Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 24

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Want - ads
Alrrrtlirnriti for the vrant-na
folimna will be takea 111 13 sn. for
the evening; edition and antll l p. m.
for the nonln and Rendey editions.
On laserttoa, 1 1-3 rents per wordi
two or more ennseontlya Insertions,
1 rent per word rack lasertloa Mere
lhaa oar' Insertion. If aot ran
eeatlrely wll be charred for at the
rat of 1 1-a rents per word.
tJW per llae for oae month.
H ad taken for less thaa 20 cents.
Death and Fnneral Notices, Tarda of
Thaaka anil Lodse Notices, T rents
per line for oae edition, moraine or
evening! It rents a Una for eaek addi
tional edition. Saadar, 10 eeata a
llae. No ad taken for less thaa BO
Want-ads for The Bee mar he left at
any of the following dm a: stores
one Is "yonr corner drae-arlst" they
are all breach afllees of The Bee aad
your ad will be Inserted Jnst as
promptly and on the same rates as at
the mala efllee In The Bee building-.
Seventeenth aad Farnam streets,
' ' J
Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam.
Beranek, 8. A., 1402 8. 16th St.
Becht's Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th BU
. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb.
Bemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming.
Caughlln. C. R-. 6th and Pierce Sts.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave.
Conte, J. B., 31t Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssey Pharmacy, l!Uh and Lake.
Cermak, Kmll. VJA-i 8. 13th St.
Ktnian Pharmacy, 4o46 Hamilton.
Ehler, F. II., 2802 Leavenworth.
Foster & Arnoldl, 213 N. 25th St.
Frpytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th St.
Florence leug Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake 8ts.
Green s Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
Oreenough, O. A., V'X 8. 10th Bt.
Greenough, O. A., 10th and Hickory.
Jlavd(n, Wm. C. 2l0 Farnam Bt.
Hnnscom Park Phar.. l.Vl 8. 28th Ave.
Hoist, John, 624 N. St.
Huff, A. L.. 2924 Leavenworth St
King, H. 8., 2i.l Farnam St.
Kountse Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th.
. Patrick Drug; Co.. ItKtt N. 24th St.
I.sthrop, Chas. E., 1324 N. 24th St.
Pyton, L. K., 24th and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames At.
Schnefur's Cut Prigs Drug Store, 16th and
Chlr.igo. I
Schaefer, August, 2631 N. 16th 8t.
Schmidt, J. H 24th and Cuming Sts.
Storm Pharmacy, lth and Martha Sts.
Walnut Hill Pharmiicy, 40th and Cuming
Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Orace Bis.
Wlrtli, O. H., 40th and, Hamilton Sts.
Mauri age licenses.
The following marriage ' licenses havs
been granted:
MamA And Address. Age-
John Mumm, Tekamah 23
Orace Romans. Tekamah 21
The following births and deaths were re
ported to th Board of Health during ths
iwenry-iour nours enuing r nuity uunu.
HirihB Jerrv I. Hulllvan. Du20 Charles.
boy and girl; Paul Moaer, 2112 Elm, boy;
Tinviri Flovd. 4424 Parker, boy: George Gift.
4116 Nicholas, boy; Charles Johnson, 1614
South Tenth, girl.
Deaths Mrr. Rebecca Ha good. 2624 Marcy,
65: lna Christcnsen, Benson, 14; Anna Eliza
beth Stler, Bonesteel, 65; Mary L. Rosey,
814 North Twenty-fourth, 80; Rev. Lawrence
Kerlcy, St. Joseph's Jiospltal, 46; Rose John
son. Ihl4 South Tenth. 1 day; Jacob Schmidt.
Fourteenth and Capitol avenue, 35; Clara
Proctor, 1015 Davenport, a.
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks
to our frlemla who were so kind to us In
this our hour of bereavement and loss of
our beloved wlfemnd mother.
E. 8. CLE N LANS, .
Students Begin Any Time. Catalogue Free.
Address H. B. BuYLES, Pres., Omaha, Neb.
U 60S
All members Of the Mutual Hall Insurance
society are hereby notified that the ad
journed annual meeting will lie duly held
on the second duy of Munch, at 9
o'clock at 862 Fraternity building, Lincoln,
Neb., for the election of officers and the
transaction' of generul business. O. P.
Allniart, secretary. .! 951 16x
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works nio'is a spe
cialty of tire escapes, shutters, doors and
safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th St.
tl) o
BOOKS, booklets and fine catalogues
primed by Rees Printing Co., Omaha.
' (1)-M77 28
ROYAL ACHATES Fraternal Society.
(D-688 24
THE CITY GARBAGE CO. Office 4th and
Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1&7.
MADAMES Bean and Mayo sesnce Tues
day and Friday. V22 N. 16th. Red 50SS.
(U-M57J F36x
SIGN PA1NTINO-B. H. Cole, 130$ Douglas.
IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 191 Farnam.
The dressmaking stock, furniture and fix
tures of the above named bankrupt will
be sold on Saturday, February 23, at 1
p. m. at Room 2uG, Paxton Hilt.
(D-M92B 23
ALL kinds of hardwood and parquetry
floors. Prank Sevlck, Bo. loth and Do
minion Sts. tl) 823 M12x
FOR EXCHANGE 1U0 acres near Orchard,
Anietup county, reu. ; (rice i,.oo per
acre. 31 acres six miles from O Netil.
Holt county. Neb., Improved; price lo per
acre. Will exchange either or both of
above farms tor merchandise or hardware.
