Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1907, Image 1

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    a Daily Bee
1 HE
Prribjtorito Intei-iTBodiogl Toreicn
iionarr Conrtntioa Closet
Thew Embody Prneticnllj Origin kl Porpoto
for Calling- lUttiae. f
Tit Wrkn BWtd to Eruj Oca Fow is
rtruMil OrKiilnllti Effected,
hut Matter ( Prraetaattaa; t'aa
veatloa to Be ra(k Before
Unrral Assembly.
(The official lummtrjr of the proceeding
c.f all the session of the convention w.ll
be found on par 4.)
A very blue of enthusiasm marked the
closing session of the Presbyterian Inter
synodlcal foreign mission convention at the
Auditorium last evening;. The addresses
were Inspiring and the speakers were fre
quently Interrupted with applause greeting
the militant note sounded for "the evan
gelisation of the world in this generation."
The interaynodlcal foreign missionary
convention of men of the Presbyterian
church completed Its business session
Thursday afternoon with the adoption of
a series of Ave recommendations, with ex
planatory suggestions, which embody prne
tically the original purpose for which the
convention wss called.
Though no mors was taken to make the
convention a permanent organization, the
question of making It so la to be placed
before th general assembly of the Pres
byterian church at Us session next spring.
The meaning of the missionary movement
of the meeting which has Just closed Is
such that the leaders deem It more than
worth while to make Its Influence perma
nent by similar meetings recurring period
ically. "It was not the Intention at the outset
to form a permanent organisation. said
Charles Edwin Bradt. chairman of the
executive committee and central district
secretary of the Board of Foreign Mis
sions of the Presbyterian church. "The
convention was simply a gathering of min
isters and laymen to give stimulus to the
men's foreign missionary movement !a co
operation with the general board and the
Presbyterian brotherhood. Ths meting Is
not an annual meeting and adjourns sine
die. The convention Is the first of Its kind
held In the world. It may be that another
one like It will never be held, unless called
by the general assembly."
The last phrase of Mr. Bradt's remark
Is significant. The leaders of the mis
sionary movement fully Intend that the
general assembly shall act la Um matter.
Test af Reewmaaeadatleae.
- These recommendations for the considera
tion of the cotufresa of missions were
passed -b-ho-nventton. printed ooyle
having previously been distributed arnvn
the delegates:
We. men of the Presbyterian church,' In
th Cnited States of America, gathered lit
Intcrsynodloni convention of more than !.
delegates, profoundly Impressed with the
goodness of God In the gift of Jesas Christ
to be the saviour of the world, filled with
nv.r the triumtihl of the gospeL In
non-Christian lands during the last lvo
years, touched by the appeals which come
to us for the light of life from lands with
out Christ, and conscious of the solemn
responsibilities laid upon us by the rich
blessings of God. temporal and spiritual,
which we enjoy, do hereby adopt the fol
lowing as the deliberate expression of our
privilege nl dut ,n -Mlon ot
the kingdom of our Lord:
1 It Is the Judgment of this
convention for men that the mm
ber of human beings in non-Christian
lands, for which the Presbyterian
church. Inited Stales of America, is di
nty responsible In the work of evangeli
sation in this generation, la approximately
1..mM souls, being distributed as fol
lows: Mexico. I-).0; Central America,
(.; Bouth America, we-w0'-J'
40 o- Corea, .1.0tw: China. 4u.Ouu.W0;
giam. Lao. a.OW.tajO; India. l-w-.r,.,a-5...;
Turkey. 2.00u,ou0; Africa, ,,.
Philippine. 2.O-W0 J., ,
J. It Is the Judgment of this convention that
the furc of Presbyterian American foreign
missionaries, native pastors. Bible women
and teachers, ought to be Increased In the
immediate future unUI it reaches the num
ber of one American foreign missionary
and five trained native workers (or their
equivalent) for each S.OW unevnngelined
people now In nonChristlan lands, provi
dentially allotted to the Presbyterian
church fnr evangelisation. This would mean
for the Presbyterian enure. United State
of America, . Ajnertcan missionaries, or
alvmi Ave times as many as we now have.
s. It is the Judgment of this convention
for men that It will cost not less than a year to fully meet the great re
sponsibility "outlined above, and we there
fore set ourselves resolutely to the work
of bringing the foreign missionary offer
ings of our chnrch up to this mark.
4. In ths Judgment of this convention It will
be necessary. In rdr to rafate the funds
required for the discharge of our mission
ary obligations, for every church to adopt
a missionary policy embodying the follow.
Ing principles snd methods:
1 It is the mtseion of the whole church
to give the gospel to the whole world.
t. This entire church being a missionary
society, each member of the body Is under
covenant to help fulfill the will of fe
Head-to give the gospel to every creatine.
t. Every Christian is commanded to "go."
If not in person, then potentially, having
a slier bv gift and prayer in supp-trtimc
a parish auruad. as well as the parish at
4. Our giving should be an act of worship
(Proverbs ill. . cheerful (II Corinthians
Ix. Tl and according to the rule of tnree
(I Corinthians xvl. i. Individually. sste
matl.aliv and proportionately. "Let every
one of you Ur by lilin In store on the first
day of ths neek as Ood hath prospered
tu Let synodi and presbyteries, through
their foreign missionary committees, labor
to hae ei-ry church adof. this missionsry
1. let the Board of Foreign Missions. In
roiisultstlon nilh the avnodical foreign mis
sion chairmen, ana ui h laymen as the
board may lect, annually Ui before the
geueraj assembly a stalenitnt of the amount
needed for the enu:ng year and a sug
gested apforuomuvnt of said amount
among the various svnods and presbyteries,
rot as an assessment, but as a definite
ssr of the responstntlit v.
