Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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The Latest and Most Authentic Expressions
of Style In
New Spring Goods at Brandeis'
Every department la this vast store le ready for the
demands of spring. No store In the west was ever so
' completely prepared to satisfy every requirement of
the devotees of fashion. The season's newest Dress
Goods, the stunning Silks for 1907, the reigning spring
Wash Fabrics, the finest showing of settled styles In
ladles' Tailored Wear, the new French Gloves and
Furnishings, Spring Shoes, the daintiest Laces and
Embroideries, the first glimpse of Spring Millinery
In fact, a complete expose of the newest things for
spring wear.
jjj Drandels' Complete Showing ef the !
$ Long Kid Gloves for Spring j
y Pen-Ins txng Glovr-e -In black, white, russet and
5 every correct shade, 8, 11 and 16-button length; sIro i
jtj the Tanne Kid, with gusaeted sleeve, 12 and 16-
I AT ta
n button.
j Morha Gloves -12-button length, in brown, red, gray
9 and mode; newest spring Ideas.
N Cape Gloves IS and 16-button length, In black and
Ask for one
Oar New
Line of
are here. Tee
largest and finest
hewlaa la Osaka,
ef the nw
Standard Pat
ters are the
Chamois Glove 16-buttn length, white and natural,
in mousQitetalre and Barrlti.
Elbow length White Kid Gloves, also white and tan
Long Gloves, lace tops S1.P5
10-button ladies' Kid Gloves, black and white.. fl.Prt
m Trefousee Kid Gloves, black, 16-button 2.D
Q Reynler's 16-button length Gloves, while only. .2.M)
ft! Ladies' Short Kid Gloves, white, black and colors, at,
jj per pair 50c
-.. -- - -
v ,
a t rv i r 1 Cj-1 a
g Advance isispiay. y uaciuoivc oijico
fe Import! Dirtct from Paris and Lyena
Chiffon MarqaJee Borders, Printed Marquise
Silks, Fekln Check and Embroidered Shan
tungs, Nouveaute en Rajah, Voile Broche Im
prlme, Double Width Silk Calciums, high, bril
liant luster, soft, clinging texture; desirable
for evening and street wear, QQ . T95
mostly in 45-lnch wide, at, yard I M
Newest Spring Domestic Silks Over 28 distinct
styles, checks, cad ri lie, barred Silks, Faconne
Taffetas, Rough Shantungs, In every wanted
shade, Including the new browns, champagnes,
marines end black and white C1 4.150
effects, at, yard U J C I
Satin and Twill Foulards
In vogue this spring mostly 24 and 27-lnch -foreign
snd domestic Foulards, spotproof polka
dot, every combination and color represented;
Broche Foulards, etc.. many exclusive and our
own direct importation, at, Q J)C 1
Colored Dress Taffetas
. 36 and 27-lnch Colored Dress Taffetas, very lus
trous, all the desirable spring shades a re
markable purchase enables us to offer them at
about one-half regular value.
The 27-in. Dress Taffetas at 59c The 36-in. Dress Taffetas at 89c
Second Section Main Silk Department.
gieivioii4HiiiKii4Bjiiisii4iii4iBiBjMi4iii4i K Thousands and Thousands Yards in Newest Designs
! ,V7?:lL? EL' I Embroidery Sale
I lICwiC3l iJlll lllil 191 CM VUUUd I y Mond?y will be a rare bargain day in the embroidery section. Large
m m
These elegant new dress fabrics were imported expressly for
Brandeis from our own Paris office. They represent the cleverest
new weaves for spring. The variety is almost unlimited.
Tie Kew All Wool Tiffetat, 44 In. wide, eitry deslnbli thadi. S1.19 taloe, 75c Yd.
. 6 fey fine; Suitings, 52 Inches nidi, $1.50 falue, spring weights, $1.00 Yird.
Lupin's Celebrated Imported Voiles, Brandeis carries an i full line, yd. SI md $1.50
Imported Silk and Wool KoTeltles exquisite noteltias, $2.00 ta $5.03 Yard.
bargain square piled high with embroideries to sell at bargain prices,
New, fresh and crisp
60c dress goods
at 29c Td Such
as 44 Inch mo
hairs, pi a 1 d s,
checks, cash
meres and novel
ty suit
ings, at,
yard .
