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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
) TIIK 0MA1LX DAILY HCE: SATUKDAY, FKHKUARY 10, 1007. WE CLEAN AND DYE FEATHERS LACES AfiD MATERIALS WORK GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES Mew PTDQT CWnVtTTMfl TCi 19fi7 5s ATITRnAV or srtrvtw fnr mallVClS UidulUUIly Beautiful Tailored Suit Hats A widerange of styles, every prominent maker represented In the p QP i Cf ft collection and at price not to be equalled. They range from... vpl.J IU vplv Hats Trimmed Free Millinery at Wholesale and Retail. - Pattern Hats for the Traflo. Glove Section Saturday Long silk gloves full 16 button length. In sa ff black and white, warranted reinforced fin- f ger tips, special Fancy Embroidered Turnovers, 20 patterns to select from an excellent 10c value, Saturday, only, each , AT OUR VKILIXQ SECTION SATURDAY 10 0 pieces of Fancy and Plain with or without dots, all colors and special offering Saturday, the yard. Ladies' Tailored Suits. 55.00 About 50 suits odds and ends, to cjose out to make room for our spring stock that is coming in every day. Light and dark checks and mixtures, a few blacks and blues, in Eton, half fitted pony coats and bolero effects, many of them the styles they are showing for spring wear. Not a suit In the lot ever sold for less than 112.50, many were $15.00 eults.jour choice Saturday at 1 Cut Price Embroidery Sale 40c Dress Goods 23c a Yard Great crowds attended our 23c Dress Goods Sale Friday and they were greatly .benefited. The sale will continue Saturday. 40c dress yn goods Saturday -.AJC to Include the hours from 8 p. m. to 6 a. m. Several other amendments were offered In the committee, but they were voted down. Senator. Thomas, In committee of the v whole today offered an entirely new bill for S. F. 60, the compulsory education measure he Introduced In the senate early In the' session at the request of a number of ' Omaha people ' Interested. The sub stltuted bill Is less drastic than the original. The .bill, as Introduced, required the attendance of all children between 7 and 18 years for the full school year, un less in the case of children over 14 It was necessary they should work to support themselves or some one dependent upon them. The substituted bill retains this feature as to Omaha, but In the rest of th'e state1 changes the ages 7 and IS and requires them .to attend two-thirds of the school year, or In any case not less than twelve weeks a year. The bill as changed was recommended for passage by the com mittee of the whole. I.lentenant fiovernor ..Votes. A fight on women suffrage enlivened the afternoon session of the senate, the women suffragists Anally winning out. The deciding vte was cast by Lieutenant Governor Hopewell, the first time lie has been called on to exercise his right to de cide deadlocks. The flght came up on Ald rlch's resolution memorialising congress to submit a woman's suffrage amend ment to the national constitution to the several states. The resolution was not debated, but a motion by Aldrlch to recommend the resolution for passage was voted down by the te of in to 11. Saunders, who was In the chair, ousting the deciding vote. The motion to Indefi nitely postpone then carried by the vote II to 10. When the report of the committee was made to the senate Patrick moved it be not concurred In as to the Aldrlch reso lution and demanded a roll call. The vote . " wus as follows: A es Aldrtoh. MrKivaon, ralrlrk. Thomaos, Thorns, Wilcox. , Wills (Cdr)-ll. Bums (Lnlr.), Holt, rock, Kins. N a y s Aithton. II. mn (Pltl(. lindaoa. Rpperion. Glortr, flood rich, Haunt, Luc. Phillip.. Smindera. Blbl.jr It. Fads and Figures on Better Shocs- Shoes That Are Different Better There's big jirofit in these khoctw-that is, the profit we offer 'you. You par a trifle more hut got twice the wear twice the aa UK fact ion and sfjles that other's don't have. Make the'shoe man prote it. Whits Canvas Button Shoes for in i r' ami children a, made of pure tie Island, liuun. ftn texture, genu ine Well fcoles, liiM 11 to 2, ii.uti; kVfc to 10. ij.u'J, J to en 8 cost I.JU French 1'un.nt Calf Button bhoes, with while top, for uflsves and children, sixes 11 to S, $3.2i; fVa t i.ftV:!t:i.l.?T ...2.00 Nut Crown Calf Shoes, made in but ton, with nice broad tx. for iniass and' children, sixes 11M0 2. 