4 Let every church prayerfully assume Its
skarc of tma responsibility, antra may be
represented by a sum of money which ade
quately represents the church's financial
ability; or by "A Pariah Abroad." hl.D
represents as much money as the church
ran contribute to this work; or by the
salary uf one or -more foreign nlaatouarWs.
4. (he I'jbsinpiloa method be set la
(perutloa by the sessloa of the church, bv
wuich every nx-mber shall be reached and
gives opportunity to express his love for
souls and loalty to Christ by a weekly,
nnuhlr, quarterly or annual offering to
tWa rsnse.
L While we racognlaa that the ability of
rhurcftee and Indiv.uuala varies. It Is the
J'jomrnl of this conventioa that each of
our churches enouia strive to attain aa
average of a per member for foreign mts
sit:i.a tU rants a week!, and we herebv
urse the fareijra mlsKnary committee ef
or svnods sad presbvtrries and session
to seek to HLiira that ruil and pid
our oaa rMst efforts to raise that average
in o" owtv cnu'ens.
4. Recognising tliat the successful acrom.
piishmeut of tills project Involves not waly
the eapenAKura ef wealth, but also tit
awwanyued a sTlih Paga
rrlday. Febraary S3. 1T.
1907 FEBRUARY I9.v
turn mom rt wf rag C--x--
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 II 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28
Friday: possibly snow In west portion.
Baturdnv, psnlv rloudv and warmer.
FuRM'AST FOR IOWA Fair and not so
co'il Friday and Saturday.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday
( a. m
a. m
T a. m
a. m
a. m
a. m
11 a. m
Li a. m
1 p. m...
t p. m...
t p. m...
4 p. m...
t p. m...
4 p. m...
7 p. m...
A p. m...
p, m...
House at Lincoln passes the Joint com
mittee J-cent fare bill without a single
opposing vote, and sends It to the senate
with a request that It be substituted for
the bill passed by the senate. rags 1
Bill Is offered in the house at Lincoln
to recast the State Board of Equalisation
and Assessment, by dnppplng the com
missioner of public lands and the auditor
of state, leaving the board to bo composed
of the governor, secretary of state and
treasurer. Pag 1
Stringent anti-pass bill is presented to
the Nebraska legislature. rags 1
Pawnee county representative Introduce
Joint resolution In the house for the sub
mission of a prohibitory amendment.
In response to request of Senator Hol
brook for competent help in engrossing
room, Nebraska senate appoints ion cf
the senator clerk of the
, Page t
Supreme court 'decides that railway com
mission amendment was legally adopted
and the commissioners elected last fall
have a valid title to their offices. Pag 3
Convention of Nebraska commercial
clubs in session at Lincoln scores the
railroads for Inefficient service, Pag t
Mrs. Thaw resumes stand In New Tork
case, reiterating her main story. Jerome
probes deeply Into her history. Pag 3
Governor Folk grants extradition for It
Clay Pierce to Texas. Pag 1
Mrs. Harry K. Thaw subjected to merci
less cross-examination, which district at
torney says, will continue -two days more.
Page 3
Champ Clark will glv banquet Satur
day to defeated members of houss of
representatives. Pag X
House Judiciary committee decides Con
gressman Pollard not entitled to salary
for period from March 4. 105. to date of
his election In July. Pollard Introduces
bill authorising treasurer to take money
back. .- - rsrs l
Senator Burkett will read Washington's
farewell address In the senate today.
Passenger and crew U number of 144
out of 141 are drowned off coast of Hoi- i nent, also waa lost.
land In sinking of British ship. Page 1 j .With reference to the member of ths
Death of E. E. Stlner. Mexican railroad 1 German opera company, who left last night
man. will be Investigated by American ! on the Berlin, the manager of Covent Gar-
antboritle. Pag 1 I den said today:
X.OCAJ. 1 So far a we know, these did not Include
T . j, ..., , I any of the star artists. The party was
Intersynodlcal Foreign Missionary so- j md up of numbers of the chorus return-
clety elects officers and adjourns. Pag 1 . ing to their homes. They made arrange
Coum llman Zlmman will offer ordinance I ments directly with the railway company.
. ....... : so that w are not yet able to get an ex-
nr. ii nnu.i; uimi.
Pag r
Engineer Rose water declares civil ser
vice bill will Improve municipal condi
tions. Page T
Omaha & Missouri River Navigation
company has elected directors; plan Is
outlined for line fit steamers. Pag
Postmaster Palmer declares that The
Bee was most potent factor In securing
Increased pay for postal clerks. Pags T
Rev. Dr. Hunt Is fin the stand in Baa
sett divorce bearing; Mr. Basset t breaks
down in court. Pag
Presbyterian missionary invention
closes with recommendations for broader
cope of work among heathen. Perma
nency of convention to be left to general
assembly fit church. P&g 1
Th Omaha Woman' club explains that
it did not "butt In" on the fund for estab
lishing a statue of Lincoln at th high
school, but acted only after Invitation
from Principal Waterhouae. It makes
the explanation to relieve Itself from the
false position in which it baa been placed.
