Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1907, Image 1

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    t r
The Omaha- Daily Bee
Co-onr and Diitrlct Attorn In-eaticst
Sew York Bailroad Disaster.
Hundred sni Forty-Fir Injured, Fifty of
Them Eeriouily.
Motormsn 8ays He Was Makine About
' EeTtnty Kile a Hour.
Many of Thcss ((h( Between Third
Rail aad Mala Track aad Wracked
Cara Wen Dragged Ore
NEW YORK. Feb. 17. Twen' dead, two
fatally hurt and 146 other 4. or le
seriously Injured ia the Teault . A wreck
of an elecuio express train orV,-l 7w
Tork Central at 6th street and'y, r
avenue last night. Of the large nun. -
in4nrAi4 flrtv ir. afwnrdinar to hoSDttai s.
police report, seriously hurt and the dofe.
Hat mar be Increased within the next
i 1 HI mm.y w iiivic w. ...... p
twenty-tour noura. aiosi oi un -
suffering from laceration or shock and
will recover.
Following la a revised list of the dead:
The dead:
Bridge. N. T. '
Misrt L1NIE KWEL1 Hawthorne, N. Y.
MYRON B. EVANS, Whlta plains, N.Y.
Pleusantvllln, N. Y. ' , .
Ml ferf JESSIE M. JUBIN. White Plains,
NMR8. MARY K1NCH, Chappaqua, N. T.
CLARA L. HUDSON. Minneapolis. Mian.
Manor,. N. Y. '...,
F. L. PAGE. White Plains, N. Y.
Plalna, N. Y.
JUlJA W. BTORM. Bedford Station, N. Y.
plains, N. Y. ,
M1H3 BESSIH SEE. Fleasantvllle, N. Y.
N. Y.
ELSIE t. WARREN, New York.
NAtvi prjAijci, ...... ...... .
MH3. E. A. NEWCOMB, Pike, N. Y.
Total, Ml
Most seriously Injured:
Ira J. Dutton, White Plalna, N. T., will
Emily Fendrock. Whlta Plains, N. Y..
serious. '
Miss Belle Fowler, Pleaaantvlll, N. Y.,
probably not fatal.
Barak Merrtt. Pleasantvllle, N. oan
geroua. w
Margaret Mahoney, Purdy Station, N. Y.
Mabel Bmith. aged U, Oneonta, N. Y.a
probably fatal.
Elsie Bnlften, Englewood, N. J., probably
Uuldentinad alrl, unoonsclou In, Ford
ham hospital.
VlnrUila Doyla. New York.
Leonard B. Green. White Plain. N. T.
Mary Honnes. Katonah. N. Y.
tlfevid C Hortpn nl son. ,
Mre. Udua 'rwnbroeck. Whit Plain. N. Y.
Robert A. Jotkaon. New York City.
Ernrat Knoll. Mount Klaco.
In addition to these the "New .York Can
, tral railroad ha a list of US name of per
son said to have been Injured, but In the
great majority of the? case th Injuries
were so slight aa to be of little consequence
and most of the 'person went at one to
their bomea.
Thla was a day of Investigation and In
quiry by representatives of the district at
torney' oflloe, th coroner and th police.
When -daybreak cam th polio list of
dead had increased to eighteen, an hour
afterward there wer two more death re
ported and tonight It 1 bellvd two more
wilt b added.
The cause of the wreck la a matter of
speculation. All night Inspector Flood of
. the police department. Coroner Bch wan
neck e and Assistant District Attorney
Smyth, together with other member of
th district attorney's fore, endeavored
to ascertain what brought about th de
' rallment
With the clearing away of th wreck
age Interest ha turned to what th u
thprltle might do. Perhaps th most
significant statement of the day wa th
on mad to the Asaoclated Pre by Coro
ner Schwennecka. ' He had secured a
statement from Motorman Roger of th
wrecked train. In thla. according to th
Coroner, the motorman stated h wa run
ning on schedule time when to accident
occurred and admitted that tha speed of
his train wa seventy mile an hour.
Roger, said the coroner, declare he did
not know anything wa . wrong until an
eighth of a mil beyond th place of de
railment. The train conalsted of a double-header
motor coupled Into one engine, drawing
five coaehea. Th first was a smoker, the
second I described aa a power car, though
It la commonly designated a a combina
tion tagirag and smoker, and th three
following were ordinary passenger coaehea.
' Oalaloa f tk Coroner.
"It appear to me." aald th coroner,
"that a spreading of the rail caused th
dlaaater. I think on of th motor hit a
action of th track with fore enough to
cause it t jump off. The smoker followed
and swung; tha oars following completely
off the track, breaking the coupling. When
th rear oars broke loose they ran wild for
a distance and finally turned over."
Tb smoker showed only little damage,
but the ether cars gave evidence of the
drag along the roadbed.