13.00; m to-10H. $2.60; 5 to 8 1 nc pair I.U French Tatent Calf Button Shoes, with tine rull kid tops und drens U: for mUsea and children, sixes 11 to 6-toV.0.;.,.v.,,.,.,0H,,:60' 2.C0 Young ladles' sixes. $H to 6, are 3.50 BENSON 0;iAliAIJEJ3.V I... Ill l I I til Mill I IIIIMII I!' I . , , . ---'V; 1 Kith Idl U(Ca iia.s iiuli lilt wunii o now Reynler'a Neckwear Bargains lots or blacks, every yard worm d&c, ; Our fine tailor and $3.60, are as , Our Oxfords In $3.00 and $2.50 Shoe section will BASEMEN T BARGAINS Absent nurk, O'CoonsIl, rikrks. Lsttt, Tboross, WIImt (Fntr ). Wilton 1L rilbaoa, RkDdkll, uould. Root, Exercising his right. to decide tie votes Lieutenant .Governor HopeweU cast his vote In the affirmative amid cheers from the senators. Free Hlsrh School Law. Senator King's free high school bill was recommended for passage by t".e senate. It allows any child living in a district which does not provlJe a full high school course to take . the missing grades at some high schqpl in the state. The tuition, which is fixed at 75 cents a week, is raised ty taxation in his district. The bill has passed the scrutiny of law yers and it Is believed to obviate the fea tures which have rendered other laws if the same kind unconstitutional. Senator King's bill to abolish the IV mill levy collected by the state and re distributed to the counties according tp tfle school census was recommended for passage by the committee of the whole. Senator King declared the present sys tem was adopted to aid the poo counties of the west, which are now able to take care of themselves. He also said it pro duced fraud in padded census reports in a number of counties in the state. The three uniform divorce bills recom mended last fall by a .meeting of divorce experts were Introduced Into the senate today by Senator King. The main bill changes the general divorce law, makltg It nvre stringent. Two companion meat-, ures providing for the gathering of mar riage and divorce statistic from the county judgei and the district clerk. 'State to Aid School Districts. A bill of Importance to the school dis tricts of that section of the state In which the revenues do not permit of a seven months' school a year waj Introduced In the house this morning by Doran, Henry, Hill, Metzger and! Wilson. The bill pro vides that the state shall come to the financial assistance of those school dis tricts which, though levying the maximum rate of taxes, cannot maintain a seven months' school,, to the end thst; every school district In the state may have school each year for that length of time. To carry out the bill 160,000 la appropriated. Children's Red Kid Button Shoes, sixes $H U 10H, $2.50; 6 I T( to K, $2.00, 2 to 5--ialr.. I.JJ phildren's fine Kid Button Shoe, wiih patent tip. heavy sole, exten'-tl oil edge..Tbi shoe is made absolutely tuckless, Villi a speclil tanned leather in the sole, which makes it very flexible and noisul ! s to pi'ir138.0:.5.1.0..1- ....2.00 Fine Kid Button Shoe, for misses and children, made with a mxdiuni' weight sole and In medium tew or wide toe. lace and button most durable shoe possible and very styl ish slses II to 2. $160; tVj t (n to 104. $2.00; i to i. pair U Young ladles' sixes, $Vi to (V QD Chlldraa'a Walte Sabbera All ataea. rTHORNE J I - V".iZ&A AN 19 PJnOWAmiJ PHONE 981 DOUGLAS prim h firsr tfms a awKmHsnro nf Snrlno- MillHorv. Tif t uiu.i laiiuuj uuiiiiioi u aisu uavb a laifc aifcuimaavb ii very popular throughout the cast. Here Is your opportunity to freshen up your old hat at very little expense. There is noth ing more stylish at present than roses and foliages'. Large bunch Roses, LA IIU K SILK ANI VKLVKT AMKKICAX. IIKAI'TY ROKKS 8TKMH AM) FOLIAGK, KACH ... Long Kid Gloves Celebrated Sita MosQuetalre French Kid full 16 button length, highly glaced, reg ular $3.50 value, white, brown, tan, mode and gray, on sale Saturday 2.48 P JC Mesh Veilings, as a f f iuv Sample Shoes 72 pairs Misses' sample shoes in fiatent colt and vici, sizes 12 to 1. worth $2.50 and $3.00, on sale Saturday at ., 4 9 pairs ladles' fine patent colt and vicl welts and turns, small sizes, 3 to V, AA, A and B lasts, worth $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00, your choice at made shoes in patent colt, welts and turns at $3.00 