Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1907, HALF-TONE-SECTION, Image 22

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    Prices Which Tell With Connection Their Own Stories
Grand ,
Embroidery Sale
We have Inst recerved tbe first lot
of tbe season of ixom End Strips
of Embroidery and Inertlnjr.
These goods .are perfect and
worth from 15c to 83o yard
they come In strips of 4 M , 6 and
6 yards and will be placed on
sale Monday In five great lots at,
yard- '
5S 7HS 10S 124?. 15t?
Included in . thle lot are fancy
wide Flounctngs soltrach in de
mand tats season and worth folly
85c yard. Remember, nothing
over 16c.
A special line of Corset Cover Em
broideries on sale Monday. 19?
A large line of Skirt Flouncing
on special sale Monday at. -29?
A Magnificent Display of
Stylish Apparel
Surpassing in scope, In beauty and variety of design, and
in value, anything ever before accomplished in our ladies'
suit department. Beyond question the most complete show
ing of new style ideas ever brought to Omaha; a collection
that appeals to the woman who loves stylish correctness of
attire, and is not adverse to a saving without sacrifice of
style' or quality.
The Crown Jewel Suits are
here again in bewildering
t array of beautiful designs
and rich materials, if possi
ble more attractive than
those shown last year, the
queen of tailor suits $25
Hundreds of Other Hand
some , tailor suits, all the
newest styles and mater
ials for spring wear, direct
from the work rooms of
the foremost manufactur
ers of the country mag
nificent values at our early
, prices $35,' $30, $25, $'o
$1.50, $15 and. . $12.50
New Spring Coats are Here
in fine Coverts, Broad-
Unrivaled Rug Bargains Monday
Two very fortunate purchases and a determination to
give our customers all there is
remarkable Monday bargains. The styles and the quality
upon examination you will find superior to any ever of
fered you at such surprising low prices. The advantages
of our Credit System are offered on purchases made in this
department . .
f 2.S0 Axmlnster Rugs,-oriihtl
and floral designs, 27x54 size,
special at $1.49
$1.00 Velvet Rugs, big range of
patterns, site 2 7x54, special sale
price 05s
$3.00 Axniinster lings. In all new
1907 patterns, size 86x72. spe
cial at $2.98
Best quality All Wool Ingrain
Carpets. 85c value, Monday at,
yard .... 59
S2R.00 Saxony Axniinster Rugs, In
oriental and floral designs, 20
patterns to'select from, elze 9x
18, special at $17.25
Grocery Pricesnat Discount ah Competition
From 25 to 50 on
St pounds best Fur Can Oraaalated t
Sugar fo tl.00
10-lb. ' su. k l est White or Yo!l..w
Corn meal for . . . ,10a
lbs. best, Hand PUked Navf
Beans 15a
It s best Rolled Breakfast I
Oatine! lo
lo-lb'surk best Pure Buckwheat
Flour for .SSo
J-lb. cans best Sue City Swet "
Hugar Corn for So
t-lh. rans best Wax, Hiring- or
Lima B am fur TVi
1-lb. vans Uoljen Pumftklns, Hom
iny, f.'Uimh or Uuki-tl Beans... TH
Quart rim Oolri-n Table Syrup.. So.
Quart Jars Pure Ohio Maple Bynip.Sp
BroniHiiKelon, Jellyron or Jell-O,
package TV,s
Vt-lb. Oans l.roui .l r-'riee. per ran.T'jo
H-lb. rails Brcakfust Cocoa 20o
1. anut Butter, prr Jar So
1-lh. Jar a pure Sugar and Fruit
preserves Slsa
Butter aad Cases Dept. Prices.
Fsncy I'ountry KH Buttor. lb... Mo
Fancy Uairy Butter, per lb.....S3o
Fancy .Separator Ctamery Butter,
per lb . . ... . .17o
Fancy New York Vhlta Cheese,
per lb 1TH
1 7
Vat. Laces and tnsertlngs-
Our mw spring rtook will rsaay
for sale Monday. AU-kinds of Val.
