Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5
A THE .OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 17, 1007. ' ViTLllS DhPUItS BEIIJIER v tire . . , unci a i i jujum w.tb. Union Vsa. When Sickness Comes to tha Little Ones It Is the Mother Who Chiefly Suffers. wm mmm v m- mm, emu ntR DtMAKD GENUINE RtCOGMTlCN oth Bid ( Catrvery Anticipate Strike Unless Issa Cfta Be Settled ay Arbitration Wltheat DHir, t Tli street railway company has broken tiromlM made three yeara ago br die- i crimlnatlng against man who Joined the nirni and hae laid plana to break up the nlon. A. V. Behmer, vice president Inter atlonal Association of Street and Electric allway Employee. v have breken no aareement. W never tld the men w -would recognise the union, but w ald wa would treat with union men Individually. ( still adhere to thla policy. We propose to standVby the open hop ndjquar deal. G. W. Wattle,' vice president Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company. Mr.Wattlee makes hie reply to the state ment of Mr. Behmer. who addressed Cen tral labor unioq Friday night. Bessie a Lively Oa. Last evening' session of Central Labor union; was tho most lively had in many t noons. The discussion started with a talk J from A- L, Etehmer, vice president of trie International Association Of Street and Saectrle Railway Employe, who came to Omaha. Sunday at the request of the local , street railway employes' union and to se cure from tho Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company a recognition of the local onion. Following Mr. Behmer'a talk Representative Ed Leeder threw a eomb Into ths rarrh of the street car men by asking; whether he would be permitted to negotiate with tha street railway of ficials for the union, promising that the Vestibule bill now up for consideration at uncoin would o withdrawn In con- llteraftan of A wnvnltlnfi rt IK. ImbI union. ' Explaining his position, Mr. Leader asld ho had Secured assistance from tha street railway official In his fight for the double shift firemen bHl and In forcible tones aald that If tho street rktlwyr employes persisted In pushing tha vestibule bill and his dembl shift bill should be defeated, he wnnlld" V-v that defeat St the door of the Street r..e-y men. ' In reply to Mr. Leeder, Mr. Behmer said the street railway employee would not con lent to withdraw the veatlbufe bill even for recognition of tho local union. ! - Position ef Street Tar Mts. Speaking of his mission In Omaha, Mr. Behmer said: . "The street railway company has broken a promise made three years ago by dis criminating against men who joined the vnlon. The officials have even nAptnl from ProsDectlve emnlnves nenmlses thev ould not Join the union. The conditions here should be remedied. All we ar ask-' Ing Is recognition of the union. The street railway offlclale have told the union men that If they wanted to do business with the street railway company they , would hav to do It through the Omaha Bunlneas Men's association but Mr. Wattles refused to recognise ariy one from the union. We are going to resort to every ' honorable Means to gsln a recognition for the union and we ask th co-operation of 1 or ganised labor.' - ) "We . realise the seriousness of a strike, and want . to avert It. Our national or ganization has made a fine record for arbitrations with street railway companies. We are not hard to deal with." , Committee to Help Oat. Following a request from. Mr. Behmer, the following committee was appointed to work with the street car men In any way deemed advisable) President C. A. Mc Donald. A.'C. Kugol. Kd Miller. J. Martin and John Polinn. The nest step will be an effort to arrange for a conference with the street rsllway officials for the committee. he street railway swi do - not allege at the company baa discriminated be- ween union and . nonunion men in Its em ploy. It Is set out, thtogh. that the Com pany, in employing new- men. requires a