Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Leotta feuon Eu Eid Little Enbdninc
Iffsot Tntii Far.
PrtMiiM ! Half Dairi Attractive
TUItlnc Girls laaarra Fashionable
Bet Against Stagnation
Erti In Lent.
Elaatla Paraar.
A man there was, and he loved a maid.
A. mnld demure and trim,
lie took per far In hla auto-car.
And made her the wife of him.
And ha said: "We ll never, never part,
For verily I've loat my heart!
A man there way. and the gleam of lore
Orew dim In Either eye.
Alaa, all noon did the boneympon
Trail oft Into a sigh.
And when from her he wished to part.
The aame phrase aerved: "I've loat my
heart l'r M .
, Toung's Magaclne for March.
, Tbe aortal Calendar.
MONDAY Qui Vive dance at Chambere;
Pone Meren'a club, Mra. W. i. Brad
buryj Mra. J. R. tScoble, Monday bridge
club; Mr. and Mra. W. B. Megele,
Koundera club. ' , .
TUESDAY Mra. Robert Dossier. Social
. Lpsen club; Mra. J. Mandelberg, Tuea
day Whlat club.
WEDNESDAY La Veta card club, Mra.
W. H. Wlgman at home of Mra. T. J.
Morlarty; Mr. and Mra. Hoi Bergman,
evening card party for Miaa Evelyn
Bergman; Mra. Oeorge H. Kelly, bridge
, luncheon club; Mra. George Stevena and
Mra. A. E. Phtlllpa, G. C. Luncheon
THI RSDAY Mra. John Roaa, Jr.. March
Innette club; Mra. John A. Sunderland,
evening party for Thimble club.
FRIDAY Hanicom Park dancing party
at Chambera; Child Having Institute,
tea from 2 to 6; Flrat anniversary of
Pioneer's association; Misses Margaret
and Elizabeth Grant, a fancy dreoa
pATt'RDAY Mr. and Mra. H. N. Wood,
Harmony club; Mr. P. N. Dodge, dinner
at Omaha club; Teacher'e Annuity as-
' soclatlon tea at home of Mr, and .Mra.
E. M. Fairfield.
The festivities of the aeaaon were brought
. to an end Wednesday, and aoclety donned
the traditional sackoloth and aahea. Only
i ia name these days, however, for recep
' tlona, bridge parties and other forma, of
entertainment, with the exception of
dances, go on at much the aame pace a
' little alower, perhaps, but hardly a per
ceptible abatement February la one of
the jollleat months of the year, and austere.
Indeed, la the person who can wtthatand
the lnvltationa for a good time It oalla
forth. Holidays and feaat daya fairly trip
over each othera heels, so rapidly do they
come. St. Valentine's day Is one of the
red letter days of the month and Ha ar
rival last Thursday was widely celebrated,
besides affording most attractive oppor-
tunltlcs for decorating, many valentines
were sent and received. Some shake their
heads and aay "I am too old for such
foolishness." Why ahould they be, when
klnga and queens In olden times received
their valentines with much revelry, and
i we are merely Imitators of an old custom?
It la aald the origin of this typical custom
merged to us from the 'cloud card of
3reek mythology, encircled as It de
scended with a halo of fluttering dovea of
Venua and love-tipped arrows of Cupid.
Since the arrival of Lent no large or
conspicuous function has been given, but
there has been a continuous round of small
and Informal affairs, which Is character-
Istlo of Omaha, especially when several
exceptionally attractive visitors are the In
plratlon. Miss Phoebe Smith has as her
guests Miss Lake of Evanston. 111., and
Mlna Humstone of Brooklyn, N. Y. Ml
' Harris of Portland is visiting Miaa 'Faith
Potter, Mlsa Maude Rlaser of Lincoln
. Neb., la the guest of Mrs... Klmer Rankin
and the most recent arrival la Mra. Thomas
Bcott of Norfolk, Va., who la being enter
talned by the Mlaaea Curtis- Miss Daisy
Doane is expecting a gueat Wednesday
Charcoal Stops Gas
On Your Stomach
Wonderful Absorbing Power of Char-
, ' coal When Taken In the Form of
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges
Trial rackage Bant Tree
Charcoal, pure, simple charcoal, - ab
sorbs 100 times Us own volume ot gas.
