Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1907, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
way russia lost
Extneta tnm Cnml fettTratkiaY
Earvorv f fir witk Jtpti.
KwcSeta Crltidsa af Kn asi Xiucn
; etpoact: fw Defeat.
It Lackei Crratintin, Kmla
Caaptet C !.
rtth Batlr EfMriMltT
tor tan Defeat at
fOoBTrigfct, T. by U Associated Presa.)
ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. It-General
Karenikln's history of tbe Ruaso Jap
anese war. which ra conflsrarad by the
Russiaa rmtmnl, baa at. last bcovra !
aercaainia, apel tbe aaoat ants pra- ( paaa a-ltoat daarst. Vaa 1
rasttaa to mimuI MJb JlteC aAciaJ la. I Rt :at utatiy Wllaim cf Caatcr fount jr
fjcttwat troca rcactJxc tb pvtiic "bc ' (istr cTrrt a bin to a'.rfct th Slate
sack to remarluUe for R tlrrarte TaTae 1 Bara of EVjuaJiiatKn acj Arnrat ta
aa ta cleali chapter ft tb arar frora tbc ! adopt the anlt arateta la dUtrUraUnir r.i
ava of the coiaTOaadr-iB-cfct. aad frr Utr i road valuation to tb invito raf 1
rarria crwJciaro af ta asn aal aaeaa. j LMtera from OmiLt ladirava k
urea waick. la KeuropallLtai' tfcaat. I Omaha Commercial c2sa anrGcbera an
rwpt Roacia aa4 Its ancr to eWaat. Tba j qawtlr workinr af-aiart tb tmnlnaj tax
arork coeatAa of trea bulky raioiaea. ra- atiee blL Tf 1
apacttrrlr aVvt4 ta tW barUea of Uao j Miaceaoca leciatora calla J. J. H13
Tu Fhaka FLItw AnA MikJm. The TtH-jto testify aa to laad 4eala of Great
BBaiocraa general oroera. atariaCoa. report Kortbera. Far 1
aad ctBcr docnt&estary aaacter. artta ' tbe i SocUi esta bo-jae baa a kmc arraarie
roodcrtaata," eocaaUtxte sort amarT-,f; 1
raraiattoaa of ahaoraxiiaatSaci aod tacapae
ity. a ad rrea o( dlaobedlreca of apedfte
a ad atfM orders tiy oertala geiaeral oO
cers ectrcrtad -aib hlca cammul ta tbe
Arid. MtaMy Geeieral Eaalbara, acalaet
wboaa a foraatdabla UtdlctsMcit la framed.
aaddUac apoa fctea taa entire reapoaaibrjir
for tbe defeat at Mmkdeav
JUeaJ Araalea Camtraated.
Kooropatkia'B laaatnia for tbe fall are t4
tba a-ar are baaed rtJrfj apco a eanpari.
mem ot tbe wartike t6tH of tba Japaanan,
tkfltr preparedoeaa a&d valor, abirh ba
ears bad never beea seaa la asy tteifcua
war. arid tbear abOtty to malataia tba n
EDarlcal. autrtorlty aeoaaaary to aaaotse
tba oCeaaree artta tba afeadTaatafee
Traaala. a-artac to tb laadeqaacy of tbe
atscie-track railway trora Eorope, a-ttlii
Tiainiaaxllrir oSkeea dlaobeylaa' ordera aad
la a aopelea atate of eoofaaloa aad rroaa-
awry oa am. wf j a low atate of aaorale aad j
coaadeae tba troope aad oontlcn-
ota m front borae of taternal troablea,
aad of InsuHa aad roproarbea aaiaat tbe'
Tbe general fauaetleaay concladea j
tbat if RaatQb bad baaa salted aad ready
to aaaka tba aacrtSoea annaatry ta safe
guard Its dlrr.Jiy aad luteerrKy. tba -VaJ-taat
Raaataa aray weald "ba alilna till
tba fa aras bdaad.T
KaateaalMa'i Advteo
Tba aUikdea eoluiaa "opens witi a stories
of tbe aarty eeeets af tbe war. saoarleg
tbat taera were divided eowsaela frora tbe
wateet over taa defceaaa of Tttrt Arthur.
. . . , . . . . i. . .
traopa to be beatea ta detail, bat grada-j
ally to streartlaea tbeta aad to prepare i
1. mm mAwmm- Wa nnat hiaAa
-t. taAiMl tr . -im mnA mr ! mm
bava aa the aeceasaries tar aa acauttr
rcptad advaaoa dartag a eotnparatrraiy
aocg- Bae."
Kjtsrca;atk2B shows bow bis efforts to re
alise this wore checkmates by the de-
Aciracies of tbe army aad tbe Vark tt 'AAericaa bit hop received ta aaliesre
ttaztsport aad artillery boraea. dweniag oa j by tbe pope. Head of the Catholic church
tbe deaaaa gtvea ta order ta show tbe ' asrored of the loyal sapport of adher
tter laadeiuacy of tbe Btaacbwrtaa army ' ests tof tbe faith ta tbe Called States
to espo with the sltaatloa. Koaropaikat : Pag-a 1
admits that bad Geoeral Korokl graaaed ! Wotaea traflraglsts who invaded the
a crttSoal sttaatjoa a tbe R' lia aaat ' British parllaneat are Sad la police
fraet "which farYaaatety for aa bs did aot. oocrt aad elect to g-o to Jail rather thaa
be eoold bar seised LAao Taac aa aarty as ( pay the flaea. Page 1
tba beginning of Jaaa. " 1 Geaeral KMropatkla aaja defeat of
w nia i ... - I Russia la war with Japaa was due to aa
Koaropaxkbi Bays that la rei-Vwitg tbe
Boassaa troops ba aoUoad tba sigrftcant
bark of streag-ia. sapecatJly la ofatars
g!ootvg tba iiatitista, auaxy of wboat ware 1 I XVOCAV,,.
old aad tba faaJorKy bsavy. clumsy or Rock Irbusd abaadees Its fast mail
vafiersiEed. trala frora CaVragp to Omaha aad CU-
Tbc ecaesaay tsommaadera 04 aot know cagw-Owtiba mail goes back to tbe Bur
tbatr aoa aad a-anrg; tbeai were laarty Ilng-tca, Paga 1
a bo bad lust bora appelated ta caraataad Despite fact of ffiTaeea graated C C
aed were Quite aafit for tbatr posta. So Basoett ta -fTash'airtoa trial at Omaha
oooaCtttitad tbe Teath earpa. from which so proceed. Deporitloa of Kev. K. Lawrence
much was aapoctad. taet soi r nasi it da- Hoars aaotber is read aad Mrs. Baasett
feats aad "tea far abort of fastlfyiaa tb testlf. ?
oaiwctatlatas which wc bad tb riTt ta ) Toong Wotaea'e Cbrtsrlaa aasoctatioa
eatsriasa of tamccs old regaasts of the j plaas to raise ta focr days.
