Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 13

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A Paper for tti Mom
Best tlr. Vcst
PAQB 1 TO 10,
30TeleP xzl r,W
A Great Wash Goods Event
Hundreds of Beautiful Sheer Fabrics. This grand collec
tion is almost confusing all the correct ideas and color
effects.. Every Yaid is New and Pretty. Come and See!
Dress Goods
Plaids and Checks are Very Stylish for Suits or Separate Skirts Swell creations are shown Monday. These wool
Stuffs consist mostly of Suiting Effects, very attractive; tan being the popular shade. Large black checks of brok
en plaid effects on white grounds are in great demand. Monday we show you a beautiful collection 7 CA
2 of foreign and domestic makes prices ranging from 75o a yard to JM9
30-lnoh Chambray dlnffham, one
of the best qualities made, nlro
27-inch width In ame grada.
These ppods will make fine
house dresses, strictly fast col
ors, -every piece of the 36-tnch
quality worth 18c, Monday, a
yard 9o
60o Baautiful Hew Wash' Fabrics,
half silk. In handsoma rich de
signs. These goods are made of
the best American manufacture,
colorings are exquisite, largo or
small designs, Monday, yd...S9o
SOo and 850 Ifsw Madras, In beau
tiful designs, neat offsets in
tripes of various widths, fine
for men's shirts or women's
tnprnlng dresses, 82 Inches wida,
on sale now, yard 10
Voiles and Bilk and Wool Fabrics
are selling freely. We show the
newest weaves, either In plain or
fancy styles, swell self-color
plaid or stripe effects, new
browns or tans prices from i
a yard down to 78o
$1.98 Bilk Crspe for 59o Mondvy
morning we place on sale the
best 46-inch Silk Crepe, In every
new shade, new tan, bnowns,
blues, greens, grays, reds and
black, every yard worth 11.25,
very stylish for this season's
costumes or gowns Monday
only, yard 69o
Antirmntmrr An hYfrflnrrtifiArv Advance lc
411 IVIUlll 4 1IS mviiimuiwiiiwi J a a aw i w
In almost every line of iroods handled by such a err eat retail concern as ours,
wta mnntVia nrn rtlnrl ViAaw rvrrlent for tnerchiuidise of everv aualitv. both IF
in home and foreign markets. This proof of our merchandising foresight is
more than justified by the present excited condition of the world's great max
kets. It is evidence of our, unparalleled buying facilities for we are a part
of the great Manix Buying Syndicate of America. Our being able so easily,
in face of greatly disturbed market conditions, to keep prices just where
they were when the pulse of the world's industries was so much steadier
settles all questions as to where you ought to buy everything you need for
yourself, your family or your home RIGHT HERE EVERY TIME.
Grand Initial Showing New Spring Silks
Grandest stvles. in the verv best qualities only are found here. Our col
lections consist of the very choicest designs from foreign and domestic mak
ers. Some of the prettiest and most attractive Silks are the French effects
in many beautiful colorings. .
Come Monday and see the finest array or Silks in omana.
36-in. Black Waterproof Ha
butal Silk, the kind that
washes beautifully; will not
pnU or slip; fine for dresses
and waists; every yard
worth 89c, Monday
only, yard
(2 yards for Waist pattern
for $1.23.)
CHINE One of the best
qualities, made, 24-ln. wide,
In nearly every shade
cream, white, new brown and
grey, lavender, red and
black; this quality sells for
75c and 85c
Monday, yard .
$1.50 SILKS FOR 60c Thla
is the greatest bargain in
Omaha, 36-in. wide; some
beautiful striped effects, In
green, shaded with various
color combinations; very
Boft and dressy; also 86-ln,
changeable Taffetas, for
dresses or skirts; every yard
worth 1.50; Mon
day only, yard . .
Grand Showing New Spring White Goods
There's no better time to select goods
than now. Stocks are very complete in ail
the. different lines. If yon contemplate inak
ing your own garments, the time to buy Is
now before stocks get broken np.
India Llnons, yard, 35c, 30c, 25c, 20c, 15o,
12ttc, 10c and .....7Me
7 Persian Lawn. yard. 60c. BOc. -40c. 30c. 25c.
20c. 15c and ..1Mk
Nainsook, yard, 50c, 40c, 35c, 25c, 20c, 16c,
12 He and.. 10
Long Cloth, yard, 25c, 20c, 17 He, !5c, 12 He, 10c
and .