Larss and Inserting shown at, per
yard I4 to 10s
New Laces for Dress
Out nsw Spring X,aes for dress trim
mlngs are now on sale tbe finest
line of high grade trimmings seen
In Omaha,
15c Torchon Laces, per
yard Sc
This lot contains hnndreds of yard
of new Torchon I.acse and Insert
ing, worth from lOo to 16o yard.
an on saie ai, yara.
cloths and fancy Mixtures,
pony, loose, and tight fit
ting styles, at $12.50, $10,
$7.50 and $5
New Skirt styles, in every Imagin
able, design, material and color;
a delightful array of the very
best styles for spring wear and
most attractive values at $26100
down-to $12.50, $10.00, $7.50
and '.. --$5.00
87S new Walking Skirts, in splen
did assortment of plain and
fancy mixed materials, Just re
ceived " from our New Tort
buyer," values up to $10.00, spe
cially priced for Monday. $5.95
New Waists Silks, 'meseallnea,
crepe de chines, nets, linens,
lingeries, etc., etc., in all the
newest styles and v colors for
spring wear.
Fine Irish Linen Waist, In hand
some tailored effects, at $5.00,
$3.98, $2.98 and '...$1.98
Dainty Lingerie Waists, in beauti
ful assortment of new etyles, at
$12.60. $10.00, $7.50, $5.00
down to -95
Stylish Coats that sold regularly
up to $10.00, to close out at,
choice I $2.98
Children's Coats that sold np to
$7.50. now on sale at. . .$1.08
Women's Walking Skirts, SB.OO
-values, on sale Monday. $2.98
Women's $6.00 Silk .Underskirts,
remarkable bargains at. $3.98
From 8 TU1
Waists at . .
9 A. M. gl.BO
From 8:80 T1U 9:80 A. M. A
mixed lot of women's, and chil
dren's Coat at, choice. .$1.00
From 9 Till 10 A. M. Women's
v$4.00 Shawls $1.50
From 9:80 TU1 10:30 A.M. Chil-
drea's $2.00 Dresses. ... .891
in them is the causa of these
6Se. Opaque Window Shades, T
feet long, fitted with Hartehorn
rollers, colors guaranteed. .39
$18.50 High Spire Tapestry Brus
sels Kugs, size Kill, great snap
Monday at t $9.98
New Reversible Kashmir Rugs,
omental patterns, colors guaran
teed, $16.00 value, size 9x12, at,
choice $10.50
8Sc Floor Oilcloth, beat quality, up
to 2 yards wide, snap Monday at,
square yard 19t
Rest quality Linoleum, 65c value.
Monday, special at, per square
Tard m
the Best Quality of Goods
Fancy No. 1 Full Cream Brick
Cneeee, per lb ITV&S
r ancv Wisconsin Cream Cheese.'
Pr lb ITHo
Mam C heese. each i
Neurchatel Cheese, each THs
Sap Sago Cheese, each THo
Aeurehstrl C-hse. each
Ths Orwtttrt ITeah ruli aad Tags-
" vepi. is u west.
Fancy Extra Large Highland Navel
Orange. worth IBa In in nap
dosen. this sale only, per dosen. ISa
Large heada fresh, crisp Celery. S He
Lrge, Juicy Lemons, dosen loo
rurcy Imrmrleil ?igs. pound too
Fresn rioasted Peanuts, pound S
Fum y Fard Dates, pouml. ..... .TH
Fresh, Klpe Tomatoes, pound.... 16e
Two heads fresh Lettuce. &a
Large heads fresh Cabbage ,.6c
HmJ Leitt c". t-a.'h B
Turnips, r-arsnips. carrots. Ku ta
bs Kas. Beets, white, yellow r
red Onions, per .lb , Its
Special Candy Bale.
IS sticks pure Sugar Candy
Fanoy Uum Drops, pound
Puulp's Celebrated Chocolate Puffs.
per lb See
. $20,000 worth of High Grade Silks will be sold at less than cost to manufacture. The greatest
silk bargains ever known in the history of Omaha merchandising. The Ennis Silk Mills, located
near Spring Valley, Perm., closed down' their looms on account of the great advance in the price
of raw materials. We secured, through their representative, their entire surplus at a price wnicn
enables us to offer to our customers high grade silks (while they last) at a price far below manu
facturer's cost price today. Thousands will greatly profit by these unrivalled bargain offerings
in new silks. Don't miss them.
New Check Bilks, from plnhead to Inch
square checks, black and white,
brown and white, ' blue and white,
etc; new novelties In neatest designs,
coloring and weaves, color Taffetas
In all new shades, new MesBallnes,
Lonlslenes, Peau de Cupids, 36-lncb
Black Pongees, 86-lnch Natural Ha
butla, 27-lnch fancies, etc., etc., all
choice, new silks, actually worth up
to $1.00 yard, on sale 39
The greatest ever known In Omaha.
