TUB OMAHA. SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY . 24, 1907. 8- If I? 1 II if! J' li Want - ads Advertisements for the want-ad MllMiM v til Ulira until 13 n. for tfc vealn edition and nntll p. for the moraine aal Sunday editions. Cash mast accompany all orders for vraaf-aaa and ma dvertleement will mm accepted for lese than 10 eenta for the flrst Insertion. Rate apply to either The Dally laaday Bee. Alnan roant six word to a line. Coaaalaatloaa of Initial or Banners count na one word. CASH RATES FOR WAST-AM, RF.OlLtR C l,AIFICATIO One In sertion, per line, lO eenta. Two er more eonaecntlve Inaertlona. per line, 8 centa. Each Insertion made oa odd days, lO rente per Mae. 1.00 per lino per month. i -SPECIAL CLAKSIFICATIOJIS If yr advertisement la Inserted ander any no of the cla.aetllcatloaa given helow, It will be charged at the foil owl nar rates i One Inaertlon, 4 eenta per '.la threa to lx eonewnttve Inaer Nona. 8 eenta per lino each tnaertloai eenta per line each Inaertloni SO eats per line per anonth. BARTER AND F.XCHAKGR. ISIE CHANCE. MRI.P WAHTEn FEMALE. F1ELP WANTED MALE. Except Agents, flollcltors and aleamen. OFFERED FOR ALEl Cows, Birds, Dogs aad Pets. Horses and Vehicles. Poaltrr and Eggs. 1 Pnraltare. Plaaoa, Orraai Bad Maalcal In atraments. . Typewriters and Itwlaf Hi chines. Miscellaneous. OFFERED FOR REXTl Faralahed Rooms. Untarnished Rooms. Housekeeping; Rooms. Boarding; and Rooms. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO RENT. ITVATIONS WANTED. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Death and Fanerat Rotlees, Cards of Thaaki and Lodce Notlees, T eenta per IIbo for one edition, anornlaa; or OTenlnci S cants a line for each addl tlonal edition. Sunday, lO eenta a line. No ad taken for leas than CO eenta. ' BRANCH OFFICES. Watt-aii for The Bee mar be left Bt Bay of the following dros; stores Baa Is "ronr corner drnaglat" they are all branch offices of The Bee and roar ad will bo Inserted Jnst as promptly and on the same rates as at tho mala office la The Bee Balldlma, Seventeenth and Farnam streets. A 1 bach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Baranek, 8. A., 1402 8. ltb St. Becht's Pharmacy, 720 B. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Nab. Bemla Park Pharmacy, S3d. and Cumtng. Caughlln, C. R-, 6th and Pierce St a. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2211 Military At. Conte, J. B., Hat Ave. anil Farnam, Crlsaey Pharmacy, :4th and Lake. Cermalc, Emll, 1264-6 B. 13th Bt. Nastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton, ifihler, F. 11., SMi Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl, 218 N. 2ith Bt Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Bake Bts. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough, O. A., VrX 8. 10th Pt. Ureenougn, O. A., loth and Hickory. Hayden, Wm. C. 2930 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Phar., 1601 8. 28th Are. Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th Bt. Huff, A. L.. 29M Leavenworth St King, H. 8., 2i38 Farnam St. Koui'tce Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 34th. Patrick Dni Co., 1601 N. 24th Bt. i Lathrop, Chasv E., 1324 N. 24th Bt Peyton, L. E.. 24th and Beaven worth. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Are. Schaefer Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and vmcago. Bohaefer, August. 2631 N. lfith St. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Hts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Bts, Walnut Hilt Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming, Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Bts. Wlrth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Bta. MARRIAGH LICENSES. The following licenses have been Issued Name and residence. Age. James Jones. South Omaha Martha Maaon, South Omaha James B. Mllleague, Tyndall, 8. D.. Bouts Williamaon, Tyndall, 8. D Oust Johnson, Omaha Hannah Anderson, Omaha .... 37 .... 18 .... 25 .... 26 .... 62 .... 66 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. The following births and deaths were re ported to the board of health during the iwrniy-iour noura ending (Saturday noon Births Charles I. Kasley. Twentr. eighth and Camp Point avenue, boy; John ewoup. 1ZJU Arbor, buy; William Williams, BSs cnarles, boy; Niels I.arsen. west Cen ter street, boy; Charlea Qoertler, 2319 South inirmntn, gin. . Deaths PTudence Jonea. 722 North HI teenth, 28; Jacob Schmidt. Fourteenth and Capitol avenue. SH; Kitty McReady, 3Sia nurin i wenty-seventn, IA. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to those friends who were so kind to us during the bereavement that came In the untimely death of our beloved Thomas far their helpful words and deeds and the floral moutea. MATTHEW VOTAVA AND FAMILY. ANNOUNCEMENTS Some Men Thrive IN Cold Weather Others feel It keenly. The man who la comfortable and can do the most ef fective work Is the one whose clothing la clean and neat. Ills appearance s good and that goes a long way tuward making him feel comfortable. Try iu You will find it Is true. Ask us about the $1 a month ilan on gen tlemen's clothing. EXCLUSIVE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES' CLOTIIINO Cleaning will make the clothing look like new; your evening gowns, robes, dresses, skirts, riding habits, waists, gloves, plumes, etc., will be greatly Improved and give twice the aervlce the price Is rea sonable, too. Out-of-town- work given prompt attention. W ardrobe t01 FARNAM 8T. TEL. DOUG. 173. Two Young Men In Business. R. E. CORN WELL. LU), SOCK UP, 01-742 24 HOLLAND FOX COMPANY SALE. The dressmaking stock, furniture and 6x tures of the above named bankrupt wll be sold ou Saturday, February ti, at 1 p. au. at Kuuiu M, Paxioa Blk. U Mil2f 2$ OMAHA Bare and Iron Works make a spe cialty of Ore escapes, shuttars. dixirs and suae., m. A tin rasa, rrop HM la. luitt hi. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued BEN AND BOYLES Franklin aaid: "Now 1 have a sheep and a cow avarvbodv bids me rood morrow.' All the world loves a winner. Nobody ha much use for a failure. Moat falures are brought about by Inline procrastination the golng-to-ao-ii-io-morrow habit. Tou have got as much ability as mnny a man wno la maamg two or mire muu sand dollara a year and who started In a few yeare ago as an ordinary bookkeeper, stenographer or telegrapher. That man used his ability. That man developed his talent. That man grasped the oppor. tunltv to Increase his natural ability. Facing you today Is practically the same opportunity that racea ueso men uve, eight or ten years ago. BOYLtS COLLEGE offers you an opportunity to leara how to te an expert stenograpner, DooKaeier ur telegrapher In a few months' tlins. It offers to give you the start that will set you going towards tns goal of success at the same pace with which that man pur sued Droaoarltv. The unduuoted superiority of our system or instruction la given strong prvui ur the fact that the Nebraska Business and Shorthand College of Omaha, which was one of our strongest competitors, has re tired from the held and haa sold out to us, we purchasing the entire good will and fixtures of this college. If Boyies College Instruction was not su perior to that oi otner Duainess oouegaa, we would not be able to be winning the success that we are achieving. If Boyies College Instruction was not all we claim It to be, Boyies graduates would not be winning all the success they are achiev ing. We offer you Instruction In this successful business college. We offer you the same success-winning Instruction that has enabled other youug men and other young women to gain success. Bund lor catalogue, or call and talk this matter over with our president tomor row. BOYLES COLLEGE x If. B. BOYLES. President, Boyies Building, Omaha, Neb. CD- DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, llHh and Farnam. BUSINESS, BHOHTHAND, TYPEWRIT ING, TELEGRAPHY, BNUIjIBH, CIVIL SERVICE AND PENMANSHIP. STUDENTS ENROLL EVERY DAY. CATALOGUE FREE. ROHRBOUGH BROS., OMAHA, NEB. BONDS FOR SALE Notice is hereby given that the village of Clay center, NebrasKa, oners lor sale their municipal bonds, same being eighteen (lsj one thousand dollar til,u00.0u water works bonds, dated November 1, 1906, and due twenty, years trom date, and bearing In terest at the rale 6 per cent par am. urn, payable annually on the 1st day of No vember, with option to make prepayment in sums of oo0.0u or multiple therscf at any time alter live years. There is now accrued Interest on said bonds from November 1, 1D06. Sealed bids will be received for said bonds Up to March 1, 1107, at li m. , i ne privilege is reaervea to reject any ana all bids. Dated February 13, 1907. By order of Board of Trustees. R. A. BYRKIT, Village Clerk. OJ M231 23x EUROPEAN AUTOMOBILhl TOURS. For description of routes, principal features. style or cars, rates, complete information regarding this novel touring tdea, address Foreign Touring Department, BMITH & MABLBV, 17ifi KrnArtwnV V V S. A M. Simplex, P&nhard, Renault, Inotta- Fraschlnl. (1) 732 24x ALL kinds of hardwood and parquetry noors. rrana bsvick, do. lutn ana Do minion 81. O) 821 M12X ROYAL ACHATES Fraternal Society. (l-m 24 BOOKS, booklets and fine catalogues printed by Rees Printing Co., Omaha. (1) M77SM THE CITY GARBAGE CO.-Offlce 4th and Leavenworth Bts. Tel. Douglas 13X7. (1)-U SIGN PAINTING-8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. (1)-610 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co, 191 Farnam. (1-M72! MADAME3 Bean and Mayo seanoe Tues day and Friday. 23 N. 16th. Red IW. (U M579 F2oX BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE A stock of general mer chandise lu good South Dakota town. will invoice about $4.oOO; doing flood busi ness. 111 take residence as part pay ment pr small piece of land. Globe Land and investment Co., Patterson Bidg., uinana, xseu. w mat UALifiiur.D li you nve cny properij, stocks of goods, tarm land or property of any kind to exchange, write for our com plete list. We have properties and lands lu all parts or the country to exohange. Our list la free. Send for it at onoa. Giobe Land and Investment Co., Patter son Bldg., umalia. rsen. uj 7S2 FOR EXCHANGE 109 acres near Orchard, Antelope county. Neb.; price $17.60 per acre. tsa acres six mnes irom u inciii. Holt county, Neb., Improved; price $20 per acre. Will exchange either or both of above farms for merchandise or hardware. We also have several Income properties in Omaha to exohange for merchandise or hardware. Globe Land and Inveatment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (3) 78$ A $2,200 atore building In Schuyler, NaU, to trade for Omaha cottage. A handsome residence in Benson to ex change for a farm. THE STEWART-LEAVENWORTH CO.. Tel. Douglas 03o0. $1 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (2)-M2$0 $3 WESTERN Nebraska and Kansas lands to trad for merchandise or property. 110 8. 17 th. ID-Um M3 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine, up- lo-aate stocx or arugs in goon lows town of 10.UU0 Inhabitants; Invoice 116,000. Will give right party a good deal or might consider good land in exchange. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ($) M3W FOR EXCHANGE We have several stock oi mercnandise, groceries and dry goods, up-to-date and doing a good business, to exchange for good, clear land at right frlce. Send complete description in first etter. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg.. Omaha. Neb, U M814 FOR EXCHANGK-Ood room house. fine location. Chicago, tor similar prop- L rty in umuia. Aaaresa u tm. Bee omce. ) Jd4Jl X.X t-ROOM house, water, gas. etc, $2,300; matfuiacturlng business, $700 cash; would take part real estate In good town in trade. Address M 772, Bee. (8V-MI0I Ex FARM FOR EXCHANGE. 