Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1907, Page 5, Image 15
Tlin OMAlIA DAILY BEE: RATl'IJDAY, FKR1UTARY 10, 1907. 5 A. i 7 J. If ti PRIMARY BILL IS READY ( o;nmittee Complete! Iti Labors and Hal Measnro Eeadr for FrinttM. 3:iS TO LEGISLATURE FIRST F WEE.K l'n (rick,' Fusion Mrmbrr, Objects to Piling Fee lor fandldates find Mar Flaht the PrnvUlon . on he Floor. (Continued from First Page.) there tir candidates In the office division In which there are the most names. As nearly ns possible nn ciiial number of tickets shall be printed after each change. In making the -changes of position, the printer shall take the line of type at the bead of each ofllre division end place ft at the bottom of that division, shoving up tlin column bo that the name that was second before the change shall be the first after the change. After the ballots ore printed, before being cut, they shall be kept In separate piles, one pll for each change of position, and sonll be pnled by taking one from each pile nnd placing It upon the pile to be cut, the Intention being that every other ballot In the pile of feinted sheets, shall have names in a different position. Aiier ine pile is mode in this manner. then they uinv be cut 'and placed In blocks ' as provided by the general election law. l nere snail be no rji-lntlna- on the back or me nanuts, or nny mark to distinguish ... - . . ... ... them, but the sla-nature of the ludue nr clerk. .Notice and Plnee of Primary Election The primary election shall be held In each election district at the place where the Inst election was held, or such other, place us may be lawfully designated for the polling place for the election dMrlct, and shall be held at the place where registration of voters occurs for the election next, en suing; Expenses of Primary, lion Paid. Alt ballots, blanks and other supplies to be used at any primary, and all expenses necessarily Incurred in the preparation for or conducting such primary, shall be paid out of the treasury of the city or county, 'as the case may be, In the same manner, with (Ike effect, and by the same officers as in the case of elections, for the purpose of helping to defray the expenses of such primary election. At the time of filing the petition for nom lmitibn the candidates for any ofllce to be voted for by the electors of more than ono county, shall pay to the state treasurer a tiling fee, and if to be voted for In only one county, such sum paid to the county treasurer thereof; and If to be voted for In any city, to be paid to the city treasurer, a receipt for which shall be given hlin by such treasurer which he shall file with his nomination papers; pro viding the. said filing - fee shall not be deemed a part of the expenses as defined In article 3 of chapter xxvi of the compiled statutes of Nebraska. The' riling fees shall be as follows: 1. For candidates for senator to congress, J100. , 2. For candidates for state offices, J50. ' 3.' Kor candidates for representatives In congress and Judges of the district court. fji I ec $25. 4. For candidates for the state legislature I and 'all county oillcee, J 10. The secretary of state, the county clerk . or the city clerk shall number each pe. . and clerka of November elections. -4ltlnn so filed with them In numerical order I Any person desiring to vote ftt any pri hh received, provided, however, that no fee ! n,"ry 'lection held under the provisions Of ' shall be required from any person who Is i t,l, n' t shall be entitled to participate In a cundldate for any office for which no I f "ch ,i,r,",r'r e't'on upon presenting compensation is authorized by law to be 'lln;9r'i Bt the polling place where he la ualcl.- In the case of fees Dald to the entitled to vote; but he shall not be en- '. secretary of state as aforesaid, he shall!'11" to receive a primary ballot or be immediately after the last day of filing nomination petitions with him has expired, l!vllit the amount of fees of the candidates nccordlng to the numher voting In tne counties within which such candidates aro to run for office, .and report same to the a I ion to pay the same to the respective j counties. W..,. 10 T f a i, ,r nrlmarv lJ,.lr.n V...1.1 I s by ihio act provided any person shall! falselv personute und vote under the name by mw require.!, no elector snail ne per vi hny person, or shall' Intentionally vote I mltted to vote the ballot of any party with the right so to do, or shall wilfully or wrongfully obstruct or prevent others lrom voiing who have the right so to do at such primary election, or shall fraud ulently or wrongfully deposit In the ballot box nr take therefrom, or who shall com mit any other fraud or wrong tending to defeat the result of n. primary election, he eiittii . urrniPU KLiiiiy ui a iin-iut'iiiruiiuu : . . i. j . und shall, upon convlctlrfn thereof, beitlned ! " the registration-booka used for the pur not less than 1 nor more than ?00. or pose of registering persons who are quail be imprisoned In the county Jail not less I to vote at the next general election, than sixty days nor more than one year. "Pace for the registration of all lwrsons or both. In the discretion of the court. I Y H!S r J" participate in any pri- 8oi tU.ii 14 If anv pernon or persons shall ' rdury election. Such space shall be pro- shall e deemed guilty pt a misdemeunor, offer to give or agree to give, to nny quail- wooaI 1 ' M unir niAnau ft XT 11 1 1 1 1 hla tltlrlar a consideration for his vote for any person to be voted for at said primary election. ' .mi ...nh f ihi.m h,.ii bo ,io,.mo,l huiftv of a misdemeanor, nnd upon con vie- . neu vojer, i nny pi inn 1 y ei-cuon nem " "'t 0L, end shiill he headeil crialrnian or secretary of any committee under the p-.