Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1907, Page 6, Image 16

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Such it As'ertion of 1'ajtr Dahlman on
Return from LilooId.
Colonel Jim Quotes Governor as
Ins; title Feneration Mast
Malt Till Legislative
Hash Is Over.
Eolidiy C&iei and Confections Supplied In
Any Quantity or Style.
(irorrn' Racks Mttle Hare, hn
Plenty Left to Provide Tfmplln
Meal lor Dainty Feeder
r Hungry Maa.
. m n
l , w
a mmi iisiiisMitSMnwusannsHig a w-J.' T . -7. .. - -:TTr.--sra-'gTCT SISSiMSISSiSgs HUMS WmnBBSKmmmS!immm1HKmBtm&mmKi&j
It should not require more than one dls
pluy of holiday bnkery and confections to
convince even the most fastidious hostess
that the modern baker ar.d confectioner
In a boon to whose who entertain. ipe
showcases have been filled this week with
marvelously contrived confections surges-1
tlve of St. Valentine's Day. and the most
attractive cakes, and other things deco
rated with green frosting and the khamrock
for celebration of St. Patricks day. One
confectioner Is allowing a specially ordered
.cake adorned with a miniature figure of
St. Patrick and a score or more little
snakes seemingly fleeing before him not
a particularly attractive decoration for the
table, but certainly illustrative of what
can be done. And then there are the prac
tical things. Tea biscuits that with a dash
of cold water and a few minutes In hot
over will come to the table as rood as
when fresh baked. These sell for 10 cents
a dosen. Rolls of all kinds sell for 10
cents a dosen and all sorts of fancy cakes
for V) cents a pound. A good pound cake
costs 2fi cents and layer cake JO to 80 cent,
fruit sells from 86 to BO cents a pound. As for
candles, the possibilities In this line are
almost unlimited.
Several varieties of fruit and vegetables
re off the market just at present, but
this Is only temporary. It Is Just between
seasons, the crop from the southern states
being about exhausted and Cuba will not
begin shipping for a week or ten dnys.
No strawberries were to be had Friday
morning, but a shipment Is expected Satur
day and will sell for about 60 cents a quart
box. Pineapples are not to be had Just
now. persimmons, pears- and some other
southern fruits being equally scarce. They
will be In next week, however, and In quan
tities that promise to bring down prices.
Oranges sell from IB to 40 cents a doreh;
grape fruit, B, 10 and 15 cents each; Malaga
grapes 30 cents a pound and lemons from
10 to 30 cents a dosen.
The scarcity of some varieties of vege
tables has occasioned some change In
prices, butfjtba difference Is only a few
cents. Celery does not look nice, and sells
for B and 10 cents a stalk; mushrooms are
90 cents a pound; cranberries 11 cents a
quart; cabbage 5 and 10 cents a head or 2
cents a pound; green onions, radishes, par.
snips, turnips, beets and parsley, 6 cents
a bunch; artechokes 80 cents each; spinach
SO cents a peck or 10 cents a bunch; cauli
flower SO to 80 cents a head, and the heads
are small and not very white; head lettuce
Is from 15 to 20 cents a head, and leaf let
tuce 6 cents a head; cucumbers are 20 cents
each, and hot house tomatoes 45 cents a
pound and the others 26 cents a pound.
Oyster plant, green peppers and some of
those thing are not to be had just now.
Potatoes sell for 25 cents a peck and SI a
bushel; sweet potatoes 40 cents a peck and
new potatoes 10 cents a pound.
Eggs, "guaranteed strictly fresh," sold
Friday morning for 25 cents a dozen. All
the dealers did not sell for that price, but
few are asking more than 28 centa for the
best eggs to be had. Package creamery
butter 18 still 36 cents a pound and unsalted
creamery the same price.. Other good table
butters are to be had, however, at 28 cents
' If one will Just take the trouble to look
for . them.