pledge that the employe will not join the unlctr This, with the natural Iosm of membership due to changes (n employment, threatens tb - extinction of the union. What the men ask most of all la the right to proselyte among the new employ is. Warm Mameat for Bal Dreder. After Representative Leeorr made Uis talk President McDonald of the unlcn re minded Mr. Leeder that bo waa elected by organized labor to work for ell measures for the benefit of organised labor and thcuH r-t Jay dewn on the vestibule bill rrerely to make sure tf the double shift ill. Mr- Leeder was much wrought up vhen his suggestion ' of compromise with Alio street rsllway company was nvt kintily t:.ken. A. J. Donahoe snkl Mr. Leeder was using 'poor policy to lay the possible de feat ef the double shift bill at (he iSoor uf the street oor men. ' The union accepted an Invitation to at tend a meettrg to be held February 17 at Patterson hull, under the auspices of the Omaha socialists and on behalf of Charlea Moyer and Wtlllnm Haywood of the West ern Federation cf Miners. A resolution condemning the Incarceration of these men was adopted by the union The union w.U attrml a meeting of the Child Labor league at the Lyric theater Ttfsdsy evening, Feb ruary li A vote of thanlrs wss extended to all who went to Lincoln In aupport of the child labor bill. The union favored the , charter amend ment providing that the city boiler In aiertor be elective and that the incumbent be a licensed engineer. Send your orders to Kennard'GlSsi and pulnt company for glaslng. ' Prompt serY- )re. lHh and Dodge streets. - . Im aw....- -4 '-f A big car of new ranges just received. Nothing like thera in OniaLal Greatest money-savers. Require no blacking. Unique all-steel construction dull.ebonv finish. See the new elevated ovea stylo. PRICES $10 to 940 Milton Rogers Sons Co. I4th and Farnam Sts. r V X JfX,wi-n' fiitsi n-ftn-v "TfcrriTrrfnii tin'i -f 1 ""' 1 iiwisaissaiafcsmMashJ r - . , v ''::'":;':'"""-:. Pe-ru-na Should Be Kept In Every Household Where There Are Little Children. Peruna should be kept in the house all the time. Dont wait until the child Is Sick, then send to a drug store. But. have Peruna on hand accent no substi tute. Children are especially, liable to' acut ; catarrh. Indeed, nvt of the affections of childhood are catarrh. All forms of sore throat, quinsy, croup, hoarseness, laryngitis,-etc., are'but dif ferent phases of catarrh. I'e-ru-na Contains N'o NarrotlcH. One reason why Peruna has found per manent, use In so many homes is that it contains no narcotic of any kind. Peruna, If taken according U printed directions, is perfectly harmless. It- can be ' used any length of time, without acquiring a drug habit. It does not produce tempo rary results, but It is permanent in Its Bert. It has no bad effect upon the system. and gradually eliminates catarrh by re moving tha cause of catarrh. TOPICS, l-OR DAT OF RES1 BaaBasnBast E:t. " Jn'ing F. Coawui of Conmrstiilr, lni, Ccm;i to Cmrba. PASTOR FIRST GERMAN PRESBYTERIAN Episcopal Bishop of Eleven Stat m Protest Agraiast Predominance of 'Military Peataret at Exposl-, tlon at Jamestown. In the election of Rev. Julius F. Schwart, pastor of th First German Presbyterian church at Connersvllle, lnd to tha vacant pastorate of the First German Presbyterian church, Kl? North Eighteenth street, a pastor has been secured for th Omaha con gregation wh comes with th highest recommendations from his horn city and who Jt Is believed, will prove a valuable addition to the clergy of Omaha aa well as an ardent worker for tha First church. He will preach his first sermon at the churrh Sunday, February t. but will not arrive here much before that time on account of bis pressing duties at Connersvillo. .' Rev. Mr. Schwars waa called to the pastorate made vacant last July by the resignation of Rev. August lilnkleman and accepted the position last October with the understanding that he could remain at Connersvllle