perfect as can be made. patent colt, heavy or light soles, turns and welts at are now ready for your inspection. A visit to our convince you that our style and prices are right. Beautiful mfcroidered edges' and '28c on sale Saturday at, yard.... 75c Dress Goods -33c a Yard Marvelous selling all day Friday. For the benefit of those who could not attend Friday we will con tinue this splendid offer Saturday. Dtess It goods worth up to 75c at, yard C The measure Is a .companion bill to the King bill to repeal -the present half-mill levy for the use of the public schools. At present In Nebraska there are SOS school districts which maintain less than three months' school; 648 districts which main tain from three to six months' stMool, al most 1,000 school districts which maintain less than seven months' school. Some of tl!0 districts would receive $30, some $80, some $i0 and some $120 out of the appro priation, but each would then be able to hold seven months' school. It is estimated n these districts which will be assisted there are l&,0b0 school children; thus by the enactment of the bill into law 15,000 chil dren would be" permitted to attend school for seven months a year while other dis tricts would be affected very little. KOlTIE PROCEEDINGS OP SENATE Sesste Puts In Fall Day on Routine Grind. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. 16. fSpeclal.)-Tne senate spent mdst of the morning In committee of the whole and listening to committee re ports. On recommendation of standing committees, the following bills were placed n veneral file: Hj R. US By Cone. Memorializing con gress to pass the McCumber Villi co flx a uniform-standard of grading and Inspecting grnin. S.. F. 231 By Ashton. To regulate the public service of stallions. B. F. 121 By Epperson. Providing there shall be no less than one or more than two road dlstrlota in a voting precinct. 5. F. 122 By Eppersun. Allowing villages to make assessments for road purposes. 6. F. 123 By Epperson. Making poll tax payable in cash. 8. F. 124 By Epperson. Giving county boards power to tlx conipensutlon of road overseers. S. F. 280-WJy Thomas. Defining dependent and delinquent children. B. F. 2ut By Aldrlch (by request). Re lating to provisions of life insurance poli cies and requiring full contract to be set out In full. 8. F. 210 By Aldrlch (by request). Re lating to salarfVs of officers and aeents of life insurance companies. H. R. -By Clarke. Prohibiting Child labor under certain conditions. 8. F. 278 By Patrick. Providing a new trial shall not be granted in a criminal case for error, unless it appears there has been a miscarriage of Justice. H. R. llii By1 Viusckenbush. . Allnwlna court reporters 10 cents per 1U0 words for making bills of exception. The following bills were Indefinitely post poned: 8. F. 264 By Thorne (by request). Reduc ing exemptions of heads of families from Juou to $). 8. F. 27 By Patrick. Relating to cases where judgment is reversed by tho supreme court. On third reading the following bills passed the senate: H. H. ilBy Hansen. Relating to voting of bonds by cities, villages and precincts and prohibiting the voting of bonus in aid oi railroads. 8. 1''. s iy Gibson. The employers' lia bility bill. 8. F. -6 By Thomas. Allowing street railway compunles to purchase, lease and opcral Inteiurban railroads. ' The senate then went into committee of the whole .and considered the following bills: 8. F. 232 By Hanna and Phillips. To es tablish not more than eight unc not l-u than six Junior normal schools, and cut ting the maximum terms down froii ten weeks to weeks; for PHsaage. 8. F. ly Thomas. A coniijuisory edu cation law, amended to rt quire the at tendance at school during tu least two thirds of the school year of .children be tween 7 and 15 years, except In Omaha, a here the full school yeir is required and the ages 7 'to 1; for passage. 8. F. 179 By Byrnes. Providing a penalty fur the euibexxlement of the landlord's share In a crop by the tenant; tor pas sage. 8. F. lW-By Saekett. Providing county and city officials may be .removed on quo warranto brought in supreme court by the attorney general, when directed by the gov ernor lor failure to enforce any law; for oaasagt At the afternoon session the following bills were passed: 8. F. Ii2 By the Judiciary committee. Providing a penalty for soliciting, or giving a tip or fur allowing an employe to accept tips. 8. F. 163 By Hanna. A Joint resolution allow the investment of school funds In school warrants and other securities. 