Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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.11 1 IVILA 1 IlLlVL I
r:rchUd f Krw Tore
Iitotc TrtL
MWKl or PAIR causes supr:se
He la
T t t:nn of wietrier TTa'ti'-.a-'Tl or
l"-t i the s-l dir ,Hle of M-. Pi-
eM at t;-e '!tt) fe W Vr.srte.n a"r was
f'"'""' w.ll have an ) r-wi-nt ttrn
.;-"-. it trial of tK ce J-jre
Jaeee Kdkk "Aid Mncir efter-
I Will W" p OT'TH fhiS matter t tM
'- w.tsj fur r -. .3"- "j foftxrtirJr..
The l t1. t .f Colnh!i aid tf N-t-rssia
tojr'i d.-. tK.t have rrioij-rnt Jur-ls..-tJon
in tMi rtv The res-derc-e of
tn' t lmnfl-T ii fi-iwr in intim or
NTkn. !f that fac-t were def.r.reiy e
tsv h'5 tli rBt'r '"ill d:s-
lim.i ,,f nr( nli--y K:ther r1- court or
' W"ir.;r,a-!oTl cnurt h., J-jr'.sd.Ctlon. b'Jt
which Is y to be determir.el"
Tile RaetT rtivorre trial r.r,yeed4 Mm
cut nnri'ri Itj Jul?" Redlca- rMtrt with
twu rew actors on the !. They were
Charles ". pstvit defendant in the suit,
snd n-Onra-reswroan Ben Fail-child of New
Tork. The laiter was In court, but Mr.
Pa.e't remained at hia room to the Her
Grand ar.d maintained a silence tht ai
tru'y (rodn.
The -.arrival r f thee (w a-jree. who.
fro-t Mrs. Rasjett and E. T1-un. take the leader roles In the
case. ii evidently a s-irrr-e to Mrs
BseTt's sid. I Aft Friday Mr. Bassett.
en the wltnee tard. hal lrr.ri;ica:el E-en
FalrcM'ii as belne the rot of much of
the truhle between h'nelf and her hu
tard V hen she entered the court room
Monday nnrnir aid mw Mr. Falrrhfid
eatfd by the ide of her h'.iahaDd'a attor
r.eva h- gT a ditlr.ct mart of rarprtae.
Rr. Mr Hunt hr k han 3 with her and
he was irnml lately raJ'.ed to the stand.
Mr. Stout went over the tetlroonT re-rd-ir-a;
rairfhlld. He irtroduced ail letter
written ty Mr. Baj"att to Falrrhild, tend-na-
te enow that he recar-lej fc!m as
a friend. All were frltndiy letter, ad
dred to 'Xwir Ben." In one h aaked
for a loan of CS. aayinf the rent waa due
ar.d would hare to be met. Mra. Baaatt
lnietd she had ajwaya rerarded Fair
tbild a her enemy In rri'e of thia. Fho
aa!d this feelir.t; dated from the tim of
her honeymoon, and that while ebe and
Mr. Baaett were In Kur fork. FalrchiiJ
aid to her in rej-'y to a remark of hers
re-ardlri hi Intimacy with her husband:
"Tou don't Kern to understand thai Mr.
Baaaett and I are so Ultimate that we only
cted one wile."
CmH ot See the Joke.
6h aald he relate-d this to her husband,
but he only to'd her thai she didn't under
stand Ben s 'ka.
Mrs fcajs-tt reaned well over Saturday
and 6unda.y and was able to ro through
the croas-examlnation with only one ahort
rer djrtr. tha morning. Bhe atorped one
and took a oom of medicina which waa
brought to her. Her temper had also lm
proTel. tliouh her attorneys ahook wam
lna; fir.rera aereraj time when she exhibited
the preliminary symptoms of an outburst.
The patience of Mr. Stout was considerably
taxed by her persttstenc) In dodging- aoraa
of the questions.
Mr. Stout presented to the court's notice
the certified covy cf the decree received
from Washington giving Mr. Baaaett an
absolute divorce. This was considered
merely formal and the court announced the
evidence in the present cae would hare to
be received before the question of Jurisdic
tion could be determined.
There were several tilts between the at
torceya during the morning. Mr. Stoat pro
testing that Mrs. Baaaett's attorneys were
unduly anxious that the whole truth should
not be know n this was particularly inaistea
upon when the question of the renting of
' rooms at Atlantic City for Mr. Baasett by
Rev. Mr. Hunt was brought up. The court
overruled the objection. Mrs. Baasett said
she knew tr. Hunt had rented the rooms
at the private house In Atlantic City. They
were adjoining rooms, but ahe said she
' Jidu t know where Lt Hunt stayed.
Talkrs CM verve te Dr. Hwait.
She admitted during the mommg that she
Lad talked with Lt. Hunt and hia mother her divorce, and that Dr. Hunt
a)M carried mesaagea between herself and
fl i i 1 1 I 1 1 j Herbert while she was la the
hoapiuU at Baltimore, subsequent to leav
ing her husband. She denied Dr. Hunt ever
made any luve advances to her.
