leavenworth. hmiT At ArnoiUl. 213 N. 25th Bt. Prey tag. Juhn J., 1914 N. 24lh St. Florence LM-ug Co., Florence, Neb. Guldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake 8ta. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and I'aclflc. s Greeiough, G. A., 1(CE 8. 10th St. , Greenougn, O. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, Wm. C, 2930 Farnam St. Han-com Park Phar., 1601 8. 29th Are. Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff, A. L.. 224 Leavenworth St. King. H. 8.. 2i38 Farnam St. Kountie Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1602 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Chas. E., 1324 N. 24th St. Pfyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Av. Schaeter's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago. Schiiefer, August, 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Wlrth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta. MARRIAGR LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been issued : Name and Residence. Ae. I Arthur Pooe. Omaha 22 May Pearl Ireland, Emerson. Neb 20 t.eorge H. Miller, Omaha SZ jiuiiw x . rrueii, vjiuuna 4d l A tllliim Scheerence, Omahn 43 I Kate L. Scheerence, Omaha 33 -ri,, i r.-i c-.y. vr Mary E. Channlng. St. Neb.:::" 80 Tan K. Cross, Omaha 22 I nainenne Miinr, umana is Charlie M. Jones, Vllllsca. Ia 24 Grace Wilson. Vllllsca, Ia 25 Patrick Mortimer. South Omohn M Kathcrtne Jones, South Omuha 12 . ' : A inert jnrgensen. umana 43 Jessie Lindqulst, Omaha 42 BIRTHS ASD DEATHS. The following births and deaths were re ported to the hoard of health during the luny-eigni nnurs ending Monday noon: births John Knpunek, 2506 South Twen ty-nun. girl; rred Peters, 2418 Burdette, i"y; Aiireu i. vtuaieign, ajs roppielon, liy; Frunk Klugler, 1318 Martha, boy. Deaths C. 8. Nelklrk. Fortieth and Pop rleton, 40; John Smith, county hospital, i5; piuiiii uminiiu, tjuuiiiy nospiiai, ov. DEATHS AM) FISiERAL NOTICE!. KOETTER Dr. Max, died at Burlington, yo., r roruary iwi. Born In Omaha February 6. 1882. aradu. ated from the Omaha Medical college May 14, 10. lie was alck several montha and died while his wife was In Omaha. Beside ins wiiu and cniid, lie leaves his parents ana one uromer to mourn till, death. LINDQUIST Anton at $:46 a. m. February . 26, aga 7 months and t days, 801 Hickory aireei. rOLCAR Mary 8., February 24, 1907, age ym, 9 iiiunius ana ien aaya. Funeral services will be held from family residence. 1443 Suuth Sixteenth street -luestiay, heliruary at I p, m. Faintly kindly request that no flowers be sent. t unerai win tie private. ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY SCIIOOL. NIG1IT SCUOOL. BOYLEis uOliLEUE. BOOK KEfc-PING. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINOl TKLEGKAPHT. ENGLISH. Students Begin Any Time. Catalogue fr Address H. B. BOVLES, Pres., Omaha, Neo. tl au OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doora aad sales, u. Anareco, rop., iu3 a. loth Bt (!)-, . DAT AND NIGHT BCHOOU OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, liHh and Farnam. BUSINESS. SHOKTH AND, TYPEWRIT- iiu, ir.LtuKAriit, JSNuLIdH. CIVIL SERVICE AND PENMANSHIP. 8TUDENTS KNRuI.L EVERT DAT. CATALOGUE FKEE. ROIIRBOUUH BROS., OMAHA, NEB. (D-MsM ALL kinds of hardwood and parquetry floors. Prank Sevlck, go. 10th and Do minion sua. U) $23 M12g iiiMjivS. booklets and fine catalogues 0 M7T 2$ THE CITY GARBAGE CO.-Offlce 4th and bniiuaunn ou let. uouglaa 1K7. (D-411 HON PAINTINO-B. H. Cole. UOt Douglaa. tU 4)10 (OWA Sanitary Cleaning Co, Ul Farnam. 4Ar-l2 BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE A stock of general tnw chandlse la gooa swum iimi iu, will Invoice about $4.0t0; doing good bual ne. Will take reaidence aa part pay mnt or small piece of land. Olobo I .end and Invratment Co., Patterson Bids., Omaha. Neb. 3)-M34 EXCHANGES If you hara city property, Stocks or goona, larm una ur pivur i any kind to exchange, write for our com plete lien. We have properties and land In all parts of the country to exchange. Our list la free. Send for It at once. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patter, son Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (3) 783 FOR EXCHANGE 100 acres near Orchard, Antelope county, nen. pra sn.vv im acre. 2J0 acres six mllea from O'Neill, Holt county. Neb., Improved; price $a per acre. Will exchange either or both of nt-uiva farms for merchandise or hardware. We also have several Income properties In Omaha to excnange ior morcnanaiae or hardware. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Kit 783 WESTERN Nebraska and Kansas lands to trade for merchandise or property, uu n, 17th. (3)-M986 Ml FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine, up- to-date stock of drugs in gooa lowa town of 10,000 Inhabitants; Invoice $16,000. Will give right party a good deal or might consider good land In exchange. Globa Iind and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (3)-M399 FOK EXCHANGE We hare several stock of merchandise, groceries ana ary goous, tip-to-date and doing a good business, to exchange for good, clear land at right price. Send complete description In first letter. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (3)-M814 FOR EXCHANGE Good 8 room house. fine location, cnicsgo, ior similar prop erty In Omaha. Address L 756, Bee office. (1) M431 27x -ROOM house, water, gas. etc., 12,90; manufacturing business, iou rsn; wouia take part real estate In good town In trade. Address H-802, Bee. (3)-M602 lz FARM FOR EXCHANGE. 190 acres, 2 miles of good town. Smooth rolling land. aU under plow; small set buildings. Good new land. Rented for half. Will take half or value in ciear cny property. Bal. time at 8 per cent. Price $64 per acre. UJVB UKIMW WOODBINE, IOWA. (3) M753-M1 ONE and one-half-story house, lot 50x189; two blocks from South umana car for land or rooming house. In god lo catlon. 416 S. 13th. (i) 893 28x BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you hare a farm. home, business or property tnat you want to sen or ' change write ua GLOBE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO, Omaha. Neb. (4 M293 MS WANTED To sell or trade, 16-room hotel; steam heat, gas and city water ana a five-room cottage; reason for selling, III health. Address SOS Avo. B, Council Bluffs. Ia. (4) M77 FOK SALE First-class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools, $4 to $ received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set ting Urea, Address T-129, Bee. Free Presents French artistic photography, known aa the Paris Studio KENNARD BLOCK, 210 South 14th St., Have opened a photograph gallery, with the latest Improvements in tne pnoio- graphlc line. Photographs on Silks, Pillows, Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Etc. A Specialty. Special Inducements for two montha only, we will give Willi eacn oraer a iree prea ent of fine jewelry ana silverware. amounting to the sum eaual to your pur chase In photographs. This' Is done In order to get our work before the public. Call and visit our place, ujwn ounaay 'Phone Red 4502. (4) 404 M6x WE BUT OR SELL Business chances or exc nange a ousiness, rooming nouse. or excnange ior anyuung. money loaneu on cnaneia. y" va anytning 10 sen or warn w Wiruiyuini T, rmuBla. 9ux. R34-536 Paxton Blk. C4) M380 Ml . ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW ft CO, 3TOCK BROKERS " VJSb.Bld,f (O M237 DO YOU want a 15-year established hard- ware business. In good locution; clean stock and building; $7,OX. Address 8 76. I w aa Sat V I r uw in av.n, loittv on - -ood business: will clear you from $2,000 to $3,000 every year; no competition; small capital required. Call or write u. a. mm, Oakland, Neb. (4) 460 27X LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS and loose leaf devices of all kinds. Kees printing jo, Omaha. (4 M777 F2s S20 shares of the. Mankera-Ileavner Navt gatlon Lo. stock, at mucn less man tne market price If sold at once. Address Box 243, Omaha, Neb. (4) Mif NEVADA gold and copper properties, reas onaue prices, just wnat you are loomng for in organising a company, investigate Address B 796, Bee. (ijF-tna 2b x GROCERY MEN A grocery store, stock and fixtures tn voicing about $2,600. Monthly sales $2,000. Do you want a better opening? see me quica. U. A. JSTEA V cjN SUN $30 Board of Trade. 16th and Farnam. (4) 6 M3 $3,000 WILL SECURE A clean staple permanent business in Omaha, clearing more than $5,000 annually; fullest investigate solicited. Address G-784 Bee. 4) Mttfl 2tix FOR SALE Real estate, loan and Insur ance business; otnce established eight years; gooa Dusiness; money maker, but must Bell on account of health; count seat, southweBt Iowa. Address Y 2t) care Bee. (4) M52 Ml FOR SALE New, clean stock of hard ware county seat town. 'Invoice $1.6u0 snap it taken soon. Address Box 714, Ai blon, MOD. (4) MSH3 x 49 ACRES Sarpy i county land for trade, hair cash, balance South Ihuaha property. aft tlit rmw it.,, LAAmaa V ', a. t..- (4) M9U3 4x FOR SALE At sacrifice, newspaper plant locaieu lit urunswicK, Jxt'D. Adilrna J fcL Nye, Stanton. Neb. (4 MUM M2 $20 ACRES close to Crawford, Neb. Will trude or sell, $J0 an acre. Dr. C. Owlngs, FOR SALE Money making harness shop n ocanuinavian community, good country, square deal, reason poor health. Address X a, care Bea. , (4 M9S1 M4x FOR SALE) New clean stock groceries, dry guuua, doois ana snoes in a good town In eastern Nebraska, Invoice about K0OO. too brick store. Cheap rent. Address z mi. care xiee. (4) Mie2 M4 rxw bale In a thriving town In central iNenrasaa. a buiuiinar. almost new nit. able for the retail meat business with a HlMoncnu opening ror aame. Address P O Box 60, Grand Island, Neb. (4) M3W 28 READ Neat meat market and small rm, woijfj uuuumi ivxsu; large ice house, half urna, iuui iuwn, western lowa. Would wn.iun iSw nun up noiei 11 taken soon ThU Is a snap. Address T-1S2. care Bee. tt) M M2x WANTED Man with $1,000 to $3,000 to Join i.'iiiuuii in