Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1907, Page 3, Image 13

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(Y-3 1:3 tNiWIER STILL 01
-. r. and the Lx.B
c-a- r k fca
the few day
r b "Sow ly n.T.r for
wtt t-t r ba t. tr
utUlitR S 1517 tan st iir,,,r.,
ir-i mnrrv-.- arid the
aU T. r-m x.d
: "i--k. .re that
rw .rani W j ""ir t cr-.d w- w.-r and a la.-ir
curt ry hjr wl. 1 niiH Vy the
I ov-rfifw.
, Wter rail at WmHii.
if Tm Ire
, s sag d ruiix;
Saturday Sale Sensations
SzZzriay "will be brother day of rpeciaJ prices on
2rr Spriz Goods, to hp bsircss darir tie du2
mcrlh of Fclnr.
m-. r c-B.r-'T it t! rtjroa?
) hiSr. b--r t
i :haT?vl hi. t-
'tt a t ichT Tr
B C,-I T"-ft Uf. and 't WT
ni r le nM rare af
-ti rj Waaaaai aaa tri
Uae iku filies ir--! a f-i-t 'I.tww rir
r ah.- a m.Te a-al
: tt. 1 -wr iunrtr
1 r'-i-t. i the road. TV hri'ip.
'J -b X0l SXCTfi -i
'ra t WW Tfo V...
', i". w t"--k -f a
.rn g . T"W' 7- ! tw i 'a
J i
Sii Petticoats,
with f-ilk unier ruffle,
all colors id lst taf
feta 5.98
I $30 P&r.aTra Dress Skirts,
i iy new wasii WiZTLi, Saturday &t Slio
oxw Spng waosta, Jap SiJc
$23.00 Crareaettes, new rprir
Temporary Reduction
527.53 Sprirs SziU at
S50.O3 Spring Suits at
$35.00 Spriir Suits at
$45.0aSpri Saits at
The Nbw Cloak Shop
t ar1ms-aVrl4 ta Atirr
Ike t4
FPKINGFTEXX. N h, F"b. U. Sprial
A a rtTiiiiat:r if bo-ar tb land rftr
worlii ibrtr n'ttmn in Sxjt ooucrj tj
lh- ftftn. J?mt tf:r the KJi-fcaad jaw
u tii"i.rt t ftf. ttr lnitbr y tbf
tu.rui' f N;la.Da arre br trxna ibtir
:a Tin tti. j.urrxm. id i Kkui,f ;
a.p inr uiw is ijr acif ii uliio cm"s a
fr P-nd br -W-triia. S.rterfi4. j
ArcordiT t tbir and ii, trmfc
tit to. 1 ;Tftny -avrfl iutbkita I T axmr I
f tb M ftrm of tbw pena. tbrjr :
Xitiner. .km t-jana. ckn i,r in tbe
Kiritir of 1A 1b a-aT:b ut lan4 arbxtb be
iuid fBtr; b Kirtuiiied Irora tbe t
ftrdu tbat tbaa iwjtjr.ular jileoc vu jrrir
ertroetm land and nut jurt to e-jtry. but tm
awingt beld .rid ctnwul t by aa erier
arelir riatm cluV tbea balding: fuE any
ts tb. utfcwam rrt erf fiaJTT
(B itm -arntd to out. ttrt avtaf
, Smra ICllaaduri, be trikered the land. Vault a
;txU!-v bia laLmBir spra tb ehun
. rit bejck-c ri:krrny it off and majtit other
. InjpnrwtnvMtita an t. tb Jbjmn of tbe
;tfarkafl cJajra club." Be araa arOes-Hd.
bk tbe ad ticuera aay, by ibe leuder uf tbe
, af orejiiLia "olalni club to mtir-e cm. Thi
' le Iaiia Ta da tp tbe a.iffactkii ot tbe
xct.b" tuDi in ordr to more TrtcP.x ita
frrM J'.iji nilBd if tbeir iniponjuMie k-nd
jx-wej" ia tlie r-omratujty - tty aet fire ta
Lis bouse, rurutd it to the frrrtc&dl. isu4
tlielr u-'Ciuatura to tbe e-f?-t tiiat tie rould
lave 1U nbuce of ei;trf-r vaoatm tir waae
tp a-im Te eiorttlnr and Cud hxaax-lf and I "Wailtiua and Flint FurEhae.. Hia irrand
Xaml.y in tbe lj.nam of tbe Platte rtrer. father iwarbt tbe land lor IT-. tnt per
He id cot rtp ImpT to arjrae tbe grrea
tion but iit: the "flarm club knew hltn
eir bl no nxire frora tbat ermiij mrrtJtof in
IKjk uut3 laKt a m! m iwn iaa fiirt arma
Crctard VYIIhEln Czrpl Ca.
r-50 PER
PSorvo Douglas
lTS DesU..
Ta aav, balal ak-Uc&er Ma?-t
taaakaj-rtt graat. ay arial T3.SO
aa Ua tar Cat aaai OITlaa aUi
txrr ;e-'. t rirter won lot k
aMr rct-f t.roer at Nk'-o"'
V boifl tbrtt.. aid kce-p tkta bury
trirs wittr-r mottb ty efffritf
& a Ti.;i eu uji rra t-tori
-It bv liLM Sst.
Cve elective relief la
brosachiaJ aad lens troaile.
Contain bothins i&jiTiocs.
$15 Jfeur Sprirg Jack
et, black broadcloth or
tan covert, oorstt trains
with. 00 ftrsps
Sxrcrdaj S3.9S
or Mohair S2.9S
codeli S7.9S
on All Spring Sails
I i
t. j
fallUkllUUUi f !