Chickens are again being quoted as some
thing besides Just "chicken." Broilers are
60 cents each, capon 20 cents a pound and
other chickens 12V4 cents a pound. Ducks
are 1G cents a pound, geese 14 cents, turkeys
20 cents, gulney hen IS cents a pound and
squabs from 25 to 50 cents each.
Winter Recipes,
Curry of Mushrooms One quart of mush
rooms, one tablespoonful of butter, one
tablespoonful of flour, one-half cup of
cream, one tablespoonful of curry; stew the
mushrooms twenty minutes in enough stork
to cover them well; add butter and thicken
with curry and flour; boll slowly ten min
utes longer; Just before taking them from
the Are add the cream; serve on hot toast.
Kggs with Green Peppers Six eggs beaten
with cup of cream, two tablespoons of but
ter, three finely minced sweet green pep
t pers (small), two tablespoons grated cheese,
one tablespoon tomato catsup; cook all In
gredients except eggs and cream for two
minutes, then add eggs and stir until thick.
Serve on toast or crackers. Cheese may
be omitted If desired.
Nut Jumbles The following recipe makes
delicious hickory nut jumbles: Two cups
of brown sugar, one-half cup of butter,
one egg, six tablespoonfuls of milk, two
cups of flour, rounding," two teaspponfuls
of baking powder, one cup of chopped nut
meats, one tablespoonful or vanilla. If de
sired. To bake drop in very small pieces.
Olive Omelet Half can mushrooms,
Quarter cup of olives (plain or stuffed), and
cream. Chop the olives and mushrooms
and beat In-enough strictly sweet cream to
make a paste; season; make a plain omelet
and Just before serving fold in the paste.
Served with stoned olives and parsley to
( Maple Cream Pie Cream one cup of
maple sugar with one teaspoonful of butter
A soda cracker should be the most nutri
tious and wholesome of all foods made
from wheat
But ordinary soda crackers absorb moist
ure, collect dust and become stale and
soggy long before they reach your table.
There-is however, one
soda cracker at once so pure, so clean, so
crisp and nourishing that it stands alone
in its supreme excellence the name is
Uheeda Biscuit
moistur proof package.
naIional biscuit company ,
In always the benefit for our customer. We have now opened a first-,
rlftM bakery In connection with our Grocery and Meat Department.
We bake the very best of goods and soil from 20c to tOc on the dollar
less on everything we bake.
3 BIIKAI 3 I . 8 riKH 8t
Per Loaf. Of the Very Best Fruit.
CAKES 2 layers, the finest ever baked, only 16
CAKKS 3 layers, only ' 24?
All other goods we bake
1-pound can Rumford's Baking
Powder given absolutely free
every 4 8-lb. sack of high grade
PURITY FLOUR. Every pound
of the flour Is guaranteed or your
money back, and the price is
only 81.15
21 lbs. pure Cane Granulated
Sugar for . $1.00
Soda Crackers, Oyster Crackers
and Ginger Snaps, per lb. . . . 5c
Creamery Butter, per lb 23c
The Lange
Telephone Douglas 1530.
Ad Ho. 4.
Recommended by Physicians for In
digestion and Dyspepsia.
Made Only By
Dishes, Silver, Linen etc., to rent.
2202 Farnam St.
Telephone Douglas 3006.
and then beat with it one egg. Heat one
cupful of cream from which a little has
been taken and made Into a smooth paste
with one teaspoonful of flour. Mix the
flour paste with the egg and sugar, then
stir In the heated cream, add a pinch of
salt and a dash of pepper and bake In pie
crust In a slow oven for twenty minutes.
Oyster Salad A good winter salad may
be made of oysters. Scald' large oysters
in their own liquor until they become
plump and the edges ruffle. Drain, sprinkle
with a little lemon Juice, salt and paprika
and let become perfectly cool. If very
large cut Into half lengthwise, using a
stiver knife. When ready to serve mix with
mayonnaise and arrange in cups made of
crisp, tender' lettuce leaves: garnish with
a star of mayonnaise, a few capers
chopped gherkins.
