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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1907)
TIIE OMATIA PATLY BEE: FRIDAY, FEBTUTARY 22, 1007. 12 Ask to See Dress Forms Dorr Miss the t'iano Bargains OMAHA WKATHKIt FOKKCANT Friday: Kalr. Snaps for Bargain Friday (jo)o)fo)P?GJ i i TNK RKLIABLK STARS J w BIGGEST BARGAINS YEARS EXTRAORDINARY Remnant Sale IN THE BASEMENT OUR BUYERS SCOURED . THE FAMOUS MILL DISTRICTS OF NEW ENGLAND, buying Wash Goods in immense quantities fax below the regular prices. We declare this to be the finest lot of Wash Goods to be found in the world AND THE PRICES ON FRIDAY ARE 'WAY, 'WAY DOWN. 1 50c Pii Dot Swisses at 15c Yd. This is the finest lot of cotton goods we ever purchased. They consist of very fine white embroidered dotted Swisses from pin dot to the pea size dot, and fine sheer mercerized white figured warnings these goods usually sell at 50c yard. "We offer tii em today in long mill lengths at, yard One big table or cot ton diaper, 27 Inches r n .it i n uur imicaicsst'u g In this rlenartment aim to Keen i ; 11 that U choice and dainty In thla no, reaay 10 lerve, or oraers ibksii r i oiusai rums food cinn R j I?: 15c One table mill lengths of mercerized poplin. eol sette and eollennes, usual price of this la 26e yd. Tomorrow, in long A mil) lengths at, (C yard One table of very finest 40-Inch lawns and a Inch India llnon these are regular 26o f grade. To- IaVC morrow, at, yd... - One table of chambray ginghams, Just the thins for children's school dresses, boys' waists, men's shirts, etc: j regular price lOo 0C yard at, yard.... One table of fine printed batiste remnants, all new 1907 spring printings, on very fine batiste yard. . . an. v, 10c JWw tprinq cotton rhaUin, rtgular did kind, l'eriinn and flmivred yrinttnrj ynrd wide, usual price 12 He yard at. 1 yard C2C Yard-wide percale, In light and dark styles, regular price t' 10c yd., at, yd . . . JiC 1 3ic FORENOON ONLY Full standard shirting prints, 5c kind at, yard AFTERNOON ONLY Best grade of table oil cloth, usual price 18c yard iUC In very good mill seconds at, yard. No other store in Omaha has the enterprise that enables Brandels to secure these Vanh Goods so far under market price. 0 for any of the following: SAXADS ' Q Monte Carlo rotato 8 Belgian Lobster fi Macedolne Chicken Waldorf Shrimp Italian Salmon Herrings Fruit Egg Salad Russian Salad OTTB TUB DEABTMZBTT is well stocked for the Lenten season with all kinds of salted and smoked fish. Also "ready for the table" fish. Merrlnated Herring Imported Anchovies Russian Bardellen Klelars Sprotten Smoked Salmon Smoked Halibut Blsmark Herring Fillet of Herring ovm sxcovs noon yBe sure and visit our Second Floor, where you will find un-advertlsed bar $ gains galore. Visit this floor and ' faj convince yourselves that we give yea ! f3 "Better Things to Eat for Less lg Money." tmney & Go Tel. Bong-las 647. Private Exchange Connects all Depts. ,....... wmmm OMAHA 1 1 n Another Fine Lot Bought from Customs House ImBorted Dress Goods in Sample Lengths Ma.ny Pieces of a Kind to Natch I to 1 Yard in Length These splendid goods are bound to create a furore Friday., Several pieces of a kind match up, enouan for skirts or suits, 44 to SO inch. 'goods- many kinds to select froi worth up to $1.28 yard- day main floor, each 'Remnants of cashmeres, serges, mohairs, Sicilians and fancy - dress, goods In lengths from 3 to 10 yards worth up to 65c J(J k yard Friday, per yard . . , s3C Remnants of fancy cream panamas, 50-lnch gray Sicilians, Henri ettas, Storm Serges, Brllllantloes and many other weaves T f worth up to 76c yard Friday, per yard 9jC 3 Dress Goods Bargains In Basement, oods ry rz est 25c Vr 1 JQBAMnELS. 