"9 " -W
1 Sf
French Lawns, yd, 65c, 60c, 35c, 25c, 20c and.lKl
Wash Chiffon, yard, 85c, 75c, 65c, 6.0c and.. 40
Batiste, yard, 60c, 40c, 35c, 30c and . .25
Air Line Cloth, yard. $1.60. $1.25, $1 and. ..g
We are also showing some exclusive eslg&
Embroidered Chiffons, Embroidered Swisses, Embroidered Datl9tesc--in
New Sprias Patterns,, at the lowest possible prices - for first-class mer-
chandise,,,;:;;';:-' i 'v:,:. :''; ; ;
Picture Department Monday
Ten Qreen
Stamp with 1
dozen ' Mold
ing Hooks
Twenty Green
Stamps with
Medallion Pic
ture in metal
frame, at
25 c
Thirty Oreen
Stamps with
silk lined
Olove or 'Ker
chief box .
Forty Oreen
Stamps with
16x20 Gold
Framed Fruit
and Landscape
Picture, at
Furniture Bargains
Indicated By . Green Tag
Odds and Ends 'Mi, Half Value.
Many Advantage to Early-"
New 49c Books
Here's Jist of fl.BO Copyrighted Fiction that
np to date we have been selling at $1.08.
"Mr Lady of the North," by Randall Parrlsh; "Rich
ard CnrvW by Winston Churchill; "Nancy Stair,"
by Elinor Lane; "The Leavenworth Case," by
Anna Katherlne Qreen;: "The Fugitive. Black.
mith," by Chaa. D., Stewart; "Vaehti,". by Au
gusta Evans Wilson, and many other new ones In
thla list which sell for the first time at. . . .49
Book Section Main Floor. . 1
Monday in Crockery
140 Only English Decorated Jugs In as
sorted sizes and shapes. We want to
close them out quickly; former price up
to $1.25 on sale at G9t ' 49c
112-Piece Dinner Set Grindley's Best
Porcelain A green edcr decoration on a
good shape, $14 value the 748
full 6et on sale for. f
Vollmcr Clothing Company's
Closing Out Sale
Men's and- Boys Shirts,, worth
and sold up to $1.00, . Ch
sizes 11 to 17, each, at
1J0OO. Nottingham Curtain
V Coraewwersed as trav-elin-ineTrfV"''-
samples, . all-.worth-.romSOc
to 75c
'Monday, each -.. 11
'600 Remnants Swisses, Cretonnes,
Denims and Curtains Net of all
descriptions, from 1 to 6. yards
in a piece, worth up to 35c yard,
Monday, a remnant, for . .11
New Spring Patterns of Snowflake
Madras Curtains Just arrived, in
all colors, 500 pairs on sale Mon
day, pair, at 79
Third Floor. . Third Floor.
Bridesmaid Rose Decoration Oups and
Saucers Big lot we must reduce, marked
to sell at $2.50 a dozen; on sale a
great bargain a cup and saucer fl f
BennettY Big Grocery
Maadquartara for Vroa BoaataA CoCmm.
Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-pound can.... 489
And Thirty Oreen Trading- Stamps.
Basket Fired Japan Tea, pound 38o
And Thirty Oreen Trading- Stamps.
CornmeaL white or yellow, 10-pound sack ISo
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps.
Egg-O-See, per package ,10o
And Five Green Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Oats, t pkgs , .WOO
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Wheat, I pkgs 8O0
Ana ten ureen Trading stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat, S pkgs ISo
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps.
Durkee's Salad Dressing, bottle KM
And Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps.
rnirlCM'a f'Al.rv Rnlt hntllA IIWl
and Five Oreen Trading Stamps. iSt$
csnreaaea woansn, 1 psgs.. so t
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. ,
Maine Corn Special I cans, 25c, dosen cans..,.. too
Horseradish, bottle iOc
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps.
Three Star Satmon, can .....BOa
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps.
"Best We Have" Tomatoes, large can 18
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps.
Navy Beans, 10 pounds BSC .
