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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
HIE OMAHA DAlLf BEE: SA TTEPAY. FEBRUARY lfi. 19C7. 15 N r -1. Wv ? 1 1 1 Vaav . OFFERED FCH SALE irtt tmrrn. p.n- mt. bookca-, hail tree Bid o-bT I urn 1 -jr. ai Be, Ci ". 3d fc-- iH TTT Mt Al CJtH. ftox A lorrr-a-ir, W "' at 1" p-ie. Hotel I tlBJ-mecy lt'.h Tltf Wr-l,- OttiaitB. i ll!' M"4 FOR 5 lJE-rr. TT bor pcw-r rase.! n enr-nt. s t- '-.Titi ttio-u, F 4 uo ri"tpj Co- Farnam. f'.f, 4f f-w.i rvmC .kb . un Tx. eT x,.4 Ammno FirTr"L.E l rwi L. T2. - I" T. fTPHETii. tb ta:irr Tr k ih b't' ri"ih of itt Ttirr In Tia f"T t' 4 farx-y f tk k. fomrivrari '. r:'T. I tr t- 1 tii y (q- pt nt WW 3 PATENTS r. Z- I-AF.PON A CO. pTrt lti paint bt traa. Br K-i- Omaha ceri. SHPfT Vir-HTXT arari-p Piwi pninrr-4. mTir.nm ai-rrmid. firawrrr ; ia.rt-Tt. caaLirrs. nac&m riTli Si--;:;: , 6. 3n.n ei D. O. F.A.NEU- naTiwnt e" on" arifl Tna :hu Faxun F,:. Ti' t'-i5 UJ. c" irx mm MiCTTVE 8-nirnrnT anC ffiv-nl e-aurt-T-rr a t ra)nai ra i A ad-"- J w. PTEN"T. in ark k ftsnr:f or no ! f-6. NatJOEaJ lr.m!lit Co.. rr'.ap B?k i VT 1' I ' I j DrPCHVJt CTTT FTEAM LATXI KT-Phrr ttw! M ironed. Si S. E'- St- Ti- I-ua S-i. FE"VI.N5 niartrnn rTtpl. try mate. Tc pr w-k it t.' rw Trmrtli. Ffirnd bund Tiartiinva f:r a i;. Si, and up Xti Cyctt Co, liAb and Knmy CFi C3" ItAPwT'E ruiunifi. Lir ben. Tet CZT.. rr"n -rninrJL OP 3 TKE baa'iTi bjiuawhcld rmcTT. Satla Bk: I t.i ran. abmua aJwmya be baniiy. t Ci j CCiSTITMEB Ei C. 3th, Back. Til R-(TtC3 iE. X. SOktMEE. borowipatb, B- Itld. Ciii t f TFING.ES. rubber roofin. by meX; ra j-i-w ; nd frir free cata.ic.icue. Myera- liurs Liruc Ctu, Ornana. ui PLEATING BuIrl I I'yeuir and cijen-iiir.;, poiifnn and H'j-ink- , or.iy ic pr j'krt Swiid iur prtne uat ud aarr pia. 4.'LI'MA.N PLEATING CO.. 4 Liuuiria iitKA Tei. IiotfiM !!. JC-K.N CAJCE IS IX TOWN' ' Nnw i Hie t:Tiie To trim tret, trehaea and : (Trap vine. a:ao landwBpe earDeninc. TeL j Kcd Uui. F.ea. 1KB & i.Lb Ave. . Ot ! 4C7 JCU ! IH VCjEL"B private hrrra fur ladiea be tare r.d duriiiB' ctinfinenjent; ueKt and citeapettt. ill the city. - b- 13,b r-t- Cki PEJTATTE CONFTNEMESTT HC'ME Mra. Lit. Avixtc. 2111k N. Am SL Tel. 1'U Siaua. THE 6ALT A TI ON AtMT atilicita caatoff cioitomc; 'axo. ar-tnin it'" d nut ird. wa CLiUert. repaor and aeli. at 114 N. 11 tb St f f c m of raiiettin. to, tb WMrtby pour. Call 'Fbon Ikiu 4131 and vacuo. Will call. CL i Ell BLANK. BCC'Ee and rvued fen-m made ta ror- Eeea. fTuiunc Cu- i. i-naha asi attb pai ' OMAHA Btanunerera' Inatftute- Sunn Bid. ns.i S ECZEMA AhBolute'y rurefl by "W. A. Psx toTi' fcali-e. B. J. ScajineU. aemt. ii Ware i is i Mci ra f 4 f V"T'1 I C treatroert and bath Mm i 3L.U.L11V Smith, 11a N. HiLh. 21 tin-v j - 1 l 4 14TP fwedish moTmeTrt- da . i .1LA0...1U1J jj,. rom 2. seiw.41 floor. ' C . Mas EFT A ELLIS, nwimi -iaia rmnr'as 7!tt. rrusir by Moo day a mall. Adu!tR ItT'l Famnm. (1K lffl M4 FOR r-r-t--nr in the aewrna; -macfifne Ih-i at to F. E. Flodman ar C 1B14 . tip. Ave. Clr-'i MT3t Ml I fEWTNG macAtoes suppbes ftir an make of mactiinee: mechme retiarrMl ; marr. n- frw rent Hayden Bro. 6ewms; Marl. in ! ritiuTia St. ratTMKit- Te! I'ua; isnh. Of r-TJ iat : ANT ONE tnew rf the wberetbouTe ef , Neis and Oiaf f'isea will pucfer a favor ! . -BiKiB triem by showtnr them this ad or j bv vntiT! to stir Carrie OlBen. Kack ; Island, IO. t4C 4Utb St. ' a MTWSC2 - PAINTnTL barns, ary aorr or skis btrrt quickly healed by Satin Sltia Cream. Sc. ni ,m fi ST.. m . ... ..V TT . r.u -?r-- r'H X R Bre 7i MkiW t- REAL ESTATE Cttt rxorEiTT roa al.e 1907 Will Surely Be Kountze Place Year We ara amUinc lot is Eountae Place neariy wy day Ton will see more bulld lur and attinij ta tha add:tim than any ether part of th ctty this season Jenple a.r just iiecinnma te realise bow mach leB they caa bty a lm to JCounta Flac v .r , .. tuaa m ary orher part afl city, conaia- errnar tb surt ounctnars pswed at re era per- rnanect street car servioa and die- th. iin.a PRICE LIST ALL LOTS d0x!24 FT Cm Lnruat St, bsrweea Mra and Jatb, ttm I Oa Bmney St, tBrtweea lrtth and tn, ' r iw bstwee. Istk aud-l'Atb, tJWt pencr St, berweea W and iath. it ts tlAwi. rw, i.... fc v -- ...... A- t fc iU. Us Etmmes Vt, nnssie liltb arid nws to ubai. Ca PMLBiier Bt betweea ltll and Sr a. (UI ta r.jfa. eai-ej-tirir cji-nerB a trifle t lather. lHat put ng buyiur until tf advance tn rw-a CaJ or aeud tor sur new pjat and tiaat c4f Eouctx Par ho:ea. If yo-a cas t pay caanr a, i; make trtna of 4k cash, balano a L ! and 1 jaara Hastings & Heyden, , I7W Panuun St OfrNrT-R I fcawa bvper. ajr:iajT f-r ' causa property. !: xn a ctiajio H A STEA. AtN&i- K. tM Board at Trauie. -mu uj T BT troa wxier and ears cummueAoa .j . i ... , - USjMi- A SNAP. C i lot A bi.u 4 Leans. Park, ront east beta an J L!yette Av.. tt aai atfiiily. tme Xia-a tr--;Qi Ha'n'i- - imi t:aua Fun4. (mick. lis l'y K.l: REAL ESTATE 1 cvrr rrrn-4ti4. ROULEVARD LOT AJ v U I- I- A. W CC'E5E6. ON THE BOTTL S7VAX& ACD 3TH ATS, P-.'TTH ASD EJLfT FX. ".NT TIJE BYEOX HEED 03 ; r:s Km. Cli 14 i BEMIS PARK! F-t rwr ta Breiia I'arlL. t'uUi It - Elfwij- trrraoefl and nm.T nnr Mock frwa far. Ft-pc Tnr te!Di:ttf sua p. ritV t C"l IT'U - OQ 12M Finiim. 