1; zdJ ' LEW wVorr&srggji3 1 MUMBnBM OMAHA W I"1111 1111111111 Remnants of short ends of dress goods good, clean rem nants basement Friday, at, each lc Remnants of short ends, very fine drees . goods, all width goods basement Friday, each 5c Just received from the mill, sample lengths high grade dress goods, 3 to 8 yard lengths; Fri day, basement, yd., 15c YARNS We have, the most complete line of Yarns in the west. If It is Yarn, we have it. Prices always right. SAMPLE HOSIERY We will place on Bale all of our winter sample lines of Hosiery, and we will make them in three lots, 10c, 15c, 25c. These goods are our best quality and very heavy weight; also some fine weights, lnfact all kinds of weights, fine, heavy, and medium; best values in the city. These samples are for ladles, Gents and Children. JOS.F.BILZ 322 So. 16tb Street, Omaha Remnants and Odd Bolts of All kinds of TTTlTr W plainandfancy W aSll LSLC6S Almost 50 new styles, including French vals with laces and insertings to match, fancy torchons and net top laces actually worth up to fifteen cents a yard every- where a large bargain square DTsf at, per yard 4w&w EMBROIDERIES Very fine baby seta also medium and wide widths, including skirtings' and corset cover effects all splendid Quality, very well made, with fast edges on three big bargain squares. Embroideries Embroideries A Embroideries WMrtkteSOc iL vtlVT Worth Is lOcaLyd' Wartk U lie, at. yi 19 Silk Remnants Friday too and 69c grade silks not short remnants, but good serviceable lengths from 8H to IT yards taffetas, In plain, checks and stripes, fancy nov- op 4n. lty silks, etc.. Zi)C"lifC at, per yard r Splendid lot of spring dress silks worth eighty-nine oenta a yard. at. per yard 1JC Short ends of silks, travelers' sain, pies. UjT all purpose. 510C LINEN REMNANTS tn the "w basement Mill remnants 6f table damask, some slightly damanged. but XTrZl . .10c t.000 Imperfect Huck Towels these are seconds from the e factory, each 1C Mussed Spachtel Scarfs and in squares, worth to 18c, at.... IUC 11.00 quality large sise Crochet Bed bp reads, slightly dam- Q aged, each J3C Table Damask Remnants. Hi to J yards lone, at less than coat to Import. In Our China Dept. IS Large plain glass Lamps II inches cuncn collar, no plaster rtrls IV uryy on complete ready to use. no. i burner, ehimnaw mr,.t -m lck. at. each JC ' Genus China Sinner Seta .100 pieces genuine imperial nign grade cnina very Ugnt In weight and very translucent, so much so that the light will readily pass through even tbe larger places, such as covered dishes, plates, etc thus showing It to be as thin as the best French China. Wa natter ourselves that we liave the beat bargain tn OftC China Dinner Sets ever of- lOJ fered in Omaha, Bale price. . . . Fine Blown Table Tumblers ma1e ol pure ninl glass, highly pul- uned, uch Fancy cut star Sugars and Creamers, made of pure lead blown r'.ass, handsomely finished at, tfl per set JUC Rich brilliant cur glass Vases, hand' made and highly pplished. IS Inches tall live dollar value. - this sale , . IN THE EARNINGS and Deposits o! THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK re present Its increased efficiency and ability to handle your account, as the accounts of other depositors have been handled with BAFETY. Every modern banking facility ex tended your account invited.. DEPOSITS Jan. 26th, 1007, f 11,106,182,12. First National Bank OMAHA. NED. V