1517 Farnam St. 1 3
izrzrr l
cam b- to cluirn. if tr Ihtht-
najr. Tr bx-ttiIh c tb 'clatrn d-at.
I bar Icre asnop r;m te tbslr ba.;qr b-urt-in
fmimflii. ail a r be ffcrt ttnu thrt r-
met am oraraxitaaij ba lw j-a-"
bwi etmiDdrd by tb jip)f br ni'v a
nry a traditnai. Tbr urirJ . -, . .
.ry of liter tbrt tincbrra at time n-w lBKTfut in tbe maTtr.
- ui miiu vunmHe aria bf Ii
noura. kneaa
cite, of
Sciro j-a- -"1f-r ibfwe btt fin icrti
&tin;y LrtrrkrQj; b
ent crazy and af
a-i!t t as arylaTB,
be died eorue
K. T. Clark, trwn arocrlra a tajt trti.
ta tb land and b-id nd ua-d It ftir yara
Fmajiy, wiria. tlv r-r aa. tb. Inrtc
bir ia-ouarbt nuit tbroueb tiir ait-TtM-r
H C Ifin- rf tit
pla.oe for tbt trcie ti
tbe tanda. Tbe court (Jerfla In
ilia firm ar.d be ButAr a nutiz fonune from
T nft Ml LA Jtf V. . i i . 1 . 1 .
1, ""- lo "
Ham Sarterhd, a he ha. bad antftarnr.ed
pae-ik lor te year.
r .si
C- laaW. I a. f
kAa, DO at tanaa
SUTTOX, Neb, Feb. li. f.yecnai. Juliua
C Taple. wba abed Venday, -aa
br Tburaday In xbe Puiitic oe-oetcry. He
"-r iwe-iity yara, I
cuiui, re xruia tk Me a-a bom at
Jl t ."f the lart
of tbe Ola-Ume Taple famj. a be aetlied
a the atac f Near Turk' Wei -re
rrrutocR, knS at on. tn murf
acr uf tbe fl&eat ttmber iatid m tbat
atat. lwated on abat aaa tnmn aa the i
acre ana tta early year re j-Et m
loi:eina- and tteratiii a water saw mill.
He waa nouai lit Herty Grwen of Wail
rjrnrl fame.. He rce on the firm raS
ruad train over tbe Ithaca A tara-o raj
road It ISA. makinat tbe daaanca of twerty
nne mfiea in ttree bnura, wiuch a aa tbfm
fa nfilnat New Tork bad onjy j--r.Ty
tell 44- raiiroad at tbat tan. Ke aaa
one of tbe ordinal eotribtror to tbe
CtiroeD ot.Ije4Te bulltlrb fund, aad reitnetn
nerad w-eTJ a-be air. Cornell, the Tocnar.
aa ao brrolved la fleibt tbat tb autborttiee
tonfineid htm to the corporate btnlra of Lb
1 -.:. MELO PXat ALT
raalrJoly letwVrw mr Tarrlai aa the
rait). '
LTVCCLX. F-b. li iSjcial Telpram ;
(trrt 3 oia4-Ta. w-n iaarate with bar-
jin commrrteo a rratunai aaaaultam Myrtle
i FTirltm. 15-yer-oid ahite aarl wa bound 1
ftnvr ta the fllatrirt eoort tt kfteraoni; '
t y J uatice P-iaaif in the
Fum f Xh and 1
tkkea ta ttie atate penrfertiary jur aafe
puit Hi raae will be caln-d tt fitirr
m-urt tomorrow Tbe ne o a poatrjveiy
idm:ttd by tbe ftttri aad a numtier t,X
"' wre tbey bad aeex fclm near
tn ac ne of the crime shortly be l-.i-e tiie
deA Warn rttm tt-. I u... ..
, ke.itrB bun aa tbe maa who t.-W tt. aa
j aa ua her a lew ar aa she ru
FTtt.aT bome The crm x-barred aeaiur
j Iuiaiter t mm reroitruat. Tbe. littirn
- a walkinaT ta bee home from tbe Ne-
vrmMM iiiwi company iuaam wnere i
she wa ein;.i.r.-d a an oj.eki.oT and at !
x uunm.ii ana s rrreet tbe txt-j
; tratiU-d ber. drapped ber nu. tire a-tey.
' ta;ifid ber and aaLdi.-d her after prar-
TacaMy tea.-m li ber clbe trtmt br
idy The arirl made ber war tu a i-eatbv
uie and recere4 aaairtance.. Tb tier".
arreatad the aatne liatti.
1 CbtD M; aTkatr Tat Of UIX.
klleaa Wa.k BaJ a Dtarairaaiaew
iMrm aea TW ( aaaaaa-
HTAASiS, Xek, Feb. li Special
tram.e-Al a mu-. irtat ' bere L.t .
1 ti-bi atfe by tb r:t in xetral. rw o I
! oiuied men. Frti-k S.' eiiard aid ivtni !
M-ma. ra u al the Cor-imertual ho 'el. cu- :
ru-iaed tbermaeliea. aa &d the x a brie ne.t- i
"r- and nuiad writ tae tin of tae !
i-;ty ut-tJ a iaLr hour, a bea ai one iif tne -auwun
try nuuiaki and try e oan
tiwarty precijirta ted a traL rant riot. Tt
Ovjure noes Ciame out, biiw-er.
fir a:k tbe aid of thtur viat.
aa yet reeted all attanipt t..
aeat tbera The eruar-n are o--JTninocL
and- U r expect to arreet themn or '
'ba.'ate of duvurtunat the Twaca. Tn.
rumrad mea atuod well ta lb cumcaiuty I
thia art.
