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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1907)
THE OMAIIA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1907. MRS. THAW CROSS-EXAMINED Diitiict Attorney Finds War t) lowibj D.scrsdit Hit Tcitmonj. QUESTIONS A SKID CCNCtRSl.G HER lit I Caart Rale That They Ar Prpe M Tvaalaa- Teat Credibility f Wltae TUta Utlnt Attorney. NEW YORK. Feb. ll.-Mn. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw today entered on the ordeal of her crpea-examlnatlon,' and before Dis trict Attorney Jerome had had the witness In charg for half an hour he had eecured from the court a ruling which apparently opens the way for bringing Into the trial of Harry K. Thaw all manner of evi dence which may tend to discredit lh defendant's wife. Heretofore It has been held that the rules of evidence protected young Mrs. Thaw and that regardless of whether her story was true or. false, the fact that she had told her husband was the one essential point. Mrs. Thaw had been allowed to repeat the atory so thai the Jury might Judge as to Its effects In unbalancing; the mind of the man on trial for murder of Stanford White. Mr. Jerome, by a simple question, opened the way for the Introduction of testimony tending to how the truth or falsity of Mrs. Thaw's atory. He asked the witness: "Was the story you told Mr. Thaw truer "It was," she replied firmly. ' , Mr. Delma, Thaw's leading counsel, ob jected strongly to the question, but Jus tice Fltsgerald held It to be competent as tending to show the credibility of the wit ness. Whether Mr. Jerome Intends to take Advantage of the ruling In an attempt to throw doubt on the truth of the story or whether Justice Fltsgerald Intended his ruling to cover the whole subject of Mrs. Thaw's evidence the future conduct of the case alone can determine. Mr. Delmaa will continue to fight with constant ob jection the Introduction of any testimony of the events In the young woman's life, but the subject of the credibility of a wit ness Is a wide one, and Justice Fltsgerald early today Indicated that he would be liberal In hU Interpretation of the rules. He allowed Mr. Jerome to secure from Mrs. J. J. Calne of Boston, a friend of Mrs. Thaw, who took the witness stand during the morning session, many material point as to the movements of Harry Thaw and Evelyn Nesbit following their return from Europe In 1904, including the published in cident of their being ejected from the Hotel Cumberland In this city, the pro. prietor Insisting that they should register as man and wife or leave their suite which adjoined. In bringing out these facts Mr. Jerome denied that he was at tacking Mrs. Thaw and said he waa merely testing the credibility of Mrs. Calne. Jerome Aaka for Time. The district attorney seemed reluctant to begin the cross examination of Mrs. Thaw today, desiring to have the matter post poned until Thursday morning. In order that he might determine whether or not a further examination of the witness was necessary. "After I have looked further Into the matter I may decide not to cross examine Mrs. Thaw," Mr. Jerome stated to the court, "or I waive my right If when all testimony aa to the Insanity of this defend ant Is In I shall be honestly of the opinion that be waa Insane at the time this act waa committed I do not propose to take up the time of this court and this Jury In contending " Mr. Delmaa here Interrupted. He wanted to know If the district attorney meant that If he waa honestly convinced that Thaw Waa Insane when he shot Stanford White fee would abandon the prosecution. "I promise nothing," retorted the pros ecutor. A wordy conflict ensued during which Mr. Jerome hinted at broken confidence and evasion of stipulations. He declared be did not wish to humiliate the witness with a eroa examination -which he might deem unnecessary. "However. If I am forced to do It I will," said Mr. Jerome, with something mt a menace In his tone. "You may proceed," replied Mr. Del me s. Mra. Thaw Crosa-Baamlaed. Mra Thaw moved a bit nervously and awaited Mr. Jerome's opening question. They had to do with her signature to cer tain paper, some' of which the prosecutor declared wer receipt for money Mr. Thaw had drawn from the Mercantile Trust company In 190Z, 126 a . week. Mr. Delmaa protested against these statements and noted an exception. Mra Thaw Ud aha wa not sure that alt of th signature wer her own thty looked very much like her wrltlnc, h added. Who provided the money at th Mercantile Trust company was not developed. Mrs. Thaw' confidence grew aa the croaa examination went on and he waa always ready with answers. Mr. Jerome under the plea of testing her cred ibility wa allowed to ask many pertinent questions. He wanted to know when she first, heard that she had been named as a o-respondent In th George W. Lederer divorce case. Mr. Delma quickly protested. ' Mrs. Thaw whispered something In his ear and th attorney withdrew his objection. "I read of It In the newspaper," said th witness cheerily when Mr. Jerome re . pasted the question. Th prosecutor sought to show that Mr. Always Delicious Pur WboUeoms Difssuble Oa Box will aisk0 A Happy Home I Bvwry Sealed Packtr guaranteed Fresh and Full Weight rVr 0ur W Beaters tm tsakuh seaigasear UiK ' I tut wiini M f nwurv rrt Makers ef Cseee sad Caecelate BOSTON, MASS. 1 B NAM ON 1VISV ni 1 I )ovKeY's I Chocolate Bonbons! 