Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1907, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
V- 1
1 r
VOt XXXVI-NO. 212.
' . "v
mat FfTin Viacom.
Far? ia to rateraiaa City f Gtuich
tad Meet the Ion a.
Auorrcmusi draws a large number '
Villain F.dwari GV;l, Afr.ema Eiplarer,
BL epo&ksr af Evnin,
Dr. RtT CrWll. Msd it
(. -nerwl A Wilt Claw
wewrre snd Dwaart fwr
Bmm fa
The solution of the fr-atest practical
robiera now before the chtir-h. the ,
evne laatinn of tji Heathen
rnlaue !n the history of ny r-iikious j
oraanlaation. the inf ersynotllcal Mr-tan,
mliwnonarv cx.nrent:on of the men of the j
pTtesbrtenaa ahur-n. with La otllciai
d.-Uata from flfte-n states and or.e tm- i
tnry of the mid.l.e west, j-nueo; oy tae
aloaaa eipr-esed ave. b.1 its leiibera- j
tjcis at the Aid!t..runi at T ast niant .
It will adjourn Thursday mgiit Ia the j
meantime It will bold da.Iy and nightly
meetings at the Auditjrlum. with depart
ment confer-ncea at tne various Presby
terian churches throughout tha city. And
wnen the convention ia over it is proposed
that the "men of th Presbyterian church. 1
ga'herd from ail jver the Fnited Slates
and some foreign countries. ana.i " ,
termined their exact duty and r-sponsi- f
billty in ta work of foreign miKsions anu ,
decided upon tne m expedient meuhooa
f performing tnat duty and meear.g that .
.Vspoambi.ity i
8Uten hundred accredited Uelegaies are ,
to be seated in lh convention. iaey wui .
WHB . . J - HIITTU - -
namely. Nebraska, h-anaua. Missouri, i-ii-
" . : .. -T " ...... ... t n r u ,
no in. uiuuuw. j . i . . . " - .
ota. uiwa. Mina ana suma u-"-
rado. Ohinuma. A.-kanaa. Texas ana ,
Mxicu. Mors than a dosen symela and a
aresoytanes wiu be represenceo.
.r.rh far All.
,n ,7 " "France' of
axpiomr. wuo iwri uitia
his travels 1
lung tha tragic pathway of the unmortai ,
l In the Dark Continent, where
the Christian missionaries ara the means
of working such a wonderful transforma
tion. It was of Dr. J41 that William T.
Htcad said: "Tha big wait chu-f who has
r mi ln contact with mora savage tribes
than any other man." Apart from the
arar. .at mI 1 ar4n fha Iwwf-tirw nf Dr. GQ
had splerulid interest. His arrival in th
oity yerday waa unexpected ta most of
th convention.
Tha failure of Judge James A. Bearer.
former governor of Pennsylvania to amv.
. in ... ... , v , wm . 1 n ne is. mnm.
r MCI'UIJ W tM. L . w. ........ j
""-""a ' " " " of immigration law. Pag 4
dlsappomrmant. aa Judge Bvr la m of . cabinet s position on cbur- t.
th foremost laymen of th church and a, tHUM ts .pppo,ed by Chamber of Depu
strong supporter of the cause of foreign ; u .verwhelming rota Pag 1
missions H wired yesterday his tnahtuty
to attend becausa of soma rearrangement I tOCAi.
In th docket of hia court. Ha axprassed j Count Creighton may b qpn-
kMtn regret at not batnc aoia to carry out testad by relatives not aatlsflud with pro
hie (Man to com. visions. Page 7
Robert 3per. th man who will sound the Intersynodlcal Foreign Missionary con-
mg masting umulf - aa or. iwiuiiwi icmiM :
keynot of th convention ln his addresa
trwlu v an the resnonmbiUtv of th men of
.1,. Vhun.h. will arrtvs this momlrur and
1 . r r r,.. . . r- a
j . r-i ,j i h. t
Avenue Presbyterian church Sunday night:
"In my Judgment h is th grwaieat speaaer
btu-ore tha amocn people today." That
Judgm-nt And .xpresaion from other lips
a wU.
. - -
On. of th. interesting fact, of this great
gtithenng ia that it i. th. flrst convention
of any oonatderabi. importance hid by
the Prnsbwteriaa church since tn co-opra-
tion of the Old Schools and Cumberland.
tt tharefop repressnta th church In th.
mulmum of its strength. And the last
moderator of ta cumnenanaa before their
unioa with tne Old Schaols aa well aa th.
moderator ef the parent church, la aa au-
Hv factor ln this convention. Dr. Ira
Lauuliilh of NaahvtUa, Tann.. la tha ftinnar
and Dr. Hunter Corbett of Chafno. China.
pioneer of foreign misaionarVBa. tha lauar.
Dr. Laodrtth opened the convention last
Bight and Dr. Corosrt will cios tt. tumor-
row night and will then depart for hla die-
tant aom. ia wuma An aingdum.
Th. AadlUjtium presented an animated ,
ausne early Utet evening. Delegate had '
been arriving ail day and many had come
tn trams wnicn, r en en tna city just om- 1
for th convention hour. Th attsntlanc
waa large and much more gratifying thaa I
many had exnsctsd. Aaut. from the deis
gaiss actually seated as such, were Large
numbers ef Omaha psople who had cum 10
II lis tha proreetungs. Tha local com-
nutts. with Dr. Charlea HV Bradt, tha or-
jnte of the cunvetitloa. had a busy day
ef it which did not and with tha adjuurrt-
aaaot of th nret meeting.
First Pr-jAbytariaa church has bsim mad
local beaduuartsrs and has a telephone,
Douglas Mi, whll th axecunv commit-
ta ta doing business at room O. Millard
)im:iiu EXEsicisCg or icmio 1
.half eg tWissnats.