8. F. IS3 By Epperson. Relating to ac tions against heirs. 8. F. 1 By Epperson. Relating to or ders for maintenance in divorce suits. a F. Is By Epperson. Relating to or WE CLEAN AND DYE FEATHERS LACES AND MATERIALS WORK GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES Millinery Flower Special all colors. . 10 Large bunches of shades and natural foliages. .7 Short Kid Gloves Reynler'a Celebrated Leila Gloves, made of extra fine finished French kid. highly glaced with point Paris stitching, all new shades. . Every pair fitted. , - ' Gloves, Fancy Neckwear Greatly Reduced Fancy Silk, Chiffon, Lace Trimmed and Embroidered Stocks, will place on sale Saturday a big lot of 50c and 75c values, at, only, each Exquisite lot of Fine Linen Lawn Turnovers, Lace Trimmed, hemstitched and Embroidery, worth 35c and 50c each, your choice Saturday, each Ladies' Wool and Cotton Waists 25c Each Heavy fleeced cotton materials, mixtures in light and dark color, French sateens and a few black mohairs that sold up toN 1.50 1.98 $1.25, $1.39 choice of the for each Insertions, worth 18c, 20c and Hosiery Ladies' extra quality fine fast black stocks, regular 16c values Saturday per pair lOo Misses', hpys' and children's regular 25c fine ribbed black stock ings, Saturday per pair .18Ho 12Hc and 16c bleach muslins, per yard i ...7o 25c and 35c white and fancy mercerized walstings, per yard..l6 Bargains In new chains at. per yard 6o, Bo and lOo Bargain square of 26c fancy and plain pet veilings, Saturday 7ViO ders at chambers relating to maintenance of wife in divorce suits. The ,senate then went Into committee of the whole to consider. the following bills: 8. F. 201 By Sibley. Changing the .law relating to legal weights. For Dussaa-d. 8. F. 217 By King. Providing free higrH scnooi privileges to ail children or the state, tuition to be paid by the school dis trict In which child lives. . For passage. 8. F. 225 By Wlltse. Providing witnesses and Jurors at coroner's inquests shall re ceive the same pay as witnesses and jurors in district court. For pasxage. 8. F. ,226 By King. .To repeal 1 mill levy by state for school fund. For pass age. . . 8. F. 148By Backett. Providing for pur chase of 500 copies of Cobbey's annotated statutes and distribution by the state. For passage. 8. F. 154 By McKesson. Prpvlding for method of paying railroad fare of state officials. No action. 8. F. 21-By Aldrlch. (By request.) Memorialising congress to submit a woman suffrage amendment to the national con stitution. Committee voted to Indefinitely postpone after reversed by vote of the senate. 8. F. 272 By Wlltse. Providing punish ment at hard labor for assault or drun kenness. Indefinitely postponed. After the committee rose on motion of Patrick the action of the committee In definitely postjgmtng Aldrich's woman suf frage resolutAi was not concurred In, Lieutenant Gernor Hopewell casting the deciding vote Jit a tie. The senate fien adjourned until Monday at 2 p. m. The following bills were Introduced in the senute Friday: ' 8. F. 317 By Byrnes of Platte, (by, re quest). Repealing the law making the county treasurer Ineligible to office for more than two eonsecutfve terms. 8. F. 31sBy Backett of Gage. Giving sheriff a salary Instead of paying him by fees. Salaries provided ror as follows: In counties of not more than 6,1100 inhab itants, $i; t.aiO to 12.000. $1,000; 12,000 to 16,, $1,2UD; lti.000 to 20.000, tl.fXW, 20.W0 to 25,0m), $1.76); 26.0HO to 35,Oil, $2,000; 86,(00-to 6u.0 $2, a; 50.000 to 100,000, $2,50.1; over luo.OOO, $3,0W. Payable out of general 'fund, and Board of County Commissioners to tlx number and compensation of deputies. 8. F. Sl By Backett of Gage. Requiring sheriffs to make quarterly teports of fees collected or earned and to turn feea Into county treasury. 8. F. 32u-By King of Polk. Requiring the county Judge of each county to return to the State Board of Health statistics re lating to the Issuance of marriage licenses .and requiring the secretary of the Btate Board of Health annually to prepare an abstract ot such statistics. 