1 Thaw had gone to Abraham Hummel for advice with regard to th divorce pro ceeding, but waa halted by an objection from Mr. Delmaa, which th court sus tained. Justice Fltsgerald said th ques tion had nothing to do with Mr. Thaw' story to her husband and did not affect her credibility. Mr. Jerome brought out that Mrs. Thaw had written to Stanford White rrom Boulogne after Thaw had pro posed to her In Psrts. "Did you also cable Mr. Whiter' he asked. The witness could not remember. Th cross-examination had barely gotten Into full swing when adjournment for th day waa ordered. Ramop sf Lsaaey Caaaialssloa. Mra Thaw will reaum the stand tomor row morning and the Indications are that she may be kept there throughout th day. The district attorney' reluctance to sub mit Mra. Thaw to a orosa-examlnation again led to rumor that Mr.' Jerome still .contemplates moving for tbe appointment of a commission In lunacy to test Thaw present state of mind. Now that he ha entered on the cross-examination he seems determined to make It a thorough one. There were evidence during th afternoon of HI feeling between Mr. Jerome and Mr. Delma. Th latter intend to protect Mr. Thaw In every possible way. He moved from his accustomed place at Thaw' coun sel table to a chair, within th rail where th district attorney alts and directly In front of Justice Fltsgerald. Mr. Jerome Informed Mr. Delmaa that It was not oourtesy In New York to Interrupt n attorney when he wa stating an ob jection. Mr. Delma later wa objecting to a question put by the prosecutor when Mr. Jerome Interrupted. Mr. Delma turned and .with great sarcasm remarked: "I have been told It I not courtesy In New York to Interrupt when an objection I being stated." Mr. Jerome cat down. Mr. Thaw' cross-examination promises a duel between th two attorney, a well a between Mr. Jerome and the wife of the defendant. Thaw seemed to be In a cheerful frame of mind today, especially when Mr. Delma wa Insisting that the oroBs-examlnatlon of hi wife should pro ceed. The young man grew more sober faced after Mr. Jerome had begun to ply his question In a way that Indicated a relentless search Into Mra. Thaw' past. Mr. Jerome did not even forget th Inci dent of th cat and th conductor who wanted to put It off th train. Mr. Thaw had testified that sh told her husband of this Incident in her early life. Mr. Jerome also remembered that Mr. Thaw had told of eating chocolate eclair at her first dinner with Stanford White. "It wa not dinner," pouted th witness, "It waa supper." Other Victims sf White. In completing her direct testimony Mr. Thaw had. told of the conversations shs and her husband had had regarding the fate of other young women at the hands of Stanford White. One of thee girl wa known aa "The PI Girl." Sh wa U year old and wore only a gause drees when she sprang from a big pie at a stag dinner. The witneaa declared that Hay MacKenxl had told her that Stanford White, when told h and Harry wer very happy together, had remarked! "Pooh, it won't lat. I will get her back." Harry Thaw letter to Anthony Comstock describing three house where he declared White and "other scoundrels" lured girl waa read. Among the place described waa th house In West Twenty-fourth street where the velvet swing, and the mirrored bedroom were located. Mrs. Thaw identified forty-two letters which she said were In th handwriting of Btanford White. They wer not offered In evidence, but Mr. Delmaa will attempt to get them Into the case. , Mrs.. Cslse'e Testimony. Mrs. Calne, th only , other witnesa of the day, testified to overhearing; Harry Thaw ask ,Mrs. Nesbit for her daughter's hand In 103. She declared Thaw appeared angry whenevor he saw Whit. "A a man In the face of his enemy might appear!" sug gested Mr. Jerome on cross examination. "Yea," replied the witneaa Mr. Delmaa asked If she did not mean that Thaw's conduct In the presence of White waa "Irrational." Sh said she did. To Mr. Jerome she again said he appeared angry. Mr. Jerome brought out many statements from Mrs. Cain with regard to Harry Thaw and Evelyn Nesbit. Among these was the fact that Mrs. Nesbit had not accompanied her daughter and Harry Thaw to Europe in 1904, tha second trip abroad. He also got from Mrs. Cain the fact that Evelyn Neblt told her the oper ation which ha figured ao frequently in the can waa for eppendlcltla. Mrs. Cain declared Thaw had told Mr. Nesbit he would provide for her and her son always If she would consent to her daughter' mar riage to him. Mr. Nesbit promised to do her best to hsv Evelyn consent. NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY (assist asd Carton Featares of Life la a, Rapidly Orewlag tat. Sign of Spring at Hastings M. A. Hartl gan has sharpened up hla lawn mower, for his lawn Is beginning to loom up green. Hastings Republican. Her Favorite Drama A Norfolk girl gives It aa her opinion that "When Midnight Waa in Flower" waa the beat show seen her this season. Norfolk News. Th North Dakota man who want to Nebraska City and unearthed a pot of gold burled by hi father should learn a lesson from the Incident and stay In tha state where that waa accumulated. The first steamboat wreck of th year on th Missouri Is reported from Nebraska City, where William Hayward lost hi launch by floating lc. The liver Is proving; Itself navlgabl by th. wrong method. Forty-seven head of cattle killed by 1 "cornstalk disease" In on weak la th rec-l . . . " . . ord at Amherst Government expert might! And a field of activity In thla direction j fnnrtf. nmnnritlvt than rh. ,Antat Hlih th boll weevil. What th Weather Raised Even th tel. phone men have their trouble. Mr. Barsby had his share last week, when the weather was bad and th wires got eroased and raised thunder or ven worse. Geneva Gaiette. York county la beginning to look around for candidate for county office to be elected thla fall, but a a republican nom. Inatlori In that county assures election, the voters are warranted In making tha cam paign before the tlcketa are formed. It la suggested that before the United States Axes the location for a fish hatchery in neDraaaa its representatives examine th qualities of th Grade, a river In Cus- tr county. Thl stream I said to b th clearest In th state and the principal ob jection that could be urged against It Is that fish raised there will refuse to 11 v In nvers not so pur. -Keeping Within Bounds-Dr. John ttpyaer ana kv. Mr. Bus, pastor of th Methodist and Congregational flock of thla city, have seen preached a maamtfloent sermon. Ilia former on Lincoln and the lat ter on the rac question sine th Thaw trial. Wa congratulate the dlvlnltle upon their disregard for th yellow.