Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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"High Finance" BeoeiTes Treatment tt
Hands of Georgre Carlintr.
"Bllad Alter." by George Carey
EsTClestoa, a, Karri at Kew
Yorlt, Presents Prob
leaaa of Interest.
The March number of Pictorial Review
contalni articles on a number of progressive
subjects which are not enly of great
momentary Interest, but deal with possible
future developments Indicated by condl
tlons of today. Buch interesting- articles aa
'The Future and the Working Women, as
Well as Women's Club." by Mary E.
Groegue. and an editorial on American
"Women And Marriage." la presented In this
number, also such seasonable reading a
the "Origin of St. Valentine s Day." by Juliet
Hlta Gallagher, and other articles relating
to February anniversaries by well known
writers. 'Talk to. Girls" deal with the vital
color question as It Is presented to working
girls. For this number, too, "The People
of the Stage" are shown In an unusually in
teresung way. John F. Simmons gives a
detailed -article, on the ."Legal Status oC,n
Wife." "Practical Talks to Homebullders.
by the architect, J. C. Peterson, Is finely
Illustrated There la a good chat with "Our
Boys" from their Brother Jonathan and
the usual helpful Klridergarten Article by
Florence K. Uer: Kmma Paddcck Telford
gives to ester' 'paper on the exposition
of pure foods. -. iry Taylor Ross con
tributes a page on "Systematic Housekeep
ing," and Olive Hyde Fosters "Artistic
Furnishing at Small Expense" Is of great
Interest to housekeepers. The newest
things In fashion's realm, by R. Vallna
Harris, and the most advanced and up-to-
date models, are also given In this nm
The publication In . the March Century
of Timothy Cole's wood-engraving of
Ribera's "Assumption of Mary Msgdalene"
will conclude that famous engraver a
notable series of Old Spanish Masters.
twenty-ntne In all. Mr. Cole has already
remmenced wrrk upon a new aeries, that
of the Old French Masters, reproduction
of which will begin la the April Century.
"Richard Elliott, Financier," by George
Carting. Is a powerful novo!, with "hlgt
finance" and the "system" for Its theme.
It Is an expose of trust methods as frank
and complete as tt Is novel in its treatment.
The author'a weapon Is truth. Its point
sharpest satire and Its broad edge deep
cutting Irony. The reader who Is satiated
with the cry of the amateur muckraker
and bored by the solemn arraignments of
the serious-minded who can see no light
' ahead, will appreciate Mr. Carting's well
directed ridicule and the brilliancy of hi
thrusts at the hypocrisy of the leaders of
monopoly. Illustrated by Henry Q. .Wat
son. Published by L. C. Page Co.
"What Successful Men of Today Bar of
Success," by Wilbur F. Crafts, has had
larger circulation, . chiefly among young
men. which would seem to indicate that th
author, who first gave It as a series of
talks by a young man to young men. has a
practical message on the subject. It has
Complies trttb all rrqulrem-uts of
-Fresh Roasted Coffee bah!
Mother didn't use fresh roasted coffee,
she had Arbuckles.
Tbe way to get a good cup of coffee that
tastes tie Coffee with all the cUkjous flavor
and aroma intact, it to buy a package of the
ok origi&a AtuckW ARJOSA Coffee, end
grind k at you want to tie it, rt wanning k a utile to
develop the flavor and make the grinding easy. Coffee
loses its id entity as Coffee after being ground or exposed to
da ait and is easily conUminated by handling.
7 ! iMf
by examining the label to see
that it says
For Pure Food
fflk PMCE9
Cream Baking Powder
just been revised and enlarged by the pub
lishers. Funk 4 W agnails, from the van
tage ground of his added experience and
observation and with new suggestions on
succees from men who have traveled the
road, added to the symposium of BOO. out of
which the book was originally developed.
