Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Guaranteed t'ndcr tba rare Food and Draffs Low Serial No. 65.
Office. 10 rear! Bt. Tel. 43.
Davis, drum.
Stockert setts carpets.
Fine engravings at Lefferts.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faurt beer.
See Schmidt's elegant new photos.
plumbing and heating, Bixby A Bon.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone S7.
Woodrlng Undertaking; company. Tel. 339.
Watch repairing. O. Mauthe, 228 West
2! roadway.
Dishes and supplies for ctgar band dec
orations. Alexander's Art Btore.
ITALK to leffert about it. F. I. Bellltig-r left yesterday on an
extended trip to Peru and other South
American points.
Bluffs City Masonic lodge will meet in
regular session tonight when there will be
work In the third d gree.
LAND8. Mrs. Clara Neumayer, wife of Lucas
Neumayer, died last evening, aged 24
years. Beslnen In . ..ui.tuid she leaves a
week-old baby.
The Pottawattamie County Abatraot rom
"psny makes superior abstracts. Books In
constant use for fifty-five years. 235 Pearl
street. Both 'phones.
Illinois nut coal, dellrered, 15.50 per ton;
pnrlra grate, l.5t) per ton. William Welsh,
lii North Main street. Tel. 128. Yard Eighth
street and Eleventh avenue. Tel. 977.
D. 8. Kerr has farms of different sizes
to rent, either cash or crop rent. Houses
fur sule on monthly payments. Tels. 417 and
4o4 Red. 54 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
A farewell reception will be given this
evening at Trinity Methodist church for W.
Goehting und family, who will leave Coun
cil Blurts In the near future to locate In
the west.
Are you paying two prices for mantles
and gas burtiersr If you are, we can out
the price In two for you. We handle Lind
ey self-lighting and Inverted mantles, also
all other connections. W. A. Maurer.
Another continuance was granted yester
day In police, court In the hearing of
Charles and l,ewls Storms und John Ewlng,
charged with the theft of a buggy body,
'i hu cane la unsigned for this morning.
Rev. Henry DeLong performed the mar
riage ceremony yesterday for Thomas
Jones und Ileal rice Dodson, both of South
Oniahu; G. W. Johnson and Kmma Me. I,
both of Omaha, and W. A. liranlff and
Amelia Peters, both of Valley, Neb.
Bud Mlkesell and William Fegley were In
x'iice cuurt yesterday morning charged
with desecrating the Sabbath by disturb
ing the peace while under the Influence of
lliiuor. Mlkesell was fined $5 and costs,
but Fcgiey's hearing was continued until
The funeral of the late William O. Mc
Gulre will be held this afternoon at 2
o'clock from the residence of his sister,
Mrs. A. Penn, Kmn Third street, and burial
will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. Rev. F.
A. Case, pastor of the First Baptist church,
will conduct the services.
There will bo no Wednesday evening ser
vice this week at the First Presbyterlun
church. In Its stead there will be held on
Friday evening at 7:45 o'clock the unnual
praise service of the Woman's Missionary
society. The address will be given by the
Rev. K. M. Wherry, D. D.. of India.
George Bishop,1 the young man sentenced
to the county Jail for thirty days for the
th ft of a sum of money from his employer.
Miss Minnie Avery, and who ' skiddooed
alter seven days while acting as trusty
for Jailer Gallup, will spend the. next thirty
(lays In the city bastile. He was sentenced
yesterday in police court on a charge of
The First National bank of this city has
instituted proceedings In the United Htates
court here to have Malcolm Balrd, a farmer
of Dunlap. Ia., adjudged a bankrupt. It
alleged that Balrd committed acts of bank
ruplcy In giving $4,UU0 to a son, William
Balrd, and J3.0U) to bis own wife without
consideration and with Intent to defraud
his creditors.
Mrs. Lurlnda Btellen, wife of John
Btellen, 410 West Broadway, died Sunday
night after a short Illness from heart
trouble. Besides her husband she Is sur
vived by four children, George Stellen of
this city, Amanda and William StelU-n and
Mrs. Julia Thomas of Omaha. The funeral
will be held this morning from the resi
dence at 10 o'clock and Interment will be In
Mrs. Mary Cooper, aged 85 years, died
yesterday at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. L. B. Klnne. 615 South Seventh
street. Three sons, C. C. Cooper of Web
ster City. Ia,, A. 8. Cooper of St. Joseph,
Mo., O. W. Cooper of Blairsburg, Ia.. and
two daughters, Mrs. B. R. Griffith of Stutt
gart. Ark., and Mrs. Klnne of this city
survive her. The body will be taken to
Bpeers, III., for burial.
Saloon Crusader Hinging and Eii Cffioe
Door Remain Locked.
Action In Looking; tp His Kansas
Record Thought to Have Some
thing? to Do With His Forsak
ing Ills Isnat Hannts.