Tha main door o fthe Auditorium was
bout naif ailed with deiegalsa and vtsit
ara and th ga.lry waa about half fillnd
with mrn and women ef Omaha, who erar
tetarestwd ba tn giganria work whea the
ouovwiuion tapnad T lawdajr ewwiingr. A
Duals choir of ahaut lis) votcse occupied th 1
tags bars) of rh speaaers stand. The i
meeting waa notable fur the intense lmsrsst :
alaptayad. Sues nuaunderstaadtng exists
aa to Unset a Any oh urchin em bars can se- 1
cure tickets and they wilt be weioomed. i
Tit act may be had without east. Th cam-
Xltts. Wished this announcement mad. be-
th u-underandln which kept
.1 V ..iil Oinnmr rrrMM rr
IU Ul 1.1. - ..". 4,.iim 'Wl. 1. Al. i.'Ul.'li
Rev. Ira Landrtta. D. D-. LX- D-, waa
chairman of the meeting Tursuay night
and Introduced tha speajkara. Raw. A. B.
Marahaa. D. D- pastor of th FTat Preaby- , HTTKCN. 1- IX. Feb- IS- A way freight
tsr-aa church of Mlnaeapoila read th , trmJrlp wnMtound. oa th Chicago North
lssstHi from the scrtpturas and Rv T. K. weatsm railroad went throagn g br-dgs
m outer. U . u.. euunnu or tn C'traflA
kwai dummitte, lsd fat prayer.
eity Hv. Edwin Hart Jwcka. a D pastor
Jrtrst Preabnenaa church ef Omaha, said:
Any e-'v tn th.s rmtid land of ours miant
Weil feiiciracs t.-f in having ths P-asiv-
tretaa liuerJvnodlcal Furvlgn Mleaaoa
aunauua f ar aaaa. Oawaaa wul ywid ta
iCuncin-iad oa Fourth Paga; a
summary of the
1907 FEBRliAT ,v"
' tea mom ml win . v Mr
T i T i - 2 i
3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
10 II 12 13 14 15 16 1
1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28
24 25
rr'R?"A.--r F"R S3ER.4i5.t-8now ind
cooler V-anetduy, Thor.uav lair.
RfTCAiiT Ff.R Iowa Fair asi older
Wednesday ; Thuroiir fa.r.
Temperature at t.'mahn ywcrrlay :
Hntir L-e Hour I"
S a. 01 9 1 p. m
a. m 3 ; p. m
7 a. m 3 2 p. m K
9 a. m in 4 p. tu
a. m ;s 5 p m 4S
".a. in X3 a p. u 46
II a. m ;m ; j. rn s
U m. at a p. m
S p. m 44
Xehraaka senate paese. :.-ent fare bill j
- .
" retommenti. '
J '
n"-u oiJ ror tma-ia
Passe tile a.wer house. V . '
'' house Parses aa aat:-trust 01A pa;
- .-. - (
House aTter amending t:i aau-paaa
bul recommita it ui eimmittrt to have
the amendment incorporated. Paga t
Ir. paiding. state Inspector, is- '
sues a warning that aur eaien raw or j
not t.hurough.y conked is duagnua to I
Pag 3 j
Four men make unsuccessful attempt ;
o ro- Firmers State bark at Cemni '
--ty. larmi ar-3 them wnJa
oplng. a. ,
JlJlUa Piji J. is indors.-d by Cass i
County naB,,rulxn fjr te uew N. j
brajilla Uajted iudgtup ln
bro-kj. Paga 3 J
-V i
,;,,. icnn-Hiv .rites interstate
commit !e to report resoiulion for Ultti- .
tigation of exjress companies which deal !
in fr,1, t
Senator Sm.e.t in defending nnujeiX
makM def-nse of L tan. Paj-e 9
Conau(1 burMau report ,now, large ln- !
, crease m value of metal working ma -
cmoery maue in uii. ng
.... . s v
rM" W " "Vf!r" 1
anwvme I
w-n ..... tor '
T ' " ;
a.uwo9 ij v.w w -rw 1 laj me vinuia. Aiwr r-mnii wi uio ma cnurcnes to tne pariah priests, and M.
Pag 1 stock Industry of the state, he said Omaha Clemenceau consented, if necessary, to sup
Flood carries out pontoons and damage had given more than Up service to the port M- Errand's declarations before th
dike at Yankton. Page 1 j cattle men of th Ar.telop state by elect- chamber of Deouties this afit-mmir
District Attorney Jerome begins cross-
aMaiinattfla U . T-J.. mwmw Ttiaa tan.
- ". . "7.
, him to hauulre into her paat Uf.
Pag 4
Emperor opens new Reichstag and con-
; ."-1. -u-,, -o
Jawaiim aisx diassuiaas "-rt'"- mew saw
ventiun of the Presbyterian church is
opened at the Auditorium. Sixteen hun-
1 dred delegate are accredited from flf -
tmn ststea and one lemturv Sua 1
Yhi.u . -.a in .inn
at Creighton hall. Fifteenth and Harney
it reels. Members d.-atre to get the scaip
of Third Assistant Postmaat-r Geneml
Madden. ' Paga 1
I City council will celebrate the fiftieth
! (Wraj-r of ita ex.atenc Mar-h 1
! Pag, f
Vic Pr-eldent Tattle, of th. atr-et
1 .... . .
I railway company abuiianes rut requiring
; new employes to promise not to Join
Street Railway Mens union. Paga T
! Efne Introduces letters ln Basset:
I divorce case to show that plaintiff was
1 la lov. wit a ner noaoano. contrary to ner
Pag T
I Captain Juhn S. Wood, pioneer resident
' of Omaha, la dead at hla hum. 44 North
! Twnt.-f.iurt o atraet- tan lg
v-n..n TTnm.n 1 fTieiaTlan -jaiu-oirn.n
, committee, nut only succeeded In ralstng
the lloO.dua necessary for the onnstruj-
j 0f )tB new builiiing. but went 3.i(i7
, ovr tna mark. Big Joillflcatlon at the
association roo ma-
Page 1
Wmmr ia Eaaresssd Teat stiver wtu
Cat Ire rkaaaci Aaawa
TraMIT.r.fOy. 3. D. Feb. U. 9p,-cial
t Telegram. Practically little change la
apparent ln the flood situation here at
j noon. Th Vermillion river ha fallen
j slightly, but the M;souii ia again slowly J
t rising. Th lea gorge is still as Arm as
' a rm-k. Although much stock ha per- '
tsbed, thousamis of cattl. and homes
j threatened yesterday till the river stopped
j rising, are Mill on dry ground.' Condi
tions wtu b vry critical whii the gtirgn
: ho! !.