Where does the gas go toT It Is Just ab
sorbed by the charcoal, the gas disap
pears and there is left a pure, freah, sweet
atmosphere, free from ail Impurities and
That's what happena to your stomach
When you take one or two of Stuart's
CbarcoaJ Loienges, tho most powerful
purifiers science has yet discovered.
You belch gas In company, sometimes.
by accident, greatly to your own humili
ation. That Is because there Is a great
amount of gas being formed in your atom
sch by fermenting food. Your stomach
la not dtgeatlng your food properly. Oat
la Inevitable. . Whenever this happens Just
take on or two of Stuart's Charcoal Loi
enges right after eating, and you will to
surprised how quickly they, will act. No
mors belchlngs; no mora sour . risings
Eat all you want and what you .want, and
than If there Is any gaa going to be
formed, one of these wonderful little ab
sorbers, a Stuart Charcoal Losenge, will
take cars fit all the gaa.
'Ana it wiu ao more than that. Every
particle of Impurity In your stomach and
Intestines la going to be carried away
by tbe charcoal. No one seems to know
why It does this, but It does it wonder
fully. You notice the difference In you
, appetite, general good feeling, and In the
purity or your blood right away.
"" " uwie in you
mouth or bad breath, either from drink
lng, sating or amoklng. Other people will
notice your bad breath, quicker, than you
will youraelf. Make your breath pure,
fresh and sweet, so when you talk to
ethers you won t disgust them. Just on
or two Stuart Charcoal Lpsenges will
make your breath sweet, and make YOU
feel better all over for It. You can eat
. all the ontons and odorous foods you want.
and no one can ten tne difference.
Besides, charcoal " Is the "best laxative
known. You can take a whole boxful and
, no harm will result. It Is wonderfully
saay regulator.
And then, too. It filters your blood.
every particle of poison' or Impurity In
your blood la destroyed, and you begin to
notice the difference ia your favs Are
thing, your clear complexion.
Btuarts inarcoai Losenges are made
from purs willow charcoal, and 4 Just
little honey la put In to make them
palatable, but not too sweet.
They will , work wonders In your stom
ch, and make you feel fine and fresh.
Your bkKd and breath will be
Ws want to prove all thia to you, ao
Just send for a free sample today. Tht
after you get It and use it, you will
like them so well that you will go to your
druggist aad get a 2io box of the
Stuart's Charcoal Losengea
Bend us your name and address toda
and we will at once send you by mall
sample pockage free. Address. F.
Stuart Co t Stuart Bid. Marshall,
from Washington, so with this array of
vlsltora lethargy la Impossible.
Now la the time that winter Is breaking
up, and the delightful spring-like days ot
the last week have promoted an enthusi
astic anticipation of spring amusements.
The base ball season always has Its
charms; the automobiles will soon be
tooting the honk horn on long pleasure
tripe; the, sailors at the lake will be get
ting their boats In readiness; the Field and
Country, clubs will open and before one
la hardly conscloua of It spring and sum
mer will have supplanted the pleasures of
winter with entirely new diversions and
there will scarcely be a regret for their
F.naaaem4its and Weddlnare.
Mr. and Mra. A. P. Howea of Plnlr. Neb.,
nnounce the engagement of their daugh
ter, Mlas Helen Loralne, to Dr. William
Morgan Holler.
Cards have been received for the wedding
of Mtsa Hasel Mines of Hastings, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mines, and Mr.
Wlllard Barrows, formerly of this city.
The ceremony will take plnce February V
at the home of the brlde'a parents, "The
Bostwlck." Mr. and Mra. Barrows will be
at home In Hastings after April 1.
