Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1907, Page 7, Image 17

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An Unrivalled Assortment of Matchless Bargains in Saturday's Sale
Saturday Shoe Sale
"We haTe If) pairs of
niens $3.50 sample lioc.
at .... $1.93
Men' Work Shoes (Good
Ones), made of calf, with
heavy soles, at .... $2.00
200 pairs boys pooL flid
$1.75 shoe, all ? : z -s
at $1.29
Ladies and girls' good 50c
robbers, at 25
Men's 75c. canvas and co
vert leggings, at 3-
Our spring Orfonis are
now on sale.
Special Sale of VJedgewoodDinnerware
The Crockery Snap ot the Season
of a purchase of 100 crates direct from the pottery at El
mira, England, will be placed on sale Saturday at, choice,'
per piece 10f?
Cups and saucers, all kinds of plates, platters, covered
dishes, casseroles, et etc. full l0-piece sets would sell
regularly at $18.03 to $25.00. Don't miss this opportunity.
Three Remarkable
Underwear Bargains
Broken lines and odd lots, but values beyond compari
sonthe greatest you'll find in any store. These" prices
mean a clearance for us, & splendid saving to you.
Ladies' Vests and Paal Fine
fleet lined garments la heavy
and medium weight not a gar
ment In the lot worth less than
.75c Saturday' special to rloae.
at, garment 25
Ldiea Vert and rants la ail
wool silk and wool and silk and
lisle, fine swlas ribbed garments
ia pink. bine, white and black.
Be Sure And Attend Our
Famous Hour Sales
From 8 P. M. Till 8:30 P. M.
we will sell 50 pieces of
printed batiste, nice spring
colors, regular 1214c goods
at, per yard 3Vj
From 8:30 P. M. Till 9 P.M.
we will sell 50 pieces of
white goods, including
mercerized waistingv dot
ted Swisses and other
goods that sold up to 25c a
yard (not over 12 yards to
a customer) at, yd 5
rcnimero ricktti far tr OmzL akert
Jacsas&'l HfKl Fctdt
lUrMt Trneka nnal Warksse
trla Amnna Cnnlmetlc
Twnea ( Tnlt.
Rea-rettably few are ths nariaaa ora
tor who fir a moment s tbougLt t the
fameus bsttleneid of ("Vaimette. whereon
nwa foagbt the nostortc "badia f Nsw
Orleaca.- a tick gare warrant for eei
bratitig "St Jackaua's day" oa Jaaary a.
rxjaally '. suwngs and unwarranted Is ths
lectloa of a day t victory Jitinctly
rsattonal la character aad consequenots for
sa ootBrw of hearty mirji and eratory.
But let that pans. Tb fix-t of jreaent In
terest Is that ths htFtsrio field waereoa
General JuUcd and gallant troopers
fougLt ietT-tws years ao and aaaihj-
ated tbe British iavaders under Genera! !
Fakenham ia neglected, tbe Jackaoa mcta
ment remains fcalf eamJeted atd ;fee
ground hallowed t r Amertcaa Talor Is being
converted Into rsUrosd jards and ware
Loss attea.
A eorTestmdect of tbe New Tork Tribune j
detail tbe batue bow la ir.TeM
cm tbe blatortc field, la the present Strug -gle.
aava the writer, eevn-imerxw. and not aa
arcy of redcois is tbe lr.vad:tg forre
Tbe soidec who new occupy the field
are engineers snd laborer, and Instead of
U.e rter of car.aao tters rr,T be beard
tbs d.a of derrick ar.d p:.e drtt-era. A
great railroad terminal Is being built oa
the grourd where Gneral Jaranon and hi
soen fought for the "sifetr of a c.Ty aad
the bonor of a satioe. and in a snort
gim the many familiar land-narks Lick
rers wont ts recall that memorable ooa
eirt will He w.ped away to roc.m for
trala rarda, trata sheds, wharves and
la cost the presret struggle wC far sur.
pass tl-at of January t, la onercomicg
ttie taany ottar-is tbat eotifroat tbe coa-
atrurtlon of tbe terminal tbs lew. awan-py
.-baracter of the grouted, the treacberous J
oil tr whxk tbe Mistusnirri nrer at tbis j aggraiojaemmi.