Where Is J. Brown, the saloon crusader
from Kansas, who appears as both plaintiff
and attorney for plaintiff In the half hun
dred or more Injunction suits begun against
wet goods emporiums In Council Bluffs and
the smaller towns In Pottawattamie county?
parties occupying rooms In the same build
ing state that Mr. Brown has not been seen
In his office since last Wednesday and thnt
his office has remained locked since then.
Daily papers which It la supposed Mr.
Brown subscribed for to learn how the
people and saloon men, especially of Coun
cil Bluffs, were taking his crusade, com
menced accumulating In front of his office
door last Thursday morning. Mr. Brown's
law 'library, consisting of a copy of the
code of Iowa, haa disappeared and the
supply of cordwood which formerly could
be seen In the corner of tho office near the
small stove has apparently been exhausted.
Mr. Brown's record previous to coming
to this city Is balng Investigated by the
authorities, and It l thought possible that
this may account for his absence from the
city. This much has been learned by the
authorities, that Mr. Brown came here from
Cuba. Kan., and If the Information in the
hands of tho authorities Is correct Mr.
Brown is not an attorney, not having been
admitted to the bar. While tho authori
ties are not willing at this time to disclose
what they have ascertained rcgnrdlng Mr.
Brown, it Is admitted that what they have
learned Is not In Mr. Brown's favor.
Borne of the saloon men who, It Is stated,
settled" with Mr. Erown, either with him
In person or through nn Intermediary In
the person of a member of the local bar.
are now said to be of the opinion that per
haps they had better have waited and not
been In such a hurry to "step up to the
captain's desk" and pay out their hard,
cold cash in return for a promise of im
munity from further prosecution.
companies have been conducted by the
Western Adjustment company.
The face value of the policies carried by
the Union Transfer company aggregated
J62.5O0 and the offer of settlement Is about
$1 At) less than this.
An adjournment was taken until next
Saturday, at which time a further exam
ination of the officers of the bankrupt com
pany will be held. At this time it Is ex
pected a date will be set for a hearing on
the contested claims, all of which, It Is
expected, will bo filed by that time.
Council Decides Aacnlnnt flavins; Him
Confer With Alvord.
The city council last night turned down
hnrd a motion of Councilman Hendilx,
member of the special water works com
mittee, that W. Kiersted, the expert en
gineer employed by the city be further
employed to return to Council Bluffs und
confer with Mr. Alvord, the expert en
gineer representing the water works, with
a view If possible of reconciling the dif
ferences in their respective valuations of
the water works plant.
The city council, assisted by Mayor
Macrae after a tie vote had been an
nounced, decided to stand pat on Mr. Kler
sted's report as to tho value of the plant,
by adopting the following resolution Intro
duced by Councilman Wallace, chairman of
the special water works committee, not
on behalf of his committee, but acting as
cn Individual member of the council:
Resolved. By the city council of Council
Bluffs that It bo the sens" of the council
that the special water committee acting
for this botly, shall In Its negotiations with
the Council Bluffs City Walt rwoi ks com
pany consider the value of the water plant
owned by said company to be not In ex
cels of the valuation placed upon said
plant by our consulting enpineer and ex
pert. W. Kiersted. namely, $50i!,94R.
This resolution was introduced by Coun
cilman Wallace In advance of the reading
by him of the letter written him and Man
ager Hart of the water works company by
Mr. Kiersted In wnlch the latter announced
his willingness, If nuthorlzed by the city
council, to come to Council Bluffs and go
over their respective reports with Mr. Al
vord. The discussion precipitated by the
resolution occupied the greater part of the
session ana at times was anything but
harmonious. All of the councllmen took
part In tho discussion, although Councilman
Wallace had the floor the greater part of
tho time.
In offering his resolution Councilman
Wallace Insisted thnt th? council shr.uld
stand pat en Mr. Klersted's report and
vuluatlon and should throw the burden of
I proof that the valuation was not fair. on
the water works company. Referring to the
valuation placed on the plant by Mr. Al
vord, the expert employed by the water
works company. Councilman Wallace de
clared with considerable wnrmth and em
phasis that the report was a "palpable
fraud." He further declared that Mr. Al
vord had not made any of the computa
tions or measurements himself and that It
"would be perfectly ridiculous to have Mr.
Kiersted come here to raise his own fig
urea." Later during the discussion George S.
Wright, attorney for the water works crm
pany, took exception to Councilman Wal
lace's assertion that Mr. Alvord's report
was a "palpable fraud," and Manager Hart
called the attention cf the councilman from
the Third wurd to the fact that both Mr.
Kiersted and Mr. Alvord made their com
putations from the measurements made by
Enalneer Kiersted. Employed by City,
Explains Ilia Position.