'Fbfne Xou;laa Hfi F'R EALE-wfl V' 'in houan. lot 12 ' fruit of ail kinfSn. hancj' tr pk-cwiI. rat t c itara al car., ip js. -c p'... i CmuOja. itfi-MTI 2lTt iUANT'SCAFE a-rtir-rt. E. C y!tr, ; ptsi IfuC- TC CI JtfTO 7 N T. Lif E.a. n.vis a EUGETEEN iota. GM. Cmmdl Fluffs- i , TTiiiuu-a C"-.i.ha; km, 4(t; hD 1-44. .e. Iii "IB JX FT'R EALX Tiw m'-m htaw and Wrr ha-n. cur bi.H-k nfrtB ol Hbtw-.ttj p;- . ptvi rrrt oim frmru i'T era tTnn" v'.l t ha-raia. THOKA- i KENN 4N KtiE 1 N- T. 1 Kioc THE KEE-R ABFTF.ACT CO. S AB- I FTRAC'T'P "'F T7TL.r:rt t tb Bafnn Tu tr protacted by a iT bond Irw by rrarTi. Ton j n: t tmy it mw sT a bpn ymiu buy a "lierr" abarract 1u4 HaxTiry- Tel. Iouflaa 64fT REAL ESTATE Fill AID M.AS4.H LAID FCU aALE i ! ACF-K5 to Buchanan routrrr. l"wa. tin- l pru vrriit-ut aitin wrtf, aver z.ibi, chasn i at r.i.tril'. "W'lL t'iane f;ir mrWfi ! Uiikta rricieiir -prpprty. lntrnaTmal i Land and lc i wju-m C, 64 Fide. : litii Wi IT ; BOaTE? fi.KEE5 : Be carvfuL Lncata rtrat. iTrreBtiKiii otr famoua irtrsan ratify. fliirr rrpa. matcbiew rhmate. Let ua wrrtc you. ktujer 4 Jan tea. Mead., tin. O'l KU4 Ala laaewta. TOTJB OPTOBTUXITY to f't a farm 1 at hand. The Tu1l:tJi & L.wa Eatire K. E.. Co. U aelhn aiKd ijd lane in Bu I-oui county, iiitinencta ta actual oerxiera at reaacinabic prirea and oxi term ol C per acre aowc and btoi iQiT Hin fxrieia year tome.. Fur lull in fnrtxiaxjon aadreaa Land C'.immimiiouaT. 512 oJViu x.ifig- LiuuUi, M nrn. oi M4s: rx UhmiI. FOK SVALE Terncn county Kinecmrt. 3t ac-e cnici faxm. hirbly impj oveU. abua oastly watered, levtn mile ta anxid niaf kt. Here if at oj 'port unity for a live. tacloiULn. Price. lAimb; half caah, bal ance i tiro at per cent. J. Frod alts. Srta-A Botanical Are.. St Louia, Ka. UH-ICKI 17 1K ACRES ef land, tea mi lea from Omaha. 7i am tire H. Summer, Bo. into St. ji-r-Maa n tSQ-Acre Grain md Stoci Farm 11 acres pasture, Uw Acres well bxjirwvad, rte le-l iiorMmi kLnd m Nance county. Nebraska. Corn it) to is bushel. Ttrna: y, buHhel. alTaiJa. cicwer. tiinotby aad bnm farm, t-room bouse, barn 4'i i, twii cranari-e for .iii' buaheia ar-auk. I scaiea, ixc hnoeea. cattle sneda. orcharc, j three wind mMia, ta.naa. 4( rooa iDC feme &- P. D, t-leohcine-. scbmil and j church on nm mues from Palmer. j Pr " ,fccre' WT"te- 1 VT TL tnarnaTi Psl-mPT I CD M4SS :x i I .-vinjB jra.jri. 4" acre in Fnmtier county- oty: rood road tn two railroad town: one two railroad town; one mile r-om nt-'re, postofhoe, -ram atatioc; m rid locaitty fme-ba:f mlJe to church, arhool on corner .TtHLTuaiT bouse of room, ham. crina. frraiiarr. well, wmdmiil. small orchard, extra bar pui fur xT.Biili- possession March W have other a Write uc fir list and maps, Cornelius at Compaty, Hasunea. Nrn. 0i KUG, 1 F;iirCEr S -ALE INVESTTM ENT. For a few daya iiectiiia Elkburn Valley. Nebraska iand ud bay tm yar net ewntT 4 per acre. Alfalfa sill net thro tunes as much Care on atf.Krttui.a land 4 bu. per acre, P-ic ITT per acre. EL &. GATES. E2 X. tb t , rZZ. ZZ .ZT : ; ; m m'i m vnaice eoranea lana ICBT Blue r traue. Bex Sit. kauri- Neb. J" AlKJ lint PAX HANDLE IXDS ETTT FEOM THE OTTVEE. T awn aeveri thiiuaajia ai-'res of land tn ttna aonaorful oourtry tue mom etji laod m The I mted Sutea. U t cu r:v you the -best tirinea. also the lowest rall raui fare. Ji.ti one of oi:r f LERJC "' LAND C- Kt-i 8. 13th St. FVsl Natl Bank B'.dr. .'Sr. T7 14 . LAND SEEKEES: j -a ""f " loA ahown-r new ran. way and i.K-artoc t,f famous Itraaiw val- lev lands, the richest ram be,t lands ia j 1 r. t rc SLatea ar -"w b-rards ar r- t tt i w t iHiT M ' mIT-i I tt-known. Pnc, Cd to iustrated list frsa. H i land San Antauiu. Tex. OSW Mrf" It F -R SALE OR TBA BE Itnpf oved fruit i and chicken ranch of U acre near Iieuma, I Wun E Braiey. 'Wo.uach Sea ; tb M3 Tix HOMESTEAD ' Tf CO ETTR D'ALENE REFERTATIOS T'Z. ? 1 hcrr vhoios a haat. frmil and timbse lauid. Lw yoa wart m acres k m I ai - n.r r m w l I W- FCfcJaATiOAi AuENCT, Iteoms -:A La I CbS4(r 4MLSA it ilia. SjS TA FAE.MS POR SALE. Xhc t bi:y a i'tzi o: a-ci kiud, arvw-bere, beto. wrii -: u A pusta, a .j httir v.t our He; B:i.ue' A al.: ira.-t-. vi u-n.i.-t, Cirewy CiltiT. Neb. l-Ae A!!H1' SLX REAL ESTATE FCR RENT I faa-aa ad 11 bm-A Lib4l a ACS-Ea. with houa. liitt fct, and F'-iR RENT F:v acre tract f land j ittuiiii b.iui euj-jLi. . ter arur.u- iLC j r;r or ra,n.r pota bra t lrt.t mrUki.e J Utkna I ub. AO- ten . . e ."i. lkl n r - . - I bav a arrrnd Ura i'r re-.t. Tins wcR - Vwe- nrni a-k r.ur Ibua. - - ' L.' Sirwart. V S Eui Fk-.jt. i-l j and Fumaa Sia, Omara. tr AttWi 17 "WLen Yon Write? Tj3 Advt-rtiH MENTTii TL Tr-FTH REAL ESTATE IXANS .'MI TO UjA-V-ri'M ir.Tes:mr.i rn. ! , GAAV1N"B 1w rarssr.. J, and S- per ut m ntk-l tin "i. enaLf , r r- o--.m.t. CI' LjCiW EST BJiTT.&Br-vnm. rai:on E'.i T. Tri MT?i7i- lA'AN m trarii'Ta rtrr pril-"'.r H. TliuiruLi. Finr: yatin.aj liurg Bide. W A VTX1 Cut loan. E C. Pr'.i-t Co. TliTED-T";rr loan and am -r n-jr W j Famam fnjr.B A Co- ii: Farriajri ! UXIOX LOAJC & DCVT CX). PRIVATE BAKKEBS. Loan mi.ufj-on naJ be? i i f-t Kiri fin' If-uj; aM 3 REAL ESTATE WANTED i'WANT tp bur ra or -more t-n- T-r car WANTED TO BUY j rOVT c-r t iwcxTnd-riaisil furo!tnr ' , i ,d r ,ti l- t-4k? nr.? . bjr Tiri CE ICS-IS .r,r , i.hri htvxa nm-ni. aU W AJCTEX1 Tickrt fir Itrr; ffnajf ; rum Bam JL. M ur-aj but"). ti' JW ITx j VANTED to ii;t. r""fl wound hnrw, abrrut ' 1JNH lta; innet be cbaji. Fi-ti St. CASH PFtd frr nid tiwki Cra.n-Fy Ca, j 1 i ar nd-band Inrcrrur.. j WAVTED-To buy noetic iLTtd beKTjr.i atrvpa. Cttnwta tin, ill- uma. fjir fumitnrr, tiid r.iinba and eti. pihni. faa'a.