When the wreck occurred the three rear
couches, filled with passengers, were
thrown on their right stde just above a
harp curve at Woodlawn road bridge. The
shock was terrific. People were hurled
violently from their Seats and the most
of those who were killed were pitched
throogh the windows aa th ear slid on
their side. The third rail held for a time,
but finally broke with a flash and a roar,
een and heard for a great distance. Be
tween the wreck of th "current" rail and
th main track th bodies ware wedged.
They were held here a th car passed
along arid In this way war terribly
mangled. t
Th relic hunter wa much In evidence
today and this probably gave rise to tbe
torle of ghoulish work. The police
guarded the wrecked oar all day, but with
daylight a large number of persona man
aged to work their way to the coaches
and cut oot piece of cushions, curtains
and carpeting, eves) taklnc bits at glass
from th broken windows.
Netoreaaa Revise Estimate.
Assistant District Attorney Nathan A.
myth aald tonight that be had made his
Inquiries, particularly on the speed of the
train, whether a tire had been lost fronv
ne of the motors and M to ths condition
f the rails. lis said he found that one
f th outer rails on the curve had been
lorn up and that the heads of the spikes
JCoutUaed oa tlenoM
Monday, Febroary IS, lOT.
1907 February 1907
ua MOM nil WIS tmv mi gat
' i 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 II 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 10 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28
IOWA Fair Monday.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Dear. Hour.
5 a. m St 1 p. m..
a. m 3.1 I p. m. .
7 a. m 34 I p. m..
a. m ,H 4 p. m..
9 a, m 34 & p. m..
1 a. m 41 p. m..
11 a- m 45 7 p. m..
U m 61 8 p. m..
I p. m..
... M
... r
... ."
... M
... 81
Twenty killed and hundred and forty
five Injured In wreck In New Tork City.
rare 1
Hundred .thouaand acres of land to be
opened for settlement In Cheyenne and
Deuel counties May 1. Page a
week at Lincoln promisee to be a
'.. ". the republican will begin
work on redemption of platform
pr The caucus called for Monday
nigi. is likely to be open, aa aome mem
bers object to a secret conference. Page 1
Bllla Introduced In the Iowa legislature
providing for the teaching of agriculture
In all high schools In the state. Page 3
Chancellor von Buclpw talk of political
situation In the German empire. Pag
Fate of the French cabinet will prob
ably be decided Tuesday. Page 1
Many Nebraskana who believe divorce
law too lax favor Senator King' bill re
quiring two years' residence, and point to
It a mean of preventing establishment
of divorce colonies. 'age
Letters from Bee readers. Page- 6
, South Omaha preparing for Board of
Education electipn despite rumors of
change In charter. Pag S
Bev. Newman Hall Burdlck preaches on
need of church for men worker and men
tion big missionary meeting in Omaha
aa evidence of world's progress. Pag 8
Rock Island and Union Pacific run
trains on their own track across Platte,
but washout is now reported on Burlinif
tpn at Oreepolls. Pag 1
Senate will vote fn Smoot case Wednes
day afternoon. Congress Is so far be
hind In work on appropriation bills that
night sessions will probably be neceesary.
Page 1
Irrigation engineers talk of progress
of work In the North Platte district.
House will amehd immigration bill to
exclude all coolie labor from continental
United State and pas It today. Pa t
BPOmxc. ' ;
Krug Park bowling team win three
game from Judy' Star. . Pag 3
Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Washington
universities form . new organization for
government of foot ball and other college
sports. Pag 3
Omaha admirer of wrestling art prefer
catch-aa-catch-can to Oraeco-Roman style.
Pag 3
Big delegation of Council Bluffs re
tailers will attend state convention at
Des Moines. Pa" 3
Ppttawattamle and Harrison county
supervisors will hold joint session
Wedneeday to consider drainage matters.
Brland Will Appeal to Depatle If
Ministers Decide Against Him
on Leas Oaestlo.
PARIS, Feb. lT.-The fate of the Clem
enceau cabinet and the definite decision
whether the settlement of the church lease
question negotiated by Minister of Educa
tion Brland shall stand, will probably be
determined on Tuesday. On the morning
of that day the cabinet will decide its
course and In the afternoon it will go be
fore Parliament and define Its position.
Mm. Meur.ler and 6utcyesse, the radical
republican deputies, have consented to post
pone their Interpellations scheduled for to
morrow until the cabinet has had another
opportunity to compose Its difference and with Speaker Cannon ragardlng tomorrow'
meantime the negotiations between M. , program. Mr. Watson discussed other lm
Selves, prefect of the Seine, and Manager j portant legislative matters with the preav
Amtette, Archbishop Coadjutor of Paris, on 1 ldent. It was agreed tonight that the bill
the subject of contracts for the lease of
churches, will be suspended.
It Is certain in advance that If M. Brland
is beaten In the cabinet Tuesday he not
only will retire, but will appeal from the
decision of the cabinet to the chamber of
deputies and that the Issue will be fought
out on the floor In a battle royal between
the premier and his young lieutenant,
whose speeches In 'favor of a libera in
terpretation ' of the separation law have
been repeatedly ordered placarded through
out the country.
