Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 12, Image 22
12 HIE OMAHA DAILY BEKr SATURDAY, FEMUTAKY 10. IfMiT. 7j I r y, 1 1 !NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS Office. 10 Tcarl St. Tel. 43. Btl'OCl 411111 IMevHlllll nvviiuc, ... 1J. 8. Kerr has farm! of different Bis to nut, cither cash or 1 rp rent. Hons for saie on monthly payments. Tels. 417 ai MIXOIt MKSTIO. llavls. drugs. Btorkert noils carpets- Fine engravlnss at LefTerts. Ei BoRpm' Tony Faust beer. Bee Schmidt's elegant new photos. Plumbing and heating, Hixby A Bon. Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'plione VI, Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. !. Watch repairing, O. Mauthe. 228 Vest Froadway. Dishes and supplies fnr cigar band dec orations Alexander's Art Store. DIAMONDS A8 AN INVESTMENT. 1ALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT.. Kxe,elslor Masonic lodge will meet this evening for work In the second degree. Miss Susie Huffman has returned from Cnroll, la., where she was called by the death of her brother. Councilman Wallace has called a meeting of the xprclnl water worlss committee for Monday afternoon at tho city hall. DIDWEISKK BUTTLKU BEER 18 SERVED AT FIKHT-CI-AHS BAKS AN; CAFES. L. IlOSliNFKLD CO.. D1ST. Sheridan (Wyo.) coal In stock; also all other graden. Fenlon Wicxham Coal com pany, iui I'earl street. Both phones 325. ALL. BIZ KM OF STORM DDOHS, BTOKM SAHil. BTOKM WINDOW AND W KATHEK STRIPS AT AJEO. HOAU LANDB. Illinois" nut coal, delivered, T,.50 per ton; spadri grille, ln.OO per ton. William Wetsn, lt North Mum street. Tel. IS. Yard Eighth street and Eleventh avenue, lei. 9il. sizes so for saie on monthly payments. I eis. 4W ana 41 Hed. M Broadway, Council Bluff B, lu. Are you paying two prices for manties and gas burners .' If you ure, we can cut the pi ice In two for you. We handle Llnd ley seil'-ttgnting ai d Invertcxi inamles, also uli oilier connections. W. A. Maurer. I'h.. foni iui ol the late George Holloa- "beck will l.o held this morning hi Jl o'eioctt troin tlm family residence, -Noun tuigiiiu Uev Marcus P. McClure of tno rum Presbyterian church will conduct tne aer- ' vacs. i Men's four-buckle arctics (Hoods) U; men pure gum arciics tBosions;; Diem ml luhoer arctics (old colony); i ladies iwo-bucKlo arcucs (Bostons) Jl.iJ, lauu' AHinkaa oOc, Ureal reduction on ail kinds of rubbers. Duncan & Deans, Mi Ibialu 'ilreet. i Charles F. Smith, aged 64 years, died i Tlnirxiiiiv iifti iiLoon at his residence, 2!OI Avenue 1, after u. week a nines rroni pneumonia. He hud been a resident of this city lor twenty-rive years. Heckles his wile, two sons and two daughters survive bun. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, from the residence, and buriul will be in Walnut Hill cemetery. H. J. Palmer, constable In JusNee Greene's court, died yesterday afternoon at the home of bis sister, Miss Emma Pal mer, 3o6 West Pierce street, aged 4s years. Death resulted Irom Bright' dlBoaae. Be side tliJ sister, with wnom lie made his home, Mr. Palmer leaves three other sis ters. Mrs. L. Kinnehan, Mrs. E. J., Bald win of this city, and Dr. Anna Peck hum of Omaha, and one brother, Fred Palmer, of this city. The funeral will be held Sunday morning at JO. o'clock, from the residence on Pierce street. Burial will be In Walnut HIM cemetery and the services will be con ducted by Kev. Charles Fry. A good many people put all their de pendence In an almanac. Xou qannot save money that way. Head our advertise ments and we will save- money for you. Take, for Instance, Snyder's baked beans, 15c canB we are, selling tomorrow at 10c. Oranges that sell at liftc. tomorrow at 20c. Petl Pols peas, 2 for 26c. "J. M." brand of tomatoes, 2 for 26c. Eggs, 25c dos. Ia dried fruits, prunes, 3 lbs. for S6c; apricots, 20e; peaches, 20c; pears, 25c. Then we hava something fine in summer sausage, 20c; smoked whltetlsh, 15c ,1b.; bloaters, 6c eafh. In vegetables, celery, llettuce, turnips, enr rots, cabbage, rutabagas. You will never make any mistakes In buying youp coffee from un: we have built ud our trade In handling good goods. Try a pound of our B. & M. blend. Kc. Battel & Miller, Tel. 309. Saturday Specials. Egg-O-Bee, per pkg.i TsC Hulk tea,, lb. up from 26c H-lb. pkg Baker's Qhocolate 16c Cbrnmeal, per sac It 12o Bhreddod Wheat Biscuit, pkg c Rhubarb, lettuce, radishes, parsley, pine apples, oranges, bananas, etc. . J. ZOLLER MERCANTILE CO.. ' " 100-102 B'dway. Three Phones, Bell-Ind. 320. MANY- BIG GUNS TO TALK 'iTt Memberi of Conzreri to Attend the Commercial Club Frnqnet HON. WALTER I. SMilH SlCURZS THLVi Plan Is to Make It Most Notable Kmc tlon Ever Held In City Senators I liable to Attend and Seere 2ar Shave- I ndecldeu. Clure, pastor of the First Presbyterian cpurch, of which Mr. Hill was a member and one of the officers. Burial will be In Faltvlew cemetery, and will be private. These have been selected to act as pall licarers: D. i. Rockwell, C D. Parmelee, F. R. Davie. W. H. Van Brunt, Victor E. Bender, Ked Empkle, F. C. Riker and E. 11. Merrlain. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP IRON, METALS AND RUBBER BY J. KATELMAN, 803 MAIN ST.. 