Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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" ' MR5i(iU I IN r any combination of drags.
Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
is an honest, tried and true remedy of unquestionable therapeutic rains.
This med Urine made from natire roota and herbs contains no narcotics
or other harmful drurs and today holds tbe record for the largest number
of actual cares of female dineases of any medicine the World has ever
known, and thousands of rolnntary testimonials are on file in the
laboratory at Lynn, Maaa., which testify to Its wonderful value.
Mrs. C. R. Fink, of CarneiHe. Pa., write: Dear Mrs. Pink ham.- "I
wish every suffering- woman would take Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable H
Compound and write to you for advice. It has done me a world of good B
and what it has accomplished for me I know it will do for others."
When women are troubled with Irregularities, Displacements, Ulcer
ation, Inflammation, Backache, Nervous Prostration, they should re
member there is one tried and true remedy, Lydia E. Plnkham's Vege
table Compound. , .
Mrs. Plnkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from aay form of female weakness are Invited to
write Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn, Mass. Out of her vast Train me of ex
perience she probably baa the very knowledge that will help your case.
( faanoellor Ton EoeUw Takes Bony View of
folitioal Eitnation.
Vote af (applies Only Means Popular
Branch af Government Has of
Controlling; Poller of
BERLIN, Feb: 17. (Special.) Things
are bright In the Kadilwlll Palace and
Prince Bernard von Buelow, imperial
chancellor of the German empire. Is tak
ing a rosy view of the situation. This Is
since the elections. Before that every
thing waa apprehension and chaos.
When BISmarck drew up the German
constitution there were many who re
yirded the placing of the retchstag on
the basis of universal suffrage ss a mis
take, but these objectlpns the Iron chan
cellor swept aside. He considered that
When he had created the relchstag he had
created an Institution that was nothing
better than a high class debuting society.
No bill can be passed by the relchstag
which has not first had the approval of
the federal council The federal council
is appointed by the kings and princes of
the German federation. But the nomi
nees of the king of Prussia form a ma
jority, so that in the end all the reach
stag can do Is to say "No," or "Yes," to
what the Kaiser is willing should be laid
before it. And the Kaiser appoints Uie
ministers who are responsible only to
him and quite Indifferent to any criticism
or votes of censure by the relchstag, ap
the government of the German Umpire Is
as much in his hands as If he had been
the csar Of Russia. M
Nothing more monotonous than the de-
uaiea 01 me uerman imperial parliament
could be Imagined. As a rule out of the
800 members there were not two score In
' the Hpuse. In fact when the Parliament
was In session It was rure If half of the
members were in Berlin. I Now things are
better so far as attendance goes for each
jnember Is given an allowance for the
time he Is In attendance but Is fined for
being absent unless he Is excused by the
president. The only real powor which
the relchstag has had has been its In
fluence over public opinion. Its debates
were public, wore reported In the press
and were commented upon accordingly.
This waa a power with which the gov
ernment had to reckon.
Dlsiuarrk'a Idea.
, But without the Kulser'a consent the
relchstag was helpless to Influence thu
action of the government.' It was only
In one way that It could apply the screw
and that. was by .refusing the money. It
had Indeed the iwwr te bring the gov
ernment of the country to a standstill by
refusing t vote supplies but until a few
months ago apparently It never had the
courage to do that, sort of a thing.
- Prince Btsroarc k When he began to
real Ike the danger- in the growth of so
cialism was not disinclined to drastic
measures and realised the necessity of re
stricting the suffrage, under which the
yeichstag Is elected. As far back as Si
' he proposed this plan to the Kaiser. But
Wllhelm It at the outset of his reign
was averse to doing anything that might
bring him Into conflict with his people
.or render him unpopular. He saw th.t
Such a measure might lead to open revolt
or, as he put It to his chancellor, he nad
not the slightest desire to be known In
history as the "grape shot kelssr." Bis
marck contented himself with prophesying
that he would go farther and fare wort.
One thing Is certain and that la that In
any event ' there are lively times ahead
for socialists and Imperialists.
1 Considerable anxiety and curiosity Is
being felt In Germany as to the effect
which the death of the queen of Hanover
will have on the relations of the duke
of Cumberland and the German empirt.
It has long been supposed that It was
only out of filial piety that the duke main
tained his claim to the throne of Hun
Over. The duke Is enormously weulthy
and when things are finally brought to
S focus It Is potislble that he will refuau
to reign over an Insignificant duchy.
Beo Want Ads for Bualness Boosters.
mall Hoys fireak Windows.
f Cfl EY KJN N 12, Wya, Feb. 17.-(Speclal.
FIvV small boys, all members of prominent
families, were arrested today on a charge
of. malicious 'mischief. The youngsters
smashed "S worth of windows In a vacant
residence at the corner of Seventeenth and
House etrteta. . -
THAT rheumatism U not wholly due
to the damp air and cold winds,
x There's something WTong with your
0 constitution.
g Scott' r Emulsion of cod liver
oil and hypophosphites contains the
V xfleh-building, blood-enriching ele
X taents required to set your constitution
0 , . Needn't worry then about damp eirv $
la thla nineteenth oentury to keep
dp with the marofl of prog-rees rr
power of womu U strained to lt
utmost, and the tax upon ner pnysi
eal system is far greater thaa ever.