8. F. 821-By King of Polk. Requiring the clerk of the district court to report 5? ',"5 'cretary of the State Board of Health statistics relating to divorc and requiring the secretary to prepare and pub lish annual abstract of same, 8 F. 3i2 By King of Pilk.' Providing for and regnlailng divorce and annulment ol marriage, fixing the causts therefor and irHuisiuig proceuure tnerein. 8. F. S2a-By Randall of Madia n. Con ferring power dn cities of the sec nd class and villages to straighten and widen wafr courses and condemn property for such purpose. PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOlE Two-Cent Fare Dill Goes Over talll Tnesday. (From a Staff' Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 16. (Special.) The ex pected scrap- over the 2-cent rate bill did not come off this morning, but was deferred until 2:S0 Tuesday afternoon, at which time It. with the anti-pas bill, comes up as a special order. When Chief Clerk Barnard read that the committee of the whole, which had the bill under consideration, re ported and asked leave to alt again, there was no debate. The report waa adopted and the bill made a Special order. Cone, '. 1 . Start Strong VOOU THAT NOl'RISHKo ALL HAY i Grape-Nuts WITH CREAM. "THERE'S A REASON." rerr - Jved frnm th raciorn iww,i iiii3( i WITH Rl'HHKK 49c 1.00 35c 25c and $1.50 your whole lot of 250 25c 4ic lie and 12ic Specials , nowever, was not In the house at the time. Whitham of Johnson wanted to hold a Barurday session and made a, motion to that effect,' but it was turned down and a motion b Hamer was adopted to adjourn this afternoon until Monday at 2 o'clock. In the commltteev of the whole, with Brown of Sherman In the chair, the house acted on bills us follows: ,3'nR', 95:r?r Knowles of Dodge. Pro viding for the removal of dirt and snow and ice from the sidewalks In cities and town, and villages; Indefinitely postponed ,1H lUy Hamer of Buffalo. Pro v ding Kearney can buy a water work, plant; for passage. orkB In place of H. ,H. 60 by Clarke of Dough.s. 2. the Saunders bill prohibiting ?t??n7 T ,1col"'"1-'-tlon by employes "5 ifTiM.. ,ai,on" ta mP'oyers. was sub stituted and reported for passage. . S', By McKesson of Lancaster. Pro-iiP,?-fee" to be P"'11 for Insurance F- By Root of Cass. Providing packages containing liquor for shipment should be stamped; for passage &F,JSyu Root l Ca9- Providing the p ace of delivery of liquor shall, be the place of sale; for passage. .8, F" 51T.iiy Wllan of Pawnee. Providing Pawnee City can do commercial heating for passage. . 8- Y- J "Teallng the July 4 pardons; in definitely postponed. 8. F. 77 By Gibson of Douglas. Provid ing fees to be paid clerks of elections. Replies as follows were received and read from members of the Nebraska delegation in cangress: Tours of January 24th, enclosing copy of a resolution adopted by the house of rep resentatives of Nebraska, on the subject of the "Income Tax," was duly received I shall take pleasure in introducing 'the memorial In the senate. Yotf.s truly, vi . . t J. A. MILLARD. Yintr favor of the 24th Inst, is received enclosing a resolution adopted by the house of representatives memorializing the Ne braska delegation In congress to support the Income tax as advocated by President Roosevelt. I wish to assure you- that I will give this matter carrful consideration when It comes before congress. . I will submit this resolution to the house of representatives this morning. Thanking you for your favor. I remain? yours ver? truly. ERNEST M. POLLARD u am J". rece'P' f your valued favor of the 24th Inst., with which you enclose a copy of resolution passed by the bouse of representatives, relative to an Income tax. I shall file the copy with the house and ?aVe- tJ":ter"d io. the Proper committee and give the question otherwise, due con sideration. I remain, Very truly yours t . . ' M. P. KINKAID. . Jtm . .receipt of your esteemed favor SVJ ",h J""- ""th which you inclosed a crrjiy of the resolution passed by the Ne braska house of representatives, on the subject of the income tax proposed by the president. Phase accept my thank? lor this copy and be assured that the matter shall receive my best attention. I have the honor to be, very truly yours, W. 1VORRIS I have filed with the committee on wave and means the resolution sent to me by the house of representatives of