Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone Douglas 618 reaches all departments. Bee. Feb. 19, 1907
Special Demonstration
Redfern Corsets
They are the highest expression of corset designing and making. We
select them as fitting foundations for the season's cloak and suit styles. Miss
Adelaide MsCauley, a demonstrator of note, from New York, Is here for the
express purpose of explaining the merits of Redfern styles to you and your
friends. We hare concluded that there Is no better way we can serve our
customers from the view point of style, as well as the point of comfort.
It Is not oht purpose or the purpose of Miss McCauley to urge you to
purchase, but to acquaint you with the proper model and mode of adjustment
for producing the best possible outlines from your form. Our aim Is to hare
the way full early before your corsot need.
Miss McCauley will be at our store every day for a short period.
Fittings free. Second floor.
First Showing of Pretty New
Silks, Spring 1907.
All eyea arc now turned on the pretty
new silks. Silks that are decidedly new, a
variety of the newest fashionable effects
for the new Spring gown. It la Impossible
to describe In detail the many pretty
weaves. The Silk Department extends a
broad Invitation to come, look them over,
bring your friends. It will certainly help
the planning- of the Spring gown.
NOTE The New Spring Dress Goods are
them. '
Howard, Cop. 10th.
the courts. lie urged this as a reason for
going slow.
The debate had lasted until IS o'clock and
when Chainnnn Saunders was about to put
Mclvrsson's motion to postpone McKesson
withdrew It. The original motion to en
gross the bill for paseajre was then put and
carried with no negative votes.
. An soon as the senate met In the after
noon the Sackett bill was reported on by
the committee on enrolled and engrofsod
bills and on motion of Aldrleh the senate
p.ed to the hend of third reading. The
bill whs then read and passed without de
bate. The entire operation In the after
noon required less than five mlnutps and
by the time the house was In running order
for the afternoon session the bill had been
reported to Jt for concurrence.
Double Shift for Firemen,
The house passed the Leeder double-shift
firemen bill, which provide the fire de
partment shall consist of two platoons in
stead of one. It is almost a certainty that
the bill will go through the senate and will
become a taw. Leeder has been generously
congratulated on the passage of the bill
because of tie appearance of the Commer
cial club down here to knock on It. Inas
much as the Commercial club executive
committee went on record agninst the i
cent rate bill. It Is believed that body now
has less Influence on the legislature than
It ever did have. Those who votd ngalnst
the leder bill were Dodge of Douglas,
Balrd, Do ran, Kuhl, Metzger, Pilger,
Smith and Stelnauer,
The house endorsed Governor Sheldon's
position on the question of the taxation of
mortgages this afternoon by passing H.
R. 75, by Davis of Cuss, which contains
the provisions advocated before the first
legislature by the then Senator Shaldea
and alo mentioned in Ms massage.
Anti-Pass BUI Sent to Committee for
(From a StafT Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 19. (Sped U.) On motion
of Hart of Tork the house will hold a night
session beginning at 7:W tomorrow night,
to consider bills on general file. The house
recommended for passage, practically with
out debate, the Joint committee flat 2-cent
rate bill. The anti-pans bill was debated
most of the afternoon and was finally,
after being recommended for passage with
three or four amendments, recommitted to
the railroad committee, which committee
is to incorporate the amendments Into the
bill. Among the amendments offered to
the z-cent bill were the following:
By Hamer of Buffalo. Compelling rail
roads to carry children under 7 yeara of
age free of charge. Inst.
Br Armstrong of Nemaha. The emer
gency clause. Oarnied.
Uy 1. P. Brown of Lancaster Providing
the commission may raise the rate If a
railroad company shows It is not compen
satory. Lost.
The amendments offered to the antl-paas
bill were the following:
By Carlln. Allowing sheriffs to ride on
S-.isses when In the performance of their
ntles. Lost.
By McMullen. Permitting ex-employes,
dlaabled while In the employ of railroads
to accept passes. Lost.
By Hamer. Allowing families of baggage
men to ride free. Ixtst.
By Armstrong. The emergency clause.
By Ciyie. An entire new bill. Ixist.
By I.e. Making railroads carry legisla
tors free. IjokI.
By Dodge. Allowing preachers and news
boys on trains to be carried as they are
now. I-ont.
, By Jennlaon. To strike out railroad law
Opening Sale of Girls' and Misses
New Spring Wraps
Complete assortments
Spring Coats and Jackets for ages 6 to 16 years.