Grape-Nuts, package lOe
Tp&ated Corn Flakes, I packages SOo -
p fc.M
, Monday in Hardware
House Cleaning Time Will
Boon Be Here.
alonnay, Good Heavy Carpet
'. Beaters tor l&o
And 20 Oreen Trading Stamps.
Mop Sticks, very lest .... lOo
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
S-Onp Zrg Voaohem are being
used more and more 34o
And 20 Oreen Trading Stamps.
..Waffle 1TABL MfUlil.V
T Z'S No. 8, the slse gener-
' ally used es
Tf 1 Anl1 SO Green .Trading
Tla ToULing aneh
Beses, each, 26o...BOo
And 20' Green Trading
Monday, 66-root Wire
Olotkes ' Iitne for. . too
Block Planes Monday, a ,
No. 22 Stanley Blpck
Plane fort 400
Tne VerfeoUoa Mltro Boa, al
ways outs correctly, Monday
at sa.78
And CO Oreen Trading Stamps.
Xattle Bread Toaster for. . .lo
And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps.
ralnts. Oils. Olaas, Tarnlsn.
Dry Oolora, aa wall as the
, Vamous Jap-a-Iao TarnUk
Women's Tailor Made Suits
Easter Comes Early and Our Stocks Are Now
Ready for Your Inspection
New Suits arriving by every express. Styles are Etons, Short Pony,
'Princess and the Natty Jumper effects. Cloths are Chiffon Broadcloth,
Panama," Serge and Voile. Colors are black, light brown, navy blue, gray.
leather and champagne. Prices, $25, $29.50, $35, $39.50, $49.50. V
Made of good quality Broadcloth,
collar and cuffs, of different
shades; colors navy
blue, red and tan,,
JS'aw Suite, for-Mondav SlUnftWrhov
r y Ckttf Yea4rday and Go on Sale
, : Tomorrow .Monday.
Womm'i Silk at $10.50 Pretty eulta of
plain taffetas in all the newest, best
. shades; also a fine, lot of stripes and
checkB,. rn black and white effects. JStylee
are-Jurrifer with lace', and ne"t guimpes,
nd princess with pleated I i
skirts; also a scattering of 11 fit
. three-piece suits, choice iLJ ik J
or long sleeves, each
Women's Lawn Waists Made of fine 6heer lawn, eight styles to chooee
from, handsomely trimmed in VaL Lace and Inserting, short I i Q
,! TTvJ
Women's Lingerie Silk Waists Made of
fine quality silk, front and sleeves trimmed
in VaL Lace, Inserting and Medallions, col
ors black, navy blue, brown, light T IP
blue, pink and champagne, each. .. J
73c Corset Covers for 39 Trimmed in
Val. Lace, Inserting and Ribbon.
$1.50 White Cambric Skirts for 98 -Deep
tucked flounce, trimmed in 12-incJa em
broidery, i
4 SM-
Ideality and
in Style
Women's and ' Misses Spring
- Coats Made of fancy checks
and mixtures; collars and. cuffs
trimmed in black velvet ; styles
are fitted and semi-fitted
. Pony coats a chio C CI C
spring gannent fox. .
Women's Covert Cloth Jackets-
Strapped seams, notched collar,
heavy satin lined, ijj pp
Misses' and Juniors' Peter
Thompson Suits Made of fine
; serge, full regulation 6tyle;
V. colors' black and navy blue;
Misses', sizes 14, 16 and 18;
Junior sizes 11 13 f A A A
and 15, each 7 ftU.Ulf
Women's Panama Skirts Made
of fine Chiffon Panama, six
styles to select from, Fifth
, Ave latest production; colors
are black, brown, navy, green,
tan and fancy stripes C CI C
and checks
Women's Fine Voile Skirts Made
cluster pleated and full , pleated
models; colors black, navy. tl T)50
tan and leather shades, at1
Telsmmi Wtre FairW Failed on lfyor
Bohmiti and Hia T arty.
rlaui Back Haas Kept Up a Steady
riv of Dcasaaas that Tkar BtUH
it Oat la Thal Talk
with Hoosavclt.
WASHINGTON, Feb. t3.-Uajror BchmlU
sf Baa Fraoclsoa cuil tba 8aa Francisco
school oflH-lala, ha cams along- hera with
tba mayor was tna WMldnt'a summons
to tinker UP Uta JaiMUMisa mesa had to
Stand for a taUfteVliia bombardment from
their home foiaa aucb as probably never
before felt to the lot of a president sum
moned party In WashitiaTton.'
