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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1907)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1907. 11 t ' f .1 ra- Ii OFFERED FOR SALE Hleeella aeeea CwetfaweS. JEND ue yt mall orders for (mi; fretxht paid on taO kte. Myers-DiM o bruit Co., Omaha. 1 M roR SALE One lrood Oarland rook -love. with reservoir. 172 N. 24th. 'Phnae Webster 2K. U M5o0 Mix fH EH WIN WILLIAM? CO. bt mixed paint. Sherman MeConnell Dnij Co. U fc4 rOH SALE To rah registers, one total tMr; alao nice line of etore fixtures. ; and Investment company. Patterson Block. OI-M72s WOW CAKES nl rational cash reins' r cbeac. N. l'th St. M-30 Mix OROCERT fixture for sale cheep, lsrge fancy ire n'j. computing ecaies. re1.'er. shelving anfl counters; muat vacate build ing. 1010 N. lh Bt. G-M41 3 DREHER, the tailor, make the beet rlnthea of any tailor In Omaha for the money. Butte 125 to 14. Spring atylea now ready. 11 Farnam St. BICTCLB tn rood repair, cheap. A 3d L 722. Bee. MM Sx FOR 8 A LB Nearly new. plain butcher'a Ira bait, rneao. Address D-7tf. Fee. G M26i Hi HAND-PAINTED china plates, tl; salts una peppera. ii zs. Firing a specialty, Flora . Bengele, 711 8. ltb ... (16-Mr.I 22x KlNDLINCI WOOD from box fsctorv for sale. 12 00 per load. The Partridr -Shelly-Thomeon Co., long Farnam W. Telephone Dmigiee W4I. . at-tM :ix . SCHOLARSHIP and book a In Bovles Bust neea college for aale at reduction; party taken 111; traoka entirely new. Adlreaa B 747. Bee. . . Q (17 M4x Plaaee. Orgs as, Masleal lestresaeats. Bargain in Pianos at Matthews Piano Co. tfl-55 Harney St. 3 new . and used TJprlght Planoa to be old. within the next ten day to. clear the floor of all odda and enda and need Planoa. preparatory to arrival of spring atock. In addition to the Planoa we will aell all new and used Organ and Cabinet Piano Play era at reduction! from 20 per cent to SO per cant front original prices. $09. ' rrs. " ' $100. rss. asr will aecure reliable Upright Planoa. tV rs, tM. S3 to $46 for excellent Square Grand Ptanoa - ,. , is,. . no. . . tu to. . r aplendid uaed organa IL (IB buya CecQian Piano Playera, worth new Teiwa tit eaah and IS a month. C16 636 n CAUTION STEINWAY PIANOS Beware of bogus instruments offered "as genuine Steinway pianos., A fine stock of new and used Steinway pianos at very low prices may be found at tha; - Schmoller :& Mueller Piano Co. and they are the only author ized agents in Nebraska 1313 Farnam St., Telephone Douglas 1625. n Ml PATENTS F. t. LARSON A CO.. patent lawyers, baient boua free. Bee Bid., Omrbx, N-b. V. O. BARN ELL, patent attorney and ma chine desiguer. Pax tun Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17) JdTI? Mil HARPE MACHINE SHOPS Patents procured, inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine worn. sV4-L2 8. 10th Hi. (17 7 If ACHINE dealgnlng and general draught Ing at reaaoruible ratea. W. P. Dorner, tA So. th BU (17) MT64 Mil. PATENTH. trade mark a, guaranteed or no fee. National lavealmeot Co.. Douglas Blk (17) MTM Mil PERSONAL CITT STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, not lrouod. JU . UU St. . lai. IXiog. 4. - - tli & 6EW1XQ machines rented, any make, 7so per week or ti-M per month. Second hand machines for sale, la.00 and up Neb. Cycle Co- lith and Harney. ...... oty-e MASQUE costume. Ltebeo. TeL 41LS. Open evenlnga. tl 1 COSTUMES (211 S. 20th. Sack. TeL RedTtK! 1-U32 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; eul prices; send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (ID60J PLEATING B-SiSrS Dyeinc and deaoina. apongitui and shrink ing, only c par yard. &u4 fur price list uoLdman PLEATING CO.. at Douglas bloUu Tel. Douglas UU LADY agent aanted In every community to aell Florida Faca Cream; go.d pay; large bottle prepaid 3c J Smith, .'7 Otiw Bt, Omaha. (Ul-Manl 2x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. kihg. lull N. 2it SU TeX Doug. G-s BLANK BOOKS and ruled forma made to order. Keese Printing Co., Omaha. u-m:7 ra OMAHA bldg Stammerers' Institute. Ram Ranne G. - JOHN CANh. IS IN TOWN! Now la the time to trim tress, t re Uses and grape vinos: also lanrtsoape gardsolug. TeL nea eiu. nss. us a. uia Ave. . Oi 7 U1S DR. VOGEL S prtvata home for ladies be- ivrw ana uunug wannniem; best an cheapest ta tL city. Uit S. 11th St. a M THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast 0 IT clothisg, 4a 'act. autiilna yuu do not need. s cilla-t, repair and seiL at 114 N. llih St for cost of collecting, to the warthy pour, t'sol 'Pboue Duug. 41s and wagoo will ealL (l 411 I) R. N. fcOMMEA. homeopath. Bee Bldg. Hf AnVFTTP treatment and bath Mma BLAUrXl Smith, lit N. Hta. td flo. r o MAR2 IftP Swedish movement. 