'PHONE Ml With five members of th national house of representatives and other notable speak ers on the program for addresses, the an nual bunquet of the Council Bluffs Com mercial club, to be held ;on the night of Saturday, March 14 at the Grand , hotel, promises to be the most notable in the history of the organisation. Not lrf the history of any organisation in this city, nor on any previous occasion, nave so many notable speakers been heard as will be the case at this banquet. The congressmen who have accepted In vitations to attend the banquet and re spond to toasts'lnclude jjome or the ablest nnd most distinguished members of the house of representatives'. They are Hon. Charles E. I.lttletleld of Kockland, Me.; Hon. James Tuwney of Winona, Minn.; Hon. Washington Gardner of Albion,. Mich., nnd Hon. Francis R. Cushman of Tacoma, Wash. Congressman Walter I. Smith of this city will also be present and In addl ;lon to acting -as toastmoster will respond to one of the toasts. Tlie committee In charge has hopes also of securing the at tendance of Congressman J. P. Conner of Denlson, la., and Congressman Kennedy of- Omaha. Another notable speaker of the evening will be Judge M. J. "Wade of Iowa City, former congressman from the Second Iowa district. Victor E. Bender of this city will be the representative of the Commercial club on the program, and It is hoped that Hon. Lew Genung of Mills county will also be one of the speakers. The matter of securing the notable speak ers for the annual banquet was left en tirely In the hands of Congressman Smith, and a telegram from 111111 received yester day by C. W. McDonald, president of the club, announced the acceptance of his four colleagues to attend and take part in the program. An Invitation has been extended Secre tary ShaW, but he has so far been unable to give any assurance that he will be able to accept It At first It waa thought pos sible to secure the presence of , one or more United States senators, especially Senator Gamble of South Daltota but Congressman Bmilh wrote the committee that the talk of a possible extra session of the senate prevents, me senators from making any arrangements or accepting any Invitations during 'March. Congressman- Littlefield is billed for an address at Oskalooaa, la., on March 15, and Congressman Cushman expects to be In thla vicinity during the middle of March, so he at once accepted the Invitation to at tend the banquet here. Congressman Gardner of Oukland, this- county, will be one of the guests at the banquet. Con gressman Cushman Is a native of Iowa, having been born at Brighton, Washington county. 1 The annual election of the Commercial club will be held Wednesday, March 6. , "atnrdny Specials. 1H quart granite rice or milk boiler 57c 1 quart granite rice or milk boiler fi3c 2 quart granite rice or milk boiler 70c 2 quart granite rice or milk boiler...... Mo 9-Inch granite pie pan 5c 9-Inch granite cake pan 7c Superior egg whips, each lc 9-Inch asbestos stove mat lc 3-tine rooking forks 3c Nutmeg graters, each 3c Mrs. Potts' pattern sad Irons, Including handle and stand 89c Asbestos and Irons, per set $1.75 f0-lb-. flour can, highly decorated and Japanned v, , 79c No. 8 wafBe Irons. 78c Economy cobbler sets, has stand and lasts, hammers, awls, thread, etc. Re pair your own shoes 58e J. ZOLLER MERCANTILE CO., 100-102 B dway. Three Phones,"Bell-Ind. 320. Clock repairing. Droadway. t .. O. Mauthe, 228 West CENTRAL FLOUR, $1.05 PER SACK; EVER"? SACK WARRANTED, CENTRAL GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET, PHONES 24. Funeral of Fred H. Hill. Funeral services over the late Fred H. Hill will be held this atternoon at the fumlly residence, 823 Third avenue, at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Marcus P. Mc- i .. . . L ZT3 Mimical? Woman's I lob. Miss Aluude Bell of the musical depart ment of the Council Bluffs Woman's club has arranged a program of unusual meril-J for the tegular, monthly muslcale next Tuesday evening. The muslcale will be held In the hall over Schmoller & Mueller new store, No. 11 South Main street, inste.M of In the club room of the library building. Admittance will be free and a cordial In vitation is extended to all lovers of good music. The piano numbers will be given by ad vanced pupils of AuguBt M. Borglum of Omaha! ' Miss Katherine Davis, a talented mczxo-sopruno, will make her initial bow before the club. Miss Davis ia- a recent arrival in this city, where she expects 10 locale. Mrs. A. A. C'ovalt will contribute two numbers. Plans' art- being made also for an ex cellent program for the March muslcale. The committee has secured Mrs. Slabaugh, contralto, of Omaha, for several numbers, and T. H. Tibbies, who will give a short lecture on "The Artist and the Audiertc.-." This Is the program for Tuesday even ing: Thirty-two Variations Beethoven Mr. Cecil Berry man. . a. Winds in the Trees A. Goring Thomas b. Heart s Fancies A. Goring Thomas ' Mrs. A. A. Covalt. Etlncellrs Moxkowski Mr. Frank Strawn. a. A la bien almee (Valse)... Edward Schutt b. Polonaise, C sharp minor... Chopin Miss Alice Davis. Three Songs of Parting Allen Miss Katherine Davis. a. Chant Polonaise Chopln-Llszt b. Valse, D flat.. Chopin c. Prelude Rachmaninoff Miss Marie Meek. Barcarolle, F minor Rubinstein Mr. Strawn. O, Love, Of Thy Might, Let Me Borrow ' (Samson and Delilah) Saint-Saens ,' Miss Katherine Davis. Fifteenth Rhapsodie Llsst Mr. Berryman. Accompanist, Miss Tulleys. ' Meat Department. " I Beef, PofTt, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Fish and game. Leave your Sunday meat order with us. We will please you. J. ZOLLER MERCANTILE CO.. 100-102 B'dway. Three Phones, Bell-Ind. .320. him January 1. In addition to $"00 ali mony she, asks for the restoration of her mnideri name of Lottie B. Garrett. This week fhe handy fruit snd Tegetable sllcer tor 2Tc, for rutting plain fluUngs and shoestrings. See It In our window. Swaine Maurer, SM-SSS West Broadway. N. Y. numbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, 601 Blav Time for Vetersnn. A grand rally of the old soldiers of tbs city and the members of their families will be held this evunlng In Grand Army hall. For their rntrrfilnment an exc -llent program has been arranged and luncher.n will be served by-lhe members cf tho Woman's Reili f corps. All old soldiers nnd their families) are Invited to attend. This is the program: Ten-minute talk on "Liberty," Colonel G. W. Cook. Song and drum solo, the elder Mcln tch. I Address, "The Lives of Washington and Lincoln," General Jihn Llndt. A darkey sermon and a banjo solo, Mc intosh brothers. Address. "The Life of McKlnley." Colonel Abbott. . Sob . the Mcintosh trk. Short talk. Colonel Hlibbnrd. Some funny sayings, the Mcintosh come dl'in. Select reading. - the president of the Re lief corps, Mrs. Witter. LEGAL RIGHT TO BE JEALOUS Supreme Court Says it Toes Not Entitle Husband lo a DiTorce. -t CEDAR RAPIDS WANTS THE TEACHERS Our stock Fish Specials. The Lenten season 4s now on of fish Is the best In the city. Anchovies, lb . V2c Norway mackerel, each lnc Whltellsh. 