Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Pages 1 to 8.
Always Read
Best & West ,
Cmiha Faji Honntre to Waahinrton on
His Ratal Day.
Freeldent founnnan Pireots Thoieht U
Ttinci Viul to Bepnblia.
J. Hamilton lewis and 0. A. Diokaon Alio
Epeai at Baronet
Onaht Clb Has Dlstlnsralshed Party
at Its Aaaaal Fiietloa ad
th EtiI la Mad
The Waahtng-ton birthday annual dinner
given last evening- at the Omaha' club
M tha moat successful function of th
kind given by this club. The attendance
M large 165 alttlng at tha tables and the
speakers were eloquent and distinguished,
The diners sat down at 7 o clock and arose
at 12. John N. Baldwin, general solicitor
for- the Union Pacific, was tonstmaster.
and President Jacob Oould Schurman of
Cornell university, J. Hamilton Lewis,
corporation attorney of Chicago, and
Charles A. Dickson of Sioux City were
the sneakers of the evening. Oeneral
Charles F. Manderson, who mads his first
public appearance since his recent Illness,
was called on for a few remarks.
The keynote of the occasion, as voiced
by the speakers, was the wonderful progress
of the nation since the time of Washington
and the present day problems with which
this country Is wrestling. Mr. I.ewls was
accorded a generous reception and Mr.
Dickson, a young attorney, acquitted him
self with credit and was duly appreciated.
Schnrman's Address Masterfat.
The address of President Schurman
proved to be so out of the ordinary that
It elicited the most eager attention and
was frequently Interrupted by applause
and words of approval. This was espe
cially true when he gave vigorous utter
ance to his personal views on current ques
tions of business and politics. The most
Impressive feature of his speech, however,
was the kaleidoscopic panorama It pro
duced upon the circle of listeners plastered
up against the speaker's table. When
: President Schurman pointed to the railway
rate regulation legislation of the last con
gress as showing the way the people
would protect themselves against corpora
tion oppression, Toaatmastcr John N. Bald
win compressed his lips to a sardonic
mile In recollection of his protests to con
gress on behalf of the Union Pacific against
that very law and his public assertion
that there was no deepseated sentiment
In the west for any legislative restriction
of railroads Whatever.
When Dr. Schurman pronounced against
public ownership as a panacea for present
evils of public . utilities. Vice President
Wattles of the street railway company and
President Tost of the telephone company
were unable to. keep their seats tn their
vociferous approval.
When the speaker referred disparagingly
to "the yellow journal reformer" his point
ing ' Anger happened to aim directly at
Editor Hitchcock of the World-Herald, who
Immediately became the butt of good
natured jeers.
When he declared against taxing swollen
fortunes out of existence, the bankers'
brigade, consisting of President Barlow
and Vice President Victor B. Colwell of
the United States National. Presldont
Luther Drake of the Merchants National.
President Henry W. Gates of the Nebraska
National and Cashier Luther Kountse of
the First National, had their brief innings.
- When he arraigned the immorality ex
posed by the insurance investigations ex
pressive glances centered on the local
agents of the big New York "ompantas.
H. D. Nellgh of the Equltaole, Frank
Campbell of the New Tork Life ard
Hemlng of the Mutual, who all sat within
an arm's reach. 4
President Schuman quoted by name In
the course ef his remarks, Hughes. Folk,
Bryan and Roosevelt, but it was signifi
cant that President Roosevelt alone
elicited a substantial response of applause,
Timely allusions to Oeneral Manderson
and to the magnificent gifts to education
by the late John A. Crelghtpn struck
popular chord and at the conclusion a
grtiup of Cornelllans tried to make their
president feel more at home by giving
the Cornell "varsity yell.
Baldwin Paves tha Way.
Tonstmaster Baldwin prepared the way
for the post prandial exercises with his
usual grace. He paid a tender tribute to
General Manderson, who entered the room
a few minutes before, referring to the
general as a roan who had been courageous
in battle, foremost In statesmanship and at
present Omaha's most distinguished cltl
sen. His sentiments were loudly cheered,
Then Mr. Baldwin offered this toast to
"Through all the track of years lie wore
the white Aower of a blameless life drink
and softly speak the name of 'ashing-
Mr. Baldwin then introduced President
Schurman of Cornell university, who spoke
In a clear and forceful manner.
The announcement of Dr. Schurman's
name brought forth this Cornell yell from
a number of alumni present:
"Cornell. I yell, yell, yell Cornell!
'Schurman, Schurman. Schurman!"
Then Casper E. Tost rose for a toast to
Address of Dr. Inksrass.
Dr. Schurman said that although no
where else In the world have all elasses
of people enjoyed such a high level of
physical well-being as in America, yet this
civilisation of ours has in recent times
been the object of criticism and attack.
Borne of this criticism, though not all, has
been honest.
ur tne waaw-eam-r. complaint mat the
man present j TeIerem.-Bl!ndlng snow and freezing
business conditions no chance other than to wea7ner add to the misery of the flood suf
tak. a position fur wages, th. speaker sald 8tocE ,owland. ta unsheltered
ibj a sv ug, .ajv yviuai,
exaggerated and that the evil of elim
inating the small independent operator had
been more than equalised by the cheapen
ing of the necessaries and comforts of life.
