Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 8, Image 20
8 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 24, 1907. REAL ESTATE FARM AID RANCH UJIDS FOR LR Mleeellaaeoaa ContlnnodL WESTERN LAND $15.60 an acre for a fin sec tion, only I miles from ths railroad, gently rolling, not rough. O'KEEFE REALTY CO. ion n. t. 1a rm. , , Tel. Doug, lilt (20-M64ft-2 BUY GANGSTAD'S LAND I have some of the very best wild and Improved farm lands on earth, on eaay term and prlcea to ault the buyers. Write or call on me and I wlU be (lad to give you full Information regarding my landa or city property, E. G. GANGSTAD, Room 403, Bee Building. (20-Sl M HOMESTEAD THE COEUR D'ALKNE RESERVATION will be opened aoon. It contalna 600,000 acres choice wheat, fruit and timber land. Do you want 160 acres T COEUR D'ALENB RESERVATION IN FORMATION AOENCT, Rooma H-18 Exchange Bank Bldg.. Spo kane, Wash. fa-g JOT. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Ranch Lands. 10 ACRES, with house and barn. Ill R 16tl St. (2D-T74 FIND ranch to rent on crop plan In famed Pig Horn Basin. Write W. M. Harvard, No Wood, Wyo. a-424 Mix 130 ACRES farm land, I miles west of Hanscom Park, on Center St. paved road. Apply C. E. Wilklna, Dewey Hotel. 21)-17 FOR RENT. Do you want a truck farm within the r city HmltsT a) acrea on comer bi., ran- eat aoll, per year $200. ' PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANT, let FL N. Y. 1 Bldg. Tel. Doug. 171. (2i FOR RENT Chicken ranch, Improved, five acres. Address a Mee. (21)-M7)i8x 25 ACRES FOR RENT. FIFTY-FIRST AND PODGE STREETS. Two blocks Dundee car line, 7-room house, large barn, fruit trees, etc. Especially suitable for dairy; rental $40 per month. GEORGE tt CO., 1G01 Farnam St. (21) REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. izty 666 OARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. I and 6V per cent loans on real estate; no delay. (22) 6S LOWEST RATES Bemla, Pazton Block. (22) S67 11,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rate; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1. N. Y. Ufa. (22 669 UNION LOAN & INV'T CO. PRIVATE BANKERS. Loans money on real estate, buya and sella city warrants, city and farm mortgages. 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 294. (22) IH21 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Bmlth ft Co., U20 Farnam St. (22)-7 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, iu First National Bank Bldg. (22) 670 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters Co. (22 672 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. UW il LOW rates. Private money. COO and up. ctiAB. ju. wiULiiAaiaun v;o. (22)- WHEN you have Idle money call or write and tell us how much you have that you would like to loan on first-class real es tate mortgages, and we will procure bor rower, liaxtlnga eV Heyden, 1704 Farnam Bt. (.TZym 24 REAL ESTATE WANTED , City Property. I WANT the best bargain I can And In or near Kountie Place; house inuat be new, strictly modern; will not exceed 13.600; prefer to pay $3,360, all cash. Ad i dreas K-787. care Bee. (23 ) 641 26 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heatlna stoves, carpets, linole ums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts, and all kinds of tools: or will buy the fur niture of your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The high est prices poia. can uie rignt man. Tut. UOUg. WU. Mali Mlt DON'T give your second-hand furniture away: I pay the highest price; big prices paid for offee furniture. Jos Levins, tut pay the highest price; big prices N. lth. Tel. Douglas 77L (2S)-M2S1 Ml TOP prlcea for Id-hand books, novels, all lunus. oiacey, us o. urn. reu titrntir lise. KM) oa.3ti bids CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foya Co sia d iiijj, rauai jwusjias-ia-l. (26) 4U WANTED 6-foot bookkeeper's deak; also railing and cannier' dek and other offloa nxtures. Aaaress V 74s, Bee. (O-MMO S I WANT to buy a horn In vicinity of iianacom park, a km it I rooms, modern. -leiepnone Harney urn lr B. 28th. (26-M7 27 TYPEWRITERS We car the hlrheat each price for typewriters. Call at once or lei. uoug. tun, nenais, raxton Mock. (25) 4 Ml WANTED to buy, second-hand typewrlt- er, an mam; typewriters sola. SIS N lutn bt., nat a. (26) 190 tin ROLL top dek and swing chair Address r- .w, omana dm. (26) ra-2tx TWO or three work horses, also one o river, xeiepnone uougias iwra. (25) M90S MS WANTED To buy Smith-Premier type writer; rmiat be In good condition and mean, will pay caan. state price. Ad dreaa Y-U4, care Bee. gi) 17 ilx WANTED TO RENT 6 OR (-ROOM house, cottage preferred, close In; reference furnished. Address F 761. care Bee. (2t Ml X2x WANTED To rent 3 or I furnished rooms for light housekeeping by small family; must be clone In; references. Address W 846, care Bee. (26 loWJ 23 YOl'NO couple want to rent $ or (-room n0'1erii place; goud references. Address P 776, Bee. (36) 6W7 26 x WANTED Furnished house or flat large enough for four adults. Will furnish reference. Address P. O. Box 107, Omaha. (26) M78S tix Fl'RNISHED HOUSE WANTED. Wanted, to rent by a young married couple, strictly modern house. Would like to take possession about May 1 for six months or kmger. Can give unquestionable reference. Address A 7SC, Bee. (26)-Mffi MX GENTLEMAN palmist wanta two connect ing rooms; must be -centrally located; nlf-ely furnished: steam heat preferred; nrlre no object If suited. Address M Ts, Be. (HV-664 34s MODERN, furnished or partly furnished . llyht housekeeping rooms; must be reas onable; at ate price aad accommodations. Address W 74. Bee. (WV MNbO fcU WANTED SITUATIONS DAY women furnished free of charge. Telephone Douglas 1113. (27-M3u WANTKD-Position as bead miller. - Ad dress Jul -3 Neville block. (27) Kg Ht WANTED SITUATIONS (Continued.) POSITION wanted by pharmacy student out or Benool nours. Auaress, Hansen, t231 Farnam. (27 . 