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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1907)
10 HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1907. Want - ads A4rrr1lirnriiU tmv the want-ad Milnnm will be taken nntll 13 m. foe the evenlnn edition nnd nntll 0 a. m. for toe mnrilcii and geaday editions. Cash winst accompany all order for want-nde aad an ndvert Lessen t will fee accented for leee thaa lO rente for the first laeertlon. Rate apply to either The Unity or daadar Bff. Alvraye eonnt six word to a Ha. Combinations of laltlala or nnmbers roant ns oao word. CAII 11ATF.S, FOB W AT-AIJ. RKOt LAR CI.AIFICATiO"--4ne la sertlon. pr liar, lO fd. Two or more eoneeentlve Ineertlons. nee liar, 8 rents. Kara Insertion mad oa odd days. 10 eenta ner llaa. 91 M per line per month, ruriAI- CI.AMIFICATlOB II yen advertisement la Inserted aader one of the clnsslftcntlons 1tm nelow, It will be chnrged at the followlaa rates i one Insertion, 4 cents per Itnei three to aim eonsecntlve Inaer tloaa, B eeata per llae eaeh fnaerlon seven nf more eoaaeeatlve lasertloas. B cents per llae eaeh Insertion! SO rents per llae per month. RtRTKR AD KK HA5GK. BI!IE CHAJTCF.". MKI.P WATF.I-FKMALE. FIKI.P WAITKIVMALG. Kscept Acrnti, Solicitors aad salesmen. OFFERED FOR BALK I Cowa. Birds, Do a; a aad Pets. Horses aad Vehicles. Poaltrr aad Ei. Knraltare. . ' I'lanos, Oraraaa and MaslraJ In stramenta. Typewriters aad Sewlngr Ma chines. Ml seel la neons. ' OFFERED FOR RETl Famished Rooms. I nfaralshed Rooms. Housekeeping; Rooms. . Hoard In a aad Rooms. WASTRD TO BIT. WAITED TO HEST. SITVATIOJiS WANTED. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Death aad Funeral Notices, Cards of Thanks aad Lod Kotlees, 7 eeata per llae for oa edltloa, moraine; or evening 8 rent a line for eaeh addi tional edltloa. Bandar, lO eeata a line. No ad takes for leas than BO cent. BRANCH OFFICES. Want-nds for The Bee mar he left at tar of the followlaa; drag stores one Is "rnr corner drosalat" hejr are all branch mers of The Bee and roar ad will be laaerted Jnat as promptly and oa the aame ratea as at tbe main office la The Bee Balldlng, Seventeenth and Farnam atreeta. Alhsch, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Heranek. 8. A., 1402 8. 16th St. Becht'a Pharmacy, 7 JO S. 16th St. H.'iibon Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. Bomis Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cumins. Cnughlln, C. K., 6th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. ('into, J. B., 31st Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Ccrmak, Kmll, 1264-8 8. 13th St. KaBtmnn Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. iChler, F. H., 2802 Leavenworth. " Foster & Arnoldl, 212 N. 26th St. Frrytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake 8ta. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. - Greenough, O. A., 1025 8. 10th St. Ureenougn, Q. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, Wm. C., 2930 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Phar., 1601 8. 29th Ave. Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. Kins, H. 8., 2238 Farnam St. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 4th. Patrick Drug Co., 1602 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Chas. E., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drue Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Schnefer's Cut Prlca Drug Store, 16th and Chicago. Schaefer. August, 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cumins Sta. Storm Pharmncy, Jth and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumin. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Wlrth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have own grantetd: Name and. Residence. Age. Robert M. Stewart. Omaha 22 Vera EL Do Lann, Petersburg 22 Lelghton W. I.awrence, Sioux City, la.. 21 Alma J. Carlson, Sioux City, la. ... a. Ethelbert J. Carlson. Chicago, 111 22 Ora o. Boone, Logan, la Pelmont C. Kelster, Omaha 23 Helen B. Eg mi.' Omaha U BIRTHS AND DEATHS. The following births and deaths were re ported to the Bonrd of Health during the twervty-rour hours ending Wednesday noon; Births Ralph E. Crandall, 2102 Wirt, boy William Dlggle, 2016 Charles, girl; Pnu Nichof. 1734 South Ffteenth. girl; William Oblingnr. Si'X Charles, boy; Glen Baling. $041 South Nineteenth, girl; William Van Iiensen, 1623 North Eighteenth, girl; Ernest wnetstone, 3jtB Norm Twenty-fourth. 1ii Deaths Mra Caroline 8. Fllger, 1330 South Thirtieth avenue, fti; Mrs. Patrick Banelt, St. Joseph's hospital. 60; Baby Kadcllffe, 626 South Twenty-sixth avenue. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown us during the sickness and deaxh of our beloved son and father, also the lodges Ancient Order United Workmen No. LuS), National Union, and Mr. and Mrs. James N 11 non. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. Signed: MRS. ROtiU McBHIDE. MlCHAKLi McbKLDtt, JOHN McBHIDU FRANCIS McBKlDE. ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES" COLLEGE. BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND AND TYPE WRITING, TELEGRAPHY. ENGLISH. Students Begin Any Time. Catalogue Free. Address li. B. BOYLES. Pres.. Omaha. Neb. U- HOLLAND FOX COMPANY SALE. 5"he dresiuakliig stock, furniture and fix tures of the above named bankrupt will be sold on Saturday, February 83, at I p, tu. at Room 2U6, Paxlon Blk. (D-M926 23 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wonts make a spe cialty of ore escapes, shutters, doors and safes. Q. AMlreeit, Prop., tai B. loth St. a-6u BONDS FOR SALE Notice Is hereby glveu that the village of Clay Cenutr, Nebraska, otters tor sale their municipal bonds, same being eighteen UU on thousand dollar t$1.0uo.uu) water works bonds, dated November 1, 19U6. and due twenty yeara from date, and bearing In tel-eat at tne rate per ceui per annum, payable annually on the 1st day of No vember, with option to make prepayment la sums of SuuO.uu or multiple thereof at any time alter nve years. There la now accrued Interest on said bonds from November L lKus. Sealed bids will be received for said bonds up to March L IWI. at II m. The privilege U reserved to reject any and an uius. Dated February 1$, 1907. By order of Board of Trustees. K, A. BSKjaT, Village Clerk. ULr-HUl U BOOK 8, booklets and One catalogues pi ui tea or uses rnnuag ta uinana. CD-Aim n THE CITY OAR RAO K CO. Office 4th sad Leavenworth bta. laU Douglas UsT. U Cll HON PAIN Tl NO 8. 1L Cola. 1M Douglas. (li 10 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Ce., 1919 Farnam. ANNOUNCEMENTS v (Continued.) MA DAMES Bean and Mayo eesnre Tues day and Friday, 923 N. 16th. Bed Wt. (D M679 Fx ALL kinds of hardwood and parquetry floors. Frank Bevies, So, loth and Io mlnlon Bts. U-23 M12x ROYAL. ACHATES Fraternal Society. (l) m 24 BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOB TRADE REAL ESTATE. 45-room hotel, modern, rood business, 117,000. Will trade for Improved 3" or 400-ecrs farm. Address O 708, Bee. U-M927 S FOR EXCHANGE A stock of general mer chandise In good Smith Dakota town, will Invoice about $4.oiO; doing good busi ness. Will take residence as part pay ment or small piece of land. Globe lnd and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (3 M3S8 FOR EXCHANGE 160 acres near Orchard, Antelope county. Neb.; price $17.60 per acre. $20 acres six miles from O'Neill, Holt county. Neb., Improved; price $20 per acre. Will exchange either or both of above farms for merchandise or hardware. We also have several Income properties In Omaha to exchange for merchandise or hardware. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Blag., Omaha. Neb. ui IM A $2,200 store building In Schuyler, Neb., to trsde for Omaha cottage. A handsome residence In Benson to ex change for a farm. THE STEWART-LEAVENWORTH CO., Tel. Douglas 63a". 613 N. T. Ufa Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (3) M2S0 23 EXCHANGES If you have city property, stocks or goods, farm land or property oi any kind to exchange, write for our com- filete list. We have properties and lands n all parts of the country to exchange. Our list Is free. Send for It at once. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patter son Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (3) 783 HOUSE for sale $1,700; will take stock. homes, cattle, etc. In part payment. Ad dress P 743, Bee. (3 369 20 WITH offices In Omaha, Lincoln, 8t. Jo seph, Kansas City, Dcs Moines. Topeka and Denver, doesn't It strike you that we can find you what you waot In trade for what you have and don't want? Our ex change list Is a sure enough corker. Write us sbout sways. CONTINENTAL RK ALTY CO., 21-32-86 U. S. Natl Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb., and elsewhere. (3-892 20 WESTERN Nebraska and Kansas lands to trade for merchandise or property. 110 8. 17th. (3-M3S6 MJ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine, up- to-date stock of drugs in good Iowa town of 10,000 Inhabitants; Invoice $16,000. Will give right party a good deal or might consider good land In exchange. Globe I-and and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (3 M399 FOR 8AI.E Or trade for house and lot, 20 acres of garden land. A. T. Ayres. VkI Seward St. (3) 886 22x FOR EXCHANGE We have several stocks or merchandise, groceries and dry goods, up-to-date and doing a good business, to exchange for good, clear land at right price. Send complete description In first letter. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. S) MS14 FOR EXCHANGE Good 8 room house. fine location, Chicago, ror similar prop erty In Omaha. Address L 7S6, Bee office. (S M431 27x 600 ACRE8 Canada land, or any part If it. to trade for vacant 3i Improved Omaha property, no Incumbrance. Address A 746. Bee. ($) 423 21 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property tnat you want to sen or ex change write ua . GLOBE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb, (4) M29$ MS WANTED To sell or trade, 26-room hotel; steam heat, gas and city water and a five-room cottage; reason for selling, ill health. Address 806 Ave. B. Council Bluffs, la. (4) M7i FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools, $4 to 14 received for shoeing and 14 to 88 lor set ting Urea Address Y-12S. Bee. (4)-MS43 Paris Studio "210 So. 14th St. Make your Photograph on silk Handkerchiefs, Pillow Tops, Neckties, etc. And for every dollar you pay for Photographs, you get coupon which can be ex changed for Silverware. In re ality, you get your Photograph FREE. Call and see us. RED 4502. (4 404 MX WE BUY OR SELL Business chances or exenange a business, rooming house, or exchange (or anything. Money loaned on chattels. If you have anything to sell or want to ouy anyming see REAM A CO.. Tel Douglas $9u3. 