Pags 3
Gsvtrasi Falls Reaers RewalslMoa far
Maa Wasted aa Chars; af
falsa lassrlsg,
JEFFTTRSON CITT. Mo.. Feb. n.-Ooy-
' ernor Polk this afternoon honored the
requisition of Governor Campbell of Texas ! but . ftw y.m, .war. and except in
for H. Clay Pierce, chairman of th. board j (h, nu()lMt weather thoM on board tb.
of director of the V, Oil com-, in could hav been rescued without
pany. who Is wanted In Travis coucty, J miica difficulty, especially aa th waterway
j Texas, on a charge of making false affll-, B4Tlobi, at an tide.
davit. n, members of the crew, numbering
! Judge Johnson, attorney for H. CUy flftT wtT mostly Englishmen from Har
; Pierce. teUph ned Govern r Fi Ik this mora- wfclu The officer were: Captain Precious;
!mg three reasons why the governor should ftrrt officer. C. Morsley. second officer, J.
:not grant th requisition cf the Texas wyatt: chief engineer, Bennant; four aa
( authorities tor Plerc. , "1 abnant engineer and foar stewardessea.
On Is an affidavit In which perjury I . Th Great Eastern Railway company this
charged was made six years ago and th
; statute of limitations has run la favor of
i Plerc. Another 1 that th grand Jury In
( dieted Pierce on documentary evldenc
without interrogation of any witnesses,
i Th third i that Pierce signed the affidavit
on th advice of his attornsya without read
I Ing It.
lew Gorge Is Ft vo Milea hssg and
Flood Bltaatloa la Crswlaf
Mara aad Mar Sertaaa.
VERMILION, S. D-. Feb. 2L Special
Telegram.) The Missouri river at this point
has risen throe feet today and Is atill rising.
Water ax again flooding th bottom landa
Th river west la running full of Ice which
la piling up back of th tremendous gorg
which I now fiv mile long. Fanners west
and southwest of tb city, who hav had
no on their land since Sinday over
flow, have thie f r-t tonight- Aa th dare
lengthen tk water brak out ever new
territory nul aow th low landa for a d's
tancs of twenty miles are submerged. Th
situation J nxrf alaxmlng t:tilgfc. th.
V J-
. Cut Ifga ef Out HnBdred and
foirj-Tbret Lott at Eea,
High Wind Blews aad Life avers
Arc Cesspelleg to Stand by aad
Watch Passenger aa4
Crew Perish.
LONDON. Feb. a. The worst disaster j
tor many years In the history of the busy ,
cross-channel traffic between England and j
the continent occurred during a violent j
gale shortly before 4 o'clock this morning, j
when the Rotterdam mail steamer Berlin, j
from Harwich to Hook of Holland, having ;
safely weathered the hurricane, wss
wrecked as it wss entering port. With one
single exception all its passengers and crew,
numbering 143 persons. lost their lives or
arc clinging hopelessly to the wreck.
The terrific seas broke up the steamer
with such awful suddenness that all efforts
to save life appear to have been utterly i
hopeless. Late this evening It was reported
that a few survivor were clinging to the
wreck, but ss the heroic efforts all day of
the lifeboat crews had failed to reach j
them little hop that they will be saved !
No cause yet has been assigned for the
disaster and It probably never will b
known how the steamer came to miss the
channel. It Is conjectured that some de
rangement of the engines or steering gear
may have rendered the Teasel unconfut
able. Captain Precious of the Berlin had
a good record of fourteen years' service.
The list of passenger on the fated steamer
wa lost and all the names of those who
were on board have not yet been learned,
but a far as ha been ascertained there
were no American among them.
Vessel Postas1el t Pleeew.
A terrific southwesterly gale waa blowing
right In shore and drove the steamer on
a sand bank close to the northern Jetty as
It waa trying to enter the new waterway.
Heavy sea quickly pounded the vessel to
piece. It broke In two. It forepart sink
ing Immediately, while the doomed pas
senger and crew could be seen for a brief
space of time clustered on the after part.
Then the afterpart slipped off the ledge
and disappeared In the mountainous
waves. Tugs and life boats promptly put
out to the assistance of ths Berlin when
the alarm waa first sounded, but the vio
lence of the gale and the heavy seas made
It impossible to approach the wreck, and
the helpless would-be life saver saw the
steamer break up and the crew and pas
senger washed away without being able
to render the slightest assistance. One
man, an Englishman, waa saved. He was
unconscious when dragged out of the water
and taken ashore and 'had not regained
consciousness when he was carried to a
hotel In the neighborhood.
By 7 o'clock In the morning twenty-five
bodies had already been washed ashore.
K tsar's Message Lwst.
The Great Eastern Railway company offi
cials confirm the loss of the steamer Ber
lin with ail on board off the coast of Hol
land. To Berlin paJTi4uD,ssengers and
crew to the number of 14L Among those
drowned are nineteen member of Ger
man opera company, who had Just con
cluded their season at Covent Garden.
Arthur Herbert, one of the king roes-
' sengers. who bad Journeyed to the conti-
art of their names.
The disaster has aroused the most in
tense alarm among the other members of
the company, owing to the friendship and
relationships existing.