-ovls Uns of this act, any money cul"in" ln au.1" "OOK.s,,n 1,11 ,:' , i . mav he nerformed hv menihers of such or vnlniiliU. thliiH- na a eohsldeiH tlon inr bin as follows: "Party Afflllatlon. It shall be may perrormea oy meniDers 01 sucn or Biuaoie tnnia- ns a eonsm lation lor nin sunervlsors itt such regular committee selected by them. Any vacancy vote, lor uny person to bo voted for at '"e uuty or ine sura rv is ora oi sucn reg ui ar i . committee nfllce shall be fllleii in ml Brlmnrv ii-rlon or If anv nersoo i state regiBtrat on to ask each person who .1" an lommutee onice snau oe nuea in I . . ' I . , j p , n..i,i;,- m i.e rmristered the nnesilon- I tho sanie manner In that ln .which suoh entitled to vote at any primary held under. '"ntifai ?,a,lv do voti dPidre to i o tflcer was originally choaen. the provisions of this act shall accept or A;,, 1 pi, .,f F j . i rtn.T.. o .1 i tlon thereof shall be fined not less than ' "I'V Vlnn does not desire to state his party $HH nor more than Kim. or be Imprisoned aaillatlon, he shall not be required to do so. In the county Jail not less than slxtv day ' nor shall his failure so to do act as a bar nor more hn one yenr, or both, etc. to his reRl .i ration for the purpose of voting Paction 15 If nny person shall offr to I at any election other than a primary elec-ucct-pt und receive or shall accept and re-! tlon. but shall debar him from voting at cve nny nioruynr valuable tiilnu in con- SHIerntiou or nis rninB or Hfireeoiu 10 me. or not llling or agreeing not to file, nomina tion imtiers for himself us a candidate for nomination at any primary election; or If nny person shun oner to accept or receive Bleeding Sores Covered Her Whole Body After an Attack of Measles ' Nursed Every Night for Three Weeks Nothing Helped Her. THEN CUTICURA MAKES COMPLETE CURE IN 5 DAYS "It is In mr opinion my duty to Joth those who pmit-i' the Cuticurt Heme dies. After my granddauKhter-cf about seven-yuan nuu betn -urtJ of tho mealies, she was Attacked about a fortnight later by furious, itching and painful erup tion ail ovor her body, especially the upper parte f it, forming wsterysnd bleed ing cni. ei . .'. .. V'ol'y. under tlia arms, or considerable 6v-. rhe suffered a groat detd and tor three, weeks we DurtKHl her every night, using ail th remedies we colli! tliink nf. Ncthinir would help. We th;n rerneir.loreJ having heard so mue-h alxnit Cuticuia Itemed We sent for triem and after twenty-four hour we noted considerable improvement, and, after using only one ce 'iipleta set of the Cuticura Remedies, in five oonseoutive days the little ono, much to our joy, had leen entirely cm ed, and ha been well for a long time. Mrs. f. Kuefeuacht. H. F. I. 3. Hakersfieid, Ci June 25 and July 20, luoo.", ' . . ' j HUMOR ON FACE Cured by Cuticura Remedies No Return in ao Years. "Mr son. when a lad tf sixteen, was troubled with humor on his face) and ufior luing Cuticura KerrHxiies hM was froKi from every humor and has con tinued so to tn prent time after years have passed. Your Cuti cura Soap has hewn used invm family for several years and I have faith in the C4Hicura lietnfe!ie. A. H. Miiiilli. Marion. Me.. Do. 1. lirUd." iiet rrtrrml s4 tntrosl Tmsfinetrt lor Ft. rt- ll.,mir u Infant. cTolUrn. ami Art-.u. fni. in of l nv.m- r.'?J M rirtns t'w k;a. t uiKr liinowsl i.Vm I Rol ! Mir,.4 1 in r-.ia ,l--,M...Ti i&cw ). tla In fur-s nl 1-ru..latf C-'i-H l"li VU iMf imri tll to l-irtT tn SI feci ln.'ic'. lh OTirll. l-ntf !)tuf A Chris. Cure m i Mi. Hue , mm- IUM mm, itvcjtl m mUm Hoaisia FURIOUS ITCHING HOB OH CHILD t "Quality will loom up." m m THE BEST HAT McKibbin $3 AT AIL DEALERS any money, or shall accept or receive money or valuable thing In consideration of any such person withdrawing his name as a candidate fur nomination at any such primary election, any such person shall be deemed guilty of a mls-lemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be tilled not less tnan IJ0 tor more than $5t, or be Im- prisoned In the county Jail not less than I . "V " i"'. oen, , in n t ............ . . ......... ; V , " "Y ""V , At the primary elections held under this act for the November election In .cities where registration is required .the polls" shall be opened at 12 o'clock noon arid closed at o'clock In the evening, in all other places and At primary elections at all other times when a primary election Is held polls shall be opened at 12 o'clock noon and remain open until 9 o'clock In the evening; but If the Judges and clerks shall not attend at the hour of opening, or If It shall be neces sary for the electors present to appoint' judges or clerks or nrry of mem, tne pons may then be opened at any time before the time for closing them shall arrive, as the cuse may require. If at the hour of closlne there are any electors In the polling place or In line at the door, desiring to vote, and who are qiiHlifted to register and participate therein, nn navo not oecn aoie to uo so since AppeHilug at the -polling place, said polls shall be kept open reasonably long enough after the hour for closing to allow those present at that hour to register nnd vote. No one not present at the hour of closing shall be entitled to register and vote be- cause the polls may not actually be closed when he arrives. , Section Iti The county board shall pro- ! vide a Sufficient number of ballot boxes ! with a sufficient number of locks and keys. I at the expense of the county, for the ' several precincts or districts within which ! in- 111 IIIUII. V eit-Cl!UII IB IU IPC I1CIU. I"" v,-n v.IRL IUr lll CUI1UI I1H ICS I1Q -Section 17 That sections 17, IS and 19, chop- : forthwith certify and file one complete re fer xxvi, of the compiled statutes of Ne-'turn with ' the city clerk and deliver so brnska for the year 11 nre hereby made much of the other as relates to each party applicable to primary elections held under to thv respective city chairman. tlll" . "ft. ' . Congressional and Judicial Com- jit iioiiiHnra siiujit oe itresuieu over oy i the same Judges and clerks of electlti mil ' m,w Provided by law to pr-slde over gen fral 'lections, during the time for wnict they, were appointed, and said Judges anc ich nd ri'r.ks ahall receive as compensation for their services at such primary tlu- same " are prescribed by. law ror juuges entitled to vote at such primary election until he shall have first stnted to tti Judges of sifld primary election what po litical