In the rood old-fashioned day of
onr grandmothers few dmg were
- ! . l ' I fY-l 1 : J
usea m meuiuiuea. ioff nuu vyvu
roota and herbs to cure, weaknesses
and disease, and their knowledge of
roots and herb waa far. greater
than that of women today.
It waa In thla study of roota and
herbs that Lydia E. Plnkham, of
Lynn, Mass , discovered and (rave
to the women of the world a remedy
mora no tent and efficacious than
Qaalnt and Carloaa restores of Idle
in a Rapidly Growing!
Reports from many parts of the state
show that high water has brought prospec
tive prosperity to the bridge builder.
Rural Nebraska today aeems to be hesi
tating between preparations for spring
planting and hording fuel for a bllxsard.
Careful Observer Busy Charles Baugh
has moved upon his farm once more and
among his furniture was noticed some sus
picious looking articles for a bachelor.
Jackson correspondent Wood River Bun
beam. Notice to the Boys Rumor has It that
there wllj be a wedding In our vicinity In
the near future so boys you want to get
your musical instruments In working order.
Kolb County correspondent Arlington
Girl Easily Pleased A South Sioux City
woman had a new girl and while giving
Instructions said: "And now A--, we
have breakfast at six o'clock." "Very well,
mum," said A , "If I am not down by
that time don't wait for me." South Eloux
City Reoord.
Signs of Spring The last few pleasant
days have brought out the red bugs on
the south side of the buildings. It has alS3
brought out a large bunch of cusssrs and
spltters who occupy the warm corners and
surround themselves with "filth to the d's
gust of passers by Fairfax Correspondent
Clay Cente Sun.
-r. s -
Dignity Forgotten Last Thursdsy morn
ing. Mrs. Jones of this place thought she
would have' some fun with the children
skating on a small pond of Ice. While
skating, she fell and came near resigning
her position as postmistress at Andrews.
A postmistress should be, more dlgnlflrd
than to play on the Ice before breakfast.
Andrews correspondent Chadron Jouranl.
Perquisites of the Carrier Our mall car
rier wishes to thank his kind and generous
patrons for the many valuable and useful
presents he received during the - holiday
season, and for that matter the whole yenr
he has been on the route. Here Is a list
of whst he has received during the year
1006. Who of the carriers can beat it?
Forty-two sacks of oats, six sacks of corn,
fifteen bushels of applee, eight bushels of.
potatoes, a Dusnei ana a hair or peaches.
one bushel of plums and one" of grapes.
M In cash, two loads .of eoba. and one of
hay, one sack 6f wheat for flour, twenty
Ave pounds of beef, one pig. one dunk and
a chicken. Malmo correspondent Wahoo
Wasp. ;
The Omnibus Handbag There was left
st this office a few days ago a lady's hand
bag, containing the following articles; A
dime, a nickel and three pennies, four
soiled handkerchiefs, -all very -smalt; a
spool of thread and a thimble;- tiny pieces
of gum. more or less used; a recipe for
face powder, and one for chilblains, marked
"no good;" a few notes, Just too sweet
for anything; a rubber braid band, evi
dently not used to go around a Bible) three
crooked hair plus, a lock of hair, several
cllpplnga from newspapers, a candy fish,
and but these are only a few of the arti
cles It contains. Owner can have property
by enumerating all the srtlcles-North
Loup Loyalist. '
Novel Stick flu-Mrs. J. T. SutherUn Is
the owner of a stick pin, the set of -which
Is a Brazilian beetle.! Her husband's
nephew brought a number of these beetles
home with him upon returning from a
South American trip, and wbeu Mrs.
SutherUn was in Indiana, two or three years
ago nine of them were given her. ' She
sold three for t gave some away and still
has a few in her possession. These beetles
are cau;ht In Uraxll and turn hard as
stone after being out of the water. The
backs of those which Mrs. SutherUn' has
are green and bronse, while the under Hide
of tbe body Is bronse only. They make a
beautiful setting for a pin or button. In
their particular locality catching beetles Is
as much an occupation as Ashing for pearls
Is else here. -e-S'.clla Press.
DIAMONDS Frenser, Uy,-and Dodge.
Paa Presbyterian Alllaai.
PITTSBURG, Feb. 1T.-Th executive com
mlsnlon of the western section of , Pan
fiestiyterlan Alliance, will meet In this city
Tuesday. February . The alliance Is com
posed of all the bodies In the world hold
ing the Culvinlstlc. faith and the Presby
terian form ol government. The general
;-ounc!l meets every four years and the
-est meeting will be In 19u In New York.