3 for 10c Holland herring, 3 for , 10c Extra fancy pickled herring. 2 for 15c Spiced rolled herring, each Boneless herring, lb Rdlled codfish, each Bmoked whltetlsh, lb noueiess lines. COUllsn, pKg 5o J. ZOLLER MERCANTILE CO., 100-102 B'dway. Three 'Phones. Bell-Ind. 320. 5c 15fc 17c With' Otnn ennntv Unnttntw Qiz - . iuet given last nlghb at the . refunding bond. It will be difficult to prove by Fidelity council, Royal Ar- a money ttTingency , Kebraskn. entral Grocery and EUSeaf Market Both Phones 24 600-602 Broadway SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Fancy Navel Oranges, per dozen. 10t 11 pounds Basket Leaf Lard. ? $1.00 Ltraons, tjach .It Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen . .23 Country Butter, per lb.25 Fancy Holland Herring, each 2 Norway Mackerel, each.. 5 Kib Boiling Beef, 8 lbs.25 No. 1 Hams, per lb... 11 Rendered Iard, Pr lb.10 Sausage, per pound. ..7V Solid packed Oysters, per quart .30 During Lenten season we will have a full supply of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Fish and Oysters at the lowest prices. TRY OUR CENTRAL FLOUR, N per sack EVERY SACK WARRANTED $1.05 tJi us ROBERT BURNS 10c CIGAR, OLD J TIMES Be and SPINA 10c CIGAR. MA-1 LONET CIGAR CO.. DISTRIBUTORS, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. s , Hoyal Arcanum Banqift, Over 100 members and guests sat down to the banquet given last Grand hdtel canum, following the Initiation of a large class of' candidates. The Danquet was partly In celebration of tHe fact that Fi delity council has the distinction of having the largest membership of any council of the order In the state of Iowa and partly In honor of the visiting supreme officers. Th prominent guests included Supreme Regent II. C. Wiggins, bupreme Vice Re Iowa Mews Notes. CRRSTON William Henrv Harrison, the negro who was the principal disturber In the cutting scrape in which Del Grant, a young colored man, was seriouwK- -(ured. waived trial in Justice court vesterday and was Ixiunrt over to trie grand Jury. CRKSTON Chris Boll, who appeared in FOREST tITV-H. J. Raleigh, editor of the Forest City Summit, was married yes terday at Covert. Mich., to Miss Harriet L. lioiee. MlMg Boise is not the only one who has. changed her name, for a few days ago Raliigli, whose real name Is Olson, changed to the English cognomen because there were so many Olsons in the neighborhood. IOWA FALLS E. 9. Ellsworth, the man who made the, larger part of the -history of this section of the country, who built the Ie. Moines short line, who promoted the country along the line of the Hurling ton, Cedar Rapids & Northern, and who has been a father to Iowa Falls, making this city the leader in northern Iowa, died at his home here this morning, death being due to a long-established affectation of the heart, made acute Dy a severe cold. GLEN WOOD The fourteenth annual ball of the Glenwood Bachelors' dissociation was given In the opera house last night. Schulhoff's orchestra furnished the music. This Is the swelleat event of tbe season here and, although the ranks are being constantly thinned by desertions, new mem bers are always ready to Join with those who are- unwilling or unable to shake loose from single wretchedness, and make the annually recurring reunion a red letter day in the town's history. NORTHWOOD-Whlle attempting to rob the postofflce here a man giving the name of 1 nomas Ambrose was fatally shot by Marshal John Olson. The man had al ready blown open the safe and was pre paring to make his escape when caught by the officer. He Is now In Jail suffering from hemorrhage of the lungs. Ambrose, who says his people live ia St. Paul, con fessed that he Intended shooting the mar shal had opportunity offered. Marshal Ol son Is being praised for his bravury. NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Qi.'alnt and Cartons Fen tn res of Life In a Rapidly Grow ' Inic State. Publicity for Jacob Jacob Sides, "ihe erst while sport, spends too much tlmo talking over the "phone with our ."hello" girl. j Salem Correspondent Dakota City Eagle. No Back Taxes M. J. Moler snys ha thinks there ought to be a law passed to tax old bachelors for the support of old malfli f tk. 1. .... i . it a i . . - m.. bii'puiu t-iiueu-i oacK laxes ge.nt Robert Van Sands, C. M. Dickson, off of him. he would probably change his grunu vice regeni or lowa; . r. nccKarc, Correspondent Seward Blade, grand. regent of Nebraska; A. F. Sidnell, deputy grand regent of Nebraska, and H. Don't Pneete at tie Butcher-Will Kohl A. Snyder, grand secretary of Iowa. Charles j came over to ths Four Corners one day Aj weno or tiueiity council is grand regent ( last week and helped to dispatch a couple council Is grand treasurer of Iowa. Both were present lust night. At the banquet Victor E. Bender presided as toastmaster. Iowa and A. E, Brock of the same of porkers, and. by the way. when It to butchering, Will Is not to be sneezed at. t-Four . Corners Correspondent Madison Chronicle. . A. MfUnr.r A. Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery, 516 Mynster Street, Council Bluffs', la. Ilame-Made Bread A Specialty. ' Visitors Welcome. Real Kstate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee February 15 by the Pottawattamie Beatrice's Claim to Greatness Beatrice is not only distinguished as the third city, but has earned a reputation as the homo of more poets than any other point In the state. They seem to develop here without much effort, and the verses they grind out are usually good. Beatrice Express. , , County I Abstract company cf Council have bp'n coml" thick In N Bluffs: . I wlntpr that the man with only Hurry V. Jefferls and wife to lsima Kief, eH of ne1 and nVi of neVi of w'.i. 34, and nwV of iwU, 66-77- w. d. Work for the Iiundryman The parties orfolk this one dress shirt has been forced to spend half his time carrying a bundle to the laundry, and then going after It again. And. besides. u s ni News. W.t" iV' v.;' h-v 8,480 'f ha.M on the shirt, 'tis sald.-Norfolk V. Jefferls, part of nw. of seVi and part of nel of sw4, 176-43, w. d 4,500 II. W. Redding and wlte to Hugh I Prltchard, trustee for Amos Long- ! well, lot 11. block 2. Avoca. la.. w. d.,.. 703 members. nasiu Petersen and wire to Denver Smith, lot 5 and n!3 feet let tt. block 15. Howard's addition to Coun cil Bluffs, Ia.. w. d 550 may lose the president .imriM a. rinmniun anu wire to A 'p. i." . in Ci1 ?ui m. Mia rfni"-fMa-x IWIS MARKET o. GROCERY Both 'Phones 4fj. 557 Broadway. SATURDAY ONLY j Armour's Skinned Hams, per pound . . Birlom Steak, per ound , . . Armour's Flotilla Bath Soap, 2 hara .......... Apnour's Woodohuck Soap, 10 bars 25 Orvis Itest Flour, sack.$l 3-lb." can Tomatoes, earh, for !0 Setxled liaisihs, 3 lbs.. 25 (,1iwsp. Tier nmiml . . . "IFI j GootK Coffee, per lb. . .15? Tea Dust, 2 pounds. . .2o7 Navy Deans, 6 lbs 25 Fancy Apples, per pk.20 14 .......110 FISH AND OYSTERS Fine, Large Prunes, -3 lbs. lor .........25( Pork Roast, per lb.,..H Bacon, per pound ..12V1'0 Corn BeefTper lb 4 Boiling Beef, per lb.... 4 Sausage, link or bulk, three pounds .250 Sodaor Oyeter Crackers, per pound 5 T. Rlckerby, 1. ts . 7 u.nd 10. block 39. Ferry's addition to Council Bluffs, la., w. d Benjamln-Fehr Real Kxlnte company to A. T. Rlckerby. lot 9. block 39, Ferry's addition to Council Bluffs, 1 lu.. w. d Heirs of Henry Robinson to J. P. tireenxhlelds. lots 7, s and 9. block . 3f. HuyliHi" A Palmer's addition to Council Bluffs, Ia.. q c. d L. O. Ucddurd and wife to J. P. OreeitMhlclds, lots 23 and 24, block , Pi. Omuha addition to Council I Bluffs, Ia., q. c. d Bachelors' Club Grows BpiaJer Tha Bachelors' club Is In need of a. few more Its ranks have been thinned ; out considerably the last fw weeks. Some ! of the boys ae worrying for fear they Things look se rious. "Dutch," Correspondent Beemer Times. bO j Klght transfers, total ...fH2&) 4 i Feed Department. Hay, CornOats. Bran, Chop Screenings.- j Wheat. Alfalfa Meal. Barrel Salt. Rock j 8alt, etc. J. ZOLLKR MERCANTILE CO., i 100-102 B'dway. Three Phones, Bell-Ind. 820. I The district court Jury tn the personal . Albert Housechled of Ravenna plans a tour of the world. He will go first to Call- 17 , fornla. .then to Australia, Japan, China, ' India nnd Europe, making a long stay In ' I Germany, h'l native land. In lv. he I bought a farm from his father and after i starting wl'.h a team of horses' and $L'50 j In cash, cleans up tSO.000. one-half In land. 1; , Editors Are Coming This office acknowl edges receipt of an Invitation to Join .a theater party to be given by Tho Omaha Bee at the F.urwood theuter In Omrtvt Tuesday evening, Februiry ID. If the ed itor a-nd his wife are missing about that time you may be. sure they arc enjoying the hospitality of the King of Bees. Geneva Gas'ette. , W. E. Dayton, In an ecstay of glee at r i I ? ; i.jury oamage sun oi j-vi Mum against i recovering from an .mack of pneumonia, i the Burlington railroad, after being out I1lftI.t- tn llU york Republican the follow- since Thursday morning, brought in a lng cnrA of thanks: "To the kind friend verdict last evening in favor of the plaintiff unj neighbors who visited us. and sent us for $1,200. Hunt, who wa. Injured while twautlfut flowers and sympathized with us In the employ of the defendant company as through the Illness and recovery of our baggageman .at Lincoln, sued for I'i.OOO. j beloved husband and father, we return The $B.0C0 personal lnjurr suit of Mrs. our most highly irrigated thanks. And Ora Everett against the Chnaha Jk Council j we most devoutly, pray that a like affile I Bluffs Street Railway company will be! tlon 'may never visit their homes. All j given to ths Jury this morning. j alons It was our Intention lo make this I Lottie B. Gregory, according to the pe-, card a giant In the r.iuks' of graveyard ! tltlon of divorce from Charles K. Gregory. ! literature. We Included tho minister, the tiled fsterday, evidently found that six choir, the sexton and the undertaker, and weeks of married life such as she en- I we especially Included tha good doctor. '.countered was sufficient. She was mar- i But papa recovered, nevertheless, and ttnit rled November 18 last and alleges that spoiled It all. Ws feel that It is -our Curls owing to her husband's cruel and Inhuman tlan dutv lo bow in humble submission. treatment of her, which waa such as to This card waa neither signed nor conct-tved endanger her ure, bus was forced to leavs ( by W. . Dayton s tamiiy. Majority of F.jeentlve Committer "aid to Favor Taklnsr the Annaal ronrrsHnn to that City. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DKS VIOINF.9, Feb. 15 (Special.) In an opinion filed by the supreme cmirt today It Is held that women van be Jealous If they wish to and If they annoy their husband by their talkativeness the husband must endure it philosophically. The decision. Is In the case of William Pfann-'becker Against Margaret Pfannebecker, apeuled from Keokuk county.' They were married Sep tember 2, 1-'!U, and the action by the hus band for a divorce wns brought In Septem ber, He charged cruelty on the basis of her accusation of Infidelity. He claimed that she talked to him when he wanted to go to sleep and one night, hearing n noise, he turned up the light and discovered that she had entered the room, and he foared It was for the purpose of killing him. The cort holds In the decision that a cbarse of infidelity made by the wife agtlnst the husband does not constitute the .same ground of legal cruelty that the charge of the husband against the wife does, for men do not suffer from the Implication If un true. .It holds that though he may be annoyed by her talking he must bear it philosophically and suggests that medlcRl' treatment for the wife Is what is needed rather than the divorce courts. Ceilnr Ilaplna Wants Teaehean. Cedar Rapids wants the -stale convention of the Iowa State Teachers' association. It has wanted It every year for several years and has made a close race to take it away from D'es Moines. The executive committee has for some years decided In favor of Des Moines and this committee meets tomorrow in IJes Moines for the pur pose of, determining the matter. This year there is a new'element In the discussion. F. R. Bolton of' Iowa Cltj?, one of the three members of the executive committee", took the responsibility to write to every teacher In tho state and ask their preference as to the meeting place. It Is claimed a great majority of these favor Cedar Rapids as the meeting place. O. M. Elliott of Shel don, one of the members of the committee. Is understood to favor Cedar Rapids and his vote, with Bolton's, will determine the question. F. E. Palmer of Jefferson, the third member. Is understood to favor Dos Mrtlnes. Objection Is made against Des Moines by some teachers who claim that the hotels and restaurants raise their rates during the state convention and that the department stores bring out all their left over goods and try to sell them to the women teachers. House Proceedings. In the house today the first business taken up after the correction of the journal was the Teter bill, which was left In the air when the house adjourned yesterday afternoon. The bill provides that town ships which dea)re may return to the old system of working out the road' tax Instead of paying in cash. The bill, after further debate and a dozen or more efforts to amend It, some of which were successful, passed the house. The house also at the morning1 session passed the Harding bill regulating employ ment bureau offices. Holmes of Kossuth In the house today in troduced a bill that is Intended by the author to assist the legislature In getting at the real value of the railroad property of the state, with all . watered stock left out of calculation. The bill provides that the railroads, under penalty, snail file with the state auditor' an account of the mileage and value of all property of the roads, the amount of stock outstanding every five years beginning with 1885, the amount of bonds and the amount outstanding every live years beginning with. the earnings each year and the railroad companies' own estimate of th value of the railroad prop erty. Tha bill calls for Information never heretofore required of the railroads and Is causing considerable debate. The author means to press It to a passage. The In formation mtist'be-filed with the auditor of state by July 1, 1907, , and biennially there after, and furthermore, tlie bill provides that the railroads, under penalty, must furnish all information called for by the legislature, the executive council or the state railroad commission. The bill is causing some sweating on The part of tpe railroads. Allied today Introduced, a bill providing that It shall be a crime punishable by a fine of "0U or Imprisonment for any per son to give money, liquor, cigars or any thing of value to any person previous to a primary or. election for the purpose of Influencing his vote. V Cottrell Introduced a bill providing for a legislative reference department to the state library to be in charge of a com petent person to gather and furnish the legislature any Information It may wish or need. At the afternoon session the house killed the bill Increasing' the , compensation paid newspapers for publishing the laws; passed the bill by Brandes of Council Bluffs re lating .to the compensation of supervisors! referred the Offlll firecracker bill to the Judiciary committee; passed the bill by Harding of Woodbury relating to levying special assessments to pay for damages to property from erection of viaducts. Senate Proeeedluits. The senate passed the concurrent resolu tion to take u recess from February itti until March 6 at 1:30 p. 