-rremoat Haraid. JAPANESE ARE DISSATISFIED Amendment to Immigration Bill is H ct Liked by OrUnte.1 Wander i. Lt ADERS SAY TKIY MUST BE RESIGNED Hop Expressed that Aaaerloaa Aathsrltles Will Itedaes sf Interest sf Japaase t a Mlalaasm. TOKIO. Feb. II. (Afternoon.) Th official text of the amendment of th government blil ha been published. As expected lt ha created the strongest dissatisfaction among th Interested parties, although the movements of procedure have not yet as sumed a definite shape. The Japanese residents of the Hawiian Islands have tele graphed President Roosevelt and tha Hawaiian representatives In the house re. porting the seriousness of the Injury which will be caused to their rights' and Interest by this legislation. Th leader of splnlon heri are aware, however, that under th circumstance that th only alternative Is to calmly resign themselves to the situation hoping that the government can arrange with tha American authorities to reduce the sacrifice In th Interest of Ja partes Immigrants to a minimum. They regret tha new Ihw lest the San Francisco people, glorying In their success, hould assume an overbearing attitude. New of this kind would only tend to Injur Japanese susceptibilities, which President Roosevelt ha specially been careful to avoid. Protest from Hooolnla. HONOLULU. Feb 19. At a mass meeting of Japanese held last night th following cablegram waa ordered sent to President Roosevelt: The Hawaiian Japanese respectfully pro test in the name of humanity and civlllaa tlon and also In the name of liberty against the prohibition of their emigration to the United States, lt enslaves us per manently to Hawaiian capitalists. Th meeting also cabled to Japanese for eign offlo a follow: Th Hawaiian Japanese are unanimous In firm opposition to the action of the American congress In prohibiting them from emigrating to America, which Is In compatible with the empire's dignity and ruinous to Japanese interests in Hawaii. Knergetlo opposition Is requested. , 'Frisco Japs Pleased. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Feb. 1.-The term of the agreement between the fed eral authorities and tha Schmlta party at Washington la acceptable to the Japanese of this city, according to a statement la med today by U. Oyama, secretary of the Japanese consulate, aa follows: ."We have received no official Information regarding the matter, but If the newspaper reports are correct I am sure tha Japanese people aa a whole will be pleased with the terms. Wa have every confidence in President Roosevelt In this matter. We have insisted that the Japanese, a a people,' shall not be discriminated against, and I belive that thla is secured by th agreement reached In Washington." , PRESS GOES AFTER MADDEN (Continued from First Pag.) man, and while the editor doe not a a rule attain a competency, we occasslonally And one who has a bank account. Some times an editor 1 even the owner of a bank. However, It I a fact that must be admitted that these latter Instance are rare Indeed. Paper Stand for Hoaesty, The newspaper publisher are to be con gratulated, too, because their papers to day are the exponent of th honest con viction Of th editor rather than the or gan of com political party or politician. Twenty year ago, or even ten years ago, If It had been announced by the railroads that the custom of exchanging transporta tion ifor advertising space would be discon tinued hundreds of newspaper men would have thrown several kinds of tits. Today that announcement ha been mad and not a publisher has shed a tear, while generally it naa Deen received wun a great aeai oi satisfaction. The fact Is,- the editor of to day la as able to pay his fare when ha travels aa la the man engaged in some other business 1 have known .personally of several Instances where the possession of an annual pass has been the' ruination of publisher. While the little pasteboard In their pocket that would carry them any where at any time they have been too prone to step aboard the varnished cars and occupy the plush-cushloned seats to the city, giving little thought to th fact that th other xpene of the trip would be much more than the Income of their printing establishments during the time of their absence, and as little thought to the way their business would sutler for want of their personal attention during th Interim. Newspaper advertising space Is a val uable asset, the same as the goods on the shelf of the merchant, and I believe the time Is not far distant when every publisher will realise that he 1 injuring his own buslnass by making Ash of on person and flesh of another. Several year ago I cam to this conclusion and I de termined to make a flat rate to all comers the patent medicine or foreign adver tiser and the local bualneaa man a well, and I have never regretted that I made the resolution. Of course I could not bring the price of local advertising dpwn to th level of that of the patent medi cine fellow, because if I did I could not live at all; so th only thing to do to carry out my resolution waa to bring the price for patent medicine advertising up to that which I charged my hpme merchant. There could be only one re sult the patent medicine advertiser ('-'-'''I the runner from his list, but I gained the plaudit of my local adver i.krr. wlm WHrA not lona In maklnr Lhe discovery that all patrons of the Clipper I were