--4id piiiwaa. qullia. and aLi kimi f toii. tr will bv.y ih fur tut ur of ycur bciaar f'liT 7it. Ji tuy u juitf (ir tn-htntT. y f urr.Jtur. Tli hten n ttt-" pud. Call tb nrr.t iristi. Tl. I'nus. T1. S MHlf. Jt.4 KA'TEH-Fot lrftmnt. flBta nr rot- taawa, a w m, touto trr i r. ji. i j caab. A,ddreB i 7. car Br ' MaGT-. - ; W5TED-T buy aim tnanhitjt atiAa ffunULOi fumrtttre. ri'Ee umr : itub: be cbaa. Adareaa L ST., Bee. -i" j.. cb WANTED TO RENT VTAN'TELWTb rent a bam for four or tx htyTB. t-irjniTT 2mb and Maaoa Sta. E. W. Anderaou. S4 Be Fid. USi-Mm 3x WANTED-Twd or thr nicely fnmmhea., Biodt-ra rttoma for l:rttt h.'-jkeeTiinir. rrferenrr. Aadrea ir jbtne rruuiap . 43 X. 4-ai St StMith CTtialia "Fn' n fi WANTED SITUATIONS P-ATJIUTT-R tvf 1 B'fcm V TMJ1 eiuw'ieanB wai:-. mme kind of work on farm; oora - 1 j-f : tD -fill ajs.T kind of farm poBitaon. Aaci. John Olna-n. A.riena Lodsa, Flortnoe. Neb, Eouta Na 1. A COMPETENT acaie merriarilc, can reawir any maA of acaiea. E.leren'-e fumiaoed. Aoflrea Bee. C7 JfTT. llsx EL'TCWi-E S Jt WBDtad. J. A. Furbea. Aurora, Neb. 2T M O.U US DAT women fumuibed Teiepbonc rtiu"aa nil tree of rttrpa. ar ANTED Position as e-tenoprapher; eod reference: T years experience; own ma chine; can tme any of tbmi. Adrera ja ina, eare re. i.a TAVTED Position of reneral nffioe wirk . experienced ; tiest of re-feretHes fu-nished. . Address II. Cmaha Bee, It' Pearl Si Council K.uffa ilT) MJT75 SI GOVERNMENT NOTICES Pia.-FO.SAL6 FL LIVE gTOCK- Hir j pa,-tmexi uf th Interior. Cifht ol Indira ( jjx-jued prupoaaas pjunlj maxaaa ua tha ! uuiauie of tne auaiwi eni-ejopr-a. ' Proposal . .r &! cm-Jl ' and kaureLiW tw t fir I : ,.n,i.niir ..f Inoian aJtaira. WaahiiLC- . , t. t-. miil he rautirvva at the iiiii.ii - lurtiin.n and jtiiout 'A.Viii i rV"if"."?frn1 reserv-auona. aa per schedule, ortiiii-4 apecihcAUuua. conu.utm to be unserved by t.iua-ra. etc. auci: wiJ t turuiMnea upon " , j.r..-Mr , it jju Inajui ofiux. "V4 asliina- I miae -U.1L. u. C, th U. s. Inn ia,a warehuuaea 1 L al via t epma; at Vw 1 ura CHy Chicaru. Iu omaua. ! ater . - -v.n, Bt Loiua. Mu- anc Sua Frauciaoo. i Faua CiTJ lxra,l La.. : the oflurs ul th Iirwver Jouruai. Chicaro, lu ; inwn leicpum. fcjtnsu itv. aa: Th Bee. Cmana. N-b.4 Juurnau. BioLX Cltl- 1-; Pioneer rTtsa. St Paul. M. Liveaiock Repurter, Fort Worta. Tex..; Muntana Becord. Ha-im. Mjo;., Breeders uui-ne. Chic fti. In : co.oua- Feeuer. Phofchix. Arix. ; X-rover Jou-nai- a.....tT,,r a..,rin f.TTu.h V-t rhr 1 i , lnni.B areni at frtandin Eock aeerwy. , p tm rate. . D.; Pme Euuc arency . Pine fcicrt, a. 11.. Lower fariue arency. Lower Bruia. S. Il; Crow Crek agency. Crow irtML, . L.; hunt-bud areiu-y. P.oseuud. S. D . Cbe.venu Eirer acency. Chetjtane Ajrency. L L., and the suirintenaen-- of th Tunrw River agency. La rrmofc-r. Mont,; Sajitee arency, suntee. Neo, and Fort Apache arem-y. " hnerrier, Arix. -Bias upon the hiaaiks furmsmed are oa ahaoluteiy essential rney may be made rn any otoer iunx provtcied ttie nmdiumi are observed. For turther irtoemautin apply ta P.- E. Lvu;ip, cumxzi:aaiiiner. fi: -14-ifc-isi-n-a proposals foe leasing the trj - tJ Landa of the Stanuir.e Rock Eeserva- tioo Nonn Ikiul, tor Grar'tir Purp'ises ipartment m ti,s m inamn il'.. miicu propjaai for ifcs:np ttie sur- ' V'us tritiai pas: urea on the Btaiic-iiir Rwk ; ( reser-i-auuri. North Ikini. tor rrax t.r ; : purpos-.-a. will be received at this offi i uutu 2 e ciues, p m on 7 hurscty. Marca - Ja. 1st", asa wil. b imniediis.-.e.iy tuereafitr , j opeued ia tha preacric-a of such bidat.-rs as '. may attend The Ian a wlL tie ie-ased f r ' ; a period ol v jarB from June 1. 3r. ; and no lud tor a (tfferent perHia wiE tie - ruiiB'Oere:. Tb proMsais must be aa- ' ': c. -esse a to "Ti. Con.mismoner of Indias ' Aa-'ra, V asn:cifti--n. i C." and must h i iaituy enaorst-c oa ts,e outside tif the en- I vt-uipe, ' pn.jHisal t or Lasinr t g Rat a Landti " Tu lauai tiSered 1 lease 4iavs be.-.i. tTivided tots f jut pantu-ea. Pa. : . t-J-e Nu. 1 contaiTis rfc.w at-re; pB'utr Xj. Z ounianis M.-.IMS at-rr: pms: ure Nu f eontait- C..ii acre: pasture 4 con tains lira 4M' acres, idn-i r snowit-r th hK-a- , , xxa. of tij immure and ponte; rivii.r ui . ret ti uus ttr i tie sunn-ission of tuaa. and a.Xl tttner nec:i-san ry irl urination. mt. t (iBLuind ob a:rr,licaTiLii la l r-n.-ri t'-nte Indian accl Fort, SonfT'"'1'' t! h easure aeveioped today Dakcita Proposal Butt ci-rf j-niit.r to tn c.nm.g f-ort. the same senator a-im op- riujTiii.ii niei:n:inea la tiie jin-ers m. y he r iri--rd if su' h ai-non nall t .ie..iTic adew.hie C F La Kit A EE fp-g FVLAlM IRCiITiSALS FT-E Fr-rLT'INGS- I'E-pajr-,r.T.t uf Indjin Afrh-ira. W a.-.n-nrtjrL Tt C F eiiruary a li7. a aieO proposals, piaity XiTkii ta tuc uu'i, an of ike imaAsd vLi'iuupi, "FrupiMiaA i or BiiAiuca. Ks'-ti eijraafc.a, and addressed to ttie Ct mm.r nuiner oi luil-kB a r . , Wirn .t(:m. U,.. Bill be racwivei tt Ujt Indian Ciff.-. barn. El K. ' X-Iil'i - u"u I- Viarch ii. it"". i..r 1 . j f and oeL'verinc th ueceaaary ma ' I teriaia ai.a reunited to enmrnruct and - comi ie. a worn.Hh.