In "Blind Alleys" George Cary Eggleston
enters upon a new field of fiction, casts his
work In a larger mold than any that he has
hitherto used, and gives us altogether the
most Importsnt novel that he has yet writ
ten. "Blind Alleys" Is a novel of New
Tork life not of Wall street, not of Fifth
avenue and not of the slums, but of the
more typical and significant aspects of life
In the great city, and of those who con
stitute its real and not Its exceptional
peculation. The book is full of those cu
rious and Intricate mysteries of life that
abound In a great city, and fuller still of
earnest thought and sincere endeavor to
discover a wsy out of the "blind alleys'
In which men and . women who try to help
tberr fellows are apt to find themselves
helplessly groping. No ready-made solu
tions are offered of any of the problems
presented by the action of the story, but
the suggestions made by the variedly
prejudiced personages of the drama will
be helpful to those who sincerely seek a
way out. There Is a sweet and wholesome
love story, of course. Indeed, there are
two of them, and altogether the novel Is
one of peculiarly fascinating Interest. In
appearance It is one of the handsomest
hovels of the' year. Published, by Lothrop,
Lee A Shepard company.
Thomas F. Millard, the war correspond
ent, haa just returned from another' trip
'round the world. He spent much time In
Cores and Manchuria and ha will con
tribute to the March Scribner a striking
paper on "The Situation In Manchuria,
showing the designs of Japan to keep Its
hold on the trade and the government of
both countries.
If one were asked to Indicate the story
In this month's Popular which had taken
keenest hold on the Imagination, the finger
would probably fall upon the third complete
story In the series of "Strange Cases of a
Medical Free Lance." by W, B. M. Fergu
son. , It Is called "The Case of the.Vege
table Rabies," and tella of the remarkable
discovery made by a doctor who treated a
patient for hydrophobia. The story, if
sensational. Is artistic and cleverly told, as
are all the other stories In the Popular.
There are about twenty numbers In all
In the People's Magasine for March, an all
fiction publication of 1 pages. One com
plete novel and a great number of well
selected short stories make up this gener
ous bulk of fiction. John H. Whltson la the
author of the novel which opens the maga
sine. and amcrg the writers of the short
stories are Newton A. Fuesste, Rodrigues
Ottolengul. Julia Trultt Bishop, Ethel
Watts Mumford. Edwin L. Sabtn, Brand
Whltlook. Richard Marsh and others. The
magasine sells for 10 cents.
"Shall We Tax Wealth V Is the title given
to aa unusually Interesting feature of the
current number of Smith's Magatlpe. It
consists of a symposium op the much dis
cussed topic of the Income tax and contains
opinions from such widely divergent per
sonalities aa Joseph Letter, the millionaire
Hudson Maxim, the scientist, and Governor
Folk, the reformer. It la of unusual In
terest for the Insight It gives us Into the
personal views of many of our prominent
the National l"vr Food Law, Goarantc
SaU ear? is pabn
ful aas'il Sans lv 37
aW TWlMcaikrraiwdBak,aadi
Saw few, U
i i? New Fire rood Law
protects you
if you protect
statesmen, financiers and thinkers, and It
Is 'of decided value as the best possible
gauge of public opinion on this question.
Besides this the magasine contains a num
ber of splendid short stories and articles
by such writers as Holman F. Day, Charles
Battell Loom is, Elmore Elliott Peake, Tom
Masson, . Anne O'Hagan, Wallace Irwin,
Lillian Bell and Charles Gar-vice. It Is
profusely Illustrated, having a set of six
teen pictures of stage beauties and an
other set of eight full-page pictures of cats,
which are sure to interest everybody.
Ainrlee's Magasine for March Is one of
the best numbers this entertaining maga
sine has evtr published. It contains
novelette, a serial, eight short stories, i
says, poems and critical reviews of new
plays and books more genuine entertain
ment than can be secured anywhere else
at the prke. The principal feature Is the
continued story. "Her Bon," try Horace A.
VacheU. This is a story which grows In
Interest with every page and promises to
be all that has been claimed for It. Next
In Importance Is Dorothea Deaktn's novel
ette, "The Wishing Ring." This Is a tale
of extraordinary charm and Interest, one
of the sort which, after reading, makes
one feel that life Is more than worth liv
ing. Roy Norton has a story with a west
ern setting, called "Nodawana." It has a
child Interest which gives it a somewhat
pathetic turn and should not fall to make
Its appeal to women readers. A special
feature of this month's number is an arti
cle by the celebrated . pianist. Josef Lhe
vlnne, called "Musical and Personal Re
flections," which, as the title Indicates, la
In a sense biographical.