Despite the assertions made by certain
persons to the contrary, W. Kiersted, the
expert engineer employed by the city to
place a valuation on the waterworks plant"
Is and haa been at all times perfectly will
ing to moet with John W. Alvord, the con
sulting engineer retained by tho water
works company and go over their reports
with a view. If possible, of reconciling the
differences In their figures. That he Is per
fectly willing to meet with Mr. Alvord,
Mr. Kiersted explains In a letter addressed
to E. W. Hart, manager of the waterworks ' man pmpIoyed tQ .perfoPm thls
day anniversaries of Washington and Lin
coln Friday evening In Dunlsh hall. The
committee In charge, consisting of J. II.
Brooks, C. H. Warren and D. A. Hesler.
has prepared an Interesting program. Cap
tain L. B. Cousins will preside. This Is the
National Anthem 45tar Spangled Banner,
by the audience.
Address ushlngton as a Patriot, W. F.
Duet The Sword of Bunker Hill, Brooks
and Warren, two old soldiers.
Addre.s on Abraham Lincoln, George
Music (Song and Chorus) Washington
and Lincoln.
"Lincoln's Address at Gettysburg," W. II.
Music Tenting on the Old Camp Ground.
Address Washington as a Statesman, C
M. Harl.
Sopg America, by the audience.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night. 80a
Iciita Sews Xotes.
CHARLES CITY The newly organised
Farmers' Co-operative' company purchased
the elevator of Helgen A Bon here and
selected C. H. Lane as manager.
CHARLES CITY The Christian church
society have purchased the Unlversalist
church building and will remodel the
same, putting on $1,000 improvements.
CINCINNATI Little 14-year-old George
, Davis was lured from his home on Satur
day, supposedly by a peddler, who gave his
name as Tom English. Davis' parents are
almost distracted and every effort Is being
made to locate the missing boy.
COLFAX Because of domestic trouble
with his young 17-year-old wife, Bart Pen
man of Seevers, aged 21, shot himself
through the head In the presence of his
wife, brother and other relatives. The
couple had not lived happily for some time.
They had been married two years.
CEDAR FALLS Today action was be
gun In the district court by the Cedar
Falls 'Horse Importing company to re
cover from H. L. Lolund the rent due on
the Arlington hotel. Judge Piatt, after
hearing the complaint, appointed R. A.
Kantee receiver and at once began taking
un invoice of tho property.
TIPTON Rising as usual In the morning.
Charles 8. Reichert, son of one of the
oldest and wealthiest families of this city,
committed suicide by stepping before the
dresser and tiring a bullet through his
brain. He was about 35 years old and un
married. He had served with the Forty
ninth Iowa In the Spanish war and there
contracted typhoid fever, which left him
In poor hoalth ever since, and it la believed
despondency over his physical condition
prompted his act.
CEDAR FALLS A breach of promise
suit filed by Miss Nettle Smith against
Albert H. Schrag Is attracting consider
able attention In this locality. The plain
tiff is a young woman 23 years of age
who for some years marto her home with
Mrs. George Schrag, who lives six miles
from this city. The friendship which
ripened Into love has continued for more
than four years and under promise of
marriage the young lady has prepnred
her trousseau at great expense and about
four months ns-o her lover's ardor cooled
and he has been attentive to another
young woman.
company, and Councilman Wallace, chair-
man of the special waterworks committee. , Tho on thfl reoUton 8tooj fop lt8
All that Mr, Kiersted asks la that such a'8doptoni nom oison. Wallace Younk-i
conference be properly and duly authorized aKalnrti Hpn(1rlx. Knudson. Ma- i
by the city council or the special committee ,onpy pmltn u Mng R tf, Mayf)r Macraa
having the waterwoms maner in uiI0. asserted his privilege of voting and de
Mr. Klersted's letter to Messrs. Hart and cl1ed ,ne matter , favor cf tn8 reEOlu.
Wallace, which Is self-explanatory, follo-ws: tI(
In view of the various rumors and state- Then Counrllman Hondrlx moved that Mr.
ments that appear to have been made wltn , . . . . ,
regard to my position In the matter of a Kiersted be employed for not to exceed
conference between Mr. Alvord and myself i three days to meet and confer with Mr.
for tho purpose of reconciling the differ- ' AIvord. To thl8 Councilman Wallac voiced
ences In our respective estimates of the,
vaTuS of the Council Bluffs City Water-! a vigorous protest, and at this point in
works property. I think a statement from ! the "discussion produced Mr. Klersted's lct
me may be timely, and will not. I hope, be ! ter and rettd to tne oollncu.
considered PBun.tuous. drpend(,nt o aj ..why dld you not rA that bcfore you
large extent, upon the work of others In Introduced your resolution? If I had heard
preparing an Inventory of property to be that iettr t would not have voted for your
lalr.d. "h0"' dMern, Au'rndtb'endwonr'ro resolution." remarked Councilman Flem-
others to a greater or less extent In the , lng.