I tfupertntendent Beardaley of the Milwau
I kee road haa taken tha proposition of 1
dynamiting the gorge up with Chicago
With the frost out of the ground a new
channel above th gorge will result soon.
Fr th present ail stock now alive ia
safe, but much worse conditions are
feared when the next rise comes.
rUV.V.W ue.n-uusi I K.f U l
I slivwr Takes Sat fcVsvan
Mas aaal Bssaasr. aaay
1 Pwaeawaa.
I TAJfKTOX. g. D. Feb. li-, Special Td-
: m tn. rtvsr d-uoyed Ha feet
I ... . r am .., .
. " i "
, aMaaa valued at CSm. They were owned
by Captain Jo Gaaisr.
Bear Canning last night. Engineer Prang
Booth waa kiUsd and Fireman McVanb
m this e-ctloa are higher than for many
. sllaiaawe Dasiaa .
.aw turiA. rw ta-tuittuu r-. Dw-
Sen. Lnitsd Siataa mimstar to aanu: Do.
mtngn. arr-.vHd t.niar ..n Lbs -- aWji.
asis from
;s goes after uddls
iebnau liitorg Will Aak Frr.dsnt to
He-mov This fSc-'ftl.
rTaadrew a ad Twswrr-Mv
lmpa(r lw with Wra Tak
riwiaUi ml tha City far
Twf Day.
On of the Immirmnr mirm that will ,
be hrouarht before the lhirtT-flfJl annual '
neetia- of the Xebranlia Presa aseoclarton
!n its convention at C.-ei-hton hail. Flf-
'""i.i arm namer street a. wtu Da a 1
r-solutlon ukini Prmitmt Rj.wev-tt 1
'-vAe u ret:rmnenr or rum .v-.
ltant Postmaster GenersI Malden. whose i
n;ins have inc-jrred the d'scleaenre of
nrnan ana uUDiianers a. I ovee " cmintry. I
The Minnesota Edltofai aesocintion has
Just acpre-i a reeoitit'.rn ak'na- for the '
retirement of Mr. Madden. At the meet'.n
of tha Nebraska editors Ed A. f-y rt ;
!Tnhnr w'U read a paper on "Maddenism
r?" IT! XI . . 1 ' " . mrnar-mL ' Wit nl .
,ow f
r. Fry publishes TYt Wonder-Ml
Mapuifl,- part of which ia prmred br an j
--rn concern and part at JtVbrara.
Third Aaslstant Postman er Madden rui-d
that ths" ahould ibe ;s-ed
lt second-claae rate.
-j compiaint of the Nebraska editors .
SB that If Mr. Madden'! plans carry or-r , question plainly has passed to bia sub- ; in an adjoining riom. emphasizing th fact mission srth the necearr flrtr-s on which j discussed m the house lut-ng 'he after
hatf of th editors of Nebraska will he nrtllnates. that the aaaociau.n has outgrown ita quar- Tn has a ioihtiI rsr- f-r the state the 1 noon, numerous amendments -h
seriously affected. Tha editors are feminst ;
makir.g second -ciaas rates t cants a pound 1
ln pis:e of 1 cent per pound,
Will Maupm of tha Commoner said Mr.
Madden wanted to shut that paper out of
the mails on tha ground that :t was not a
newspaper in that lt exprsased on man s
vtewa and waa an organ. ' Mr. Fry's :
magaxln is sell being refused the rguUr ,
a rata. which th editors main- ,
tain ia tin.nisT. ,
Pr-lda Reed Slebu !
nrOTtIon w , , ,
Creiahton haU yererda-r afternoon at 1:30
o ,)w.k hv W e Prudent U A. Varier '
e D ... r w t i . .e
Shelton hem the vtct-.m nf a bed cold,
contracted while wading the Piatt river i
on his way to Omaha. Mr. Red orrupicl
a place on tha platform, although unable
to talk. j
t i :ie y r- r mil was opeoeti u v .inmu
'dt pray-r by Her. T. J. Mackay of All
3.nts church, following which Chairman
a,.-.. rh,irr-h. follow'.nst which Chairman
VirT,CT c:11 on C"1""-1 T W- MoCallough.
- . - B,
press and public of ''main, l oiunei
-..n. ....- , i ma.iM.MA ;
."-.T.i , . ...
j ing a cowboy mayor, which sally led up
:n tka lra.ltin4tM n fiivnp Ti rt HI rr U fa
, X T,,7:
j of welcome.
! Mayor Dahlmaa said ha waa glad to ex-
' tend the hand of welcom to the men who
! mould public opinion and felt sure the (
; " ."I " " -TJ " " r-,-n nTvr
. .'" , . ,
-I want to extend the w at meat welcom
that can fall from my Upa." the mayor
On reiiueat of Will Mauptn. the mayor
announced his office and residence tele-
phone numbers, so that any in need of
advice or pardon might be able tu get
in quick, touch with th chief executive,
ra,.. Ba wr rrssll r
In responding to Mayor Dahlman ad-
; dress of welcom Henry C. Richmond of
i th Fremont Daily Herald said ln part:
! Mr- Uavne- I can conceive of no areater
.iim..r tkin tH- nriviiMn r.i nwn foe
the members of the Nebraska Press aaeo-
'ciam-n. ta behalf of which I thank you
hearUly for your splendid welcome and for
; your aasuranc of the f-endahip and hos-
' pltallty of Omaha.