'tn. The purpose In deciding so early Is that members may arrange their business affairs to be at home on March 1. The. f-4-imte unanimously passed the bill to give the State Board of Health bac teriological laboratory at Iowa City ltt.000 annually and to give the director $l,i00 a yir salary. I Xew Hills Introduced. The following new bills were Introduced: Crosslev' Exemption of mortgages. DeWolf Hulk sales bill. Moon Street car vestibules. Uillllland Bridge taxes In It 14. DeWolf Holler Inspection. Coal Ijinda ChaiiKe Hands. . Buffalo capitalists and W. S. White of Oskaloosa today purchased the property of the Norwood Coal rompuny for 1120.01.0. The Norwood-White Coal company has be-n Incorporated for'O to take over the property add handle It. H. M. Poola is president of the new company; Charles E. Williams, vice president; W. 8. White, sec retary and tr usurer. . Drake Gets Another A,04M. At chapel exercises today it was an nounced by President Hill M. Bell that a gift of $6,0C0" had been received for the benefit of the college as a further con tribution towafd securing the Carnegie gift, May "t Secretary Shaw. An attempt Is b1ng made on the part of the Woman's Press club to get Secre tary Shaw to speak before the club at the Chamberlain hotel March 11 It is under stood tnat he is to be here at about that time and this is the reason fur the invita tion being extended to him for that date. Iltlaols Man Dies Train. ST. LOl'IS. Feb. 15. When ths Iron Mountain train from. Texas pulled Into tbs Fnlrn station Ibis morning the dead body of l harle Henson, 40 years old. was found in the chair car retiring rom. lie J had died from consumption wh le returning from Texas to h home In Paris. Ill Among his effects was a letter of recent date from his mother, Mrs. Mary llensoii. stating that a baby girl had been born to him. and his wife was longing for hint to come home. Henson had ,ben In Texas six months endeavoring to regain his lvlth. ' STATISTICS 0NC0AL LANDS Figures gent ti Senate liwlaai Extrnt and tatns of-Fnel Deposits. WASHINGTON. Feb. IS Complying with a resolution of Inquiry, the secretary of the Interior today sent t6 the senate n state ment showing the area of coal lands In the various stites. the title of which has passed from the t'nltod Ftates. N The statement deals especially with the coal prens of Colorado, Idaho, Montnnn. New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, fl'iuth Dakota. -Washington. Wyoming and 1'tah and In addftlnn to showing the extent of coal land In the patented aras. shows It on lands not patented, on vacant lands and n Indian reservations. The total aren In those states In which conl Is known to exist is as follows: On prtonted land. 9, !55.9ii3 acres; not patented. 1.5!a9K! acres; vacant land, 11.140.S54 acres: Indian reserva tions, 1.73S.27S acres. In .addition' the exist ence of coal la considered probable In still, larger areas .as follows: On patented land, 19,B46.2M acres; not patented, MS1.195 acres; vacant land. 44.270,247 acres; Indian reserva tions, 1,707.330, acres. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Uirket it Dull and Frio Movement Is (enfined to Few Stocks. SPECULATORS ARE. INCLINED TO WAIT ALLEGED EMBEZZLER TAKEN J. Wallace Hlaht Aeensed of Defraud ing; Missouri Life Insurance Company at St. Joseph. ST. LOriS. Feb. 15. Actmg on Instruc tions telegraphed last night by Chief of Police W. H. Frans of St. Joseph, Mo., detectives' arrested 3. Wallace Might at the Southern hotel on the charge of having, embcxzled from the Missouri State Life Insurance company, for which he ts at) agent. 1 He denied the charge and asserted if a shortage had becjv. found in his accounts It was due to an error on the part of the company. Only 2 cents was found In his possession. The hotel took possession of two grips as 'security for his hotel bill. Ha will be held awaiting the arrival of an officer from St Joseph. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 15. MONEY On call, firm at 4Hfmi per cent; ruling rate, 6 per cent; closing bid". 6 per cent; offered at 54 per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty days, 64t5Vt per cent; ninety days and six months, 64 per cent. f PRIME MERCANTILE PA PER-50ii4 tier cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with ac. tual business In bankors' bills at UStSO-ff 4.S455 for demand and at 4.Wi30(fj-4 .8036 for 60-dav bills; posted rates, tt.Hl'n I.SoVk; com mercial bills, 4.80S(p4.NOV4. SILVER Bar, 69c N Mexlcnr dollars, 53He. BONDS Government and railroad, steadv. ' Closing quotations on bonds were as follows: ' V. S. ref. la. r( 106H Japan (a. 24 arls do coupon l..., 1064' ln 4a ctfa V. 4. Ia. rt. 102j do 4Ha ctta do coupon . .'. 102' do 2d acrlea V. S. old 4a, m 101H L.. & N. unl. 4s... A. ............ U-n - - 1 U. B. n. 4a. mi in do coupon 12 Am. Tobacco 4a 76 do (a 110H Atchlaon gen. 4a. 101 do adj. 4s AtlantloC. L. 4s t Dal. & Ohio ts 101 do IHs Drk. R. T. c. 4a M Central of Us. 6s 110 do -st lnc to do 2d lnc lg do Sd lnc 4 Ones. & Ohio 4ia....lOSU Chicago 4 A. Jis.. 7S ("., B. A Q. n. 4s MTs C. K. I. P. 4s.... 76 do col. Si fi CCC. St. U (. 4s..l01 Colo. Ind. os, sor. A. 70 Colo. Mid. 4s 72 '4a.. Mex. Central 4a. do 1st lnc Minn. St. L. 4s.... M., K. & T. 4s do 2s N. R. H. ot M. o. 4a. N. V. C. (. 34s.. I.. N. J. C. f. B- .' .. 84 .. ! .. 0S ..100 ..100H .. 85 .. KM .. 24 .. 88 S7 1254, No. Pacific 4s 101 do 2s 72Si N. W. c. 4s 28 , O. 8. L. rfdg. 4s.... 231 Penn. coot. 34 2 Reading (en. ' 4a...... 9774 a. L. aV I. M. e. 6s.. 119 St. L. 8. P. ff. 4s. 22 8t. U 8. W. c 4s.. 7 Seaboard A. L. 4 KS So. Pacific 4a 2 do 1st 4s ctts MVs So Railway I" 112 Texaa & P. la 10XU Colo. So. 4a 21 T., 8t. L. & W. 4s.. 22 KxteatelVe Commitments Are .Not K: peeted t ntll After Adjournment of t'onaress Close Is Steady. NEW YORK. Fi b. 15 -There was little animation In the dealings In stocks today, but decided headway was made In the pries movement against tne rcactloiiuiv tendency which developed yest rday. The first tons of the money market was practically Ig nored on account of the supixmltlon that the tightness of the call money market vas-oue to temporary causes nnd that forces of relief would come into play. Tim principal of these relied ufj.ui Is the secur ing of gold in 1ondon, which Is expected on Monday, when large arrivals are duo there. The strong position disclosed by ths Bank of England in Its weekly statement yesterday cr.ated an Impression that