Jaunty Box Coats, in bright or modest shades and
fancy "chocks or plaids. Mannish or tailor-made styles; Vaa
sar Top Coats, etc., in a wide range of prices
$15, $12, $10, $8, $7.50; ?G.50, $5.45, $5,
$4.50 and $3.95
New Spring Caps
In the busy cap section are to be found many exclusive
6tyles; new novelties that are found o be very popular,
tho the pries run from 50o up. Prices mean little till the
goods are seen.
mm iihi
s w. . -r:rv i m i m - mi m v . g,
Ai 01
Extra Four Beautiful Styles
at Special Prices.
After the great rush Monday, in straight
ening stock, we find four choice styles of
the pretty Taffeta Wool Batiste overlooked
during the great rush. Pretty cream
ground, In pin stripes and checks of brown
and new blue. - The soft pretty shades of
gray are great favorites. Regular 75c
quality. Come Wednesday and get them at
the same price 89c yard.
When at the counter ask to see
Open Saturday Evenings.
yers and physicians who earn $00 a year.
After this motion wu carried some of the
members remarked that this would allow
railroad attorneys and physicians to ride
on passes even though they received only
fl a year, as that would put them In the
bona fide employe class.
By Cone. Penalty provision to apply to
agents and employes and officials as well
as the corporation. Carried.
Numerous other amendments were of
fered, but were voted down, and then the
whole matter was referred back to the rail
road committee.
The following bills were passed:
H. R. 13&-Bv Fries of Howard. Provides
for a $3 voting tax to be remitted when
vote Is cast. Vote 58 to 35.
H. R. lS2-By Ellor of WaBhlrigton. Makes
it mandatory upon premium bidders for
property sold for delinquent taxee to ac
company bid with cash or certified check.
Vote 75 to .
H. R. 1K3-By Filer of Washington. De
fines embezzlement of funds from an unin
corporated fraternal beneficiary society.
Vote 83 to 0. '
H. R. 132 Ry Brown of Sherman. Pro
vides that official ballots may be printed in
two columns. Vote 3 to 0,
H. R. 177 By Leeder of Douglas. Provide-
a two platoon system for the Omaha
fire department. Vote 7ti to 8.
8. F. 77 By Gibson of Douglas. Provides
that in J.lnt elections of the county, olty
and school hoard In Douglas county each
shall pay Its proportionate share to the
Judges and clerks of election. Vote 88 to 3.
.8. F. 6 By Root of Cass. Provides that
all consignment of liquor must be plainly
labelled with the name of the contents on
the cutslde cf the paokage. Vote 65 to 28.
8. F. 7 By Root iof Cass. Makes the
place of manual delivery of liquor the
place of sale. Vote 81 to 8.
8. F. 51 By Wilson of Pawnee. Pro
vides that cities of the second class may
do commercial lighting. Vote 88 to 2.
S. F. -By McKesson of Lancaster.
Provides a system oC fees to be paid the
state by life Insurance companies, correct
ing inconsistencies of the existing statutes.
Vote 88 to 1.
8. P. M By Saunders of Douglas. Antl
tlpplng bill. Vote 70 to 10.
H. R. 75 By Davis of Cass. For the tax
atlon of mor'gnges.
H. R. 149-Ily Bnker of Tork. Taxes on
real eptate shall become Hen November 1,
yeBr levied.
II. R. ZJt-By Hill of Chre. Endorsing
the Alp.ska-Paclflc-Yukon vnd!tton.
Two-Cent Fare nill Passed After
Considerable Debate.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Febl9.-(SpecuU.)-The
senate spent the entire morning in com
mitee of the whole dlBcusslng Senator
Sa ketts 2-cent fare bill. After the bill
hud bean recommended for pastage In the
committee, adjournment was taken until
afternoon. At the beginning of the after
noon aerslon the bill, which had been en
grossed during the noon hour, was placed
on third reading and passed by a vote of
31 to 0, Latta and Randall being abaent.
The bill was Immediately sent to the house.
The following bills were reported on by
standing committees:
H. R. 106 By Stelnauer Making mint
mum capital stock of state banks 110,000.
On general file.
8. P. 2H3By Sibley. Same as H. R. 105.
Indefinitely postponed.
8. F. S By Phillips. Providing a ma
jority of those voting on the proposition
be sufficient to pass county wolf bounty.
General file.