Tt aaarkAaar taianiaiM a feaaiy.
fEM'AKi. Nek.. Few. U Spacavi. kA '
a trtuit at ti. A;iaa1 i. ra rd ;
taae tb ita-a ria bare twee atte-nd-i.
tbe featrat court a jun Wjj ti! i j
abe t era a pay ff- tneir rm.vs a: 1
Ji. a ut Tbew eanmai obtaxc their war- i
raxu a a-Cutirt atl tbe naanrlry aautak- '
raaa.4 .ncnaia of IM rwurr Tn rai.
ruaJa w tna onacty irr j
trt t ner tbt raje -eti Omaha
5 k-t 111 J-l-W.. kBd D'4 U- If .
Ifcc rti
arc ;a..u U nii- jnnn ; Tni i fcl -
arifl ia.-g f :irr- of Tnft
nar .B fe. r,:T -.b .twt pit
t .-r a thf aw r-ra- r.rLl
it u r-j. -rt-a ns t at rrfnu.r.t
Tt.- -ltn rtT-tr aa bariJr mf Rill
trf at A tia.tii rndar i.irt.t ud Cri:r
tr.u t ;t-r.T Irom th ;T bcitr anfl tl.reat-
: -a t tru -aio at "Wann. br it I P&0CXT. Ntb.. Fh. 15 'SpwjaX
j hafl -a3 a ay atoi"t ha.If a ciii ff Tb Jcry fr tr etrrt rmn "iij tb cai
; x'.ur'lt i'k.. Trtf ittirtinrT co haa bes ; -f Hin aCTiB-t tti S'-pr Trot of th
for'-fi to atiariorm trttn i ir tTrf! i Kn-rnh ir-'Uf'f! is a -rirt f- tt
j Arritni ttid 5T'"n(tTit lut rtir mm ar i I-lfc-tDtlff thi nK'rr.inir Jnr t.t(' anfi t-!--1
rn Lir.e IfT n anfl (Tirr ' tt. Atiwki M W ukrc Tr. murv-mr
' Tt icf ta e ii rrr-- at Otnrai
C:Tt atii iec-r T- sifT TO trrfa.tiTi- tp
, Tr rht.:iT-! ba.i t- f rtia,n.:td in the
ir tr Aai..t.cJ n;. wtlrb i
; o(jtikio-3 xr i ta n taiT.ptT k ft rtna
; "(jtikio-3 1 ta n taiT.ptT k ft fttaoa
j ja lU'i t u -aier.
f .r Far Da.
i:"kS l-t-'--n Cmaba and Grund loitDfl
T firr thy9 ani imti.TOK- arii' trt nf '
r-Hl: t haf fcpeuir .tiiati-d. Fr-j.rt and r
f rtac t 1
!:. bTi fliourfl via T.b. Jiarlrr-
Omat.a and Grat laifcnd. bet j
tbE.t rtad. a!refiy rrttrdd by rt fam j
tniir... cftttld rar ftr 1ut a lnnit.d td- j
bT nf tb. Tri"ii Pi5r rrhJn. r-ffir:a.:
rt a.r.iS:uii:y Tftii;ir the recprlnj; eif
tbf rriai 10 reuiB. bUKtTHWi. wtJcb lud
JI1-Tts frtim FrTmr:t FnflT tnnrniTj :
at)rd t -a-BTfr from lb Plart. bad I
ririkT. Lbr.nfrb irtc th. EmhiAc and ,
tbw to tbe EIkbt-tL bm it catne a fiiy I
t' let. to finmaf. the brifir. at ETthcTTL !
O.W'f Emrrr-r Hot;t rf tbe Tuinn Pa- i
rtfic bta a litrre forr rf nxn at -wrrk '
ktfl -a able t p tbe larpe dnulle i
tr;.fk briure a.rifw the FJlkhnm at'.
""atTlrT' b f nre the Ire iK'fivB t? rTn. !
4cx. 7tie fae irrTk -a-Bji tern ay h.nS
tn -a-aa reaiiTipwi for te rcrrTjrtfr if I
t-tina befie tbe wa.t-r oa-me tbrtmi. i ixn.-ria a tii. ts-iict tu tr.;. rounry.
Tbe talk abrvjt tbe "bird b Frt'f. B-nner f
ek aafeaai4 BriaVare ta Pe-rU. I -.rie Estate imn-frrKrty -ra t main fatrrjre
Tt-e Rork Ifiiatifl a-a fearfa! rf tt bridate ' on tbja &rt-ra(.co s rr-.tam. H inFtnu
at ekiutb Bend at noon and a had a b-i-Ji-e ,' Ct tATk alonr tbta Uc. ajd hia plea, ftir
paii; on tbe aiiot 6uit; e-rery-tbit p'i:b'.e j tbe lht of tdF little ft.tberred frinci m
t aai-e tbe tTiJr'- A-tbuuFb tb Ice abor-e I e;ie:iaUy tetermctii to Site rairr iK-bonl
hud w.t brke, a har.rl 21 leet a-jd j ctm&rna ir. ar.Kiatjce. tHe rmtr.tT ncbocla
oui j prr tne oe a cie,r
ben it curie-
7'oatal Clerk Horst anfl Rrrftil:na; wutbwI
ta tbmrtiitr tbe Obir-.jrr C-nar.