Ths Berlin left Harwich at 19 o'clock
last night, upon the arrival there of the
London train tth the great number of
passengers who subsequently lost their
Uvea. The steamer should have reached
the Hook of Holland at 4 o'clock this
mom Inc. and would then have proceeded
to Rotterdam.
Land wear at Hand.
A great gJ was blowing In the North
eat when the Berlin started. A the Ber-
! lln wa anterlng th waterway, at the en
trance of th river Mass, however, it ap
parently became unmanageable on ac
count ot th fore of th wind and was
driven ashore. Th alarm waa gtven and
lifeboats from th shore went to th as
sistance of th steamer, but th seas were
so heavy that th boats were unable to ap
proach the Berlin close enough to take off
any of th passengers or crew, and the
lifeboat men had to alt helpless while the
steamer pounded until it broke In two and
every soul on board was carried down.
The steamer apparently struck abovt
amidships, a IU for part broke off and
sank immediately, while It afterpart could
be seen for a considerable period of time
afterward. The' waterway In which th
disaster occurred 1 a new one. oa the
north of which Is th pier and the rail
road station. The steamer moat hav been
within a few minute of tying op after Its
rolling passage across th North sea, when
t Avertuken bv the disaster. IaiiiI
afternoon was abl to issue a list of for
eign passengers. Including nineteen mem
ber of the German opera company who
had Just finished their ngagernent at
Covent Garden and who had booked three
week In advance .a Berlin. It Is pointed
out, however, that some of these may not
I hav sailed on account ot th stormy
With the exception of th manager of
the opera company, there were only four
woman and two children among th pas
senger, th other passengers being chiefly
pasine men.
asletaaa la Aoeldeat.
ROTTERDAM. Holland. Feb. IL Hrr
Denninger, a member of the Gorman Opera
company, who ha arrived her by way
of Antwerp, aya that thirty-live of th
company were on board th wracked
steamer Berlin. Denninger was too lata
to catch th Berlin and earn on th
Antwerp boat.
irtsr Faaad Doad.
NEW YORK. Feb. Tl "-Frank MacVlck
ars. who had been playing In the "Maa
of th Hour" at the savoy tneater, was
fnnd dead today at the foot of a short
fligtil of steps leading from the sidewalk
to an areanay of th Hotel Rivoll. in West
Thirty-eighth street, where le lived. His
skull was fractured. Mr McVickara came
lla-Kaw York from Calif omi.
Ceraaer Investigates Death Theory
that Daeahtrr Cave Pelaea
im Mother.
NEW TORK, Feb. a -Mm. LotUe Wal
lau, who Is under arrest charged with
having administered poison to her dying
mother, Mrs. Ida Binge, may go on the
stand to te:i the coroners Jury her story
of her mother's death and to dispel, if she
can. the suspicious circumstances recited
by the chief witness against her. Miss
Elizabeth Devire. a nurse. Miss Devlne
testified that the suspected poisoning after
Mrs. Wallau had. on January S, brought.
in a bottle of champagne. The wine made I
the patient sick, and when Miss Devlne
i,i it .h. f i. Kit, i,
her IIL too. She and Miss Cleveland, an-
other nutse. took samples of the bottle
and had them analysed.
vr. witthaus. who claimed he found mer-
cuty in the organs taken from the body ot !
Mrs. Binge, testified to that fact.
The prosecution closed Its caie without
bringing out any motive for the allleged
crime, and this question, tnerefore. Is as
much a mystery as ever,
It Is expected that the defense. If ny is ,
made before the coroner's Jury, will be ;
that Mrs. Binge committed suicide. This ;
was Indicated during the proceeding yes- i
terday. when Lawyer John B. Stanchflcld. ;
acting for Mrs. Wallau. questioned Mis
Devlne. The nurse had testified that Mrs. j Pollard was elected at a special election , I"" h T9 countT P
Bing was not a hysterical or emotional ' h:,i ii i. t t,. .,,. ' mary, witness said: "l never pent money
DUI ne who epi a greai omi oi
ner surrenng to nerseu. j
"A woman of nerv ar.d pole. was she
noi .- iiito air. Btancnneia;
"the sort o
woman who. when she set out to do a
thing, would have the courage to carry h I
T. . ,
The district attorney objected to the (
would be suicide.
Mr. Wallau. who was heavily veiled and
garbed entirely In black, while In court
yesterday showed much emotion and wept
when Miss Devlne. In describing the atti
tude of the prisoner to her mother during
her Illness, said:
"I have rever seen such devotion shown
by daughter to mother In my life."
Member af the Island Learlslatara
Presents Interpretation Regard
las; the Seksal Question.
TOKIO, Feb. n. A written Interpellation
regarding the San Francisco school ques
tion was presented to the government to
day by a member of the House of Repre
sentatives, The reply of Foreign Minister
Hayaahi Is expected In a few day a
Tb Japanese office In San Francisco has
cabled a strong appeal to Tokio asking
the government to support their cause
and pointing out that the restriction . of
Japanese Immigration would eventually re
sult In the extinction of their compatriots
residing in San Francisco. The Japanese
newspapers have not commented on this
appeal up to the present.