V e alBO have several Income properties in
Oinaiia to exchaiine for merchandise or
bardwure. Globe Ind and Investment
in., rauersou iitug., umana, .-sob
FOR EXCHA.NG1-We have several stocks
of luerchandtku, groceries and dry gonus,
UD-lo-iliUe and doing a good buslntM. to
eki-liang fur good, dear land at right
price, send complete description in lirst
Miter. Globe Land and Investment i'o.
rauorson Bldg,, Omaha. Neb. i3 M14
'tVILL exchange lot 60x132. near 23th and
Lake, for carpenter work, l.yslt I. Ab
bott, 4ul Ware block. 13) M7aS lux
WRITE Towns nd Realty Ce.. Fremont,
Neb., who have tarms, wild lands, eta,
for clear towu property and merchandise.
. , (3) MJOi F1M
EXCHANGES If you have city property,
stocks of goods, farm land or property of
sny kind to exchange, write for our com-
r!cte list. We have properties and lands
n all parts of the country to exchange.
Our list Is -free. Send for It at once.
(Molie Land and Investment Co., Patter
eon Bldg., Omaha, Nsb. (3 78$
WITH offices In Omaha. IJncoln, Bt. Jo
seph, Kanvas City, le Moines. Topek
slid Denver, doesn't it strike you that we
can find you what you wsnt In trade for
what you have and don't want? Our ex
change list Is a sure enough corker. Write
us tibout swaps. CONTINENTAL RE
ALTY CO.. 21-.H2-! I'. 8. Natl Bank
Bldg.. Omaha. Neb., and elsewhere.
UK-891 SO
e?-romn hotel, modern, good business, $17,000.
Will trade for Improved frjtk or 400-acre
laxtu. Addreae O 7UI, Bee.
(AU27 Zlx,
WESTERN Nebraska and Kansas lands to
trsds for merchandise or property. HO 8.
17th. (3 MHM M3
"OR SALE or trade for automobile, Rei
R referred, western Nebraska land. H. F.
eal. Kearney, Neb. 3) M949 lx ,
Do You Wish to Make a Change
If you have a farm, homo, business or
property that you want to sell or ex
change write us
Omaha, Neb., or Sloua City, la.
(4) M-Kl Mi
WANTED--To sell or trade, 25-room hotel;
steam heat, gas and city water and a
five-room cottage; reason for selling,
III health. Address 8v8 Ave. II, Council
Bluffs. Ia. 4)-M79.
FOR BALE First-class blnrksmlth and
wagon work business, with tools, 14 to J6
received for shoeing and 14 to $S for set
ting tires. Address T-129, Bee.
fl.fino CASH buys a well equipped Whole
sale fruit- snd produce business situated
In a good lobbing section; would consider
trade for fmrroved farm lands. Address
Y 18?, care Omaha Bee.
(4) M877 18
WE Bt'T OR SELI Business chances or
exchange a business, rooming house, or
exchange for .anything. Money loaned on
If you have anything to sell or want to
buy anything see
Tel. Douglas 8908, 534-635 Paxton Blk.
(4) M3S0 M7
FOR SALE SI. TOO mortgage, payable In In
stallments for 4 years, on Inside Omnha
business property worth 14.500; S per cent,
semi-annually. Address L, 603, care f ee.
CO Mi 81
809 New York Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
(4) M237
FOR SALE $3,000 6 per Cent bonds and H.0B
7 per cent preferred mock in .new rni
Telephone company of Sioux Citv. la...
for all or any part. Address Box 511.
Baker City. Ore. (4) 721 M2x
IF YOU want to get In or out of business,
no matter what your business Is, pr
where It Is. we can help you.
We make all kinds of trades and guarantee
to suit. If you have anything to trade,
write us.
220 Neville Block.
(4) M644 1
WE buy, sell or exchange everything, Nat.
Investment Co., 63 Douglas Blk.
(4)-320 Mb
WANTED Pnrty to Invest $3,000 to $5,000
with services, In an established retail
and wholesale business. Address Pox 80,
Lead, 8.' D. (4)- M878 17
FOR SALE Furniture and undertaking es
tablishment and good will; only one in
live town of 2,000 in northeast Nebraska;
stock will Invoice $0,600. all new, salable
goods. Address Y 241, care Omaha Bee.
(4)-M343 20
MEAT MARKET connection with first
class grocery, established trade, mint
have thorough experience in meat busi
ness and be able to Invest small amount
capital; fine chance for right party; state
fully your experience and how much you
wish to invest. Address B 679. care Bee.
. (4) M636 16x
LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS and loose leaf
devices of all kinds. Rees Printing Co.,
Omaha. 4)-M777 F2a
$250 to $10,opo any place and all good income.
We furnish purchase money on some.
635 Paxton Blk. Douglas $903.
(4) MOOl 16
WANT partner In land speculation: have
$.1,000 and-, need about 12.500 more: can
double your money; rigid investigation
courted. Address L 706, care Bee.
(4)-8l 20
WANTED Partner as' secretary and treas
urer who can Invest $10,000 to 115.000 In
established real estate business; ovners
of property to extent of $100,000. Invest
ment will net 26 to 40 Der cent. Will bear
thorough investigation. Exceptional op
portunity for right man Experience not
required, isox. i, uirmingnnm, aiu.
(4) M90 17x
RKtn-Neat meat market and small gro
eery: building 20xfl0; large Ice house, hnlf
brick; good town, weBiern lowa. wouia
consider raw land or hotel If taken aion.
This Is a isnup. Address Y-1S2, care Bee.
' (4) M906 M2X
JEWELRY. STOCK, In good brick building
In good little town in western low.
Doing nice profitable business; good Jew
eler and optician In charge, with nonresi
dent owner. Fine Investment t $y. H.