The engagement ha been announced of
Mlsa Blanche Elisabeth Waterman, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mra Lyman Waterman,
and Mr. Ronald Lawson Peterson. Both
of the young people have a lnrge number
of friends In Omaha, who are profuae In
their congratulatlona. Miss Waterman Is
tall, striking brunette, with a charming
personality, which has won admiration and
popularity for her. Mr. Patereon, who la
aon of the lata George Patereon, is a
Yale graduate and a social favorite.
A brilliant wedding was solemnised
Thursday evening when Miss Luclle Wini
fred Dennis, daughter of Mrs. Jeannle
EUxabeth Dennis, and Harry Albert Snyder
were united In marriage at the home of
the brjdes parenU, 2004 I street. South
Omaha. Rev. R. L. Wheeler officiated. The
parlor where the marriage lines were read
as tastefully decorated In a color scheme
of white and green. The bridal party stood
under a canopy of white bells and aspara
gus ferns, with a background of palm,
hey entered to .the Lohengrin wedding
march played by Mr. Slmma. '"Oh, Promise
Me" wae aung by Mlsa Edith' Dennis. The
bridal party was preceded by Miss Beat
rice Farrar and Mlsa Evelyn Proaser, hleces
the bride, who stretched the rlbbona.
Miss Nellie Rawley acted as bridesmaid
and was gowned In pale blue silk mull and
carried pink roses. The bride was becom
ingly gowned in white opera batiste with
trimmings of German" val lace. Theodore
Helgren was beat man. Following the cer
emony an Informal reception was held and
buffet supper served. The dining room
was decorated in red and punch was served
among a half circle of palms. Mr. and
Mra. Snyder left the aame evening for
Kansas City. They will be at home after
March 11
The wedding of Mlsa Cora Klmmell,
aughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Knott, to
Clarence B. Wall of Guthrie Center, la..
tcok place February 8 at the residence of
the brlde'a parents, 1923 South Fourteenth
street, Rev. H. L. Mills performing the
ceremony, only relatives and close friends
being invited. The bride wore a gown of
pale, blue allk and carried a bouquet of
American Beautlea. The. ceremony was
followed by a supper. The young couple
received many beautiful presents. After
wedding Journey Mr. and Mrs. Wall
will reside at Guthrie Center, la.
Social Cblt-Cbat.
Mrs. W. J. Connell has been 111 at her
home on South Twenty-fourth street for
the past week and ia atlll confined to her
Four Omaha boys will appear in a mu
sical extravagansa soon to be given by
the cadets of Blees' Military academy at
Macon, Mo. Charles E. Mets and Arthur
Stors have been assigned to two of the
leading parts In the production. J. Ralph
Bailey and Crosby Wyman are caat aa
plratea in the chorua. "Polly and the
Pirates" Is an original musical comedy.
written by Captain R. E. Dakin, assisted
by other members of the faculty. It n-
quires nine leading characters and a chorus
of thirty. The parts of the leading women
and chorua girls are all taken by cadets
In a manner; It la said, to deceive the un
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. Ella C. . Nash, Mrs. Thomas B
Scott of Norfolk, Va.; Miss Curtis, Miss
Carlta Curtis' and Mrs. Howard Bald
rlge made up a dinner party . at the Omaha
club Wednesday.
Mrs. E. 11. Howland entertained In
formally 'at cards Friday evening in honor
of, Mrs. Walter J. Austin of St. Louis.
Prizes were won by Mrs. Edward Getten,
Miss Daisy Rogers and Mra. Montgomery
Harris. ,
Mra. C. T. Zwlsler entertained the Q. C.
Luncheon club Monday afternoon. .Follow
ing luncheon' high Ave was played and the
prize waa won by Mra. Robert Neely. The
club will be entertained next Wednesday
by Mra Oeorge Stevena aad Mrs. A. E.
Phillips, at the home of Mra. Stevena.
Miaa Dorothy Petheram entertained de
lightfully at a Valentine card party-)
Wednesday evening, her guests being:
Misses Minnie Eldrlge, Florence Mason,
Nan Eldrlge, Ethel Eldrlge, Winifred, Wil
cox; Messrs. Sam Crozer, Will' West, Ed
Hustead, Gwyer Yatea, Car Porter and
Julea Greevy.