no further obstacles would be opposed to a movement of gold to New York, but ths tone of comment from London today In dicated that financial " authorities tht-ru would feel some continuing dissatisfaction at such a movement. There are reports of coming large withdrawals for South America from that center. Stress Is laid on the probability that Paris will recall the credits tdaced In London In leccmU r, when the Bank of France extended slstance to the Bank of England. A ilo cllne In Interest rates In London, It Is B.ud, would lead to shipments of gold from Lon don to Paris. The New York banks today turned over to the subtreasury some 11.200,000. bcin the remainder of the deposits made wlili the banks In December. The Interior banlia have drawn on their New York corre spondents only to a small extent to nil . these payments, the higher rates for call loan here acting as a discouraging IniJu ence on any reduction of New York ac counts. Estimates of the week's curreni-y movrment indicate a small change In thn cash Item either way. The government withdrawals six weeks ago were thrown over almost entirely Into the averages lor the following weeks helped materially to make the weak showing , of last week's bank statement. Lending In this market by interior bunking Institutions would tend to relieve demands on the local banks, but the further placing of note Issues would constitute a demand for loans on the local banks. Today's addition to these Issues was the ?10,0n0.000 placed by tho Interbor ough Metropolitan, the price at which they were understood to be taken by the bank ers, Indicating an Interest rate of to 7 per cent for the term to their maturity. The rates for time loans, however, show a r-ceding tendency, owing to; the lending here for account of Interior banks. A de cline In the grain exports for the week of 820,(00 bu. of wheat and of 419.000 bu. of corn has some bearing on the exchangs market. The rising money market In Ber lin also Is a factor in the situation. The repression of activity In the market Is belleyed to be due In part to a dcslrs to await the adjournment of congress he fore entering upon extensive market com mitments. The resumption of the Inter state Commerce commission's inquiry Into the Harrlman combination of railroad properties Is another Item of future In fluence to bear on the market, which Is the occasion of some reserve In speculative operations. Not only were dealings held In moderate bounds today, but price move ments of consequence were restricted to comparatively few stocks. A record pries for Anaconda wns an Incident of the day. The sharp advances In Missouri, Kansas & Texas and St. iouls Smithw stern pre- rerrea were unexplained by any news. Realizing sales Impaired the best prices of the day, but the closing tone was steady. Bonds were steady. Total sales par value, 11,280,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. The following was the range of prices oh the New York Stock exchange: Bale. High. Low. Clo 2.R0ft 115 2.200 46 112 44 200 20 20 100 100 22 17 M 17 Cuba 6s I). & R. O. 4s Distillers' 8m. 6S.... 22 Erie p. I. 4s 7 do gen. 4s 8 Hocking Val. 4s.;.104 japan s HU .103u I'ulon Pacific 4s.. V. B. Steel 2d 6s.. Wabash la do deb. B Western Md. 4s.... W. A U E. 4s.. Wis. Central 4a.... Bid. "Offered. Ex-Interest. .lvl . 28 .112 . 70 . 81 . 22 28 Boston HtorkS and Bonds. BOSTON. Feb. 16. Call loans, G1 per cent; time loans, 6Mi&H per -cent. Official prices on stocks and bonds were: Atchlaon adj. 4a 21 (Atlsntlc 17 oo is s !Blnghain 20 M.i. Central 4a 24 Atchlaon 104 do prd 29Ss Boston & Albany 235 Hoeton A Maine... 160 Bonton KleraleiL ...142 Pltchburg pfd ...f 134 Mei. Central 13 N Y., N. H. H...183 Pere Marquette IS t'nlon Pacific 17s An. Arm. Client 23 do pfd 23 Am. Pneu. Tube 10 Atner. Sugar l.HM no prd U0Vt Am. T. & T.. Am. Woolen .. do pfd Oom. I. A 8. Kdison Elec. nana. Klei-trlc do pfd Mass. Gas t'nlted fruit I'nlted 8. M do pfd , t'. 8. Steel Adrenture Alloues Amalgemated Bid. "Asked ..127 32 ......100 22V. IIU...226 1 tfe 6 10H . 24 ...... 47 Cel. A Heels 296 Centennial 44 Copper Ksnge 24 Daly West 12 Franklin 26 C.ranbr 148 Isle Hoysle 29 Mass. Mining 8 Michigan 21.. Mohawk ti2 Mont. C. &. C 1 )ld Dominion (0 Osceola 126 parrot 31 Nulncy 141 , international Paper nannon i 28 114 44 101 20 88 128 27 Uj 82 17 22 . '44 111 144 114 -125. 92 292 104 92 120 1200 114 114 114 11.200 75 74 .. 47,000 146 .. 10O 114 .. 8,700 138 20 96 ..120,400 20J .. 12.200 104 100 22 144 114 134 M 292 104 29 ramaratk Krlnlty Jntted Copper :. 8. Mining.. '. 8. Oil tah Vk-iorla Winona Wolverine .160 ... ii tit ... 13 ... 72 ... 7 ... 12 ..198 Adams Express, ex-dlr.. Amalgamated Copper .. Am. C. A F Am. C. A P. pfd Am. Cot l op (ill Am. Cotton Oil pfd American Express. Am.. H. A L.. pfd American Express Am'. IJneeed Oil Am. Linseed Oil pfd.... Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotlre pfd.... Am. 8. A R Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tobacco pfd. ctfs.. Anaconda Mining Co.... Atchison i Atchison pfd nu.ii.ia u .. Baltimore .A Ohio Rsl. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Trv.... Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W Chicago A N. W 2.300 167 (.'., M. A St. f 30.200 149 Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C. C, C. A St. L Colorado P. A I Colorado A 8o Colo. A So. 1st pfd. .. Colo. A Bo. 2d pfd... Consolidsted Gas ..... Corn Products Corn Products pfd Deaware A Hudson... Del., L. A W Denver A R. O D. A R. O. pfd Erie , Erie 1st pfd Erie fil pfd General Electric 1W Hocking Valley ll. Illinois Central 100 160 160 lbs 100 17 17 Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd 1.20 2.800 7.300 2i0 1.800 S.Si'O 1,200 600 1.600 23, 600 1,000 200 186 53 16 91 . 