Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Wit IMilivM
life nnRi
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LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 31, 1907. Bankers Life Insurance Co., Lincoln, Neb.: Gentlemen Herewith
you will find copy of the report of the examiner of this department. The r.eport shows the assets and lia
bilities of the company at the close of business December 31, 1906, as follows:
Cash in Office and Banks t 24.153.39
First Mortgage Farm Loan 1,6SJ,57S.OO
First Mortgage City Real Estat. . 2,500.00
Cash Loans on Company'! Policies H0.S43.S2
Interest Accrued, not due
. . Assets. December II. 190 11,749,064.06
In addition to tho above the examiner reports de
has been reported, with aggregate after deducting
policies in force amounting to $G,340.77, or a total of $
taken no credit in its financial stateriient.
The examiner's report establishes beyond quest
partment, shows economy and conservatism in its
truly yours,
J. L. PIERCE, Insurance Deputy.
Reserve at Four Per Cent , ,
Agents' Credit Balances .'
Death Losses Not Paid, pnpofs not In.....
. 396,034.98
f erred and uncollected premiums, upon which reserve
loading, $18,427.78, and renewal premium notes on
24,708.55 admissible assets for which the company has
ion the reliability of the company's reports to the de
management and a sound financial condition. Very
E. M. SEAELE, Jr., Auditor of Public Accounts.
. Statement of the Old Lino Bankers Life Insurance Company of
Lincoln, Nebraska, at close of business December 31st, 190G, as filod
with tho insurance department of Nebraska and other states.
Cash in Office and Banks. .$ 24,753.39
First Mortgage Farm Loans 1,632,275.00
First Mortgage City Real Estate 2,500.00
Cash Loans on Company's Policies.... 50,343.32
Interest Accrued, not due 39,192.35
Reserve at Four Per Cent $1,344,970.31
Agents' Credit Balances... 6,058.77
Death Losses Not Paid, proofs not in. . 2,000.00
Surplus 396,034.98
If the company takes credit for $24,768.55 of assets admitted
under the law, premiums in course of collection and renewal premium
notes not yet due, as reported by the examiner, the surplus to policy
holders will be $420,803.44.
This Company's practice of listing as assets nothing but actual cash, policy and first mortgage loans holds out no false promise to policy holders
and leaves nothing in doubt or questionable. Hence tho official examination naturally shows a better condition than claimed in its published
In the Examination of the company by tho State of Nebraska commenced in November, 1906, and completed on January 23d, 1907, covering tho
business of the company from its organization in 1887 to date, not a dollar of its assets was questioned or cut out; nor recommendation made to re
duce the invoice value of a single item of securities. They were found by the department exactly as reported by tho Company and worth one
hundred cents on the dollar. '
Do you remember hearing of the! examination of any other life insurance company, bank or financial institution where the official
investigation disclosed larger assets and a better condition than claimed in the Company's statement?
i a
Bead llaihtd Between Timbers During
Switchihe Operation.
Haa Travel In with Car of Horses and
Household Goods from EddyvlUe,
la., to Alwoo4, Kan., Meet
Peculiar Death.
HASTINGS, Neb., Feb. 23.-(8pecla Tele
rram.) O. A. Guy, who it la thought re
cently' resided In EddyvlUe, la., met death
here today under peculiar circumstances.
Mr. Guy was In char re of a carload of
horses and Immigrant goods which were
helng shipped from EddyvlUe to Atwood,
Kan. 'The car arrived In Hastings shortly
after 4 o'clock this afternoon and ten min
utes later It had been sidetracked. Guy
had the car door opened and was sitting In
the doorway. The horses Were on one
aid of the car and the household goods
on the other, being separated by a par
tition. While the train crew was switch
ing, a loose car was sent down the track
and noticing that It would strike the Im
migrant car with unexpected force the
train crew cried out to Ouy, telling him to
Jump. The man did not seem to realise
the danger, so remained In the car. When
the crash came the horses were thrown
against the partition, the timbers gave
away and pinned Mr. Ouy to the aide of
the car. Ilia head was badly amashed and
he died a few minute later.