Though Mr. Bsaaett regarded the piare
where Ben FSirchild sat during the morning
as tniy a vacant spafe. Rev. K. La.wrenc
.Hunt saw something very tangible there.
The eyes of the two men met several times
and then thera was a prolor-ged glare.
-M'hea asked by a reporter what the stand
ing of Mr. Fairchild was. Rev. Mr. Hunt
started to give it in no mild terms, but
then suddenly changed his mind and asked
cot to be quoted, because it might be put
d rn to malice on his part. Bev. Mr. Hunt,
who was not permitted by Mrs. Bassett's
tawyer to inks the stand in the Washing
ton case, declared ULiy be was snxious
to testily.
"I'm Just crazy to go on the stand," he
said to The Bee reporter. "I'll teil them
few vine I get the chance, I wrote
my heart s blood cut to get Mrs. Baasett
to come t Washington and go on the
stand, but her attorneys wouldn't let her
Letters te Etlaeaee.
The trial wer.t on very crulftly to the
afternoon. almi the entire time being
consumed tn Introducing nearly Ws letters
X e.
Sold Wit to Wisdom
"A full stomach
a light heart."
Said Wisdom to Wit
rr Heat ays
Crass- ta G
tk Wltaeaa
iscuit iiL
Im da tight. &
tsjisture proof fioeJutses. fjj
! -;- the sur, rcer cf r. wr.:! h-
red in fell
Mr Baevtt was
s-ork sway
f-o;l i or1
to vi-nt.'y
earh or.
r.e None tf the.-n f
te arvl cou'kI h pl.-e-l In the matter
. pr;ncip.!y by the ot.-t mark cn the
ary da
of tiroe
The purpose of the dfers
the lt;rs was chief y to
IWett til wrttins, the mt
n rrodujng
r ti t Mrs
'tiers to her fcufhand t-il'!;ueit ta the
date when, according to yrevious teti
m'.r.y. she hsd dtrmine "-e mut leave
Mm. Another oh;ect n r"Jj"'-n(t the let
ters was to show that Mr. F.assett was
striding his wife rg".!arly t-a out of his
montr.iy salary ft ir. a n.mner 01
checks wer- Intrrvluced for the r-rr-- .,f
proi-r.r thia In one of the 1-tters he s s..
asks for s reriittan.e. saying: "There is
P coming I tiu alraily r al li.. "
It is said the d.?r.e has at ill an.h-r
object in producing the litrs. This oh
Jxt has not yet hen rrale known, but
will embndy a more senous matter
Charles C. Baa'-ett afpearf-d in the court
room for a few moments in the afternoon.
nf msme ire ar anu -an
screened rrom ms wiTe s eyes rr me cmwa i
cf pestle standing in front of him.
The trial will cor.tir.ue this morning, with
Mrs. Bassett still on the stand
Jeaa ssltk. leh With Paewaaoala.
Taaaty aael City ftefastaa;
Hlaa Aid.
John Smith, a young German from Minn., lies seriously skk In an un
kempt room at the Metropolitan hctf-L
Twelfth and Douglas streets, pract.'cilly
without medical atter.tlcn while the ofScia.1
city and county physicians enter Into an
other chapter of the never-ending disjate
as to their respective duties and jur-jiiic-tlon.
Smith is absolutely destituf. witho-it
friends or money, and Is sheltered and fed
at the hotel through the charity of Mrs
Beck, the proprietor. He has been si k
for some time with measles, which has row
developed Into pneumonia, and Is in a
critical condition. Mrs. Beck called her
family physician. Dr. F. J. Schleier, to at
tend young Smith and paid the fee from
her own pocket. This is the extent cf the
medical attention received by the young
mas. The county physk-lan was called and
refused to have Smith taken to the county
hospital because he had a contagious dis
ease and was not a resident of Dcuglas
county. The city physician also was noti
fied of Smith's predicament, but refused to
attend the rase on the ground that he tu
not properly a city patient.
In the meantime Smith is lying alone
and delirious in his room at the hotel, with
every prospect that he will soon die if
medical attention is tit secured. He has
relative at Winona, but his father refuses
to come to his assistance and was even
angry because US was snt his son by the
Winona lodge of the Ancient Order of
Druids, of which organization Smith is a
member. Smith ran away from home and
his father tried to retain the money sent
by the lodge when Smith was at St. Jo
seph's hospital.
Smith was found nearly asphyxiated
November ( In a room over the saloon of
Eilly Huston. Twelfth and Famam streets,
but was resucitated by Police Surgeon
Harris and taken to St. Joseph's hospital,
where he remained for seven weeks. After
recovering and being discharged from the
hospital the young man found work, but
soon became 111 with measles and has since
been at the Metropolitan hotel. He has
been without medical attention since last
Saturday night. "
Fair Toelay aael Tsasrraw le e
kraaka aad leww CeMer la
lawa TSeay.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 15.. Forerasrf of the
weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska. South Dakota and Kansas
Fair Tuesday and Wednesday.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair and colder
Tuesday: Wednesday fair.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Tues
day and Wednesday.
