Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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( ConTKMer Imvi a T
H3. Kt von ov: rust, yihui
Risk KmltlM a.. .
A Deeaeott Mta ad
to His Wife
BU Utt la krtlk.
Richer, Ptrauea, th most talked of
tnuMrtM of tb 5r. to aoted for Ms buel--
He to Dow trying ta Introduce
lT- be baa to Europe. tb requirement
of perlr.g roya'ty f-- every oea of fax
aoer that to sang m pwMJo.
He reoetvea a royalty rf coursr for aE
fci rrtr-photiie works and ha uti ta ar
range mattera la swch a way that ha win
t able to collect from every murH
or sirgsc the con of B aw mora for the
prrrllec of performlr.g en of his senga.
11 kaa done thia in Gfrnav ana ha de
manded a royalty from the Bnetoa frm
tbony orcbtra when ba waa engaged for
fT ta conduct tba annual concert for the
benefit of tha orchestra pension fund. He
t his cwi honorarium and a royalty for
aom of the songs sung by hia wlf and
for hia other compoaltlcm.
Naturally be will be able to Irtrodue
tha royalty rule with hie new songs 01U7.
ttnc thoae already published are free to
avarbodjr who eaa bvy a copy. He moat
enteot hluaclf with the ordinary rwjB.Ur
OS tbeaa.
One of the stories told about tha com
poser emphesa:es this rharactertsUc, Be
bad ben ta Xresden to atteod a rehearsal
of "Become-' and an hia retura to Berlla
waa met by r.l eon, Tbe little boy ran
ep to greet hia father at tbe station.
"Papa." ho tV4. did you get your bon
raxlum for conducting the rehearsal?"
"Now. my boy." he said, stooping ta
ktoa his brow, "now I know you are a troe
on of mit-a."
l Si Kara the Ira owe.
Tha new songs of the Rmpoatr are aJ
waya sung la Germany by Mnc. de Anna
Straus, who make very Kttle snore im
pression Is then than ah did oa her visit
fcer several years ago. She has a vinexraty
trtce, tittle gift of the art of song and as
aepirlal genius as aa tatTpreter.
A abe la tbe wife of a distinguished com
poser, howerar. eh always appeara ia ber
fcaabead'a concert and presents hto new
exmge. Ia aptte of hie eminence ber per
formances csnnot escape criticism some
Only a short time age the twa bad gives
a concert in a German city and wre re
turning to BerUa. Ptrauas sat reading th
rrttlclama of hia mtwSc and crew mora anfi
more ooetented la erpremloa as be read
the praises of his music
Ob tbe other stde ef the coupe ast Mrs
Ftraoea, else reading tbe criticisms, hot
tmahle to reconcile, berenlf to the pretoc
ef her huabend'a ranaie while aba was
harahly dealt with for the way In which
abe bad performed It. Finally pha could
stand H ne longer and. crumpling up the
paper, threw it across tbe oupe at bar
Rirhrd." abe aaid tn a tone that left no
ioeation of ber deep ladijmaUo. "the next
time jtra five a concert r can aing your
on trash r"
Type mi Heaposaied H.ikait.
la aptte of hto mremely adranoed mwlc
arhich waa ahoara first lth greet realism
ta "FVurmuoth." an opera that three years
ago created great excitement ia Gennaay.
hot ia already deavd. tha composer is aa
extremely domestic saan. He to called ta
Omnany a "theoretical rake" aad to ta
real life as perfect a apectmea of a hen
pecked boaband aa M - could Snd aay
rtWa.;-r " ' "'' :' - '
It was Just as be had put tbe last tourbes
ta "Aim Fprech Zcrathustra that a friend
aTVd to aee htm and waa tnvtted Into his
room to hear some pf the new work on tb
plana. Btraues was in a most exalted mood
and deacrftird the new symphonic poem as
expressing the 'rery best that was ta him.
He talked ta aa extremely rhapsodic
way about the work and waa arting ia tha
fashion is supposed ts be characteristic
f renlnees ia their unrestrained momenta.