until March 1. He had been th pastor of th Connersvllle churoh for the last six yeara and the rdembets of his congregation and the community In general were loath to hav him accept th Omaha prist orate. Th charge at Connersvllle wa hi Brat after graduating from a seminary at Bt. Louie and soon after taking charge th church Wa redodlcated and improve ment coating $1,200 hiade at the Initiative of Um new pastor. This Indebtedness has been liquidated and many new members secured under his administration. In addition to his duties aa pastor at Connersvllle Rev. Mr. Schwars was sec ret ry of the Ministers' association, inter preter fur tb Connerarli) Blower company and a wrttor for the local press.' ' Rev. Mr.. Echwarc has been highly" hon ored in the councils of his church in the state of Indiana. He has been chairman and treasurer of home missions in the White Water presbytery and was honored by the preebyttry to th chair of moderator aad commlasioner to the last general as sembly and was appointed a special oom'- Jewel Ranges ' 'v- N A l-i , -h: v Mrs:r. Brockmsn, 813 Meade, street, Afpleton, Wis., writes: l have never bad a return of the catarrh, which bad made me to mis erable and unhappy before I began taking Peruna would not be without It In the bouse, now. "I have a baby boy, i wo years old, to whom, I ghre Peruna tor a cold, and my husband also takes Peruna. "I thank you and with you well." Mrs, P. Brockman. So Doctor Jtequlrrfl. Mr. Edward Otto, 917 De Soto atreot, St. Paul, Minn., writes: "I cannot say enough for Peruna, It has done great work In my family,' es pecially for my' oldest boy. We hud doctored with hree or four different doc tors and they did not seem to do him ajiy good, "We gave up hopes of cure, and so did they, but we pulled him ' through on Peruna. "w bad several doctor aad tkey said they could do no more for him, so w triad Peruna as a last resort, and that did th work. Sine tkea w ksep'lt la th boos all th time, aad no doctor is required." Zdwaia Otto. There are a multitude ot homes where Peruna has been used off and on for twenty yeara. Such a thing eould not be possible If Peruna contained any narcotics. miesloner to adjust certain difficulties in the presbytery; he was made the chairman of the committee on "Separate Preabyterlee" of the German ministers ot the west, and was honored by the last named body as Its delegate to the eastern German conven tion In Newark. N. J. . A peculiar lnoldent In his announcing to the members of his churoh his decision to accept the call at Omaha waa that within a. few mloutes after arriving at th de cision, the son of Rev. Mr. Schwars left the house and. In pulling' the door. Jarred the plate bearing the minister's name from the door. The plat had -practically com pleted its service in Connersvllle and ap peared ready to move to its next place of duty. Episcopal bishops - of the dioceses ot eleven states. Including Rev. Arthur L. Will-ams, bishop pf the diocese of Ne braska, have issued a circular letter pro testing against the. predominance of th military features of 'the Ter-Centennlal e position to be held 'this year at James town, Va, It Is intimated in the letter that the military features of the expo sition will overshadow those of a differ ent nature' and that the former were not advertised with such great prominence when the plana were first 'projected and requests for a,!d solicited. The triennial meeting of the general con tention of ths Protestant Episcopal church will be held at Jamestown during the progress of th exposition and th primacy of th military and naval displays Is thought to make the preaent plan of the exposition discordant with the character of the religious and civic celebrations to be held. 1 ,An?:::!-'ent-:n,"lr, 7h "unmade tl men atrong'. In the trith he .