pt.t U oonnaed s lis enaaaei. tbe rth- 1 Tte tcld cf CbabsaCle lies about five
era ParlAc aad tbe -lariaoo railroads es- i mU' b" t,J '"r Orieaca At
awrt to ptthI rAi.m. j to time it ass annoanced tbat the Br.ush
I forces were si proacbirg General Jacksoa
Trad aaaotaeee aenttmewt. jxd been bur r tbres sell reviewing
Tet tbia cnqnat of a List one landscape j and da-ipii.-n' tt miiltia and other
IT tbs cohorts of onsnercialiaaj is aj( troops. C.aihenT.g bis srea together be
regretted BT these wbn fseor the preaerva- 1 narcbed cut cf the city on December Si
IKm of suck soe&as as much as nui:t be j IE, and attacked tbe enemy boidljr la tbe
e.ipe,-tr. It Is said by many tbat tbe ua . rreriitg of tbe same day. The Britiak ba4
f :ti laaj far ta pjrpoae f bocreiaicg ! abfut te raea and the Amerkwcs abou'
fe trad and wealth sf New Orleans, aa i Ibn. tbe latter nelas; as e j t some de
wJ aa tb revenues SX tbe raLmad run- 1 gre. Leenw, by a gunboat ia tbs rivwr
1 "
OLove Specials
Ladies' Kid Gloves Im
porter's surplus stock und
sample lice, all colors and
sizes, $1.00 values; to close
Saturday 49
Men's and Imiir Golf GVrre
Ttfu'itr 5(c value, to clos Sat
trtii at 25s
Ladies sad M1W Wool Glove
and Mitten. J valuea. at. 15
We're bead quarter for Ladies
Long Glove, showing the mcst
complet ajmortoects of 6, 12 aad
lC-button lecgtb ertr seen la
Omata. H'.ptert quality t money
MtriDt price.
WedLgewood in pottery
manuf act tire bears the same
relation as diamonds to pre
cious stones.
Ten Crates of Underglaxed
Bine Wedgewood Dinner-
ware The first shipment
that sold up to $2.5 0 per gar
ment 6np Saturday.. -75c
Ladies' MaMia Skirl and Gmi
worti cp to 2. made extra
long ui fall, daliiti.jr trimmed
viia fine lace, iaaertlngs and
deep embroideries a splendid
assortment to select from. at.
Grocery Prices Discount Competition
from 25 to 50 oj the Best Qaalitf of Coods
U poaaaa oast Par Cans Oraaalataa
tru for..., tljso
J lt.-aat tt Wtlta or Tlirw Cwra-
XBal fcr 1 c
I lbs. bett h&nd r"'d Nary Peaa.l"c
C lha. ict fulid BreAltfaft O imnillc
lS-Ifa. sack twt Fur Butaaaal Fltmr
for ic
i-lb. tana tt Sac Citr Sweet Sugar
Cora fot c
t-lh. can b't Wax. String tr Lima
Beans fvr :
J-!b. eana CrlIn Pua-kina.' Hofniny.
Sqaarh or BfcJt Bf un
Qt. wos ol(l n Tat ". rrp c
jt Jars Pur Ofcie iiti le- -yrop . . - tic
atrc'tnacgn. Jj;yt-t n or Jri.o. tkg TSr
'lb. carta Oeoand ipirw. per cu .."c
S-ll. catis BrsufaM Cocoa 2c
I-anet Batter. p-r Jar tc
1-la- Jara Furs &&-ar and Fruit Pre-
rerea l-c
Faery Country Riil Butter, lb Tie
Ftmry talry Butter. irr lb He
Fcy rparator Creamery Butter.
per pound Tie
Fancy X. . White Cheese, par Ib..lTc.
dr.g Into 1U ia. after a. better than that
Uus famous bit cf land ahould 11 ia Beg- 1
kct as It baa for many years. The public
bad gTvm little beed to it- Many of it j
noted landmarks bad bees permitted from i
sheer lack cf care to oecay and fan to j
pieces. The Vfllere bowse, for esawiple.
where General Pakedbam. the British com- j
Kmnder. bad hie headquarters, wss greatly i
damaged several years ago by Ere. Since'
then trees haes sprung cp within tbe walls, j
their growteg brancbe toppUtg over tbs
ruins and their roots tearing asunder the I
foandatKna Ceea the mcsuroeot ejected Ja
bonor of tbe berofc deeds achieved oa the
plaia below Las been only half finished be- j
cajise of tbe lack of publie interest. The
Kt' leslslaturs failed to appropriate j
exaoagh mcy to eosnpirte It. aad private'
orgamsatioaa which bate sought ts com- j
plets tbe work bare been able to do Lt'Je
mors than keep tbe half ef It bust la
repair. Now aa appeal Las bees nads to
tbe federal gcrversmenC
From time to tiase tber bas been aa !
agltatiaB started to make a aaUma mill- j
tary park of tbe bamxround. but e ery J
BKrreraent of Uus kind baa fallen through, j
The federal g' eminent s sole ccetrlfcutloa
to the prnmnraUoa cf thia blrtoric
soas was the establishment ef tbe Chal
mette mllitarr otTnetery. back ef where
tbs American lines were formed. In It
arc bucM-d sererai hundred scidlt-rs who
peritbe4 la tbe civa war. This rexTTation.
ta stnk'af oonuaat to Its surroandisgs. has
been intt neatly kept.