4ia N. -100-VJIj lblD room 2. eeoond floor. JOS Ml XFWA ELLIS, evening t '. Douglas 701. musie by . MMdayj. maiL Adultr - It'll Fsrnant. USi-lto Ul FOR anyfhisg la tba sewing machine line SO ta P. E. F)olmaa At Co, 1214 Cap. Ave. 1 M71 Mil BEW1NO w.achines supf lira for all makes f muhmu. machines retlred: inacr ines f'lrtnt 1'svden Urns. Swlrnc UirhllM "t. Douaias St. entiance Tel 7.u PERSONAL (Continue!) ANT ONE knowing the erhereabouts of Nela and Olaf Oleen will confer a furor toon them by showing them thla ad or br writing to Mim Carrie Oleen, Hock Island. 11L. MO etth BC . Qt) MTtt MUX PCHULT7.E RI.ATTERT. Ill 8. ISth ft Complete line of leading periodicals; ter rasn and forelf n publications a specialty. (1 J7 Mil TUB heeling honsehnld remedy. Patla skin cream should alwaya be handy. Xjc (ill WANTED A wlfe-no objections to younsj widow woman. Fond picture with first letter If you have one handy. Add E-7i6, rare of Bee. (Ill 625 34X PAINTl'L burns, any aore or ekin hurt quickly bealed by Balln Skin Cream. Ex. n REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR 8ALR 3GTII ST., NEAR FARNAM. Beautiful realdenca lot, BOx ICS ft., terraced and aodded. asphalt parement, all apedala paid. The location la the awell eat In the dty. No fancy price la arked. Thla won't be on the market long at the lew price asked. Apply CLINTON H.BRIGGS U20 FARNAM ST. fl5) MS98 $10,500 CASH Will recure I-etory brick near center of city. Annual income.". An'jrancea glron that 1ncone will far trlpie above amount in ten years, oner wanted. t. CONNER, 232 Neville BIk. (19 Ml B ORCHARD HI1L eouth front. 7 rooms with bath, modern, new furnace, full lot. owner larlng city. S HI sell at a aacrlflre. Worth C60u; am offering at 12,100. Terms eaay. Phone Harney 2332 at t p. m. aao n LANDSCAPE architect. E. C. Foster, pnone ixiug. 7W, eU Paxton Blk. (1 M70 HARNEY STREET Tola property la 112xlS2 ft, near the corner ofs!0th St. It laya to grade and la la every way desirable. Finely located for a row of flat a It won't be long before this will be business property. No fancy price asked. Apply CLINTON H.BRIGGS 1320 FARNAM ST. (19 M39i , $200 44X13 FEET, only on block o car, very sightly. THE BYRON REED CO., 'Phone Douglas S97. 212 S. 14th SL (1 Hi & SNAP1 I room modem house, 2 lots. 474 Capitol Ave, only S2.CS0. J H. i-anptte. , ' (II) lit 21 10-ROOM iiouae.- modern. T01 N. 40th Bt must be sold: submit offer. L. D. Holmes, 711 Pi. Y. Life Bldg. . (U) 883 & BUT from owner and save commission: e-room, new. mooern collage, un u. i.tu. U-MM1 Mfl CLOSE-IN SNAP Four blocks from center of town we have a li-room house, all modern, with lot 3xl32. paved street and alley, rents for Ubn per annum. Price $3 XXI. Don't phone, but see us at-once. as this will sura go. H. J. KEND1S SON. 641 Paxton Block. (!- U NORTH 24TH ST. STORE On North 24th. near Lake, large atore building with living rooms on second floor, alwaya rented; lot 47x135: all specials paid. Eastern owners anxious to sell. Price, (2.300. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1220 Farnam Bt. TeL Douglas 10M. 627 22 HOMES FOR SALE C.&00. 2210 Webster St.. 10 rooms all modern, large attic, full basement, furnace beat. food Uundry. large kt 6xlS2 ret. fine shade trees, south front on asphalt pavement, all special Improvement fully Caid, Immediate puesesslon, rf at our office. Terms: tljss) casn, bs lance liOO per year at I per cent. S2.B00. 2448 Spauldlng 8L rooms, modern except furnace, lot i.i!3i teet, paved street, owner lives on premises. Go and look this over. 12.300. 13W South 15th SC moaVrn except furnace, t good rooma. bulli only una year, easy term a I $2,100. 1706 South 27th St.. rooms, city water and gas, large barn, let ooxlS2 feet, fine shade trees, two Mocks from car, part Cash. balanos monthly. . - . ... tl.iM). VM Charlea, good ( room house, city water, gas, etc. Omner on premises, leav ing city aod wants offer for quick tl.SuO. 314 North 20th St.. rouma gcud repair, large cia tarn. very easy terms. 1mA. Maple St.. I room foliage. (3uo cash, balance niociihiy. m tUt 2S17 North Uth St.. I r 01 ins, easy terms, JluO cash, balance at prr cent. aVe us for choice iota la all parts of tha dty. GLcrRGE CO.. ItiDI Farnam St. U-Mj7 a FORCED SAXJO-Owner leaving city, muat aril good 1 notn noose la Boutn umabs Addreas E. A., Bee Ufflce, South Omaha, tl Mjett 4 33x132 FT. ON CHICAGO ST, Between IX h and 2Mb Sis.. THE BYRON REED CO., Phone DougU 7. 21 8. Uih St tlr til 21 GOOD G-ROOM COTTAGE and small lot east front, rtly water, gaa for ! ixwkiug. 11S-. ' "' ' rn'ance monthly ItlthSjK llioa.. j Phone Douglas ixe Bu.:i!ng Bee Want Ads bring competent help Ambitious men and women wanting REAL ESTATE f ITT PROPERTY FOR SALE . (.Continued.) 5-ACRE BARGAIN GOOD 8-ROOM HOUSE With full alae basement; apple tree, atraw berrlea. cherrl, 4ura. peach, pear and crab apple trees: TVi srape vlnee. barn, chicken hcuee. No. i N. 44th St. This III not be far from new extension of Ames Ave. car line. Price t3iu, IUJU cash. balance monthly. Peterson Bros. SOLE AGENTS. VA Bee Bldg., TeL Douglas 2137. (!;--i-3 21 IF RIGHTLY PRICED can sell your property, no matter as to what kind or where located; best bank reference. I. CONNER, 232 Neville Blk. (lt-622 22 THREE FINE BARGAINS NO. 1. 