Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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representatives. Py making the hill a pe
cinl order for Tuesday morning the senate
will get In lap shcad of the lower
house, which l scheduled to consider the
DMMiri! Iimorrow afternoon.
Rackett of lBs;e. who lnirwlucF.1 B. F.
3S, a duplicate of the bill afterward nsreei
upon by the joint committee, brought up
the matter In the senate thin aflemcv n by
oiling for a report on bin bill and on 8
T. I by tatta of Burt on the nam sub
ject. Senator Wllsey, rhnlnnnn of the
rallrorKl cvmmlttee. In reply nild he wan
ready to report on the bill, but nine cf the
membern of the committee wanted to nw.-ilt
the action cf the house cn the Joint m at
tire. Sackctt " Immediately moved that the bill
be t;ikn from the hands of the ccmmltbe
and placed on general file.
Aldrlch, hlmelf a member of the rni
rond committee, pck In fnvrr of the mo
tion, declaring the Joint committee Mil he
bind hrlped to formulite had been butchered
In the house by oversealrus fr'ertds and
be wanted the senate to lie In n position
to act Independently.
Olbnon. a member cf the commltte-. snld
the committee wan re-uly to report In
four minutes. If the senate wanted a re
port, and he thusht It would be a re
flection on the ermmittce to pan the mo
tion. Ulnar of Polk alno took the snme view. Tie
raid" the action would enise a bid impres
sion to go cut over the state. The Senate
knew why the r.-mmlltr- had been holding
the bill, and there w.-in nothing In Its
course to reflect on the committee. Tt
wruld be unjuct to the committee. the "n
nte and the whole legislature to na" the
MeKreron put a slop to the dlseuflon
by movinsr to table the m tlon, bin motion
carrying by a vote of IS to 11.
('nminlMrr Make) n Hepnrt.
The nenate wan at ease for a few minuter
to enable the railroad committee to formu
late Itn report, which It did, recommending'
that S. F. 65 De placed on general file.
Thin wan done, nnd later on motion of Al
drlch, It wan m:iile a special order for
Tunedny morning-. When the bill comes up
nome excitement In expected to break loose,
as nome of the senators are opposed to
passing a fiat 2-cent rnte bill without giv
ing the railroad commission power ta regu
lnte the rate In case the courts should de
cide a 2-cent rate In noncompensatory.
Penator Aldrlch han Introduced a maxi
mum freight rate bill based on the present
law. In brief the measure provide! It shall
be unlawful for any railroad company to
charge more than 80 per cent of their
freight nchedulen In effect January 1.
Either the railroads or the shippers can
make complaint before the railroad com
mission and the commission Is empowered
to change the rate by raising It If It In
noncompensatory to the railroads or lower
Ing It still further If It can be shown It Is
unjust to the shipper. A One of from
110.000 to $BO,0CO Is provided for vlolat'ons
of the act.
I ndertakrri Are Interested.
A delegation of undertakers of Omaha,
South Omaha and Lincoln waited upon
members cf the legislature today and the
Insurance department to dlscUHS the prac
ticability of the Introduction of a bill put
ting burial companies under the Jurisdic
tion of the Insurance department. The com
pany which caused the delegation to make
the visit has been Incorporated In New
Jersey and efforts are now being made to j
get it established In Nebraska. Its plan :
la for nn Indivlduiil to pay so much a month j
and whon the Individual dies the company j
pays the funeral nnd burial expenses. Tho
undertaker are opposed to the company
operating here. The delegation consisted
of Undertakers P. C. Ileafey, Davis and
Pwanson of Omaha, I'.rewer of South
Omaha nnd Hcaton of Lincoln.
Jennison' lobby Un,
Among the bills pni-sad by the house this
afternoon was the anti-lobby bill by Jenni
son of Clay. This bill makes li a mis
demeanor for n paid lobbyist to attempt
to influence a member. of the legislature
except through published briefs or by
npeeches mndo to committees. The penalty
Is it fine of J100 to $.100 and a Jull sentence
of six months. The bill, however, only re
el IvihI fifty-nine votes, and consequently
dees not carry the emergency clause, so
will not apply at this session, even If It
goes through the senate.
Tl'.o telephone committee has decided to
rep rt back for passage the Jennison tele
phone bill providing all telephone systems
must connect up with each other on the
application of one system, which has to
pay the expense of the connection.