-ip. su;ierintenaeTii s seau 1 Ueoce and wtt iniAia-.i.r.. ia st-ict a ' ct.rOi,noe r A the piaoia. spaHtihcauotiC and j nustrui-tiutis t, hu:h may t e 1 dmiwd at tha tiTtic-, tti u-.c t-f tn J - Ir.piH've-meni Lun-ili " Mi.unei.p.,ii. I ml .TIE A H.. II rn . I ,T rr J , , . . . BEian. : "Aaueneaa i iA m-tT: Z?. . biAtn i. . avura- W eraVA liAStw I -lx bbb. I laa, JfcCLi " j Pfcui- M-ttui:. Aiiioieajui. k nr. ; ts ! ,0"f" iZ?,rLMf: T" h,"J'n-n- 1 t.,- , . t 1 : n.i. i Li.iia. la Na Totk.' N T ami at' tne B'wutk. fT fnrther rma:i.m apti.'y u. New. C F. LA-atP 4 h E rl. r m Corpie;i- 1 ,r v.. 11- n ... LESAL TvOTTCES iv.vw.. ftTitix f fKrtinno 4 , Sou F'm"i Lst.d con-;; y w J b- bW j p; lot : " 1 1 r :r . t . -, Ainr-mn, 1 N-. tt 11 t-t"f- a m io tb Ah rtiy uf j March. A. Ii, ic. Fy order of ti B.a.-d i C. H , A T r-ro-Rk. 1 F E B.E g Hcrt ! trr. S.!.;:aT:m. N 1-:. 1' V m.. Kun-r 4. 1. anl 't-n (ttt1. f it B-rtw- i , ti 'Tfn. n pvf if u. wr.Y, Map p-rrta and o;tr inf f-n.ari r. t-iht Kan t tht a4'jbc.uti lo "iV. A TT'-TKEJl. Trir-' r ; "- to mt m the -offj r TV T- ruj!l'ii in f' riT rf i nari Nn.. m tb rt mt of MiTh, : 4 a rl'x-k h. a.. Hjprn.1. RAILWAY TtWTE CARD rTix nine-mni ao "ir ' jrrtt. A 1 J I Or !ar. Utttt-iJ a ara a r i 1 V1 r-- aTtd Jft TiaTl 1 FaK KKn rrT " ' Coin Ir CaTIt E ...a 4 Tf V ! rEifnTTTia Or JiJEla I o Art"M LJTTii-aa...a-r F" twa f Ft KC - a I an a B- T i rftSr Special ; " 11? " , 9nrn Loral ilm b po , 1 j ; fit Lu nrea a JB ra a l: a' : fct Louti JjmcbJ Tj B!B ' CSBSr.U IU-l . bv Eti.t M-rtT i-oraj cxroaa . CauncS Ejci!i b pta aa JC att 4 iaTw an m- C4r Rajnda Faaaj.. - in a K pra Cblokra Iiaylax -a. ' am All HI pra ri:icaitr lucai all .J" am a I 4i, ma aAPpra a J am 10ux City f.arrull Lncau Jl eta .St aa ! tfiiora CiJ Lonal - J 4 B iptif p. x iu ajanaa bc gnm m -an c ib Faat aii . .. a 1 pta , f BBI . . w ' r- " ' Twin Citt umlt4..-.J a irae a . :( ara ' f iverlana Limned a a Jl pa a i.S ant Cfcjcara Llm.trd all ari am ; t ,,JTA a 7-4ii as all,., ara ; I-vad wiKMi-iJiJf-oia J I pa a : pra Cn;r-Bmumi S:Mi pra a t K pra EaBtniBTa-S'tiperaDr -. , a I tali pre a :a pia Franj out-Aola ua s S.1K m fcrrai t 1 1 aw fit. Paul 4k aDnneiupoUa. psa 7 : aa lb. x. . I Jfc " !AlB TI t. Cbtcaa Lmutaa D na -Mt KTa ' Cbicatrs iipreeB -.a l. pm j 4nioaa tpiaa a CAlaBB. av "-taVe. Cbicajn T ' a k Ji aa a 7: nt arc lawa i r-" ' -. , . ' , ' A aai a 4.x vm lawa La?aai A pra la a LauaJ . -sua &jb b pa C tiicapi. itsasusra Ex a pa a 1 la. jis Ctl'"-1 UfiVl i ifTiia - - a fun f -a- pia EocU Mountain i.inui a I J ara a ara Clus. 4k Ca-. ii rnrna. a 1 A4, pa. a jti piz Oki. at Txa iir" A pa aZ;ia pa ljiieota lairburjr anA teiaeTiw - -a oa aljc ia i imarl Pat 6 C 4k ft. L. Hsphbjb a t aa vjf aa Av t 4k att. L. jiiiiraaa an at pa a A-ie pa .uraaAa Laoau .A ua. ta al- aa lea jAiucea Laea AJ pm tUAaMis CeatnaA. ChlcaAO EApraaa ll4a a lm nra ikutJa et. ru. u axa a ai pa Cuiwi i.,imnaa ... -a 4jb a a 7 jl aut ria i bi ai a tua a Jai aia rw aad Ccuo- ftmniai -a aa a I : as .,t,.niia anA ore. aa a A B iuw a tilt aa Overiaoia 1 ,ireA a aa pa a JL aa M.nai. at weaar ii. Lue-a 4.4 ajr buji a iruafiToi iTin- Aaxk a kui a gr4iw -- Ixwa Arrhea Denvar Calilaniis a 4ii pa a i. pra Ruck Bull i. - pa a US) M urtswest Special ..A. 4ia pm a ls pa ! Jiortiw t ut aa i enraaa Exreaa - k-ia en a Vtf aa jteuraaaa. A-araii aa, aa a 7 :4a pa lT,,t,iTi iocas a v:ts aa SOBi pa aU2:ffi pa Elacuir Fat I ip""T' a 1 M pa Ft Crook ar ilattra tS-b Isaa bHJ6 aa-f STTJL. : ?S Kextewue at rat innr -a air alAipTa t bjoan Speoa. .AiAia a f a a is Ch.caas Exprese .a I ii pa a t i. pm a iiia pi a ara Caicao Fly .a t.l: am alii:tt pm 6. ioui a.xpiw a .w pa as- jsi am Kanaka lu-;- -" T'" ara tarisa Cty-Sit. Jo a s.ia am am a tl Btt, y ni Cttr-St. Jo - 4a pa HAaiBieaswrti T- "T, Pa-w.-. ;jn am p. KtnrttW 4 I' w II I II i. . 'SI' ijiii aVJ I Mki I w- Tn- Local C pm r:lv an' rmm ., m txa c m ' . -Al-f la a fM ma . t:afa pa ml.Aj ara a rJaCy b Dally except Sunday d Dafy i ex cent aaxuroay. "amj BBMy- UBily exoept VoTiuaB TEH fTEAaBirt S153 SIXTY TOUBS SI. 135 An Hi. l 1 hjf tVEJTE FOR BOOKLET TWOS, cook v son 145A B5i.Al' AT. NTS' luEI lii Orflties Ai,xiiU Caok-'a "rra-Twisr Cbscka Payabla I , . e-r, . rrrrr dm rMs-jre rr LAf LL I t I 1 L CiLX brrtitU ; lmtmttMt9 Csaw CsaaaA BVr Asked tf TAtHIN'TOS. Fvh. ii. An ecnti of th railroad ticnt that cor.tniuod thfouchout the li-ij pre'iiou sessions ef hoiirress was beard today in -hs eetuiie coaxriittBe on lnieretai pmnmrrt. wu baid cnuer ftL aui!ratiun SentiJT LvFuuertc'a blL provtd inr tia the liiters-au- Cummercs ci,mn--sion stitili ate-erUtir the face value irf the property of wen railruad itfiri. aed in in--beretate ron.nie.