transportation prop osition; good salary and sure profits; don t waste time unless you have money and know a good thing 'when you see 11 For interview address A 71, care Bee. l M44S $7 FOR BALE Money-making restaurant and confectionery; central Nebraska county aeat; bad health. Address Y I'll, rare li I,V1 Jk Do you want a horse and buggy cheap? A number are offered on (lie want ad page. a BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR SALE $3,0(0 ( per cent bonds and 11.0 7 per cent preferred atock In New State Telephone company of Sioux City, la., for all or any part. Address Box 5U, Baker City, Ore. (4 721 Mix WE buy, sell or exchange everything, Nat. Investment Co., 63 Douglas Blk. 14) 320 MS WANTED Man with $1,000 to join good, reliable Arm; "Investigate." Address H 753, Bee. (4) M478 28x WANTED To contract with responsible brokerage firm to aid In placing atock la sue in timber and lumbering enterprise in Oregon. Parties must assure results. Proposition high class; substantial assets. Full particulars and bank references. Address H. C. Mahon, Eugene, Oregon. (4 M4S4 28X FOR SALE. Money making restaurant, confectionery, soda fountain, fixtures; nearly new 8 room house, furnace heat; will take about $7,000 to close deal; best of reasons for selling. Address T ISO, care Bee. (4) M4S 26x FIRST-CLASS hair dressing parlor; the best location In the city: splendid busi ness. Address, care Bee. N 741. t4 313 FOR SALE: $1,000 will buy a strictly up to date bakery doing fine business In city of 16,000 population; brick oven. For par ticulars address 7 196, Omaha Bee. 14) M Bo AloX FOR SALE General stock of dry goods. shoes, groceries, etc.; all new wiinin tne last year; good trade and fine country; a bargain. Owner has other business to take his time. Address Y-1X9, care of Bee, 4)-MUJ27x w FOR SALE The only printing office In a town of 800 Inhabitants, pnper non-partisan and a good circulation. Good point for Job printing. Address T 194. care Bee Omaha. Neb. (4)-M434 27 FOR SALE Bakery Restaurant, coda fountain In connection,' good parlor. In county seat town. Address Lock Box 323, Glenwood, Ia. (4) MS49 28x $20 ACRES close to Crawford, Neb. Will trade or sell, $20 an acre. Dr. u. owings, Disney, Neb. 4)-M593 Mix FOR SALE Or trade for good land, drug stock in southern Nebraska; owner wanta to retire, a snap. Address Y 188, care Bee. 4)-M122 27x FOR SALE Rooming house of 10 rooms. must sell, party leuving city ia ty $275, $121 (4) 411 2Cx down. Answer K 7to, Bee. DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V, Knlest, 624 N. X. L. w oo FOR SALE Photograph gallery, a Kd one, doing a fine business; a money maker. Address Y ,203. Bee. (4) 614 Mix FOR SALE Cigar factory, good trade, wholesale and retail; everything goes; will bear Investigation. Address Y 204, care Bee. (4)-C16 Mix CORPORATION controlling business, es tablished lHftJb, desires energetic, experi enced business man to manage state agency; salary, $2,600 yearly and commis sions. Investment of $1,000 and upward and unquestionable references requtrea. Address, Holllster Drug Co., Mndlson, Wis. 4)-698 2X IF YOU want to get In or tut af business, no matter wnat your Dusiness is, or We make all kinds of trades and guarantee to suit. If you have anything to trade, write us. KELLY INVESTMENT CO.. 220 Neville Block. (4I-M754-M2 ONLY confectionery. Ice cream business In ft, 800 town,' established 8 years, clearing $2,500; terms to suit; also two fountains freezers, engine, slot machines. A. Jaseph, Lemars, Ia. (4) 661 26x ROOMING house, 16 rooms, modern, full of roomers, win sen reasonable icr wt-n Address C 780, Bee. '.4 M78'-26x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architects. O. L, BROLINE, 618 Bee Bldg. (6 MS40 Mt Attorneys. W. W. DODGE, attorney. N. T. Life Bldg Office Tel. Douglas 4&2; Res. uougias li34. (IJ-MHiS Ml T. E. BRADY, Probata Atty. COS Bee Bldg. (6) Mbbo M Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R-2, IMS Farnam Bt. Doug. 64S7. Danclnar Academies. THE snring term for adults at Morand's, 15 tn and Harnev, oegins irriaay, Marcn 1, 8 p. m. Special prices for first night. Call or telephone Douglas iu4i. (5) M7S7 Mix Dressmaking. IN families. Miss Sturdy, Tel. Harn. 2M2. ttj Bl MRS. BRANDON, 2CJ N. 18th. Doug. Mi. (5)-773 27 $2 60 SHIRT waist sulta Phone Web. 2930. (6 836 M18 Florlata. HESS 4V 8WOBODA, 141fi Farnam. 9) 616 L. HENDERSON, 1SU Farnam. Tel Doug. UbS. (ft) 17 Oateopathy. JOHNSON INSTITUTE, 418 N. T. U Tel. iougiaa iwv () als Dr. Bowser Over 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (B) M3ho MIS Printing. WE print everything! Rees Printing Co. (6)-M778 28 Springer Printing Co., 206 N. 17th. Doug. 2071 (6 60C 2k I YNHSTAn High grade 1907 calendars -V-.T,.,V. s- E- corner 16th St. and &JORVE Capitol Ave. (6)-619 CALL CENTRAL Doug, 3969 Central Printing Co., loweat prices on printing. 