This mill produces the very finest do
mestic Taffetas, and we offer them
at much leas than mill prices.
High Grade Wash Goods Dept.
Be sure and visit this department,
finest and best selected line of Vah Goods that was ever
seen In this city.
All the novelties in foreign goods, per
down to
All the novelties in domestic Wash
from 60c down to...,
Every grade and shade of Printed Silk
and shade of Woven Zephyrs ana otner woven novel
ties can be found in thie department at the very lowest
Andsrsoa's Oeanln Scotch Olagnams and
bootoh Madras ror . suiungs, Einiris ana
0VO per yara auwn m .
Domestic Olnghams, ell the beat A. T. O'a,
Burlington ana cnauenge uingnnnn, imm
down to -
French Percales, Fadflo Percales, Manchester Percales, Olo-
ralter Percales, Florence PerralS, Clear nynt Percales, Fun-
Jab Percales and Zenda percales, at, per
lOo. 7Hc and
Standard Mats, beet made, at, per yard
8:80 Till 0:80 A. M. We will sell
100 pieces of genuine Pacific Chai
ns, worth up to 7 Vie, only 12 yards
to a customer, at, per yard . . . 2 c
0:80 Till 10:80 A. M -We will sell
12 ttc Printed .Batiste, the finest
made, in dark and light colors, not
over 12 yards to a customer at, per
yard 2
10:80 Till 11:80 A. M. We will sell
one large bunch of PlUow Slips,
about 25 dozen, not over 5 to one
customer, at, each 8H
12:80 Till 1:30 P. M. We will sell
short lengths of American Prints and
Indigo Blues and Calcuttas, regular
7 He goods, at, per yard 154
2 T1U 3 P. M. We will sell 23 dozen
Towels, extra large and extra wide,
regular 12 He goods, only three pair
to a customer, at, each 7 He
Our Lining Department Is by far
Tailors' Trimmings and Findings, Dressmakers' Trimmings, in Satin Linings,
Linings and Sateen Linings, most notable and most used today. Taffeta,
at popular price.
The peer of them all in immensity of stock, variety and quality of showing and lowness. of
price. Buying direct from the
linens at pricesalmost as low as
the great underpricing.
TO-ln. bleached deable satin Table Damask
All the latest designs, at, yard $I.S., 2., fx.4t. tl.98 and 1.78
aTAFXlJri Te match all above linens. In
4 else, from 17.60 a dosen to.... 3.50
Yu-la. bleached Irish Table I, loan, our own
Importations, guaranteed pure linen, all
bright new goods, extra heavy; others
are asking $1.60 a yard for similar
quality for Monday only, yard VCe
XOTSX HBTMttBXm bleached derm an
and Irish linens, up to so-ln. wide, plain
centers with satin borders, also
designs, at, yard,' 2.50. lt.5, tl.93.
and 1.4t
Ws carry s fan lias ef Mercerised Table
Linen from 16c a yard down to....39o
TB-ta.vmQvag bleached German Table XU&-
en. extra heavy, beautiful designs, at.
nhi tLIS. 1110. 19a. TBo and.. Sc
- Buy
$10.60 Dresser (like cut) solid golden oak,
full slse. with French plate mlrrori pc
lal sale price . . , . $7.60
$11.60 Dreeeei Golden oak, H vwell front,
with French bevel plat mirror. Sale
a 1 11 vi & m n 1 st
'$CH . V7 , s
Stock of Silks on
30-inrh Black flress Taffeta, guaran
teed, mill price 97 ftc, sale price,
only 69
SO-incb Black Press Taffeta, guaran
teed, mill price $1.02 H, sale price,
only 83
80-lnch Black Drens Taffeta, guaran
teed, mill price $U7Mo eale price,
only 05
One great lot of choice Spring Silks,
in the very newest stripes, checks,
' dots, figure and platn colors, 20, 24
and 27 inches wide, including Tnffe
tas, Foulards, LoulRlenes, Mescalines,
Peau. de Cygnes, Radium, etc., mill
price 72c to 97 He, our sale price,
per yard 65
as' we have the
yard, from $1.B0
Goods, per yard.