65c Dress Goods
at 39c yard. Fan
cy mohairs, hen
rlettas, over
plaids, broken
checks, brllllan-
tlnes and gray
suitings, i
75c Dress Goods
at 49c. Mixed
suitings, tartan
plaids voiles,
Panamas and
fancy suitings,
f 1.00 drees goods
at yd. 69c. Gray
fancy suitings,
54-lnch -' checks,
covert cloths, Im
ported worsteds
and Pan-,
a mas, at
yard .
broideries and insertings just
out of the import cases to go in
this sale. All are fine hand loom
embroideries, made on high
quality of nainsooks, Swiss
and cambrics in two lots
Monday at, yard
3c 110c
,7-lnch Silk Warp Poplins, yard 89c
36-lnch Peau de Messallne, yard 08c
27-lnch black spotproof Summer Silk, per
yard W
86-Inch Lyon Dye Black Habutal, yd.. 75c
45-Inch Black Crepe de Chine, yard. 91.00
86-lnch Brandeis' Special Black Dress Taf
feta, yard 85c
S0-lnch White Jap Silk, yard 17 c
27-lnch Extra Heavy Jap Silk, yd.. 48c
86-lnch Extra Heavy Jap Silk, yd.. 69c
24-lnch Crepe de Chine,' yard 48c
27-lnch Drap de Sole, yard. 89c
21-inch Imported Messallne, yard.. 69c
7 5c black
dress goods.
Tamlse cloth,
Panamas, e fa
mines, voiles
and serges
Monday at
44-Inch Imported
black voile, that
cannot be dupli
cated for less
than SI yard
Monday at
Imported black
all wool pop
lins, an ex
cellent wearing
material, a
SI, 25 quality
Monday at, yd.,
"Lupin's" all
wool black
taffeta, our
regular $1.25
quality Mon
day, at, yd.,
Imported black
armures and mel
rose suitings, in
very neat designs
a large assort
ment at, yard.
Cjtt, C-.'I. Five bargain squares loaded with the newest Silks at less
OllK OpCCIoIS than one-third regular prices -Monday's specials, worth
On Bargain Square more, at, yard . , .25c39c.49c69c.75c
' Each new shipment of spring apparel seems to show prettier, daintier
and more serviceable style than the previous arrivals. Our display Is now so
- complete and varied in its style character that no woman In Omaha can feel
well Informed on the decided fashions for 1907 until she has viewed these
new arrival.
The New Suits show the favor
ite new broad-shouldered ideas,
the French Pony' Etons, the
Prince Chaps, the Ponys, etc., in
all the new fabrics.
Skirts for Spring; are in the
reigning fabrics. The new
plaited models predominate.
Skirts seem dressier than ever.
The New Silk Jumper Suits are
bound to be the prime favorites.
One model is shown in illustration.
The Smartest Styles of Spring
Coats are shown in a fine va
riety. Lawn, Lingerie and Silk Waists
in our Waist Section.
,. Monday we price our highest quality Fur Coats and the favorite models
In Fur Scarfs at a reduction of one-third to one-half from former price. These
jfur garments and pieces were all selected for their reliability.
In forenoon only
we will offer for
sale 1,000 pieces
of . w h I t e
table oilcloth
worth 18c yard,
One large counter
of soft ft n 1 s h
English long
cloth, in mill
lengths, worth
10c yd., yd.
Plain and corded
percales, worth
8 He yd., yd.
Persian pattern
cotton challls,
worth 6c yard,
yard ,
la Our New
Gingham Section
One large section devoted exclu
sively to sale of gingham. Our
own Importation of Anderson's
Scotch Zephyr Qlngtiams, in
plain colors, small checks Hnd
stripes and corded plaids. We
have a full and complete
line of this ever popular ')'
fabric at, yard
Bates' nurse stripe and Toil dc
Nord fancy Dress Ginghams all
new spring styles, best f l
American gingham I X,,C
made at, yard " -
30 Inches wide Park Hill Zephyr
Ginghams. These come In plain
and corded effects very m
fine soft cloth, usual I3C
price is 25o yd. at, yd. . . .
