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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
4 1' 'A CURRENT COUNCIL Office). 10 tIOI MEJTIO. r Dan-, ai-ug: . Btockert sells csrpets. k Fine engravings at LefTerta. . F.d Rogers' Tony Faust beer, j See Schmidt - elegant new .photos. 1 Phirnbfng and heating.. Blxby Bon. ; kets t-'uller, funeral director, 'phone VI. Wobdring Undertaking company. Tel. 33. iBrad;h.;.'rt.n: . V: .Mu!bo w 'iw f;, ' "V'T ,h" to Mexico to took after his mining interest. Jf?hJ "rP"e" tuT t5 bund dec oration Alexander Art H,tore. nW''A. AK INVESTMENT. BALK TO LKFFKRT ABOUT IT. tnv?f,EIH BOTTLED 1IKKR 18 f-A?-i.'U FlHUr-CIAsa BARS AND lAi-ES. 1 ROBEXFELD CO., DI8T. The Woman's guild of 8t. Pauls F.plsco pal church will meet Monday afternoon at the noma of Mr Emmet Tlnley on Willow avenue. , t ALL SIZES OF STORM DOORS, STORM SAbH, 8TOKM WINUOWa AND ,VV.l!iA.T,?Eh SAHIPS AT GEO. HOAG LA NUM. Illinois nut coal, delivered, R.D0 per ton; r'"'," !", .ou per ion. v iniarn weisn, 1 North Main street. Tel. 1ZH. Yuri! Kliriiih .suat and Eleventh avenue. Tel. r.T. - Kerr haa farms of different sixes to rent either ciah or erun rent. Houses " mmtr. uu iiiviiiujy iiaymrms. eia. i(ang 4o Red. MH Broadway, Council Blurts, la. Bylva May, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Mc Williams of 1'erclval, la,, dlml yesterday ut Mercy hospital, following an operation for appendicitis, tjhe was 2 year and 10 months of age. -Are you paying two prices-for mantles and gna bumerar If you are, we can cut the price In two for you. We handle Lind say self-lighting and Inverted mantles, also -all otber connections. W. A. Maurer. Roy Green, charged with the theft of two overcoats from the store of the Joftn Reno company,, has been bound over bv Justice . Cooper to await the action of the grand jury. In default of ball he was committed to the county jail. ' W. J. Ieverett will give a free store optlcan lecture In the auiMence room of I ho First Congregational church Monday vcn Ing under the suspires of the Young Men's Fortnightly cluh. His subject Will be "The: First Bridal Trip Across the Rockies." " W. If. Town, general agent of the Inter national Harvester company In this city, has been transferred to Des Moines, with a view of building up the companv's busi ness In that territory. Mr. Town will he succeeded here by Ambrose Crelftn. collec tion agent for the company In this city, i Mrs. Fteda Larson, wife of O. R. Larson, . 1S20 Eighth avenue, died yesterday morn. '. .lng from hoart trouble. Besides her hus band she leaves two suns. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon t 2:30 o'clock from the Swedish Lutheran churoh and interment will be in Falrvlew cemetery. Mrs. Henrietta Danltz, wife of John Da nils, died yesterday morning at her home in Lewis township, aged OS years.. Besides 'her husband, three daug'rers and two sons survive her.- Th (unfnjl will be held from-' tit. Paul's Evangelical cnurch In I'lumer settlement and burial wlll be In the Flumnr remetery. The body of Arthur Fussellmsn, v,:io .lied last Wednesday at Fremont. Neb., after a short Illness from heart trouble, aged it years, arrived In this city yesterday. The funeral will be held at 11:46 this morning from Cutler's undertaking rooms and Inter merit will be In Falrvlew cemetery. Ills wlfo' survives him. H. V, Battey, clerk of the district court, received over the telephone yesterday an Inquiry from Omaha asking If Edward Miller and ' Ida Wegworth iad "really" been married In this city. The persons making an Inquiry claimed to be an officer of the Juvenlh) court. The record show that Edward Miller, agd 4, and Ida Wra worth, aged 41. were married In this cltji Beptember 21 last by Justice Field. . The funeral services over the late Fred H. iHllU- secretary of the Empkle-Shugart-UlU company, held yesterday afternoon at 'the family residence on Third avenue, were attended by a large gathering of the repre sentative business and professional men of the city. Including- the officers of the Com mercial club. The floral tributes tilled a wn, tUv, Marcus P. McClure conducted tlia services, lntatment. which was private, Was In Falrvlew cemetery. The large attendance of his former class mates and friends and the numerous beau tiful floral tributes at the funeral yester day of Oeorge Harold Hollenbeck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse E. Hollenbeck, testified to the esteem and love In which he was held. "The services at the family residence. bW North Eighth, street, were conducted v Dy Rev. Marcus P. McClure of the First resoyterian cnurcn. inierniem, wnicu In Falrvlew cemetery, win private. The pallbearers, classmates of the deceased, were Harry Van Brunt, Roy Wilcox. Will Bchnorr, John Cooper and WUI Cutler. Jewelry If a diamond la of good color, well cut. and properly brilliant. It meets every es sential requirement of the diamond expert. Lefferts' diamonds measure up to the high est