27 WANTED Position In Jewelry store, to learn the business; neat of rererencea furnished. Address lock box 426, Superior, Neb. (JD-M4S1 2RX DAT WOMEN furnished free of charge. Telephone Douglas 1112. (27) MS0O UNIVERSITY man, with years' experi ence as manager of grain, coal and live stock buBlness, wanta good paying posi tion, ha small capital; will invest If re quired. Address H 786, Be. (27) MMO Mllx WANTED Sweeping or light work by the nay. Tel. Maple ati. tri) mbm zbx BOOKKEEPER with IS year experience. Best of references. Adores J tub. nee. (27) M637 26X LICENSED embalmer and funeral director. age 44, 10 years' experience, wants posi tion In western Iowa or Nebraka. Ad dress 4 O, North 22d Bt (27)-T 24 For Sale This Beautiful Home 7 rooma, all modern, in flrat-claas condi tion throughout, well constructed, built by day labor, good furnace and up-to-date bath room; barn with noom for 2 horses and 2 buggies; cement walks, paved street. In good neighborhood, convenient to 2 car lines and good school; full south front lot. 60x132 feet. Price, $3,700. Reasonable terms. GE0R.GE COMPANY exclusive Ag-ents. 1601 Faraam St. In the Omaha Loan and Building Associa tion and then keep it growing by adding a little to It every week. A balance to your credit will enable you to take advan tage of a profitable opportunity should one present Itself to you later In life. Savings accounts earn six per cent Interest per annum. Why not open an account today and be ready when fortune knocks? Building monthly payment loans also made at reasonable rates of Interest and with special privileges of payment. Full Information furnished at 8. E. Corner 16th and Dodge Streets. OMAUA LOAN AND BUILDING ASS'N O. W. LOOMIS, Pres. . G. M. NATTTNGER, Sec'y. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICB OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETINfl Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting or the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at the office of said comnanv at Lincoln. r. eo., ii ii o ciock a. m. on me em aay of March, A. D., 1907. By order of the Board or uireciors. u. it. mukkill, President; Lincoln, Neb., February 4, 1907. FVdJOt-m. RAILWAY TIME CARD CKIOK ITITIOX TENTH AID MARCH T'nloa Paella l.-lll Ml I pm California Ore. Kx...a 4:25 pm Lea Angelea Limited... all pm Fast Mall a 146 am Colorado Special a T:4t am Florin rmiiv UJpu...K n;iu rri Beatrice Local .1 b 140 Dm rhleaaa A HortlwHtara. bill' Cedar Rapids Paaa. a T am a 6:06 pm Twin City tixpreea .a 7:10 am aM:00 pra Chicago Daylight a :u0 am aU:li pnt Chicago Local .all :tf am a 1:46 pis AintIV tTitV T JJ 1 - rn.m-.ta nn A ft 94 m Carroll Local a :U pm t!so am uioux u7 kxm.... .. a i pnt Chicago Express A " pm a 7:30 am Vmmt Ull m ft -ftn HM Fast Mall .................a 26 pm a 30 am Twin City Limited a 1:24 pm a 7:06 am Overland Limited a :U pm a 1:11 am Chicago Limited all:0C pm 11:61 am NorfoTk-Boneateel .a 7:46 am al0.34 am Llnroin-cnaaron ........ o 7 : am al0:3t am Ueadwooa-uncoui uu pm a In pm Casper-ahoahonl a 1:00 pm a 6 06 pm Heatings-Superior b 3:00 pm b t:ut pm frMH.Kni.iihkAii K m Wakaik. PL Louis Express a M pm a l:3 fit lunula IiCAl fmm Council Biufls) a 1:1s am al0:M pnt Ctanberry Local (from Couia!l Bluffs) b B.-0D pm bll:lt am Chlcaaa ureal We term. St. Paul at Mlnnaapoua, I: 30 pea A. Z...l A. U.nnmUU V A. Chicago Bxpreaa a 36 am a 3:4. am Mlna. as bu Paul fim...b S ue am a 3:U nra Chioago Limited a : pm a t.J am ktiun. 4k Hit. Paul Ltd.. - yu a liS am t,alaai Ksak Issaaal s iaa. Chicago Limited a S:li am a TJ6 am lawa Local atwaoa a 4:3 pm towa Local ....bUKa pm u p,a rhira ocaatarn lCx.)..a fcia a i .-t r Chicago Uowa Lmtd.) tJtn all .36 via Rocky Mountain IJnUi-.a III am a tM am Colo. Cal. kapni...t lm p a 4:M pm OaL 4 Txaa Lxpreae..a 4:s pm boj Lincoln t air bury asm steuevue rnjrt cub a t jo n Ckle rasd. CbL aad Colo, itpeolal. 7:6 aaa a 7:3 am Uiuonua pm a 1:1 mm Overland Lluuted -a fcs (m a M u aa MM. " .- w mtw IMA. WW VEBtTB mtlOV.lltB WKBtTB Calaagi. eo -- naBeasiellft Twta Cltr Psseener...b 6:30 am h s-ia Sioux City Paaaangr...a 3u0 pm all JO am Emereoa Local b 1:46 pm b :! am Kmersua ibw ......... mm miu a s pa Mlaaaart Paelaa. Local via W as Dinar Water .................. . - am a 6 pm Falls City Local. .a IM pm all 43 La ,. . . -.... I,, i mm 7Jt am Chicago Limited : pm t:oo am Chicago Express ........ 1:4 ant U :60 pm Chicago feUprea lJU pm !.) vn) Mlssaa'rt Paalfta. LC6ILI. Xspraaa. tM, am a : am K.CA SuvU Aapreea..aU:U pm a l.u am Nebraska Local -a s.Ob wa aU:u tm Dee Moines Looa...... M a 4 Ji pa NEWS FROM THE ARMY POSTS ort Bilr it Already Bednnincto Fnpart for th Fat Ball feuon. HkHi SHIRT TERM MEN RE-ENLISTING Men la a JVamber at Cases Thereby ReeelTlasr a Heat Boaas Before Their Departare for the Philippines. Fort Riley. FORT RILEY. Kan.. Feb. 23 (Special.) The following officers will compose a board which will examine such applicants for ppolntmenl as veterinarians or cavalry nd artlllerr aft mav come before It: Cap tain George H. Cameron, Captain W. J. Snow, field artillery: Veterinarian Alex ander Plummer, Fourth cavalry, and First Lieutenant F. L. Perry, artllery corpt. recorder. It la expected tnnt tne vacancies created by the artillery bill will attract not a few applicants. Quartermaster Serreant Jackson of Troon C, Ninth cavalry, was plnced on the re tired Hat laat week after thirty years' faith ful service. First Sergeant Flney very kindly stepped down in his favor, so Ser geant Jackson will have the benefit of i nrat sergeant a pay. nergeam jacKson eft for Knltlmnre. Md.. which he will make his home and where he will go Into busi ness on capital of his own. , Ordnance sergeant jonn iwc Lauren, United States army, has been ordered here mm Fort Monroe, Vi., lor duty in tne rtlllerv wuboost. to take the place of Ordnance Sergeant Kubitsa, now at the Army and Navy General hospital. Fort Bayard, N. M. Sergeant MCLAuren naa Just been appointed from first sergeant of the Sixth company, coast artlllei. ahid comes highly recommended. captain T. Wentley Moil, artillery corps, returned on Thursday from Washington, D. C. and other eastern points, where he Jjas been on .leave for t months. lieutenant uoionei mtiroinu. unuirry corps, Is In command of the post in the arme nee of General uourrey, wno is in Washington, a member of tnt roara ae tailed to make selections to fill vacancies n the general stnfT of the army. Cantaln K. A. Dean, medical department. occupied the lecture platform in the as sembly nail on Tuesday evening, nis bud iect being. "The DlfflcultleB Kncountered in the Application of Sanitary Measures for the Prophylaxis of Preventable Diseases n V. A ' ' Last week the surgeons began visiting the families of all olllcers and