party i he affiliates with. In cities where registration is by law required no voter shall receive a primary ballot or be entitled to vote until he shall """ ""i '7 uu-j .rS.n,r, u - iiiuii ni'u v J x v- in tuc iiiuiiiili yi v ivitu l)V laW. Provided, that in cities where registration except that which he was registered at the last general registration as affiliating with, unless he be a first voter or shall have moved into the preulnct since the last pre ceding day of registration. Kor the. pur pose of providing a system of registration of party affiliation, it shall be the duty of the mayor and city council of each city wherein registration is required, to provide v'0"1 " 'u.,a reg'strauou doom imnieui litical party given by such part so ap. Vlj 'fK l", be rpK",er;(, shall be recorde-i in the column provided 111 such retfiatration hooks for that purpose. In case any party I i';1"1",". " , If the right of such person to vote be not challenged one of the judges of said primary election shall then hand him a balloLuf the political party which he af lillutes with, which said ballot shall be en dorsed wish the slgnuture of two of the Jii 'sis apuli tha back at tire bottom edse. If the right of such person to vote bo challenged one of the judges of said election shall then propound to such rerson the questions provided for in section 29 of chui-ter xxvi of the compiled statutes of Nebraska for the yetvr 19ol, required by said section to be propounded to a voter at general election, when challenged, and In addition thereto the Judge shall propound the following questions: First What political party do you af filltite with? ' Do you Intend to support a majority of the camtidiitex of such political party at the next diction? If the chaileiigs be not then determined In favor ot such person by the Judges of said primary election and be not with drawn, he shall not be allowed to vott until he shall have taken the following oath: I "Vrtti H,. u,-.1oii,i-i ! Mu-ur fur iifTtrinl tliut 1 vou nre ii citizen of the 1'nited Slates tor have declared your intention to become such), thai you have been an Inhabitant of the state of Nebraska for the lust six months, and of Oie county of for the biM forty Uiiys; and of this precinct for I the lust Un nays; that you have attained I the age of 21 years, to the best of your i know li-Ugc; thut politically you affiliate ! with the purty, and that ycu su,- j porttd a majority of the candidates of such ijioiiiicii puny at the" last election, ami j luU'.ld Ui support- the candidates of such i poiitieal party at the next election." it snail no tne uuty or tne clerks oi sum primary election, to write at the end of sucn p rion's na:.ii, "sworn." Buld voter shall then be allowed to vote the ticket tf the party whi-he affiliates with. A Jiiokc cf suc primary election shall Instruct the voter that he Is to r ite for his choVe for i-ach olllce, using only the ballot of the party with which he afftllat-s HUd that he must return the ballot with the else'' lolueu upon wjilch are the sig- ......, ..i it,., 1...I... . That upon any person entitled to voto at any primary election stating the name of jih polituul parly with winch lie militate the clerk of s:d primary election shall I thereupon, after, the name of the person voting, wrue cue name oi suen political party In the column of the poll book pre pared lor thut . x I flec-tlon SO. The city clerk of each city wherein a registration of voters Is required by luv.', shall Immediately after eieli reg istration day, compile an alphabetical list of the voters of each of the pnlitic:il par ties in each pr cliu t In kcich city and within ftvtt d;iys utter eucli day of regis tration lie' Khali fuinlsh to (lie chairman or secretary of each politic ul omniuiet- of his city und county a certified 'copy of such l.stri, and alro keep the same acc- Kltile to public inspection. He shall also oo tha day of the primary, furuUh to llie otfle-ers of the primnry election in each precinct, cert:ne.t copy of such lists for use nt such l. ction. The Judges of said I primary election shall use. sue h lists (01- the purpose ul' deterinlning whether or not any pernon who desires to vote at such primary wns registered at the last registration as affiliating vtlth the party th- iMilot of which he desires to vote at such primary When the elector has prepared his ballot he told the same with ttie edges Uoil iwhleh are th- signutures of the judges up permost, and so folded, so us to conceal the fiio? thieof and ull murks Iheieon, and hund the same to the Judge of til pri mary ele-ciion who Is In .charge of th-i ballot box. t'hallensies. iectliin !1. The party conitnittae of f:te l precinct may appoint In writing ovet ih.-lr signatures, two party aent or repreenfitve, with un aiter-ua-s for each, who shsll act as c-huileng-rs na II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mrii.111 j-v 1111 11 c 1 1 1 1 1 ui 1 - - , ...... .... for their tesptntlv parties or elements therein. The right of sny .erson to vote at a primary may be challenged upon the SHine pround'ans h's right to vote be de termined in the siwne manner as at an election. .(miva of Votes. Bee tlon 22. Canvass of votes cust hull, except ns herein otherwise pro vided, 1 made In the same manmia-l unci by the same offers as the canvass of sn election. The party committeeman of the precinct In a precinct canvass, the chairman or secr-tsry of the county com. iniitre In a county ennvns. nnd ot the state committee In a state canvass, or some duly apminted :igent to represent each party shall be allowed to be present and observe the proceedings. The county canvass of the returns' of autumn primary shall- be mode by the sain officers and the- manner provided In chapter lxvt, Compiled Statutes of lf"8 for the ennvttss of the returns of November election. state Board of Canvassers, Hon Con stltnteat and Governed, Section 21. The board of canvassers pro vided for by chapter xxvi, Compiled Statutes of liij, to canvass returns of a November election, shaH constitute the State Board of canvassers ot September primaries, and all the provisions of sections 63, 54, 6a, 66, -52 and 68, Inclusive, of said statutes r-latlng to the canvass of the return 'of a Novem ber election, i shall, as far as applicable, Hpply to the canvass, return, and certifica tion to the secretary of state of such pri mary. Such board shall mett at the otlice of the secretary of state at 10 o'clock a. m., on the seventh Tuesday preceding electloi. Party Candidates, Section "4. The person receiving the greatest number of votes at a primary as the candidate of a party for an office, shall office, and his name as such candidate shall be placed on the official ballot at the fol lowing election. 