standard In these essentials, and, be cause he Is the only Importer In this sec tion of the state they cost you from 10 to 15 par oent less. No other gem can coin par with the diamond In 'beauty and luster. Aside from Its money value, it adds prestige and refinement to the owner. We handle a complete assortment ef set and unset, clear cut stones of the first water. No Imitation or ordinary stones. All are handled by him. Real Estate Transfers. These ranafers wei a reported to The Bee February It by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Anaelo A. Drlakell and wife and Kigali 1 DrlskeU and U to John Hisf, government lot I and nw4 -)rv, w. u e v.oia , laul Will to Francis R Bradley, -t . west H nw W-74-20, w. d Frank Whited and w-ifa to Samuel Bell, nw 4 nw le-7-3, w. d Minnie M. Akera to William Roper, Jr., lot X block 12, Ortmea' add. to Council Bluffs, la., w. d Louisa A. Smith, guardian, 'to D. A. MoCartar, s-21 Interest In lot 14, block i. Pierce's aubdWivton. Coun cil Blurts, la., gdns. Executors of estate of Jhn M. Phil lips to D. Drtscoll, lot i, Miu'k 33, -Kiddle's subdivision. Council Bluffs. la., ad in r a d AuKuat K. Or u ben and wife to D. A. I MuCarter, lot 14, block , Pierce's aubdlvlskfn, Oounutl Bluffs, la., w. d. K. H. Ingrattam and wife to D. A. McCarter. 2-21 Interest In lot 14. block a, PlKiws'a subdivision. Council . Bluffs,). Ia w - d William H. Smith and wife to D. A. McCarter.v- -ai . Interest In lot 14. block a, Pierce's subdivision, Council Bluffs, la., w. d Joseph T. Smith and fife to D. A. 321 107! 107 I Mcc-arter, .' l-n . interest in lot 14. block (, Pierce's subdivision, t'ounsil Bluffs, la,, w. d 107 Executor estate f M V. Follett to Christ Seeinan, iu'ji ll-ani IX block It Burns' addition, Counull Bluffs, lav Mrs. d....... . (S Steven transfers, total. CENTRAL VLOCR, 11.05 PER SACKS EVERT SACK WARRANTED. CENTRAL GROCERY AND MEAT .MARKET. jrHONES K BOHVENIR SPOONS IN GREAT VA RIETY. OF HANDLES AND HOWL DE SIGNS. GET ONE AT LEFFERTS. RE LIABLE JEWELERS. Marrlaarw Ureases. Licensee; to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Nam and Residence. ' Age Hertnao O. Stark. Emerson, Nsb i Minnie Bchopke, Emerson, Neb ......S2 T W. Oursley. South Omaha sasivina nnun, ttourn umana William Mitchell. South Omaha..." Ruby Soott, South Uinaha.4 Ales SAiith Om.K. ifarr Thomp')n. South Omaha!!!! A. Mlsr A Ca. New Location of Wholesale Bakery, . tl Myaater Street. Council Bluffs. Ia. Home-Mads Bread a Specialty, v - . ' Visitor Welcome. NEW SPRING WALLPAPER ARRIV ING- SEE W. . HEWETHON FOR NOV ELTY PICTVRES, MASONIC TEMPLE. NEWS, BLUFFS P-aH St. Tel. 43. CHARLES A. COOK RETURNS Cashier of lome Harreitini Company Beady to Face Chtreeg Ae;ainit Elm. v t CCMES BACK OF H.S OWN FREE WILL Bays Mia Owa .Money and that of the Company Went la Bpeealatlon Dealrea to Pay Penalty aad Relieve Ilia Mlad. Charles A. ' Cook of this city, formerly cashier of the Acme Harvesting Muchlne company, Ninth and Jackson ( streets, Omaha, who absconded on the night ; of November 23, with $1,237 of the company' money, has returned.' He arrived In Coun cil' Bluffs yesterday afternoon unheralded and unexpected even by Mn wife. To a reporter for The Bee who mef him Cook antd: ..j have Datk of niy own free. wl ,., .' th. ,,,.. .... . ... . to face ,h """- NcUher the bonding company nor the Acme company know that l am here. When I left Omaha to Novem ber, my only Idea was to get as far away as possible.. I had no definite plans, but In the state of mind I was In at that time most anything might Jiave happened. 1 did not really come to'myself until V had been In Galveston two or three days. 1 have a faint recollection of stopping In Kansas City a part of a day.. I stayed In Galveston until I got over my nervousness and then, for the! first time, realised my sluntlnn For n week before the crisis came I was on the verge of a physical and mentnt collapse, not so much from fear of punishment as from shame. I hava been In the south ever since I went away, and have now come back to make what amends I can. I am here to take my medicine, no matter how bitter It Is. "I am on my way to see my wife now, ahd then will telephone Mr. Olson, man nger of the Acme company, and do what ever he- says. All the money I had" an -J that which belonged to fhe company Went to feed the frenzied financiers and now. Its up to the people I wronged to say what shall be done with me." A wnrrnnt foK Cook's arrest was Issued from the court of Justice Cockrell In Omaha on the complaint filed by the local representative of the bonding company which was surety for Cook. Card of Tnnnks. We hereby extend to our neighbors and friends our heartfelt thanks for the sym pathy, help and beautiful floral offerings given during the recent Illness and de parture of our beloved wife and mother. JOHN OION AND FAMILY. ' OTTR MANfFACTTRINO DEPART MENT 13 PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY- REPAIRINO. WATfyi WORK. SPECIAL DESIGNS FTRNISHKD FOR. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. TRY VS. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. LEFFERTS. RELIA BLE JpWKLJSRS. Inodnr Services. First OMBtlan church. Rev. W. B. Clem n.rr pastor. Bible school . at 9:45 a. m. Preaching Services at 11 a m. and 7: p. m Morning sermon subject, "Eden, Ixst and Found." Evening sermon subject. "Some Strategic Points In the Christian Position." ChrisflmV baptism' will be administered at the close of the evening service. Christian Endeavor at :30 p. m. West End Christian chapel. Thirty-fifth street and West Broadway. Bible school at t p. rti., followed by an object lesson to young people by Rev. W. B. Clemmer upon "Jesus, God's, Mugnet." ' ' First Congregational church. Dr. Otter beln O. Smith pastor. Morning service at 10:. Evening sen-Ice at 5. Dr. Smith Is called to Ames to preach to the students of the state college fn the morning and deliver an address ' to the Young Men's Christian association In the afternoon. In hla absence Dr. D. B. Jenkins of Omaha will occupy the pulpit In the morning and Dr. T. H. Cleland, former pastor, will speak at the 6 o'ctock vespers. Sunday school nt noon. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Special music morning and evening. St. John's English Iutheran church. Rev. O. W. Snyder, pastor. Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. hi. Morning sermon subject, "The Food Needed;" evening ser mon subject, "The Sinner's Need." There Will be special music by the chorus choir I and solos by Prof. Carl F. Btough. Sunday school at S:46 a., in. and young people meeting at 7 p. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist, will hold services at 11 a. m. In the auditorium of the public library building, when the sub ject will be "Mind." Sunday school will be at 12:15 p. m. and the regular mid-week i testimony meeting Wednesday evening at o'ek-ck. at Paul's Episcopal church. Rev. H. W. 5630 Starr, rector. Holy communion it I a m.; niomlng prayer and sermon at 10. SO o'clock; 2' Sunday gchcl at noon; final address c j confirmation at 4 p. m.: evening prayer, l,Mi; baptism and sermon at 7:30 o'clock. Morn j ing sermon aubjeot, "Life's Occupatl(na;,, , evening sermon subject, "History and Meaning of Baptism." Dr. T. C. Illff of Omaha, assistant secre tary of the Church Extension Scclety and ISO : Fieard of Home Missions, will preach at the morning service at Broadway Meth ! odist Church. His topic will be "America) j for Americans." 8unday schorl will be at j noon and meeting of Kpworth league at 6:30 . m. The pastor. Rev. James O'May, will preach In the evening, his stibject be ing "The Burial of Moses." i' Dr. Illlff will preach this evening t Trln; lty Methodist church.-1 POF8 Tom VISION DIM-YOfR EYES PAIN AND WATER? IF BO, THEY NEED ATTENTION. GO TO LEFFERTS. RELIABLE JEWELERS, AND HAVE YOl'R EYES TESTED FREE. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP ! IRON. METALS AND RUBBER BY J. KATELMAN, 03 MAIN ST.. 'PHONE 8T0. Wood me a Opea Meetlaa. Hasel camp, Modern Woodmen of America, will hold an open meeting Thurs day evening, for which the following pro gram has been rrrpsred: Introductory Remarks Consul W. A. Ornneweg. Selection Camp musician. Neighbor Ttm mev. . BHef Tllstory Hasel Camp Neighbor W. H. Ware. , ., Mualc Miss Gralney. Acrobatic Vaudvtlle Acta. ' Fxplanstlon of Initiation of CanlMstes In Modern Woodmen of America Neighbor Tlnley. 8n Miss Bailey. Arldresa Neighbor Rev. O. O. Smith Music. Clock repairing. Broadway. O. Mauthe. tS West '" rinabt la MImH. William Jacotiea. wanted la this city on a rharse of arnvrorrlst Ing to Ms rwn uis HO.S. belinglna- to Ms employer, A. Mor aln. a rvHi!try d-sler - ESst P'ddwqy. N believed to h- under arrest at Oa!VHn, Mo. Yesierdny Chief Richmond received e-rd from the sheriff at Gallatin saying: "We THE OMAHA OF IOWA hare Jackw n for you." Although the name Is Incorrectly spelled, the local polloe be lieve that the man under arrest Is Jacques, Jacques, a few weeks ago, delivered a load of chickens for Mom In to WwKt and Company in South Omaha, for which he re ceived 114318. - When Jacques rVtorrwd he told Moraln that the check would ba spnt by mall. The next day Jacques failed to show up and theft Moraln learned that he had received the money for the load of chickens. I . ' ; LEFPERT IS SELLINO MdRE WATCHES THAN EVER BEFORE. WHTT BECAUSE HE FELI.S THE BEST AT A RIGHT PRICE. ASK TO BEE OUR SPECIAL VALUES AT 1.S0. ROBERT BtRN8 10c CIGA'R, OLT TIMES 6c and SPINA 10c CIGAR. MA LONET CIGAR CO., DISTRIBUTORS, COUNCIL. BLUFFS, IA. , Matters la District Court. In district court yesterday the Jury in the 5.0i0 personal Injury damage suit of Mrs. Ora Everett against1 the Omaha A Ctuncll Bluffs Street Railway company re turned a verdict In favor of the defendant company after a, comparatively short de nization. Judge Thornell made a new law assign ment. Included In which are three criminal cases. The trial of