He also pointed to the security of the em
ploye of the g-reat producer as compared
with the conditloa of the smalt business
man of tbs past, who was often the vic
tim of bankruptcy.
Cetetraltaattea of Capital.
Referring to the tendency of the present
time to the concentration of capital and
(CuuUiuitl oa til la Pa"
Satorday, Febraavry 83, 190T.
1007 FF.3RUARY 1907
aua mom rts wis ty n a- (
' T i
3 4 5 6 7 t N
10 II 12 13 14 15 .6
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28
cloudy anil warmer Saturday. Sunday fair
and warmer In east portion.
with rising temperature. Sunday partly
cloudy and warmer.
Tomperature at Umana-yesteraay :
Deg. Hour.
.... 17
6 a. m..
a. m. .
7 a. m..
I a. m..
a. m. .
10 a. m..
II a. n..
12 m.....
... 15 1 d. m.
IS 1 n m 17
.... 16 8 p. m IS
.... 1 4 p. m 1
.... 14 t p. m 18
.... IS t p. m H
.... 1ft 7 n. m It
... U 8 p. m 20
9 p. m a
Joint session of two houses of .Nebraska
legislature held to commemorate Wash
ington's birthday. Page 1
Reciprocal demurrage bill Introduced in
the house at Lincoln. Page I
Senator Burkett speaks In support of
his leasing bill and argues against plans
to sell lsnd outright. P-e 1
House discusses president's order re
garding first proof In land claims i..l
amends sundry civil bl'.l to limit employ
ment of special land Inspectors. Page
Sibley Introduces a maximum rate 111
In the Nebraska legislature which applies
only to grain and Its products. By its
terms present rates are materially re
Senate strikes Senator Burkett'a pro
vision for leasing grasing lands from .tha
agricultural bill. Peg's 8
Section of agricultural bill authorising
secretary of agriculture to fix food stand
ards is stricken out by tha senate. Pare 8
State Association of Commercial clubs
elects officers for ensuing year and annuil
session adjourns. Page 3
Hannls Taylor rleads for educa'
test for voters In the south. Page 15
Mrs. McDonald, who killed W. S. Guerln
at Chicago, Is delirious. Page 1
Grover Cleveland delivers Washington's
birthday address at Chicago. rage 8
Mayor Dunne wins In democratic pri
maries at Chicago. Page X
Eleven survivors rescued from wreck of
steamer Berlin. Two women and chlU
too weak to leave ships and will probably
J I I. .,, no-... "An .nnntl nm
, . vni.
wooer, iwi "
I n Marks anrl t-arn
.i". - I
soldiers. " "
One hundred bodies of miners takn
from Mexican mine. I
Nlearauga declares tnat Monauras nan
... m 1
vieiaiea treaty as r-am iur i-ix.u -
. t
Major trrat, cniei qu.rirru...wi, - l
thorlxed to buy provisions ror ute inaians
ai ron tropn. - .
Motion for new trial In Kicnaras-om-
stock case will be argued March 1 in ;
federal court. i Paae xi i
Federal court docket Is- being revised I
In preparation for two Judges In this,
Page 4
Dynamite la Csed la Indiana Town
Following; Raid on "Bllmd
TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Feb. 12 Follow
ing the raid of an alleged "blind tiger"
liquor shop at Sandford by a sherlrrs
posse yesterday, two stores and the
Methodist church at Sandford were dyna
mited early today.
The church building was blown up
shortly before midnight, the explosion
rousing all the people of the village.
A few hours later the general stores of
O. W. Reese and SLhnickel & Johnson
were dynamited. The structures were
wrecked and the stocks of goods prac-
tlcally ruined. The Reese store was a
two-story building, the upper floor being
occupied by the Masonic lodge.
Sandford cltlxens allege that the dyna
miting was perpetrated out of revenge
for the raid yesterday on the liquor store
owned by Henry McDonald.
Sheriff Horsely went to the home of Mc
Donald today after arriving at Sandford
and found him in bed with his clothing on.
A witness has been found who claims he
saw McDonald running from the store
buildings a few minutes before the explo
sions. McDonald was formerly a miner.
Mayor of Chicago Will Re Renomi
nated 'by tho Desaocratie
City Convention.
rmrxaa Feb. 22. According to the lat
est returns of the democratic primaries
held yesterday the renomlnatlon of Mayor
Dunne at the convention tomorrow Is as
sured. Of the' total, of 987 delegates, 6jT
are pledged to Dunns, Sol to Carter Harri
son, and 1I are unpledged. The number
of votes necessary to a choice is 194.
A caucus will be held tonight and the
detnocratlo central committee will determ
ine who are to have the other places on
the ticket. It is the general opinion, how
ever, that there will be no serious contest
against Mayor Dunne end that bis nomina
tion is certain. The republican primaries
will be held Monday.
lee rsrsM oa Flood and
Csssst bo Reached by
VERMILON. 8. D.. Feb. tt-Bpeclal
and suffering. Ice formed during the night
and now stock cannot be reached by boat
nor on foot, as the Ice is not thick enough
to hold a man's weight.