Sylvester Btucker, the saloonkeeper at preparation of the inventory or ine prp-.iy
Broadway and Sixteenth stre-t who es- t of tfe Council Bluffs Water company,
ayed to pry. the lid open Sunday, was as- Some Items of this Inventory, based upon
f..fl fi unri iiHf In niihee court vaster, meuer data, involves the exercise of Judg-
day morning. Thomas Williams. Htucker's ment to u considerable degree, and may . clare he was for municipal ownership
Ikii tender, contributed and costs to the vary accoraingiy. .'first last and nil the time Councilman
city's police fund. Chbf Richmond notlned I 2. I would gladly have met Mr. Alvord anrt Rli tne umf- "nman
Stueker that If he violated the Sunday i personally at any time before my report , allnce, not to be outdone, said the
closing order again, he would see to It that i was filed with the city for the purpose of ! mayor's sentiments were his, and this
jus license was revoked. stucKer promised . aiscussing me invemuiy, uu ''" caused Councilman Younkerman to throw
witn mm aireciiv upon an "i
fact relating to the amount of material ; a bouquet at himself In the same connec
whlch properly should enter an estlmata of j tlon. Despite the mavor's eloquence,
the cost of the Council Bluffs Waterworks Counc,lmnn Wallace carried the day, and
company. ,, , , , , , ..
8. I am willing to meet Mr. Alvord per. C ouncilman Hendrlx 8 motion went a gllm
snnally at any time a date can be agreed ; merlng by a vote of 5 to 3. Councllmen Ma
upon, and discuss with hint directly the , d Fu.mlllK ulone Btood bv Council-
questions of fact relating to the amounts
of material which Bhould be considered in j man Hendrlx.
an estimate of the Council Bluffs Water! After some more pyrotechnics the matter
company, with a view of correcting any; dropped and other business given a
errors which he or I may have nade in : .
formulating the schedule of our respective j 8110 w-
estimates of the Council Bluffs Water-' At the suggestion of Councilman Ma
works omnertv. tirovlded such a meettnirii .. - ..... n nnnntnt.i
Council be. properly authorised. ' ' ...... . .
j I make this offer because I can see no to confer with the county supervisors
,..... ...... -. - . Affrn nrwin nueAtlfins r fct -.1:illnir to I ...
,1,7 r : r : ,v " . couniy
( II u 1 1 . in.-., nnu lii. i . ps uni . , lii. in i
Mayor Macrae addressed the council In
favor of Hendrix's motion, at the same
time talcing the opportunity to again de-
to be good.
A. Metisar A Cn.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery,
Sit Mynster Street, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Home-Made Bread a Specialty.
Visitors Welcome.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The
Bee February 18 by the Pottawattamie
County Abstract ctmpuny of
Kulh. neU. 23-74-41. w. d 113,912
Conrad Geie. Jr., and wife to Michael
Kenney. swi,4. 5-7h-41. w. d 10.CO0
L. L, Pierce und wife to J. R. Rob
ertson, lots and 7, block v. tar
son, la., w. d
Jesse P. Francisco and wife to Frank
M. UhidcK. lot 1 Nock 14. Stuts
man's Second addition to Council
Bluffs. La., w. d
Bamucl 1 Kelley to Mary A. D.wU.
lot 4, block 6. Tierce's subdivision
to Council Bluffs, la., w. d
Ct'orge W. Llpe and wife tt Pete
Hlmpscn. lot 11. block 1. Highland
Place addition to Council Bluffs, Ia.,
w. d
Six transfers, total
no reason why we should not correct our
respective estimates accordingly.
4. There Is sure to develop a diff erence In
Judgment as tn the unit cost of doing work,
depending upon the Individual's knowledge
! of an cxnerlence In the various clissea of
work whlrh arise for c mslderatlon in esll
g.. m itlng values. Both cf us having expe' s d
opinions as to what these unit prices should
be. are not likely to agree of ourselves
n utxin modifications of thece unit prlres
where existing discrepancies are large.
Accordingly I can see no probnblltty now
of our ugreeing upon a modlftcithn of
costs except insofar as costs mav be modi-
tf Ha. I f hrniiDh an - ..,1 .....11.1 .1 .
iiiiiinn" 'i "Riri iiuiinuuii wi me
i foil amounts of material properly t ntorlng the
'' estimate. Veiy respectfully.
road fund toward the paving of
Lower Broadway. Councilmen Maloney,
Olson and Smith comprise the comml'teo.
Tho ordinance granting the Burlington
a right-of-way for a single trnck on Fourth
street In front of the proposed bulld'ng
of the Bloomer Ice und Cold Storage com
pany was referred back to the city attor
ney fuf redrafting. It was considered too
broad In Its scope.
Msrrlair Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
Thomas Jones, South Omsha 23
Beatrice Dodson, B uth Omaha.
O. W Johnaon. Omaha
Kmma Nell. Omaha
tVllllum . Butts. Council Bluffs...