Kuaataa army. j Pd"
Tba aarraCva hi a dismal retiuapeit of 1 C T. atoawta la ceaotod preatdeat of
aapregare daias. dJoorgariimrVoa aad c i uai ' First Nation al back. Pagw
Begareies; tb aeatoral ra usta of tb r
traat ef tba Maackicrlaa arsvy. Katmigiatkla
ia raportlas- ta tb asBparor siiaaned tbsm
cp as foUowaS
Tb u(kderaac of tb Japaaoaa force.
tfrrir Ir.ot tr paratwe better teaatiaredneas for 1
ac-Mna at a snwrnra toons ooustry aad taa hot ;
.natbr. g-reater iwu, bacter auipeaeat (
aai pect-iui aoouataia aru.iery aao tact .
trua. extreme aatraoe optnt. eaargcua
ai oaaaiav oAcrrs aad lai i y u "1a
tjftrMi warCa syont" of oar owa troupe
ka MaRjiMn ef Lbe obacarny aurrcHirad
ir.r tt 4 wu aad cans. of the war. -
Goneral tQiaerUtag-s tacuoa at 1 mn Taag
are ateoreSy utili toad His troops ar do
worthy aad tbey anst wtth constant falhar
Geaeral OrVdTs foro f LL soon atmpjy
boriad tba Bod in wi gjswrder aad a'
rteeadld poacuoa was loet- What was
Urklwg tbroognoat tb cg-kUaT at Lia
Tank. Kouropaikin saya was "greater rf.
.fort an the part of th troop aad mora
capaht baaditrg by their teadara.
ataay Baosoaa for Bwteax.
Tb AaagM-r aad daadrajniages f tb
rrtraat from Las Tang- t Mkdea are
r-.-4l4 ost Wbea tb troop gut nwtig
tin high noil they last beads aad
gar way to aaaic Th Fnataas poaru-aas
t Mukaea. b says, offerwd" eauameir
vras deJocta. Tb sndacaatva raauhi of
tb aaaka rtvwr la snoaaatid
for th"
Fin. l-ack of skia 4hac4ayod by rb
rwura aray cbMf ta i-aadarg ta larg
furc eatrw ed to biaa.
mvom A tm of a arm baadlias; ef
their treat I liw Vara mi tn wavum
wird- I ruoc ' rat
af ia TVatk army
tM r rrcjr towwiy irumm tr
VcTt auk taw wbak rtvmr ai;Wl -t mm
araki bi atuc'Ou. ts ci.s maader of
the Kirst army oit.
Potata. tuif'wiry ooeratleae of taa
) mm .ill mT mt ib lUrtytrat tnfaarry Cj
vaoua . t-r-aJ tin . winmitj r.
. brad an trarpa
t.r-.kv I at-ft(ta Crmsaas of maay
trat who lert taaar nu a rider th pre-
Friday, rebewnry IX.
1907 FEQRUAr 907
mm mom rat ro sat
22 23
25 26 27
IOTA rlr FVfiaT. and 'r-liT.
Temperature at Cmala jTlr:
Hoar. Dee H-ur.
- nj. .. j l pi ra...
a- m 1 a. m
' a. ra... S 1 a. ra
I - ra. S It. ra. .......
.... M
.... C
i - m H i p. m
i - m SI t a. M
II a. b 7 p. in
w W "ft. IB
Pl nt
.... 41
Rons at Lincoln after wvn debat
adopts aj&rpc3Tiat to 2-cnt far bill that
will fir nlrcad oommJoaioBera power
t raise rat to 1 crate oa t neper snow
ing by ctr.plainrEg milqned. Fg 1
Scant ta committee of th a-bl reo
asimrsd tb anarlcTara Uabliltr hill for
over tbe recore !
tbe Gamble iareaii
rao 1
Hoaee eocrjmittea dr3dea to report fa
"pfabjy la tbe pesi'ac to aettleayrat of
Iadlaa taada ia Trlpa opaaty. 6ath Da
kota. Vafa 1
Seaatora Bacoa aad TUliaaa bearia 11
baeter araJnat conatderaxioai of ref'Ort oa
lmaiCTatJoa NIL By oaaaeat It area!
over a-stU today. ra-e 4.
enator Km defeeda Reed Saaoora
rlrbt to seat oa oo&etirstlo&al croasda.
By asareBa rcart df olaton derlarla
vr4d tbe uirt3 by-laara of tbe Royl
BiirblaAdera. tbe aorjety ia reqalred to pay
li.ef'f lsnrucc oa tbe life of JUexaader
XX Laaca a-bo biRed bitaeelf la lv!
Jks Tried, a rlvll -ar vetoraa Uvtar
ia Holt raoaty. la roMfted mt tbree yeara"
pefaaloa aarlar aad charcea a tarn baad
wttb tbe tbeft. 9f S
Beveataea boadred acrea et ioaaaoa
eoaaty laad. tbo property of WlTteDbere;
collea, la aold for ltl.i (. Pare S
RMetrad Lady, a Duror-Jereey aow.
aalla at 9sttoa far SU7S. eataMUblca; a
wrlda record for tba oecoad Cat ma
TTaloa Part fit declarea per eac
aaaraal dtvMead. Vara t
1 KaUaoal woman's oaffrage tnorestloB
j Is la peavkm at CbicaaTO. Vaga 1
j Flpar woaaea aad eae aau loae ibeir
a vlrlalty of "rarcls dsrlar tbe
, revest atarca aad bodies bava not
bees fpvad. Tace 1
Tbaw -txal is eoatlaaed sntU at onday
l oa aceooat of tbe deatb of wife of Jaror
i BoltOB. " 4
paasengwr oa ctessaer Larcb-
motst oays Caataia McVey refased to al
Ipw bar to ooter bfboat Last estlaaate
places Bomber of victlma at 141. Page a
tacAdoat army. diaobedeaoa of
by bla oOcers. poor traxsportatioa aad
groeral bhrnderias- Vara X
I Great Western osclaj oenarwa roaa wu
keep grata rata satisfactory ta Oaaaba.