Papers on hi person showed he did busi
ness with the bank of EddyvlUe, la.
having been laid off ' Indefinitely. The cli
max was reached Wednesday when over
100 quit and came to Sutherland, from
which place they went to Sidney and Den
ver to work for the Burlington. Seventy
five more followed on Thursday, leaving
the new road practically -deserted. Jap
anese contractor were rushed to Suther
land from Cheyenne In an endeavor to
hold tha men together, but they failed In
this and returned home on Friday morning.
Japanese Desert I sl.s Paelac.
SUTHERLAND, Neb.. Feb. a.-(Speclal.)
The I'nlon Pacific railroad I having
trouble with It Japanese laborer on th
0'Fallons t Nurthport line, owing to the
wholesale desertion of .the men. Recently
the- Jap, who were scattered along the
line, living In boarding cars, openly re
belled and threatened to quit the company
unless they were put to work at once, they
Humphreys' Serenty
1 8evcn Cures Colds and
Dr. Humphreys' "Seventy-seven"
meet the exigency of the prevailing
epidemic of Grip, with all It symp
tom of Influensa, Catarrh, Pains and
Soreness in the Head and Chest,
Couth. Bore Throat. General Prostra
tion and Fever.
Taken early, cuts it short promptly.
Taken during its prevalence, pre
occupies the system and prevents its
Taken while suffering, relief Is
speedily realised and a eure assured.
At 'bYugxtst. 2S cent or mailed.
Humphrey's Homeo. Medicine Co. Cor,
WliUaoa and John fcueeia, Zw York.
Session of tnstltate Closes with
Demand for Anti-Pass Law.
ST. PAUL, Neb., Feb. 23. (Special.)
Howard Co,unty Farmers' association has
closed a very successful and valuable In
stitute of two days' duration. The pro
gram of work and lectures rendered was
intensely practical and Instructive; and
that the Institute and co-operative system
has struck an eagerly responsive chord In
the minds of Howard county farmers was
clearly proven by the large and densely
crowded and deeply Interested . audience
which crowded the court house hail
throughout - the sessions. ' Scarcely ever
have politics been a more engrossing sub
ject than the agricultural - campaign de
veloped to be during this Institute, and
President Leftwlch was warmly congratu
lated by the Institute lecturer for the
very wholesome enthusiasm shown' by the
membership of the organisation. The In
stitute was opened Wednesday morning
by the annual address of President Left
wlch, In which he outlined th practical
work of the association; and historically
reviewed th object so far accomplished.
W. B. McKee of Polo, Mo., spoke on gen
eral agricultural lines. In the afternoon
ex-Oovernor W. A. Poynter lectured on
"The Kind of Dairy Cow for the Farmer,"
and Mr. McKee on "The Feeder Type of
Beef Steer." At th evening session Mr.
Poynter took up the theme of "Some Essentials-
to Successful Farming," and Mr.
McKee lectured on "Literature for the
Farmer." The lectures by these gentle
men were strong, able and practical, and
Thursday morning Mr. - McKee was pre
vailed upon to give a talk on poultry, In
addition to the program. F; W. Chafe of
Pawnee City then spoke of "Good Roads."
The afternoon session was taken up with
lectures by Mr. C. Q. Marshall on "Soil
Fertility and Proper Tillage," Mr. Chase on
"Seed Corn Selection" and Mrs. A. L. Amos
of Comstock on "Be Culture and Home
Topics." N. Hermanson of Nysted gave
an Interesting report of the results at
tained by the co-operative creamery at
Besides the farmers, an Interested' group
of th students from the normal college
were In constant attendance. The proceed
ing were pleasantly Interspersed, with
music by the Glee club, the male quartet
from th college and several solo. A
good seed corn exhibit added to the value
of th attraction. Yesterday eventng the
Institute closed with a very crowded at
tendance, after two more lecture and th
election of officers, Z. T. Leftwlch being re
elected president and J. B. Skiff secretary.
The following anti-pass resolution was re
ported by th committee, and was, on mo
tion of District Judg J. N. Paul, adopted:
Recognising the Deraldou Influence of
the free pas system In general. ao4 upon
our courts In particular, we demand the
passage of a law by the present legislature
which shall prohibit the granting of free
transportation to all persons, expressly In
cluding Judges and local attorneys, and
providing sdequat penaltle for th viola
tion thereof.
r.rsr at Satherlaad.