180 seres, t miles of good town. Smooth rolling land, all under plow; small aet buildings. Good new land. Rented for half. Will take halt of value In clear city property. Bal. time at per cent. Price aos per acre. IiOVE A GRIMES. WOODBINE. IOWA. (J-M75S-M3 FIFTY acres, mostly orchard and heavy timber near Omaha, to exchange for city property or merchandise. Address Box WE have Improved farms to trade for merchandise and income nrooertitia We have ranches to trade for merchandise ana income properties. We have wild lands to trade for marchan dlse and Income nronertlaa. ' We want good, Improved farms, ranches and wild lands to trade for merchandise and Income properties. We have merchandise and Income proper- lira ui wiu, ior unpnivra rarme. We have merchandise and Income nraner ties to trade for ranches and wild hinds. Submit us complete description In first In. ter, location and price. By so doing we can save a great deal of time. Our terms are V per cent if ws And you v qcii uiai is eiivif'.vu. We have hundreds of propositions ta i lect from and oaa watch meet any deal UK nirru. 3. D. RUST CO.. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (i ao 24 x FOR EX CHANG 71 130 acres of farm land within twcniy-flve mtlrs of Omaha for westers lowa land or city property. Mc Menemy & Biker, No. 4ue See Xidg Tel. UUUtfUta fti . 13 J Tl 14 BUSINESS CHANCES Do Yon Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property thai you wan I to seii or ex change write us. OLOBU LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO- Omaha. Neb, (4)-M2M MS WANTED To sell or trade, SVroom hotel; team htat gas and city water and a five-room cottage; reason for selling, ill health. Address M Ave. B. Counoil JlufTs, la. (4-m;; FOR SALK First-c'.aae blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools, M to m received for shoeing and 14 to M for set ting urea. Address T-12B, Bee. (4 MaAj HAVE $6,000 to lit 000 to Invest In good mercantile or manufacturing estaDiisn ment. Details must be given In first let ter, with reference. Address Y 201, Ben. (4-M60 24S Free Presents French artlstlo photography, known as th Paris Studio KENNARD BLOCK. 210 South 14th St., Have opened a photograph gallery, with the latest improvements in tns pnoio graphlo line. Photographs on Silks, Pillows, Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Etc. A Specialty. Bpecla' Inducements for two months only. We will give with each order a free pres ent ot nne jewelry ana silverware, amounting to the sum equal to your pur chase in photographs. This Is done In order to get our work before the public. Call and visit our place. 'Phone Red 4502. ' (4) 404 M6X WE BUY OR SELL Business chances or exchange a business, rooming house, or exchange for anything. Money loaned on chattels. If you have anything to sell or want to ouy anytning see REAM A CO., Tel. Douglas 2903. 634-&3S Paxton Elk. W HW All ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW & CO, DTOCK BROKERS. m New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (0-M227 DO YOU want a 15-year established bard- ware business, in good location; clean stock and building; I7,w0. Address S ou, Bee. (4) M477 28x GOOD MEN In every locality to go Into a good business; will clear you trom w.uoo to $3,000 every year; no competition; small capital required. Call or write G. A. Hull, Oakland, Neb. (4)-4oO 27x LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS and loose leaf devices of all kinds. Rees Printing Co., Omaha. - 4J-M777 F2s DRUG STOCK-Half Interest or all; good Iowa county seat town; no saloons; reg istration not necessary; have other busi ness. Address Y 1D2. care Bee. (4J-M189 23 CAPITAL $75,000 TO INVEST In stocks, bonds, mortgagee, manufactur ing or otherwise, Companies organized and financed. G. Mortimer Gaugh, Gibraltar Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. (4)-l 24X For Health Sake Owner of $39,000 stock of clean merchan dise tn live Minnesota town; J'-O.CM) an nual business: a nearly new brick store building, $16,6oo. A 160-acre improved farm In Laqulparle county, Minnesota, $7,000; and ltHvacre form in Brown county, South Dakota, $6,000; total net equity about $40,000. Will exchange all for large ranch, arood Iowa or Nebraska farm im proved. Give particulars in first letter for this gilt-edge proposition, j. tl Johnson, N. Y. Life. (4-8 24x 230 shares of the Mankers-Heavner Navl gatlon Co. stock, at much leas than the market price If sold at once. Address Box 243. Omaha, Neb. (4) MS56 NEVADA gold and copper properties, reas onable prices, Just what you are looking for In organising a company, investigate. Address B 796. Bee. (4f-S62 26x GROCERY MEN A grocery store, stock and fixtures In voicing about $2,500. Mimtnly sales $2,000. Do you want a better opening? ee me quick. II. A. STEAVENSON $30 Board of Trade, 16th and Farnam. (4) S69 M2 $3,000 WILL SECURE A clean staple permanent business in Omaha, clearing more than 6,v annually fullest investigate solicited. Address G-7S1 Bee. W MMi Jex MUST dispose of drug business Immediately. Particulars If you mean business. Ad dress B-774, Be. (4 741 24x 8TEAM laundry, Southeastern Pennsyl vania modern equipment, established trade. Business $( weekly. Full Inspec tion invited. Price $25.o0u. half cash. W. E, Greenwood, uoatesvme, pa. (4j 736 stx PATENT SECURED OR FEB RE. TUHNEDllluairateu guide boo ana list of inventions wanted, free to any ad dress. Patents secured by us advertised free in World's Progress; sample copy free, urvans, wiiaena a, co., oss x su, .Washington, u. c. itj FIFTY acres mostly orchard and heavy timber near umana, to exchange tor city property or merchandise. Address Bex 197, Omaha. (t,--SI-24x WANTED Reliable man with $1,000 to take a financial Interest In our manufacturing business ana represent us m mis state. The rlKht man who Is capable of con ducting a branch office and appolntlna sub-agents can easily clear $5,000 to $10,000 per year, we are a reliable manuractur