Pagw 4
sraismt in imssianit
Omaha grain market. Pr
Omaha ilvwstock naarkat, PaT
Omaha a-earal naarket. P
New Tork stacks aad beads. PC
Klaaesata boarlslarara
aaaT Croat Sortbrt
U larowrUrat
w flab af
ttr Uaa
FT. PAITL. Feb. It Tb bwess committas
appesated ta mwvlr Into ta Great North
ern transfer af mad boldmgs t tb Oliver
brining; comtaay beard tasT'iimay from
Pnsodeat Jamea I. Kill today.
Bepressntatrr MUler artentiptad aa secar
aa aitrriraii-n from Mr. HM1 that th Lake
Svperar ccsr-pany which bald title to tb
ra lands was argaaiaed to defeat tb taw
which prohibit railroad frvra -'i&c la
stocks of any other carparatloa. Mr. Kill
ct.atcr.dod, howevor. that tb Lake Bs-BerVa-
exaxaaay aas oraantaed prtmarCy to
anadertak matters of bsstmss which rb
rWJrwad eampaay eoaid aot baadio aad
ta caedwet tb traaaacooa aa a way that
would be to rk beat mterests of tb road
aad sts stockaoiera. ta saany rtsaa. said
Mr. fK ta nroperty acq tr red by tb
Lak Buparsor t 1 aay aas far ta pmr-
af ktwping tra&c far th Orrat bharth
H azatad as bis baOef that tb ar
thy transfsrred ooata:aed taa,.
of or, Mr. Kill taouned tbat
aiMcsst hi aaa-aririe bad baea
traaararrd to the Lak flaasraar coaupaay.
muttly In stocks of tb SMbaadoiry rallroada,
k. Katrina; ana 4ritliint.l coaa
H claimed tbe s a al I j ef tb
aparaar eaa jiasy st aatnaly
tram tbat of lb Urt .irtWi,
CflAKE FOR I5D1AN' IASDSwcan bishops see pcpe
Ekn Cwrrirt FaTra Oyrtrtx sf B
Val Eerr is Trip? Craxr.
t-e la Kartv Mast Fay )
Pay atx IMIan Per A ere tor
fWTr baete mtmtr la y"ald fer
. .
fTrvm a Ptiff Cre-reapnMSnrt)
WASHIXGTC'X. Feb. Tl-frVeriaJ Tele-
IT-mTB V-Tbe boisse r-ejsmmee oa IwSlaa
atral-s fwlay decided to rprrt favoraKy
OongreaB Parke-a H!l orerjlr t pob-
He setfJesect the pcrtfcn nf tbe Rweb?d
reerratw ta Tr-rp orantr. ft-b Ia -
kx-ta. Tbere were few mirror rhaars ta
tbe bO. tb. r ,k. .a. br
being raised frr-a S to W. In view of yast
ev-w-s a?T-rt!t.g V-WlatVi orenlrg Indian i
rwmtLM 4a hnnMiMl fm-
rreawsaa Btrke deserves BBBSaal rreUt by
ba-risg retaLiied ia tbe bill aa arrropnatia
of BBooey to pay for school aactkris If
aad X. which la ceded to the stats by
tbe bIB. Heretofore Speaker Cacsoa baa
been ttaaJierab!y opposed to leglalaOoa
looking- to tbe eaorptioa of arbeol eertkQa.
bat Mr. Barks are-Bed wlrb tbe speaker
aad prt stated so many c-qrtrt reasons wby
it should ba retaised ta tbe bQ tbat T&d
Joe fiziaiZy yielded. Tba bH was ordered
reported tavorablj by taa ladjaa aSairs
core mine aed B;aaker Caaaoa wUl gtve
it reoc'raitioa.
The sertioc relating to school lasda.
wbirh Is exactly as Con4i i atxnan Barks
drafxed It. aeaas' srtioas for oatb
Dakota aad is aa&st tmportast to tbe school ;
fund of tbe atate. VrjsfT tbe eaab.iQg act 1
of South Dakota tbe aVtagatMa contend
that tba atate was g-aararjteed aectioas 1
Irxfiaa ttUs tweame eardzg-ulahed, Cp to
UJs time speaker Casaoo bas oppoaed j
tbla prtpa;txfi. reiytcg- oa doctsiocs of tba
SBpremo court cona-jTCng ncr-tiar enanong
actv as ia tbe caeca of Minnesota against
Hitchcock aad Wlacocaain agalaot Haxb
oock. The acabSag- acts of Moctaaa.
Waahlcrtoa aad two Dakota are tbe
sunt so far as tba school arortakBS are
exiBcerned. Ia tbe bi3 aaaeed daring' tba
last orjegress tba djetraxloe frora Wasa
laglea state was oorcpeBed to eliminate
a similar pro-ristoa se aoooaat of tbe op
pcMxa of Speaker Caaaoa. Today, bow
ever, ("hi i 1 1 in nan Burke rafceeded hi
eoavlacxBg the speaker tbat tbe proviatoa
af bla bill rogarai4 sc&octl BorrkKis aas
raaM to Apponlaa Oaaewa.
Tba Iowa deiegatloB. after a ooaferesee
exteadiiig over two hoars today, betd at
a r-t9T Ailisoa a oomsalttos rooau. ad
ored to sneet aext Moaday. So far aa
aay solutloa of tba patronaga eaeatloa goes
there was aoae. aaleas It be la tba ae
feat of tbe Btotloa ta aostaoaa actioa ac
ta after March 4, whlca was voted dvwa,
MeoDbers of tbe fir Vat ties ecastraa tbia'as
Baakt&g' fsgiiaat bat that la aJL
Jmrrim Laaea Mia Lallaea.
Jadga Xorrts of tba Fifth district baa
had taa mialortasa to luoe ail tba. leUata
bs lotejlteal oa Tassday aad ta drrfc of 1
tba aoatoSet aad detertrr force of the
bouse bava been cubit to locals tbe
whores bonis of tbe aarkaga. Jadgc Xarris
bad cpeaed bis asail aad "read hie letters. L
after which ba tamed tb package crer to '
the bo ate postofCc for denvery to bis
la tbe Tens Men's Carlsrkta aaeo-
rtatioa. Tb packaga failed u , raaah tts
ttaxioa aad aa a rasatt Jade Kom
wia be oaabl to reply to fats eoaatitueat
sum vuct inin. arw aim tuvmcf upon ;
tb subjects mciaoad tn tba amors lost.
PwUard Ameada fblp gabaidy.