Some Food Tables.
"What-to-Eat" for February offers the
folfowlng tables that every woman will do
well to clip and paste in the front of her
cook book:
Food Is that which, taken Into the body.
builds tissues or yields energy; the most
healthful food Is that which is best fitted
to. the needs of the user; the cheapest food
is that which furnishes the largest amount
of nutriment at the least cost, and the best
rood Is that which Is both most healthful
anil cheapest.
The following table shows the respective
amounts of different articles of food re
quired to furnish the requisite quantity of
nitrogenous matter for one day:
. Lbs. Oc.
Iean meat 1 15
Kkks 1 6
Peas . 11
Oatmeal 1 7
Wheat flour (white) 1 11
Wheat (lour (graham) 1 9
Cornmeal .' 1 10
Kyemeal .... 2 6 !
nice 3
Potatoes : 8 8
Carrots . 14 2
Cabbage 15 4
Heor JS5 nints
Milk 4.5 pints
Taking our common food materials as
they are used in ordinary diet, the follow
ing general estimate has been made for the
energy furnished to the body by one pound
of each of the classes of nutrients:
Protein, fuel value. l.kUO calories ner
tttts, fuel value, 4,00 calories per pound.
Carbohydrates, fuel value. 1.8JU calories
per Bound.
Digestibility of various foods:
Hours. Mln.
Apples, raw l 30
nice, boiled 1
Wheat bread . 3 30
Corn bread 3 15
Milk, sweet 2 15
Milk, boiled i
Butter 2 80
Butter, melted 3 30
Cheese 3 30
Cheese, fried 4
Potatoes, baked i 30
Potatoes, fried 3 30
Cabbage, raw 2 , 30
Cabbago, boiled 4 30
Beans, boiled l. ....... 3 30
Corn, green I 45
Chicken, roasted 4
I Hick, roasted 4 30
Turkey, roasted 2 3
Goose, roasted 4 30
Veal, broiled 4
Veal, fried 4 30
Mutton, broiled 3
Mutton, roamed I lj
Beef, broiled 3
Beef, fried : 4
Pork, suit, fried 4 15
. Si
proportionate In price.
Fancy Country Roll, per lb... 20c
Clean Currants, per pkg 7 He
Wetmore's gelatine, all flavors,
10c pkg. ,' 8c
Fancy Home Grftwn Potatoes,
per bushel 60c
Sweet Potatoes, per pk 20c
Toothpicks, hard wood, 6c pkg.,
our price 2sc
Good Steak, per lb 7 He
Pot Roast, per lb., 8c to 6c
Rib Roast, per lb., 10c to.... He
Pork Loins, per lb 10c
Grocery Co.
Twenty-fourth and Cuming.
M Ad Ho, 17
1 pound 35o
3 pounds for $1
inv s tain inn w w
Wit Coffee Mr
I 'Phone Doug. 1C58. 313 Bo. 11th St.
Pork, roasted .-. 5 u
Good food combination aiding digestion:
1. Fruits and grains.
2. Meat, vegetables and grains.
S. Kkks. milk and grains.
Had food combinations retarding diges
tion: 1. Fruits, milk and meats.
2. Fruits, vegetables and meats.
8. Vegetables, cheese and fish.
Selection of Cooking; .tensile. ,
Steel will be found smoother than Iron,
and It will last longer, because It does iu;t
break so easily. . Do not purchase cheap
tinware; if of good quality tinware will last
well for a long time, and It Is excellent
for many purposes. Such articles of food
as layer cake, or anything that requires
quick cooking, are best cooked in tin, but
neither tin, Iron, .nor steel should be used
for acid foods. Peas and beans will not
cook soft In enamel ware, but will soften
quickly in a tin saucepan. Fruit .should
never be cooked In tin or Iron, but only
In porcelain or enamel lined saucepans;
neither should tin be used for frying, boll
ing coffee, or for any purpose when It must
be exposed to Intense heat, for tin melts
at a very low temperature, and If exposed
to heat at a high temperature the result
Is apt to be disastrous. '
Aluminum ware Is, of course, the very
best of all. It Is light in weight, very clean
looking, as it really Is, and altogether It
seems to leave nothing to be desired. It Is
very expensive, however, although its pur
chase Is economy In the eud. A simple
washing with pure soapsuds and warm
water, then a thorough drying, Is all that
Is necessary to keep aluminum bright.