' mtil m uf the rir-r o tbe Barliaetcc
tram, hKt rari Cm.b. at . a
Fridar. They had be--.' re-Jy trat-
I fTred to train 'a C n ti Btxt laiand.
j a-rJcfc -araa f Tf-n tbe contract for haa'akt
I tin moil at'trt ttlx -ae n. bat
j atutiiduDed it Fricay -noranT.
AH tbe a-ettiiind ruaila ner the TTJon
: jf'acific a HI be tracsponed tn-er tt Birr-
unaarrr tracka te Grand laland tmtn tbe
i t"ttKn fbPtrir trarka re rejpaird weat of
Co.tniibu. Tt rt-ion Pr;fle a C! aw it
,. -...t- Ht Clf n n A tchnA
rr ifIE pe , Kub
.. . . . .
! tierarern tirs.nd laiana and urtb Bend out-
- . V.. fc k . -rrm J- V
A;i(,0 u '
- . n .
. T" . . '-tiiaji j
CTfir l4Batri and Lincoln tratna
attme-r Mm aarn 4 atiatac at Aaaea.
FF.IZMOVT. Xeb- Feb. li ;al TJe- '
aarri i Tt r;rr KjTutrj .n hre w irrjirov- I
tri. Tbe ice fi-ce in tbe PlaTte near Ara I
ta iijip:wd to be tin-re but tbe water ;
m bitb S'Klni that ton i cuhtt oran.
tbe Staa bloe ci.arnwl to The mirth of tb.i '
-rrr. Rjirt are rumiur an of bwery kiimet
of bor Frd Accac liipt 13 head and Rei
reaeiitaUT- H"we a la-fe bunrh. The tatal
low .f atrKk will t heaT-y. At o ijk
nrtt the ee wn aolid :n tbe north chan
nel and tliere waa twir water ourtb of ;
the rrrer tlian in it Tbtre is vJZi irfc '.
nf tb r ore atoinf out and arain 0od.iif tbe i
aouth aide.. Very few pe(te lit-ir oown i
there bave jtotie back to thejr home. j
Tbe W haa n ret r"he out of tbe rrrer j
and anther frfft ba er-ideEt:y farmed I
and another rrre La er-ideEt:T f -..fined '
eart of Amea.
Report by i-kTh rne fmtrr the eomarr ,
nortt and eaat of North fiend are that th ,
water ic -reti bujber t n it wt m 1KL
and tbe damace Irian low T rtock. prin- '
rbalr fa;.rs. arffl t at-r r, 1
Aa-aaor Wiin li a a-aid buwh trf '
k.rfl kpra rna? a-nfw- m t . 1
biicae are etT3 ry. Tbe yard are not
The water wtk:h came in tbrtijpt tt j defit J V Gamt ie i-eii a Teacher ' .i
Veretr washout ha cone nia-tfc of tfct i amtnatjoa in thia cit r today.
NortLwtera trana ttrautrh culrtrta 1 FLATTfMC'TTH Tbe trat aaww.-.a in
Twit coirpary ne w ha a force of nn at ' !e,,;r-tk " vh-a s U k.irapatn
t T . ir u. wtiere N !iaa ka la pew ucat-
wor baeen bere and Anrt.m The' f LrE K1LL- Peter rime of feSn, Bluff,
bridre at That pa.rt i all riftt T!.e water ; ba p.irc'r.a"d tne Artxia- Burr, tumr-t ve
tn the rtry i trn ffet ka er than Wedriea- acre. ir "-t. a ill mtr tier Marcs 1
Cay nucrtt Tbe nrtr 1 Terr bw ,u-e f
t.wn. aw:r to an i C-rre tk of
Amea Tbe weather ic warm and tiie a nS j
w in !w north.
Few. li iSjcial Teie-
f " i rx t tij en-tr tie only effrt
t ee oi in fkKda ba iieer a tataj faCure
of tn rria.A. Tw ftr- mall aunr
W eii,e4y raacbed n-re Fnaty attr-n.Kn
frun. ' lie aeat. The Fialte nrer tint
here i aD rrbt.
Ucaa Creek at taiti
LTOX'i Nob, Feb. li. Social Th- !
mi a that ba. prerad cner the i
c.ut.try I tbe lam
3a t bare
me ted a
a mount of anow ja tbe
laeet.tLe kicbeat ezpecfA.
CUttA tt Hit BUlat CXUal
arca.cri. Ia the Wat
al?; ti-50 trun.
in iiiTlaaMaaaaaW"
I 6ftr umn i u- la a
f ir uric
tatTi enrt a3
f T ''.id. A p; C-!-rT ttic
tti T.iriC for p iirt anfl b
rff- -w-E! r;r u Km aa aU
at .Si'
a .lTd t if I'f ttr tbr track.
, taJf : fc, Thn
-tw hM -rte- at a
j ujtpt r.ut vy lt w
I ,
mm KOM la rali.
' r-n:rt flajr taJfl arc i
"w" F Han. 6--k!
