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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1907)
6 TITE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBBUARY 24, 1907. COMEDY AT CONSTANTINOPLE to. W tb Gloom of Tweedy Lurking; Closs Ishind It CORRUPTION OF HIGH OFFICIALS A City Where People Talk la Wals pers u4 Mar rHeeass As- traaansr Tarks Batter Well as Carlstlaas. .NSTANTINOPLE. Jan. 17. (Special Coirespondence.) It la a city of whispers. No one laughs, no one apeaka loud. Head la laid to head and hand to mouth. Men ait all day on divans alone walla and whis per once an hour. When a Turk comes to your room he opens the door suddenly now and then to see who Is listening- As In a Maeterlinck play, there Is always somebody behind the door. If you want to say "the sultan" you say nothing. "Ylldis" In Turkish mean a a star, but the word la extinct. The sultan lives In Yildlt Kiosk, and astronomy la no longer discussed. But It is with Tlldls that the whispers fleaL It stands over there on the hill above the Bosphorue, far from the an cient city, where the great sultana uaed to livefar acroaa the Ookton Horn and Pera from the sublime porta or offices of state, compared to which our homo office and war office are fervid hives of Industry. There it stands, visible, but unapproach ablea conglomerate town In itself, con taining everything that the heart of man could desire palacea and barracks and gar dens and kitchens and porcelain factorlea and prisons and stables and women's apart ments and places of worship. And In the midst of It all, encircled by ring after ring of precaution, Joined to the outer world only by long atrands of telegraph wire, squats the spider sultan "feels at each thread and lives along the line." It is about him that the files In the city whis per.' "Is he dead?" "He haa certainty been very 111." "They aay he's better now." "He was at the Selamllk. He has mlaaad only one Friday all these years." "That cornea of a good conscience." "They aay he never looked better since the Greek war." "It was that Times leader of January S aet him up. It proved England could do nothing for Macedonia, He's quite well again." "Did you hear about the censor? He delayed a telegram saying his majesty was better. Next day ha came to the offloe as well as usual, felt uneasy after lunch and died on his doorstep. His own brother haa been compelled to succeed him. Per haps he will be more careful." "Do you know that Inscription on the tomb of a Pa ha who was master of the mint and other things till, as the grave- atone aays, the imperial will decreed that en such and such a day his honorable func tlons should cease?" "In those times It was bowstring, now It la coffee." "Best not to eat from the palace." "What's a man to do when all the salary he touches Is his free meal?" "He can always sell It" "They say 0,000 trays are sent out from the palace now." - "I wish I had a general's rank to eat up to." So the whispers run and you gather that the sultan has probably been 111 and Is per haps better. Other whlnpers follow, in lower tones. The Shah was mortal. Ia It not true mat an men are mortal T could even a record murderer live forever? If he should die. what then? Well, then, the next eldest of the Prophet's line will be his present majesty's own brother, . Resehad, ' son of Abdul MeJId They say he drinks. They say he la liberal. They say he has pledged himself to a constitution. No one knows. He has been shut up for years and years. One thing only la cer tain he Is 64. There are two other brothers besides. hut the next eldest here Is Touasnuf Ixxet tln, son of Abrul Axil, whose veins were cut with scissors. He, toov has been shut tip for years and years, living like a stalled hull. The craxy Sultan Murad V. haa a eon, till living, In jail. And there are other Catarrh Is Dangerous Thousands of Common Cases Catarrh Result in Consumption and Death Every Tear. Ganss Combined Treatment Quickly . uires laiarrn ion tan Try It Free And Prove It. Catarrh Is not pnly dangerous, but cauaea bad breath, ulceration, death and decay of bonea, loas of thinking and rea soning power, kills ambition and energy, often cauaea loas of appetite. Indigestion, rightful heira making twelve In all. and Including three of hla present majesty's sons before we coma to the favorite ion Burhwi ed Din, said to bo a