--c TA Im o the rat A.ill was unuer cmsloe na tion a year ao Seua-inr LaFolletta orTsrec an anren-ctnietii ihi,tiiaLl tn terms witn the jmaiui hill pro-idu fur the vt-!.uauon of ratrroiLOa. but it was laid on the taiue. Ov ruwa radical ft-ature tif ti raiirirtid rate bill b tarn it w as re last sesa -n It vu apparent Ickjhv. heaever. ttial tiere ar enoucoi vtes It the ctimniirre to re port the whenever o can be brought is a vLiia. Ttie weiiiuck a ha imposec : :.e re p.irt iaid tocay thvt rseir ot-jei-tion avert nut twx-ii nut they ever aeatnsr: tn proptis- ti'in to kft r-tit. the value of railroad prop- rticfc. but because ni tneir hel.el tiut tiiert should i rwriara amendmeni is ttie It was said that th task propose lb be pianud oa the lcierstat Cuttmertv cum- mtttsinn mirct inn:)r that bdy in gjer- trmit KU, lurfi-ssi ry sun. At the aucBiti.iB of thtise aenatur it was arred th uili ahuid be relerred ts tie cm- 1 " " "v - EHU 3 IsCTtiJ T-l aAsr s I law AA AXJJssTrlJ km. j Tl, riy tn ,n,iuia..a 1 exrtd ' en Tisuav next and th toJl wiU tnea b j .. r,.., . m m ' and auppoited to nut a marnar as pre- . 1 rm 41 Ans tr Aiuainesa iTb-iol-ra. Mauil A ' a urria itii ! --i.r-. aa, Ps.sU. K FRKH Qrj QY FlU! . &rrwrtIDfrt TrBr.rBC ty iHHCki ll- lerwri 0j-t3-d to Iter me Tx. lrra (f (rk mr Key -w rta.a m til TmM. PARIS. Teh. la. It la tcr-atii,y rr eT!t that tbf liitnirca trmul ta tnak- a last tc:ii fjbt alturt tr prw pnd trcrmw tax nw)aur and therr ar rpi('l"Ti tht trwr ar try-in ta Trtnf heart tb d'nrr-faj o thr rabinw la ord . to accrTnpiif!r; tbeir purjfne. Tbf unex- ; Jw:f4 CTfrf rci- rt Tiir wmate laat , xurU f.KUa tr the d.-t-.t tm rb auj- , 1 rnrrtary ijmratjoc bill, ttw rajild v- j ara:t of artuc-b wa. aourbt b, tb t- , - r.ntit. but ti abator, bj rcrt ff It to 1 mond back ta tt 'f'm'i ' ,r i err Tunnfr c'tt Grr ktx. vb t trmpirffl mr by fippria. tints to tb tnr-om tax tlxan fliRtj ;irtr'aJ rf u r'rnmm! a j liilj a tlct prrn-j.jra fw tb pupirrraaion if I fi - r iariitior ol JDienrjtroa to hold public Tn tnrDme laa bOL wrpotria.Ilj' it tn- coiu'nriaJ 2tur. contn: to be tb '-i of n:.l:t c-tr..rm. the r-. ttir FxrvjjiT if tbe rac?1c:a. aarialiwtic it-:a aud tbf Eclair, bmd.y imMK anJck-a mamicon- tatparr b tp rradf ti law. All tb Ufa njiapr ra opvomr th iD'-om u ar matin mucb ''I diaaPtiMiona to tlia cabtrnn. but to ' tb priniTipl tb inc-am tax iwim ta bav i ' ' : i puj.uihj- aurtpcrt fc.nd tli ptwmt rarrpajen to -uodenxiiri tb ciili.rtrt if ccwauoXTid m!ir jikij- to BLT-tr. do thai to wpbAto the fiivfnaiwEj'i ptiaitjon la parbaiwr-t. Frrark ( ftarrh 4 ailran. Ftb. li Tba urrn-iii.t bra-;E Miraater Educaiiot Briand and tba cl.urt.-b u--bPr!tB-a bftre oa tbt larm of t: Cl?liLJIlL . VI WIT Hi iJlT III. AJ'" , r , , .:r. . , . , , ' , ' rrach5. on!y beccm, lral!y -bdii.1; cm .,. .. ... . . , 1 ! mi-T,r mumrapaj c unciiB to accept ! 'the Pari fTrm of contract it omart b j l-piiy- crmotrud by tb federal rovenj- ! j DMsnt. and the municipal oouncil of Pt34. of w hjcb ex-Freniipr Crjtnb m prwuVa-.t. already ba ieciord to abiae by the ternia of tb law or February s. iwc, wbicb piaoe the Catluilic ciurc-bea at the fliapcieltitm i ct.ijc cierfT witbrmt th Tjeoea- aiTj a caxvtrarr wnwura tne majrors ana , the pannh prteta , Illmw..f t.i3 tcT. aa to the capa- Tb roetnlser of the household of the ; i),i;t,e rf prnfeaionai rralne-B and their hiBhop of PariA -Cardinal Richard, take , scientific know iedr ;rf tlie efiects of and xt-eptioB to tb idea that aa agreement ,Snr wi da. In a r-oent v 7 - .i-i--iii oer; t'f xaminatun ta aelect a trarneir reiatnm to the cburrbea will rn any aense jUT tn Harvard traik team, many ut conatot a s;ilirriPB of th religious inrae. ' titm were asked tn candidates, witb a In this ponnertjon a prilate. who is doe ; J""-" to, fiaiJ? 'n"-1 npn TKuXr .... ' : know of tb tr profesFirm to the archhlKhop. said: At the cioae u a runnmf rnmment on TS e wished pr-rriarry ta sbv pubbe then- answera, in Nicboia said: "Ta sum Worship fran shlrwreck and upon that : t"P. then, there was no practical arreemer! , . upon the amount of work, tn of mt we are surre4in;. but beyond that ; t 6rsriJlg , blch men eouid be kept in the reUartcrua question baa net adr-anced top erni'-ioa. or th tbaimner of tb f wd A ttHst." u be r:vea to men to traimn Tb wboi , I tbtna; comes down to a very indefinite rrs- I siiai C'aisiae Awaaety. j eri(j impressum, plus Th todic;auon shown In tba Cbamber of Xieptttlea Today M. ' acrara-teiy by ttie weia-hlna; snaies. and ail Lefebure eornplained that the people of . wtr snow iat tb acjeno of - . . . ' . . train: n: is a very m3rr:n:Le and f-rud cms. Lbe I-rertment of the Meuae. who would and ihat -h must -valuable trainer a to hav to sustain the first shock to a war all probability in maa who amsws human with Germiry. were rreatly exerrdeed by th arttvi-.y of the German on the fxwa- tier between Lons-wy and Montmefly. Gem- era Pirquart. minister of war. raised a . , MT,ir,r- v.- , . , 7 . ,. tr atorm of applause when he replied that if the Germana were v-lolatri the newtnJ territory -of th rrand duchy of Luxemburg- France would t&k ineasurea ta meet the IMantinerw Try rnaA, LONTXVN. Feb. la A fcantic echeme n. r -nrrr. HlvilbK T ' . ' frsud the revenue is reported to hav hn uneartbea by inland revenue officer, Th. iatter. ti a asserted, Recovered a ara- tarn of u-ndercround pipe Throuirh which w hisky was cottve-ved from the distillery i eirht. Wivhnut any besitation tb mavor to the- duty-paid warehouse, whence it was j Vo JTS "ehow-.'hTr- distributed to the trade, tfcos ncxrinc th ! ti.x st C3 per rulion. The revenue au- j Mas MuDer. the mifldl weurbt champion tbartoe are said tn lure demanded the cau-h--catcb-cAB w-esUT of Engriaud. baa , . - - i tieerj mitL-hed by Florrie Eamett to wres'-ie payment of a ftm- ri