Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 19

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    The Omaha' Daily
Pjjes 9 to It
Always Read
Best & West
T I . i - a-
j ' I 30 Telephones rt. 'A
Art Needlework
4r Needlework is the joy of the refine i woman, the
hobby of the artistic, a "decorativ
i master and an art that gives
New Designs for Stamping Stamping Done in Art
Needlework Counter Harney Aile Left
1 ips
Syracuse China Iroquois China
The Finest Grade of Dirvnerware Made in the United State.
A complete stock of White Puritan just received f C
Id in openatock, or complete 109 pieces for $13
sji' '
sold in separate pieces or
Saturday A Special 10 Jo
It -Ap
Boys' Sturdy Calf School Shoes, that will stand wet
weather as well as dry, sizes 1 to b1,'; pair. .... .1.98
Boys' Satin Calf School Shoes, good solid leather soles,
sizes 1 to 5; pair ' 1 71
Girls' Velvet Kid Laced and
11.. 1 T" 1
the famous Burleiek &
for el 50
Sizes 11 to 2 ,'1.75
Foot-Form Shoes for Babies, up from. . . . . . .50
Girls' Good Solid School Shoes, sizes 9 to 2, $1.50 value,
for ; ...9S
Boys' $1.75 Shoes, solid soles, satin calf uppers, at. .$1.39
Men' W. L. Douglas Union Made Shoes, fmir $1.9S
Tint Cnmt Omlr tbe BearlBaia (
kM Dm Be RrrLed
Th annual cost of running an automo
bile haa been but dimly r-&U.-d by the
averag person' who walk or "tske th
trolley." Now and then Se haa heard m
on apeak of tha price of tire and paaoline
nd the prtcea mentioned have given htm
a shock. If he ever ufed a bicycle he hn
vome to appreciate that even so simple a
machine rocta money to maintain. (wlng
to the repalra required and the Urea punc
tured. An autoi loMle. however, g iea rather
beyond the ordinary peraan'i exiterience.
ao that he kvee the quraticm of its maint-
imnce aa anmethlng Umt need not bother
any but ttioaa who pay the bllla.
Automobile owner realise that it is not
a, much the first cost of the nmrhino i
ttie maintenance that count. When you
Invest S2.SU0 In a touring car. or in a
runabout, the drain upon the pocket haa
Just begun. The clearest idea one can
furra of the coet of msintenunce Is that de
rived from inapt rti!! of some autotno
tlllat's bil'a. A writer la the Review of Re
views kindly furntahea this information out
of his own experience, which evldejitry has
been considerable, both in point of time
and variety ol ears opaxatted. rtrat, take
his experi nee with a lindf r, eight
bora power ruiutbout, a rooinarativcly ln
expebsive car, coat'ng fl.JJO, which be op
erated himself, thus savtiig the expense of
g chauffaur. f'twm April to Koveinber be
lasting pleasure and delight.
Royil Society Shadow
TheTnoBt beautiful thing In art
needlework, done in white or col
ors and capable of a world of ex
pression. Here's a stamped pillow top
with bark, for shadow embroidery
with Royal Society Embroidery
Floss, eeiected In colors and quantities-
sufficient to complete the
embroidery and with instructions
and full size diagram showing
i am auuwiug
Just how to do this
simple and beauti
ful needlework
All for
Iroquois China Set Pretty spray
decoration, finest china body,
will reduce your china bills
sold in open stock or
complete sets, at .... . fL
White and Gold Syracuse Neat
est shape and finest gold used
sold in separate pieces Z
or complete sets, at. . . .
Two other patterns that are ex
ceptionally neat and pretty-
100 - piece sets, . IP C
Off All Dinnerware Sales.
Tumbler Special for
Finest clear glass with pretty sand blast
decoration and two bands Sat- J(
urday 6 for a&UC
Limit One dozen to a customer.
Saturday-Children's Day in
Beanetts Shots Allow Your Child
ren's Feet to Grow Natural ly
As to their Wearing Qualities We
Want You to Judge
Button Patent Tipped Shoes.
Stpvns mnl-o bItab nn 11
traveled jn.0,4 miles. At ih nH .