The Missouri was stationary at noon.
Protecting Alaska) Game.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 22. Senator Dill
ingham was today authorised by the senate
committee oa territories to report favorably
a bill amending the lawo for the protection
of game In Alaska. He will report an ad
ditional amendement reserving to tne na
tive Alaskan Indians the right to hui game
for food duiiuei Uia seasons.
8 njn ond from Eteamef Berlin
Miny Honrs' Haroio Work.
They Wr To Weak Attempt
Trip Throna-h Sort and Another
BJTort Will Be Made
Heath The at Today.
HOOK OF HOLLAND, Feb. 22.-r-LargeIy
as a result of the courage and determina
tion of Prince Henry of the Netherlands,
the prince consort, that which last night
appeared to be an Impossible task, has
been achieved and the heroic and unflinch
ing efforts of the Dutch lifeboat men have
succeeded In rescuing alive eleven more
of the survivors of the Steamer Berlin.
The gallant Dutch lifeboat men were re
warded after more than thirty hours of
hard and dangerous work. Buffeted and
driven back time after time they refused
to relax their attempts to rescue the hand
ful of shipwrecked people, and finally at
8:80 o'clock this afternoon the receding tide
and some Improvement In the weather
having made the conditions easier, their
long light was crowned with success.
Although several of the persons rescued
were In the laat stages of exhaustion, they
are on the road to recovery and some of
them have been able to tell of their awful
experiences. Two women and a child are
still on board the wreck, but It is feared
that they are dying. Nothing daunted,
however, the brave Dutchmen are prepar
ing to make further desperate efforts to
rescue these unfortunates.
Rescuers Work All Xltrht.
When daylight broke a handful of sur
vivors -of the Great Eastern Railway
company's, steamer Berlin, from Harwich
to Rotterdam, which was wrecked off the
Hook of Holland yesterday morning, could
still be seen clinging to the after part of
the steamer. The efforts made to rescue
this survivors yesterday were continued
throughout the night, but proved futile,
owing to the furious seas and heavy snow
storm, which raged all night long, ren
dering It Impbsslble for the tugs or life
boats to approach the wreck, over which
mountainous seas continued to dash with
terrlflo fury. So Intense was the cold last
night that It was thought that those who
were still alive on the remnants when
darkness came must have been froien to
death, but some six or eight persons ap
pear to have survived the terrioie ex
periences of the last twenty-four hours.
The stern of the Berlin Is so firmly em
bedded In the sand bank on which it went
ashore that It does not appear to have ,
moved during the night. At high water
this morning, the poop deck house was the
only portion of the steamer visible, and
there the few survivors were huddled.
A lifeboat which went out to the wreck
, muk .m.nl1 hv three tugs,
1 -
.--hnrsA xlnaa to the Ber
, .i k,i mmj, unable to
" h
,, K.. .v,. it
,WK.,m , nrt ,nllt twvhaard
.., -h... for halo, but they ultl
mately were forced by the rising tide and
Increasing dangers to temporarily abandon
.v.4. .w. the survivors, i
Captatn Parkinson of the Holt steamship
.h nn his way to Amsterdam
v. tj,ii . loin his vessel, the
MyrnlJon an1 take ,t .ck to Liverpool. Is
k disaster who thus
r.ached the shore. He said thjs
,...tponhe was due to
the fact that the Berlin broached to in the
terrific sea as it was entering the water
way, and that before It was able to recover
itself it was dashed upon the pierhead.
Immediately "crunched up like a con
certina" and parted amidships.
Bodies Cosae Ashore.
Th straggling little village of the Hook
of Holland Is filled with anxious relatives
of the passengers and crew of the Berlin
and heartrending scenes are witnessed at
the Improvised mortuary, where thirty of
the bodies which already have been washed
ashore, are in.
Most of these are battered beyond recog
nition and some are without heads and
.others without arms or legs.
Veteran pilots and seamen, who were
watching "the Berlin being driven to its
doom, say the gale was the fiercest In many
of tne ey,- wltneMe described
j foUw,:
"As the vessel approached It was no
ticed that It was being carried out of Its
course by the force of the wind and the
tremendous driving power of the waves.
The trained eyes of the officials on the
Jetty, who were awaiting the steamer's ar
rival, saw It was In Imminent peril, and
a flare from the Berlin showed that the
Inevitable had been realised by those on
board. Before the flare died out the crash
came. It oould be heard above the din of
the storm. . When the Berlin struck the
waves were sweeping the northern part of
the pier, which Is little more than a break
water, from end to end, and the tremen
dous seas which washed over the Berlin
from bow to stern, quickly battered It to
pieces. For a short time the hapless vessel
lay at the mercy of wind and waves. Huge
rollers struck It and carried off deck gear
and swept some of the passengers into the
churning water Suddenly a great rent
gaped amidships and the boat's bow and
stern parted, hurling- nearly all on board
tuto the
Prince Henry of The Netherlands arrived
here this morning and twice went out In a
steam patrol boat as near the wreck as it
was nosstbla to approach. Subsequently
the prince visited the building which is j
being used as a morgue, and passed down
the lines of white draped figures, stopping
with bowed head for a few minutes before
the body of a fair-haired child. The life
boat put' out again at noon, although the
efforts to save the few who are still on
the wreck are regarded as almost hopeless.