Heflry S. Smith, rbarged with bigamy. Is set for next Tues day, as Is that rif William Rolph, Indicted tn the charge of breaking and entering av drug store In the western part of the city. Rolph, who was arrested two days ago charged with the larreny as .bailee of a revolver belonging to William Hatha way, was sent to the county Jail yesterday by Police Judge Snyder for .five days. The second trial of Leon Losicr and Ed Moore on the charge of conspiracy in con nection with the fake foot races at Webb City, Mo., Is set for Wednesday. Loaler and Moore, who wi re alleged to have been Instrumental in parting Charles Gregory and.Wllllum Baikerbf this city from about $ts.0to of their wealth, were convicted and sentenced to three years each In the peni tentiary. On appeal the supreme court granted a new trial and both defendants have been out on ball. , As Judge Thornell, w"ho returned to his I.onia yesterday for over Sunday, has spme matters to attend to at Sidney, he ad journed court until Tuesday. i This Is the new law assignment: Tuefcday; February 19 Qundram against Randlett: State of Iowa against Smith: State of Iowa against Rolph. Wednesday, February State against Ixisler et al. ; Shtigart St Ouren Seed com pany against Ownes; Hawes, executor, against Haelohley. Thursday, February 21 Kannoyer against Omaha fk Council Bluffs Street Railway company. Friday, February Z5G1lbert against Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company. Monday", February 25 Ferris against Illinois Central Railroad company. SPECIAL PRICES ON ODD FORKS, TEA SPOONS, DESSERT SPOONS IN STERLING SILVER. LEFFERTS. RE LIABLE JEWELERS. ' I , N. T. Plumbing. Co. Tel. 250. Night, 60S HAST WEEK ' H BLt FFi SOCIETY Mlllett-W lckham W eddlna Most Rota, fcle Brest of the- W ekr .... Miss Florence Schroeder Is home from a visit to relatives In Indiana. Dr. F. P. Bellinger departs this week on a vacation trlpvof some length. ' The Maccabee Social club will meet next Tuesday afternoon in the Maccabees' hall. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. McDonald left Fri day morning for Colfax, la., whtre they will spend, some time, . . j , Miss Nina Gates-. of ' Chicago 1s the guest of-her parents,..Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Gates, 227 South Sixth street The Bachelor Girls' Card club will be en tertained Thursday - evening by - Mlsa Bru genhetnpke, at her home, 211 Sixteenth ave nue. is, W, II. Epla, it North Seventh street, left with his family Friday even ing for Portsmouth, la., where they will make their future hpml. The Flower Mission held Its regular meet ing Thursday afternoon at the home of Mis. Robert B. Wallace, 13 Turley avenue. A largn attendance was present. Professor Chambers is planning to give another of his enjoyable dancing parties on Friday evening, in commemoration of Washlngton'a birthday anniversary. The members of the C. M. L. club were entertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. George Deupree, 1X24 Fifth avenue. The aft ernoon was spent socially. Dainty refresh ments were served. This was the Ust meet ing of the club until after Lent. Miss Cecil Durham was pleasantly sur prised Thursday evening at her nome, 105 North tGth street, by a large number of her young friends. The evening was spent at games and music, refreshment being served during the evening Mr. and Mrs. C. D. F. Langfeldt, who returned Monday from their wedding trip, were surprised Tuesday evening at. their i.l.Kliahiul V, , . .11 A I ' 1.' ; f 1. 1 i. n 1 1 11 newly established home. 412 Fifth avenue, by about twenty-five ot their friends. The evening was spent at cards, refreshments being served late In the evening. The Economical Card club was enter tained Friday afternoon by Mrs. W. A 1x1! 11. HA Clark avenue. The afternoon was spent at cards, Mrs. I. Mucci being awarded the first prire and Mrs. Bradley the second prise. Mrs. Muccl will be hostess Friday afternoon I her home, isl Graham ave nut. The S. S. S. club wss entertained Thurs day afternoon by Mrs. John Martin, 1I5 Knepper street. The afternoon was spent at playing flinch, dainty refreshments be ing served at the close of the game. The club will be entertained February 27 by Mrs. J. M. Lanlnger, 6-2 Washington ave nue. The young men of the Western Iowa col lege entertained their friends at a most enjoyable dunclng party Tuesday evening at the Macrabee hall Nearly J young people were present and all enjoyed them selvea with the program of dances until a late hour. Dainty refreshments were served during the evening. Mrs. Gene Aldinger was delightfully surprised Thursday evening by a numbur of her' friends In honor of her blrlhoay ax Bar noma, ihird aveuue. A sor- , -j v u.ii , k ,1 q i'iAu uui me the evening, after which dainty reiresb- ! ments were served. Many beautiful pros ents were presented' to Mrs. Aldlngor. Mrs. F. P. Stiolls, 1S2 South Ninth street, entertained at a valentine party Thursday evening in honor of her