-a v.i-iicaij , ur i lit? KiJy OT int? Reformation." is be given February !i and IS at th Auditorium, under tho auspices of the Kountse Memorial church. The entertainment was orfftnated by Mrs. II. K. Monroe, a Celebrated lecturer of Washington. D. C. who spent three year of research In the art galleries and mu seums of Germany and the continent and has collected a large assortment of cos tume contemporaneous with the period of Msrtin Luther's greatest ascondancy In Eu rope. J The beet mualcol talent-of the vlalnity hss been obtained for a large chorus, un der the direction o Ben Stanley orranlst and musical director at Trinity cathedral. Th cast, will be Instructed by Miss p. Ethel Brown, who has assisted In th. p reparation of tha entertainment for the last ten yeara. ( Rev. T. C. miff, secretary of the' Home Missionary and Church Fvteneion socletv of the MethMlst Epstcopal church for this district, will make Ms headquarters In Omsba and I expected to arrive In rmaha with hia family within the next few weeks. The board of governors of the socletv de cided that Omnha was advantageously situ- ated for maintaining the office of the secre tary, but tt Is believed the action formally orderlnj the removal of the office to tlU city waa at the request Ot ' Rev. Illlff Omaha Methodists are considerably esi ted over the actio of. Rev. Illiff in st lectins Omaha for his tfficlal reeMenoo and he will be tendered a most hearty reception an welcome upon his arrival. - Rev. Johp Albert Williams Is preaching two serk-i of sermons at the Church of St.. Philip the Deacoa, Twenty-Arst street near Paul, on the Sunday during Lent Th-. morning eerlea I on "Simon peter, a Serv ant and an Apostle of Jesus Christ," or "A Representative Case of Oar laird's Dealing With Men, The afternoon aeries la on -Some 'Excepts' of Christ." and will em brace these topics, respectively : " ' Kxrvpt Y Repent Repentaei-a. Except T lie Cuavarul'aversion. Except a Man Be boru Again Regenera tion. Except Y Abide m MeAbMlution. Except Y Eat th nesa ot th Son of Man Commuroun. Mrs. Ben Stanley will sing aa offertory solo at th o'clock service at tb Church ....... The Renefit Which the Children1 of the United States Have Ileceived from Pe-ru-na Can Never Be I'ut Into At'ords. The chronic aliments It has prevented, the suffering it has mitigated, will never be fnlly recorded. ' But at least this much can be said that the coming generation owes a great debt to Peruna. for it la In- the tender years of youth that slight ailments are liable? I to develop Into lasting dlsenre, thus blasting the whole career of the indi vidual The mothers who.are bringing up their children today to believe In Peruna are speaking from their experience.' These children brought up to believe In Peruna from the start, mill, when they oecome neaus or families themselves, use. Peruna with unquestioning faith. of St. noon. Philip the Deacon, Sunday after- A Apectal aeries of evangelistic service will begin Sunday evening at Trinity Meth odlst r Episcopal church, Twenty-first . and Binnry streets. In which the pastor. Rev. J. ft Smith, will b asMisted by Kev. J. CaUee of Kansas City, who recently c inducted a aeries of highly Successful meetings the Hanscom Park Methodist church. Mrs. Calfee will assist also, by taking charge of the music at the services, whicli, will continue for a week- or ten days. Rev. J. H. Smith will pi each th morning sermon at Trinity churoh. Music at th Kouatae Memorial church; first Sunday in Lent: MORNING, 10:10. Anthem Come L'nto Me Burleigh The choir. Eolo Selected Mis Amanda Teboma. The Penitent Va ode water Miss Livingston. EVENING. :30. Male Quartet Praying For Yeu Parks Tne l'aipora quartet. Duet-Glory to Thee My God This Night . , Gounod . Miss Frances and Mr. Alvord. Solo But the. Lord is Mindful of His Own .t Meudelssohn Mls Weber. Bunday evening at the Central United Presbyterian church. Twenty-fourth and Dodge streets. Dr. McBrlde begins a series of Sunday evening' lectures on. "Great Re formers and Their Doctrines." Dr. Mc Brlde' declares himself most