The prince consort, after his first visit to
the wreck, when be saw there were still
aome survivors on board, declared: '
"We . won't return to The Hague .before
we savo them: we must get them some
how." The news that this determination had
been fulfilled reached the waiting crowds
this afternoon and there was then a wild
rush of the people to the various points
of vantage over lock In the harbor. It was
well that a special force of police and
soldiers had
Drougnt into tne hook
for duty, for the excited crowd at on
time threatened to become uncontrollable,
airra Anaoaaces Roaeoo.
Long hours of waiting followed and the
people begun to duubt the truth of the re
port that ten persona had been saved, and
it was not until after S o'clock that the
steam pilot boat heralded Its approach
with piercing shrieks of triumph from It
siren. By this time the harbor was black
with thousand of peopla. Tbe roofs of all
house and shed were crowded, while
(OontlBued oa Third Fej
Remor that Mr. Delmae Will Spring;
Seaaatloa Redirect Exaoa-
laatloa of Mrs. Thaw.
NEW TORK. Feb. 12. The principals
In the Thaw trial spent the day in rest,
everyone apparently relishing the tesplte
from the scenes whlrh marked this week's
proceedings. By the time the hearing Is
resumed next Monday morning it Is ex
pected that Mrs. Evelyn Nesblt Thaw will
have entirely recovered her composure,
and be prepared again to take her place in
the witness chair. On Thursday it was
said the young woman was on the verg3
of Illness and that a cup of broth had
been her only sustenance for twp days.
She was so weakened as the result of her
days' experience that she retired imme
diately upon reaching her .apartments and
did not arise until late today. The only
reason which took her from her bed even
then was the call she had promised to
make upon her husband n the Tombs
prison. Ordinarily visitors are nut al
lowed In the big gray bullcTing on holi
days, but an exception was made today
with regard to Harry Thaw's wife and
Mrs. Thaw on direct examination identi
fied forty-two letters as being in the hand
writing of Stanford White. The letteis
were not written to her, but to another
girl. Mr. Delmas evidently Is holdlig
these letters for introduction during Iho
re-direct examination and evidently hopes
to have them admitted as offsetting some
thing Mr. Jerome was expected to bring
out on cross-examination. No Intimation
has been given as to what the letters
contain cr to whom they were written.
They may constitute a new element of
surprise, which Is yet to be Injected into
a case which has already been so proliilo
of astounding Incidents.
The district attorney will keep Mrs. Thaw
on the stand at least a day and a half
more and may even stretch his searching
crons-examlnation through twice that
length of time. It will depend upon how
Mrs. Thaw feels at the end of this period
as to whether or not Thaw's counsel will
go ahead with their re-direct examination
of her. Mr. Delmas has been making
copious notes during Mr. Jerome's ques
tioning of the witness, and he will likely
endeavor to place a different light upon
some of the Incidents. whlrh have been dis
closed. With the cross-examination only
half completed and with the re-direct arid
re-cross-exnmlnatlon still In view, there
seems no way to approximate the number
of days In the witness choir Mrs. Thaw
has before her. If f is much fatigued at
the end of Mr. Jerome's first cross-examination
she may be released for a time, sub
ject to recall. In view of the fact, how-
ever, that the defendant's counsel forced
the district attorney to proceed with the
cross-examination against his will, he will
very likely Insist In return thst they shall
also conclude with the witness before she
Is excused from the stand.
President Boollln at Head of Troopa
la Mareblna- Toward Frontier
of Slearagss. "V, . f
CITT OF - MEXICO, . Feb. 2!.-Word
reached here tonight, that Honduras has
formally declared war agnlnst Nicaragua.
President Bonllla Is at the head of the
Hondurean troops and Is marching on the
frontier of Nicaragua.
News of a battle between the two forces
Is momentarily expected. It Is reported
that Salvador will be Involved.
PARIS, Feb. 22. The Nicaraguan lega.
tlon today furnished the following dispatch
for publication:
MANAGUA. Nlcarneua. Feb. 22. Hon
duras, having violated the treaty of Cor
Into and renewed Its provocations, hostili
ties were resumed Monday. The Nlcara-
Truan troops triumphed and are now march
ng upon Tegucigalpa.
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Feb. 22. The
Nlcaraguan forces on February 20 captured.
without opposition, the town of El Trulnfos
in Honduras, and yesterday, after six
hours' hard fighting, the Nlcaraguan army
occupied San Bernando, an excellent post
tlon. owing to the fact that It Is In com
munication by land and water, with the
Nlcaraguan base of operations. Many Hon
durana were killed or wounded and the
retreating army left quantities of ammuni
tion and many rifles on the field. The
casualties on the Nlcaraguan side were a
few men wounded.