A:.IM. on the itaur- , "Tt-n it,,, Greek- n February i. oe arled lieu or Th matter win be bruurrit , fore the Lini-oln Athletit club of Chelsra. up to Parliament. i Aiass Tbey will wretrrie tiest TWs to three I fall for a aid bet and the rate reeen.ta. Baa wet at J4a4r44. MAT'EH', Feb. Ii Mr. Collier, th AJner- ican m:isisttr here, cave a bancuet lust i hi4iht to tb metnberj of the d.plomatic corp to honor of Pen or Ra-moe Pina. tb j new Brianish minister to Tie fnited fate I Ttrrinr the ever..iit Mr. Collie toaatad I Klzig Alfonso and St-nor Pina to Spajush. ' Th latter win leave Madrid for Gibraltar ,,It, .,,,;,, .a i I today in an automobile and is due to m- i bark there for New Tork February IE TRADE WITH TERSITDRIES faiieA twew ta atapadly laialsa B w4tw A rrra mt larlisi j out fur a firbter and has been trammr for wrcrtvrrr,c Fri ir, TV ,,-. aome tima, atuiwiiir a fair amount of clew WAJ5HIN GTON. Feb. 3S.-TS enormoua ( rrttM His o4ip.M-nt all be Bob -sTard. rrva :.h to American trade with Its nun- a bevvy Beirut, whs baa beatea everybody contiattiu tfrrrcorie in tb last calendar ! be haa met ia tour-eooad bouts ysar, aa cantrasted witn th preoedina: ! Conn-. Mat's; sZT"i he worth nia.Mia. one, is ahowa m f.-urs compiled by tAs : all made out of base ball. His dn-idenda bureau of etaTistlu of the Department of to th Athletics ar yearir increaamc. as CtmamT-ro and Labor, made public today. : "'til " JJ'- rear said. u. b In valu this con. ni err arrrerai"s CJC.- ! HKi.SMO. etimpaxed with leas than BW.VW.'Mi Ni Pemne. tb nervy Mrtle second bajv- ' in 1M. Of this trade. rit.iK;.ls3 in round Bum- bers consisted o! merchanajae sh-tiped to tnoee lemturiea. and r'-.fKX-.fMi worth of meirchiincis ret!ried trani th) m. In addi tion to tlos. there was rece'ved frin tne Aiasi-an territory over flfcAMj.mi worth of rtilfi, bemr its own production, and Bu.iuti. shs of ft-reorn r:iid. principally frtim th fcntiet lerrnory aljaoent. v-rf XT.i, Mu .as. a-oerh .rf -,1. ., sent to the nori'-on-.iruous lerritoriKa. about tifKiij isw wonh went to Pnrw Bi'-o C.- fci.Bi4i to Aiaata- r.K.i ts Hawaii and r.flWi-OM" to The Phiiipptiies The ioliowinf t. urea shew bow Aaericaa stlTJier.--. of meri-ria.nd.s have inrreased , . in t. a With ISHa: Porta Rica. frfiro ti'-':.''" t tn,ti.fliie; Alaska, from m.i4i.tK 10 Hawaii, from Cl.BWi,- m te C.i.''- and to ih Phaip'iurM!, frua S.u:hi.iH4i to a l:ttie over tT.tfHt.WR. Shipment of merriiaiidis from noocon tirtious terrii un-s to the Tinted States dunr.c the sam pmod bar tM-reased as follows: Hawaii, frum 25i.. ts nearly ton US' . : p-irts Eico, from $:4.(Hili.xi t 3:.TSr.(i ; AlaFta. from fl!, to tl.i11.. ib. whii- ia '.be rase uf tha Philipinnes there a ihCTl a aLijrht redur-ujn Ct roid recetved from Alaska the Uital of domestic production in : w.a a littie ivrr and in Us, r.fe .fiflB. ittpsl.1 ITT r al rrie r,,T i K.P.UT I SwH M 1 L !l ACCIDENTS i saaawtaa a IA wake Is I aya fcmleM , FnaM Wily kkld AW 4VI--si ' . Bxjt-rsiad -ar . , , ; '. CLEANS Teh U - A. a prw- letcv T-r rai.ruaa acaoerta eonpieta 1 i pctiui-Jty tm sucresteo Try Julius Aj-utt- ' 'hr.itu director uf maatwnajir and oper- ' pf Karrunan lines and rn. prea- urta uf the eki.t:-rn Pacific- In ax hntsr- l" m tiidsy he said 't, ne-ona resnar.abi for ar-mAmr. j w hether twicer or Wnerera aiitiiiid b kiuwa in th jiubiic a ardar that ur SPORTS OF WHAT DiCK CCCLEY S DOING trim lt ta Wiwi a parr-wpmaa.t al Tnp-Aa Uiat ran b taAt-n fur what :i m atirUi C CK i-1- baa lw hepea of mtlt Urtij tr wriT-T. Iraf-"'- Tir V." NfiU aa.r tt a a. that la. H Ui 'J,muJ am cnn ttw ca un it nwrrita tbT a iu rnr Tcpffca Into ti rr frrs knuru. And tb-c C wr and but aawtrjat and paruxir au: h iiW J itiunala CtwWr triii laAa. pr'OntLl cbar if tJ TepAa ,tm Fy itte tmir t ftpnrunc Na to pmaa r n,Mrar '1T' hr tharoujrr'T t.hrmtbf41 nut d C(Kljt.y BtlQ crc,w knt .k -, ...- Hf-mian O baa .1u ra - tBrBBO . v t. oia MFXjr-o. abrr b , t,.-, f f.T. and L baa prai...d hutiiH-ir a wen pa.d atti tba ' . tuUwfc Jtf tb ernir.T araann. j " Jay Andrf-wa. Cm-lrr a erark tbtrd baja ' mati. baa act-rfi'd a proptiln)T) to nnniff j tba ButchinaoB lieajn for th rrrnuna ava ' bctii. Andrr-a-K arlll uniSoubtdlT rrr)v tbr ! larf at aalary erf act piaym- ro tbr aaao J ' Twiry a ronaidnaT a trad with Jp- lin. a-birh atnta Clamsif Cu'w. K la ;! j of tb tMO baa rttr.n ta tb kta-o and ha bru a itb tba T;pJca vara ainc- Ita j orca.ti:Bktlnii. Cole ay b will Ttcrt fa. " If I can t play with Cooley'a turn. 111 ontt tb btbtiw.' aara Col, "and at bank to n-y nld trafl aa a birt and Bhiie 1 wn-kn-' Cck1t 'xqwt 4 ' rat 6ai fmrn bii ir muthpaw. Bcla. wbo pfthf to the Txa la-a last o?arn. II Mrlr.m i to arm rrat ball. Mclnr.i i tb aptt ball artiBt cif tr W"nrni aeanriatkm II Coolly onrrwdB to arair.tnc admiBBltns to tb Tuniiin lwi-ti. h wU3 rworrsnia b! tram and add tm iw talT:t H ha nptlcm ons tw mm. for whom lb dal nm ck(W.a rrt. y rat. Cm.k-y w-Jl b fttd up It! tb up in tb trp Tnw no ma Tier ta wbirb learu he playa If be 1 im pelled ro rematn to to 'TenTerji mwit:i tJim be -Sl not play wrtb the team, hot wIH maniite aome teawi to th American amnriatlmi. and if be -"t Into the Wentern earue be win take peratmal charpe of hi taam and play Smt baa for And nuup 1 the luoala." A Tery totereBtinif