pronouncedly opposed to thepu'pit turning aside from the preaching of the gospel to dabble in , mera literature, philosophy, history or loI- itics, apart from th gospel, but holds that ! l.H.fn rJUJ truths bh.n m . . A I . . . aserta he finds the secret of the man and holds that th power of truth Is not ex hausted, but la yet able to work wonders L Most Valuable Aget. The glycerine employed in Dr, Tleree'i medicines greatly enhances the mcdicinaJ properties which it extracts from native medicinal roots und holds In solution much better than alcuhol would. It olfo possesses medicinal properties ol Its own, being a valuable demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic m.:d antiforment, I adds greatly to the efficacy of the I'.lack Cherry-' bark, Blood root, lioldcn Seal root, Storia root and Queen's root, contained In Golden Vodical Discovery" in subduing chronic, or linfering coughs, bronchial, throat and long affections, for all of which . these ajeota are recommended by stand ard medical authorities. In all cases w here there U a wasting away of flesh, loss of appetite, with weak stotr ftfTi, as in tho .early Cages of core ixmrftiin. thero can bo no doubt t!iat gly cerine act as. a viiuac: nutritive ana aids the Golden Seal root. Stono root. Quec " fi'H mint vurirjUBIK la Fronted r oigestioL ana building up the strength, controlling the cough ' tea ari and brin Z aooui a iieanny conullion Ie synem. Of course, it rit' .'cied to work n.lraclc. It .!1 of the w not be e not euro Stare. nu rapt ion except In its earlier t Wl": f'irw ViV wwn r.Mtl. Bute, hsn aiK it I t ri" i l.i':ni-. It a cut CoULi UUiioiaot'iiccuta.' irtoin the lingering nang-on coughs, or thosoof long standing, even when accompanied by bleeding from lungs, that it ha performed iu tnott marvelous eyre. iTof . rlnicy Ellint-Tond, M. D.', ef Den nett Med. Cuiiege, Chicago, tuj ot gly ornne: , In drspepslk It serves an excellent purpuaa, Holding a tiil quantity of tne peroxide of hydrvt'en in solution, it is one of the Int manufactured products of Ui" prewnt time in ll action spun enfeebled. dUordercd sto:n an hs, ouncially if there is ulceration or ra-taj-rhsl irlil (catarrhal innanin.aiitn of HoDiSchl. u i a nnt efi'ieni preparatioo, Clrcerine will relieve nianj cuet u pyrusia (aetrtbuml and excebive gasinc Ulun.ach) acidity." u(4n Medical rHscovery enrtrbe and auntie the bloud curing t.Ul.'li. i. id. pita, erupiiona, acruf ulotu swelluigs aiul old sore, or uirttra. bend to Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, lo fnaebuvUel tellttic all about tin astiva Btedlc aal nua eouipueln' this aonOttital MKlioia. Ihcr la aw li3iul la it. A Child's Life Raved. Mr. a H. Farmer, New Martinsville. W. Va, writes: ' 1 "Our little son, Harry. Is well ani healthy now and we think If we do -ns ypu directed us, he will keep his health and grow strong. "We know that ear little son's life was saved by your wonderful medicine, re runs, and we shall always praise Parana and os it in oar family when needed. "PhouTd we have any more catarrhal I trouble in our family, we ahall always write to you for treatment. Mr. W. F. Dortng, Mr. Vernon. Mo, writes: x "I have used Peruna to my entire sat isfaction and am exceedingly well pleased with the results, having suffered greatly with catarrh of th stomach." . In' other men If they will but aocept It. Rev. McBrlde professes to believe : that great reformers cannot be understood apart from the great truth or doctrine of which each In turn becomes the special champion. The first of the new series of vesper Caoral services at St. Mary' Avenue Con gregational church will be given Sunday afternoon at 4:30. The erles is entitled, "Every-day Maxims," and the subject for Sunday lay -The Rest Cure." The subject is treated with great care musically,' In harmony with the short address' by Rev. L. O. Balrd. The program la: The Chimes Westminster chime and tune "Bt. 1'hllip." Organ Prelude