Ensdrtd Thsuiaai lares Along ths Plstts
AnuTsbls for Csttlsnsat If ay L
Lies la Deel, Cheyenne aad
Keith faaatlea'avad is Close
te New t aloa PaelSe
NORTH PIATTE, Net reb. 17. Spe-
claL) A few days tgo the secretary cf the j
Interior served notice upon the officers 01
the United States land office located In this
city that they should fix a date, and cause
notices to be published, of the restoration
of what has heretofore been sn irrigation
reserve, located In Lincoln, Keith, Deuel
and Cheyenne counties, along both sides
of the North Platte river. This tract was
reserved under the national irrigation law
from homeatead entries under the Kinkaid,
or enc-sectitn, law, and It hns never been
sublect to one-section homesteads, and
no entry whatsoever Is now permitted upon
this tract until May 1, IMG, When the or
der restoring the lands to entry will take
This order restores all the Irrigated re
serve within the boundaries of the North
Platte land office district, excepting about
thirteen and one-half townships In Chey
enne and Scott's Bluff counties. The land
which Is now vacant and to be restored In
this territory embraces 100,000 acrrs. In
round numbers. It Is located principally
In Deuel, Cheyenne and Keith counties, and
from one to five miles from the North
Platte river and about )he same distance
from the new Union Pacific railroad being
constructed up this river from North Platte
to Drldgeport.
Land la Accessible.
The land Is much the earn a that here
tofore entered by the homesteaders In the
same neighborhood, but irt on respect it Is
better, because It Is all located within easy
reach of the Union Pacific railroad up this
valley, of Which fifty-four miles hove al
ready been constructed, and thus much
handier for the marketing of stock and
dairy products. The land Is .mainly suit
able for gracing purposes, although con
siderable portions of the most of the sec
tions may be profitably cultivated and put
to crops. On . account of the land being
much nearer the new railroad. It Is likely
that there will be a greater rush for the
one-section homesteads, which the Klnkald
law allows to be taken. Already a consid
erable number of people have been Investi
gating the vacant land and planning to
be at North Platte on May 1 next to file
upon the same.
There will be Just a little more than 1JJ
sections within this tract, practically any
one cf which will make a good living for
a man with a family, who can place stock
upon the land, and the entry of such sec
tions afforda particularly good opportunity
for dairying, by reason of the nenmss of
the new railroad. The B. ft M. has also sur
veyed a road paralleling that cf the Union
Pacific throueh the tract embraced In thla
opening, and has nlreaJy purchased con
siderable right-of-way and Is attempting to
secure more.
Many Homestead Entries.
The homestead business has not declined
during the last few months at the land
office here, the average being about 100
homestead entries per month and fifty con
tests. In the North Platte land office d's
trlct. which comprises practically all the
counties In the western and southwestern
portion of the state, there now remains a
little lees than 1 .000. 000 acres subject to eon-
test by reason of the failure of the parties
filing upon the land to move upon the same.
About one-third of the entrymen have
taken up their residence upon the land and
are making their real homes there, and
this te what the law requires. The rest of
the entries re gradually being contpsted,
and upon securing a cancellation of the
same the contestants are filing upon the
land a'nd moving their .homes to the same.
York Fair to Be Reorganised.
TORK, Neb., Feb. 17. (Special.) A busi
ness men s meeting cauea Dy me commer
cial club was held Saturday evening In the
courthouse room. The object of the meet
ing was to take some steps to prevent the
sale of the forty acres adjoining the city
of York, owned by the York County agri
cultural society. There was not a very
Inrge turn out. yet those who were there,
who did not own stock In the association
were enthusiastic for keeping the grounds
as publlo property. It was urged that la
a few years York would want somepubllc
grounds for park purposes and that If this
was sold It would be a very hard matter
to ever again And a tract of land equally
as good and as well located. There Is a
standing offer of 17,000 for the ground and
the Indebtedness, which Is principally for
Improvements, Is CX). The present stock
value Is three times the amount Invested.
The chairman appointed a committee of
which A. B. Christian was chairman, to
wards promoting a most successful fair In
sell stock sufficient to pay off the floating
Indebtedness and to take active steps tJ
York county.
. Kew Y. M. C A. for t'olembaa.
COLUMBUS. Neb., Feb. 17.-(Speclil.
The project for ' the erection of a $30.0X1
Young Men's Christian Association build
ing here is taking shape rapidly. The com
mittees began work last week and IIS.TOO
was raised within a few hours. The first
subscription was 16.000 from C. H. Sheldon;
R. S. Dickinson, $1,000; Howard Clarke.
$1.0CO; H.- S. Elliott, $1,000; Henry Ragats,
$1,000; Theodore Frledhoff. $1,000; M.- Brug
ger, $1,000; H. F. Hockenberger, $1,000; Fred
Stenger, $1,000; W. S. Evans, S50; Lou's
Llghtner, $200. Enough others are Just wait
ing to be asked and the money will be
Csmlag Coaaty Farmers' Inatltate.
WEST POINT, Neb., Feb. 17. (Special.)
The following officer! of the Cuming
County Farmers' Institute have been
elected: President. Charles Thompson; vice
president. C. A. Anderson; secretary. Mar
tin By son; treasurer, Anton Gentrup; ex
ecutive committee, Adam Schlferl, Samuel
Beckenhauer and William Graunke. The
prises awarded for the best exhibitions of
corn raised In Cuming county are as fol
lows: White Corn First, Harms 0ass; second,
J. J Clausen; third. Peter Molgard; fourth,
Robert Feneke; fifth, Joe Rtse.
Yellow Corn First, C. Thompson: second,
George Dewlts; third. H. Fuhrman; fourth,
Hnrvey Bass; Afth. C. f . XUde
Sweepstakes, any kind, Herman Sass.