Congreaamaa Pcfiard. barteg made ca
bis miad to tret fur tbe ship subsidy bCL
Is aow aogaged m draftiag sewaraj aasead-.' gearral bere. who bas been aeri(3s?y tU.
meats which be batarres wtU etreegtbrn ' bad so far Improved today that his pfevsl
tbe xaeasure as reported from tb com- class announced that they bejjev bis re
mittee oa nierchast taartee aad flaheriea. . rowrry was assured, naiesa cocti-iicatioea
He jropoota changtig the servlo se that ' foDow.
on fia t Soars. America runs from lb j
AUaaSJC seaboard and tb other frora tt Meyer Twaae Horn.
Jgnlf. th latter Ha to extend to BracO t
and tba AtlaaUe seaboard Una to toocb at
m h ir.n and T-m,M.. rm Ta.I
l way tb tta aow Btaada tt saakea both
lines rat from tba Atlantic seaboard, on
toscblng at Argentina, tar other at Brail
The chaaga, Mr. Poiiard belie Tea. ocg-ht to
b made. Making; oas Ua of ateaaashtps
star tb gtuf pons Is ia th interest
of tbe middle west, tb gulf Ua belt- thl
aataral outlet for food prsdacts raised ia
tb rnldiB aoctloa of tb country aad
which are most i fired by oar Soalh
CongitaanuB Barka aad Martia of Booth
DakMi bars been ha imTlrg tb Pcatofsc '
: departmeat eotsaldarably af lata, aa wU J
1 as the tabtte Ha-jaa. and they art expeet-
!cg that a ntantT of postefSoc apaotat-1
; meets wiU bs mad early next week.
Beworts oa Psalal tarlaga
Tb prcaadast seat ta th boose today a
medal in on ft tn rt tatswse to a wanla.
ooa pot throagb last aaaaaoa by Reprs-
awrtaxrr Kaneady ta raiauaa to pial ear-
inga banks. La rsaco) ef taa reaota-
j tloa th secretary or staia cauied cpon
J drploanaUe
th foreiga gweernmeats ta
which tacy war aocredjtad. staastias cov-
aring tb peration of postal savtaga banks
i ta th several f oretg-n countries for tbc last
tea yoara. together with eopias of th
laws vadcr which they operat. Th re
port bav been collected by tb Stai da
partmecu aad ar acw transmitted by the
preidec.t t th hous. Th taeaaag aad
accoaitavBrlns; reoorta were referrwl an tv.
portofSc aad past roads coaunltte aad j
BTl ITBlM a a MUU lln irn mil I VW.
statistics show a eanstaat tarreas la do-
pcerts In
th posial aannga banka f
a i
mor goner ass of tbaan by th cocamon t
hUaaw mattera at Oapltal.
Seaatar alitiredc today secured th pas-
sag throfcga the senaia of a bm provid-ng
an appropriation af ru for tb rcoea
exteaatoa so the pot office at Saoxx j
a. IX
Tbc New Jersey Fottndry and
Maehm '
company of Ntw Tork City bas been
of New
awarded th contract for fBraisina; th
big ptJassra gates far tbs ehosboa aad
Peikaadar dams st Wyoming, at tajst
: Tn aacreiary af tb Satervw bas awarded
tb contract to S. B. H. Bobtaaon dt Boa
Coctractinc aampaar af St Laaoa. tea- tht
in an at i Ua af th
' works. North Piatt
hrvrwiua and bead
trrbmtloa atwjoct hi
- Wy ill g sad Kcaraaka, at
otal pric
. Of SZ7 Jab . t
OiMrimm WL Pil f. m mi. m w. I
I rtred la Waatingtsa today, an btanwass
1 befor rb eomytrofiar of tb currency. Mr.
1 Ford Is nreaadeat ta
.bank of ariaac. which bas
rnrat aasoaal
baaa rtss-rating
,' aa a desoanory for inn nanil fnnda,
i Mr. Ford nam ta Waating-toa ta roaa-
- w tmrmum.
Postmasters appoiated: Nebraaka, aa-
tluch, aberiiaa connty, B- Barry wm W
" -
erwv., . a . TTT
'""'" r
from t alt ed MtlH Declare
Tbelr Syataalby tor tkarrk
la Fraaee.
BOJTK. Fe.V U. The pcpe tofiae H'l'Xeed
la private aadiere tbe R t Rev. Ba
a?i!a J. KK!t. bircp of Sararnah. Gl.
aad a party of rit y---v A!wtt t.H-
grlaas e bon be brwirt-t to P. Tr Tbe
. , . . . .
j f t at tbe krralty ard fith of tbe Arnert-
' tbe prewent trvsbkirs r'jri a In tbe
leoarae of bi rm irti tbe b:bTp eH
j "Te carae frraa tbe rr stptM to
;hk cVurrh tmiow-T rafTert-g 1
1 h of b-r. the betcved
daub1T of tbe rturcb. Ia Ancina
PT 1tt brt Tta-
1 "i l-v b'T father. All the Hy
' aprwea we arrrre: a3 tt poadB?is
' r'- It is fa'J to aay ti .t tbe
i c aorTB ir" Tar5" w rets tbe
; h rtarti tn tbe oane omdjrl a as
AiaVHrao ofcarcb. TT, et perfert
posrt"0- wn oar reorty
. aeworcia; m cdhtc
Kiir ngbts bring
polecled 1 r the clvfl lawe,"
Tbe Ri-fet Rev. Fha!T. bip? of F'arg.
who acerer.par.led tbe America ploimiLre.
was aim leceited In artrate ajSlioe by
tbe pops.
Befaefar to Pay Flaea. Laadoa Vaf-fraa-lsva
ere Ttaae for Dls-
liOVPOV. Fb. 14 Fifty -sir. wtth-b raf -frag-irta.
ho were arrested .wlrhla the
precircts of Farjareeirt last evenl-ng, were
arraigTed ta poUce curl fday cr.arred
with disnrderty roadnrt and resirtrcg the
poBoe. Mra. Deshard. a s4str of General
Preach, who bas taketl a jrotrJTxt part
j in the suffragist mcv .input and who wai
tbe leaSer of yeaterisy's attack oa tbe
Hoove of Ormaxcia was ser.toaced to ray
a toe of Il or aaderro twrnty-one days
lu.u lsLaizneBt.
otae of tbe woaDca. who bas iei V.' Jf'y
bees la pnsoa for participating 1a salTra
glst drpcwsstralliiia. were fined IT, wtth
aa opuoa of a raootb s hxjirisoaiDeTit. The
rest of tbe prtaoaers were readeiaaed ta
pay fiaes of 6 each or aad-rro two weeks
ia Jail. They all elected to ga to prttoa.