For Montana Fair Tuesday and Wednes
day, colder Tuesday 1n west portion.
I sesj Reewrel.
OMAHA. Feb. lv Official re.-c.rd of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the correspuodlng day of the last three
years: 1C. 3. 1!6. l
Muimum temperature at O IT !
Minimum temneralure 3 1C J ;
Mean temperature 41 14 S
Precipitat'on T . .K) T
Temperature and precipitation departure
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
snd rcmrnan with tne list two years:
NcTnal temperature S,
Fxceaa for the day 14
Total exesa since March 1 ;4
Normal precipitation ,ia inch
Teficienc-y for the day ij inch
Fre.-ipitati.jn since Merch 1 77 13 inches
rvflcie-ncy since March 1 4 S inches
I-flciency for cor. period in !: I inches
L"ef)cency for cor. period in 16 4 14 inches
essrts trse Statiaas at T P. ts
Station and State Temp. Mai
fall. o Weather. 7 p. m. Tern
BisTr.aria, clear s
Cheyenne, clear 1
Chicago, part cloudy. &J
I'avenpiTt. csoudy e.
lmr, clear i;
Havre, cloudy
Helena, cloudy .
Huron, c'o-jdy js
Kansas '."iTy. clesir 44
Nci-h riatte, oart cloudr.. 44
Oris ha. clear rr
Rapid City, cloudy
Pt. Lnuis. dear M
Pt f aul. clear i?
Pelt Lake City, clear i
Valentine, clear
Wiiimton. cloudy
T indicates tra.-e of prec-pitarton.
le A. WELSH. Local Forecaster
V X: Y
15 2:
K3tT for Etrpcrt of PltTrTcTird il ToU4
' . r
utciso D;STd;CT ,TIG DATE flXLD
Treols- ef est meek Ike Tlaee aeal
the Plaee. ltk a Flee
Proa rasa fee the Day's
, Tn, 0naha Woman, rls V,t.dav
, aftem-n's mtir.g vtti the payment -f
the remaining I r,) (.f tv. p,.-dcl
to the upt""rt 0f the puMic play rrou-f
last year. rr.e hundred dollars hias il- :
ready h-n pa d. hut the remainder .s
h-ld ba. k. as s--me cf the women seem. J i
to fel thuit the club had not been suf- !
. flclTyy rcc.gnix'-d n -he mana,ment of
I the playcround. Mrs Marv ti. And-ews.
past p resident of the club, made hi ex-
, plKntlt r
Monday afternocn, and u;n
recommendation of Miss E. M. M -Cartner.
secretary of the Civic Improvement
league, which had the ground In charge.
i .....
iv r, .iinj ly aiij'Tini a crlTHTnit .re io
i.. .i . t . . .v
rrport up
t!nuati-n cf the ground ard
the club before the money wr.s paid out
Miss McCartney assured the women th"lr
as'ft.ine had been a r precis ted.
wished them to be satisfied thorou
with arranreme-nts befcre giving any
more money to the project.
Mrs. P R. T'.wne ret rted that the
club's committee in charge of r-ilslns
! funds for the r'atue cf Lincoln to be
j raisc1 in the Hlsh school grounds had
i practically turned the matter over to the
j sf.-dents cf the H'rh school, htit that the
club sill stood ready V as'.rt if It help
Is needed or dsired by the students.
The c-jh will celebrate tve founerith
anniversary of its nrran tation Arril 't
i ard Enos Mills of Estes Tark. Col . one
! of the chief shakers of the Ft. Raul
hiennia! and also at the state federation
meeting at Kearney last f.ill. will ad
i dres the women on the w.irk cf the
j forestry committee. All ho have heard
Mr. Mills are anticipating his appearance
In Omaha.
j The program of the afternocn
j charge of the oratory department.
, presented a clever little fane.
Kl-ptomaniac- by Margaret Cmit
The women were coached by Miss Ulian
Fitch, leader ft the department, and the
play was one of the cleverest things that
has been given before the club. The caet
-Peggv- Burton Mrs. Wilbur
aie -ie Ormsby MrWggner
Mrs ' Emu
. . - Mrs Burrer
-Mrs Brewsher
Mrs. Jcns
Mrs. Oehrle
tc-eoa r.4.-.n w ..
Maiel tover
M'ss Evans
Bertha Ashley
"eeoed District Meetiaar.
Thnrsday. February is the date an- '
nounced for the meeting of the Seor.!l I
district clubs of the Nebraska Federation, j
The convention will be held at the morns j
of the Omaha Woman's club la the First j
Congregational church, the Ormha club to !
be hoetesa. Mrs. Edward Johnson of
Omaha Is vice president of the Scnd dis
trict, and has the. arrangements in charge.