pleasing youth of a, fond of toys. That he Is his father's choice is . not necessarily a testimonial 6f merit, but the Bhetkh-ul-lslam a kind of eol(lasUcal commissioner to the sultan, with Just a h of archbishop thrown In Is said to have declared ten of the other twelve too horribly debauched for succession. It does not follow that their sins are more mon strous than usual. What does follow Is that the shelkh-ul-lslam haa become rich. Riches often follow In this Illogical way. Lying there In the Golden Horn Is the bat tleship Mahsoudieh. It was built In England thirty-three years agq and after the Greek war new ngines and guns were ordered. Vlckers tendered for 224,000. The Italians ten tered for 40,000 and got It. A pasha built himself a beautiful palace to com memorate the event. There, too. Ilea the Aysar-I-Tewflk, a till older ship, for whose rearmament Vlckers tendered 149,000 and the Italians 248,000 In im The Italians got It, but ultimately, I believe. It passed to Kiel be cause the Italians refused 40,000 to a cer tain pasha. A fortnight ago It came back, after seven years, its armament Incomplete, but the full prloe paid. Two steamers were wanted for the Tigris. The English tender was 12,700 piece, the Belgian tender 21,000 and Bel- glum got them. Four torpedo boata have Just been de livered here from - Germany after three years' delay. The German tender was 8,000 apiece higher than the English. For rearming eight old ahlps about 1302, Vlckers' tender waa 126,000 less than Krupp's, but Krupp'a was taken. For re arming the field artillery with quick firing guns no English tenders were admlttod, but Krupp's was taken, though 640,000 above the next. Each of these transactions Is a proof of our countrymen's want of enterprise, but each enabled some one at the court to look forward to an honored and Independent old age. Swallow a sword!" said the sultan to a Juggler. "Why, my minister of marine haa swallowed a battleship!" The supply of such riches chiefly comes from the Germans now, aa is well known. There are said to be 40,000 of them In the Ity and all that la to be got by splendid insults to officials they get. The Influence of their Imperial commercial traveller who labors so hard for markets Is everywhere felt. This Is his reward for re fusing to share In securing liberty for Crete; this for encouraging the sultan to let the bloody chaos of Macedonia continue; this for setting up near St. Sophia a German fountain that would make a London bor ough council shiver at Its bldeouaness; this for lending German officers to train and organise the sultan's army. Not that the army Is trained and organ ised. Sine the Greek war It haa been allowed to fall to pieces again. Beyond the barrack square there Is no drill. No maneuvers are held, no shooting la practised. The men are not trusted even with a blank cartridge. The artillery never Area. "We Turka are born soldiers," said a gen eral. "We do not require drill and exercises." When you have no drill and exercises It Is very comforting to be a born soldier. It Is a city of farce. Nothing Is made but Turkish delight. People live by buying and selling. They buy on credit and they aell on hope. Every one sits watting for pay. It Is a charming city, where no one works and all have time to be pleasant. Amuse ments do not exist, but Its amusement Is Inexhaustible. Sit In the customs house for four or five hours, gradually paying 7 pence for a shilling packet from England. Tou will see almost the only place In the world where a proposed Increase of t per cent will mean a reduction of 4 per cent. Sir Edward Grey fondly supposes that to Increase the Import duty from 8 to 11 will give the treasury S per cent for the relief of Macedonia, but perhaps he doea not realise that the present rate la really IS per cent, and no one can tell how many big and little people would loae by a rig orous change. Tea, It would be a city of farce If the gloom of tragedy did not lie so close behind It. I am not thinking only of the Bul garians In Macedonia or of the Armenians by Lake Van. The Turka themselvea suffer almost equally and with even leaa hope of redress. For them also life under the sultan has be come almost unendurable, and the party of reform or revolution constantly increases. Perhaps we liberals have been Insisting too exclusively on separate reforms for the