8. F. 240 Ry Clarke. Prescribing meth
ods of taking acknowledgments to deeds
outside of state. General file.
8. F. 6 By Snckett. Providing for re
covery of value of c.ial confiscated by rail
roads and In addition a penalty of 60 per
cent of the value. Indefinitely postponed
by a vote of 17 to 14 and afterward recon
sidered and placed on general file.
8. F. 2G5-By Holbrook. Providing for
rectprocnl demurrage between shippers and
railroads. Placed on general file over ad-
in Girl's and Misses'
verse recommendation of committee by a
vote of is to 14.
. r. Hy McKesson. To allow Inter
ui ian rauroaus to charge a minimum fare
o( cents. Recommitted to raliroatl com
mittee. 8. K. 14--By McKesson. To annul ce
titioate of Inaurnm-e companies taking
cases to federal rourt. General hie.
8. F. i-My rai.nn. In. limiting grant
ing ol siioon licenses within three miles
ol a military p st and requiring tinny
signers to petitions for license ieaioiess
ol population ol precinct. Amended to
limit saloons to one for each j,Im popula
tion and placed on general file.
8. r. Jti-sy Kantlall. Providing for the
drawing of Justice court Juries from list of
name In earn precinct. Oenerai file.
II. R. 61 By Klllen. To prohibit pouilntf
of bridge contractors. General Me,
H. R. A By Armstrong. Providing pen
alty of 16 to Ml for ward overseer who i
rails to enforce law relating to cutting ol
weeds along highway. General file.
The senate then went Into committee of
the whole, with Saunders of Douglas in
the chair, and acted on the following bills:
' 8. F. 113-By 8lbty. Providing for the
taxation of mercantile establishments,
grain companies and foreign corporations
on volume of business done. For passage.
8. F. 14 By Root. Prohibiting the sale
of liquors to persons committed under the
dipsomaniac law. For passage.
8. F. 21ft By Thomas. Amending the
Omaha charter to permit the Issuance of
street Improvement bonds In excess of the
$UiO,000 limit. For passage.
8. F. 2ii3 By McKesson. Providing owner
of property shall not be liable to subcon
tractor on mechanics Hen lor more than
amount of the original contract. No action
The following bills were Introduced:
8. F. 327 By Root Of Cnss. Relating to
the location, construction, repair and loca
tion of bridges l.aiO feet or more In length,
forming or to form a part of the highways.
8. F. 32m By Root. Providing method of
Investment of public trust funds In state
S. F. S?9 By Patrick of Sarpy. Declaring
It unlawful for any person to go upon,
enter or attempt to ride upon or in any
street car, Interurban or railway car while
In a state of Intoxication.
S. F. ISO By Patrick. Defining wife beat
ing and abusing, and providing Jail sen
tence at hard labor for Its violation.
8. F. 831 By Root. Providing tiiat bridges
under LtAO feet In length shall be main
tained by counties In which they are lo
cated. 8. F. 38-By Root. Placing bridges over
1.C0O feet long under oontrol of the State
Board of Public Lands and Buildings.
8. F. 333 By Root. To provide for a
tuition fee of 310 a year to be paid by
students attending the state tinlversltv.
8. F. 834 By Root. Providing bridges
1.0U0 feet or more In length shall be kept
up at the expense of the stale.
8. F. 335 By Rout. To localize acknowl
edgments to Instruments affecting or relat
ing to real estate In , Nebraska heretofore
taken before notaries public in states other
than the state of Nebraska.
8. F. 336 By Root. Relating to letting of
contracts for bridges under 1,000 feet In
8. F. 337 By Root. Relating to contracts
for county line bridges under 1,000 feet
long. ,
8. F. 338 Introduced by Joint committee.
To provide for primary elections and to
regulnte the same.
8. V. 339 Introduced by Joint committee.
Relating to registration for primaries.
B. r , 34 Hy Hlliley of Lincoln. (Granting
In Ih. T'ltn.l O , .. nnn-an. ... .,,..V, .
site In North Platte. Neb., for a weather !
bureau observatory, and conceding Juris.
diction tnereover.
S. F." 341 By Sibley. To provide for a
civil action In the district court whereby
an applicant for a side track can have a
decree thereon, providing the Issues shall
be made up In the same way as other Is
sues are provided for In actions of equity.
S. F. 342 By Burns. Amending the Lin-
coin charter.