6S4-635 Paxton Blk. (4) M380 M7 FOR BALE $1,700 mortgage, payable In in stallments tor yeara, on inside Omaha Dusiness property worth M.MO; per cent. semi-annually. Address L CU3, ears nee. til Mi&l ROBERT C. DRUE8EDOW CO 0TOCK BROKERS, 09 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4-M237 FOR BALD OR TRADE. S money-making hotels. I restaurants and short order houses. 4 meat markets. 1 drug store. 1 herd registered Shorthorn cattle, 1 saloon in Omaha. SI Improved farms. 1$ stocks of merchandise. Call or write Continental Realty Co.. &-S2-M IT. 8. Bk. Bldg . Omaha. ail So. 11th Bt , Lincoln, Neb. 711 Security Bk. Bldg., Sioux City. 613 Rdmond St, 8U Joseph, Mo. 9 West 9th St., Kansas City, Mo. SOS Exchange Bldg., Denver, Colo. (3) MG0S a. PARTNER WANTED In an established business. Prefer a good business man, one who can sell goods, to one with cap ital and no experience. Address for lurtner particulars to W 760, Bee office. (4 M433 nx DO YOU want a U-year established hard ware business. In good location; clean stock and building; 7,uu0. Address 8 7U, Bee. (4 M477 fflx WANT partner In land speculation; have si.u-w ana neea aoout z,MX more; can double your money; rigid investigation luunra, AuartH an, care uee. ( 891 OOOD MEN in every locality to a Into good business; will clear you from $2,000 to auuu every year; no competition; small capuai reguireo. uiui or write u. A. Kull, uuuuia, xMeo. ti oo zix LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS and loose leaf devices oi au kloas. Rees Printing Co, umana. tu am w KU-weat meat market and email gro cery; building 9u0; large Ice house, half brick; good town, western Iowa. Would consider raw land or hotel If taken soon. This Is a snap. Address Y-182, rsrs Bee. ' (4) M alt WANTED Man with $1,000 to $3,000 to Join corporation in river transportation prop osition; good Mlary and sure profits; don't waste time unless you have money and know a good thing when you see Ik For Interview address A 7c 1, cc-e Bee. DID YOU EVER THINK what a small investment in a Dee Want Ad may accomplish for you. Suppose it only costs' fifty cents and through it you secured a position paying even two dollars a week more than your present position. Sharp en your pencil and figure out where you could invest your money to better results. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR SALE $3,000 per cent bonds and (l.OSS 7 per cent preferred stocx in new etais jciepnone company or bioui in., for all or any part. Address Bog 611, Baker City. Ore. (4)-721 Mix WE buy, sell or exchange everything, Nat. investment Co., u Douglas Blk. (4) 330 alft , . WANTED Man with $1,000 to Join good. reliable Arm; "Investigate." Address H 7S3, Bee. (4) M47S 28x WANTED1 To contract with responsible brokerage firm t aid in placing ntocK is sue in Umber and lumbering enterprise in Oregon. Parties must assure results. Proposition high class; substantial assets. Full partlcuntm and bank references. Address H. C Mahon, Eugene, Oregon. y) M4M 2SX FOR SALE The only printing office In a town of 800 inhabitants, paper non-paxn-aan and a good circulation. Good point for Job printing. Address Y 1!4. care Bee Omaha. Neb. (4) M434 27 FOR SALE $1,000 wilt buy a strictly up to date bakery doing nne business in city or f,ouo population; brick oven, ror par ticulars address Y 196, Omaha Bee. (4 M436 M3x JEWELRY STOCK. In good brick building in good little town in , western lows. Doing nice profitable business; good jew eler and optician In charge, with nonresi dent owner, r ine investment at ihou. 11. 8. Gates. U2 No. 26th St. 'Phone Taylor 6226. (4)-M922 fl FOR SALE Or trade for good land, drug stock in soutnern Nenraxka; owner wants to retire, a snap. Address Y 18, enre Bee. (1H-M122 27x FIRST-CLASS hair dressing parlor; the best location in tne city; splendid mim ness. Address, care Bee, N 741. (4) 343 FOR SALE Good clean stock of general merchandise, located in growing town, center ft good farming and lumber manufacturing, on the railroad (0 miles from Portland, Ore.; town 1,000 inhabi tants; stock will Inventory $18,000 to $110,000; last year's business over $60, 000; stock can be reduced; this Is a growing business in a growing com munity and Is an excellent opportunity; terms cash, 100 cents on the dollar: food reasons for selling. Address Y 87, Omaha Bee. (4) M.9Z9 21 FOR SALE Money-making restaurant arid confectionery ; central Nebraska county seat; bad health. Address Y 181, care Bee. (4) M791 Six FINK new millinery stock for sale; good foundation for one to start In business cheap. Address E CM, Bee. ) 827 20x FOR SALE. Money making restaurant, confectionery, soda fountain, fixtures; nearly new 8 room house, furnace heat: will take about $7,000 to close deal; best of reasons for selling. Address x lao, cars Bee. (4)-M4S 26x FOR SALE Rooming house of 10 rooms, must sell, party leaving city $275, $125 down. Answer K bo, - Bee. (4) 411 zx $1,660 WILL buy a first-class drug store in city: posiomce in connection. Anaress O 725. care Bee. (4) 978 2S FOR SALE: Bakery Restaurant, coda fountain In connection, gpod parlor, In county seat town. Address Lock Box 323, Glenwpod, la. (4 MS49 28x FOR SALE A No. 1 stock of groceries. queen ware, nour ana reea, in Southeast ern Nebraska. A nice, clean stock, en ioylng a nice trade; will Invoice $2,000 or 2,500 r good reasons for selling. Address x in, care nee. (4) MiHO 23 IF YOU want clothes that wear and fit. nave rnem made Dy Dresner, omana s leading tailor. 