General Mlgua R. Davila has arrived at
Dnnll. Honduras (not far from .the Nlca
raguan frontier), from the Interior of Hon'
duras. A provisional government has been
established across the frontier. In Hon
duras, by Maximo Rosales, Miguel Oquelt
and Ignaclo Castro, prominent Honduran
revolutionists, who are serving with the
Nlcaraguan forces. The secretaries of this
provisional government are Constantino
Flllos and Colonel Guadaloupe Reyes. The
general-ln-chlef of the Honduran revolu
tlonary expedition la Dlonlsco Gutlerrex
and General Miguel R. Davila Is second In
command. It Is asserted that there la no
truth in the reports that the Nlcaraguan
army has met with reverses.
Extent of Accident la Mexico Growe
as Reseaera Work oa
EAGLE PASS, Tex.. Feb. 22. A dispatch
from Las Eaperansas, Mexico, says that
100 dead bodies have been taken from the
coal mine of the Mexican Coal and Coke
company. In which an explosion occurred
four days ago. There are known to be
twenty-three men still entombed In the
shaft and It Is practically certain that
all are dead. Nearly one-half of the desd
miners are Japanese. Several hundred men
are at work clearing away the debris of
the mine and opening a way to the Im
prisoned men.
Heartrending scenes are of hourly occur
rence near the mouth of the ' shaft. In
j nearly every Instance Identification la Im-
possible, and women and children crowd
about every body that is brought up.
Eight vehicle are engaged In the work of
j earning the bodies to the cemetery and
their progress Is entirely blocked at times
by the press of women, who furiously de
mand further opportunity to prosecute their
hopeless task of attempting to Identify the
dead. The ten doctors In attendance bare
; working without intermission.
Thirteen Persons Injnrcd la a Col
lision Six Miles Soatb of
Hayfleld, Mian.
8T. PAUL. Minn., Feb. 22. Thirteen per
sons were Injured by a collision ou the
Chicago Great Western' road about six
mile south of Hayfleld. Minn., today.
Baggageman Rexln of Chicago waa badiy
crushed and probably will die.
Ajrnes Necessity for 8ma FroTiiion for
Uia of Oraiinc lands.
Edward Roaewater's Speech of Tear
Ago Is Mentioned In Senate and
Senators Recto to Show
Interest la SabJect.
(From a Staff Corespondent.)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The name, of the founder of The
Omaha Bee. Edward Rose water, was men
tioned In the United States senate In con
Junction with the leasing of lands In the
semi-arid portion of the west for grating
Senator Burkett, In support of his leas
ing bill, read a number of letters from
various portions of the gracing belt of Ne
braska and contiguous, states, all com
mending his position on the grasing propo
sition. These letters were from editors and
some were In the form of petitions, numer
ously signed In every Instance.
He read a clipping from The Bee of Jan
uary 8, 1908, containing an accownt of a
meeting of the Commercial club of Omaha
and recited a set of resolutions adopted at
that meeting and forwarded to congress.
It was the sense of that meeting that the
landa In question should be leased to cattle
men as grasing land. Among the many
prominent men of the Commercial club who
attended this meeting was Editor Rose
water, who did not entirely favor the leas
ing of the public domain, but thought It
preferable to sell the land outright. When
the name of Mr. Rosewater was mentioned.
many of the older senators who knew per
sonally the late editor of The Bee, showed
more than usual Interest In the remarks
of Mr. Burkett on the subject.
Leasing;, Preferable to Sale.
Mr. Burkett said he was committed to the
leasing proposition and thought this was
the most simple solution of the many vexed
problems which have arisen with regard to
the grazing lands of semi-nrid wost. He
contended that If the land was sold out
right and the title should pass from the
government, but little could be secured
from such sales, while If the leasing propo
sition were adopted the government would
not only retain title to the lands, but there
would be a . continual source of revenue
from the property. He argued that there
Is undoubtedly a strong demand on every
side for some kind of legislation whereby
the cattle men might secure the privileges
of grasing their flocks of sheep or herds
of cattle without violating any federal or
other statute. He could not think of any
other method that would be more generally
satisfactory than the leasing plan. Mr.
Burkett. In passing, predicted that should
his amendment be stricken out on a nnlnt
of order senators from many western
states who have opposed the proposition at
this session would be back here Instructed
by their constituencies to get behind some
kind of legislation to settle the gracing of
herds on the public domain..
In conclusion, Mr. Burkett ssld he had no
financial Interest in th proposition, neither
he nor any member of his family owning a
fopt '. of land contiguous to the grasing
country, and that lie did not own a hoof.
'except a Shetland pony, and my babies
claim to own him."
Previous to his speech on his grasing
bill Senator Burkett, in his best style and
with splendid intonation, read the immortal
farewell address of George Washington,
the reading taking exactly fifty minutes.
Upon its conclusion Senator Burkett was
warmly congratulated for his luminous
presentation of ons of the greatest historic
documents of the republic.