SUTHERLAND, Neb., Feb. &.-(8peolaL)
.-Sutherland can now lay claim to the dis
tinction of having furnished the state with
a elmon-pur "Jim, the Penman," i th
person of J. B. D,wklna, who ' some
tint, past ha caarltd . ta iy-, between
Sutherland and Lens, Vor Contractor Frank
Coler. Dawklna, who ha lived her for
the last six months, was a glib talker and
a versatile genius., Recently he fell Into
disfavor by talking too much and was
discharged. Th same night he left town,
topping at North Piatt. He I alleged
to have received about Jo0 from people on
the mall route to expend for certain pur
pose and that thus far no accounting ha
been made by him of it. At North Platte
he drew a check on the Sutherland State
bank. In which he never had any money
on deposit, fend aucceeded In getting C. W.
Burkland, former postmaster, to 'endorse
It, getting It cashed. Later on another
check on the same bank for 125 was cashed
at Grand Island. This was later on re
ceived at the bank here and promptly
labelled "No Funds." The matter ha bean
placed In the authorities' hands and Mr.
Dawklns Is now a much-sought-for Individual.
Nebraska Boy la Search of Health la
onny Booth.
CHICAGO. Feb. . To the Editor of The
Bee:-1 saw In en Issue of your paper of
February 14th an article In reference to
Glenn Moffatt of Gordon, Neb. I wish you
to' publish this article to correct a false
Impression and to give Information to some
of his many friends. I am hi aunt and
have Just received a nice long letter from
him telling me of some of hi varied ex
perience. He la In aouthern Louisiana
going through th state on foot for the ex
press purpose of building up hi nervous
system (which was greatly broken by ex
cessive study) by outdoor exercise. There
1 not the slightest evidence of hi mind
being unbalanced. HI mind 1 a clear as
a bell. He la a brave boy to take such
heroic treatment to regain hi health,
which he urely will do. He I In constant
communication with hi family and 1 alt
right Respectfully Miss Carrie IL Moffatt.
tfll North Clark street, Chicago.
PsiraM City Man Killed.
PAWNEE CITY. Neb., Feb. B.-(Speclal
Lew Lohmlller of this city was killed by
train No. 10M on the Chloago, Rock Island
& Pacific railroad last night about 10
o'clock. This train la a fast stock train
and unless there Is stock to take on does
not stop at station. From what can 'be
learned. It appear that being on th train
somewhere and the tram not stopping,
Lohmlller jumped off at- a crossing just
east of the depot, striking on his head.
His skull was crushed, causing death about
three o'clock this morning. Drs. Bayer and
Brooks were called to attend the Injured
man and found, the entire right aid of
hi face and skull badly crushed. Coroner
Collins Impaneled a Jury this morning and
took the evidence of th physicians and the
parties who found Lohmlller.
day. Tuesday night two rail were found,
one of which had a break in It about five
feet long. These rails were sent at once
to the general offices In Omaha for In
spection. Only the- strictest watchfulness
has prevented a serious accident In several
Bis; Land Deal la Gave) County.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. a. (Special Tele
gram.) The biggest land deal made here
In years was consummated today when the
Wittenberg college of Ohio Bold to John
Carver three quarter sections of land near
Rockford, this county, for S42.M2.
Baaqoet Last Three fays.
SCOTIA. Neb.. Feb. a. (Special.) O. W.
Fltaslmmons, mayor of Bcotla, celebrated
the sixteenth anniversary of the day ha
began business In Scotia as dealer In fur
niture, lumber, farm Implement and coal,
by giving a three day banquet to his
friends and customers. On Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday the main store build
ing was decorated with flags and bunting
and In th large furniture store room long
table were spread laden with good things
prepared for th occaalou and for the en
tire 'three daya from morning until closing
time th crowd cam and went Nearly a
thousand people enjoyed th hospitality.
Raw Rati Defective.
SUTHERLAND. Neb.. Feb. (Special)
The I'nlon Pacific la experiencing great
trouble with th 90-pound steel rail with
which th track la laid In thla vicinity. A
number of them have been found to he
defective and broken In the center under
neath th T. So serious ha thla become
that trackwalkers are employed night and
, New of Nebraska.
COLUMBUS 8. 8. McAllister has gone
to Shelton, where he will practice law.
PLATTSMOUTH Gary Treat has sold 104
acres of land to Dr. II. Jensen for 19,500.