He st down at the piano to attempt to glee
same Idas of certain themes la tha work.
It was Tory difficult and he bad twice
tried to piny what ba wanted aad failed
Flnally be. produced Just tbe effect he
wanted and smarted to play it a second time
to Bifcke his aim clearer.
Suddenly the door behind him opened
a,ud a -oioo was heard to say sternly :
Richard, dinner la ready."
BtraBSS jumped op from tbe piano and
forgot in a second all his transports aver
the new symphonic poem. Sedately he
araiked brte the room, and there waa no
further exhibits of the Una t renxy of
Amr flsn tmw Moatey.
jt was after his return, to Berha (ram
this country that bo waa aaked why he
bad girea a ouetoert here la a dc-partmeat
store. He was also asked If he would ooa
aent to play to a similar establishment
ta Barlia.
1 would play oa a manure ptla." waa
his answer, -"if I waa paid enough."
Strauss earstogs from his eompoaUlena
Isat-a already heea ewormoua. Hs raoateea
snore tbasi any other ewmpoaer e-rar asd
for hto works. Paocinl ia one of the moat
popular ecrtrtunpnrkxy oampaeera, hut ho
reoei'rM for "Ua Bohema." Teaoa" aad
"Madaaao Butterfly" at the klrtropolitaa
amly rUd for every performaaee. They are
eparaa that last an entire evening.
It wouM ha deairahla ta give aaother
arork with -ealome" of w-ro posalhla.
That Strauss has refused to allow any aher
-rra hut his en -"Feuranoth" to ha aung
on the same evening. Thto eoabies hia)
to eoUeiot revahiea from the twa sperms,
wrfctek. at the raw ba was paid ax-re wo aid
CoaufiUca ariUt aU rea.mli tan nits t
"For twer trty yeart." wrmrs a
P-rtWiit ia Lot Atyae. "I Lave
ttaed Afbadlet Cofcc. Klse tkaet
gpy (axI! Las tried c&er coLom Jy to
came Lack to cum oJ reLtLae. knrtiiga
Ue Aitxita.' Na erLcf cufee Lu
tLk aualara never (aiLac aratua, I cat
feat at wba! price. I Law; oAcb wtoLeJ
1 coulJ id jo tUa." hluiy other
pcojie tare tie aazae opisioa
was tWa ami saaatoi
1 fk JfTrt
y ..jrrFv r v zt3 . iii "i-ta
mke tbe two short works sere, times as
Ijf as te rurrrrrl oprraa. A-nr.X ek- I
rI)it r-u!t ef that aTTa-icrsent would
he to ar-ntee sum hn-r--st m Teantnoth."
whirh In an but f.rrgr-uen fcn O i mary a
fate wfc- snasry fie suns preflrf't wTU s-rer-tTtk
"9rrmr" ta a few yearn
It may be for that reason that the oom
P"w t to sr partimlar aa te the mene
ef the opra't pp-rforrnance m B-rttn. lLeo
FOeth, ho was called to Berlla after Tr.
cawie te the Boston "y-erpV-y or
rtiestio, ctmdacta the wit usuaRy ha rW
Itn. One night the eomp -sr coTrplaJn-d
that he tork sn-re ef the tempi toe alewly.
Hterh wanted to fltspute the point wtrk
ha wrote "Balotne,' yoa or IT" asked
he rompi 's- .
Ton did." answered the conductor
r-T'omptly. "Pvt I thank OodT
reejae-rlaa; the Kstorr.
"bffl tbe production of Blome" was
ftral surr-wted to the tntwdar.t of the noraj
Opera In Berlin he would have none of It
"Teuer-mc-th" hsd aroused tbe mdignatit-a
of the ni-ss and had not won suereaa
srttb tbe pjbllc sulBdent to eompeosate for
her dierleas-jT.
The eompoaer detennmed that the Royal
Opera hoeee ehoald take his f-pera. Ba be
e-mpoeed twa military tnsrebes. Through
his Influence aa conductor of the Rots'
Opera house he manared to have himself
Iwvtted to court The empeior wantsd to
hear the w mHllary corrpoeltlons.