i Strong soaps andj powders must not be used
on it, or it will become discolored. "
For baking dishes, bowls, custard cups,
and the like, the little brown German-ware
dishes are cleanly and pretty they are
creamy white Inside. At the first, empty
quart milk bottles with a metal top will
bo found excellent for keeping cereals and
other supplies. They do net take up much
room on the shelf and for this reason are
preferable to crockery Jars. One can also
see the contents at a glance. Later on, the
Jars may be purchased If one desires them,
for they are very pretty, but do not at first
slight cooking - utensils for receptacles ln
which to keep food.
For twenty days we will sell everything
In the paint line at prices at least 20 per
cent lower than regular prices. Kennard
Glass and Paint company, 15th and Dodge
Man Accused of Rteallnar from Woman
Is Set Free by Jndgre
S. N. Nltta, a native of Japan, was dis
charged In police court Friday morning on
the charge of stealing IiiSO trom a country
woman, Mrs. Klkuya Hlgishtgams, of the
new Arcade. ( The case was dismissed after
Nltta had returned $180 which he had taken
from the woman and had given the key
to his lock box at the postofflce to Captain
Savage, who will collect $500 which Is ex
pected to arrive from San Francisco and
which Is the property of the woman. It is
charged that Nitta stole certificates of do
posit to the amount of $500 from the
woman's trunk and sent them to the San
Francisco bank for remittance and that
the money will arrive Friday or Saturday,
when it will be given to the gullible woman.
Druggists discuss new law
Jobbers of the Mlssonrl Valley Con
sider Means for Meeting
Its Provisions.
The Missouri River Jobbers' Social club,
composed of Jobbing druggists of Omaha,
St. Joseph and Kansas City, held a quar
terly meeting at the Commercial club Fri
day. Seventeen Jobbers were present and
an all-day session was held. The principal
order of business Is said to have been
the discussion of the pure food law and
the determination of the most convenient
and Inexpensive means of carrying out tta
Eschann-e of Cashiers' of the Mntaal
Life insurance Company
Is Made.
W. II. Rrown. cashier of the Omaha
office, of the Mutual life Insurance com
pany of New York, has been transferred
to Milwaukee and Otto Schroedcl of St.
Paul will succeed Mr. Brown at Omaha.
Mr. Brown and family will leave soon fur
thtr new place of residence.
Our Quotations
not only represent economy In pricing I
Impossible to others, but afford you
an opportunity to secure Just pre
cisely what you wantin
Groceries and Meats
quality, cleanliness and prompt serv
ice. Saratoga Flakes, I pkgs '. .83c
Excellent Sweet Corn, S cans 8Bc
Selected Tomatoes (solid pack)
I cans r BSo
Carnation Cream, I cans 2 Bo
Sliced Pineapple, large cans 16c
Walter Baker's Chocolate, lb 33c
Creamery Butter, lb , 33c
Strictly Fresh Eggs, dos 8 6c
SrBXHO LAMB entire half... $1.60
Mushrooms. Rhubarb.
Water Cress.
Onotunbers. Cauliflower.
Kips Tomatoes,
Spinach. Bead tettnos.
Exponents of Good Living
28th and Farnam Streets
Polioe Have Tip it Wai Harry Norris,
Alias Bobby Howe.
Notorious Desperado Who Is
Omaha Pending; Trial . In
Chicago on Indictment
for Burglary.