U M M s I II 1 k 4 r m MM c Bargain Friday Silk Bargains WeLlei Adding - Ma.chiie Is the latest, most modern, ap-to-date Addlaf and Listing Machine on the market. It most be sees to be appreciated. Correspondence Solicited. Trial Examination Pre. A. L. McCreary Kebraska Agent. P. O. llOX 301. UMCOLJI. Larfre Collection of Fancy Jap (vraoh) Kllks, come in Polka dot designs of various colorings, splendid for waists or dresses also several thousand yards plain colored Taffetas, on sale In one OCsj great lot, Friday, yard aC 27-ln. Colored Taffetas, in many beautiful change able colorings, right shades for Spring, a f f heavy quality that will wear, worth (1, yd. .0C 80-ln. Fancy Kilk Sultjngn Great bargain. This silk is twice as wide as ordinary silk, therefore only takes 8 yards Instead of 16 yards for a Q suit; every yard worth $1.60, Friday, yd. . .0C 86-ln. Chiffon niack Taffeta Regular price $1.35 yard, on sale now, yard... LININGS Friday we place on sale several thousand yards 1 Fine Double Fold Mercerized Hateens, Hpun Glass, Silesias, Etc. Some of these qualities sell aa high as 30c; Friday, all in one lot, ft yard ,C 60c New Wanh Goods for 20c Several thousand yards of fine silk wash fabrics in all the new designs and colorings; these fabrics are exactly the same as you find elsewhere for 60c, 1f every yard new on sale, yard a&lC 89c ILLINOIS CENTRAL'S Fast Train to CHICAGO and EAGT lave Omaha 6:00 P. M. Arrive Chicago 7:80 A. M. H Try The New Way CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 207 So. 11th Street Domestics Extra heavy large un bleached Sheets, in good quali ties, Friday 29c Bleached Pillow Cases 42-in.x36-in., good quali ties, on sale each 7c Friday Sale of RIBBONS 600 BOXES NEW FRESH, CRISP RIBBONS AT ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALF PRESENT VALUES Owing to the great Increase in the price of raw silk, the cost of ribbon is still advancing; notwith standing these conditions we are able through early, large and for tunate purchases to offer the most popular styles for the coming sea son way under what we could buy them for now, at 4 to i Present Values (rood Quality Taffeta BJbnon Beau tiful lustre, In all colors, -ln. wide, worth 86c, special, per yard, Taffeta Bib ton 5-ln. wide, excellent tor children's hair ribbons l"?! and sashes, worth 26c yard... 2C mibbons, from ZV, to 5 Inches wide, fancy stripes and Dresden ef- f rects, worth up to 86o yard Splendid $1.00 Corset FRIDAY ONLY tended fktyo fog Full gored, bias cut. Sizes 19 to 30. Corset Dept. Second Floor. Art Needlework New Designs for Stamping "Waists, Corset Covers, Chemise and Borders, ex quisite hat and floral de signs for stamping. Art Needlework Counter Harney Aisle Left. Friday Special Women's Fine Sheer Lawn Waists Tucked and Val. lace trimmed in front and back, 6hort sleeves, with trimmed cuffs, regular $1.00 value- Bargain Friday, each . . . , , 79c $7.50 Women's Walking Skirts fr $5.95 Made of fine Chiffon Panama, cluster pleat and full, pleated modedsrf colors black, blue, ' brown, grey and fancy stripes and Plaids, all new spring models and approved P QC styles, Friday special JeJ $1.00 Flannelette Wrappers for 59 75c Flannelette Kimonas for 29 75c Flannelette Dressing Sacques for 29 35o Corset Covers for .19 75c Flannelette Gowns for 39 SECOND FLOOR. A Phenomenal Purchase of White Goods We have secured what we ' consider one of the biggest bargains we ever got hold of. In the assortment are striped and checked Dimities, dotted and figured Swisses, mer cerized ' Waistings, Piques and figured Lawns. 