Imperial Chambray, 80 inches wide
this chambray is too woll
known to need any advertising,
suffice to say we have the com
plete line in plain shades P
and fancy checks at, j(J
Mercerised silk finished llnghams,
in large and small black and
white checks and in all the
corded checks. This is the cloth
which was so exceedingly pop
ular last season and the manu
facturer tells us it will Q
be more popular this IC
year price, per yard
We have a full and complete line
of Everett Classic Bookfold aing-
ham. For good and substantial
wear this gingham has no equal.
We have a full and complete line
of Amoskeag apron checks, each
piece branded Amos- i
keag gingham price, OiC
per yard
Galatea elo(h. Just the thing for
boys' suits and ladle' shirt
waist and Jumper suits.
We have a complete I J P
line of styles, yard " w
New Basement
We are showing immense line
of high class summer fabrics
many are our own importa
tatlon, bought by our own
buyer in Europe large range
of plaid voiles, In m g
black and white ef- ( t
fecta, yard JM
Handsome line of silk foulards,
In abstracted polka p g
dot and plain colors, SI IP
Boxed dimity checks a very
silky cloth, plain mv
and very sheer f 7C
Beautiful line of French serge
plaid, check' and stripe in
two qualities TT y f
at, yard JJC'mJC
Handsome line of real Irish
dimity stripes and
dimity checks at.
Silk organdies, beautiful range
of floral designs and equal to
any 60c cloth shown
In Omaha our
Beautiful Mne of chiffon cloth,
In dainty checks and "jr
stripe DQ
Our range of White Goods, in
foreign and domestic makes, in
sheer and heavy weights is equal
to any line shown west of Chicago.
Specialty In this department Is a
handsome range of double fold.
1 18-in. a.nd 27-in. Embroideries
The finest Skirtings and Flouncing ever shown in Omaha at special
, sale, beautifully hemstitched and scalloped-r-
finest sheer fabric, worth up to 75c yd., at, yd JC C
I Double Edge Embroidery Headings
In all beautiful new patterns the daintiest effects from f f
Switzerland easily worth 25c a yard, at,. yard ....1 AjC
' An Extra. Special Sale of Laces
Almost 100 styles of fine Laces in this special sale German Vals.
$ rrencn vais., xorcnons, nat vai., many in match ZXr g
y sets, worth up to 15o yard, at, yard.'. . , J 2C5C
I Allover Laces and Nets
y 18 to 36 inches wide, in white, cream and ecru many are worth up to
$1 a yam the most elegant new patterns shown Tf f Q
in years, at, yard
Big lots of the finest ribbons, worth J Ladies' fine turn1 over
. up to' 40c a yard, - e e worth up to 25c each,
at, yard JC-IUC-I JC I at, each
One big table mill
lengths all grades
bleached muslin
and cambric,
A fresh lot .of
those pin dot fine
white Swisses
that caused such
a sensation Fri
day, worth 50c
yard,' yard
15 c
One big counter
of m e r c e rlzed
poplins and eo
slette, in white
and all colors, yd
One table of reg
ular 5c unbleach
ed muslin at,
One counter of regular 9c
Unbleached Muslin, just
like Indian Head qual
ity, per yard
One big table fine yard wide
mercerised black sateen
some In full pieces, but
most in mill lengths
' yard
Finest lot of India Llnon
mill lengths we have had
this year, mostly a reg
ular 25c grade, at, yard.
the Linen Department Monday
'tt Inch very fine round
thread white linen tor
suits and shirt waists
a regular 60c 1t
quality, Mon- Jl
day, yard.. ;w
Pattern table cloths, all
linen, 8 yds. long, the
best wearing goods on
earth, regular ISKS
each . . .