Twi.ret ' Farr Bill' Made Kprrlnl
Order for Tnendny.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 18. (Special. )-The sonate i
at the beginning of the a (Tor noon session j
spent considerable time untangling the'
complications caured by the fact that it !
had adjourned Friday afternoon without i
acting on a motion to adopt the report .of
-th committee of the whole. While the
motion had not been voted on, an amend
URN the rug over it
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41416-18 S. 16th St.
ment to engross for third reading the
women's suffrsee resolution had been
adopted. It wss then the senate ad
journed. After some wrangling this after
noon by the senators. Lieutenant Governor
Hopewell declared the motion made Friday
to adopt the report of the committee of
the whole to be still pending, and it was
The following bills were placed on gen
eral file:
8 F. 2i"r P.y Hums. Correcting a flaw
in the plumbing Inspectors' law.
S. F. toS-Hv Dodge. Amending the law
under which hospital assoc. allons are
Parkctt of U.ige then demanded a report
from the railroad committee on 8. F. t
and S. F. 55, 2-cent fare bills, and after
considerable discussion a motion taking
the bills out of the hands of the committee
was voted down, and the committee there
upon reported 8. F. So, by Sackett, for
general file, and It was made a special
order for TueRday morning.
8. F. 192. by Kpperson, which Is a dupli
cate of II. K. SI, which wat passed by
both houses and vetoed by Governor Shel
don because, It amends nn unconstitutional
law, was recommitted to the Judiciary com
mittee.' It Is the plan to change the bill
so as to avoid the constitutional objec
tions and then repass It. The purpose of
the bill Is to prevent the voting of city,
village or precinct bonds In aid of railway
construction, and It is said to be aimed at
the Omaha, Hastings Nebraska Central
(ntcrurb.m road, which rias been seeking
aid for a line between Omaha and Hastings.
The senate went Into committee of the
whole and acted on the . following bills:
If. R. lltf-huhstltuted for 8. F. 12 and
recommended for passage. Raines ftes of
court reporters for making bills of excep
tion from 5 to 10 cents per hundred wom.s.
Amended to cut out clause requiring open
ing statements of attorneys to be taken.
H. F. 1M fcy Root. Providing api eal for
either side on ruling of trial court on mo
tion for new trial. Indefinitely postponed.
8. F. M Hy Hanna. providing county
tiensurelH in counties having l"0.0efl or
more acres of cducatlonul lairds shall bo
paid Hi i per month In addition to the 1 per
cent nuw paid for collecting school funds.
For imnsane.
S. F. 17x-Hy Wllsey. Limiting amount of
bonds in senool districts linving ISO school
children to 5 per cent of t axable prop rty
and reducing Intel est on school bonds from
7 to i per cent. For passage.
S. F. t!2 liy Wiltse. Providing hard labor
may be exacted of persons convicted of
assault or provoking an assault or drunk
enness. For passage.
S. F. 2ft.' liy Thomas. Providing n min
who abandons or fails to support bis family
shall not be allowed exemptions for neces
saries of llle for his family or those defend
ing on him for support. For passage.
The senate then adjourned until Tuesday
at 10 o'clock.
The following bills were Introduced Into
the senate today:
8. F. Sit-By Goodrich of Fillmore. Pro
viding for a paid secretary of the State
board of Kducation.
S. F. S-Hy Aldrlch of Blr. To fix
maximum rates to be charged for the
transportation of pre.peity within the st'it
of Nebraska by railway companies or com
mon curriers within this state at 0 per
cent of the maximum rate on January 1,
1HC7, and to delegate powers to the State
Railroad Commission to regulate the same, j
e. r . i.'h By uyines of Platte. To pro-i
vide for hinged gates at farm crossings ft
be maintained by railroads and for the use
of woven wire hog fence.
Five nills Passed and a X umber more
(From a Staff Corespondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 18. (Special.) The house
passed the following bills:
II. R. 18 Jennison of Clay. Anti-lobby
II. R. 179 Dy McMullen of Gage, com
pelling the regents oV tli. State university
to bold open meetings when transacting
business pertaining to the university.
11. K. iuJ Hy fc.. P. Brown. Allowing a
taxpayer to appeal to Ihe district court on
assessment though he has not appeared- be
fore the county board.
The tolowlng bills were .Introduced: .
H. R. 371-Ry Walsh of Douglas. To pro
vide a penalty -for stealing live poultry, for
receiving, buying or concealing live poultry,
knowing the same-to hav. been btolen, and
for concealing poultry thieves.
H. It. 31iLiy Hansen of Merrick (by re
qu fli. To provide for the compulsory ed
ucation of children, for the employment of
truant olllcers, for the proper education of
huch children ns cannot properly be taught
In the usual public, private or parociiiui
schools, lor the proper enumeration of per
sons of school ug, for the punisoment of
pel sons violating tne provisions of this uct.
II. R. 3i3 Ry Harrison cf Otoe. To legal
ize acknowledgments to Instruments anect
tng or relating to real estate in Nebraska,
heretofore taken before notary public In
states other than the state of Nebraska.