The program has not yet been definitely
announced. The meeting will open at H
a. m. and at noon luncheon will be served
In the basement of the church, the presi
dent and one delegate from each club to
be entertained. Reservations for others
attending the meeting will be made for
40 cents a r'ste and the women expecting
to remain for luncheon are requested to
notify Mra. Arthur English, telephone
Hamey-lin, by Saturday of this week.
The afternoon session will convene at I
The Second district Includes nlie clubs
affiliated with the state fc-deratlon. but the
annual meeting is open to all clubs
whether federated or not. All dub women
will be admitted also. The Omaha organi
zations included are the Omaha Woman's
club. Dundee Woman's club. Mu Pigma,
New Book Review club and the Woman's
Club of the RaJlaay Mall Service.
Caafereaee at Chleege.
One of the most Important women's con
ferences to be held this year is scheduled
for February 25 at Chicago. It will include
representatives from the National Educa
tional association. General Federation of
Women s Clubs. Woman's Christian Tem
perance union. Daughters of the American
ReVulutioo and Association cf College
Alumnae. The chief subject for cc-n-.Jera-
tlon wiU be tne Pest mctnocts m tze nome
and school of securing hifh mc-al cfcarac-
j ter in the children of the country. It is ,ue,r..(j that the arrangemer's made a hen
! hoped the conference will result In a closer j tt, pharmacy department was given tern
Interest of the various org anlxaticr s par- j piracy quarters In the Crehton Institute
i tlrtpating. The Question of higher silaries 1 vvM he satisfactory for several years to
for teachers will aiso 1 romrarrm, ie
educatlonal committee of the General ;
Federation is conterr.plarlr.e practical work ;
along this line. Mrs- Philip N. Moore of
St. Louis Is president of the ass KTiation j
of Colltge Alumnae and vice presHicrtit of,
the General Federation. j
(y B k woie i
The Red Book, the eiub directory of !
women's organitaUons. edited bv Helen M.
'' I W inslow. is out.
Resides the director,
! the volume includes other data valuable 1
J. to club women and pictures of nme cf the ;
T best known women of the country' (
' The Chicago w oman s clua hits taaes np
rthe matter of the inspection or institutions
devoted to children. The Illin .is k'gl,.a
! tue. will be asked to aj propnate a iund
l. . . , . . ... . . . - . . r r,
: f tms nsp.- - - -- - -
e..e.Trr.l a.11 institutions of tr.e state public
. ... , M,k .wc... . ,
or pnvaie .n e i.. , . . ,
The rr.etter cf raisins; a m.nk.n dollar cr.- ,
dewment fund f -r Eryn Mawr culli g u
receiving serious cons.demticn frm the all over the cvuntry. and to this
end the Chicago branch has '.alien charge
of an opera ses n. It is proposed to give
the teachers a "lJv-lr.g w?." w that invy
may not be induced to g to other collesea. ;
jail Ptaas Perfeeted mm4 Tieketa fee
Taaiaeily at tbe Aedl
erlaaw. fr. Charles E. Bradt, chairman of the
comciittee on arrar.cemer.ta ir The fTea
aytenan men'a intersyr dicikl miaiicn ry
conection. which begins at the Au.l.tor-
t iuro at T Zi tunigtl. arrived la i rr.ira
f yesterday and was in conference iat
! night with the Ujc-mI c rnct.ttee on the
I firl details of tile Th?
eomrr.itteerr.en are certain of the su-c-es
of the m'ic. They war.t It ur.der
st.xeJ that ti ket may be secured f r a.1'.
nv-u and who wish to attend th
various sessions. All auaiiseions will t-
ty ticket and all wbj hold tickets arc
atked to attend or sire the r tickets to
others wbo wili atter.d. The seatirij fa.
fa.-ity will t-e occupied, they calculate,
and ihry do not wish tickets held unused
when others without them would Ills t
ase thsenx. A bureau will be c-srall:shed
at the Auditorium where tickets may be ty any who have failed to se
cure them another way.
Iwiefales are esTwcted to arrive in
large eumters this ucirnlnf and ihroufh
out the day Some came In yesterday.
The executive eommTtee has established
its be-idguarters in r'-cnn Ul of the M.llard
hot.. w:e. Vr. Eradt In rhrce. The suc-e-es
of the convention is alr.dy assored
bey-nd the m .st aaroiee e 'ecta i sor.s of
te tvtx Lwa dcUtitca are
' VrV''X rTr
' Tin ran sty f. r ua t'
ll t it Is g-;r.g ti
re T birt ft r -. I'
of the ki-o evr
t h.'.l we ir. vry m'JT .urvrsM
i -v,r th ; r a:t-.1-k Tht l.