ing conrpany with the moat profitable and saleable goods on the market. Only one man wanted in this state. Address Nat L, H. P. Co., 811 West Lake Street, Chicago. t-7i7-24 FOR SALE One of the best paying meat markets in Omaha; good location; cheap rent; Ane place fur two young men; good reasons for selling. Address O 753, Bee. 4 M&S7 25x FOR SALE Real estate, loan and insur ance business; omce established eight years; good business; money maker, but must sell on account of health; county seat, southwest Iowa. Address Y 2L care Bee. (4)-M53 Ml READ Neat meat market and small gro cery; building 20x80; large Ice house, half brick; good town, western Iowa. Would consider raw land or hotel if taken soon. This la a snap. Address Y-1&2. cars Bee. (4)-M M2x WANTED Man with $1,000 to $3,000 to Join corporation in river transportation pi imp osition; good salary and sure profits; don't waste time unless you have money and know a good thing when you see it For interview address A 701, care Bee, (4)-M44tf 27 FOR BALE- 43,000 6 per oent bonds and $1. 7 par oent preferred stock In New State ieiepnone company oi omux city, la.. for all or any part Baker City. Ore. Address Bos til. (4 73 Max WE buy, sell or exchange everything, Nat Investment Co., 53 Douglas Blk. (i-S20 Mi WANTED Man with $1,000 to Join good, reliable firm; "Investigate." Address H 763. Bee. (4 M478 28x WANTED-To contract with responsible broketage firm to aid in placing stock is sue in Umber aad lumbering enterprise in Oregon. Parties must assure results. Proposition high class; substantial assets. Full particular and bank references. Address H, C. Mahon, Eugene, Oregon. (4 M4S4 1M FOR SALE. Money making restaurant, eonfe itlonery, aoda fountain, nxturea; nearly new -room house, furnace heat: will take about 17. oo to close deal; best of reasons tor selling. Address x WO, care Bee. (4-MS45 36s FIRST-CLASS hair dressing parlor; the best location In the city: splendid busi ness. Address, care Bee, N 741. 14 U FOR BALE $L 000 will buy a strictly up to date bakery doing fine business in city of li.uuo population; brick even. For par . uculajs aaarea s im, umana t4JUtfa USX BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR S A LB Or trade for good land, drug stock In southern Nebraska; owner wants to retire, a snap Address. Y. 1"S. care Bee. (1-M122 t7 FOR SALE Money-making restaurant and confectionery: ; central Nebraska county seat; bad health. Address Y 181, rare Bee. 4 M7I tlx FOR SALE The only printing office In a town of sob innamtsnts. sper non-rrxi-san and a good circulation. Good point for Job printing. Address Y 1M. rare Bee Omaha, Nab, (4) M4J4 $7 FOR SALE Bakery Restaurant, roda fountain in connection, gooa parior. In county seat town. Address Lock Bo, $2$. Qlenwpod. 1.(4)MJ4, , $20 ACRES close to Crswford, Neb. Will trsde or sell, $20 an acre. Dr. c. owings, Disney, Neb. (4) MB9 Mix FOR SALE Only hotel, Wlnelde, Neb. doing good business; oojeci selling, going to Canada. Sidney Price, Prop. (4) M20J 23s FOR SALE A No. 1 stock of groceries. queensware, flour ana leea, in Boumeasi rn Nebraska. A nice, clean stock, en joying a nice trade; will invoice $2,000 or $2,500; good reasons for selling. Address Y 11 care Bee. t4)-M40 2$ $1,860 WILL buy a first-class drug store in city; postomce in connection. Anar O 725. care Bee. (4)-78 23 FOR SALE General stock of dry goods. shoes, groceries, etc.) all new witmn tns last year; good trade and fins country; a bargain. Owner has other business to taks his tlms. Address Y-1R, care of Bee. 4-MlH$7x IF YOU want to get In or out of buslnsss. no matter wnat your Business is. B'k.re ft la w ran hsln tou. We make all' kinds of trades and guarantee to suit. If you have anything to traae, write us. KELLY INVESTMENT CO., 220 Neville Block. (4J-M286 2S FURNITURE In m 14 room flat with 12 regular boarders, owner gono o von tucky. Must he sold at once. For price, etc., see L. L. Johnson Co., Barker block. Phone Red 1246. (4) M29S 23 GROCERY MEN A grocery store, stock and fixtures, In voicing about $2,500: montniy saies. ;,iw. Do you want a better opening? See me quick. n. A. STEAVENSON, 330 Board of Trade. ICth and Farnam. (4)-Mi97 23 FOR SALE Rooming house of 10 rooms. must sell, party leaving city ira. i down. Answer K 756. Bee. (4) 411 26x FOR SALE Stock of groceries, with or without building; also livery bam.; box 165, Blair, Neb. 4-M20i 23x DRUG stores for sale everywhere. P. V. Kniest, 624 N. x. l w s SOMETHING GOOD $8,000 stock of general merchandise In a good eastern MeDrasaa town, aoing a flrst-class business; offered for quick sale at 85c on the dollar; would consider west ern land In exchange. 'Phone Douglas S600. W. S. FRANK, 321 Neville Block, Omaha, Neb. (4)-629 23 FOR SALE All the machinery In our entire collar plant and harness factory, uzar Saddlery Co., Sprlngtleld, Mo. (4) MGOfl 25 FOR SALE Photograph gallery, a good one, doing a nne business; a money maker. Address Y 203, Bee. (4) 614 Mix FOR SALE Cigar factory, good trade, wholesale and retail; everytnmg goes; will bear investigation. Address Y 204, care Bee. , (4)-15Mlx i. TOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. Bran dels & Bona, Bankers, 16th and Douglas Bts. Assets over $400,000. (4) OWNER compelled to seek warmer climate for family, will sell brick and tile plant, together with residence, value $7,100, average output past three years $7,2o0; mi t nut can be arreatlv Increased an ex cellent, growing market for product and no local competition. Aoareas cox io, Glenwood, la. (4)-86 24x SUCCESS In the Stock Market. Our book erlves details. Free. Write for It. John A. Boardman A Co., Stock Brokers, 53 Broadway, New York. (4) H ix CORPORATION controlling business, es tablished 18ti6, desires energetic, expert enced business man to manage state agency; salary, $2,600 yearly and commis sions. Investment of $1,000 and upward and unquestionable references required. Address, Holllster