WASHINGTON. Feb. H. Viscount AokU
the Japanese ambassador, had a lengthy
conference today with Secretary Root. He
declined to make known the matters dis
cussed, although the conference presumably
had to do with th negotiations of a new
treaty with Japan. " J " "
It waa stated at th White House today
that th conference held there yesterday
afternoon by th president. Secretary Met
calf and the general board of the navy
had no bearing on the relatkma between
the United States and Japan and th ad
visability of an increase of the naval
strength in Pacific water. The statement
was made that the name of Japan was not
made during the discussion. It was further
stated that the conference had to do in
part with the general question of the
personnel of the navy and other kindred
matters In which th president is interested
and which he discusses on frequent oc
casions with his naval adviser.
Head af Great !4rthera Say Heit
Tear May See Hard
NEW TOR K, Feb. a.-Jame J. Hill,
president of the Great Northern Railway
company, who has returned from 8t. Paul,
expressed the conviction yesterday that the
tide of prosperity is turning and that there
are indications of a significant recession In
business. As Mr. Hill phrased it. 'The
sails of prosperity art bcig reefed. The
year 10 may be a hard year aaj many
thousands of men may then be oat of
"General policies of retrenchment are
under way," said Mr. H11L "Less money
la to be spent on new works. The effect of
this movement Is being felt at present In
the falling off of orders. The beginning of
this movement Is very evident in Chicago."
"While I would scarcely call it a cessa
tion in business, it is more of a drawing
in. Th railroads In general are curtailing
their expenditure and giving fewer or
der. On our lines, we will finish tb
work w hav under way. and that Is alL
"This movement toward economy Is
scarcely perceptible, but it should be suf- I
ficlent to relieve the strain from con
gested business. In a way. it is a good
thing. It la better so, as the curtailment
is gradual. Otherwise there might be a
sudden slump, with serious results.
"Th first tendency Is toward the cur
tailment of luxuries. Then there will be a
I falling off In manufactured articles. This
I will continue during th coming months.
I But so far as concerns th future, th year
J 19U may be a hard on, and then many
j men may be out cf employment."
Attorney Art Maklsg Itrsag Final
to Esclade It from tk
WALLACE, Idaho, Feb. a. With th
i Jurors excluded from th court room Steve
' Adams attorney fought today to prevent
j the admission of the prisoner confession
: of Fred Tyler's murder. This alleged con
; feasion was mad to Detective James Mc-
. Part 'and tn the penitentiary at Boise. Th
defense U striving hard to prove that this
i confession was made under duress and
that Adam wa coerced by threat If be j D. A- Brosiua. Vermilion. Two of thes
did not confess and bribed by promise of : appointments, those at Mellette and Red
laniency ar.d special favors if h would nld ar new.
! tell th tory th officer desired.
! McPartland was on th stand most of
; th morning ana underwent a sharp croas-
examination by Attorney Richardson as to
th methods used In obtaining th con
fession. F. L. Whitley, warden of th peniten
tiary, waa placed oa the stand. H de
clared th treatment of Adam waa not
changed by reason of his eonfesalou. but
admitted that after it was mad Adams
was taken from the hospital ward and Pt
bark tela th penitentiary.
L Thar appear to be no prospect that
tSe confession itself will be read before
tomorrow, if it la a-dmittad.
CcmaiittM Tecidat Ltw Da Sot Sanction
Back I alary.
Ceagressasaa fres First District
Introdaeea a Bill Aatherlslag
Treasarer af t alted State
t Receive Meaey.
From St"f Correspondent
WASHINGTON. Feb. 21.-(Special Tele-
gram.) The Judiciary committee of the
n&u" loat' reporter on tne resoiutivn 01
Representative Pollard which required that
J committee to Investigate snd report upon
"gni w ry pi o. y ln
se:geant-at-arm. for the period from Mirch,
. to the date of his election. July;
V. 1906. The conclusion of the committee
Is that Mr. Pollard had no predecessor In I
the Fifty-ninth congress, and therefore the I
statute under iwhich the salary was paid
did not apply. E. J. Burkett was elected
to the Fifty-ninth congress from the dls-
trlct now represented by Mr. Pollard, but
resigned prior to Msrch 4. !. to'tak'e his
seat in the United States senate, to which
in the meantime he had been elected. Mr
forwarded Mr. Pollard compensation for the
uU Urm nf congTvfK which he accepted
Ithout nqulry. Later, his right to ft
jb,mg questioned, he sent It back, but the
I A-ut . .i,-- I, Th.
, conclude9 that Mr. PoUar(1 w not ;
entitled to the amount, and should the
h ..,., ,v.
wl" cov"ed lnt th LnIted BlUu
trl''urr' , M
J04 Mr Pollard tann1wl a Ml au-
inoriaing tne treasurer oi me lnuea nates
to receive tl.l.M from him for salary
paid said E. M. Pollard without authority
of law from March 4 to July IS. 1906. to
carry out the spirit of his resolution.
Maay Are Xamed for Jaase.
Already the member of the Nebraska
delegation are receiving telegrams and let
ter from their constituents uggesting
suitable persons for the additional Judge
In the district of Nebraska provided for
by the passage of the Norris-Burkett bill.
A number of these letters snd telegrams
are favorable to the candidacy of T. C.
Munger of Lincoln, while other favcr T.
L. Norval of Seward. E. C. Strode of Lin
coln. Samuel Rinaker of Beatrice and
Judge Hall of Lincoln.