10c Striped Dimity, yd. 5 15c Checked and Striped Dimity, yard ., 10 25o Fancy Waistings and Dotted Swisses, yd...l5 40c Mercerized . Figured Waistings, yard .....25 Friday in the Hardware WILSON '8 TOASTERS FOR GASOLINE OH GAS STOVE Toast evenly and quickly four pieces of bread at once almost Impossible to burn a piece of bread, bargain A Friday, each vC Good No. 8 heavy IX Tin Copper bottom Boiler, Friday ...80 Good. No. 9 heavy IX Tin Copper Bottom Boiler, Friday . . . -DOtt NAILS NAILS Friday only, 8d, lOd and 20d. lb. for 3 Fresh Fruils and Vegetables South Dakota White Potatoes peck 15 Butihel GO English Walnuts, pound .1.15 Horse Radish, pound 10s? Bennett's Big Grocery raiDAT ajtb sattjkdat hoist BATES8 TBASB I1ILT TO AVOID SXIAT IS BEUTEXT. Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack.... fl. 20 And Flfly Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Uest Coffee, 8 lbs....1.00 And Seventy-Five Green Trading US tamps. Teas, your choice, pound 6 So And Forty Green Trading dtamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking- Powder, B-lb. can $1.09 And One Hundred Green Trad. Stamps California Pultana MmiiIImI Nalllnl T&fpr Wund ....... 150 PATiVt And Twenty Green aVV Trad Ins; Stamps. IAVj t3 Fancy Cluster Table r5v. I Raisins, lb 25o I :JaU2 And Ten Green "nil tain L'. Navy Beans. 10 pounds 25c Granulated Double Oresa Tradlof Stamps. Grape Nuu, pkg 10o Es;(r-o-8ee, I pkas 26o Toasted Corn Flakes, pkgs. tor 26o Japan Rice, 2 pounds 143 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. . Prunes, sixty to seventy sise Califor nia Prunes, worth 10c lb. at....5o New York Full Cream Cheese, lb.JOo And Ten Grten Trading Stamps. Domestics Swiss Cheese, pound.. 25o And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Diamond 8 Preserves, large jar...28o And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Bee Hive Pears, can 150 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. -'reek Country Butter, Me Srjsro- BTJTTEJ pound Jello-O, assorted, S pkgs j&o Ana Ten Green Trading Stamps." Sour Pickles, quart 100 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Chow Chow Pickles, quart 16c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Maine Corn, I cans, 25c; doten cans.Me "Uest We ILave" Ttomatoes, large can 16o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat, I pkgs. fr i&c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Shredded Codfish, I pkKS 26o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. St. Charles Cream,' 3 cans 30c Aad Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Oats, 3 pkgs 20a And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Flower and Vegetable boeds. pkg.tHc Wiggle Stick Bluing. ( sticks Zms And Ten Green Trading Stamps. BENNETTS CAPITOL. COFFEE. lb. package 2(o And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. BBVVBTT'B CalDUt, Hundreds of Easter Novelties at 2 be, I61-. 10c and Sc Mixed Candy, pound loo CHOCOLATE BON BON 8, lb. bou 2t0 And Tea Green Trading Stamps. Friday Is Remnant Day TWO GREAT SALES-ONE IN THE FORENOON AND ONE IN THE AFTERNOON We will sell over a carload of various kinds of remnants In Drvss Goods, Wai.h Goods, Linens, etc., commencing at 8 a. m. Friday morning. IS, f00 yards of Mill Ends of all kinds of wasn uonds, iTints, uinnnams, wnue Goods, etc. In short lenirths, several pieces to match, at, per yard Ho 10.000 yards of Remnants, In all kinds or goods. Dimities. Lawns, Hntlsies. Prints, etc., worth tip to 12 toe rr yard, at, yard le 10,000 yards of Simpson's