Mra. Scott of Norfolk, Va., waa
honor guest at a pretty dinner given
Thursday evening by Miss" Curtla and
Mlsa Carlta Curtla. Covers were laid
for Mrs. Scott. Miss Daisy Doane, Miss
Curtis, Mlsa Carlta Curtla, Captain Poao,
Mr. Chat Redlck, Mr. Earl Gannett and
Mr. Phillip Red.
Members of the former choir of the Diets
Memorial church tendered a surprise party
last Friday evening to Mrs. F. H. Smith
at her home. Tenth and Pacific afreets.
Mra. Smith waa formerly organist at the
church for a number of years and a most
delightful time Is reported by the partici
pants of the party.
A pretty1 dinner was given Wednesday
evening by Mr. and Mra. Ralph B. El
liott, the table being adorned, with nar
cissus and hyacinths. . Candles under roue
shades reflected a pretty light. Covers
were laid for Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Fuller,
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Knlttle. Mias Fuller,
Mr. George Evans of New York and Mr.
and Mr. Elliott.
The Dinner Bridge club was delightfully
entertained Friday evening by Mr. and
Mra C. W. Hull. High scores were made
by Mra. A. L. Reed and Arthur Remington.
Thoae preaent were: Mr. and Mra. Howard
Baldrlge, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Redlck.
Mr. and Mra. A. U Reed, Mr. and Mra
Arthur Remington, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Colea and Mr. and Mra. Hull.
Mr. and Mra. John Campbell enter
talned the Orchard Hill Whlat club at
their hojne Saturday evening. Thoae pres
ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Cunalngham, Mr
and Mra. Conklln. Mr. and Mra. Charlea
Davla. Un and Mra. McCoy, Mr. and Mra.
Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Filcke. Dr,
and Mrs. McClanahan, Mr. and Mrs. Mik
Van Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Alderson and
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. U. Stors celebrated the
Mis Adrlenne Walker entertained at
Valentine high five party Thursday even
ing. The house waa attractive with trim
mlnga of red roses and valentine emblems.
Four tables were used snd the prises were
Won by Mr. end Mra C. A. Henry. The
consolation prises were awarded to Mra
Philip Wlndhelm and Fred Knelt. Her
guests were: Miss Agnes Lynch, Miss
Oertrude Lynch, Miss EstheT Danlelson,
Miss Anna Danlelson, Miss Adrlenne
Walker, Mr. and Mra. Philip Wlndhelm.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Walker. Mra. Allen. Ed
Ely f Auburn. Neb.; F.d Phelan of Chi
cago, Fred Knell. Mark Walker, Ous Dan
lelson and Guy Walker.
A delightful valentine party waa given
leat Thursday by the N. N. club at the
home of Mra Frank Carney, 1650 North
Seventeenth street. The parlors were taste
fully "and appropriately decorated In honor
of St. Valentine. Mrs. Gani won the first
prise and the second prise was awarded
to Mrs. A. A. Stockham. The next 'meet
ing of the club will be held at the rest- 1
dence of Mm. Gans, Twenty-fifth and
Webster streets.
Mra. L. IX Vogel entertained Thursday
at a pretty kenstngton for her dsughter,
Mrs. J. -W. Austin of St. Louis, and her
aister, Mra. L. N. Goodrich of Missouri
Valley. Her guests were: Mra. W. J. Aus
tin, Mrs. L. N. Goodrich, Mrs. E. H. How
land, Mrs. D. T. Murphy, Mrs. D. Cameron,
Mrs. R. Cameron, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs.
White, Mrs. Mary Ettlnger, Mra. ,H. J.
Etttnger, Mra. J. Johnson. Mra. Jennlson,
Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Dennis, Mra Mayall
and Mlsa Howland. .
Mra Thomaa Scott of Norfolk, Va.,
waa honor gueat at a dinner given Sat
urday evening by Mr. and Mra. Howard
Baldrtge. The table had an elaborate cen
terpiece of red and yellow tullpa and
yellow Jonquils. Dainty white plate cards
marked places for the following guests:
Mrs.) Thomas B. Scott. Miss Curtis, Miss
Caiita Curtis, Miss Genevieve Baldwin,
Captain Doane, Mr. Mosher Colpetser, Mr.