. .. we.;r r-r'--erd .tt, .
i rc-pol tht m' ar.,i ty " -'l
; r.rf t?.k th t;n-e ti a't'd a -c.ivnt''n
; trj the d v! f w'nter. Wv. here a, re fleje
c-:' cor.irff r r-i all claiI r c.f -n
i ri' fr-.m Sir. Franci?-c te. N-w Trki.
ar-.J tVy one with the uid-r- iM.r.g tft
i th-v ar ti jt th-ir r wn n -rev t v "
I A r-cjfti alrh the ft.r.:.
j hoari secrtat!s Is c.'!d to mt in the
I Au.I-ton-j'". 1 to 3 o'clk thl s'vr-
ro-n. The r, i r will be hld with th f
chirrr.n f-f all t.:t am! svn-..4 ral !
com -ni Revs, r rt.i. Iiti v. Htmt i
-s. P.vs. frt.i. Ilaivv.
ani y.c:
iig. A c
'r.aughey w i'.l a tiff" the me t
r' iniii:i"n is estend-d t al
iilira" d ! tatt-5.
The (htirr.m of the sever! dl- gt.-r.s
wi'l uo he ld a fj-cial c r'.r this
1 Amor.g the mere promirrt
rr.en 'f the
I n..!ical c-.ver.tion n-'W in the citv
: H"T- -' F- ?r-.!t of Chic?., l.fv. Itn
I Landreth tf .ahv-.l. Rev. A. W Ha'.ser
. c f Tcrk. Tr. Hun-.r Cc-rbett "f
, China. Rev. David M,fnt-phy "f ritts-
bun. Rev. J. CiintV.I White, ir.tersvnod!-
i t
c.1 seretarv tf the Forpim ti?inn;irr '
society of the Prebv tf flan ehurch for m -n.
and T. H. P. Sailer c f Xt York.
(Continued from Flrt Pxre.)
keeping with his knosn s and tx
preaeej intcntw-ns ith regard V lis fu'ure.
The univ-rsity always bid the first rlace
in his fcffcti'rs end he ws acr-ustonel to
' call lt his or.iy child. He felt n much at
' home there that a hen his house burne-d
down. th.High he inv.iati rs from in
numerable relatives and fri-nos to ?t"p
' with thrm. he prcferre-l t-r- rut up at the
i college. He felt that it was like g-.:ne
i to live with a S' n or daushter. F' r twer.ty
eirht years a Sunday seldom pass'-d that,
he did not pay a long momfr.g visit to the '
coilege ard enjoy himself m s -rial inter
course with the faculty and other
friends that he met there. He always f!t :
J thoroughly at home there. He pre,u-nily
i said that this institution was in Us Infancy.
1 and that as the years went by it wojld
1 outiavs for the rroner de-
: reU.pnv.nt He had no abojt It
I . eg .. he lived, for he could and did.
; bdl it continually. His anxiety wis about
j wh,t wouW happen to it when he paid ;
j aay He was especially lnter-sted in I
jthe ' ..roiief f which is the free'
drtment, or faculty cf
j ,mabu,htHj hT brother. Edward. He ,
, to ts. tne.r.c.v nt
was so devoted to tne memory of
brother that I really believe he would
sooner siend every cent he had than let
that department fail. It was tills snlicitusie
that made him bu.ld and donate the two
bus.ress blocks recent.y given to the in
stitution. He knew perfectly well how
often the intentions of testators are de-feau-d.
and he did not trust that institu
tion to the possibilities of a will; but he
acted In this spirit: "No matter wr.t
happens after my death. I shall see to It
that this portion of the university is
plseed beyond the danger of being dosed
j for want of support." Ther- by," as he
j often said, "assuring to every boy the
j chance to secure an education for nothing "
This late bequest provides for the other
existing departments of the university and I
for tnos yet to be establlsned."
"What do you Intend to do with this late
bequest?" t
"Some portion of lt will be nsed for the
establishment of two additional depart
ments and for the development along cer
tain lines suggested by Mr. Crighton. We
shall see to it that his ideas are carried ; aviation at Its annual meeting at Kan
out and that his intentions and cherifh-d 1 tAS Clty a ,hort time ago. Mr. Kennedy
wies shall prevail, just as if he were
living. His confidence In us shall cot be
"What developments do you content-
"It wculd be premature ti say r.jiWng
Bi-'ui Liitrn unm iny nave aFTirr? rROr?
definite shape. The only thing I can ewy
at pser.t is that we have already made
I plans for he erection of a pharmacy de
partment Immediately west of the medi
cal department at Fourteenth and Daven
port streets, and that work will probably
begin this week. This was made r.t-cesstiry
by the phenomenal growth of the dental
i department, which, though only in its sec-
end year, has 1J students. These have
1 been somewhat crowded by the use of a
; jtion of the Crelphton Institute Intended
j J T them by tne phtrmacy schc-.l. It aas
. ffmti jet Mr. Crelghton himself, who v.s-
lti the dental inf.rmary a nursler of !
time while having a set of teeth rrnde. !
Mlr rjOW crowded everything was ar.d the
j,, c,f getting some r f the si udenrs cut of i
tri. building. This clear necersiy results I
jn the pharmacv departme-t securing a i
new home of its own. .Mr. Crt-lhton
ly desired to have Us Institutions!
