Some Characteristic i; i. 1 a"" 1 i . j I Creightoo, ku beea stiSed. Hla Aad la Omalia Utoiuuxll of hearts are lonely. ' "Cue thy hrea4 upna the waters aed tt shall return to tnee after inuj dayu." says the Scrip- tiren. Count Crelgaton cast hia breed apoa da waters wtth la-risk hand aiut It ra- turned to aim in great mrairrrt la tha gratitude aad love wt.lch ail jnaei am it for htm who knew aim. Perhaps a nvzmument aC atDoa wUl ba nwl arvnr tha BTava rf Ala Teal man, but tha rtMt moaa- Bant has aeadr baa ercctad ta taa hearta ef ttiouaaada. arbara thera hi ma abii-ic lora eraated by hai iTIaniri iiiil, apoataaaoaa roeroaCy. In tha -rX eomfortabia kooaa ao tha bin tha Joaa comaa kotaa asoat rlnaalj Thera ao much baa bappooad: tbara bia comtt, hearer aatara baa ben Wat kiurara. That la tha bonaa whara thara araa a ataad- kia anfer to prapara iTTnnar aaaly for rvo boatda tha lmauata tamCy. Aad rvary aanln4f sa 'count cum bona witH aoroa frtanda. aad tky dtoad aad apect taa aven- fc othr. Tta raata wrra of a1 sta- tlona. from tha hixfeeat to tha aww Tba amount of moacy a asaa bad waa of a coaaa3Qoo to a eta of Jaha A. Craiaik- toa'a caliber. thara a of durmf tha bard to ao oaa from tba door baa- Cry. Aad were fad. tickets to tar than day from aiz to ftftaea If they had so ptofa ta sleep, a todslaa; boasa ware prorlded That is taa hawa wbaro probacy SMra People of all otaaaoa in nfc bava been aotartalnad taaa aaywbare alaa to Omaha. Dnrm tba Traaamiaalaairp expoattloa tha aouae was foil of Tteltora all the time. Thoae who ware aat mUmataly aaaociated wttU Cooat 0.1. 1. w ,n,h k. D shew af tt. Ha cava because bis Jiaart prompted btm to a, aad because ha felt that others bad aa (sod right to tha money aa ba - bad. Nearly erery moraine opoa arrtrtnaT at bis oQce ba would Bad a num ber waiting- there f -r him. Tbea ba would - begin to aak quaeucJa. Tram erery oa a 9t tba wboia story of miaf orroaa. Tbaa would follow a Ottle gaod-kaaaoiad which might ba anything from a few seats) to Rii e-jently he gave away aperard af a hundred dollars ia a day. His aaauat . l-t fcto the thouaajida. Ha aeTer kept any account of tt. svrsrs axrer ccamy craiiueiTny ova ta tho bmue. M ae Cbccer tha careful teniae kve-ptx, iwf anxioua to keeo as - t.'ua l.uria from turn aa poaaibie. directed tnn ?miriabjy to the office. Otherwise) ti-r wuld care glva him na pmre day or tajrbt- AbU very few were turned awax it being suxisdl. aad irnf nu j. One ln-Hi-nt whiob hagt-Jy miiaeil tba count waa that of a man wtoo iini T.eil ' bi n due-a tew a. while be waa trhi-a; wllb a parry of frier. Ja. He bad fre)ueaiy nii thie suaa before and whea be inter . i-iptm bia eonTerwumn oa thia accaaioa bo rurai -1 ta sua and aaid. "Chariry begtrs at home." The men went away tmmedlateiy bwt tbad eruicg Then the eouat arrvred at bnma. tJe mil was wajtina; on the front porch. r fxLUnetl that he bad fcUowed dlrre tiun as r:en aad. betr bow at tin ma asked help aaala. Keedleaa to aay. ba gut tt VI la Hewrt ta tba Week. He was sot aatteSed to let others eVp-ra his charity aad ta arteed to iua rrlkn-aafl' ef e. He went lrt iramf rha per m their bnenea. rGa weekly Tialts ta St. Jaaepfe boa(.it7 with bnaee of raady. wtilrfa ba distributed to tba patients aa "sugar ptUs." are well known. Ia tba summer he was a famffiar fLrure bsarymc httner and tbitbar diatnbutiaa; beipL "He was always m a hurry at such times wuen be bad heard of arena surk ar dla treaaed family.