Kennedy Snbmlte Proof. -
When Representative Kennedy was be
fore the Interstate and foreign commerce
committee of the house the other day
urging a favorable report on his resolution
to investigate the express companies, mem
bers of the committee asked him for proof
of the charge that these companies' were
unlawfully engaged in the fruit, produce,
oyster and commission business In direct
competition with those legitimately engaged
In such business. Today he overwhelmed
members of the committee with the proof.
He exhibited to them advertisements of j
express companies offering to buy and sell j
and handle on consignment all sorts of
products, fruit, oysters, butter, poultry,
eggs and laying hens. He confounded them
with letters of some of the express com
panies admitting the illegitimate practices
and charging the responsibility for them
to other companies. Mr. Kennedy pro
cured his evidence from Mr. E. B. Branch
of Omaha. su-etary of the Western Fruit
Jobbers' association.
If the resolution Is not reported when the
committee meets . Tuesday, It will not be
Mr. Kennedy' fault. He has met suc
cessfully every argument made against the
adoption of th resolution.
Shaw for Pootsaaater at Deadwood.
Representative Martin today asked the
president to appoint Mr. Archibald Shaw
postmaster at Deadwood, and at the same
time, upon telegraphic authority from Mr.
Bonham, present postmaster, his nomina
tion was withdrawn. Mr. Bonham is chief
owner of the Deadwood Daily Pioneer
Times. Senator Gamble opposed his con
firmation in the senate on account of cer
tain article published recently In the. Pioneer-Times,
expressing the views of that
paper upon certain charges of nepotism
against Senator Gamble, which were "re
cently considered by the committee of the
South Dakota legislature.
Mr. Shaw Is a native of Massachusetts;
has resided in Deadwood for many years,
and is a member of the present state
More Time for Yankton Bridge.
A favorable report was made to the
house today on the bill extending the time
for 'the construction of a bridge across
the Missouri river at Tsnkton by the
Tankton, Norfolk dc Southern Railroad
company, to March, 1910. This bill has
passed the senate and will doubtless go
through the house before the close of the
Pollard's B1H Amended.
The commute on way and means to
day favorably reported the bill introduced
by Representative Pollard to authorise the
treasurer of the United States to accept
from him U..M1. an amount of salary which
Mr. Pollard believed wa unearned by him.
by striking out four words. "Without au
thority of law." Although th commute
reported th bill, ther are many who be
lieve that Pollard, under the law and by
practice, was entitled to the money.
Hew York Doetor East Life.
ALBERQUERQCE. N. M.. Feb. 22. His
manger supply f opiates exhaut-d. Dr.
Bhrwood H. Ives of New York, who acci
dentally shot himself St Datll Saturday
nl:ht. plunged the needle with which he
hud been vainly probing for he outlet
Into a vitai oraan and died almost tn
siantly. This fact was developed at th
Inquest yesterday. Dr. Ives is the ex
Yam oarsman wbooo death, wa reported
Sow Oay agf
Texas Senator Says He Worked for
Ceoatltaents at Washington
Wlthoot Fee.
AUSTIN. Tex.. Feb. 22. -Senator Bailey
was on the stand before the legislative
Investigating committee all this morning
under a cross-examination.
The principal statements brought out ss
sertlons by Senator Bailey that while his
critics had repeatedly tried to show that
he only performed public service for private
gsln, that the facts showed that they were
presenting falsehoods to further their ends;
thst while they had placed many men on
the witness stand to prove that he had bor
rowed money from them; that they had
selected only his special friends as wit
nesses and had been very careful not to
summon as witnesses hundreds of men In
Texas for whom he had done great service
at Washington In msny ways and from
whom he said he never asked nor received
the slightest compensation; that hundreds
of Texans could testify as to his public
work In their Interest without a cent of
compensation: that all the Insinuations and
suggestions that he had done service for
pecuniary remuneration not only was un
just, untrue and most contemptible, but
evidence to what ends his enemies were
being driven to besmirch his name and at
tempt to wreck him.
The house committee voted to close the
Investigation Friday afternoon, but there
was a deadlock In the senate committee.
The house committee adjourned until Sat
urday morning.
Senator Bailey made his closing speech
In which he said the Investigation was the
result of a political conspiracy, for which
he charged William Randolph Hearst was
responslble. Mr. Bailey characterised the
charges brought by Representative Cocke
as calumny. He wept as he told of the
alleged persecutions by his political ene
mies. He claimed that President Sam
Houston had been persecuted and that
Stephen F. Austin had been driven Into
retirement by the persecutions of political
enemies In Texas. There was a contest
of the question as to whether the sub
committee should go to St. Louis and
Other points to search for H. Clay Pierce
and the house committee decided to aban
don any attempts to secure this evidence.
The present Indications are that the In
vestigation will be transferred to the floor
cf the legislature. .
Mrs. Michael McDonald la Larld
Moment Reveals Motive for
KHHna- Gnerla.
CHICAGO, Feb. 22,-Whlle raving In her
cell at the police station, Mrs. Michael Mc
Donald, who shot and killed Webster S.