I -w- .r. here. Mr Ma-ror. nasslesa. but
' not penmlesa W, com. "from a.1 tions
i of ,ne at. from th. Republican to th.
. .
Sand H.Us and rrom in ora rTarta to
the South Piatt, and some of us from
under the Plana. We are grateful for your
kind welcome, and I aawurs you In the
nam of th association thai we greatly
aooreciate your pronterea court esru-a and
w.11 avail our-elvea of them aa well a. a
strictly business gathering can do.
"Our meeting today. Mr. Mayor, marks
- nw mirri in Nebraska Hjurnailsm. I , nn wrmn when I aav thai rh
thirty -fifth annual session is the first
wnctly business sesaion. for we are here as
' much for business aa any gathering of
merchants or other business erganixaiUin.
"Rural newspapers are undergoing a
change. The old juke of oordwood and
..nkr-n J - Rnt -n anV mora tXr . ar
progressive and prosperoua Why we have
Just contributed out part of CZ. .-) for
, educational purpnaea during the last few
days. j
"Sir. I again thank you and assure you
that we of this association hav th most !
profound Interest tn ail that Omaha ia ln- j
Ureal d and that we Join you In build-
Ing up greater Omaha by baiplng to
build up a greater Nbraaka."
Address mt Phrwaldest aVsw.
Secretary-Treasurer Maupin read Presi
dent Reed's annual addr-as. which was aa
folio wa: ,
Th world ia certainly growing batter, and
I cungraxuutt. ths members it 'his aasocia-
uon. in particular, and th newspaper fra-
is ml ty in general, tnat tner has been no
ageucy. aui even in cburcn, whlcn na
Ou aa mors u ui.s ana 1 urn a aav ui oews-
The pre-A-har la looked up to in his com
munity as an example to he followed, but
no ator-. so than me suitor of the lotmi
newspaper. While each ba a persona-it y
nf his own. they uutn 10 a great extent lose
their Ulentlty In uieir caulinga. 1-et a
stranger in town inquire wtiu a eerraln
man ie sees .a and th anawer usually will
be. "that ia John Smiui. ' or "that is tne
Dastor or sucn ami sucn a cnur-si. or
i ... ... t , ..
, tam is iui wm.or 1 wr umt-u ispar. a
1 - " ;tbr- 1" , - ,, . mdilur la deaignatsd oy bis j And IS believed to have been ln Omaha
1 a memDwrs or ms newsoapar proresemn
fact that the ii:ur is tne foreriinnwr of
prigr sa avwry wuriw. jra Lnvrw tias oesn
a new town staked out it has been said tnat
the nret business institution is a eumo.
and the next. newspaper Jist wnv th
newsoapsr stiuid foUow the wakkhi oi Sot
staled, but It la a matter of common
rM.w:edge that aa soon as a nnwiiinr is
startad a sainon is rin less on tae wild
and w icily order, pmoaoly tor fear of
puiilicilf Lliar oiwo-w ui.r s-v I r-iu, T IS
newspaper and the euiiaequent result a Th
nrwiiixwr. then. ha. a eon of civilising
,..-- rtm na very etan.
Th members ef the prof eeslim are also
b "'"H-rxt-jiated UP" the fa-t that of
J. TTuJtne-."'!..'
rai.rar than w. a nun assary evil wist is
-''.'--w'-.," ca"T
Tmay ta. na,v ia recognised as nsc-
eaaarv to the siuoeas of every i,iti.-naie
Pusineea and tne editor us einssad
n ioi"i o. wwn. r-ite
usners. a m.e, sc "iT aeing re-
munerated aa ami aa Ue average triisinass
j (Coutiarusd sal Fwurtk ihkge-
DfMrir lprTi arriwa aa rharrh
Lmi fey aa Ovwr-weellB
Piit'S. Feb. ta By a majority rt 3FI j
the Chamber of Deputies today ant only ex- '
prawn J confidence in the (menmrnt and ;
authorised :t to cnm-lurt iiffntjitlimi for
the leasing of churehea to parish priests,
hot it indorsed with stontg of applause J
a r"rna.-tame pecii by Minister of EJu- ;
matron Enand. in which me extr-me left
wai openly rebuked
for ita tnt-ilcrant
1 spirit.
Th" iniater derjar-d waa unworthy '
'lf fpubik-aria. or even fre Unnkpra. not
tt respect the fast hnf milllona of their '
fellow countrymen. The order of separa.-
Uun. h aaid. waa dlseetaoiMimenc. not
' - -jau..
, . .
Praection. Uberty of worship, whether
respected. The Catholic ehurh waa not
:!lt nT other sett. It had een 3t to fort el t
:!k any other sect. It had seen 3t to fortelt
l-;1 m i i-m. wTjunmnes uia i i (-71 ' 1 wumu
it mia-ht now be in pos
una. but this did
"" pr-enf the r"""nmeit ftn recoaj-t
n:xin the ra;ht of Cathoilra to worship, j
and the anvernmeTit therefore Intended to ;
ep tha CaUiolic churrhew open far Caih-
'till'. 1 Tl I fm ma nn. bIm
when Brjuld hlld tSa
bad been clearly denned. The follower of
M. Combe, .km and unsuppor-ed. were ,
Hterajy overwhemed. i
Pmter Cemenceao cut rather a sorry.