1 As soon as the state canvass of a primary shall be certified to him, the secretary of state shall publish In two papers, etc., a certified statement of the result of such primary "-as a candidate for state officers and representatives in congress, and many other candidates whose district extends beyond toe limits of a wlngle county, and shall mall to the chairman of the state central committee of each part) so much of such certificate as relates to his party. Not less than fourteen days before any November election the secretary of state shall certify to the county clerk of each county -vlthln which any of the electors may vote for the candidates for such offices, the name and description of each person nominated for. any such office as speclfled in the nomination papers. City Hoard of Can vusaem, -Uaorain, Meetings Held. Section 23. The canvass of the returns of a city primary shall be made by the mayor, me city clerk, and the treasurer of such city, any two or whom shall constitute a quorum. Such board of canvassers shall meet at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of the second day following the ctty primary and canvass the vote substantially as provided by sections 21, 22 and 23 of this act. Thev shall make and certify duplicate returns j . Tlin n .... .1 1 .,.... . .. L. .. .... .. n I . . . t . . Lwitiiuuirn ui 1 1 ir i tnjT k li Y D iaiiiirn for the offices of Judge of the district court, and member of congress, shall have the rluht to appoint a chairman, secretary and treasurer and campaign committee for ouch Judicial and congressional district, re- , spectively, of not less than 6Te member for each county In the district. If there shall be more than one Judge to be elected j in any district, ull the candidates of each i respective party shall be entitled to par- I tlcipate in the election of the officers and j committee of the party of which they are nominees, and for thut purpose it sall be the duty .of the chairman of the Judicial committee of each party, to fix the time and place of a meeting of the candidates of his party to select such committee and to notify the candidates thereof, in ample time to attend such meeting to be held not earlier than the. second Saturday next succeeding the primary election at which they were chosen. Such committee shall serve until their successors are chosen In like manner preceding the next general election for such offices. - 4. Kach committee shall have the power to elect a chairman, vice chairman, sec retary and treasurer, and each such com mittee and I1 . officers shall 'have the powers usually' exercised by- such com mittees, and by the officers thereof, inso far as is consistent with this act. The various olflcers and committees now in cxiwtenoe shall exercise the powers nnd perform the duties herein prescribed until their successors are chosen In accordance with this act. At all meetings of such city and county committees, each member thereof shall have one vote for each fifty votes, or major fraction thereof, caet by nls party In his precinct at the last gen eral election, to be determlrted as provided In section 5 of this act. The duties of the 1. In case of a tie vote the tie shall forth- with be determined by lot of the can- vassers Authority and Jurisdiction are hereby vested In the county court and in the judges thereof In vacation, to hear and leiomiino iirinvu v ,i,.tir,n .nnni..i. n. ,, county, cltv or precinct officers When a petition to contest a primary election shall ( ..... ., ... 1 . . . .... be tiled In the office of the clerk of the county court, said petition shall forthwith' be presented to the Judge thereot, who shall note thereon the day of presentation, l und shall also note thereon the day wften h. mill h.i. y tha ....n uihlnh .Kali h.. more than five days thereafter and shall r,iu. .. t ,.h 1. 1 i .i .t.i n-in ii ii i imijitr.i in iii iiriiiniii. . Summons rhall forthwith isifue to ench defendant named in the petition and shall be served In the same manner a.i Is pro- and enter such Judgments as Justice may require. The court shall hear and deter mine thecase before the date fixed by lawful- the preparation and posting of the primary election ballots ns provided for in see-tlou 9 of this act. Immediately upon r .......... I .. 4 1 . . I .r ....... 1., ...... u I V. 1. I I vlded In cases n chancery. The case may i "a" "u"-" . o uiwuii hb maiieu tq ao canuiuaies who vwi.ihuib oi nomination was men or ir this city died Wednesday night at riildnlaht be heard nnd determined by the county I '"? Bn,a , l, '' "Ime etent a "' be affected thereby, addressed to them nominated at a primary electkn, as In this ; ,"onl pSw He had h. Lt .Iraki court ln term tlue. or by the Judge thereof ! though fully set forth in this act. o their respective place ofrerldence ns act provided, and the office for wh ch h arb0t h" evllij Dr And C in vacation, at any time not less than two ' Any person who shall forge any name, given ln the certificate of nomination or was nominated was an office to be voted , tas called and he rallied so thkt he could days after service of process, and shall j of a f iiner or wit.usi to a nomin itl in pa- in She nomination affidavits of such per- for In more than one county, the seer. tary ' i,k and "eemed tie Mining when ha have preference in the order of hearing to PT ahal be deemed guilty of forgery, and sons, cn file in that office. Objections to of state, and if to be voted for In one fk suddrn'y worse and d"ed shonly be all ot Ur case.. The petitioner shall give " conviction punished according. y. Any the use of party name may als be made : county alone, the county clerk o fthe ,nidnlht Mr "yi would V security for all costs. P-rson who, being In possession of noml- and passed upon In the ssme manner a county where such office Is to be vcted. 