Drug Co., Madison, Wia. (4)-698 2x TEN-ACRE fruit and poultry farms $1.50. In Texas; $6 monthly; Ane, balmy cli mate, good soli and water; will pay $2,0U0 annually In vegetables and fruit. Near railroad and county seat town. Texas Colonisation Co., 211 Odd Fellows Bldg., St Louis. Mo. 4 6S9 24X FOR SALE $2,600 dental practice, with office fdrnlture complete; good location; have other business. Adress 130S O St, Room 6, Lincoln, Neb. (4) 711 24x $50 WEEKLY and Independenoe; 78 of our machines for vending salted peanuts pay an average daily profit of M; write for particulars. Hllo Gum Co., Dept. 40, 49 8. Union St., Chicago. (4) 713 24x WANTED Capable business man to take agency for the sale of our products; references regarding ability and Invest ment Of $1,000 required. Caatorla Co., 1231 Wabash Ave., Chicago. (4) 717 24x BROKERS, investors, promoters, gold, sil ver, copper properties; no fee; no com missions charged; $2,600 to $350,000 stock quotations; sane mining. Address Sierra Mining Exchange, Tuolumne, Cal. (4) 719 24x 60 SHARES German-American Coffee stock. $42.50 per share. Address x wa, care Bee. (4) 718 24x IF YOU want to get in or tut of business. no matter what your business, is, or where it is. we can nclp you. We make all kinds of trades and guarantee to suit. If you have anything to trade, write us. KELLY INVESTMENT CO., 220 Neville Block. (41-M754-M3 ONLY confectionery, Ice cream business In 6 w town, established 8 years, clearing $2,600', terms to suit; also two fountains, freesers, engine, slot machines. A. Jaaeph, Lemars, la. (4) 661 26 x FOR SALE Law practice, library and of- flee furniture: good loctalon: northeaat Nebraska; possesssion given after March 1. Address x 123. care Bee. (4) Z4x FINE, new, fresh millinery stock, in good Nebraska town, running about a year; reason for selling. Ill health; Invoice about $1,500; cheap If taken at once. Frank L Olsen. Grand Island. 7eb. (.4) HS8 Z4 MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora tion manufacturing nouaehou necessity desires Nebraska manager; demonstration in leading deportment store; office fur nished: 3 years' contract: salary $1,800 and commissions: good opening for man of character and ability. Address Manager, XX Ontario Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. 4 FOR SALE Furniture and undertaking business In one of the beet towns In southern Nebraska: heat of reasons for ailing. . Address Y IDs. care of Omaha Bee. (4 M 24 IF TOU can save $6 or $10 per month I can double It for you. T. C. Blue, Storm Lke. la. () 72J Zix HAVE small amount, willing to loan on good security, jewelry or diumurKia trictly confidential. Address W 777. Eee, (4)-751-24x ROOMING house, 18 r.ioms, modern, full of roomers, will sell reasonable fcr rrh. Address C 70. Bee. '.41 M.'82-Jta BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architects. O. U BROLINE. C3 Bee Bldg. a-M340 M6 Attorneys. W. W. DODGE, attorns-- N. T. Life Bldg. OAo Tet Dougtaa tnj Res. Douglas 174. lUJi AU BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorney a Ceatlaaeal. WILLIAM WAPPICH. commercial lawyer end collections; corporstlon litigation snd claims collected; estates probated; ab stracts and legal papers prepared. No tary public Crclgbton Blk. (6 T. E. BRADY, Probate Atty. 6V Bee BMg. (&) M M Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R-i, IMC Farnam Bt Doug. 649T. 6-M&14 Daaelasr Aeadenalee. THE spring term for adults at Morand'g, leirt ana Harney, dm ins f riaay, Maron 1, p. m. Special prices for first night. Call or telephone Douglas 1041. (o M737 Mix DressmaktasT. LADIES taUorlng, draasmsklng. US 8. 24th, DRKfP MAKING In family or at home. Miaa Sturdy, su Chicago, pnone tted 470s. (5-ell MRS. BRANDON, 303 N. 13th. Doug. tito. (5)-773 $7 $2.50 SHIRT waist suit 'Phone Web. JM. (6)-AW Ml Florists. HE88 4k S WO BOD A, 1415 Farnam. L. HENDERSON, 1513 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1263. $-4U7 Osteopathy, JOHNSON IN8TTTUTE CI N. T. L. Tet Douglas 1664. (5) 611 Dr. Bowser Over 1500 Far. Tel. Dntig. KT70. (S)-M386 Ml Penaloa Atoraeys. HOWARD) SAXTON-, Atty., 922 Nt Y. L. Bid. (6) M824 M23 Printing;. WE print everything! Rees Printing Co. (6)-M778 28 Springer Printing Co., 206 N. 17th. Doug. 2071 6 m 28 LYNGSTAD "' &Vhirnd-n!i mntf B- " corner th St. and &JORVE Capitol Av. (5) 61 CALL CENTRAL Doug, 886 Central Printing Co., lowest prices on printing. 110 8. 17th. Typewritten letters specialty. (6)-MSS2 M2 JENNINGS Printing Co., Tel. Douglas 6.1S0. (6) iM WATERS PRINTING CO., 1307 Howard St (6-:731 27 Plumbing-. LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. Us N. 15th St Tel. Douglas 1477. (5)-O0S F27 Rtprappfng? Esglnecr, H. F. KELLNER. River and Riprap Engi neer: 20 years' practical experience; write for Information. 610 Bee Bldg., Onaha, Neb. . i6 Mbtt Wines and Liquors. BOL S. GOLDSTROM Whiskies, wines annV liquors for family use. Mall orders given prompt attention. Send for price list. South Omaha, Neb., opposite stock yards. OBI- CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. THE LEADING PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT OF OMAHA. Parlor at 113 South 16th St., Upstairs. SUCCESSFUL, DIRECTIONS. Successful directions aro correctly given In all the general events, and In all the domestic affairs, what particulars follow and bow to achieve distinction and suc cess. INFORMATION. Palmistry and Clalrvoyancy dispels tho remotest doubts and penetrates Into the realm of the future and its holdings goner ally. MME. BUDDHA Defines and describes in general all the ex isting particulars in detail In the affairs of Business, Travels, Changes, Health, Mar riage, Love, Doubts and all difficulties. CALL AND ASCERTAIN What Palmistry and Clalrvoyancy may REVEAL TO YOU. Satisfaction assured or no fee accepted. Parlors at 113 South 16th St., upstairs. Engagements by 'Phone Douglas 4596. U6)-40 34 PSYCHIC palmist