H. R. 3oi bv Dodere of Dounlasi hv re
quest I. To provide for the payment of tho j they finally retire to make up their ver
cost of tlx records and of ureD.uinir nil ,n
compiling such records by county tr usurer i
H. R. "it-Hy Klllen of Gage Declaring
alt ronti acts assigning, or otherwise pledg-
Ing or transferring, any interest in wages
or salaries to be earned In the future and '
net ut th- time more than twenty dayi
f)asi aue ana puyaiiie, as security tor any i
oan of money- contrary to public policy I
uuu voiu. fMooiiiuiiiK me enrorceinent or
the same and declaring an emergency.
H. R. 37B-By Killeii of Gage. Fifte n dol
lars a day tor secretary of - Hoird of
Hi ait n and raising examination fee m i'S
H. R. .177 Ry Klllen of Gage (by request.
Raising salary of necr'tary of Board of
Equalisation from $l.G(in to I1.S0.
H. R. 378 By Harvey of Douglas. Limit
ing the time of a contract for lighting
streets and public places in Omaha to five
years. , ,
H. it. Ry Knowles of Dodge. To pro
vide for drainage districts to drain wet
land and land subject to overflow.
H. . 3So-By hce of Douglas. Allowing
county treasurer to serve more than two
consecutive terms.
H. R. HXl-By Klllen of Gage. Authorli
Ing tho construction and furnishing of two
additional fire proof buildings at the Ne
braska Institute for Feeble Minded Youths
located near Beatrice, making an appropri
ation of liiO.otO therefor, and providing for
w.T- r.lTnu;iuir "I ucn appropriation.
H. R. 3S2 By Harvey nf hmiirl..
vidlng municipal ownership of public .utn
ltles In Omaha.
H. R. SWI Bv Bakwr o Tnrk r..iiin
'for auditing of uccounta of ward overseers
oy town noards.
H. R. KM By Noyes of Cass. To prevent
the acceptanco and use, for themselves or
for others, by members of the legislature
ntate officers, and countv official. f i.i
passes, franks; rebates, prlvller't or sd-
v.inmse. rrom express companies, tele
graph companies, telephone companies
sleeping car companies or other nnl.lie ...1
vle corporstlons, and to provide a penalty
. H f; I'glaa. To aiIth(r.
lie cities of over 6.000 Inhabitants to alter
or amend their charters.
John D. Rockefeller Harriet to Side
of Mlfr, Mho Has
Bad Cold. J
NEW YORK. Feb. 18.-That he might i
aave two hours on his hasty trip from
Augusta. Ga John D. Rockefeller had
ills automobile meet him at Trenton Friday
night nnd drove sixty miles across the
state to Lakewood. N. J., In less than
three hours. His anxiety to reach Mrs. i
Rockefeller, who was 111 with the grip, was
so great that he couldn't brook the delays
In making connections by rail. Mr. Rocke
felbr attended the Baptist church Uunday
and at the close of the service members of
the congregation surrounded him and made
Inquiries regarding Mrs. Rockefeller.
"She had a severe cold, but she is quite I
well now," was his answer.
To Cnrr a Cold la One nv
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. ;
uruggnts refund money If It falls to cur
E. W. Grove's signature la on each box. 26c
Xer Ulea oi Bara..
PKORIA. III. rvb. lS-After suffering
fearful agony George Iaabel. colore died
early this morning of burns reolvearly
I yesterday. Meiuru toxins; consciousness, the
upcraseu neu nw rie tii positive some
one had entered his room while avleep and
after saturating the bedclothes with kerj
sene, applivd a match. Minerva Williams,
a swe- thrart, hud made thrssts against
his life, It is said, and la being held by
the police. She tlalnis that lsaul went to
b4 Intoxicated and lighted a ligaraus.
DIAMONDS -Frenser, iStb and Doug.
Statement to Toc'or ts to Ffon for Kill
idc white in ETidence.
Ilr. "Brans Test I Urn That Prlsower
Was lump When It Was Drawn
-Drbnaa Still C'ondnctlng
the Case.
NEW YORK, Feb. IS. "I never wanted
to shoot the creature, I never wanted to
kill him. I knew be was a foul creature,
destroying the mothers and daughters of
America, but 1 wanted through legal
menns to bring him to trial. I wanted to
get him Into court to bring him to Justice.
Rut Providence took charge of It; it was
an act of Providence."
This Is Hurry K. Thaw's own story of
the killing of Stnnford White. It was told
by hhn to Dr. Rrllton D. Evans, the alien
ist Inst August In the Tombs. Dr. Evans
today repeated the prisoner's words to the
Jury that Is trying Thaw for his lire.