being treated alike, and the result waa an Increased home demand for my space, which has continued ever since. It I a matter of congratulation, also, that there are fewer newspaper men and printers In the prisons of the land than of any other profession. Only the other day I read that the official publication of the Ohio state prison had to discon tinue publication because there were no printers to run lt. The same article stated that there were bankers enough there to run a doien banks, while all the other professions were well re pre- Tnonclu.lon I wish to st.t. that It I. my desire that the sessions of this meet- Ing will be fraught with much benefit 12 ,h" nmbr t the i association' and to th fraternity generally. I also desire to thank the association for tha honor conferred upon me In electing me to this office and to express my hearty apprecla- iiun ui mo mnwiy niunmr wiin wun 11 i have been treated by the members of the executive committee and the officer of th association. Mra. Rickey's Aaanal Poem. Mr. Isabel Rlchey of The Twentieth Century Farmer read the annual poem. which sh delivered In an effective manner. Mra. Rlchey waa th recipient of hearty applause at th conclusion of her verse. Th poem follow; Whoever take upon him to Indite HI thought and precept on th parch ment wnu Assumes a mighty duty. Let htm heed Who write th wisdom which the world ahall read. Th careless word that drops from off ths Hp. Tho' fraught with 111. Into th air may slip. Contaminating only him who hear, Forgotten, maybe. In the circling year. But be, who write lt with hi facile pen May never bring It back to him again. May never know that thoughtless creature fall Because ha championed evil all too welL Men need uplifting, and the highest test Of excellence is this: To do one's best. To lay aside the pains that pierce the soul. And point them onward, upward to the goal. To lay all bitterness and envy by. And teach men how to live and how to die. To turn the other cheek and bear th blow, Becaus the world know lea than thou dost know; T ar the leader, let your lip be dumb To utter Idle words Th time ha com To teach th ehlldrsa by th printed page That crime Is not th pabulum or age. On. And a corner oa the anowy sheet To tell tha story that is pur and sweat. And lea of paltry wealth and vice and greed. Y r th teacher, ye must tint forget Your high position, tho' the pupils fret And beg a constant holiday; they'll know After the term Is ended why 'twas o. I know your burdens, brother, and I know Your opportunities; I bid you grow. This Is th thought that I would offer you: Take hither levels and be true, be true. Speak not for evil, for your Words shall roll And echo till the final trump shall sound Beyond the far horlsun's utmost hound. It may bring death unto some struggling soul, Just as the arrow loosed heynnd control Of bow and string, no nearer thing may wound. Put passing onward to some lower ground May And some creature's vitals at Its goal. Let all your effort be to cheer the weak. To point the erring to a better way. To plant love flower upon life' pathway bleak. Help lift some heavy burden every day. Then shall the Mauler any nt set of aun, "Oh, faithful servant, enter In. well done." Gray Hernia of the York Republican fol lowed Mrs. Rlchey with a responsive poem. Secretary oa Salary. Secretary Maupln suggested that th as sociation engage a secretary at a stated salary, the Incumbent to give part of hla time iO the work of sending out helpful Information to member and to promote an interchange of Information. Mr. Maupln's suggestion was well taken. The chair ap pointed A. W. Ladd of Albion, Lew ruber of Benson and C. E. Nevln ef Laurel as a committee to present some-plan at today meeting. , Chairman Varner appointed the following on the committee on resolutions: J. M. Cotton, Alns worth; J. R. Sutherland, Te- kamah; C. A. Ready, Hayes Center. Hnndrrd and Twenty-lire. There wer about 126 of y editors and wive on hand yesterday, with more ex pected. Those registering with Secretary Maupln up to last night were: Oliver T. Hall, Humboldt Standard; W 8. Baker, Valentine Republican: B. K Schaefler, Curtis Knterprise; Miss Chattle Wleman, Btronisuurg Headlight; H. M. Davis, Ord Journal; M. H. Sydenham, Kearney Star of Empire; Miss Annie Vlo Gales, Auburn Granger; J. H. Lehman, tiioomneiu uermama; M. M. Warner, Lyons Mirror; James H. Riggs, Waterloo Gazette; 8. E. Cobb, Kmerson Enternrlse; Ralph K. Hill, Hardy Herald; R. A. St. John, Gibbon Reporter; H. L. Peck, Randolph Times; Mrs. J. M. Devine, Leigh; E. P. Moon, Scott's Bluff Herald; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Purcell, Broken Bow Chief; F. P. Compton. Greely Cltlsen; A. L. Gale, Lincoln Star; J. R. Sutherland, Tekamah Herald: O. W. Dewald, Trenton Register; H. L. Scoggln, Bridgeport Newa; S. J. Potter. Omaha: Edgar Howard, Columbus Telegram; Will S. Joy, Lincoln Journal: L. A. Varner, Sterling Sun; Will M. Maupln, Commoner; C. E. Wagner. Creaton Statesman; John W. Cotton, Alnsworth Star-Journal ; J. H. Rlckel, Juniata Herald; C. A. Miller, New man Grove Reporter; C. E. Byar, Valley Enterprise; E. A. Walrath, Osceola Demo crat; D. J. Poynter, Albion Argus; Mr. and Mra. C. E. Nevln, Laurel Advocate; R. B. and C. B. Wahlquiat, Hastings Democrat; J. W. Tamplln, Tekamah Journal; Mra. Isabel Rlchey, Lincoln; F. O. Edgecomb, Nebraska Farmer; Mrs. F. O. Edgecomb, Geneva Signal; G. E. Mask. Mitchell In dex: T. M. Johnson, Chappell Register; A. B. Wood, Gerlng Courier; P. C. Erlckson, Brewster News; H. G. Taylor, Central City Nonpareil; A. F. Buechler, Grand Inland Independent; A. V. Shaffer, Alma Record; W. O. Todd. Lincoln Legal News; C. A. Patterson, American Press association; H. H. Fiah. C. E. Sellec. E. W. Judson and G. E. Worthy, Western Newspaper union i H. C. Richmond, Fremont Herald; F. A. Kennedy, Western Laborer: Gray Bemle, York Republican; E. L. Tiffany, Kennard Enterprise: W. T. March, Ceresco Courier) A. L. Blxby, Lincoln Journal; Rose Huds peth, Stuart Ledger. Few Odd Honrs. After yesterdsy's session the editors and wives were Invited to vlsft the Llnlnger art gallery. In tha evening the association member and families were the guest of The Bee at the Burwood, where the Bur wood Stock company presented "The Climb er.", Many of th visitor visited The Be building during the day. The association will meet at 9 o'clock thla morning. Today' program will be: WEDNESDAY MORNING. 