fhrir-. Ahoua-h he Indicated his approval
of M. Bnand'e speech. h old not mount
the tribune and the leadership of the church
M. Brian d made the point that the law of
January 2 spectrally contemplated con- intersted friends the difficulties under emplcv experts ami Invesra-it th a- I Jnar.lmoua vote It w is rM ted tn th
; tracts of occiipaaon. and that consequently : whlrh the young women have long carted tual cost of railroads in this state. railroad committee to draft a n,n in ac-
the artvemment waa not exceeding its on U5",r claJ wnr- Iaac Caarpenter of Ctrroll todav got h's V-nt rate Mil cor lane with the committee recommenda
1 pfiwers. He took car not to reveal the Lh Tiung Mens Christian association was hBck on he house calendar on a motion ' tlona
rt of th8 .jontravt agreed aiion. thus k-av-
lruf latitude to give and tax, should
e.,ht- ,.ut..u. tr i
however, that the government would insert
, caus, m ti,ee contracts to prevent for-
fign prits. or members of religious order,
not r-rogmaed in Franc, from becoming
thereto. Ee admitted the govern-
ment could not cor-strain the mayors, who -i
are at Uberty to maae legal contract., but
te .k . .
tracts the anvemmenr w, ..,!,) he nntn.i:l
nut only to keep the churches open, but to
aiainta.n them at the expense of the com-
It is agreed tonight on all sides that a.
.unuuii :ur me leases wtu OS TOUnu anil
that the m.wt acuta phase of the church
controversy is at aa end.
The cabinet, at a meeting today. Pr-sldent
iareg in U,e chair, unanimously ap-
proved the agreement arrived at re.iterdav
v. . . B . .
; " . . 7'" . '
" i"i i leases 01
f tlf n M air P I PI M a( rat sat asa a
UniiMC MiHw LwIifmACT ilUMT
Wlraa la Aaasaa' Trial Telia Extra-
sralaarf Tale mt Jssaser
KLIlera' 1 ...i l.rf
TO , , T r , . 1
t " li-jo. c -u.
" .in., j u; ui v. 1 11 1 in a;iu v 1111 1 1 J wa
; anfoided today in the trial of Stev Adams '
j when Archie Phillip. Fred Tyler's neigh- ;
1 bor and friend, told of the "Jumper K.1I-
' ers aanociauon."' a secret society aJegd to
have been formed by men Uvtng tn th
woods along Marble creek in the summer of
! laoi. its purptm was supposed to ba the
j fclUng of the later settlers who had Jumped
! the timber chums of some of the earlier
i arrivals. A Swede named Engatrum. the
saia. was supposed to oe the preal-
t dent of th society, and Jack Slmpklns.
whose claims had been Jumped by Tyler,
supposed to be on of the ringleaders,
: wa s,av Adam.
PUU!I" th district after
T?,er w kiUed- Ir l 100 Q,,t for hlm
and h "as 1-ni-d :o ha Aboul
a Phillips left, bis cabin was
ok"" "P OT dynamite, which destroyed
Di worth of suppliea .4sked if
n st Adams and Slmpkin. blew up
i r--i ltn Phillma u 1 1 1 mi roir hi hi.
1 . . ;
, i"' H ZL
P J?!?. J " '"T . ,
h " " 7" rh TJthZf h
m Sous tor supper tn night befor he
r' r
'"tf, 'JTh eJ'JSl
get ting too hot for him and he was going
to leave. Cross-examination failad to snak
Phillips' testimony.
atrs- NVlU Phillips, wife of the wltm
1 tnl'1 of pTetdly seemg Adams and Simp-
' m on ,- lDmr nom rsw
days before Tyler disappeared. She told
of Tyler's last meal at their home and
testified to hearing four shots flrsd the
next morning at the time when the settler
la supposed to hav been murdered.
Owing to the illness of Coroner Keys.
"'" " , " 1
ht" homa Mullaa to take hla testimony.
The defense offered to take his statement
given at tha preliminary examination.
sa. Tanagfet . Ha. iawwir.
Fsue Cswrt la
CHICAGO. Feb. HO (Special Telegram.)
Th case of Charles Pheian. arrested for
MMien. a RBckura of riirs allewsd to
... . . . -.,. .
' h m b'"B moim from Omaha, waa eon-
1 Unued to February Za. Kis bond was
i placed at ts
The furs recovered by the Chicago police
or stolen about three weak, aao from
th hum af Robert B-uwmxweig, S3aZ Har-
ney street, together With Jewelry to the
va:ue of cm It kf thought the burglary
was committed by "3obby Howe. no-
torioua burglar and safe cracksman, who
sent the Jewelry and furs to hla brother
, .
1 at Chiitagn, where fiieian waa inuucea tu
untn very nomuj am m -ict .tv-i
. hr,..n into and robbed the ouuil
; hbrary. aa wed aa tha dajitgni burglary of
AH u i tier reaioencc ui uir winiwm iai 1, i
the city.
w ...
!- faaalsg ladlwt-
j saa-at, feaa 9 fell! mt
. . ...
. CICCA'jO. Feb. l-Arg-amenta upon the
request of the artornere for the Standard
Oil eompany f'- a bill of particular giving
" darl Oil
eompany in mdli-tmenrs recently rKturaed
"dar the Elkina law were made ulay in
... ,-r -
Jucg LeovlU decjned to order the fllhig
tr am or parucuaira. out iirected that
gefandant aitorney be a.loss.1 ;o ex
. . ,
amine ad th documentary evidaaoa upod
winch tha indlctrneuLs are haawd.
Mara Ilua Aatrast Aiked ia Fledgwl &r
tha Jiw Etuidiat
Exrlred Mrt Ta th mtarr
the Ur sag all Taa Pert
la a Aaailaa Dta
a i
Soldnm If ever tlaa an audience of
Omaha a reprewntatlv women becoma en
thuaed to the eau-nt of toaatna; its members
In xttm air. but that la what happened at the
T iling Women a Omauaa a.-woi iarjnn Tuea-
... "'"umi ui
day evenln when OP..T waa aanouneed aa
, (ho result of the two weeks' campaign for
' . ... . . " M .
the remunin t5..a of the Cia.J nd for
the remaining
the new aaaoclacon buikS!n. i
the new association bulldin.