1. T," ' ' old today und h2s resided If in the opinion of tho-court in which nation patrs entitled to le filed under Jhih ; objectl,,, to certificates and -nomination or If a municipal office the clerk of the ' t tis"cduntv for muv'y""rs His child the petition is filed, the grounds for cc.n- aot- or ,a,t of th ieglslature. shall .tateme nts. city or village by a statement in writing t Lpn are aU amwn andean-led" exc!ot one test alleged are insufficient in law. the pe- wrongfuly' either "'TPress. neglect, c, wll- , The officer with whom the original cer- by him and duly-acknc wledged. that he ! ar B" owe" "J nd tltion shall be dismissed. If the grounds al- I"11 'a11 cauHe b "leu a'1 rrorer Jlfloate wa filed, or who made an affidavit declines such nomination, the same shall i r Vhooh, here rTha fun?ral leged In the p.Mitie.n are wufflcient, the court I tl.m " the proper effice. shall, on con- . to the orlKltml nr mlnated statement, shall le vol.1 arid his nnrne shall not be nrlnted . R"Xes wdl hkdv be T held next Sunday shall proceeeT in a siimmary manner, and I viction, be punished by imprisonment In In the first Instance pass upon the validity upon the ballots, but no mich decllnatit n ! f!' .wil' EuImodbI church aSd may hear evidence, examine the returns, i ' county Jail not to exceed six months ,f such objection, and his decision shall fhall be received after the time above snee- i J,The conducted by i. i..,ii.... or by a fine not. to exceed five hundred he final, un ess an order shall h ma in led. The officer to whm tr,,h nni,..iinn . 1" ce conducted oy itev. I oston, pastor shall be the duty of the county judge to i the cNillenglng- of voters, the manner of at once certify the Judgment to the county I conducting elec tions of counting the bal clerk, whe shall cause to be printed on ! '"t? ar,tl, l"11" returns thereot. and all the official primary ballots the name or',r "'"dred suoje.ts. except conierts, names of those whom su. h county court W v to all primaries Insofar as they shnll Imve so decided r. have I teen nhmi- are conslslent with this act. the Intent nated at such urimarv. und any aitneal taken from such judgment of the county court shall not act as , supe-rsedeas to prevent -The county clerk from so doing It sliull be tic" duty of the secretary of state and attorney general, on or before July 1, 1KU7, to prepare nil forms necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, whi-h forms shall rk- substantially followed In all primaries held ln pursuance hereof. tuch forms shall be printed with copies cf this act for public use and distribution. K A rt imrcnu Anllllafl tia vnla ut ta riri niary eiectmn siiall. on the day of such." .-ie,, in .ihti, numoer oi resilience election, he entitled to absent himself from I uml. ,llace . of buslnt-ss, If ary. and shall any service or employment In which he U then engaged ors employed for a period of two hours between the time of opening and closing the polls, and such voter shall not. because of ao absenting himself, be liable to any penalty nor shall any deduc tion ue made, on account of such absence, from his u.ual salary or WHges; provided, however, that application for such leave of absence shall b" made prior to the day of the primary. The. employer may epecify the hours during which the employe may absent himself. .' ttykXt the general primary election next preceding any general election at which any constitutional iiiiielidioent shall by law be required to be submitted to tne electors of the state, it shall be the duty of the secretary of state at the same time that he shall certify the names of candidates for state officers to the county clerks, like wise to certify to such county clerks any such amendment or amendments trt be sub mitted at the general ele.-tlon. and It shull be the duty of the county clerks to cuuse to be printed in the primary election bal lots of ull pilltlrul parties the eiuestion of ue-li constitutional amendments in "the vsaiiie manner ana forms as tnev are re quired to lie printed on the official gen eral election .ballots, and each elector may declare hlnuelf ln favor of or against any such amendments the sums as at sue h gen eral election. The election hoard in the various precincts shall make returns of the number of vote in favor of and against uny such amendment, to the county cierk at the same time und ii the suipe manner us upou candidates for nomination, and such returns shall be canvassed by the county canvassing boards with other re. turn, and the county clerks shall make returns to th secretary of state of thejof offlceis named herein by a convertlon votes uii such amendments with the i or committee", shall apply only where such other returr.s of this act. Such returns j officers are to lie choen at a special elee-J shull he canvassed by the stale canvassing tlon. township or precinct officers to t? board. ud If a majority of the electors J elected at a general election or village "IT'S PRBjSES In the great sale of high grade pianos which commences nt 8 Tho prices have been marked so low that they are actually shattered. Not one of the many competitors can compete, with us during this, the GREATEST PIANO SALE ever started in the west. Ve purchased the, 5 carloads from a local railroad, and while the wreck was a disastrous one, yet of the 5 carloads of .Pianos, the only injury they sustained was to slightly mar the cases, and when you visit the salesroom Saturday, even these marks will have disappeared. We have taken each and every one to our repair department and have given them a thorough overhauling. ' ' Fill the home with melody, and at prices one-half less than our competitors. Special sale prices for the same piano: Pianos in other sales at $500, we sell for. . . . $250 Pianos in other sales at $450, we sell for $225 Pianos in other sales at $-400," ve sell for $200 Pianos in other sales at $375, we sell for $185.50 Pianos in other sales at $350, we sell for .