Philip Reed, Mr. Joseph Baldrtge and
Mr. and Mrs. Baldrlge.
Mrs. A. Newman gave- a farewell 6
o'clock 'luncheon party Friday In honor
of Mrs. Nathan Rothchlld and her sister,
Mrs. B. Bowdernaker, of Pittsburg who
will leave the early part of March for
Pittsburg to make their future home.
The rooms were decorated with qSantltlcs
of red carnations. , Those present were
Mra. N. Rothchlld, Mrs. Ben Bowder
naker, Mrs. Sol Goldatrom, Mra. Myra
Klein, Mrs. D. A. Sampson, Miss May
Rothchlld, Mrs. Joe Sonnenberg, Mrs.
Syche Arnsteln, Mlas Jennie Klein' and
Mra. A. Newman.
twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding
on Wednesday evening at their beautiful
new home on west Farnam street. A din
ner was served to relatives and members
of the Blue TObbon club, after which Mr.
and Mrs. Stors and their children, Mrs.
Edgar Hlgglns, Adolph, Arthur and Miss
Olga Stors, received the numerous friends
who called, no Invitations having been Is
sued. The receiving party was stationed
In the music room, which was exqnlstte
with Its delicate green tinted walls, banks
of palms and stiver-shaded candles. The
dining room and living room, were espe
cially beautiful, a table being placed In
each room. Each table was decorated
with a large, flat centerpiece of red roses
and ropes of smllax. Into which were twined
numerous silver leaves. Candelabra with
sliver shades were placed at the ends pf
each table and places were marked by
miniature silver wedding bells. Later in
the evening guests went to the ball room,
which also had banks of-alms and smllax.
where they Jndulged In , dancing. Inter
spersed with one-act sketches In costume
and special musical numbers Introduced by
members of the Blue Ribbon club. Mr.
and Mrs. Btorx were remembered by glfta
of flowera and beautiful silver from friends
both far and near, an exceptionally elab
orate preaent being an immense cheat of
silver' presented to them by Mr. Stora's
office employes.
Coming Events.
Mrs. John Ross, Jr., will entertain the
Marchlonette club Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Megele will enter
tain the Rounders' club Monday.
The Monday Bridge club will be enter
tained this week by Mrs. J. R. Scoble.
Mrs. W. J. Bradbury will be hostess
Monday at the meeting of the Pons Merens
Mra. Robert Dosier will be hostess Tues
day at the meeting of the Social Dozen
The bridge luncheon club will meet next
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. George H,
Mrs. J. Mandelberg will be hostess at
the meeting of the Tuesday "Whist club
this week.
The Hanscom Park Dantlng club will
give one of Its - series of parties Friday
evening at Chambers'.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Wood will entertain
the members of the Harmony club at Sat
urday evening's meeting.
The Qui Vive Dancing club will give an
other of their series of dancing parties
Monday evening at Chambers'.
The . La Veta Card club will be enter
tained Wednesday by Mrs. W. H. Wlgman
at the home of Mra T. J. Morlarty.
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Bergman will give a
card party Wednesday evening In honor
of their daughter. Mini Evelyn Bergman
The members of the Thimble club will
be entertained Thursday at ' an evening
party by Mr. and Mra. John A. Sunderland
The G. C. luncheon club will be enter
tained Wednesday by Mrs, George Stevens
and Mrs. A, E. Phillips at the home of
Mrs. Stevens;
Mrs. H. T. Lemlst will entertain at sup
per this evening In honor of Mrs. Scott
of Norfolk, Va., who Is ' the guest of the
Misses Curtis.
Mr. N. P. Dodge, Jr., will give a dinner
at the Omaha club Saturday, complimentary
to hla' fluncee, Miss "Whitney,' and her
father, Mr. Whitney of Boston.