Mulls, every grade
Anderson's Genuine
ouiriioi., J
Tolls Bu Vords and
yara, 10c, ubh
Every Item a Rousing
8:30 Till 4:80 P. M. We will sell 75c
and 85c Sheets, 81x90, the largest
sizes some of theee sheets are
slightly soiled, but for one hour only,
and not only 4 Bheeta to a customer,
we will eell them at, each. . . . .49c
For all W we will sell Full Standard
Prints, worth 7c, at, yard..3ls
Full Standard Percales, 36 Inches wide,
"fast colore, 12Hc values, yard.. 54
36-inch Flannelettes, 12 Mc nd iOc
values, including Arnold's and Man
cheaters, -at, per yard. .T$4
10,000 yards of White Goods, In India
Linons, BatiBtcs, 40-inch Lawns, etc.,
.worth up to 15c a yard, will go at,
per yard 5-
60-inch all linen Tablecloths will go at,
each 35
S5c Turkey Red Damask, 60 Inches
wide, will go at, per yard . . . . . 19
Lining Department
the best and most complete in this
Linen Department
mills for cash and in immense
the cost to most merchants.
Unbleached Irish and Scotch Table Zdn
ens, the finest weaves, pure line a, at,
yard. 11.49, y $1.25, 8c. 89c, T60, c,
660 and 49o
Hemstitched Table Cloths and sTapklaa in
sets, bleached and 'unbleached, 11-4,
10f4 and 8-4 sites, guaranteed all linen,
beautiful. In both plain and, drawn
stitch, at, set, $2100. $20.00, $11 00.
I16.X0. $16.00, $12.00, $9.00, $6.00, $3.75
LURCH CIiOTKS lln bleached Irish Uses,
7-4, 6-4,, 6-4, and 4-4 sises, hemstitched
and plain borders, at,. piece, $13.60, T10,
$7.6u,-$6.t8, $4.98. $$.50, $2.9 and.. $10
kVATTXKir CT.OTHS Por both round er
square tables, scollop or plain borders,
all sizes up to 2 H yards square, at, each,
$26.00, $19.50: $16.00, $18.50, $9.96, $8.60.
$7.60. $6.49 and $5.95
Vapklns to match above cloths la B-a, and
t-4 sizes, at, dotao, $16.00, $18.60, $9.96,
. $7.60 an $5.00
Furniture Greatly Underpriced
All the sample pieces from the great Chicago Furniture exhibit,
scores of floor samples and odd pieces from our own stock an assem
blage of bargains without an equal Only five are mentioned, hundreds
of others equally as good await your Inspection ud approval ,
MoMday. Pay Later If You Wish
fS.8S Iron Bed, like cut, any sUe, baa brass top
rod and knobs on both head and foot, comes in
white or apple green enamel, sale price. $3.03
. a' f "A Iron Bef (like cut) any slse, white'
VI or green enumel. Bale price $1.98
A complete Hue of new Go-Cart and Itaby Carrlagrs in latest styles. The
greatest variety shown in Omaha. Gel our prices. They'll save you money.
Sale Monday
86-Inch Black Press Taffeta, guaran
teed, mill price $1.32 tt, Bale t price,
only 91.10
80-inch Black Press Taffeta, guarnn
teed, mill price $1.77tt, sale arlce,
only $1.S5
One great lot of plain and fancy Silks
and noveltifea, 46-inch fancy Chiffon
Voiles, handsome Pekin stripe, dress
patterns, in elegant evening novelties
a tremendous assortment of beauti
ful silks, nain price up to $1.02 Vi
yard our Sale price Monday, per
'yard , 45
Marquisette, the correct silk for spring
dress, in great variety of colors. In
the plain or in the check special
bargain Monday at, yard. . . .$1.19
Tfte Leading Dress Goods House
in the West.
Monday Is the opening up of new spring woveltiea, and
we show the largest .line of these goods front England,
France, Geminny and nil the leading domestic mills of
America In one great stock in our Main Dress Goods De
partment. In the forenoon Monday we will sell all our.fcS.BO novel
ties, $2.60 novelties, $1.98 and $1.25 novelties in the
new spring goods, Just opened and only one pattern to
a customer, at exactly half the marked price.
Xn tbe afternoon we will sell Broadoloths, blacks and all
colors, all fine wool taffetas In plain colors, all our fanry
Voiles, all our plain Suitings for spring of 1907. In order
to Introduce them U the trade we will sell one nattern to
each lady at exactly half the price they are marked.
Z.ansdowne In 66 shades, checks and new fancies with WB. T.