M! a later of Eaaratlea ya Saaalaa;
Bearardlaa' Unn Tador
PARIa, Feb. It M. Briaol the trtaWter
ef edaoatloa. is cbservtag discreet siZeace
ralaCv to the aeg Jtiationa between Moa
sigaca' Aavtrtte. the caaAator arcbbtahoB
of Paris, aad the prefect of tbe Berne. M
de GaJrea, oa the subject of the modifica
tion of the coctract for tbe lease of the
churches. It Is known, however, that
drafts of contracts practically Identical ta
bbstaaoe aJrea&y bavc been exchsxgod
with scaly verbal diCereace separating
tba aegotlsxioas aad tt to possible that
th pariah nrvasts of Paris azd M. a
fialves may carhaaga stgaatares befor th
j end of tbe week.
a .whole, tba
heartiest saUtfactkm at th prospect of
aa end to fbe reiignccs dlspate.
Bishop Btaaraa at Saprea.
KAPLEa Feb. 14. Archbishop Qslgley
of Chlcaro hi storptBr here It a few days.
Blshon Bcaarnm of Nebraska also is bere.
Hm mmmi ia not tA have obtaiaed fron the
eBtlBfrimtjao of th Jroraur.-a all he
c bis charges
mtrTjn the Rev. Father Morphy of Seward.
Ceatal I
vert Improve.
It Th cooditioc of
i Georad W. Roosevelt, tbe latrcu ocoml
rAJU rva- i4 TOT -
American ambasaador to Raasia. left
rVris for LoadOB this trwmiiig aad w-Cl
aaJl tor N"w Tork Scalay.
Thomas from O rival Passts "I
Baatk Weather ad BVoacbo
Port Pamagtd.
8AX FRA V CIBOO. FtV H. The army
transport Thomas, from hi talis, ygaaakl
aad Hoaolala. eaeotzntered extsrmety roogh
waathar. From iatir.ary S to Jacsary B
tbe troop ship paaaed throagh 4 worteriy
fearrlcax;. The aeas ran so tugn cnat its
Bpper decks were repaatodiy awash, tb
starboard staxerooms Jer flooded
rtateroom doors wea-. torn from tbatr
bigea- For for days tb OS laasenger
were oonfned below deck by Captain L-y-
Tb Thomas
geaeral priaoner.
Paar Womcoi
aad Oa laaa
la Tata airy
oTTTRGIB. a. D, Feb. It Opecial Tele-gram-
Word was t.ertd bere tonight
tbat Beast Srim. ag-ed J. aad her sister,
aged 1Z. wer kist tn th recent bbxxard
near Snm, aad frose to death. Furry peo
ple were out six days searching aad no
i . . - . '
tie-r nom t vwt a arotner ana a4P-
peared. It is
supposed that they ar cov-
with snow. Tw women and ee
. wan. asmestes sera. ar aia reaortaa
' froaea to death at th same Urn aau
j distance aorta of Seim.
'lIKinJ PlPIFl niVlflFajn
WillWil aT a Wl IV ta
enai-AaaaaJ Daotrtaaraoa of Plv Per
i .
tana aad laesa.
NEW TORK. Feb. It -Directors af th
! Taioa Pacrae raJroad Uiday dociarod th
Lrearalar secii-anaaai ditldeads af i per
I cent an ta oammoa stock and t per oral
iw areferrod. It was atateA thai of
, tb dtndond ea th commoa ssack 1 per
aaat was declared oa th waralnxa and 1
! ymr cent an th mean from tavescmenta
J Sicca
FT . Ii
ateear ev
(lteyUg Cars aa Trn-y I iat
Iria. Ft. lt-Tb trst trcrey
aor cr ru la Liiaota wU icav HimM
. fcrla -ld. Tas atefrs am b epcrate-l
; Tb lettur" miu rnak itt ftit-al int
f tlua ead of tn im aad th ""ferrta.
1" w ear ar aJai aid e-,-pad
; n'.t ten i-. twenty (jertaa. TWt
t tfc ueuai aaaia7 rworn foe mea aad
' ArM' wa. ItjKmmt mt cr-
I aalr t ka ahaW-t rank aM hMaeatwt saar ax.H.e.s
rrom mm nc a frutiua bul-t
Ijmj aX Lb IWMT lua af
Kar-oai EerraaerUtTeg Vkls TVir 0 i
FW it k Has to let Crertrr.
Foreed to Adaalt TVey Ire Flcbttaa
tbe Bill la aa tftrt to Coeaa
Taa1ea JTbOd Labor Bill ro
Bo Fa vera Mf Beaorted.
Ftotb a Piaif CarrespoaSer:.!
UNCOIN. Feb. It pertaj Telegraia V
Tbe open tneettrr to disross tb terminal
tax rroposition trwig-ht developed bnsk
debate brtween friends and orexoents of
the measure. Tbe rryectlsg was fceH la the
senate cbasber. Sraator Thomas of I s
s presilrd and th adroeacy of tbe meas
cre was vndertakea by a delegation of
btisiaess aad profeaskinal men who ean-.e
icai frora Omaha. That deiegatioa ln
cloded T. J. MaHoney. TV. O. Cra. H. H
Ealdnre. F. D. Wend, C F. Harrlsoa. Wl 8
Pofeton. Victor Rosewater. J. A- C Ken
nedy and Bsembera of tbe leglalatrre deJe
gataoa from Dotarlas county. Tn raflroad
tetereru were looked after by lb wbol
array of paid lcbvist and tax agents, ln-rl-jd'r
B&maa Rich. R. J. Clancy aad
A. TV. ffertbner for tb rmm Faciftr; Jim
Keity. R. D. pollard. TV. A. D-Jworrh.
Frack Towns, for th Bnrtirg-ion. and Torn
Benton for tbe Pullman rotXipaey.
After Rerrvoeatative Clarke bad Tend his
bm. T. J. Maboney started tb taji wkb
a lac id explanation of tbe extent to which
tbe railroads are aow evading tbe pal
meet of city taxes fat Nebraska and bow
the proposed terminal tax bill would rem
edy thia era without derrtrtng tbe njral
fiisrricts of aay of tbe taxes now paid
to thera oa railroad epe'.i . Mr. Ma
boney was to have brea followed by Bob
Clancy, bet before tbat part cf tbe pro
gram was reached Rtxreseniatrr Wiieoa
of Ouster oowr.ty. schooled by BTirUngton
Lobbyist Frank Toting, almost recited. ax
der pretense of asklar destioaa. the prta
cisal part of the set speeds htler deliv
ered by Clancy. Clancy was foUswed by
W. G. Ure aad Pre by R. D. Pollard,
followed tn tarn by Victor Rosewater. Jim
KelbT. H. H Baldrldr..A. W. Srr-lbaer
and H- G. Clarke. Jr, anernatms: slden
II a II readers Ptttea Info Ceratr.