- says VTaa Otter. bis housekeeper. "I naneeaber so weJX how he need to caeca dnera m bis alpaca ooat with hla umhreCa. "Get me onenettrtisg tt eat real quick.' ba would aay. 1 mast hurry. A bowl of bread aad milk win dtv He wmld eat It erjickjy aad tbea harry away Touem be eras ea mindful of otaars ia fbetr listresa. he waa eery patient a ieu ha lay ea bis Baal sick bed. At St looenit's i tba bonaa whara order Norel Enterprises to Boost Church. AVbmfixnn " 1 HXTUTH orgaaiaauoaa sf this oaua- try are aomerimea accaaad ef lack af aaterprtee. bwt aaumat- to the eaotrary eaa le cited Tba aasaor af a charm at Cr-ppe Creak, CakL. has mtrodund the free lunch feature at eosLsectloa with his church sort. He aaouaeed ta the aaaera taat all srho at- tanded hla service would afterward aa provided snth tree food ba tba Sunday acboot raoaa. For tba sake af acwalty a Xaw TorK .s ai kti aaspeoyed a whatder aad auar a audevllle arcat ta anireaa tha an ii isa at his chorea. A rnm ssinsatar hit anaa a piaa as encouran bouerwlvea aad yaaaaT aaotbara ta come ta tba Suadar aaiwaiag aervlce at hia er.arch. He sen' liamed a erecaa. ar day surasry. ta aa adjotBtag sekldiaa, where ha lastailed a ess-pa af surees UBdar tba charre of a empnnt ssarraa. sf utasa af be Ties ard young eaildrea are arrw mvttad to briag tba tttle aeopie I'reg aad eaarh fbeaa free af charge ht tba rwrha. erhila they arread church Beat door, airada eaa ihua ba free from worry tne rbeug-ht that tbatr rhilitroa are aaar Bemg wall aarsi for. There are alaa a aaniher af chapel cars ir-r i if J 4 1 , e -e - r t: - -V was the raoet amaanpiainiEg; paaant. Ha ruacwur tr-ruMe. He beertwl til tiimj to take rest and act be so miiifal of him. He ny u d a "i" far the Imrf k'rirlnaas dose, . w Cemat Sued the CM.ria. a4 a perueuiar love for rhlVraa. Ferhene the love tua generous heart migtxt have levlabed on hia owa ctiiid. which. La4 -r,-T , wt out to aia m-jittuda St trlaoda. Hia krv waa rKarnad or ti Uttla au, and taer amoat firngTit for aia mv- Tba Urtia Kcdbasa rtrra, aTarharlna. AJjoa aad ElixabtX t ttwd aniy a bJock atwar vara &iint Tlstiora Baa thar vara aJwaya doaterad arouad Bir to bin. iarna- aad k2xMr htm 790 etbcr oiecaa. Ctt RoUk rnT aod Marr EUatmaa. arera thara ooa mja t2 lartr aoddady dcciard: T ata to marrr yon vhaa Tm la." "1m to marry him whaa Taa C" mA athar. T5,r tha aa at w-Me t!s' wooid tha count to a ary Ic- flw- to1. WQn Hoia Mary endad at daclaricc: rl maxrl1 to r00 already, alat it too: dta a bit of aaady to aactl tba dlapota. -Tha Caristmas baa at taa big bonaa waa eaa af tba areata af tha yaar. maay aa aiiity ehOdraa thara. Aad tbay arara from tha poor aat to tha rtcbaat. For wy ana araa pro Tided a aaachajiaeai toy. wtth doiai aad oaady aad froJt salara. And. in tha aiidat af it all. Ha a a great bepevolent Santa Claum. aat tba troa patron of tha aCalr. Lf,aB- Hwaaawtty Hla Cbk11. "Ma waa a euaury rrom wmco tae eonni waa abaoluteiy tra. Ha was aa cordial aad aa approach a hie to tha becsar aa ta tha mUIioaaira. Ia fact, ba kwked npoa bis pcaaaaaaoBa aa only Kirn ia trust to bun. Often ba would look, from bis wln dew at soma poor bu Koin past. "I dca't sea why the Lord save ma so numb maoay aad that nu so llrtla." ha would say. "If X knaw him Td m-nte hua m to dlaaar. a eoUi rhm,n- lun . af ad work, Taoeaaa O'Neal, ta asaaa bans tba house aad au wtth him for a .while. They aoat have a giaaa ef wave and tae oouat soul talk wtta them aa to aia Tba aoaeat hearts af theee aad thoaaaada ef atbars like them awura his Vns with a sorrow ,h.t erUI ant die. ' ,,u ti.i. rt.. wrk A tttila rir! cam. taavfly up tha walk t.h! 7 1M"T.W!L inn mui nn. -m w w i . i. if! aid ta a,iureajLtt. but tha rue a oa tba Fuclne ea. tba OoadwtS makes aoe algbt stands ta Texas, tba Evaagal as ha tba India Tarritjry. tba Mi aeeaerar of Pwaco ta iCaaourt. whua tha Glad Tiding aod tba Herald ef Hope ea aa tar east aa Wlacoeadn aad Mlrh-ia. A wocAer tn tba PVestoytsnaa Board Fwatga 11 last sis states taat at Eabad twenty -erven ml us flelda aa four aunfnants aad has eustrtbutad I.wgL'wS pagea af btererure printed ta twaatr-ave bLag-nagee. baa aaQocted gLaW ccZdrea af fe auuntrti a mta auaday wbo.aa and has at Ms puptla ta a tnmiaand aoOeges aad etber iauar2taOana af This anaa sold af w church C-w. whara tha SMmberafafp ateraaeed ta year free 4. SSI ta COBa. The aaata af raat parOeaUr ossgesgnka) have eoiunreerad aaya work to fiirtaer the canas ef Crksaaatty aaoaf tnesr awa ceaau j isaa . Tte oust af ark's g euesena ta tha etSwr- ect rei g-uwis ta this roantry varies greatly, It ta eaid tba Moraatas say- must f jr new adttereata to their faith aad, that taa BalvUe taia Army speeds lass per individual rane aay ether sect ta set m 'ug its eoavarta The aeaageiiata declare that raa distrlea- boa af aw-'k cheap literal ire aawadats isa at dLaV-aa fur churches get aa . . - i - - ; - 4 a j 1 (, ' y - -m - . - ' ' , f i t T ; I ', c i . ? 1 i ?i , "' - t " - "f - i V THE OMAHA Stories Z7- OOBTBGX aVPFBOAGSZCa TEX CXTCBC2. TaJCTWrj TfiCB BOOT FStOwI THS EOCHSV oouit called to bar kindly. oa tba. porch sea produced auaae Qckeca eaaed tumeuy waatkar ba would buy Tbey were for a eharca. fair. "How much, are tbeeT aakad Lie oouat. Tba Hula g-.rl replied taat tba price was Is ceats aad that they were for the ibaiscopal cti"1''B ana also aaal that saa had sold aux twenty, though, sea had avd X has. you taftr- aakad tha tba Bttla girt with a that showed aoe bad eouated 1 11 take them all." said tba aount. which ha d-d. to tha great astonishment of the httia girl, who gaaed na amaaamunt at tats sua waa bad such a woaoarfai lot af money aad wta had aa many ehildrea whom to buy Ocketa Mr. cheak aaye aha kept kmkicg: aver her aaouldar bwaaeatly oawu taa wa-k. bar Caca ax- pressive of the greateet Sfoeisilmenf. . Has TraaVe artth a Bewsy. Maay stones have beea totd ef Oetghtoa s love for ehildrea. Tha patter of their feet, the soft rsleares of tha ar evea ttetr musla to his ears. One af tha auet tiwirtirng favrslents h tha eouars life ekddrM omrrmt not ae ludg ago ta his etSce in tha Ftrst Vatloaal beast The couat waa faiktne' ta Al Thoi aad Miss Vail Maione ha hia sfflca. eewsocy aot over 1 years of ta. The caunt always had a w ta his heart fur taa bm a ati a "Waat to buy aay caoers. aaaad tha boy. The count tuek eaa each af the .neaera ad asked the boy if be would gat Tha boy startad out with his bundle of papers aad a eteaar. but iwtaraed hefina srM-t-g to tha haiL The bey haaded the buad ef to hold, ea- ciaim-g la lua rt. itiaa STXD AT BEE: FEBRUARY of the Late Count t . for tha ef tba change. The Kola oufc- atratched band wlth tba aapera aad tha af tha bay's