and life reader. Mile, Rees, residence iiWto Harney. Tel. uouglas 6443. w w zox YOUR FORTUNE told free Send blrthdate and 2c stamp for a reading wortn having; matters of business, love, health, etc, cor rectly treated. Paul Homer, Box MIS, Boston, Mass. (6) 6i3 24x FREE To demonstrate my ability In life reading, will send yours free. Send birth date and stamp. Herman, 247 Main, Salt Lake. Utah. America's best Clairvoyant, astrologer and psychometrlst. (6) HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED BookkeeDer with several years. must have had charge or dooks; may orefered. Give age, bookkeeping ex perience and references. Address G-71I, car of Bee. (71 4 23 LADY of rood appearance and addrena U solicit for charitable organisation. Ap- p'y between and 10 a. m. Mr. Ellison, 106 city hall. CI) 836 26 GIRLS for mailing catalogues. Nebraska Clothing CO. U AiaM WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and of fice assistant for wholesale house. Slate experience and salary expected. Good chance for right party. Address C 77, Bee. (7J-S1 28 Factory and Trades. SHIRT makers on power machine at Al bert cahn a. 1K2 f arnam oi. ti nate a TWO laundry girls wanted. M. factory, 11th and Douglas. E. Smith's (7)-M546 WANTED Five expert retouchers, five ex f ert printers. Ladles desired. Must qual fy and send samples. Lewis, PhotoKra. phar, Atlantic, la. () Mo4 23x GIRLS wanted at once, steady work, good wages. Bemis umana Bag; co. (7)-M05 Honaekeepere aad Oomeatlea. WANTED Middle aged or elderly woman to care for Dany anu ao ugni nousawura. easy place. Mrs. Davis, 4it Ames avu r v (7)-M4S7 23x WANTED Laundress to work at houss Monday and Tuesday of each week. Ap ply 6U0 So. $th St. (7) MS05 S3 WANTED Cook, 4613 Farnam treet. (7) M568 WANTED Woman as assistant nurse and light housework for confinement case; late wages wanted. Address L 771, Bee. (7) M58 2ox WANTED A girl for general housework. Ztkw Dewey Ave. to n WOMAN cook for large institution, with ability to-teach domestic science, and muat have first-class references. Wages $65 to $75 per month. Apply In writing, stating experience, to E M. Noda-ard, Sec y., care General Delivery. Omaha. (7)-M& 25 WANTED At once giil for general house work. 2203 Leavenworth St. tif nooe nx WANTED A competent girl for general housework in a ramuy or tnree; wages u. Apply 3(63 Farnam IW . co nil HOU8EKEEFER wanted. Widower, $6 years, wishes housekeeper. Address with ' particulars John Wlllett. Genersl De livery, South Omaha, Neb. (7 M73B 37 X GIRL wanted, general housework; good wages; small family. 3417 Bpauldlng St. UJ - sau nx WANTED Girl fog fteaersi booeework. 423 af i.U 43 STY VI ttsl HELP WANTED FEMALE Hosjaekeepere awd Deoaeatlo. (Continued.) WANTED Good cook; good wages; two in family. Mrs. C. E. Yost. 140 svtn, (.7) 33 2x Mteeellaaeoaa. LADIES We are still in need of more help decorating sofa pillows; experience unnecessary- work ; taken home; perma Call mornings, 2311 S. rent; gooa pay, 13th Bt 7-155 Mix M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 123 Earn. U) MlM Al-11 INITIAL embroidery girl and hand button noie workers on smrta at Ainmn cann a, 1323 Farnam St (7)-MUW 33 SOLICITORS and canvassers for "Omaha. Easy work, good money. Room 4, Pax ton hotel, a. m. to I p. tn. 7)-MS14 S3x 4 STENOGRAPHERS, $48 to $50. Applv at once. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASS N., INC., Suite 840-841-843 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7-M6.46 33 WANTED Salesladies, suit and cloak de partment; must have long experience Hayden Bros. (7r 71 34 LADY of good appearance and address to solicit for charitable organisation. Ap- fetfe ly petween 9 and 10 a. m. Air. cinson, city hall. (7)-5S3 WANTED Younc lady demonstrators to iravei ior large flavoring extraot nouse; experience not necessary. Address, stat ing age, salary, eta, B-78S, Bee. CD-M7S7 26x LADIES' to work piecework: $3 per dosen; materials furnished. No canvassing; steady work. Stamped envelope. Best Mfg. Co., Champlaln Bldg., Chlcairo. t7) 707 24x TRAINING school for nurses, Norfolk State Hospital, Norfolk, Nebraska, Wanted, educated women to train as nurses. Two years' course with privilege of entering the third year In Clarkson Hospital. Omaha, and graduating with a threo years' diploma. Salary, first year, $18 per month. For further Information apply Superintendent of Nurses. (7)-798-24 SCHOOLGIRLS Or 'ladles to earn $10 copy- ing our advertising letters, cash. Par ticulars and valuahlo article everybody uses 10 cents. Needle, Corporation. San bornvllle, N. H. (7) 790-24X LADIES to do needlework at homo, whole or spare time, big monev for good work erg. Miss New, Temple Court, New York. (7) 01 24x LADIES to make sanitary belts. Material nn tut i wtuy iu ittw, ai.au per aospii, par ticulars stamped envelope. Lenox Co., Dept. 834, Chicago. (7)-7O0 24x BEND 250 for sample outfit of our Linen Mariters, (sample includes your name on rubber stamp). You can make $5.00 per day selling these. Western Stamp and Stencil Co., 812 S. 12 St. (7)-658 24 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Salesmen. CASH salary and all expenses to men wun rigs to introduce our guaranteed poultry and stock remedies. Send for can tract; we mean business and furnish best references. G. R. Blglcr Co., X 619, SprlngHeld, III. (9)-M5K 24x ADVERTISING FANS May delivery, 600 special ana attractive designs, samples submitted upon application. Fonda Bros. & Co., Omaha. (9) M482 F23 OUR representatives make $75 per week. want one or iwo more. Bona required. Address in own handwriting, with stamp and references, A 627, Bee. (9) M106 M2 WANTEJ-Experienced furniture sales men; must have experience. Apply fur niture department, Hayden Bros. (9J-M570 24 $80 A MONTH salary and expenses to men with rig to introduce our Guaranteed Poultry and Stock Remedies. Send for contract, wn mean business and furnish best references. G. R. Blgler