Georgia L. Hull, Council Bluffs.
X". A. Braniff. Valley. Neb .
melia Peters, Valley, Neb
4Ur J I Tit 8m pi,
iwa. r
Two Visits by Borvlars.
While Edward Steepy, 618 Bluff street,
was asleep Sunday night a thief placed a
step-ludder to his bedroom window and
entered Mr. Steepy's room without awaken
ing the sleeper. The burglar escaped with
..71 Mr. Bteepy's trousers, which contained $12
u i n cash. The trousers were found v..(.r.inv
j - -. . j
morning in the alley, but the money had
gone with the burglar.
Marka on the windows of the saloon of
Gorge Smith, 1S West Brna.tway. showed
yesterday morning that an unsuccessful at
tempt had been made by some one to break
Into it Sunday night.
Address Dept. a.
L The Shine
That Shines Quickest
Clock repairing.
O. Msuthe, 228 West
Creditors Asree on Insnrnnee.
At the adjourned meeting yesterday of
creditors of the Union Transfer company,
Truhtee Everest was authorised to accept
tho adjustment offered by the Insurance
companies which held risks on the stock
of the bankrupt Company. The negotiations
between the. creditors and the insurance
Two Observance In One.
Encampment No. 8, Union Veteran legion,
will hold a Joint observance of the blrth-
Ttf ;
Few tobaccos suit all tastes.
The one that can, most juttly,
lay claim to tliat distinction
being an exquisite blend of
choice flavors, is the famou
Sliced Plug Flpa Tcbasco
Cured by a secret process it
does not bito th tongue.
Bums well, eives a long, cool,
sweet smoke, without waste.
Pocket stie, tin boa, 10c
Ross of the tae and Cnrtls of the
ennte Were Jackeys
Tom ether.
"And now Kansas haa made Charlie a
United States senator! Well, well, well."
Churlea J. Ross, sketch writer and co
median, dropped the newspaper he had
been reading In his dressing room in a
Kansas City theater. Silently, carefully,
he combed his hair hair that Is almost
white then put on a light summer suit
and straw hat and moved in front of a
mirror. The reflection waa that of "a gay
old man," hla part In the play. He ap
peared to be in a reverie as he stood for a
moment before the mirror.
"Curtis, you mean?" queried his visitor.
"You know him?"
"Know him?" replied Ross, smiling.
"Why, years ago that little black-haired
Indian boy and I rode the ponies together
at tho tracks In Kansas and Missouri.
Yes, we were fellow Jockey.
Then Ross sat down, leaned far back
in his chair, and told about it.
"Let's see. It must have been in 1874
yes, that's right, for I'm 48 years old
that I escaped from that Institution In
Chicago and came to Kansas City. Never
mind about the Institution Just a place
where boys are taught manners and how
to walk In the 'straight and narrow path.'
"I got to Kansas City somehow and
started to work. I 'blacked' shoes, sold
papers-anythlng to make a little money.
Then I got a Job of candy 'butcher on
the 'plug' that ran from here to Topeka.
"One day after I had been on the run
several weeks I left the train at Topeka
and went to a county fair there. I missed
the 'plug on the return trip and didn't
have nerve enough to ask for my Job
again. So I went back to the fair grounds
and hung around the stables where the
rucing horses were kept. That's where
I met Charlie Curtis. Senator Curtis, I
suppose I should call him now.
"Charlie waa about my age 16 years. He
was a Jockey. I only weighed about 105
and Charlie got me a Job of riding the
last few days of the fair. In the winter
I went to work In a little frame hotel
in North Topeka a 'bell hop.' I don't
remember positively, but I think Charlie
Curtis worked there with me part of the
time Anyway, he and I went out the next
summer with a string or racers owned by
Newton Douglas of Topeka. We made all
the county fairs In' eastern Kansas and
western Missouri, including Kansas City.
We traveled In wagons.
"My laat ride for a long time was In
Cameron Junction, Mo. I rode a horse
that no other Jockey would ride and
afterward I didn't blame them. That fool
horse took me through a nicket fen.
then turned around and kicked me while
I lay on the ground! I didn't get over
that accident in a hurry.
'That was the brrinnlna- of mv -
quaintance with Charlie Curtls-the little
niack-naired fellow and he was a rather
good Jockey, too. Oh, yes; I've seen him
many times since. I visited him often In
Washington when he was a congressman."
Ross paused a moment. Then. "And
he's a United States senator."
Roes Is a Canadian. A few veers after
the accident In Cameron Junction, Mo.,
he began racing BKatn. This time he rode
In the fixed races of P. T. Barnum'a circus
Then he became assistant trainer, confi
dential secretary and track representative
of George Irlllard, the famous turfman.
While in the employ of Lorlllard he In
troduced the messenger system, allowing
women to place bets.