Meditation Processions I-Weary of Earth Lan'gran Choral Ui.sikhivii- Ancient , The Canticle Magnificat Smart Special Offertory Hymn Come lnto Me .... John Hullah Bung : the choir, without accompaniment. The Anthem Come l'nto Me HaUon Recewlonal-Hark! Hark! My Soul.. Thomas' ' Kelly." " director." " " " " '' " 8mart The First Methodist Episcopal church at University Place is reputed to have one of the largest. If not the largest; Sunday schools in the state. The city of University Place' was recently divided Into twenty districts and one or two energetic workers selected to make frequent house-to-house visits, recording, the results of their visits on prit.ted blunks for future statistical pur poses. , - By theseand similar methods tb mem be r hip of tie main Sunday school has been Increatod to 690; the Horn department of the sccTol to 13 and the Cradle Roil to 105. Ynra the foregoing figures It hi seen that the tMal membership of the Sunday 4hooL adult and infant, la 31; a number hardly to be equalled in any other city In rseurosxa. , Music at the First Congregational church, Nineteenth and Davenport streets: MORNING. rreiuae in tne Merniiig , Grieg Anthem The Hcavejis are Telling. ...Hayoa Trio and chorus. tjrrertory bona without words. Mendelseohn Anthem I n ill l-i 1 1 i p alio E y es ; PosUud In E. EVENING. Berceuse Anthem Hearken t'nto tie.. Ciffertory Romance Qua net Lad me. Lord l.,rl...t., . Whitreld V!ncnt . Kinder ....Su.llvai . ...Silomi Wes ey u.uuv , ituijmii'i Martin W. Bush, organist; Ira B. Peuni' uuumfl'it mibii, uii rviur. The revival meetings at ' th Hanscom Park Methodist church held during th past two wteks will close Bunday morning with a sermon by Dr. Calfee of Kansas City, who has bee assisting the pa"tor of the church,v Rev. Clyde Clsy Ciss-ll, In this special wcrk. Much Interest has been created In this wcrk: mary In the community have been stimulated to mor active Christian life, and there have b?en a number of thorough conveniens. Sun day evening Dr. Calfee will epeak st the Tiin-ty Methodist chuYch and the utl service in the Hanscom Park church .will be set aside that the congregation may unit with the Trinity people. Music at the Firrt Methodist church: ' Prelude FnriP Sonij. .t. ...... .Mendelssohn mirit-iii i r i.-uariei and tfioru 1 't In Your IJrads Colrdie Tiylrr rf ertory-Ireyer In E cat Orr.ven Qurtet-It Is High Tim to Awk Out uf Sleep Trtir Mrs. J.-nnl&on. Mrs Am'emon n4 vix-a-a . . Grt n nd K-at. ' I s-Mtlud Foertr , EVENTNO. Prelude Andacte In C Bllaa Chrrue-Let All Creation Praise "the I'?r Allen OnVrtcjy C.rJn Wua't. t Lead l a. Our Father, Leal - ' Piilllrpn Posilude Itatlsi Mrs. Anna IV Ardrews. nrsanist; Lt Q. Krata. choirmaster. At th Calvary Baptist church. Twenty, fifth and Hamilton streets, on Sunday morning, Mis Florence DeOraff will ale by request "My Redeemer." by Pulley Bjck, which she rendered last Sunday (light. The Men'' Baraca class will have a service la the evening, under ' their '5 Mrs. J. C Sterling. HI Brown Avenue, Norfolk, Va.. writ: "My little boy. Meredith, suf fered with Indigestion so badly he could not eat anything with out It making him very sick, so "I thought (s many others have that I Would try Peruna, and It worked like a charm. . "Wow ho eats anything? k wish, aad t would not be with, oat it for anything. "My other little boy, Alfred, two and a half yeara old. has taken It and received as much benefit from Peruna as hU brother. "I hop aay testimonial au ha of some benefit to others, a S feel as though t cannot praise it enough." Mrs. . O. tarUar. Mr. Howard Andrew Sterner, 414 Canal street. Reading, Pa writes: "I have Perurkv in my house all the time and won t be without It. It i good for children 'when they take a cold or croup. It cured my baby boy of croup. - "I have introduced Peruna Into six fam ilies sine I received your hut letter, and four have, seen relief already." Howard Andrew Sterner. I'e-ru-na