Some members of the delegation received I
today a letter from Juge M. B. Reese the hom without a protest. On the ca.l
of Lincoln announcing himself a candidate tor the Carroll J-cent rate be moved to
for Judge. He suggested that members of atrlke out all alter the enacting clause and
the delegation knew him personally and he j uutltule the re-enactment of th present
would leav his candidacy In their hands. j 'a with the maximum rate reduced from
But while the delegaUon is receiving a I to It is all up to the railway corn
number of telegram and letters laudatory mission to order th change and every ln
of Mr. Munger. hia qualification are being tcrest is satisfied.
seriously questioned by other, so that It ( Tn two bills attempting drastic re gu la
Is not all "summer sea" for the Munger j tio- telephone lines which refuse ccTn
of the smith, as he will be known if ap- ! nectloos were defeated after Brown and
pointed in contradistinction to th present j Binpoon had a tilt over them. The house
Judge Munger. finally passed the bill to prevent the sale
It Is expected Senator Millard will call of "locks of merchandise In fraud of cred
tb delegaUon together either Tuesday or Hon- th "hon'" " w waa given
Wednesday of next week for the purpose ! " burU1 riw w,th of U 10
of considering the claims of candidates for !L tb lr,n" on beln Broa-ne, who declared
th place. In this connection It may be said ; h wouW not d9"rt n ,d Mna ,n
that when tb divl.Ion bill waa first con- Th blU trantlrs; an applicant before the
tiered members from th N'ort h 11tt t
section of th state conceded the Judge I
to the South Platte, which may have some
r. ,h- aa. - i e '
bearing on the candidacy of lawyer from
the territory north of the Platte.
Kennedy's Saacestloas Adopted.
It Is a matter of remark that the reduc-
tlons In railway mail pay which Represent- cptjon ,he bil, Parmlfy r1 m,,,,,.
tlve Kennedy suggested in his speech ' more .uppord , bill, which waa oppoaed
yesterday were carried out by the commit- b. NtUofU Dingsor. Krtebs and Ovlattl
tees on rules in perfecting the postofflee j The Mna,e passed a number of minor
appropriation bill. Mr. Kennedy opposed TdIUs and waked up two committee reports
a change In divisor without Investigation ; on tne divorce bill requiring a year s res
and also the proposition that railways idence in the state and three months in
should carry empty mail sacks free. These , the county before applying for a divorce
points were stricken out by th commit- ' and requiring all divorce hearings to be
tee on rules. ; n open court. This bill has been taken
Hall C'oaaty'a C laim Allowed. I under the wing of the South Dakota Civic
Senator Burkett has taken up with the ; federation, which wss bombarding the
Department of Commerce and Labor, at members with leXters Clr.f that It be
the request of the county authorities of j forced out of committee. Goodner. Dillon
Hall county. Nebraska, the claim for main- an1 Dudy oppoatd the bill as taking
tenance of an alien. Wooleen Dring. who i way the rights of parties and after dls
aas recently deported. Dring was arrested cussion the bill went over to Monday for
under warrant of the department and
placed in Jail at Grand Island and kept
there for a considerable time, but the de
partment refused to reimburse the county
for his care. The matter was reconsidered,
however, and Senator Burkett wa advised
this morning by the department that the
county was undoubtedly entitled to reim
bursement and authority therefore will
Issue in due course.
Cebraska Pablle Baildlaas.
The section of the sundry civil bill relat
ing to appropriations for new public build-
Inm a 11 1 HnrimA in las vs r'm m . I V . .
public building bill., was adopted today,
Grand Island receives HO.0O0, Kearney $40,000
and York -S.00U.
PhUa Hall See President.
cenaior uamoie caurc at tne v ntte
House this morning, accompanied by Phllo j
Hall, representative-elect from South Da
kota, and Introduced the new representa
tive to th president. It Is understood
South Dakota patronage came In for some
discussion, in which the desire and views
of the new congressman were sought by
Mr. Roosevelt.
Gamble Objects to Boa ham.
During his call. It la understood. Senator
Gamble took occasion to state to Mr. j the roommate of his son. Elmer II. Stiner,
Roosevelt that the president's nomination j stating that Mr. Stlner was alive. Th
of W. H. Bon ham to be postmaster at telegram stated that Mr. Stlner had been
Deadwood was particularly distatef ul to j attached by three Mexican and stabbed
him. It is alleged that Mr. Bonham was seven time, but would recover unless corn
one of those who most vigorously opposed plications set in.
Mr. Gamble re-election to the senate. ! EL PASO. Tex.. Feb. a. Mexican Cen-
I and went much out of th ordinary in
endeavoring to accomplish Senator Gam- I General Manager Stlner or th Mexican
bia s defeat. It would not be at all surprts- i Central probably would recover. If no com
ing, under the circumstances, should Prrsl- Plications set In
dent Roosevelt conclude to withdraw the
nomination of Mr. Bonham.
Soata Dakota Postmasters.
The following South Dakota postmastors
were nominated today by the president:
William T. Dale. Mellette; George Reed.
Arlington: D. W. Wllmartb, Desmet; WU-
Uara W. Downey. Milbank: Frank K. Salt
1 marsh. Miller; T. A. Crlsman. Redfleld;
j j. w. B. Meikle and Miss Julia Hlggln
at omaba ar in Washington for a few
A. O. rangrud ot KUt rotnt. 8 L.. ar
rived In Washington today from Philadcl
,M. after aoeodina- a few dars in Wash-
ington Mr. Ruigrud will leav for home.