Guerln, an artist, yesterday, told the police
enough to lead them , to conclude It wr
jealousy and not blnckmatl that led her to
kill red alleged clandestine lover. Made
desperate by a report that Guerln was en
gaged to marry a west side society girl,
the police think, led the woman to shoot
Guerln. It I his brother, however, who is
to be married. Physicians said tonight
that Mrs. McDonald shows signs of Im
provement and that In a few days she will
probably recover.
With her mind almost Co . Me'-ly
wrecked, Mrs. Flora M.iDonald, w ' .
terday shot and killed Webster 8. Ouerin,
was removed last night to the annex of the
Harrison street police station, where her
husband, Michael C. McDonald, spent most
of the night with her.
After her removal her condition became
gradually . worse, and she eculd ' neither
recognize McDonald nor others, who had
questioned her earlier In the day. Bromides
and hypodermic injections were given her
almost every hour throughout the night,
but she could not be quieted. From the
time of the tragedy until a late hour last ;
night Mrs. McDonald talked In a rambling;.'
and disconnected manner and little was ob
tained from her concerning the motive for
the crime.
Mrs. McDonnld declared that Guerln had
been levying blackmail on her and that
repeatedly he had obtained sums from her
on threats of exposure.
This explanation, however, was contra
dicted by the words cf McDonald. He said
he had never given his wife large sum of
money the sums practically only, having
been sufficient for the needs of the honse-
hold or well defined needs of the woman,
Statements from Guerin's relatives seemed
- . . . .
to place a far different light on the tragedy.
They declared that since Guerln had been a
boy In school Mrs. McDonald had been
enamored of him and that she had con
tinued her attentions even after he had
used every Influence to break his relations
with her.
Legislative Committee Discovers Law
Provides Payment la
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Feb. 22. (Special Telegram.)
The finance committee of the house will
not recommend an appropriation for th
State Board of Health. The last legisla
ture' appropriated 10,000 for this depart
ment, The committee discovered tonight
that th statutes provide th four secre
taries of the Btate Board of Health shall
receive for their full compensation 810
for each application for a license to prac
tice medicine from those who hold di
plomas from Nebraska colleges and IIS
from those who hold diploma from outside
colleges. This money is to be divided
equally between the secretaries.
The statute makes it plain that this Is
all the money which la to be spent on this
department and members believe the ap
propriations in the past have been ' mis
appropriation." "The committee has not
been furnished with a statement of how
much money the board of secretaries has
received and it has no information regard
ing the disposal of th large appropriation
made two year ago.
Crevasse Seventy-Five Foot Wide
oa West Side of River Below
Xew Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 22. -A crevasse
seventy-five feet wide, which unless closed
Immediately, will cause overflow water to
back up a far a Gretna, a town opposite
New Orleans, opened today twenty-Ove
miles btlow here In the west bank levee
of the Mississippi river. It Is the first
-i .... - .. l. i t ,,((., l. i .
,., -... .... ...
water lAgan. No lives are endangered, but
a large' area of rich uar and truck farm
ing land will be Inundated to a dVpth of
eight feet In a few days. Th track of
the Grand Isle railroad also ax being
washed out. Flv hundred man will b put
to work tomorrow In an effort to ctuao th
Lseialators Take a Faw Hoars Off t
CoDiider th Natien'i Gnat
Eanta and enata Hold Joint Sessions to
Listen to Oratory. ,
Members Deiire to Eee Printed Hearers
Before Voting cn lb
Reciprocal Demarraae Bill aad Also
Maxlmoan Rate Measure Intro
daeed, Latter A poly lac
Only to Grain.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 22 (8pecial.)-The hous
and senate held a Joint session In represent
ative hall at 9 o'clock and for an hour
listened to patriotic addresses by Senator
A Id rich of Butler county and State Su
perintendent McBrlen. the former taking
Washington and the Influence of his life
for his thefie, and Mr. McBrlen taking
Lincoln and his life for his subject. Speaker
Nettleton presided at the joint session and
patriotic songs were sung. Comrades Bly-
stone and Beard leading., The Joint se-
slon came to an end with the singing of the
Senator Aldrich spoke in part as fol
I have thought It proper and pertinent
on this occasion to discuss some of th
phases of the various elements that enter
Into the life, the character and the con
stitution of our common country that at
once Insures Its stability Hnd permanent
progress, ana analyse, ir possime, some
of the elements that pervade American In
stitutions and discuss some of the features
of those matters that have enabled this
nation to grow strong, both aggressively
and progressively, tinder the Influences that
nave degenerated and debilitated the life
of other nations in the course of the history
of the world.
Political liberty was born with man and
has followed htm throughout his devious
career. Its realization has been the mighty
instrumentality of progress, the prime fac
tor of civilisation, and the convoyer of.
national honor, thrift and "prosperity.
In the fifteenth century the leading minds
of Europe, filled with a new enthusiasm. '
bfgan to dream of self-government, but
the concentrated power of despotism, and
that monstrous usurpation of human rights
which called itself absolute monarchy, made
It Impossible adequately to realise the bless
ings of republican institutions. Hence a
new land must be sought where free
thought and free speech could hold sway.