face brouact a osardrup ta taa counrs eyes. Ha planed ba arm around tha boy's neck aad s-ssel him. Ha did aoc spoil tha boy by glvinaT htm tba whole dollar, hut dM give htm a goodly portion ef the change whea tha boy returned from hia srraad. odd te CMd rraeada. Count CruLgtaa never forret hla aid friends aad eeilgated at srt aad g ever rha aid times with seme eeniaJ soul wham ba had known ht tha earlier days. "Take hmca with me aad we will chat ever eid cms." waa the counrs greeting when eaa ef bia aid friends , would happen to drop ta. Maior Jaha sL Barae. tha graadiioadsmt advenlsiEg- agent of tba Buffaia BUI Wild West snow, was aa oid- tuna frlead af Pjurt rv. '-i. . k- ftrst maa he wkooid look ap whea he arrack Count Cregbtna. His tele- fi Mil See Tarh aeowad tha aacaem sa which ha heid has fneBd. It read: "X hata Omaha la bar grief for her grand c the beat amors tba trulv good, aa a wiewrnsr aoa af the last af the At advaaee nunb" . . . . . w-7 ' 5 'l held hi high sin ia thoae ef his aid fnenda who. brased tha atorais af the early hfe wuh tin was his fnendahip AL SrcurX aoa af the beat knows aprdag asea ia this eooatry aad rngsad. For tis last thirry-tnree years ba has aoeuEaed a suite af roeme at the Gtlaey hoosa ia Mew York aad Count Craightja sever weat at New York without n-,aktng tt a point ta call ea his friend, waa was about tba same age as the oouat anuLh worked far tha Creich dss waea Couat Creug-htoa waa freiarhtiag' Cbe plaiaA aad the sndomKartla af J uvith at aa thaea woa for him a warm apet aa the heart ef Coast Cinlgataa. The eeaat deilgated ta tea ef Cte aUahta waam tbey were craasl-g tba 17. 15-07. plains doricg- tba- times when tba tad! ana were oa tba war path and whea tha piaina were su-e 11 with the ashes of wagoa trains wbicb had been burned by tb la- dlana after the aortioajits had b-aa f.l't PurtnaT these strenuous times, when it we w rth a man s He to stick his fc-ad out side the er.'tloeure. Al Sfrntb eras the man Count Crinton could re(r 00 as hariag su3tfent Herre to r after water, ar.d no t:k of the presence of Indians wns suiB dent to aeep him from doing bis duty around the camp, eren tftcuaii he knew his Bfe was in djaer. This courage fr the sake of his entployer made a iasflng trs preasian on tte counC of which be neeer tired af tei'ing N lSMPideat ad Rta Uet Iltaeea. rurmg a delirium Incident to bis last Clneaa Count Creisnton's ruling pasaton for helping others found expressitm in his mind ta the form ef two tn-.ainary hoys be thought were standing near hirp in the sick room. The iUueionary for-na ajrpeecred o be ta want and tl!at disturbed the ecunTg aund. He asked his houeekeepwr Mary Cotter to get anme change from ais pock ets and give the sane to the dot. After belcg assured that the bora had been M-iad as he rea-Jested. the . count was ease. 1 ' thoea ta de Crehu-n borne at tie tlrn Bee. M. i. Ewwljcg maJe mention of tt to his funeral ai dress- Caa AdTtew erUh Alaaa. j?o insipid truisms and trite pia3tades accompanied tse aiv'.n- of alma by Count Creia-htoa. John sVheait rememliera one time when a poor womaa called at tba eounrs office. 