Misses Margaret and Bllxabeth Grant
have Issued cards for a fancy dress party
to be given at their home, 1015 Park ave
nue, Friday evening, February 22.
The Misses Butterfleld will be hostesses
of a tea Saturday afternoon at the home
of Mr. and Mra. E. M. Fairfield on St
Mary'a avenue for the members of the
Tenchers' Annuity and Aid association.
The annual reception of the Child Saving
institute will be held Friday afternoon
February 22, at the Institute at Eighteenth
and Ohio streets between 2 and I o'clock.
AH interested in this .worthy work for
children are Invited to attend and lnupect
the building and learn mora of the work.
Come and Go Gossip.
Mra V. M. Vlnsonhaler has been vialttng
In Ht. Louis.
Mr. Joseph Burns is spending six weeks
In Cheyenne. Wyo.
Miaa Ada Klrkendall is expected home to
day from a southern trip.
Miss Evans of Chicago is visiting Mrs.
Charles E. Burmesteq, Jr.
Mlas Rich of Rapid City, S. D., is visit,
lng Mlas Hallie Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cudahy returned
Saturday from an eastern trip.
Miss Margaret McMenemy will leave
Tuesday for a six weeks tour In Mexico
Miss Maud Rlsser ot Lincoln Is the guest
of Mra. Elmer Rankin for a few daya
Miss Stella Hamilton, who is visiting in
Washington, is expected home this week.
Edward Vpdlke left this week for Los
Angeles, where he will remain for several
weeks. 1
Mrs. Thomas B. Scott of Norfolk, Va..
arrived Thursday to be the gueat of the
Misses Curtis.
Mrs. A. M. Longwell haa aa her guest
Miss Haines and Miss Nell Haynos of
Springfield. O.
Mrs. Whit worth of Lincoln, who haa
been the gueat of Mra. F. L. Axtell, has
returned to her home.
Mrs. Lydla Morrison and Mr. and Mra.
D. E. Thompson of Lincoln ealled Thurs
day from New York pa the "Mexico" for
Cuba and later they will make a tour of
Mra. John S. Wagganan of Washington.
D. C, Is expected Wednesday to be the
guest of Miss Daisy Doane.
Mlsa Ona Troxell left Friday for Kansas
City, where she will meet her parents, who i
have been visiting In California.
Miss Margaret McMencmy 'has returned
from a two weeks' visit with her brother,
Charles McMenetny. at Des Moines.
Mrs. W. J. Austin will have Monday foi
st. Louis after a three weeks' visit with
her mother, Mrs. L. D. Vogal and friends.
Mrs. Duncan of Bath, Me., who la the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Walter Preston,
has decided to prolong her visit until
March 1.
Miss Helen Barnes of St. Louis, who hat
been visiting at Fort Crook, will be the
guest of Miss Helen Davis for a few days j
this week. I
Miss Harris, who has been the guest of t
Miss Phoebe Smith, will leave this week
for Kansas City to attend the wedding of
her brother.
Mr. and . Mrs. McCannell, Mrs. William I
Hayden, Miss Mary Hayden and Mr. Al
bert Edholm, who have been sight seeing
in Mexico, returned home Saturday.
Miss Marie Butta, who haa been attend
ing National Park aemlnary. Forest Glen,
Md., la now In New York City, the guest
of her aunt, Mra. S. E. Bollea.
Mrs. D. C. Patterson and little daughter,
Jean, have gone to Washington. D. C, to
spend the remainder of the winter. Mr.
Patterson will stay at the Madison.
Mlsa Erne Hatght, who la spending the
winter In New York City, will be the gueat
of Mrs. Myndert Starm at a house party
next week, given at the "Laurele."
Miss Margaret McNerney returned
Thursday from a visit of two weeks In
Des Moines, where she waa the guest of
her brother, Mr. Charles McNerney. With
party of friends from the east Mlsa Mc
Nerney will start Tuesday for an extended
tour through Mexico, to include a stay of
two we-ks In the City of Mexico.