The railroad lobbyists all tried ta harp
on the seat i thai that terminal taxation
would lake away a itn m i,t taioes fir to
tbe smaller cita and vUages aad would
destroy tbe sacred unit system of railroad
iMwinul. Wbra drrrea mis a corner
they wer corapeUed ta admit that ter
minal taxation would make the railroads
pay's groat deal more taxes than they
do now and that their charg that th
whole achem was one for th personal
profit of Omaha was fully met by their
exmfesatoa that they were working to per
petuate for their ewiployer the prt-rlleg
of tax shirking so sang enjoyed.
Senator Patrick broke ta two or three
rises wtth some spt iTrastratkms oa rail
read taxation la tb vElar of PapQUon.
which was referred to by several njeakera
It deiritved that the sottcttad of th
railroad spokeSBteB. anlera Paal31 b de
prived of a part of its i t tji-je from th
raflroada. retted o the payment cf a Til
tea tax araTontmg to the naagslSceat sum
of CH TaptDJoa aas aot rot neneb to
hw tf tt lost ft an." later Jected tbe Sarpy
county senator. Mr. Maboney strock as
apt coecpartaoo tn Ukenlng tn railroad pre-u-nac
of distrTbotioa to tb feat ef th
Aflxsai gifitsa corrpaay raeced ra a a
pretn court dedaoB whereby that com
paisy trld to rpread tta anfleaga over X V
miles of ocean, where It covld aot be taxed
at afl. Mr Baldrire laid special all tas on
the termina tax fatroe maSe in tb re
paMlcan platfTTa. while Wtor Rosewater
and CotifiTy Commiatioeer tTre dwelt ca
tSe cg-sres aad tbe probable reanlt to be
expected from a terminal taxation law.
Child User BUi Bmra4e.
H. a . Clarke's child ktbor bfO. wtn be
reoorcriMinded for pasaar tevnorrow by tbe
judiciary committee of tbc area re. A fa
vorable report was rated at a meeting of
tbe oomadtte late this aTteraooa. Oa
amendment was suade to the bf3 rbactrina
the hours daring which children may aot
be employed at all. from T p. m. to 7 a. m
and aiaking tt from I a. m. ta 4 a. m.
Several other aineadssecta were offered.
Mjt they were all voted down. Tb sill has
already paaend th boaae.
Tb met tins; of tb Joint primary commit
tee as paaa on tb bm prepared by tb
nbttommfrte was aut betd tonight as
scbedalrd for tb reason th bm aa changwd
baa aot been typaailtiea and becaase
awreral mean be rs of the r man 'lilt wanted
to attend the terminal taxation mtaniit
rloa of
CHICAGO. Frb. It Th thirty -ejjrsh an
anal coxveetioa f tb National aTsaaaa
sUiSraglst aaarf1ii-Mi opcziad bet today.
It wm ootittna for fiv days. Several hua
tired delegatca ar in aitendaacn. Th pna
etjal matter aa for dasciias-isa today was
snetiictanl avffrag for women, a iilnnais
a tbe sahjeet wer mad by EUa 8.
Stewart, preaideat of tb niiaoas braaoh of
tb ora-antsarkaa. was aiaa aeiltaaad a for
mal address cf weloom ta tb delegates;
Vxbm E. Wsikma. rrcsadoat of tb Chant
Fedaration of Wesson's ebcha: Faaal J.
Feraaid af Main, aad sthnr.
Ia tb alorsooa Ansa E. J"Jcwol spots
aa Tie BaUst for Warklng; Women."
Mra Raymoad Biotas oa "Th One Doty
of Woaaea,'" Kate M. Gordon on "floss
ExperlsiOBta ba New Orleaas. aad L4Ha
D. Moero a "Moaldpel BoSrag k Kas
j It at saabaLia that aa a raoult of tb
'convention a plan for som ncrmaacnt
) remorial t tb tai Susan B- Anthony
J will take dee nit snap.
Bedaaj Arbitrary
i drews. formerly Catted States district at
. toraey for KawaiL bas fJed a petmoa ta
' th l" cited Stale distrlrt court in thi city
ia a hick be make serious charges -g-'rrt
L. R. Wiifley, Jada of th coort T9y China
at Brargtal Th petition asks for a ant
td habsaa corpas oa bonaJT of W. B,
Price, and accxaas Jadga W3ey ef bg
Andrew Las gaa as Waahagra far tb
rarnus of xgag-ir.4 tb attcatioa of Prsst
dcrt Rooeevelt aad t aastitBi Broeaediags
tar Wllseys tnipeammcat.
Prtoa hi a lawyer, who. according ta the
dwosiLMa. was seatenoed ta sU
bjBpriacanveat by Judge WVfley, wh. It
said, refused to give him a Jnry trial ar
aad TaJrry-wtath laaaal Caaeta
j Waaas'a flatiaaial 4srlty
Hows Wraasleo Over Adaalaetea of
easrk tiles ed to Rave Beta
Made by utor.
PTHRRE. S. Feb. It-Specaal Tele-
rrasc Tb bewae eeKfca opened tai aft
eraooB with a renewal of tbe fight oi tr
th record tn tbe Gmbr bsvesUga'.oa.
Ptk.Wj started the row by movtrg to
amerd tb reporf to rontaia what be de
dared by the recjrd to be tb proper
wc-rding. and sabrrJtted a c-miS-d state
aver.t frotn t ofanal rtKrat.her as to
hat the correct wording ta. Ia doing so
mad a speech, deiarros; bbseif t'W
better moral la pcEtlc. and said that
be was asking no quarter ia bis fight for
that end.
Glass opposed bis amendment on the
ground tbat the Journal tbouKl show the
smth. which It woald aot shew tf tbc
-'Tvendrnat was injected. He declared
Senator Garnbie did aot as tbe laaraag
coBtaiaed m th stenographer's report in
his examinatkin, aad that th change la
the record was mad ty th whole enm
taHtee wtth a destir to have th report
correct He admitted that Senator Gambia
did make some remark m the tae of lb
Para5ey reaoiatloB, bat said th remark
was made m a rid conversation wtth Judr
Gaffy. and not as tosrmoay. and that b
asked at the time that tt be sot mad a
part of lb record, tbe side statement being
tbat k did not desire to b eooaidered aa
Cistin aay rererUca en th body ef
which b Is a member.