enlisted men and civilian employes for the purpose of vaccinating those who are unprotected. Captain Julius N. Klllan, subsistence de. pnrtment. has completed the course of In. structlon In the- training school for bakers and cooks. lie left last week for his sta tion at San Francisco, Cal. The following enlisted men of the garri son are taking the course or instruction n the farriers and horseshoers' school: n the farrlerv. Privates Robert R. Foselar. Second battery; Charles R. McBride, Twen tieth battery; Corporal Oustave F. Horn berg, Twenty-second battery. In horse shoeing, Privates warry k.. Perkins, Seventh battery, and William B. lvey, Twenty-fifth battery. . Fort Riley Is looking forward to the time when it can put Its base ball team In the field. Practicing has already begun and from present Indications the post will have a winning team. Three of the players have been otiered places on the Oklahoma city nine and every Inducement Is being made by the manager of that team to secure their services for the coming season. However, we hope that we can persuade them to re. main In the service until the close of the coming summer. Corporal Twlford, captain of the Fort Klley basket ball team, is organizing hand ball teamB among the organizations of the post and the sport, which Is new to most of the participants, seems to be becoming very popular. in one or the hottest games or the sea son, the Ave of the Seventh battery de feated the team of Troop A, Thirteenth cavalry. In the gymnasium on Tuesday evening by a score of 16-16. The propesed military highway between Forts Riley and Leavenworth has aroused f reat Interest along the route proposed and he town and county papers between the two posts make mention or meetings that are held by property owners indorsing the rroposltlon. Rock aplenty Is being offered ree of charge for the construction of the road, and If the scheme of using prisoners to perform the work proves to be feasible there Is little doubt but what the road will be authorized by congress. The request for a veterinary laboratory. plans and estimates for which were for warded about three weeks ago, has been approved, and bids for its construction will soon be advertised for. The Second battery held a very delight. ful hop In Its amusement room on Saturday evening, and about seventy-five couple en Joyed the program of dances offered. One of the most delightful functions ever given In the post was on Thursday even ing when Captain and Mrs. Case gave a "coming out party for their daughter. Miss Betty, in the post assembly hall. A distinct feature of the decorations was the clever and liberal display of red hearts so appropriate to sucn an occasion. They were pendant from chandeliers and from draperies that swung from the center of the celling to the sides of the room, and along the sldea above the wain scoatlng they were arranged In pairs, with a white, arrow between. In the receiving pare were Mrs. Alexander . aiaweu, Mrs. Case, Miss Betty, Captain Case, Mrs. God frey and Mrs. Hart man. Close by the re ceiving party was a table unon which were deposited the many beautiful floral offerings which aha received. Her gown was of white silk mull and during the re ception Miss Case carried a bouquet of white flowers, and In turn during the even ing she attempted to carry the many bouquets which she received, but she finally gave up in aespair. rouowing tne re ception there was dancing until midnight when a delicious collation was served In Caterer Brummel's best style. The party was one or me largest mat naa ever been Even In the poat. nil the officers and dies having been Invited. April or May following the separation of the coast and the field artillery, will prob ably see the formation of an. artillery regi ment at this post. The end of the latter montn snouid see tne comoletlon of the new barracks when the additional battery, which it is understood win De tne Twenty-ninth from Fort Leavenworth, can be ordered here for duty. The new bachelor oinccrV quarters should also be completed by that lime. Mrs. Flnley entertained with brldare on Thursday afternoon. Prlsea were won by aimes. iiuoro, noyie and Kocnersnerrer. On Friday evening Mra. Kliy entertained with six-handed euchre. Prizes were given. Fifteen of the new type of officers' sabres have been shipped to this post from Rock isiaud arsenal lor trial. After a thorough trial they will be returned. with a reDort on tneir suuaDiuiy ior neiu worn. The Ninth Cavalry band played a sere nade complimentary to General and Mra Til ford on Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The afternoon was warm and sunny and many were out to enjoy the music. Mra Godfrey returned the first of the week from Blabee, Arts., where she was for a month, visiting with a son, who is physician there. The band played an open air concert on the cavalry parade ground for half an hour before guard mpuntlng on Wednesday morning. Permission has been granted for the Ninth cavalry squadron to take up to nography on March 1 and for the isauins of diplomas to all who complete the course before the command leaves tor the islands In April. First Lieutenant James Huston, squadron adjutant. Tenth cavalry, haa arrived here from Fort Washakie, Wyo., for observation and treatment In the hospital. Friday evening at the chaplain's a uar ters occurred the marriage of Sergeant H Graham of Troop B, Ninth cavalry, and Miss Sarah Rutherford. ' The bride worn a pretty blue silk dress and carried carna tions, bhe was attended by Mra. Klla RAILWAY TIME CARD"-" BCtUJHGTOa lATtOM- t(h 4 MASOI (larllavta. Leave. Denver California... a 4:iu pm Black Hlila 4:J pm Northwest Special ......a 4:W pm Northwest express ....all :1 pa Nebraska Express a l:lt am Nebraska Looal A 3:06 am Lincoln Looal pneole Fast Mall L tM pm Lincoln Looal fx. Crook Plattem ta.b I 6u pm r-lattamouth A iM Mn Denver Limited ... BaUevaa at Pao, Juno.. a : am Chicago "pacta, ana Chicago Kxpreea pm Chicago Flyer P Iowa Looa. :16 am fA. Louis Express a 4.46 put Kansas City-fit. Joe al0:t6 pm Kansas Clty-St. Joe a 3:13 am Kansas City -at. Joe a 4 f pm a Dally, b Daily except Sunday axoept Saturday. Sunday eU aeavt Monday. Arrive. a 3:30 3:J a Iw a 7:10 a 7:46 a 7:46 a 3:06 all:i a 1:M blO 16 a 3 10 a 7:10 a 1:60 ! a 3.66 a 7:28 al0:63 all) a 4 :ti a 1:10 pm pm pm am pm pm am pm