B Gates, 612 No. 25th St. 'Phone Taylor
6226. (4) M!22 21 1
FOR SALE Good clean stock of general
merchandise,, located In growing town,
center fit, good farming and lumber
manufacturing, on the railroad fiO mil's
' from Portland, Ore.; town 1,000 Inhabi
tants; stock wir. Inventory $18,000 to
$20,000; last year's business over $60,
000; stock can be reduced; this la a
growing business In a growing com
munity and Is an excellent opportunity;
terms cash, '100 cents on the dollur;
grfid reasons for selling. Address Y
1$7, Omaha Bee. C4) M92 21
A grocery store, stock' and fixtures In
voicing, about $2,500. , Monthly sales, $2,0)10.
Do you want a better opening? See me
$30 Board of Trade. 16th and Farnam,
tJ Mail is
HERE'S YOUR SNAP Brickyard, eight
acres, worth 11. 5W; dwelling house, two
kilns, three sheds, complete equipment;
price $2,500, If sold by March 1. Ira B.
Williams, attorney in fact, Beemer, Neb.
(4)-MS76 18
WANTED TO BUY Patent on an article
sold tq the hardware, stove and plumbing
trade, or will buy manufacturing plant.
Address Y 242, Bee. , 4 M6J0 16x
MERCHANDISE business sales 125 000
yearly; no opposition; cheap rent; Invoice
sbout $l.SO0: must sell; retire. Address
Y 1HU, care Bee. 4 M790 19x
FOR SALE Money-making restaurant and
confectionery; central Nebraska county
seat; Dad neaitn. Address l in. care
Bee. (4) M791 2Sx
DRUG store In Omaha doing good) business;
.not one dollar of dead stock: good soda
business: up-to-date fixtures; living apart
mente over store; rent only $30. On an
count of sickness must leave country and
will sell at a big bargain. Address L M,
care nee. (4) 8tl I7x
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V.
Knlest. C24 N. Y. L. (4)-889
In a rooming house proposition; 8 rooms
well furnished snd close In, in an all mod
ern brick flat. Price for quick sale, 1&
Phone Douglas SOW, $21 Neville Blk.
(4) S32 16
FOR SALE Bakery Restaurant, coda
fountain In connection, good parlor.
In county seat town. Address Lock
Box 123. Glenwpod, la.
(4) M?4 8x
BARBER BHOP for sale, good business,
reanon for selling have to move on
claim. W. H. Gardlnler. Fairfax 8. D.
(4) MH8 21x,
FINE new millinery stock for sale; good
foundation for one to start In business
cheap. Address E i9. Bee. (4) 83 iOx
Money making restaurant, confectionery,
soda fountain, fixtures; nearly new 8
room house, furrace heutr win iil. .hnm
VMO to close deal; best of reasons for
eumg. Aaaress t ism, care Bee.
()-M915 28x
FOR BALE A No. 1 stock of groee7lelT
queensware. flour and feed. In Southeast
ern Nebraska. A nice, clean stwk. en
joying a nice trade; will Invoice $:, or
$2.5ii; good reasons for selling. Address
ie xee. () Mv-w 23
IF YOU want clothes that wear and fit,
have them made by Dresher. Omaha's
leading tailor. 1615 Farnam 8t Hprlng
styles now ready, (4) M972 22x
O. L. BROUXK, (13 Bee Bldg.
Read the want-ad columns of The Dee as regularly and as carefully
as they do the news columns. The position for which you are look
ing may be advertised to-day. ::, :: t: ::
W. W. DODGE, attorney, N. T. Life Bldg.
Office Tel. Douglas 4!sJ; Res. Douglas
(5) MSJ8 Ml
T, E. BRADY, Probate Atty. 69 Bee Bldg.
() Aiaw MM
, Chiropodist.
DR. ROY. R-2. 1506 Farnam Bt. Doug. 6497!
(5J Mtil4
LADIES' tailoring, dressmaking. 438 S. 24th,
t& 3ts T
DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Miss
Sturdy, Z42 Chicago. 'Phone Red 4703.
MRS. BRANDON, 202 N. 18th. Doug. 24H.
t)-773 ta
HESS & BWOBODA, Hlo Farnam. (6) 616
L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel Doug.
12o3. 15) 17
Osteopathy. ,
Douglas 1664. (&) 61S
DR. BOWS EIJ Over 1500 Farnam. Tel.
uougias wiu. to; va is
. . o. tUI IIT-I JUL 11 HI. HI1U
&JORVE Capitol Ave. (5)-619
(6) 731 27
JENNINGS Printing Co., Tel. Douglas &3W.
(6) ti-'O
CALL CENTRAL Doug, 3959 Central
Printing Co., lowest prices on printing.
110 S. 17th. Typewritten letters specialty.
(5) Mm M3
WE print everything! Rees Printing Co.
(6)-M7;8 28
Springer Printing Co., 206 N. 17th. Doug. 20il
(5) MS 28
THE ACORN PRESS, 1610 Howard St.,
Does Printing of Quality, Tel. Doug. 3762.
(6)-M456 22
LYNCH BROS. Repair Work our specialty.
lis n. tbtn Bt. 'lei. Douglas uu.
(5J 03 F27
Rlprapplng Engineer.
H.1 F. KELLNER. River and Rlprsp Ens:l.
nasakt Xl Voan' nrartlral AvnArltifP' wrftri
for .nformation $S10 Bee Bid.. Omaha,
1 5) MS33
The Leading Palmist of Omaha.
Revelations of past and future described.
Parlors, 113 S. 16th St., Opp Boston Store.
leading spiritual life readers. Do notfall
to consult them. Come and get a mes
sage from departed friends. Patrons as
tonished. 912 N. loth. Red 50R5.
(6) M958 17x
Clerical 'and Office.