2532 S. th St., two-story -room house, all modern, except furnace. Thla property Is In good condition, fine shade, lots of fruit, well located, ' with a beautiful view of the river and Council Bluffs. Only one block from the Farnam car line, and within walking distance of the Vnlon Pacific depot, lot 0x 141 feet. Owner leaving the ' city and Is compelled to sell, and has put the price very reasonable. House haa four bed rooms on eecond floor, targe living and dining room, large pantry. Possession can be given to anyone wishing It within two weeks from date of purchase. Price tl.200. Don't fail to let us show you thla property at once. NO. 2. no 8. 9th St., a model little home, of 0 rooms, with fur nace, electric light, bath, toilet, everything right up to date. paved street, splendid repair. Property in Price 1500. NO. 3. 427 Harney 8t. o-rootn house, all medern. open plumb ing, hot and cold water, good furnace, permanent walks, first-class neighborhood. Prloe S.0O0. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Bole Agents. Sixth Floor N. T. Life Bldg. (1S-471 a BUY WEST END PROPERTY For sale, over one hundred (100) lots In "Briggs Place." . Farnam St. extends through the middle of thta addition. These loU will 4 sold dirt cheap, aa I wish to close them out at ones. They are to be -. sold in a bunch. They must be aold altogether. Apply CLINTON H.BRIGGS 1X30 FARNAM ST. (ujuari $800.00 Special Price for Short Time No. 1 N. fth Ave, 10-room bouse, located In excellent neighborhood, on large lot BOx 16 feet, all oak finish on first floor, bard pine second floor, attic baa three rooma all fin ished, billiard room In base- ment, combination hot water and hot air heating plant. Housa recently painted, large barn on tha premises. Fine lawn and ahade trees. If you are looking for a home In a good part of tha city this should Interest you. Lot alona la worth 14,600. Terms reasonable. Kay at our office. GEORGE st CO, IdOl Farnam Bt. -, (1 M5S 24 FOR SALE SPECIAL THI8 WEEK. $2,750 WILL BUY ONE, AND $4,iSrt ANOTHER, BOTH modlks houses, paved street: WALKING DISTANCE. LOAN FOR PAHl' IF DlvSlRED. COME IN THIS tl.buu. Pfc.R CKNT. 1 h.A R FIRST liUK 1 GAGE. IMPROVED PROPERTY. ILOi TO 14 00U. LONG TIME COUPON BONDS. GILT EDGB FIRST LIEN. ON BL SIN EPS PROPERTY. TUB PL 1 NAM CO.. S04-1 IN T. LITE. ls Mfaut 22 HURRY BEFORE ITS TOO LATE TO GET ONE OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL HAL CYON HEIGHTS LOTS. Tha finest location for both collage and large homes, only two blocks from Military Ave. and car une. Just south of Benson business center. You can l And such ctunc- lots elsewhere at these pnct ij0 to fcjou Small cash payment, balanos monthly. 'Phone D-&7 and we will meet you on tha ' ground. Russell & McKitrick Co., BOLE AGENTS, 427-14 Ramge bldg. Lath and Harney Sta (ilr-O0 21 FOR BALK Two modem house and large bars, oue block aorta of Hauoun prk paved street, east front, lot TtxlJU. Eust' era owner will sell at a bargain. THOMAS B REN NAN. Boom 1 li. I, L B.dg. ril)-a REAL ESTATE FABtV AID RAICH LABDS FOR IALK Itkrsaka. WILL exchange three full city lots and new 4-room bouse fur Improved Nebraska farm. Address Owner, P O. B-x lei, Beiutuo, Neu. AHkA Its belter positions answer Bee Want Ads REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAUCH LAKD1 FOR At.t Rebraev. Land for Sale IN WESTERN NEBRASKA. We have a numher of farme. Improved and unimproved, for sale all over Nebraska. and In weetern Nebraska. We can ll you Ine farms with the best of soil. The prices ranre from ' to ll. per qa.rt-r s-c- tlon. aocordinc to the lore t ion and Improve ments. The average crop for tlie last six years has been fully as good or betu-r than In the eastern part of this state. Wheat made from S to 4t bushels per acr. oats rve. barley and soelts from 4i to .M .bushels per sere; and corn ma le from 3S to H bushels per acre. Ail the una we oner for sale Is free from sand, hills or alkali and moat of the lands are located In Ger man settlements. The soil has a foot or more of blsrk loam with a solid clay sub soil like yours at home. If you buy land In the eastern part of the state tl H to IW per a-re you have to work all your life to pay the Interest, and you will never get out of d-bt. Tou ere paving from $" to ITxjO rt-nt for a quarter section of Innd In the eastern states. Take this K.10 and start a home of your own. let us take two farms, one that will cost n) to IPO per acre which has been unler cultivation for IS to 20 years: the oth: farm we speak of has not been under cul tlvatlon and costs only from lo to x. per acre. We will pay cash on the (5 tu IS farm, balance of 2700 to II .QUO at t per cent. At the end of every year me pay from HO to ISO Interest, and you pay en your hlirh priced farm