For twenty days we will sell everything
In the paint line at prices at least SO per
cent lower than regular prices. Kennard
Glass and Paint company, 16th and Dodge
Last Honrs
0! the Great Pcrlicld
Wreck Clearance
The Closing Hours of This Big
Sale Finds Us Still With
Many of Our Best Pi
anos on Hand.
OMAHA, Feb. 18. The closing hours of
thia big piano event find ua with aome of
our beat styles left, and In order to dispose
of each and every piano In thia stock we
have once more cut the price to a figure
which you must take advantage of If you
ever expect to buy a piano. Remember,
this sale will only last for a few days
longer and If you want one of these bar
gains you will have to move up and act
quickly or the opportunity will be forever
lost. Call at once, dajr or evening, and let
US convince you that we mean just what
we say. Fine pianos that sell regularly for
$10, $275, $300, 32$, S3&0. S375. SM. $450, $5')0,
we now sell at $87, $97. $118. $138. $158, $173.
$198. $Z18, $238, etc.
Second-hand uprights and squares at your
own price. Organs taken aa part payment
on planoa. Remember, a email payment
down and amall paymenta monthly enable
you to take advantage of these phenome
nally low prices. Call at onoe at 1811 Far
nam street.
China Painters'
Hospe's Prices on China Painter'
Materials Always the Lowest.
Ilasllng's Gold, doz $7.50
Paints from, doc. $4.20 to..90?
All other accessories for China
Painting at lowest prices.
Beginners Pyro. Outfits
$2 50 value now only $1.08
1313 Douglas Street.
See Our Window Display
Miss Blanche Sorenson
Studio 548 Ramge Blk.
Tel. Harney 2687.
Is not complete if
it does not con
tain our name.
A 'phone call to
Douglas 254 will bring our wagon
to our door.
Hare your linens pressed its
The Kew Way.
Wt, hay nearly a dozen wagons
making regular "calls." Are we
on your list?
City Steam Laundry
t07 South 11th Strt
The Absolutely Correct New Spring Styles in Women's
Wearing Apparel Are Now at This Reliable Exclusive
Cloak and Suit House, Ready for Your Inspection.
It Is our great pleasure to call to your, notice the suit Illustrated,
which we select from many Just such stunning modes.- This Bult Is
made of an Invisible check Panama in blue, golden brown and tan
and trimmed with fancy bralch). It
suits that are arriving dally from
3U. $Ji.
The tendency in spring skirt models is the new cluster plaited
idea, very full; the materials are beautiful checks, pin stripes, also
plain Panama and Voiles, hi all colors.
Prices $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15 S $25
We are showing a very exclusive Una of beautiful new Waists.
A large consignniept of the latest fancy stripes Just received, also
fine lawn, lingeries, linens and Japanese silks. Prices from
$I.OO to $15.00
Table d'Hote Dinner
! Chesapeake Cafe
11:30 a. in. to 8:00 p. m.
1508-10 Howard Street
Mask by IMoultonV Orchestra.
1516 Dodge St. ,
Tabic d'Hote Dinner.
40c and 50c. Sunday
The clothes
we make are
shaped In tho
making. The
clothing you
buy, niulo by
the irons kind,
1b shaped with
a hot iron.
Bolts as to 45
Spring Styles
Vow Beady.
Meet ine right
side up at
1515 Farnam
Hair Tonics
We give you herewith a few of the
many carried In stock. We recom
mend and guarantee La France Hair
Tonlo as superior to all others. Your
money back If not more than satlsned.
$1.00 La France Hair Tonic 9c
$1.00 Pinaud's Genuine Hair Tonic. 79c
$1.00 Harvey's Dandruff Cure 69c
$1.00 Chase Hair Restorer 67c
$1.00 Kinney Hair Tonto 66c
$1.00 Sutherland fclRters' Tonic 89c
$1.00 Yale's Hair Tonlo Sc
600 Resto Vera 42c
60o Wilson's Life for the Hair ioc
Beaton Drug Co.
15th and Farnam Streets.
Home of .Accuracy In Compounding.
A .Magnetic Orator
17th -and Harney
Sunday, Tsbruary 17, 4 p. m.
Free W men. Special music.