District Attorney Jerome fought hard last
week against the Introduction of this evi
dence which tho defense believes N cm
elusive proof that Thaw did not know his
net wan wrong. Once the testifying phy
slelnns had declared that in their opinion
Thaw was insane at the time he made the
statements. However, the rules of evi
dence permitted the introduction of tho
prlsorer's words.' .
Thavt'n Will Admitted.
In further bulwarking their contention
thnt Thaw was Insane when he killed Stan
ford White, the defendant's counsel suc
ceeded today In plnclng before the Jury tho
will executed by Thaw the night of his
marriage In April. I!t03, and a codicil ex
ecuted at the same time. Again Mr. Jer.ime
fought the evidence, but he significantly
withdrew his objections after Dr. Ev.ns
had given It us his expert opinion th it
Thaw was Insane nt the time he executed
tho will. The fact that the district attor
ney seems disponed to let in testimony of
every character provided there Is a pre
liminary opinion from the witness that the
man wan of unsound mind at fhe time to
which the testimony refers Wnn taken to
day an further Indicating that Mr. Jerome
may at the psychological moment, If he
deems hln hand strong enough, demand
the appointment of a commission to pnns
on Thaw's present state of mind.
Provisions o WI1.
The will and the codicil were offered In
evidence as cumulative testimony of Thaw's
mental unsoundness prior to the killing of
White. In his will Thaw provided that his
executors should net apart the sjm of
JSn.000 to Investigate his death In case of
a violent or suspicious tnd, ana tor tne
prosecution of the persons suspected of
having a hand In bis taking on.
In the cndlcil Thaw left to a lawyer In
Pittsburg t'.MO, to be used In securing legal
iedress from Stanford Whito and one other
person, whose name was not allowed to be
read, for the benefit of four young women
who. Thaw declared, had been the victims
of "degrading assaults" In house "fur
nished and used for orgies by Stanford
White nnd other inhuman scoundrels."
Thaw also bequeathed sums of $,5no each
to Rev. Dr. Charles H. Parkhurat. Anthony
Comstock and a lawyor named In his codi
cil, to bo used In discovering further al
leged misdeeds by Stanford White and se
curing redress for the women.
Drs., Hammond and Jclliffe will testify
tomorrow, probably on the Improvement In
Thaw's mind during his . confinement in
the Tombs, declaring that the stress which
caused the mental explosion wan removed
With the death of White. It was said to
night that Mrs. Evelyn Nesblt Thaw might
go on the stand tomorrow to complete her
story. Tho trial today entered Its fifth
Ilrhnaa fondoeti Case, .
At the opening of court Attorney Delmas
was again in his accustomed place nt the
head of Thaw'a counsel table, notwithstand
ing reports of disagreement.
Juror Bolton said he felt able to go on
with the trial. It was decided that the
Jurors should not again be confined until
,, i v. v. u . I
Dr' Eva""' who hn" bpen by far the mo8t '
Important witness for the defense among I
the medical men. described at great length
, i .u-. t u . ,., I
hl" -Herlences In the Tombs. He told!
now i naw ueciareu ins lawyers uuu iiib
Iclans were in a conspiracy witli the dis
trlct attorney to "railroad" him off to an.
! acylum and to prevent his case from coin
ing to trial. lie declared "they wanted to
close this matter up." Tnaw told the
physician that in his attempts to bring
Stanford White to Justice he had com
plained to District Attorney Jerome and
that the lawyer had told him to let tho
matter drop, that there was nothing to It.
He also complained to Anthony Comstock
and to a detective agency.
Dr. Evans was corroborated as to most
of Thaw's statement by Dr. Charles G.
Wagner . of Uinghamton, who first figured
as a witness early last week.
Jerome- and Evans (lush.
District Attorney Jerome cross-examined
Dr. Evans briefly on his opinion that Thaw
was of unsound mind at the time of exe
cuting his will. The proeecutur and wit
ness flashed fire at the first contact and
there was evury indication that when Mr.
Jerome undertook Dr. Evans' cross-examination
In general the proceedings would
be as lively and Interesting aa uny ever
hoard In a local 'court room. Dr. Evans
met the preliminary attacks boldly and
seemed as ready with his wits aa the dis
trict attorney. This was illustrated when
Mr. Jerome, In a tone of aggravation, asked
the witness:
'"Well, what are you able to say?"
"There arc many things I could say, but
I am not permitted to say thein." retorted
the physician amid laughter.
Mr. Dclmas was on his feet during tha
cross-examination. He Interposed many
objections and generally was sustained. He
looked sharply to. Dr. Evan' Interest, but
the latter appeared to be well aware of
I his privileges.
Mr. Jerome. In protesting against admit
ting the codicil as evidence, referred to
"these' scandalous statements." Mr. Delmas
objected and bad bis objection noted as
being to the district attorney's misconduct.