Dinner Napkins. all
linen, slse 10 and 18-itu
regular $1.(0 quality,
Mpnday, . F
Table Damask, by the
yard, full bleached all
linen, satin finished, ex
tra fine 72-Inch, regular
$1.00 quality, .. Q
Monday. frfiQ
Cotton diaper, best qual
ity, 10 yard pieces, 27
Inches wide. regular
Pice price S'1-00, Mon
day,! . C
Hemmed hurk towels,
some are half linen
regular lOo quality
Monday, f
each 5C
Turkish Wash Cloths, regular Bo quality, Monday,
each ....(..i . ...'
Curtains for Spring
Swiss Curtains, hemstitched ruf
fle, I yards long, pair, 69c.
Snowflake Curtains, In all colors,
pair, 8o.
Rope Portlers, for single doors, pair,
Corded Arabian Curtains, pair, 11.25.
Cable Net Curtains, In white and
ecru, pair, S1.S8.
Fish Net, In white and ecru. yd. lOo.
Fine Imported Swiss, worth SOo,
yard, 19c.
Unmatchable prices, on high
grade novelties. ,
a roll for White Blank
Papers in full combination,
a roll for Mica and Silver
7 a roll for Dining Room and
I C . Hall Paper.
a roll for two-tone
I a
ARLY comers'to the great sale of Men's and Young Men's
Suits find the greatest bargains ever known In Omaha.
Late visitors find the stock so large that there Is always
a splendid variety to select from. Monday's bargains as
great as ever.
In this lot from Babbitt & Co., Albany, N. Yn high
grade retail clothiers, are
$20 and $25 Young Men's Suits at $5
A Mara. B.
Co., ef Chloaio, and other woll
Including Hart. Schaffner
helmer OL
1 known
Also all Men's $12.50, $15 and $20 Spring Snits isr!1"!?.:
Questions ef Labels that Bothsr Dealers in
Packed Goods,
raro Food to Horo, They Bar,
Taoy Coat Always rind Oot How
to Laocl It Costa Honor
to Ooer the Law.
; The pure food law baa been In operation
ainco January 1., What has boon aocomp
..UshedT The public la not so much con--.eormed
with the machinery of the law and
the details of its operation as with the ro
.suits. The question that is being put to
wholesale grocers and dealers In meats an!
liquors Is:
"Are the food products and the meats
'and drinks that are made by the manu
facturers and sold In wholesale and retail
shops any purer than they were before?"
, With- this question cornea another as to
whether any of the manufacturers who
put up Impure or adulterated food and
. drinks have been driven out of buslneao or
,jnad to chanse their methods. To suca
.questions the wholesale men have only
tone answer, and that la one which at first
causes some surprise.
' It la that there has been very little
chance. In fact, almost nonS. as to the
-oharaoter ef the roods sold. ' The whole
alers are eonoerned almost entirely with
the details as to the enforcement of the
I.oBl laaoortaat Itosa.
A surprising' amount of activity In this
rospert Is coins- on all over the country.
This activity at present eotrflned Itself al
most exclusively to tha proper labelllyc of
the products.
, Tfce evarac e person might suppose that
the wholesalers would be most eonoerned
about retting absolutely pure products.
That Is not the case, for the very simple
reason, they say, that the mere passage
of the law has brought that about
The pure food law requires that no dele
terious matter shall be put Into foods, and
also that the foods ' shall not be mis
branded. It Is with the misbranding fea
ture of the law that the dealers are now
mostly concerned.
Labets must be put on packagee that shall
declare truthfully what Is In them. This
upsets a whole lot of trade traditions. The
law U not entirely clear and the Agri
cultural department ttaelf Is not opectfto as
to how articles In details shall be labelled.
Every product has to be considered on Its
own merits and the dealers are now pus
sllnc over the meaning- of words and
phrases and there is a mlghtly k of odit
ln e-o'.nc on so thst the requirements of
the law shall bo fulfilled.
"Jmrm- Coffee am Exasaolo.
A simple Illustration of the upsettlnr of
trade traditions will reveal what that
means. For fifty years or more, for ex.
ample, one "of the highest grades ef coffee
has been sold to the public as Java coffee.
A certain grade of coffee was classified
In the trade In that way.
Most folks have thought the coffee was
Crown In Java and that It was railed
Java because of that fact. The truth is
that very little Java coffee ever came from
A Urge part of It, Indeed most of It,
came from Sumatra, an adjoining Island.