In "Polly, the Autobiography of a Parrot,"
by Mrs. Mollle Lee Clifford, polly tells her
own story from the life In the jungles of
South America to the time she reaches her
home where loving care for the future la
promised her. She Is a mischievous bird,
and often gets herself and her mistress
Into much trouble, but with it all she shows
much common sense, and her life makes an
entertaining as well as true story for young
readers. Pclly can talk, at times her vo
cabulary seeming almost limitless, and fre
quently perhaps It would have been as well
for her if she had talked less. Published
by the H. M. Caldwell company.
Above books at lowest retail prices.
Matthews, 121 South Fifteenth street.
Books reviewed are on '-a I
Bennett Company at cut price.
by The
Power of Little Lint or Tot fa
Right Paper Does the
3. J. Boucher hss tested The Bee want
ad column and found It not wanting.
Through It he sold his barn to his own
partner, Thomas D. Crane.
Mr. Boucher wanted to sell a barn at his
home on South Thirty-third street. Mr.
Crane didn't even know Mr. Boucher had
a bam. Mr. Boucher tried two or three
real estate Arms In vain.
Finally a Bee want ad brought the two
lawyers fsce to face In the solitude of
their own office. They stopped work long
enough to get a little better acquainted
with each other and change the ownership
of the barn.
"It was so far and yet so very near,"
said Mr. Boucher.
No. 2041, filed at Waihtnjtoau
was the first roasted pack
aged coffee? .
The pores of each coffee berry are sealed
after roasting with fresh eggs and granulated
sugar to hold the goodness in and make the
coffee settle clear and quickly; an actual appli
cation by machinery, of "Mother's" methods
as patented by this rm
smU br s .
eaa nrmi sW i
eafaa, U year easier wes't en. wem s
Ep'rtlft from Vrs Burnt te Husband
Eefate Ear ftateavnta.
Wtara Wha Attend Divorce Trial
Art warded for the Cariosity
hy Pmto Morsels
( Seaaatlea.
The large crowd of regularly attending
women at the Bassett divorce trial Tues
day morning found some delicious morsels
for their delectation in the reading of cor
am letters written by Mrs. Bsssett to her
husband while the latter was away from
home engaged In geological survey fUld
The attorneys fcr Mr. Basset found In
the letters a refutation of Mrs. Basse't's
testimony that she never really loved her
husband and that even from the time of
the honeymoon she ceased to respect him.
The letters were written about four yeirs
after the couple wero married and are in
the most passionately affectionate terms. I
"If you were here tonight," says one. "I
would kiss you, hug you, dsnce for you and
tell you you are the dearest husband in all
the world." "I do worship you," says an
other. Much time was spent during the morning
introducing letters and other documents.
The defense has now 115 exhibits on file,
ruoet of these being letters written by Mrs.
Bassett to her husband. The defense in
troduced also a number of papers bearing
the signature of Mrs. Bsssett and Rev.
Dr. Hunt. These papers were orders to
have mail forwarded to Mrs. Bassett's ad
dress after she had left her husband and
ha was not cognizant of her address.
Polat to Extravae-oace.
Some points were brought out which In
dicated extravagance on the part of Mrs
Bassett. Though her hushand was send
ing 1126 a month of his salary, she had to
borrow at times, and one letter showed
that she had borrowed from Ben Fairchild,
the man who, she testified, she always re
garded as her enemy.
The attorneys made a spirited fight on
the admission of evidence regarding the
time of .Mrs. Bassett s confinement In
Johns Hopkins hospital In Baltimore, when
her youngest child, Lawrence, was born.
"I am aware that counsel would like to
avoid questions on this subject." exclaimed
Mr. Stout, "but we want to show who it
was that attended to her and got doctors
when she was In that hospital at that
"We throw down "the gauntlet to Mr.
Stout." said Mr. Baxter. "We stand ready
to meet this issue, but Its proper' place Is
In the case of tbe defense snd not In cross
examination." The court took this view of It. Certain
questions, however, were admitted. Mrs.