A wordy conflict ensued which ended by
Mr. Jerome declaring that In future he
would concede nothing.
Ii Kvnns' Direct Testimony.
Dr. Hrltton D. Evans, superintendent of
the New Jersey State Hospital for th
Insane ut Morris lialns, was on the stand
lust Thursday when the trial was ad
journed, and was recalled today as the
ml Trial 10 days proven.
' "There's Reason."
"Tha Road to Wellville.'
U pkga.
first witness. Mr. lKiaiaa took up the
direct examination of the witness thus re
suming Ms position ss leading counsel.
Dr. F.vans was asked to relate the con
versations he had with Thaw during his
first three visits to the defendant In the
The witness has heretofore testified that
as (he result of these first th'ee visits h?
had reached the concluskj that Thaw
was of unsound mind.
"I took a letter of Introduction to Mr.
Thaw from Mr. Hartrldge and was finally
conducted to his cell. He gave me his
hand and looked at me with a staring
and twitching of the eye. With a nervous
ness, such ' ns we seldom pee and In an
agitated manner, he asked me to have a
sent beside him on his cct. He to iked at
me a long time and then said:
" 'You have different eyes from Dr.
Hamilton. Ycur eyes look as If you were
a sane man. His eyes suggested Insanity. '
"I asked him how he was. saying I had
been sent by Mr. Hnrtridge to talk matters
over. Ho said it was nil right If I came
from Hnrtridge and in response to my
question as to how he felt, he said, 'Oh! I'm
all right."
"The words were nervously uttered, nnd
were piled together. Then he continued
'Lew Delafleld, a lawyer, and the firm of
Rlnck, Olcrtt. Gruber A Bonynge nre In a
cons-piracy with Jerome, so ns to close this
mntter up and railroad me off to an asylum.
" 'They want to have me declared insane.
There's nothing to It. They don't want
me to come to a trial, where I may be
vindicated and where I can tell the court
and Jury what. there Is In this matter."
Dr. Evans said the arrlvnl of the pris
oner's wife and mother Interrupted the In
terview. . Thaw Talks of White.
He offered to withdraw, but Thaw told
hln. to remain, and after kissing his wife
and mother and Introducing the physician
he asked them to excuse him until he had
finished with his caller.
"He then told me." continued Dr. Evans,
"of Stnnford White, and at great length
spoke of the alleged wrongs the man had
done to Innocent and pure-minded girls.
Ho neve referred to himself nnd did not
seem to feel In any danger from his posi
tion as a prisoner charged with murder."
Dr. Evans next described hln second visit,
on August .21 last.
"Thaw came Into the room with a Inrge
patebonrd box In his arms It was filled
with papers. He wan nervous and agi
tated and looked nt both myself and Dr.
Wngner with the peculiar stare. He had
an air of self-importance as If he wan tell
ing us what to do Instead of undergoing an
examination. He then proceeded to tell us
the name story of persecution he had re
lated on the occasion of my first visit.
"He referred constanly to 'this man. this
creature, thin dead man. this beast, the
blackguard.' nnd said the man had sought
to take the virtue of every pure-minded
woman who came within the sphere of
hln observation.-
"'I tried to save them.' Mr The.w nnld
to us, and added: 'I did nil In my power.
I never wanted to shoot the creature. I
never wanted to kill him. I knew he wan
a foul creature, destroying all the 'mothers
nnd daughters In America, but I wanted,
through legal means, to bring him to trial.
I wanted to get him Into court, so ho
would he brought to Justice.'
"I then asked him why. under such cir
cumstances, he had shot Mr. White.
" "Providence took charge of It.1 he re
plied. 'This was an net of Providence.
For my part I would rather have had him
suffer In court the humiliation the revelation-of
his acts would have caused.' "
"Did he tell you what he had done, If
anything, to bring Stanford White Into
court?" asked Mr. Delmas.
"He said he had gone to see Anthony
Comstock and Mr. Jerome nnd n private
detective agency. He nnld Mr. Jerome had
told him he had better let the matter drop;
that there was nothing to it. The de
tectives told him they would take the mat
ter up, but, they had not submitted n
proper report. As to Mr. Comstock, be
said, he discovered Delancy Nleoll. the at
torney, was acting as legal adviser both to
Stanford White and to Comstock. He re
garded this as another link In the con
spiracy against him.
"I asked him why he had carried a pistol,
and he said Roger O'Mnra, an independent
detective in Pittsburg, had advised him to
do so after he had told O'Mara that on
several occasions thugs had Jostled him In
an uttempt to get him Into a quarrel ard
street brawl. lie said these thugs were
the hired agents of Stnnford White, who
did not want to take the responsibility nnd
danger of making a personal attack. He
said White hud hired the Muiik-Exstmun
gung to get him into it quarrel and then
beat or kick him to death."