8. F. 313 Introduced by H. E. Sackett.
Providing fee of $15 for examination for
certificate before State Board of Health
and $25 for those registering from other
states and giving members of board $15 a
day compensation.
H. F. 844 By King. Prescribing terms for
conferring degrees by colleges, universities
and normal schools.
Action of Commercial Clnb Handicaps
Donalns Ielefratlon.
LINCOLN, Feb. 19. (Special.) Members
of the Douglas delegation to the legislature
are still waiting for the Commercial club
of Omaha to rescind the action of the ex
ecutive committee which protested against
tho p age of a 2-cent rate bill. Net a day
has l fid since that action was taken and
ptiblhtticd but It has riven up to embarrass
and handicap members of the legislative
delegation and to a man they have denied
responsibility for the actlm of the execu-
tlvo committee of that club, Hnd have ex
pressed themselves In no uncertain terms
as being absolutely opposed to that action
and not In sympathy with It A member
of the delegation said today:
-"It is an outrage on the people of Omaha
that the executive committee of the Com
mercial club should have gone on record as
being opposed to the 2-cent rate. I con-
alder that the mon who did that are nass
hnMlnir rn 1 1 rnn A lnflncnna.1 mn hn lio
not the best Interest of Omaha or the stale
4t heart. The Commercial club should at
once hold a meeting and denounce the ac
tion and refuse to countenance it. When
we talk of termlnul taxation some member
from out In the state tells us 'Omaha Is
against the 2-cent fare.' If we talk direct
primary, we are told 'Omaha Is against the
2-cent fare.' I hove answered that the ex
ecutive committee of the Omaha Ccmmer
cial club Is not Omaha by any means, but
It Is due the city of Omaha and the Lou 1hs
delegation which Ik trying to secure leg
islation which will be of benefit not enly
to Omaha but to the state and which is In
harmony with our party pledges, that the
Commercial club hold a meeting and re
scind the action of the executive commit
tee. It Bhould have been done long ago.
Tho Commercial club rhould consult with
the delegation before taking any more po
litical action."
The happiest man In the Btate to'ay Is
Fries of Howard county, the good natured
democrat who never worries evrn though
he has ten children to look after. Fries
got his bill passed by the house to
men vole or pay $3 Into the public treisury,
Frlrs Is proud of his children and he Is
proud of the action -of the house which will
place his name forever in the public mind
whether his bill will paes the courts or
Peter MortenBen. former state treasurer,
who knows probably as much as any man
in the state about the value of railroad
property and the assessment of that prop
erty. Is In favor of the taxation of railroad
terminals for city purposes and he not only
believes the enactment of such a law will
not take from any taxing district fn the
state any- railroad property, but he be
lieves It will Increase the taxable property
In very town and the bill a introduced la
a Just measure, both to the railroads and
to the people. He said:
"I have not studied the bill carefully
which has been introduced, but I think I
am familiar with its general terms. I
think the railroad.! should by all means
pay a tax for city and village purposes.
The bill should be scrutinised very closely
to see that It conforms to the state con
stitution, but I have no doubt able men
have studied it carefully and there la no
reason to believe It will not stand the
test." v
Judge AUtadt, king pin of all the Jus
tices of the peace of America, who stands
up for the people at every turn of the
road, even though he may have to reverse
the supreme court In doing It, an all round
prince, physlcallyas well as in disposition,
gladdened the hearts of the members of the
legislature this morning for the first time
during the session.' "Little Bismarck."
came down to see to It that the rotated
ballot plan was not adopted In the primary
bill, and it is understood he will also ad
vocate the enactment of a law providing
Justices of the peace must be not more
than five feet in height, and at least that
far through. A year ago when this dis
penser of Justice cams to Lincoln he was
set upon by a bad. bad man who tried to
rob him. But be didn't do it. The little
Judge promptly grabbed the Impudent ras
cal and dragged him six blocks to the
police station. The next morning he ap
neared against him, but wanted him let
! down easy, because be said "X looked Ilk
such easy picking." The Judge called upon
tne governor and gave him some friendly
C. K. Burnham of Norfolk Is here to look
after the appropriation for the Jamestown
exposition, he being chairman of the com
mission, and also to Impress upon the legis
lators that the Insane hospital there needs
buildings which wilt coot in the aggregate
tlOi.Kio. The railroad company which
hsndl s the freight Into Norfolk has told
the State Board of Public Lands and
Bull. lings that It will construct a side track
to the anylum if .the board will secure the
right-of-way. At this time the board has
an option on the right-of-way for 500 and
the appropriation will be asked for to pay
the Cost. Mr. Burnham said the asylum
authorities are now paying 60 cents a ton
for hauling coal to the asylum and all of
the freight used there has to be hauled two
and one-quarter miles. Since January it
has cost $760 for hauling coal alone to the
asylum. Mr. Burnham believes the state
should lose no time In buying this right-of-way
as It will soon pay for Itself to say
nothing of the convenience.