Strauss stepped to tbe plana to play them.
"Would your majesty permit that I re
rwa my coatT" the plamet askett.
Hto majesty gave permtoston, and the
iomp-si set to work to play the music as
well aa he could. He put no much effort
'tits it that the emperor was delighted.
It was not long after that masical seasioa
that "Salome" waa pronounced fit for pro
duct Vwn at the Royal Prussian theater..
rho oompooer Brea la ChsrTotte-ibura,
snd his life is aa quiet aa the "Sinfonla
Domesttaw" Indicated. He is a maa of very
bster-ilous habits and drinks only a glass
or two ef beer every &B7 Wine be takes
only at formal dirnera. Three or four rtx
aettea giro him all tbe tobaooo be naeda.
Us summers are spent in Margnretstein,
bb the Bavartaa TyroL He does much of
hia work there, although he tevotee nearly
every evening when he does not conduct
at tba opera to oompoatUoa at home, be
ginning usually at and eoatmumg until
midnight. " ,
Ha oarrtes a miniature aoora always with
him and composes with a pencil. It to
Bsvhr aeceasary far him to ravme the work,
wmch to fimabed whea ba pats his ideas
en paper.
He fre-ructiUy Bits aurroooded by hi
tsmQy and friends, especially la the wm
mer. and eooiposes while they are about
Mm, Hia paaaloa is akat, which ha plays Is
is hours of diversion. He baa often, oon
.'aased that ta is writing tor money sau
uopeo as aooo aa poaaitue to writs an,opera
which will enable him to travel and com
pose without being disturbed by his routine
duties as conductor.
It Is a curious circumstance that since
tbe visit of tba composer and his wife tp
this country the sale of his bungs has fallen
off, although the great singers aim-ays in
clude them ta their programa. Strauaa took
little apparent Interest In the persons be
met In this country and has always the air
of being absorbed In some oUx-r subject
than that shicb happened to be under dis
cussion. At one dinner given la hia honor he
scarcely spoks during tha ectlre maai, Tba
hosti wondered what could hare happened-
She even asked his manager tbe
next day by telephona. . Tbe manager an
swered that Herr Strauss always acted like
that wheat hto mind was on soma other
His infa&ihle scent for tbe subject that Is
going to attract attertioa waa shown try
his announcements when he left this coun
try that he attended "to 'write a tone' poem
bout the Kew Tork aky scrapera. which
had Impressed him so much. He eve put
down the idea in hto diary. Tho music has
never been beard, however.
Ma aw erode toe. lis aad Waaklatlsa'a
Birth day rwrciea Features e
the Week.
The masquerade hail given Friday eight
lo F-stimon hail by Alpha grave No.
Woodmen Circle, la prouounced by that
lodce the moat euoceesful afTiar cf the kind
K ha ever gtvea. Over jJt couples were
prv-srnt snd the oomnrtittoa in dancing and
costumes was so sharp tnat Ute judges had
a aim raj ft task to jrf orra ia awarding
priaea. The prUes for costumes were won
T tbeaa: First, Harry White and Mrs H.
If. Eck; seooad. EL Ifewson and Mrs. B. H.
Graham; third. C. Hclliday and Mrs. E.
Kirch; frurtb. A. A. Parkinson and alias
Freda I-rck Guy M htinton of Kansas
C3ty and si lea Ethel White waa the prise
for tho best walxsera.
ea aw tat World.
Wedneaday mlr.g Seymour camp Ko. U
held tae of the smart impi i ssli meeUfigs
of the year. The clerks of tbe state were
honored guests. Sovereign Comoander J.
C Kooc founder of ail Woodcraft, deliv
ered the principal address of the evening.
State hlanager toward Walsh, ia tus flicht
of eloqurnoa. awakened the woodiand
echoes. The protection degree was rmaras
aiveJy eoalcrred by the Seymour team.