I la aleaaerlee IsaatertaL
Bat altnough tbe baule-ld itself wfT.
uus be obiitersted bvaeaLh rXroa4 track
fr gtt derts kbi aarebcunra. Its nflfto
riti ii survive. It was co tbis grounj
;hat Ue Ane.-iuLns atved the cro r.r.g cf tbe entire war. I'rt'J this bat
.lle cv-ounentaj Europe bad paid little ai
ua.iitm ta wbax -ili-gUui was tnltg ts
do with tbe Yaxeca." aa one French
writrr xpreaed it Tbe military experts
ot Paris aad Vienna pad as b:U beed
ta tte oonSlrt aa does Waahingraa at tbe
X resect time to the . utLii-Arhir.eae war.
Le battle of Cbalm'tte, biiwtrer. atanled
every Eurt-peaa eaiutal. It astoiabed Ka
polet.n. who naa at thai tun oa the taland
cf Elba. It is said tbat be rcgajded it
as wcfeidibje that a raa levy of farmers
ax.d motntaiaeers should bavewe'J-ch an
n.b.jattsil a superkw force of trained 1
Ciery c.f tb same stock a tiKse troop
tnier Wrilitgicn who ia Spsua aers the
tn to lsi1 -cceaafuHy bis schemes of
See Great
Piano Sale
on Page 3
Delightful Assemblage of New Spring Styles
-wr Cloak Itrfmnmr-at always twtuiuM tp its showing of the wama'i tffX creation, has certainly smryai ed
, .rut
New Spring Styles in Furnishings
Every man who is interested in the best styles in Haberdashery shonld
... a ? aV L-
certainly view our unmatthed display 01 new sprmg- iwcs.
The Griffon Brand Shirts stand alone
in their class superior garments in j
every way to others shown at the j
price styles and patterns are shown
in assortment bound to please
quality that insures satisfaction to i
everv purchaser prices, $2.00, $1.50 i
and ". 0SC
Men's Madras Shirts Manufacturer's j
samples, in new spring patterns. 75c (
and 9Sc values; special, choice. 50 j
Fancy No 1 Full Cream Brkk Ckeeae.
ser pound ...I'c
Faiw-y Wlaoonsia Creaia Cbeeae, JbllS"
Eaam Cneeae. each c
Neufrhatel Cbe. eaca Tc
Sap Fagv Cateaa. eacb ..Iv,;
Neufcfcaxel Cneeae. each ...... . e
ti eKKATsrr ratxra rmvrr wt
Fai y eatra lare niSLlaad Jael
Orar.rea. worth lie to c per doatrv.
tsia asUe only. pr doarn aS
Larac be3 freah cn celery .... I S c
Large Juicy lasiona. dxen ...1r
Fu y lmjonad flra. j.tu 5 ...... 1 St
Fresb rriajrted peaauta. pound if
Fsuaey Fard lte. yourxi T S ;
Freah npe tomatoes, pcnjnd ........l&c
2 head fresh Iftluee ee
Larfe rxvid frefh cabbage he
Hnad lettuce. rS c
Tumij-fc. f.sirar.lpa. carrot, ruiabaoa,
beeta. a hue. yellow or I d oiii'.rm.
jr pvwir.d le
? stick pure iur&r jidjr Jr
Fmcry Gum rrojt. pfund c
ptielp's Celebrated Cbociai Pu2a.
I-er pound H:
Although General Jackson did cot defeat
tbe foe, yet be beid back the Briueh for
tbe time being, and by so was able
to fornfy the plaio cf Pbalmette. Here'
tbe lngUAh attacked him oa January a,
Ula. and were orerwbelmtrigly defeated
Tbey lost several hundred kliied snd
wounded, whereas tbe American loss-s were
only six killed and eight wounded.
Wbat aided not a brtle ia tbe overthrow
of tbe invaders was tbe work cf aa Amer
ican traitor. tj fld ts tbe Engiirta ranks
aad wss brought before General Paken
bam. He uafoioed tbe plans of General
Jackson, told of tbe dirpositisa of tbe
trooja. their B umbers snd the charactnr
cf tbe fortlficatioaa He said tbat tbe
wakeet pulrt ia tbe lir.e aaa tbe poejtioa
occupied by Carroll brigade, and recom
mended tbat the Brirlah concectrate their
attack there. General Pakecham lirienod
to the story, but. doubting Its truth, be
Ordered the traitor to be taken along at
tbs time of tbe attack, sad tbat be be
made to point out the weak pi ace.' If it
proved other tbaa be said be was to be
sboc but if be was fund to have told
the troth be was to be rewarded band
aomely. Aa it bappened. Genera Jackson, oc
learning of tbe defection of tki aoldisr
ar.d suepenmg that-be rrdgbt disclose tbe
mort vulnerable points in bis lice of de
feri to tie ecemjr, made radical rtr.ges
ta tbe arrangement of his Ire j only tbe
sugbt before tne- attack. He reinforced
Carroll's brigade beaci'y. so tbat when
tbe British chargwd beadlong upon that
potitsoe tbey were literally mowed 4c wo
by the Amertcaa shot sxd shell. Tb
traitor, who rraaced to eecape tbe firs of
bis owa cowntrymen. was tbereupoa
banged, to be ridcled by tbe buCets of fexh
Crferr aeeL
la tbe lij of Andrew Jackwn. by Wil
liam Corbett. tb agagemect . Is described
as follows:
Th day dawned and tbe signals in
tended t prodjee oscrert In tie enemy's
moveanects were dernA, Oa tbe left,
near Jha map. a skyrocket wa per
ceived rising ta tbe air. and praeerjlr an
other ascended from the rigtt aext tbe
river. Tbey were totanded to arnsuBC
tbat aC was pretnrwd snd ready to proceed
and carry .by storm a defense which bad
twice felled their u'jdoM !TTrrs. Ictastly
the cbarre wss made, and with s-h gap
Uity that our soldiers st tbe outpost w.U.