LADY of good appearance and address ti
solicit for charitable organization. Ap
ply between 9 and 10 a, m. Mr. Ellisnn,
106 city hall. (7 836
WANTED-rlJidy stenographer for position
In office located In county seat town In
Nebraska; must be accurrtte, with busi
ness ability; some knowledge of book,
keeping preferred. F. H. Cunningham,
R. 6, Glasgow Blk., South Omaha, Neb.
(7)-MD10 17
60 GIRLS to prepare catalogues for mail
ing; no experience necessary. Nebruska
Clothing Co. (7) JS4
WANTED Bookkeeper with several years,
must have had cliargo of liooks; lady
prefered. Give age. bookkeeping ex
perience and references. Address G-717,
care of Bee. tf S3. 22
Factory and Trades.
GIRLS wanted to work by the week, steady
work and good pay. King-Graham Mfg.
Co., lltli and Jackson Sts. (7) 835
Housekeepers and Domestics.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. Apply 846 S. 18th St.
(71-M745 18
WANTED White or colored girl for gen
eral housework; good wages. Call at 1121
Famum St. (7 830 15
W ANT ED G I rl for general housework;
two In family; must be good cook Mrs.
E. T. Swobe, 108 So. 86th. Tel. Harney
1044. Oh-828 a
WANTED Good girl for general house
work; two In family. 614 Park Ave.
(7)-M917 17
WANUED Competent Swede girl for Wy
oming ranch: one child; references. Ad
dress Mrs. Con Bheehan, Box 6S1, Alta
niont. Mo. 7 MD12 17x
WANTED A reliable woman who Is a
good seamstress and to assist In the care
of grown children; must be neat and
active; referenres required Mrs. Earnest
E. Hart. 525 Sd St., Council Bluffs. Ia.
(7) M928 21
WANTED Girl for general housework;
small family. 4808 Chicago St. Tel. Har
ney 835. (7) M'K 17x
WANTED At once, competent girl for
general housework. Good wages; no
washing. 1024 Park Ave. (7) MS70 20
NEAT girl for general housework; small
family; good wages. Inqu're 2523 Capitol
Ave, Telephone Douglas 1017.
i (7 896 16x
WANTED Girl for general housework;
family of three; near high school ; good
wages. 2617 Capitol Ave. (7) 931 17x
WANTED Girl for general housework:
good wages; no washing. Apply No. 117
N. 40th St. (7 947 18
Mlscel la neons.
LADIES We are still In need of more
hflp decoratiig sofa pillows; experience
unnecessary' work taken home; perma
nent; good pay. Call mornings. 2311 8.
13th St. (7)-15i 112x
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. 163 Earn.
(7)-M73s M-ll
WOMAN to do family washing. Call or
'phone before 11 a. m.. llsja Corby. 'Phoua
Maple 4165. i7 840 15x
WANTED Old lady to take part care of
children for her home. Cull 3uu9 S.j. 16th
St., Omaha. (7 MS56 21 x
WA NTED WaUt drapers and helpers at
2SJ0 Leavenworth St. (7) :J4 15x
Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen.
ADVERTISING FANS May delivery, 600
rix-clal and attractive designs. Samples
, submitted upon application. Fonda Bros.
& Co., O.naha. (9) M1S2 F23
$80 A MONTH and expenses to men with
rig. to Introduce our Guaranteed Poultry
and Slock Remedies. Send for contract;
we mean business and 'furnish best of
references. G. R. Bigler Co., X, Spring
' field. 111. (9)-MM) 17x
AGENTS wanted for light work. 418 N.
16th. (9) M14 FIT
WANTED Agents, men or women, to
work on salary. Caldwell, 2712 N. 2th
SU. Omaha, Cj-MjuZ lox
Ambitious Clerks
Agents and Solicitors Continued.
WANTED Experienced promoters to sell
stock in popular co-operative enterprise
already well established; excellent posi
tion for right man; none but competent,
reliable men need apply; references re
quired. Address Manager, 301 Lytle
Bldg., Sioux City, la. (9j MTt 19
OUR representatives make $75 per week.
Want one or two more. Bond required.
Address In own handwriting, with stamp
and references, A 027, Bee. (9) M108 M2
WANTED A 'good solicitor; must be a
hustler. Call at. 402 West Broadway,
Council Bluffs, la. (9)-M822 19
WANTED Five boys; good wages; perma
nent Job. A. D. T. Co.. 21? 8. 13th St.
WANTED Boy with wheel. 122 S 16th St.
(9)-683 16
"WANTED Thiee boys. Omaha Box Co.,
East Omaha, () M857 16
DELIVERY boys wanted. .Apply J. L.
Urandels & Sons. (9) M964 17
Clerical and Ofllce.
WANTED A man to run a local news
paper in a prosperous western town;
would bs convenient to know the barber
or jewelry trade. For further particulars
write Box 2, Marlon, Red Willow County,
Nebraska. (9 229
Factory nnd Trade.
WANTED Tool makers. lathe hands,
Pratt & Whitney machine screw opera
tors, Bullard chucking machine operators;
also general machinists and metal polish
ers. Address Robert Altken, Box P-329,
Toledo, O. (9) M728 18x
WANTED A good, sober blacksmith, with
reference. Address W. C. Harned. Bho
shont, Wyo. (9) M2ti 24x
WANTED A yourg energetic drug v clerk,
of 2 or 3 years experience; also familiar
with wall paper and soda fountain. Ad
dress S. W. Mallory, Table Rock, Neb.
(9) M858 16
WANTED Two men, three boys. Omaha
Box Co., East Omaha. () M857 16
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Knlest, 624 N. Y. L. (9)-890
WANTED At once, 600 sound young men,
aged 18 to 35, for firemen and brakemen
on leading western railroads and for new
roads now being completed; experience
unnecessary: firemen $100 per month;
brakemen, $75; positions now open; call or
write at once for particulars. National
Ry. Training Ass'n, 620 X, Paxton Block,
Omaha, Neb. (9) 22S M3
WE NEED at once:
i OFFICE CLERKS, $00 to $70.