Glass was sostateed by MVbaels and
Hnraby. who declared th whole thing was
dirry pobtica aad a piece with th arOoa
of tb tame crowd two year ago to
smother scttoa on a primary petltioeL
Tfcls brocght Brcwae to his feet, who de
clared that say atter-pt to brmg hi tbe
prirr.ary proposition of two years ago was
treading oa his toe, and be wrald hot
aQow aay such reflections to g-o ancbal
lerged. Price of Tankton tor tb roaftton that
tb record should show aothlng but trata,
and that all stateraents were a pert of
tb record and the Pannier amend-aent
should prevail, but tbe motion was de
feated by a vote of W to Ft
A nnsober of new boose bills were pre
sented, one to limit saloons to on for
each jra pcpalatka. aad another reqatring
-telephone companies o connect artth ether
line with a penalty.
House bin No. M. ' th S-ceat rat, the
wm o' tb wisp of th bouse calendar few
tbe last tea dava. was pot np eear the
bead cf caleodar today with tb ta
teerlon of poshing tt. but tbe fight on
th journal, and tb reading of th gen
eral ed-acatJooal hot pat tt over vH to
morrow. Tbe aeaat held a short si aatoav coa
Srmitr the appedntments of Samael For
est of Brrrton as a member of the board
of regents of edaoatloa. vie Greeiy. and
Iarid P. Lamb off Gedde a oH tespector
fcr the soatbera district: W. B. Dessars
of H-aron for th aonbem district, aad
William A. Clark of DtigOrwood for tb
western dirtrtct. Tbe seaata passed tbe
hoove bflls aBowteg rartties oa cdSolsl
bonds t abaft their Uahilttles: eatabUshlac
a dJrtsion of leailaUttv reference: aDow
hf cities to fix saloon Bmlta. aad tb
sjnendm-cts to tb trast oorapany laws of
the-wrst. .
Dakota Beta Hers C
rlade a
Most Profltabt
MTTCHELi S. Feb. 14. (sjwcial Trf-egram-l
ATter an tepcrtant buslceas ses
Koa durlag tbe sTiernooa. tb convention
of the Hardware Men's asscciatien ad
journed at 4 dock. Th reogJutlons eoia
mlttee made Ha in" and. aside from ex
teodlrar thanks to thos who bad been
bcsrttable and aasistad la tn work of tbe
eosventksi. erred th arpeactraent of a
eoajunitte to go to Pierre and try aad se
cura tb saaaur r a pore paint tew to
conform wtth tie Norti-Dakota aaw.
Tbe following officers wer elected tor tn
asuing year: President. E W. Hawkira of
Vet-mi lid; flrst vie pi ali nt F I. Plxley
of Mirrroae: secretary. H. T. Johnson of
Redneid: treasurer. B. G. Wattson of Cham,
berlain: execatre eomanrrtea. I T. Greg
ory of Alexandria. F. - Barkeahtn of Scot
land. J. M- Raper of Parker. J- Pramraet
of Sioax Falls. S. O. Slsenslaad sf Beres
ford. W. C Webster of Kitchen sad G. W.
French af Em Potax.
Th aext convention wfH be beid at Ab
erdeen, tbe data to b set by tbe execuUva
Irnring tbe snornln: aessloa tbe repot
of Secretary Keller aad Treasurer Wattaoa
wer made- Tb association baa nlnery
thre members aad tb cash receipt bare
been sjfSrBtly larg t leave a surpias ta
the treasury after an expenses barvo been
Boca: lalaad Ovww wcw nteagr..
Oaaaaa Can tract
aad Barlli
mco It. .
Several weeks aro tb Cnlrnrn. Rock
Ldaad aV Pacifle railway a-uocaded tn
gwrtrBST th Vocal Ctlcago-Omaba mafl
away from tb Bnrttr.-ton. brlrte tb
CticT local maJJ Into Omaha at :
a. ra rfry mtactes ahead of th prwrlov
tta mad by tb BurTierton. Tbe Rock
lalaad bas ftnaEy reached lb concrasloa
that tb taveatmeeit was aot a paring
one and hence Bock Island train Xa 3S
bas born withdrawn to take cdfert P-b-rnary
S. aad tb nil contract goes back
to th Barlmrton. aa before, tb train
reaching bcr at ! a. m.
Car flhsreaar at Tor
VERMILION. S. D Feb. It iBrwctail
N relief seems m sight for th present
car ahortar m Vermilioa aad th thre
elevators along th MTiwauk tracks are
fa3 to tb brim. ' Occasionally a car comes
aice-r. bot Just as fast as tt is tiled with
grain mor la tai eight I keep th narrator
fitted- Frora 4b Oa ta a n bunbear ar
awaittng shipment aad sbrdd tb price
fn3 oa materiaXy th holders of this grain
woujd ka a larg amount of shoaey. Tb
report comes trvm Wakoada that tb ele
vator ma bav ast bad aa empty tor a
Taaattoa Oa Praavcblaw ta Sold.
TANK TUX. fl D. Pea. 14. fSpeoai )
J. J. Wag-ner. la a deal that bas bsea
pcbdiag for aoa Urae, bas soid tn TarA
toa gas fraackiss aad partly coatstractod
plant ta th Interna tin, a I Heat and LAsrht
oarcpary of Toledo. O The acw company
aria ami tb plant aad expend rr.sO spos
tt In a mor aWairabl locarkia.
BJterk aa th VrWea.
I flT LOCla. Feb. M. Ta f aat 'Friw
rnliroad traia knewa aa in Meteor su
wreokid awr Kaxkiea yex-rUy. uwai
crewiaa G A D ax4 new ageat
H U. AUarhary austitiy. Tb entrlac, iwj
bagsrag oara f.rrcer euacb aaa ciiair
1 car arer dacaed by aulam- a wm ua tbat
I at l insvad La ba boon .airaarod aila.
Eotas at L:Be5k Eprsdt lire? Ptj U
rrt; tied rbVa.
Taxisa Lairr CliiJlcarsa ktctncj af
Clitf Cerk'a Ooatt
Aar&3iE4it U E.ll M Ofered it TiL&j
IdcpUd by CcBBittra.
Bill that ifeett Itaaraada A low as
Bteaaatattd for Paaaaa artth la
OpB-sotUoa ta Cosaaaltto at
tba What.