10. ... Paper, '.'Maddenerlsm Run Mad," Ed A. Fry. Fry' Wonder Magaxin. Discussion. Paper, "Proposed Postal Law Changes," P. O. Edgecomb, Nebraska Farmer. Dis cussion. Address, ' "City Dally and Country Weekly," A. L. Gale, Lincoln Dally Star. Report of standing committees. Business session and election of officers. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. 2. Paper, "Twenty-seven Years in On Of fice,' A. W. Ladd, Albion New. Paper, "A Woman Editor's Experience," Miss Resa Hudspeth, Stuart Ledger. Address, "Rullroad Advertising The Rail road View," A. Darlow, manager advertis ing department. Union Pacific railway. Reports of special committees. Theater Party In Evening;. The Nebraska Press association was ten dered a theater party Tuesday evening at the Burwood as guests of The Omaha Bee. About 126 of the visiting editor and writers with their wive and daughter attended the performance,' seats being re served for them In the parquet Colonel T. W. McCullough and William H. Hunter of The Bee editorial staff' constituted the special reception committee for the visitor on behalf of The Be and saw that the guests were accorded th proper courtesies. Each guest was presented with a souvenir program specially designed for the occa sion. The frontispiece wa a handsome halftone portrait of the late Edward Rose water, editor and founder of The Bee 1871 180S. The following page embraced a di rectory of the editorial, reportorlal, staff correspondent, counting room force and mechanical force of The Bee, and of The Twentieth Century Farmer. Then followed a list of the official of th Nebraska Press association. The remainder of the program embraced the regular program of the even ing, the production being "The Climber," by Clyde Fitch, produced under the direc tion of David M. Hartford, with cast of characters, synopsis of the four act of the play, musical program and the name of th Woodward Stock company and the Official force of the Burwood theater and officers of the Woodward tt Burgess Amusement company. A OLD GRAY COW CALLED SPECK Poa Blxby Thn Make HI Triumphs! Entry Into Omaha. The editor having decided, by the aid of certain railroad officials, not to ride on passes, cams otherwise. Not many walked and only a few rode horseback, Henry Richmond, being mounted on a mule. Doc Blxby of the Lincoln Journal crossed the city limits Una precisely at daybreak on an "old gray cow called Speck,'' so the sentinel report. It waa on of the herd that roamed the capital meadow back In th pop day. 'I never thought that In th evening of life I would have to separate myself from money or ride a cow, but I intend to make the most of It Coming up last night from IJncoln I had CO worth of fun," Colonel Blxby said. Miss Rosa Hudspeth, publisher of tbe Stuart Ledger, la In attendance. Sh la tha young woman who stirred up th bachelor In the little Holt county town and then brought a boycott down on her head. But despite her troubles with th men sh managed to tuck away two quarter section of land and 1 "doing nicely, thank you." Sh said: "When I reached Stuart 1 found that single men wer occupying every poaltlon of any importance in the town, ao I just called Teddy over the long distance, and Teddy told me to sail Into th single' chap. I sailed In, had a hard fight, and have held my own thu far." "What? Disappointed in love? Now run along and aell your papers I also want to deny that report that I cam to Omaha to find a nice young man to help manage my paper and two quarter sections at Stuart" Edgar Howard of th Cblumbu Telegram la the moat handsome man at th meeting. Annl Vlo Gat of th Auburn Herald Is oa of th prominent women In at tendance. Sh has th distinction of bav ins written up "tb man fuia." to bar likioa; and then went and married one of the men folk not Jona ax. Mra. Oatea write 'Gllmpe of Human Natur." Mrs. Isabel Riehey, the "poet," I la a "talented" woman with th throng. Sh will deliver the annual poem. John W. Cotton, managing editor of tha Alnsworth Star-Journal, reports that last week two quarter sections of land wer old four mile from Alnsworth for $40 per acre. Mr. Cotton worked on th Omaha Herald under Dr. Miller" regime. Lee Haney, advertising agent for th Colorado Midland railway, I calling on th Nebraska editors (Continued from First Page.) none. The Presbyterians here provided for mis convention on raitn and rental of this hall before it was known a member would come. No church In Omaha can commence to hold the audience here tonlsht. runnlna Into thousands. We give you a moat cordial welcome. This convention is unique. When have we read In the history of a church of a convention like this; a body of men ooming irom an over the country to dls cuss one thing, the distinct resDonslbilttv ot the l'reshytorlan men to missions? We are to rocus the light here, lt Is not fit for us to fall to recognise the other arreat work in our church, but we are here for Inspiration. These men are representative in many wains of life; we nave men who have won their spurs on foreign missionary Aelds. This Is a convention of leaders, the war council of the church. This convitlon IB til UUU. God does not Intend the nation shall stick within Its own borders. God Is laying upon us a test tor the American men; a test that will call for a motive big enough to compass this great world of ours. Thl convention has existed many week before tonight in the minds or worker. In response to the greeflng, Rev. Ira Landrith, D. D., said: In behalf of these men I thank Brother Jenks for his generous welcome. Omaha is a wonderful town, and one feels at home as soon as he lands at the station. While l thank you cordially,. 