Christians alone. We must take the Turka aa well into our schemes, for It Is the whole system of a cruel and ludicrous mis government that must be purged, and the Christians will not be saved unless the Turka are Included In the change. As It Is, I have met devoted apostles of Islam or Pan-Islam, If you will who, com Ing to the city for the first time, have suffered the same kind of disillusions as fervent Catholics have sometimes suffered upon their first pilgrimage to the Holy City of Rome. H. W. NEVINSON CUT WITHOUT AN ORDINANCE Reduction Promised in Electric Light Kates and Coonoil May Not Act ZMMAN STILL ' AT WORK ON PLAN Officials af Cotapaay Willing to Make Caaeeasloa that Will Glva at Least Twaaty Per feat Dleeaaat. Councilmen ZImman, Funkhouaer and Bridges expect to meet officials of the Omaha Electric Light and Power company Monday on the matter of the proposed reduction In electric light rates. Inasmuch aa the electric light officials are understood to be willing to make a reasonable con cession In this matter, it Is believed an ordinance regulating the rates will not be Introduced In the council as was at first thought. ' That the rates will be reduced at leaat 20 per cent hns been practically assured and It la possible further reduction may be made. Mr. ZImman haa been working with City Electrician Mlchaelsen for over a month to arrive at some basis he could stand on In making a demand on the electric light company for a reduction. The present rate to ordinary consumers la IS cents per kilowatt hour, with a re duction of 10 per cent If paid within a cer tain date, making the net rate 13H cents. The proposed reduction of 20 per cent would make the net rata about 11 cents. It will be the residence and small store patrons that will be particularly benefited, as the' large consumers have contracts making the rates lower on account of large patronage. Varloas Thlnaja Considered. In arriving at the basis for reduction, Mr. Mlchaelsen said he and Mr. ZImman took Into account the price of coal here, the area of the city and the mllea of service of the electric light company. Speaking of the city arc lamps, the city electrician said the present rates are low and declared they would show up well against any city having either municipal or private ownership lighting. Last year the lamps cost the city $57.60 each, con sidering the royalty and outage. No effort will be made at this time to reduce, the arc lamp rates. In connection with electric lighting. Mr. Mlchaelsen said there wilt be a revolution In Incandescent lamps within a year, as eight Inventors are now working along similar lines to produce a lamp that will give as much light aa the present standard Incandescent lamp with about one-third the current. 'There haa been no material change In Incandescent lamps for fifteen years and electricians are looking for the change I speak of," Mr. Mlchaelsen said. "In working with Mr. ZImman on the proposed reduction of rates, I have arrived at figures which we will be able to stand on without fear of failure. Mr. ZImman, however, should have whatever credit there Is In securing the reduction," he added. Catarrh, Bad Breath, K'Hawking and Spitting Quickly Cured With Guase , Combined Treatment. dyspepsia, raw throat and reaches to sen eral debility, Idiocy and Insanity. It needa attention ai once, cure It with Oauaa Ca tarrh Cure. It la a quick, radical, perma nent cure, because It rlda the system of the poison germs that cause catarrh. In order to prove to all who are Buffering from this dangerous and loathsome disease that Gauas' Catarrh Cure will actually cure any case of catarrh quickly, no matter how long atanding or how bad, I will aend a trial package by mail free of all cost. Bend ua your name and address today and the treatment will be sent you by return mall. Try ii 1 It will positively cure so that you will be welcomed instead of shunned by Jour friends. C. E. OA I 88, 8488 Main BL. larshall, Mich, till out coupon below. FRtK This coupon la good for one trial package of Oauaa' Combined Catarrh Cure, mulled free In plain package. Simply nil la your name and address oa dotted lines below snd mall to 0. a. OAUaa, aaa Mala Street, MajcshaU, auoa. REMOUNTS A VEXED QUESTION British War Departmeat Has Tvaable la Gettlaa- Harsea for the Army. LONDON, Feb. 23. (Special.) The vexed question of