daughter, Mia Fern's eighth birthday. The evening was spent at games and a dainty luncheon was served during the course of the evening. Miss Sholis received many pretty presents from her little friends in honor ot her birthday. Invitations have been Issued for the mar- riaeu (f l ai'lh Samuel A. lirrcm .ml j Miss Margaret lulling. The marriage will bride's brother, Mr. Guy T. Piillng. M Curtis street. Mimt Pilling is a graduate of the Council Bluffs High sc-liool In the class of '0o. They will be at home after March li at S3 Elder street. Miss Marion Tyler of this city, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Tyler, left Wednesday tor Chliagp, where she Was to Join a party In going to Nassau, Ba hama Isles, and where Miss Tyler will be the guest of Miss Jirey-N'elson. daughter of Governor General Sir William Grey Nelson of the Islands. Miss Tyler la to be gone several months. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Nell celebrated ', their twenty-ilrst wedding anniversary on fnterLiitnin num. ber of friends. The womeu of" 7h Z ' John English Lutheran church present Mrs. O Nell with a set of sterling silver spoons and a handsome Venetian dtsli In ltfuior of the occasion. Refreshments were served during the evening. Mrs. Ackers was pleasantly surprised Saturday afternoon by the members of the I nivetsity club gsthering at her home on North Seventh street to help her celelTate the occasion. Tho afternoon was spent socially and a general good time waa en joyed. , Dainty refreshments were served presented her with a han.l.,m. ..r... ,uo ' Ullfl f lh. t'tMA t. 111. m f. ..- , I" uu ai tn ciose ox ins Th- v .,... t-.- -T I The Younr swl'. r ...v - most enlovahl. rinin . i "?;e?f-yf d"neln .rt'r Monday even- "'..", V'"."-n"nl i-oiumnus ball. About 1 - wuiira n present, with a large crowd from Omaha. The danceae were costumed in ' calico and Jumpers " which helped to make merry the evening Refreshments were served during the even- SUNDAY 1W.V.: Fi:WUTAKY 17, M7 NO MATTER HOW SMALL U1-UUJ&. Tlie above la a pen sketch of the . A raFWP? fPfl!fnl TOfiiTOM W THIS IT WAS EASY FOE US IT Will BE and we will SELL FOR TRIT PI A WfJ P aCed m th,S 8ale are a11 of 1907 desiS115S "witli nil the latest improvements. fi. a.mvSJ were ordered for and on the way to one of Kan Francisco's leading dealers Tiano sold during this sale Will Be Guaranteed by Us to Be Perfect In Every Particular CHICKERINO BROS., SOHMER, . J. & C. TISHER, WAGMAN, , PRICE & TEEPLE, FRANKLIN, JACOB DOLL, SPECIAL NOTICE The prices we have placed on these fine Pianos are so VERY LOW, that they will greatly surprise competitors as well as buyers. fng, and the merrymakers enjoyed a royal good time until late hour. . The Jolly Sixteen Card club was enter tained Wednesday evening by Mrs. Sohlcketans at her home on Benton street. The evening was spent et high five, Mr. Mitchell being awarded the llrst gentle man's prlxe and George Wesley the booby prize. Mrs Mitchell was awarded the first woman's prise and Mrs. Brunner the booby prise. The club will be entertained next week by. Mrs. Spare at her home, 14 Ave nue A. i The University club was entertained Wednesday afternoon at the home of J4rs. Meyers Hanson, iti Lawton Terra-je. This being guests' day the afternoon was spent socially. Music and reaUl.ig filled a short program, after which the guests partlclpated in a guesslna; contest,. El which Mrs. Powslee won the prize, a handsome book of poems. There were about thirty-five present. Painty refsenn ments were served at the close ot tho afternoon, Mrs. Lee will entertain the club next Wednesday" afternoon st a reg ular meeting at her home on Park avenue. The weddlrtg ct Miss Kate M. Wiekham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Janus Wlckham. 4 Franklin avenue, and Mr. Thomat M 1 lett of Gohllleld, New, was solemnized Tuesday morning at St. Francis Xavier'a church at 8 o'clock. Nuptial high mass was celebrated by the RrvvTather Mullen. The enure a was gorgeously decorated with IHtltns, white flowers and candies. Tho bride entered the church on the arm if her father to the strains of the wedding march from "Iohengrln," and was mt at the altar by the bride's brother and sister, Mr. Bernard Wlckham and Miss Nel.iw, Wlckham. Th bride was dreeJ In a blue broadcloth traveling suit. During the ceremony Miss Lula Ttioll assisted st the organ. During the offertory Mr. James Muluueen sung Mutiny's "Ave Maria" with great effect. The happy couple left the church to the s trains rf's "Wedding Mai-ell." At the home of the bride a weddlnvr breakfast was served at which Immediate relutlves and friinds were present. Miss Wlckham was onepf the most popular teachers In the Cornell Bluffs and mah& public schools, having but recently resigned her poaftion as super visor of pvntnansHlp and drawinif In tha schools or . this city. She was for a time associated with the schools In Omaha In the cur,aclty of art instructor, flrl h-s been under the