110 S. 17th. Typewritten letters specialty. x (6 Mas'l Ml JENNINGS Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas 6380. (& 6J0 WATERS PRINTING CO., 1807 Howard St (6) 731 27 daaablac. LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. 118 N. 16th St. TeL Douglaa 1477. (5-F27 Rlprappta Uaglaeer. H. F. KELLNER, River and Riprap Engi neer: 20 years' practical experience: writs for Information. 610 Bee Bldg., On a ha. Neb. ' 5-MM3 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past aud future aescrtbed. Parlors. 11 8. 16th St, Opp Boston 6tore. ttf)-21 PSYCHIC palmist and life reader. Mile. Rees, residence 2036 Harney. Tel. Douglas tfd. (6)-407 26x MADAMES Bean Mayo. Spiritual Life Readera Seancea Tueaday and Friday evenings. Consult ua 922 N. lth. TeL Red bu6. (6-M9?7 Mitt " When You Write to Advertisers Remember that It takes only an extra stroke or two of the pea to mention the fact that you saw ths ad. la the Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad OA.ce. 2 GIRLS for mailing catalogues. Nebraska Clothing Co. (7) Mi34 LADY of good arpearance and address tl solicit ror cnaritabie organisation. Ap. p'y between and 10 a. m. Mr. Ellison, M city hall. (7) 636 WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and of- nce assistant tor wnoiesaie nouse. cttate experience and salary expected. Good chance for right party. Address C 797, Bee. (7) S61 26 Factory and Trades. TWO laundry girls wanted. M. E. Smlth'g factory, 11th and Douglas. (71 M&46 GIRLS wanted at once, steady work, gpod wages. Bemis omatia Bag Co. (7)-M805 Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Cook, 3612 Farnam street. (7) MftSS WANTED Competent girl, general house work, lines children, zstn snd a nts., South Omaha. (7) MSK3 27x WANTED A girl for general housework. 260S Dewey Ave. (7) 677 WANTED At once girl for general house work. 2219 Leavenworth St. (IB) M60J 27x HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Widower, 36 years, wishes housekeeper. Address with particulars John Wlllett. Oenernl De livery, South Omaha, Neb. (7) M739 27x WANTED Girl for general housework. 428 M. 40tn Bt. (7) M804 Zt WANTED Good cook; good wages; two Yost, 140 N. 39th. (7) 839 26x in family. Mrs. C. E. WANTED A neat girl to do plain cooking at tne creche. lth and Harney. .i a week. (7) S87-27X ELDERLY woman for light housework and care or baby, uood, permanent home and small wages to right party. Mrs. Davis, 4210 Ames Ave. (7) M978 28x Miscellaneous. LADIES We are still in need of mors help decorating sofa pillows, experience unnecessary work taken home; perma nent; good pay. Call mornings, 2311 S. 13th St. (7)-16o M2x LADY of good appearance and address to solicit ror charitable organization. Ap ply between 9 and 10 a. m. Mr. Ellison, 106 city hall. (7) 63 WANTED Young lndy demonstrators to travel for large flavoring extract house; experience not necessary. Address, stat ing age, salary, etc., E-782, Bee. (7) M787 26x M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Farn. (7) MlM M-ll WANTED Lady canvassers for Red Seal; sniary weekly, call or 'pnone Mil lard hotel. Ned Winkler. (7) M995 4x HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED Local rrnresentatlve for Ne braska to sell whisky In bond to the saloon trade. MuBt be familiar with the whisky business. Address, giving refer ences. Box 6u2, Kansas City, Mo. (9)-M8S6 26 OUR representatives maxe $7B per week. Want one or two more Bond required. Address In own handwriting, with stamp and references, A 627, Bee. (9) Mioe mz AGENTS wanted to drive through the country, best selllna- nroDositlon ever of fered. Big value for your customer, big profit for you. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. R. McClellan, 603 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9)-34 SALESMAN WANTED To travel In sur rounding states: knowledge of our busl ness not necessary; position permanent witn good income; references requireu. Address N 790, Bee office. (91811 26x WANTED Traveling man wi l ability as a salesman and capable of hiring and managing others. Address C 814, Bee office. (9) M818 26x PACIFIC Mutual Life Insurance of Cali fornia desire competent district managers, Very liberal contracts. Address F 800, Bee. (9) B90-27X Buys. WANTED Five boys, good wages; perma nent job. A. D. T. Co.. 212 S. 13th St. (9) 622 Clerical and WANTED Engineers and engineer supply men to handle as a side line one of tho best propositions on the market, an article used in every boiler room, liberal com mission paid. Drop us a line and let our men talk with you and then draw your own conclusions. Correspondence connaentiaj. Address x zuu. care ee. (9) M535 M3 WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and office assistant for wholesale house. State experience and salary expected. Good chance for right party. Address D 79S, Bee. (9)-8bl 28 WANTED First class bookkeeper, answer In own n&nawnting, age, experience, ret erences, wages. Address Y 206, care Beo. (9) MDS5 13x Factory and Trade. WANTED Tool makers, lathe hands. Pratt & Whitney machine screw operators and general machinists. Address HoDcrt Altken, Box P 829, Toledo. O. (9) M380 26x WANTED Book compositors. Carey Printing Co, Beckwlth- (9) M54S WANTED Young man to lenrn the hnr ness trade. Stock Ysrds Saddlery Co., 314 M. 3tn si., Boutn jinana, xeo. (91-M547 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 624 N. Y. L. (9) 890 TAILORS ATTENTION. A good coat maker and also a good pants and vest maker wanted at once. Herman Peterson, Fremont, Neb. (9) M483 M6x COATMAKERS WANTED 43ood, steady men; prices, $8.50 to $16.00. Apply to Phil Landry, Uloux city, la. (9) M731 26 Miscellaneous. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Ten positions for every graduate. $12 to I'M weekly-paid. Wages while learning. Beautiful lsu7 catalogue Just out. Cail or write. Moler Bsrber College, 1116 Farnam 8U d) M821 Mix WANTED For the U. 8. Marine Corps, men between ages zi ana 3b. An oppor tunlty to see the world. For full Informs, tion apply In person or by letter to re cruiting officer, U. H. Nat l bank building, 12th and Farnam Sta. Omaha, Neb. (9-10 28x WANTED At once, 600 sound young men, aged 18 to S5, for firemen and brukeman on leading wralern rallroida and for Dew . roads now being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen $100 per month; brakemen, $75; positions now open; call or write at once fur particulars. National Ry. Training Ass'n, S-D X. Paxton Block, Omaha. Neb. (9) 228 Ml WANTED A good man to work In ele vator; with some experience; must not be afraid to work; good wagea. Powell Nilason. Marlon, Neb. (9) M919 HELP WANTED MALE AMD FtCMALK AMERICAN-GERMAN Employment office, 1624 Dodge. Help of all kinda. Tel. fc7. ait M7S MUX WANTED Man and wife, with no chil dren, to tiike charge of large poultry plant near Omaha; atate what experience had and salary expected. Address A 778, Bee. (luj-CU 21 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Harse aad Vehicles. I HORSES, weight 1.200 Iba each, wsgon and harness. $L5; one team, weight 2.600 lbs.; one team, weight 3,000 lgs ; i farm mares. 2113 Grant TeL Douglas 3410. (ID 231 HORSES bought, sold snd exchanged; driv ers ana general purpose norse a specialty. Myers. 1716 Jackson. Tel. Red 2. (llj-MJ Ml E. II. FERRIN. sclentlflo horseshoer, 416 S. 18th. Will call and deliver. Doug. m. (11) M 4.(0 Mi WAGONS for sale. 1314 N. 24th St. (1D-835 MIS GOOD, heavy team work horses, weighing z,uu, liuo. avis is. ifth Ave. (ii) Mot ALL kinds of horses, wsgons and harness for sale on easy payments. Buy your horse now snd save nmney everybody will be buying when work opens; pay for him as suits your convenience; (list pay ment when work opens. Omaha Horse A Supply co rear 414 No. 16th. ' (1DM-698 ONE team of mares, weighing 2,100, $175; one team work nnrses. weighing z.w, $275: one team mares, weighing 2.7i). $1K0: one sore-footed mare. $.'i0: one horse. $35: 4-year-old mare. $.ii; one horse. $26. Rear 414 N. 16th. (11)-M666 GOOD work horses, 1.1ft) to 1.500 pounds eacn, ror sale. 2006 Maple St. (11) M307 M2 RUBBEP.-TIRED runnhput and single harness, both in good condition; muBt sell at once. 'Phone Cedar 65842. (11) M838 26 FOR SALE Carload of horses; geed drafts, drivers and farm chunks. In quire at 501 S. 19th St. (11) 837 M2 Poaltrr and Ea;a;a HOMER pigeons; best squab breeders. Booking advance orders for mated pairs. Visitors Invited. Walker, 1923 S. 15th. Doug. 6664. (11) MU4 M9 8. C. BLACK OrpliB'ons; eggs from the finest ("train In western Iowa; $2.50 per setting of 16. Peter Schnltxen, Atlantic, Iowa. (4-M7 28 BLACK LANGSHANS or Buff Orpington cockerels, $1 eacn; pullets. 75c eacn; is eggs, $1.60. A. W. At wood, Plattsmouth, Neb. (11) M733 27X ROUEN DUCKS and White Holland tur keys. Good ones of either sex at sero prices. I have also two male pea fowls. i' rank J, Clouss, Clare, la. (1D-M270 M3x 1.000 CHOICE Orpingtons, all S. C. varle ties. Males a specialty, noomgaarn a Orpington yards. Humboldt, Neb. (U)-M271 M3x RHODE ISLAND Reds for sale; rose or single comb. Prices reasonable. Art Pe terson, Lyons, Neb. GD-M272 M3x WHITE PEKIN DUCKS, thoroughbred also eggs. 3210 Cass St. (ID M544 Mix DUSTON'S WHITE WYANDOTTES Eggs for hatching, 15. $1.50: 50. $3.50; 100, $5. Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Florence, Neb. Tel. Florence 10K2. (16) M745 M2x OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book Is free to all who will write and asg ror it. telllna- where thev saw this ad. valuable book for every poultryman; 30. 000 printed. Address Harris Poultry Co. Clay Center, Neb. (11) 863 Mayan Com, Blrda, Doga and Peta. FOR SALE English setter puppies, $3.00 apiece, out or nunung stocx. i. j. Bucher, Omaha GunXJlub Grounds, east end Douglas St. bridge. Council wiurrs. (11) M567 Mix LOST AND FOUND LOHT Ijidv'i aold bracelet. W. K. N. M, 12-25 '06 engraved Inside, return to Mr. Davis. Main Dj:sk. Hayden Bros. Re ward. (12) 889-27X LOST Pocket-book containing Omaha Building and Loan Association bank book It's no use to you, and I need It. Return to Mike Shean, carpenter, The Bennett company. lis; ai LOST Brown fur scarf on Low avenue, Cuming street or Bemls Park Sunday af ternoon. 