Mlsaaarl Campaay la Troable
NEVADA. Mo.. Feb. TL. N. P. Murray,
neral nt or the Lincoln Trust 0 in
! Jlv (.mL"" Vv'a.'e. igLt"
Traction corr pa 11 of
Nevada, a i.ich ou.
eratos all cf Nevada's rounlr-ipai pi ints.
The trust company, ahlch ao.ds l-3.(j ul
tb local rompaoy s bocua, applied Xr the
rC4UvtfMtU jUxxda-v.
Texas Seaatar Lnnarhs at ese
Charaes Against Hiss aad Say
Other Are Lie.
ACSTIN. Tex . Feb. II. -Senator J. W.
Bailey resumed his testimony today befor
the legislative Investigation committee. He
sakl he regretted more than anything els
the stain that has been placed upon the
Texas leglslsture because of charges made
that he had bought his election to the
senatorship. He said the charges were
silly and outrageous and those who knew
the personnel of the legislature know also
j that they ar? not purchaseable. The
' charges, he said, were of no consequence
sn.l he Ytfm TAnA them virlofislv false.
Mr waa quwmoned mbout the
- . .... . . territory
and the charge relative to It.
..ThjU., a aowru.UnU nfamous falsehood
fpom inning to end." said Bailey, "there
u n r wpr4 of tputfc (n (L
In reply to the charge that he had ac-
cepted a fe from the Waters-Pierce Oil
company Bailey characterised It ss a He.
The twenty-ninth charge was read, al
leging Bailey had wilfully, deliberately and
wantonly suppressed portions of the ouster
,n h' f"'"- th
nuW of h charge, said It was II.
Concerning the charge that Bailey had
Senator Bailey asserted that his fee from
the Security Oil company was no secret, al
though he saw no reason why he should or
unouia mn nave iora ii
1. a part of the Standard Oil trust." he
oe. to .how that this trust I
fighting me."
Charge twenty-four and twenty-five, re
lating to alleged large financial transac
tions with John W. Gates were read.
Mr. Bailey said he had borrowed 13.100
from Gates and has back I1S.00O. He
said he borrowed this from the
American Exchange National bank of Dal
las "I am to pay the rest of the money
when I sell some properties Gates and I
own." he said.
Dakota LesjWlatare Derides Tvra
Ceats Is Sot Eaongla for
PIERRE. 8. D., Feb. a. Special Tele
gram.) Al the morning session of the house
the 2-ctnt rate went down and the rose
nce from Its ashes and was accepted by
B ard of Medical or Dental examiners,
lhe rlht " w"a p""'d' " w"
lne promoum a ur.Ui '
Iha same prescription twice. The bill limlt-
j ing saloon licenses to one in 3X1 population
j passed.
j ine rarmiey roaa mil came up as a spec-
i ImI nri.v an1 waa .mMid f AllrftW
: "nRl action.
Brother af, Mexleaa Railroad Maa
Bay Threats Had Bees Made
' Against Him.
INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. fl.-Harry N.
8'iner, brother of Elmer E. Stiner, former
general manager of th Mexican Centre 1
railroad, whose death at the City of Mex
ico has been reported, said today his father.
i wh? U "V V Mn-mo-cy. Ind.
had received a dispatch from Mexico atxt-
l"" on
! stabbed by a member of an anti-American
I Bocl.ty but 1 atlll alive, though fatally
. v. . (... hi- h.s
It Is stated by members ot th Stiner
family that Elmer Stiner recently received
an anonymous letter threatening hlin with
death unless he left Mexico. An appeal
for an Investigation has been made to the
State department at Washington through
the rndlana senator.
MONTMORENCY. Ind.. Feb. H.-O. J.
Stiner, postmaster, received a second mes
sage today from Mexico City, signed by
j tral railroad official, announced today that
I It la aald that Mr. Stiner stabbed himself
six time with a knife while under th In
fluence of liquor.
Cham a Clark af Mlsaaarl Will Rave
a Savel Feast Batarday
WASHINGTON. Feb. n.-ReprasenUtlve
Champ Clark of Missouri will give a dinner
to nineteen of bis colleagues Saturday
night and all of th diners, irith the ex
ception of th host, will be representative
who will not be tn the next rongreae. Rep-
I restntatlve Grovenor cf Ohio and Stblcy
or r-ennsyivania are tne omy republicans
"Yea, tt's going to be a little unusual,
this dinner of mine." Mr. Clark remarked.
"Usually when a member gives a dinner
I u charged with currylr.g favor and
I looking for influence or something of that
! aort. but nobody can make that charge
...... m b-llmis are .11 - -
lnt " m' ruasls are all leaving.
kXI A UJ PVl 1 w fta
rry Member of JTabrruka Ecu Pnaent
Vote lor Lower 1 ars.
Bill to Beuoc Mtmbenkip from Tire to
ibretj is Fresentod.
All Treo TrBiporttion Fxcept for Epooi
fid Inrpoeeiii Forbidden.
Senate eada Meaaare Back ta Cas
mlttee ta Be Redrawa la Order ta
R"aav I acoastltatloaal
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. fb. a. (Special. )-Th Joint
committee 3-cent passenger rat bill paaeed
th house this afternoon with ninety vote
in the affirmative and not a single vote
against It. Ten members were absent and
therefore did nof get to vote Armstrong.