It la a curious fact that while the gov
ernment 1 hesitating scores of communes,
disregarding the Instructions and advice of
the government, are concluding contracts
bet m een mayors and cures. .
ROME. Feb. 17. Advices received by the
Vatican are to the effect that Premier
Clemenceau of France has ordered a ces
sation of the negotiations bgun by the
minister of' education, M. Brland, with M.
Selves, prefect of the Seine, for the leasing
of churches. The Vatican was not ur
priaed to hear of such action, aa it expected
what It calls a "second coup de main"
after the first, namely, the expulsion of
Mr. Monlagnlnl, the secretary of the pa
pal nunciature at Paris, last December.
The Vatican adds that these persons to
whom M. Clemenceau U subservient would
not allow M. Brland to do anything having
the character of reaching an understanding
with the church. It Is also curious to se
If M. Brland will resign, and If he does,
whether the majority In the Chamber will
be with the minister of education or M.
Faarral af Rev. Kerlr.
YANKTON, B. D., Ftb. 17.-Special.-Rv.
Lawrence Ketiy. late Roman Catholic
priest at Garrytown. this state, waa burled
here Saturday with the honors of solemn 1 Island last- Monday night. Commander
requiem hUfh nnu, in which the sa no ''Miss Booth presided,
tuary was filled with rrleets from all vet I ' " -
thla section of the state. Father Kerlv i ; ' Twelra Mlaers I fared.
waa formerly pastor of W.lahtown. eloee "HUNTINGTON, W. Va.. Feb. IT -Detail
to this city. He leaves a sister. Mrs. Ahc wer red here today of serious ac
Ernlng. Death took place at St. Joseph', I 4d,nt nlfht ,tb Ju" "" '
hospital. Omaha. February ISth last. Thl! "ltZ'u Y i . WWCV,"V' "
mas. was celebrated by Rev. CL-". nTfc! 4. Ths accident
Uija U Jefferson. - du . flrln. aa-
Benato Will Vote on tha 8 moot Oat
Wednesday Afternoon.
d of Session la Only Thi
Weeks Away aad Htaat Ses
aloaa Are Recorded aa
Probable. '
WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. Appropriation
bills will, during the present week, eon-
tlnue to command the greater pert of the
time of both the senate and the house, but
IliA. win nn. K Haw . n a, MHV.
hln e'e to the wall In either chamber.
The house will begin the week Monday ny
? I passing several bills under suspension of
the rules, and If the present plan prevails
the last two days of the week will be de
voted to the ship subsidy bill. In the
senate the resolution providing for the ex
pulsion of Senator Bmoot will be voted on
at 4 o'clock Wedneeday and ther will be
considerable debate before the vote la
reached. Senator Bmoot will make an ex
tended address. In which he I expected
to outline his attitude a between the
Mormon church and the national govern
ment, and he will be supported In speeches
by Senator Dillingham. Beverldge and
Foraker. The final argument In opposition
will be made by Senator Burrows. It Is
generally admitted that Senator Bmoot will
be sustained by a large majority.
Graslna- Lasla Bill.
At the earliest practicable moment th
senate will resume consideration of the
agricultural appropriation bill, and It Is
hoped that It may be disposed of on Mon
day or Tuesday, notwithstanding consider
able debate Is expected on the provision
Inserted by the committee providing for
the leasing of the grail ng lands and on
amendments which will be offered by Sena
tors Beverldge and Hansbrough on the
subject of meat inspection.
Senator Beverldge will renew his effort
to secure the enactment of a law requiring
the meat packers to put the date of can
ning on their packages and to transfer to
the packers th cost of Inspection now paid
by the government.
After devoting some time Monday to bills
on the calendar the house will proceed
with Its consideration of the potofflce ap
propriation bill, on which general debate
will close at noon Tuesday.
The general status of the appropriation
bills Is the subject of anxiety In the house,
the members appreciating that they are
about a week behind. Of the fourteen large
budget eleven have already passed the
house and two have thus far failed to re
ceive any attention.
Both 'house regard night sessions as
among th strong probabilities for th
latter part of thla week and all expect to
sit almost every night next week.
' Bekaalta Party to Walt.
Mayor Bchmltx and the members of the
San Francisco delegation will not return
to California until th house of representa
tive take action on th Immigration bill.
Including th amendment for the exclusion
of cooli labor from the mainland of the
United. State . The blU will be taken up
in the house tomorrow nni no . aerlou
opposition to it immediate passage- 1 an
ticipated by the republican leader.
If the Immigration bill Is passed tomorrow
a statement giving the basis of the com
promise agreement between the president
and the Ban Franciscans will be made pub
lic. ;
President Oompera of the American Fed
eration of Labor gave a reception this after,
noon In honor of Mayor Bchmltx and hi
The mayor wa the gut of honor at a
dinner party given tonight by Vie Presi
dent and Mr. Fairbanks. The delegation
will be entertained tomorrow night by the
Central Labor union of thla city.