Prints, Ameri can I'rlnts, Garners l'rints, in irninn twm 2 to 10 yards, reKular 7 He goods, on sale In the forenoon, at. per yard & Ho Moleskin Flannelette for Wrappers, fin est made on the market, fast colors, from the bolt, at, per yard 3o 10.000 yards of White Goods, Including Batistes, Organdies, Fancies, etc., goods worth from 10c to 25c a yard, all tn pne lot. at, per yard 440 Remnants of Table Linens, In 63, 68, 4, 68 and 72 Inches wide, hieacnea anfl un bleached and Silver Bleached, goods that sold from SOo to tt.00 per yard will be pliiced on three piles at, pr ynrd. 49c, lc and BSo Remnants of Towollng, worth up to 10c a yard, will go at, per yard...8Ho Ten other squares of gvds, worth up to 89o a yard, will be all priced from 8ttc to inc. WOO& DEEOS GOODS In the forenoon we will sell Danish Cloth, the renl. genuine article, in creams and colors, regular-16c gtods. in rem nants, from i yards to 10 yards, not over II yards to a customer, at, per yard Remnants of Henriettas, English Cash mere and other goods, worth up to 60o per yard, will go at, per yard 10 Rctnnanls of Broadcloths, Foreign and Domestic, worth up to 12.00 a yard, will go at, per yard. 49c. 89c 88e Remnants of Wool Novelties up to IS 00 per yard, will go at. per yard 6&e Remnants of Wool Novelties up to 13.60 will go at, pr yard o Remnants of Wool Novelties, worth up to 81.60 at, yard Bo BE SURE AND ATTEND OUR AFTERNOON SALE, COM MENCING AT 1 P. M. ANOTHER CARLOAD OF NEW GOODS ON SALE DIFFERENT IN THE MORNING. One large table of White Goods thnt sold up to 89o per yard, in fancies, Mercer and Checks, etc., all on sale at, per yard TH Remnants of White Goods, India Ltnpns, French organaies, 4U-incn uiwus, that sold up to 86c per yard, at 6o Remnants of Printed Hollle Batista, Printed Primrose Batiste ana tTintea Dotted Swisses and other goods that old up to lc a yard will be on fne larre counter. rer yard 40 From the bolt we will sell 25 pieces of Batistes and Organdies and pther printed goods that sold up to 12 Ho a vard. at flo 25 dozen Huckaback Towels that sold for 25c piece, at, each 18H0 26 dosen of Turkish Bath Towels that old at 19o each, at, each .....loo 25 doien Linen Huckaback Towels that sold at 16c each, at, each 25 dosen Turkish Towels that sold at 12Hu each, at. each &o Remnants of Table Oil Cloths that gold at 20o per yard, at, yard Remnants of Wool Dress Goods that sold up to 85.00 a yard, in blacks and col ors, per yard o Remnants of French Novelties that sold up to 13.50 per yard, at. par yd 49o All double fold Flannelettes that sold at 11 Ho yard for Friday only, from the bolt not over 12 yards to a customer, at, per yard Be 25 pieces of Amoskeag Outtnff Flannels, In dark and light colors, at, per yd ae Thousands of other bargains too numer ous to mention. Cpme early. Silks Silks Silks AH odds and ends of High-Grade Silka left from the last tour daya great sale, plain color taffeta, fancies, etc., many In the lot worth regularly to $1.00 yard. on sale Friday at, yard 2o$ Above Silks shown in Sixteenth streeet window past few days. Special Bargains In Black Silka Friday From the Great Purchase. 36-ln. Black Taffeta, $1.00 values ,27-lh. Black Taffetas, $1.00 values- Friday GOc 36-ln. Block Taffeta, $1.25 values Friday 70 36-ln. Black Taffetas, $1.39 values Friday 85 36-ln. Black Taffetas, $1.50 values Friday 95 86-ln. Black Pongees, 85c values Fri day 39 Linens Friday 65? 