60 36 67 66 140 21 87 300 11.400 21 - 600 38 80 36 71 2 169 74 184 'ii" 16 166 148 20 49 86 67 66 127 23 87 88 80 36 70 61 169 20 74 186 208 5 166 148 9 22 26 4!' 36 87 66 137 23 87 210 too 3 7P 36 70 61 169 400 26 North Hutte 112 I M Uutte Coalition 37 Nevada 17 4 i('al. A Arliona. . 86 lArltona Com. ... 114 Greene Con .19u . 34 . 31 London Cloning- gtoeks. LONDON, Feb. 1G. Closing quotations on Mocks were: Consols, money 86 ,M., K. A T. do areount 86 16-14 N. Y. Central Anaconda 16 j Norfolk A W Atrhtson l'7ta do pfd ..103 'Ontario A W ..118 Pennsylvania .. 191. Hand Mlues 68 ; Heading do pfd Baltimore A Ohio Caoadlan Pacific . I hes. A Ohio Chicago (it. W... C. M. A St. P.,. Dr Beers V. A R. O do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central .. Louisville A N... . 17 .164 . Ill . 40 . 23 . 27 . 721, . 63 .165 .139 Houlhern Hallway do pfd FiHI'hem Pacific .. t'nlon Pacific do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Wabash do pfd Spanish. 4s lowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas City So.- K. C. So. pfd Louisville A Nashville Mexican Central Minn. A 8t. louls bt. P. A 8. 8. M M , St. P. A 8. 8. M. Missouri Pacific M., K. A T M, K. A T. pfl National Lead N. R. R. ot M. prd... New York Central,... N. Y.. O. A W, Norfolk A W N. A W. pfd No. American, e-div. . Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas, ex-dtr... P.. C, C. A 81. U... 46 Pressed Steel I'ur 68 , Pressed e. C. pfd Puttinsn Palace Car.... Reading Nestling 1st pfd 43 133 89 28 pfd. 100 . 200 6o0 400 2"l 4(10 f'KI 1.200 MO tl,3i0 29, 300 2,81,0 800 '4' 200 1,6"0 700 26 46 2 60 136 & 66 1-4 149 83 43 71 73 129 4S 80 26 46 28 r.9 136 24 17 80 24 77 26 44 2 69 136 24 66 4o 121 1L-J 200 84 19.400 132 7i0 96 . 64 . 27 . 29 . 97 .181 . S I 47 .108 . 17 . 23 . 8V. 200 200 ..127,300 2W 74 126 9U 149 88 40 70 72 128 45 86 3: 131 74 62 123 2o 148 83 43 71 72 34 128 4-'i 86 82 81 34 131 9) 7.1 62 98 171 124 90 Reading 2d pfd 20 The rate ft discount In the open market for short bills Is 4T, per cent; for three months' bills, 43i per cent. Boston Copper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan & Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, Omaha: Adventure ' 4 Nevada Consolidated. 17 Alloues 62 North Butle 118 Atlantic 17 Old Dominion Hlnyliam 31 Ohceola ..H Black Mountain 2 Pneu. Service Hoeton Consolidated. 30 Pneu. Service, Uutte Coalttlou 87 Qulni y LMIumet A Arlsona..l92 Hhsnnon Calumet A llecla. Centennial Copper Range Italy West Bt Butt Kranklin Greeu Copper Uranby Helvetia Isle Royal L. 1. A Pittsburg. Maasachusetts Michigan Mohawk ... .290 44 96 79 Tamarack .... Tenn. Copper Trinity I'nlted Fruit com. p'd.. 16 t olled States. .. 27 I'nlted Slates. v 82 a t'tah Consolidated ..149 l lah Copper .. 4 Victoria .. 29 Winona . . 22 Wolverine 8 Cananea ..i .. 21 Nlplsalng a. 14 61 167 10 pfd... 27 142 22 162 80 23 107 7: 28 8 12 190 2i Forelss Fiaanelal. LONDON, Fob. 15. The supplies of money were short In the market today and wert controlled by the Bank of Kngland. The demand was good. Discounts were steidy.' Trading on the Stork exchange wss quiet Hepubllc Steel Republic Steel pfd..... Rock Island Co Hot Island Co. pfd Hi. I.. A 8. P. 2d 'pfd... HI. L. 8. W Bt. L. 8 W. pfd 80. Pacific 8u. Pacific pfd Po. Hallway Fo. Railway pfd Tennt-toe C. A 1 Texaa A Pacific T., Bt. L. A W T.. BL L. A W. pfd.'v. t'nlon Pacific t'nlou Pacific pfd C' 8. Express ,. V. 8. Hrslty I". 8. Rul.l-er I . 8. Rubber P'd I . 8. Steel. I . 8. Steel pid Va. -Carolina ( hemic. I , Va.-Caro. ('hem. pfd.... Wakssb Wabath pfd W.lls KrSo Express ... WeatlniiliDUae Blectrle ., Wralrrn I nlon Wneellng A L. g Wisconsin Centrsl Wis. Centrsl pfd Northern Pacific Central Leather Central Leather pfd SiuimT lilicmrlil Steel .... Great Northern pfd..... Int. Metropolitan Int. Mel. pld. 8.2.4) 90O 2.100 4IH) 400 1,600 18.600 26 99 28 69 '21 62 94 2! 111 2.400 27 200 8i 1.I00 600 2i0 :,too 2. 600 2,400 00 (2.6'i0 4.200 l.ouO 24 30, 6i 12b 94 62 107 46 106 26 1110 us 2o0 16 1.200 I: 200 12 100 22 . D.7o0 iii . I,o0 40 100 102 2-K. 71 . 2.2'JV 179 . 2.000 86 IO 71 Total sales lor the day, 766,400 36 99 96 68 24 67 28 117 26 24 83 30 61 172 80 61 107 4ii 104 3S 108 14 ' 31 12 U3 2 103 71 167 2 11 26 98 26 68 43 23 69 24 117 26 160 24 20 M IT 94) U 24 " 107 44 106 24 107 22 372 162 82 12 22 41 163 2 101 71 148 24 New York MIdIiik Hloekm. NEW YORK, Feb. 15. Closing quotations on mining slocks were: and'piices were eusler. the talk of large j llc" gold withdrawals anu tne reaction in wan street having am unsettling effect. Consuls sugged, owing to lack of support. The changes In other directions were frac tionally lower, but the market closed steadier and wltkv a hardening tendency. Americans showed losses at the opening and they declined further, but pulled up to over parity In tne forencon on mod rate local support. Ialer New York, bnuKht well, especially Micsourl Pacific, and prices hardened and closed firm at ths best quotations of the day. Foreigners eere rw-Kiei-ted. Japanese lmrx-rial 6s of 190J closed at 10. Copper shares were easier. The Indian secretary secured IliS.OUD In gold, due here Mar'b It Adsms Coo. breece brurswUk Cou. . Comstock Tuuuel Con. Cel. A Vs.. Horn Silver Iron Btiver Leadvllle Con. ... 20 272 . 26 . W . 42 . -C .170 Little Chief ... (ictarto ....... Putual Savage -ilerra Nevada 4mall Hopes .. .utudard ...... . .800 .111 . it . 71 . to. ,. ' Treasary statement. WASHINGTON. Feb. IS. -Today's state ment of trie balances In the general fund, exclusive of the ll.V.i-MI.CMj gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, t-tf.Sv.Mt; gold coin and bullion, $H,b2,37t ; gold esti mates, Vi;6XM. Bea Want Ads' for Business Booslsrsk x