It Will Be Ameaded to Exclude All
Coolie Labor.
WASHINGTON. D. C Feb. 17. After an
hour's conference with President Rooeevelt
tonight, Repreeentatlve James E. Watson
of Indiana, the republican whip in the
house of representatives, said there Is ab
solutely no doubt regarding the passage of
the Immigration bill, - Including the amend
ment to exclude coolie labor from con
tinental United States. "The president is
very anxious," Mr. Watson said, "that the
i bill be taken up the first thing tomorrow
and I have tonight sent out special notices
to all the republican members to be . in
their seats tomorrow In order that we may
reach a vote at an early hour."
After leaving the White House Mr. Wat
son spent more than an hour in conference
to limit the hour of railroad employe
will . be taken up tomorrow Immediately
after the immigration bill Is passed.
Coal Ladea Steamer Orlaadla ' Raw
Hmm Dowi by th Beliepolls
, Oil Card 1 07.
CARDIFF, Feb- 17.-The British steamer
Hellopolla collided Sunday mtdnlgtrt with
tha British ' steamer Orianda, outward
bound from Penarth. The Orianda sank
and fourteen persons. Including ths captain,
were drowned. The Hellopolis put Into
this port with Its bows damaged.
The night was clear, but there was a gale
blowing and a heavy sea running. The
Orianda. which was coal laden for Spesela,
was struck between the engine room and
the stoke hole and so badly damaged that
It began Immediately to fill and heeled
over, sinking within half an hour.
Ths Hellopolis drifted away without ren
dering assistance. The captain mustered
all the Oiianda's nineteen men on deck.
Each was given a life belt and Jumped
Into the sea. Six of them reached a water-
, ioggwi m boat, the only boat It was
i to launch, the other having been
j imuh(!(i at the time of the. collision, and
all of them except one, who died from ex
haustion, were rescued by a pilot boat
after Buffering greatly froul exposure.
alvatlea Army Memorial.
NEW YORK. Feb. 17. More 'than (.000
persons crowded Carnegie Muslo hall to
day to attend the memorial eervice held
by the Salvation army for the ten officers
'who lost their Jives when ths Joy line
' steamer Larchmont went down off Block
ipecch at Pens tor Kiti Deaeaaced
at AsHt-Maruea Maea Meeting;
la Waiklsgto.
WABHINOTON. Feb. IT. Polygamy wa
cored and President Jowph Smith and
the leader of the Mortno . church In Utah
were denounced by Rev. Dr. William M.
Paden, pastor of the First Presbyterian
church of Bait Lake City, and president of
the Ministerial Association of th North
west at an anti-Mormon mas meeting held
at the Metropolitan' Memorial Methodist
Episcopal church In Uils city tonight under
the auspice of the -National League ' of
Woman' Organisation. , Dr. Paden de
voted most of- hi speech to reviewing the
minority report submitted to the senate In
the Bmoot case and declared the1 stand
taken byBcnator Knox of Pennsylvania
wa nothing mqre or lrs than a plea to
the American people to acquiesce In the
polygamous practice In Utah.
Dr. Paden presented the Gentiles' side of
the Mormon controversy, declaring the
law-abldlrur citizen of Utah will take tho
senate' action. If Senator Bmoot Is al
lowed to retain hi seat, a an endorse
ment of polygamous Uvlng. He declared
the federal Ieg1latl6n of 11 against
bigamy In the territories had never been
executed. The law was defective, he said.
In that It made no provision against the
crime of polygamous living.
"No law against polygamy I worth the
paper on which It 1 written." continued
the speaker, "unless It also deals with
polygamous cohabitation. We cannot thla
day prove Joseph fimlth to a polygamtot."
Dr. Paden commended the Edmunds
Tucker acts as th only laws which ever
made polygamous living a crime . to be
prosecuted and "not to be acquiesced In
or tolerated."
Thousands of caeea were prosecuted suc
cessfully In the Utah courts, he declared,
when these laws were being enforced by
the government and they were the direct
cause of "bringing; the nolygamlsta to their
knees In 1890," . when the church caplulated
and made unconditional surrender.
The speaker said President Joeeph F.
Smith and several of tit Mormon church
have had children bora to them by their
plural wives, since the manifesto prohibit
ing polygamous living was issued.
Through his speech Dr. Paden referred
to Senator Bmoot a "Reed Smoot, apostle,
prophet, seer, reveiator of the Mormon
In concluding Dr. Paden aald:
"This toleration of polygamous living
means the tolerance of polygamy, the tol
erance of adultery with rellglou sanction
Acknowledging aa we may that the ma
jority of the people of Utah do not dare
to do other than acquiesce, that Senator
Smoot acquiesce Is no reason why the
people of the nation should acquiesce.