Java la not particularly suited for coffee
growing. It does produce some high grade
coffee, and In the early years the best cof.
fee did come from that Island.
But Sumatra soon produced a better ar.
tide and kept on producing It In immense
quantities. The fine quality, however, had
always been called Java coffee hy the
trade and the Sumatra product was put
out as Jsva coffee, and the trade came to
regard this little deception not only as
trifling, but as absdlutaly aeoesaary to
the successful conduct of the coffee busi
ness. Under the new law all this must be
changed. No coffee must be labelled Java
coffee unless it comes actually from Java.
That means an upheaval of trade tradi
tions. How Deception Grew.
There are many products of food that
have grown up to be labeled as something
different from what they really are, not
because of any intent to deceive, but be
cause the public. In response to these trade
traditions, has practically demanded that
the labels should Indicate that the goods
were of the best kind rather than that
they should be literally accurate. With
a demand that the goods hill be labelled
so that there can be no deception of any
kind as to the contents of ia:kagea many
delicate questions as to wording have
arisen. -
There Is not a manufacturer of food
products who has not been struggling for
weeks and months with this problem.
Every house has pasted Its old labels In
books and then has made corrections on
the margins, twisting the wording; this
way and that until the right description
has been secured.
No manufacturer wants to tell any mors
than Is necessary about his goods and yet
every one has been anxious to comply with
both the letter and the spirit of the law so
as to avoid trouble with tha government.
It would be a serious matter, for example,
to make up half a million dollars worth of
goods and then And that they could not be
sold because they were not labelled prop
erly. Exoeaao of tao Labels.
The cost of labels Is enormoua One of the
wholesale houses In this town has nearly j
f 100.000 worth of labels which are useless
of themselves . under the new law and a
great problem haa been how to save the
money which has been spent for them.
The law allows the old labels to be used
until October 1, naxU This bouse puts out
millions of dollars worth of goods and a
nice calculation la going on as to the ex
tent use may be made of the labels on
hand. The problem la being solved mathe
matically, along the lines of average sales,
and the firm Is confident of winning out.
Boo res of other firms are In a similar po
sition and all are at work In getting rid
of old labela
There are hundreds of kinds of goods
that of the quick sale variety, and
thsl has brought about another problem as
to labels. It haa required the use of what
are known as supplementary labela
These are new labels which must be
pasted on goods already on shelves and
which are not likely to be sold out en
tirely before October 1. The new labels
eomply with the law and they can be
pasted on goods already put up because the
food products themselves are already pure,
according to the definition of the law.
Getting rid of old labela and sending
around supplementary labels to wholesale
and retail dealers Is a small problem com
pared to Sfime that must be met where
there ha, as yet. been no definite interpre
tation of the meaning of the law In speci
fic cases by the Agricultural department
Take the man who puts up atvmt )600,.
000 worth of caUup every summir and
That product contains a preservation
called bensoate of epda. It is not known
yet whether the use of that product will
be permitted.
for Catanp Makers.
Tbs catsup maker must prepare at once
for his campaign. He must order bottle,
boxes and labels. After he gets all his
preparations made and his packing goods
purchased there may still be some doubt
as to whether he can sell his goods. Hen-,
soate of soda is regarded as harmless.
Must the catsup maker arrange to put up
bis goods without ItT And if hs does,
must he have two sets of labela, one say
ing that bensoate of soda Is la the compo
sition, and the other making so reference
to It?
Bupppse the manufacturer goes wrong,
what shall he do with his goodst Many
Inquiries have been made of the Agricul
tural department as to Its probable course
If the manufacturer should go wrong.
Replies have been -received saying that a
tolerant spirit will be manifested, and It is
altogether probable that where the manu
facturer has had to go ahead and him
acted in good faith the government will
npt be harsh and some amicable working
rule will be adopted.
At present the department cannot com
mit itself on specific matters, and It is fo
thls' reason that the manufacturers are
worried. The Indications that reason will
govern the action of the department have
given them more confidence.