3411 Hawthorne Ave. iei. nar ney 2547. (12)-M9S4 26x LOST Pair of lady's glasses. Think lost between 16th and 22d on Douglas. En era veil on case. C. W. Norton, leweler. Waterloo, Ia. Return to 1609 Farnam and receive suitable reward. (12) M983 27 LOST Brown fur near circus grounds on Charles. Return to Z117 Clark; reward. (12) M974 28x MEDICAL MRS. PERRY, drugless healer, treater of circulations and chronic diseases. Neville Blk. R. 115. . (U)-MS44 Ms FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14tn and Dav enoort ts.: aneclal attention paid to con flnement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. Calls answered day or night. (13) 129 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at $824 N. 24th St.. Omaha, Neb. (13) M100 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bles adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, li TeL 174. (18)-82$ BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray1 Nerve Food PUls," K box, post pal a. tmermaa m Meconneli Drug Co., uuiaua. (13)-t2S DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women 90 Years' Dractlce in confinements. O trice, 614 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles, Omaha. (13) 611 MONEY TO LOAN IALAH1 AM) CHATTEL!. DK. PKIBBENOW S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses. etc., in any amount; less man nan rates uorfect privacy, immediate attention; any terms wanted; payments suspended when sick or out oi work, a naroacn dik.. 209 South 16th St. U41-WJ Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances crivate money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tap. You get money same day asked for at small cost, Open evenings uu 1. u FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THU PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. for chattel or salary loans. 633 Pax tun Blk. 'Phone Douglaa 746. (14)-6J1 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, cows, Horses, eto. c jr. iteeo, uu o. isin. (14) 62$ EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modatlng; all business confidential. llol Douglas. (1D-634 WOULD MONEY HELP YOUT Our new Dlan enablea you lo obtain money at rales which honest people can afford to pay. We will make you a loan on your salary, furniture or piano, and you can pay us back later In amounts to suit your convenience, cveryimng connaeniiai. EASY LOAN CO. TEL. DOUG. 19wX Room 20, Fransar Blk- 16th and Dodge Sts. (14) M4l M7 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room a, Barksr Blk. (14630 HIE UNION LOAN COMPANY PRIVATE BANKERS Have Increased their capital and during the month of February will make a special rate on collateral loans, mortgages on nersonal nrouerty and note, without rurity. Terms to suit. 'Pbons Douglas 204. $10 Bee Bldg. (14)-M34 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Fvley Loan (Jo., 1604 Farnam bt C14-Miil MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels Continued. salarielTpeople and others furnished money upon their own names, witnout security; eaay payments; offlcea In 63 principal cities. Suva your self money by getting my terms first. D. II. TOLMAN. T14 N. T. L. B.'dg. 04V-4J7 Cash in Any Amount $10 to $300 LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, ETC., OR ON YOUR SALARY IF STEADILY EMPLOYED. without security or publicity, at the very lowest rates; with payments to suit your con venience; everything strictly confidential. Reliable Credit Co.. Rooms $07-306, Paxton Block. (14)--'4 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooma. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. FURNISHED rooms. with board. 171 (16)-M491 M7x Dodge. NICELY furniahed, well heated room, all rnoaern conveniences, exceuenv mum, pri vate family. 24ti9 Harney. (16)-36 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. WANTED Two young gentlemen who wish good table. Pleasant associations down town, with good service. Call at 1W3 Capitol Ave. (15) SU THE 8HELTON, 26th and Dodge. (16) M847 MIX LANGE HOTEL, rooma. Corner 13th and Jackson. (1) lbs Marcn THE PRATT. 210 S. Cth St. (15) 444 Mart LARGE alcove room, all modern; break' fast privilege. 116 w, atn at. (15)-M&65 M9 BACHELORS Flrst-clsss tsble board, ele gant rooms with hot and cold water, steam heat, building and furniture new and up-to-date; close in. 406 o. 24th Ave, (24th Ave. and Harney.) (16) 4tsi Mil EXCELLENT steam-heated rooms; fine board: tickets, $3.00; meals, lac; near postomce. "The Boston," 107 South 17th St. - (15)-M873 26X VERY pleasant rooms, private family; new. modern house: breakfast privileges: block from Farnam car. "Phone Harney 1711. (16) 6(8 28 Varnished Rooms. MODERN furnished rooms. 2225 Dodgt (lOJ MMI Ml BRUNSWICK hotel. 