6he had beea ikara fro- cjuently before and the count bad given her money. Her husfcaad was a drunkard, Each time she had coma far tela, her benefactor bad talked to her kindly ta bia owa bluS way about reforming tha man. and each time aba bad gone away with, new hope for bis ultimata reclamation. "Well. wen. back again." said tha count an this occadloa. "Tea." sal the woman. "And hun t that husband reformed?" ha asked. The woman shook her bead sadly. "Well, here's CD. but mind, this ia to ha tba last. Tou mast tefiwui taa man. Befarsn him. Hit bia with taa shovel ht ha wun t behave." ' asasa, , -Ct ESXXQDra THX BODT FftOfat THB CHL'HjCH. Aad tha womaa smiled through aad weat away happy. Timothy Titoom says. "Tha charity that thinketh ao av.l. trusts in God aad trusts ta man." auoh a charity waa Count Creightoa'a He asked few questions whea ha met distress. He waa quick ta rettee K. A narural result waa that ha wwa aasaae Omes tanposed upoa. Tb:se oecaatoaa ware rare. One time a young girl came with a ptuful tale ta his house. She had some from her country home wtta but a little money. It coat mure to live la tha city rhaa aha thought, and now she was without money, goe aat by tha count's fireside fr a rime, ad Mies Cottar provided bar wtth . aew clothing;. Tlsea tha count telephoned hla aecretary to buy her a ticket to hex home and. grVn her a few dollar, bade her gndspeedW The secretary aaw her oa the train. But the next day she waa seaa oa the street hi Qrhs A ragged maa appeared one winter moru las' aad teid the housekeeper the couat bad ti.ld him to came ap and get armae of his underwear. He waa a maa thnat the count a preporriona aad the housekeeper wrapped up three ourata When the count came corne and learned ef it be laug-sed. " 1 -Cd. "but if Well. I didn't eead the maa an." be he is keeping warm ia my dotnea Tm aatisfled. Ti rails or ha had by them honestly, thocg-b. a Tlewaaeef f eadeeear'e Tviawtw. "Ha spoke to me every day for several years." said the elevator operator ia the Frer KaCocal bu-.ldtrc. wiere Couat Cretg4)taar'a affV-e waa "He would euase tnta the ei-vator aad put a baad oa my shoulder aad aay aomerblnc taim f it. H.o meet mrnna espeeeslia was. Well, are you happv todayT Of anurse I always said I was. and thei be would say aome- thing- about that being good. "fvery Christmas be wiuld grea aae a present. It was always aaoeey aad ha as an al ta ba aaaojed whea, X tvaiid hint John A. . rri K Jr. '" - trTAJtT FT TBS C'WsfLIHBrlT. for n. 'Ah. erbat are you talklnej aDout. Tau haea aa-g a nght to tha mooey aa 1 baj "Tie would say. W"iea ever there wer any rn:k--a m tim eteaator he j gave them tht-g I never us a child ia tela car at the aame Urne aa toe count that ha didnt epaii to and give something uu- I tell you it seema looeiy ia this building even. know, in 111 not see his good old face ia this car again. It was always aumethinf to loo forward to in tba day. - a Wtth the Be a' aad Toys. Aa the count waa walking ieuurely home aa eveiuag be a a cruel of bos on the ourner. One of them was spinning-. a tog. Whx don't you other bya spia top too asked the courj. We aui t got they said. "We J, well." said tha OTuna. "ETary bor oturht to have a t- p. How much dues a top 7" The twy who aeemed to be the spakeamaa prtn-iptly replied that you can get 'ant fee a penny, but you can get swell ones tur S centa" The count produced a dollar. ?5ow," be said, haadirg it ta tba bae wao seemed to be th leader. "Tou go down to the stars and get ene of the bast t f X..v - ' rjfhu mit - tt d'jrhted erflw Barryln, -Ul cheers for their benefactor. The count eaZed after