instruction of some of the mort famous artists in the country. Mr. Mlli'tt is owner of a numlier of the best mires In Gol,1.1eld. At 11:16 the bridal party left for ! Angies. O.I., where ihe.y will spend a few weeks almig the coast, and thea refjin to G..ldheld. New Mr Millett s home, wltere they will make their resi dence. Iowa Sfm Xotes. ATLANTIC J. M. Young was seriously injured In a runaway accident. He was on his vay to Kxlra when his horse beoam frightened and threw hlin out, breaking trn 1-l:.a a n.l Rnrlitnulv l.rnluin fa..L anu dov W'ATEF RLOO Mrs. C. G. Steams of this place has Just had removed from her ear a petrified pea which hus been In Iter eir from childhood. It had caused partial deaf Ms. Mrs. btearns has no idea how trie pea got In her ear. BCHLE8WIQ Alex Kllngberg. a young man living about seven miles north of town, fell off an 80-foot windmill Idwer, and lived but a few minutes after the ac cident. Ills hip and leg were broken In several places, and h suetulned Internal injuiles. PERRY A warrant lias been issued f. r the arrest of J. liuhner, a farmer neir Jamaica, who Is changed with htlng 11101 tgucted his property, renin tgaging it sn.i'ihen selling It outright. He is chin gel with having dune all this In the C'jursa of two days. AMES As a result of the revival meet ings held with the asuiatunce of Rev. E. K. Flint of Creston al Tabor Congregational church fifty new members will be miiiod to the. roll Sunday morning. At the close ot the service co;;nnunlun will be adii'inistercil by the pastor. Dr. J. W. Fei tier. M ist of the new members are college students. IDA G ROVE Twenty -two Ida Grove trchnol children, moit ol them under ton ' Cf al death at 11 aue. had a narrow escupa fro 11 . ii mi 11 nr ihhinii rn . n , i. .. . ., . , . ' jN'.iinwisurii ?" k1"" . k. V ?t '"'.- !.: the youngsters back and forth to fchooi. did n t hefar tile engine whistle and tile pussenyer iraln was on top of hlin b fore he knew It. Engineer Joe Hum-ruff mid st) triiiergency stop and missed the bus by a scant foot. ATI-ANTIC District court haa adjourned until February ii, with but one Jury trial completed. Frank t-herldin, diared with Illegal .sale of liquor, was found guilty. 'Ihs case of th g lariians of the Peterson l.i,ti - i , OW.II. KIIU 0SI1V 1111- 'l.u.;'.w dumages iwc-ause of the d.uth of the cnimren, wnien. it a eiuiuran, wn.en. was a.iegea, waa . a.ia.o ov cesspool tni m cniegxii picking estab lihhment iriaintalned by defendant 11.n11m.-1v and which had consumed tl.e .,n!r. of one term of court, with hundreds of exrtert. witnesses, resulting In jt. diatcrer rn-nt i t the Jury, waa settled by the pay. ue guardian and tluO each to the otber tao. YOUR INCOME, IF IT 13 REGULAR, YOU CAN AFFORD TO FKICE ARE THE LOWEST wreck on the local rullrutwl, from whom - OF ALL UKKAT MOXKY . v. --.a Ti. TV"-- law. fT AV. ' I . -T . - sr. . - V ' . ft . i-. .. - ' f W GREAT SALE OF PIANOS EASY F ElefkT If I J CASH OR ON REMARKABLY THE FOLLOWING LINES ARE REPRESENTED: BAILEY, LESTER, DAVENPORT & TRACY, DECKER & SONS, KINGSBURY, BEHR' BROS., EMERSON, CARLETON, . CHICKERING & SONS, If M it Douglas Street Entrance Phone. Douglas 2600 HOUSE REFUSES It) ADJOURN J'eoibjn Tan Down Beiolntion of Senate Taie a Fm Dty' East - DESIRE TO FINISH 'UP AND ADJOURN Bill Passes Hoaae Flxlngt Mlalssnai Rate for Frateraal hisaranee Com panies at Flsrorea of Amer ican Fraternal Congreaa. (From a Start Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Feb. 18 (Special.) The house this afternoon tabled the resolution pasaed by the senate to adjourn from February 28 to March 5 to give the mem bers a chance to be at their homes to look after matters of business arising March 1. Doran of Boone got unanimous consent to take up the- resolution Just as the house was adjourning tho afternoon session. The refusal of the house to take a recess of five days was the moat eventful thing In an . otherwise very dull day's session. Meredith of Cass spoke against the ad journment. He said he was here with his family and had closed his office In order to come here and the five days' recess woold be of no service to him, Ne wanted To attend to business and reach final ad journment.- It struck a responsive chord with the members and after amending tho resolution so as to make It read that when tho house adjourn February 28 It be to the next morning at 10 o'clock, the house tabled the whole thing. Senators will have to remain and work as, according to tha law. one body- cannot adjourn for more than three days without the consent of the other house. The senate probably will' hold no session March 1, adjourning February 28 to March !, or else the member will go home without adjourning and leave but a mall number who will be In the city any way to meet and adjourn till the next day. House Bills Pnsaed. The house today passed the bill-fixing a minimum rate to be charged by f -sternal Insurance companies, one of the measurea recommended by the Insurance