Ladles mt the Great Araay.
fJarfldd circle No. 11 save a Washington
birthday anctal to a host of frtencs and
Rentrs of the erreer Friday eveuing in
baxigbt s hail. Klneteenth and Faraam
streets. Many of the women and several
ef the ceanraoee were dreeoed in Cfetunvra
of the revol ittjonary period. Mra. Gertrude
j(4insue rwad Imef M'rsphies rf Washing
ton and LjdcoIb, A bei-y ef childroa ge
a patruruc drill. Mra. Ltits read a buiaor
i4io aketch ef 'tTtn and tho Hatchet.'
hlra Cumilla E3!ku read a humorous seiec
tioa. Three young girls gavs a dialogue eat
the flag, little Mlaa iinrwer gave a short
recnauoa. D M. Havorty detivered a brM
address oa WeMncUa. Mart L, IVin-a
aang a solo snd Prof. Gillsj-pia gave aa eS
draaa oa the inner character of Lincoln.
Captam Mackir.uab sang a rvutila of ang
inal aonga and gave aa tTtttauc n of a bat
tle m tho anars drum. Tbe program closed
with tho aid time Virginia real danoe. fo4-
the AatVoaval fwaa rod lane, Ca are a
fcavC THfja Antno Ana Tat
raunw iwt ys mr; uspt
TU k aasto aaa lsa a Oat saapV
ia tat, a is Bsnjsr tVaa tb
cat Uar kueat Sra B tas wU e-a-a-L
eCssai AfjCZk 4Ua aweaaTLasca pes
fox 4ha pnoa; P iiaaj th mmmtm'i aaaat s to
seal at th aarwaed aaanja si JraM.
Same rrocm wi3 try ta scS
roamite-ad loose wiiicK tiie
roAUrr k atahanmd to srJl a a
as ear aas baaaaat
Vw-d te TT.1 ao Uarxeiaa danetag.
v-'' refrhTmia arere aened
The til was httrtAaometr d" ' ated m as
tenaJ colors and pa me and fxeet s adorned
the altar aad various official vtattona.
Ciasi Araay af the stepuatte.
Oe-re A. Crwk poet end Its act 'Tary.
tbe Wctnaa e fief corps, rsve a Waeh-rr-rtoa
a btnhdav sociaJ at aia-nois halL
TwT.fv-f Minn and Ame SveTiua. Frwtae
e-r.ins Ma Frrry Htnirs. fr street of
the corps, pretded. The hail waa crowded
A a lnTettria pragram eras renawred
Vary f the rm appeared la oid-tlrr
cfeiumea Addriam on the character cf
Washington snd Lincoln were made by
several ewmraoea.
Baral A eaa tea.
SarigM't haTl was fhrnged wtth masqu-ra"-re
Tpeeday evensns, when Ftmentx
kdee hd ti open retins Vine prtees
swarded Another hall of similar
characw to expected or Msrrh I
The secretary s report fir Jaeaarv Mice a
tvt Fhoenix to'lsa has a membership of
111 In gnod stanAmc.
Tbe dne team ts to he tTantad.
All pteeent memhers will p(se b preamt
Sunday sfiernnon. The team to to gtr a
bail the evening of March ft.
Frateraal tataa af A:
Mondarmn lodre No. 311 will bold Hs
regular tnoeting Monday ev ening. A number
of candi-Saiee ia to be initiated.
After tbe dose of the mwttng oa March
I tbe defeated "blues" cf the recent mem
bership ecnteet will treat tbe lodge mem
bers to on cyrter supper.
The ledre wii4 girc a cart party en tba
evening of March U.
KaLahta ad Frthlaa.
Nebraska lodge Ko. 1 wia give . a card
partv and dance fir tts wiembtws snd
friend at Mrrtie ha:i oa Monday evening.
Morvtuv erenteg. March 4 werk In tne
first degree will be conferred on a class
of flva. AH members are expected ta be
Order at Seattlsa fku.
Clap Gordon No. a met tn regular aee
loa Tuesday evening m CoatlaeBtal Mock.