$175 These pianos include Chickcring . Bros., Chickcring & Sons, Sohmer, Fisher, Wcgman, McllviHc Clark, Price & Tccple, SchaefFer, Yose, Krell, Kingsbury, Lester and many other well known makes. : Omaha's Biggest Piano Opportunity n run sv wffrS? w - J V mm .iM WHji. ,ni im su m fwyqtPf;.'!, i,ispst gjyffl.wpvsaty!W musui p ' ijsi.i'hw,mvw.'iih urn iwnjs lii mil n 'urn i n inimiiiai iiiujiiiuii limn, nan" j lHniimiimiiimaiiisi wnnan marn 'hixiimh-m rr tnnm.n insis imi mm. mil mm inn ninia - - -- TTiins-aiMDmiii mis of anv party voting upon such amend ment 'nhall declare in favor of or agninst any 'such amendment such declaration shall lie considered as a portion of the ticket of juch party and shall be so certified, by him to the various county clerks.,--- 7. Delegates to national conveniens of the various political parties shall be se lected at a state or state and congres sional convetrtlona""compoed f ' dalej(ates chosen in such manner as may be deter- ined by the Hate committees of each re- Rtii.ctlve nartv: Drovided. that the dele gates shall be apportioned by such com mittees to the several counties upon the vote cast at the last election for president ln the respective counties. 1 Pefial Provisions. 1. Any ptrton who shall offer, or with knowledge of the same., permit ny psrSuB to offer for his Denent any urine io rwi to Induce him to slfen any election parer, or any person who shall uccept any r.ucli ' bribe or promise of gain t uny kind in tf nature or a onoe us iwr I for signing the same, whether such bribe i or promise of gain In the nature of a .bribe I be oflVred or accepted beft re or after sucn signing. Mian ue gumy oi a ' ''i ana upon conviction inerewi i in iiunipiiiou : bya fine of not less than twenty-live do - I ars (VJ.) t4l) nor more than five hundred do'" lfia If JVllMll flf llV llllTirlHOnillPnt in tile , iars . t.niAin, or u.v mipi moiuneni n" - county Jail not less ftiar. ten ":ys nor more ! l,Ji,li niuntnei, ... ...... .... P' isonment. j , . i - An acl uoeiureu an onenne Hy ' KenCTttl HW8 II CI11S MUie CCIIII.n lllltn V.lUT cusses and elections shall also ln like case, be an offense in all primaries, and shall I be uunished in the same form and manner i - ... , i , . , i,, I n therein provided and all the penalties i and provisions of the law ns to such can- custes aim en-cuoim, paitiu "cnnn dollars (loUO.OO), or by both such fine aid imprisonment In the discretion of the court. (irnrnl Kleetlon Laws to Apply. The provisions of the statutes now In force in relation to the holding, of elec tions, the sollcitutioii of ve ters ul "hu ' tnV '' being f place the primary un der the regulation and protection of the laws now In force us to elections. All ne mlrrietloiiB for candidates of any political party for office to be tilled at a special election or any other ofllre to bt Idled by the electors, excepted from the firovlslons o fthls act. shnll be no-nlnuted y a conventlen or committee of their po litical party, which nomination shall be In writing, shall (onlaln the rume of the office fc r vTich euch person was nominated, the name and resldene-e of each person and, d.-fisnute in ni t more than live wo ds, the pariy which sulci conventlen or conunitt-e represents. It shall b- signed by u presid ing officer und the scretary of such con vention or committee, who shall add to their signatures their respective place? of business and take oath la fore a eiua.iliel officer to administer tha same, that the ufflants were" such officers ut such conven tion or committee, und that said certificate, and the statements therein conta.ned., are true to the best i f their knowledge and pe-lh-f. Such certificate of nomination f candidates for office to be filled by the VOCe'l'S ot tile entire State, fir linv Hi.ulrn or oisirici greater than a county. Including candidates f, r ce.nuress or the entire st;ite ui any uivision greater than a county in cluding candidates tor congress o- any party action taken relative to any pro posed constitutional umendment, shall le filed with the secretory f mate, except us in this act otherwise provided. Sj.h cer tificate of nomination for all couniy dis trict, township or ni-eciact1 oifie-es. includ ing nifinliti-i e.f tx tli branches of the I Uluture, shall be filed with the cbunty clerk o fthe respective counties wherein the ofti. cers are l be elected, and ln e-ae the legislative distrlc-tv from which the candi date is to be elected embraces more than one county then and in thut case the e-er-tificate shall be fil,-d with the ountv clerk cf each county Included In such dlstri.t: certiiicatMS nomination of the Judiie of the district court shall lie filed with the stcrei-iry of state; certificates of nomina tion for munic ipal fflcers ihull be filed with the clerk of such munli liial corporation Wherein the officers are to be. elected. It is the intention thut the munner pro vided In this section for the nomination AN ILL WIND THAT HAYDEN Pianos in other sales at $115, such well known makes as': offlcers or members of school boards not shall sign an agreement to form such new members of boards of education. 