E. W. Brown. Dodge, Harvey. Howe.
Mackay. Richardson. Smith. 8nyder and
Tucker. Armstrong and Snyder had gon
out In the state on business connected
with th legislature. Though a call of th
house was held for thirty minutes, th ab
sentee could not be located, hence their
name failed to get on the roll of honor.
The Backet t J-cent rate bill passed by
the senate is In the hands of th railroad
committee, and It Is very probable strong
efforts will be mad to get the senate to
adopt the Joint committee measure a
passed by the house, which, of course, will
then kill the Sacked bill. The bill cam
up Immediately after the noon adjourn
ment on a motion by Hart of York that
It be placd on third reading aa soon as
reported from the engrossing committee.
This motion carried; the bill was Imme
diately reported and then passed, with
Bob McGlnntss listening to th rumbling
away back in the corridor.
Reform la Taalac Board.
Hart of York Introduced a most Impor
tant measure In the house this morning.
The bill provides for the reorganisation
of the State Board of Assessment and
Equalisation by cutting out the land com
missioner and the state auditor, leaving
the governor, the secretary of state and
the state treasurer to constitute th board.
Until the new revenue law was enacted tra
board consisted of three members, but at
that time the railroads, who were In th
saddle in those days. Increased th board
to fiv members. That the bill will go
through both house there seem little
doubt, as Mr. Hart waa warmly congratu
lated by a half dosen member a noon
as th title of the bill was read. Should
any fight be made to kill th bill, the rec
ords of th board meeting for tha last
two rears as published In the newspaper
will be drawn upon by Mr. Hart and thos
favoring tJ bill and It. I .thought tbl
will be sufficient to show a reason for It
Land Commissioner Eaton was askad t
what h had to say about th bill end
replied: "Whatever the dear legislature
doe will suit me. I should think, though,
the land commissioner should b a mem
ber of th board because h la familiar
witn land vslue throughout th state. I
do not understand why the auditor should
be left off the board and the ecretary of
state placed on It. when under th old
law providing for three members th audi
tor wa one of them. Personally, I do not
care and would like to be off of all th
Reloeatlaa- a Hospital.
Another bill, of Importance, amonr th
large number introduced in the house. wi
that by Dodge, providing the orthopedic
hospital shall be located in Omaha, for
which Is appropriated tono. This chang
I advocated by a number of men, who
believe th hospital will be of more benefit
to the people generally if located there.
Inasmuch as there Is in Omaba a number
of physicians who are skilled In the treat
ment of diseases and deformities of chil
dren, which practice is a specialty. In fact,
th board had to go to Omaha to secur
a uperlntendent. Inasmuch as there wa
rro local physician who waa so' skilled It
this particular branch. Dr. Lord is super
intendent of the hospital now, and h
make weekly trip to Lincoln to perform
operation. Just how much support th
bill will get from out In the tate. of course.
Is problematical, while It la a eafe bet
Lancaster wlU not let looe of any of It
stat Institutions without a vigorous fight
Among the bills placed on general file In
the house was the Jennison telephone bill,
providing for the compulsory connection
of competing telephone line. This bill I
particularly obnoxious to Best of Douglas,
and h tried to get it recommitted to the
telephone and express committee, but wa
unsuccessful. Inasmuch as Jennison ex
plained that it had been dlscued publicly
for some time.
mtlooa' Besolatioa Tharsday.
Th house made the Wilson rnaolutlo
. .ha Stat Board of Assessment
I to assess railroads on th unit system and
i divide th total assessment by th mileage
: for distribution, regardless of main On
or brancbea. a pecl &t for next Thur
iday morning. Clarke of Douglas county
( made a talk on the resolution, saying, while
h did not object to th spirit of th mo
tloB. it could not legally be don becaua
ith Burlington railroad system InciudO
fifteen or sixteen separate corporations and
' th distribution is made according to th
corporation. He Incidentally showed in hi
talk, without specifically pointing It out,
I that th valu of railroad terminal ar
distributed only on the sub-corporation
lln upon which, they ar located. Con
iof "--under considered the resolution of
i great importance and be asked that It be
i made a a pec Lai order, and this waa don.
no one objecting.
Aatl-Pasa Bill.
Th subcommittee of the railroad com
mute of the house met this morning and
drafted an anti-pas bill Iji conformity wtta
th view expressed try ins nous sevaiai
'days ago when th jilnt committee bill
! wa under discussion. This afternoon th
' bill was adopted by th house railroad
committee and will be reported to th
house probably tomorrow. Ths bill wa
drafted by Jennison. Knowles, Quarkenbuso.
and Marsh. It is a follows:
A bill for aa act to prohibit dlscrimlna
j t'on in p"M,1rr rates snd lu rrgu-at and
' limit the Usuoc or giving of free tickets.
free passes or free tmti.i-rtatlon in any
1 form for transport lloa of pasenirrs ov
I any of th lines of railreida alt run the
state ot Nebraska ; to provide for a record
1 of free passes or free transportation fur
j nlsbed ty railiusd corporations snd to
proviuv i . , . j. . .Vi, iiicifui.
Section 1 It shail be unlawful fur any
pnrsoo. firm or corporation owning or op-