An Interesting sptctator at the 2-cent rate
hearing In the senate this morning . was
Burlington Lobbyist Frank Young. He
heard It all, but whether he got any satis
faction out of It of course is not known,
except to himself and his corporation em
ployers. It is passing strange, however,
that thlsr jnan ht'lped to put that .plank
through the democratic state convention.
Among others who are on railroad pay rolls
who listened' a part of the time to the
debate were Kdson Rich of the 1'nlon Pa
clflo and Carl Wright of the Northwestern.
Straws point to a "btow off" in Lincoln
before long and when It comes there Is
liable to be a lot less people hanging around
the legislature who have no apparent busi
ness here, but who from appearances have
been sent for to Influence legislation. Mr.
Dodge, In his talk last night. Indicated that
he had something to say about conditions
here and other members are getting dis
gusted at the frequent appearance of
"prominent" citlxens who come "Just to
visit and look around," A move was
started the first part of the session to com
pel lobbyists to register and tell what they
were here for. They were to be permitted
to remain Just so long. That move wan
stifled at Its Inception. Time has shown It
would have been the best course to have
adopted. The hotel lobbies and the corri
dors' of the state house are overrun with
people who have no business here and noth
ing is being done to prevent them from (Set
ting In their work. The way things are
moving nlong now the pledges made by
the republican legislators to the people
will have hard sledding, because these
visitors have been suggesting to members
amendments to, nearly all Joint committee
bills. The object of the lobbyists Is to
create dissatisfaction and JealoURles among
thc members. It Is going to take good
common sense to prevent a wrangle among
the majority members, so some of the legis
lators believe. Only one pledge has so far
been kept, the election of Norrls Brown to
the senate and thirty-three days of the ses
sion has gone by.
Clark Perkins and Ross Hammond, the
former secretary to the republican state
committee, were In Lincoln last night. Mr.
Perkins went to Omaha to attend the, meet
ing of Nebraska editors and It is presumed
Mr. Hammond went too, as he said he had
no special business in Lincoln.
Former State Treasurer Peter Mortensen,
who came here at the personal Invitation
of Chairman Thomson of the senate com
mittee on university and normal schools,
who wrote at the request of the commit
tee, to tell what he knows about the needs
and the finances of these schools, will
leave town tomorrow morning without hav
ing appeared before the committee. He
has been here two. nights and one day,
He reported to Senator Thomson this
morning and to other members of the
committee. No meeting was held and tho
Inference . drawn is that Mr. Mortensen's
appearance .before the committee would
have been very objectionable to the normal
! choI ,ooby and the university lobby.
hence there was no meeting,
Mr. Mortensen would have told the com
mittee that the bill now pending In the
house to make the state treasurer ex-officln
treasurer of the state university Is a most
vicious measure and it should be killed.
The constitution, he would have told them,
provides that all state accounts must be
! audited and Investigated by the state ad-
I dltor. 1 nis mil proviaes ror an evasion
Of this Section Of the COnStltUtlOtl. '. HS
would haMe told tnem, in nis opinion, tne
present statute permitting the auditor to
lSDue warrants on the certificates filed by
tho regents Is unconstitutional. He would
have Illustrated his remarks by citing that
on one occasion which he recalled a pro
fessor in the state university and his wife
made a trip out In the state and a war
rant was Issued on a certificate to pay the
expenses of both. The expenses, he said,
may have been legitimate, but If the au
ditor had followed the constitution he
would have Investigated the clnlm. Had he
been given the opportunity, Mr. Mortensen
would have told the committee the Peru
Normal did not need a new $36,000 heating
plant, but that by the purchase of one
new boiler It could get along nicely for
the next two years. He would have said
the normal school at Kearney could easily
get along with an additional wing at a
cost of $35,000 Instead of the $100,CC' addi
tion asked for. He would have said, had
he been given the opportunity, that the
Norfolk asylum really needs a new cot
tage, but that would not cost more than
$35,CO0. But Mr. Mortensen was not given
an opportunity He wasted his time in
the interest of the taxpayers and good man
agement of state institutions.