difficulty fied In.
Tbe British batteries B-w opened, and
saowers of bomb sod balls were "urd
upon O'jr line, wbie tbe air was Iigbted
with their Congreve rocketa Tb two
diviavona. commanded by ftr Edward Pak
er ham in persxia. snd supiorted by General
Ketne and G!bt. preeaed furward. tbe
right against tte eerier of Genera! Car
rL! s coirmand. the left agairrt sme re
duubt on tbe lever. A tbtck f og- that ob
rcred tbe roomlr.g esakled tbeca ts ap.
;avch wV.bla a abort distance of car ea-
renebmests tefore tbey were discovered,
fbey were perceived advanciz wita trn.
all former efforts ta this magnificent roller Horn
the (wiHl atylea, colors and aaaieriaU are f ally
frlrasi gmarmnU-d a distinct cash sarlng on e rerr
im bm orrr the -nd vance showing that K
stork kaog oiwli to an now are Uxm. bwt we are now prepared to show the
(Art AsaartmeaU of ek-gaatf designs for tpring ever browght to Omaha. ,
It at wua great rff we uaiooiiT fb
l-'.ti-i aipw-jne 1 i;ri styles is our a--oss
CKtrcjaT iiwu rem
Tbe tcn-Sreds of frwd wi.ich these aralts
ird for t r-c-ruw. v h i; vwar wiil be e
lgrtd ta kt.w at their srrivaj acid ui
pt.i-mJ J axid oduirmai vt ot.sra
C.f xtMm carsMXla will tiure i!m jt-r'ul
aofpto t r-t cmlx lifia fld frinAf tut
frtm tunfirei M or: ri-ietS-.d
aaj-wber ai f VJ- mr jrUe
si tsaaia TsHpt al ta V r- r. rr-r'.-r rvrl
in t paxtaxoaa an! Iix-t mixed itai-il.
road tlik al IIS tariy Jce UX-a
yjrv wrT.y Kfclila An ezTepttrnalir
roniM line f iirf "7 late a
in Tei)t r-mfc t"-a -tc rr'eT,iia
van at ss. 7a. axo. sum. wna taa.
n.. .iifri wvw Waiatn la evrrr imirmbl
!Ti-1-ll f CT ITiIJt E7- i
eH.'-'! aaacirunect and Tlaea. at U-M
to la-5a.
attrt Waist Charming riew rr
u 6uaon a tat uJftii aii ouleirs ejea-
Newest Spring Styles in
Neckwear More styles shown tnan
in any other store in Omaha, all
newest shapes and materials, . at
$1.50, $1.00 and 50c
Men's Tie In all new shapes, would
sell regularly at 25c and 50c spe
cial at 25c and 15d
Men's Fancy Hose 25c values, in
medium weights; special at, per
Granitware, Tinware, Hardware, Etc.
The foUowlriS- arTlrles fr S-c and 1 Oc
each. wrta frcn lec ta i&o each.
Granite Wash Bowls, each he
Granite toriokin Oop. each ,.SC
Granite Bulinr Spoons, each if
Tea or Coffee Pota, each. .-. Jc
Tea Kettle, each te
Larre Table Mat a. each i-
C-caI Hlrp-ra. each
' Gmnite PudtJinr Pans, each
Granite Bread Pans, each l$e
Granite i;:k Pass, each 10c
Grarute Lp Saoca Pans, each 10c
.Graiuie Uppers, extra beavy, earb..lOc
Granite Frying Paaa. each le
Granite Oalie Paaa, each lc
Mundreda of other aoca bargains Vo
numerous to lirt. will b placed on sals
for sVc and ltc each.
onick rtep in column with a front of sixty
or seventy deep. Our troops, who bad tor
I scene time been in readiness, gave three
rbeers. sx.d instantly tbe whole line was
ligrt-d with the blase ef tbeir fire. A
buret of artillery and srriaD arms, pour
lr.g with destructive aim upon them (tbe
Brl-Jatt, mowed dowa tbeir front and ar
rested their advance. Notwithstanding tbe
severity of our fire. sorre of tbe brave men
pressed on and succeeded ta gaining the
ditch ta front of our works, wber tbey
remained dunr-g tbe artica and were after
ward made prisoners.