pm am am Pm am Pa am Pm am am Pis d Daily e Daily Gray, who was dressed In white silk. The groom wss attended by Albert John son, sergeant Troop D, Ninth cavalry. Forty-two artillery recruits were re ceived at the poat Saturday afternoon from Columbus Barracks. Ohio, ten of whom were assigned to tho Second battery, the rest being equally divided between the i wenty-second and Twenty-nrtn nattenea. This makes a total of W7 recruits received at the post during the last three weeks. Hunt call im Bounded Sunday forenoon and the officers of the garrison covered a large portion of the reservation. Nntlilng whs started, however, but a few rabolts. The usual semi-monthly meeting of the Fort Riley Card club waa held Saturday evening In the post assembly hall. A large number or omcera and women or the gar rison were present and enjoyed, after the games, a delightful hop and a delicious unch. Lieutenant Harvey. Second cavalry, has been appointed squadron adjutant of the Second soiiadron of his regiment. Lieuten ant Martin, now on duty at Havana, Cuba, has Been transferred to Troop G. The discharge and re-enlisting or tne short term men of the Ninth cavalry squad ron has been going on for the laat week, and many a man la ahead a few kopecks n consequence. All noncommissioned or- flcera with less than two years and six months to serve and who mtend re-enllst-Ing are also being discharged under this order. A number of men of the Second battery. Field artillery, left the post Saturday with ammunition and supplies for a week's out ing. Hunting is very good in tins section of the country nnd they expect to return with a fine supply of game. Fort Crook. FORT CROOK, Neb., Feb. 23 (3peclal.) Friday, February 22. Waahlngton's birth day, being a legal holiday, all drills were suspended for the day. Second Lieutenant Charles B. Elliott, Thirtieth Infantry, has been granted a leave or absence for two months which ne intends spending with relatives In Vir ginia. Major Joseph P. O'Nell, Thirtieth In fantry, has been ordered to command Fort Logan H. Roots, Ark.,, where two com panies of the Thirtieth are stationed. Captain D. F. Keller, Twenty-seventh In fantry, formerly of the Thirtieth, and who Is well known in Omaha, being a member of the Country and Omaha clubs while stationed at this post, has resigned from tne army, captain Keller inherited con siderable property b well as a good bank account on the death of his father a few years ago. A board of officers, consisting of Major W. R. Abercromblo, Captains Ialmer nnd Castle, convened at the post on February 1 for the examination of first and second lieutenants In the subject of military en gineering. The result of the examination has not yet been made known. The course of instruction in hlnnnloirv commenced nt the post on the 20th Instant, wun captains xnreiKeld and Krwln us In structors Sergeant Joaenh C. flat In. Comnanv Ti. Thirtieth Infantry, has been ordered to report at Fort Leavenworth on March 6, for preliminary examination for anoint ment as second lieutenant In the armv. The following noncommissioned ifflcerB were examined by Ma lor Abercromble cn the 21st Instant in "Wagner's cat4?h!sm of Outpost Duty." found proficient and granted certificates accordingly: Sergeant Cahnney, Cprporals Murphy and Rlley, Company A; Sergeants Farrand, Light burn. Murray and Corporal Page, Company B; First Sergeant Westfall and Sergeant Tittle, Company C; Corporals Cottrell, Hlgglnn, Ashford and Harris, Company D. The following promotions were made In the Thirtieth during the week: Corporals Hatle of Comnanv n. Rin of Pnmiunv r. Cahlll and Headley of Company G, to be sfTKeams; i rivates Toratrup of Company i, raney, rniinpB and Keese or Company E. to be cornorals. CornnraTa Hnllett inil Tnll have been reduced to Drlvatea. at their own request. inirteer recruits who enlisted for Philip pine service, were received from Fort Snelllng, Minn., on the 21st Inptant, for as signment to the Thirtieth. This makes the second detachment of recruits received from Snelllng. arren TT TTunter f nm.tia n...t. ?' J' ' Chicago, were enlisted for the """ reorunry zi. tne former as snare uiiuiunrr una ine tarter as bass drummer. has been detailed on extra rii'itv In th. ...k rr vine ren v I . jnn n.. r'nn.nan.. tt- slstence department, vice McCormlck. dis charged General Prisoners Andrew J. Hansen and Ft ii ' o..Hu11 .were nferred to the iniir-u oinit-B 1 1 1 1 1 1 r ii r v nnwin n Inn r. worth on February 21. These men are tin. uriKuuiK leniences Or two venrs nnA teen months, respectively, for desertion. BRITAIN WANTS FACTORIES Pat eat Law May Be Amended to Make Manafactnre oa Soil an - , Essential. LONDON, Feb. 23.-(SpeclaL) Mr. Lloyd George, despite the fact that he Is an ardent free trader, haa announced during the course of an Interview that he Intends to Introduce a bill which will be a good measure of protection for British manu facturers. "Thousands of foreigners apply for pat ents in mis country in the course Of a year," he said. "I do not object to that. but they use them for the purpose of pre venting any one from setting up an In dustry or utilizing that patent In thii country. That I consider to be an Intoler able abuse of the privilege conferred upon them. "I would confer the privilege upon for eigners If they would use It on British soil and I would aay to them: 'If you are com ing and if you seek protection and special protection from the laws of our country, it must be for the benefit or the country that confers that protection.' I would give them patents In this country, but 1 would compel them to work here. "I hope to Introduce a bill next session for the purpose of simplifying that pro cess." Mr. Lloyd-George added that he would approach business problems from a purely nonparty standpoint, and he would expect criticism In the same spirit. If on the fiscal question he found he was wrong the sooner he was put right the better. He was going to get the facts and If they went against his theories the sooner they are smashed the better. ' He also announced that the Board of Trade was about to strens h-n ' a Int- r llgence department that the consular ser vice was to be made more uaelul, and that special investigations were being made into tne Industries of foreign countries. RAISUU HAS STRONG FRIENDS Italian Papers Placa Little Cosldeaat