"I could always dance and sing." said
Ross. "That's how I happened to light
on the stage. I went to New York after
leaving the ponies and I had no trouble
getting a Job In a vaudeville show."
Kansas City Times.
Liberals Hold teat.
LONDON. Feb. 18 The bye-eleotlona on
February 14 In Banffshire, for a successor
'to William Alexander Black, advanced lib
eral, who died front Injuries sustained In
a railroad wreck near Aberdeen in De
cember last, resulted In the return of Cap
tain Waring, liberal, who received a ma
jority of 2.U0D votes.
No la Stria..
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 18.-In an answer to In
quiry at ths ofnee of General Manager Sul
livan of the Missouri Pacinc-Iron Mountain
system this morning as to the strike situa
tion, the statement waa made, "There is
no change In the situation." Representa
tives of the strikers will meet today to
read and consider letters aild instructions
from the strikers.-
House Committee PfcLleg Question it Cot
ered by Ixistintr Law.
Some Amendments Are oaeted by
the Companies and the Legis
lators no Sot Take Kindly
to Any of Them.
I From a Staff Correspondent.)
DF.S MOINFS, Feb. 18.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Tho bill by Senator Hughes making
the possesion of a railroad pass cause for
peremptory challenge of a Juror when a
transportation company Is Interested In the
suit, which passed the senate, was killed
In the house Judiciary committee this after
noon and the report will be made tomor
row for indefinite postponement., It Is as
serted that proof of such possession is al
ready ground for peremptory chnllengn.
In the Insurance committee of the house
today the uniform fire Insurance polio
was given to a subcommittee. Insurance
men suggested a waiver In writing clause,
an arbitration clause and a Joint policy
clause, all of which will be opposed on the
ground that the waiver will allow agents
to make misrepresentations, the arbitration
clause place in the hands of the companies
power to force all arbitrations and the Joint
policy clause would repeal the Blanchard
law prohibiting combinations to fix rates
of Insurance.
Marston's bill limiting the hours of con
tinuous employment of railroad men In any
one day to sixteen, amended so as not to
apply to sleeping car employes, was rec
ommended by the house committee on rail
roads and commerce for passage today.
The Btlllman bill drawn on the pattern
of the Nebraska law prohibiting combina
tions to fix prices on grain was reported
by the agricultural committee for passage.
Both these measures go upon the calendar
and will be reached some time about the
middle of the week. They have been hard
fought by the railroads, but according to
the present outlook probably will pass the
house in substantially the same form as
that In which they come from the com
mittees. Sfw mils Offered.
In the house- today Jones of Montgomery
Introduced a bill providing for annual ac
countings of dividends to policyholders by
life Insurance companies and Clary Intro
duced a bill making It a misdemeanor for
any Insurance company to make a willful
misstatement or misrepresentation. White
of Story introduced a bill providing for tho
railroad commission t put in a Joint
freight rate schedule; Schulte a bill permit
ting cities and towns to Join tho Iowa
League of Municipalities and to appropri
ate money to pay dues and assessments
thereto, and Blackmore a bill appropriating
17.500 annually to be used by the Agricul
tural college In conjunction with the na
tional Department of Agriculture In breed- j
lng an American type of horse. The Des
Moines municipal government bill was In
troduced In the house by Sullivan at the
afternoon session.
Jury Bill Special Order.
Weeks' bill, providing for change In the
method of securing the Jury lists, was
made a special order in the house for to
morrow morning at 10:80.
To Help County Fairs.
The house agricultural committee today
reported for passage the bill by Arney
giving state aid to county and district
agricultural societies.
Some Bills Passed.
McAllister in the house today secured
a reconsideration of his bill defeated Sat
urday providing for the assessment of rural I
and farm telephone lines not charging j
toll, on reconsideration the bill paused
the house.
Saunders' senate bill providing for is
suing an execution when an outstanding ex
ecution Is lost was passed by the house
slightly amended.
The bill by Anderson allowing directors
of state and savings banks to borrow
money from the bank on the vote of the
other directors, the applicant being absent,
passed the house.
In the Senate,
Erlcson of Boone In the senate this after
noon introduced a bill that will add some
thousands of dollars annually to the rev
enue of the suae and such Increase in
the revenue Is the stated purpose of the
bill. It provides that every corporation In
the state shall make an annual report to
the secretary of state. Corporations with
a capital stock of lO.OOu or less shall ac
company such statement with a fee of Jo.
The fee is to be gradually Increased that
corporations with a capital of 11,000,000 or
more shall pay an annuul fee of $25.