the provision of remounts for the army Is again engaging the attention of the army council and an entirely new project has been formulated for the supply of horses suitable for military work In peace and war. This time la haa been determined to draw on the colonlea for the main sou roe of the supply and officers of the remount depart ment are being dispatched to Canada, Australia and other colonies where horse breeding Is encouraged to any extent to make Investigations. If, aa la hoped. It la found that any reliance can be placed on the colonlea a system of registration of young horses will be drawn up and colonial farm ers will be encouraged to any extent to make Investigations. At the present mo ment the remote question Is a very serious one. So much unsavory business has been connected with It, and the matter haa re ceived sucn nair-neartea attention from the authorities that English and Irish farmers have been selling their horses to foreign governments for years Instead of keeping them for the use of the British army. Formerly the War office relied on the London omnibus companies to provide them with a reserve of horses In the event of an outbreak of war where the services of calvary were tndlspensible. Whh the ulti mate disappearance of tha horsed omnibus from the London streets this source of supply will be cut off. AU tha great continental powers have r duced the question to a system. By the outlay of large sums of money they have built up magnificent government horse far ma, and by offering encouragement to small farmers to breed horses they have provided an efficient reserve of horses. Oaly Oaa "Brons Qslslss " ' That Is Laxative Brorao Quinine. 81ml larly named remedies sometimes deceive. Tha first and original Cold Tablet is a white package with black and red lettering and bears tha algnatura of K. W. GH".VK. k. Price the Lowest FACT! Quality and. Workmanship (he Beit FACT! Beauty of Design in Cases, Sweetness of Tone and Responsiveness to Touch FACT! Sale! I II 1 1 The above Is a pen sketch of the wreck on the local railroad, from whom we purchased the Pianos that we are now offering In thin, TIIR GREVT EST OF ALL MONEY RAVING I'lANO BALKS. An Investigation Will Prove to the Most Skeptical Musicians ALCOHOL BEATS GASOLENE astrnetlve Results of Teats of Power Flalda la Drlvlaa; Auto mobile. Tha report of the Maxwell fuel test, from New Tork to Boston, on the comparative merits of gasolene, kerosene and alcohol, from facts presented by Stanley T. Beach, Ph. B., automobile' editor of tha Scientific American, and H. F. Sawyer and W. F. Schulti, official observers appointed by the Automobile Club of America, shows alcohol to be much better for automobile fuel than had been expected. The general Interest which was shown u the test, which was held January 28 to '30, 1906, between New Tork and Boston, and the general discus sion which It has since exolted, will make tho official report of value to the motorist and layman alike. The trip was a unique one. Three cars. Identical in every respect as to motor, number of passengers and equipment, succeeded In making the run to Boston, each uaing a different hydrocarbon, and each with a clean record. This was the first Instance In which the tour has been made under the official Inspection of committee, 'experts In that line, and whose deductions, which they have now presented to the public, carry the weight of authority and accuracy. The three Maxwell touring cars used were standard 1907 model, fitted with double opposed motor, three-point suspension, and shaft drive, the cylinders having a bore and stroke of five inches, compressing to fifty-eight pounds. The compression should have been doubled and the stroke Increased to have used alcohol to the best advantage. for under these conditions the thermal effi ciency would have been approximately 90 per cent instead of about 20 to 21, as ob tained ordinarily with the gasolene motor. Keeping these figures In mind, It would be necessary for denatured alcohol to sell In the market at 22 cents per gallon to com pete with gasolene at 20 cents. The weight of the three cars, together with passengers and their equipment, was as follows: Gaso lene, 2,270 pounds; kerosene, 2,620 pounds; alcohol, 17E0 pounds. The coat per ton mile, or, in other words, the cost of moving one ton one mile, gives an accurate