Thaw Dismisses Poi-tor
The witness next went Into a description
of his third vlsi. to Thuw on September 19.
He was accompanied by Dr. Wagner and
Mr. Hnrtridge. Thaw came Into the room
again, carrying the pasteboard box full of
papers. Mr. Hartridge bud tried to Induce
htm to give up the papers. Thaw said tha
papers had to be looked after at once. Ha
then turned abruptly about and left the
room, saying:
"Good tluy, doctor, I am very aorry."
"I told liim the papers had nothing to do
with my examination, but ne swept out of
the room and that ended the visit."
"As a result of that visit did you draw
any scientific deductions as to Mr. Thaw's
"Yes. He displayed a highly explosive
mental makeup in that, without adequate
cause, he dismissed his counsel and physi
cians after he had agreed In advance that '
we should come there for the purpoae in
dicated. He displayed defective reaaon In
putting aside protessional men whom he
had been assuied were there through no
unfriendly part."
"Did he mention to you the names of any
of the young women who he aald had suf
fered wrongs at the. hands of Stanford
White?" asked Mr. Delmaa.
Before the witness could reply Mr. Del
mas withdrew the question and asked Dr.
Evans if he had read the codicil to Hurry
Thaw's will.
The witness said he bad read It In part
and had heard all of It read.
"Did he mention to you the names that
appear in the codicil?"
District Attorney Jerome objected to the
question lu this form and it was with
"Did Mr. Thaw say to you that ha w as
not insane?."
"Yes, sir; he said, 'I am not Insane.' "
la It a cemmon thing with persons suf
fering from un unsound mind to protest
thut they are not insane?"
"It Is very common about 46 per cent do
Dr. Evans suid that Thaw declared per
haps ZuO or SuO persons might be found who
would say he was Insane, but ha did not
think they could prove it.
Relating Thaw's act of self Importance
Mr. Evans said:
"He wanted me to understand that he
waa Harry Kendall Thaw of Pittsburg;
that he was the one and only Harry Ken
dall Thaw, and there were no others." -
"What conclusion did you reach as to
Thaw's contension that his act had been
an act of providence?"
"That it was an insane delusion."
"Are not repentance, remorse and fear of
punishment the normal conditions of, a
sane roan after be has committed aq act
of homicide and the absence of these ele
ments an evidence of unsoundness of
"Aa a rule remorse and penetanie are
found in the same mind and In my opinion
the absence of these feelings la an indica
tion of mental unsoundness.
Htasura That IoTide for Isolation f
Coolies H? Bis: 1'ijoritj.
House Rrfanrn to Set Aside Senate
Bill Rraulatlna Honrs of Train
men Halln-ny Mall Par
WASHINGTON. Feb. 18-tnder sus
pension nf the rules the house today
adopted the conference report on the Im
migration bill, although the democrats gen
erally made a party Issue against the is
pert provision, as well as to that requir
ing Increased air space In vessels.
The hoiisn refused to suspend the rules
and pass the bill reconimendi d by the
Interstate and foreign commerce commit
tee ns a substitute for the so-called Ia
Follette bill limiting employment on rail
roads to sixteen hours, the denvcrats vot
ing solidly against the substitute.'
Mr. Overstreet of Indiana asked thnt
general debate terminate on the postofTice
appropriation bill at 4 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon, which was agreed to, and at
5:10 p. m. the house adjourned until 11
o'clock tomorrow morning.
Immigration mil Taken I p.
The houpe aoon after convening began
Consldi ration of the conference report on
the Immigration bill, which wan agreed
to by the senate Saturday.
An appeal of Air. Burnett of Alabama,
against the rullnk of Speaker Cannon io
luting to certain sec-inn In the Immigration
bill, wan laid on the t.vble by a strict party
voic, ayes, iyti; nays,
The conference report on the Immigra
tion bid was agreed to by :he house, ayes,
VH; nays, 101.
After reading of the report, Representa
tive Burnett (Ala.) made points if order
agnlnst the first provision which under
takes to regulate the Incoming of Japa
nese oc oiks by giving the president au
thority to refuse to rect,nnl7.e their pass
ports and also against the whole of sec
tion xlii, having relntlon to the air space
In vessels bringing Immigrants to the
I'nlted States.
As to the first provision Mr. Burnett In
sisted that the authority conferred by the
Fection on the prorident put In his bands
a, "big slick," which he could wield over
a state, lie declared thnt It gave the chief
executive a power which was never con
templated by the constitution nor by the
enabling act cf any sovereign state.
As to the second proposition It was Mr.