In Improvement of Moroccan Sit mat Ion. ROME, Feb. 23. (Special.) The Roman newspapers are making much of tho Morocco d situation. One of the leading publications even declares that the more It changes the more It remains the same thing. Raisull's stronghold Is In the hills of Zlnyet. Some accounts have the strong hold completely destroyed, others pave It that the brigand has succeeded in making the situation stronger than ever before. It Is said In more quarters than one that the brigand haa friends at court who are by no means anxious that his career should be brought to a close. "The regular army," Its professional labors ended, settled down to Its favorite occupation of looting, and far from being content with picking up all that could be aeized at Zlnyet raided the neighboring villages, assaulted women and carried off children of both sexes to sell to the first bidder, killing all who attempted to inter fere with them. Commissariat arrange ments hardly exist In the Moorish army as a expeditionary force Is supposed to live upon the villages through which It passes. The progress of the sultan's sol diers through the country around Tangier has deepened the feelings ot disloyalty that are never far removed from the hill tribes. It Is a significant fact that Europeans are warned against going outside the towns after sunset. Soldiers have straggled back from the hills to sell loot openly In the streets of Tangier, and much of this prop erty has been stolen from Innocent vil lage rr who wnre In no way associated with Ralsuli. though some were killed and others were sent In chains to make "the bag" look larger. EVENTS IN OMAHA SUBURBS Ccminei and Qoinci of People in Towns Adjacent to Omibs, SOCIAL ACTIVITIES IN NOWISE RESTRAINED Indications Point to Irftina of Home BnlldlasT la All of the labarhaa Towns aarroaadiagt Omaha. Florence. Tom Ilogan of CofTman waa a business visitor here Saturday last. Mlna Maud Finney has been very alck the laat few days with pneumonia. Miss Kay Patterson is quite 111, having been bed last for the last ten days. Mrs. John Lubold was visiting with the family ot K. b. Tucker this week. Mrs. C. J. Keirle has been very sick this week and at present is not any better. A. L. Metzler of Omaha was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Blilpley Bunduy last. Mra. Drew of jOmaha visited Mrs. Gross man and family a tew uays ot tli last week. Mrs. J. K Wilson of Omaha visited her mother, Mrs. Lou Cole, VVeutiesaay after noun. Mra. Angelina Tucker and family enter tained some Lincoln friends Saturday and Sunday. William Arnold, from Hancock. la., is here this weea the guest ot Air. and Mrs. Charles Purcell. Miss Emma Lund of Omaha spent Satur day and Sunday here, the gut hi of Miss .fc.Uiel Heraaiiiila, Miss Kvers and Miss Qualley. both of Omaha, were the guests of Miss Mary Finney Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Kennard, Neb., were here Sunday vlaltlng with Mrs. Pliant and daughter, Clara. Mr. Peter Nelson and wife of Omaha were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Hersklnds dunuay lust. Mr. and Mrs. William Olmsted, who lives west ot town, were the guests of Mr. and Airs. M. B. Thompson Sunday. Miss Clara Murpuy uf Omaha spent a couple of days thitt week at t iorem-e, the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Victor Morin. Miss May Callahan spent a couple of days the lust week here, tne gust ot Miss Jtasle Tucker, Her home is In Omana. Miss Mary Finney, on account of con tinued ill-neallh, nits been ouiled to give up her duties In Haydn s store in Omuha. Mr. and Mrs. abcr, accompanied by Misb Kuepke of Omana, was the gueat ot axv. uiiu Airs. M. tt. xiiouipsun iUeoUay evening- Miss Genevieve O'Brien returned to her home in uiand island Sunuay laat after a week's visit here wun Air. and Airs. A. G. inney and family. Mrs. A. K. Odbert, who has been ill for tl.e laat year and a halt with mutipul heaurus is mucli better, ur. couuer oi Omana haa charge of the case. M;lo Sunpson naa the honor ot killing the first uuuas of the season Thursday morning. He was hunting a couple ot miles up the river and got two nice mallards. Miss Jessie TucKer, accompanied by her frienu, May Calianan, spent a couple of uays this week at Lincoln, the ttueux. oi xviui iucker lamer, Hun. F. S. iuuker. D. V. Shipley was at the South Omaha market Vucwlay, looking tor a good team of uraft noise, which ha wishes to use on his gTading contracts .on Uie county roads. Master John Tracy, who has been at Orcnaid, Neb., for the laal year, wltn Mr. and Mrs. Bergstresser, has returned home and will remain with his grandmother lor a while. The Omaha Water company haa received four large boilers this week which will be put in. The demand for more power, pres sure and water was the cause of this im provement. Mrs. McAvoy and Miss Qulnn, Miss Clara Murphy of Omaha and Mrs. Victor Morin of Florence were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Walker at their country home Tuesday last. - M. J. Gleaaon, who has been working for Mrs. Nush on buildings erected on her land nuar CofTman, Neb., for the last eight months, has finished his contract and is now at home. The Ladles' Aid society of the Presby terian church will Kold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. H. Goeuche on Main Btreet the afternoon ot February at, this being missionary meeting also. Bruce Purcell, who lives at Walt Mill, Neb., on the line of the Great Northern whiun runs through the Omaha reservation, was here this week the guest of . bis brother, Charles Purcell and family. Raymond Patterson, who February 6 re ceived a aevere wound on the frontal bone by a piece of timber falling on him from the third story of Merrlam & Holniqulat S elevator B at Omaha, Is able to be out and attend to his duties. Miss Fay Patterson, who works the night trick in tne Nebraska Telephone company here, Is sick and not aDie to attend to her duties. Mis. Hughes is taking her place. Miss Cora Simpson haa been taken I rum Uie Omana oUice to work secund trick. Both of the Florence hotels have b en crowded this week with bualness men and prospective buyers of acre lots and acre proptu-ty. Florence, the coming yrar will see as much Improvement as last. Most all the people are wishing tracts so tney can build their own homes. Tlfe l.e In the river at this