1210 Douglas St f iu-ih man STEAM heated front rooms, 1909 Capitol, (io iei atar4 MODERN rooms, fine neighborhood; gen tlemen preferred, zoit Bt. Mary s Ave. 16)-M666 M9 FURNISHED ROOMS, 1915 Capitol Ave. (15) M757 Mils PLEASANT south room. 2671 St. Mary's. UM 814 FURNITVRH for 8 rooms In a 10-room flat at 307 N. 26th St.. cheap rent, fine loca tion other rooma rented. Don't let this go by. TURRBLL. 16 Patterson Blk. Phone Douglas 11 iS (15) M990 27 FOR RENT Furnished rooms; also for Hunt housekeeping: all modern, at rea sonable prices. 2510 Cuming St. Phone Douglas 7668. (16) M973 28 X NICELY furnished rooma In modern home, all modern conveniences. 'Phone Red 2936. Close In. (15) M539 Ml NICELY furnished rooms and board, strictly modern, home privileges, car stops at door. 2025 North rth. (151-M492 28 LARGE front room with large closet, mod em. Gentleman preferred. 191$ St, Mary's avenue. (15) M 430 28 FIRST class rooms and board; all modern, steam heated. 2208 Harney t. (15)-497 I7x x?Trirr v .... I ... , , v. runt wnm , . . ... J . llll Iliril.U, . .... V .uu..., suitable for two, within walking distance; - ail muuero; use ui panor biiu iuuho. 2614 St. Mary s Ave. (16) ooi 77 FURNISHED ROOMS. Douglaa 3688. 714 N. 16th. TeL Oi) M669 M9x FOR RENT A large front room In small private family, walking distance; an con veniences. Address o 774, Bee. (16)-611 26x FOR RENT Two excellent rooms, modern conveniences; use of telephone; close In ior gentlemen. Z20B Douglas Bt. (15) M766 M2 NICELY furnished room, well heated, mod ern conveniences; good board near; one block from Farnam car. 317 B. 2tstn st. (15) MS28 26 FRONT PARLOR, suitable for two ladles or gentleman; also sleeping rooms, well nested, not and cold water. 1717 Hurt. (16) M845 26x TWO excellent modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping; 'phone In house. 2674 Harney St. (16)-M,S8 S NICE rooms furnished for housekeeping, $26.00; i furnished rooms, $16.00. Tel. Douglas 6309. (16) M874 26x 206 8. 26th Ave., large south room with alcove; also three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. (15) M978 Mix Famished Houses and Flats. 2106 OHIO St., 6-room house; furnished; $27.60. J. H. DUMONT ft SON. 905 N. Y. Life. (15)-3&0 Untarnished Rooms. A SUITE of large unfurnished rooms, first floor, strictly modern; references re quired. 2408 Cass. (151418 TWO pleasant rooms, unfurnished. for light housekeeping. 629 So. 27th St. (16)-600 27x THREE rooms, desirable for small family; modern except heat; residence district. Inquire 803 S. 13th St. (15)-M676 7x TWO splendid rooms and alcove, porcelain bath, heat and light; walking distance; reasonable price. 215 8. 26th Bt. 06) M620 26X FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, near Hanacom park, modern conveniences. 1330 8. 27th St. (15)-M872 26X I NICE housekeeping rooms, modern ex cept heat. $18.00; 2 nice rooms for house keeping, il0.00. Tel. Douglas 6309. (16)-M876 26K Honsekeeplngr Rooms. FURNISHED room for light housekeeping, modern house, close In. Tel. Douglss 7310. 2680 Harney St. (1 610 26 Apartmenta and Plata. 4AND 5-room apartments In a modern new building. Tiled bath, console, shades, gaa stove, steam heat, Janitor service, beautifully decorated. 114 N. 18th. (15) Mu09 Xx. NEW FLAT 7 rooms, all modern and fine. 417 N. 18th St. Now ready. C. F. Shep ard, $08 N. Y. Life. (15)-M987 28 Iloases aad Cattagea. WB MOVE planoa Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 14. . Office. 1713 Webater St. (15 84 FOR RENT Modern 9-room brick house; 1126 B. tut St.; $40 per month. Thomas Brennsn, room 1. N. Y. Life Bldk. Uo 9$ TTf-lTTCJlTCt In parte of the city.- The ilUUOJliiS o. uavls Co., Bee Bldg. (li-43 HOUSES. Insurance. Rtngwalt. Barker Pile (16) 880 4-ROOM apartment, modern except heat. THE ORM AND, 56$ S. 2Mh Bt.. $20. 1 new first-Hour apartment flats. 614 and CI 8. 27th St., $36. BEMIS. Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug. 6. (tf M667 FOR RENT i rooms, modern brick. 1818 Jackson St. Apply $01-1 Neville hlk. timer J. Neville. U5)-M&97 OFFERED FOR RENT leases aad tottagea Coatlaaed. J-room cottage, city water, 281$ Douglaa, cottage, modern, 641 8. 26th Ara, house and barn. 26 Parker, $1,WV rotlage, modern, W7 8. 2Sth St-, house, modern, S560 Fsrnam, $216, brick modern house. 1637 8 . 2!th St., F. D. WE AD, 1524 Douglas. U6)-859 M $12.60. $-r"om $j&.nt. -room 0-ronm $22. 50. 7-room -room $35.00. UnTTKV.H In all parts of the city. R. ""V C. Peterg Co., Bee Bldg. (15) 644 OMAHA Van Storage Co., pack, mors. store, M. It. goo, in; atorehouse liw-s n. 19th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1V.. (li)-S9l SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west; we can sve you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. 16th Bt. Tel. Doug. 1196. (15) 647 FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except furnace; 711 n. aim Ave.; newly painted and papered; very convenient; rent reasonable. Apply at 607 N. 19th, or room 903 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) M(64 CENTRAI modern, steam heat. T-roora. house, 4-ronm corner flat; $-nom cnttsge. R. Tlsard. 