Burnett's contention that the nlr space
provision properly belonged In a bill re
lating to navigation and had no part In
a bill regulating the Immigration of aliens
Into the United States.
Mr. Bennett N. Y.) contended that the
points of order made against the two pro
visions should not be, because the pro
visions had been considered by the house
In other bills and had really been con
sidered In connection with the Immigration
There was nn extended debate en these
points of order,' In which Messrs. Williams.
Watson, Burnett and Bennett p-irtlclrated.
. , , .. , , .
after which the speaker overruled the
points of order on the ground that the con
ferees had been wholly In their rights when
they agreed to a substitute for both the
senate and house bills.
The conference report was then taken
up for consideration on Its merits, one hour
being fixed for debate.
Williams tlpens nisennslnn.
Mr. Williams (Miss.) decided to warn the
people of California of something of which
they already knew, - and that was the
views of the president were not their
views. i
"This man to whom you have left the
discretion In the matter of Japanese Immi
gration Is one who already has recom
mended the naturalization of the Japa
nese," said Mr. Williams.
"I am with the people of California on
the question cf separate schools and I am
with them on another question. I want
the .Pacific coast kept a white man's ccun
try, and I want all this country, as far as
It can be, to be a white man's country, not
merely because I believe the Caucasian Is
superior to other races, but because this
Is our land, the land of our traditions and
our Ideals, and I know that the influx of
another race means another race problem
for another portion of this republic and
another social warfare.
"I want to say that every woo which this
country has suffered has resulted from the
landing of the first slave ship at James
town." Attitude of Cnllfornlans.
Mr. Hayes of California frankly stated
that the Japanese exclusion section was
not Just what the people of California
wanted, but said It would go very far to
ward ameliorating present conditions. Ho
said it was a temporary expedient which
he believed wduld be followed by a much
more satisfactory arrangement. He also
believed that when the people of Califor
nia became familiar with the seetlon they
too will be satisfied- oj were the members
of the California delegation, realizing that
It Is the best they can get at this time. lie
aid the delegation agreed to support the
bill In the Interest of the whole country
and in the interest of California and the
Poclfla coast.
The conference report was then agreed to.
Ayes, 187; nays, 101.
Thw following republicans voted against
it: Fordney, Michigan; McCall, Massachu
setts; McCarthy, Nebraska; Smith, Iowa.
The following democrats voted In favor
of the report: De Armond, Missouri; May
iri, may-
nurd, Virginia; Moon
Tennessee; Wiley,
Refuse to' Kill Lm Follette Bill
By a vote of 119 to 69 the house today
under suspension of the rules refused to
adopt the substitute recommended by the
Interstate and foreign commerce committee
to the so-called "l.aFollette slxteen-hour
bill" to promote the safety of employes and
traveler on railroads, limiting the hours
of service of employes. The amended bill
was sent to conference, a two-thirds vote
being required.
Chantce la Railroad Mull l'a.
The house adopted today a resolution pre
sented by Representative Overstreet of In
diana authorising the clerk to. insert a
provision In the postofnee appropriation
bill looking to a reduction of the compen
sation to railroads for carrying the mall,
to take effect July 1, in accordance .with
the following schedule:
On routes carrying their whole length an
average weight of mall per dajr of more
than 6,U pounds and less tlisn 4).0u0, the
rate shall be five per cent less than the
Or. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses and beautifies thw
teeth and purifies the breath.
Used by people of refinement
br over a quarter of a century.
Convenient for tourists.
I i i imi n in i ii i i i jjaa'a" ii n in i i i ii i rr pin-ii t
For Tuesday's
White Goods A mixed lot of white
goods. India dimities, fine India linons
checked and striped madras, etc. reg
ular nineteen-cent values all T
on one table. aU yard. ..... J.-'
00 yards Imperial English Long Cloth
thirty-six inches wide, very fine soft
finish the best value in city t T-L
at, per yard. Ei2V
"White and Dotted Swisses, imported and domestic
Fifty pieces on sale Tuesday, in all size dots, 1 (J
an unrivaled value, at, per yard UC
25 pieces Mercerized Waisting Novelties very pretty i
patterns, suitable for advance spring wear, I
worth n.'ic a vnrd Tuesdav vnrd mjr T
Laces Worth up to 2.")c 2y2c, 5c and 10c Yard Tues
day you can buy beautiful Normamiy vals and pretty
torchon match sets and lovely Venice trimmings
worth 10c, lf)c, '20c and 25c yard n C A
without reserve, for, yard 2CJC,'1C
present rates on all weight carried In ex
cess of 6,i pounds and on routes carry
ing their whole longth an average weight
of mall per day of more than 4S,tM pounds,
tho rate s(ia" be five per cent less than tho
present rates op all weight carried In ex
cess of 5. pounds up to 4s,0.O pounds and
for each ndditit nul 2.CUU pounds in excess
of 4S.IHO pounds at the ratea of 119.24; on
all roads other than land grant roads, and
upon all land grant roads the rate shall be
$17.11) for each' ihuiiuIs carried In ex
cess of said 4S,(VKI pounds.