, 1 " -r.pmer.T, iscuiiy ana
i commo-iious macjR.
you expect any contest over this
"I do not see whv there sho.iM be any
'itii u Mr. 1 reignton s wi:i and it carriea
! out his krfown de:res. I do not believe
1 there Is try other sill in existence, or that
'he ever wrote a subsetjuent wl.l. as some
- -e - - - . - -e:; . I. -I I . . IT.IT
, . . . .. , ..... '
! not
a ecTirie-t reason f ..r de iar;r.g it n.t
to I Vr Creigt.tvn'j real wi'l. If he 1 ad
i.aie another .n and left the uni-.ers.tT
Mrs. Ilerreaa Knoitif Aaaoaaeea
Varrlase af Daashter ta Jrr.
ae Pratt Viire.
Mra H-rrrn Kour.tte h.,s sr.r.c-i
ns-Tiaje c.f vr Ji.f!."r !- E !a fix'- rt
Xuh. Mr. Jcru-r c Pr-t'. M i; .,
wc-dJins to :ake at Sit K
hor.e c r 'e-!r.-- iay. Ft'.rry JT. Cn a -c-ojr.l
c-f tie re:-, rt lieric.-ie'l in t'.c
Ko. .tie fBT.ily the e!:rf Will te v. .
ouiet. brir and prc r.. 1!1 have o
ar.d t..y the Irr.rn.-::.zie f in 1..
and a few c U fner.Js wi". b r.n
Mra. Ne.-ti i the w-.dc w of Fred Nj-i a -cf
the U.e E W. Na-le Her fcuauar.d A .eft
DR. T. Fci x Gourtud't Criarrtal
Cream or Mial Baeatifler"
Je: -UJ ha-j.r
-."ly k4 s-er lv.-n
l. 1 fit t-acv aal .'.a
. mm in
TMrtti fmat' m fV Vest lin. o.'.itu
-v:w j I I t t T ke w "it. a4 ebi f
frees rrtej la Ul l-a M-a ' - i im. -jm
dLKLl f Zj Lm Ixd, 1 U
ie. c r it-it :r ni.r.:rz. we m -u.t r.avc- n- a.'its
....;.. v. .... . .-- -...a .., -..v.: . r. .V " eiiiisu m west, in
' ' ''- v- -" a: u tn l ffVf VJk'.-'J JV. ercers v( Bien. Ws knew just s
by his juitnest .vy-r.lT an. t.l! have he;d The rrrarr.:! cure is .Natures Sir'; " --,' AJVn r-'1 tur fluickly.
him tn the h:-h and l.-,-.r.g esterr." of cjrinp Tiif litt.e in?- 1 J.''.;ijII T ii. I " P ra f "aj""ll'ln ,t:a eeneuliatjoo. Write fa
I r ne, iaime. -.lately r.-iuce a.l ,.;,- f' l -YifJ'- b ,,lt" B'M h("nm tMUM'
ELLA COTTON NASH TO Wfn:- l- i ;Vfeiiiji "L 113 Uta S, Ciijli; Sis., flaia Ii
SI? ii .7' C.
-.I I j y i t -
a- fi V. c I te- u u bvsorea
y. f j r ei a.t
e 1 o JJ o a aue4 at uve
j -T C7j yJrf era id tja
f-?ie',""-i-e"jr ni tana. IV. i. a.
A, VVC-" 1 J I l a.c ru s
I A VtNV I a ;- i
I y It J O- -a r - -
lee J V. . e U.'
Treat EiEk tf eb-k Editors is Fesier-
i Flee Prwarasa Has Bee trraasteal.
Bealaalaa at 3 O'elaek This ter-
eaa stlasla All
Tareaah medaeaday.
Th varr ia-d cf the N-ra.ka Fres as-
- a;!on lcin to amve in Cmaha last
t ! t to at-r.d the taentj-fifth annual)
rir-tn.r cf that orrar.ixat.'r.. which is to t
t held -jly and R.s; ratwt j
at the secretary-trt-a5urer's olT.Le at the I
Murray ht !1 nl t-e the oniy c-T of thj i h Li rs. Pre .lent Rnd of the
Ighelnn l"l pjer arriveil iat r.;ht. He MVS j
I I t is assireJ of a larpe atteniance.
! prcgrain for U.e sfssi'-n is as follows!
if T.e. "Amems," as.K-iaiicn.
F-l ' 1 1 call, secretary.
K"sl;tr of, secretary.
A i'ire-s of a e .come. Mayor
James C.
i Henry C. Richmond.
I liullt Vm
' rn'esid-r.t s annial addresa.
Frank D.
R-.i. SI-.. ion lipper.
Annual peni. Air?. Isabel Richey.
cum. a.
h. eponse. Guy Bemis. York Repubiu-ai.
S-c-retary s fr-crt and wm suggeiJ,jna
VA i 1 H Mauj.n.
Appoint ri em "f committees.
Paper. Mal.nris"i Run Mad.'' Ed A.