oedurtioa i made by Dr. Edward H. Nicnoi of Harvard, a " ",Br- eSTpeciaoiy the nature cl jituaf men, best TT ft "il mil mttted to on wba is twltber ' tramer nor doctor te say tt the last clause ' ssves the whie s-at ement at th Harvard ; man- i ne jkttboiuu eaunation ta tne a: n- ; )rxt. w wnit5 tB trainlnc. It a tb I ort psrcbolortst who is ttie iiest trainer, j or. as Lit. Vicbol puts it so well. "Tb J nm J"hle trainer to aiJ prohahil-tv a ftwr &umj w uw aii'r anniBii Baium. nvjj, ciallT the nature of vouna- men. bso " Mayor Becker of MDwauke is prrtarnry a came sport. After Jshncy Couion of Chi- ' i iijuceraiu I ja iwauae , wrrr rutrrMid T n firhi for the l(K-pound j-hanrpiimscii trrle of th west m M::- a j fur the t m r ebruary 12 tb manager of the ui7 the show went to ta mayor asked him if be would issue a turmrt the bout to am ten rounds rneteatl of aGtuler wa Itirnie: : the traujiiC partner oi 'jeorr n acaetismitiiia' the Aiuaataa , Lvm Oscar T annum made a fine h-nnresslon on the larre crowd at tha Auditorium when tie won trom Simmers, who weirued sv. enty pounda more than b did Whil teakiii; of th bout before the match V, assem said: "111 hnv to cut him down t rty aiae and then throw him." Thi be did but curtma dewa ha tinA ITtMrn proved himself a tsiartwlas man by witb- : standinr the beavy onalaurht of hi larrrr j tipiKitient v nwin ana t irmtf Bums are I matched for Petiruary Ti at tne A ucliiorinra ; and the bir huna i.r should be taxed ta boifl the crowd wtin-h wui want ta turn eut to witness this event TVhelT Morris Levy puts oa his next box to show at ttie Sunset club RaipB rUiae, the riant rtriiutwr. will he one nf the contra cam The riant Believe he a rut ; niac whs rues from sLansas Oi to VTasb- ', he Das pw-d in ciases Ii c. B atu1! Has been ! armed., sua and d-k.. .ed and hi,, y mw : yars of are. Trairy Sehrtr.r ba at last aumed for this wumha He will piay with Whiiumsport ' lo outiaw. Tber A a riod man. but hard ts hoid I Tti lowest f.rure president Herrmann j will a i -cept for Pucker E winr as r:.s. ' """t V i.-iiuiu. 1.1 urs m Fb'itis ajid ttie Btston club refused to eon- i sent- Crocitoiati ttm de-iad ts bold stits j ttie man rkttier tnan auiii- B-iion to ret hira ?UT t-" m I CismtaA-ey ti not hnv th trotihie, af:r 1 all. re'.tii.r Nick AJtrwk to Burn a coti- . I-'"''1 '1lfc'T-m 1,1 uS i"? t:'- If other base baa tiers- mu followed . urn- , ,,-, way of dome wusmess. thine base bail wuatid be a heap more peiaceTi. Jimmy Sheckard a tn ne kurrv about airriinc hi co. trait. Be wa m no hnrrv to r-t a hit t.flf Ihe iiThlTe S.-x twirie- h-t fall, either. rut a prTTv rmfl aan-ry last season, but he did not deliver a the wur'id s seriea. r BvAned is B asa -i y. BAN rRA.NC31CO. Feh 13 -The first t- 1 tauTv 01? tne racina; aenNos iHMirrad at j Emervvilie yiterdy. wnen Fred Fl oss, a crack Kikey a the earty Wis. was itrort auay mm nad ta ieel tb weltrLt -of puji- 1 aurwi a imTKiasibi ts concede and their lar oisi iBiaMire. TP nuust brui about a ' resirtiatltia ar acoerited. cluser bbMJ! i ano at th ruiea rovemln , Th Butte carrier fw weeks rw ten th opera Hot, of tb rai.rua.ds and a creater ; erd their res.rnation ts Ptisnmaater respect fur aner b-ctjus than we now ! Georce Irvine, an a: 11 .r tney desnred ts re cet f-roaa our mpkiye Tba can be dote I airn M&rcb 1. Biuesa th ar.-emroetit aaw oniy by tb wloeat publuary of aociaesta.' LETTER CARRIERS C'JIT WCRK rsdsiraj taategn at BVasr taaaA tm Lis - BTTTTK. Mont, Feb li-Th ma ear- ners of Butie w!3 CU-t work to . bod, Mwrch T. advtce. h.T,r4 been cen'ed from tk aat-lTStoa yeanerdsy ts the eCett teat lb increas aalane aaked b, U THE DAY. PEPPER-CAWPBELL BCUT DRAW Ktuaa f t In aan 4i lAa. m mlt-tvld. aai tawia-twll EttM l I Ik Math. A fV-aw wan 'Ti Ff- tr tr ti -rinittd boul at w:b"ft haii F-tl.T t::'.T Tjta-it: T'rr.Tt innu ef LntiB'.a and Jcit tt.t I"'t'?-r i"f Kim O'r Th ri m r'Tr"1 ttr nirt In t -, ime "f arr b-4d at rb' :!( tt ! a rti'r and . Vha rri3 rfTTd To Sr 1 TK'tlt ww'T rt'vidd in b T-n;jBt-T ff-r tr- botnp n tna y"U-i f-'TT, KuTi-ia t'T. J'k B.-liti "f Karma Pitt, wii krvi r, rr. prrTrr. rtrrla, ba M'ti rT"Tr.:r. F,:,t-r wimr Tirmu ana b ar d (ibT f 'il'wrr of tb at Ktrju Cut TtmurM ibT tad a r"mrr alia rrvaT-t pi'm dur tr if bnftr f ' At A:iii. ivi-pra tnw-Kl fine 1"Tth iaX r iatit and a a a a hj-'a md t tb mart, but a Ira hard jn:ta fr-nn arrmt lft in 1b a'TTt round rhanrd tb titV ft na .-lrr rwa iiti rr - Tilwi i . I .v" i c 1 ntai fa W" nf rTMfc It) :'br man and bib rtT-na aK tb fur.. Mi f.r'rrv Lovh callrd tii hwet A ct- a lr. th pr-rniiniirr 3 0th-irht Ati4 Mc..iir I d rvt- a p-vwi rxb'ft'ti-'ti fnr '.at n unrta Hp? d nad a htrd punrb bet ha h't -hr iu.t th if krt- ttni trifn fad aT iancttia fin Gst.titr'' Wn int't and EU' ki- ba tt matt f:iT a t rifiT)-r(iijTi! av f'r kuarf to 1 b:tr in aarr -Hib. and id fftwn I b-rnT niaSa ' arrpnr a r' liiii CikirMt Ernrlia and Ed Coarxtip . U.K a ISA 4 rewT 4 LA. DtTEl Caf arttk Vknika Win Be rtar4 Uae la OrlrM-r. 1'WA CTTT. la. Fell la. Srr;al -Tba fcT universefy of ltva f o bail team w il hv one of the tiesi scbi-duiea next t!i that it has bad in serenu yeara JVa ifft'-ia, announ'i"rm'tii ff the fame ar ranced for ha be n made yet. but it baa lwn piissitue tt tu teTnine what tamrs wil. te piayed fn ! t.rr sou rrra. Tba K-h3uie in i'jr jirrnt !orTn ha.r nrvrr heea ajjroied by Itie ii.iard ol A Uiletic Ckn:TTui and v-m f tie cortrarT huve nit e"a s.cneu jet. liu: M i prai-tica;:y ceria:a that the Hawkryes will piny crames wt;.a the foili'WiiiB; teams no the dates ma tionc : The arason offrially opens in Iowa City, with a fame witb the f mrtitw s on Pep teiTitirr ZK. Tbe annual frame wrtb the aiunuii of tb uriirr-w-ty wl'.'