Tl.e light rer-T pue of f Ensrlist fust
seers and tbe regiments led ' on by Colonel
Rennse were ordered to proceed ander cover i
.w. - r.
' ""' - ""'"a " v uvu,
until Laving cleared them to tvdvance '
agajjisi our redoubt cn the right Bennle
executed these orders with great brare-y
and. tirg.r fcrward. arrived at tbe dilcb.
His sdvauce w as greatly annoyed by Cap- i
taia Palarsoa's battery oa tbe left bank j
and tbe cannons mounted oa the redoubt; j
but. reaching our works, end pasing tbe
ditch. Rennie. rword in band, leaped on j
the wall. and. oiiir.g to bis troc bade (
tbeik follow, lit Lad scarcely spokea wbea .
be fell by tbe fatal aim of eat n Semen j
Pressed tr the ircpetaomty of tbe super.or
aurubers, ear troops bad retired to tbe line
ia tbe rear cf tbe redoubt. A momentary
pause vensued. but only to be inlerrcpted
by increased horrors. Captain Beal. with
the New Orleans city rrteroen. cool and
I self -jiosaemsed. ircetving the enemy at hi
front, opened upon tbem. To advance or
malciatn u point gamed was e-c,-j Ty
tepracrucable for the eaersy. To retreat
or surrender was lb only alreraative. lor
they alreaiy perceived ttie divicKia oa the
ngbt throws into confuai-jn. and bastily
ieaviTia' the fieri. Allrig.ted at
tbe carnage tbey moved from tbe scene
tastily and ia cor f usiotl"
Tbe battle of New Orleans was fought
tfier the treaty of Ghent, which ended the
war of 11 i. bai ben aigd. wr-ick occu rel
oa Ie-cerrber 14. 111 but tbe neas Lad not
been received ia thj country.
Grew Tnrtaileas ta Slate aad title,
as la ) aa Hian na
killed Later.
Tbe average mcn'.b-y pay
teacLrs la tle t n.u-3 Stales Is 19 TL Tbe
bigbeat ts in rxii. abert all n-1-ensc
are c rrt.vo-.i i'y b:gb. tbe low
eat ia la eU'U'.b Caroi-na. t-Snt. where
L.'.ercy is ui,t.a
i.tal-stsca arcising moctbiy pay recjuire
anaiyaia becau l.a states also o8er
I !-r corr. . j of work ibaa otber state.
!Tbers are s.bool board tbat raise tbe
I motb!y wages a LlUe and tftunei tb
.year a good deal to save n.oney.
, aw N. C eVhatSer. tbe state superctec-
d-i-I of pecn?lvaiua schools. Las shown
tbe k---alur tnat tbe ill a montk tencner
i is reaoiy i-asd bae tbaa tt cenia a aajr and
Deposits f'o Our
State Bank
Pa j
4 Per Cent
Interest -
ot rrndy-to-w ear sprtajc garsneata. All
represented and in addition to this oar
pwrrhase. So ratbntiaaUr hare the
has pruTed difTk-alt to keen them ta
barraias at ccr sa prlre
Ard eTery rarro"it nrt go dtunag tke Beit
few Aivl la Saturday a sale w oEr-r:
fit. : asd tl Coat, la fancy aaitije
at -'-'
Women's ti l Walata at
Chlldrea at ft-;
Cb!idrea-s i- Coat at
Chiidrea-s T.S- ar.d t Cnata at ;
OuMrva's H Costa at
sraat aVacactiaw ta Xafasta Vni Sataraay.
II. as to !: Froad-tb and Krrey Cwts
aat:a linod ttrotr"Jt. at
TTwwa-t I wl3k aixWikirta. at
rraa a m A. W TTiIi n'r Dreaaea...s
riwai S-.M TO SO A. at Women s 1
rran -JO Till laO Children's Banc.
10 Till 11 A. JL Women's It Sbtwlt
High Grade
Tool, ati.x
This sale
rnafrton' No. T tt-lo. flaw -
Insston's No. Z It-ln. R'.p Saw ,Lf
I2stn No. D. It-tn. Rip Saw.. 11.11
Disaton's Np. D. Xe-ln. R.p Saw..llS
tnartPTi's No. II. It-In. Rip &aw..l
Good Family atri from 2 Sc. lc lie
Carpenter s Brace from Xle. I Sc. tie to ,
II 4 each.