commis sion. The rates fixed are the American fraternal congress rates. . The bill by Frudden , to make the law as to the appointment and compensation of police matrons applicable to special char ter cities was passed. The bill by McAl lister to provide- for the assessment of rural and farm telephone lines was de feated. Two bills by Lister, giving greater powers to the Board of Educational examiners; a bill providing for the atate regulation of employment offices; a bill by Baseom re lating to publication of notices of ques tions to be submitted to the voters were passed. i-asa nrnnnri mil. The bill by Brands of Pottawattamie providing for Increasing the age limit of children admitted to the 8chool for the Deaf at Council Bluffs from 21 to J5 years was passed. fraate Proeeedlaus. In the senate today the Newberry bill providing a penalty for mlabrandlng paint? end oils passed and the senate also passed a bill making the position of document Ilbiarlan statutory and fixing' the salary at tl.30O. A bill by Senator Bruoe author ising town! to laaue bonds In anticipation of Indebtedness was parsed. i fVnate Bills By Saunders, making wide tires compulsory; by Klinmel, providing for convict labor i bo used In making binder twine; by Wilson of Fayette, providing for recording voles; by Saunders, lucre-islng the pay of county auditors. House HIIIh- By lUnnin provldlns 'for publication of notice thirty days prior to circulating petitions of consent for brew eries snd salimns; by Swan. t encourafln? the owning of homos by making the taxes lighter than on other property and frr the regulation of tenement houses: by Lister, tn aalea of llijuor: by Hamilton, making lUe insure noe policies exempt from taxation; by Clary, providing for a b ard of examiners of Optometry. la Warmest February. According to the records la the local weather office this Is tke warmest Feb EVER OFFERED INVESTIGATE. w pnrrhnsetl the rinno that we are now SAVIXfcM'lANO 8ALKS. which opened Saturday morning' at 8:00 a. m. HAYDEN BROS, have broken all previous records in the 1'iano business. In the cumber of Pianos sold is the record broken, to establish a new mark for the reason that NEVER IN AMERICA HAVE PIANOS OF SUCH HIGH QUALITY BEEN BOLD AT SO LOW A PRICE. during this great sale to have can sl)0W to yUT fri.n(ls th 10 nit: nuuuit jl une ut EASY TERMS. OHASE, 1 RELL, VOSE & SONS, SCHUBERT, CAMP & CO., ruary that Iowa haa had In sixteen years. The records thug far show the ave'rage temperature to be 58. In 1904 It was 62, In 1899 it was 60, in 1906 It was 62 akd In 1802 It was 66. If the present t em pe rat lire Keeps up It will exceed 1H02. ' Retiring; Repnrder Sued. LOGAN. Ia.; Feb. l.-(Speclal.)-Tom C. Smith, attorney for Harrison county,-has brought suit against H. L. Harvey, out going recorder. In the sum of 300. Wlien Harvey turned over hla 1906 fees he de ducted $1,600 ks his salary and the Board of Supervisors maintains that $1,!00 Is the correct figure. The Amextoan Bonding com pany of Baltimore Is also named as a de fendant, being sued on Hartley's bond. Harrtsrtn county also sued the Lehan Dcug company and F. E. TSellers, both drug deal ers at Dunlap, to restrain them front the Illegal sale of Intoxicating liquors. Terrt pnrary Injunctions have been Issued against them by Judge Wheeler. Two Arrested for Kidnaping;. ' SIOCX CITY, Ia., Feb. 16.-E.' E. 8chi-)mpf, f, bill poster aged 29, and a wo man known at 'Mrs. C. M. Mearham. aged M, are bllng held by the local police gt th! 'teuuest of Sheriff J. W. Dregor of Minneapolis, who has a was rant for their arrest on the charge of kidnaping th flre-year-old son of Schrimpf, who wag In the custody of his wife at Minneapolis, The child was 1n the company of Mrs; Meacham' when the latter waa arrested here this evening. WITNESS ALLEGES , THREATS Man Who Will Testify Against Mob Says lie Was Driven' from Home. " CHATTANOOGA. Tsun., Feb. l.-On ap pltcatlon ,of the government a recess, was take n in the Shlpp contempt case yester day Until' some dale late in March. Two moTO alleged lynchers. "Bar" Justice and Luther Williams were n tuned today. Announcement was mhde by officers of the government that Stnnerypher, Ihe str witness against four of the alleged lynche- had filed' with District Attorney Penland a letter signed "Lynchers" that he received shortly after the hanging of Edward John son. This letter warned Stonecypher. o It Is claimed, to leave Chattanooga or his hems, would be blown up. According to the. report there alleged lynchers later, thinking they had told Stonecypher too much, berged him not to repeat the statements they made to him.' It Is alleged that Stonecypher told them that If called upon by the government he would tell the truth, whereupon the alleged, lynchers. It Is said, became indignant. In a day or two, it is said, be received a letter telling htm that If he did not leave Chattanooga hla house would be blown up In forty-eight hours. This letter Is eigmd "Lynchers." The