basis of comaprlson on the relative merits and cost of the different fuels. The actual run ning time from New Tork to Boston, namely, sixteen hours and twenty minutes, gives an average speed of 15.41 miles per hour; total distance, 249 miles; a credit able showing, considering the condition of the roads. No adjustments were made dur ing the entire trip, and all carburettors wera of the standard Maxwell type, no pre heating devices being used In either the fuel or air other than that regularly em ployed. Tha object of the test being to show that one carbureter can handle successful fuels differing In density and as such, the re sults are the more valuable. The following table gives In a condensed form the com- parlaon of tha fuel costs of the three cars: Cost Total Cost Cost Cost per con- of per per Car. gal. sump'n. fuel, car m. ton m. Oaaolln ,.S0. U.7S 45 (0.01 So.01 Kerosene .. .11 S3 75 4 39 .017 .019 Alcohol ... .V 40.75 15 07 .06 .0448 Tha miles per gallon of fuel are aa foi lows'. Gasoline, 10.1 miles; kerosene, 7 4-16 mllea; alcohol, lit miles. From the above It is seen that alcohol Is about two and one-half times as expen sive as gasolene, and more than thrrs times as expensive as kerosene when used in a gasolene engine of the present day, The test has, however, shown that It Is a good power-producing fuel. The engine operating on alcohol pulled more strongly on hills than those operating on either kerosene or gasolene. In tact, It was al most Impossible to stall the motor, the reason being that while the Initial pres sure with alcohol la less than with gaso lene, tha mean effective pressure Is greater. Another advantage that can be accred ited to alcohol Is that It was Impossible to produce that metallic knock or pound caused by a too advanced spark. In this res pet. It was far auperior to both kero- sens and gasolene. It la however, prob able that when the compression is raised sufficiently high for economical operation tha engine will knock somewhat If the spark it too advanced. These advantages added to Its cleanliness and lack of explo sive qualities should make It a popular fuel for automobile and there Is little daub: tt,si In the course of the next few years It will be very largely adopted aa a fuel for Internal combustion motors. New York Evening Post It Was Easy for Us to make . an Unequaled Money Saving Piano Sale for the reason that the Railroad Company is the one that sustains the loss, thereby allowing us to sell the Highest Grade Stand ard Pianos at Less than the price you will pay for the ordinary stencil makes in other sales. LINES REPRESENTED: CHICKERIXG & SONS, LESTER, j DECKER & SONS, CHASE, KRELL, VOSE & SONS, SHCBERT, CAMP & CO., HENRY & S. G. LINDEKMAN, WELLINGTON, BOSTON, CABLE, REM BRANDT, H 1 .imUl iJlnll"""T"1f" T Ili' 1 "t "I f I that the five 5 carloads of Pianos that we bought from a local Railroad, are from the best and leading Piano Manufacturers in the World, also that the Pianos each and every one are in as perfect condition as they were the day they left the dilferent factories. TflF PIAIMHQ placed in this sale are all of 1907 designs, llllj rlillUiJ -with all the latest improvements. They were ordered for and on thejway to one of San Francisco's leading dealers. Every Tiano sold during this Sale "WILL BE GUARANTEED BY US TO BE PERFECT IN EVERY PARTICULAR. Your Greatest Opportunity to beautify your home, to educate, entertain and amuse the entire family, is during this great Piano Sale. Don't say you can't afford a Piano, for we have, through our prices and terms, obliter ated that saying as a truthful excuse. I mwm mm Douglas Street EntrancePhone Douglas 2600 It Will Be Easy (or Y oo during this great sale to have a Piano in your home that you can show to your friends with pride, for the reason that each one is the product of one of America's foremost facto ries, and we will sell for Cash or on Remarkably Easy Terms. LINES REPRESENTED: CHICKERIXG BROS., BOHMER, J. & C. FISHER, PRICE & TEEPLE, FRANKLIN, JACOB DOLL, BAILEY, DANENPORT & TRACY, KINGSBURY, BEHR BROS., EMERSON, CARLETON. SAMPLES OF ENGLISH HUMOR People Are Not Doll, Merelr Dif ferent What Makes Them Smile. The English are not dull, as we some 1 1: nes contend; they are merely different. For the rest, the Eng-llsh, or rather the British, wit and humor are the most com prehensive and the