Bassett answered that she did not know
whether her husband knew or not of the
anticipated birth of Lawrence, who was
born on March 12, 1906. She said she had j
never notified him of the child's birth. i
The court also sustained the objection of i
Mrs. Bassett's attorneys to Mr. Stout's :
question regarding who supported her
during this period, she having left her
husband a number of months previous.
Preacher Still Preseat.
Rev. E. Lawrence Hunt was In his place,
as he has been during every moment of the
trial. Neither Benjamin Fslrchild nor Mr.
Bassett were In the court rcom in the morn
ing. . It is now apparent tbe case will not be
half finished by the end of the Week. Three
very important witnesses are yet . to be
called after Mrs. Bassett and she prob
ably will remain on the stand all of Wed
nesday. Tbe cxet of the trial Is amounting up to
high figures. A man in a position to esti
mate such costs said the litigation at the
Omaha end of the affair including an ex
penses of witnesses, etc., will come near
the SS.000 mark. Leading attorneys are en
gaged on the case, witnesses whose time Is
worth considerable money are here from
distant points. The trial is proceeding with
a thoroughness that takes no cognisance
of time. The record Is being kept by two
stenographers, who work nearly all night
In getting up a complete transcript of one
day's evidence for use for the following
day. And all this is only preliminary to
determining whether or not the Omaha
court haa any jurisdiction In the matter
at all.
Mrs. Baaaett Slcna for Relief.
The searching cross-examination of Mrs.
Bassett by her husband's attorney, John
F. Stout, was completed yesterday after
noon. The cross-examination had con
tinued more than three days, much time
being lost by the peculiar perchant of the
witness for "wandering off the family hlt-tory."-
as Mr. Stout expressed It. When
the ordeal was ended Mrs. Bassett sank
back In her chair and murmured, "It is
Mr. Stout devoted the final two hours of
his cross-examination to bringing up a few
miscellaneous matters, most of which were
ruled oJt by the court on the objection of
Mrs. Bossett's attorneys. Among ques
tions so ruled out were these:
"Did not you and Dr. Hunt take a sleeper
at Phlladeuphla for St. Louis In the fall
Of 1904?"
"Didn't Dr. Hunt have a secret signal to
let you know he was at the door of your
apartment house In Washington r
"Haa Dr. Hunt contributed to your sup
port since May 11. 1904. when you deter
mined you would leave your husband?"
When asked why she did not stop In Den
ver where his sister lived If she wanted to
get a divorce. Mrs. Bassett said she vanted
to be In a city where her husband would
not discover her. 8 he denied that on the
occasion when she tried to commit suicide
with an overdose of digitalis she alsa tried
to shoot herself.
What Ahoet That Love.
On tbe re-direct examination Mrs. Bas
sett's attorneys brought up again the ques
tion as to whether she loved her husband
when she married him. Mr. Stout Inter
posed tha most vigorous objections to this
and protested against allowing her to ex
plain the denial of love for Bassett which
he had given Mr. Stout. Upn the Strength
of this denial the defense had introduced
more than 100 letters from her to Bassett
expressing the gresteet affection. The
court, however, permitted her to answer
and aha did so by statlr.g that she had
been a little "mad" at Mr. Blout when he
question was asked and tnen she explained
away her denial of love.
. The defense also tried to introduce the
letter of Rr. Hunt to Mrs. Stone In which
he says, "I am going to give love tbe right-of-way
and when she I free I'm going to
ask her to become my wife." The objec
tions of Mrs. Bassett's attorneys to this
letter were sustained.
"It Is wonderful thq wsy she has borne
up." he said. "She bad been assured that
her husband would aot get a verdict In
Washington. Then rame the announce
ment of his victory and on the same day
the trial began here and she was forced to
go upon the stand. he has a gentle, sweet,
senaative nature and aha bore the brunt
of this beautifully."
The number of women In the audience
Increased materially yesterday afternoon.