point broke Sunday and moved out and so far there Is no gorge. The river is quite high for this time of the year, occunoued by tho continued warm weather, but there Is no damage so lar, for the ice running In the river lias made no blockade. Mlnne Lusa tribe No. 67, Independent Order of Red Men, will give a box social and dance in Wall's hail Monday night, February 26. The boxes will contain some thing to eat and will be sold to the high est bidder for cash. A good social time will be had. Dancing will take up part of the evening. Everybody is welcome. F. W. Vallereux, who has been station agent here tunce February 1, left Ills po sition laat Friday morning. On account of Uie company not being able to get a man at once W. K. Wall was called upon to work a few days. J. L. Farmer nus been working a couple of days as relief agent. Mr. Halleninaux has been checked In as regular agent and will have charge of tue station In the future. West Ambler. Mrs. M. M. Ormaby and two sons were guests of friends in Ecaerman Wednesday evening. Mr. U. Ambler haa been very 111 for the laat three weeks at his home un West Cen ter street. Mr. Wlrth has sold his feed store on West Center and removed out on a farm west of town. Mra. Darling- and daughter, MUs Edith, were gueals or friends lu West Omaha the first of the week. Mra Long entertained her friend. Miss Ella Roessig, at her homo In West bide the first of the week.' Mra John Gants and daughter. Miss Ada, were gunata of Mrs. Ueorge hi. Blakely In East a miller un Tuesday. Owing to the high water. Rev. R. M. Henderson could not fill nis appointment at North Bend last Sunday. Mrs. F. C Hensman and children were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mra John tiant. the first of the week. M. Ormsby recently sold hla borne on Fifty-sixth and Center streets and will continue to reside in North Omaha. Charles Syas, Jr., has purchased a fine new home on Thirty-third and Blondo'aud tie and wife are snugly ensconced therein, Mr. Taxher removed his family back to South Omaha from Sixtieth and Center treet Friday aud will go into business there soon. ' James Halplne has Just had a lnre poul try house completed and will go iuio the poultry business quite extensively tne coin ing season. Mrs. Theodore Smith of West Bide has returned from Havelock, where she spent several days visiting her slater, Mrs. John son, and mother, Mra Furuian. J. E. Aughs and wife attended memorial services of Captain F. J. ElUr in South Omaha on Saturday night. Judge Lee Estelle gave the address of the evening. Rev. K. G. Hiller was reted with a large and appreciative oongreeauou at Southwest church on last Sunday after noon, which cheered bim wonuei lully. This Is as It should be every Babbaln. One of the prettiest events of society here was thr wedding ot our young friend. Miss Grace l.enore Blake, to Mr. Francis Nixon Butts Wednesday evening, February 20, at the home of the bride's parents. Ml. and Mrs. John Blake of Erkerman. Rev. R. M. Henderson was the officiating clergy, man. The bride was attended by her sis ter. Miss Myrtle, and the groom by his brother, B. Butts. An elegaut two-course luncheon was served. A large number of costly and useful presents was bestowed on -the young couple. They will go to housekeeping at cuce at Tiiirty-aUU and Farnam, where the groom has home al ready furnished for nis bride. Benson. Mrs. F. M. Congdon la visiting friends In Bt. louls. A son waa born to Mr. and Mrs. B. Han son last week. The Benson schools were closed last Fri day for a day's holiday. Services will be held at the usual hours In nil the churches todny. Mra. F.. E. Hoffman has returned from a visit with her slater In Lincoln. Mrs. Henrv Baker returned home Satur day from a visit In Cedar Creek. Mrs. Henry Oravert of Missouri Valley was a visitor In Benson last week. Degree of Honor lodx will hold Its reg ular meeting next Wednesday evening. "Ovm" bovs were pleasantly entertained at the Morton house last Thursday evening. Mr. snd Mrs. G. R. Williams have gone to Atchison for a ten days' visit with their son. Mrs. John Speedle went to Papllllon last Wednesday to attend the funeral of a friend. Eagles lodge of Benson give a masque ball at Odd Fellows' hall next Saturday evening. Members of the Junior league were enter tained at the home of H. J. Grove Saturday afternoon. Prof. Ferris visited the Benson schools last week, he was at one time principal of our schools. Mr. and Mrs. Henningan entertained at a dinner party last week in honor of Miss Mary Cotter. Mra. F. E. Toung entertained at dinner last Sunday Mrs. Wlthrow and Mrs. Mur ray of Omaha. Mr. Thomas Weston of North Dakota was a guest at the Furbish home during the last week. Mrs. Livingstone and Miss Belle Craw ford of Portland, Ore., are guests at the Crawford home. Mrs. F. E. Young went to Omaha Inst Thursday to attend the West Farnam Kepalngton club. Theodore Williams has gone to Little Rock, Ark., where he will visit with his uaughter, Stella. Mf. and Mrs. William Speedle of Gretna visited at the home of their sun In Benson during the last week. Mrs. O. E. Snowden has returned from Tyndall. 8. D.. where she was called by the sickness of her mother. Methodist Ladles' Aid society met Inst Thursday afternoon at the parsonage. The time was spent in sewing. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Martin entertained a number of their friends and neighbors at their home Inst Wednesday. A numbpr of the young people of Benson formed a theater party last Thursday even ing and attended in Omaha. Mrs. George Batty left for Denver last Sundny, where she will Join her husband In that city, their future home. Mrs. Thompson, Main street, entertained the B. I 8. club at her home Inst week. Mrs. Degan entertains next week. P. B. Bosworth has resigned his position an clerk in the Grove-Wharton company, where he has been the past year. Mr. and Mm. Thomas Hull entertained nt dinner last week for Omaha friends. Covers were laid for about eight guests. Miss Anna Vobrll has returned to her home In Omaha after a two weeks' stay with her aunt, Mrs. 