best In the world, next to the American. Indeed, in the colonlea we are apt to And the spirit which we claim as essentially American In the fun of every day. As a rule, humor rather than wit la the British characteristic. The fun la found In absurd situations that have no sugRes tion of malice toward any one. Dickens tells of two men who were about to be hanged and who were together on a scaffold erected in the public place. All about them below an Immense concourse waited. At this moment a bull which was being taken to market ran amuck in the crowd and began goring persons right and left. Bill, on ths scaffold, turned to his companion and said: I say, Jim, it's a good thing we're not In that crowd." Another English joke Is of a vegetarian who proposed to a woman, whereupon she delivered herself of the following scathing words: "Go along with you! What? Be flesh of your flesh, and you a-livlng on cabbage? Go and marry a gross widow!" I doubt if more of wit and humor were ever put Into single word than in Punch's famoua advice to those about to get mar' rled: "Don't!" In the same line of thought Is the re mark of a London woman of the east end who went to a hospital for treatment. "Who did this?" asked the surgeon. Some of these bruises and cuts are very serious. Was It your husband?" 'Lor' bless ye. no'." came the answer. "W'y, my 'usband 'e's more like a friend nor a 'usband!" So of the two Intoxicated Individuals who solemnly went to bed In the gutter at an early hour of the morning. After some time one of them spoke indignantly: 'I shay, le's .go t'nsser hotel. This leksh." Quite different, but equally harmless, Is the reply In the following: A tramp with a very red nose begged alms of a severe OZOMl'L SION GUARANTEED Under the Food and Drugs Act, June 80th, 1006. Serial No. 832. Weak Lungs Mean Starved Body r jajIrtHW lHamlliaamlmWi a.WEaV Tk4 Cad Imw Oil twmlnn "Par EmtUmct.' Kiatt tht Lungi Kourlshet thi Body Consumption, Pneumonia and nearly all Pulmonary Diseases are produced by lack of THE NEC ESSARY FOOD. Once the body resistance is lowered, the lungs become easily diseased through germs constantly in the atmos phere. All Foods do not fatten, because they cannot uppljr the excessive waste and loss of Tissue by disease. There Is But One Cure For Lung Disease Ozomulsion Food Beneficial Results sre Obtained after the First Doae. Tbcrs are t. sisss I sad Ma. Btlrss the F omuls is na:i is I Unsusgrs on cscb. Ozomulsion Laboratories 148 Peart Street, New Tors. spinster, who asked bluntly: "What makes your nose so red?" "That nose of mine, mum," said the tramp, haughtily, "is a blushin' with pride 'cause It ain't stuck Into other folks' busi ness." Yet, while wholesome humor Is dominant among the British, there is no lack of wit aa caustic as waa ever the French. Sir Robert Walpole defined gratitude as "a lively sense af future favors." Salisbury, with the brutal frankness that sometimes distinguished him, one. scathed his part ner at whist by answering to one who in quired concerning the progress of the game, "Oh, I am doing very well, con sidering that I have three adversaries." Lamb was often withering in his wit. Once Cclerldge said to him: "Charles, did you ever hear me lecture?" Lamb replied instantly: , "I never heard you do anything else." In a letter Lamb wrote that Words worth haa said to him that he did not see much difficulty In writing like Shakes peare, If he had a mind to try It. "Clearly," Lamb adds, "nothing Is wanting but the mind." An excellent illustration of sarcastic cleverness had been variously attributed to Dr. Johnson by his biographer, to Lord North by Earl Mouna-Edgecumbe, and to Monk Lewis by Rev. Philip Smith. As a matter of fact. It can be traced to Tudor times. A concert singer who sang not wisely, but too often, was once executing or, per haps, "butchering" were the better word a number remarkable for Its trills and other musical pyrotechnics when an ad mirer of the performer remarked that the piece was a difficult one. "Difficult!" was the retort. "I wish to heaven It were Impossible!" Lipplncott's Magaaine . No I'sid, No Traiae. Because the officials of the Short Line at Cripple Creek, Colo., have been a little late In getting out their annual passes this year for those considered entitled to ride free over the great scenic lino, the business of the road