After much research Chief of Uetectlves
Savage and his men have discovered the
man who robbed the Byron Reed collec
tion of coins In the public library building
last Frldny night, the home of R. A.
Thompson, 2924 North Sixteenth street on
the afternoon of February 7, and the resi
dence of Robert Rosenswelg, 3302 Harney
about two weefts ago. Is Harry Morris alias
cracksman and burglar. He Is now under
indictment for, burglary at Chicago, but
was released on bail pending his trial and
Is now believed to be In Omaha, where he
came several weeks ago for the purpose
of entering upon his career of crime. No
trace of n,m ln the c,ty has bcen obtained,
but his arrest Is believed to be assured
within a few days If he still Is In Omaha.
Norris answers the description in every
particular of the burglar, that held up
Watchman Peterson at the Public library
Friday night and stole 103 United States
coins of the vtlue of 1146.66 from the
Byson Reed" collection. The burglar was
masked with a blue sllx muffler so that his
features could not be distinctly seen by the
watchman, but ln every other respect the
man's description coincides exactly with
that of Norris and the police are positive
that Norris Is guilty of the burglary.
The picture of Norris has been forwarded I
frnm 1V.A 1 1 . V, I
B"'"" V""BU ",nu
luoiuiiicu i cuucautiy uy a niuu carrier
as the man seen coming from the home of
Mr. Thompson late on the afternoon when
the residence was ransacked and robbed
of over $50 worth of Jewelry.
L6ot to the value of over M0, not nclud-
ing a valuable "ealskln coat was stolen
from the heme of Mr. Rosenweig-about two
weeks ago, but this was recovered at Chi-
cago last Tuesday where it had been
shipped by Morris to his brother and the
latter placed under arrest for receiving
stolen property.
Bonnd Over for "tabbing-.
After an extended preliminary examina
tion In police court Friday morning Warren
Henley, 612 South Thirteenth street, was
bound over for trial in the district court
under bond of $500 on the charge of cutting
Jack Tansey, a waiter from Council Bluffs,
In the . back with a knife. .Witnesses testi
fied that Tansey and Henley quarreled over
a woman at the waiters' ball early Wednes
day morning, February 6. and that Henley
drew his knife and attacked Tansey when
Baker's Cocoa
and Chocolate
. 47
V. m. 1 u usee
Made by a scientific blend
ing of the best Cocoa beans
grown in the tropics the
result of 120 years of suc
cessful endeavor.
A new ana bandMsselr Ulaetrateel
kacipe Booh seat bee
Establish!, 1780 DORCHESTER. MASS.
Fresh Pork Roast. . . . .9HC I Trime Kib Roast 120, 10
Tot Roast of Roof 7c and 5 Mutton Roast TV&t?
Sirloin Steak of Native Steer 12V
There's the advantage you have in dealing at the Central Market
The largest stock of meats in Omaha the greatest variety from which
to choose.
Don't for Ret our new locution at 210 North 10th street telephone'
same ns before -Douglas 1700. t
In buying bottled in bond Whiskey
you have the guarantee of the United
States government nn to Its ag,
strength and purity. Standard brands
that hnve stood the test of- time
Ourkenhelmer. Schenley. Overhnlt.
Clark Rye, Hermitage rtye. Yellow
stone, Old Oscar Pepper, Old Crow,
Bond & Llllard, Cedar Run, Old Elk ,
pe'r quart bottle, f 1.00 and 11.25.
mgn class l ulirornla Wtnes. port,
Sherry, Angelica and Muscatel, 85c,
EOc, and 75c per quart bottle.
Handsome Premiums to Every Lady
Cackley Bros.
Reliable Liquor Merchants,
131 V. 16th St. Opposite Postoffloe. I
Fbone Dong-las 1148.