Applications were received and mack bwu
nees transacted, following which a pro
gram of e"Tig aad sentiment prevailed.
Thoee contributing to tbe social hour were:
Adam Jami-eon. i. O. FraasTave. Thomas
i'hnstone. H. O. Watsoh. Joha Trench. A.
Qrsy, James Ummt, O. W. McOougall
and James C Lindsay.
At the next meeuug a delegate win bo
ete.ited ta sro to tbe meeting of Ute Royal
Claa convention, to be held ia Koea Scoua
tn August. It to hoped that there will be
a big attendance of tnembera to assist ta
making the selectioa.
Tribe af tVra ajar.
sfecoa court Ko. II tnTtlated eight new
members at its lsst meeting. A recruest Is
made that all members of the women s
Omaha court No. LH held a very quiet
meeting last Monday owing to the death
of Brother L XL Ijhcaa. Mra. Mentoa
epoke at soma length on the good of tho
The announcement was made that re
freshments would be served ss aaual on
tbe first meeting night In March.
Knlghte aad Ladles of teeaurtty.
Magic Oty council held a brief session
Mondav night to consider propositions for
membership aad then the "mrslertous tan"
took charge aad entertained the large
number tn various wars. An elaborate
luncheon was served. The entire arrunre
mecta of tbe J-mysterious ton" met wHk
reneral approval. Another "mveterloua
ten- will tax their ingenuity for the next
etnertalnment. . m
Tb council has changed Its place of
meeting to tbe hall on N street, between
Twenty-fifth and Twanty-stxth streets.
South Omaha. ...
(tak council aad Carnation council wfH
meet ta regular aeoaion Tuesday evetnng.
Bayal Areaaask
Overland council held Ita meeting Tues
day evening and Initiated tilDe candidates,
received one new application for member
ship and deciBed Upon plans for a saedalty
arranged enu rtaiament at tta next meeting
""pioneer council will hold Ita regular meet
ing Tuesday evening In the Rohrhough
block, and will initiate a namber of eaadi-
Vnia Pacific council wftl meet Thursday
erenlng ta Crelghton rnettiute hall and a
claae of aew members will be initiated
by the degree teaau after which a good
program of entertainment will bo provided.
Tb general committee announces a re
capttoa and - entertainment, tncludlng a
smor aad banquet for the new members
in the assembly mom of Creighton I
tnnrte hall Wednesday evening. March 4.
Each new member srttl have aa poortuniry :
IS invite a friend The whole entertain-
-til I. lbe form of a loIUncatioa
. n ta that nart ef the entertainment us- '
ually provided upon tnltiatim aigbta. but
waa not attempted upon tha acvastoa of
iLVlaat class owlr.g to tho time neces-
aery, which would take up too much of
one night. ; , it M ,
day evening. April a in borer of Grand
Kegent N. F. Reckard of Omaha. Thia
promises to be the crowning event for
some time in Royal Arcanum ctrdes oa
aocount of tb matting of the grand ooun-
cB f tbe state ia Omaha on the following
day. when more than M ropreaentatlves
of the order will meet here. Many appll-
cauona are already In hand and this Uiird
class bids fair to outnumber tb other tarn.
E. A. Harbour of - SpruarSeld. Mo., will
P?fe?Llb TiSZm rcent bT rKJUMt
OI flsat OITaailisa I rpatl Clm.
The general commnieo of the Royal Ar-
canum councila of the city will meet
w eaneaoay evening at u usual tun ana
Gate Oty hlv No. t. ladies of tbe Mac
cabees, will hold a special meeting Tuesday
afternoon at P-arigbt's
Ivy camp No. 2, Royal "TCelghhor of
America, win give aa old fashioned country
dam Wednesday evening. March 4. ta
banght'a halL Tboas attending win bo
dressed ta old time costumes. Refresh
ments will be served.
A hard times hall gtvea by the Calform
Rank of Fatten lodge Ko. HI Ascwit Order
I'm ted Workmen, waa big ouooess flnaa
cialty and ooctally.