. be piared .a Iowa dry on uctoher ii t The first farum itit fr"n horn- n:l be played at Kansas Citt! with the CntversJ-ry if Missouri oa imi'lwr .i: er (rtolr-r ID Iowa will play the X ruversity of Nebraska at Lincoln -oa CiotiibrT a,, the Vntversny of Wlscons n at Iowa City on yiovembeT I. ti Vrrtversny of lilinoia on November H. and liw solver fif A mra. bi m Niev-mbj-r U- Thai rive the Huwkrye T1 of the rames they ' are allowed by the western ronf ir1r. anil leaves one op-n aat tie or the Ames s-ame and one ojen date bei-fir the fame 1tA th l'nrvers:ty of Neliraska. Tiie Ames cam is. of course, crmdrr.lfmed tm th Ajrsrws sitmina up te piy un-r Live aestwn conlereiw rules. Captain-elect McElhentiiy of tb Ames team would be barred utid-r the ctrrf'-rence ruieja. as would several other prominent membwa rif the Arties team w ho cuniitieted t.tieir three years play last fall. So Inr Iowa and Ames have not b-en able tn irw I'ti the contract to be used, but as there la seven motrh m which to fix tti matter up it is liebeved tbat the Ajcs"ies will ajcri-a to the Terms b-fre they will refuse ta play Anoiner inireetiTii pront alxmt tha new schedule is the tact that it does not include a tame with I fake umversitv. "W hile local authontie refuse to make any statement with reference ts the relations betwem itTiA and the State university, tt ts understood that Tjeatotiarjon were pesd-h-ip- tin stirltic fur a resumption of the relations between rtie Urn irstiTutitms. But the nrmappeartnee of a Iirake run oa th Iowa unri-erslty schedule makes it seern certain that ttie nes-ntiaTtims did iKt reach a favorable conclusion. Ttie schedule b.v mu.i it u-i u t-hh mi ,. m t-,,ur, as aeveral of the contract ar atlU la abeyance. WlfTEWTA arras. fIIT lrraka Urei Ik Cspsisia m UTrlf MrXVEAPOLIS. Minn, Feb. It. impe rial Teierram i In a nmrh but weiv pi ved frame of iiasket ball M:nnivta d lea-tef the ehrtsaa university tram nens tonif-ht by a aeor of I t 1 Nebraska stm-e Minnesota the worst scar of the season, starrtnr ott in the f rst half like ' a i-Urlvrad. hut betna f.nauy overrnie ro the last minute of play by the harrow ma-r n -of on point. The frst iia f et6wd !n Neliraska s favor by a soor "f to . Is th sermd ba'f Minnesota heenme very ronrh -and scored two more points than Nenraska. The same team play toriwvr r"W nirht and a larre crowd i expened. The Itnecp -as a follow. Nebraska Ttpiruiii W alsh ' M oeer Ii. Be!l P Bell Erukr sub Kaiser, referee. Poemon. . . . EL F. . . . . .L. F... . . C . . . . . . E. . G . . MinnesotA. lrri naj MuW . . . . 'H'oodrick Lfa-rsoA. Pif-Oll I'sselie i sub ) . . L G. -t T ut UaE Tb CslETTrl VAwHsirw Se a ed Art or y m ta tiseaxs, Tbe South Omatia Hirh school was de leati'd lam ni4tht hy ttie hla-n artboul titrra Crete for the second tiitie ia a ram ef basket ball. Ttp soore was 2b te St ta favor of Crete The same wa tb fastest sr or the South Omaha floor this year. The Crika b.ya afipearr !i, be much ttve mciesi ami pu.ied a rourh srarne thouera the ftrcl wee about eemaliv d-vird, Crt rained tt tnr s-ad tn the flw! half ef t.ra came, but South lntiaha was "t.iT- hie t piay atKiut mu tn the axennd naif and cnuid nut reduce Tli fllff ererice la Tti smre. Lin k appeiared also te tie arntrst the horn team, for rt tnwe-d man1 free roul- Tti Time ef the halve were twtuTy tr.tnut. The officials were Me. " l-uifrt, uniptre, and Martieilua. ref-ee. F-r tb tHtliri kc-milimcl. the oenter. pa ted by fur tne star rame of the team Ruaseil Bert iar T'lived in the rtrti half in g.ia w tf Ij.ymond fUr and he did wi4 weak a Btuaid for Suutb Omaha. wits the BKia L-Eaa. On the M-rtroptilrtan allevs last ntr-bt rba 'ii TT To-, all three ranies from th E! Caudiiiiis The ra priroeau teri tlf the "Wud Tor were ttie nli ann who did see fair bos tlnar H. primeaa starred out wrr s-ood gum ith m-n tiw 2h m-k. but fell down Vad n h last ram.. Hm rictis tn" Ttie EM Caudiil'is was tne r.'y mar cat bis team to make tn tr tnt"t, Stttir: ' EL CA I"DTLLOS. 1 i. I Total. Canrrilao . tm IS Tf,l 41 McLean VJS 3: 14s 4ot Bauman 146 V ISf Fax'.os 134 M lit Hitim-tis ,. 17 J.iS 1 ST Handicap 4 C C ITi Total 7kT 7C Tin J.E GOLIi TI"S. 1 S T.TBl. H Primeau. M ' I lrl ."refute . 1! 1-17 44 Butier PO 1.71 41 C Pr-mesu I M. ". tV Man il.ej- 1H7 ir.7 3C T7 Totals S3, m Rt Z VS artkr aat riiurnU Draw. M3LWAVKEE. t-ia, Fet,. 31.. atun-ky 't New T:-k and Tout." P:t-ye-raid of M.'waua f .irht tea rounds t a Oruw before ttie k jt'Milwj BjxjubT club tun m bi to raise theiT pay. as uho.t the present I war they Btrt uturhie to tuaA a l!vtnt. j r j frua Hm ta f, tt laittr tirur bt:inr rb maxam.11, uutaioubl ai:y ar or a number uf rears t.f snu. T-svrtaT B-is4M AsdkxaL AVlB:J- J" r Aaamit y-naaa , f t 'uM- ! !il lotl - j suaai as'BHuui aavtswdS) f'l 17lAJIFi4 jrf J t aa Mtttntml IMSMflUsfi af CUlVmim alaJdsT IfT.BaJla