' the latter had followed the couple to Four-
teenin ana jjougias streets. Tansev sus
tained several severe cuts In the back and
muscles of his neck, but is not confined to
his bed. -
Indians Senator's Statements Con
trasted vrlth Census Office
In his recent speech on child labor Sen-
ator Beverldge said: "Certainly hundreds
of thousands and mn nrnhihW nvr 1 Olia.
iu i.ii j - -..l
, j - i
! """" " "P f""""! "
All the support he produced for' this ter
rible reflection upon American parents was
contained in the statement on the authority
of the census that nearly 2,000,000 children
are now at work and of these almost 700,0-jO
are engaged In work other than agriculture.
To this statement he added: "Child labor on
the farm Is good. Tho bill does not strike
at that. It strikes only at child labor ln
the factories, sweatshops and mines."
This Implies that nearly 700,000 are em
ployed In those deadly places, and even
that number Is more than 300,000 short of
the million and more that the senator said
; Were probably being killed or utterly ae
1 stroyed there. .
The dayftor Mr. Beverldge made his
speech the census bureau Issued a bulletin
showing that In 1900 the number of children
employed as "breadwinners" In this coun
try was 1,750,000, round figures. Of thse
! 1,064.000 were at work on farms. 138.000 were
In domestic service and 72,000 were mes-'
songcr, errand and office boys.
If farmwork Is good for children cer
tainly domestic service for girls and mes
senger and like service for bnys can hardly
uttcr, destructive of their
! lt app(ar8i therefore, tl
bodies and
ppears, therefore, that at least
1 1,264,000 of these breadwlnnlng children were
employed In ways likely to do them more
good than harm.
This seduces the number otherwise em
ployed to 480,000. Here the synopsis of the
bulletin ' telegraphed from Washington
leaves much to be desired. Put It gives
enough facts to Indicate that not very many
of these are employed In the deadly places.
Among the worst of those places, accord
ing to Mr. Beverldgev are cotton factories.
As to them the bulletin says that' they
furnish employment to children to a greater
extent than any other manufacturing or
mechanical Industry. And It states .the num
ber of children employed ln those factories
at 44,127. This Is for the whole country,
and the complaint has been almost entirely
of conditions In southern mills.
Next we find under the head of "textile
workers or the needle trades" 35,07a Then
there are ll,4t2 ln tobacco factories and 5.3-35
1H glassworks. As the cotton mills employ
more than any other manufacturing or me
chanical Industries and as the "needle
trades" undoubtedly Include "sweatshops."
we have to conclude that, 160,000 would be a
high figure for the number employed in
child-killing . factories.
The synopsis says nothing about the
children employed about mines, but It Is
safe to say that the numter Is small.
Probably not 200,000 all told are employed
In the "factories, sweatshops and mines"
at which the Beverldge bill strikes. Prob
ably, too; not one-fourth of these work un
der killing or destructive conditions. And
so the senator's million or more drop out of
sight ln the light of facts like Falstaff's
men in buckram. Chicago Chronicle.
novel Baslness.
A branch of business conducted by a
Philadelphia establishment devoted to sup
plying and boarding feathered pets Is that
of preparing dead birds for burial. Children
who have lost their canaries or other song
sters through disease or accident bring
the little cadavers to the store to be laid
out in becoming style. Ting coffins, each
Just large enough for a bird, are kept In
stock, also quantities of pale pink end blue
cotton. The latter Is used for filling the
bird coffin, and on this the bird ' laid. The
effect when birdie's body is -decently"
composed on the pink and blue cotton Is
sufficient to console the little mourning
master or mistress. The children then con
vey their coffin away for burial. Funeral
expenses are light. New Tork Tribune.
Knew What He Was llolaw.
The multimillionaire trust magnate was
making his, will.
"Pardon me, air," said his confidential
legal advUer. "But are you going to give
everything to your son? May I suggest
that as your vast wealth came from the
people it would swrn to be no more than
right f '-r you to give a portion of It back
to i he' people ln some form or other?"