.1 Th. inlmri committee' tonight took UD
the bewhiskered claim of Mrs. Hoxle for
something over $3,000 and trimmed It down
to some $700. This Is paying her at the
rata of $26 a month for the time she is
alleged to have worked at the Kearney
Industrial school. Poatmaater Ed Siser has
been pushing the claim.
The appropriations committee has about
decided there will not be enough money
to give Kearney the $100,000 for the addi
tion to the normal school and it may not
get a cent for new buildings.
William Coryell, who was not given the
seat he fought Carlln for. has filed a
claim for expenses incurred in coming to
Lincoln to fight for the place.
Hottman Will Recover.
KANSAS CITT. Feb. 19-The Jill physl.
oiuna stated todav that Frank Mottman
the condemned murderer, who yesterday
attempted to commit suicide, will recover.
In fabrics,
workmanship, fit
and comfort
E el all others, Mauyttyloa,
whits and numberless exdu
rr designs in fancy fabrics.
Attr CUftt Sktrlt.
UUmr (.'SMMiaM.
shim as
Sj !
Mr. W. J. Frtdbntr it Fosteu of the
Foil Keren da Clnb.
Mrs. Ella Ottos Sash Who Will Be
Married on the Tweoty-Sereoth
Katertalna at Omaha Clab
Mrs. W. J. Bradbury was hostess Monday
at the meeting of the Pons Merenda club
luncheon preceding the game of bridge.
The table was decorated with pink carna- j
tions and ferns. The prises at the card
gams were won by Mrs. Heinrlch and
Mrs. Fugene Puvsl. Those present were:
Mrs. Nathan Bradbury and Miss Oertmde
Bradbury of Chicago, as guests of the
club; Mrs. P. W. Mlkesell. Mrs.E. W. Ar
thur, Mrs. Eugene Duval, Mrs. J. B.
Rahm, Mrs. W. E. Palmatler, Mrs. Rich
mond, Mrs. Heinrlch, Mrs. C. H. Rich
and Mrs. V. J. Bradbury. Mrs. Eugene
Duval wilt be the next hostess, Monday,
March t.
The Rounders club was delightfully SO-
tertalned Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Negele. High five was played at
four tables, the prizes being awarded to
Mrs. Sykes, Mrs. Eugene Duval, Mr. James
L. Trout and Mr. Richards. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Arthur. Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Bedwell. Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Duval. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers. Mr.
and Mrs. Charlie Richards, Mr. and Mrs.
Bypes. Mr. and Mrs. Tout, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Young, Mrs. Comrort and Mrs.
Leon Nelson. The next meeting will be
March 4 at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Philip Reed gave an Orrheum party
Monday evening, followed by a supper
at the Racquet club. I his party were
Mrs. Thomas Scott, Miss Curtis,' Miss
Mosher Colpetser and Mr. Chat Redlck.
Mrs. Ella C. Nash entertained Infor
mally at luncheon at the Omaha club in
honor of Mrs. Thomas Scott, who Is visit
ing the Misses Curtis.
Weeks End Affairs.
Miss Leila Shaw entertained the La Doit
talne club last Saturday evening. The
rooms were decorated In the club colors
red and white. High five was the game
played and the prize was' won by Miss
Edith Marley, who will also be the next
hostess. Those present were: Mrs. C. D.
Reynolds of Council Bluffs, Miss Bertha
Klopp. Miss McAcdle, Miss Nell Winn,
Miss Emma Allen, Miss Fay Lyman, Miss
Maud Donnell, Miss Inez Donnell, Miss Sue
Rehfleld. Miss Virgil Redfleld, Miss Edith
Marley and Miss Shaw.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Workman gave a
dinner last Saturday evening In celebra
tion of their tenth anniversary. The cen
terpiece was a bas::et filled with a variety
of ldclous fruit. The handle of the basket
was entwined with asparagus ferns and
tied with a large yellow satin bow. As
paragus ferns weie also need on the chan
deliers and tied with yellow ribbons, which
extended to the corners of tne table. Ten
yellow candles further beautified the ta
ble. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Burnham, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Pat
ton, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Combs, Mr. and
Mrs. John Ross, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Ralph E. Hayward was hostess at
two charming card parties last week,
high five being played Wednesday and
whist Friday afternoons. The rooms were
decorated with cut flowers and many red
hearts. '
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oetschnann gave an
elaborate dinner Saturday evening. The
rooms were decorated with red -roses aftd
greens, hearts and other valentine appoint
ments were consplclous on the dining table.