Stories that make the
"Warm blood pulse through
The veins in a riot of
Pleasant emotion.
contains a complete novelette
A Flight From Love"
A French story done Into KngllBh.
The 23 fchort stories in this number
are alive with intensity and realism.
16c a copy at all news-stands fir from the
Ptpt. It
ilW'HsA' J.WalT
is only one of our many beautiful v)
the eastern fashion centers. v
r,o A0 w
Maybe You Keep
Maybe You Don't
It makes no difference, you will be interested
in tnls GLOVE PROPOSITION anywav. .
Read and See!
YOU know all about Centemeri Kid Cloves; you know that
they are one of the well known, high grade brandB, made es
pecially for society women who appreciate high quality. No need
to tell you this. All right, please listen!
Come to our store after 9 a. m. tomorrow (Monday) and
we will sell you a 16-button length, in any evening shade for
$1.08. Our price any other day is $3.60. If you wish you may
have the 8-button In black or white at the same price.
We will be pleased to see you at the time appointed. Jfouv.
know Easter is coming and that a round of social functions will
follow. "A word to the wise, etc."
Adolph Callings Stock on Sale
at Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
We have purchased the entire stock of Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco of Adolph
Cattln, located at 310 South 16th St. for yeara, and who haa been forced to dis
continue business on account of Increased rent. His entire stock of Clear Havana
and Domestic Cigars will go pn sale Monday morning, February JSth, at . 8
o'clock, and will be sold at 6c 8TXAIOKT aa long aa they last. The whole
stock of hlKh grade Pipes and 't obacco will be sold at corresponding sacrifice.
This purchase Is but another example of how thoroughly awake we are to
the cigar business and explains why we are doing the largest retail cigar busi
ness in Oniaba.
This sale will more thorouphly Impress upon the minds of the smokers of
Omaha pur plan pf selling 10c CIOABS 70S Bo, for the reason of there being so
many popular brands In the list. Following Is the Hat of the atock:
2 for 25c Regoletto, 6c or $1.25 per box of 26; 10c Regoletto, 6o or $3.60 per
box of 60; 10c Kegoletto. Panatella, 5c or $2.50 per box of 50; 10c Paxton, 6o;
10c El Grlfo, 6c; I tor 25o Hlnceridad, 5c; 10c Espena, 6c; 10c Aragon, fie; 10c
Prlmano, 6c; 10c Y. .. 6c; 10c El Tello, 6c; 10c Robert Burns, 6c; 10c Irish
tllrl, 6c; 10c Originators, 6c; 10c Teller, 6c; 10c Wm. Penn., 6c; 10c General Chaf
fee, 6c; 10c Segarcla, 6c; 10c High Altitude, 6c; 10c Garcia, 6c; 10c Prince Lucia,
6c; 10c La Palma, 6c; 10c Irish Harp, 5c; 10c Hancha Hay a, 6c.
The stock of regular 6c cigars, comprising Isle of Cuba, Pull Dragon. White
Knight, Montana, Ulg Bear will be sold, aa long aa they last, for 4 for 10c.
Cut Rate Cigar Dealers. 16th and Farnam Sts.
vsKI Gfiocofafes'
The purity and perfection or our rhocolatea are known all over the
city. Ask the lovers of pure chocolates what they think tit UybdJl'a .
and they will aay that they cannot be surpassed by any.
I'yball's chocolates meet with every requirement of the national
pure food law, which is worrying the manufacturers who tnirepr scut
their goods.
Buy your chocolates' and candy from ua; It la all made In our own
confectionery, under our own supervision.
Dyball's Chocolates 60c Per Pound
Put up in many kinds of beautiful fancy boxes and bankets; all
sixes and prices.
"Every raw aUnutea" CaooolaMa S6o Per round.
"Kvery Few Minutes' chocolates are our new. ponular priced
chocolates popular In price and popular In quality. Stma half so
good for the money.
aToTeltles for Warning-ton's Birthday. The Z.argst Xdna of Tbssa
WoTsltlss Bvar Khowa la Omaha.
' ii