them. -"If there Is any money left, you buy aa a top." ha said. "X Irre in that bouse oear there. " The boys shouted aoquteeejica Half aa brmr later there was a noise Jtf maay feat M tha counfa porch and then tba bail rang: There stood the whole crowd of boys each with a ane red top. Tfce leader asked for "tha man wlf tba wtta whiskers." The servant was ia doubt whether to admit ttie motley crowd, but thewunt bad overheard tha con versa tloa and was there in a moment. - Here's yer top. sir." said tha boy. got yer the best they had." The count took the lirtie toy. but "or era,. fessed Ignorance aa to how to work it. Thereupon every bey was anxioua to anow him. Ha took them ta tha bouse and oa tha Buli-ieed hardwood floors of the elegant rooms the crowd af ragred brers apem thetr topa " taucht the mllllooaira pailaatbrape 1st tba art. Tbay had refresh meirfs. am. &-- e-r .1 7S a royal good Uma ha tba big: bouse before finally trooped away, their etdieh hearts Ailed wtth iy. At the rpssa's Fair. If character eould ba pactagravaed aad if a paotoaraacer cd character had wasted to get Joaa A. Oetghtoa la a char act ar- vA-rah-rro NLht" VIE aiansgar Bounces his chef- d'oeuvre, a saetcb ih tha par laace. a mialature playj eafitied "By the Skin of Her Teeth." Tha curtaua nee, d'.erbeang a reum but aiearintly fjrniaaed with a atmpiy Louise Quinae cneur, a Moae Levy bureau aad Joaa L. Su-livaa draperWa The apv parent heroine, aa ample lady cueetractad a-oug tha general Ilnea af a brewery aoraa. Is discovered asleep ea a lounge. Before the audience anaea to enrament, a e--t tae sous gentleman tastefully eiad hi a dreaa suit, taa an nee, a derby hat aad a red Barlina (aad. of course, otner thingai. eaters through a window. "Wake an. Ltase. aa' tail da waoer what youTl have" exhurts a aa'lei t weene The tall geatlemaa sai ma a hit diauaav carted. But ha recovers hansel f and wtth mora paerma- aad peeedng. Co repclticuely about the roam, aompsateiy ewwrtooaosg the la net aad aaoet aOitous arOrie ta tt the wumaa. Tbea he emea eV.wa te the faoeaghta. I am a gen lemaa bo:gar." ha aaauuacea. linpisssiveiy. -Baaiar. mafcoe." replies a voice from the rear of the erthaotia. gy aad tnau tmgiy. The tall maa seems agaia nuneiin iff j euaroacerted. He turn aad spies tha aiaeping lady. "Hah" ha criea "As I Bva tls da Lady Gweadoiya M antgummeryr 'XTvaa.' atimag a ufce froaa thw gaO. Creighjon istte "pee ha eoald hsree dona aa by nark ing tba Cathoitc Orphaaa fair keM ha) alater in tha Aadltonum. There tba eouak waa a prominect figure aad a belsm. d ana. Before vie! ting the grat fair be ailed hist pra-keta wtth tfm-cent ptecea Ttven b allied fnrth among- tha numberleea botba Eaeb had Its owa little attra-ten and ia) earh the char'ty awrkers were busy. A few children. prbably arena that ba4 kaown him before, gathered around tba count tb moment be entered the room. And they received instant recoarolTioa front their patroak ( "Cema on. ail yo Dtre ecdirer. ha said hi his own hearty. Muff way. "e must get to work bere." And away went tba anunt w!tb twenty children at bis heta At the Bret booOi tbey stf?t'rwl. The- count hmked sr-md and then remarked to tba yowasT wonuus presrnag awer the booth: T have a big family here aad tbey a3 wuit to take a caaaee." Thereupon be gnve each ana a dlma aad each purchased his cbaaea amai tha moet Jnyoua confusian. 