1515 Famarn St. Spring styles now ready. (4) M973 zzx BARBER SHOP for sale, good business. reason Tor selling have to move on claim. W. H. Oardlnier, Fairfax S. D. (4) M848 Jlx FOR SALE General stock of dry roods. snoee, groceries, etc: an new within tne last year; good trade and fine country; a bargain. Owner has other business to take his time. Address Y-1S9, care Of Bee. (4)-M112 27X IF YOU want to get In or nut of business. no matter wnat your business Is, or where It Is. we can help you. We make all kinds of trades and guarantee to suit, if you nave anything to trade. write us. KELLY INVESTMENT CO., 220 Neville Block. (4)-M26 23 FURNITURE in a 14 room flat with II regular boarders. Owner gono to Ken tucky. Must be sold at once. For price, etc., see L. L. Johnson Co., Barker block. Phone Red 124. (4) M29S 23 GROCERY MEN A grocery store, stock and fixtures. In voicing about $2,500: monthly sales, $2,000. l)o you want a better opening 7 Bee ma Quick. H. A. STEAVENSON, 330 Board of Trade, let ti and Farnam. (4) M197 2S SECRETARY and treasurer for Omaha firm; $12a month salary and share profits must invest $3,000. Rare opportunity for quaiinea man. Aaaress ;-iw, nee, (4)-M4o7 22x DRUG STOCK-Half interest or all; good jowa county seat town; no aaioons; reg Istratlon not necessary; have other bust ness. Address Y 19-. care Bee. (4-MlS9 23 FOR SALE Only hotel. Wlnslde, Neb. doing good business; object selling, going to Canada. Sidney rrice, prop. Ill-MM 3x FOR SALE Stock of groceries, with or without building; also livery barn, box ltib, tiiair, nt, 4i Mara ax DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V, .tiniest, til N, I. u n) sss BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architects. a L. BROLINE, (13 Bee Bldg. (6) MS40 M6 7X Attorn W. W. DODGE, attorney, N. Y. Life Bldg. Office Tel. Douglas 4&2; Res. Douglas 1734. (6-MU Ml T. B. BRADY, Probsts Atty. 609 Bee Bldg. (& musi aid Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R-2. 1S0S Farnam 'st. Doug. 6497. . (6-M614 Dressmaking. LADIES' tailoring, dressmaking. 438 8. !4th, (6 369 tli DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Miss Sturdy, 3613 Chicago. 'Phone Red 4703. (5-61S MRS. BRANDON, 303 N. 18th. Doug. Mi. $2.59 SHIRT waist suits 'Phone Web. 2H30. (6 636 MIS Florists. HESS A 8 WO BOD A. 14U Farnam. ( 614 L. HENDERSON, lilt Farnam. Tel Doug. 1263. tt)-4UJ Osteopathy. JOHNSON INSTITUTE. 41$ N. Y. L. Tet Douglas 1664. ( CU Dr. Bowser Over lbuO Far. Tel. Doug. J70. (W Mh6 MU Prlatlag. WE print everything! Rees Printing Co. ($-M778 28 Springer Printing Co, tot N. 17th. Doug. 9071 i-Ms 3k tt t: ::. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Prlatlaa Ceatlaaed. I VISinTAP High grade 1807 calendars LlllUOIftUg E corner ISth 8t. and OCJUKVc Capitol Ave. (5)-l9 CALL CENTRAL Doug, 3969 Central Printing Co., lowest prices on printing. 110 8. 17th. Typewritten letters specialty. (S Msea mj JENNINGS Printing Co., Tel. Douglas 63S0. to -M WATERS PRINTING CO., 1307 Howard St. tb lil il THE ACORN PRESS. 1610 Howard St., Does Printing of quality. Tel. Doug. tu. (6)-M4& 22 Plamblas;. LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. U8 N. ittn hu Tel. Douglas mi. (&- F27 Rlprapplng Kngrlaeer. H. F. KELLNER, River and Rlprup Engi neer: 20 years' practical experience; wrir for Information. 610 Bee Bldg., Oriahs, Neb. '5) M!n33 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. Tha Iuidlnii- Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of pant end future described. Parlors, 118 B. 16th St., opp iioston oiore. 16) 4C1 b'SYCHIC palmist and life reader. Mile. nees, resiuence mm xwfcrney. in. iusum 6443. (6) -407 25x HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED Bookkeeper with several years. must have had charge of dooks; muy prefered. Give age, bookkeeping ex perience and references. Address 0-717, care of Bee. .7)-S4 11 LADY of good appearance and address to solicit ior cnai itaoie organization. ai Jly between 9 and 10 a. m. Mr. Ellison, 08 city hall. Gl-836 Hoaaekeepera and Domestics. WANTED A reliable woman who is a good seamstress and to assist in tne care of grown children; must be neat and active; references required Mrs. Earnest E. Hart, 626 3d St., Council Bluffs, la. (7) M92S 21 GIRL wanted; two in family; no washing. (7) 367 20 N. 23d. WANTED Good girl for general house work, family of two; references required. Mrs. W. A. Smith, 112 S. 36th St. (7) 3G 20 GIRL for general housework: three In fam liy; no objection to gin lust learning las 4781. - (7) M333 21x WANTED A cook. 432 S. 38th Ave. (7) 408 22 WANTED Girl for general housework. In quire fZI North 40th street. (7) M433 21x LADY waitress: first-class; highest wages. Apply to Manager, Dellone Hotel. (7) M452 22 WANTED Girl for general -housework; small family; good wages. 