! tlTT;rt IriRtarry k"
' '" 3ti-j Vt
, Ju't I tan. Hurt T'.k:
k!-. -lb k a&nt
al Tfupiks. H'rs,
, Ju't I ihv Hkrt riKTwi at tb rfir
; bcuw a-id L3 f.wd ti bbfn, fc.t tb ? '
!rrt.:tjr. rb tjit t t.Ts tfe boT
ctam trtc ti r;Kim fciid th;l lam. Thr ot
fftsw -a t kua 3-ktn aa patmfl frx
i :r: r-.jr.p"! m t-li.l,Tij tt law uf
ttif isna ana that ta if rufi'-at of is-
aartDPt araf t-f:ire roll. Tbe cm -a
nutrtirTed t tbe Jury on tt pn-pcisitirm
ki;ie aid tbeir fitiCinar rt for tbe plkin
tiffk Tbe jrr-F -a-a Tt-Md lor tbe
btrit; t.n ir wiint ftr citk!y fturr --
a hMf fltj a. Tbe oo if Garriawn ajrainat
trie Htmn.otid Priruiiar crrrai.r.y for aj
ktffi ritLDQvr a diRrriUBva.
riram' lawltale at Itlalr. j
E:AIB. Nh Ft-b. II ;f-u11 Tel.-'
aam. i Tbe fajrr truritnte b-ir;fr bfid '
bere rl id I' a t fiaya' TTw-rtHi tlh a
mnrf niterer-iij; aaioji. arMrh tu ad-
J:iurred to tte o;ra b:nme ttit ar;erri(K-c.. .
tij nuiwiit-e room at tbe wmrt hmi bfir::
tcx. imt; to boid f tbowe to arvra- ! TL htf hett! by fur tbe Tn?iFt
tble and intrriHtri-e sefteji-a erer fcvid in .
I oetr Bltrr and tbe ritr acliex-ia bartnxr
twe immiKBfa lor tbt arteruorm.. The tb- :
fer tlerted fur tb rjn-hif year were: j
Eg;ih Li;-;niinti. presitiemi Cnto FYahro. i
rioe preadert.' ef C Irnnm tiiEtrlc-14 "W. 3. ;
Caner;r Tire prF)cleTDt. f Herman 1
trict ; Frank Sbaf r, m prvfadirt jf Kra-1
Hard a;tric-t. and JoiiL Aj e of EjuI, ancre- j
tary asd tTareT. . . s
MHrmt Ga ta JalL,
FB.EYOXT, Kcb. Feb. IS. -pedal )
Piati Havo and Wintaro Keaurn arr
viclnuK.'y aasaulted on Scxrb atreiet, near
Main, about tJki laai e-reciii iy and
'-rpe Timm. Tbe Ttmnia -re iKitb baif
i ru,.k and TuaS. am iEan'trca- e-r.,rk
i .,. Btm,e women juet a tbey paaaed
D . . . .
i Jiven ana Beaton atia una to tbe
rf K. 1. t W .T H T. TtlTlM tnrruMl Kb-k
j aid jurr.j-6 otto tbe.nt. Mr. Rarer , now
I s
waa ut and be waa
PuawK't fcrterfrd and tbe twd belliger
ent were are.ed Tliey were tried in
police court ttu meirciiit and eacb
plvra s-xTy tit.? in tbe eftir.ty jaE
Oar.a IN at FMleC
CLARiS. Nb.. Feb. !. .S;iecial Tele
rram. A ma n calllnc timet If firat. Frank
Beit-k. UrfU J E. Harerrnan, abirteti here
in January for tbe Amerv-aa Acaoent In
srarice coripaty ft J-'ncoln, collectme
jiremiuni in advartce Ke left hotel and
L'l ery bCl unjiiud. and letter now reneirod
from Lipcoic ay the ma d
not retire-
aer.t that coxtipary.
Hacerman aiaa Ekx k if atx feet tall, wjtb
aaniy nwur-art and aaEow vrmpl)on.
He wore a biAuk alourb aa: and r-r orr
roat. Ca-aaita Via
HTKKtLt'T. Neh Fen. li. (Ttrial
Telerrara V-Tbe Earnce Hip-b Bcbocd 6e-
ba:er won from tbe local turn acboui
T "e tonitht m ti debate ewr tkie uncu-
t'OT Ctha. The vote a Tbe Judpe
t-naturuoaa rn' faeor of the riaitora
-ara m4 learatka
e7" r't-r-IC'B A
iK-irr ice cror ha be. n
hare-.ed on tbe rl'f t" :fcE r.rer.
Tin.Tt?lH '.'jam Ta-k ana M.
m. a.
L of couT:r were
30r JVme Lrrn:r-
fUIK.".! x-netroor.ia l prei-aient in ,
lU kK-ai-ti ana a ti.mi.-r of eeatn have
otrcurred tb U.R .ew week fn m U.e ;
CK- '
eiPEEJ1'.'E Alfalfa mml l m&cfc uttuttl . bcrn.t.irj P atui tttien a a feed'
and the m.n.fa'.-ti-r at trf-a-ir entir-
muua r
Fr':LLJ'"'N llrt Mtrrret V-hcrt.
; ape " yuara, Thu-oy Stie aavea
' -r bo and f-.iur attria Her jtuanaiid
a''- B "
tZ' J-,3 J.Z e...
.f W rm ire H F. Venmii ia a ctnCiOkte
"r i.!c .'uct
lerJWT tVut Club -wlII
'- I", .it -z. a tans Muot at U..I
piae pi-rua"y
. men 4 a ai-e.
3 7 Tbrre Wi-i It eiL.I
1 f T t 1 1 A-M..T Cl'k bar atMd Bi reai
j orn.e p.;!iy to V F Hicpj and a
; rn .v tu ; jt tbitt be aJi enete
ii. tne Ktina bof jiMit
I i-ATF.lCX Tt w-oura aoa tf W.loer
; lkjev cbed lwaj t-r'-i at b. borne
I Ottar tije ft littf aa t jwr-
ti..a ! appena !.
iLATr.l. L Mr. Aaa Bar-.; and M a
i Mi i.i i(..i:. ii itw F...- tie f v
h'.rhiMiC were Bmr-n t T .5 aftct-
i H'U iti 'niUE'r rort
1 tT?.;:E TW FUtna b;idb;ninia
! were itin it. li. . ti Net. yteraay t.
j rui O' an tbe r i in-j n .i.bed a ator
at fine kecne2ay ijstt.