Frv. Frv s v. rj.-r Magazine. I'-Sv-ussi-m.
l-apef- - Fror-d f-istai Lw Ch.r.g-s.-
r. ". Edgec:til. Nebraska Farmer. Dis-
Amir as. '-C'i:y Lai:y and Ccuntry
V "esiy. A. l .:P. Ltn -en L!ij Siar.
k'-K.rts cf s-a.-.ciir.g co
butf.nees sei'n and ei-.ti,n cf cfflc-ers.
Ptr. Tw.r.ty seen Years in One Of
fre. A. W. l-.dt. A'bton News.
ylr. "A Woman Edifr s Experien'e,"
M s.s Rr-sa Hu-iepeih. i;aftrt L-.ier
Address. ' ad Advert sir.g l'he Rail
road i lem-." A. IHrl..w. msnagr s-lerlji-ir.c
d. jtAnme-iit. l"ni..n Pac-.rk- railway.
Kc;jc rts of special committee-S-
o Passpkina for Edit
President Kenl is a guest at the Murray
hot-:. In speaking cf the r.ew rule the
ra.lrijc5s cf Nebraska have adrpted to shut
oT editoral mileage and under which the
. rs.i"racj jay cash for their advert is r.g.
'. iIr RM"d Mid 11 ma P'n he had fa-
tor years. j
"Thr t r1 h" Passed. " he said, when I
,he up-to-date country editor is willing to
l"- n hay. cts and pumpkins on sub-.
scr.ption or in trale for advertising spce, :
the sarne principles should and do i
artly to triJ-Hg advertwrr.g ror rauroau
! mile-age
Mr. Rc-cd says he expects to elaborate
fully on the subject in a speech he will
mke before the Nebraska Press associa
tion Tueslay aftern'jon.
Expeet aeees af Caasrreasssaa Kea
aea'e Move ta Investigate
Express Cesapaales,
Secretary E. B. Eranch tf thi Western
Fruit Jobbers' association has received
a copy of the resolutions Introduced in
the house by Congressman iohn Lu Ken
nedy a few days ago calling for a fed
eral investigation of the express com
panies, the object being to determine to
what extent they engage in the fruit bus
iness. The lntnoduction of this resolu
tion grows out of the charges male
J against the express companies by the
j quoted some of the allegations made by I
, th, association in its resolutions. The j
Jrait ,Dlrs are much encouraged by the ,
1 interest Mr. Kennedy Is taking in the 1
j arj(1 tnev tave every reason tt ;
j ho M investigation will be made. I
Piles Cured
Broken Down with Twenty Years'
Suffering, Massac huseHts Man
Curc-d by Wonderful Pyramid
Pile Core,
Trial Fackaura Tree ta AH oa &ee.uet
I "I tried the sarr.jle cf your cure you
i sent to me. I used lt and then bought
1 a t'c box. The results were inuneouii-.
i and lurpnsitg to rr.e. I assure you, 1
j had been to a dcxn -f the best doctors
and paid much money to ttem with no
results whatever. I had U.J aSliction for
years. I was in a hoapital for a lung and I left it physically broaen
down I have been s ld for months
' at a time as to be ur.cJl ie to walk. Hav
1 ir.g a friend who lost h.s life by an ipe.--!
atn.n. I desisted Irom ever ha.m th-.i
experiment tne-d on me. I owe you a
i debt of gratitude 1 believe that piles
i would be biaCislrf-d frotu humanity ad
' becom- an unknown thing, were every
one aftimed Will, theta to but si end
! from ioc to II. fur i"j ramid Pile Cure.
' Hi fctrdy -.iion al.j ireie it txircn...
ly favorable fr ii-.atieni pi,le. 1 ja.
yours- sincerely. Ovorge H iuj-tiett, M.l
tj;an. ilita."
Why should this mar, te cured and you
It it to suffer? Why should you enluie I
' the tort -re cf ui c; ration thous'-
cf c&s of 11. e uintcst severltv ..ave !
its r. . rrr.iii ccr.d.::;n.
It :' you aiwilately cot.iirg to try
ti n -r.t. "Ve W..1 g'.a Jiy sr. 1 )j
a frc- fa. cure of tlie Py ranilj hil-C-jrt
in a j:a..n eee.lei nnr r.u.,
ar.y ext-rs? to oj if you will .end jr
r.-:i.e J-r. i ad iress to pyraurud Vrig t o .
Py-Tn-.J 1-ldg.. MrshiilL Viich.
When you hiie used the sarofle cf the Pile Cre. you c-n (ret the same
al ar. druggists at i er.t r
peu.l.y e-jXMd for
Tlxrvui;n Medical and Sttrpcal
and ci "t
rfe I
rear .
rrcfra '7 areysacx. Winr tb f-t j
ii. eo:.fc rt-eited jau dc-4.rat-d; '
fc .t a-d eom-i r.r tiit la every rvavia. j
axacxlrr n and i.xoieba V-aj, j
uic.rt-d far-.s ar..i r ring the ree-tum h.a j
- 1 fptly eiuirH lor BiJt H J'Wiy Avt-''' 'i r "LV- S A llodsm Pirst-Tlaae)
Natural Mineral Water Baths! 0m'ki
Rb.aa.ti.rn. Kiin.y. Ur.r. Heart,! V J 2 , Z'-f W 9 F" rfTH . 'nifli'itiW "JZ
r?. Stolen ad 6Ua Duh. , )iJl.JlXyJ-lfl- 'rW.t-v. 'iT -
SreT' J. O. EVQIETT. umt Phrrtcur. fe-itaTi?