WKsa the word reached San Franoiaoo
that tba preaident bad wired the mayor
and tba aoiMvl ottlcials of the town to "re
port to Washtagtun" to eoufer with hint
regarding the Japaaeea altuatiun, the Sun
Frandaoaaa, who, despite their distance
from the seat of govarnment, know a good
deal about what goes on In Washington
Instant If doped it out that when the mayor
and als aaaoclataa reached Washington Mr,
Rooaerelt would aoftaoap and blarney and
bector them Into agreeing with his view
of tba ajituaUoo.. . i
t i-
They had read and heard of other out.
fits that had been "summoned to Wash
ington" to "talk things over," and how
such outfits had left the White House
swearing that the present president
wouldn't know how to go about making a
mistake if he tried, and they were deter
mined that Jfhls thing shouldn't happen to
their mayor and school officials.
Bo b fore the mayor and the rest of the
Washington bound outfit left Ban Fran
cisco they were plainly told that they would
be expected to stand by the Ban Francisco
view of the Japanese question and that
any evidence or even symptom of craw
fishing on their part would be taken by the
coasters a a deliberate "knock at Cali
fornia." Idayor Schmlts and bis herd
duly promised that they'd be good and
left for Washington.
But the San Francisco folks were going
to make sura They kept right at the
Bchmlts delegation at every stage of that
party's progress across the continent At
every atop the train made a raft of tele
grama was banded to Mayor Bchmlts and
his oompaniens signed by officials and citi
aens of Ban Francisco. "Buck up and stay
burky" waa the general essence of all of
theae telegrams addressed to the train on
which the party travelled.
"Don t welch,1' one telegram read. "You
don t hare to bo cocky, but you're ex
pected to stick." read another. "Don't let
anybody talk your arm off." waa ono ad
dressed personally to tha mayor. "If you
stand pat you'll be patted wbea you get
back. If you don't " was another one.
' At ono stop midway aoruaa the oT41nnt
tha party reocived no less than alxty-threa
telegrams from the thoroughly wound-up
San Franciscans of which tha following are
a few samples:
"Be different. Roosevelt runs everybody.
Don't let him run you."
"You're for California and not Teddy.
Remember that."
"Take a brace. Don't be putty."
' "You're going against the tolklst with
the teeth. Show him yours If ba tries to
corral you."
, "Don't ba quarter horses. Stay the dla
tanca" "No curling up. Stay with it."
"Don't fall for that hynoptlc gag."
"We're watching you carefully, boys."
"Show soma spine."
"Look out for that mollycoddling stuff."
The man you're going to brace la a aboot-
"Don't get run down between the bases."
"We know he's great and a wonder and
all that atuff. But be's wrong about the
Jap thing hera and don't let him make you
think he's right"
"No hufBrag. ,
-li there's clinch, look out for those
kidney roastera He fights with both
mltu." , ....
. "Yiouj can't bo in agreement with the big
aticker and wtth your neighbors out here,
"Ask him if he meant it when ha wrote
that he'd aend the United States army
against us If wa didn't behave."
" Stop, look and listen.' "
When tha niayor and hia party -reached
Washington, do? tired, they found another
large package of telegrams awaiting them
at their hotel, all of which they read be'ore
they turned in.
Before going to bed that first night.
Mayor Schmlts and his associates, in a
body, visited a well known Washington
cafe, frequented by notables, and partook
of soma liquid refreshment A Ban Fran
ciscan residence here this winter caught
then In 'the act. and ha promptly sent a
wire to Ban Francisco aettlng forth tha
statement that the first thing the party
did upon reaching Washington was ' to
repair to the splderweb groggery and com
up to tha ntnea Thla telegi&s; waa pub
lished In some of the Ban Frandco news
pa per a Tha mayor and hia bunch gut
results from that telegram by tha basket
ful on the following morning.
Here are a Jew of the telegrams they re
ceived from their watchful Ban Francisco
"lie ported that you're all rummy. Stop
"Btick to tha waterwagon until you've
don your business."
"Flag tha red eye. The Heap Big Stick
might smell your breaths."