'Powers of Benson. The Junior league and their patrons were addressed by Mrs. B. F. Shrlmpton of Fre mont at last Sunday afternoon's session. Women of the Lutheran church will have a sale at Miss Nlsson's store next Saturday, where home baked ai tides may be obtained. Charles Tracv returned home from Bloomington, 111., where he was called by the sickness and death of his grandfather. Travel was delayed for sometime last Sunday by the breakdown of one of the cars bound for Omaha, near the Country club. A bout twenty-five friends of Miss Cul bertson surprised her at the Speedle home last Friday evening. A pleasant Ume was hod. Benson Eagles have appointed a com mittee who will make plans for the erec tion of their new building in the near fu ture. The town marshal had a little trouble last Thursday night with a couple of young men at the pool room, which ended in an arrest. A number of the friends of Mra. A. M. Tolman surprised her last Wednesday and helped her celebrate her 70th birthday an niversary. An address on Latin America -was given at the Odd Fellows' hall last Thursday afternoon under the auspices of the Pres byterian chifrch. Last Sunday afternoon. It being foreign mission day, the Lutherans observed the occasion with an appropriate program, fol lowing the Sunday school session. Mr. and Mra. Charles Tracy entertained sixty of the young friends of their son. Donald, last Friday at a Washington party, everything appropriate for Uie occasion be ing carried out. The mayor ordered the Benson saloons closed laat Sunday at noon, and hereafter they will stay closed on Sunday, as the traffic from other places coming here waa too much for the citizens. Lutherans of Benson are preparing to build their new church, work to commence in March. The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mra Charles Johnson next Wednesday afternoon. Captain John Woods, whose funeral ser vices were held at his late home In Omaha last Friday, was well known In Benson, having once owned and lived In the Chris tiansen house on Evans avenue. Mrs. B. F. Shrlmpton of Fremont, Mra D. Whistler of Council Bluffs, Mrs. J. N. DenniB and son of Omaha and A. H. Kutzner of Chicago wore guests at the Whistler home during the past week. A record of the official acts of the First Presbyterian church of Benson waa filed In the county court in order to be prop erly organized. The trustees elected were: Frank A. Saunders, Dr. H. F. McCoy and Ward Walsh, all of Benson church. Miss May McClelland of Omaha enter tained last Thursday evening at a pre nuptlal event, before her departure for Sterling, Colo., the home of her aunt, where on March 2 she will be married to Frank L. Keller of Denver, formerly of Benson, where he Is well known. Some of the Ben son young people went to Omaha to at tend the social event. Dandee. Mrs. Elizabeth Goodrich la at home again from her recent visit in Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Tamlnosian are re joicing over the birth of a daughter. Miss Margaret McNanney left on Tues day for a six weeks' tour of old Mexico. . Dr. and Mrs. T. K. Hunter entertained Dr. Hunter Corbett during his slay in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Joplln and eon of Salt Lake City were the guests last Sunday of Mrs. Henry T. Van Gleson. Mra W. T. Robinson entertained Inform ally at bridge Thursday afternoon In honor of her sister, Mrs. Brelvoort of Detroit. On account of the missionary meeting's at the auditorium the Dundee Woman's club omitted Its meeting on Wednesday. The Round Dozen club will be entertained on Wednesday at luncheon by Mesdames H A. Benson and R. C. Peters at the home of Mrs. Benson. Missionary meetings of the Dundee Pres byterian church were held on Wednesday afternoon at the church and on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fltchel. Mrs. W. L. Belby entertained at luncheon on VVednesday In honor of Mlas Van Gleson. Six dainty courses were served at a table cnariningly decorated with brides' rosea and smliax the place of the bride-elect being especially enclosed fn a garland tied with a pink satin bow. Covers were for Mesdames Henry C. Van Glesson, James H. Hamilton, Charles O Nell Rich, Eliza beth Colfax and W. L. Belby and the Misses Van Gleson, Mildred Merrlam and Elisa beth Palmer. Mra. J. H. Parrot te entertained at lun cheon on Friday In honor of Mrs. Brevoort of Detroit. The parlors and dining room were decorated with red roses and flags and the George Washington symbols were carried out in elaborate detail, plate cards painted with bunches of cherries marking the places of the following guests: Mes dames Brevoort, W. T. Robinson, Roliert Dempster, It. W. Bailey. Victor White, Elizabeth Goodrich, Eva Parrotte Sweeney and J. H. Parrotte. Bellevne. Mrs. Joseph Haag of Leavenworth, Kan., la visiting Mra. A. Blart. The dance given by the Modern Wood men last week was well attended. Leo Hood has gone to Cheyenne, Wyo., to work tor the Union Paclfio railroad. Miss Bernese A. Newell of Plattamouth visited at the college Thursday and Friday. George Sloan of the Omaha Theological seinlnajy aas a Bellevue visitor over bun day. Mr. and Mra J. L. Livingston are the proud possessors of a baby girl, bora Fri day evening. Frank Laughtlne, who has been working at Glen Eden, Kan., for some time, re turned Wednesday. Judge J. Q. Goes attended the banquet of Uia Nebraska Association of Pythian Veterans at the Paxtun hotel last Tuesday veiling. Tea Judge la president e Uie association and Is one of the oldest Pyt ra ta ns in the state. Miss Helen Ttilloa and brother, Chester, are In laurel this week attending the wed dlr.g of an older brother. Ilph Ohmnn went to his home at Pilger Tuesday to rustle tip onie base ball niM terlal for the college team. Students of Profs. Jones, Fawcett ant Allen in the conservatory of music, gave a recital last Monday evening. Miss Hertla Mllner. Miss Wlnte and Mrs. Kate fodillngtnn visited St. Franrle academy in Council Bluffs last Sunday. Bellevue has been greatly Inconvenienced by the poor mail service the past week, caused by the washouts along the Platte. Mrs. Kale Coxldlngfon and Miss Bertha Mllner gave a iliinier party at BaldufT a last Sunday, In honor of Mlsa L'nlte'a birthday. Mrs. C. H. Lee of silver Creek, an ex tensive property owner In Bellevue, waa here several days this week looking after her Interests. Last Sunday. Ico In the river broke, and for several days the stream was filled with Ice. A small jam occurred at Chllda l'olnt, which was blasted out. Rev. William Nlcholl spent last Sunday at Cresco, Neb., where he