Selrlde Waa a Blaramlst
BEATRICE, Neb.. Feb. 17. (Special Tele
grsm.) Word was received today by
County Attorney Terry from the county
attorney at Clinton. Ia., stating that C. E.
Bnart of Beatrice, who committed suicide
there last week, eloped a year ago from
Sterling. Ill, with Miss Edith Hall, leaving
a wife and -months-old babe. It has been
learned that the woman living here-with
Bnart as his wife was none other than Miss
Hall. Shs haa mysteriously disappeared.
Mr. Bnart waa employed with the Union
Pacific as expert motormaa.
Beatrice Wlaa Defeat.
HUMBOLDT. Neb. Feb. 17. (Special.
The second In the series of High school
debates was between the Humboldt and
Beatrice teams and took place at the opera
house In this city In the presence of a
large crowd of spectators. The visitors
proved too strong along the line of oratory,
although quite evenly matched in the mat
ter of argumentation, and secured the
Some Needs of Nebraska Towns
l slaaal.
Cpland Is a progressive little town of
about five hundred souls, on the Hnldrege
and Nebraska City branch of the Bur- here with an excellent place to meet In the
llugton about thirty miles east of Holdreg. Modern Woodmen of America hall. In this
It Is expected that It .will be a Junction building tbe Commercial club has Its room
on tbe new Omaha and Denver Short Line, also.
the survey of which want right through The surrounding country Is well con
town. Upland has two hotels, two banks, nncted with Upland by telephone, there
two lumber yards, thsee elevators, two being Ave lines running Into our local cen
large general stores, one hardware store, tral. We also have commercial Independent
one drug atnre, one restaurant, one saloon, lines to most of the neighboring towns,
one blacksmith ahop, one Implement ware- One of our greatest needs Is a flour and
house, one barber shop, one real estate
omce, two livery narns, one cnurcn Mem-
odlst, a Pne school building In which ten
grades are taught, an opera house that Is
said to be one of the best In this part of
the state, etc
We have a fine public park, and the clt-
liens are gradually beautifying the strtets
by planting numerous shade trees. During
the last two years we have enjoyed a ma-
terlal Increase In population and about
twenty-five new residences and business
houses have been erected In that time. In
regard to nationality we are a mixed com-
munlty. We have Danes, Germans and
French In the lead, with Americans arid
Swedes following them closely.
Our newspaper. The Upland Eagle, Is a
good one and Is exceptionally well pAtron-
lsed by local advertisers. The Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, the Modern Wood-
victory by a considerable score. ' Both
teams acquitted themselves with credit,
and It was generally conceded by our peo
ple that the Beatrice debaters were en
titled to the victory. The question under
consideration was, "Resolved, That Cuba
should remain permanently under control
of the United States," Humboldt arguing
for the affirmative, while Beatrice denied.
Humboldt was represented by Patrick
Walsh and Misses Esther Maxwell and
Wana Zimmerman, while the visiting team
was composed of Harry Vasey, William At
water and Henry Brandt.
Xevrs of Nebraska.
BKATRTCF-W. C. Oden was flned $1 and
costs for fast driving on Court street.
BLUE HILL Over 1,000 persons have
signed petitions for the erection of a new
county nulldlng.
COLUMBUS Sam McDuffey had his
right arm broken while unloading coal at
the B. ft M. chutes.
BEATRICE Louis Kaserman hns pur
chased the barber shop of C. A. Osborne
and took possession today.
, BEATRICE The Farmers' Elevator com
pany at Odell has increased the rapacity
of Its elevator from 1.0J0 to 1.300 bushels.
BEATRICE For using abusive language
to Mrs. Lafayette MoKlnney, a neighbor,
Mrs. Mary Anderson was flned $5 and costs,
which she paid.
BLUE HILL Henry W. Busking and
Miss Lizxle Schmidt were united In mar
riage on Friday. They will. go to house
keeping on a farm.
WEST POINT The returns of the reg
istrar of vital statistics for Cuming
county for the month of January show:
ueatns, oirtns, .
WE3T POINT-County Judge Dewald
united In marriage William Lanuerfleld and
Miss Barbara Talecka, popular young peo
ple residing In Dode.
BEATRICE John Hager, for forty years
a resident of Gage county and a civil war
veteran, died suddenly Saturday at his
home In Blue Springs.
COLUMBUS The Mannerehor society of
this city celebrated the thirtieth annivers
ary of the society In this city with a con
cert and other amusements.
WEST POINT Mr. and Mrs. Vitus Kou
pal celebrated their golden wedding on list
Sunday. The attendanco was confined to
members of tho Immediate family.
WEST POINT The Antelopes and Wil
low Creeks met In another shooting matt h
at the farm of Robert Fenske. The score
was: Willow Creek.. W; Antelopes, 148.
YORK B. F. Marshall, Jr., has gone to
Kegina; Canada, where he will assist Mr.
Young, formerly a 'York cltlsen. to secure
a gas franchise In the city of Reglna.
BEATRICE H. L. Gardner has assumed
charge of the. Cortland Sun. which has
been edited for a number of years by H. E.