Other bills Introduced In the senate to
day were: By Jamleson of Page, a Joint
freight rate bill; by Newberry, restricting
the sale of cocoatne and similar drugs; by
Petetson, providing for special assessment
against railroad property for improvements
the same as other property; by Stookey,
giving the State Board of Fducatlonnl ex
aminers authority to recognize diplomas of
state institutions in issuing certificates; by
providing for the manner of having
acts of the legislature published If the
newspaper designated refuses or la unable
to publish them; by Hughes, relating to
safeguarding machinery; by Dowell, the
Des Moines municipal government bill; by
Dowell, school teachers' retirement fund
bill; by Dowell, providing that the major
ity of the stockholders of a railroad shall
have full authority in all cases regardless
of any statement in the articles of Incor
poration to the contrary.
Senate Posses mils.
The senate this afternoon pajwed three
bills. One ia a bill which authoiizes the
levying- of a tax for the purpose of build
ing homes cr detention houses for delin
quent children, the purpose of the bill be
ing to meet a requirement of the Juvenile
court law which prohibits keeping children
Under certain ages In Jails or penitentiaries.
Another decreases the amount to be paid
to township clerks for handling the road
fund to 2 per cent from 5 per cent. The
same bill was up at the last session. The
third measure provides that county boards
of supervisors can lease or convey lind
for the, purpese of erecting monuments
thereon. The bill was Introduced In tho
house by Weeks and passed there. Its
purpose Is to permit soldiers' monuments
to be erected on court house grounds.
Attempted Kldaaplna-.
An attempt was made In this city to kid
nap Miss Margaret McMillan, an employe
' and
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of the Younger Bros.' department store
and a photographic model. She alighted
from a car on her way home and was fol
lowed byya stranger, who took the first
opportunity to seize the girl. He attempted
to life her from her feet and carry her
but the screams of tho young woman at
tracted the neighborhood and several men
came to her assistance.
Auditor's Brother Dead.
C. W. Carroll of nioomfleld, Ia., a brother
of State Auditor B. F. Carroll, died today
at his home in Bloomfleld from pneumonia.
Tho funeral will be held tomorrow after
noon at 2:30.
Rasslaa Lion Is Bald to Be Ani
Ions (or Match with
Hackenschmldt, the Russian Lion, is get
ting game, sure enough. He is reported to
have expressed a burning desire . to meet
Jim Jeffries In the ring, though he never
was a boxer. Hack Is said to believe that
his herculean strength and power of endur
ance would enable him to wrest from tho
big Californlan the honors of champion of
the world. It is truo Hack has a neck
that measures twenty-two Inches In cir
cumference, not diameter and Is a man of
marvelous development all over. Jeffries'
neck Is not quite that large, but he has
been known to show signs of having con
siderable strength, as well as skill to use
it. As a matter of fact, Jeff is a bigger
man than the Russian Lion, weighing ten
pounds more, and, moreover, a pugilist,
while Hack is a wrestler. There are men
who think they could figure out the result
If Hack ever lets his enthusiasm get away
with him.
"No, It is not often that a ball player
pays any particular attention to the fans
individually in the grand stand and bleach
ers, but there Is one Utile red-headed Jew
at New York that I could not help but
notice," said Mordecal Hrown to a bunch
of fellows at the Young Men's Chrlstiau
'livery game I have played at the Polo
grounds for the last five years found tho
little Jew seated In the same spot. And
root! Ho was a dandy. He would hurl
Buch funny remarks at the players that I
began to Josh back at him in a friendly
way. And when 1 was not on duty I would
go over and 'kid' him. In this way wu
finally became well acquainted.
"We were playing our last a me of tho
first s-rles with the (ilunts at New York
last year. In the league standing we wern
uheud by four or live games, and would
not play (.gain in New York for a month or
so. Well, 1 was losing my game and th
little red-headud one waa Joshing me for
fair. 'Aw, you've had a streak of luck,
that's all. I'll bet you V that you won't
be In first place when you come back uj
New York," said he. 'I'll take the bet," I
yelled back to Mm.
"Well, as It happened, when we went
back on the Polo grounds we had Increased
our lead, and I went over to hunt my man
up. He was there and expected me, too
But Instead of the five spots he handed in"
a stick of chewing gum. When I took off
tl wrapper, however, there waa the bill
around the gum. '
"Yes. I would have paid him If I had
lost." Terre Haute Star.
MOBILE. Ala.. Feb. 15. 1907. To the
Sporting Editor of The Bee, Omaha, Neb. :
Dear Sir I see by the press that they are
having some wrestling matches In your
city. I would like to come to Omaha and
meet some good insn. I will bet loO that
I can best Tom Jenkins or Fred Beal,
Ootch, "Farmer" Burns or Jim Parr In a
mixed style match. Greco-Roman and
catch-ns-eatch-can style match, best two
out of three, or three out of five falls; will
wrestle winner, take all. My weight la 25J
pounds in condition: my height, t feet 2
inches. Now, If those ft-llows are out after
the coin, let them get on this challenge.
I reinnin. sincerely,
ILLI DANELOON, ("Mobile CJIant.")