assisted his son, Wllllam Nlcholl, Jr.. In administering the holy sacrament or the Presb terlan church. Mrs. Campbell, whose bedfu-i rondltlnn for a number of months past tins rendered her a charge upon the mmmunitv taken last Friday to Bethany liosplal In Omaha. A meeting of the Commercial olub was) held Friday evening at the offloe of Dr. Beta and a great amount of enthusiasm generated for the summer assembly. It seems as though the assembly will be a complete success. A large number of townspeople and students attended the great missionary meeting at the Auditorium Inst week. Bellevue college was dismissed Wednesday In order that nil the students might hear the speeches of Robert E. Speer. NATIONAL MUNICIPAL LEAGUE Proceedings of Last Annual Meeting; Preserved In a Large Volame. The National Municipal League haa Is sued In bound form the proceedings of the twelfth annual convention hold at Atlantla City, N. J., last April. The volume com prises 602 pages and is fully Indexed for reference. The work was edited by Clinton Rogers Woodruff, secretary of the leajrue. North American building, Philadelphia, to whom inquiries on the subject may ba addressed. This volume comprises the largest record of the proceedings of the league's annual sessions, but the merit of size Is due to the fact that this year'es proceedings were of an unusually interesting and Important character. The papers and discussions covered the widest possible range and were brilliantly Illuminating In their direct and practical bearing upon the problems of municipal government, although the annual meetings of this body have long enjoyed pre-eminence along these lines. Not only did the program Include papers of a sug gestive and recommendatory character, but many citations of practical experience) In solving some of the most perplexing; difficulties attending the administration nt cities. Chief among the former was a paper by Hon. Charles J. Bonaparte, secre tary of the navy, who Is president ot the league, on "Why We Have Unsatisfactory Public Servants and How We Can Get Good Ones" a subject which appeal potently to nearly every municipality la the country and among the latter are vari ous papers giving results of practical opera tions along suggested lines of municipal in the papers; so also are municipal ac tion of public utilities Is given large spaca In the papers; so also are mulclpal ac counting, the police question, the control Of public service corporations, and other subjects of high Importance. In addition to a full discussion Of the formal papers. Is a detailed report of the "Round Table Conference," known as a feature of th league's annual -meetings, which afford op portunities for free "heart-to-heart" talks touching matters of pressing interest. The direct Influence of this league upon the practical operation of municipal gov ernment In this country haa been surpris ing. The work of Its committee on mu nicipal program, perfected at the Columbus meeting. In 1899, has been adopted In part by many municipalities which since that time have had new charters pr important amendments to existing ones. The praoi tlcal value of Its system of uniform mu nicipal accounting, on which the committee Is still at work. Is attested by the state ment of a member ot a leading Arm of ac countants, that "today there are no lesa than eighty cities using financial state ments bearing the stamp of the work ot the league, and the United States census have made use of them In the collection and classification of municipal statistics." The league has been Instrumental In having instruction In municipal government In cluded in the educational courses of col leges, universities and public schools. Ths work of Its committee on the relation of pjbllo service corporations to municipali ties is sure to be valuable In Its reconunen daUons, as the committee will consider the question from a severely practical atand ard, and without suggestion of the dema goglsm that Invariably attends the at tempts of political agencies to solve this great problem. The annual dues for membership In the National Municipal league are $5, and mem bera are enUtled to these privileges: Par ticipation In the annual meeting, which la not only a plaos for the reading of pa pers and exchange of experience of thoea actively engaged In Its work, but also an admirable means of acquaintance and so cial Intercourse between people of like In terests; copy of the annual volume of pro ceedings. Including all the papers and dis cussions' at the annual meeting; copies ot all literature Issued during the term og membership- , Oils and Rosin. mm AIT inttAffk mmtiH NEW YOUR, re. a oil holiday. Petroleum. $7.75: Philadelphia auu x....-.-. t- . Philadelphia and Baltimore, bulk, H. Turpentine, 7474c. . KOSIN Steady; strained common to good. M01L'CITV, Pa.. Feb. 23.-OIL-Cred!t balanced Pennsylvania. sylvanla. amber. $1.73 Runs H6.IU4. aver age. lU,7tt; shipments, ffil,tS7, average, Savannah, c.a.. Feb. .-oil-Tup. R,t:S?N-AdB.aC.nDi.C'E. M.06: F. $4 06.K1 M, N, W iu; W. G- $co; W. W 16.. Cottoa Market. ' LIVERPOOU Feb. 23. COTTON Spot, moderato business done, prle-s unchanged! American middling fair. S6d; good ordi nary 6:3d; ordinary, t.rnd. The sales of the day were tl.OUO bales, of which 6u) bales were for speculation and export and in cluded .3W Imles American. Receipts, 87,0u9 bales. Including K.IOO bales American. ST. LOl'IS, Mo., Feb. 33. COTTON quiet; middling. lOSc; sales. $8 bales; re ceipts, none; shipments, none; stock, S3,a4 bales. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 2S. METALS Holiday conditions prevailed in the metal markets and quotaUons were little better than nom inal. Tin was quoted at $4Uiu41.5. Copper continued firm, with lake quoted at $..M I-J5.a6; electrolyUc, $4.75n'Ji.; costing, $24.2MiC4.75. I-sd waa . steady at $4.i .!: spelter, $ to. Iron was steady at re-ent prtoes. ST. LO(;i8, Feb. -METALS I .aad. steady at $6.10; spelter, otgiv-r at $4.10. agar aad Molasses. NKW ORLEANS. Feb. 23.-SUGAR Steady; centrifugal, whites, S'c; centri fugal, yellow, 3(M seconds, 2y I 7-! M' 'LASSES Quiet; syrup, tO&ato. Exports aad Imports. - NEW YORK, Feb. a The Imports of specie at this port for the week ending to day amounted to $4U,ttil In gold and $32.. 016 In silver. The exports were $li,4u0 gold aud $Uuo.Ut silver. (I