Tweedy, who recently located In Kansas.
BEATRICE The cltlsens of Pickrell gave
a box social Saturday night for the benefit
of the Pickrell band. The affair was
largely attended and a large sum was re
alised. BEATRICE Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Springer went to Omaha yesterday to at
tend the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary
of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
BEATRICE The Injunction suit of S. A.
Kinney against the Gilligan Bridge com
pany was argued Saturday and Judge Kel
ligar took the matter under advisement
until next Tuesday.
BEATRICE A. A. Reed of Superior,
Nebv appointed high school inspector to
succeed V. M. Hodgman, was a formor
Beatrice resident and waa at one time prin
cipal of the schools here.
WEST POINT Frank Swoboda and Miss
Agnes Kafka were married by County
Judge Dewald. The young couple are resi
dents of Beeiner townehlp. Tliey will re
side on their own farm.
COLUMBUS The Smith Mercantile com
pany of Platte Center . has Incorporated
with a capital cf $a,MH. The members of
the corporation are G. L. Smith, C. S.
Smith and S. F. Niemoller.
YORK Dennis Meehan hss moved h.e
stock of shoes Into the new room on Lin
coln avenue recently purchased by him.
T. P. Owen, Jeweler, will move Into the
corner room vacated by Mr. Meehan.
BEATRICE Zlnka Llnouna, or "Ixist
Bird," the Indian girl who was picked up
on the battlefield of Wounded Knee sixteen
years ago by General Colby, has arrived
in this city and is a guest at the general's
COLUMBUS The Men's club of Grace
Episcopul churfh has closed up Its meeting's
until alter Lent. Its last meeting was held
at the home of Gus G. Beecher. Rev. R. H.
Dlggs of Omaha was present una maxie an
address. - .
BEATRICE John R. McKlm, the travel
ing aalesman for the Cudahy Packing coin
puny who committed suicide at Kansas
' ity, was formerly engaged In the lumber
business In Beatrice and left here about
til teen years ago.
WEST POINT Chris Erb and Miss Bar
bara Oswald, well known young people of
the Boetner neighborhood, were united In
marriage Wednesday at the Mennonlte
I cnurcn. - I HO UIIUV io mo IlldV u, iuiiiivi
Biieiin .inns nupp.
WEST I"01NT A forty-hour adoration
- A qasker Coaple's ESaserleaee,
How many persons dread to eat their
meals, although actually hungry nearly
all the time!
Nature never Intended this should be
so, for we are given a thing called appe
tite that should guide us as to what the
system needs at any time and can digest.
But we. get In a. hurry, swallow our
food very much as we shovel coal Into the
furnace, and our sense of appetite ob
comes unnatural and perverted. Then
we eat the wrong kind of food or eat too
much, and there you are Indigestion and
Its accompanying miseries.
A Pblla. lady said the other day;
"My- husband and I have been sick and
nervous for 16 or Z0 years from drinking
coffee feverish. Indigestion, totally unfit,
a good part of the time, for work or
pleasure. We actually dreaded to eat
our meals.
"We tried doctors and patent medlcfne
that counted up lnt,- hundreds of dollars,
with tittle. If any, benefit.
"Accidentally, a small package of Po
tuni came Into my hands. I made some
according to directions, with surprising
results. We both liked It and have not
used any coffee since.
"The dull feeling after meals has lefx
us and we feel better every way. W.
are so well satisfied with Poatum that wc
recommend It to pur friends who Tlav
been made sick and nervous and miserable
by coffee." Name given by Poatum Co.
Battle Creek. Mich. Read the little boo
The Road to Wellvllle," in pkgs
'There's a Reason.
man af Amarlra, the Court of Honor, the
Ancient OYder of United Workmen end the
Degree of Honor all hare fiourlshlng lodges
feed mill and any responsible party who
nas some capital to invest can easily raise
more here to form a milling company. An
electric light plant run in connection with
the mill would be liberally patronised. We
also need an Iron foundry and the Upland
Commercial club, which has grown to be
a power In the town, having In its mem
hershlp every business man In Upland, will
lend every assistance to private parties de-
airing to establish such a foundry here,
There is a good opening for someone who
understands how to make cement brick and
put down cement walks,
In fact It will pay any business nan who
is looking for a change of location, to visit
Upland and Inquire Into the exceptional
advantages offered In "many lines. The
surrounding territory is a large and pros.
perous one, and land has advanced In value
at a rapid rate during the lost two yeara
haa been announced to take place at St.
Mary's church at West Point on March 17,
18 and 19, beginning on the morning of the
feast of St. Patrick and ending In the even
ing of St. Joseph's day.
LYONS-W. M. White of Tekamah. while
In this city yesterday, purchased the resi
dence property of J. W Kins, who Imme
diately purchased the C. A. Phillips prop
erty, and Mr. Phillips in turn bought the
W. S. Sampson property.
YORK C. B. .Crone of Ottawa, Kan.,
formerly of Red Cloud, this state, one of
the best known men In western Nebraska,
having held several prominent positions of
trust, Is moving to York and will make
this place his future home.
BEATRICE In the presence of about
forty of their friends Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Gashaw. old residents of Beatrice, cele
brated their nineteenth wedding annivers
ary. As a token of esteem they were pre
sented with a beautiful rocsing cnnir.