The Past Noble Grande club af tbe Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellow entertained
ha frkenoa and members wita a Washing
ton party Thursday evening at Fraternity
hall. Seventeenth afld Farcers streets
tfkrvr Crank ansa end Womae'a PHf
eorpa met ta Maganlia balk wenty-fourth
irps mn ns jaaaimiim nau. - wemy-xouTTB
nd Ames avenue. Fetruary S to celebrate
raahinrton s and Lmcotn-a btrthdaya Tbe
aU looked pretty with an abundance of
nau kkou pieiiy mm e.n aauncanc or
flag, fera. cut iew.r. aad potted plant.
and tables loaded wtih refreshments. A
short program we gtvea. Prayers were
offered by Rev. Me. twHenbacher. An ad-
dress ea Lit.oom aaa snade by Re. E. it
Cnrry ef Calvary Baptist church; plans
solo. Emma Corrrhers; rechatton. Wash-
mgtonT Wlbaa Wlnegard; atnglng. Redl
V r lie and Rlue: recltauoe, Ann. CthTci;
reading. Tbe FfTect of the Death of Lin
coln, Mr MrRay: recitauoa. Clara Jea
kina: recttauoa. Mildred Cerathera. Mra.
Green of Lwnver gave a piaaa eoio wita a
eniatlT acromnaiilTtiept. After which th
KtnatiMnu arera aeread. ikoai Us v
tea Xa. SMI filed at VmaAArngtmrn.
A-vr.- ' tT
"-"--Til - I
tOL glKAlX
-t V. 1
rat yob
-1 V
padL&se bcanng Lis want.
Deal ssto k. acsAar aV Issks sat tV pas
asduaa ta cap oaaara, N saaw aisra yaa
law AaVauUm APXSA. a U yaa psp
Ur a, as sVs aaa aai aaiaaB AJkmi'm
if rasa; (ocef act stsrsprf, write la
?miai f let U Iam r4rtl Xiirtrt
- rj TtXTaC Ittoiroa,
srdea Tkrm Lararaly aa the
sake, kktot Maat K.ens K
f All TmsssHiess
tae af Tiaasaiy.
PARIS. Feb. PL The new oratota af
taxation based on Imsaiaa rrsta all sources,
which the French government has proposed
to Parliament, to estimated to prodaoa
rjLM.Rnt.saa. against CAM.W wader tho aid
system. Most cf tha taxes to ba oup
preassd bava beaa aa existeacs ta Franot
for im ysars and under the restoration, tho
second emplrh, tha second aad tho third
republics. These antiquated taxes, wttA
the revenua prod seed amaer each bead,
were aa follow:
mre-t taxes aa realty, farms. atc.l".iw WO
Buiiainga U..M
Persotial property i.a
Window and door taxes U.K.K
Lioenseo .-
Four per cent taa oa Income from
French oecurittea lt.3 Ka
Fnreiga securtues L HO
0tamp and ether du oa transfer
tranaacttone la Freach aad for
eign securities U.M
(Jader the proposed income tax srstesa
taxes wTU he levied as follows:
Four per cent tacomo from huDd-
tmts , ,. , - - ..Tll.JTrj
Load 1 .
lnnome from secarlUes (Frenchi.. I..!
Foreign t.&
Rentes tsSU.
Credits, deposits, guarantees for
contracts .
Three and a half per ant on the
income front commerce aad tn-
dustry ,.
Agriculture tSiii
Three per cent as wagaa, salaries
and pension Idnsdaj
Liberal profeaesoaa UsIiM
In addmoa to the taxes on incomes from
these apeetoJ categories, there to to ba a
supplemantary rradusted tax oa Income
of over (XCMl commencing with one-fifth
of 1 per cent and Increasing to 4 per cent
oa tn comes af X.m and over. Thto la
estimated ta prod ace !... who the
t per cant oa tbe revenue oenved from
-r-rttiea which to to replace the old stamp
aad ether transfer due
to estimated "to
produce t34.J60.9Ch-
Drastte flaaa to Cafleorlaa.