Nebraska. Lh."i Kjt,W,'y' 'vored " Income tax. and shall be pleased to support, such a meas ure at any time. I hope when It again comes before the supreme court It will meet a better fate, ours very truly v , E. H. HlNSHAW. Your favor of recent date, enclosing the two resolutions adopted by the house of representatives, is received. I will intru- duce them In the house today, where they v?, referred the proper committee, i ours very truly, I K.v. ERNEST M. POLLARD. I have your fuvor of February s, en closing a resolution adopted by 'the Ne braska house of representatives, relating metti J"sl'ectlon law and It. admin- .r. J on--The Department of Agriculture will be glad to take up and consider any definite practical suggestion touching the enforcement of the law. but the depart ment oftlciala state that the resolution Is too Indefinite for action by the depart ment. If the parties interested will go more Intrr detail as to what they want I shall be glad to render ail possible assist ance In getting for them the relief they need. Yours very truly, JOHN L. KENNEDY. Your favor of recent date, enclosing two resolutions against the ship subsidy bill now pending before congress and the other relating to a law fur the Inspection of cattle and sheep at shipping stations, is received. I do not think there can be any controversy concerning the last mentioned resolution. The ship subsidy bill, however Involves a very large proposition and f realize that it has two sides. I have al ways been opposed to a subsidy, however and still am, and expect to vote against the same. Yours very truly, , . . J J MCARTHY. I have your favor of February , en closing a resolution adopted by the Ne braska house of representatives. Instruct ing the Nebraska senators and requesting the representatives In congress to wuik and vote for the defeat of the so-called ship subsidy bill. It is Impossible for me to say whether the resolution was In tended to apply to the bill ss passed by the senate, or to the substitute of the house. They are not at all ailKei It Is doubtful whether the memltera voting for the resolution were fanillar with the pro visions of either measure. 1 therefore take pleasure in semilog ou, umier separate cover, 8. F. 62H and the house report thereon. You will notice thalthe holism committee or. the merchant marine and fisheries struck out all of the senate Mil. except enacting clause, ami submitted a bill entirely dufeieut. Speaking fur my self, I wlsn to say that 1 Intend In Vote for the house suostlt.ite. 1 was elected to support the president and the adminis tration, and It seems to me that my duty line along that line. Vours very tru.y, JOHN U K KNNKDT. Your letter of February tl sua duly re ceived. It reads ss follows: "In accord ance with the enclosed resolution I hereby hand ii a copy or the same." At the top of the page on which the resolution i copied, there is a clause stating that the following resolution was passed by the house ol representsllves of Nebraska, but thore Is no signature or date affixed to either copy. Assuming that these resolu tions were adopted recently, by the Ne braska legislature (one asking the mem bers of congress from Nebraska tj opp. se the bill for a ship subsidy; and the other asking the delegation to favor the enact ment if a law tor the Inspection of cattle and ehecp at the yards ot the shipper or farmer) I shall take pleasure In laying those copies before the respective commit tees of the senate, asking that they be considered. Iet me suggest for your guid ance, in case you have occasion to trans mit such documents as these, that they ought to bear the signatuie of the speaker of the house, attested by the clerk, and the date of adoption of the resolutions by the house should be clearly stated. Yours truly, , J. II. MILLARD. The following bills were introduced: II. R. 35A-By Doran, Hcnty. Hill. Mtt ger and Wilson. To provide at b ast seven months of school in the first eight grades for all the youth of this state whose par ents or guardians live in school districts whose funds are not sufficient to maintain school for seven months. H. R. 857 Hy Davis of Cass. To provide that state officers and members of leg.s lature are entitled to have furnished them by the state, statutes of the state of Ne braska. ' H. 11. 