from 1450 to 10 in terest. Now we have to put our cheap farm under cultivation, that will coet u tJXI extra. Now let us not put any manure on either farm for ten year, and which farm will produce the best crops and take the advantage in pries at the end of that time? Stop and think: about that before you buy land We know there Is one sbove us who rules Over the world. We also know that so much grain must be produced to keen us and mir live stock alive. We know that the eastern states are iilayed'out In producing crops. IK) you tntnk tod made this virgin soil of the west Just for the hot winds or story tellers? If this country was made out of sandhills we would not advise you to come out here and starve with the Jack rabbit. If you cannot find as good soil here as at your home, call on us and we will be glad to refund the money you paid! for your ticket. Below we give a small list of farms which you can buy from us on very easy terms, one-third to one-half cash, balance on long time. We own 2.;0 acres In western Nebraska. No. 2S1 t.W acres. 4 to 7 miles from town. Price 7J0 per acre. Land Is all fenced. Another 40 acres adjoining this, all fenced, at f7 per acre. No. 2S4. A good 40 acrs. one mile from Sidney. Price I7.S0 per acre. 15 acres under cultivation: all fenced and cross-renced. price is per acre. No. 2S6. 220 seres, 1 miles from Palton, all level aa a floor. Price IS 60 per acre. No. Sfil. A fine lflO acres, one and one half miles from DaJton. Price liO per acre. We are able to give you a list of 3C7 farms which are listed for sale with us. but It would take more than half the Omaha Bee to advertise It. so we have only given you a sample of the best bar gains we have for sale. Please hand or send thla list to some of your best friends whom you think would like to buy a farm or Invest some money in land. We will be only too glad to refund the money you have paid for your ticket, and cover all your other expenses If you flnl that the above statements are not true. Come at once wa will pay your railroad fare. For further Information. Inquire of SPRINGER & BL'ZZA. Sidney. Neb., Office LeGrand Hotel. (20) MS42 24 A BARGAIN In well Improved SO acres adjoining Broken Bow; two fine houses, one 7 and one 1 rooms; barn, granary, corn cribs and sheds, well. mill, elevated water tanks, one in milt house and one In barn; ona wood and one steel water tank for stork, one steel hog dipping vat; twelve lots and enure eigmy iencea nog tignt; water irn and l of the' lfi acres ?fU ptpca to botn houses, be hub; one 101 01 irees; u acres aitaila; 1 riA mill t.A n. 1 T a...... . v siiuuri! 1 1 1 a 1 j u I a sprsder. good W-d".l"ew'at1uy';i?!CRB farm for rent. 7 miles west f - Wil.Ia,aViloSarcash:l",1f ! -. 2 cost 115,000. sold prior to March 1, 1907. mils to town acnooL Wliila Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb. (20 M4i5 28 MONEY In Nebraska land. Write us for list of some good forms In Clay county. Nebraska. Dept. L Eller A Johnson, Harvard. Neb. 20 M4S1 Mix 480-Acre Grain and Stock Farm K0 acres pasture, 100 acres well Improved. fine level bottom land In Nance county, Nebraska. Corn 60 to 60 bushel, wheat 20 bushel, alfalfa, clover, timothy and wheat on farm, fc-room house, barn 4VixU:; two granariea for i.M buahels grain; scales, hog housea, cattle sheds, orchard, three wind mills, tanks. 4'j0 rods hog fence. R. F. D, telephone, school and church one mli. miles from Palmer. Price 23S per sere. Write. W. H Widaman, Palmer. Neb. t M411 22x Central Nebiaska H. 4 L. Tha beat 480 acre farm in cen tral Nebraska, Is anly three-fourths mile from court bouse, and has 230 acres of aa fine valley land as ties in Nebraska. Good set of framt buildings complete, large grove S years old, orchard, etc, 1(0 acres tn pasture. Price Sit per acre. C. l.luo were farm, fenced only 4 miles from Sargent, has 2U0 acres of fine land ta cultivation, balance Hu.ced in two pastures, good set of buildings, windmill, wail, sic, a bargain at Us an acre. Hartley & Lundj Box . Sargent. Neb. (ft-MAA Mx FOR farms, ranches, relinquishments, etc. call on or write to U. S. Henry, laylor. Neb. iJJ M564 JB ANOTHER RAN'CU. 48 acres In Frontier county; good road to two railroad tnwns; one mile from stuia. pustorhce, cream station; in good locality;! one-balf mile to church, school on corner of rancn. All good soiL no sand, no rock:i one-half smoota. llu acres cultivated, good nouse 01 six rooms; Darn, cnts, g.anary, reu, winaniiii, small orcriard: extia bar (ain for L.uuv: poaeeselon March 1. Lave others. Write us for llsis and map. Cornelius Co. Hastings. Neb. X)ilM 22 tCaasas. HOME8EEKERS! Be carefuL Locate righL investigate eur famous artesian vajcy. Sure crops, matchless climate. Let us writs you. Miller at James, Meade, Kan. UW-MA4 el SOUTHERN Kansas farm lands. Kingman and Southern Krno counties offer grraiei Inducements. natural advnUgtS for agriculture, fruit, live slock