Senator Knox call on us to let polygamous
living alone and call our being dissatisfied
no more than rellglou toleration. Senator
Bmoot Is In harmony with the quorum to
which he 1 subject when he acquiesce In
the continuation of this crime against God
and man; but can U be possible that Sen
ator Knox Is in harmony with his constit
uency In Pennsylvania, in harjnony with
the moral and rellgtou will of the people
of the United State when he become the
devil' advocate . before the senate of the
United States and make a plea for the
rellglou toTerWtlon.rf'polygammni Trrtng aa
he did?"
Rev. Dr. Frank Bristol and Miss Mar
garet Dye Ellis, both of this city, also
criticised Senator Knox's attitude..
Troable Amoaar Thaw's Lawyer Set
tled and Trial Will Proceed
a Before.
NEW YORK, Feb. 17. Late tonight it
waa stated, that through the intervention
of Mr. William Thaw, mother of Harry
K. Thaw, the dissension between counsel
which yesterday threatened the disruption
of the forces of the defense ha ceased
and D. M. Delmas. the California lawyer,
will continue as the principal In the ex-'
animation of witnesses, and when the evi
dence Is J1 in make the closing plea for
the defense. It waa added that Mr.
Delmas' law partner, Henry T. McPlke.
would not figure actively In the future
ccurt proceedings.
The following statement waa credited to
Mr. Delmas tonight:
"All statements that I Intendt to with
draw as counsel or that I have been asked
to withdraw In the case of Harry Thaw
are without foundation and absolutely,
false. I will be In court tomorrow, as
usual,. to perform my duties." .
On Saturday there waa a five-hour con
ference of all the counsel for Thaw at Mr.
Delmas' office, and at this meeting, it Is
said, Mr. Delmas took occasion to criti
cise severely the lack Of support by "his as
sociates. He declared. It Is said, that they
had done everything to discredit him and'
to maks him appear ridiculous and that,
although ha had been nominally In charge
of the case in court since the second day
of the trial, he had in fact been nothing;
of ths sort. As an illustration of this de
sire to confuse him, he declared, he knew
nothing' of Thaw's will and letters until
they were handed to him as he was ques
tioning a witness In court.
Dr. Brittan D. Evans, the alienist, is
sxpected to resume the stand tomorrow
morning and wlU proceed to tell of the
conversations which he had with Thaw on
hi first three visits to the Tombs. The
defense believe these conversations will go
far to show that at the time Thaw waa
not of sound mind. Dr. Evans will be fol
lowed by Dr. Dr. Charles S. Wagner, who
will also teatlfy as to his conversations
with the defendant. Another attempt wlU
be made to Introduce the famous will and
it will probably be admitted. Then it 1
proposed that Evelyn Neeblt Thaw go to
the stand for the purpose of testifying to
various conversations with her husband
about various persons whom Thsw believed
to have suffered at White's hands. Thl
testimony was ruled out last week on the
ground that It waa cumulative evidence
and not admissible until a prima fade case
of unsound mind had been established.
The alienists, it Is argued have proved
thla and Evelyn Nesblt Thaw's story will
probably go tn without objection. Mrs.
Thaw, Harry Thaw's mother, will then
tak th stand and testify aa to her fam
ily and of Harry's earl yllfe. What else
the defense wlU offer Is not known.
Btato to Bo Wlthoat Llaor Saooly
CatU Bow Law la la
Ope ration.
COLUMBIA. B. C. Feb. IT. -Governor
Ansel lata tonight Issued a proclamation
instructing ail liquor dispensaries to close
their doors tomorrow and remain closed
until the county boards are appointed and
take charge. This means that the dis
pensaries will not open their doors at all
again until ths counties have taken churgs
and that the Stat will have complete
praklbrUott (or- several dajf
Eock laland and Union Faoifio Bun on Cwn
Trataa frena P1attsoatk to ft ha
Are Transferred Aeras River ta
Facile Jssetlta aad Braagkt
T la Bat Bide.
Train service out of Omaha to the west,
which ha been badly shattered for two
days by the high water In the Platte river,
wa better yeterday. About M o'clock
In the morning the Union Pacific office got
word that it tracks were clear and about
the same time the Rock Island began to
run train on "Its own line. Both road
had been sending their trains over the
Burlington tracks as far as Lincoln, and
with that road'a regular trains and those
of the Missouri Pacific, whoae bridge at
Louisville Is washed eut, made the trafflo
about all the Burlington could stand.
The Rock Island ran Its trains out and
in practically on time Sunday afternoon.
Union Pacific Inbound trains were delayed
three hours by the necessity of slow run
ning in the vicinity of Fremont, where some
of the track Is still under water. The
Missouri Pacific yesterday afternoon was
still sending Its trains over the Burlington.
That road, relieved of the congestion caused
by Union Pacific and Rock Island traffic,
was running Its trains on schedule.
At noon the local railroad office had word
the Platte at Ashland was rising, but late
In the afternoon won) was received It was
falling again.