M-"i- - 1 in hat"-- b, ii ia amtl
I con ;.aea Tt a i a t ta r.rc nri'a
, lu..c i. a;.v-ti if i:tii! feet ana
I .p.frt W-.J 1 jR ..Oowt l.i.lH
rAjPIUJ'j-MiiriMd at tne taHirTtnJMj
m r-u-iliiin Ftii: ua-j 14 t .v K. a iica
Jjatii of -he l-i-'-e. Mr H-nrr 1.
u-ar. Ua i Ji.u.
THATEJ4 rcar and Mjb Hattje
J e avarr.4 at it home
-'ki.dnj Z.rr L-in Mrrfiie ana V
-lujca Miimno were iurnn4 at ta
BUe (titT-
IkATkh't rMra Cl "il E4taaj
jltrti a- taar tLi.a a a jeatariJay
. ". , ni",ilhauo beir blocked tj car tt trataa
Is a viudfal to emt mfa -srho m-fl re-tnr'-aenEaT. Lart tw-!;
Lndre-i? profited br our p-ur(-Laie -f ti.e f-rpOu? ftcck cf S..1.
Xe-w-rn&ii. P.rriad-raT it ira?, a rtn i of i:nT2Tia jrx-i fortur!?
that eEAl.ei tbra to save alrout half vbat tbt'T irtenJed to jav.
If totj oeeJ a jair or two totj fcai Wtter oorne in -rhile va
riety 15 larpe and the rar-re of rize corrp -te.
rLiii Te placed on sale
lupy lncxirjed men
rjediate c?e and rot a
wear aijd uiidonbtediy
a long tnre $12 and $15
left mostly litrht and
buying a rait perhaps
Fhe a-aa taken to Lincla by Iernrty Sber-
tff ' M"iiTT.
STJFEPJC'R A prooenriuon la b"iri otm
mered by the cri y roimmi a ptirtrhaae tbe
ei-rtrir lbt plant rrenn tue oumpany
a but K and baa ujraid
c -ill' in
l-he present uma.
j , T'L "TrakcbarteJ
' liTe to U arob and bn Taken ct-arce I
, ,BTk runs ibi. pountT for tbe
' n-M fill f.. 14. IT TTl "rt". T .
' Fa City ahortiy.
i AJLI'A aoot.ur.t if tbe ya-ci at Grand
, at Aid bave been Jui t'l tun.XtuxKi car; retin ana Jura. r. i. Fit Tnn
ttie pant wek m " edneaoar almoat im . GENETk'A The bfKiy of Jamea B Tb'irr.p- ! BLT"E HJLL Fred Bai kti. who bar re
I on were atcred bert. aon of riarumiouth. but formerly a trie j io-S bere for tiiir-r-fTt-n vh.-a cwd at
HtTarV'LI'T Tburadar fTenit.r Mr. piaca. waa brourht here for rntermer.t .Mr. I home l;.ur tirid'-a aourb if Klue H.''
'jijua Giatbar and Kim Lud aficNetjy I'ntnr.paoo win were a b'n tlrrw act. at 11k- ere ''. T' yeara. H Win a ri"'a!
i were ut-r-.d in mar-iape i'T Rrr. Jtrt.n Cal- BJertiianta ne'e. Mr. a -emamo i a Bi.n. G-u Har.k. aid thr awt.ra Tl
! v-n at the borne f LUe briile a iaiber. A.;' r,t beead. thoae of in atfe.. w b. ww funeral tmca ail; tie bid m tbe L"-h-;T
MtNeti-. earn of the cjit. I bured i-ere about aeien year aaci. He : -at: cbun-fe Saturcbir. "D'1iKid t iu-r
I BEATRICE TeaterciaT Jiwrb Kllpat-
, rx k jiurcbaa-d cf tt liernin Xuraeriea
! noifB bia-a lmat ee-d..-,r.p. to enter
. .t i.t. a-rel Vr ariinat-
I net Brtitbera in Cbaa county.
' FLA TT f- M orTH avTliert Beneck and
Mia CaruiJ Mntr r united i mar
L i XLrnb bramtti lActberan
, rriJrcb by fee i GunoeX Tbre tun-
dYfd innted arueaoa were preaent- .
ARAPAHPE-E tk I.-tieriharu, a wealth r
fanner, died nuadwi'r Fnoay nmniiLf of 1
ax-tn rroutile He bad not bem wli fi- '
hum torn:. iHrt the new oi b oeaia came
a a urpre. He will be riuraod Sunday.
FTELLA C C Miller of the firm ol
Erioxn a MUier iiii!l at the aiauaThler
boue.. r.aiiiti an B-on hunk into hi knee
In atK-b a maimer a to require medical at
lentioTi. H cumieliej to cae crulctiea.
frTKm Tbe member ef tbe Beeaner
Hoe ci.iii:pany teid their regular aooetuiat
Ui..rl. i ' T W La-lv41oe Pi(4MitTRi
M . wa admitted a memoer aad F. F.