snd poul try raising of any location in the stste. Mild climate, fertile soiL innumerable streams and springs cf pure water, rail roads, schools, church and progressive citizens. Land purchased st present prices will soon double in value. Fop descriptive usta and complete information write or call on Broan at Temple. Kingman. Kan sas. Max teeth Daketa. ONE MILLION ACRES ROSEBUD LAND SuON to be opened in Tripp county, Bjuth Dakota: new and authentic map just out; price, 60 cenia. poetpaid. Fred Relrh n.ann. BonesteeL 8 D. (TyUti kill SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS Wsj acres prairie farm land, cne mils from Gettysburg, putter c. un'.y. South Dakota No lniprovements; price 1-S per acre, pay able tit per acre cash, balance eight y- .r'y payments. 4 per cent interest. Alao have quarter and Lalf sections st 112 per acre ap. Write for free map to A- O. Williams, owner. Gettysburg. Potter county. Soutu Dakota, (Jti-i7 Mar) J REAL ESTATE FARM AD HH i,AU FOR 4IR laalaa Territory. We can put Tou In touch with best bargains, splendid Indian Territory farm lands. Have nice rarty already for our next excursion, Tuesday, March 6. Can you Join usT $15.30 round trip. Also have Texas lands. Write, THE PUTNAM CO., 504-6 N. V, Life Bldg. ' Omaha. CK M562 22 Texas. LAND SEEKERS! FARMERS MAKE ?0 PER CENT IN THE BRAZOS VALLEY. OI R LAND HAS MANY ADVANTAGES OVER ANY OTHER SECTION OK TEXAS. It has 43 Inches of rainfall. It has more productive soil. It has no brush to grub out. It don't hsve to be irrigated. It hss pure wster at sixty feet. It costs less to improve. It arrows best cotton in Texss. It is s natural clover country. . It is best sugar cane land. It is a good alfalfa country. It Is a splendid hog country. It has a ten months' growing season. It has lowest shipping rates. tr sells st 11200 to li per acre. Illustrated list free. H1LAND P. LOCK WOOD. Ean Antonio. Tex. ' -".. M511 M5 Corn and "Yh?at Lands In fertile northwest Texas We own and control several thousand acres of the best lind In the Panhandle. Join one of our big excursions. LEREW I .AND CO.. 308- 8. 13th St.. First Nat 1 Iwink Bldg. (301 MM1 ill Waablaatoa. FOR SALE OR TRADE Improved fruit and chicken rancn or lb acres near l a coma. Wash. K. Bradley, Wclbach. Neb. 130) MM1 22x FARMS) FOR BALE. Don't buy a farm of any kind, anywhere, before writing us. A postal will bring you our lists. Bradley & Mathiesen, Vt'olbach. Greeley Couctv. Neb. (' M42 2x RANCH for sale; 2.0W acres deeded, two . sections leased school land, all fenced; located central Neb. Write for full descrip tion. J. V. Anderson, Grand Island. Neb. (301 4 Mix FARM lands for sale In Nebraska arid South Dakota, improved and unimproved, large and small tracts. Also some good trailing propositions. Address J. P. Fal ter. Plattsmouth. Neb. ia 44 M2 Wyomlaar. WYOMING IRRIGATED LAND Valley land 115 to 135 per acre. Also Irrigation project for Investment. Address Box. !S. Thermopolis. Wyo. 30H-Me& Mx Mlseellaaeoas. HOMESTEAD THE COEUR D'ALENE RESERVATION will be opened soon. It contains acres choice wheat, fruit and timber land. Do you want lo acres? COEUR D'ALENE REHERVATION IN FORMATION AGENCY, Rooms 17-18 Exchange Bank P.Mp.. Spo kane. Wash. - O'l-r Ml REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Far as sad Ranch Loads. 20 ACRES, 16th St. with house and barn. Ul & (211774 ranch to rent on crop plan In famed Big Horn Basin. Write W. M. Harvard. No Wood. Wyo. of . ra. Doll, Station B. Omaha, or 'phone Har- ney SS-tiS. (1) Mal2 23 REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. GARVIN BROS, 1604 Farnam. ( and 54 per cent loans on real estate; no delay. t2)-e LOWEST RATES Bemla, Paxton Block. (22 T7 C OOO.OOO TO LOAN on business and resi dence Droriertr in Omaha: low set rale no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1. N. Y. Ufa - ti o UNION LOAN & INVT CO. PRIVATE BANKERS. Loans money on real stale, buya and sells dty-Warrants, city and farb mortgages. Ill) Bee Bldg. phone Doug. 34. ! 41 3 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Sinilh ax Co, UJO Farnam St. ta-7J LOANS on Improved city property. W. 1L Thomas, wui First National Bank Bldg. (2!) ti70 WANTED City loans. R C Peters Co. ta-72 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1520 Doug. tI.' 6.1 WANTED TO BUY' WANTED To buy. second-hand furniture. cook and beating stoves, carpels, linole ums, office furniture, old clothes and ahuea. oianoa feathers, bed pil,os, QUilia. and ail kinds of tools; or wul buy the fur niture of your bouse complete. Will buy antique or muhogacy furi.llure. The nigh est prices paid. Call tha right man. TeL Doug. n. t MSla MJ4 DOH'T xive your second-hand furniture away; I pay the highest price; big prices paid for o.-e furniture. Joe Levins, Jul N. lklh. TvL LKiUguxs Jii. C25)-M261 Ml 'TOP prices for Id-hand bookr, novels, all , kinds. Stacey, lis a. iitn. lei Hrn, inn - : ta MJfl Max CASH paid for old booka Crane-Foye Co, 111 8. l4to. 