2rt N. 23d. (15) M764 WE DO expert piano moving nt lowest rices. Tel. uougias lrc. notimnllsr 4k lueller Piano Co., 1311-131$ Farnam. ll.V) 8S7 5 ROOMS snd bath; city water; no far nace; J. H. DUMONT BON. 906 N. Y. Life. (15)-VI FOR RENT -room house, all modern, eg cepl furnace, j-jn. C. M. BACH MANN, 4S6 Paxton Block. (1(-4 FOR RENT 7-room modern house with lint water heat, Reference required. $.15 110 per month. 1143 Park Ave. Phone Har ney $498. G5)-M878 26 NOTICE SPECIAL. $407 Jackson, a 7-room, all modern house, new plumbing, good condition throughout Inside, Just painted, nice location. Inquire The Byron Reed Co., 212 8. 14th Bt. (1&-MX1S Ml 1TJ N. 83d St., 5 rooms, modern, $?6. Siill Pacific St., 8 rooms, modern. $-'7. 3513 Sherman Ave., 6 rooms, modern, $30. To see entire list call at office. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. (16) M:0 28 FOR RENT-5-room cottage, ' 2430 Maple St., gas and city water, $1,300; further list at office. TURRBLL, 16 Patterson Blk. Phono Douglas 1129. (15)-M1 27 Bnlldlnga. 916 FARNAM. 4-story and basement brick building; trackage In alley; unusually reasonable lease. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, 212 South 14th 8U C1B M815 16 FOR RENT First class 8-story snd base ment binding, center of wholesale dis trict, containing 86,000 square ft. Es pecially low rent on account of over sup- , ply of wholesale buildings. Apply 8. D. Mercer Co., 222 Paxton Block. (15)-M979 28 Offices. ONE large office room, ground floor, Ed ward Crelghton Institute Bldg., 210 S. 18th St., opposite city hall. Inquire building. (15) 230 1614 HARNEY St., new, modern offices. Hastings & Heyden, Agents, 1704 Farnam St. (15)-M433 1 Bee Building 'OFFICE For Rent. A single room on the fifth floor, site 14x18, has a vault. Can be occupied the first of March, at $18. Janitor service and lights furnished free. Bee R. W. Baker, Supt., room 418. (16)-M428 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 25th St, South Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) 134 DESK room to rent In nice offices, use of phone, etc.. $6.00 per month. Address P 792. Bee. (16) M822-26 DESK ROOM, with roll-top desk and furl nlture; telephone service; nominal rent J. H. Johnson, 84$ N. Y. Life. . (15) M8S3 26x OFFERED FOR SALE Coal. FIRE sale on coal. Burr egg, $6.25 ton, stove or furnace. Tel. Harmon & Weeth. (16J-712 M10 Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot. $05 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 614. (16) M646 Furniture. FINE upright piano, parlor ault, bookcase, rugs, hall tree and other furniture. Call at once, 415 N. 23d St. (16) 277 M4 FOR SALE A handsome book esse, ma hogany finish, at a bargain. 39"3 Dewey Ave. (16) 666X Pianos, Organ a, Musical Instruments. UPRIGHT 8TEINWAY PIANO. In fine condition. 318 McCague Bldg. U6) M346 M PIANO, mahogany case. In excellent con dition, cost $360, for sale at $176. 432 8. 24th SU 'Phone Doug. 2206. (16 M832 FOR SALE A good Emerson upright piano, at a sacrifice. Apply 2413 Hamil ton. (16) M81J Pool aad Billiard Tables. FOR SALE New and second-hand 'billiard and pool tables; we lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns-wick-Balke-Coilendor. 407 B. 1Kb St. (16)-50 Typewrltera and Sewing Machines. ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6. In good condition, for sale cheap. Call at Bee office. (16-i2x NEARLY new No. 4 Unde rwoo ood. R. B. Wallace. 414 8. 14th. 16)-408 25x SMITH-PREMIER typewriter, (good aa new, $42Vt; must be sold at once, leaving City. 318 N. 16th St. Flat 8. V (W-MGis; M2 Mlseellaaeoas. FOR SALE A few flrit class snow ease and counters; very cheap; nearly new. Kennard Glaaa Paint Co., 16th and Dodge Sts. 06 Mail HALL'S safes, new, Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16-fc SEND us you mail orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers- uuua Drug CO.. umana. (U-6(4 FOR SALE One good Garland cook stove, with reservoir. 17u2 N. 24th. 'Phone Webster 296. (16) M660 Mix FEW bargain tn Id-hand aoda fountains; monthly payments. Derlght, I0I8 Farnam. U6-6m SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO.. beet mixed paint. Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co. FOR SALE Two National cash registers, one total adder; also nice line of store fixtures. Globe Land and Investment company, Patterson Block. (tyUl SHOW CASES and national cash register cheap 8u8 N. 16th St. 16)-M8$0 Mix HEATING stove and roll-top desk, In good condition; bargain. 2420St N St., South Omaha. (16l M852 2x FOR SALE Very cheap, one set bog seat oak cnaira, new; organ and dining oak chairs, new; two oak rockers, new; table. 623 H &th St. (16) M4 36 SCHOLARSHIP and books in Boyles Busl. nraa college for sale at reduction; party taken 111; books entirely new. Ad I reas B 747. Bee. (1 417 Mix OAK extension table and' chairs, bed, Davenport, dresser, Iron bed, all In good condition. Call Tuesday morning. 1M7 S. $3d SU 'Pb4e Harney ZIXJ. U6 894 $