At present the national law on pure food
is purely self-working. The federal gov
ernment' put the law on the statute books
and that of Itself waa sufficient to brine
about many of the desired reforms. The
dread of incurring the wrath of the general
government Is Just as strong among com
mercial men as it Is among those who
fear to violate Its established criminal
statutes. .,
Wholesalers Get Busy.
Many men will take chances on violating
local and state laws, but when It comes
to "bucking up against the government"
that is another story. . The power of the
federal government la felt more by com
mercial Interests than any other. No In
spectors have been appointed yet to see
that the national law ta enforced, and It Is
probable that none will bo until It Is seen
that they are necesaary.
The minute the law was paased the whole
salers got busy. One of the largest houses
In New York at once prepared a set of
questions which it mailed to something
like t.OUO manufacturers from whom at
various times It purchased goods. Here
are the questions:
L Vo Ute goods of your manufacture or,
production conform In every respect to the
requirements of the lawt
8. Does the reading on your present prin
cipal label fully meet the decisions of the
department in regard to the application of
the law to your products?
S. If not do you Intend to correot the
misleading statements by the use of a
supplementary label, and are you prepared
to send us a quantity of these labels at
once to be attached to the packages now In
our stock?
A. How soon do vou expect to Issue your
productions with the principal label reading
in proper rormT
S. Have you filed a guarantee with tha
Department of Agriculture that your manu
factures or products will henceforth con
form In alt respects to the requirements of
the law, and what aerial number has been
allotted to the same? ,
The queatlons asked by this house have
been copied generally by the trade and
there Is not a manufacturer who has not
been catechised by wholesale and Jobbers.
The latter are liable to heavy penalties
for selling Impure goods and It Is up to
them to Jack up the manufacturers.
Coafaeton Still Exists.
They have already done It and the result
has been thst If there waa any Inclnation
to try to beat the new law stiff warnings
have come from the trade and to such an
extent that few, if any, manufacturers
have decided to adopt a shifty course.
The house which first sent out the ques
tions already quoted aays that less than
I per cent of the manufacutrers sent bark
unsatisfactory replies atxut the supple
mentary labela. Further corespondencs
was entered Into with them and practically
all of them have agreed to print exactly
the kind of labels that the wholesalers de
mand. Theenforcement of the law, therefore, Is
largely a technical matter. Every one
agrees that the public need not worry
about getting pure food products; the great
pussle Is how to comply with technical re
quirements. One may wonder wby the agricultural
department does not set soma of the ques
tions at rest. The trouble la that prac
tically each case must be luled upon sep
arately and the department Is not yet sure
of Its ground.
Blend of Whisky.
Take the matter of blended whiskies.
One dealer has two brands of pure whisky.
Neither of them contains any neutral spirits
and neither of them Is blended In the gen
eral acceptation of the term.
He has been In the habit of mixing these
two brands to produce another grade.
According to the law the label must set
this forth and it Is held that the label of
the mixed brand must declare that It la
blended product when really It Is not. The
department will have to make a ruling on
that separate case and until it does the
maker of the whiskies la In a quandary as
to what to do about his labels.
Then there Is another question that le
presented about the sis of the. labels, the
height and breadth of the printed letters
and the exact position on tha goods sold
In which the labels shall be pasted. Ejvery
package put up presents Its own little prob
lem in this respect.
Of course, the national pure food law bas
to do with only such goods as are con
cerned with Interstate commerce. The old
style of goods may be sold safely In states
where they are made In some cases, but It
is a mistake to suppose that that will be
allowed generally.
Mardshta laalcted by Saow.
One of the moot remarkable Instances of
hardship inflicted by.suow on a whole
population ' comes ' from the Psrplgraa.
region of France. Round about the moun
tain village of Hospltalet, in the Arlege,
department and In the village Itself, snow
lies to a depth of mors than eighteen ftet
says the London Olobe. Avalanches are
falling, and uore are feared. The place Is
cut off for ths winter, and cattle perish In
their stalls. The Inhabitants are, of course,
virtually prisoners In their own bouses,
which they only leave under the Imperious
necessity of getting water. To reach the
village wall they baveto get out througrn
their upper windows, and they have a
tunnel cut moder the snow e the weU,