A strict watch was kept that none should
remain In the court room who could be
legally excluded. Bailiff Marrow detected
one girl of IS years and she was ordered
, from the room. ,
Charge that Will Be Tlawrwwniy
fi saw sites' ay Pmtrwas of
Alexander Berk.. who Is only It years of
age and who was arrested Saturday morn
ing In company with Harry DanleJsoa oa
the charge of stealing lead from a freight
car, was released from the city jail Tuesday
morning under parole to Rev. R. B. IL
Bell, rector of the Church of the Good
Shepherd. Twentieth and Ohio streets.
The boy's mother la dead and he has been
living with his father snd a sister at mt
North Sixteenth street. His father Is ssld
to have expressed a desire to have nothing
more to do with the boy.
Toung Beck was taken Tuesday morning
by Rev. Mr. Rcll to the Detention home,
where he will remain until his case In tried
February 27. in the meantime a complaint
has been sworn out agalnpt Louis Rubsck,
a Junk dealer on North Seventeenth street,
on the charge of receiving stolen property.
Rev. Mr. Bell and others have taken a
deep Interest In the case and Intend to
prosecute Ruback vigorously, as he Is
charged with having Induced the boys to
commit thefts and sell the goods stolen to
him. In speaking of the affair of young
Beck Tuesday morning. Dr. Bell said:
"The boy Is not to blame and I believe
the trouble between him and his father
will be adjusted. The trouble lies with men
that Induce young boys to commit crimes
for profit to themselves, and the present
case Is going to be pushed to the limit.
Beck Is not a bad boy at heart, but I am
afraid he will have to go to the reform
school, as he was paroled to me once be
fore, and broke his promise when he stole
the lead last Friday. But he says the Junk
dealer persuaded him to steal and he did
It to get money with which to play pool.
"That is another matter that. Is being
given attention, the licensing and super
vision of pool halls. These pool halls where
minors congregate are one of the most
subtle and worst Influences for vloe. I
have seen Councilman Bedford and others
and will try to have an ordinance passed
licensing pool tables and providing for the
revocation of the licenses In case the halls
become dens of vice and likely to lead the
youth of our city astray."
Proportionals Are Reewaaldereel,
Whereas Owiahaas Thosjcht the
Matter Was Settled.
A conference was called for Tuesday In
Chicago of the western lines again to
consider the application for proportional
rates on Iowa business. Local men thought
this matter was settled when all the
roads agreed to stand by Omaha and let
the proportional rates apply through tbe
Omaha gateway. This has been quite a
bone of contention for some time. It was
thought when It was decided to raise grain
rates 14 cents east through Iowa the Iowa
lines would be satisfied and nothing fur
ther would be heard of the matter.
The modes for grownups are often most
quaint and fetching when adapted to the
apparel of the little people and a very
attractive example Is shown In the small
empire coat. The skirt portion is circular,
fitting the waist exactly and rippling pret
tily at the hem. The deep collar Is a very
becoming feature, giving the long-shoul
dered effect and offering an opportunity
for trimming. The model la of broadcloth,
with collar, cuffs and buttons of velvet,
but a serge, cheviot or pongee might serve.
The sleeves may be full length or shorter
and are exceedingly well shaped. The front
of the coat Is double-breasted and the
shield may be worn only when desired. The
design Is a bit different from the ready-
to-wear styles and therefore will appeal
to the particular woman. The medium sum
requires 2 yards of 54-Uich material.
Sixes 3 to 10 years.
For the accommodatln of The Omaha
Bee readers these patterns, which usual.
retail at from ZS to SO cents, will be fur
nished at a nominal price tlfl cents), wblck
covers all expenses. n order to gel a pat
tern enclose 10 cer.u. giving number and
nam of pattern wanted and bust measure
As the patterns are mailed direct from the
publishers at New Tork. It will require
about a week's time to fill tha order. A4
O mail a. Neb.
A dtmonalrator will call at every bouse
in Omaha and five each family a (roe
trial package ( the celebrate!
1 Sl Sttcli
AX for
Xashlng Clothes
flthout Rubbing
Saves half the time, half the soap
and half the labor. Will not Injure
the daintiest fabric. Leaves your
bands soft as velvet. Washboards
unnecessary. Clothes wear twice
as lonf when this wonderful
article Is used. If our claims were
not true we could not afford to
five you a free trial package.