There la a washout on the Burlington at
Oreapolla, near Plattumoutn, aad traffic Is
suspended along that line. Trains from
Plattsmouth to Omaha are taken across
the river to Pacific Junction and brought
up the east side of the river.
Dynamite I'sed to Break l' lee Jams
aad Protect Brlda-es.
FREMONT, Neb., Feb. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) The Ice is, going out of the Platte
river here and the water has risen slowly
all the afternoon. A force of men has
been at work today piling sand bags across
the place where It broke out Wednesday
night and the embankment they built la
holding tonight and keeping at least two
feet of water from coming Into the city.
Dynamite has been used freely all day to
break up Jams and protect the Burlington
and wagon bridges. People who have gone
back to their homes south of the tracks
are feeling anxious again over the situation
lee la East Channel Breaks aad River
Is Rlslasi Rapidly.
PIERRE, 8. D.. Feb. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) The river situation here tonight
looks serious for the bridge company, with
heavy loss confronting It unless colder
weather comes at once. The Ice In the
east channel below the bridge broke loos
and ran out today and. the stream I
rising rajtldlr. livery, effort. la being made
to get -the piers in the stream ready to
stand a rush of Ice and part of the steel
work which was put In Is being taken out
again as rapidly as possible to save any
chance of loss by Its going down with a
rush of Ice.
Brooklyn Preacher Named la Basaett
Case Scads Reslajaatloa from
NEW YORK, Feb. 17.-Wrltlng from
Omaha, under date of February 14. Rev. E.
Lawrence Hunt advises the officers of the
Noble Street Presbyterian church of Brook
lyn that he wlBhea at onoe to sever his
connection with that congregation. At a
j meeting today It was voted to comply with
the wishes of Mr. Hunt. The church offi
cials adopted a vote of confidence In Mr.
Hunt In which it wa declared that un
fortunate circumstances had placed the
minister In a light that the officials be
lieved was not warranted by the facta.
The cass of the pastor was officially re
ferred to the presbytery.
Rev. Hunt came to the Noble Street
church In December, 1M6. Recently the
minister was named In divorce proceedings
In which a verdict for the plaintiff was
returned. In view of this decision of the
court the pastor, while stoutly maintaining
his Innocence, deemed it advisable that his
connection with th Brooklyn church should
be severed. '
Wife of Wealthy New York Importer
Charged with vPotsonlaa; Her
Mother. ,
NEW YORK. Feb. 17. Mrs. Lottie Wal
lau, wife of Leopold Wallau, a wealthy
Importer of bronzes, was arraigned before
Coroner Acrltelll today, charged with mur
der In the first degree in having caused
the death of her mother, Mrs. Ida Binge,
by the use of poison. She wa held with
out ball.
Mrs. Binge, a wealthy widow, who lived
with bev .daughter, CJled February (, three
week after an operation for cancer.
Following the receipt of an analysis of
the contents of th dead woman's stomach,
the coroner late last night directed th ar
rest of Mrs. Wallau.
It was. on the report of Drs. Wltthaus
and DeG&y, who had examined the kidneys
and liver of Mrs. Binge, that they had
found therein bichloride of mercury, that
an information was drawn up by Assistant
District Attorney Corrlgan, on which the
warrant charging murder in th first de
gree was Issued.
Astor Rational aad New Netherlaads
Trat Company Are Ces.
NEW YORK. Feb. IT It wa announced
today that negotiation had been completed
tor the consolidation of the Astor National
bank and th recently organised New
Netherlands Trust company. Th enlarged
Institution will be known . as the Astor
Trust company and will occupy the Fifth
avenue office of th trust company. The
new Astor Trust company will have as
director the following director of th As
tor National bank: John Jacob Astor,
George T. Baker, Archibald D. Russell,
John I. Downey. Harrison - E. Pawtrey,
Adrian Iselln Jr., Roy Ralney; Douglas
Robinson, Charles A. Pcabody and' Alex
ander H. Stevens. The entire membership
of the New Netherlands' board also will
be Included. The capital stock of ths Astor
Trust company has been fixed st fl.aO.OOi.
B. a Cwovers will be ld&t.
reansylvaala Railroad Bays Charareo
of Discrimination Are Da to
Lack of Information.
NEW YORK. Feb. IT. "A mistaken pub
lic opinion, misinformed as to the facts,
because of the publication of portions, and
not th whole, of the testimony of the wit
nessio before the Interstate Commerce
commission, and therefore, basing its con
clusions upon Insufficient premises, has
done grave Injustice to the whole, service
of the Pennsylvania Railroad company.
That service Is of more than sixty years'
growth; It Is constituted. In the main, of
educated, trained and self-respecting men.
whose honorable lives have won the esteem
of those who know them best; It has Its
tradUlona of loyalty, and It has had. In Its
successive offices, examples of unselfish
devotion to duty and steadfast adheronce
to the right."