BLUE HILL Glen Arnold, who resided
about a mile from this place and who dls
api.ared about a month ago, has been
heard from. ' He Is near Weatherford,
Okl. He writes that he Is working with a
bridge gang. His parents hive been noti
fied. I
BEATRICE Mr. Herbert K. Ruyle and
Miss Ins Jeffreys were united In marriage
at the Methodist parsonage at Holmesville,
Rev. Mr. Jones officiating. After a brief
wedding trip the young couple will muke
their home on a farm near Kockford, this
COLUMBUS John Koslal was arrested
several days ago under the dipsomaniac
law and brought before the board of In
sanity, and it adjudged him ns a At sub
ject for treatment in the asylum. He is in
the county Jail awaiting, the time when he
can be taken to Norfolk for treatment.
YORK Although quite early, candidates
ror county offices nave commenced to go
around and ascertain what chance for nom
ination for office In the rrpuhllcan party.
J. W. Purlngton and M. M. Wlldman have
been making a canvass to ascertain their
chances for nomination for county Judge.
BEATRICE Some one made an attempt
to Are the building at 612 Ella treet Satur
day night by pouring kerosene on the side
of tho building under the stairway and
then applying a match. It was discovered
Just In time to save the block from de
struction. The building is owned by H. H.
WEST POINT Announcement has been
made that Right Rev. Bishop Scannell of
Omaha will administer the rite of confirma
tion to a large class of young people in
St. Mary's church on June 2. This Is a
ceremony of Infrequent occurrence In this
v'lnlty and elaborate preparations are be
ll, j made.
M'COOK A two weeks' session of the
district court for Red Willow county, Four
teenth Judicial district of Nebraska, closed
here (Saturday night, adjourning to March
8. The docket contained fifty-three cases.
Eight Juries were out. There were some
closely contested and bitterly fought cases
before 1 court.
WEST POINT stoy Camp and Frioda
Wendt were united In marriage by Rev. L.
L. Lipe. pastor of Grace Lutheran church,
Saturday evening at the parsonage. The
groom is the eldest son cf Jerse Camp and
the bride the daughter of the late John
Wendt. The couple will go to housekeep
ing at once In West Point.
FULLERTON The funeral of O. H. Crow
waa held Friday from the Methodist Epis
copal church In this cltv snd the body in
terred in Fullerton cemetery.. The Rev.
Priest preached the funeral sermon. Mr.
Crow came to this county about thirty
years ago and settled on a farm through
which the Cedar river runs.
BEATRICE The United Commercial
Travelers held a largely attended meeting
here Saturday night and transacted con
siderable business. I.pu E. May of Fre
mont, grand councillor of Nebraska, and
Charles J. Lyon of Omaha, grand secretary
of the order, wore In attendance at the
meeting on official business.
WEST POINT-F. W. Selk was brought
before County Judge Dewald on a charge
of forging a check for $16 and passing the
same upon a resident of Bancroft. He
fled to Blair, from which place he was
brought back by Sheriff Mnlchow. He was
bound over for trial In the district. oourt
and the amount of his bond placed by the
Jude at $300.
M'COOK The Burlington railroad com
pany is now building an independent water
works for Its use at thla point. Ever
since the company located here It has been
using McCook city water. Its new plant
wells, tanks, mains, trackage to trie plinu
f,t '1'" rlulre an expenditure of about
$16,000, giving McCook another consider
able permanent Improvement.'
LYONS H. O. Boyd of this city sold his
elevator and residence property Saturday
L.J' B.' Khoda "d Peter Jleintielman,
both of Lyons, for a consideration of $;,100.
Mr. Rhoda will get the residence property
whllw Mr. Helntielman will get the ele
vator, and will take charge of It as s-xm as
the grain In it can be disposed of. This la
the second elevator here that has changed
hands in the last week.
WEST POINT-Mrs. Robert Hansen, a
wen known woman' ol Cuming township,
died at the family home east of West Point
on luesduy. The deceased was a native of
Denmark and was to years of age. Her
husband and two daughters survive her.
1 he cause of death was a dropelcal affec
tion Rev. L. U Llpe. pastor of Grace
Lutheran church, pronounced the funeral
eulogy and the remains were interred yes-
COLUMBUS As an echo from the fiood,
there was a Polish woman living on the
hot loins who was familiarly called "Onei
Eyed Annie." Her little shack wus taken
away by. the flood and it wus thought that
she had been taken with It. She was kept
at the expense of the county, but after the
water had gone down Annie was found all
right again and sho presented herself te
niXrwilhet11."' h'm l 'Ur-
Faaeral of Charles Flfette.
The funeral of Charles H. Flfette. aged
W, who died Saturday morning at the
Omaha General hospital from an attack of
paralysis sustslned about two weeks ago,
was held at 2 p. m. yesterday at the resi
dence of Mrs. Margaret V. Sclomon, 16.3
Military svenue. Mr.. Flfette was well
known In Omaha, having been employed at
the Union Pacific transfer at Council Bluffs
for over thirty years. Many friends were
In attendance at the funeral services, In
cluding a large number of his associates
and railroad friends at Council Bluffs. The
body waa taken to Forest Lawn cemetery
for rnterment. Mr. Flfette Is survived by
an aged widow, and had lived for the last
few years en the farm of County Commis
sioner E. a. Solorrffln near Benson.