Stanley Iron Block Planes tic
Handied mx.thir.e Plane. inches
sons. I-lnch cutter (1.1
Corrurated Iron Pmootfcina
Iron Jack Plane Ur II it
Wood Jack Plans for ie
Fore Plane for II. T Plane for 12 IS
Good Heavy Solid Steel Hammer. ..!
Shlnrllr.- Hatcheta. each lse
Kavooara, mavoonta. Ka-ooara.
A rood Parlor Broom, this sal only 3 e
that some coucues pay thatr paspers more
thaa tbelr tescbers.
To compare wages properly, tbe yearly
salary must be rompatnd. A teacber is re-
Heulred to live all the year "round. There
are ZU working days ta tbe year. The
omlasSoa of any of them from tbe teacher"
service is required not for ber, but for
tbe children or tbe taxpayers.
la sixty-four Arserirsa cities tb average
wage of aB tbe school teach rr. including
tb superintendent, is less than IStw a
rear. K omts a working day. B cents a
lrritig day. la tbe sum dikes tbe following
ware arc paid to laborer:
Brlcklayera to K.M per daw
btonecutters (S to tie per day
larperner ....
. to 40 per ct
. 4 S to I per'.day
.. Le to i S per day
. Lav to lperaay
number ....
Hoocarners .
la only four cues la ths nako oo the
mini neurit aaiaries excend St se pasd to
street rieaners la the sua SBuajclpauiy.
111 w Terk City tbe aesrage yearly
earnings of lb street cleaner Is KB. ia
B"toa in Pbiladeipbia 9m.
As would be ex;ced. tbe oomparisoa of
teachers' wage w-.tlf tbat of tbe h-gber
grads laborers shows more stronssjr tbe
disadvantages of educatioa as a mean of
j taming a ilveiibood. la CMcage tbe aaiei-
mum wage of moulders of metal Is KM a
year, of moulders of character It Is tie a
year, leas IM es perse of law stiKs to col
lect It. la Bostuviie minimum for these
two clse is r. and t: ia Philadel-
pbu IK and W. in Seattle tut and liaii
i Tb average w age of a fairly good coacb-
i maa. respocable for tbe care of three or
four borers, is t a month snd Lss board,
of a teacber. In charge cf f'Tty or more
cbildrea. it Is 13 -J and no board. Tbe
young etnti of ttre rooms g.ts 9St or
more a month. We pay tLM a year to
There are few cities la tbe felted States
where the wupertsteadeBt wf schools re
ceive a mock as the leading preacher, or
one-half the income of tbe lending doctor,
or one-oaki-ier that -of tbe leading lawyer.
T) e Burotier ef college presidecta. school
super-in undents and pnadpais ia the I'nited
B ale woo receive as much as is u is
less tbsa a bcnarn.
The Bumber of ciergytnea who receive
IS O and over Is more ibaa sin. Livery
city of Mi : pec jJe bas several doctors and
lawyers receiving more thaa IS.. a year.
These c.tatiwts abow that the salaries of
teachers are -oporuoiiaie!y as low as they
were ia 1K74. Tbey are proportionately
lower tbaa tky were then, because of the
In creased ooet ef living. Educational Re
view. J
One Klst-Hesnet tktsfeir.
Tt.' aad the first chauffeur. "I always
give a series of loud touts w bea I se a
i -
t as a ia tbe road.
J "Wui rned the second cbauSear. yoa
j don't meaa to say you give tin warning."
. "Hfs r.a nel I mean I toot wbea I
.see him lying ta tb road back of me so
tbe peoy ie may rem and take turn away."
1 -Ptiusr-rn-tiis Prean
feu ;
! I i I ?
Hew Corset Models
Here yon 're bm4 confined ia root
aelertKMi to Jat a fewr models or
makes, "(cwnpltr lines of all the
heat kinds offer yow opportanity
to Mini a style perfectly adapted
to yoor need.
Vmr K&tmordinary Comptete line
of Model for Stoat Ktgwrra. la
clade La Greqaes, Nemo "Self
Res acing. Boa Tons .and La
Margnerlte prices ranging from
S.C dowa to 82. 50
AU ew Models In the standard
makes, aoch as Warner. Kabo. R.
at G.. W. B. etc., shown at ti
on to SI. OO
II. Jt II. rnenmatic Bast Forma
at $1.50 and $2
Ideal Waives la all flies, fe? U
(Jles, mif,es and children, up
" 25 r
75c Corsets and Girdles special
5 00 Worth of
. and Quality tor.
That's what you get when yon
buy one of our
Quality that satisfies the most
exacting, style to please the mort
critical. If you wear one you'll be
a constant friend to the Imirial
We're headquarters for John B.
Stetson Hats, showing all the most
popular blocks, at $5.00, $4.50, $L0C
and 53.50.
Men's and Bors Caps at almost roar
own price.