letter. It Is alleged, seemed to hsve little effect on Storecypher. but his wife becoming badly frightened, persuaded her , husband t-j move , to Cohutia, Ga their former home. '. FATAL FiRE IN VIRGINIA C'aeaaltlee Fnlleer Flames Which Come front Overlaraed Lamp at Alexandria: r ALEXANDRIA, Va., Feb. lC-One death from excitement and exposure, six firemen overcome by smoke, one badly burned about the face and arfcther Injured by a fulling , brem, and damage amounting to UO.Vrt were the reault f-f a fire which, when finally subdued early today, had destroyed Wedderburn row, a block of houses oa Albert street, between Oron-eo and Pendle ton street, Alexandria, last night. The fire waa caused by the overtiming of a lighted lamp. Mra. Sarnh E. Skill man, an aged woman, was ill In bed pneumonia. When th flames extended to her home she was carried to the side wa!k, but died while being hurried to the hospi tal In an ambulance. Sis firemen were overcome by smoke; . . i , Li , , rn H offering In this. TI1K iRETKST v - a Piano in your home that you pride, for the reason that each iiiiurica b ioremosi iapiorifq lactones They Every HENRY and S. G. i , LTNDERMAN, WELLINGTON, BOSTON, CABLE, REMBRANDT, and SEVERAL OTHERS. WARDING. At the rate sales are being made, this ftock will not last long, so be on the , alert. This is your opportunity. George Walter waa burned About the face and John Travis, a volunteer fireman, was struck by a falling beam and rendered un conscloug. An explosion In . the saloon owned by P. T. Everett in pne of the burned building, while the fire was in progress, caused great excitement, knocking several firemen and spectators to the ground. It was sup posed to have been caused by a barrel of whisky becoming overheated and exploding. TORPEDO BOATS IN COLLISION Vesavlns Tears a Hole Flftci ret. Long In the Side of the Hopkins. ' ' .' KEY WEST. Fla,, Feb. 16.-The torpedo destroyer Vesuvius, returning from range practice last night, collided with the tor 'pedo boat Hopkins . at the government wharf. . The Vesuvius struck the Hopkins on the port side, opposite the conning tower, rip ping a hole fifteen feet long, from the water line to the conning tower, and pene trating three feet. The lines on the Hop kins from the wharf broke, which prob ably prevented the Vesuvius going through the other vessel. Quick action on the part of the officers and crew saved the Hopkins from sinking at the wharf. No one wag Injured. f The naval yacht Mayflower was here this morning with Assistant Secretary of the Navy Truman H. Newberry and party. They Inspected the naval station and sailed this afternoon for Havana. - PROMINENT BUTCHER; TAKEN Former City Meat Inspector Acoased of Participating;' la St. Louis ' Pulley Gam. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 16.-C. D. Brokat, former city meat Inspector, who waa arrested last night on the charge of participating In the operation of a policy game in St Louis, was unable to secure a bondsman UUa afternoon. Brokat, who Is prominently known, la T years old and reputed to be wealthy. Al though he has frequently signed bonds for the release of others, he was unable to get himself out of eustody. Chief of Detectives Smith said Brokat was taken before th grand Jury. i i . PRESIDENT NAMfIS NEBRASKANS Nominates ''poaliuaatevs , mt Central 'City. Eineraea, Fnllertoa aad ' ' Other Places. " WASHINGTON. Feb.. li.-Tbe president toduy sent to the senate the following nominations: , Postmasters: Illlnnls-J. T. Kline. Jollet: Porter. Martinsville; E. D. Cook, Hooper Clly; E. 8. Baker, Roblnaon; T. G. Laws luneen. luwa c. u. foweil, Kxlra; O W Coys, Guthrie Center; E. M. Cas, Sumner' Kansas J. M. Morgan. Osborn; C. O Webber, Stafford; C. Smith.. Washington; Uf A H,n"clinan St. Francis. Missouri W. T. Elliott. H.uston. Nebra.ka-I. B Tyndsll. Central City; 8. F. Cobb, Kmer sn; J W. McClelland. Fullerton: C. E, Stlne. Superior: W. Tressier, Ogalalia- T C. Cronln, Spalding. ' Heavy llamas; gait .Battled. NEW YORK, Fb. lC-On of tha largest settlements ever made by a railroad com pany In a suit for personal injuries was closed yesterday when' the sction of Ed ward KJrlst of New Rochelle for 1300 000 damages against the New York Central jiaiiioou ihiiiiiii7 was seiut-u lor Xoti.ouo, Mr. Klelst. who is ia years old. was riiilnv In a Nw Haven car on Deceinlier 1(1, ltna. when T-iarirm train crasnea InLo lr Mr Kieist suffered a broken hip, became paralysed and lost th power of speech. ' Money for Trait lastllatloa. -EW YORK. Feb iH.-By ths will of Mrs. Mary H. Pralt.l widow of Charles Pratt, who was a prominent official In the Standard Oil company, fllud yeaterday In t" urrogat s office, the greater portion of the estate Is bequeathed to Pratt in stitute, which was founded by Charles Pratt. There are also a number of other charitable bequests. While the amount of th estate te not given. It Is known that the old Pratt estate amounted to several uulUuus. EUY A PIANO FROM THIS