9o it went en frcm one booth to the next until the entire round! had been made. It was a great day far the fair. The 'count gained many aew friends among tha children ba breed aa weO. After the round bad been made ba sat ta st a ne Just like the king of mne Juvenile kingdom with e!f!drea an both) his knees aad dimmita- all oear him and) eJateriaaT around him. One Brae bow went home that niartt aad told his mother be had beam with Santa Ciana all evening. And certainly tba patron saint of Cbrtat asaa sever did deeds of greater iTinliwes thaa Count Creigbtoa waa w3taa Bibi ran fly. Seaa- te tha feast Every person who ever tasted of tba boa pitaltty of Count Creigbtoa carried away from that noma a poem and a song ba his aeart. is remained, nowever. for one young aroaoaa to put this son- Into words. SOas Vh3la Cofflnj secretary of tha Cnlteds Statas Civil flei k.a commiaaloa, waa a warm rreuui or Jtra, treiaratoa and after death a frequent visitor at tha boa-, P stable manaloa at Twentieth and Chicaga treeta, which tha count called his fara aouaa" U was after taking- dinner thara ene summer day aad ssw lng tba evening a tha baantifttl laara that aha wrote the) jCowtng and sent tt totha aount. wba) greatly pleased wtth lti ODCNT CREIGHTOS" FARM HOUBIL Tall trees their aoadows Sins Aeroea the lawn. And tn the branches alng Tba birds at aawa. The walka are bordered round With pretty flowers Trjat ur1 from the ground Sweet perfumed showers. The ripened grapes era sees Upon tne arbor wail, amorut leaves of deepest green la clusters fad The mansion, high aad equasa. Ia eoiurs soft and gray. Los on tbeae acenea so fair By aigat aad day. The dorfl-a swing free aad widB Te friend and fna. And aitring aide by aids Are high aad low. And he. tba farmer hwag. Woo . weiconiaa all. To him la due a toast. The best of all. Here's to bia lovsl heart. His frtendsttis n-ue; Here a to tae noba part He's played all through. Itsa: may old Father Time HtS ditanca keep. Icig may we sing la rh: Our fnendahip dee; H h up your gli In aparkitcg wine: te-ak ta kag merry lis ja). raia aost et s Drink ta tha dear wbtte head. Tba Clean of snow. Of time beaow. CUnk. eilnk ye BU To aim w Wish all greed thing bsiow And aJ aauva Here's ta hia hrval heart. Hie fnandaaip true: Here te the enble part He s played all through. it & Bowery TLter "It Sadie Faner hoopla, who works ia da soap fert ry Her. aWae. wake opt Cucne out ef ttj Days a guy goia' ta ataca yer bureau ." Buck are tha dissireaatagaa ef playingl ha your ban: Sadie ebiiglairty awa hens. looarineT what angry." She Siwea vent to a sen tha tall gang aa t that aouada uaa rha aooa whistle- Ha ta be aer by rha wrist, "At last. Lady alone." ha bias -a Owvadoiya. we Toa wiH Bight sJ iwrhf. ia the rear at all rig la. the erensatj a. Tau wauld Ceurympia" howls he fa. alaiad fear, Doart be afraid, gadla. kuany guy's beack anT hi one seaa. Cat hwaa aa awing- eh him w-T yer rbpht. He) woe Ida t ba eaa. taa. free war ywuea. aaebenca Jnlna ta vociferous sum asrement ' aad advtca. ia ite. ha e Per. m oadTtrate. aad affalrw aa tha stags begta ta get tarii'mg adia ad the ta-1 maa struggle. But Just aa the "gea'stnvaa boigiar" ia about ta per- forta a sslracle aad overpower a lady three Oaves cis at a aad four fines bias weight, tba here ta heard coming aa the) aUey aa a horse that. tlfng by aoaaa. baa at Mgsna. tonaorrow ta Diamlr atav