After July 1, lSfn. additional pay allowei
for every line comprising a dully trip each
way of railway post office cars shall b
at a -' .wit v , .. 1 1 1 ti tr C lr. n. r m n ni
annum for cars forty feet In length, and
I per mile per annum for 45 loot cars
j '"'d per mile for rifty foot cars and
ltd per mile per annum for cars 5u feet or
pore n length.
Mr. Murdock of Kansas wanted to know
how this change would affect the sections
of the bill having relation to the new
provision for railway mall pay and the
return of empty mail bags by the railroads
Mr. Overstreet replied It left them In
the bill, of course, subject to the point
of order If made.
The resolution was adopted without di
vision. riles Curei'. In l to 14 Days.
Paso Ointment will euro any caaee of
Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Frotudlng piles.
At all druggists 80 cents.
Two Iowa Physicians Wager
$10,000 on Consump
tion Cure.
Comments by l'hiladclphia
Fort Dodge. Ia. Physicians In this
section and tnrougliout the I nited States
are watching with much Interest the con
troversy between lr. J. W. Kime and Lr.
Tr H. llndley. $10,000 is Involved on a
v.uger as to Hie most eillesctous treatment
fir consumption. lr. Kime, who is a
well knvwn authority on many
questions and a member of the Utaie
Board of Health, maintains that no drug
can cure the disease, but believes in the
open uir exclusively. While Ur. Llndley,
of Cedar Kuplds, a doctor of equal promi
nence, takes the stund In favor of a drug
specific and discredits the value of tha
open air method. 1'utlents if about the
same vitality have ben selected and thu
tests are now under way.
Commenting on this wager a renowned
specialist of the Philadelphia Clinic stales
that the most effective treatment so fur
attained is the combination of both fresh
air and certain drugs.
This was amply demonstrated In the
experimental camps In the pine forests
of Maine, where so many remarkable
cures were mude. He also states that tills
treatment ran be fol'.iwed out by any
putlent In their own Home if they will
adhere to it persistently.
Plenty of out-door exercise and at all
times breathing very deeply in order to
force the air Into ull parts of the lungs.
This will soon become a huhtt and tho
medicine that wus used is pine, the great
est stimulant known for the mucuos
tiimhrn nnd nulnLotinrv orsans.
For this purpose get the Concentrated
oil of pine, mix one-hair ounce with a Hair
pint of good whiskey and add two ounces
of glycerine. This must be well shaken
and used In tablespoon doses every four
The Concentrated fill of pine can be ob
tained at any prescription druggist's, but
care should be taken not to get the Imi
tations. The real article always comes
put up In half-ounce vials, securely sealed
in round air-tight screw-top cases, which
protect It from light und heat.
Q -'-i.y
eai ly.
"pie" for those who get here
Doubling our storo space rather than
lose money by deterioration of stock
by the dust and dirt that thexe altera
tions will render Inevitable, is making
to measure your choice of
KuitiutfH worth as iiiucli as $.10
for 2.Y.
bulling wort 1 1 as uiucli as (10
for SO.
Phone Doug. lsoa. IM sut Bo. lth at.
Next door to lbs Wabash Ticket offloa.
It's Just Like This
ITWE HAVE the choicest fabrics the
' best skilled tailors most compe
tent cutters and tempting prices to
make good our boast that N'lcoll
leads for best tailoring at nominal
Suit and extra Trousers for the price
of suit alone this month.
209-11 So, IStli 8t.
50 PER
Phone Douglas 3874
The R.oyaJ Chef
4 Nights Commencing Wednesday.
Matinee Saturday.
The Gans-Nelson fight Pictures
20c and &0c.
arext San., Hon., Tuss.,
The CIa.nsma.n
Frofesslonal Mat. Today Tonight
Clyde Fitch's i'lay.
Washington's Birthday Mat. Friday.
The Orpheum Show
Vaudeville's Greatest Attraction,
TODAY of Houn
TOXriQHT, 8 115.
prices 10c-a&c-8uo.
aLKJAMUi'. m m www
Tonight, 8:16 Matins Wsdnssaa?
In the Musical Satire.
Ii Tbur Hose Uslsillc in Sis Hopkins
1. 1 '
4 w Mm-mm. w
Boyd Theater Orchestra
I BOYD'S ' Mgrs.
Ir l IU a