8 STENOGRAPHERS. $ to $05.
3 RETAIL CLERKS, different lines, $50 to
Also numerous other applicants to fill good
paying positions at the present time, can
or write.
suite 8tu-8U-8C2 M. x. Lire uing.
(9)-M9&6 16
WANTED A first claes proofreader to read
proor on calendar advertisements, win
pay good wages. The Thos. D. Murphy
Co., Red Oak, Ia. (9) M904 22
WANTED Good man for night lunch
counter and office; must be sober and
Blve references. Union Stock Yards Ho
tel, Grand Island, Neb. (9)-M909 17
WANTED Strictly No. 1 hand for general
work on stock farm. Rent Hereford Live
Stock Co., Hazard. Neb. (9) M918 17x
WANTED For the U. 8. Marine Corps,
men between ages 21 and 35. An oppor
tunity to see the world. For full Informa
tion apply In person or by letter to re
cruiting officer. U. 8. Nat'l bank building,
12th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb.
(9)410 2x
WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few
weeks completes. Ten positions for every
graduate. $12 to $20 weekly paid. Wages
while learning. Beautiful 1)7 catalogue
Just out. Call or write. Moler Barber
College, 1116 Farnam St. () M821 Mix
BOY wanted with wheel, $6 per week.
Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farnam.
(9) 8i0 16x
WANTED Man to solicit and represent
well known firm on street. Address H-ilj,
care of Bee, (9) 933 21
ANY person willing to distribute our Bam
pies; $20 weekly. "Empire." 92 LaSalle
ISt., Chicago, 111. Steady position; no can
vasslng. (9) 939 16x
PERSON of fair education to read law;
excellent opportunity for right party;
give full particulars. Address Y 125, care
Bee, (9) 948 17
WANTED A good man to work In ele
vator; with some experience; must not
be afraid to work; good wages. Powell A
jNllsson, Marlon, Neb. () M919
SOLICITOR Mgn or woman, tea and
coffee, family trade. Address G 684, Bee.
(10)-710 20
AMERICAN-GERMAN Employment office,
1I24 Dodge. Help of all kinds. Tel. 867.
(10) MT5S MUX
lloraes aad Vehicles.
HORSES bought, sold and exchanged: driv
ers and general purpose horses a specialty.
Myers. 1716 Jackson. Tel. Red 3$.
' (ll-Mi Ml
1 HORSES, weight 1.200 lbs. each, wagon
and harness, $125; one team, weight 2,600
lbs.; one team, weight 3,000 lgs.; 2 farm
mares. 2113 Grant. Tel. Douglas 3410.
U) 231
GOOD team 6 years old, well broke, $205;
team of good, heavy mares, $215; one good,
beavy, well broke, 4-year-old mure with
foal, $135; one team of blacks. Well
matched, weighing 2,350, $150; one good
mare, 1,260, 1.0; one sore-footed mare,
$.t; one cheap horse, $26. Rear 414 N.
16th Bt. (11) M266
E. H. FERRIN, scientific horseshoer. 416
So. lbth. Will call and deliver. Doug,
litfg. Ill) M430 MS
FINE 7-year-old driving horse. 9i6 N. lth
St. (11) M96I 23
Ponltrr aad Eggs.
HOMER pigeons; best squab breeders.
Booking advance orders for mated pairs.
Visitors invited. Walker. 1923 8. 16th.
Doug 6664. (ID M6J1 M9
ROSE and Single Comb Brown Leghorns,
Silver Spangled Hamburg, White Pekln
Ducks. E. Duoley, Selma, Ia.
(ID 304 19s
BUFF FOWLS Buff Wyandottes. Buff
Rocks, Cochin Bantams, high grade
stork. Price reasonable. W. J. Oow,
Norfolk, Neb. (11) M 306 20x
WHITE LEGHORNS. Vanatta strain;
White Rocks; Pekln ducks. Eggs In sea
son. Llllte C. Bennett, Belgrade. Neb.'
(U) M42 :x
BARRED ROCKS; stock and eggs for sale.
Write Austin Faucett, Blair, Nrb.
(Ill M42S 22x
FEW cholca thoroughbred Barred Ply
mouth Rock male birds, Bradley Bros,
strain. 340 Ersklne St. Phone Harney
2354. (16) ux
BLACK LA NOSH A N8 or Buff Orpington
cockerels. 81 each; pullets, 76c each; 15
eggs, A. W. Atwood. Plattsmouth,
Neb. (11 M7J3 27x
Cows, Birds. Dogs aad Pete.
FOR BALE Red Irish- Better pupa. IfflO
Cumliig bU IX W. Counsman.
(JD-UM 23x
, a
LOST Gold seal shaped watch fob, set
with green and red st ne. Hewnrd If re
turned to George A. Prltchett, Merchants
National bank. . (12) 817 lox
IX"8T Between 27th and Parker nnd 3Tith
and Hamilton, blncg leather purse, con
taining 15 bill, slsn silver. Return 2"t
Parker and receive reward. (121893 15
LOST Wednesday afternoon. about 2
o clock. Park jrar or Pith ami Harney,
pearl opera glnfws, blue-lined leiiher
case. Reward on return to 8JR 8. Mil St.
(12) MSW 16x
IX8T Large Lynx muff 'on Harney, from
14th to lth, or from VJth to 3!th nnd
Davenport. Reward on return to A.
Remington, l&th and Harney
(12-M976 17X.
LOST Ladles' gold watch with pin at
tached. Pin had letter H on It. Reward.
Bvulah Mlllburn, 143 N. 31st Ave.
(12)-M9M 18
LOST Gold heart with monogram 1,. M. C.