Beaton he found that the total expense of
maintenance had been Xsi7.7t. His figures
In detail are Interesting eju for a year s
liability insurance, X3J6 for de;.reciailon in
value of car, J46.50 interen at 6 per cent
on first cost, and $!ti7.2(i for seven months'
repair s and m;ilctenance. Tbe average
monthly coRt of maintenance was 15..S5.
The bill for April Itemized allows where
the dollars went:
April 1 Four hours" time on adjust
.1 1 00
April 1 One gallon of (iiinier oli
ihi i i o iiiaer luiiej.
April 1 Fxira tau U a ;
April Keuaii i:(t pubcture
April h lepairnig puiiciure
April 12 one auio j:u-a
April 14 Tour tioum nne adjusting...
" iin.i 1 II IUC1 V4. .......
April 21-I'MU hlns inner tj;e ?
April f:-To hours' i;ne udjuating... 1 m
April IV I. lira fimili plug 4 no
April io tine nu-niris aiomge 11'
UajHjluie for tie month le.fto
Total Ji5S
Tlie touring car Is more expensive not
only In the first coat, but In the coat of
maintenance. If you u ere to buy a ma
chine casting I-.Uai, and hire a chauffeur
II li week, the season's expense, ac
cording to the writer in the Review of Re-VH-wa,
would amount at proximately to
tT.toO, or inure In one yecr ihmn the car's
vriginal price, li allows $i.M) for the
chauffeur. (1 for tlrea, t) for gasoline, :i
for lubncaiita, carbide, etc., fur me
chanics' repairs and replacement of parts,
fu3 for deprecation in the tuu of :.' car,
and tiuu for liability and fir Insurance.
Ot ooura. on c.n b economical or ex
"A Purchaser Remembers Quality Lon After She Forgets Price" " tf'
And he might have added "Prices mean nothing, it's quality that counts." Price making
is the least of the merchandising arts. Quality at a bargain price is the supreme evidence of superb
ority! In this latter respect we excel. You buy a something at Bennett's,' you know the Bennett
guarantee is in it, through it and back of it. It means much to be able to say "I bought it at Ben
nett's," It is the evidence of shrewd merchandising on your part, and it isa positive proof of de
pends bleness. We guarantee everything we sell; as a matter of fact, we will not sell anything we
cannot guarantee, and every transaction is subject to the over-governing principal of "Your
Money's Worth or Your Money Back' with Gresn Trading Stamps thrown in with every purchase
in every department every time.
4V2-rnch Roman striped ribbons and
satin changeable ribbon, worth up to
25c yard, at ...7t
S-inch Satin Taffeta Polka Dot Rib
bon, worth 25c yard, at 12
5-inch plain All Silk Heavy Taffeta
Ribbon, all spring colors, worth 35c
yard, at 17
Great Picture Frame Sale
. .Starts Saturday Morning
Frames of All Sizes and Varieties of Fine Mouldings, also Oval
Frames Worth up to $5.00 easily Saturday, 49c, If
39c and LjZ
Frames have been on display, lGth St., all week.
Vollmer Clothing Company's Closing Out Sale
Don't Overlook This Sale It's a
Money-Saving Sale
New Spring Line Men's and Youths' Cravenettes Priest
ley's, Kohn Bros.', Ilirsh, AVickwire & Co.'s, Mackinette, Kea
reign and Perfection makes
$30.00 Rain Coats for........ .'.$15.00
$20.00 Spring Overcoats for $10.00
$15.00 Spring Overcoats for . .$ 7.50
$10.00 Spring Overcoats for.. 5.0Q
Men's Overcoats and Ulsters Heavy winter Overcoats all on
two tables
Those sold up to $30.00 at S9.9S
Those sold up to. $15.00 at $4.9S
Boys' and Children's Suits 3 to 16 years bargain square
all styles, suits sold up to $4.95, at : .$1.95
Young Men's Suits 14 to 20 years Long Trouser Suits and
Overcoats, in black and blues
$15.00 Suits or Overcoats for '..7.50
$12.50 Suits or Overcoats for, .$6.25
$5.00 Suits for $3.75
$ 7.50 Suits for ..!$3!t5
$5.00 Suits for $2.50
Odd Troners Left Out of Suit, worth
up to $7.50. at $2.50
IDtcbeM and Sweet, Orr & Co.'
Trousers 20 MSCOUNT.