The tnqnisltorial powers for the discovery
of concealed revenue are extensive and win
greatly coir pB cats the work ef the banks
and other credit eatabUshrnceta. The bank
maat keep records at all transactions hi
bonds, stocks and toOto of exchange for the
tnspectloa of treasury agents and most
dedoc; the tax when due from all account,
stock dividend, etc, attaching certificate
ahowlng that the tax baa been palA-
Aa much aboney has already gone abroad
for tnvestmant ta order to escape the
threatened income tax. a consider Me
am sunt to the United States, and aa It Is
feared that much more win follow, the
framera of the law have elaborated
double dragging method fay bringing such
in restore Into tbe govsrament act. La tb
first place, to holder of foreign securities
residing ta France who lecelve or deposit
abroad, directly or Indirectly, dJridenda,
interest, etc. must within three month
after January 1 of each year make a
declaration covering the preceding year.
Failure to da thto or frawdalant deelaratioa
subjects tba oCbder to a fin equal to half
toe amount not declared and a net tax to
triple the sum which the treasury baa been
deprived for each year anterior to ta
discovery of the fraud. " :
- stearic Taa raewtgra Ptaeaa. -Moreover,
both foreign government and
foreign private secudUs are subjected 19
Btixhtlr heavier buraeng that Franco rente
- FYe,h ,t(lti, undoubtedly with tho
"f0 ' k w M , kee
Idea of tnGuctng rrara '
thctr funds at borne. Two tax
the la-
! cmrat of reatea" w 4 per eest. whll that
; . . -,.tl total I
I toreic gxrrerumect eecuriues totaja a
I per cent, exclusive of tb Initial atamp tak
I of J per cent cm the tae value Oa lieu at
t.. oa.
1 pending Increase If tho stocks or eono
j placed on the French market aeO above
private fordra storks and hoods on
. . - w. .
I the French market bear the sum aniroeos
I aa foreign government areoritiea.
I corrernoadlng Freach securities pay onfcr
11" according to their char-
or 4 per net, aceoraing " J7 .
- actor. The only persona exempt trom too
i graduated income tax are ambassadors aad
: other dlplomatie and consular offlcera. but
I . i .
! only where tb country they represent
,' grants tb same Immunity to French cup-
tamatic and consular ofBdala
1 ewi- .wmo or taurine ia far ourelr
federal purposes and doe not affeot local.
sVpartmcDtal and oammanal taxea
Vetera ee Fasa Meeaiutioma ta Meaaarp
f Jaka A. Cevtahtea, aa OM
Th Teteraa Flremens' aaaodatioa has
adopted th foltowtng teatimonial dacicaiad
to the late Oauwt Crelghton:
The Veteran Flremea aaaociartoa of the
Mty of Omaha feel deep regret aad ea-
' J ur
esteemea associate wo w-vua.
' , . . 4M, w a --
Vetaraa Joha A- JZJIJX Ti
, mtTJ"Z, ftt ZtrZ
a fneodehtp that aa beeaL
. . . ' t - - j . .
H Uf. iST ft
j tree, pewf- f?!-LtJ.L
benefit of m"UDTJ Jw:
where vtl.tnSl.
1 ated betosaoes thai shsil perpetnat hi
""T ZmZZtmXttmm. .
Reoognising his eieruag qualltlea, sutv
eaeafal hf and (Treat aetUevementa. w
: plaos upoa our foard this appreatl.a of
and extend to hia relative our sympathy
ta their loss and our osagratulatioa thai
there Is so much to cherish aad rsepeet
ia the well sued in at their aenartad
1 kinsman.
That thia testimonial ef ear
kji mi mi .
esteem for
ear brother veteran flreanea a
placed upoa oar records and that aa aa
a i usiad oopy be sect ts the family of ear
irother Vetera.