Tremendous Sheet Mask
latkt rm at ro corr.
corxxs AVas am
Add one cent per "J j pout la
ordering; by mil
Tn Got a Vacant KoonT la Hf.
Heart for Tow new cooa
-Catiedral Chime- mot beauti
ful walta in rears t.
-Sleejx Tom" tnew rag time two
step .
-Breath ff the Roae" ne waits.
-Blak Cat" tnew rag. very catch) .
"Half Rark" tnew two-tep.
"Beautiful Star of Heaven" rev
erie '.
-Beside the Old Oak Gats" new
sce.g .
"I'll Keep a Warm Spot la Mr
Heart For Ton".
"Rufos Ratus.. coon sorV- rew.
-How d Toa Like to XJke a Girl
Like Ms".
"Hearts and Kirtl" new walta
-Mid the Fiaida of Golden Rod",
(ww song).
"let It Aloee" . opon aon. new).
-Take Me Book to Ix1e'.
."Won't Toa Come Over to Mr
"KreE'iar Shadow-s".
T1se Bloaaoma.-
-lola." .
"I'll Always Wear Tour Image sm
My HaarT".
"Soan ands".
Save Money On Meals
Out aim is to give perfect satisfaction to every cus
tomer and we will not sacrifice quality to low price. How
ever, quality considered, you'll always find our prices mean
a substantial saving. Once & customer always a customer
at Hayden's Meat Department Try one ' of our tender,
juicy roasts for Sunday.
Lewi Lard. 11 lbs. for 81.00 ! Veal Ron, per lb 7 He
Rex Bust, per lb 14t I VmJ . S lbs. for 25a4
Freah Drcased Ctstrfcena, nee pownd , 10 'if
Admiral Kvwna Wssti Antkraette
Lssi rrfEmptel for
the kavy.
While tbe supply of bituminous coal la
practically tt-exhausUble, tbat of anthra
cite, tbe smokeless product which Is ob
tained or.'.f from AJnericaa r.l. la so
burned tbat tbe next forty or fifty years
a ill aee tbe exhaustion of tbe supply that
is. If tbe present rat of eanaumptloo Is
maintained. k
Rear Admiral Evan a. now commanding
tbe Atlantic Bert, would bar tbs national
government pre-empt all cf tbe anthracite
tbat Is left, and ia tbe current North
A-roertcaa Review gives reasons which are
startling. Tb admiral asserts tbat ao
other maritime nailoa pneim wmrm a aaval
weapon of sjck tieiueisdoa power a does
America la tbe anthracite fields of Penn
sylvania, aad aires tbat tbe fields "be la
stactiy appropriated by tbs aatlonal gov
ernment and iai ltd for its owa uaea.
Recoun ting costly experiments wbscn tbe
Nsvy departmewt bad made ia aa effort
ta determine tbe eompajraUve value of
liquid fuel and coal, tbe results being dis
appatntrc ta tbe advocates of liquid f jet.
tbe admiral aays aatbraclie acte is ca
pable of dev electing great power without
prod acing amokae And a paramount cos-s.d-raiJoa
ia naval affaiix be coatenda. is
an visibility.
"StraiecKaaKy." Admiral Evans saya
"this is ace of tbe greatest factors tber
for offense or defense. Tbe ability ta crrep
Osse upoa aa energy's ship antbout detec
Uoa is an enormous advantage ta tbe at
tack, and It goes without a trig tbat tb
possibility f accompltshlng a safe retreat
before a superior naval force, or of aliif-lng
undiscovered through aa enerr.y's line of
battle. Is not t be disi-garded.-
Continait-g. the adrr.iral aays bis owa ex
perience oa the tiftMp Maine has re
vealed another and a grave obctica to
the use of bttcminoa coal la aaral war
fsre, and that is tb cafuiaa of signals
eauaed ty smoe "Tb clouds of dene
blark smoke," b says, "frequently so ob
scure tb snal fugs tbat tbey cannot be
read by tbe signal nea oa tbe other atjpe.
ftornjKimea h even becsme netn estry for
tbe ftagsbirt to surrender the position st
tbe btad of tbe fleet snd to fail asters and
ta tbe rear, la order that Its signal cur
be seen. Tbat truth t be disastrous ta time
cf war."
Vrrjig that every toa of snthractt be
kept for tbe use of tbe ft! Ted States navy.
Admiral Evan says', "pile tt us la ear
aaval rta-Uotis at bom: bisk great stores
of It at tbe eoeUng : a ! a. we bow have
at-road. and acquire aore of these stations
froia fnrndJy natioos at coavenier.t points
ta t oreiga lands. Ia a way It will be safely
stored, tor. although we may be deprived
of K. tbe t-ij of ao otber mantin-a power
raa use it. by reaaoa of tbe eonstnxuon
a( tbeir boiler fwsans, wbiie w
Surprising Hosiery
Saving in price without
sacrifice of quality. That's
what brings the crowds to
our Special Sale of Hosiery.