I Grae a til be lnjtiaiod at the neat men
1 ii--
1 EXQIEB A farewell T.rty waa a-iren
i K- Mr. and Mra Chareea Fti-roer at ti)ir
farm borne aoutn of town Rataraay
Thee w .ij leave ab.rt-y for their new i
borne la Madiaoa cuasty near Battle J
fETBTAEXk An accident bappemd at the
Bo) e-H uifctaaer null cam. iTi re
ootjrrrtnTeC Fnlay. when W A- 'Wulien
watier reicejrea three brr.aen rba He wa
currvrriaT luniOer ooara an embauntat and j
ai:iptd and fell J
ELIT HILL Tbe Paation Piy. arrvea at I
j the Cathubr (burcn. wa wet arteaaed
I V nooay eieuiit everr aeat a-ii.c tttem
! Ttie lecturer a aa ahaeni arfiwrt ol
I the arieLi flirtea of !-i aife al '.truaha
Tr injure were uO I
KrTJB. LIT-Tt.e ieal bu3mC Va
vlA Mre4, m annual meeurm T
re-emc. e tne three mem tier of tiieir tmara :
aa f.dioa. F R. fci. : terfieid. 3. L aVuoas I
d a A Tanner The aaeu(naU:iii 1 re-j
p.,rte ia a muat vrnHprrua coiicln am. j
rrw AP.I ITec1'nr of ttie erj
Couti'y 7e-if connanr be.d a ajiet-jaJ
' meirtii 7 jeaaay It a a rrrt at a rarert j
me-tii of the con:paty at Bearer ir-aai
l. nw -Mae the capi'.al toa frcwa J m
i to ".: m.. and 13e b ard a arranjma iur
. tb ti;-ncl-ii a lit ol new imea.
FLATTfM JTH IaTil -lard of
1 C"hJ'-ara. eecaind fif preaiiW cf tr Bur
! Lnrt.on. H i. Byram. reneral apersn
tenttert for tbe line waat ol tbe M:a
kiui nirr. and T. El Ca-vert af v.Uta
: j-t ref emr.nT fi ti :re ayatem. ia
J itc tb lutal ai.oja ra 1 1-. rtty.
OAiLAM' ewan M maoav a former j
ola -tr il tt. T.n.'ry. mi ran- a
kt auaa. Net. for tt iaat fnur yeara.
ed kl t lMfr Wecaeaa.y from pneu-
' tri'Tna Tt boay wa t rt..rt-1 here nd t
, 1 1. funeral -ri ice a Ul be i-id ial urta y j
Lnuiit from tt Lutheran titnk. ,
j FLATTf MuLTH-Jocte E fckfflef
ba reorii-ea wird -of tt ViatE of fc. j
1 f.ter Mr iV.ti.'t Rameey. naa-r
j Trat.arfon r-pnnr fr.i... are li jeara )
1 an tt brujiT tw. i-r Mr
; Ba . lirmu. Hay r-pnnca akl
M ea p.-L-ua jKan-y. rae.. ra. iimit
; b-r.
i BLJ-E HILL A ea! baa been rVaaed
' ' ,
i -". - r w
Baecu kcoita the aawa.
rr if a nee"-i of ind m OTr-Te counte
and Fi.-lip Bikw r " rue 01a Wi'tu-re AroAt
ittl tKu a i . l rr''-e air o-ir a
atiorbee quarter of btikk; 4id artai 1. rid
Tt wa maa. uraiKi tbe reai ew-ata
Ira kt Brow a B,iae.
TE'inttEH-fnu E Mwre ba o:6
bj. ianr kin n 111 T.rBjiii- ta a" M I
tii T E li.iht e- J and -be 1
i M 1
a Tal B-:u. a Mr
ui rv p win. Mntioae He
Ji rt to ataua lkk wnere I w"J
.ae Hi ttie re 1 er.ate n.inn wit
hi ?r-r. J w. at jr ,
J arBXiUf'ik ea.rk read f-w market I
j eu4 o ve kf aa lairit at aa tarakara.
Pants Actually Worth
Pa.nts Actually Worth
Pants Actually Worth
last SatnrdaT proved a veritable roli mise to isanv sav
xr 1 1 m
f or
these fmts are rirbt for irn-
bit too heavy for eariy priT
the l-et barpaia yo-a'Il fe
raits for.
medium Treirhts. "We advice vou
you'll find jnt what ycn want,
There i quite a Ftretch of unsettled weather ahead
cold one day. warm the next, rain any time if -you want
to enjoy all the comforts of a dres?y Fprin? overcoat
yet l? kept as dry as "perk" in rainy weather, yon curt
Lave a rain coat and if yon mn.-t have one you should
not overlook this store. We fhow mare patterns cf
than several ordinary "Gothinar Departments" combinM
can show that and our low prices cause cs io called
"Rain Coat Headquarters."
$10 - $12 - $15 - $18 - $20 - $22.50-825
whcb baa been in exiateiwie x-i era! yfc-
and operate aatmfaca-r to all ewricn--d
Sbtpi&etta are r-ijeTLa maoe to Bi. Jot.
Kaiuiaa City and point fenber eat. aa 1
re-d o;os by tbe anaociatjua and riwk
nen tuemben-a mtrrafled.