' t .talm John X. Boa user.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 17. Captain John N.
BoAnger died at his residence, T Van De
venter Plaoe, today. He was M years old.
During the civil war be had charge of the
Mcamboat transportation of the Union sol
Mere before the fall of Vlcksburg. Previous
t3 that time he was well known In it'am
Noot crcles. Before retiring from busl
less he was connected with railroad con
struction and promotion enterprises. ,
Now In the thne to make your wants
known through The Be Wast Ad Pag.
Irritation rnc'iotsr Talks of Conditioni in
. forth. Flstte District.
Bids Will B Oseses la Waahlnsrtoa
rtkrssry T Ceatrset for II Is hi
Freesare Sates Are
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-(8peclal.)-Mr.
Charles E, Wells, supervising engineer for
the North Platte Irrigation project, Wyom-Ing-Nebraska,
and the Belle Fourche pro
ject. South Dakota, Is visiting the Wash
ington office for a few days on business
connected with his work. Mr. Wells sa d
this morning;
"We were obliged to close down the
masonry work on the Pathfinder dam about
the middle, of November on accuunt of
freexlng weather, but the contractors are
continuing Work through the winter st the
quarry and spillway, excavating the dam
A large force of teams Is also employed
hauling cement from Casper to the dam
site, a distance of about fifty miles. At
present about 10,000 barrels of cement are
stored at the dam site, and It Is expected
that the work of laying masonry will be.
gin early In the spring and be prosecuted
with vigor before the floods occur In May
and June, during which time work will
have to be suspended.
The floods usually last until early In
July, when the waters In the North Platte
river subside. The working season will
then last until probably about the middle
of November. It la expected that the bulk
of the work on the dam will be done the
present season and that the dam, will be
completed by the contractors before No
vember, 1908.
"Advertisements are out containing spec
ifications for the construction of the Path
finder dike, and bids will be opened for this
work February 27 The dike ls an earth
structure reinforced with nick on the water
side, and Is constructed for the purpose of
supplementing the Pathfinder dam. On the
south side of the dam Is a low place
wnicn requires to be filled, and the dike
Is constructed for the purpose of prevent
ing the water running through this place.
It will be about a quarter of a mile long
and about 35 feet high at the highest point.
It Is expected that contracts will be let
soon after the opening of bids, snd that
the dike will be completed by 1908.
"The contract for the high pressure gates
which ore to control the flow of water from
the Pathflndei . dam has already been
awarded, and the gates will be placed In
position before March 1, 1908."
Peaalon Voucher Check.
Representative Ryan of New York has
Introduced a resolution calling on the
secretary of the Interior to report to the
house whether or not In his Judgment the
"voucher check" system, can be adopted
with advantage In the payment of pensions.
Asked as to the reasons underlying his
resolution, Mr. Ryan said today: "My
object Is twofold, first, a desire to simplify
the system of payment of pensions, and,
second, the saving of expense to the pen
sioners. Under the present system pension
agents send out vouohers to pensioners,
who are required to execute them before a
notarial officer, justice of the pence or
some other person having power to ad
minister an oath, and then to return the
voucher to the pension agent, who subse
quently forwards a check In payment of
the quarterly stipend. It not unrrequently
happens that the pensioner living on some
jemote country road is compelled to travel
many miles te find nf Justice or a notary
and to repeat the journey to cash his
check. With a "voucher check" at least one
of these trips could be avoided and the
cash obtained at the time the Journey was
made. I do not believe that the Jurat of
a notary should be -required. The voucher
could be executed with simply a witness
as to the Identity of the holder. The gov
ernment does not require a sworn Instrir
ment every time Its public servants are
paid; members of congress, employes and
clerks of the departments are not required
to take an oath of their Identity every
time they are paid; soldiers and sailors
draw their pay without an affidavit; then
why should the pensioner be treated In a
different manner?
"There are on the various pension rolls
today. In round numbers, 930.000 pensioners.
Each Is required to execute four vouchers
every Jear and each voucher represents an
outlay of 25. cents, at least, In fees. That
means that the United States levies a tax
of $930,000 per annum on the pensioners,
which goes Into tbe pockets of magistrates,
notaries and commissioners. The adoption
of the 'voucher check' system, which has
proved so successful among business men,
will save all this, will simplify pension
payments and will make It possible to ma
terially reduce the clerks In the pension
agencies. I believe It to be In the Interest
of economy to the government as well as
to the pensioner gnd I shall certainly do
whatever I can to bring about Its adop
tion." "
.Work of Congrresa.
The Fifty-ninth congress will pass Into
history in less than three weeks, with a
record for, great things accomplished to a
greater degree than any of Its predecessors.