Lodie Hw -rancy colored and
embroidered, aortn ap to ic a
pair special. U rJr...l2H
Ladies lmpwted Iile Hot .
Blacks or colors. In allorer laoe.
lace boot or fancy embroidered
at Ties, raises to Sf'c, fair. -23c
Indies IJ4e Hcwe of finest qual
ity. T&e to Jc talaes. la em
broidered or lace effect spe
cial, at. per pair 50
Children's Hte la fine or beaty
ribbed special talnes Saturday
at. pair 15. 12 He
Hat, Style 5
Interesting v
Saturday Special
Kvery hem a ralae ta which
rept nt a diMinrt mtibc to the
parebneer. Voa cannot afford to
antes tbete rtafwias.
Xdias Irw ajoekaaai Worth re
gltrir tr" ra :i-r 1 ilrc xeclal at
a. 10c, LS and ISe
ISc Pars Lisa aTand.korcksfs rve
ciaL at. eac h t ........ .7
iic Wlda Taffeta BUsnsn rpec.L
at. per yard 1
U Pmacy Warf aUtboaa gpecil
at. per yard lac
sTXW LXATam BIITS-A choice
line cf new iea'her belt with oT
Aised and budtee ret in garnet,
amethyrt. ruby and erneraid. regu
lar 11. a ralues our rpecial fnce
Saturdar (on
10 Pars Uaaa XanaksTCaiafB. win
go at each , .. e
Ocyyrigat Sooka, only .. . .
aTswwst Ooyyrtgat noaka. II . ral
uea. St LI
Btcynls Playlag Oaras. pack 13s
M-tnca Pis ss is Scarf special. . .tie
ships my use their bitumioous. la case of
need, by a few simple mechanical changes
ia the grate bara.
' "I'M tur the fstj of a vast borul tkaet
assembled off tbe Atlantic aeabonrd. with"
Its colliers and tenders laden with soft
ooai. be lei Ing great ck-ud ut amoke of
Inky blackneas by dsy and columns of firs
by night, wall around tbem circled our
swtft arouts and cruisers and torpedo boats
and. wKhia convenient signal range, 'our
great battlesbij each representative of a
sovereign stale all well nigh Invisible,
but ready to dash ia at aa opportune mo
tt-ent and deal a vital stroke. Aad ail be
cause of anthracite. Would it not pay T"
One WbIC Estk lsf'lm Ea.
pleyer Wise Workers C4t
tt Oat.
Mea ta fcuslnee have fanned sack aa
antipathy to tbe aaa wbo nee prfumery
or has tbs barber put an) ttitg oa bis Lair
that baa any fragrance la It that maay
men a bo doa't know this are unable ta
connect with rood Jots wbcb ngnt be
theirs if tbey did know it.
Even tbe swnea hart become affected, la
more tbaa one Chicago business bouss tb
stenographers Lev been asked la forego
dousing a lot of scent upoa tbeir Landa-r
chiefs or blouses. A alight trace is not dis
agreeable, but ia aotn cases evea tbe
ac-j-iieet vestige is objected to.
This spin., to t.'e a omen. To the r-ea '
tbe slightest abadaw, of it la fatal.
It was only tbe other day the manager of
a boue in which many mea are ecss-y4
was examining an applicant for a poslUak
Tbe applcail wss nearly dreesed. bad a
pleaiig although a si ghtly bold sppeajr.
anoe aad talked correctly and InteUigeotly.
although a trlSe egot.eocal'y.
Suddenly tbe c-mager. wbo Lad aeeal
to be welgbing In kia mind tr-r mertts had
dentrlis of lbs applicant, said:
"Sorry, Imt we caa t use you."
1 ""Can yoa tell me wbyT aakd tbe an.
plicaot; "perhaps if I were given aa op
port unity "
Tbe a. r.ijtr eat klra short
"Tbafs 'act tbe trouble." he aahL "Toa
were g-vea aa opportunity and you r.
Jee-ted U
"But IV been gives no opportsnity."
said tbe Baa, not knowing aht was
"Tea. yoa were." answered the meat gar.
"you've been given aa opportunity to cover
yourself aitb cheap perfumery snd of tbat
chaw yoa moot genercusiy Lav availed
yourself. W can I use walking perfume
btt tlea "
Other tnaaagers tot tt saoe view.
Tbey said that Ike day of lb acented tourf
ses man Lad gme by. Tbey kleo sill
that tbelr i(erttc taught tbem tbat tbs
; maa wLo need irfunrs a as kkt-iy te
; spend la thinking about blmaelf Urn that
j b ought ts gi to Lis work. CLic
J Tr.bu&a. ...
ao-incn Caster Pieces special. . .aae
M-tncai PtUow Tops spec ial n5o
muk rioaa, per kein Is