.i.o. j
you 'eailae tt?" aaked
ICrs. W. P. Harford, president of the a-
"ortatlnn. when the noise had subidt. aa
she aud upon the rostrum winking hard
W keep back the tears. It ia doubtful it
one jmU Omaha auditorium has ever bean
taaeii to hold such hilarious enthusiasm aa
, attended the raily at the rooms in the Pax-;
" luesaajr niai at nxe ciosa ot me
campaign. J
Pa,r ... Tal-at.
The meet in a opened wtth a brief prayer
service, whic h waa frequently disturbed by
the mus of one of the business women s
ymruiaium claaw-s, lust finishing its hour
and demonstrating to the audience of
calld upon to speak, and aa a result of ilia
u,"n that the women might celebrate
their achievement as the men had done.
ay tossing its officers, the gym girls
hwl m fm Ul'lr C"UM ar,d b,ftre she
couid caugu up th general seer-;
" Mra- 0,1 ma F E''ers- t1"'" t m-
:lr ner sUHV' thwr hBd" amldJ chf
ut:h " 'vn tne adsorluon r-ria had
n"v"r heard bfo"L ;
Not sausiled with this they turned to
a,IH-I: r- memoer oi uw wn
of d!rector a"J nUlw' hrr ,n tne p- tJ"n
. " aa" . gymnasium wua tne
-,i ...- ' "
aeeociauon. (
wrk C th Twassa. ,
Ail of the teams have completed the &
they had set out to raise. The blue team,
capta.ned by. Mrs. George Tllden. raised
the largest amount. CtCi t"J' of which
was the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Earton.
The red team, captained by Mrs. Emma F.
Even, came next with 4.X!S. the pink team,
Mrs. J. Hi. Lnimunt. captain. 1. lav-nuer
team. Mrs. W. P. Harford, captain. ISJH.
and the yellow team. Mrs. Clement Chase,
captain. t2.iGa. Owing to illness in th fam
Hies of all the yedow team members, they
fell little below the boal. but the dertcl-
ency waamad up at the last minute by 1
- .1.. I T1 n r u u tV t O '
iac Carpenter.
Much excltment prevailed aa th subsenp-j
Hons cams m between s anu o uk i raj-
Ing the fund from UT.Ofw ta OJ.5K7. Mayor
1 Dahlman was among th- men present and
. - t . wm 1 ..iiiir . n.l
extended hie congratulatlong to th women
' for their succeea. John C
Wharton as-
sured tn aeSKHtxauon tnat il nan innua-
arreted In this campaign, begun after th
men had canvassed the town for other en-
terprises. that "what men hav don women
can accomplish." J. H. Dumont. Isaao Car-
penter and W. P Harford were among the
other speakfW. The women did Utile taik-j
Ing they had exhausted their strength In
canvassing, they explained.
Life Wwsshrsaia far Mr. Byevm.
A pleasing incident of the evening waa ,
the pr-en'.arlun of
a certificate of life
association to Mrs. -
membership la the
Ever, the general secretary, by the women
of her Bible class. Mrs. dosed the
meeting with a short talk exnressing th
appreciation of the aasociatlun of the hearty
co-operation of th men friends who have
assisted, "the business men who have given
spac. for th. tam headquaer, and ail
ouher. who have ntT,nud money or
nih.p h.ln A riainn VOT. flf tnankS Was SX-
' , .
i , ,. . 7 , .
: Jv
M rs "oeorg A. Jy.....'."'."'.
jmailu Bncfc company
a rrtena -
Mr "an.Mra Frank' .rarp'ter".:::::: J
Smita Bnck company
Aanie M. K.mhail
Marv R. Kimball -
K. F. Shnntx
Cuuaby Packing company ..
.... Y
ArTnulir px-aing company
K .en Bncatn
J L Baker He
Trana-Miseissippl Grain company lin
Dr. and Mrs. tie-Tge Tllden lin
C. K. Jinnmm. Fairfax. S. D Hi.'
H J Suriing
Dr W O. Henry , S9
T'if Hiinson
MJton R.tgers A Sons company M
A. Rosennery as
John L-uenser
H. D Neeay
A I. Root .-
' The Berean Blbi class .......
j aar. ana Tn w c r . . wiw n ........
w: -r-
IJ E. V.m Dnm.-..
j Mohn--::::::::::.-::::
wii;am Wilson ....... .. ...
D. M- H.ldeorand.
TV. L- Put
Omaha Hard Wood company .,
t w. w. W'liiama ..
1 A- W Jeffries. .
Rdwari M. Martin
D. L. Shane
Mrs. Nora H. Lemon
John F Coad
Mr and Mrs. Patrick
Luther Praise .
Oiariss E. Wilkma
, F L. Gm-dnrn
Mr H. D. Neelv
jjr, r. f. Elundge
Mrs. A. J Lowry
! Mr j A rnip,,,-,.
s- rrwia Shoe company
'. mJM,. P k'ng company....
1- e
a F Herxier
jgr. H P By
; t f .rmao1
. 'williaroa'
. -p. T,.f(.r5
M- J.,hn He.
T r -
Mra J L- Baker
i J-sa-nh Barker
MJ F Twomley
1 'n,,tve P(ers
Lapsne Peters
asslgnaa Tkta
a fa Disasfr la S
Yaw at Clry.
SSTW YORK. Feb. Ik Th fart that
spreauing rail caused th WTwrk of th
j Whit. Plain, expr-es oa th. New YurX
.i ,i...i i.. n... .. .
" - saiuinay aignt. in
, which twenty-ana parsons were killed, waa
developed at in. comnsrs hiniiaat today
This u the tsatimonr of a l BaiUatt.
ths New York Central a etig-naaw af glaiq-
terama of a ay.
Ul far tam4 Par Ver Tarawa h
th laat trrer i rteat mtm tm
DtVat tt.