GEXET- ya1r of manual trarniti ! GENEVA Ttwre waa a g or tdty crowd
for tKna f tbe aeverth and ejrt th frart in t.a-n 1n atieniaroe it tiie tn-ner' m
trith work benrbeK. tnola. ma;erttu etr. irnuit. Tie a:ie tc-n a .-r : ';; ida,r
rn oottnoctioti a :tb domut nwnct. to ' aba l Arknfror H L au' Kee Lincoln A
tie lniriBTed if) tlte wt.icr oeriarea i A B-itL:iam ii rtirtui:: Maa At "iha
to bare a perl en I r .r. tripped kTcben for l tie I laSiea auxIUarv hi t..' .ar-er-it. .rial
latw inudT TTie 0-i- Ecuai Futrape , cnurrh aodren.- w ere tr-r c t v M-a' F '
ciub w u aaaifft matenallr in Jt inatrLutinn . E"m,! V". r.s k ul. ' '
Z -u iz. oajK.-iwiw. ne
i ,rT..i . , . .
j HTaByUiT-Ai topttant rranefer of
real estate um rtmnneved. raf ice tea tbat
ttie time f(r a oecUtie in land valuea ba
j not ret arrrr-id in aoui-baaKterx Neb aeaa.
J W. F Wb one of tbe pioneera of ttii
i -l-jiiir.T. acud hi acre fa-m f.w- rrriie.
j nnrtbeauq -of the city t O run Ot-rrj lor
I f ii xer acre. po.ataai.m ts bt piei, in
I March of neat year
CAM EE.ITG E Mia Cora ranna :-n,
dauatrtier of Mr. aaa Mr F'tlJ Fwknaon.
Ciei at their home re mTie aoutboaat of
F? :
rW rk nrtt t ov
W 4 U lal hW
C085B SYfitf?;
t -
mm S
Caaaaa, li f BaliBA, Vacaspapa;
"ntL aadjaant CBnaamja.
a-a Kat i tba aLef
gx nxrAJLxa rr m
2UT.taa L IT. a?
laaauLuaa iaaaakj
L'iv a-
" - - "j
to IcK'k them over lff-e
and le abe to save exactly
Can.lrid(re or TuxJuy. arter an mtv-aa
rntir. tbac a year. Bm- waa bom Nowmiiar
H. 'iT' 111 r Munt.i. Nesraeaa. at
" a o-re aoe aiei. Tbe tuii-ai
a aa
inini T.r... tiome K-tr-unry
, acr. watn ana it,tem.i wm W at tba
! German -er.eten in Aaarni eiur.t-r
TTLAND Tueaday r.i!'t wa red lenar
mart amoiirm the CKjiteili w of VpianA
Mem tier were tier, from aU ever tna
coot ty. Tbe rraj.kJB teara did toe h;miira
. T tften cancbaatea. wti. tejirmeiitk'. ir
from tUao-n. CaTTj.tiell. Hi dreLt and othur
juacea After tbe oeremntim in tn lao.
Corjtrcud on Frith FVr'-l
lath and teacw.
tw, tiacp, x4 air, tud mow,
raia and grrrif,- j-pe tire Lttiur tien
tum A.iid Bofcaxily cx4 J.otibaiJ
lair troaiic :i.w. Th air iStiaSat
wllil TTai3TT-.fir.-.a aiid rxljf urf.T.i'ric.Ti.
cbt aiij Lobrs-XieriS ttxe nikTare'a
wrtrrJr thtt your Laalii i ia peril,
and the oil, certain, reliabi rnr
1 foani la Dr. fcul's Coupa Fyrtrrv.
TLi re-BaeT aootl. ax 3 Lo tl.
ore, T t.r..4 brt'iic-Litl t&te Aai
eurtw tbe ocnitijns tLtkt zrisy lafad h
piiereic.iiia arid or t pun Tnan.
XkMhi ia?v tiiB otifcLrz-ics-i resexra -
Dr. Bulls
Cough Syrup
U rrvevl ly ta wh use h. E-rtry
yyiTiriL.rJ la a-riwCk'.u-'y g-r uirjc i
Mrs. H. aimHUOB, 2411 Xandb.
Bei4 Avt, Qucaro. Uw. vmtmt
en. rreaUy keaSL&d. Cars ro4 ban
m the trout rat a car ia tba asip tttirtt
ir fttai otrtt acver cUO. Tiua
K3e4 la avw tttftaKt, rBiifa a hadJa;
covrX tJcUutc bb4 aorrnca ot ttmat
aaaa I cohU bbdC Fpeak tur btmracaaraav.
I Cii wcritng tor it uoaM tomr aj ka4
pasae wlbsm I beccanc atkartneaL. "y
WobavJ kwatrrtat Z5c feocaa cf Dr.
bofi a COBfa Srfatp. I tuXak tb tytXsp
mm Urcte4 &4 recerve4 InniCm
rcAeC I m4 tke bcczlc and It cWckc4
tba taa nag, tiara wi; ooattra. an4
a nrw tNCOa caroC an
&ampl Sent Free
to aJ reader. W wrT M tr lata V
auuu il1uio i It. rkt t't-fk
frrrun. and vu kbat enj w.u chee.ri. 7
a nd ana fre aamjua. rend bn neiey.
am-i-'y wme a p a. aar j or i- w atia
iP Uat bat. ' tkJ pacr. Irrat
A C Keaar A U. fn.ii , im ra. Kl
Aft ! It. Bu21 Otun SfTTP. InaiHt na
Laiuia- . It a .u rte ,.a lar la n i-I
i .u rte .v.a. iar la
tr" m a? reaaw.'y taC2ar or tuat a. e
"laOat t Jinn
t . t W -1 . .
a. it cwui a b.i t ar-t; Lei, at th boat.
L I liriikei t iI. k d--lL t-ae; : !
- Haj.. k ae j.e imu reua:
2 -w eraiL .!& I (
a 1 aaa aat
! !