2417 Spauld- lng bt. C7.1 M449 ax GIRL for general housework, and to assist in taking care of child. Hmau family. References rqulred. aa .Bristol. (7) M453 22x WANTED Chambermaid. Kohler hotel. Grand Island, Neb. Transportation fur nlshed. (7 M429 21 GIRL for general housework: good wages. Inquire 2623 Capitol Ave. Telephone Douglas 1017. (') 4oH 2zx WANTED Girl; good wages; small fam ily; no washing. Tel. Harney 2806. Mrs. A. F. Smith. (7)-466 22 WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. Warren Switzler, 2604 St. Mary's Ave. (7)-462 21 WANTED Middle aged or elderly womnn to care for baby and do light housework easy place. Mrs. Davis, 410 Ames Ave. 17 M4S7 ax WANTEDAt once girl for general house work. Z-W Leavenworth Bt. (15) M503 27x WANTED Laundress to work at house Monday and Tuesday of each week. Ap ply 600 Bo. 88th Bt. (7) M&0O U Factory and, Trades. SHIRT makers on power machines at Al bert unni, 132Z farnam u to Ms a Mlscellaneoas. LADIES We are etui In need of mors help decorating sofa pillows; experience unnecessary? work taken nome; perma nent; good pay. Call mornings, 2311 S. 13th St. TO-IK M2x M' DOW ELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Earn. til MiM M-ll WANTED Old lady to take part care of cnuaren ror ner nome. can soon ho. i6tn St., Omaha. 7 M866 21x WANTED At once, girls to make artificial flowers. See Mr. MacMlllan, main floor, The Bennett Co. (7) 4J zo INITIAL embroidery girl and hand button hole workera on ahlrts at Albert Cahn a, 1323 Farnam Bt. (7 M489 23 SOLICITORS and canvassers for. Omaha. Easy work, good money. Room 49, Pax ton hotel, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 7 M514 23x HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. ADVERTISING FANS May delivery, 609 special and attractive designs, (sample submitted upon application, r onda Bros. & Co., Omaha. (9) M483 F23 OUR representatives make $75 per week. Want one or two more. Bond required. Address In own handwriting, with stamp and references, A 627. Bee. w MM MS OAririlYtRH Anri fjinvamwrR for Omaha Easy work, good money. Room 49, Pax- tun hotel, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. (9)-M613 22x Buys. WANTED Flvs boys, good wages; perma nent Job. A, D. X. Co.. 212 8. 13th St. l9)-622 WANTED 4 boys or girls-to strip tobacco In Blnderup s cigar factory, i. hi. Mary s Ave. l9 M3S9 SX Clerical and Office. WANTED Thoroughly experienced all around real estate and Insurance man, not over 36 years old; a hard worker with ambition and push, to take full charge of office, including bookkeeping. An excellent opportunity for the light party on salary and working interest; must be well acquainted wltn the city locations; answer in own handwriting, stating age and experience. Address O 743, cars Omaha Bee. (8) M368 WANTED Manager for general store; must be of good habits snd come with good references. Glute Lsnd snd In vestment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 9) M3S7 26 BOYS for mailing catalogues. Nebraska Clothing Co. 19) 4iB WANTED Young man as clerk In liquor store. Apply fur pueitlon by personal let ter; give references. Address C 74s. Ba. m M48$ 3U. Factory and Trade. WANTED A good, sober blacksmith, with rafaranre. Address W. C. Hamed, Bho- (I MJ 4k J :: t: x HELP WANTED MALE Factory nnd Trades Continued. WANTED Tool makers, lathe hands, Iratt ft Whitney machine screw operators snd general machinists. Address Robert Altken, Box P 8a, Toledo, O. (9) M380 26X POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. . . . - , . . , , , V t. 1 Q 1 MA v. ivniesi, WANTED Three boys. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. l " TAllRS ATTENTION A snod coat maker andUso a good pants and veet maker wanted at once. Herman Peterson, Fremont. Neb. t M4K3 A16X Miscellaneous. WANTED Man ' to solicit and represent well known firm on street. Address n-iia, care of Bee. 0)-933 U WANTED A first class proofreader to read proof on calendar advertisements, win PAy good wages. The Thos. D. Murphy Co., Red Oak, la. g-M904 23 WANTED For the. U. S. Marine Corps, men between ages zi and 86. An oppor tunity to see the world. For full informa tion annlv in rjerson or bv letter to re cruiting officer, U. S. Nat' I bank building. 12th and f arnam bis., umana, ixeo. () 910 ZoX WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Ten positions for every graduate. $12 to $20 weekly paid. Wages while learning. Beautiful 1;W catalogue jvlst out. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam 8U 9 M821 MIX WE ARE IN NEED OF: 10 OFFICE CLERKS, R. R. Men pre ferred. at $75. 4 BOOK K KKIKKO, at f to 4 RTKNOrtRAPHERS. $66 to $75. And hundreds of other applicants to fill high grade positions. See us at once or write for particulars. WESTERN Khf. & 'Bond AOtirN. tinc.j Suite 840-841-842 N. Y. Lire Bldg. (91-M496 21 WANTED At once. 600 sound young men. aged 18 to 88, for firemen and nraxemen on leaillnir western railroads and for new roads now being completed; experience unnecessary; nremen 91W per montn; brakemen, $75; positions now open; call or write at once for particulars. National Ry. Training Ass'n, 6J X. Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. ai aid WANTED A good man to work In ele valor; with some experience; must not be afraid to work; good wages. Powell ft Nllsson. Marlon, Neb. (9) M919 WANTED-Coarhman, good place for good man, references required. Apply alter p. m. A. G. Buchanan, 1330 8. 31th St. (9) M491 i8 HELP WANTED MALE ASD FEMALE AMERICAN-GERMAN Employment office. 1524 Dodge. Help of all kinds. Tel. mi. (10)-M758 MUX SOLICITOR Man or woman, tea and coffee, family trade. Address G 684, Bee. 110) 710,20 WAKTRD Sketch team, man and wife, double and single specialties, play small parts. Address Leo Blondlns, "Runaway Tramp company," Alnsworth, Neb., 21st Stewart, zia; Long fine, a.ta. Q0 M479 22x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE liorses and Vehicles. 1 HORSES, wels-ht 1.200 lbs. each, wagon and harness, $126; one team, Weight 2.600 lbs.: one team, weignt s,uou igs. ; x isrm mares. 2113 Grant Tel. Douglas 8410. U) 231 GOOD team 5 years old. well broke. $266; ...An. a aneA .t. a rm tTIR nnA mniA heavy, well broke, 4-year-old mare with foal, fYdb; one team 01 d ulcus, wen matched, weighing 2,350, $160: one good mare, 1,260, $70; one sore-footed mare. $.6; one cheap horse, $25. Rear 414 N 16th St (1D-M268 HORSES bought, sold and exchsnged; driv. ers and general purpose horses a specially. Myers, 1716 Jackson, xe:. Bea z. (llJ-M(-9 Ml FINE 7-year-old driving horse. 908 N. 16th St (11)-M96 23 E. H. FERRIN. scientlflo horseshoer, 416 S. 18th. Will cull and deliver. Doug. 1839. (11) M4J0 M8 FOR SALE Four good heavy work horses: 1 mare, weight from 1,300 to 1,600 coal horses. Inquire 1924 Lake St. 'Phone Douglas-1661. (11) 342 23 WAGONS for sale. 1314 N. 24th St. (1D-S3S MIS Ponltrr nnd Eggs. EGGS from hlKh-scorlnx. thoroughbred White Wyandotte settings or Incubator lots, forest uwn wyanaotte laras. Florence, Neb. Tel. Florence 1082. ' (ID M243 23 HOMER pigeons; best squab breeders. Booklns- sdvanca orders for mated pairs. Visitors Invited. Walker, 1923 S. 16th. Doug. 6664. i (11) M14 M9 BARRED ROCKS: stock and eggs for sals. writs Austin Faucett, Blair, Neo. (ID M429 22x WHITE LEGHORNS. Vanatta strain White Rocks; Pekin ducks. Eggs In sea son. Llllle V. Bennett, Belgrade, Neo. (ID M428 tU BLACK LANGSHANS or Buff Orpington cockerels, $1 earh; pullets, 75c each; IS exgs, $1.60. A. W. Atwood, Plattsmoutb, Neo. til) Ma xix BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS, Pure Rlnxlet strain: a nice lot of breeding cock erels for sale at $2 and $3. 'Phone Red 6470. F. C. Ahlqulst, 2762 Meredith Ave, Omaha, Neb. (ID M280 23 ROUEN DUCKS and White Holland tur keys. Good ones of either sex at sero prices. I have also two mala pea fowls, Tan j. uiouss, Clare, ja (11) M270 M3x 1.000 CHOICE Omlnartons. all S. C. varie ties. Males a specialty. Boomgaarn's Orpington Tarda, Humboldt. Nen. (11) M271 M3X RHODE ISLAND Reds for sale; rose or single comb. Prices reasonable. Art Pe terson. Lyons, Neb. (11) M272 M3x FOR SALE Llxht Brahma and Rhode Island Reds eggs for hatching. Write wants, keep ad. D. S. Brenneman, Coun cil Bluffs. (11) 363 23X TWO breeding pens, S. 8. Hamburg's, ten hens snd router each. Regular egg ma' chines. 3334 bpauldlng. (11) Mloa Six PURE White Plymouth Rock cockerels for sale, "Flshel Strain." W.I A. Boggs. 1263 a 31st, 80. Omaha. (11) M4&2 23x Cowa, Birds, Dom and Peta. FOR BALE Red Irish Better pups. 1610 Cuming Bt D. W. Counsman. (1D-M961 23x LOST AND FOUND $5 00 REWARD for return of a mink fur lost Saturday afternoon between River view park and . loth and Bancroft Bis. Call Harney 6-U (12)-372 30x LOST Bunch of keys. Please notify Dan Whitney, 4204 Hamilton Bt 112) 405 zix LOST Young shepherd dog. dark yellow pointed nose, nww white in face, short pointed ears, white ring half around neck, white breast, wnite leet, long Dunn; tail. Liberal reward. 24th and U Sis. Snyder. (12) 160 2ox LOST Pearl and diamond brooch, between Brandeis' and Bennett's stores or Inside. Liberal reward. Return to 310 8. 2iih Bt, 'Phone H arney 320. (12) M61S 21 MEDICAL MRS. PERRY, druaieas healer, treater of circulations and chxublo diseases. Neville Bis- R. Sis. (U-Ma Ms MEDICAL (Continued.) FREE medical and surgical treatment at creignton aieoicsi coiies-a, nin ana imv. enport Sts. ; special attention paid to con. flnement esses; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night (13) 129 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call er write to tne matron 01 tne osiranoo Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 94th St.. Omaha. Neb. (13) M100 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies Sdoptea. ine uooa rtamarusn nam. tarlum, 728 First Ave.. Council Bluffs, Is, Tet f74. . (lS-323 REST nerve bracer for men. "Grays Nerve r 00a 11111, si pox, poeip.ia. euermnn ei Mecnnneii Drug vo., omana. (13-r MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, planoa, horses. etc., in any amount; less man nait rates; Darted privacy. Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payments suspended when sick or out of work. 314 Karoacn Bik., AM South 16th St (14) U Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels er sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. lou get money same day asked lor at small cost Open evenings till 1. (14) 4S WOULD MONEY HELP YOUT Our new plan enables you to obtain money at rates which honest people can artord to pay. We will make you a loan on your salary, furniture or piano, and you can pay us back later in amounts to suit your convenience. Kverytning connnentiai. EASY LOAN CO. TEL. DOUG. i960. Room 20, Frenxer Blk., 16th snd Dodge 8ts. (14) Midi M7 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff ureen Loan co room a, Barker Blk. (14)-30 TILE TJNIOtf LOAN COMPANY PEIVATE BANKERS Have Increased their capital and during the montn oi February will make a special rate on collateral loans, mortgages on personal property and notes, without se curity. Terms to .suit. 'Phone Douglas 2904, 310 Bee Bldg. (14) M84 SALARIED PEOPLE and4 others furnished money upon their own names, witnout security; easy payments; offices In 63 principal cities. Save your self money by getting my terms flrat D. H. TOLMAN, 714 N. Y. U Bldg. C14 627 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO., for chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton Blk. 'Phnna Douglas 746. 00-631 Cash in Any Amount 110 tO 3J0O LAJANED UN r UlUMl lUKt., PIANOS. ETC.. OR ON YOUR SALARY IK. STEADILY EMPLOYED, without security or publicity, at tne very lowest rates; with payments to suit your con venience; everything strictly confidential. Reliable Credit Co., Rooms 307-308, paxton Block. (14)-26 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, cows, norses, etc. c. . Reea, uo e. istn. (14)-62$ EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 10. Douglas. (14) 634 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans, t oiey ixan Co., lbot arnam a. (14) M912 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. tu JO FURNISHED rooms, with board. 171 Dodge. (16) M382 M7x NICELY furnished, well heated room, all modern conveniences, excellent table; pri vate family. 2469 .Harney. (i WANTED Two young gentlemen who wish rood table, oleasant associations down town, with good service. Call at 1903 Capitol Ave. (16) 841 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (UJ MS THE SHELTON, 26th and Dodge. (16)-M847 Mix LANGE HOTEL, rooms. Corner 13th and jacpscn. UOJ 10 saarca T IDlin wall f ir-ilaHwt -nnma- mnAarn conveniences, good board. The Rose, 00 . r. . ,,11 r. xiamey oi. , Km i THE PRATT," 210 S. ISth St. (15) 44 Mart FOR RENT Two excellent rooms, modern conveniences, use of telephone; close in; for gentlemen, com Douglas bi. (16)-M963 U t.lRnm southeast front room. steam heated, with first class table board. 2616 Farnam Bt. () DESIRABLE accommodations for bache lors; lats mayor's residence, 617 So. 18th Bt; references exenangeo. fio) tu ux. LARGE front parlor on first floor, strictly modern. 708 B. 18th St (16)-818 19x LARGE alcove room, all modern; break last privilege 11. N. Stht LARGE front room with alcove, modern, suitable for four young men. 2232 Farnam Bt. (lb)-M866 2.1 HANDSOMELY furnished rooms and first class board for four couples in private home. 824 N. 19th. (16)-884 21 rVELL furnished, ateam heated rooms, modern; first class table board; refer ences exchanged. 1811 Farnam. "The Qulvet" (16)-347 23 HANDSOME front room. In fine neighbor hood; suitable for two; first-class board. 2427 Dodge 8u (16)-333 23x NICELY furnished rooms In desirable locality, with first class board; gentle men preferred. 1916 California street. (16) 340 2$ HANDSOME front rooms In fine place. High class board, on Farnam car. 2618 Farnam street. (15) 34$ 23 BACHELORS First-class table board, ele--gant rooms with hot and cold water, steam heat, building and furniture new and up-to-date; close In. 405 8. 24th Ave, (24th Ave. and Harney.) (16) 463 MIS Famished Rooms. S-ROOM apartment; hot and cold water; all modern. 816 8. 22d St. (16)-M90S 22x LARGE front room on ground floor, steam heated; suitable for two or four gentle, men. 214 N. 23d St. (16)-M9o7 23 MODERN furnished rooms. 2226 Dodg. (16) M844 Ml BRUNSWICK hotel. 1210 Douglas St. (1S-162 Mart STEAM heated front rooms. 1909 Capitol. (16) 161 Mart MODERN rooms, fine neighborhood; gen tlemen preferred. 2614 Bt. Mary's Ave. (16)-M66 M9 WANTED Reliable young man as room mate; must be sober and of good char acter. Tel. Douglas 43U. (12) M281 23x FURNISHED ROOMS, 1915 Capitol Ave. (15)-M757 MUX PLEASANT south room. 2671 8t Mary's. Oi J 814 LARGE furnished front room. Fine lo cality, near car, private family. 2016 California. (15) 337 23 NICELY furnished front room. Mrs. M. D. Carrol. SOU California street (16) 838 23 FURNISHED ROOMS. Douglas 3t8. 714 N. lth. Tel. (16) Moot MX VERY pleasant room In small private family; new, modern house, close In. 'Phone Red 4484. 24 FURNISHED room for gentleman; private family. 818 No. 18th. 06 427 NICELY furnished front parlor for rent; all modtra, at reasnnsfiie price. 243 Ixtdge. (mV) 470 Sua OFFERED FOR RENT I Fnrnlahed Rooms Contlnned. NICELY furnished rooms and boar! strictly modern, home privileges, or stops at door. 2025 North 31 h. l.-.)-MI32 28 LARGS front room with large clixiet. mod ern. Gentleman preferred. llij frt Mary's avenue. (15) M4J0 1 FIRST class moms and board; all modern, steam heated. 3208 Harney St. (16-497 Hx WELL furnished steam-heated room with first-class table board. 