Keed marked on every five yards, the genuine article, at, per
yard 1's
Whits Ground Yachting Serge In stripes and la checks, the
finest made, at, per yard, $1.9S and sl.60
Blacks In great varieties and all new weaves as well as the
plains, from $7.60 per yard down to 35o
JTo Skirts made to Order Bought From the Out Prloe,
12 &c Moleskins, the very heaviest
wrapper flannelette made, wiu go ai,
per. yard 74 S
1214 c Toweling, pure linen, the im
ported article, for all day at, per
yard -....8H
Rushian Crash, heaviest made, sold
everywhere at 15c, for all day at,
yard 99 t
100 $1. OO Bed Spreads at, each. -59c
100 $1.23 Bed Spreads at, each. .(39c
100 S1.50 Bed Spreads at, each. -79?
, Theee are extra heavy and extra large
Bed Spreads.
We are closing out all Wool Blankets
$6.50 Blankets will go at... $4.50
$5.50 Blankets will go at... $3.50
$3.60 Blankets will go at... $2.50
$3.00 Blankets will go at ..$1.98
$2.50 Blankets will go at... $1.59
$1.25 Cotton Blankets at. . . . .89c
$1.00 Cotton Blankats at...... 59 J
western country. We have everything In
Bilk Linings, Mohair Llnidgs, Jtallan
Gloria Cloth, Lustral and Manhattan, all
quantities, we are enabled to sell
Investigation will convince you of
btra wide aad extra long put linen .
Towels, In fringed, plain er scollop
edges, suitable for commodes or dresser
tops, frpra 76c a piece to 880
Marseilles Bed Spreads, full Use, out or
square corners, knot or lace fringe or
plain, at. piece, $12.60, $11.60, $9.95,
$8.60, $7.60, $6.60, $5.50 and $3.t8
S1-S0 Bleached Seamless Bheets, regular
' 85c grade, only six to a customer, at,
piece i S7o
81-so Bleached Seamless Sheets, mads
from good heavy sheeting, sella regular
at, 76c piece, for Monday only, piece, 06o
X am stitched Pillow Oases, worth 80c
piece, only 8 to customer, St, lSVio
43 -in. and 4 5-In. Pillow Oases, made from
extra heavy Muslin, for Monday only,
at. pleoe . o
XOH8DAZ.a OAlCBmiO PuU SS-ln. wide,
(stamped and branded) IS yards to a
customer, selling at, yard, 18o and 1$H
$1.60 Sideboard Solid oak,
full slse. has Uxit French
bevel plate mirror. A snap
at sale price $10.60
1 - '
Monday Sale of 1500 Pairs
Ladies' Fine Shoes
Ladles' nun Metal Calf, college
cut, genuine Goodear Welt
Shoes ladlee' Corona colt, col
lege cut, genuine Goodyear Welt
Shoes ladies' Corona colt, dull
calf top, genuine Goodyear Welt
Button Shoes ladle' vici kid,
patent tips, Castellain last gen
uine hand -turn blucher cut
Shoes genuine $3.60 and $4.00
Shoes and all sites Monday at,
pair $2.50
Under muslin
Ladies' Gowns, worth to $1.50, daintily
trimmed ! with laces, embroidery and
washable ribbons; Monday special,
.at 75
Ladies Corset Covers and Drawers, a
great lot of odd garments, well made
and nicely trimmed, 75c values; to
close, at r..49
Ladies' Corset Covers and Drawers,
nicely trimmed, a great snap, at, gar
ment 25
Jersey Knit Corset Covers, with long
sleeves, in Monday's sale at. ... . .15
New Spring
;u 'if!1
mm h,
Special Sale of Curtains and Draperies
Here are a few of our great reductions. This is your
opportunity to save money. Be sure and attend.
Saxony. Brussels Lace Cur
tains, in very neat pat
terns, , worth $17.50 at,
pfilT ess 41
Dutchess Point, worth $25,
go Monday, at. ...... .19
Reversible Corded Arabian
Curtains that sold at $15,
go at, pair. $9.75
Novelty Curtains, in white
or ecru, worth $8.50, go at,
pair :..$7.50
Cable Net Curtains, very
good patterns, that sold at
$3.25, to $5.00, go at,
pair .... $2.75
Nottingham Lace Curtains,
in very effective designs,
that sold, at $3.75, go at,
pair $1.98
White Goods Department
This has the reputation of being. by five times the
largest, by far the most select
India Linons Imported and
domestic, at, a yard,
85c, 65c, 39c, '25c, 19o, 15c,
12c and .'.10c
Persian Lawns 45 inches
wide, at, a yard, 50c, 45c,
39o, 25o and.. 19
Persian Lawns 32 inches
wide, at, a yard, 39c, 25c,
15c and 12V.t
French Lawns 48 inches
wide, .at, a -yard, $1.59
down to 75c, 50c and.. 39 1
Mercerized Batiste 45 in.