came very near being tied up and considerable incon venience was suffered. D. M. McNamara, an old-time prospector", who has made his home for several ' years in a cabin above the high line, near Windy Point, claims that the railroad croeses his ground with out a right-of-way, and for several years tha railroad officials have recognised hla contention by furnishing him tin annual pass, thereby avoiding annoyance and ex pense. ' McNamara deemed twenty-four hours a sufficient time for the railroad company to deliver his pass, and when it failed to arrive he determined to tie up the lino. Ha piled rocks on the tracks, causing cara and trains to be delayed, and to make til iiuiusi niuiq citevhive, loinuvBu u upright from the Expectation tunnel, which crosses his ground under the track. Ha then posted a notice alongside the track to the effect that the same was unsafe. The roof of the tunnel la close to tha track, which began to sag. Superintendent Flaherty telephoned the sheriff's office for help and Under Sheriff Parsons dispatched depuUes to the scene. Railroad Detective D. C. Scott accom panied them and paclfled McNamara by explaining that the delay In Issuing the passes was unavoidable, and McNamara escaped arrest. He will get his pans and the railroad officials anticipate no further trouble. In vj j L ,,igt-4- nMr State Medical Institute 1308 Farnam St. Between 13th and Uth Street; OMAHA, NEB. f ... L. ft" 1 " In this enlightened age of ths twentieth century a Doctor's abl Hty should ba determined by ACTUAL CURES ablished for the purpose of rtorin to health youn men, mMrtte-affod I nn i nm oiaYLe mvuiui aiisu.uio h . Cira'S. twInrtneV W bltlrs.TfX TrVaUd- InhsVM time possible and at the lowest cost. HEED THE DANCER 8ICNAL8 If ypu are weak, don't feel right, narves'shattered, suffer ing from hidden drains and weakness, despondent, lifeless,' without ambition. Impaired memory, easily fallKued, excitable, restlees, haggard looking. Irritable and on the verge of mental and physical collapse, primarily induced by abuses in youth, excesses in later life or the result of private dlsuases, which are Impeding your progress, both pnmmerelally nd x:!a!!y, you should consult ua without unnecessary delay and escape the slavery that is holding you ca,itlve and depleting your manhood. We make atrong men out of the piny and weak, restoring the vital organs and Infiltrating that ttelina; of youthful lire, vim and courage. You should be slrui'g, possess nervos of steel, self conn.Stnice, strength In every n uscle, ambition, grit, energy and endurance in order to maka your lire complete. We nave glnddened the hearts of thousands, restoring them to specimens of physical manhood, full of vim, vigor and vitality. , WE TREAT MEN ONLY AND CURE PROMPTLY, SAFELY AND THOROUGHLY NER VOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD POISON, SKIN DISEASES, KIDNEY and BLADDER DISEASES and all SPECIAL DISEASES and their complications. HONEST TREATMENT Do not be deceived by free treatment proppsltlons, which ar. not free; by cheap treatment propositions, which are not cheap, but In th. end prove most expensive; by no pay until cured or no mpney to begin treatment propositions, which are not fulfilled; by quick cure propositions, which are not quick, but prove dan gerous experiments Or any of tha misleading statementa or de ceptive propositions which prove more disastrous thun benenclal. more expensive than economical, m,re painful than alleviating. Why not consult at first a reliable doctor or specialist who em ploys only honest methods and who will not deceive you, but will save you and restore you W health, strength and vigor and place you aafely within the boundary line of prosperity and enjoyment of life? We maki no misleading statements, no deceptive or un businesslike prirmettlnnn to the afflicted. Honest doctors of rec ognised ability do not resort to such methods. We guarantee i a safe and lasting cur. In the shortest time possible and at the lowest cost for honest, skillful and successful treatment. Offloe Hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday, 10 to 1 only. If you cannot call, write. Consultation and Examination Free: DON'T MAJTE A MISTAKE IN THE NAME AND LOCATION OT OUR INSTITUTE. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 FARNAM STREET. Between 13th and 11th BU. OMAHA. NEBRASKA.