Co., X 619, Springfield, 111. (9)-M588 24x WANTED Commission salesmen to handle a line of lawn swings, lawn furniture, ladders, etc; good commission paid to the right party; state territory and give refer ences in reply. Address E, care F. W. Lenhoff, 63 Dearborn St, Chicago. (9 703 24x WELL rated firm making a staple line. soia extensively, wants several salesmen for this section. Big repoulor. Stock sea eon now opening. Manufacturers, Box 1198. Bt. Louis. (9) 704 24x SALESMEN to handle our line in Ne braska. We have men making over $100 per week, high commissions. Pemiiinent position for capable salesman. McAllis-ter-Coman Company, 35t Dearborn St., Chicago. (9j 705 24 x WANTED Commission salesmen to handle a line of lawn swings, lawn furniture, ladders, etc. Good commission paid to the right party. State territory and give references In reply. Address E., care F. W. Lenhoff, 62 Dearborn St., t'hlcuieo. (9) 703 24X WE PAY $36 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64, Parsot s, Kan. (9) SALESMEN NOTICE Large manufacturer of staple, well advertised specialty wants two high-class traveling salesmen to see dealers; liberal contract with rlKht men; state age and experience fully, Manager, Room 401, Equitable Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. (9)- BALESMAN for Nebraska and Iowa, cap able of earning iz.ooo per year, expenses advanced. Full line of soaps, flavoring, etc., giving the $2 for $1 plan to dealnr to meet mall order competition. F. F. Cook, Sales Dept., Detroit, Mich. (CO- AGENTS everywhere to sell our automatlo burglar alarms; send ooc for sample; in dorsed by chiefs of police; exclusive ter ritory given. Ramona Novelty Mfg. Com pany, 1931 Broadway, New York. CO- SALESMEN of ability and experience on encyclopedia and reference publications wanted by a leading house; exclusive ter ritory; permanent employment; applies, tlona must be accompanied by first-class references. P. O. Box 1579, Philadelphia, Pa. W- AN old established Chicago oil house will pay 70 per cent commission to salesmen who will sell luhricatlng oils and special ties on a straight commission basis and advance their own expense money; ex clusive territory, lowest cost prices and the finest line of goods on the market. Address Manager, 828-79 Dearborn St., Chicago. (9) 728 24x PERMANENT positions to offer experi enced men, traveling in Iowa for estab lished Iowa daily newspaper. Must be hustlers and of good habits. Address, Circulation Department. Refliter and Leader, Des Moines, Iowa. (9) 760 24x IF this advertisement strikes the eye of a man between 25 and 40 years of age, who perhaps has always worked on a salary, but who feels he would like to better his condition, and connect himself with one of the largest and best business Institu tions In the country, snd engage In a business where he Is working for him self, and the more results he accomplishes the more he will Increase his Income It such a man will address K 770. Bee, he may learn of just the opportunity he wants. Any letter received will be treated in strict confidence and no Inquiry of anv kind will be made without the consent of the writer. Good men, are hard to find hence this advertisement. () 748 24 MANUFACTURER will pay $70 a month fur a first-class salesman for Nebraska and Iowa territory, to fill vacancy; staple line, sella to all classes of merchants. Position permanent. Address, Manufac turer, Box 7S4, St Louis, Mo. (t)-784 24x PICTURE AGENTS Our specialties for 1907: pillow tops, lace medallions, veneer medallions; big money; largest portrait, frame and picture supply house In the world; eend for catalog u-s. Indiana Por. trait and Frame Co., La Porte. Ind ()-77 24 X WANTED Specialty salesmen able to earn $1.0uO per month and up. Greatest town site proposition on earth. Hustlers are making JJuO to $fu0 per week. Adrees Texas and Paclno Development Co., Edgewood. Tex. (91769 24x WANTED Experienced salesmen to carry exclusively best line of calendars and ad vertising novelties; only successful work ers, thoroughly la earnest, need apply, with references. Hpotswood ttueulaJty Co., Lexington, Ky. )' y HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Solicit ontlnned. WANTED Men to travel, deliver sample end advertise our goods locally; salary $'1 per iiinnlh and enpenses ttoeiloy Dept C, Monon Block, CUlcago. t9jT79 24 AGENTS WANTED The latest rvoltr, "Kkiddooer." aril on sight; buiei n fun; sample Inc. Galconda Co., ra Ftankstown Ave, Pittsburg, TV SALESMEN wanted to carry our line ad vertising pocketbooka and fat.s as a side line; liberal compensation. Ohio Nnvdty Co., Springfield, O. 9) 6 24x AGGRESSIVE men and young women may earn $ti to $10 a dav bv writing for propo sition. Northwest Realty Review, 6o4 Bniley Bldg., Seattle. Wash. (VH567 24x WANTED Specialty salesmen with estab lished trade selltiur retail grocers to carry attractive cigar and chewing gum deal on commission; give references and ter ntory covered. Anderson at Co., Atlanta, Oa- t!) 0S 24X SALESMEN Everywhere, M1 our lc crushers to saloontsts, soda fountains, confectioners. Ice cream manufacturers, etc.; side line; good commission. Daven port Ice Shipping Machine Co., Davcn Port la. ()-6t 34x AGENTS wanted to drive through the country, best soiling proposition ever of fered. Big value for your customer, big profit for you. Write today fur particu lars and territory, E. R. McClelUn, 601 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9) 834 $17.00 for twenty minutes a day of your time, to salesmen selling Chase's Guar anteed Dandelion Killer as a side line! no samples and no interference with your regular line. Address Box 37A Omaha. Neb. (; 829 24x SALESMAN WANTED To travel in sur rounding states; knowledge of our busi ness not necessary; position permanent with good Income; references required. Address N 790, Bee office. (9) all 26x WANTED Traveling man with ability a a salesman and capable of hiring and managing others. Address C M4, Be office. (9) M18 28x WANTED Today, two first class salesmntt for positions on road. No fake. Apply Her Grand Hotel, room 846, until 2 o'clock, (9)-7 24x MEN Write at once and we will explain how we will make you a present of $lnu, give you a splendid suit of clpthes every ninety days, enlarge your picture free and pay you a salary of $S5.00 per month and all traveling expenses, with our check for $..0.00 when engaged, to take order for the greatest and most reliable por trait house in the world. All this will be guaranteed. Address It D. Mart el, Dept. 946, Chicago, 111.' 