Boys' Long Tronsero, Bold up to
$2.60. at 9S
Boys' and Children' Wash Suits, Bold
up to $3.95, at 98C
Knee Trousers, worth 35c. and all
wash knee trousers sold up to 75c
a pair, at 17; Pairs for.. 50
Hoys' Reefers, sold 'ip to $3.50, Blzea
3 to 8, at . .QSC
Men's Cotton In Ion SuiU that Bold
for $1.50 and $2.00, at 75
Men's f 1.50 Stiff Bosom Shirts, ruffs
attached and separate, at....g5
Boys' Hose, Blzea 8. 8 9, 9 H , worth
25c. at 10
f l.OO Odd Shirts and Drawers, wool,
soiled garments, at 50
travagant in running an automobile. A
chauffeur may be dlspenaed vith, if one
wishes to save money. Rut a certain
amount of additional expense is Inevitable
In car furniture, robes, costume for the
road, and so on. while the entertainment
of friends is nu small item. There is such
a tlung as "living up to one's automobile,"
and the tendency in that direction Is felt
In the e xjiense account.
The Reviews writer Insists that he repre
sents the average in automobiling. "Some
perpi," he Buys, "are more fortunate and
economical than I have been, and, on the
other band, the sport can be made to cost
u-.y sum that a man's purse will stand."
Let us follow him on a l.UiU-mlle tour, in
August, through New Jersey and Pennsyl
vania, states which have as good roada,
probably, as anv siatea in the union. Ttie
I cost of that tojr, he declares, w as "mod-
ernte," and it lasted but a short time. This
i what harpened to the car In the way of
Mil hair-gallon gasoline, at 30c Z W
Five gallons of cylinder oil. grease, etc.
Twenty -one mains' sun-age at H U.iiO
Mechanic s tune ut Anl.urv Park 4 4 i
J New titerit, eii;lit cella 2
New iitterie. In ur cel.. bought at
1'nilade piiia 100
New ignition spring
New spark coil, to replace one that
gkve out enmute 12 in')
New driving chain, to replace wurn one 14 0-
Spark ixrtiii. clip l.jj
tiverhauung before the start 4 uv
New outer losing auid Inner tube (ape-
cuj pricei 46
Tlpa and ludusnLala a jo
Totais t:j to
Tb comparison between tbe cost of a i
$2.00 All Wool Shirts and Drawer,
t0T OS
$ne,sVar B,De
$1.00 Men'. Cap. for. . .'4 f
$1.00. 75e and 50c IWolnvUle Tects
at 25
One size 42 Buffalo Clotii llrter.
Oereoa sold for $30, at $20
One lze 40 Salt's Mush Lined Over
coat, sold for $30, at. $S0
50FF on Pylamas, House
Coats, Smoking Jackets, Bath Robea,
Berlin Office Coatt, Boys' Sweaters,
Plain white and fancy Men's Vests,
Tam O'Shanters, Stocking Caps. Jer
sey Gloves, Boys' Golf Gloves, Men s
and Boys' Wool Gloves, Boys' Union
Suits, Men's imported French Flan
nel Shirts and Caps.
table and an automobile Isn't very con
vlncing. The machine costs a lot more,
although It has a much wider radius of
action. Its dejreclation in value Is rapid
60 per cent In two years but this item
should be reduced with the perfection of
the cars. Tet, in spite of the exiense of
maintaining aulomobiUs. and "living up"
to them, there were 2C.O0U new onea sold
In this country n the last year It is esti
mated that LO.utiO new cars will lie sold tha
coming ear, if prosperity continues. If
the purchasers pay fl,(iu,iKi for them and
spend more in running them for
a aeas n, the coming year's automobile bill
begins to be dimly appreciated. But the
machine has come to stay, and, when the
extravagant une of It as a toy has ended,
it will settle down to its true place In ttie
national housekeeping. SprlngfleJd Repub
Lrsse Loophole Developed i Polleles
at Settlement Time la Boa
The San Francisco disaster has opened
the eyea of many a mun with re
gard to fire insurance. In the February
number of System, Eustace Cullinan. a
Ban Francisco insurance adjust- r, tells
many new and interesting phase of the
Insurance muddle that arose. Many other
wise aKlute business men, si) Mr. Cuil!
can, had absolutely no idea of the loop
holes their polici-s contained.