RED CLOUD Paul Storey la establish
ing a branch clothing store at Bladen to
open about March L
PLATTSMOUTH Louis Frlederlch and
Miaa Emma Hlld were united In marriage
by Rev. Fred Spriegel.
l'LATTSMOUTH-Paul A. Hartung and
Miss Clara L. Neltael were made man and
wife by Rev. M. E. Gilbert.
PLATTSMOUTH The body of Stacey
Sage, 13 years old. was burled Saturday.
Ilia mother was burled Tuesday.
SCHUYLER At th last meeting of die
Progress lodge. Decree of Honor, twenty
three new members were Initiated.
PLATTSMOUTH Roy C. Sharp and Miss
Martha Hedman were united In marriage
Washington's birthday by Rev. J. E. Houl
gate. COLUMBUS Steve Ryan ha bought
eighty acre of land belonging to R. S.
Dickenson. He paid 18,000 for It pot
cash. '
DAVID CITY The Genoa High school
basket ball team will play the David City
team at the opera on next Friday night,
March 1.
RED CLOUD The Western Union Tele
graph company has added crosnarma to
the telegraph poles sufficient to add twenty
more a ires.
COLUMBUS There is rejoicing In the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hagats, Jr.,
on account of the arrival of baby boy that
weighed ten pounds.
DAVID CITY-Oeorge E. Thayer and
Miss Bertha Jones were married at the
home of the bride's mother, near Ulysses,
last Thursday -afternoon.
FAIRMONT R. E. Aldrlch has had hi
automobile shipped to Los Angeles, Cal,
where he and his wife have been spending
the winter for their health.
PLATTSMOUTH The PlatUmouth High
school girls' basket ball team were de
feated by the Ulenwood, la., team there
last evening. Score, ltt to 11.
DAVID CITY-Mlss Oertrude Humphrey,
formerly of this city, but now of Rising
City, was married at he rhom Wednesday
to Mr. Wright of near Rising City.
GENEVA Captain Ralph Brlnjaman.
now of Omaha, has been recommended for
the appointment to one of the two na
tional military . schools. Ralph Is a
Geneva boy.
NEBRASKA CITY-Mlss Bessie McCart
ney was badly bitten on the hand last
evening by two dogs thut were righting.
She attempted to separate them when they
turned on her.
COLUMBUS Mls Margaret Fiddler
went to Grand Island the fore part of the
Week and when she returned she w the
wife of lVy Elston. They will make their
home In Columbus.
BEATRICE E. A. Harrison and J.. T.
etarden of Beatrice, and Guy Harrison and
Charles McAllister of Grand, Island, ar
rived home last evening from a trip of six
weeks to Central America.
PAPILLION The February term of dis
trict court will npnvene here Monday,
Judge Kennedy presiding. There are two
criminal and forty-nine civil cases. The
Jury will not come In until March .
OAKLAND Chelver Mitchell and Vera
Bunny, popular young people of tha Bertha
neighborhood northeast of here, were mar
ried st the Methodist parsonage In thla
city Wednesday by iRev. Charles P. Lang.
RED CLOUD At a meeting of the school
board thla week the coinmlilee on the new
school house petition reported and It was
decided to call a special election April I
to vol bonds lor a -i.uuu school building.
FREMONT Washington' birthday was
observed by the closing of the sjhools
after th mrnlng session and the hanks
and city and county otnoes. At the Nor
mal school Krell.inger's band played
patriotic selections F. C. Laird delivered
an address on "Washington In Modern
Llf." at th M-' jong a large
number of social function was a supper
at the Congregational church, at which
the wprnen were dressed in colonial cos
tumes. PENDER A. L. Maryott A Sons,' one of
the first and oldest business firms of this
place, have sold their lumber and coal
yards to Weller Brothers of Beatrice. The
new firm has assumed charge of th busi
ness. DAVID CITY T. R. GUmore. manager
of the David City opera house, has just
placed an order for a complete new set, of
scenery for the opera house. The new
scenery will be placed In the course of a
WATERLOO The referee sale of the
B. B. Hooper bankrupt goods was held
Saturday, G. D. Hooper buying the ma
chinery, building, lot, eta., for Sl.ttSO.
J. B. Fradenburg of Omaha held the sale
a trustee.