1 congratulate you on being the birthplace of a movement which will be mighty. You Invited here representatives from fifteen synods, and mote are here. 1( have two distinct Impression of the genesis ana motive or this Initial conven tion: first, it was needed, and second, thl Is the time for It. The evangelization of the worm in this generation Is both the privi lege and duty of the church. It I a magnincently masculine enterprise, a tre mendous task which would be ungallant to unaertaae Dy leminine proxy. All honor to the missionary schoolmistresses abroad and for the women's missionary societies, who nave talked to us and prayed and prayed for us; they know the world must become acquainted with Christ. It is essentially a man Job. In the light of growing convlctkin that the evangelisation of the world I an early possibility and therefore our Immediate re sponsibility, how could thla convention be more opportune. verily, this convention must have been of God's own appointment. xnr. Tea u. iiuiis sang "Remember Now Thy Creator." Rev. A. W. Halsey, D. D., president of the Presbyterian Foreign Missionary board. In speaking on "Foreign Missions: A Great Force," said: There are 3.000 Protestant missionaries In church. Men are beginning to recognise world thoughts. Foreign rulers are now flvlng vast sums to your missions In the orelgn fields. These give us the theme-a great world force. It Is no mean work which sends S21.fl00.000 across the water each year, and this was done last year. There were 18.000 missionaries and 89,000 helpers engaged In Christian missionary work. Is it not a world force? We ask men of wealth In the Presby terian church to visit mission fields and see the great good which Is being done. How can the mayor of San Francisco stand for the equality of man when he goes to Washington to keep the Japanese out of thla country because of their colorf We are learning through missionaries what men are. We have never found a Chinaman or a Bushman who could not be touched by the gospel. I have seen the lowest nations of this earth sing and ray, ana. Know tney can De transformed v a band of men with the nower of find In their hearts. .Missionaries' have been sowing seeds which have been growing freat fruit among the nations of the world, n India ten different Christian bodies have Joined together to form one Presbyterian church. Mr. Halsey detailed many of the wonder ful deeds which were performed by the missionaries In foreign lands, adding: We are going to nlant something In Corea. Japan, China and India which will grow and be a great blessing to this coun try In years to come. Japanese evangelist are living among the head hunters and spreading the work of God He tojd of a remarkable experience of a Japanese, and said: "Think of excluding such a man from this country and per mitting the mayor of San Franclsc to remain here." He told of a missionary who baptised the son of the man who had murdered hla father and drew lessons from the circum stance. , "Mr. Chairman, Dr. Hunter Corbett 0& other citizens of thla planet," wa the be ginning of William Edgar Gell stiffing ad dress on "Canibals Before and After." Forty year ago you could buy a fat Juicy man for fl. Think of It, ladle. You could roast him or boll him or serve him In any manner you choose, but today you cannot buy a little, shrivelled, dried up man for $1(10.000. How did this come about? By the spreading of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ amongst these man-eating peo ple. Home time ago I dined with tho daughter of the laat king of the Can thai Islo and asked her If she remembered th dying words of her old father? She re plied that he said "Lord Jesus, catoh my spirit." I am not a missionary, but only a lay man, but I have made It a point to look Into these things In the foreign lands and know from my observation. I know that where cannibals existed the churches are counted by the hundreds. A while ago the Scientific American de voted a page to religious new. Men of science are beginning to take notice of re ligion. The thought that th people of dark skin win not give or their means tor the education of their children la all a mis take. In Samoa a school for girls was built In one year, costing $10,000 with money raised among the natives I have spent five years In studying the people of this planet and have found the people of this country have the worst complexion and are proud of It The Chinese .have a color to be proud or a ricn yellow, we are not white nor yellow, but simply a pale pink. Now Is the time to pay and pray and give your time and talents for foreign missions for this Is the time of a great awakening and you will be prnund of any small part you might have played In bringing about the evangelization of man. This resolution wa Introduced by Rv. G. W. Comer, D. D., of Osceola, Neb., and passed without debate: To the President of the United States sen ate. Washington 1). C. : The Presbyterian Inter-Synodlcal Forelirn Missionary conven Omaha, Neb., February 19. 