"I'm giving it ail back,", testily answered
The Problem
which most worries the cook or house
wife is "what kind of meat shall I have
for Sunday dinner." It does not much
matter WHAT kind she dually decides
upon, she will find It In our stock of
highest quality and lowest price.
Chicken dinners for Sunday are always
In order last week we ajild more poultry
than usual the reason is plain all pur
poultry is kept in a COLD room not on
ice or In ice cold water thereore is never
water soaked but pure, clean and tempt
Chicken 11140
Rib Roast 134o and 100
I'ot Roast Bo and 6o
Rib Boil 30
Hams 13Ho
Lamb Chops loo
Lamb Stew 3V40
JOS. BATH'S Cash Market,
'1921 Farnam St.
tha multimillionaire. "That boy of mine
will run through with the whole of It In
less than five years." Chicago Tribune.
Bdt the Critical Politician. Wmu
Honest Because He Wasn't
In It.
"Notice the way that conductor punches
tickets," said a politician who takes the
ormwesiern train at uaK park
I ' "".
iiis inena watched tne eonrtuctni. tVn a ticket. cov.rmV n nrZ
- .-rung h..
punch In a hole Just large enough so that
no one could see whether he punched the
ticket or not.
"I've watched that fellow for the last
five years," continued the politician, "and
I'll swear that he lets every friend that
gives him a 5-cent cigar at the end of the
week ride free."
"Don't be so hard on him," remonstrated
the other man. "Maybe that's only a pe
culiar habit of covering the ticket that he's
gotten into."
"Not on your life," returned the politi
cian. "I know what I'm talking about. He
tried it on me once, just because I got in
the habit of saying 'good morning' to him,
but I woMldn't stand for such dishonesty;
he didn't corrupt me."
"How do you know whether he forgot
to punch your ticket or not?" questioned
the politician's friend.
"Very simple. I Just put down the next
number to be punched on a piece of paper.
so I wouldn't forget It. It was sixteen,
the number, and Monday morning I started
to keep tab on him, and on the following
Saturday sixteen was still there. An then
I bawled him out right. It made me so
mad. I wouldn't stand for his monkey
business, and I told him so in language he
could understand as plainly as anybody in
the car."
"But why are you Buch a stickler for
honesty?" asked his friend. "It doesn't
pay; you'd have saved V) cents a week if
you'd kept still." "
"I'd have saved 80 cents a' week, noth
ing," retorted the politician. "No, lt would
have been all right if there was any sav
ing In It, but the Saturday I bawled him
out I Just happened to think that I was
traveling on a monthly ticket, you see,
and It didn't make a d d bit of difference
to me whether he punched It or not."
Chicago Record-Herald.
Jlnd Other Hospitable Persons
Here is Chance to Cet
A new, up-to-date, Cook-book prepared by trained expert.
Mora than iooo recipes, including; sixty soups, fifty sauces for
meats and vegetables, fifty or mora calads, forty-one recipes for tbe
chafing dish, besides rules for meat, fish, vegetables, bread, cake,
pastry and invalid cookery. There are hundreds of simple whole
some and inexpensive dishes.
It has twenty colored plates showing bow dishes should be served.
(-CC ; LlV' v
Vv11 ,. '
xhrs' r-r-h
Mayor Pahlman returned Friday morning
from Lincoln, where he hobnobbed with
the lawmakers and called on Governor
Sheldon. The is sanguine of the ,
passage of the titcater Omaha bill and
l,ntiMV..a t Vim b motul tti.-i t nllnwlnff th fitlttltil
Omaha olllcluls to b i ve out their terms
will go (hrough. Mayor Oahtanan Is a
strong supporter of the merger proposition
and was outspoktn or. the subject while
at Lincoln. Some of the mayor's advisers
believe he should have kept his hands oft
the consolidation matter.