Protects the Entire Household. As SMon as th value of Peruna I ap preciated, by every household, both as a preventive and remedy, many Uvea im be saved and thousands of chronic Hngvr- ing cases of catarrh may be prevented, auspices, at which time the pastor will,! give an address on "Bacabone." A special program of muslo Will be aiveix Miss Elisabeth Hamllng wiU be the soloist. Rev. W. A. guale of Chicago will give his great lecture on Shakespeare's "Tragedy of Greatness" March IS at thla churoh. Muslo at First Baptist eharch, under th direction of Mis Margaret Boulter, or ganist: . . MORNING, 101 rreiude Merkel Anthem The Soft Sabbath Calm'."..'..... Barn by Shelley Omrtet Organ Offertory Barne ooio in Mnety and Nine Camploa Mr. L. T. Sunderland. Poatlude t Buck - EVENING. 7:0. , Prelude a....'.; Buck Anthem The Radiant Morn Hsa Passed i Woodwardi Organ Offertory.. ..L. ...Lemare ADtnem Koea or Ages Buck Post lude. . Lemalgre Mrs. L. T. Sunderland, soprano; Miss Alice Fawcett. contralto; John MoCreary. tenor; G. W. Manchester, baaa. Following the custom of previous, years during the Lenten season, members of Omaha .council. Knights of Columbus, ar arranging to attend a aeriea of vesper services in the Catholic churches of Omaha and South Omaha. Th flrst Service will be held at St. Phllomena cathedral. Ninth and Harney streets. Bunday evening, be ginning at T:5. Members and their fam lliea will meet In the adjoining school hall at T:30 and march to the church. ''Rev. J. W. Stetvonv ehaplaln of th council, will conduct the aervice. Other date ar ranged are at St. Jphn'a Sunday, March I, and at St. Patrick Sunday, Mafch li. Y. W. C. A. Hot. ' The Sunday afternoon gospel meeting at 4. will b led by Rev. Newmaa Hall Bur diik. Mr. Vera Allen wUI sing. All women are cordially Invited. The reading reetaj given by Mlsa Ulllin Fitch In :;.e assembly room of the Ynunt Women's Christuui association Monday evening was Well attended and proved tm of the mint enjoyable event of the season Miss Fitch delighted her . audleno with every reading aod the vpcal solo given bv Miss Alice Hates were grestly en'oveil. The evening wss certainly a rare tiaat' for all present. JUL Letlcrs Wrlltea by a Bride to iter Best Girl Friend ? Dearest Nellie: , ' a Tour charming" letter bag been the eubject of many Interesting H confereneea. John, like the dear he U, insisted that you meat come dlect from your aunt'a and realize to the fullest extent the con- venlencee of our Utile home, from cooking range to gas grate, We!i- bach llghta and all but. alaa, 'Tate ateaJa along with silent tread," and I'm simply torn with emotion. Just ee we get cWortably settled p in our little home alone; gtalka Fate aad tn the gulee of "buMness" de- crees that John shall ble him to the coast at once on a matter of much Importance,- where hl stay will be Indefinite several weeks, at least. Of course, I ahall accompany him. Nellie, dear, it is oedles te eay I have had a good long cry over the disappointment of not so ing yea before we leave but we shall almply lock up our home and on our re turn, mArk you well, young miss, you must be the ery first ';uest ot honor." Teare will come when I think we must surrender our dear . little home for a email, stuffy hotel room. Just think, we must give up, possibly for months, our jfretty. gas grate, before which we hare spent so many pleasant evenings; our beautiful den. of which we were so proud with Its little gas heater and cute colored lights; our gas range, with all it convenience, and even my waffle irons, to say noth ing of the beautiful Welsbach inverted lights which have just been put in. Oh. It's simply swful. We are so busy getting ready -for we start at ence that I cannot write wore now. but, girlie. I'll write Just the first chance I get and tell you where to addrttfs me. Tearfully and lovingly yours. ANNIE. ' P. S. Before leaving I'm going to order the Cas Company to sd to your home address