1907. represent ing fifteen synods, with one hundred elected delegates from each synod, and one nun-, dred from the church at larte. unanimously adopted the following resolution, with th request that It .he read In the senate of the United Statea before vote on cas of Reed Smoot la taken. Fully understanding the present teaeh Intrs and practice of the Mormon organ ization, which in no wise differs from their past teachinga and practice., we most ear nestly request the aenate of th United States to exclude Reed Smoot. sn apostle of the Mormon organisation, from the sen ate of the I'nited States We make this appeal In the Interest of morality, the American home and American citizenship. Furthermore, we expect all senator to stand for a high standard of morals and against the polygsmlst reirlme of the Mor mon hierarchy, which Smoot Is In th sen ate to represent, and to stand for his ex clusion by their votes when his case Is voted on. OLD LANDMARK HAS PASSED AWAY Wyasalaar Hoaae of 'Tl Object ( Search by Oa Drlearats. "Where is the Wyoming house at which I atopped the last time I was In OmahaT" This I the question asked by Rev. R. Arthur of Stockton. Kan., when he ar rived In Omaha Tuesday to attend the convention for the men of the Presbyterian church. Tbe average passerby on th street could not tell where the Wyoming house was, for the last Rev. Mr. Arthur had heard of that pioneer house was In 171, when b passed through Omaha with I Girlhood to 4 Lydla E. Pinkhams ELLEN M. OLSON The responsibility for a daughter's future largely rests with the mother. The' right Lnfluenc and the infor mation which is of vital interest to the daughter imparted at the proper time has not only saved the life but Insured the success of many a beau v tiful flrl. When a ffirl's thoughts become sluggish, with headache, dizziness or a disposition to sleep, pains in back or lower limbs, eyes dim, desire for solitude; when ane is a mystery to herself and friends, her mother should come to her aid, and remem ber that Lydla B. Plnkbara'a Vsre table Compound, made from native roots and herbs, will at this time .prepare the system for the coming change, and start this trying' period in a young girl's life without pain or irregularities. It has been thus depended upon for two generations. Hundreds of letters from young tjirls and their mothers, expressing gratitude for what Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has done for them, are constantly being re ceived. Mins Ellen M. Olson, of 417 N. East Bt., Eewanee, 111. writes: Dear Mrs. Pink ham: "I have had tha best doctor in our town for my sickness and they all thought that an operation waa necessary. I had headache, No other remedy has such a record of actual cures of female ills. Thousands of women residing in every part of the United States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and what it has done for them. Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; a Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills. hi wife on hla way to th foreign mls- alonary field In Slam. "I remember It waa a frame structure." aid Rev. Mr. Arthur, ."and for thoe days It was pretty good, though the prices were very high. We remained In Omaha only over night, stopping here merely for the rest lt gave us. The trip from Chicago to Omaha on the Rock Island took more than twenty-four hour In those days." Rev. Mr. Arthur left for the foreign field just after hla ordination to the ministry. The climate did not agree with hla wife's health and he was compelled to return. H subsequently spent ten years In the ministry In Pennsylvania and ha been a home missionary In Kansas twenty-three years. PROGRAM OK THE CONVENTION All tha Exercise, Their Place and Hoar with Leaders. Following la th complete program of th remainder of th convention: WEDNESDAY MORNING, 8:46. Obligation. "Wo ar Hla witnesses of these thing." Chairman, - Ex-Oovernor James A. Heaver. Judae ot the suoerlor court of Pennsylvania, acting president of in Pennsylvania mat college. (Uovernor Beaver could not attend.) 8:4b uevollonal. The Bible Basis of For eign Missions," Rev. Perry V. Jenness, pastor first Presbyterian church, Klrk wood. Mo. 8:80 "Visions of the Forelan Field." Rev. Hunter Corbett, D. D., China; Rev. 8. A. Moffett, D. D., Corea; Rev. 8. M. Jordan, I). D., Persia. Hymn, "O, Zlon, Haste," 10:46 "The Distinct Foreign Mission Re sponsibility of th Presbyterian Church," Robert K. Speer, senior secretary f the Hoard of Foreign Missions, Presbyterian church. 11 :46 Quartet, "Oo Te Into AH the World." 11:60 Facing responsibility. In prayer, 'Lord, what wilt thou have me do?" lj :O0 Benediction, Wev. John H. uoya, D. D., pastor First Presbyterian church Evanston. 111., and chairman forelirn mis sionary committee. Chicago presbytery. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. 1:00. Motive. "For th dov of ChrUt con- tralneth me." 2:00 Devotional. Rev. U. F. HuDnara. u D., pastor Andrew's Presbyterian chuch, Minneapolis, and chairman foreign mis sionary committee, Minneapolis presbytery. "Christ's Appeal to Men for tbe World, Robert E. Speer. o:0o "The Inspiration of Information," T. H. P. Sailer, Ph. D., educational secre tary, Presbyterian Board ot Foreign Mis sions. , 8 : Missionary Conferences Mission study class. Auditorium. leader. Prof T. U. P. Sailer. Ph. D.: chairman. J. Dickey Templeton, Illoomlngton, 111. Conference with theological students, Omaha Theological aemlnary. Twenty-second and Lathrop. Leader, Secretary A. W. Halsey, D. U. i chairman, rroi. in. t. Lowrle, D. D., Omaha Theological seminary. Conference with missionaries: China, First Presbyterian church. Seven teenth and Dode; Pastor, Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, D. D.i missionaries. Rev. Hunter Corbett. D. D., Rev. J. Ashley Fitch; chairman. President D. R. Kerr, Ph. D., D. D., Westminster college, Ful ton. Mo. Corea, Knox Presbyterian church. Nine teenth and Ohio; pastor, Rev. M. V. Hlg hse: missionary. Rev. S. A. Moffett, D. D. ; chairman. Rev. Carey F. Moore, Fulton, t.nsn Clifton Hill Presbyterian church. Grant and