'Phone Douglas-UO. (251441 WANTED For Investment, flats or cot tagea. close In; must be cheap; will pay cash.. Address J ,W. car ttee. (St)-Mf7 22 W A NTED -f oot bockkeepers deek: also rallir g snd cashier's &k snd other office fixtures. Address D 749. Bee. (D-M4- a I WANT to buy a home In vicinity of Hanscom park, about T rooms, modern. Telephone Harney liiu. U07 S. 2Mh. (26(-Mr 2T TYPEWRITERS We pay th- highest cash price for tviiea-rlts-rs. Call at once or TeL Doug. 4477. Kendls. Paxton block. 4T4 Ml WANTED TO BUY -room modern bouse and barn. Telephone Douglas--!'. WANTED TO RENT t OR 4-ROOM house, cottage 1 referred, cloee in; reference furnished Addreas F 7iL care Bee. . CJ 441 WANTED To rent 2 or I furnished rooms for light housekeeping by sma.l family; must be cloe in; referemea Address W md. care Lee. o Mt7 a WANTED SITUATIONS DAY women furnished (res Telephone Douglas 1112, of charge. tzr-Msuo WANTED SITUATION ll'onllntMd.) WANTED Position of general office wrk: experienced; best cf references f irnlslil. Address 1. Omaha Bee. 10 Pesrl Pt., Council Bluffs. JT) Win 3 POSITION wsnted by pharmacy student out cf school hours. Add!-e. tisnsen. 22X2 Fsmam. (.:-. ITx WANTED Position dress 1-1 Neville as head miller. Ad Block. 2:-ra x BT a colored man. as packer, marker or shipping lrk. Best of references Ad dress J 7M. Bee. 7 21x WANTED Position In Jewelry store. t. learn the buslress; best of references furnished. Address lock box 4?, 8'iperlor, Neb. (."7 MIM SSx DAT WOMEN furnished Telephone Douglas 1112. ftee cf charxe. (rr-Mo WANTED Permanent situation In Chris tian courtrv home bt vjurg woman. C. D. C, I.kS Uth St. IKS Vloines. 1h (.'7-MM7 rx GOVERNMENT NOTICES SEALED PROPOSAI.8 WILL BE FE- ceived at orllce or tteasurer. Battle Mi un tnln S.inltarlum. N. H. D. V. 8.. Hot i Fprinas. Sruth Dakota, until 12 o'clock m . March 4. !'T. and then opened, for furnish ing and delivery of household supplies, in areorilunoe with Instructions and spedr--tli ns. ci pus of which, with blank proposals and other Information, may he had upon applici.ion to W. A. TVCKER. Treasurer. F11-1C 2 M PROPOSALS FOR LEASING THE TR1- bal Ijinds of the Standing Rock Reserva- tlon. North Dakota, for Graxing Purposes. Dcj' of tha Interior. Office of Indian Affair. Washington. 1). 4... Kenruary . !"o7. Sealed pnposals for leaslnc the sur plus tribal pastures on the Standing Rock reservation. North Dakota, for graxng puiposoe. will be received at this onVe until 2 o'clocs. p. tn.. on Thursday. March iS, l'.07. and will be immediately thereafter opened in the presence of such bidders as may attend. The lands will be leased f-T a period of five yesrs from June 1. uV7, and no bid for a different period will be considered. The proposals must be ad dressed to "The Commissioner of Indian Aflairs, Washington, D. C." and must be plainly endorsed on tha outside of the en velope, "Irotiosals for Leasing Standing Rock Lands. The lands offered for lease have bet-n divided Into four pastures. Pas ture No. 1 contains W.OiO acres; pasiore No. 2 contains sjo.OHO acres; pasture No. I contains Sla.O acres; pasture No. 4 con tains lis 4i acres. Maps showing tha l ca tion of the pasture and posters giving di rections for tho submission of bids, and all other necessary Information, may be obtained on application to the I'nlted States Indian Agent. Fort Yates, North Dakota. Proposals not conforming to the requirements mentioned In tha postera may be rejected. If surh action shall be deemed advisable. C. F. LAKRABEE. Ac'lng Commissioner. FSdUtM LEGAL NOTICES' NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the regular annual tn ling of re stockholders of the South Iiu.te Land company wiu oe neiu at the of said company at Lincoln, Neb., at U o clock a. m. on tna ttn oay 01 March, A. D., li.'7. By order of tha Board of Directors. C. H. MUKKiLL, President; A. B. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln, Neu., February 4. lsw.. F-d30t-m. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of stockholders In The Bee Publishing company Is hereby called to meet in the office of The Bee building, in the city of Omaha. Neb, on the 4th diy of March. 1H7. at 4 o'clock 1. m. By o-der of the president, n. a. 1ARKELL. Secretary. Feb.U d I! m-a RAILWAY TIME CARD I KIUK STATIO TbWtii ad M A R C "I (nlo FselSe Ieave. Arrive, a ktl pta a R'is p a :Q ptsj a 1:10 pra al: pio a 5:10 pm a 7 44 am a 4 VI pra bl2:C pis Overland Limited a, 66 am The China and Japan Faat Mail"i Colo. Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm California ore . rx. .a pm Loa Angeles Limited... all pm Fast Mall a i Colorado Special a T:4 am North Platte locai a j Beatrice Local bisons tVastasa, FL Louis Express a 1-10 pm St. Louis Local (from a 1:18 am alO JO prr bU: sn Council Biun-s) a w.m 6tnberry local aronx Council tt 1 1 d tbleage Jk NurtbOTswtera. Cedar Baptda Paaa a 7: am Twin City s-xpresa Chicago Daylight a s:uu am sM:00 pm all: 15 pm a 1:4 pa a 2 ata f :!A am a I 46 pm a 7:10 am a 2:00 pm .M am a 7 6 am a i ll am all 1 am sl0. am alO.ji am a i.ia pra 1 i 4 pm b i:ui pm iiLi .i T .U am U-aO pm am Cuicago Local u:rini Eloux City uoca.. - V" Carroll Locat a :U pra Eloux City Local.. ..rf .. Cbicags Express "M pm Faat Mau Fast Mail ........... a Pm Tm rut Limited..... .a 1 pm Overland Limited .......a k: pm Chicago Limited ........all:, pm Norfoik-Bonesieei .... -m an Lincoln-Chaoron ....a..b 7:4u am tieadwood-Llucolst ... -J 1 pm Cssper-Shosbonl a 1:00 pm Hastings-Supertor .....o l:W pm Freroont-Aiojou " iliksx ureal Wilsra. St. Paul Mlneeapolla. IM pm St Paul MuicaaDoUa. ! am Chicago Limited e-e pra tb'csgo tprea -w UN pis i IMS Chicago Lxpr i.....,v VH Mlsuisrl I'aelS. B. C 4V St. L. Express. .a 1:00 am K.&abLL Axisse..aU:U pm Nebraska Local - s.Uv to Dee Muinea Loone.. .......... illtaeis Centra. a 4:2 am a 13 pm all -40 am 4:1 pt a S:4t pm Chicago Express .a am Minn- ox - - . Chicago Limited a 4:iar pm Minn SL Paul Ltd-A a s u pm a I 'M am a 7 am LsUeH sleeai as ncist. KAafL Chicago Limited JS am a 7:10 am Iowa Local , a las) am a 4: pm Chicago Mali w'.Vil V" . J'f Iowa Local bl2:0 pm t 1st. pra Chicago (trn Ex.). .a k pas a l ib pot Chicaae (Iowa LuuL)..a 4 J era el! -26 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain "Limna. I Ja am a tf am Colo. CaL Express.. .a l pa. a 4:M pm Oki. Tixae n.xpres. e.ev tu:w pm Lii.coio sairutur - ... ... Bellevue J Dm a 1:10 am rkiuxs. Milssasuaee A SC. rami. CnL and Colo. Special.. a 7 :ae am a 7 24 am Caaloua and Ore. tex-a . pm a IK pea' Gvertand Limited a pm a I .JO am IgaruMi at Cedar M. tttcU 4:4a am bU:tw BVRLlkGTOl TAT10- 10th ak HAtOl nerllagtoa. Leave. Arrive. Denver ft California.. ..a I pm a pm Black Hula a 40e pm a 1 so pm Northwest Special a 4.W pm a 1 no pm Northwest kUpreea ....ail:16 ps- a 7:lim Nsbraska Expreaa a l ie aea a 1:4 pm Nebraska Local .a l.t em a 7:4 pm Uncola Local a t:ta r Lincoln raai . 1 n Inal L lUki pm al2.-i piJ I JU pig) Fv Crook at Plattsm th.b I 5t pm Plattamouta. I mo btuevuePal ' iWit' J W am C hicago Svecia. 1M am Ch'calo Express -a J pm Chicago Flyer J pm 1 a . I 111 ID bl0 26 aiu a i 10 am a 7:10 am 1A0 pm -TJtam a pm a 7:25 am alO.U pm all jo am a 4:4 am e 1.10 pm Z Louis Express a 4 4 put alOi Dm Kansas City-Bl. Jos. .a :i am -a 4 .4 pm Kansas City-St. Joe. ex r.BITE iTATlOl-lStk A WEBSTER Cbteage, Faai. Mlaaeasielle 4 UsaahJX. Twin City Passenger am b :1S pm Sioux City Passenger.. -a t:0 am all am Emerson Local b 46 pra b 1.10 am trntnwo Local e am c k. pj Mlsaearl PaelSSa Local via Weeping Water -a I -OS am a to pm Faiia City Local a 1:0 pm aU J0 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Daily except Saturday, a Sunday only, e Daily extent Mondas- Ol EAi STEAMSHIPS. CANADIAN PACIr-IC 'fcet Ptfc88" Lint of the Atlantio LAIS TO X-AJTD TJf FOUR BATS The Empress of Britain and Fmpresa ef Ireland make the voyage fim yubee to Liverpool in six days, two Leing peut on the majestic St. Lawrence. Book now for summer aalllngs. O. R. BZsTJAMXaT, (tea. AgV, S3S S. Oark Street, Chicago, HI. ATHLETICS AND POLITICS tt. Jacob Goo. 4 Schurman Tslki Carnal Tiicoly TepJc, CORNtLl SOLVES PHYSK AL TRAINING rre.ldeat noes t Want Ttilral Term, the Trasts Will Be t'areal fee 4 PaMIe Ownership la Desirable. Dr. Jcob Oould Schurman. president of Cornell university, is In Omshs. the guest of the alumni of Cornell and the Omaha club. ' He addressed the Cornell alumni at a smoker last even ing at .the Omaha club and will be tha principal speaker at the annual birthday dinner of the Omaha club Friday night. He was entertained at lunch at Dr. Harold Gilford's and at dinner Thnrsdsy at the home of Alfred Millard.' Paturdsy night he will be the guest of the Cornell Alumni assaoclatlon at Chicago and Monday will make three speeches at St. Louis. Athletics at CeraelL "We think wa have solved tha problem of athletics in colleges at Cornell." said Dr. Schurman Thursday. "The troubla with athletics has been that the students " . , this only gave exercise to a few who might be trying for one of the various teams. Our Idea la to solve the problem of physical education for the entire student body, and wa think we hsve succeeded. Wa hava made athletics a means of recreation and training for the entire body of undergradu ates and have made It compulsory- At tlm-s at our university over 1.000 students are engaged In athletic sports at one time. We require of freshmen and sophomores either military drill or physical training, which they may take In any form they choose. Indoor or outdoor, and we permit any form of athletic exercise that meets the requirement of the course. Thus soma skate, some play foot balL some play golf and others take other forme of exercise, but they must report to the faculty and be credited with what they hsve done. "The regents hsve set aside fifty-five acres at Cornell as a playground and for an athletio field, but It is the policy to see that Intercollegiate sports do not Interfere withthe athletics of the entire student body. We are proud of ths giant strides wa hsve made In athletics at Cornell since the beginning of this century, and hope to broaden the field y giving recrea tion to more and more students. Third Tersa sal Trwsta. "What do you think of the third terra troposltlon?" was asked President Schur man. It s all bosh.'