one ot those lovely aad iron holders, with mhlch you can heat as many aa four irons at one time over one jet. I know you will be pleased with It when you get bsk-k home. She suffers even more than the chili who happens to be Sick. Her sympathy Is deeper than that of any other member of the family. The mother looks forward with drea-t to the torrid heat of summer, thinking of her children and the many liabilities t disease thst are before them. Ppring and summer are sure to bring ailments, especially among the little folk. It doe not take a mother very long to discover that Peruna I th best friend she has in ttfh f Illness lumong the chil dren. ,. ... . , A Multitude of Mnthra Have discovered that peruna is thslr stand-by, and that In many of the ail menta of spring and summer to which the children are subjected, Peruna la th remedy that will generally aulckly relieve. .Whether It is spring fever or stotnan-h derangement. ' whether H la Indigent'" or bowel disease, a catarrhal congeatlon of th mucous surfaces is the cause. Peruna quickly relieves this condition Of the tn ire one membranes. Its operation Is prompt, the children do not dielike to take th medicine, it has no deleterious veffects In any part of the body. It simply removes the cause of th die s green Me symptom and restores th health. Peruna Is a household remedy for all catarrhal ailments of. winter and sum mer, acute or chronic. The mothers all wver the United Btate are the best friends that Peruna has. Mr. C. Haltock, Antwerp. Ohio, avrtteil "My daughter Allla.' after taking three bottle cf your Peruna, la entirely cured of catarrh of the head of two yeara tend ing. W have used Peruna as a general tonic as well aa for catarrh ami are well pleased with It and recommend It to. any body, who hat catarrh." The Mother Hold I'e-ru-na In High I Esteem not only because It .has cured them el 'their v&rloua ailments, but because it promptly rescues the children fr,m th thrpea and grasp of catarrhal dleeasea. We have in our file many testimonial from, mothers whose children bar been cured by Peruna, However, th larg ma jority of mothers who us Peruna, w never hear from. But we do bear from a great number of mothers who are so vrJoyed at soma special good they hav received from Pe runa that they cannot restrain their n j thustaam. They are anxious to thea benefits with other mothers. hare BOILER EXPLODES AT SEA . . .. Seven Perspni Hilled on Steamer ValdirU i bj Iceldent " VESSEl'S DECK RIPPED OPtN BY EXPLOSION ' Meat Wh Dl tho BhlB Ar Barlea at After Bdle Are teseaed with Dlfflealty. NEW TORK, Feb.' 11 Bev men were killed, three men were- Injured and con siderable damage was sustained by the vessel by an explosion on board th Ger man steamer Valdlvla at sea last Wednes day. Th accident wa reported when th steamer arrived her today. Th donkey engine boiler exploded on Wednesday, throwing th t earner's funnel over and ripping openV the -upper deck. The seven deed were killed Instantly. The escaping steam from the burst ed boiler enveloped tha steamer, creatine cene of grrst confusion. The names of the dead are: , FOURTH ENGINEER J. 8TEINHAQEN cf Hohoken. N. J. FIREMAN A. lEIDOK. Cflnred. COAL PASSER W. H. H ANNA. COAL, PASSER J. SAVENBKI. siir w. rFTTnior. STEWARD WILLIAM SIMMONS, colored. The chief officer, who was on duty on tb bridge, wh burled in the debris when found. He stated when 'the explosion oc curred everything appeared lo fall nverj the bridge onto the deck and the Superstruc ture above the decks waa torn open. All th tlfeboat were dnmaged, on so smashed that It was thrown overboard The amoke-' stack fell' down to the deck, but waa a.' cured. All of the Inner structure abaft of the bridge were completely torn out. When the explosion occurred the steamer stopped and everybody rushed to tn rescu of the Injured. The dead were o mangled that It wa with difficulty that th bod lea were secured. Triey were burled at, sea. I