"Papers hera say you're all spiffed to
the ayes. Better be good."
"Don't let 'am get next to your rummlneaa
at tha White Housa Folks are thrown
out of there for mighty little cause. Re
member Mrs. Minor Morria
"Win your point first and get your sou
"Stated hero that you all got pickled last
night Why. Bchmltsyl"
vli you can't bo good, bo careful."
"Eleventh Commandment Thou Shalt not
be caught with the good a"
"Dutch courage Is all right, but' don't
let tha boose take you."
"Can't you people have it out with him
without getting all lit np in advancer
"Be Jonardaba for this one cruise, any
how." "If you must drink, get under cover."
"Aa long as you don't fill up on sake
it's all risht"
After the first conference of tha mayor
and his party with tha president the im
pression got out that the president bad
forced the Ban Franciscans to admit a
good many things that helped his alda of
the argument This impression waa wholly
wrong, for the Ban Franciscans were an
unyielding lot from the beginning, but it
reached the Ban Francisco papers, and
then the mayor and bis bunch were pos
itively covered with telegrama They are
said to have received no less than 314 on
the day following their first talk with the
president, and many of '. them were hot
onea Several of the dispatches were of
considerable length, notably those Bent by
various labor organizations of Ban Fran
cisco, but sent by Individuals were
crisp and to tha point, and generally of
the aame tener aa those sent while the
party was on its way to Washington, as,
for Instance, th following:
"Bo you weie hot-aired, were your'
"Joined the snow sbovelera, have youT"
(Easterners are often alluded to by Cali
fornia folks as "now ahovelers.")
"Stated hera that you're backing down.
You've got to com back bare sooner or
later. Remember that"
"Don't be fooled by promtsea Promises
are made; get them in writing."
"Bad impression created here by report
of first conference. Don't be bamboosled."
"Tha Jap coolies have got to be kept
out of tha United States, and Japs that
have have got to ba kept out of Califor
nia schools. These are tha two points.
Don't recede from them."
"He may string you, but ha can't string
aU of ua"
"If there's going to be any bulldosing.
beat him to it We're with you on that."
"Let him do tha talking if it tickles him.
But you get results."
"Being said her that you're becoming
hypnotised. Better buy some green gog
glea" The above are only specimens. Borne of
the telegrams were couched in terms a
great deal stronger. Nor did the alert Ban
Franciscans cease distributing this con
fetti of dispatches at any stage of tha
proceedings. .Every day during the con
ferences tba mayor and Ms party were
swamped with messages from their Ban
Francisco friends, aa well aa from un
friendly onea whoa messages were of a
threatening nature. It is said that the
president waa keenly disappointed when he
found how "stubbornly" they resisted his
offhand and somewhat cocksure presenta
tion of bis alda of tha controversy. Tha
preaident. If thla ba true, could have bad
little appreciation of tha predicament In
which the mayor and hia party found
themselves when they were "summoned"
to Washington.
Be Want Ada tor Busiaasa Booster.
"Manchester Martyr' Meaaarai tm
Be Dedicated ky Ma a Cass .
vleted with Theaa. . '
DUBLIN. Feb. 24. -Special. Dr. VM.
mond O' Meagher Condon of Atchison,
Kan., will on Sunday, March 10, unveU
the Manchester's Martyrs' memorial la
Tipperary. It Is stated that he will on
that day perform a function and occupy
a position to which, so far as we are
aware, there la no parallel in history.
The memorial will be unveiled by a man
who nearly forty yeara ago stood in tha
dock with Allen, Larkln and Gould, who
was tried on the same evidence. Identified
by the aame witnesses, convicted and tried
and sentenced to death by the same judges,
but against whom the evidence, tainted
from the first, waa so utterly untruslwc
thy that ha was reprieved.
Allen and the others declared solemnly
that they had not intended to burt Ser
geant Brett. Dr. O'Meagher Condoa in
hia speech from the dock at Manchester
at that time uttered a phrase which ha
since become historic. "I have nothing,"
he said in concluding bis speech, "to re
gret or to take back. I can only aay,
Ood save Ireland."
Approprlatlea Hills la Hems.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2S.-The nous to
day resumed consideration of the sundry
civil appropriation bill. The bouse today
adopted the conference report on the -lefts
latlve, executive anj Judicial bill.