358-Ry Davis of Cass. To pur chase a supply of statutes for the use of tho state of Nebraska and making an ap-, Croprlatlon of Ik'.OiiO therefor. Either Cob cy or Wheeler si uute may be bought. H. R. By Wfean. To empower as. soclntlons doing business under a firm or partnership name, and not incorporated, to take, hold, own nnd convey real prop erty, and to make valid conveyances here tofore made to and by such firms and partnerships. H. R. Sty) By Logscon. Fixes salary of a town treasurer at.t.'O a year. H. R. 3t;i By Hamer of Buff ilo. Prodd ing for the collection of tuxes in certain cases against vacated townsltes and va cated Iota and subdivisions therein and in vacated additions thereto and conferring Jurisdiction upon the district court to de clare such vacation and to decree the pay ment of taxe against the same and a change of boundary lines to correspond with such decree. H. R. Kta-By Van Housen of Colfax. Re peals law making county treasurers In eligible for more than two terms. H. R. 3S3 By Heffernan of Dakota. Pro viding a shipping register at railroad sta tions. H. R. SC4 By Whitham of Johnson (by request). Prohlbts keeping any store open on Sunday, though prescriptions may be filled. If. H. 35 By Hamer of Buffalo. Ap propriating $4.ouQ for the purchase of the Furnas collection of woods, etc.. now In the possession of the Nebraska State His torical society and declaring an emergency. . 11. R, ti By Saunders of Knox. To re dlstrict the state into senatorial and reprer sfitatlve districts. s. H. H. m By Killen of Gage. Fixing tho salaries of sheriff and the manner of ap pointing and piying their deputies. H. H. 3t By Killen of Guge. Fixing fee; of county sheriffs. , x H. R. Si By Byran of Burt. To confei upon cities of the. second class and vil lages In the 'state of Nebraska the power of eminent domain for the purpoe of con demning real estate of abutting property owners upon any stream running through any such city of tho second class or vil lage, which said city of the second class or village finds It expedient to straighten, widen or deepen or alter. H. R. 370 By 'Harrison of Otoe. Pro vides for truant officer In counties of over 5,0(0 population. NEW -UNION PACIFIC LINE O'Fallonpi A orthport ' to Kanae of orth River . Rranch. Re SUTHERLAND, Feb. 15.-(Speclal Tele gram.) It is officially announced here that the North River branch of the Union Faclflc railroad, which Is now completed from O'Fallons to near Lewellen will be called the O'Fallons & Northport railroad and all stationery has been so printed. It Is expected that Wprk upon this branch will soon be resumed and the work of com pletion to" Northport across the North Platte from Bridgeport will be hastened and finished by early summer. Several of the deep cuts In the vicinity nf Oehkosh have during the winter, been filled with sand, making necessary the work of redigglng and In one or more Instances the cuts will have' to be widened. It Is understood that regular train service will Mgin Julytl on this branch. Plies Carect In to 14 nays. Paxo Ointment will icure any casee- of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protudlng piles. At all druggists 60 cents. DIAMONDS Frenzer, loin and Dodge Announcemenl has Just been made ibit tho L'nlon Clothing company, who have secured a lnng time lease on the building formerly occupied by Miller, Stewart it Beaten, will open on or about March 16 with an entirely new and complete line of clothing for meu and women. Hanirlnar In Arkansas. BARBOURBVILLE, Ky.. Feb. 15. Jesse Fltxgerald, a negro, was executed here to day for the murder of Mrs. Robert Brough ton In A"g"t l"t. Fitxgerald's request that the black cap be not put over his face was granted. Missouri at Jamestown. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., Feb. 16. The senate today passed the bill appropriating $46.00(1 for the Missouri exhibit at the Jamestown exposition. 1 -1 f If f TRAVELERS Iff JLUNCtl U OXES 4j I M FILLED I J K JTHORSOrrS aft REstauram - Si OPPOSITE UNION JTA TI0N 1 OWAMA ST. LOUIES First mortgage investments are not so satisfactory in the long run as the Taid-up certificates of this Association. These are paying 8 per annum pay able semi-annually; are secured by t first mortgages on Improved property and a Reserve and Undivided Profit account of (68,000; need no renewing and are withdrawable prx notice. Resources, $2,100,000. Full Infor mation on request. . The Conservative Savings and Loan Association. 