In diamonds. Liberal reward If returned
to M. Splcsberger Sons Co. (12) M977 17
HUNTING case gold watch. Initials C. F.,
rjiK.s inutn inn. ni'itirn iu i. rumn,
1116 Farnam St. Reward. (12) M;69 17
LOST Gold bead necklace with Hhrlner
heart locket. Return to Edith H. Mariey,
1135 N. 18th St. Reward. (12) M937 17x
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelhton Medlcnl college. Hth and Dav
enport Fts.; special attention paid to con
finement caes; all treatment supervised
bv college professors. 'Phone Dong. 1167.
Calls answered day or night. (13 129
ANY poor girl in reed of a friend call
or write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home -for Women at 3824 N. 24th.
Bt., Omuhu, Neb. (13) M100
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies adopted. The Good bamaritan Sani
tarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la.
Tel. 774. (13)-32J
BEST' nerve bracer for men, "Gray'a Nerve
Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman A
MeConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
MRS. PERRY,, drugless healer, tredter of
circulations and chronic diseases. iNevlile
Blk. R. 815. . (13)-M344 MS
63-DAY blood remedy, the great blood
purifier; sold only at Gladlsh Pharmacy,
12th and Dodge SU, Omaha. (13)
Cash in Any Amount
$10 to $300LOANED ON FUKNITUKii.
security or publicity, at the very lowest
rates; with payments to suit your con
venience; everything strictly confidential.
Reliable Credit Co.,
Rooms 307-308, Paxtoi Block.
(14) 626
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
etc., in any amount; less than half rates;
perfect privacy, Immediate attention; any
terms wanted; payments suspended when
sick or 'out of work. 214 JhLarbach BlK.,
209 South 16th St. (14)-32
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Lif e Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for at small cost.
Open evenings till 1. ' U4)-433
Our new plan enables you to obtain money
at rates which honest people can afford
to pay. We will make you a loan on your
salary, furniture or piano, and you cue
pay us back lat-r In amounts to suit your
convenience. Everything confidential.
Room 20, Ire user Blk., 15th and Dodge Sts.
(14) M3l M7
Have Increased their capital and during the
month of February will make a special
rate on collateral loans, mortgages on
personal property and notes, without se
curity. Terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas
2904. 310 Bee Bldg. (14)-M34
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, cows,
horses, etc. C. F. Reed, 310 8. lth.
(14) 628
CHATTEL, ealary and storage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St.
(H) M912
and others furnished monf y upon their own
names, without security: easy payments;
oil Ice In 63 principal cities. Save your
self money by getting my terms first.
714. N. Y. L. Bldg.
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff
Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk.
PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. for chattel or
alary loans. 633 Paxton Blk. 'Phone
Douglas 745. (I4)--631
EAGLE LOAN OFFICB-Rcllahle, accom
modating; all business confidential. l.Vl
Douglas. (141634
$1,500 PRIVATE money. I D. Holmes.
712 N. Y. Life. (14)-SS2 IB
WANTED Man and wife, or two men
or two women, to do cooking and take
charge of kitchen; must be sober and give
references. Union Stock Yards Hotel,
urana island. Neb. (10) mikw i;
Board In ii anj Rooms,
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
' (15) 15
FURNISHED rooms, with board. 171
Dodge. (1S M:U2 M7x
NICELY furnished, well heated room, all
modern conveniences, excellent table; pri
vate family. 24t9 Harney. (15 6a6
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam.
(15) tJ8
(li) M3t8 F19
THE SH ELTON, 25th and Dodge.
(15-M847 Mix
LANCE HOTEL, rooms. Corner 13th and
Jackson. (15) 103 March 4
LARGE, well furnished rooms; modern
convt nienees, good board. The Rose, j JO
" Harney 8t. (15) S--7 14x
NICELY furnished, with or without board.
In very good location. One block from
car. $22 N. lth. (15)-4$6 15x
THE PRATT. 110 8. 25th Bt.
05) 444 Mart
FOR RENT Two excellent rooms, modern
conveniences, use of telephone; close In;
for gentlemen. 221 Douglas BL
(151 M962 23
LARGE southeast front room, steam
heated, with first class table board 2616
Farnam 81. (15) M9G3 23
LARGE front parlor on first floor, strictly
modern. 7u8 8. lath St. (15 818 19x
' DESIRABLE accommodations for bache
lors; late mayors residence, en no. mu
Bt.; relerences exchanged. (15) 932 22x
MODERN rooms, furnnce heut; boms rook
ing; reasonable. .'17 Howard, Red 3..C8.
(15) 4J8 M.7
LARGE alcove room, all modern; break
fast iirtvilege. Us N. S,th Si.
ItfJ-Mtfta XI
Hoarding; and Rooms 'onl
FIRST CIASS Ivard snd moms In good
location, one block from two car lines.
2U3 8. 24th Bt. V16)-M762 18
LARGE front room with alcove, modern,
suitable for four young men. 1BS2 Farnnnt
St. . (! MS66 11
ONE lnrge modern room, on scond floor,
on Harney car line, and In good section.
2420 Case. Tel. Douglas 6315
(15)-MT70 16
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, steim
heat, first class table board: reference
exchanged. The Qulvet, lull Farnam St.
(15) M'i71 16
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms and flrst
rlass board for four couples In private
home. 324 N. 19th. (15I-IW4 21
Famished Rooms.
MIDLAND HOTEL 16th and Chicago.
16)-ol Fl
3-ROOM apartment; hot and cold water;
ail modern. 816 8. 22d St.
(15)-M!oS Ex
LAROri front room on ground floor, steam
heated; suitable for two or four gentle
men., 214 N. 23d St. (15)-M907 2J
MODERN furnished rooms. 2225 Dodg
(15) MS44 Ml
BRUNSWICK hotel, 1210 Douglas St.