325 North Royal street. Mobile, Ala.
Some excellent goal throwin
hraska forwards soon even
Walsh played gofd ball for
did Butley for Hudson. The
Honr, Walsh. . .right forward
Krake. Brunera.left forward.
Moser center
C. Moser. Bell...tlKbt guard..
Jones, Hoar left guard..
Goals: Krake U, Walsh
Moser (3), Ryan (2), Baile
Referee: Kayser. Umpire:
ui ill
g by the Ne
ed the score
Nebraska, as
J. Ryan
W. Ryan
Hot a
(4). Bruners,
y 3). BorKev
The Met Brothers' team won two games
from the Klors Blue Ribbons at the Asso
ciation alleys last niht. The handicap
figured fifteen pins In favor of the former,
but waa not needed in either of their vic
tories. Luck was slightly against the
Store boys, as their total was twenty-six
pins to the good after allowing the handi
cap. Francisco took both the high game
and total with 233 and K. Tonight's teams
are the Cudahys and Krug Parks. Score:
1. i.
Brunke iss li
Read 147 bW
Iientnan 17 2n
Blakeney 15H lio
Huntington li7 1X1
Handicap 15 15
M9 976
1. . 2. 3.
189 m n
ItiS lu.l 193
1! Hi 210
233 220 l!v
Anderson 170 11 l'-'l
m i.sji
Cochran ..
Hartley ..
Ft unclsco
.. &;v.
6 CO
Totals 956 K 958 2.047
Patterson's Dally News team got sweet
revenge from the Omaha Bicycles la-u
night on the Metropolitan alleys by taking
all three games. The Bicycles certainly
had an off night. The News team was
lucky in having one or two of Its men hi
good in each game. Joe Polcar had high
single game with 223, also high on totals
with 670. Tonight the Life Malts vs. Black
Kats, and the El C'audtllos vs. Omaha
Bicycle on t ie basement alleys to bowl
off one of their postponed games. Score:
1. 2. 3.
Judy 177 1S9 147
Oilbicatli 170 149 H4
Huff 14i PvS 144
Boord 1 11 1M
Keyt 173 Ml 147
, t;s
Totals 25 K38 7U3
1. 2. 3. Total.
Rice 1S5 H;2 2K) 647
Stlne 148 KW V& 4'.
Patterson 130 2o M iiO
Peterson 2(i9 1?8 1V4 641
Polcar INS 223 158 60
;l 915 821
Tries Substitutes In First Halt and
Makes Bad Showlna.
HUDSON. Wis., Feb. 18 (Special Tele
gram. I Nebraska played another clone
game and won by making a thrilling finish,
the score being 25 to 26. Just lis the whistle
blew for time a foul was called on Hudson,
ard Walsh t"ed the ball Into the bHsket,
muklng the winning point on the free throw.
Nebraska did not use Its regular forwards
until the second half. When they went In
the score stood 8 to 15 In favor of Hudson.
Abbatiecblo Is Reinstated.
CINCINNATI, Feb. 18.-Kdward J. Ah
baticchlo. Inlielder of tho Bostun National
leaKue club, was today lelnxtuled by the
National Base Bull commission. Thu state
ments of the player that his retirement
from the game had been in order to cany
on hie father's business, that his relations
with the Boston manuKcrs had been
friendly at all timed and Uiat he had never
violated any base ball law, are declared
tn he correct. In view of this fact, the
commission reinstates him without the In-
Miction of a Hue, declaring his record as a
base bull player Is honorable.
I Pitcher f'liameri With Foraery.
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 18.-G. 8. t orldon. a
prjfeSMloiial buse ball pitcher, who played
a portion of last, season with the Phila
delphia National Leamie club. Is under
arrest here, charged with passing worthless
checks. Corl.lun is under contact to play
this season wllh the Cincinnati National
league team, having been sold last week
by the Topeka Western as .oclnti m club.
Coridon played at Memphis a part of last
F.nallah Tennis Expert Ilefeated.
NEW YORK, Feb. IS.-MIhs Freda Meyer,
the English lawn tennis expert, was de
feated lodav In the ofK-nlng play of the
eighth annual Indoor tennis tournament.
The mutches were played at the Seventh
regiment urninry. Mis .Meyer was opposed
by MIhh Ixiulse Hammond of this city, who
won cuslly ti- anil i-4. The field lf forty
competitors In the men's singles was r
duced to twenty-one.
1 ' ,
Woman Kills Children.
CONNORSVILLK, Bid., Feb. 18.-Mre. J,
B. Mundell. aged S5 years, today killed her
two daughters, aged 2 yeurs and 7 month,
respectively, and then committed suicide.
She was alone In the house with the chil
dren, and when Mr. Mundell returned home
for luncheon he found the house locked and
the blinds drawn. In a downstairs bedroom ,
lying side by side on a bed with their '
throats cut, were the woman and two clill
dren. The girls were dead.
CigocL old
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