1 party and support its nominees at tne next When nominations are made by a con- election, and upon filing such written agrte vention cr committee, as provided for in 1 nient wit hthe secretary of state, county, section 31 ,of thin act, ' the certificates of I city or village clerk, as the case may be, nomination to be filed with the secretary together with an affidavit of some qualified of states shall be filed not less than, twen- , electr that he saw all rf the persons whose ty-live 4:6) days before the day Hied by law for the election of th? perrons In nomination and the certificates Of nomina tion herein directed to be filed with the , county clerk shall be filed not less than twenty ;o) days before election, and the certificates cf nomination herein directed to le filed with the municipal clerk shall be filed not less than ten (10) days before elfctli.n. Certificates of nominal Ion for a ne'w party, may be filed with the secretary ft fstQl,. nt lha ..innlu . w mnnli.lnnl rla,-tr , twenty VJ or fifteen (16) or t waive (it) ; days before the election as the case may re- qune. , ThB Becretary of state nhall, Immediately upon the expiration f the time with n which certllic.ites of nomination may be n ea as provided ror by sections Bl and ; aivof. this act, certify to the county clerk : ( e.ich county, within which any of the voters may by law vote for a candidate or candidates named ln the certificate, the i name unu acscrintion or eacn or sucn can- tlidates' witli the other detail mentioned in the certMlcate of nomination I U'llh ,o uualup.r .f u ... . n ert iwun me secretary or state, also any pro- .posed constitutional amendment or party , :liiu hciuh hi u-niirci inereio or uiner question, to be submitted to tho people . oi ine imue tor popular vote. All certificates or nomlnatii n statements. which ,are In apparent conformity with I the provisions of this act. shall be deemed , to be valid unless nblectlon thereto ahull I, , , ' . be duly made in writing within three (3) days after the filing of the same, nl case : iurn oojeccion is muae, nonce merec.r snail the matter bv a countv court, nr h u Judge of the district court, or by a Justice or otherwise, one or more persons Whos of the eupreme court at chambers. 'on or nnmes are attached to the original cer Infore tr Wednesday preceding the elec. llficate of nomination (provided lv was lion. Such order n.ay be made summarily . nominated by a convention or committee), upon application of nny party Interested. ' or if nominated nt a primary election, na und upon such n. tice as the court or judge provided frr in this act. the chairman or nviy require. The decision cf the secretary secretary of the campaign or party erm of state, or the order of the tudge. ir su- m It tee of Ills lxillticai purty. if there be preme court Justice revising such decision. otw". nd If not. at least three 8) of the shall Ije binding on all other county mil- prominent members f his political rarty niclpnl or other c fflcers with whom' cer- : the state, that he hss declined such titrates of nomination are filed. I nomination, by mulling or delivering to In case of a division of anv party, the them, personally, notice of such fact srcielary of state t.huU give the preference of pirty name, to the convention held s I I . . . !..... ., .4 r, 1 . . . . , ..j I ... . I of tin," regularly' constmileT parly VuTh" ties, and if the other friction or factions shall present no other party rame. the secretary of state shnll select a name or niie ann poice tne same on tne ballot be fore the list of candidates cf s-ild faction. The action of the preceding national con vention of such party, retrularly called, shall determine the action of the secretary of state, or the court In Its declslrn. The secretary 'f state may he comp-lled bv neremptory order or manrinmui proced iiiirs, to perform his duty In this regard. A convention, within the meaning of this net. Is an organized assemblage of voters, representing a political nsrfy ft th" last election -before the h Idlng of such elec tions, polled at bust 1 per cent of the en tire vote In thti state, county or other sub. 'it- ill inifi ninie. enilinv or otner HUD. division or district fo whom the noinina- non is mail". A state ccmmlttee of anv peilltieaJ party may take action upon any constitutional amendment which Is to bo voted upon at the following elect'mi and snld committee may declare for or nralnst I soi-h Hroen.lment nnH S,,V. ...1. ... i i shall be considered as a portion of their ticket to lie filed with the secretary of state end by him certified to the various crmntv clerk s. No person shall lie entitled to or allowed It flip a n.ndnatlon certificate as provided for in this act. or to have his nnrne- placed upon a primary election ballot for any mlmnry election to ! held. unles the ro l'tlcal parte, which he states in his sffl davlt be affillites with polled at the last election before the prlmsrv electien ti b- held, tit lesst 1 per cent of the en'lre vote In the state, countv or other suhdiv'slon or district for whle-h he seeks the nomina tion for office In. f.lectors mav form a new party. They !m II t n"m ? ry 6 do - lltlcal ourty or sny word forming a part rr sucn name, in order to form a r-v partv there shall be Present at mass con vention elect, rs to the numher of at least WO In a state convention. li In e-on-ir'-esjdonnl dltrlct or countv ennv'ent'on. or twerty-flve In any precinct, rltv. villi tre or ward convention, except In ct' or cnin fl.s havfna- n pomilstion of Sfi.flfA oe mnr. at lesst it) sh!l 1 re"iiird to narMrlrwte. Surp convention shslLsdoot a partv name nnd vlectrvre st leai to the punbr re spect'velv abo-e t-ntinnft end e'"t'-r to at least the number above specified, 21 BLOWS NODODY GOOD." a. m. Saturday, February lGth, BROS. Pianos in other sales at $300, Pianos in other sales at $250, Pianos in other sales at $200, Pianos in other sales at $180, Pianos in other sales at $150, we sell for $57.50 ' names are cigned to sucn agreement sub- scribe the Fame and he verily believes them nil to be qualified electors. Uuch quired to file nomination papers tigned by ai least ou per cent if those who sud serihed the, agreement to form such new party. ln uo case shall the candidates of any po litical party be entitled to be designated upon the official election ballot as the can didate of more than pne political party, and shall be designated upon the official ballot as the nominee of the pirty in whose nominated statement his name ap pears, or ln whose certificate of nomina tion his name appears as the political party with which he affiliates, The eecretary of state shall cause to be preserved in his office for the period of one u year a cony o ran nominated state- ments and certificates of nomination fl ed merein uniier ihn t.i provisions of this act unci eacn county and municipal clerk shall cause to be preserved In his office for the n'm tc iwo to esrs uii nominaieu BTae- ments and certificates of nomination fl'ed , uierein uncicr tne provisions of this act. All such nominated statements and eer- tlflcatts shall, at all reasonable hours, open to public Inspection. Whenever anv nnriun nmnlna taA fnr nub. ... - -. . -. ic effice, as In this act provided, shall at least twelve (12) days before el ctlon. no- "'y ine omcers witn wnom tne orlxlnnl ; Is Riven shall forthwith Inform hv ' That sections 5714. 