Forty-second; pastor. Rev. Rich ard L. Purdy; missionary, nev. james a. Ayers; chairman, Rev. J. M. Leonard, Os aawatomte. Kan. India, Westminster Presbyterian church. Twenty-ninth and Mason; missionary, Hev. HJ. M. Wherry, D. D. ; subject, "What Should Immediately Be Done for IndlaT"; chairman, Rev. Oeorg H. Slmonaon. Pueblo, Colo. Slam and Laos, Low Avenue Presbyte rian church. Low avenue and Lafayette; For tho Home AT or Business Circle. I Underberg ft-fen Bitters wMOAaLr The Famous Tonic and Cordial Jj I'fJTA:'- if ...... a AtaU deaUrt. It i rss J vJ . LUYTIE8 BROTHER8, !'0 " fe k 0ral Aisnta, fjf Womanhood Vegetable Compound CLARA E. DARMSTADT ER sldeache, and my feet wer so aore I could hardly stand I took two bottles of I.ydia K, llnkhamv Vegetable Compound whtNj my period wer established and now I am perfectly welL Mama says she wont be without your medicine In the house. I have told one girl what Lydia E. l'lnkham Vegetable Compound hn done for me and aha is taking lt now." Miss Clara E. Darmstadter, of 4.1S Breckenrldge St. liuffalo.N.Y., writes: ttoar Mrs. Plnkhara : "For about a year, except during the past few months, I suffered with severe pains every month, with backaches and beaJachiw. . I had tbe bluea so bad that I waa in despair. It I a pleasure to tell you that Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has cured me. The change in my appearance Is won derful and I d os Ire that this good may come ' to every sufferer. Any one desiring to know further details may write to me and I shall be glad to give thorn." If you know of any young girl who Is sick and needs motherly advice, ask her to address Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn, Mass., and tell her every detail of her symptoms, and to keep nothing back. She will receive advice abso lutely free, from a source that has no rival in the experience of woman's -ills, and it will, if followed, put her on the right road to a strong, healthy and happy womanhood. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots . and herbs cures where others fall. pastor. Rev. A. 8. C. Clarke, D. D., chair man, Rev. J. Archie McKco, Detroit, Mich. Persia, Caatellar Presbyterian' church, Sixteenth and Caatellar; pastor, 'Rev. Wal ter K. Reynolds, I). IX; missionary, Hevi S. M. Jordun. D. D.; chairman. Rev. S. S. Hllscher. D. D. Syria, Third Presbyterian church. Twen tieth and Leavenworth; pastor. Rev. Joseph B. Cherry, Ph. D.; missionary. Rev. F. H. Hoskins, D. D. ; chairman. Rev. J. H. Oausa. D. D., St. I-ouls. Mo. Africa. Dundee Presbyterian church, Dun dee; pastor, Hev. Thomas E. Hunter, D. D. ; missionaries, Rev. W. S. Cunningham, 11. L. Weber, D. D. ; chairman. Rev. George M. Colvllle, 'Racine. Wis. Philippines, Second Presbyterian church. Twenty-fourth and Isard; pastor, Rev. N. H. Burdlck; missionary. Dr. J. A. Hall; chairman, Rev. D. O. Monfort, Pueblo, Colo. South America and Mexico, Benson Pres byterian church, Benson; pastor. Rev. Jesse C. Wilson; chairman, Rev. George C. Lennlngton. Chinese and Japanese In America, church of the Covenant, Twenty-eighth and PrattJ pastor, ' Rev. Richard ',T. Bell; chairman. Rev. J. H. Laughlln. V. D., Oakland, Cal. : Benediction, Hev. F. W. Lewis, pastor First Presbyterlsn church, Saginaw, Mich., and chairman synodical foreign missionary committee These conferences are scattered over the entire city for th purpose of giving each section and church the privilege and profit of some one of them, also for the purpose or giving the delegate an opportunity to scatter themselve over the city and mingle with the churches, selecting such con ferences as they may desire. Each delegate should select one. Ample time is given to get to the several churches, but promptness should be exercised. WEDNESDAY EVENING, 7:30. Might. "All power Is given unto me." Chairman, J. M. Patterson, St. Louis. Mo., secretary Board of Missions, Cumberland Presbyterian church. 7 : Devotional, "All Power," Rev. Mur dock McLeod, D. D., pastor Central Pres byterian church, Des Moines, la., and fur-, elgn missionary chairman, Des Moines presbytery. Anthem, male chorus. 8:00 Address. "What the Men of 'ne 'hurch Are Dolnp." J Campbell White, 'eld secretary of The I'nited Presbyterian hurch and secretary of the laymen fori ign movement. Hymn, "Stand tTp, Stand T'p for Jesus." 8:30 Address, "Men of Might In Mis sions," Rev. R. F. Coyle. D. D., pastor Central Presbyterian church, Denver, Colo., and ex-moderator of the general assembly. Hymn, "Onward, Christian Soldier." Benediction, Rev. J. W. LaiiKhlin, D. D., pastor First Presbyterian church, Janes, vllle. Wis., and synodical chairman foreign missionary committee. Chicago to New York In IN Honrs. "The Pennsylvania Special" of the Penn sylvania Short Line runs from Chicago to New York (912 miles) in 18 hours. It leaves Chicago every day at 2:46 p. m., arriving at New York next morning at 9:45. Returning lt leaves New York every day at 3:66 p. m., arriving at Chicago next morning at 8:06. Tbe business man's opportunity. Today In Chicago, tomorrow In New York. Th next morning back In Chicago. "The Pennsylvania Special," eighteen hour train between Chicago and New York. I equipped with vestlbuled and electric lighted, library-smoking, dining, sleeping and compartment-observation cars. Address W. H. Rowland, T. P. Agt.. U. S. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Iluslne Men Visit Panama. CINCINNATI, Feb. 1 Members ot th -n.n.norixal rluhs of ChlcuKo. St. Ixuis and Ctnclnnate left here on a special train over the Cincinnati Southern railway route for Charleston, 8. C, where they will b-jard th steamer Prtns Joachim for Panama. Yesterday the steamer' left for New York with th Boston Commercial club and th tourists will vlxlt rarloua West Indian port reaching Colon March 1. Talk t tiw wiai