This rn brief Is the report of the special
committee appointed by the Board of Di
rectors of the Pennsylvania railroad nearly
a year ago to examine Into the fact con
nected with the acquisition and ownership
by officer and employe of th company
of stock or other Interest In any company,
the holding of which could affect the per
formance of their duty or the company'
duty to the public. The alleged acceptance
of gratutles by employee of the company
waa also Inquired Into by the committee.
A a, result .of it examination of 2,505
officers and employe. Including every
officer of the aeveral companies, whose In
dividual action or whose order to any sub
ordinate could affect any discrimination,
the committee reports It found that W6 had
Interest In coal or other corporation or
firms or with individuals. With the excep
tion of fifteen all of these had acquired
their Interest by purchase. The fifteen ad
mitted that they had received gifts of
hares or Interests In various corporations
and their names have been reported to the
presidents of the several railroad com
panies for appropriate action.
On the whole, the report vlndicatea the
officers and employes of the Pennsylvania
system. It Is found that In the develop
ment of the company between the year 18.3
and 1901 the lntereat of the stockholders
In every Instance have been properly safe
guarded. It is declared that the terms on
which increases In share and debt capital
have been marketed have received the
commendation of competent and Independ
ent financiers; that as effective competi
tion as possible In work of such magnitude
was obtained In placing the thousands of,
contracts for maintenance of way and new
construction; that no favoritism was shown
In the "purchase of supplies or equipment,
and that the offlcera of the railroad com
pany In all engineering and construction
work have been as faithful as they were
skillful. The committee expresses Itself
as satisfied that the purchasing department
had been administered with marked abil
ity and with unswerving fidelity to the In
terest of the shareholders.
Rabbi Says Dental of Ballot to
Female I Relle of Worship
of War.
CHICAGO, Feb.1T. Rabbi Umll O. Hlrsh,
addressings any audience at' a mas minting
under the auspice of the National Wo
man' Buffrage union today, scored the
tendency which he declared prevails both
In thl country and abroad to make a fetish
of the soldier and to glorify agencies de
signed for the destruction of human be
ing. "The military idea," he aaserted, "which
among the earliest civilized nations, caused
war gods and warriors to be so absorbingly
worshiped that female children because of
the unfitness of the sex for war, were de
stroyed at birth. Is the reason why today
man has not granted and refuses to grant
to woman the rtht to vote on matters of
public policy."
HI conception (if the Ideal government,
he said, was one founded on the home In
which the mother and other women were
endowed with the tight to a voice at the
ballot box on all questions pertaining to
the government of that home and Its chil
dren as well as on the larger questions.
Charsje that Arlaona Mines Are flos
, la; to Prevent OraTaalaatlosi of
I'ntoa Among- Men.
BI8BEE, Aria., Feb. 17. Since last Tues
day 1,100 miners hsve been discharged by
th big mining companies of the Warren
district. Although . no official announce
ment has been made as to the cause. It is
generally understood that the discharge of
th men la due directly to the advent of
organizer of the Western Federation of
Miners In the district and their announce
ment that they are here for the purpose
of unionizing the camp. It is the general
expectstlon that before the close of this
week all the mines in ths district will be
closed down. Warren district has always
been an open camp, union and nonunion
miner alike finding employment her. Th
mining companies ar determined to con
tinue these conditions Instead of having
the camp unionised by the Western Fed
rla Official Baya Koao of tho Ml
aoarl Pacldo Employe Will
Rotarn to Work.
BT. LOUIS, Feb. 17. The ultimatum Is
sued by General Manager Sullivan of the
Missouri PaclflD-Iron Mountain system Is to
the effect that all blacksmiths, boiler mak
ers and their helpers now on strike for an
no longer e considered employes of the
compsny, will be Ignored by the strikers,
according to officers ef the union.
"That ultimatum makes no difference to
me," said John Reed of Kansas City, chair
man of the Missouri Pacific system coun
cil. "Every man will stand shoulder to
shoulder. t
"I think this trouble ' could hsve been
avoided easily if tb roads had been a
little slower in refusing our requests."
Several Blocks la AUoatheoy. -
PITTSBURG, Feb. 17. A fir late tonight,
which threatened the destruction of several
city block in Allegheny, across th river
from Pittsburg, destroyed Ave business
building snd three dwelling houses, caus
ing an eetlmated toes' of tiO.OOO. Several
firemen narrowly escaped injury from fall
ing walla.
Three Killed by Train.
ADRIAN, Mich.. Feb. 17. Mr. Mary
Hlnkley, aged CO, was Instanly billed;
Warren Stamp, aged 2a, was fatally In
jured, and Miss Ida Hlnkley. aged 14, was
seriously hurt today when tho buggy In
which they were riding wss struck by an
eastbound Wabaso paesetejef Uraif
Nebraska Letrulatnrs Caes Crowded Fro
tram Loom Up Una Week.