In the last two years a railway rate bill
has been enacted Into law which promises
to revolutionise railway practices. A pure
food law has been enacted which Is des
tined to ensure In the consumer of food
I products, drugs and drink an absolute
guarantee that the foods' wnicn ne ouys
are not .adulterated. Another measure of
world-wide Importance which has been
placed to the credit of the congress so
rapidly drawing to a, close Is the enact
ment into law of the bill to provide for
the cleanliness and wholesonieness of all
meats and meat food products. Again, ths
enactment into law of tho Vreeland bill
to compel silversmiths and Jewelers to
brand their products for Just what they
are. Heavily alloyed silver cannot be
Stamped "sterling" and eight carat gold
may not be marked "18." The livers and
harbors bill, which Is still pending, is the
largest in the history of the republic, and
It will result In enormous Improvements
to tmv waterways of the country. Up
wards of 200 public buildings were provided
for, and again the record was broken.
In the matter of pension legislation the
tlsea by
Its Ike Pass
oi mil st
Atwya .K$-mler tt fun .NABM
i fixative urcino ftoizuae
Fifty-ninth congress broke all records In
passing private bills, literally thousands
of such measures having been placed upon
the statute books. But more than this, the
present rongress. psssed a service bill
which will give at least $12 a month to
every men who served Irt the union arrr.r
or navy for ninety days, after he shall
have reached the age of 2 years. ,
These are only some of the mot Impor
tant measures. The volumes containing the
statutes of the Fifty-ninth congress will
exceed in bulk those devoted to the acta
of any other congress, and yet the Fifty
ninth congress will adjourn with hundreds
of Important measures still left In the
emhryotlo stage, all of which will have to
be started de novo next winter If they are
ever to be enacted Into law. . .
(Continued from First Page.)
which held the rail to the ties had been
cut off, but there was nothing to Indicate
by what agency. He said pieces of a
broken wheel of the Aral motor were
found at a point far beyond where the rail
had been lipped up. Whether the rail or
the wheel was the Arst to give way he had
no means of knowing, but It appeared the
wheel had . been broken - some time after
It had passed over the displaced mil.
As to the Bpeed of the train at the time
of the accident, Air. Sraythe said that E.
R. Rogers, the motorman who was nperat
Ing both motors under one control, de
clared he wss running forty-eight miles
an hour.- The state railroad commission Is
preparing to make a searching Inquiry Into
the wreck.
Statement from Railroad.
In an official statement today, J. C. Ham
mond, press representative of the New
York Central railroad, said the Investiga
tion made by the railroad officials had not -disclosed
the cause of the accident. One
of the small wheels on the left skle of the
front leading motor was found to be broken
at the point of derailment, as pieces of
the wheel were picked up at that point.
In almost the same spot, he said, a rait
wss broken, but It was Impossible to say
which of these caused the wreck or Which
resulted from It. He said that the rail
used was of standard weight, 100 pounds
to the yard, the track was of best con
struction and In first-class condition, and
that the electric motors had been thor
oughly tested on an experimental track
before they -were put Into service. He
said the train wss six minutes late snd
that the reports of the trainmen and of
Anlals who had investigated showed that
It was going from forty-five to fifty miles
an hour, which, he declares, was not ex
cessive. It had been Intended to run all ths
suburtan trains on the electric system,
but because of the wreck the further In
stallation of electric motive power on the
Harlem division was postponed until to
morrow, when It will be put Into effect.
.There were many exaggerated stories of
the wreck In circulation. One was to the
effect that many of those killed had been
electrocuted by the third rail. This was
absolutely denied by the coroner as well
ss by the police, who declare that none
of the bodies was burned. The wrecked
cars of the Brewster train were put on
trucks and hauled to the Bronx station
. The coroner will commence the" Inquest
and Investigation tomorrow. One of the
snd stories of the Wreck Is that surround
ing the death of Miss Elsie D. Warren,
a trained nurse who lived In this city.
Miss Warren was adopted several years ago
by a family In Greenwich village, Mass.,
sfter having been rescued from a Are and
left parentless. ,
It has been learned that the railroad
Company "has detectives nt " work, ' On a
theory that wreckers had tampered with
i tho track. '"
To Care a Cold In One Hey
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money If It falls to curs.
E. W. Grove's signature It on each box. 15a.
1 Ckipeco ShrenkTaartar Siss Cellar
It wa tot a) mm
CLurrr. rionT aoo.
are uneqasTled In quality and parity, a SM
wbe has used tbeot will deny,
POYP'3 "a?.,- Man.
4 Mights, ' Commencing Thursday
Batnuday Matisse-
85o and BOo.
Meat Iiil, Mon., Toes., Wed. Mai.
BUR.W00D ss
TOMIOMT rrofesslonal Mat, Tasa,
Washington's Birthday Mat. Friday.
Next Week-VCLL OWTW.
All this Veek. Kxire Mulinees Tuesday
and Friday. Regular Matinees Thurs
day and Saturday.. '
The Orpheum Show
Direction Martin Reck',
Meaetekel, the Mystie Balli HI Wey.
bum's Main Dears and Jalla Curtis I Wal
ter O. Kelly I Xd F. Meyaardl Wilson's
Monkey, Jessie; Clauds aad Faaaie tsfcer,
and Work aad Owes. N
Prlpea 10u. He. 0c.
w xae eUo BOo T5e
TO lUO ST iilS Ijist performance
A Pretty Romance or Bouin
ern Life . r.
Under Southern Skies