For this God has reserved the western
Years swept by and the puritan came,
and here ha made his home, reared his
temples and wove the warp and woof of
that grand political fabric whose golden
threads have cast bright lustre over man's
destiny. He founded a nation that took
Its seat among the powers of earth.
Political liberty, then, In the United
States Is a living, breathing, harmonious
reality. Then what are the forces thst
have always enabled this nation to grow
strehg both axgreaalvely and progressively
'midst -the waves that have swept empires
We are. therefore, a nation of Individuals
who reverence law and keep open and
unobstructed the pathway of Individual
opportunity. This is one of the potent
agencies whose all-persuasive fore has
made our history great.
Rut ss much as we respect law, as much
as we love liberty, nevertheless all nature
testifies that stronger, tenderer, dearer still
is the love of home. What bone and
muscle, nerve end sinew are to the physical
life of man, that home Is to the nations!
life. We are a home-loving people. This
makes us the greatest of people.
Yet the home Is only one of the many
elemrnt.i that enter life, the constitution
and nature of this magnificent republic
but the American ' lulnd is confined to no
one Idea. It Is eminently versatile In Its
thought; It Is practical in Its pursuits. He
develops the resources of mind
ni or na
ture with all the throbbing energies of a
young and vigorous life.
The source of our wonderful power, the
springs of our intense activity are grounded
on the fact that blended with -all our In
dustrial pursuits, and with all that stir
ring spirit of commercialism, ther Is a
strong current of religious and moral sen
timent flowing through the hearts of tha
people snd pervading their whole life.
I suy I believe that America has the pith
and marrow of the greatest civilisation tht
t le world has yet seen, because It Is
founded upon the,' tiller of the soil th
American farmer, who has made of the
wilderness the granary cf the world. He
has behind him generations of sturdy man-
I V. l ... J. A .1 II ..1 t
once the philosopher and a man of achieve
ment, closely communing with the "prim
eval forces of nature:" he lends the strenu
ous life and Its simplicity begets nobility
of character.
MeBrlea oa Lincoln.
State Superintendent McBreen spoke as
Abraham Lincoln waa Intensely human.
He did sume very human things, For ex
ample, he entered politics at the early age
of i and ran for the legislature that year.
Nominations by caucus had not then been
Introduced Into Illinois and any person who
wished to be a candidate for an elective
office simply r. e publlo announcement
f the fact ana (hen conducted his cam
paign as beat he could. March a, l.sii,
Lincoln Issued a manifesto, "To the Peo
ple of Sangamon County," informing them,
that he would run as a candidate for tne
state legislature at the autumn elections,
and told them his political principles, la
that contest Lincoln was defeated. While
in plain fact he was a raw and unknown
youngster, he stood third upon a list of
eloht candidates, receiving 6o7 votes, and
out of Mb votes cast in his own county ho
received 206. In this there was hop ft
toe ruiure.
The thing which first attracted tlm in.
terested attention of the whole people to
Abraham Lincoln was his debates wilh
Stephen A. Douglas, whp has been pro
nounced by a competent Judge as "an au
dacious, almost unconquerable oppontnt
In public discussion." Notwithstanding
all this, Lincoln challenged him to th
combat, contesting for the United Hates
senatorship from Illinois. Th result of
this contest was that Dougla wa elected
senator, but lost the presidency, the su
preme ambition of his life. Lincoln's
temporal y defeat was coupled with ulti
mate victory. He received a plurality of
4.000 in the popular vote. It gave him a
national reputation and ultimately mad
him president.
Lincoln's fame as an orator rest upon
his great political address at Copper Union
and his immortal words at Oettyahui-g.
Of the Cooper Union speech. Horace
Greeley &ld: "I do not hesitate to pro
nounce It the very best political address
to which I ever listened and I have heard
some of Webster's grandest."
Ambassador Choate says : "His fame a
an orator had preceded him. When Mr,
Bryant presented him on the high pisi
form on the Cooper Institute, a vast sea
of euger. upturned faces greeted him, full
of Intense curiosity to see what this rude
child of the people waa like. He was equal
to the occasion. When he spoke he wss
transformed; his eye kindled, his voice
rang, his face shone, and be -teemed to
light up the whole assembly. For an hour
and a half he held the audience in the
hollow of his hand. That night the great
tiall and the next day tha whole rlty rang
with delighted applause and congratula
tions, and he wno nan come as a stranger
departed with the laurels of a great
. ; triuroDh.
, of tUt O,tty,our(r (e,oh. ing.r,ol,
salJ: if you wo'iia snow what is u
difference between an orator and an eio
rut'onist. read Lincoln's wondrous word
at Gettysburg, and tlin read the speech
of Edwsrd Everett. The oration of Lin
coln will never be forgotten; It will live
until language are d-ad and lip are
dust. Th speech of Everett will never
be read "
How be, who bad never gon to school
more than six months in hi life, ever could