FIETUtSL 3. t' . Fb. !9 !pe.-ji! TM.-
Crn. -Tle (.lit Irtter i.ri'.oat "t x bi-a
eye in the senate iy :hat -ty r-f-jemn to
paa the houee lull to im-r-se hi- pay it
the aolulers' home b"r-1 Tr-m E to fS jx-r
lay. L.mln t:emo"l ti t: the li.
bit Du(ii-y WM-ared r-nniierat;on. and
iraither vote n whu h it f.iiliMl aaiun. uid
Lincoln et urt hi jtii turn to ;nt it be- !
yond f ir her rernBt.ientlon.
The expecrml lilwiiiwli-n in the aenar over
the anti-treanna- bill diif m m up. aa
:t waa put ovr unul ThurMay of m-it
week for a m.
The wnate pa.ed thetitll providing t.t
,, , 1 , ... .
M UIKit n IIIKHH HI 11 Will ' )I1W II I a
. tV,. hl,,
. ,
to srhools from E" to t a year aceord-
. ... , ,
., fH
bill r-o'ilfna- mutual Ufa Inminnce rom
naiiies to make annual acrour.r.ntr tr their
prtlry holders aa to the manner of invest
ment of surplus and the rste .it interest
it drswa.
Price of Tankton starred another paswen
Cer rate hill on Its war in the hens. th
hill providin a straight ?-eent rite srth-
.j rt-mo.. j
r,, , w,. fr-wn the cal- i
ndar todar and --r.t to the .hidlriair com-!
mittee which wll d.-tor It tomorrow morn-
inff ni m,-,,, lt ,avit with I
amerHimenrs tomcrr-w aemoon '
In the line of prw-dlna- the t-iIIwat com-
house pasned The h(!l to a ithcr'se ht body i
t3 )t -rr,m table, in which he wns I
gusrained by the spenker af-r a point of '
1rr hd hwn nu.v n,i ; n rh-I
calendar again, likely to come up at any ;
nf th house was '
devoted to the conslderatLm of the general .
educational b.n. which was nassed late,
tJ,nrou,nly amended.
The senate killed the hill r-qulr-ng n-w- j
miwr u.i .lt rn k hronirhr In the !
county where the paper !a published,
t Ulon supported the bill on committee re- i
r- anf wa9 opposed by Otodm-r and , ann it met ter-at utaaib. The j
senate passed a bill making the secretary j
or the state Eoard of Aurlculrure ex-
officio Immigration commissioner, and pro-
vldlng him with an appropriation for -
pens account. Lincoln opposing the hill
and Evme and Laxon ask'jti; for it. The
Dowell uniform text book bill, after being
a cause of considerable contention for the
past week, was nnaliy put to aleep this J
arnsrnuon on a ce vote, arter waicn tne
morion to tie lt down waa made, and lt is '
no longer a factor of the session.
r Ti aaary Is G
at mt
llaaar mt latvraarlaaal Saelal
i.IH.(jj. ran. 1. vi aerretary or tn
Teuurv $9haw w&s thw r-.iMt of hiinnr trw
Tr-a-ury Shaw was the gunst of honor to- ,
night at a banquet f the larerdenomina-
Uonal Social union of Chicago, The gather- i
uig was truiuinmviu ui roawinauvni ui me
Methodist. Presbytvrlan. Congregational
and Baptist churches. Secretary Shaw de-
Uvered the principal address, urging that
the organixanun of the union be made
"While I am nominally Methodist." he
j said, "and beUve ln the teachings of my
! chur-th and am proud of Its record, I am
sufficiently Catholic in spirit and in hope. . Sackett bill. McKesson and Bums of Lan
to welcome with delight a movement that , caster led a losing hght to secure the
would unite ail those who believe in the
Lord Jesus Christ aa the aavlor of th
worid and who recognizes him as the only
hope of th race, w nether Catholla or
Protestant, whether Armenian or Calvin 1st,
in putting the word of God Into every
home and in p reselling the gospel ln easy
acres to every person.
q t mlH.( Qf I
, j
I ,
Reforms are always necessary and al-
ways in orlasr. but It ia not th miaaion of
t church was planted lrr the midst of a sin-
cursed race aa a great light in th wilder-
: ness. from th. pr-sence of which goblins
wal always flee. The church ha someuma
undertaken to remove objecttonahle beliefs
m-l t H tVia awrorrl and tt Km m url rr .
thought to eradicate obj. ctlonabl. habit
with resolutions, but while thus engaged
tha light has usually grown dim. It ia th
work of the church to keep the light burn
ing, and the Ught in the fullness of time
will expel darkaeaa."
Federal Sraag Jarr la v Tars.
A eases Hill Lis af revise
3 , estate.
2 NTV YORK. Feb. U Th federal grand
& Jury today indicted th Great Northern
Railway company on charge that in UH
lt paid CO.) m rebates on sugar shipments
W to Lowell M. Pauner. traffic agent of the
American Sugar Refining company
und count of th same Indictment charges
that U.ia additional rebate, were paid to
Mr. Pamer by various railroads in con
junction with the ilreat Nortnern. The
Indictment charges that the Greet Northern
Railway company effected freight combina
tiona with tha Lehigh Va.Iey. the New
Yirk Central and the New York. New
Haven at Hartford railroada. the ihrQugn
route of the last named road being made '
E up in cumbmatlon with Erie railroad.
.5 tne threat -iortaern eteamsnip company
and ths Crreat Northern Railway company
whereny sugar was rraasu'jrted from New i
S York City and B.iston to Slnux City. lav, at!
bet than the publlnhed tariff ratea.
The rat, the Indictment charge, was 5i
. "
cents per lis) pounda but through an agree,
. . . . . , "
ment alleged to have been made by Aionao j
W. Lake and A. W. sleel aa agents of the j
Great Northern company and Lowell M.
Palmer aa the agent of the American Sugar '
Refining company lt la charged that the
sugar refining company waa granted a
through rate on sugar between tne points
named of 3 cents ner it notinds.