718 So. 2h St. (15) M64 23 NICELY furnished, south front room, suitable for two. within walking distance; all modern: use of parlor and 'phone. U4 St. Mary's Ave. (16) 601 27 LARGE south front room with alcova. Also one other handsome room; gentle-' men preferred. 2703 Farnam Bt. (IS) MS6S 21 GENT roommate wanted; very pleasant room, at 23o2 Harney Bt (15) M4M 23x FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, nil modern, furnace heat, at reasonsbls prices. 652 So. 26th Ave. 06) 499 23 ROOMS for two gentlemen; hot . and cold water; also room for one, 2719 Jackson. l5-498 23 X Fnrnlshed Honses and Flats. 2106 OHIO St.. t-room house; furnished: $27.60. J. II. DUMONT ft BON. 906 N. Y. Ufa. (151-300 llonsekeeplns Rooms. THREE nice furnished rooms for light housekeeping, close In. 116 B. 24th St. (16)412 21x 4-ROOM8, modern except heat. $1600; S basement rooms, good shape. $12.00. Tel, Douglas 6309. (16)-M443 22x TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep ing, all modern, at $2.60 per week. 2io Farnam. (16) M496 23x Unfurnished Rooms. A SUITE of large unfurnished rooms, first floor, strictly modern; references re quired. 2408 Cass. (16) 418 4-ROOM apartment in 'THE ORMOND," modem, 663 S. 28th St., $30. (-room apartment, steam heat. 18th and Nicholas Sts., $20. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. , 'Phone Douglas 686. 06)-4 TWO pleasant rooms, unfurnished, for light housekeeping. 629 So. 27th St (16)-6U0 2TX Honses and Cottagres. WE MOVE planoa Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. Office, 1713 Webster St (16)-94 FOR RENT Modern 9-room brick house; 1126 n. ust at.; S40 per montn. Thomas Brennan, room 1, N. X. Life Bldg, tm XimiRWfi 9-'l Pts of tha city. The XlUUOiO o. F. Davis Co.. Bee Bldg. N (16)-43 HOUSES ln Prt of tna clt- c, p,ters ft Co., Bee Bldg. (16)-644 CENTRAL, modem, steam heat. 7-roora house; 4-room corner flat; S-room cottsgw. R. Tlsard, 230 N. 23d. (15) M786 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwsit, Barker Blk. ' (15)$0 BEE us when shipping household goods tS) large cities west; we csn save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 1195. (16) 647 FOR RENT 7-room house, modern exoept furnace; 711 N. 28th Ave.; newly painted and papered; very convenient; rent reasonable. Apply at (07 N. 19th, or room 60S N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-M7tf4 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel Douglas 1626. Schmellsr ft Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. U61-887 OMAHA Van ft Storage Cot, pack, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. lf9. (16)-Ul FOR RENT S room house, city water, 709 N. 82d, $16.00. Will rent to small colored family. J. H. Parotte, Paxton Blk. (18) 396 38 2619 BLONDO St., t rooms and bath; city water; no furnace; $22.60. J. H. DUMONT A SON. DOS N. Y. Life. 6) D TO FOR RENT. 2727 Chicago St., fine 7-room, modem house. $. 1316 8. 32d St.. 8-room modem house, flnsnt location In city, $32.60. 1609 Lathrop St., 6-room modem house, $1. W. R. HOMAN, 1517 Farnam St. fl6) M27T a 10-ROOM house, 702 N. 40th Bt.. modern, $35. L. D. Holmes. 712 N. Y. IJfe Bldg. (16)-R81 5l TOR RENT 8-room house, all modern, ex cept furnace, $20. C. M. BACH MANN, 438 Paxton Block. (16) 749 S-r., partly modern. 1161 N. 18th $11 4- r , partly modern, 1403 N. 18th $18 T-r., good repair, 1428 Weaterfleld Ave... $19 13-r., modern, choice, 2416 Sherman Are. f9 -r., S bams, 423 N. 34th $1 5- r., modern, choice. 2204 Maple $19 Also several garden tracts. RUSSELL ft McKITRICK CO., 432-34 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney Sts. (16) 423 A LITTLE OEM. Z210 8. 29th St., $ rooms, all modern, fin repair, paved street for rent or sale; possession March 1. Payne, Bostwtck ft Co.. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15 414 19 - S-ROOM bouse, $26. Tel. Douglas 6309. (16)-M444 S2X OMees. ONE large office room, ground floor, Ed ward Crelghton Institute Bldg., 210 B. 18th St., opposite city ball. Inquire bu1ldlm 1614 HARNEY St, new, modern offices. Hastings ft Heyden, Agents, 1704 Farnam 8t. (15)-M43S FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 26th St., South Omaha, Apply to manager. (15) 134 Bee Buildinj OFFICf For Rent. A single room on the fifth floor, site 14x18, has a vault. Can be occupied the first of March, at $18. Janitor service and lights furnished free. See R. W. Baker, Supt, room 418. , (16) M42S DESK room with use of 'phone. Call at 623 Bee Bldg. (16- 23 8 tort ENTIRE floor, 22x131. 1218 Farnam Bt Very low rental. (16-M4C4 Six OFFERED FOR SALE FIRE sals on coaL Burr egg, $5 25 ton, stove or furnace. TeL Harmon ft Weeth. (lb-713 Ml ANCHOR snd Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing; 6c per foot 206 N. 17th St TeL Red 814. Ol390 F31 Fnraltere. FINE upright piano, parlor suit bookoaao. ruga, bail tree and other furniture. CaU at once. 415 N. 28d Bu Q6 S7T M4 PIANO, runabout harneasea, lee cheat. sideboard, herd coal healer. Call 1113 Farnam, third floor, after 12. (16 M8S7 81 FURNITURE of six room house, includ ing piano nearly new; will sell alto gether or by the imM-llfjjijftfl- FOR BALE A handaome bookcase, m. hogaay finish, at a baffalo. 3 Dewer Ave. &-