36-ln. Black Peau de Sole, $1.25 val ues, Friday 79d 36-ln. Black Peau de Sole. $1.89 val ues, Friday 89d Thousands of yards of Plain and Fancy Silks from this great purchase on sale at less than manufacturer's cot price. See display In 16th St. Win-dow. We will Include In this sale 15 pieces of C. J. Bonnet Black Taffeta, a silk known everywhere and wherever known favorably known: C. J. Bonnet Taffetas, 36 Inches wide, $1.75 value, at $1.19 C. J. Bonnet Taffetas, 27 Inches wide, $1.25 value, at 794 Drapery Bargains Swiss Curtains, with ruffle, lace and In sertion, worth from 11.60 to 88.00 pair, at, pair MM Madras, worth 86o yard, 86-Inch wide, Friday, at, yard ado Irish Point Laos Curtains, worth 85.00 at, pair $3.50 600 pair Lace Curtains, full else, worth $1.68, go at, each 49 Lace Curtains, In allover design, at, pair, 76c, (6o 69c, 49o i... BSO Odd lot of damaged Curbalns, to close quick, at, each 10c and Bo Silk Fringe, slightly mussed, worth 16a and 26c, at, yard lo Drapery Tassels at 1 dos. for lo Table Linen by the yard, pure Irish and German Linens, in Sliver tfieacnea ana unbleached. 10 pattern's to select from. These goods sell regular at 65c and 7So yard, we will sell for this day only and 6 yards to a customer at, yd 38o Pattern Table Cloths 6-4 and 10-4 slses. In fringed, plain and hemstltcnea, guar anteed all linen, In bleached and un bleached. These goods sold up to $2.50 apiece .Some of them are slightly soiled; as lpng aa they last, only 2 to customer, pair. 98c and 7Bo Odd lot of Dresser Scarfs and Stand Tops, In fancy drawn worn and nemstitcnea (large sizes), tn round thread linen and damask; sold regular up to 81.25 piece, to close quick only six to customer, at,. piece ' 800 All Linen Huck and Turkish Towels, ex tra large size, worth 26a piece. In this sale, ( to customer, at, piece lOo Special Embroidery Sale A A V.HFln nnnrtrttintt V FrldaV In our special sale pf Fine Matched Sets cf Swiss, uamnric ana rxainitoua r.muiui'--i n a in..i.Hni7. ail mw and nerfect goods at, yard, 7Ho P to Corset Cover Embroideries, great snap at, yard 19o Skirt Flouncing Embroideries, In Friday's sale, at, yard ...990 Pearl Buttons, per dos ..10 60c All Silk Veilings, great snap a,t, yard 18 Ho New Val. Lacwa now on sale at saving prices. We are sole agency for the HaU- Brochert Dress Forms. Clean-Up Sale of Furnishings Final clearance of all winter goods be gins Friday. All winter garments, broken lots and odd garments must go to make room for hew spring stock. Fprmer sell ing price or wprth is not considered In the making of these prices: Winter Underwear, worth up to 60e per garment; men's, women's and children's, on sale Friday to close at, garment lOo Men's heavy Work Shirts and light col ored Negligees, regular values up to $1.00. Friday fl&o Winter Hose, worth to 15a pair, men's, women's and children's, in fast black or tans, at, pair Bo Misses' and Children's Underwear. In spring weights, 26o quality, at 100 Men's and Boys' Suspenders A job lot, worth 25c U 60c, in two lota, at. pair, 16c and lOo Men's Woolen Underwear, $1.60 quality, broken lots. In heavy quality, choice, per garment , BOo Men's Shirts and Drawers, heavy fleeced, worth to 60c garment, Friday, at...a0o Ladies' Underwear, in spring weights, vests high neck, long or short sleeves, regular and extra sixes, 39o values.. lOo Ladles' Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants, lace trimmed, 60c qualities, at, garment only .150 Ladles' Gause Vests, silk taped, worth up to 26c, at 16a, 10c and ....Bo Graniteware and Hardware A whole carload of the best gray Gran ite ware manufactured mum go on sale Friday at less than manufacturers cost. Extra heavy coated Lip Saucepan, costing $2.26, per dos; this sale 100 Extra heavy coated Lip Saucepan, handled costing $2.60 per dosen; this sale.... 10c Extra heavy coated Wash Basin, costing $2.00 per doien; this sale 10c Extra heavy coated Dippers, costing $1.80 per dosen; this sale 10c Extra heavy coated Deep Pudding Pans, costing 800 per dosen; this sale.... 10c Extra heavy Flat Pudding Pans, costing 82.25 per dosen; this sale 10c Extra heavy coated iArge Milk Pans, costing 82.85 per dosen; this sale.. 15c Extra heavy coated large Dish Pans, cost ing 83-00 per dozen; this sale 15c Extra heavy coated Preserving Kettles, costing 88-60 per dosen; this sale.... 15c Extra heavy coated Wash Basins, costing $3.00 per dozen; this sale loo Extra heavy coated Pudding Pans, costing $2.90 per dosen; this sale leo Extra heavy coated large Lip Saucepans, costing $3.76 per dozen; this sale.,..16o Extra heavy coated Soup Ladles, Dippers, Basting Spopns, costing $1.00 per dozen; this sale, each ,..,.6o Tea Pots, Coffee Pots. Tea Kettles. PIo Plates. Cake Tins, etc., etc., etc., costing from $1.00 to $3.00 per dozen, to go In this sale, at, each 6o This Graniteware Is the finest manu factured, it is all first quality, no culls or seconds. If you paid treble the price for It you could not get anything finer. The factory closed this line out to us to dispose of for them, therefore, you can not afford to miss an opportunity of this kind. Come early for first choice. By knying your Groceries at Kaydsns' yon get tne highest quality, frosbest goods and save yourself from 85 per cent to 60 per cent oa your living expenses. 21 pounds Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar 100 The best Hand-Picked Navy Beans, per pound ..2 He The best Breakfast Rolled Oatmeal, per pound 2 : The best White or Yellow Cornmeal. ir nminn ... Grocery Department pound y- Fanry Mixed Cookies, worth 20c pound; this sale 'iZ'k Fancy Presels, per pound ': Fresh, Crisp XXXX. Ginger Snups, per pound ttc The best Boda or Oyster Craskers. pr pound ;, ,c Bromangelon. Jellycon or Jello, per purK- age i 7 1 OH or Mustard Sardines, per can Peanut Butter, per jar 2-lb. cans Sac l lty rweei nunr 1-lb. Jars Pure Fruit Preserves 8 Ho 4-lb. cans Breakfast Cocoa .2j Tar Soap, per cake Ullb. cans Best Grade bplce 1,, Worcester Sauce, per bottle 7 He OKEESI AJTD BUTTER FBICZS Fancy Fresh Country B11 Buler, per pound Fancy Fresh Dairy Butter, per lb....23o Fancv Separator Creamery Butter, euual to any puckage butter, for this sale, per pound 27a Fanry New York or Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese, per pound 17 Ho F.dam t'heexe. each ..Sod Sap Sago Cheese, each 7Ho Neiifrhiitcl Cheese, each lo fBESH VEGETABLES AKD 7BTXITB One carload of extra large fancy Highland Navel Orunges Just arrived. These are very fany. we I ami Juicy, t he 11 no it we have had this season. They are regu larly Hold for 40c per dozen; our price fur this sale only, per dozen 2!ia 1 .a rue. Jtil'-y Lemons, per dozen lOo 2 III "d Fresh l-ttuce 6o 2 ilunrh"s Krel' iHllshes 6a 2 lettd8 Fretih Celery 6a Ir..,,!. Iflt.u Tiiniulii, r..r nmi nd . - . . 1 R rt . .3 'jc I I mtko Grape Fruit, each 60 "-"! Ida. k Walnuts, per perk 250 Knglish Walnutu, per perk 250 Mux l.-an rinon Nuts, pur pound . . . . 1 1 Ho 1. ucumhi-rs, each t Bunches Fresh Onions . 6o I.artte Iliads K1"'-' .vi'ne ta Beets, f.irrots. Parsnips. Rutabagas, Tur. nips. White, ytllow or Bed Onions, per pound 'H Good Cooking Apples, per peck ...16 Ml ifU f i Mi TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Bast Far as rsset-aakscrlk Hew.