" "For what, then, have I been paying
Ladies' Neckwear
300 dozen 1-yard Fancy Chiffon
Veils, worth 25c each; Saturday,
vk 5e
Big Lot Manufacturer's Sample Ruffs
In black, brown, gray, navy, light
blue and pink, worth' up to. $5.00
each, at 9St
300 dozen fancy Stock Collars, worth
25c each, at 12x2
Specials in
Hardw are
Enamel Ware,
First Quality
Coffee Pots,
r x e s e rving
Kettles, Sauce
Pans, Berlin
Kettles, Fry
ing Pans,
Wash Basins,
etc,., worth up
choice Saturday, each
Richardson's Ball - Bearing
Roller Skates, regular $4.50
value; special $3.65
Richardson's Ball - Bearing
Boiler Skates, regular $5.50
value; special $4.50
.Winslow's Bail-Bearing Roller
Skates, regular $3.50,
for r ..$2.85
Winslow's Bali-Bearing Roller
Skates, regular $4.50,
for $3.60
Great Meat Market
There isn't another meat mar
ket in the city reaches up to the
grand weekly total of sales re
ceipts in Bennett's meat mar
ket. It is wholly attributable
just to one thing QUALITY.
POULTRY Fresh dreaeed Chickens,
5,000 pounds for a single day's sale,
l. 1 IOC
Fresh dressed Roosters, 2,000 pounds
for Saturday's sale, lb., at 7C
MEAT Prime Rib Roast, all bones'
out. lb.. 12 and Ot
LARD Morrell's Snow Cap Lard, 3-
lb. pail, 42c: 5-lbpall. 70;
10-lb.pail $1.35
And Thirty Green Trading SuuTp
With Each Pall.
BACON Morrell's Iowa Pride Bacon
(backs), In strips only, lb., at lGC
And 30 Green Trading EtamD.
premiums all these years?" inquired an
astonlsned merchant, wheae business had
been burned out In the San Francisco fire
and who had Just read aloud oertain para
graphs from his policies.
" 'For nothing,' I replied, 'except the
privilege of appealing to the generosity of
the companies. Every one of your policies
contains conditions which exempt the com
pany from liability In aeven cases of loss
out of ten. If the compunie Insist on ths
letter of the iKilicies and will pay no more
than tiiey can be compelled to pay you
will get only a very small portion of your
' 'But,' said he, 'I accepted these policies
without reading them. I did not know
even the names of the companies. It hat
been my custom for years to give my ln
aurance to a broker, a very good fellow,
who parceled It out as be pleased. A little
of the business J turned over to the widow
of an old friend, who has dependent chil
dren, and Is struggling to make a living
by aollciting Insurance. I thought that ail
the companies were about equally good,
and that they all used a standard form of
" There Is.' I replied, a much differ
ence between fire Insurance companies In
point of financial strength and the honesty
of th men In control aa between firms In
any other business. Hut you are no differ
ent from other people. Tou would not give
credit to a customer without knowing hi
rating, nor would you sign your name to
ar.y document, even a letter, without read
ing it, but the most important contracts
affecting your business your flr Insurance
to 50c; your
Hosiery for Ladies and Young Folks
Saturday is always our big hosiery day. It's the
day we male an extra effort at bargain giving. New
spring hosiery has arrived Please note we have imported
all our foreign hosiery direct from Chemnitz, Germany,
thus saving middleman's profits.
Here' 8 a trio of good sn-aps for Sat'
urday, and there are others:
Ladies' White
Hemstitched Cot
ton Handker
Ladies' Fast Black
Seamless Hose, 15c
value, for .-. . .10
Children's fast black
warn! ess IIcse, .15c
value, for ....10
Boys' extra heavy
bicycle Hose, 17c
value for ...lEVi?
Double Green Trad
ing Stamps Saturday.
chiefs, 5c
All Linen
chiefs, 15c fn
value for. .IUC
Lace Front Corsets
Newest 1907 Model
SIZES 18 to 26. AT
Corset Dept $2.50 Second Floor
Bennett's BigGrocery
Bennett'B Capitol Flour, sack $1.30
And Seventy-Five Green Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Beet Coffee, 3 pounds $1.00
And One Hundred Green Trading Stamps.
Teas, all kinds, pound .......... 6 8c
And Fifty Green Trading Stamps
Bennett'a Capitol Baking Powder,
pound can 24c
And Twenty Green Trading Stamps.