19) 706 4x $96.00 A MONTH for man with rig to ad-vet-tine and lntroduoe our goods. W mean business and furnish best of ref erences. Send for contract. Royal Co-op. Mfg. C, Dept 17, Indianapolis, Ind. (9) 708 I4x WANTED Good man in each oounty to represent and advertise hardware depart ment put out samples, etc. Salary $21.00 weekly. Expense money advanced. Dept A 12, The Columbia House, Chicago. (9 710 24x WANTED Good salesmen and solicitors to present the best proposition now be fore the homcseoker and small investor. We want also three district managurs in Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri. An opportunity for men who can produoe results. Rock Island Development Co, U. S. Nat l. Bunk Bldg., Omaha. (9) 841 24 pet brushes In stores, schools, residences, fiubllc buildings, hotels,, halls; field tin imlted; reduce duet 97 per cent actual test; gold medal at St. Louis World fair; strictly guaranteed; big margin and great seller; opportunity to build great trade; exclusive territory; no competition. Milwaukee Dustlass Brush Co., Milwau kee. Wis. (9) 779 24x WANTED Two traveling salesmen to work small towns and country trade; es tablished house, articles well advertised; exceptional opportunity to men of ability and good references; prefer specialty salesmen; must state age, experience and lints handled In first letter; replies con fidential; must be ready to start about March 4; must be familiar with Iowa ter- - ritory.. Box 666, Chicago, t . ... (9 694 24x 1 i AGENTS wanted to Introduce our satinet te photo pillows. Over loo per cent profit Easily sold. Latest erase. Sample pre- pared, 4uc. Particulars free. Booth-wu lace Co., Chicago. (9 782 24x SALESMEN, don't answer this ad unless you want to earn from $ou0 to $800 per month with a strong proposition. V mean business If you are the man. Writ us. Box 725, Chicago. (9) 783 24x SALESMEN wanted. Two ex;erlenced traveling specialty salesmen wi.rth $3,001 per year. Positions permanent. Salary fc-tiiiranleed to good men. Address with reference, Y-139, care of Bee. (9)-671 24x SALESMAN wanted; selling general mer chandise to stores, small towns, to carry complete lace-etnr tilery line from larg est importers, liik Co., 410 Broadway, New York. (9 675 tix AGENTS wanted; large colored pictures, 16x20; Moonlight on the Wabash, and others, sample 10c. Box 617 Muvwood, 111. (9-o73 24X WANTED Salesmen to sell as side line, on liberal commission, an extensively ad vertised soup. Stato experience and re ference. Robert M. McMullen CO., Fifth Ave, and 83d St., New York City. (9)-677 24x CAPABLE ralesman to cover Nebraska with staple line: high' commissions with 3100 monthly advance. Permanent posi tion to riKlit man. Jeaa 11. Smith Co., Detroit. Mich. (9) 676 24x AGENTS, canvassers, investigate reduced unces on Japanese omwn worx, em broidered novelties, waist, suits, patterns, dress goods, new designs. Japanese Im-. porting Co., Chicago. 00 678 24x SALESMEN to call on lumber, hardware, building material dealers anil roofers to sell product of well known manufacturer, liberal commissions tld. Samples pockft size. Addreos Box 323, Kansas City. Mo, (9-7 24 MAN cleared $1,182; lady, $730 last six months selling new celluloid waterproof hoe dressing; why nt youT Dmnun strated sample free. W, Ilolladay & Co iJ Clark St., Chicago. (9 J ft 2 24x WANTED District managers in Iowa for an old line life insurance company. Splen did chance for men of good character, who can demonstrate their qtialllleation for the position. Only experienced and successful men tie-d apply. Addrec Field Manager, Lock Bos 904, De Moines, la. (9J-&4 24 WANTED One live, exclusive agent la each manufacturing plant. Noon hour work pays from $5 to $2u0 each year. Beat agents record last week was $'!2 in thro hours. Popular Mechanics, Chicago. 9)-t7 24 AGENTS For latest Improved self-heating smoothing iron; automatlo fastener; great eiioress; liirge commissions; exclusive ter ritory. Ideal Iron Co., 174 Lincoln Ave Newark, N. J. (91720 24x AGENTS The most useful household ne cessity ever produced; no talking to doi s sells Itwlf : poor agents making $26 a week; huwtlers coining money. Write for exclusive territory. Monarch Co., 13 Lib erty St., New York, Dept. 372. (9)-721 24x SALESMEN wishing to e-vrn $3 to $6 por day, write for terms Immediately. First National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. (9) 6S8 24x' AGENTS Something extraordinary; s. If. generating gas burner, fitting kerosene lamps; brilliant white gas light; llb-iraj, inducements; exclusive territory; positive monoiKjly; description free: established, reliable. Eastern Gaslight Co., 2fco Broad way, New York. (9 24x AGENTS, mall order dealers, etc: best sell ing article on market; :" per cent profit on en oh sale: get In at once; sample, lto. Johnston's Emporium, 745 N. 2.id, Phila. (91-T13 -Hx AGENTS WANTED-Pa tented; hitch any where; weighs but few ounos; carry la pocket; eftective; no competition: horse men excellent agents, pocket Hltchpoat Co., Muncle, Inl (9) otf Ux EARLY sale of $20. Fortune aoda fountain made easy by new aide lines, which pay $15 to $U5 weekly, beside $10 commission on eaoh fountain sold, which agent collects; district managers wanted. Zenith Mfg. Co., Dept 26, US L Sail Bt. Chicago. C687T r r 4, a,. ti