It is understood that the general counsel
of th Great Northern have been aoCned
of the indictment and will within a few
days present themselves for pleading.
It la reported still more inuicttnenta will
rtfty-ar sWdl
sdl linTrrH sag
Over Twtsty Ar
Fee. Ik Cp
i , t.,.- s.i s..rft v...
r,, trsn mine No. 1 of th.
Mexican Coal and Coke company. Eleven
injured are In the hospital and two of the
mimner ar ratal ly hurt. C th STt tour
dead aodlea already isaruvered. thirty are
, fa pin ism The dead, k ia estlmaxed. will
i number bstweea axty and eighty maav
ti Two-Cent Fra Bill 'WaioTit
A licseatiac Tota.
Saxber of 3aa.vorj Contend for Dal ia
Xatter Uanl Iiarsday.
lecoffimandi It for Fataaa ia Cocni.tTa
of the "eThaia.
III Pswes tha Haas aa Thar la
very Praaahlliry It Will Usa
Paaa ta eaata Whaa
(7m a 9ta.T Correwpontte-it)
i-l-.OU. Feb. 19. Special)-The 8ack-
en 9at 2nt nasaetiae- ear. mh
' . th.s aftem.n and the Jlnt
mittee nt rate bUl !n the house wa.
recommended for paiwuc wtth tile emerg-
ency clause without amendment by the
committee of the whole.
The j.tnt commlt-ee anri-n.s- h.n ...
and some auoptrt afi,.r which by a. most
While the senate snenr mn.d.r.hi.
over the S-cent fare bill, the bouse adopted
it ni-. t .
Brown secured a nil call to nav th bl'l
recommitted for the sp-iflo purpose of
adopting his amendment providing that la
ra. an- railroad company how-d the
railway commlsalcn the rate waa not com-
penaauiry th commission should hava
power to ncra th. rat on that road
n..r m -. - . D -
obiect in gettlns: the roll call an to. huva
a record, so that if th bill does not stand
the test of th courts th people will know
who aa responsible. Those who voted ta
recommit th bill were the following:
H r t.
a. p.
.1 nwruug,
G ta
R eff ! UwLfas
Bmwo. . A.
MM", sit,
; r-
1 urmj
j ansa.
Lively Defeats la leasts,
Afer a dramatic debate of two hour,
the senate ln committee of the whole this
morning passed Sackett's t-cent far bill
j to third reading; thue anticipating the
' action of the house an th Joint commit!
measure, which la a duplicate of the
; postponement of action until Thurwiar. but
1 so overwhelming waa the sentiment of th
t senators aa expreased in the debate for
. Immediate action that Mcft mucin withdrew
; his mouun to delay and both he and Burns
I Juined in the vote to engroaa for third
j reading. As soon aa tha senate met in th
! afternoon the bill, which had been en-
. grossed during th noon hour, waa hurried
, to third reading and puasad without a tils-
vote. Th vote stood H to 0. Lauta
: and Randall being absent. The bill
' Immediately sent over to the house.
! The debate bfor th commttxa of th
' waoia waa Ustened to with Intense lnter-
' eat by a crowded nailery and lobby. Among
I . K n .., ...v An. mIIh,.!
among them Edaon Rich of the Union Pa
ctliu and Bob McCinma of th Northws
. am. Women thronged Into th. gallery and
to th floor of tha serials. Among thoaa
who occupied seats on th floor of th sen
ate was Mrs. Sheldon, wife of the gov
ern cr. The sentiment of the crowd was)
daarly ln favor of th bill and th debaia
was interrupted several times by applause.
Is committee cf the whole Saunders of
Douglas was called to the chair and before
the clerk had time to read th bill Patrick
of Sarpy moved It b engroaa ad for third
reading. Sackett and several other Jonl
in seconding the motion. McKesasn f-se
lowed at 1 o'eiork. Ha explained he wast
.v.- -ators Cma to consider
( Mmdmfinta th--, mlCht want to make ta
the hill. The debate, which began at once.
waa not confined to the motion to postpone
ertlr,n tra, touched en the menta of the
bill. Wilcox. Sackett. AJdrtch. King, Ep
pwrsnn. Paxnck. Dodsna and Sibley spuk
in favor of immediate action, whll MriLaa
son. Gould. Root. Clarke, Burns and WU
sey of Frontier wantad to delay, th. cun-
lderxrton of the bill until Thtirsdsy Saok-
i jL:ar.c!, b.h mad. xtendd
speeche ln favor of taking Immediate ac-
nnn holing the senate had aa muca right
t.x flr,t tjj. huusa.
asadnsat Is Dai
King of Polk declared an amendment to
the hill such aa was proposed ln the house
. , ,, .
lower the rate would kill tt. because Ut.
t , , . . . ,, . , , .
title of the bill passed In HUT. which the
present bill amentia it nut broad """fi
to cover any legialation relating to the
commission. He pclnted out Cnloa Pacific
attorneys m making arguments before the
committee bad said that road had twessveg
an average of not over L.w can fa a mile
. for transportation during the last
l' war true- h" hou-nt Di: W
nold m tt in tft" Urt" 8001 kot4
' to wm;t unt-1 thm UDr,tm ds.
i cld"d tn" '-"''y af tn oommiaslon. aa
xh' lr'ht ;Tt WB CCon of the
' leg.slaiura. Sackert spoae at constderao
I lengta. pointing out changed conditions
oommiaslon law now pending In both houses
gives the ra.lway commission Am pie pa war
over passenger rates, so tnat if tn. eourt
j should knock out tna !eent rats the corn-
! miaaion would have power tu reduce tha
trt rr- antbiuit an ur,.tiiii ...
prent lull.
Several af the senator direct d aom per.
eoniU remark, at Jo Burn, uf Lancaster
toucmng on ma record ln th Uaasiaxars.
' Burn In reply said ha would vols for a
i S-osnx far but ha wavoted tt be sare tae
I actio they mat would stand tha bast c