MULLEN Mrs. Sarah Craln, a promi
nent ranch woman residing southwest of
Mullen, died Friday. Her husband pre
ceded her In death about ve year ago,
ince which time she ha successfully man
aged th ranch,
COLUMBUS Rebekah Degree lodge of
Odd Fellows had its Installation aud
banquet on Wednesday evening. One of
the high officers from Frempnt, Mrs. Liv
ingston, was expected, but sh waa ill
and failed to come.
COLUMBUS The daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Garlow, a student at Bellevue
college, was obliged to com home on
accpunt of a severe attack of grip. Sh
Is recovering and will soon be able to re
turn to her studies.
COLUMBUS Friends have received In
vitations to th marriage of Mr. Charles
Richardson t Miss Ellerhousen. The
wedding will take place In Chicago. Mr.
Richardson waa formerly a teacher In vhe
Columbu High school. -
NEBRASKA CITY Ben Graham of Ju
lian broke hi leg some time ago and
progressed so finely that he thought h was
able to walk and yesterday made the at
tempt. He made but one step when he fell
and again broke hi leg.
BEEMER The Masonic hall wua filled In
response to an Invitation to th "usbends
and father of Sterner extended by th
Mothers' circle. A splendid program was
rendered by members of the society. The
circle wa organised a year ago.
FAIRMONT The Young People's Read
ing Room association gave an entertain
ment entitled, "A Japanese and Ben Hur
Fete," at the opera house, whloh wa well
attended. Th proceeds are to furnish
reading matter for the association.
VALLEY-As Oscar Talbot was hauling
plies to repair the Platte river bridge two
spans of the bridge gave way and let Tal
bot and his team Into the rtvef. Talbot
escaped and succeeded In getting out one
of his horses, but th other wa drowned.
PLATT8MOUTH Rev. J. A. Fitch of
Bhang tung, China, gave an Interesting ao
count of hi seventeen year' experience
aa a missionary In China In th Presby
terian church last evening. Several selec
tions were well rendered by th male quar
tet B LOOM FIELD Th Bloomfisld Gas com
pany announces through the local press
that hereafter th gaa will be of a better
quality and will be furnished its patrons
at a reduced price of probably t34 per oent
This will make the price of gaa 11 per l.uuO
cublo feet.
BEATRICE After wrestling three days
with the bridge case against J. H. Sparks,
the Board pf Supervisors decided that the
bridge committee and as many others of
the board aa cared to should check up th
appealed claims of Mr. Spark and visit
the bridges. . .
DAVID CITY Mr. Henry M assay, who
Jived near Rising City, died quit suddenly
Sunday evening of dropsy of the heart
She waa In her usual health and attended
church In the evening, and upon returning
home lay down on th sofa end died la a
few minute.
RED CLOUD Homer B. Howard and
Miss Mattle Taylor were granted a license
to wed. Jasper Vale Smith and Mlas Leota
B. Throne were married by Rev. C. Fits
this week. William Bernett and Ml Fran
ces E. Clou were married In th county
court house Thursday.
BEATRICE F. A. Lee, for a number of
years a member of the firm of Rutherford
It Lee of this city, ha taken a position
with J. 11. Sparks, the bridge contractor,
and will have charg of th work on th
new normal building now In oour of con
struction at Marysvllle, Kan.
COLUMBUS Several weeks ago H. O.
Rodehorst started on a trip through th.
European countries to e what he could
aee and learn what lie could leam In re
lation to the sale of harvester. H. ha
lust returned, glad to get back on Ne
braska soli and salubrious climate. He
exports to start out again In a few week,
and the next trio will be to Husaia. In
theJauMK tf th International Harvester
He will be gone for several
SCHUYLER Th county commissioner
have been petitioned by the West Maple
Valley Telephone company and Big Four
Telephone company to be allowed to set
pole and string wire along the public
highways leading from the south aid of
township 10 and to Clarkson.
GENEVA Tn Grand Army of th Re-
F'Ubllo veterans, with the Relief corps, their
amllles and a few Invited guests, enjoyed
a banquet Friday. Thi took the place of
th old-time bean supper, a the old sol
diers have paid for their hall and are now
out of debt There waa speaking and mualo,
WATERLOO A freight train Jumped
the track Saturday while crossing th
Elkhorn bridge, tlx car going off. Pas
senger trains Nos. 12 and 4 were delayed
until about 11 o'clock. The accident wa
caused by spreading rails on work not
completed. - No serious damage wa done.