Ii LAllUsi SUJI C, U Itkstiaaa SU. Calcaas
With the First Hint of Spring Comes the
Necessity (or Spring Overcoats.
Our hint came some time ago, for that renson we
are now able to show you a splendid line of this sea
eon's newest Spring Overcoats and Cravenettes. "We
have never shown a more attractive line. The new
models are shapely and well pro port ionejl were built
.with a view to comfort and style. We have them in
every new and desirable shade and material. The
tailoring is superb. We were the first to offer this
season's styles and no one will be able to show better
' garments or make lower prices. Better see them right
away. Prices range
S10.00 to $25.00
Count Creit-sWs Estate Liable to Canst
Litigation Amonc Heirs.
Dteaae.lB)tsseat Expressed by Member
f Fa ailly that Seeand Will
Was Hot Made Slae
of the Estate.
Will the validity of the John A. Crelghton
will be attacked?
That la already a subject of widespread
discussion. The relatives of Mr. Crelghton,
even Including some who have been re
membered In the will, do not hesitate to
express their dissatisfaction of Its terms.
They ssy that a larger proportion of the
Crelghton fortune should have gone to
members of his family and a smaller pro
portion to charity and educational institu
tion of the church. One of the family
who would benefit by the rejection of the
will declared:
"The will will be contested If there Is
any possibility of finding grounds to con
test it. We admit that it Is difficult to
And a promising opening. The rule adopted
hv the courts makes It difficult to attack a
will unless some lineal descendant who has
a valid claim comes In aa the contestant.
Count Crelghton hss no lineal descendants
whatever, none of his relatives being nearer
than nephews and nieces. No one can
attack the genuineness of the will or the
sanity of Mr. Crelghton when he made It.
the only possibility being to allege undue
Influence on the part of the priests and
nuns representing- the Institutions that are
to get the bulk of the money.
Waste! Aaother Will.
"Count Crelghton maae. nut will three
years ago. It Is too bad that he did not
make another wiU within the last six or
eight months, because his fortune hss prac
tically doubled aince he mnde the will.
The sale of his mine alone brought him a
profit of tJ.WO.000 and he ha had other
Increments since then In excess of what
he has given away. The result is that
the undivided residuum that Is to go to
the designated heirs In the same propor
tion Is several times what he thought he
was giving at the time, and had he known
that he was to dispose of that much prop
erty he would unquestionably have changed
tbe proportions.
"Another unfortunate thing is that he
should have regarded tha heirs of his
brothsr and sister" aa having equal claims,
one family having seven children and the
other three and each family dividing the
same sum among them makes the disparity
between one set of nieces and nephews too
great aa compared with the other set. We
had an Idea, that anotner win nao. wra
I made and that was the reason for the deUy
!ln probating this will, but I take It that
i all hope of finding a later will has been
Aa-eaeles far Dlstrthatlooi.
-a tha aama time Count Crelghton re
garded the various church organisations In
.t... nf tha hosnitals ana scnoois niercij
'.. ...! for tha bls'.ilbutlon of his woa th
to the general public and especially to tne
poor and afflicted, and In leaving the bulk
of his wealth to them he was simply tak
ing what he thought the best way to make
sure of doing the most good to the public
generally. The failure of the will to specify
anything about the principal pieces of
property belonging to the count, such for
example as bis home. Is due to the fact that
u hta real estate was transferred to tne
John A. Crelghton Real Estate company
and what will pass to the estate will be
merely his holdings in tbe form ol sioen in
this company. The company will manage
the property and the home, I presume, wui
bo either rented or sold to one of the heirs
if wanted for occurjancy. For the present
It will probably continue at the disposition
of those who have been living there with
the count."
Sis of Hta Estate.
Count Crelghton's will did not reveal the
iu r.f his fortune and there Is still much
speculation as to the value of the estate.
It is generally bellevea tne count naa aoout
16.000.000 or SS.0u0.0CO. Judge W. D. McHugh,
who filed the will for probate, is nonoom
mltal on the subject.
"Of course, tbe a late Is much larger
thaA tbe Sl.130.0utt. the amount mentioned
In speclAe bequests." be said, "but still It
ia smaller than many people think It la."