1614 Harney St., Omaha. Geo. F. Gllmore, Pres. I'aul W. Kuhns, Sec, and Treaa. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS CAUGHT ew Soath Dakota tstl-Psas llaa Featnre Whleh Is Surprising:. I.atv Spcf SlOt X FALLS. S. P.. Feb. IS. (8p lal). The discovery that railway mill clerks are hot exempted from the provis ions of the anti-pass lawroently enacted by the state legislature, and vhlch al ready has gone lnt effect, having con tained an emergency clause, created a sensation among the railway mall rlei'.o here and elsewhere In the state whoae routes are In South Dakota. By the over sight. It now is violation of the law lor the mall clerks to ride on the tialns ai d handle the malls of Vncle Sam without paying full fare. Some of the tmneluN tors are collecting full fare from the rail way mall clerks, while others are passing them until they can receive Instruction from headquarters. In the cases of the mail clerks who a re required to pay their fares, they pay out for this purpose about as much as their salary. It appears that their only relief will be the tedious ne of having con gress reimburse them for the sum ex pended for railroad fares. BCSHAW AGREES TO RETURN Alleged Rlsrnmlst Cheyenne Waives Requisition and Will Go to Rnffalo for Trial. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Feb. 15. -Herman' Boshnw, arrested here on a charge i f big amy, today consented to return to Buffalo to stand trial without the need of requisi tion. An a'leged fifth wife was discovered yesterday by a telegram from Cincinnati informing the officers thai Boshaw had been married there under the name of Herman Allison. ftnnth Dakota News otes. GRF.GORY The Bank of Gregory his secured a charter and will soon be known as the First National and the Gregory State bank will sivm become a national hank. Gregory, with two national banks, will lead all the county, as they will be the only two national banks In Ihe county. GREGORY During the last Week we have experienced Ideal weather, the snow Is about all gone, the tee Is breaking up In all the streams, the Missouri is ris ing and the Ice Is breaking and In a few days will be floating out. The farmers are beginning to make preparations for sowing their spring wheat. A greit amount of snow fell this winter and all signs point to a hjg crop this coming season, as the ground never wss 1n better condition than at the, present time. GREGORY The construction work (in the railroad has been nearly completed to Gregory, the side tracks are being laid and some small amount of work along the line will complete the work f the construction company and the toafl will be turt.ed over to the railroad company. Regular train service will be established about May 10. Railroads and the favor able prospects of the opening of Tripp county the coming season has added to the general activity of all lines of busi ness on the Rosebud and In particular the West section. Only One "llrnmo Quinine." That Is Laxative Bromo Quinine. Simi larly named remedies sometimes deceive. The first and original Cold Tablet Is a white package with black and red lettering and . bears the signature of E. W. GROVE. 2;. AMUSEMENTS. doyd's w-ssrIv.V"M Mar THIS ArTCBirOOa- TOHIORT Klaw & Erlanger's Colossal Production) The Prince of India 600 People. Prices BOo to 92.00. undsy, Hon. Tnes Matinee Sunday inn MVBIUAXj TUVMxl THE ROYAL CHEF The Clansman Is Coming BUR, WOOD 2 THIS APTEBjrOOH T09TIOKT Brother Officers Next Week-TUE CLIMBERS. I C.HtCkYYON PHONC Doug. 4H' MODERN VAUDEVILLE MATINEE TODAY NOTE Curtain 8:15 Sharp TOXKiH U l'Hcf.H, lOo, 2.V, 5oc. WEEK FERRl'ARY 17. The Greut OUPHKIM HOAI HHOW, BEATS NOW ON 8 A LEX Si isaaiii a i KRUG THEATER - Wsslasa tmJt . . ansaaw Avusftf aw The Mlodranmilc Stnttlnn, QUEEN OF THE HIGHBINDERS Bun. USD SOUTHE KM SKIZS. Lyric - Theater X.A.8T MATHTEB TODAY ' LAST SHOW TOHiaXS RUTH GREY AUDITORIUM HOLLER RINK Skating Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Big Race Wednesday Night. Thursday Ladles' Day. Hear L. B. W1CKERSIIAM A Magnetic Orator NEW Y. M. C. A. GYMNASIUM 17th and Harney Sunday, February 17, 4 p. m. Free t men. Special mualav fa .a C, m -maw