Pepper, pure, can .12c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Oats,
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Wheat, pkg. ...10c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat, 3
pkgs 25c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Shredded Codfleh, 3 packages... 25c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Durkee's Salad Dressing, bottle 28c
And Twenty Green Trading Stamps.
Durkee's Celery Salt, bottle 10c
And Five Green Trading Stamps.
Three Star Salmon, can ....20c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
New York Full Cream Cheese, pound 20c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Domestic Swiss Cheese, pound ....25c
And Twenty Green Trading Stamps.
Royal Luncheon Cboese,.jar j.24c
And Ten Green Trading. Stamps.
"Best We Have" Tomatoes, large can ;.15c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Diamond S Chill Sauce, bottle 25c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Safety Matches, dozen boxes 9o
Pickles, ass't., 3 bottles..' 25c
Castile Tilet Soap, ten cakes... 2 5c
Corn Starch, six lb. pkgs 25c
Navy Beans, 10 pounds 25c
Fresh Country llutter, pound 24c
Cooked Hominy, pound
Sour Pickles, quart
And Ten Green Trading
Chow Chow Pickles, quart
And Ten Green Trading
Small Sweet Pickles, quart
And Ten Green Trading
Jell-O, assorted, 3 pkgs
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
policies you ' make by a proxy who Is in
different to your Interests and who is In
most cases aa Ignorant a you of the finan
cial standing of the companies with which
he deals and of the contents of the policies
which thuy issue.'
"With nearly every client that came to
my office in San, Francisco I bad a similar
conversation. The carelessness of Ameri
can business men in the .matter of insur
ing their property against f re is astound
ing. Not a few of them are so thoughtless
as to keep their policies In the same prem
ise with the Insured property. The ex
perience of policy holders In Ban Fran
cisco contains many warning lessons for
merchants, manufacturer, landlords, law
yer, and even the small householders in
every city of the United Stakes. How many
policy holder are aware that perhaps s
majority of the fire insurance companies
doing business in the United States have a
surplus and capital of tuOu.000 or leas; that
fully a Quarter of th number of companies
own asset of less than ISiO.OOU hardly
enough for a general merchandise store in
a prosperous country townand that on
this exiguous capital they carry a total of
policies running high Into the millions and
often have in one city and exnoaed to de
struction by one conflagration risks of an
aggregate equal to several time the total
resources of the company concerned?"
BelleTlas la
A man who saw th moon over hi right
shoulder and wa feeling pretty safe for
the month began the-rert day by falling
over th railing of tbe
porch with a
I "'I
tables Fresh Daily
Horse Badish,
Small Bell
pkg .10c
and Cherry P
Cranberries, CT
Oranges, doz.,
English Wal.
nuts, lb.,
Section &
Special Value
Mixed Can
dies, lb.,
1 10c
lOo Packages
Candy, for
........ 10c
pan of ashes In hi hand. There was Jut
ice enough on the porch to throw him
against the railing, which wa Just hign
enough to give Mm the necessary tip and
the law of gravitation and the ashes did
th reL The neighbor who saw Mm alight
aid it reaembled the firing of onie old
Fourth of July cannon loaded with the
Old-fashioned smoky powder and charged
with ashpan, grief and profanity. The man
cussed everything from the new moon to
brealcfaat- That' what you get for be
lieving In sign. And yet you cannot tt!
from th context of the tory whether or
not th man was trying to empty hi ashes
on a Friday. That might explain ome
thlng. Mimieapou Journal.
Habit of Hire.
A remarkable mode of incarceration 1 is
practiced by the bornbllla. bird With Im
mense bill and horny credia, which in
habit Southern Asia, th Malayan iaiand
and central and southern Africa. In nnjMt,
if not all, specie the brooding femal 1
wailed up In a hollow tree- and fed by her
mate. She remain confined in .her prison
until the eggs are hatched, and in so:n
specie until the young bird are aolt tu
fly. Metipwhlle the mother has bec:itr,,
temporarily Incapable of flight, as she has
moulted or, at least, shed all her wing
feathers during her captivity. Iiut th
male is Indefatigable in providing for hi
family, and 1 said to work so hard that
h is reduced aimriKt to a skeleton at it
tnd of the ".oduig v-aon. Nw York