NEBRASKA CITY Th Chautauqua to be
held here the first ten day of August la
now an assured fact. At th meeting of
the tockholdr held ilaat evening th com
mittee wa Instructed to sign a contraot
with th Lyceum bureau. They will hav
ome of th beat talent la th Chautauqua
BLOOMFlELD Great preparation are
being made for tha dedication of th new
German Lutheran church, which take
place Sunday. Service In English and Ger
man by ministers of th neighboring con-
;;r.gatlon are announced. The new churoh
a on of th beat modem edifices In this
part of th state. .
DAVID CITY At th regular meeting of
the county board of supervisorson Tuesday
of last week, Supervisor W. I. Runyon ten
dered his resignation. At a special meet
ing, held Monday of this week, hi resigna
tion was accepted and John Glock wa ap-
Klnted to fill vaoanoy. A chairman will
elected at th next meeting.
OAKLAND Arthur EX Tun berg of thl
city wa married Wednesday to Miss Nauml
Shellberg of Omaha at the Zlon Lutheran
parsonage In that city by Rev. J. V. Carl
son. They arrived her Friday evening and
after a tew days' visit will go to Wauaa,
Neb., where they will reside on a farm re
cently purchased by th groom.
MULLEN By stipulation of counsel th
hearing of th case of th (tat against
Carl Boyer In Squire Jaoobaon' court ha
been continued to March t. Th Informa
tion charge th larceny of two wlndmUl
from th rang of th faraeu standard
Cattle company, now retired from th cow
business, and of whloh K. M. Allen waa
MULLEN Angora goat railing promise
to become one of the chief industries of
th sandhill district within a few years.
A small bunch started about a year ago
has thrived with uch satisfactory results
that Fred Beverstock and J. N. Compton.
two of th prominent cltisena of Hooker
county, will each ship In a herd of about
ao thla spring.
DAVID CITY A petition ha ben circu
lated In Reading township asking th sup
ervisors to call an election In that township
for th purpose of voting bond to con
struct an electric railway through Rising
City and Reading township from Omaha
to Hasting. This will b th second time
this bond proposition has been voted on.
In December, It waa defeated by on vote.
T. PAUL All of th insurance com
panle carrying risks affected by the fire
In th Masonlo -Tempi" Thursday of last
week, numbering about fifteen, hav
promptly adjusted and paid their loaaea
The businesses Injured by the Are are now
again tn running order; but th work of
restoring the upper story of the damaged
tempi building will, of oourse. take sum
FREMONT Framont Is to hav a Chau
tauqua next summer and arrangements
for it are now being made. It will prob
ably be held In the city park, the audi
torium tent being set up on Ninth atreet,
which will be temporarily cloaed ir two
block during th session. Among the
aitrmotlona will be Governor Cummins of
Iowa and Judge Llndeey of Denver, who
I to talk on "Th Mistakes of Mickey."
PENDER Many of th reservation farm
ers hav thousand of bushels of corn
heaped upon the ground awaiting an op
portunity to market It There seei.i llttl
prospect of a break In the frelgM car
famine. Bom farmers are now Li-Udlng
temporary crib and removing thl com In
hope of saving their year's Labor. Loaded
wagons hav stood on th street f i r a
week before a chance to unload them caUie.
BEATRICB The Christian church people
held a brief service Saturday evening a
o'clock, conducted by Rev. . E. Da via. It
the alt of th new church building, th
oocaalon being the depositing of th re
pository, a small galvanlaed Iron box,
beneath dm of the large stone at th
southweat corner of the building. In the
receptacle waa deposited a list of the
charter member ef th church, the prea
ai churvh nambrhis and the effloers.
the picture of the present structur. up to
lP.loll,.! ?f OId building, and a
?nTnnu.idVn.0f th nn h h"
BEAVER CITY-The infant of Mr. and
wa found dead in bed when the parents
aro yesterday morning. The babe whs
to e month" old an(1 w" not known
BLOOM FIELD J. F. Weatrand Son,
proprietor of a large elevator here, have
purchased th Peavy elevator at Wausa
and will tak possession between now and
June 1. The present agent of the Peavey
Elevator company at Waua will remain
In oharera.