(16) 162 Mart
STEAM heated front rooms, 1909 Capitol.
(16)-161 Mart
LARGE east front room, with alcove:
steam heat and two large closets; gentle
men preferred. 306 South ith St.
, (16) 442 16
MODERN rooms, fine neighborhood; gen
tlemen preferred. 2614 St. Mary's Ave.
(16) M666 M9
TO THE man who Is pmylng spom rent:
You had better see the room for $14 at
No. 46 S. 24th Ave. (24th Ave. and Har
ney; It has steam heat, gas and electric
side lights for dresser, porcelain basin
with hot iwid cold wster; building and fur.
nlture new and strictly tlrst-class. Also
have front room, mahogany finish, $1S.
Breakfust privilege Is desired.
(16J M5S3 17
FURNISHED ROOMS, 191B Capitol Ave.
(16) M757 MUX
PLEASANT south' room. 2071 BL Mary'a.
FURNISHED ROOMS. 714 N. 16th. Tel.
Douglas 3688. (15) M669 MX
LARGE south front room with alcove.
Also one other handsome room; gentle
men preferred 2702 Farnam St.
(16)-MS68 21
LARGE nicely furnished southeast room,
bay window, go d furnace heat, gas, bath,
telephone, walking distance, car one
block. No objection to music or late
study If permanent, 2568 St. Mary's Ave.
(15) 819 18
ONE large front parlor on first floor, mod
ern In all respects. Use of 'phone. 2421
Dodge St. (15) M677 1
TWO large modern rooms In desirable lo
cation; one block from car; walking dis
tance, 122 N. 20th St. (16) Ml IS
A ROOM In private family, modern home,
references required. Address J 704 Bee.
(16) M864 16x
ONE large front room with alcove, fur
nished or unfurnished: steam heat. 122
8. 25th St. Tel. Douglas MOB.
05) M871 16x
EXCELLENT steam-heated rooms, single
and double. Good board; tickets IS. "The
Boston," 107 S. 17th St. , (15) MV74 lRx
DESIRABLE single room; also other room.
218 N. 19th. (16) M946 18x
Untarnished Rooms.
FOUR ROOMS,' modem, $26; 4 rooms,
modern except beat, $16 2 rooms, $10. Tel.
Douglus 6309. (15) M6ill 16x
TWO large unfurnished rooms. In very do
si ruble location; hot water heat; refer
ences required. 2402 Cass. (15). M668 16
FOUR ground floor rooms, with range and
Btciim heat, $15. 122 8. 26th Bt. Tel. Doug
las 6309. (16) M871 16x
Apartments and Flats.
WALKING DISTANCE, k-room strictly
modern brand new flat. It la a gem. Price
First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.
(16) MW1 1
7-ROOM fiat, modern, except heat, opposite
btors brewery. Apply 410 8. loth hi.
(15 M868 S
NEW flat, 417 North 18th Bt., seven rooms,
modern. Now ready:
Six rooms, modern, close In. $15.
. C. 8. SHEPARD, 308 N. Y. Life.
1)-K4 15x
Houses and Cottages.
HOUSES, insurance, RlngwaJt, Barker Blk.
(15) 890
WE MOVE planoa Maggard Van and
Storage Co. Tel. Doug, liini. Office, Vli
Webster St. . (16)-94
FOR RENT Mod eTn 8-room brick house;
1126 a 81st St.; $40 per month. Thomas
Brennun, room 1, N. Y. Lite Bldg.
HnTTKIS 'n a-1' Prts of the city. The
11UU fcriiC) 0. F. Davis Co.. Bee Bldg.
(16) 64
TiOlTKFSI ln a11 Part of the city- R
ilUUOii.O U. Petire & Co.. Bee Bldg.
U5) W4
SEE us when shipping household goods to
large cities west; we can save you money.
16th St. Tel. Doug. 1196. U& 647
4.-ROOM apartment, modern, 603 8. 28th
12-room house, modern. 604 S. 27th St. $00.
6-room apartment, steam heat, 18th and
Nicholas Sts. l.u
'Phone Douglas 686. (16) M6S0
CENTRAL, modern, steam heat, 7-rooin
house; 4-room corner flat; l-rooin cottage.
K. Tlzard. 210 N. 23d. US) M.6G
FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except
furnace; 711 N. SMli Ave.; newly painted
and. papered; very convenient; rent
reason tile. Apply at 607 N. ltfth, or room
9U3 N. Y. Life Uidg. (li M4
WE DO expert piano moving at lowest
prices. Tel. Douglas li.JS. Schmoller at
Mueller Piano Co., J811-1313 Farnam.
(15) 887
8-ROOM modern cottage, No. 3031 Marcy
St., 6. C 1im. L. Thomas, Room 412 Bee
Building. (15) U)
OMAIIA Van & Storage Co., pack, move,
sinro, H- 11. goods; storehouse 1130-24 N.
19th. Oltlce, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. Yii.
2727 Chicago St., line 7-room, modern house,
1316 S. lid St., 8-room modern house, finest
locution In city, $.32.60.
1609 Lathrou St., 6-room modern house, $18.
1517 Farnam St.
05 M628 16
10-ROOM house, 702 N. 40th St., modern,
$35. U D. Holmes, 712 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(16)-81 21
2517 PARKER, 7 rooms, city water, $18 and
717 8. Sl)t St., T rooms, modern, $18.
2210 (Murk St., 5 rooms, bath, gas. etc., $18
and water.
1231 Park Wild, 12 rooms, modern, $M and
1512 N. lflth St., 6 rooms, city water, $16.00.'
IMi Dodge St.
(16) M967 18
FOR RENT 8-rooin house, all modern, ex
cept furnace, t-V.
430 Paxton Block. (16) 740
MODERN cottage, $28 00. S720 N. IMh Bt.