Bills to Xadeem Fromiiea Will Get Hearinc
Looking: U Faaugs,
afoalnllen and Others Oppoaed to Closed
I oars on Party Conftranoe. (
Redemption of riedarc Made by Fasten'
riatform Haa Put Republicans lata
Taaale that Mast Be
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 17. (Special.) Th prep,
ent week of the legislature promise to be
a busy ss well aa an important one. The
direct primary bill will be introduced and
the railroad commission bill probably will
be discussed In the committee of th
whole, a well as the nnll-pam bill, and
the general appropriation bill I expected
to be completed by the finance committee.
The J-cent fare bill Is to be discussed In
caucus tomorrow night and Is the special
order of business Tuesday afternoon. It
la not Improbable the republicans will de
cide to postpone action on thla measure
for at least two weeks, which should be
plenty of time for the majority to get It
own pledges out of th way and well on
the road to the governor' office for final
action. A number of republicans regret
now that they did not have the foreelght
to refuse to appoint a Joint committee to
draft this measure, but leave the passenger
rate business to the State Railway com
mission, as the campaign speakers had
promised. Some of them now are at work
on other members of tha majority to agree
tomorrow night to simply alt "down on th
fusion pledge and defer action until all th
republican promise are kept. Thl could
be done by the majority making the I-cent
rate bill a special order for a day two
weeks In tho future.
McMnllea Wants Open Caoeaa.
Incidentally, It Is going to be embar
rassing for the republican to hold a cau
cus even. The open caucus precedent set
at the beginning of the session, when th
organization waa perfected, will be In
sisted upon by a number of republicans.
Adam MoMullen says:
"I shall certainly stand out for the open
caucus. We have got Into the hole, and
we are able to get out tn th public. I sea
no reason for a secret caucus at all. Wa
can meet In the open. Just ss we did when
the house waa organised. Republican
should not be afraid to go on record tn
this matter at all. I believe a majority
favor an open caucus."
It Is understood Governor Sheldon will
bo asked toftne to the oaucu and express "'
his View on tho rate bill. Whether
the governor will consent to mix in tha -matter
will not be known until the meet
ing, as he has kept his hands strictly off
of pending legislation, prefering to act upon
measures after they have reached him
rather than before. His position on the X
cent matter 1 Well known and haa been
publicly stated a number of tlmea before .
the election and since. , ,
3tady Amendments Pending-.
Th amendment offered by Ned Brown
Is being carefully studied to see If It really
affects the validity of the bill and so Is
the amendment offered by Hairier of Buf
falo being looked up. Thla amendment
compels railroads to carry children under
7 years of age free of charge.
. The railroad commission bill is liable to
cause considerable debate when It come
up In the committee of the whole over
some of Its sections. Some of th member
who were not on the Joint oommltte
would Ilk to substitute the Sheldon bill
Introduced two years ago, and add to It
the court review section of the commission
bill, while others have several chsnges
they will suggest Thla . rnatter Is also
likely to be settled In th Monday night
caucus. ,
Work Is Far Behlad.
The legislature I away behind In Its
work, having been In seaston thirty-two
days with only one party pledge kept, th
election ' of Norris Brown to th senate.
This will mean th remainder of the ses
sion will be busy every day and probably .
the Saturday adjournments will have to be
discontinued. No bills of any great Im
portance have bee it pasaed, and ths party
pledges have merely been well Started,
with the primary bill still not introduced.
It wss insisted upon in the early pan of
the session that the appropriation ; bill
should go In early in the session, so it
could be thoroughly discussed and Institu
tions asking for money compelled to lUna
ize what they wanted it for, but It now"
looks like this measure will com In aa
usual and be paaaed when the member
are In the mellow,- sentimental good-by
mood, and In no temper to apply th
pruning knife. Bo far aa th fuelonlsts
are concerned, some of them openly boast
they sre tor. big appropriations because th
republican will be responsible, and If they
can work the majority to pass their t-oent
rate pledge early in the game that will
leave them free to play smash with th
republican pledges. That Is what they ar
planning and scheming for and up to date
they have been fairly successful against
ths majority. -
Railroads aad Pasloalstat.
A a matter of Information a republican
has suggested that It should again be
printed that the railroads of Nebraska ab
solutely controlled the d em oc ratio state
convention and the man the railroads nom
inated for governor Inserted the I-cent rate
plank In that platform. Railroad lobbyist
admit that rate can be knocked out In the
courts because it Is not compensatory on
some of the smaller lines. Should the
question be left entirely to the railroad
commission the S-rent rate could be put In
effect where it would hold good.
Scot Company Which Sail Qood
Tader Wroaaj Brand Pay
th Penalty.
GLASGOW, Feb. 17. (Special.) A
prpsecutlon has Just taken place ef a
firm which has been selling so-called Irish
poplin ties at fttd each,' declared by man
ufacturers of the genuine article to be an
utter impossibility.
Ths action waa taken at ths tnstafies
pt Messrs, Atkinson dt Co., tha Irish pop
lin manufacturers of Dublin, and tha
aiasgow firm which is known as the Glas
gow and Belfast Linen company got efl
with a nominal fine and a wamlni against
similar practices is tod futusn,
... V. .