(Hlluja r . BAMIUUUH,
Labor Temple will be vacated March L
preparatory to tha demolition of tho buHA
mg at Flfteeath and Dodga streets to make
way- for the ererUoa of tb new t'aiaa
Pealae headsuartera. The acretariea ef
Centra! Labor dttoa and th Labor Tempi
isssiSsrlia arlU aavo their desks la ta
reoma ta th rattaraaa black, aeveataeatk
aad Faraam streets, formerly occupied by
the Equal Right club. The various unions
have iiliril various y Imn for sixty aaya
whea it to hoped to her Boors isiaiaaasl
A. B. Huoersoana. years t 1 t Car.
Utk aad Iugla; to ysars direct disaarmd
Mangum A Ca, L.ETTKH ZfrTlf taea, ge of aataeaa.
Hubos. Jem A C"-. wholesai tea, aoffe
ai.4 sftcs dtalera. have bought out tbe
aaolnanis fracTf Arm of iutum A Smth
majd aad will units tbs baataess of the tws
firsua. Uott. Joaes A Co. are now locai
at hIS iMMtgies street, but the firm aiU
look lor a saiger locatiou which win ao
eo si sands to tle enlarged buainfas Zt. W.
Juaia ef the Arm UuWa Jones A Oa at
well kaoe-a ta (nnaha hrs he has resided
for seme Urn aad area fnaerty wined ed
Tasaparery ClasMrtere fa Oalesra ta
rat aaa aflacai aad le teas
Three lines!
What can you do with three lines?
Give the long-one a twist like this
Bring the two short ones together
like this
Put all these together, like this
And, you have made dollars out of three
lines. .
What is the easiest way to make dollars
out of three lines?
If you have a business to sell, put a three line want ad.
under our Business Chance Classification! like this:
Any old thing that is In your way, such as furnituret tools
clothing fixtures etc. turn it into dollars through a three line
ad under, "Offered for Sale," like this:
Lower your house rent by renting a
three line ad like this:
Exchange your land for city property or engage fn a busi
ness to your liking with the aid of a three line ad under our
"'Barter and Exchange' column. like this:
Competent help means dollars to you The Bee Is a mar
ket for that kind. A three line ad puts you in touch with the
best. like the following:
There's money in poultry and The Bee can find you buy
ers through the "Poultry and Eggs" classification. Try an ad
like this:
To sell your horse buggy or wagon
"Horses and Vehicles." like this:
A three line want ad
One time
Every drug store Is a Bee want-ad branch office, or
Phone Douglas 238. if you cannot call at
17th and Farnim "The want ad corner"
ing reetaeraat.
'ksoos. readies
aad frail
a good
Bex lit. PbeaaadeaA. la.
44 i Ml 44 lis
goed eeaditeso. eaa Ixt, aae txlt. Ala
sal th Bseltary Lairy Oa. illl Fares ay
(4 TTI t
KLAQAKTLY furnished eoath ream. bath,
etrtotly mad era. psoas; prlvUeg ef
Hi, ivi ttanmy at.
(1( It Feh.Tx
1TTLL. EXCHANGE If acrea, ealtlvatod,
aastsra Xeh. goad tnoam Si sasity la
Omaha, What hae yeof T. , Be,
(r Fee. lx
BAABKB SHOP ia Omaha, clearing
tils atiaaally. for' ooun try etar la
ea. Rare aome eaeh. T 414. oar Bsa
tB) 14 Feb Its
JUosBOKTTC yew eg anes, at
to learn best ran. Ceoadeatial peMUe.
Qd aalarr. J'Tvaseuea. Wrne C 44, Ba.
tr 44 Jul is
4s bear. Apply after I a. am. taAa.
Kodak SxhibiUea, Oieauber Aaaaemp.
(t)dlt ta
aVCrr Orptagloaa. aaa better; egg II 44
settle; Jacob Ptate, toaperter. L reader,
let McDaagail Ave, Detroit. Mica.
Ul tX4 ltx
FOB BAXJC syaar-ld apraa. etty brake,
single er aeuhlej also buggy- laeuira
4I Oapatat Ave. CawlL
(14 K)4 tl
Three times
spare room through a
use an ad under
Seven times