Covers were laid for fourteen.
Prospective nod Personal.
The LaVeta Card club will be entertained
Wednesday afternoon by Mm. P. J.
Morlarty at the hom.6 of Mrs. W. H. Wig
man. 2011 Blnney St.
Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Peterson and Mr. and
Mrs. P. M. Conkllr. will entertain at cards
Thursday evening, . February 28, at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. Peterson, $313 Cum
ing street.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Humpert will enter
tain the members of the Jewel Card club
Thursday evening at their home, 712 8.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Moody are re
joicing over the birth of a son. Mrs.
Moody was formerly Miss Jean Campbell.
Mrs. Charles F Shaw Is entertaining
Mrs. Glover of Arlington for a few days.
Miss Lake of Evanston, 111., and Miss
Mumstone of Brooklyn, N. Y., who have
been visiting Miss Phoebe Smith, will leave
Friday for their homes.
Mrs. Charles T. Stewart of Council Bluffs
is in Denver as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
John Kuykendall.
Miss Maud Rlsser of Lincoln, who is the
guest or airs, timer Kankin, expects to
leave Thursday for her home.
Mrs. Duncan Vlnsonhaler is expected
home Wednesday from a visit in St. Louis
and Kansas City. ,
, Mr. and Mrs. Pawl Burleigh are home
from their wedding trip and have taken a
house at 2406 St. Mary's avenue.
Mrs. w. J. Austin, who has been the
guest of her mother, Mrs. L. D. Vogel, left
Monday for her home In 8t. Louis.
Mrs. Myron Learned returned Sunday
from New York where she has spent the
past month.
Miss Caroline Parker of Vlcksburg, Miss.,
is the guest of Miss Loule Parker for the
week, having arrived Sunday. Miss Parker
is enroute from her home to Minneapolis
where she will spend some time.
Three f'rnlsere from Training; Sqoa.
rest Given an Official Welcoano
at Hoaoluln. '
ST. LOUIS. Mo., Feb. 18.-Wllliam H.
Savage and C. L. Clark, officers of the
National Bond company of St. Louis, which
is In the hands of a receiver, were arrested
today on warrants Issued on indictments
returned by the federal grand Jury May
1 1806. They are charged with using the
malls In a scheme to defraud. The details
of the Indictment were not made public
on account of three other men named In
it not having been apprehended. Savage
was president of the company and Clark
secretary and treasurer. They were re
leased on $2,000 bonds to appear In the
United States dUtrlct court tomorrow,
when the cases will be set for trial.
Attorney General Will File Salts
Aaralnst Railroads.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 1$. Attorney
General Bonaparte has directed that suits
be Instituted against a number of railroad
companies to recover penalties for violation
of the safety appliance law. Information
upon whle hthese prosecutions , will be
based were reported to the Interstate Com
merce commission by Its safety appliance
Seventy-eight violations In all ar ealleged
and the railroads made defendants Include
the Alabama Great Southern, the Atlantic
Coast Line, the Central of Georgia, the
Denver Rio Grande, the Erie, the In
ternational aV Great Northern, the Mis
souri, Kansas A Texas, the Mobile Ohio,
2 all
i c
1517 Farnam St. BERGER'S 1517 Farnam SI.
We Will Make Wednesday a Skirt and Waist Salo Day
of Extra Special Bargains
$8.50 Panama Skirts, in very swell plaited Q Qfl
effects and in all colors Wwtl
$S..r)0 Silk Petticoats, best taffeta, with Q Qfl
silk under raffle UiUO
$4.00 new spring Lingerie Waists, very stylish I Qfl
little models liUO
$5.00 Jap Silk and Mohair
new spring designs.
Special February Prices On All Spring Suits
The N attar Clnak Shnn
l wvw -mw i wmii sw w mw
She Law of '9?
Has made the savings bank stronger than ever. It
restricts the loans to first mortgages on real estate,
not to exceed 50 per cent of its value; to municipal
indebtedness (bonds and general fund warrants)
and to colatterals of a steady market value. No bet
ter class of securities, none that you would prefer
your bank to carry.