HERMAN Carl Hansen Bhlpped four
fine hog to Lyon and one to Wlnsida
Saturday. Mr. Hansen had a sale recently,
selling a number of fine hogs, and now
he has begun to make his deliveries to pur
chasers. All farmers who have had sain
hav been successful In getting top prices.
Few farmers here hav scrubby dock on
their farms.
ASHLAND In an altercation over the
collection of a water rent bill Douglas
Young drew a revolver pn Marion Urch.
the city water commissioner. Urch had
given Young th alternative of p.yl"g th
bill or having the water turned off, which
aroused the Tatter's Indignation Urch wa
too quick for hi antagonist and wrested
th revolver froh him, holding- th man at
bay until he had cooled down.
BEATRICB Joseph Lescher, for twenty,
six year a resident of Beatrioe, died at his
horn last evening, aged 72 year. He wa
born In Burke county, Pennsylvania, and
served during the civil war In the Eighty
seventh Illinois mounted Infantry. lie la
survived by a widow and two sisters, all of
whom reside In Beatrice. The funeral will
be held Sunday afternoon at I o'clock un
der the auspices of the Grand Army post.
PLATTSMOUTH Th last tributes to th
late Dr. W. H. Shlldknecht were observed
Saturday afternoon In th Methodist Epis
copal church, th service being conducted
by Rev. J. E. Houlgate, pastor, assisted by
Rev. A. L. Zlnk, paator of th Christian
church. Th sevlc.s wer largely attended.
The doctor had practiced medicine In thl
county for 46 year and was highly es
teemed by all who knew him.
FAIRMONT C. A. B. Holmer, local
Chautauqua manager, says arrangement
for a Chautauqua thla summer ar about
cemplete. The dates set are August 7 to
13. The lecturer Include Senator Dolllver,
Governor Sheldon, Ople Read, Lincoln Mo
Connell, J. S. Montgomery and Gilbert
Eldredge. The camp will be In th old
city park, an Ideal place, affording a good,
dry camp ground with good shad an4
water facilities.
BEAVER CITY-The farm rldno of
C. A. Jackson In Lynden preclnot waa
burned with' It content Friday forenoon.
The fir waa discovered by a neighbor
after It had gained considerable headway.
Mr. Jackson wa HI at th time and It
wa necessary to carry hsr upon her bed
from the burning building. Sit I now la
a serious condition from th shook and
th exposure, aa It waa bitterly cold. Loaa.
I1.2U), with !5u0 Insurance.
OAKLAND Th Nebraska Telephone
company moved Its central office thl week
from the W A. Harding residence, where
It has been located ever since they began
business here, to their new quarter In the
second story of th Tunberg block. The
telephone wires hav all been cabled and
the pole moved to th alley ao that tho
on Main street will ba don away with. A
fore of men hav been at work about Six
week making th change,
COLUMBUt-Mr. Julia Hetnta, wife of
Dr. A. Helnts, died from Bright disease,
from which sh had suffered for a long
time, and will be burled Sunday, funeral
service being held at the homa Mr.
Helnts was born In Swltserland la 1K4 and
was married In Columbus In 1871. her par.
enta, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schaad, being
among the earliest settler In Piatt county.
Mrs. Helnts waa active In the mualo de
partment of the Woman' club.
MULLEN Th eed corn question la a
matter that 1 commencing to stir th
minds of sandhill farmers thla spring. A
but very little of the last year's crop ma
tured properly before th heavy anew cov
ered th fields, softening the cob and sour
ing a large per cent of It, seed corn will
be scarce. On account of the Influx of
Klnkald homesteaders th acreage will b
large and th small grain crop will be the
largest in th history of Hooker county.
DAKOTA CITY Mr. Leslie, wlf of L
M. Leslie, druggist, died suddenly Friday
evening. In the afternoon Mr. Leslie suf
fered a dlssy soell. which oon wore off.
but about o'clock, a sh aroe fro a
rocker to join her husband, who had called
her from another room, she fell rigid to
the floor In aa io us condition. Tha
I call family removed to this place last
aiimmer from Fort Calhoun, Mr. Laali
purchasing a drug store here. Th body
wUl be taken to Omaha for later cuaub
. v