wide, 'for lingerie waists,
at, a yard, 85c, 75c, 59c, 39c
and 25t
Special Sale of WedgewoodDinnerware
The Crockery Snap ot the Season
Wedgewood in pottery
manufacture bears the same
relation as diamonds to pre
cious Btones.
Ten Crates of Underglazed
Blue Wedgewood Dinner-
ware 1 lie iirsi smpmeni
of a purchase of 100 orate direct from the pottery at El
mira, England, will bo iiiacnl on sale Monday at, choice
per piece 10?
Cups and saucers, all kinds of plates, platters, covered
dishes, casseroles, etc, etc. full 100-piece sets would sell
regularly at $18.00 to $25.00. Don't miss this opportunity.
lion city Wash Goods
We have the eixrluslve sale of the
ZIon City Lares for Omaha, and
for this reason are in a position
to save you the full amount of
duty on all kinds of Fancy Wash
Laces. A full new line of these
beautiful laces Just received,
will go, on sale Monday at, yard
25c down to 5
Notion Specials
That will pnt fin in the notion of
coining Monday.
60-inch Dressmakers' Tape Meas
ures 4?
Darning Cotton, all colors, per
Hump Hooks and Eyes, card.
Rhne Ucm. DPT Dair
rtnotinir Thread, ner spool...,
t)..,i n i, t rn nor dnzpn 1 i
Drees Shields, per pair 10
Silk, all colors', per spool 2t
I Be Hair Brushes, each 10
at a Bargain
Shirt Styles
'We wish, to call your special atten
tion to our magnificent line of Men's
Dress and Negligee Shirts for spring.
No place in the land will you find
more complete assortment; no place in
Omaha will you find its equal
The Celebrated Griffon Ilrand, the shirt with
out a peer, guaranteeing to you more satis
faction for every dollar spent than any other
make extant, is again our leader for 1907.
Every imaginable style and pattern, Boft,
' stiff and pleated bosoms, at $2, Sl.6O.9S4?
A ejimnta llnA nf pn's Khlrfs. fn ni Alin ni
cales and chambray, regular 75c and 9 80
values, on sale Monday at, choice 50?
Sec Our 16th Street Window Display.
$5.00 Novelty Curtains, in
white or ecru, pair. $2.98
Novelty Curtains, in white,
worth $5.50 to $7.50, go at,
: c 4 svo
,,pair p.l0
Bed Room Curtains, in white or
ecru, 48 inches wide, 3 yards
long, at. pair 9S
Portieres, full mercerized. In a
complete range of colors, very
handsome, at, pair, $20, $15,
$12.50, $10 and $8.50
Ottoman Fringed Portieres at,
pair, $5. $4.60. $3.50. . .$2.98
Single Portieres at, each. $l.oO
and 4 9S
Imported Madras, in all shades, at,
vard, $1.60, $1.25, 98o
and ,t , 75t?
Madras, 4R inches wide, In cream
and white, worth 50c, Monday
at, yard .'. .35?
Fancy Swisses at yard, lSe
and 12H
Sorento Repp, ,86 Inches wide, at,
7ard .....50
and finest in Omaha.
Wash Chiffon 45 inches
wide, at, a yard, $1.25
down to 85c, 59o and..39?
Figured French Mull 45
inches wide, at; a yard,
$2.50, $1.98 and.. $1.49
A new line of Spring Walstings,
all new patterns, at, a yard, 69o,
45c, 39c, 25c and ...154?
St. Gall Swisses, all new spring
patterns. 32 inches wide, at, a
yard, $1.49 down to 85c, 75c,
69c and 39s?
Conntess Nainsook, 1 yard wide,
25c and lf)
English Nainsook at, yard, 25c,
19c, 15c and 12tt
Lingerie Long Cloth, 86 inches
wide, regular 80c quality . .254?
Old Glory I-ong Cloth at, a yard,
19c, loc, 24c and lOfi
Auto Cloth, Linen Finish Suiting,
at, a yard, 16c, 12 Vic and. .10?