We pay 4 compound interest on deposits. Our
advantages are arranged for your special conven
ience and we respectfully solicit your patronage. -
DEPOSITORS, 8,500 DEPOSITS, $1,030,000
Oldest, Largest, Strongest Savings Bank in Nebraska
16th and Dougl&s Streets
Thesro la onty ono
Bpomo Quimno'9
That Is
Lax&tiwe Bromo Quinine.
.Similarly named remedies sometimes
deoatve. This first and original Cold. Tablet '
Is a WHITE PACKAGE with, blaok
and red Uttering, and bears th signature ol
the Pennsylvania, the Washington South
em, the St. Lopis & San Francisco, the
Southern Pacific, the SCouthern, the Texas
& Mexican and the Wabash.
The greatest number of alleged viola
tions of law Is fifteen, charged against
the Mob;le & Ohio, while twelve are
charged against the Pennsylvania, ten
against the International & Great North
ern and eight against the Texas A Mexi
Man Who Killed Hotel Keeper In
Act of' Hobbrry Gets Off
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 19. Charles
Rumble, who on November 28 last sht
and killed Frank J. Fmery, proprietor of
the Kentucky hotel. In Kansas City, Kas.,
was found guilty today of murder In the
second degree. Sentence was deferred.
Rumble commanded Emery to turn over the
contents of the hotel cash register. Emery
refused -and Rumble shot him dead.
Governor Folk Says It Will Be Granted
Granted If Defendant Does Not
Appear In Person.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Feb. lft.-Gov-ernor
Fold today postponed the hearing on
the requisition for. II. Clay Pierce of St.
Louis, head of the Waters-Pierce Oil com
pany, asked by the Texas authorities, until
Keep your ambition to make money
on the Increase and save some of It.
No matter how little It may be, keep
up the practice. Continue to live on
less than you make and put by the cap
ital which will one day mean inde
pendence to you. H you want to be a
money saver, make the wise move to
day and open an account with our
strong Institution, where your cash
will be saved. We pay six per cent on
Savings Accounts, and make monthly
payment homestead loans, which are
easily paid.
0. W. LOOMIS, Pres.
3 czm c
Waists, exclusive Q QQ
1517 Farnam St.
- - - - - - - -
tomorrow to await the arrival of the sheriff
of Travis county, Tex.
Governor Folk today told the attorneys
for Mr. Pierce that unless they agreed to
produce Pierce at Jefferson City within
, three days that he will Immediately honor
: the requisition, as he has been assured by
the attorney general that the papers arSj
in the proper form,
f Mr. Pierce Is wanted by the Texas au
thorities to answer a charge of having
made false affidavit.
General Kilaerlr does Sonth.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. lft.-General Win.
field S. Edserly, l S. A., who returned
from the Philippines laxt week and Is now
visiting In Los Angeles, has been ordered
to Atlanta to take commHnd of the De-
fmrtment of the Gulf. Colonel J.yO. Wood
mry. now stationed at Fortr I-awton,
WaHh.. probably will take temporary com-
, mnnd of the Department of California.
BOYD'S :rd Mgrs.
The Gins-Nelson fight Pictures
25o and EOc.
Vezt lu Mob., Tos.,
TOWIOXT Clyde Fitch's Play,
Washington's Birthday Mat. Friday.
Mats. Thura., Baturday.
Matinees Thursday, rrlday, Saturday
The Orptieum Show
Direction Martin Beckf.
Menetekel, the Mystlo aUi Wed Way.
burn's Bala Sears aad Tails Ourtls) Wal
ter O. Kelly) Ed r. aeynard) Wilson's
Monkey, Jessie; Claads and rannle Usasr,
aad Work and Ower. ,
Prices 10c, 25c. iOc .
Elaborate ' Historical Story of
The UrOBHAIIOH, under aus
pices of Kounlse Memorial Luth
eran Church. 0O umaha's best
musical and dramatic talent In
cast too. Thrilling DBAMATIO
BC2HBB, Including Luther's I rial
at Worms Urilllant descriptive
story by Mrs. Delia K. Meyers.
Monday and Tuesday evening,
February 2a, i. at t O'clock,
p-i.t- r' SVOc, 25e. 15c
chart at Box Office pns at
;" turn Thursaay, sebruarjr
ti. hot.
Matinee Today t5o Tonight, t-.ia
In the Musical Hut Ire.
I Thur oe MelvUle in Sis Hopkins