Hesolatloaa Are Adopted by Cobb.
saeretal Claa oa Death of
Great rhllaathropUt.
Tbe Omaha Commercial club, at its meet
ing Tuesday noon, adopted these resolu
tions on the death of Count Crelghton, wbj
was 4 member of tbe Commercial club:
Resolved, That In the taking away from
our midst of our beloved fellow cltlsen.
Count Joba A. Cretghton. by the grim
reaper, death, this club tuses one of iw
oldest snd most honored members. One
who has spent his life benefiting man
kind, leaving monuments to his memory
which will live fur generations to come.
For more then a half century he lived In
this city, during which lime, by his hlgn
sense of honor, his uniform courtesy ant
his kindliness of manner, he won the high
est esteem and warmoel friendship of his
assort irs and acquaintance. His life was
filled with acts of love ana usefulness, ever
ready la fecty the naeUy and distressed.
.''... ...aWljJsww
To his public spirit and unwavering belief
In the future of this community, the cltv
owes a large snare of Ha prosperity a 1
growth. In every walk of life, his per
sonality was felt, and the city bows In
reverence to one of our members who has
given us a life lesson.
Resolved, That as an organisation for
the promotion of the business welfare of
this city, we shall greatly mts the cordial
support and material nsnietanee of Count
Crelghton. and we sincerely mourn his loss.
Resolved. That a copy of these resolu
tions be spresd upon the minutes of this
club. Thst a copy be given the press of
the city for publication, and that a copy
be engrossed and presented to tbe family
of the deceased.
Ahregatra Rale of Asklas: Kew Meat
Hot to Jala the
Vice President Wattles of the Omaha A
Council Bluffs Street Rallwsy company met
a committee of tmployes of the company In
a conference Tuesday morning. The men
were union men and the conference lasted
several hours. After the conference Mr.
Wattles said:
"Of course. I cannot tell what the men
Intend to do, but will say thst one of their
grievances has been arranged by the com
pany, and had I known the condition to
have existed before I would have had It
changed without a complaint from them."
The condition referred to by Mr. Wattles
was the custom of the auperlntendent of
exacting a promise from the new men whom
he employed that they would not Join the
As soon as this custom was brought to
the notice of Mr. Wattles he gave orders '
that It should be discontinued.
Prosrreas Made at Koaatse Mrsserlal
Charch oa "Story of the.
The first dress rehearsal of the Wllegor
leal production of 'The Story of the
Reformation." or "Life of Luther." was
held Monday evening. Rev. J. Randolph
Smith takes the part of Charles V of Ger
many; Rev. C. C. Cissell, Elector Frederich
III of Saxony; William Kennedy, Cardinal
Cajeton of Rome; Rev. J. E. Hummon, Dr.
Martin Luther, all of whom appeared 1:0
the great scene of the Diet of Worms, i
These scenic and dress rehearsals are
given each night at Kountse Memorial
church under the supervision of Miss 8.
Ethel Brown of Washington, D. C, under
whose direction the allegory Is given. The
formsl presentation of the great allegory
will be given at the Auditorium February
2S and X tt I p. m.
has S fine srormtlc odor because it's
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you have to do to compare tt with
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Made of sbaolulely the seiaal and beat
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Para Feed aad Dra Aet, Jaae SO.
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Brandrctb's Pills
A iaxaiM mmd m Blood TonU '
Each pill contains ewe rrata of solid ea-
Iract ol saraapari;ia, Which, with other
valuable vegetable prod act i. make it a
DMXM2 punncT oi eacalieat character.
17St J
Jar raaattaaoaa. i,t,.0nh4
laaleaMtaa. etc.
If you ve noticed your dentist
grow indifferent snd careless you
no doubt contemplate a rianre.
Now If you wlrh to eliminate mat
element of ri.aiue (always In a
change--come to nie.
Of course you can readily detect
the thought f arif-lnterest In this
ad. but aside from that for your
own good. pl-aee Inveetigate these
up-to-date, cleanly, painless meth
ods of mine.
Tbone Doug. 1ST. S2i bae bldg.