-1 don't think the president would consider It for a minute," replied Mr. Schurman. "The trusts which ar ta the nature of a monopoly are not secure la their position and could be taken from their stronghold by proper legislation. While this country is pledged to a policy of protection. It will not long permit Itself to be oppressed by trusts under the protec tion of a tariff, for It would oe changed." v President Schurman does not believe In the public ownership of public utilitlea 1st this country, for he says that It has been tried In countries better adapted to such conditions than the United States, and tha plan has not been a success. President Schurman msde himself famous at a recent banquet when he declared the danger In giant fortunea waa not so much from swollen fortunea as from ."stolen" fortunea He says the man who la aa la- Jury to a country is not so much the mast who collects a great fortune aa one wh4) gathers together his wealth by Illegal means. " Well Kmwi la Osnaha. President Schurman Is well known tn Omaha, as there la a large Cornell colony here, "and he has visited Omaha on several former occasions. He hss a most pleasing wsy, which at once sttrscts men to. blra, and one Is soon Impressed with the fact that President Schurman, while learned In the arts and sciences. Is at the same) time a deep student on problems of govern ment and Is one of the leading authorities on International law In this country. He was chosen by President McKlnley to go to the Philippine Islands to report on the conditions in those Islands and he waa one of the principle advisers of President Mc Klnley during the strenuous times leading up to the war with Spain. MAN CRCWNED WITH HONORS Oscar Taleott mt Valley, Maay-klded official, la Terror te Evildoers. John McCarthy was found guilty Thurs day morning by a jury In the district court In fust three minutes of robbing a store In Valley lest fsll. Thereby new honors were loaded upon the already well-crowned head of Oscar Taleott, mayor of Valley. Hs waa the chief witness against Mc Carthy and. being a leading citizen of Val ley, his testimony had great weight with the jury. Besides being mayor of his heme town, Mr. Taleott la justice of the peace, constable, marshal and road supervisor. And la all' these positions he holds the re spect snd confidence of his fellow cltlxena. Mr. Taleott waa positlvs of his identifica tion of McCarthy. In his capacities of constable and marshal his duties are te conserve the peace of tha town, and Valley la known aa a place peculiarly free from crime. The fame of the constable-marshal-justice has spread beyond the town and evildoers go to less protected districts to carry on their machinations. ADVANCE IN GRAIN RATES laerease la Preportleaal ef Oae sa Oae-Feertb. Caste Plaaaed Iky Rallreada. The railroads are proposing to make as alarmed No tariffs coverlnsr the matter April 1, la the proportional rates oa grsla out of Omaha and tha grata men are much advance of 1 cents per 100 pounds, effective have reached Omaha yet. but the grain mea understand from railroad sources that they are to be Uaued. A meeting of elevator men to devise means of fighting the advance a as held Thursday In the office of the Omaha Ele vator company. It was the unanimous feeling that the railroads could be defeated tn their purpose. The meeting waa secret I and whatever action was taken Is not to be made public. Copper (satsaslti Merge. BOSTON, Feb. Zl Announcement was made today that the Calumet A Hecla Mining company would take charge of the management of the Osceola. Centennial and Alloues Mining companies. under the Michigan mining laws. the Calumet A Hecla company naa purchased a majority of the elcx k of the Centennial and Ailoues companies and has secured practical control of the Oweola conipasy, of which shares were formally trans ferred to the Calumet Interests todsy. This is In addition to a c nrlderabls amount of stock held by the Calumet company. Pethlek et a Burglar. Richard Pet hick of Kansas City, who as arrested Tuesday on suspicion of being implicated in the burglary of the bouse ef J Ij DeJarnette. 271 Deaey svue. last Munday night, was arraigned In police cttirl Thursday moroing on the charge of being a varrgat and was sentenced to tea days In Jail- After thorough Investigative) it was found that PeihUk was gnill use ea axjf connection with tha burglar.