(16-M4 17x
$32.50. STRICTLY modern eight-room' brick
house. 13u3 8. 28tb street. (16) M'Jf 18x
THREE-STORY and basement building,
with elei trlc elevator, ln wrudes-ile com
minion district. F. V. Weed. 16.'4 Doug
Us bt, UJ-46 U
ONE large office room, ground floor, Fd
wurd Crelghton Institute Itldg.. 210 S. INth
Bt., opposite city hall. Inquire building.
1614 HARNEY St.. new. modern offices.
Hastings A Heyden, Agents, li'H rarnim
Bt. (1.M-M4.T3
FOR REN1-lek room In Ree office, city
hall building. 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha.
Apply to manager. H5 134
FIRE sale on coal. Hurr egg. $5.25 ton, stove
or furnace. Tel. Harmon & Weeth.
(1) 712 M10
ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing.
6o per foot. 206 N. 17th St. Tel. Red Ht,
(16J 390 1721
FURNITURE of 8-room modem house, all
In line condition; will sell reasonable if
sold at once Address C 680, care Itee.
(16) MK78 16
FURNITURE of new 8-room modern flat.
In excellent location, full of roomers;
snap; at once. 1S15 Jackson St.
GO-817 18
FURNITURE OF 8-room modern flat full of
roomers. Excellent location. Reason for
selling, sickness. 1817 Jackson St.
(16) M756 li
PIANO, runabout, harnesses, Ice chest.
sldetoard, hard conl heater. Call 111!
Farnam, third floor, after 12.
(16)-MSfi7 21
FURNITURE of six room house, lnclud
Ing piano nearly new; will sell alto
gether or by the piece. 205 N. 20th St.
(16) MS52 21 x
FOR BALE A handsome bookcase, ma
hogany finish, at a bargain. 3.3 Dewey
Ave. (16) 656x
NEW FURNITURE 6-room house. BAR
GAIN. Write H 685, care Bee.
(16) 711 17x
FURNITURE FOR BALE 8-room modern
brick house on Harney St.; close In. Ad
dress G 701, Bee. (16)-843 15x
Bargains ln unredeemed Jewelry 41 N. 1th.
Pianos, Orsrans, Mnalral Instruments.
Beware of bogus instruments
offered as genuine Steinway
pianos. A fine stock of new
and used Steinway pianos at
very low pricos may be found at
Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co.,
and they are the only author
ized agents in Nebraska.
1313 Farnam St.,
Telephone Douglas 1625.
(16) 841
FINE new $300 piano for $200. This Is no
fake piano ad, but a real bargain If you
need a piano. 609 Woodmen of the World
Bldg. (1)-M923
In fine condition. 318 McCague Bldg.
06) M346 M6
REGINA music box, $18. 618 N. 16th.
(15) 409 M7
McCague Bldg.
for cash. 31S
15)-815 W
FOR SALE A fine piano, new ln October,
of standard make, excellent time nnd ac
tion, at a very reasonable figure. Reason
for sale, moving. 432 8. 24th St. 'Phone
Douglas 3206. (1K M916 M14
Bargain in Pianos at
Matthews Piano Co.,
1513-1515' Harney St.
SB new and used Upright Pianos to bo
gold within the next ten days to clear the
floor of all odds and ends and used Planoa,
preparatory to arrival of spring stock. In
addition to the Pianos we will sell all new
and used Organs and Cabinet Piano Play
erg at reductions from 20 per cent to 60 per
cent from original prlcei.
$60, $76, $100, $128, $150
will secure reliable Upright Pianos.
$20, $26, $30, $36 to $46
for excellent Square Orand Pianos.
$5, $10, $U to $20
splendid used organs.
$126 $12C
bay Cectllan Piano Players, worth new
Terms $10 cash and $5 a month.
fie)- a
Pool and Billiard "Tables.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; we lead the world la
cheap bar natures; easy payments. Bruns-wlck-Balke-Collendar,
407 S. loth St.
(16) 650
Typewriters and Sewing Machines.
ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, ln good
condition, for sale cheap. Call at Hee
office. (16) 2Sx
FOR SALE A few first class snow eased
and counters; very cheap; nuarly new,
Kennard Glass & Paint Co., 16th autl
Dodge Sts. a6)-MU
FEW bargains ln 2d-hsnd soda fountains;
monthly payments. Deright, U18 Farnam.
(16) to-
SEND us you mail orders for drugs;
freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon
Drug Co., Omaha. (16) &3
ONE HOE drum cylinder press. Rurklejr
Printing Co., Omaha. (16)-484 Ell
paint. Sherman sc MeConnell Drug Co.
(16) 64
HALL'S safe, new, Zd-hand. 1818 Famum.
(16) Oiu
FOR SALE Two National cash registers,
one total adder; ulso nice line of store
fixtures. Globe Ind and Investment
company, Patterson Block. (16) A1728
FOR SALE Jupiter pencil sliarpener, in
grod condition. Call G R. Wright. Bee
office. (16 M754x
PRINTING press. 10x16 Gordon; 24-Inch
faper cutter; one horse power motor; 2i0
onts of type. Above property at a sacri
fice. 110 8. 17th Bt. (16) Ms64 21
SHOW CASES and national cash reulsttr
cheap. N. 16th St. 16) MXM Mis
MOTOR cycle. 1906 Armac, 1 If. P., fine
condition, will tie sold cheap If taken at
once. W. li. Hanson, 2420 Cuming Bt.
(16 6J 16
FOR BALE-Cheap. a restaurant doing good
business. Parties going to leave city,
1124 Jackson Bt (16) M761 18 a
WILL BELL new tailor-made spring ton
coat: silk lined: cost 116. Kits medium
sised man. Bargain fur cash. Address
N 44. Bee. UHr-lda 17s