"The governor and I had a talk on the
Omaha saloon question and the Board of
Fire and Folic Commissioners. The gov
ernor told me he was too busy during tha
legislature to take up tho charges tiled by
the Civic Federation," tho mayor said. "But
the governor did say that when ho took
the matter up he would go right through
with It and at the same time act on the
resignation of Dr. George L. Miller, which
has not yet been accepted. The governor
would not commit himself at this time on
the Omaha saloon question."
While In Lincoln the mayor gave Rep
resentative Harvey an amendment to s op
tions of the city charter providing for tho
granting of franchise ordinances and ac
quirement of public utilities, this havlntl
particular bearing on the gas question.
With this amendment passed, the maynr
believes, ho and the council will he In
position to compel the Omaha Gas company
to furnish $1 gas, falling In which an at
tempt will be made to acquire the gus plant
or Induce another company to come In. The
mayor and councllmen are anxious to carry
out their II gas pledge.
Hae Rampna with Gronndhns, he
Throws Him Ont of His
Happy Home.
' t
When Janitor Thomas Hamlin of the
Ieavenworth street public school reached
his post of duty at 5:30 Friday morning he
found a visitor whose name was not en
rolled on the school roster meekly sitting
on the front steps. The stranger was a
porcupine, with his quills at tangent nil
ready for any familiarity the Janitor might
show. But lt happened that Mr. Hamlin
was not familiar with porcupines, so he
made haste slowly by driving the little
fellow to the back of tho school, finally
getting him Into the furnace room.
Once ln the furnace room Mr. Porcupine
took a survey of the heating apparatus of
a modern school building and then huddled
up In a corner and blinked his eyes! Like
Msry's historic mutton, which was rec
orded as having accompanied Mary to a
certain seaf of learning, the porcuplno made
the puplln "laugh and play." The kinder
garten class was highly amused when Its
teacher told them a porcupine had come
to the school and was waiting on the front
steps at 6:30 a. m. for school to open.
"My children, you could all take a lesson
from the porcupine by being on time to
school," the kind teacher said.
Superintendent Adnms of the park honrd
was notified, but he said there were no
porcupines to hln. knowledge In any of
the Omaha parks. Mr. Hamlin offered to
give the animal to the park board, unless
some rightful claimant calls for tho fursy
little animal.
It was reported Frldny morning thnt this
porcupine and , the groundhog the one
which saw his shadow February 2 have
been hibernating together during the win
ter and hnd a rumpus Thursday night
over the question of whether there would
be six weeks more winter or not. It Is
believed the groundhog took the law In
his own hands and threw the porcupine
over the transom.
Now is the time to make your want
known through The B,ee Want Ad Page.
Little Fellow Hons Away When Aunt
Scolds and Police Gather
Him In.
Because his aunt In Council Bluffs told
him to "Qet out of there and stay out"
after he had accidentally spilled a tub of
hot water on the kitchen floor, Richard
Aston, a youth of very tender years, ran
away to Omaha Thursday afternoon, was
picked up on the street near Sixteenth and 1
Webster streets early Friday morning by
Officer Madsen and taken to the city Jail. 1
The lad had slept behind a billboard Thurs
day night and was more than anxious to
go to the Jail with the officer, as his life of
freedom had begun to pall. a
Richard Is from Pittsburg and was visit
ing his aunt. Mrs. Thomas Carney, at
Council Bluffs for a few weeks, who has
been notified of his detention ln Omaha,
it tens tne vaiue oi looas, now
to market and how to serve
luncheons and dinners, formal
and informal.
will tend this So-fagt book
postpaid, well printed on
exceptionally food paper',
(1 Strongly bound in Utien and
. I in a stout box. If you cannot
send money order, send U. b.
For sale also by booksellers
and newsdealers at 6o cents.
The Lowney Company
tends back of this offer. It
is not. the usual advertise,
ment of a manufacturer of
bis own goods. You get a
bargain and we get a little
publicity. you are not
pleased return a ana
your money back.
Bonbons, Cocos Chocolate,
Dept-V. Boston. Mass.