6715, f;71, 5717. K718. R71, 57"f. 5T?1, 6712. 5MK K'-fll. 502. SWil ' Wl' xsns' Rkml euiw ll.A rui. r r. . ...... . . ' ! 5772. 577,. 571. 5775. 5T 7 1 of CoblKy's i Annotated Statutes of Nebraska, as the same no.wexlrt. nnd all sets or parts of i art 'n conflrM with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. WATER ST1LLJJVER TRACKS (Continued from Third Page.) ; room a big supper was served at the Peter son hotel. About seventy-five guests were present, i riLOKR Many business changes have taken place this winter. The rilner Her ald Was said to W. C. Monts-omerv 1 ti pi . 0 r ... , . . . ' ' " ' 'n??y ?ro,n" ol.d their hardware to LH. H. Antles, who (-Vised the stock out u. A. Tlnney put In a large stock of har ness; the Matheson Implement company said to Doty A Sharp; Cunningham Bros, dissolved partnership, O. H. Cunningham continuing the business. STROMSBURO The first carload of freight came ln from' the west yesterday over the new Union Pacific extension, Mr. H. 8. Nellson receiving a car of llanna coal from the west. No regular freight service has been established, but it Is sup posed that the .freight that runs from Val- ' puralso here will continue on to ' Grand Island. That seems to be the plan the road will adopt for the present at least. GRAND ISLAND One of tne concrete block machinery exhibitors received bis machinery only on Monday of this week, ss a result of delayed freights, and wae. naturally, at ejule a loss. A merchant ln Grand Island last week received a ship ment of lamps and other similar ware cr. i acre-d for the holidays. The latter goods came irura new torn, otner shippers are beginning to complain of slow freight traffic. BEATRICE A special ' meeting of (lie city council was held last evening, and the 'time for closing the opera house wis extended to February 22. Aa effort will be made by the proprietors to have the entrance ln controversy opened by that time. E. W. Johnson was granted a li cense to pperate a billiard hall on North Fifth street, and exemption papers were given to tbe following firemen; Hose "Co. new I1U rt V ahnll h. ui llllail ... , .1 i 1. u neuto uLiini Yh- r.i.iv- rooms wnere, after listening to a reading urate paity ballot a', the next pnmar . rom Mr. arne MaeMiirrnv thev wir. election Irt Id thereafter; provided that all nresd mock trial raiUcnated In bv a its cundldate for nomination shall be re- 5.7. ?-c" ' L1:..r;Br"cJ'',eo y at we sell for. 150 we sell for $125 we sell for $100 we sell for $90 we sell for .$75 Estey, Franklin, Bailey, Wellington, Behr Bros., TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 2600 No. 1, It. M. Hadley, Pnmuel Oarnahan. C. J. Welngart, K. D. Laymon; Hook and Ladder company, C. J. McClellnn. HUMBOLDT The members of the Alpha woman's club .held their annual banquet at the Park hotel Thursday evening In honor of St. Valentine, and about sixty Slates were laid. The management of tho otel served a -Una three course; dinner. and the company then repaired to the club se present. SUPERIOR The very fine weather of tha past week has set the movers going. Al ready this week William Alleson left with household effects and Implements for Prow ers county, Colorado, where he has pur chased land and intends to live. Wllllaat Haw left for Kowa county, Oklahoru, where he ,101ns a colony to make a horn. Oliver Cameron left also for Mitchell county, Kansas; where he will farm. More than twenty families here from Kansis, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Iowa and Illinois are waiting for houses to be finished to get a place to live, both ln town and country here. HUMBOLDT News conies of the recent death of Mrs. Surah P.eals, wife of Cap tain Beth W. Deals, a former resident of this state, her demise occurring at their present home ln Whittier, Cnl. Deoeaed was well knewn among the early settlers of the state, being an aunt. of Mrs. S. M. Phllpot of this' city. Her ' husband was quite prominent In political and business be circles, having served one term ln the ' legislature from this county, and having i.. , .uu an..ini..i ,,u.Hinn .i... ...... .... , i ni'iiuiii,,., ur .,,,,,.,1 ,i,q , u v . einment building at Lincoln, which place he filled for eight years. NOVEL SUITAT ST. LOUIS Athletic Manager of I adversity Ex pelled for riant Brines Actios (or Diploma. ST. LOl'18, Feb. 15. A question of the jurisdiction of the circuit court to man damus the faculty of Washington unlver- I .Hu tn Uaim a deirrea to a former aludAnt , ' T " being considered by Judge Reynold, In i dlvlelon No. 4. The cas was taken under advisement today at the conclusion of the plaintiff's evidence ln the case of William R. Gilbert, a "former student, who Is inking that the faculty be compelled to conler the degree of bachelor of arts on him. Gilbert was the mansger of the university base ball team last spring. Ha was dis missed from the university on the ground I that he permitted a student who was be- i hind In his studies to play in an intercol legiate game with the University of Arkan sas team at Fayette ille, Ark., ' May .14. He was dismissed by the faculty and his request for reinstatement was. denied. Dr. .Price, the famous food expert, has produced a product called WHEAT FLAKE CELERY which is considered to represent the highest food production. Its healthful qualities are unsur passed. IO cents a package. 1 For ! by all Growers uwm ii ui iiiui r- ui inuBM ureseiiL. U( lllUl CIIUIVll.