Si HtiTKLa. hr i f t0rL.UjE rT I
Veteran of
11 R C H. CADT
Duffy's Pure
; It is re.-ognned everywhere as tie unf.niine sp
j nervousness, tcthoid. m-.sri.i. everv terra et si
j ,,irost and lure, and all r.-i .! n ar.i
weakened c T.i.f.ons cf the brain and
body, lt restores vouthful is--r tu the
I oi.i bv n -ur-t ins "and feeding in. vital
! i-'fes of life, and nmrmm the heai; l
j sr:cl strergtn cf tre young, lt i a f.Nl
I already digested. It is ptes. ej-ed by
' W'rs cf n r. h.'s. ta used In nil the 1-a 1-
i-a- i'.ii i in. wrM. unJ l" re--..g-
nued h. a family m-.!1 n. pt '!
It is absc-luteiy p.. re. iicliial acivi.-e ar.d
a valuable 1ilisiratl t", on d.-.i!
sent free. Our ti.nnle is on e.try
; Itffy- Fwre Malt Wkl,itT i( ,cld by
all first class druggists, grocers sra dru
rs. or direct, la sealed bottles only. Price
1 S1.00, Bee that the -Old Chemist" trade
saaik is oa ths lsbeL Xeook lor lt care.
iueiy. and refuse substitutes. It will cure
yow after all other remedies kavs failed.
Buffy Malt traisksy Co- Kochester. H. T.
lj heap
n .
ONE-WAY COLONISTS' tickets on sale to points on the Illinois Cen
tra In Mississippi and Louisiana each Tnesday during February. March
a.nd April at almost half fare. HOME5EEKERS' rate to nearly all
points in the south and southcift of first and third Tuesdays of each
month at oc fare plus $.(0 for the round trip, good returning thirty
days from date cf srtle.
ONE-WAY SETTLERS' tickets to points In North Dakota and the
Canadian Northwest on sale pach Tuesday during March and April at
greatly reduced rates. HOMESEEKERS' ticket to same points on al
firtt and third Tuesdays at one fire plus J2.00 for the round trip, good
returning taenty-one days from date of rale.
Ticket, descriptive circnlars. fo.ders. showing train service a.nd de
tailed information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Fa ream St., Omaha.
The difference between success
and failure in life is due in nine
out of ten caes to lack of physi
cal manhood. You ea n't be half
a man physically and a whole
man otherwise. A chain is no
stronger than its weakest link.
We treat men only anil rare prompt
ly, safely and thoronghly XERYOl 5
DLSEASES and aU pex-ial Diieea and their complications.
Call and Be Examined Free or Write.
OFFICE HOUIS 8 A. V- to S P. M. bl NDAYS 10 to 1 ONLY.
ISC3 rarnara St, Between 13th ard 14th Sts, Omaha, Neb,
fennanc-ntly Etabli.leri in Omaha. Nebraska.
T'r - Si ' . V I
Broadwiy. Fifth Ave ind 27th Sl, NEW YORK
i W -
Tha Miy batai ta Ha a a at Ian traatiar Braaiviy ana Hit. Aveaaa.
the Civil VJar
Mr. C. H. Cady, 64 years eld,
of Worcester, IMass., a veteran
of the Civil War, has been
made vigorous ard strong by
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey,
the World's
greatest tonic
nctiiiii sf snea aad wosnea llks this
veteran have beea cared by this greet
teefticisa. aad caaact say too ssack la
praise cf it.
Mr i.v -I am a et.rn of t ne
Civil IVir rv-d three years. ai.J aai 4
years c f re.
"1 tike I "I'FFT'S IT. T.K M A'.T WHI.
KKY I- f 'e t. r. -nl ar. 1 fir.-l 't the best
cf art-'ia'rs 1 th-r.k i-.u thre is r. 'th
ing f r ii rs.n ff.iit o-i in es.
I am a t. mprt. mm and c us your
pro1j as a m -d- Ine an I at or'y such as 1 n-l it '" . H Ca.'v. :'. rark
.enue. Worcester. Ms . Sert. 1st. Hid.
Malt Whiskey
riflc for 'he oiire cf consumptio
rnn h trout le, ail diseases cf t.
V7l2Jr; -'''4
Samuel North
District Passenger Ajant
' - a -a
FOR $6.00
Ey the 0!d RsHabis Cr. Searles & Sear!c$
ti-iousLed in citnu't lor 2i yeara. Tno many tnow
tanas cf casex cured by ua caaes us toe n.ot eaerV
a.i e.'XMi and d
rnat wui cure ys