(From a Staff CorrespoadesL.)
UNCOl-N. Feb. 11 -.cciaX-Tb flrst
bl reported by the joint commat oa
r'rt1 nieasurea. tb Vceat pa eEger
rm; occupied tb catir tim f tb
nous this afternoon , and so far apart
ar the meabtr oa the tsearar ao actioa
taken, the eosnmitte ef the wboi
merely reporting progress. Tb fight cam
ever aa anxindai by E. P. Brown of
Latcaster. protiding that any railroad
company had tb right to make afeowln
10 the railway commiasioa which. If tbs
nbon-mg Jasufied It, coaJd tncraas the rats
a tbat particular Ln to sot to exjeed
t cents a tall. Th fasioaists to a n
fmtght th aaienameot and enough repnb
beans wer taken Into then- fa!3 to C.
It. th vot being C to nV. Hamar
cf BcZaio sureeded ta harteg adopted
an amendmect providing childrea nndcr T
rears of age ahould b permitted a rid
free when aooompanied by aa older person,
Tb coaunltte refvsed to accept a saotloa
br va Houses to attach the emergency
Tb debat on tbe Brown amendment at
times beoam heated and somewhat per
sonal. Con even going so far aa to caaJ
lenc th vote as ann&anoed by Chief Clerk
Clyde Barnard oa tbe motion to ris aad
report. Barnard counted flfty for aad
tha-ty-eight against. Coc at one rUed
that b bad counted cfty-tkre r r"t taa
A half dosea mem hers wer oa their fact
ta aa instant, aad Ned Bgajn getting tb
attention of th chair said silk some bant;
"I demand that ta language used b mad
a matter of rorord. I mseat th Imputa
tion cast on our chief rlork."
McMullea. who was ta tb chair, said
be beiievtid mora laUTad should be green
th members La tb eommltte ef th whole,
but that the lansruag of Con could aot
b mad a matter of record, bat a was
wHHsg- for a seooad wot to b takan. Th
"teal vote was Cfty-foar for aad tfcirty
sevra against the mvtlon. Whrbaa cf
Johnson ehasgagt bis vote. Con after.
ward explained ba was nwstekan aad Bsadn
da aaotagy. . .
Cheers tram tbc Gallery.
In flghtm against the ameodnaent Cans
and Quackecbash each aot tat
spread earl spcecbea sad they
cheered by a packed gallery. Tbey chUmed
tbe amendment would rum tbe bill tf it
warn passed, who tba defenders of tb
antetacBt claimed tt wonld prevent tb
railroads from knocking tt oat ta th courts
ahould tb :-cent rat act b compen
satory" to on road.
Tboss favoring- tb amendment were Ha
mer of Buffalo, Speaker NetUeton. Ned
Brown. Clarke of Douglas. Lea, Harrlsoa
cf Otoe aad Walsh, whfl throe who op
posed it were Cone. OarUn. Quackeabusa.
Farley and other. Considerable of tb
Urn was taken up in a roanlnc defeat ta
wbick most of th members took part.
Pastoatsts Oppaae Oaaaba Measnrc.
Over the pretests of the f aadonists, beaded
by Qnackeabaah aad Con, tb amend
ments to th Omaha darter bf3 wert
through tb oamtnrttee of tb, wbol an
ajrrsed npon by the Dovglaa deienatloa.
laaanracfe as tMa is tb first time th
Douglas delegation baa been a ontt oa aay
mm s 11 1 by wfelrh Omaha is affected, sur
prise was xpressed tbat tb fnsioaists
anyone els would object, as tb bill re
ferred cciy to Omaha. On speaker re
marked that be knew the object of tb
art of Mayor Dahlman star tb fnalias
tsts objectod to tb bCL
Employers' tie b lilt y attlL
la sprt the eptcattloa af S powerful
railroad lobby which bas been Importm
railway employe into Lincoln 10 work
againat tbe hd. th employer's liability
bU mtrodaoed talo the senate by Gibera
of Ivjuglaa early In th si am ma aas
passed through coraram of tbc wbol
wltbovt e7poBSUon. Tb actioa of tb sen
ate was so auickly daa that Senator Grb
soa. aba bad prepared to mak a stick,
aa tb naeasure. was aot permitted ts do an.
Th bill relate only to railroads aad to
tb mora basardous orrnpatlons hi raS
roading. It tu ua lilta "fellow servant- near
Ha ac shall not be a bar to actioa for
damages and that th aroea-rlon ef eoa
trfbvtory aegirenc is ts ba'left to ta
yory to decide tn mak leg np Its eertflet.
Tb raSway earrore who bar been, im
ported acta Urvooia to work gainst th
bCl contend It would moan aa end ta tba
BurKngteo relief partBM. tn wtileh
many of them bare teraranca. To mast
that etJerUciB tbe tail was ssaeaded. sad
aa tt now reads teearaac rn th telef d
Brtsrt taken act after th paaaag of
tb bm shall ac. be a bar t acrtcn agarnst
tb cocepacy for damage. At pi tssat when
aa eraploye JXns the renef defartmant ba
signs an agreesneat that refief motive 1
from tbat denartment rhaB be ta Ben of
claim against th compajry.
Aatl-Ttsriaa ML
Th senate, ta commrrt of ta wtisln,
also racotamended for paasag a drastis
'aBt-tifplag" biX It ta dirartad agalrt
wai '.era. porters aad similar cwialoyea, aad
provide n fine af from C to 9m tor acy
such aoplor wba sflirtts or access a
trp" r to any employer wh knowingly
permits bis natyas to accent tbe ttpa. ar
to aay person who offer a t-n. .
Tb greater Omaha bCla Vy Thomas vera
placed on general file today an racojamra.
datloo tf the JaSirtary remmrftae. They
wer amended to provide tbat tb ofBctals
of tb two cities might nrrv aut thar
term before aa esertion at betd nader tbs
ahwrttate Par Paaa.
As ewnrely new UU as a swbsttrat ts
L F n, tf Buma eoex.btr.inaT tbs featoreS
of the per food aad dri- sad tbs dairy
ooamissSosjer law was reported back ta
tb ornate today by th standing rssamtt
tec. ta nrfeica tt was referred and pla tl
a geaeral die. In Ms general ftsres
the bCl ooeftema t tb nanonaj par food
law It provides tb goieraor shall bs
tb food, dairy aad diMg wa-iaatwter
aad shall araotat a deputy at n salary of
ti. a year and traseiiag cxpensea. Thai
eapajty aaaa a aa expert aa aw
i i